training bacis lm6000

8/10/2019 Training Bacis LM6000 1/196 For Training purpose only MTU Maintenance Berlin-Brandenburg  An MTU Aero Engines Company TECHNICAL TRAINING LM6000 Basic Training Industrial Gas Turbine

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For Training purpose only 

MTU Maintenance Berlin-Brandenburg An MTU Aero Engines Company



Basic Training

Industrial Gas Turbine

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15!"1# LM$!!! %asi& Training #

MTU Maintenance Berlin-Brandenburg

#15!"1# LM6000 Basic Training

For Training purpose only 

 An MTU Aero Engines Company


1. Abbreviations and acronyms

2. Gas turbine basics

. !ntroduction to t"e LM6000#. Ma$or com%onents o& t"e LM6000

a Lo' (ressure Compressor )L(C*

b Hig+ (ressure Compressor )H(C*

& Combustor

d Hig+ (ressure Turbine )H(T*

e Lo' (ressure Turbine )L(T*

, A&&essory -ri.e )AG%/ TG%/ IG%*

g Engine 0rames )C00/ CR0/ TR0*

+ %earings and umps

'. (arasitic Air )lo*

6. Au+iliary e,ui%ment and system

a Lubri&ation ystemb 2ariable Geometry ystem

& 0uel/ 3ater and team ystems

d tarting ystem

e Instrumentation

Table o& contents

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15!"1# LM$!!! %asi& Training

MTU Maintenance Berlin-Brandenburg

15!"1# LM6000 Basic Training

For Training purpose only 

 An MTU Aero Engines Company

abs  Absolute

A  Alternating Current

AGB  A&&essory Gearbo6

AL)  A,t Loo7ing 0or'ard

am%  Ampere

Assy  Assembly

b %ar 

B beta/ 2ariable tator (osition

b"% %ra7e Horsepo'er 

Blis %lade8-is& Combination

Btu %ritis+ T+ermal Unit

-egrees Centigrade )Celsius*

cc Cubi& Centimeter


3( Compressor -is&+arge (ressure

)) Compressor 0ront 0rame

1 A%%RE2IATI9N AN- ACR9N:M 185

G Center o, Gra.ity

cm Centimeter

cm4 ;uare Centimeter 

cm5 Cubi& Centimeters

) Compressor Rear 0rame

)7 Compressor Rear 0rame 0lange A&&elerometer 


3 -ire&t Current

3ia -iameter 

3im -imension

3L8 -ry Lo' Emission

-d(9:dt Negati.e Rate o, C+ange o, -is&+argeCompressor tati& (ressure

8U Ele&troni& Control Unit

8LB; Lean %lo'<9ut

8MU Engine Maintenan&e Unit

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515!"1# LM6000 Basic Training

For Training purpose only 

 An MTU Aero Engines Company

) -egrees 0a+ren+eit

)! 0ull Indi&ator Reading

)M( 0uel Mani,old (ressure

);3 0oreign 9b=e&t -amage

&t 0oot or 0eet

&t4 ;uare 0oot or 0eet

)3 0or'ard

g Gram

gal Gallon

G8< GEAE (ubli&ation Identi,i&ation Number 

GG Gas Generator 

GT Gas Turbine

=g Mer&ury

=ori> Hori>ontal

"% Horsepo'er 

=( Hig+ (ressure

=( Hig+ (ressure Compressor 

=( Hig+ (ressure Compressor Rotor 

1 A%%RE2IATI9N AN- ACR9N:M #85

=(9 Hig+ (ressure Compressor tator 

=(T Hig+ (ressure Turbine

=(T Hig+ (ressure Turbine Rotor 

"r  Hour 

=> Hert>

!3 Inside -iameter 

!GB Inlet Gearbo6

!G=( Isentropi& Gas Horsepo'er 

!G< Isentropi& Gas ?ilo'att

!G7 Inlet Guide 2ane

in In&+

in4 ;uare In&+

in5 Cubi& in&+

!(B Illustrated (arts %rea7do'n

? @oules

g 7ilogram

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15!"1# LM$!!! %asi& Training $

MTU Maintenance Berlin-Brandenburg

$15!"1# LM6000 Basic Training

For Training purpose only 

 An MTU Aero Engines Company

cal ?ilo&alorie

g cm ?ilogram<&entimeter 

g m ?ilogram<meter

? ?ilo=oules

(a ?ilopas&al


l Liter 

lb (ound

lb:&t4 (ound per ;uare 0oot

l:min Liters per Minute

l:sec Liters per e&ond

L73T Linear<2ariable -i,,erential Trans,ormer 

L( Lo' (resure Compressor 

L(T Lo' (ressure Turbine

m Meter 

m5 Cubi& Meter 

mA Milliampere

Ma+ Ma6imum

Min Minimum

1 A%%RE2IATI9N AN- ACR9N:M 485

mm Millimeter 

M Mega'atts

@ Ne'ton

@m Ne'ton<meter 

@o Number 

@GG Gas Generator peed

@;+ 96ides o, Nitrogen

@(T (o'er Turbine peed

;AT 9utside Air Temperature

;3 9utside -iameter 

;G7 9utlet Guide 2ane

o> 9un&e

(a (as&al

(amb  Ambient (ressure

(B (rinted Cir&uit %oard

( (ubli&ations C+ange Re;uest

(@ (art Number 

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MTU Maintenance Berlin-Brandenburg

15!"1# LM6000 Basic Training

For Training purpose only 

 An MTU Aero Engines Company

%%m (arts per Million

(rc% Hig+ (ressure Re&oup (ressure

(9 Hig+ (ressure Compressor -is&+arge tati&(ressure

(T (o'er Turbine

(T#. L( Turbine Inlet Total (ressure

(0 Gas Turbine Inlet (ressure

(2 Compressor Inlet Total (ressure

,t Buart

r%m Re.olutions per Minute

T3 Resistan&e Temperature -ete&tor 

sec e&ond9G pe&i,i& Gra.ity

s"% +a,t Horsepo'er 

9! Metri& ystem

9:; +uto,, 


9tandard atm


9ur&  ur,a&e

9( ubordinate 3or7 (a&7age

Tamb  Ambient Temperature

TA@ Total A&id Number 

TB( To %e (ro.ided

T: T+ermo&ouple

Tem% Temperature

TGB Trans,er Gearbo6

t"eta 2 Ratio o, Measured Absolute Gas Turbine Inlet

 Absolute Temperature to

tandard -ay Absolute Temperature

TM) Turbine Mid 0rame

T) Turbine Rear 0rame A&&elerometer

T)7 Turbine Rear 0rame 0lange A&&elerometer 

T2 Compressor Inlet Total Temperature

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MTU Maintenance Berlin-Brandenburg

"15!"1# LM6000 Basic Training

For Training purpose only 

 An MTU Aero Engines Company

T Compressor -is&+arge Temperature

T#. L( Turbine Inlet Temperature

U7 Ultra 2iolet

v 2olt

vac 2olts/ Alternating Current 

7G 2ariable<Geometry

797 2ariable tator 2anes

( 3or7 (a&7age

1 A%%RE2IATI9N AN- ACR9N:M 585

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15!"1# LM$!!! %asi& Training

MTU Maintenance Berlin-Brandenburg

15!"1# LM6000 Basic Training

For Training purpose only 

 An MTU Aero Engines Company


1. Abbreviations and acronyms

2. Gas turbine basics

. !ntroduction to t"e LM6000#. Ma$or com%onents o& t"e LM6000

a Lo' (ressure Compressor )L(C*

b Hig+ (ressure Compressor )H(C*

& Combustor

d Hig+ (ressure Turbine )H(T*

e Lo' (ressure Turbine )L(T*

, A&&essory -ri.e )AG%/ TG%/ IG%*

g Engine 0rames )C00/ CR0/ TR0*

+ %earings and umps

'. (arasitic Air )lo*

6. Au+iliary e,ui%ment and system

a Lubri&ation ystemb 2ariable Geometry ystem

& 0uel/ 3ater and team ystems

d tarting ystem

e Instrumentation

Table o& contents

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MTU Maintenance Berlin-Brandenburg

1115!"1# LM6000 Basic Training

For Training purpose only 

 An MTU Aero Engines Company

AL) versus )LA

 All re,eren&es to lo&ation or position on

t+e LM$!!! are based on t+e

assumption t+at t+e indi.idual is

standing be+ind t+e engine and

loo7ing ,or'ard T+is is true in all

&ases unless stated ot+er'ise

Unless ot+er 'ise stated/ all .ie's in

t+is training manual are ,rom t+e le,t

side o, t+e engine/ 'it+ t+e inta7e on

t+e obser.ers le,t and t+e e6+aust on

t+e rig+t


3irection o& vie*

A)T L;;<!@G );A3

);A3 L;;<!@G A)T

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15!"1# LM$!!! %asi& Training 1#

MTU Maintenance Berlin-Brandenburg

1#15!"1# LM6000 Basic Training

For Training purpose only 

 An MTU Aero Engines Company


T"e cloc %ositions









A0T  L99?ING  )9R3AR-

Clo&7 positions are t+e positions o,t+e numbers o, a &lo&7 ,a&e/ as seen

,rom a,t loo7ing ,or'ardD

1#D!! o&lo&7 is at t+e top

!4D!! o&lo&7 is on t+e rig+t side

!$D!! o&lo&7 is at t+e bottom

!D!! o&lo&7 is on t+e le,t side

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15!"1# LM$!!! %asi& Training 14

MTU Maintenance Berlin-Brandenburg

1415!"1# LM6000 Basic Training

For Training purpose only 

 An MTU Aero Engines Company


=istory o& develo%ment

Industrial Gas Turbine


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MTU Maintenance Berlin-Brandenburg

115!"1# LM6000 Basic Training

For Training purpose only 

 An MTU Aero Engines Company


LM2500 LM6000LM5000

CF6-6 CF6-50



=istory o& develo%ment

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MTU Maintenance Berlin-Brandenburg

1515!"1# LM6000 Basic Training

For Training purpose only 

 An MTU Aero Engines Company


=istory o& develo%ment

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15!"1# LM$!!! %asi& Training 1$

MTU Maintenance Berlin-Brandenburg

1$15!"1# LM6000 Basic Training

For Training purpose only 

 An MTU Aero Engines Company


=istory o& develo%ment

T+e LM$!!! industrial gas

turbine/ '+i&+ ,romGeneral Ele&tri&s C0$<"!

air&ra,t engine/ is used in

.ariety o, po'er generation


MTU +as been pro.iding

maintenan&e ser.i&es ,or

t+is type o, gas turbine

sin&e 1$

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MTU Maintenance Berlin-Brandenburg

115!"1# LM6000 Basic Training

For Training purpose only 

 An MTU Aero Engines Company


=istory o& develo%ment

Introdu&edD 1"5

Units in ser.i&eD 4/5!!

9perating +oursD 141/!!!/!!!

Introdu&edD @une 1!

Units in ser.i&eD #5

9perating +oursD 1/5$!/!!!

ReliabilityD # J

 A.alabilityD J



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MTU Maintenance Berlin-Brandenburg

1"15!"1# LM6000 Basic Training

For Training purpose only 

 An MTU Aero Engines Company


Gas Turbine 9tations




1 #.


2 2.'

















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MTU Maintenance Berlin-Brandenburg

115!"1# LM6000 Basic Training

For Training purpose only 

 An MTU Aero Engines Company


Gas Turbine 9tationsK 1( 2IG2 Inlet

K # L(C Inlet

K #4 L(C 9utlet

K # L(C %ypass %leed

K #5 H(C Inlet

K #$ H(C t+ tage

K # H(C "t+ tage

K #" H(C 11t+ tage

K 4 H( C-( )Compressor -i,,user E6it*

K 4$ 0uel No>>le )0uel 0lo' and team*

K H(T 1st tage No>>le Inlet

K 1 H(T Rotor Inlet

K # H(T Rotor E6it

K " L(T Inlet

K 5 L(T E6it

K 55 L(T Rear 0rame trut Inlet

K 5$ L(T Rear 0rame trut E6it8-i,,user


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15!"1# LM$!!! %asi& Training #!

MTU Maintenance Berlin-Brandenburg

#!15!"1# LM6000 Basic Training

For Training purpose only 

 An MTU Aero Engines Company


Basic 8ngine and 9ystems

(o*er ycle

A! !@TA<8 ;M(899!;@ ;MBU9T!;@ 8F(A@9!;@ 8F=AU9T

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15!"1# LM$!!! %asi& Training #1

MTU Maintenance Berlin-Brandenburg

#115!"1# LM6000 Basic Training

For Training purpose only 

 An MTU Aero Engines Company


Basic 8ngine 9ystems



•(o*er 3istribution•9ignal 3istribution•3rainage•Lig"ting•ater as"•Bleed Air 

9ystems Monitors

•8ngine•8nvironment•)uel 9ystem•Lube 9ystem




)uel Lubrication

8nvironmental ontrols

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15!"1# LM$!!! %asi& Training #

MTU Maintenance Berlin-Brandenburg

#15!"1# LM6000 Basic Training

For Training purpose only 

 An MTU Aero Engines Company

Gas Turbine (acage


 A6ial 0lo' Inlet < Con,iguration #

K T+e air inlet system s+ould be

designed 'it+ a minimum

number o, bends and

obstru&tions T+e inlet plenum in

,ront o, t+e gas turbine s+ould

be designed so t+at t+e inlet air

enters as parallel to t+e gas

turbine &enterline as possible

F T i i l

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15!"1# LM$!!! %asi& Training #5

MTU Maintenance Berlin-Brandenburg

#515!"1# LM6000 Basic Training

For Training purpose only 

 An MTU Aero Engines Company

Gas Turbine (acage


e.eral items must be &onsidered in t+e design o, an air inlet system ,or t+e LM$!!! gas turbine

 A su&&ess,ul design 'illD

K Minimi>e inlet pressure loss be&ause o, t+e e,,e&t on gas turbine per,orman&e

K Minimi>e pressure gradients and s'irl at t+e ,a&e o, t+e .ariable inlet guide .ane )2IG2* and lo' pressure

&ompressor )L(C* to redu&e distortion and t+e ris7 o, aero<me&+ani&al e6&itation o, &ompressor ,lo'pat+


K In&orporate an inlet s&reen a+ead o, t+e 2IG2 and L(C to prote&t t+e &ompressor ,lo'pat+ &omponents

,rom ,oreign ob=e&t ingestion T+e design o, t+e inlet s&reen is &riti&al and must &onsider air,lo' pressureloss/ s&reen me&+ani&al integrity/ and aero<me&+ani&al e6&itation o, &ompressor ,lo'pat+ &omponents due

to air ,lo' distortion ,rom s&reen stru&ture

K Utili>e ;uality inlet &omponents so as not to generate ,oreign ob=e&ts '+i&+ may be ingested by t+e

&ompressor and result in se.ere damage to ,lo'pat+ &omponents

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F T i i l

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15!"1# LM$!!! %asi& Training #

MTU Maintenance Berlin-Brandenburg

#15!"1# LM6000 Basic Training

For Training purpose only 

 An MTU Aero Engines Company

Gas Turbine (acage


8+"aust 3i&&user 

GT Mounts

!nlet 3uct

)uel 9ystem

Lube ;il 9ystem

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For Training purpose only

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15!"1# LM$!!! %asi& Training #

MTU Maintenance Berlin-Brandenburg

#15!"1# LM6000 Basic Training

For Training purpose only 

 An MTU Aero Engines Company


1. Abbreviations and acronyms

2. Gas turbine basics

. !ntroduction to t"e LM6000

#. Ma$or com%onents o& t"e LM6000

a Lo' (ressure Compressor )L(C*

b Hig+ (ressure Compressor )H(C*

& Combustor

d Hig+ (ressure Turbine )H(T*

e Lo' (ressure Turbine )L(T*, A&&essory -ri.e )AG%/ TG%/ IG%*

g Engine 0rames )C00/ CR0/ TR0*

+ %earings and umps

'. (arasitic Air )lo*

6. Au+iliary e,ui%ment and system

a Lubri&ation ystem

b 2ariable Geometry ystem

& 0uel/ 3ater and team ystems

d tarting ystem

e Instrumentation

Table o& contents

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For Training purpose only

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15!"1# LM$!!! %asi& Training 4#

MTU Maintenance Berlin-Brandenburg

4#15!"1# LM6000 Basic Training

For Training purpose only 

 An MTU Aero Engines Company


K T'o +a,t Rotor ystem


K L(T L(C and load )&old or +ot end dri.e*

K No separate (o'er Turbine ne&essary

General 3escri%tion

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For Training purpose only

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15!"1# LM$!!! %asi& Training 4

MTU Maintenance Berlin-Brandenburg

415!"1# LM6000 Basic Training

For Training purpose only 

 An MTU Aero Engines Company


K T+e LM$!!! Gas Turbine is a t'o s+a,t ma&+ine &apable o, a load ,rom

eit+er t+e ,ront or rear o, t+e lo' pressure rotor )L(R*

K T+e dual<rotor gas turbine &onsists o, a .ariable inlet guide .ane )2IG2* or inlet

,rame assembly/ a 5<stage lo' pressure &ompressor )L(C*/ a 1<stage +ig+

pressure &ompressor )H(C*/ eit+er a single annular &ombustor )AC* or a dry lo'

emission &ombustor )-LE*/ a #<stage +ig+ pressure turbine )H(T*/ a 5<stage lo'

pressure turbine )L(T*/ a trans,er gearbo6 )TG%*8 a&&essory gearbo6 assembly

)AG%*/ and a&&essories/ su&+ as oil pumps/ starter motor et&

K T+e engine &ompresses t+e air to a ratio o, appro6imately 4!D1 relati.e to ambient

General 3escri%tion

For Training purpose only

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15!"1# LM$!!! %asi& Training 45

MTU Maintenance Berlin-Brandenburg

4515!"1# LM6000 Basic Training

For Training purpose only 

 An MTU Aero Engines Company


General 3escri%tion

For Training purpose only

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15!"1# LM$!!! %asi& Training 4$

MTU Maintenance Berlin-Brandenburg

4$15!"1# LM6000 Basic Training

For Training purpose only 

 An MTU Aero Engines Company


General 3escri%tion

For Training purpose only

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15!"1# LM$!!! %asi& Training 4

MTU Maintenance Berlin-Brandenburg

415!"1# LM6000 Basic Training

For Training purpose only 

 An MTU Aero Engines Company


General 3escri%tion

For Training purpose only 

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MTU Maintenance Berlin-Brandenburg

4"15!"1# LM6000 Basic Training

g p p y

 An MTU Aero Engines Company


Combustion System ALL SAC DLE

 Tota En!ines 939 718 220

 Tota "#e$atin!Hou$s

%9&562&93%   14,674,589 4,888,342

 Hi!' Time En!ine %%3&(25   113,725 107,735

 En!ines )n Se$*i+e 925   705 220

 Tota "#e$atin!En!ines

(02   560 142

General 3escri%tion

status WTUI 2010 











Hi!' TimeEn!ine H$s


Mo,e FEL System.o/ o nits"#e$atin!


 DLE LM6000 PB Gas 13 817,544

LM6000 PD Dual 5 121,246

Gas 118 3,044,291

LM6000 PF Gas 6 33,198

 SAC LM6000 PA Dual 43 2,157,048

Gas 36 2,284,544

Liquid 15 395,319

LM6000 PC Dual 135 1,941,097

Gas 309 4,772,313

Liquid 20 260,245

For Training purpose only 

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15!"1# LM$!!! %asi& Training 4

MTU Maintenance Berlin-Brandenburg

415!"1# LM6000 Basic Training

g p p y

 An MTU Aero Engines Company


1. Abbreviations and acronyms

2. Gas turbine basics

. !ntroduction to t"e LM6000

#. Ma$or com%onents o& t"e LM6000

a Lo' (ressure Compressor )L(C*

b Hig+ (ressure Compressor )H(C*

& Combustor

d Hig+ (ressure Turbine )H(T*

e Lo' (ressure Turbine )L(T*, A&&essory -ri.e )AG%/ TG%/ IG%*

g Engine 0rames )C00/ CR0/ TR0*

+ %earings and umps

'. (arasitic Air )lo*

6. Au+iliary e,ui%ment and system

a Lubri&ation ystem

b 2ariable Geometry ystem

& 0uel/ 3ater and team ystems

d tarting ystem

e Instrumentation

Table o& contents

For Training purpose only 

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15!"1# LM$!!! %asi& Training !

MTU Maintenance Berlin-Brandenburg

!15!"1# LM6000 Basic Training

g p p y

 An MTU Aero Engines Company

Ma=or &omponents o, t+e LM$!!!

For Training purpose only 

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15!"1# LM$!!! %asi& Training 1

MTU Maintenance Berlin-Brandenburg

115!"1# LM6000 Basic Training

 An MTU Aero Engines Company

Ma=or &omponents o, t+e LM$!!!

Modules overvie*

For Training purpose only 

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15!"1# LM$!!! %asi& Training #

MTU Maintenance Berlin-Brandenburg

#15!"1# LM6000 Basic Training

 An MTU Aero Engines Company

Ma=or &omponents o, t+e LM$!!!

Modules overvie*

For Training purpose only 

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15!"1# LM$!!! %asi& Training 4

MTU Maintenance Berlin-Brandenburg

415!"1# LM6000 Basic Training

 An MTU Aero Engines Company

Ma=or &omponents o, t+e LM$!!!

1. Abbreviations and acronyms

2. Gas turbine basics

. !ntroduction to t"e LM6000

#. Ma$or com%onents o& t"e LM6000

a Lo' (ressure Compressor )L(C*

b Hig+ (ressure Compressor )H(C*

& Combustor

d Hig+ (ressure Turbine )H(T*

e Lo' (ressure Turbine )L(T*, A&&essory -ri.e )AG%/ TG%/ IG%*

g Engine 0rames )C00/ CR0/ TR0*

+ %earings and umps

'. (arasitic Air )lo*

6. Au+iliary e,ui%ment and system

a Lubri&ation ystem

b 2ariable Geometry ystem

& 0uel/ 3ater and team ystems

d tarting ystem

e Instrumentation

Table o& contents

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For Training purpose only 

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15!"1# LM$!!! %asi& Training 5

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515!"1# LM6000 Basic Training

 An MTU Aero Engines Company

Ma=or &omponents o, t+e LM$!!!

Lo* (ressure om%ressor L(/


T+e L(C module &onsists o, t+e )2*IG2/ L(C

stator and L(C rotor assemblies

T+e L(C is a 5<stage a6ial ,lo' &ompressor

based on t+e LM5!!! L(C '+i&+ 'as deri.ed

,rom t+e C0$<5! booster

T+e design is pro.en 'it+ demonstrated +ig+

reliability in industrial operation on t+e LM5!!!

gas turbine and +as been ,urt+er adapted ,or use

on t+e LM$!!!

To optimi>e t+e GT air inlet ,lo' a )2*IG2 module

'as added to t+e LM$!!! L(C

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Ma=or &omponents o, t+e LM$!!!

Lo* (ressure om%ressor L(/

General contDd/

T+e L( rotor s+a,t )Mid +a,t* is bolted to t+e L(

,or'ard s+a,t and to t+e stage ! and 1 dis7s

T+e s+a,t trans,ers tor;ue ,rom t+e L(T to t+e

L(C rotor and to t+e e6ternal dri.en load

T+e &urrent model o, t+e LM$!!! employs

redesigned stator .anes and a ne' s+a,t

materialIt also employs a modi,ied L(C &ase in&luding

stator stages ! to 4 .anes and eliminating t+e

separate stg4 stator &ase as used at t+e

initial LM$!!! &on,iguration

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"15!"1# LM6000 Basic Training

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Ma=or &omponents o, t+e LM$!!!

7ariable !nlet Guide 7anes 7!G7/

K  t+e 2IG2 &onsist o, 4 stationary

leading edge .anes and .ariable

trailing ,laps

K IG2 ,laps are positioned by t+e HCU

as a ,un&tion o, (4

K  t+e IG2s are dri.en by t'in

+ydrauli& a&tuators at t+e 4D!! andD!! o&lo&7 positions

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Ma=or &omponents o, t+e LM$!!!


T+e L(C rotor is an ,i.e stage/ ,i6ed .ane/

a6ial ,lo' &ompressor T+e assembly

&onsists o, t+e stage ! dis7/ L( s+a,t/ stage

1 dis7/ stage #< spool/ stage !< blades/

,or'ard s+a,t/ blade retainer/ ,or'ard dri.e

adapter and No 1 bearing

L( otor 

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Ma=or &omponents o, t+e LM$!!!

9tage 2-# s%ool

T+e stage #< spool is ma&+ined ,rom titanium 'it+ &ir&um,erential do.etail slots T+e spool

retains stages # t+roug+ blades )$ blades in ea&+ stage* lo&7ing lugs and balan&e'eig+ts Rotating air seal serrations are ma&+ined bet'een stages on t+e outside diameter

o, t+e spool T+e spool ,or'ard ,lange mates 'it+ t+e supporting stage 1 dis7

)or*ard s"a&t

T+e ,or'ard s+a,t is bolted to t+e L( ,or'ard s+a,t )Mid +a,t* and t+e stage ! and 1 dis7 T+e

s+a,t trans,ers tor;ue ,rom t+e L(T to t+e L(C rotor

Blade retainer 

T+e blade retainer is bolted to t+e stage ! dis7 and as a retainer ,or t+e stage ! blades

L( otor 

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Ma=or &omponents o, t+e LM$!!!

)or*ard drive ada%ter 

T+e ,or'ard dri.e adapter bolts to t+e ,or'ard

s+a,t and transmits tor;ue to t+e &ustomerinter,a&e

L( rotor blades

tage ! and 1 rotor blades are made o, A#"$

steel and stage #< are titanium T+e stage 1<

blades are retained in t+e &ir&um,erential

do.etails slots se&ured by lo&7ing lugs tage !

blades are retained in a6ial do.etails slots

se&ured by a blade retainer

L( otor 

L(C tg ! %lades and 0or'ard -ri.e Adapter 

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Ma=or &omponents o, t+e LM$!!!

L( 9tator 


T+e ,i.e<stage L(C stator assembly

&onsists o, t+e ,ollo'ing ma=or&omponentsD

K stage !<# upper and lo'er &ases )initial*

K stage 4 &ase )initial*

K stage !<4 upper and lo'er &ases )&urrent*

K stage !/ 1/ # and 4 s+roud assemblies

K stage support assembly

K stage ! t+roug+ .anes

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Ma=or &omponents o, t+e LM$!!!

L( Mids"a&t


T+e mids+a,t transmits t+e Lo' (ressure

Turbine tor;ue and po'er to t+e L(C Rotor and.ia t+e L(C Rotor to t+e dri.en e;uipment

&onne&ted to t+e ,or'ard dri.e

T+e mids+a,t &lears t+e &omplete &ore engine

&on&entri&al 'it+out any intermediate bearings

T+e mids+a,t assembly &onsists o, # main parts/

t+e ,or'ard s+a,t and t+e mid s+a,t '+i&+ are

&onne&ted .ia splines se&ured by a lo&7 nut

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MTU Maintenance Berlin-Brandenburg

5"15!"1# LM6000 Basic Training

 An MTU Aero Engines Company

Ma=or &omponents o, t+e LM$!!!

1. Abbreviations and acronyms

2. Gas turbine basics

. !ntroduction to t"e LM6000

#. Ma$or com%onents o& t"e LM6000

a Lo' (ressure Compressor )L(C*

b Hig+ (ressure Compressor )H(C*

& Combustor

d Hig+ (ressure Turbine )H(T*

e Lo' (ressure Turbine )L(T*, A&&essory -ri.e )AG%/ TG%/ IG%*

g Engine 0rames )C00/ CR0/ TR0*

+ %earings and umps

'. (arasitic Air )lo*

6. Au+iliary e,ui%ment and system

a Lubri&ation ystem

b 2ariable Geometry ystem

& 0uel/ 3ater and team ystems

d tarting ystem

e Instrumentation

Table o& contents

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=ig" (ressure om%ressor =(/

Ma=or &omponents o, t+e LM$!!!

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Ma=or &omponents o, t+e LM$!!!

=ig" (ressure om%ressor =(/

T+e H(C is a single spool/ 1<stage .ariable

stator design/ a6ial ,lo' &ompressor It

in&orporates .ariable stator .anes )22* in

stages IG2 and 1 t+roug+ 5 to pro.ide stall<,ree

operation and +ig+ e,,i&ien&y t+roug+out t+e

starting and operating range

T+e &ompressor pro.ides se.eral bleed ports ,or

t+e GTs parasiti& air,lo' )&ooling/ sump

pressuri>ation* and optional &ustomer usage

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$115!"1# LM6000 Basic Training

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Ma=or &omponents o, t+e LM$!!!

=( otor 

T+e H(CR is a bolted assembly o, ,i.e

ma=or stru&tural elements &onsisting o,D

K stage 1 dis7

K stage # dis7 'it+ integral ,or'ard s+a,t

K stage 4< spool

K stage 1! dis7

K 11<1 spool 'it+ integral rear s+a,t

H(C Rotor 

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Ma=or &omponents o, t+e LM$!!!

=( otor contDd/

tages 1 and # blades are indi.idually

retained in a6ial do.etail slots using blade

retainers to 7eep t+e blades in pla&e

tage 1 blades are s+rouded at mid<span

,or t+e purpose o, redu&ing .ibratory


 All ot+er blades are &antile.ered ,rom t+e

rotor stru&ture

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$415!"1# LM6000 Basic Training

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Ma=or &omponents o, t+e LM$!!!

=( otor contDd/

T+e blades o, stages 4 to 1 are

+eld in &ir&um,erential do.etail


T+ese ,eatures allo' indi.idual

blade repla&ement 'it+out

disassembly o, t+e rotor

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Ma=or &omponents o, t+e LM$!!!

=( 9tator 

T+e H(C stator &onsists o, a &ast stator &ase t+at

&ontains t+e &ompressor stator .anesT+e inlet guide .anes and t+e stages 1 t+roug+ 5

.anes &an be rotated about t+e a6is o, t+eir mounting

trunnions to .ary t+e pit&+ o, t+e air,oils in t+e

&ompressor ,lo' pat+

2ane air,oils in t+e remaining stages are stationary

 All ,i6ed and .ariable .anes are non<inter&+angeable

'it+ ot+er stages to pre.ent in&orre&t assembly T+e

&asing is split along t+e +ori>ontal split<line ,or ease o,

assembly and maintenan&e

H(C tator 

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Ma=or &omponents o, t+e LM$!!!

=( 9tator 

T+e H(C stator &asing are a mat&+ed

set/ ma&+ined ,rom ,orged material

Tren&+es ,or &ompressor rotor blades are

ma&+ined into t+e inner sur,a&e at stages 4<

1 T+ese tren&+es eliminate t+e need ,or rub

&oatings and pro.ide &learan&e ,or tip

e6&ursions during transients

T+e H(C &ases pro.ide +oles ,or bleed air

e6tra&tion at stages )only initial .ersions*/ "

and 11 )all .ersions*

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Ma=or &omponents o, t+e LM$!!!

7ariable 9tator 7anes 797/

K # arms per engine

K A&tuation rings &onne&ted at 4 and


K  IG2Os and 22Ps stages 1<5 are

installed to t+e &ompressor stator

&ases by assembly o, bus+ings/

spa&ers and arms '+i&+ permits

t+e .anes to be rotated on t+e

longitudinal a6is

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$15!"1# LM6000 Basic Training

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Ma=or &omponents o, t+e LM$!!!

7ariable 9tator 7anes 797/

T+e H(C 2ariable tator 2anes

)22* tages IG2/ 1 and # +a.e

got Lo' %oss a&tuation bus+ings

as o, air&ra,t engine design

T+e long IG2/ stg 1 Q # .anes are

additionally supported by inner


T+e 22 stages 4 to 5 +a.e got

industrial design Hig+ %ossstainless steel te,lon<bonded pi.ot

bus+ings to pro.ide a longer

ser.i&e li,e

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Ma=or &omponents o, t+e LM$!!!

Murp+y<proo, &ir&um,erential do.etail

slots are ma&+ined into t+e &ase ,orstage $<1#

tage 14 .anes are assembled to

insulated liners '+i&+ are bolted to t+e


Re&tangular 7eys sta7ed into

o, upper &ase +ori>ontal ,lange pre.ent

.anes $<1# ,rom migrating in t+e

do.etail slots )ant rotation*

)i+ed 9tator 7anes

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Ma=or &omponents o, t+e LM$!!!

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Ma=or &omponents o, t+e LM$!!!

T+e AC &ombustor is ,urnis+ed 'it+ 4! e6ternally

mounted ,uel no>>les ,or li;uid distillate ,uel/ natural

gas ,uel or dual ,uel 0uel systems may also be

e;uipped ,or 'ater or steam in=e&tion ,or N9


?ey ,eatures o, t+e single annular &ombustor are t+e

rolled<ring inner and outer liners/ t+e lo'<smo7e<

emission s'irl<&up dome design/ and s+ort burning

lengt+T+e s'irl<&up design to lean<out t+e ,uel8air

mi6ture in t+e primary >one o, t+e &ombustor T+is

eliminates t+e ,ormation o, t+e +ig+<&arbon .isible

smo7e t+at &an result ,rom<ri&+ burning in t+is


9ingle Annular ombustor 9A/


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Ma=or &omponents o, t+e LM$!!!


T+e AC &ombustor &onsists o, a dome

assembly and t+e outer and inner liners

T+e dome and its s'irlers pro.ide mi6ing o,,uel and air and ,lame stabili>ation

T+e &ombustor liners are a series o,

o.erlapping rings =oined by 'elded and bra>ed

 =oints T+ey are prote&ted ,rom t+e +ig+

&ombustion +eat by &ir&um,erential ,ilm

&ooling (rimary &ombustion and &ooling airenters t+roug+ &losely spa&ed +oles in ea&+

ring T+ese +oles +elp to &enter t+e ,lame/ and

admit t+e balan&e o, &ombustion air

9ingle Annular ombustor 9A/

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Ma=or &omponents o, t+e LM$!!!

T+e triple annular &on,iguration enables t+e

&ombustor to operate in a uni,ormly mi6ed lean ,uel

air ratio )premi6ed mode* a&ross t+e entire po'er

range/ minimi>ing emissions

T+e +ead end or dome o, t+e &ombustor supports

5 segmented +eat s+ields t+at ,orm t+e t+ree

annular burning >ones in t+e &ombustor/ 7no'n as

t+e outer or A<dome/ t+e pilot or %<dome/ and t+e

inner or C<dome

Gas ,uel is introdu&ed into t+e &ombustor .ia 5

air8gas premi6ers pa&7aged in 4! e6ternally and repla&eable modules Hal, o, t+ese

modules +a.e t'o premi6ers and t+e ot+er +al,

+a.e t+ree

3ry Lo* 8missions ombustor 3L8/

C9M%UT9R )-LE*

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515!"1# LM6000 Basic Training

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Ma=or &omponents o, t+e LM$!!!

LM6000 (3C+anges in t+e -LE

&ombustor design pro.ide

in&reased air,lo' ,or ,uel

premi6ing to operate 'it+

lo'er ,lame temperature and

generate lo'er emissions


K 'ingless &enter +eat s+ields

K  s+ort 'ing inner and outer+eat s+ields

K modi,ied premi6ers to

optimi>e ,uel to air ratio

LM6000 ()

3ry Lo* 8missions ombustor 3L8/

MTU M i t B li B d b

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MTU Maintenance Berlin-Brandenburg

$15!"1# LM6000 Basic Training

 An MTU Aero Engines Company

Ma=or &omponents o, t+e LM$!!!

1. Abbreviations and acronyms

2. Gas turbine basics

. !ntroduction to t"e LM6000

#. Ma$or com%onents o& t"e LM6000

a Lo' (ressure Compressor )L(C*

b Hig+ (ressure Compressor )H(C*

& Combustor

d Hig+ (ressure Turbine )H(T*

e Lo' (ressure Turbine )L(T*

, A&&essory -ri.e )AG%/ TG%/ IG%*

g Engine 0rames )C00/ CR0/ TR0*

+ %earings and umps

'. (arasitic Air )lo*

6. Au+iliary e,ui%ment and system

a Lubri&ation ystem

b 2ariable Geometry ystem

& 0uel/ 3ater and team ystems

d tarting ystem

e Instrumentation

Table o& contents

MTU M i t B li B d b

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 An MTU Aero Engines Company

=ig" (ressure Turbine =(T/

Ma=or &omponents o, t+e LM$!!!

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Ma=or &omponents o, t+e LM$!!!

=ig" (ressure Turbine =(T/

T+e LM$!!! H(T is an air<&ooled/ t'o stage

design 'it+ +ig+ e,,i&ien&y T+e H(T system

&onsists o, t+e H(T rotor and t+e stage 1 and

stage # H(T no>>le assemblies

T+e turbine rotor e6tra&ts energy ,rom t+e gas

stream to dri.e t+e H(C rotor to '+i&+ it is

me&+ani&ally &oupled

T+e turbine no>>les dire&t t+e +ot gas ,lo' onto t+erotor blades at t+e optimum angle and .elo&ity

H(T Module

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Ma=or &omponents o, t+e LM$!!!

H(T %lade tg 1

H(T %lade tg 1 &ooling

=(T otor 9tage 1 Blades

T+e stage 1 blades are &ooled by

&ompressor dis&+arge air dire&ted

t+roug+ t+e blade do.etails

tg 1 blade &ooling is a &ombination o,D

K  internal &on.e&tion o, t+e mid&+ord

region t+roug+ serpentine passages and

o, t+e trailing edge by air ,lo'ing

pinned ,ins and t+roug+ trailing edge

e6it +oles

K  internal impingement o, &ooling airagainst t+e inside sur,a&e o, t+e leading


K  e6ternal ,ilm &ooling by air dire&ted

t+roug+ air,oil +oles

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Ma=or &omponents o, t+e LM$!!!

=(T @o>>le 9tage 1

T+e stage 1 H(T no>>le &onsists o, #4 t'o<

.ane segments bolted to a no>>le supportatta&+ed to t+e +ub o, t+e CR0

T+e stage 1 H(T no>>le assembly

a&&elerates and dire&ts t+e ,or&e o, +ot/

+ig+<.elo&ity/ +ig+ pressure gases

dis&+arging ,rom t+e &ombustor onto t+e

stage 1 H(T rotor blades to &ause rotation


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"515!"1# LM6000 Basic Training

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Ma=or &omponents o, t+e LM$!!!

T+e stage # H(T no>>le assembly &onsists o,

# t'o<.ane no>>le segments/ stages 1 and #

H(T s+rouds and s+roud supports/ H(T stator

support )&ase*/ and interstage seals

T+e stage # no>>les are supported by t+e

stage 1 s+roud support T+ey are also bolted

to t+e stage # s+roud support ,or'ard leg/

'+i&+ is atta&+ed/ by a ,lange/ to t+e outerstru&tural 'all T+e stage 1 s+roud system

,eatures segmented supports and s+roud

segments to maintain turbine &learan&e


=(T @o>>le 9tage 2

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Ma=or &omponents o, t+e LM$!!!

+eet metal air seals are inserted to slots &ast

in t+e no>>le inner and outer plat,orms to seal

t+e ,lo'pat+ to minimi>e bet'een .ane


T+e no>>le .anes are &ooled by internal

impingement air ta7en ,rom t+e H(C 11t+

stage '+i&+ enters t+roug+ bosses in t+e outer

ends o, t+e .anes A portion o, t+e air isdis&+arged t+roug+ ports in t+e inner end o,

t+e .anes ,or interstage seal &a.ity


=(T @o>>le 9tage 2

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"15!"1# LM6000 Basic Training

 An MTU Aero Engines Company

Ma=or &omponents o, t+e LM$!!!

tage 1 or C-( air,lo' &ir&ulates

a&ross t+e stage 1 s+roud support

,rom ,ront to rear t+roug+ o.ersi>e bolt

+oles and &+annels in t+e ,langes

tage 11 air ,lo' &ir&ulates a&ross t+e

stage # s+roud support in t+e same

manner as t+e stage 1 s+roud support/

t+us &ooling t+e ,langes/ .ane support

&omponents/ stage 1 and # s+rouds/

and t+e stage # .ane segments and

interstage sealH(T TG # N9LE C99LING

=(T @o>>le 9tage 2

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U a te a ce e a de bu g

""15!"1# LM6000 Basic Training

 An MTU Aero Engines Company

Ma=or &omponents o, t+e LM$!!!

1. Abbreviations and acronyms

2. Gas turbine basics

. !ntroduction to t"e LM6000

#. Ma$or com%onents o& t"e LM6000

a Lo' (ressure Compressor )L(C*

b Hig+ (ressure Compressor )H(C*

& Combustor

d Hig+ (ressure Turbine )H(T*

e Lo' (ressure Turbine )L(T*

, A&&essory -ri.e )AG%/ TG%/ IG%*

g Engine 0rames )C00/ CR0/ TR0*

+ %earings and umps

'. (arasitic Air )lo*

6. Au+iliary e,ui%ment and system

a Lubri&ation ystem

b 2ariable Geometry ystem

& 0uel/ 3ater and team ystems

d tarting ystem

e Instrumentation

Table o& contents

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115!"1# LM6000 Basic Training

 An MTU Aero Engines Company

Ma=or &omponents o, t+e LM$!!!

L(T (:(3 u%grade/

To in&rease long term reliability and

po'er output a ne' L(T module 'as

introdu&ed 'it+ LM$!!! .ersions (C

and (-

T+is upgrade<L(T in&ludes mainly ne'

stage 4<5 %lades/ <5 .anes and dis7s

as 'ell as a ne' stator &ase and TR0

T+e L(T outlet diameter +as been

in&reased to pre.ent gas,lo' &ausedstage 5 blade ,ailures at +ig+ po'er


T+e upgrade also in&ludes a ne'

Mids+a,t to meet t+e +ig+er tor;ue

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#15!"1# LM6000 Basic Training

 An MTU Aero Engines Company

Ma=or &omponents o, t+e LM$!!!

L(T otor 

T+e L(T rotor assembly t+e L(C

and t+e load eit+er t+roug+ Mids+a,t and

0or'ard -ri.e Adapter )Cold End -ri.e* or

dire&tly t+roug+ t+e Rear -ri.e Adapter

)Hot End -ri.e*

T+e L(T rotor assembly is made o, ,i.e

stages o, bladed dis7s and a s+a,tsubassembly

T+e rotor is supported by t+e No$R and

No R bearings in t+e -< and E<sump o,

t+e TR0

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 An MTU Aero Engines Company

Ma=or &omponents o, t+e LM$!!!

L(T otor 

 All ,i.e stages L(T blades are &ast 'it+ an

interlo&7 tip s+roud

T+ese tip s+rouds pre.ent t+e blades ,rom

t'isting and by t+e +ot gas stream

 All blades are indi.idually retained in pla&e

by s+eet metal &lips '+i&+ are bent up'ard

a,ter blade installation

T+e long stage and 5 blades o, t+e older

L(T .ersions )LM$!!! (A and (%* +a.e

anti<.ibration pins installed to pro.ide

additional stru&tural support

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Ma=or &omponents o, t+e LM$!!!

T+e L(T stator assembly &onsists o, a

one<pie&e tapered &asing/ ,i.e stages o,

interlo&7ing tip s+rouds/ a turbine &ase

&ooling mani,old/ air<&ooled ,irst stage

no>>le segments 'it+ a pressure

balan&e seal/ and ,our additional stages

o, no>>le segments 'it+ interstage


T+e +oney&omb tip s+rouds and

interstage seals minimi>e t+e air

lea7ages bet'een stator and rotor

 All stages &ontain 14 to # no>>le

segments 'it+ $ .anes ea&+

L(T 9tator 

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Ma=or &omponents o, t+e LM$!!!

T+e L(T stage 1 no>>le segments are air


T+e leading edges are &ooled by eit+er

H(C stg bleed air )(A Q (% models* or

stg " bleed air )all later models*

T+e trailing edges are &ooled by H(

Re&oup air

 All &ooling air is piped .ia e6ternal

mani,olds into t+e L(T stg 1 no>>les

L(T tages #<5 no>>les do not +a.e

additional &ooling

L(T 9tator 

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15!"1# LM$!!! %asi& Training $$15!"1# LM6000 Basic Training

 An MTU Aero Engines Company


1. Abbreviations and acronyms

2. Gas turbine basics

. !ntroduction to t"e LM6000

#. Ma$or com%onents o& t"e LM6000

a Lo' (ressure Compressor )L(C*

b Hig+ (ressure Compressor )H(C*

& Combustor

d Hig+ (ressure Turbine )H(T*

e Lo' (ressure Turbine )L(T*

, A&&essory -ri.e )AG%/ TG%/ IG%*

g Engine 0rames )C00/ CR0/ TR0*

+ %earings and umps

'. (arasitic Air )lo*

6. Au+iliary e,ui%ment and system

a Lubri&ation ystem

b 2ariable Geometry ystem

& 0uel/ 3ater and team ystems

d tarting ystem

e Instrumentation

Table o& contents

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Ma=or &omponents o, t+e LM$!!!

Accessory 3rive 9ystem

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Ma=or &omponents o, t+e LM$!!!

Accessory 3rive 9ystem

T+e a&&essories mounted to t+e A&&essory

Gearbo6 )AG%* are dri.en ,rom t+e +ig+

pressure rotor system by t+e Inlet Gearbo6

)IG%*/ a radial dri.e s+a,t/ and t+e Trans,er

Gearbo6 )TG%* assembly

T+e starter motor/ lube and s&a.enge pump/

2G +ydrauli& pump/ and t+e +ydrauli&

&ontrol unit are mounted and dri.en t+roug+t+e AG%

9ptionally mounted dri.en a&&essories are a

li;uid ,uel pump and8or a " gpm +ydrauli&


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 An MTU Aero Engines Company

Ma=or &omponents o, t+e LM$!!!

Trans&er Gearbo+


T+e TG% trans,ers t+e IG% radial dri.e into

+ori>ontal dire&tion to dri.e t+e a&&essory

gearbo6 assembly

It &onsists o, a 4<pie&e &ast aluminium

&asing/ a set o, be.el gears and its

asso&iated bearings and oil =ets

t+e .erti&al be.el gear is splined to t+e radial

dri.e s+a,t/ t+e +ori>ontal one to is splined tot+e AG%s +ori>ontal dri.e s+a,t

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 An MTU Aero Engines Company

Ma=or &omponents o, t+e LM$!!!

Accessory Gearbo+


T+e AG% pro.ides t+e dri.e inter,a&e ,or all

engine dri.en a&&essories su&+ as pumps

and &ontrol units It is also t+e starter de.i&einter,a&e to dri.e t+e GTs H( s+a,t

T+e AG% &onsists o, a 1<pie&e &ast

aluminium &asing/ aluminium adapters/ spur

gears and asso&iated bearings/ seals and oil


T+e AG% design ,eatures a plug in gear

&on&epton all a&&essory pads '+i&+ allo's

t+at an entire gear/ bearing/ seal and pad

assembly may be remo.ed and repla&ed

'it+out disassembling t+e gearbo6 module

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15!"1# LM$!!! %asi& Training 1!#1!#15!"1# LM6000 Basic Training

 An MTU Aero Engines Company

Ma=or &omponents o, t+e LM$!!!

!nlet Gearbo+ !GB/

T+e IG% trans,ers t+e H( s+a,t dri.e ,rom

+ori>ontal to .erti&al dire&tion .ia t+e Radial

-ri.e +a,t )R-* to'ards t+e TG% 8 AG%

T+e IG% &onsists o, a &ast aluminium

&asing/ a set o, be.el gears and its

asso&iated bearings and oil =ets

T+e +ori>ontal gears+a,t is splined at t+e a,t

end to t+e integral H(C ,or'ard s+a,t stage

# dis7 T+ere is a repla&eable dri.e spline

installed to t+e H(C ,or'ard s+a,t se&ured

by a retainer

T+e .erti&al gears+a,t is splined to t+e R-

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 An MTU Aero Engines Company

Ma=or &omponents o, t+e LM$!!!

adial 3rive 9"a&t


T+e Radial -ri.e +a,t )R-* to

transmit tor;ue bet'een IG% and TG%

t+roug+ 0ront 0rame strut No

T+e R- &onsists o, # tubular steel s+a,ts/ a

+ousing and a bearing T+e # s+a,t

are &oupled 'it+ splines T+e relati.ely long

R- assembly is supported by an

intermediate ball bearing at t+e bottom end

o, t+e upper s+a,t

T+e +ousing around t+e R- is also used as

t+e A<sump lube oil s&a.enge line t+roug+

TG% and t+en ba&7 to t+e Lube and

&a.enge (ump

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g p y

Ma=or &omponents o, t+e LM$!!!

8ngine )rames and Air ollector 

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g p y

Ma=or &omponents o, t+e LM$!!!

8ngine )rames and Air ollector 

T+ree stru&tural ,rames pro.ide t+e bearing support L( and t+e H( Rotor T+e ,rame

&on,iguration pro.ides a gas turbine system 'it+ e6&ellent dynami& and me&+ani&al stability It

also &ontrols &ompressor and turbine blade and .ane tip &learan&es

Compressor 0ront

0rame < C00

 Air Colle&tor < AC

Compressor Rear

0rame F CR0 )-LE*

Compressor Rear

0rame F CR0 )AC*

Turbine Rear

0rame F TR0

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g p y

Ma=or &omponents o, t+e LM$!!!

om%ressor )ront

)rame ))/

T+e C00 is a +ig+ strengt+ steel sand

&asting 1# e;ually spa&ed radial struts

support t+e inner +ub and t+e outer &ase)some older (A Q (% models may +a.e a $

strut &on,iguration* T+e C00 &ontains t+e A<

sump 'it+ t+e IG% and bearings No1 and #

to support t+e L(C rotor bearing No4 as t+e

H( s+a,t ,ront support

T+e GT ,ront mounts are integral to t+e C00

and t+e a6ial ,i6 points ,or t+e GT

T+e stg L(C stator &ase is part o, t+e

,rame &asting ,or added sti,,ness and L(C

&learing &ontrol

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Ma=or &omponents o, t+e LM$!!!

om%ressor )ront

)rame ))/

T+e C00 also &ontains 1# +ydrauli&ally

operated .ariable position bleed doors F

2ariable %leed )2%2* F lo&ated ont+e outer &ase to dis&+arge e6&essi.e L(C

air,lo' .ia t+e air &olle&tor

T+e 2%2s are operated by $ +ydrauli&

a&tuators inter&onne&ted by an a&tuating


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Ma=or &omponents o, t+e LM$!!!

Air ollector A/

T+e Air Colle&tor &olle&ts t+e bleed<o,, air

,rom t+e 1# 2%2 doors around t+e ,ront

,rame and route t+is air out o, t+e en&losure.ia a pa&7age mounted 2%2 du&t

T+e AC is mounted to t+e C00 ,ront and rear


It &ontains a&&ess panels all around to

pro.ide inspe&tion and maintenan&e a&&ess

to t+e ,ront ,rame and 2%2 &omponents

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Ma=or &omponents o, t+e LM$!!!

om%ressor ear

)rame )/

T+ere are t'o prin&ipally di,,erent CR0

&on,igurations/ one ,or AC &ombustor

models and one ,or -LE &ombustor models

T+e CR0 &onsists o, an outer &ase/ ten

struts and t+e %<C sump +ousing T+e %<C

sump &ontains bearings No R and 5R ,or

rear H( s+a,t radial support and No % ,or

H( s+a,t a6ial support T+e H(C stg 1

outlet guide .anes )9G2s*/ t+e &ombustion

&+amber and t+e H(T stage 1 no>>le are

mounted into t+e CR0 %<C sump ser.i&e

lines are &ontained in and pass t+roug+ t+e

CR0 struts

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Ma=or &omponents o, t+e LM$!!!

) J 9A version

T+e AC .ersion CR0 is similar to t+e ,rame

used on t+e C0$<"!C# turbo,an engine

T+e one<pie&e outer &asing as t+estru&tural load pat+ bet'een t+e H(C &ase

and t+e H(T tage # No>>le &ase

T+e CR0 outer &ase pro.ides 1 T4

T+ermo&ouple port/ 4! 0uel No>>le ports/ #

Igniter ports/ $ &ombustor bores&ope 8 ,lame

dete&tion ports and 1 H(TN1 bores&ope


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Ma=or &omponents o, t+e LM$!!!

) J 3L8 version

T+e -LE .ersion CR0 +as been designed to

+ouse t+e 4 annular &ombustor and to

pro.ide t+e re;uired ports ,or (remi6ers andadditional sensors

T+e outer &asing &onsists o, t'o pie&es

)main ,rame and rear &ase* to enable

&ombustor installation

T+e CR0 outer &ase pro.ides # T4

T+ermo&ouple port/ 4! (remi6er ports/ #

Igniter ports/ # ,lame dete&tion ports/ #

a&ousti& sensor ports in t+e main ,rame and

1 H(TN1 bores&ope port in t+e rear &ase

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Ma=or &omponents o, t+e LM$!!!

) J 3L8 version

T+e -LE .ersion CR0 &ase is e;uipped

'it+ +eat s+ields to minimi>e t+e

in,luen&e o, t+e en&losure .entilation&ooling e,,e&t to t+e CR0 &ase and

&ombustion &+amber

 A&ousti& %a,,les are installed at t+e

(remi6er base plates at t+e ,ront part o,

t+e CR0 T+ese a&ousti& ba,,les redu&e

amplitudes o, &riti&al &ombustion

a&ousti& ,re;uen&ies

T+e installation pattern is dependent on

t+e LM$!!! -LE model

Heat +ields

LM$!!! (- LM$!!! (0

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Ma=or &omponents o, t+e LM$!!!

Turbine ear )rame


T+e TR0 is a one<pie&e &asting '+i&+

pro.ides t+e gas turbine e6+aust ,lo' pat+

and t+e supporting stru&ture ,or t+e -< andE<sump/ t+e L(T rotor t+rust balan&e

assembly/ t+e L(T rotor s+a,t/ and t+e a,t

dri.e adapter

1 radial struts ,un&tion as outlet guide

.anes to straig+ten t+e e6+aust air ,lo' into

t+e e6+aust di,,user ,or en+an&edper,orman&e

Lubri&ation oil supply and s&a.enge lines ,or

t+e -< and E<sumps and L(T rotor speed

sensors are routed t+roug+ t+e struts

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Ma=or &omponents o, t+e LM$!!!

Turbine ear )rame


T+e TR0 -<E sump &ontains t+e bearings

No $R and R '+i&+ pro.ide L(T rotor and

rear L( s+a,t radial support

T+e TR0 also &ontains t+e stati& balan&e

piston seals '+i&+ ,orm t+e balan&e

&+amber to maintain t+e a6ial t+rust loading

o, t+e No1% bearing

T+e TR0 pro.ides 4 mounts ,or t+e # GT

rear .erti&al support lin7s and t+e anti<tor;ue


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15!"1# LM$!!! %asi& Training 11$11$15!"1# LM6000 Basic Training


1. Abbreviations and acronyms

2. Gas turbine basics

. !ntroduction to t"e LM6000

#. Ma$or com%onents o& t"e LM6000a Lo' (ressure Compressor )L(C*

b Hig+ (ressure Compressor )H(C*

& Combustor

d Hig+ (ressure Turbine )H(T*

e Lo' (ressure Turbine )L(T*

, A&&essory -ri.e )AG%S TG%S IG%*

g Engine 0rames )C00/ CR0/ TR0*

+ %earings and umps

'. (arasitic Air )lo*

6. Au+iliary e,ui%ment and system

a Lubri&ation ystem

b 2ariable Geometry ystem& 0uel/ 3ater and team ystems

d tarting ystem

e Instrumentation

Table o& contents

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Ma=or &omponents o, t+e LM$!!!

Bearings and 9um%s

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Ma=or &omponents o, t+e LM$!!!

 All LM$!!! main bearings are eit+er roller or

ball bearings made o, M5! steel/ premium


T+e roller bearings )#R/ 4R/ R/ 5R/ $R and

R* pro.ide radial rotor support T+e t'o ball

bearings pro.ide t+e a6ial t+rust load

support ,or t+e L( s+a,t )1%* and t+e H(

s+a,t )%*

T+e inner ra&es are inter,eren&e ,it to t+e

s+a,ts and se&ured ,rom &reeping by&oupling nuts

T+e outer ra&es are se&ured in pla&e by

eit+er a bolted ,lange or s;uee>ed in a

+ousing by a &oupling nut


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Ma=or &omponents o, t+e LM$!!!

T+e LM$!!! roller bearings are

preloaded to pre.ent roller slip due to

too lo' tra&tion

T+is preload is a&+ie.ed by using

bilobe or trilobe bearings '+i&+

guarantee a minimum load regardless

o, t+e e6ternally applied loads

%ilobe bearings &onsist o, a a&&urately

ground pro,ile in t+e outer ra&e'ay to

gi.e a radial pin&+ at # points

Trilobe bearings are similar in &on&ept

but used i, +ig+er preloads are

re;uired T+e trilobe 4<point bearing

rings +a.e a 5<times +ig+er bending

sti,,ness .s #<point bending

Bearing %reload


T+e inter,eren&e ,it o, t+e bilobe and trilobe bearings re;uires t+e H(T

rotor be turning during or installation to pre.ent damage o,

inner ra&e or bearing

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15!"1# LM$!!! %asi& Training 1#!1#!15!"1# LM6000 Basic Training

Ma=or &omponents o, t+e LM$!!!

9um% ("iloso%"y

T+e LM$!!! uses t+e dry sump system to

pro.ide lubri&ation o, t+e main bearings T+is

system in&ludes 5 subsystemsD

1 9il supply t+roug+ =ets pressuri>ed anddeli.ered by a supply pump

# 9il s&a.enge by applying su&tion to a

port in t+e lo'est point o, t+e sump by a

s&a.enge pump

4 eal pressuri>ation pro.ided by parasiti&

air bleed dire&ted to t+e sump ump .ent maintains a positi.e sump

in'ard ,lo' o, pressuri>ed air by .enting t+e

oil 'etted &a.ity out t+e top to ambient

5 eal drain &arries oil lea7ed out t+e

seals to a drainage

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Ma=or &omponents o, t+e LM$!!!

;il 9eals

 All oil seals are labyrint+ type seals

&ontaining o, a rotating and a stationary part

T+e rotating part are all o, a multiple 7ni,e

edge serration type

T+e stationary oil seals +a.e got s+roud

sur,a&es opposite to t+e 7ni,e serrations to

pro.ide a .ery small gap to let t+e

pressuri>ation air ,lo' t+roug+ to'ards t+e

sump &arrying t+e lea7ing oil ba&7 inside

T+e sump in,lo'ing pressuri>ation air isremo.ed bot+ by sump .ent system and t+e

s&a.enge oil

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Ma=or &omponents o, t+e LM$!!!

Air 9eals

 All air seals are labyrint+ type seals

&ontaining o, a rotating and a stationary part

T+e rotating part are all o, a multiple 7ni,e

edge serration type

T+e stationary air seals are &ommonly

+oney&omb type -uring initial operation t+e

7ni,e serrations &ut small inside t+e

+oney&ombs &reating a labyrint+ air ,lo'

passage T+is labyrint+ 'or7s li7e an ori,i&e

&reating a ,lo' resistan&e and a pressuredrop

T+e pressuri>ation air ,lo'ing t+roug+ t+e air

seals is remo.ed t+roug+ seal .ent to

ambient or into t+e main gas pat+

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Ma=or &omponents o, t+e LM$!!!

A-9um% ("iloso%"y

T+e A<sump &ontains bearings No1% and

#R ,or ,or'ard L( s+a,t support/ t+e IG%

and %earing No4R ,or ,or'ard H( s+a,t


K ump pressuri>ationD L(C dis&+arge air 

K  9il supplyD separate oil =ets ,or ea&+

bearing and IG% splines

K 9il &a.engeD t+roug+ TG% to L pump

K  eal drainD drains t+roug+ TG% to


K eal .entD ba&7 into L(C spool

K ump .entD to pa&7age air oil separation

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Ma=or &omponents o, t+e LM$!!!

A-9um% ("iloso%"y

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Ma=or &omponents o, t+e LM$!!!

B--9um% ("iloso%"y

T+e %<C<sump &ontains bearings NoR

and % ,or mid se&tion H( s+a,t support

and bearing No5R ,or rear H( s+a,t


K ump pressuri>ationD L(C dis&+arge air

)e6ternally piped*

K  9il supplyD separate oil =ets ,or ea&+


K  9il &a.engeD # separate oil pipes to

L pump ,or % and C s&a.enge

K eal drainD drain pipe to drain tan7

K eal .entD into en&losure ambient

K ump .entD to pa&7age air oil separation

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Ma=or &omponents o, t+e LM$!!!

B--9um% ("iloso%"y

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1#"15!"1# LM6000 Basic Training

Ma=or &omponents o, t+e LM$!!!

3-8-9um% ("iloso%"y

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1#15!"1# LM6000 Basic Training


1. Abbreviations and acronyms

2. Gas turbine basics

. !ntroduction to t"e LM6000

#. Ma$or com%onents o& t"e LM6000a Lo' (ressure Compressor )L(C*

b Hig+ (ressure Compressor )H(C*

& Combustor

d Hig+ (ressure Turbine )H(T*

e Lo' (ressure Turbine )L(T*

, A&&essory -ri.e )AG%S TG%S IG%*

g Engine 0rames )C00/ CR0/ TR0*

+ %earings and umps

'. (arasitic Air )lo*

6. Au+iliary e,ui%ment and system

a Lubri&ation ystem

b 2ariable Geometry ystem& 0uel/ 3ater and team ystems

d tarting ystem

e Instrumentation

Table o& contents

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14!15!"1# LM6000 Basic Training

5 (arasiti& Air,lo'

(arasitic Air&lo*

GT air,lo's e6tra&ted ,rom primary or

se&ondary ,lo' ,or internal &ooling and

pressuri>ation is &onsidered parasiti&

upon t+e GTs po'er output T+ese

,lo's pro.ide sump pressuri>ation/

lo&ali>ed &ooling/ t+rust &+amber

pressuri>ation and passi.e &learan&e


(ortion o, t+e parasiti& air,lo' 'ill re<enter t+e GT primary or se&ondary

,lo' ome ,lo' 'ill be .entilated

dire&tly to ambient

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14115!"1# LM6000 Basic Training

L( 3isc"arge !(/ Air&lo* : 9um% (ressuri>ation

L(C dis&+arge or Compressor Inlet

(ressure )CI(* air is e6tra&tedD

K  t+roug+ t+e gap bet'een t+e L(Cspool and t+e stg stator ,or

pressuri>ation o, t+e -<E<sump .ia

t+e mids+a,t )a&&elerated by t+e

K  t+roug+ C00 inner +oles ,or

pressuri>ation o, t+e A<sump

K  t+roug+ C00 e6ternal ports ,or

pressuri>ation o, %<C<sump .ia

e6ternal piping

L(C dis&+arge e6tra&tion and A<ump

%<C<ump -<E<ump

5 (arasiti& Air,lo'

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14415!"1# LM6000 Basic Training

9um% 7ent

ump .ent air is an air8oil .apor

routed e6ternally o,,< engine to a

&ustomer supplied air8oil separator

,or ma6imum oil re&lamation

 A< and %<C<sumps are mani,olded

toget+er and t+en routed o,,<engine

'+ile -<E<sump .ent air routes to

air8oil separator .ia independent



%<C<ump -<E<ump

5 (arasiti& Air,lo'

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9um% 7ent

5 (arasiti& Air,lo'

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14515!"1# LM6000 Basic Training

t" 9tage Bleed Air 

H(C stage " bleed air is routed e6ternally

a,t to &ool t+e leading edge o, t+e stage 1

L(T no>>le .anes E6iting t+e .anes t+e

,lo' &ools t+e balan&e seal bolted to t+e

inner plat,orm o, t+e no>>le and t+en .ents

o,, t+roug+ t+e rear L(T spool into t+e

primary ,lo'

 At -LE models stg " bleed is also used

,or &ombustion &ontrol regulated by a

&ontrol .al.e

 At AC models stg " bleed &an be used at

&ustomers option

L(T No>>le 1

leading edge &ooling

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14$15!"1# LM6000 Basic Training

t" 9tage Bleed Air 

5 (arasiti& Air,lo'

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11t" 9tage Bleed Air 

H(C stage 11 bleed air is routed e6ternally

a,t to &ool t+e H(T stage # no>>le .anes

e6ternal tubes &arry t+e air to t+e H(T stator

&ase E6iting t+e .anes t+e ,lo' .ents o,, into

t+e primary ,lo'

tage 11 bleed air is also routed e6ternally to

t+e TR0 into t+e t+rust balan&e &a.ity ,ormed

by a balan&e piston dis7 and t+e stationary

balan&e piston seal T+e +ig+ pressure air

pus+es t+e balan&e piston dis7 ,or'ard

&ontrolling t+e a6ial t+rust on t+e No1%

bearing T+e t+rust balan&e pressure &an be

ad=usted by eit+er ori,i&es or a &ontrol .al.e

H(T No>>le # &ooling

No1% T+rust %alan&e

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14"15!"1# LM6000 Basic Training

11t" 9tage Bleed Air 

5 (arasiti& Air,lo'

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3( Air 

Compressor -is&+arge (ressure )C-(* air is

used ,or H(T rotor &ooling/ H(T No>>le tg 1

&ooling/ No% t+rust balan&e and %<C sump

.enting C-( air lea7s t+roug+ t+e gap bet'een

H(C rotor spool and stg 1 stator into t+e

,or'ard pressure &+amber C-( inner &ombustor

is routed t+roug+ H(TN1 support +oles to t+e

H(T rotor and balan&e &+amber/ outer C-( air is

used ,or rear H(TN1 &ooling At -LE models

C-( bleed is regulated and used ,or &ombustion&ontrol At dual ,uel models C-( &an be used at

&ustomers option )eg gas mani,old purging*

C-( air ,lo'

5 (arasiti& Air,lo'

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1115!"1# LM6000 Basic Training

@o.#B bearing t"rust balance

T+e C-( air pressuri>ing t+e H(T rotor

&a.ity is also lea7ing a,t a&ross t+e

pressure balan&e seal into t+e H(T t+rust

balan&e &+amber Air,lo' into t+e &+amber

is +ig+er t+an t+e air,lo' es&aping t+roug+

stg1 rotor blade 'ing seal T+is &auses a

pressure built up 'it+in t+e &+amber and

loading t+e H(T rotor a,t/ assisting No%

absorbing t+e t+rust load ,or'ard An

in&reasing H( Re&oup pressure due to+ig+er seal lea7ages 'ould bring a ,or'ard

load onto t+e H(CR .ia t+e C-( seal T+is

,or'ard load &an&els a part o, t+e t+rust

balan&e in&reasing t+e a6ial load to No%

C-( eal


%alan&e eal

(ressure %alan&eC+amber 

H( Re&oup


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1#15!"1# LM6000 Basic Training

=( ecou%

T+e H( re&oup air,lo' de.elops ,rom C-(

air lea7ing t+roug+ t+e ,ront C-( seal and

rear balan&e piston seal T+e H( re&oup airis routed e6ternally ,or L(T tage 1 No>>le

.ane trailing edge &ooling and t+en .ented

into t+e primary ,lo' A part o, t+e H(

re&oup air lea7s t+roug+ seals into t+e L(

re&oup air &+amber and is t+en .ented o,,

into t+e GT en&losure

T+e H( re&oup air pressure is also

in,luen&ing t+e No% bearing t+rust

balan&e H( Re&oup and L(T No>>le

1 trailing edge &ooling

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5 ( iti Ai ,l

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=( ecou%

5 (arasiti& Air,lo'

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115!"1# LM6000 Basic Training

)rame 7ent and L( ecou%

T+e %<C<sump L( re&oup air,lo' de.elops

,rom lea7ing H( Re&oup air and sump

pressuri>ation air T+e L( re&oup air is.ented o,, into t+e GT en&losure

T+e -<E<sump ,rame .ent air,lo' de.elops

,rom lea7ing sump pressuri>ation air T+e

,rame .ent is .ented o,, into t+e GTen&losure

-<E<sump ,rame .ent

%<C<sump L( Re&oup ,rame .ent

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)rame 7ent and L( ecou%

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1$15!"1# LM6000 Basic Training

L(T case cooling and (assive learance ontrol (/

L(C dis&+arge air is e6tra&ted at t+e ,ront

,rame and routed t+roug+ e6ternal tubing to

t+e L(T &ooling mani,old tubing t+at

surrounds t+e L(T &ase T+ere t+e air isdis&+arged t+roug+ small +oles to &ool t+e

s7in temperature o, t+e L(T stator &ase T+e

&ooling air redu&es t+e &ase t+ermal gro't+

and de&reasing t+e L(T blade &learan&e

resulting in in&reased turbine e,,i&ien&y

T+e system is &alled (assi.e Clearan&eControl )(CC* as t+e air,lo' is not &ontrolled

by an additional .al.e 2al.e &ontrolled A&ti.e

Clearan&e Control )ACC* is used at t+e

Turbo,an C0$<"! L(T &ooling (CC<7it

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L(T case cooling and (assive learance ontrol (/

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$ A ili E i t d t

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115!"1# LM6000 Basic Training

Lubrication 9ystem

T+e GT lubri&ation system &onsists

o, an AG% dri.en lube oil supply

and s&a.enge pump T+e lube oil is

used to lubri&ate and &ool allengine bearings/ seals/ sumps and

t+e GT gearbo6es T+e lube oil is

also used to operate t+e 2ariable

Geometry )2G* system and8or

additionally mounted +ydrauli&

pumps ,or &ontrol .al.e operation

T+e lube oil system in&ludes oil and

.ent piping/ temperature sensors

and &+ip dete&tors

$ Au6iliary E;uipment and ystems

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$ A iliar E; ipment and stems

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15!15!"1# LM6000 Basic Training

Lube ircuit

T+e L pump primes lube oil ,rom tan7

.ia a su&tion line into lube supply inlet

port L1 A gear pump t+en pressuri>es

and supplies t+e oil t+roug+ lube oil

dis&+arge port L# A portion o, t+e oil is

bypassed to ,ill and pressuri>e t+e GT

+ydrauli& system T+e main portion o, t+e

oil is pumped t+roug+ t+e oil inlet ,ilters

into t+e GT lube oil supply mani,old

'+ere it is separated to t+e di,,erentsumps and gearbo6es T+e oil is

s&a.enged o,, t+e dry sumps by su&tion

o, t+e separate gear pump elements o,

t+e L pump

In t+e pump t+e s&a.enge oil is merged

toget+er and pumped t+roug+ t+e

s&a.enge ,ilter and oil &ooler ba&7 into t+e

tan7 Lube oil supply and s&a.enge

pressures are measured eit+er at L

pump pressure taps or at pa&7age lube oil

lines Lube oil supply and s&a.enge

temperatures are measured by L pump

installed RT-s 9ptional ea&+ sump

s&reen &ontains an ele&tri&al8magneti&&+ip dete&tor

$ Au6iliary E;uipment and ystems

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15#15!"1# LM6000 Basic Training

T+e L pump is a element

)1 supply and $ s&a.enge* positi.e

displa&ement pump At ea&+ port 8 element

o, t+e pump are inlet s&reens T+e s&reens

are non<bypassing and able to trap parti&les

bigger t+an !!4 in&+ 8 !$ mm T+e pump

also &ontains a relie, .al.e 'it+ 4!! psid 8

#! bard &ra&7ing pressure ),ull bypass ,lo'

at !! psid 8 #$ bard* ,or supply pressure

limiting T+e pump pro.ides a total oil ,lo'

,rom tan7 to GT o, appro6imately 1 gpm 8

$ l8min T+e s&a.enge elements are not

e;uipped 'it+ relie, t+e ma6imum

s&a.enge pressure is 1"! psig 8 1# barg

'it+ a ,lo' o, 1 gpm 8 $ l8min

Lube and 9cavenge (um%

$ Au6iliary E;uipment and ystems

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Lube and 9cavenge (um%

$ Au6iliary E;uipment and ystems

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1515!"1# LM6000 Basic Training


1. Abbreviations and acronyms

2. Gas turbine basics

. !ntroduction to t"e LM6000

#. Ma$or com%onents o& t"e LM6000a Lo' (ressure Compressor )L(C*

b Hig+ (ressure Compressor )H(C*

& Combustor

d Hig+ (ressure Turbine )H(T*

e Lo' (ressure Turbine )L(T*

, A&&essory -ri.e )AG%S TG%S IG%*g Engine 0rames )C00/ CR0/ TR0*

+ %earings and umps

'. (arasitic Air )lo*

6. Au+iliary e,ui%ment and system

a Lubri&ation ystem

b 2ariable Geometry ystem& 0uel/ 3ater and team ystems

d tarting ystem

e Instrumentation

Table o& contents

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15515!"1# LM6000 Basic Training

$ Au6iliary E;uipment and ystems

7ariable Geometry 7G/ 9ystem

T+e 2G system &onsists o, t+e 2G +ydrauli&

pump/ t+e Hydrauli& Control Unit )HCU*/ #

2IG2/ $ 2%2 and # 22 a&tuators

T+e 2G +ydrauli& pump is a ,i6ed

displa&ement pump pro.iding +ydrauli&

pressure up to 1/!! psig 8 $5 barg T+e

oil is pumped internally into t+e HCU T+e

HCU +ouses tor;ue motor positioned

+ydrauli& ser.os ,or porting ,luid at regulated

pressure/ '+i&+ is ma6 1/#!! psig 8 "#barg ,or 2%2 and 5! psig 8 51 barg ,or

2IG2 and 22

(ositioning o, t+e 2G system is s&+eduled

by GT &ontrol system ele&tri&al inputs to t+e

HCU ser.os

T+e re;uired position ,eedba&7 is gi.en by

t+e a&tuator internal L2-Ts o, bot+ 2IG2</

bot+ 22< and t'o o, t+e si6 2%2<a&tuators

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15$15!"1# LM6000 Basic Training

$ Au6iliary E;uipment and ystems

7ariable Geometry 7G/ 9ystem

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1515!"1# LM6000 Basic Training

$ Au6iliary E;uipment and ystems

7ariable Geometry 7G/ 9ystem

HCU +ydrauli& line &onne&tions2G system &ontrol s&+edules

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$ Au6iliary E;uipment and ystems

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15"15!"1# LM6000 Basic Training

$ Au6iliary E;uipment and ystems

7ariable Geometry 7G/ 9ystem




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15!"1# LM$!!! %asi& Training 15

1515!"1# LM6000 Basic Training


1. Abbreviations and acronyms

2. Gas turbine basics

. !ntroduction to t"e LM6000

#. Ma$or com%onents o& t"e LM6000

a Lo' (ressure Compressor )L(C*

b Hig+ (ressure Compressor )H(C*

& Combustor

d Hig+ (ressure Turbine )H(T*

e Lo' (ressure Turbine )L(T*

, A&&essory -ri.e )AG%S TG%S IG%*g Engine 0rames )C00/ CR0/ TR0*

+ %earings and umps

'. (arasitic Air )lo*

6. Au+iliary e,ui%ment and system

a Lubri&ation ystem

b 2ariable Geometry ystem

& 0uel/ 3ater and team ystems

d tarting ystem

e Instrumentation

Table o& contents

MTU Maintenance Berlin-Brandenburg

For Training purpose only 

 An MTU Aero Engines Company

$ Au6iliary E;uipment and ystems

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1$!15!"1# LM6000 Basic Training

$ Au6iliary E;uipment and ystems

)uel 9ystems

 All ,uel systems &ontain 4! 0uel No>>les )AC*

or (remi6ers )-LE*

AC gas and steam mani,olds and all -LE ,uel

mani,olds are not supported by t+e gas turbine

but installed in t+e GT en&losure 0uel

No>>les8(remi6ers and mani,olds are &onne&ted

.ia ,le6ible +oses T+is &on,iguration pro.ides

t+e ,uel system 'eig+t being un&oupled ,rom t+e

GT AC models 'ater and li;uid ,uel mani,olds

are GT<mounted and &onne&ted to t+e 0uel

No>>les .ia ,i6ed tubes t+e GT +as to be mo.ed or s+ipped

t+e mani,olds re;uire additional supports

LM$!!! (- 'it+ mani,old

transport support

MTU Maintenance Berlin-Brandenburg

For Training purpose only 

 An MTU Aero Engines Company

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$ Au6iliary E;uipment and ystems

9A Gas )uel

T+e natural gas 8 'ater system &onsists

o, 4! gas ,uel no>>les/ 4! gas ,uel +oses

and a gas mani,old

T+e mani,old is a split ring type T+e ,uel

no>>les are a simple ori,i&e type and


MTU Maintenance Berlin-Brandenburg

For Training purpose only 

 An MTU Aero Engines Company

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$ Au6iliary E;uipment and ystems

9A Gas )uel *it"

ater !n$ection

T+e natural gas 8 'ater system pro.ides

additional 'ater in=e&tion t+roug+ t+e ,uel

no>>les into t+e &ombustor to lo'er t+e

,lame temperature and 'it+ it t+e N9

emissions .alue T+e 'ater in=e&tion

&auses a lo'er T" at t+e same gas ,uel

,lo' T+is T" margin and t+e +ig+er

mass ,lo' result in a &a #<4M3 +ig+er

ma6imum po'er output

 Additional to t+e gas system &omponents

a 'ater mani,old/ 4! ,eeder tubes/ and

gas8'ater ,uel no>>les are re;uired

MTU Maintenance Berlin-Brandenburg

For Training purpose only 

 An MTU Aero Engines Company

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$ Au6iliary E;uipment and ystems

%ot+ t+e gas and 'ater &ir&uits &ontain

metering and s+uto,,

3ater ,or N9 suppression 'ill bein=e&ted ,rom &a 1! M3 o, load

I, no 'ater is in=e&ted t+e 'ater mani,old

'ill be purged 'it+ natural gas ,lo'ing

ba&7 ,rom t+e ,uel no>>le tips

T+e 'ater system is se&ured ,rom ba&7

,lo'ing gas by non return and8or s+uto,,

9A Gas )uel *it"

ater !n$ection

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$ Au6iliary E;uipment and ystems

9A Gas )uel *it"

9team !n$ection

T+e natural gas 8 steam system pro.ides

additional steam in=e&tion t+roug+ t+e ,uel

no>>les into t+e &ombustor to lo'er t+e

,lame temperature and 'it+ it t+e N9

emissions .alue T+e steam in=e&tion

&auses a lo'er T" at t+e same gas ,uel

,lo' T+is T" margin and t+e +ig+er

mass ,lo' result in a &a #<4M3 +ig+er

ma6imum po'er output

 Additional to t+e gas system &omponents

a steam mani,old/ 4! ,le6 +oses/ and

gas8steam ,uel no>>les are re;uired

MTU Maintenance Berlin-Brandenburg

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 An MTU Aero Engines Company

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$ Au6iliary E;uipment and ystems

9A Gas )uel *it"

9team !n$ection

%ot+ t+e gas and steam &ir&uits &ontain

metering and s+uto,,

team ,or N9 suppression 'ill bein=e&ted ,rom &a 1! M3 o, load

I, no steam is in=e&ted t+e steam mani,old

'ill be purged 'it+ engine C-( air '+i&+

is ta7en o,, t+e GTs C-( bleed ports at

t+e CR0

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For Training purpose only 

 An MTU Aero Engines Company

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$ Au6iliary E;uipment and ystems

9A Li,uid )uel *it" or

*it"out ater !n$ectionT+e li;uid ,uel system is a.ailable eit+er

'it+ or 'it+out N9 redu&tion 'ater

in=e&tion T+e system &onsists o, a

primary and a se&ondary &ir&uit/ ea&+

'it+ 1 mani,old and 4! ,eeder tubes T+e

primary &ir&uit +as a lo'er ,lo' &apa&ity

and supplies t+e ,uel no>>les ,or t+e GT

start T+e se&ondary &ir&uit pro.ides ,ull

,lo' &apa&ity ,or load operation 3ater

'ill be additionally in=e&ted t+roug+ t+e

se&ondary &ir&uit At positions and #

spe&ial ,uel no>>les 'it+ +ig+er primary

,lo' are installed to pro.ide su,,i&ient U2<

,lame indi&ation at start up

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$ Au6iliary E;uipment and ystems

%ot+ t+e li;uid and 'ater &ir&uits &ontain

metering and s+uto,,

T+ere is only one metering ,or bot+li;uid ,uel &ir&uits A ,lo' di.ider .al.e

al'ays pro.ides ,lo' to t+e primary &ir&uit

but opens t+e se&ondary &ir&uit only '+en

a &ertain ,uel pressure is rea&+ed

3ater ,or N9 suppression 'ill be

in=e&ted ,rom &a 1! M3 o, load

I, no 'ater is in=e&ted t+e 'ater system is

blo&7ed by a non return .al.e ,rom li;uid

,uel ba&7 ,lo'

9A Li,uid )uel *it" or

*it"out ater !n$ection

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 An MTU Aero Engines Company

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$ Au6iliary E;uipment and ystems

9A 3ual )uel *it" or

*it"out ater !n$ectionT+e dual ,uel system is a.ailable eit+er

'it+ or 'it+out N9 redu&tion 'ater

in=e&tion T+e system &onsists o, bot+ t+e

gas ,uel and li;uid ,uel system

&omponents and enables operation 'it+

di,,erent ,uel types T+e ,uel &an be

&+anged during operation at all loads

3ater ,or N9 redu&tion 'ill be

additionally in=e&ted t+roug+ t+e

se&ondary li;uid &ir&uit At positions and

# spe&ial ,uel no>>les 'it+ +ig+er

primary ,lo' are installed to pro.ide

su,,i&ient U2<,lame indi&ation at start up

MTU Maintenance Berlin-Brandenburg

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$ Au6iliary E;uipment and ystems

T+e dual ,uel 8'ater system is a mi6 o,

t+e gas and li;uid ,uel 8 'ater systems

T+e li;uid mani,olds are purged 'it+ gas'+en not in use %ot+ li;uid ,uel and

'ater systems are blo&7ed by non<return

or s+uto,, to pre.ent ba&7 ,lo' o,

gas I, operation on li;uid ,uel t+e gas

mani,old 'ill be purged 'it+ C-( air to

pre.ent ba&7,lo' o, +ot gases and to &oolt+e ,uel no>>le tips additionally to t+e

s+roud air ,lo'

9A 3ual )uel *it" or

*it"out ater !n$ection

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$ Au6iliary E;uipment and ystems

3L8 Gas )uel

T+e -LE gas ,uel system &ontains o, 4!

(remi6ers/ 4 )(-* or 5 )(0* ,uel

mani,olds/ 11 )(-* or 14 )(0* staging and 4! ,uel +ose assemblies

Ea&+ o, t+e 4 or 5 mani,olds is &ontrolled

by a separate ,uel metering .al.e

T+e staging open or s+ut mani,old

segments to enable t+e re;uired burner

modes and ,uel ,lo's depending on t+eload o, t+e engine

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$ Au6iliary E;uipment and ystems

3L8 Gas )uel (remi+er 

T+e -LE system &ontains 4! premi6ers/

15 #<&up and 15 4<&up T+e t+ree burner

rings &ontain all toget+er 5 burners/ 4!

,or t+e outer A<ring/ 4! ,or t+e pilot %<ring

and 15 ,or t+e inner C<ring

 All premi6ers +a.e got t+ree ,uel gas

&onne&tions T+e t+ird &onne&tion ,or t+e

#<&up premi6ers supplys t+e %<&up elbo

,lo' passage

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y ; p y

3L8 Gas )uel Ma%%ing

T+e -LE ,uel system operates in

di,,erent burner modes dependent on

t+e GT load T+ese burner modes in

&on=un&tion 'it+ t+e bleed air system

pro.ide t+e &orre&t ,uel air mi6ture ,ora lo' N9 and C9 &reating ,lame

temperature T+e ad=ustment o, t+ese

burner modes are &alled &ombustor


MTU Maintenance Berlin-Brandenburg

For Training purpose only 

 An MTU Aero Engines Company

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y ; p y

3L8 3ual )uel

LM$!!!(- and (0 &an be supplied 'it+ a

dual ,uel system

T+e dual ,uel -LE system allo' redu&ed

N9 and C9 emissions operating t+e GT

'it+ eit+er gas or li;uid ,uel 'it+out

additional in=e&tions

T+e dual ,uel -LE system &ontains

additional li;uid ,uel lines/ staging

and dual ,uel premi6ers

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 An MTU Aero Engines Company

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y ; p y

9(!@T 9ystem

(RINT is optionally a.ailable ,or po'er

en+an&ement ,or inlet temperatures abo.e

4!0 )11C* (RINT operates as an

inter&ooler by in=e&ting a ,ine mist into t+e

&ompressor air,lo' and redu&es t+e

temperature o, t+e air as it e.aporates in t+e

,ront &ompression system T'o (RINT

systems are used H( (RINT in=e&ts 'ater

mist into t+e H(C inlet .ia no>>les mounted

in t+e C00 L( (RINT pro.ides additional

e.aporati.e &ooling during +ot<day operation

by in=e&ting mist into t+e L(C .ia no>>les

mounted in t+e inlet du&t L( (RINT is

disabled belo' 50 )#C* to pre.ent i&ing




MTU Maintenance Berlin-Brandenburg

For Training purpose only 

 An MTU Aero Engines Company


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15!"1# LM$!!! %asi& Training 151515!"1# LM6000 Basic Training

1. Abbreviations and acronyms

2. Gas turbine basics

. !ntroduction to t"e LM6000

#. Ma$or com%onents o& t"e LM6000

a Lo' (ressure Compressor )L(C*

b Hig+ (ressure Compressor )H(C*

& Combustor

d Hig+ (ressure Turbine )H(T*

e Lo' (ressure Turbine )L(T*

, A&&essory -ri.e )AG%S TG%S IG%*g Engine 0rames )C00/ CR0/ TR0*

+ %earings and umps

'. (arasitic Air )lo*

6. Au+iliary e,ui%ment and system

a Lubri&ation ystem

b 2ariable Geometry ystem

& 0uel/ 3ater and team ystems

d tarting ystem

e Instrumentation

Table o& contents

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 An MTU Aero Engines Company

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y ; p y

9tarting 9ystem

T+e starting system pro.ides speed to t+e

GT H(<s+a,t to enable ,iring up t+e gas

turbine T+e starter motor is &onne&ted to

t+e H( s+a,t .ia AG%/ TG%/ Radial -ri.e

+a,t and IG% T+e L( s+a,t 'ill turn

automati&ally as t+e air and gas ,lo's

in&rease during t+e start

 All types o, starters &ontain o, a &lut&+ and

t+e a&tual dri.e motor T+e &lut&+ pro.ides

t+e starter motor to disengage '+en its

speed is o.errun by t+e GT speed A part o,

t+e &lut&+ stays turning during t+e GTs

operation and re;uires &ontinuous


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y ; p y

9tarting 9ystem

T+e starting system +as t+e ,ollo'ing tas7sD

K A&&elerate t+e H( rotor to ignition speed

K  Help t+e H( rotor to a&&elerate to sel,<sustaining speed

K -is&onne&t ,rom GT automati&ally

K  -ri.e t+e H( rotor at lo' speed during

'ater 'as+

K  -ri.e t+e H( rotor during slo' roll )&ooldo'n period* in t+e stop pro&edure

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 An MTU Aero Engines Company

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y ; p y

(neumatic 9tarter 

T+e pneumati& starter &an be eit+er supplied

'it+ &ompressed air or &ompressed natural


T+e starter motor &ontains a single stage

a6ial ,lo' turbine '+i&+ t+e dri.e s+a,t

.ia a planetary redu&tion gear and a rat&+et

type<running &lut&+

T+e dis&+arge air or gas is .ented o,,

t+roug+ a s+rouded e6+aust

T+e starter is &onne&ted to t+e GT supply

and s&a.enge oil system


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 An MTU Aero Engines Company

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y ; p y

=ydraulic 9tarter 

T+e +ydrauli& starter &onsists o, a .ariable

displa&ement<type +ydrauli& motor 'it+

piston stro7e &ontrolled by a 'obble plate

-ispla&ement is &ontrolled by .arying t+e

angle o, t+e 'obble plate by means o, a

pressure &ompensator T+e starter is

e;uipped 'it+ an o.errunning &lut&+ to

disengage ,rom GT '+en t+e H( s+a,t

rea&+es /$!! rpm

T+e ma6imum supply pressure is 4$5 bar at

a ,lo' o, #!" l8min

;il in

;il out to reservoir obble (late

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 An MTU Aero Engines Company

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=ydraulic 9tarting 9ystem

T+e +ydrauli& starting system &onsists o, an

o,,<engine starter module and an on<engine

starter motor An E<motor 4 pumps/ a

&ontrollable main pump to supply oil to t+e

starter motor/ a boost pump to ,ill and&ontinuously ,lus+ t+e +ydrauli& system and

a pilot pump ,or main pump &ontroller

pressure T+e boost pump &+arge oil ,lo'

,rom t+e tan7 into t+e H( system on t+e

main pumps su&tion side and .ia a relie,

.al.e ba&7 into t+e reser.oir 9il ,rom main

loop 'ill +eat up and 'ill be returned to t+e

reser.oir .ia an internal relie, .al.e and an

oil &ooler

 A t+ pump is re;uired ,or t+e starter &lut&+

lubri&ation loop '+i&+ is &ommonly operating

'it+ t+e same +ydrauli& oil )not s+o'n in


MTU Maintenance Berlin-Brandenburg

For Training purpose only 

 An MTU Aero Engines Company

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!gnition 9ystem

T+e ignition system &onsists o, t+e ignition

e6&iters/ leads and spar7 igniters/ T+e

purpose is to ignite t+e ,uel<air mi6ture 'it+in

t+e &ombustor during t+e start &y&le

T+e e6&iters operate on 115 2AC $!H>

input and dis&+arge t'o #!/!!! 2-C pulses

per se&ond t+roug+ &oa6ial s+ielded leads to

t+e igniters A # 2-C input .ersion is also


T+e spar7 igniters are a gap ,iring type T+esur,a&e gap 'ill ioni>e at "/5!! .olts T+e

dis&+arge energy is # =oules

T+e ignition system is energi>ed parallel 'it+

energi>ing o, t+e starter )1/#!! < /!! rpm*

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 An MTU Aero Engines Company


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15!"1# LM$!!! %asi& Training 1"#1"#15!"1# LM6000 Basic Training

1. Abbreviations and acronyms

2. Gas turbine basics

. !ntroduction to t"e LM6000

#. Ma$or com%onents o& t"e LM6000

a Lo' (ressure Compressor )L(C*

b Hig+ (ressure Compressor )H(C*

& Combustor

d Hig+ (ressure Turbine )H(T*

e Lo' (ressure Turbine )L(T*

, A&&essory -ri.e )AG%S TG%S IG%*g Engine 0rames )C00/ CR0/ TR0*

+ %earings and umps

'. (arasitic Air )lo*

6. Au+iliary e,ui%ment and system

a Lubri&ation ystem

b 2ariable Geometry ystem

& 0uel/ 3ater and team ystems

d tarting ystem

e Instrumentation

Table o& contents

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 An MTU Aero Engines Company

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!nstrumentation inter&ace

0i.e inter,a&e panels are

pro.ided at LM$!!! GTs

,or &onne&tion o, o,,<engine

signal lines to t+e on<

engine instrumentation

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=( otor 9%eed 9ensors F@2'/

T'o H( rotor speed sensors are lo&ated at

t+e LH side o, t+e AG% T+ese are magneti&

relu&tan&e type sensors/ t+e speed signal is

produ&ed by sensing t+e passing gear teet+

on an AG% spur gear

T+e sensors re;uire gap setting '+en

installed T+e gap is &+e&7ed t+roug+

inspe&tion +oles at t+e ,or'ard side o, t+e

 AG%/ ad=usted by t+reading in or out andse&ured by a lo&7<'ired =amnut T+e

t+reads +a.e to be &oated 'it+ RT2 sili&on

to pro.ide sealing o, t+e AG% sump

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L( otor 9%eed 9ensors F@2/

T'o L( rotor speed sensors are lo&ated at

bot+ L(C stator &ase sides )4 and o&lo&7*

T+ese are eddy &urrent type sensors/ t+e

speed signal is produ&ed by sensing t+e

passing L(C stage ! rotor blades

T+e sensors re;uire gap setting '+en

installed T+e gap is ad=usted by pealing

laminated s+im pa&7s 0or ad=ustment t+e

a.erage stage ! blade tip &learan&e +as tobe determined by measuring ea&+ blade


N# sensors are not used anymore at ne'er

LM$!!! .ersions

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L( otor 9%eed 9ensors F@93/

T'o L( rotor speed sensors are lo&ated at

t+e L(T TR0 T+ese are magneti&

relu&tan&e type sensors/ t+e speed signal is

produ&ed by sensing ring lands o, a slotted

ring installed in ,ront o, t+e No R bearing

inner ra&e

T+e sensors do not re;uire gap setting

 As one o, t+e " slotted ring lands is 'ider/ it

produ&es a stronger pulse '+i&+ &reates a18re. signal t+at &an be used ,or L( rotor

trim balan&ing

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15!"1# LM$!!! %asi& Training 1"1"15!"1# LM6000 Basic Training

om%ressor !nlet 9ensorsT2:(2 and T2':(2'/

0or L( and H( &ompressor inlet

temperatures and pressures t'o &ombined

(8T probes are used T+e L(C<one is

installed in 2IG2 +ousing t+e H(C<one in

t+e C00

T+e (8T sensor probe &ontains a duple6

RT- type temperature sensor 'it+ an

integral lead and a pressure probe 'it+ a

port to &onne&t an o,,<engine pressuretransmitter

T# and T#5 temperatures are mainly

re;uired ,or speed &orre&tions to &ontrol t+e

2G system &omponents

MTU Maintenance Berlin-Brandenburg

For Training purpose only 

 An MTU Aero Engines Company

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om%ressor 3isc"argeTem%erature T/

T+e &ompressor dis&+arge temperature T4

sensor is a dual<element type ?

)&+romel8alumel* t+ermo&ouple 'it+ an

integrated lead Ea&+ element +as a

separate read<out &apability -LE .ersion

use # sensors/ AC .ersions one sensor All

o, t+em are installed at t+e CR0 =ust be+ind

t+e H(C<CR0 ,lange

T+e T4 sensor is re;uired ,or po'erlimitation and ,or ,lame temperature

&al&ulations at -LE .ersions

MTU Maintenance Berlin-Brandenburg

For Training purpose only 

 An MTU Aero Engines Company

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L(T !nlet Tem%eratureT#/

T+ere are eig+t dual<element type ?

)&+romel8alumel* T" t+ermo&ouples T+ere

are # internal t+ermo&ouples in ea&+ sensor

to sense t+e outer and inner temperature

pro,ile/ T+ese # t+ermo&ouples are

&onne&ted in line to gi.e an a.erage

temperature ,or ea&+ sensor T'o ,le6ible

+arnesses/ ea&+ &onne&ted to ,our sensors

are routed to &onne&tors on t+e TR0

inter,a&e panel

T+e " indi.idual temperature readouts are

also used to sense a temperature spread in

t+e +ot gas pat+

MTU Maintenance Berlin-Brandenburg

For Training purpose only 

 An MTU Aero Engines Company

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L(T !nlet (ressure (#/

T+e L(T inlet pressure (" is used ,or

po'er &al&ulation and &omparisons A probe

to sense t+e total pressure is installed

t+roug+ t+e D4! o&lo&7 position port at t+e

,or'ard L(T &ase in t+e same area '+ere

t+e T" probes are lo&ated T+e probe +as

,our ports dire&ted to'ards t+e engine inlet

to enable pressure a.erage sensing o, t+e

'+ole L(T inlet pro,ile T+e probe +ousing

internal mani,old is &oiled to absorb .ibration

and t+ermal gro't+ ,or&es E6ternally t+e

probe +as got a pressure tap to &onne&t an

o,,<engine transmitter or gage

MTU Maintenance Berlin-Brandenburg

For Training purpose only 

 An MTU Aero Engines Company

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15!"1# LM$!!! %asi& Training 111115!"1# LM6000 Basic Training

Lube ;il Tem%erature 9ensors

T+e standard lube system instrumentation

&onsists o, dual<element (T1!! type RT-s

e.en RT-s are installed to measure t+e

 AG%/ TG%<A/ %/ C/ - and E sump s&a.enge

temperatures as 'ell as t+e supply oil


 All RT-s are lo&ated at t+e Lube and

&a.enge (ump mani,olds

MTU Maintenance Berlin-Brandenburg

For Training purpose only 

 An MTU Aero Engines Company

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15!"1# LM$!!! %asi& Training 1#1#15!"1# LM6000 Basic Training

Lube ;il "i% 3etectors

T+e standard lube system &+ip dete&tion

&onsists o, el&tri&8magneti& remote readout

&+ip dete&tors ,or t+e t+rust bearing

&ontaining sumps TG%8A )No1%* and %

sump )No %* as 'ell as in t+e &ommon

s&a.enge return line 9ptional all remaining

sump s&a.enge lines &an also be e;uipped

'it+ &+ip dete&tors All &+ip dete&tors are

t+readed into t+e L pump s&a.enge ,inger

s&reens T+e remote indi&ation 'ill be

a&ti.ated '+en t+e resistan&e a&ross t+e

dete&tor is belo' 1!! o+ms T+e dete&tor

input .oltage is # 2-C at ! mAmps

MTU Maintenance Berlin-Brandenburg

For Training purpose only 

 An MTU Aero Engines Company

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15!"1# LM$!!! %asi& Training 141415!"1# LM6000 Basic Training

7ibration 9ensors

T+e gas turbine is e;uipped 'it+ t'o +ig+

temperature a&&elerometers to dete&t t+e

GT .ibrations Ea&+ sensor monitors t+e

.ibration 'ideband ,re;uen&y T+e t'o

signals 'ill t+en be band ,iltered in t+e

monitoring system ,or bot+ t+e L( and H(

s+a,t ,re;uen&ies T+is &reates .ibration

readings )L( ,or'ard and a,t Q H( ,or'ard

and a,t*

T+e a&&elerometers are 1<a6is pie>oele&tri&

&rystal type '+i&+ produ&e a .oltage output

t+at measures t+e GT .ibrations

MTU Maintenance Berlin-Brandenburg

For Training purpose only 

 An MTU Aero Engines Company

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15!"1# LM$!!! %asi& Training 1115!"1# LM6000 Basic Training

U7 )lame 3etectors

T'o U2<type ,lame dete&tors are pro.ided

'it+ integral leads and air &ooling =a&7ets as

standard e;uipment ,or ,ast indi&ation o,

presen&e or loss o, ,lame in t+e GT

&ombustion system

To sapp+ire .ie'ing 'indo' assemblies

),lame eyes* are installed in t+e CR0 T+e

,lame sensors are positioned radially ,rom

&ombustion se&tion in line 'it+ t+e a6is o,symmetry o, t+e ,lame eyes and dete&t t+e

,lame by sensing t+e U2<radiation T+e

sensors +a.e got a &ooling &an to enable

&ooling 'it+ &ooling air

MTU Maintenance Berlin-Brandenburg

For Training purpose only 

 An MTU Aero Engines Company

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Acoustic 9ensors (F6/

T'o A&ousti& sensors are installed at

LM$!!! -LE .ersions mounted at t+e CR0

&ase T+ese sensors &ontrol and monitor t+e

&ombustor dynami& pressure

T+e a&ousti& sensors are pie>o<ele&tri&

&+arge de.i&es similar to t+e .ibration


Ea&+ sensor +as an integral lead 'it+



Integral Lead


MTU Maintenance Berlin-Brandenburg

For Training purpose only 

 An MTU Aero Engines Company

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Gas Turbine (ressure Ta%s

T+e ,ollo'ing taps are pro.ided ,or o,,<

engine pressure sensing de.i&esD

K at GT lube oil supply line

K at GT lube oil s&a.enge line

K at CR0 ,or C-( )(4*/ 1 at AC/ # at -LE

K at ea&+ ,uel mani,old )gas and li;uid*

K at C00 ,or H(C inlet stati& pressure )(#5*