traduce textos comprensivamente respetando la estructura


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Presentación de PowerPointTraduce textos comprensivamente respetando la estructura gramatical de la lengua inglesa y castellana. .
TITLE Ebenezer’s got knowledge
OBJECTIVES Desarrollar la capacidad de concienciación al crear un proyecto enfocado en el uso de la contextualización general del ingles dentro de nuestra cultura general al habilitar todos los preconceptos vistos en el año para adquirir las competencias necesarias y básicas del grado en el cual curso.
PROJECT RESULTS Crear durante el periodo un listado de competencias según las habilidades de la segunda lengua en donde pueda participar según los temas vistos en clase un jeopardy de preguntas con respuestas para interactuar en modo competencia exponiendo los conocimientos por los tópicos vistos al participar al grupo lo que sabemos y aprendemos según el curso en el que me encuentro.
IN LISTENNING Comprendo información básica sobre temas
relacionados con mis actividades cotidianas y con mi entorno.
Work about the structures which you can understand grammar procedures in order to enhance their production and the writing comprehension.
Do a Project which you can show to the class the ability about this second language in what you learn doing a review and finding the way to solve these gramatical problems to enhance your comprehension y readings.
Carry out all proposed activities during period delivering them on time. How you learn and change with good manner using simple and progressive tenses, articles and comparatives.
Make value judgements, employing the basic information about grammar like subject predicate, complement class of verbs and adverbs.
Demonstrate interest and dedication in the development of project and all the other activities.
I contribute to the good development of Class through my excellent performance and behavior.
My contributions are positive and significant I clarify simple doubts to my colleagues explaining briefly and Simple the theme seen in class.
I demonstrate safety and clarity.
By the first part in your notebook you have to do the exercises taking account what the teacher said and how many questions in multiple choice you have to understand the topics .
IN READING Puedo extraer información general y específica
de un texto corto y escrito en un lenguaje sencillo.
IN WRITING Escribo un texto corto relativo a mí, a mi
familia, mis amigos, mi entorno o sobre hechos que me son familiares.
Utilizo vocabulario adecuado para darle coherencia a mis escritos.
Write and understand in a second language topics like: Past simple Past continuos Adjectives emotions Sports-do-play-ing Possesives Adjectives Modal verbs. By the second part you
have to do the resources in the correct order to so a contest inside the classroom between your classmates and you.
IN MONOLOGUES Narro o describo de forma sencilla hechos y
actividades que me son familiares.
Enhance the pragmatic and linguistic procedures in order to recognize and diference each structure. .
IN CONVERSATION Respondo con frases cortas a preguntas sencillas sobre temas que me son familiares.
Intellectual activity 1
Intellectual activity 2
Intellectual activity 3
Intellectual activity 4
Volitive activity 1
Volitive activity 2
Psychomotor activity 1
Psychomotor activity 2
Spiritual activity 1
Affective activity 1
Desarrollar la capacidad de concienciación al crear un proyecto enfocado en el uso de la contextualización general del ingles dentro de nuestra cultura general al habilitar todos los preconceptos vistos en el año para adquirir las competencias necesarias y básicas del grado en el cual curso.
• IN LISTENING: I comprehend the general meaning from oral texts. • IN READING: I can identify key words within the text allowing me to understand the general meaning. I use different strategies for reading
comprehension related to purpose and type of text. • IN WRITING: I express values from other cultures. I structure my texts taking into account key elements like punctuation, grammar, syntax and
coherence. • IN MONOLOGUES: I make oral presentations about interesting topics that are familiar to me. • IN CONVERSATION: I participate spontaneously in conversations about topics that are related to my interests using simple and clear language
I can initiate a topic of conversation and be attentive from others. My speech is clear and coherent.
Soy hábil aplicando la gramática y diferenciando las partes de la oración, construyendo pequeños textos entendiendo su contexto.
Identifica en un texto la gramática propuesta para el periodo. Partes de la oración y tiene claro el vocabulario sobre el tema del periodo. Processes of cell division in living beings
Poseo la capacidad de concienciación al aplicar textos referente al tema propuesto en el periodo.
There are two essential competences we will be developing in this Period.
• Linguistic: it usually permits the development of Grammar as important aspect in the student learning. It means, Vocabulary about the peace treatment and it has in order to work the topics what the students need to learn.
For the written works take into account the order, the application of the grammar its structure, the vocabulary must be clear, there should be no translations in Spanish, handle the application of images
You should read the guide completely. Answer the initial evaluation. Id very important you attitude in class Make a sentences in order affirmative,
question and answer in the negative and affirmative form. Take into account the vocabulary and grammar seen during the period
Must submit the written works in an orderly manner, taking into account the ICONTEC standards. You must use images to accompany the text. It must be brief and concrete in
its arguments.
Debes realizar una cartelera en donde expliques la biografía en ingles de un personaje de tu agrado usando oraciones para armar un mapa conceptual con características
Debes realizar una cartilla de talentos de la persona que escogiste para la biografía en donde a través de un mentefacto conceptual muestras en tu cuaderno las habilidades de la persona en ingles.
Debes realizar un mentefacto procedimental usando una semana del periodo pasado entendiendo primero como se hace un mentefacto procedimental en ingles en tu cuaderno.
Debes realizar una 15 oraciones en pasado simple con los verbos que el profesor indique en clase de las tres formas correspondientes afirmativa negativa e interrogativa, de la misma forma horas otras 15 pero esta vez usando el pasado continuo.
Debes realizar una lamina en opalina 20 oraciones conectando pasado simple y pasado continuo usando los conectores while y when
English is a West Germanic language that originated from Anglo-Frisian dialects brought to Britain in the mid-5th to 7th centuries AD by Germanic invaders and settlers from what is now northwest Germany, west Denmark and the Netherlands.
WHO ? By the time of William Shakespeare (mid-16th - early 17th century),[18] the language had become clearly recognizable as Modern English. In 1604, the first English dictionary was published, the Table Alphabeticall.
The Olympic Games (Ancient Greek: λμπια Olympia, "the Olympics" also Ancient Greek:
λυμπις Olympias [4][5][6][7] "the Olympiad“. were a series of athletic competitions among representatives of city-states and one of the
Panhellenic Games of Ancient Greece. They were held in honor of Zeus, and the Greeks gave them a
mythological origin. The first Olympics is traditionally dated to 776 BC.[8] They continued to
be celebrated when Greece came under Roman rule, until the emperor Theodosius I suppressed
them in 393 AD as part of the campaign to impose Christianity as the State religion of Rome. The games were held every four years, or Olympia,
which became a unit of time in historical chronologies.
Adjectives emotions
INTELLECTUAL FORMATION Key words Write in your notebook the concepts.
Sentences Adjectives Sports Modal verbs Subjet Readings
Past simple Emotions Play Offer Pronouns Comprehension
Past continuous
Conectors while - when
Past simple grammar
Exercise Do the sentences in past and pass them to negative and interrogative..
1. Last night I (go) to the cinema. 2. I (decide) to go with my sister. 3. We (see) A Little Princess. 4. I (not know) it (be ) a sad story. 5. We (cry) a lot but my younger sister not (cry) because she (think) it (be) a stupid story. 6. Marylin Monroe (have) a poor childhood and (spend) years in children's homes because her mother (be) mentally ill. 7. Norma Jean (work) in a factory with her husband, an aircraft mechanic. 8. One day a photographer (take) a photograph of her and she (begin) to appear in magazines. 9. A little later, she (change) her name and (become) a big star. She (make) many famous films including one of the most
famous films in history.
Go to the following links and solve the exercises in your notebook
When and while uses
Go to the following page and do the following exercises in your notebook: Remember do the same Sentences in negative and interrogative. Spanish and English.
Solve the exercises and change them into Spanish too. Remember use your notebook for doing them.
• Do the exercises for the following links and translate them into Spanish in your notebook:
• 2/exercise-english-85753.php
Its .….. Su, sus (de animales o cosas).
Our …… Nuestro (a/os/as).
Your .….. Su, sus (de ustedes).
Their … Su, sus (de ellos).
Possessive adjectives refer to the holder and not to the thing possessed. Usually precede nouns (Nouns). Possessive adjectives in English are:
Demonstrative Adjectives
Demonstrative adjectives are used to determine the distance or position of things.
Este (a) ……This Ese (a) Aquella …… That Estos (as) …These Esos (as) Aquellas ….. Those.
For this project we will do it in the following way to the extent that through the weeks are completed the following steps:
A) Taking in account the topics do a review and in a summary write in your notebook 60 questions which you have to consider for a competition with multiple choice.
B)After that and the teacher check the task you have to make cards in order o check the questions an in the back part the answers (opalina and laminated).
C) Finally the project will be evaluated in a competition.
To do this project’s part you have to think in what are you going to ask taking in account the teacher at the end of the week is going to evaluate what you did in your notebook.
To continue this project and you have the check by the teacher you have to do the flashcards for do a game in a contest way to participate in the classroom.
For this achievement rate shall be taken into account during the period: 1. Excellent behavior inside and outside the classroom. 2. Agenda with all the devotional period. 3. Each must have its corresponding drawing or image and describe 10 pictures using the tenses about the peace treatment in Colombia. 4. Respect for himself and his companions. 5. Punctuality. 6. Collaboration in activities within the school.
Write each emotion and write their english concept, you have to draw a face with each feeling.
For the second part you have to do a power point which you write in a paragraph for about 10 lines when did you feel in this way and add pictures if you have to speak english to the teacher.
Teniendo en cuenta los siguientes criterios de evaluación de: (S) Siempre, (F) frecuentemente, (CN) Casi nunca y (N) Nunca, marca con una X la columna que corresponde a tu criterio, según lo aprendido:
Intelectual Poseo capacidad lingüística al identificar
correctamente palabras y expresiones sencillas en un
contexto determinado en la lengua inglesa.
Psicomotor Soy hábil desarrollando la capacidad lingüística, ubicando correctamente palabras y expresiones sencillas de la lengua inglesa en un contexto indicado.
Volitivo Sustento mi actividad volitiva al elaborar todas las actividades propuestas en su momento y a su hora haciendo aportes a mi propio desarrollo.
Afectivo Soy colaborador al elaborar todas las actividades
propuestas y ayudar a mis compañeros que tengan
dificultades en los temas que yo conceptualizo.
Espiritual Sustento mi actividad espiritual al mantener buenas
relaciones interpersonales con mis compañeros de
clase, con mis superiores así como con todo mi
entorno en el colegio.
Padre de familia, favor diligenciar el siguiente cuadro para conocer su opinión respecto a los aspectos mostrados por su hijo/a durante el desarrollo del tema, en el periodo. Su opinión es muy importante para nosotros, pues nos ayuda a fortalecer el proceso de formación de los estudiantes.
Aspectos internos Aspectos externos FORTALEZAS OPORTUNIDADES