trade lifecycle management with tibco business events and tibco iprocess

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  • 8/6/2019 Trade Lifecycle Management With TIBCO Business Events and TIBCO iProcess


    Sudhir Gupta


    Banking and FinancialPractice

    Cognizant TechnologySolutions

    Trade Lifecycle ManagementUsing TIBCO Event Fabric


    Deb Ghosh

    Principal Architect,

    TIBCO Quantum Leap

  • 8/6/2019 Trade Lifecycle Management With TIBCO Business Events and TIBCO iProcess



    Introducing the TIBCO Event Fabric

    Predictive Trade Lifecycle Management

    Growth of Trade Volumes and the Need to Reduce Cost

    Why do Trades Fail and Cost of a Fail

    Fail Management Process

    Trade Lifecycle Management using TIBCO Event Fabric


    Solution Architecture

    Key Differentiators

  • 8/6/2019 Trade Lifecycle Management With TIBCO Business Events and TIBCO iProcess


    Introducing the TIBCO Event Fabric

  • 8/6/2019 Trade Lifecycle Management With TIBCO Business Events and TIBCO iProcess


    The TIBCO Event Fabric Platform An executive summary

    Decision problems are everywhere Manage risk including Compliance and Regulatory requirements

    Perform multi-product real-time integrated Fraud/Financial Crime management

    Monetize the huge un-tapped opportunity in Inbound Customer Interaction bypresenting the Next Best Move associated with the specific customer in Real time.

    Classic decision architectures however are sub-optimal in the ability to react in

    (near) real-time and handle the associated challenges of scale and availability

    TIBCO Event Fabric uses a unique high speed Event Correlation technologythat

    Significantly reduce latency and helps operationalize decision platforms in real-time

    Scales and performs significantly better than classical technology

    Non-intrusive, operated by business user, extremely quick time to production

    Proven to have significant impact on Revenue growth, churn control, all riskbased losses and revenue leakage etc

  • 8/6/2019 Trade Lifecycle Management With TIBCO Business Events and TIBCO iProcess


    Whats the Problem in Current Decision Architectures?

    Silo Oriented evolution most infrastructure has grown in (silos)

    Multiple application/ multiple channels

    Multiple reference masters

    Things get exponentially more complex with M&A is added to the mix

    Huge Data Latency also called the Knowledge-Data divide

    Front-end systems (channel systems) are rich in transactional capability, but poorin end-end customer knowledge and context around the specific customerinteractions

    Back-end Data-warehouse/Business Intelligence tools have the exactly oppositeproblem

    Closed Loop there is no easy way to take a full circle from the discovery toaction

    Time to production a new insight takes a long time to put to production

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  • 8/6/2019 Trade Lifecycle Management With TIBCO Business Events and TIBCO iProcess


    TIBCO has perfected a technology that is in its 3rd generation now to solvethis (and other similar) problems. The technology is called

    TIBCO Event Fabric Platform

    Taps events from any source within the enterprise (and extended eco-system)

    Correlates (real-time) events with historical information to infer and predictnext best move next best offer/next best service/risk level to a trade

    The platform is closed looped with identification of the next best opportunity(Business Situational Analytics) and closing it with full life cycle beingmanaged

    Some of the biggest banks in the world have applied this platform capabilities

    to a variety of use cases like Predictive Next Best Offer the holy grail ofOrganic customer acquisition, retention and cross-sell/up-sell

  • 8/6/2019 Trade Lifecycle Management With TIBCO Business Events and TIBCO iProcess


    TIBCO Event Fabric Architecture

    Txn System Txn System Txn System Txn System

    Business Process Management

    Enterprise Service Bus/SOA


    Reference Masters


    Analytics DWH/BI

    Newly leveraged Use Cases

    Traditional Use-Cases

    High performance Event Correlation

    Operational Data - Memory optimized images

    Business Situational Analysis

    Rules & Inference

    TIBCO Event Fabric

    Non Intrusive

    First Generation

    (Not part of




    GenerationAccount Opening

    Channel Integration

    Predictive Cross-Sell/Up-sell

    Multi-channel Customer Experience

    Fraud/Compliance/AML and Ops Risk Platform

    Dynamic Offer Management



    Classic Fabric

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    Predictive Trade Lifecycle


  • 8/6/2019 Trade Lifecycle Management With TIBCO Business Events and TIBCO iProcess


    Growth of Trade Volumes






    in $


    01 02 03 04 05 06 07


    Value of Transactions cleared & Settled at DTCC

    Source: DTCC website

    Ever increasing trade volumeshave increased the stress on tradeand settlement systems that werealready under duress due to

    factors like Increasing settlement attributes, new

    regulated exchanges, ECNs, ATSs etc










    in $ trillion

    Dec- 01 Dec- 06

    Cross border holdings US - Rest of the world

    Foreign stocks & bonds

    held by US Citizens

    US stocks & bonds

    held by rest of the world

    Increase in cross border trades hasadded to the complexity of trade andsettlement cycle

    Possibility of these trades failing is higherdue to higher number of intermediaries

    and additional parameters like time zonesand exchange rates

    Higher chance of parties havingincompatible views on the terms of a trade










    01 02 03 04 05 06 07


    Avg Daily Volume at National

    Securities Clearing Corporation

    Source: DTCC

  • 8/6/2019 Trade Lifecycle Management With TIBCO Business Events and TIBCO iProcess


    Need to Reduce Costs

    Trading bonds and equities for customers is now a

    commodity business for Investments Banks, hence it has

    become imperative for them to cut costs in processing trades

    Estimates suggest more than a quarter of Wall Street

    institutions have a trade fail rate between15-20%

    Managing the cost of trade processing by effective failsmanagement can be an important lever in controlling costs

  • 8/6/2019 Trade Lifecycle Management With TIBCO Business Events and TIBCO iProcess


    Why do Trades Fail?

    Typical reasons for trade failures

    Lack of shares with counterparty


    Economic issues parties disagree on traded values Disagreement on delivery mode FOP vs. DVP

    Operational issues

    Typical large Investment bank - Equity trading for North America

    0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

    Weekly trading value

    Value of trades that settle by the value date

    Value of trades that settle post value date

    Value of trades that get cancelled



    in $ billion

  • 8/6/2019 Trade Lifecycle Management With TIBCO Business Events and TIBCO iProcess


    Cost of a Fail

    Seller loses the time value of the invoice price over the interval of

    the fail

    A fail exposes both the buyer and the seller to replacement cost


    The buyer faces the risk that the seller becomes insolvent before

    settlement and that the price of the security increases prior to the

    sellers insolvency

    The seller faces the risk that the buyer becomes insolvent and that theprice of the security declines prior to the buyers insolvency

    Prospect of a fail drive the participants to devote resources to

    monitoring and controlling of counterparty exposure and could, in

    an extreme case, lead them to limit their secondary-market


  • 8/6/2019 Trade Lifecycle Management With TIBCO Business Events and TIBCO iProcess


    Fails Management Process How it works?

    Trade and settlements systemsprovide mechanisms to operations

    team for monitoring trades

    These systems also provide the

    operations team with relevant datato analyze the reasons of failure

    and to guide them through next


    Failures are addressed by a

    combination of technology, manuallogistics and smart-sourcing initiatives

    Steps to resolve an issue will vary depending on the nature and

    complexity of the fail

    Resolving a complex case is a multi-step process spanning multiplechannels of communication to match the information and settle the trade

  • 8/6/2019 Trade Lifecycle Management With TIBCO Business Events and TIBCO iProcess


    Fails Management Process What are the Challenges?

    Nuances in Fails Management process are driven by a number offactors

    A landscape of large number of disparate systems and the integration

    requirements among these systems Involvement of multiple parties across locations and geographies

    Trades are initiated through multiple channels, not always possible tovalidate the trade data with the counterparty

    Some of these nuances are more pronounced in case of crossborder trades

    As number intermediaries involved increases so does the probabilityof incompatible views on assumptions and practices involving thesettlement mechanism and timing

    Differences can be on applicable costs, taxes, risk appropriation etc

  • 8/6/2019 Trade Lifecycle Management With TIBCO Business Events and TIBCO iProcess



    We can detect trades that are at the highest risk of failure

    and as they move in the life-cycle we can continuously

    and in real-time predict the probability of a breakBEFORE it actually breaks?

  • 8/6/2019 Trade Lifecycle Management With TIBCO Business Events and TIBCO iProcess


    We introduce a unique solution platform to address that

    goal a Predictive Trade Lifecycle Management

    Platform powered by TIBCO Event Fabric

  • 8/6/2019 Trade Lifecycle Management With TIBCO Business Events and TIBCO iProcess


    What TIBCO Event Fabric Platform can offer?

    TIBCO Event Fabric platform based solution can address the Fails

    Management problem

    Event probes bring in events from the trading ecosystem (trading

    systems, reference stores, financial markets) and are represented as aasynchronous event cloud from which IT systems have to filter out

    relevant information

    Complex Event Processing capabilities of TIBCO Business Events can

    be used to co-relate asynchronous events that may help predict trade

    failure before the trade actually fails

    Business Process Management capabilities allow easy follow up of the

    targeted cases from the Predictive platform significantly improving the

    accuracy of trade processing

  • 8/6/2019 Trade Lifecycle Management With TIBCO Business Events and TIBCO iProcess


    How Complex Event Processing Works

    Identify parameters on which tradesneed to be monitored

    This is achieved by rule basedfiltering

    Rules are based on historical trends

    Trades thus identified areinstantiated in memory - theybecome part of the state machine

    Trades in state machine/ memory are monitored This would be a a subset of all trades

    Another independent event occurs somewhere in the ecosystem

    It gets fed into TIBCO Event Fabric Platform

    Gets co-related with one or more trades in state machine, it is identified asa potential fail and is forwarded to the operations team for follow up

  • 8/6/2019 Trade Lifecycle Management With TIBCO Business Events and TIBCO iProcess


    Complex Event Processing in Fails Management

    Fails Management is an ideal candidate for Complex EventsProcessing (CEP)

    Number of different parameters can impact the outcome of a trade

    These parameters can be dependent on number of asynchronousevents

    Traditional BPM solutions can not be used to co-relate these

    asynchronous events by simply defining rules

    CEP solution can be used to monitor trades so as to ascertain impact

    of various events and their relation with various trade parameters

  • 8/6/2019 Trade Lifecycle Management With TIBCO Business Events and TIBCO iProcess


    BPM in Fails Management

    Fails Management provides an ideal landscape for a BPM solution Improves the turn around time and accuracy

    Provides a clear visibility of fails issues, with granularity on fails reason toenable root cause analysis

    Highlights ownership of issues and provides detailed audit history onexceptions

    Provides automated complex allocation rules for routing exceptions by

    region and business group enforcing ownership

    Provides automated exception and trade prioritization based on

    transaction characteristics and timing

  • 8/6/2019 Trade Lifecycle Management With TIBCO Business Events and TIBCO iProcess


    Typical Fails Management Scenario

    Traditional flow vs. CEP solution based on TIBCO Event Fabric Platform

  • 8/6/2019 Trade Lifecycle Management With TIBCO Business Events and TIBCO iProcess


    Solution Architecture

  • 8/6/2019 Trade Lifecycle Management With TIBCO Business Events and TIBCO iProcess


    Conceptual Architecture



    Situation Designer

    Reasoning (Temporal/Spatial)

    Correlation Engine

    Event Grid

    State Machine

    Ref Data HistoricalSupport (Network,

    DB etc)STP (Existing)



  • 8/6/2019 Trade Lifecycle Management With TIBCO Business Events and TIBCO iProcess


    Solution Architecture

  • 8/6/2019 Trade Lifecycle Management With TIBCO Business Events and TIBCO iProcess


    Key Differentiators

    Traditional solutions in this space are reactive with latencysometimes having a significant down-side on bottom-line

    TIBCO Event Fabric Platform based solution is a pro-activePREDICTIVE solution

    Actions initiated in advance can alter the outcome for better having

    The granularity of treatment is event and not just data

    This solution provides the ability to co-relate asynchronous eventswith historical data in real-time to predict likely events

    Ordinary rules engine falls short

    The platform provides powerful state machines out of the box

    Provides the ability to monitor at-risk trades continuously assessing theimpact of events in the ecosystem

    Extremely scalable architecture

    Not database-centric, uses distributed cache

    Runs on distributed blade class platforms

  • 8/6/2019 Trade Lifecycle Management With TIBCO Business Events and TIBCO iProcess


    Thank You