trackrecord: issue - june2010

Ecclestone Meets Qi-Meritus Chairman Dato’ Vijay Eswaran 2010 FIRHAT – THE MAN WITH THE MIDAS TOUCH page 6-9 Malaysian Prime Minister Praises Meritus-GP2 1st Formula BMW Pacific takes off

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Profile and Motorsport. Meritus is a multi-dimensional motorsport services company with a winning culture of race-engineering success in Europe, Asia Pacific and the Middle East. Our team motto is ‘Creating International Motorsport Heroes’ by supporting and training young drivers to achieve their dreams in the high-tech business of international motorsport.


Ecclestone Meets Qi-Meritus Chairman Dato’ Vijay Eswaran


Firhat – the man with the midas touch page 6-9

Malaysian Prime Minister Praises Meritus-GP2 1st

Formula BMW Pacific takes off

2 Track Record 2010


‘Creating International Motorsport Heroes’

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‘Creating International Motorsport Heroes’

Championship Winning Motorsport Teams

4 Track Record 2010


6-9 Firhat – The man with the Midas touch

10-13 Meritus gearing for fast track

14 Meritus grand prix honoured by visits

18-19 Afiq knows it can only get better

20-21 Dustin has learnt his lesson

22-23 Pasin has found his footing

24-26 Colombian ace Tunjo driven to be champion after PM visit

27 Filippi savours his moment in the spotlight

31 Interview with GP2 CEO Bruno Michel

32 Raad: No reason we can’t be in F1 in 2016

34 F1? It’s only a matter of time

35 Questnet’s GP2 Asia team thrills fans in Bahrain

36 lifted by Malaysia Ambassadors’ support




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Meritus is a multi-dimensional motorsport services company with a winning culture of race-engineering

success in Europe, Asia Pacific and the Middle East.

Our team motto is ‘Creating International Motorsport Heroes’ by supporting and training young drivers to achieve their dreams in the high-tech business of international motorsport.

In keeping with our team brand Meritus, from the Latin meritum meaning ‘to obtain a lot,’ our objective is to provide our advertising-partners with the excellence and

resources they require in order to generate a ten-fold return on their advertising investment. The team’s culture ‘Winning is Business’ comes from the Chinese translation of our word-brand Meritus. “Wan Li Da, means Winning comes First – even if the effort takes 100,000 miles”.

Meritus has proven that success does indeed flow from consistent hard work, dedication, professionalism, technological leadership and, above all, the culture and development of talent.

We are proud of all our drivers and the Meritus hall of fame includes our F1 heroes.

In a team sport where only one person collects the award, the brand Merit-us also gives recognition to our sponsors, our engineering staff and our winning dynamics.

When Meritus is included with the sponsor brand it has the effect of enhancing and adding merit to the team brand.

Merit is indeed at the core of Meritus, and the team’s red colour scheme reflects the warmth, the passion, the efficiency, the culture and dedication that flows through the heart of the team. Anthropologists have proven that wearing the colour red provides an unfair sporting advantage! M

What stands for

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6 Track Record 2010


Firhat – the man with the Midas touch

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Firhat Mokhzani is no stranger to success. The owner of Meritus Grand Prix, Asia’s most successful motorsports team, has been behind every one of the team’s 34 international titles in the past

13 years. As head of driver development, it is up to Firhat to shape the lives of the boys and men who will bring success to the team.

As a driver, Firhat showed much talent but unluckily for him, didn’t have an elder version of himself who could guide him higher up the racing ladder. Nonetheless, he is quite content with his career and takes great pleasure in unearthing the latest diamond for Meritus.

Firhat’s love affair with motorsports began when he was still a toddler. His late father was a car enthusiast who subscribed to many motorsports magazines. Inevitably, the very first articles Firhat picked up when he first learnt to read were from motorsports magazines

“My dad loved cars and was very active with my uncles in competitive sailing and I guess I got my love of the sport from him. There would always be motorsports magazines lying around the house and I used to read every one of them from the time I could read,” recalled the 36-year-old Firhat, who is married with two children.

“As I reached adulthood, I knew this was the industry I wanted to be involved in. I was fortunate to further my education in boarding school in England, following which I obtained my law degree. It was during this time that I made contact with Peter Thompson and we decided to be partners not long after. Although I’m busy working on the other side of the fence now ñ preparing young talent for life in the fast lane ñ I still race occasionally.

“I’ve been pretty much involved in every domestic touring car series since the late 1990s competing in at least one of the seasons in every series. I have also taken

Firhat – the man with the Midas touch

My dad loved cars and was very active with my uncles in competitive sailing and I guess I got my love of the sport from him. There would always be motorsports magazines lying around the house and I used to read every one of them from the time I could read.”

8 Track Record 2010


part in the every Merdeka Millennium Endurance (MME) race since the beginning in 2000, winning the Class C category that year and the overall championship three years later.”

Firhat’s roots go back to the late 1980s where he was competing in the Proton Championship scoring several wins and setting numerous lap records. 2001 was a good year as I scored five wins and six podiums in seven race starts. “Event conflicts with Meritus meant I could never do all the rounds of a Series, sadly”

Firhat was also a winner of the Proton 300KM Merdeka Race in 1999.

“SIC still owe me a Proton car for winning that race! I was declared the winner but never got the prize as there was some problems with the timing. Maybe they’ll give it to me this year, though I won’t hold my breath” joked Firhat, who named Michael Schumacher as his all-time favourite driver.

“I will definitely compete in this year’s MME but have yet to decide in which category. I’ve had good success in the event between 2000 to 2007, winning overall and in Class C as well as having five podiums. Although I’m not racing full time, the competitive fire still burns brightly.

“I’m looking at racing in the 2 litre category of the Super Series this year as it

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will be very competitive due to the presence of the Macau Touring Car competitors. I expect 30 cars will be on the grid and I love racing in big grids. I had a lot of success in the JPM Integra Championship in 2007 with three wins, five podiums and the lap record so I know the car well. The Super 1600 Series last year was big fun for me last year even though I couldn’t do all the rounds, it was great to score wins, podiums and the lap record. Hopefully there are no conflicts in this year’s Super Series for me.”

Asked which events gave him the most thrills in his racing career, Firhat had a simple yet, honest answer: “All of them were special in their own ways but I would say the ones which gave me the most thrills were the ones which offered the biggest prize money!”

Away from the track, he is busy preparing Meritus-GP for their next big step ñ racing in the main GP2 series in Europe.

Having conquered Formula BMW where the team have won seven straight team titles, and earlier this year becoming the first Asia team to win a GP2 race when Luca Filippi won the Bahrain GP2 Asia race, Firhat knows the time is right to take the team to the next level.

“On the back of our success in winning seven consecutive Formula BMW team championships and second place in the

drivers’ standings in GP2 Asia, we now plan to move into the main series for the 2011 season. We are now working on applying for a license to race in the main series,” said Firhat.

“As a development championship for F1, with 26 identical cars, the level of competition is among the toughest in motorsports. It’s not unusual for eight cars to be within 0.25s in qualifying. Our challenge is to get the same amount of success in this category as we have had in other categories Meritus-GP have been involved in. It is going to be difficult but I think we are up to it.”

He admitted he didn’t expect Meritus-GP to grow so fast or be so successful. Having started out in 1999 with just two cars, the team now run six ñ four in Formula BMW and another two in GP2 Asia ñ with plans for a further two in the main GP2 series.

Firhat has also grown as a team manager-cum-owner since first taking tentative steps into running a team.

“I was thrown into the deep end when I became a manager in 1999” he recalled.

“I had to be wary of a few characters but steadily, the team has grown in terms of performance, size and turn over. Finishing second in the GP2 Asia drivers’ standings and fourth in the team competition in 2009-2010 season has proved to the world that this

little Malaysian company has come a long way and we are now ready to make the step up to the next level.”

That next level is of course in Europe and Firhat and Meritus-GP have received the highest possible encouragement as Malaysian Prime Minister YAB Dato’ Seri Mohd Najib Bin Tun Haji Abdul Razak has shown his support for the team.

Meritus-GP were the only Formula BMW team the PM visited at the Malaysian Formula 1 Grand Prix in April. During his stopover, Firhat also presented Dato’ Seri Najib with Filippi’s winning trophy.

“I am honoured that our Prime Minister took the time to come to our garage before going on see the Formula 1 teams. It was an amazing experience for the team, drivers and I to have the most important man in the country dropping by.

“Dato’ Seri had lots of kind words to say about the successful way Meritus-GP have represented Malaysia abroad and he was full of encouragement for our future endeavours. He also spend some time talking to all our drivers, including our Malaysian talent, Mohd Afiq Ikhwan.

“It was a big boost for Afiq and I hope the meeting will drive him on to better success in this season’s Formula BMW Series.”

The future certainly looks bright for both Firhat and Meritus-GP. M

I am honoured that our Prime Minister took the time to come to our garage before going on see the Formula 1 teams. It was an amazing experience for the team, drivers and I to have the most important man in the country dropping by. Dato’ Seri had lots of kind words to say about the successful way Meritus-GP have represented Malaysia abroad and he was full of encouragement for our future endeavours.”

10 Track Record 2010


TR Tell us a little about yourself. Peter Thompson (PT): I’ve been in motorsports for over 25 years. I started off in Ireland, initiating TMC Sports Cars, designing and building high performance cars. The company was sold to Dan Panoz in 1988 and is now widely known as Panoz. We’ve recorded wins from Anthony Reid in the 1989 Formula Open Lotus followed by Formula Open Lotus team championship a year later. In 1995 we came to Asia and found potential in Malaysia. There was no turning back since as we went on to clinch 34 titles with 13 of them being in Formula BMW – seven straight team crowns and six drivers’ titles. We also won the Formula V6 Asia in 2007 and 2008.

TR: What made you choose Malaysia? PT: I can see it happening here. You have great facilities and Sepang is right smack in the racing crossroads of Asia and Europe.

TR: Why F1? PT: It has always been our ultimate goal to develop our set-up to F1 standards. We graduated from every rank of racing events and F1 is a target. We aren’t going to be ready tomorrow or next year but we’ve set 2016 as the date. Why 2016? By then we hope to have a fully Malaysian technology centre operational with Malaysian engineers to develop and train working on the project. People can pump in US$150 million (RM526.9) for a year or two. You can’t buy results in this industry. Our vision is to turn the business into a sustainable Malaysian motorsports industry.

TR: Tell us about the industry you speak about.PT: I want Malaysia to be seen as a hub when it comes to manufacturing parts and providing well-trained technical teams.

There are factories here who can manufacture racing parts and we would

Meritus gearing for fast trackHAVING been in the industry for over 25 years,

MERITUS GRAND PRIX founder and business development

director Peter Thompson has seen it all. The Malaysian-based

team, who first announced its ambition to race in F1 by 2016

three years ago, however, has a more ambitious plan — to

initiate a thriving motorsport industry — from training

technical personnel to building race cars — in Malaysia.

He shares his thoughts with Track Record

“That (F1) has always been our ultimate goal. We graduated from every rank of racing events and F1 is the target. We aren’t going in tomorrow or next year but we’ve set 2016 as the date...”

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like to work with them and ultimately supply our very own production of racing cars. We have been working on a blueprint for our first model and it should be ready later this year. You can be in F1 for a year, or maybe more, but when you start building cars, you create an industry and open an opportunity for the masses.

TR: Will you be seeking funds from the government? PT: We’re looking at the government, government-linked companies and other potential parties but nothing is concrete

yet. This is a project which can also see governments working with each other. Esso works with Toyota (F1 team) in exchange for Japan to invest in America. We could also be looking at funding by foreign companies as well.

We’ve already spent RM50 million in operations in Malaysia since 1996 and have interest here. We’re not walking away tomorrow.

We’ve survived three economic crises and yet we are here. What I’m saying is that we’re committed with Malaysia and we’re not going anywhere.

12 Track Record 2010


TR: Meritus has succeeded in winning a race in GP2 Asia. There plan is to move to the main series in 2011, if a license is granted. Who are the potential drivers?PT: Obviously, we are delighted Luca Filippi won the team’s first ever GP2 Asia race in March. He also finished second in the Drivers’ Championship. We would love to keep him but there have been interest from some Formula 1 teams.

We are keeping our eyes open but it is still too early to mention names. We would be happy to be part of GP Europe and have even received positive response from GP2 CEO Bruno Michel, who has invited us to apply for a license

TR: There have been comments saying that teams like yours have no right demanding money from the government where the tax-payer’s money can be put to better use. Your comments? PT: Such comments are very uneducated. If the government puts up a tourism billboard in downtown Bahrain, it will be viewed by 47,000 eyes. Where as in F1, millions watch us race. For the same investment isn’t the exposure bigger? People will watch the race live and the delayed telecast as well.

Sports reports will carry pictures of the car. You put a billboard only for it to be battered by the rain and shine and lose its appeal over months. The return of investment for any potential sponsor is surely huge. In Qatar, we brought 5,000 guests for the MotoGP. We also brought 7,000 of our sponsors and guests during our races in the Middle East.

TR: Why so much of attention towards the Middle East? PT: Look around you. Take a look at how many Middle East tourists visit Malaysia. That’s branding for the country and we’ve been doing just that. Also, the GP2 is quite a hit in the Middle East.

TR: Since Meritus is all about being a Malaysian team, which local driver do you foresee driving for Meritus if you join F1? PT: Yes Meritus is a Malaysian team and it’ll be that way. I would like to see the day when Bahasa Malaysia will be the official language in the pits and for the team.

We have a number of capable local drivers. The younger few include Jazeman (Firhan Jaafar) and Nik Iruwan (Nik Izani) and there’s Fairuz (Fauzy), who is a test driver with Lotus.

It’s not about having a local driver as we want to promote the country abroad and what better way then to have a foreign driver racing for a Malaysian team. The exposure will be even greater.

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“We will help turn Sepang into a larger Asian motorsports hub. In England, the motorsports industry is worth £2 billion and hires about 300,000 people. If we can do a quarter of that, it would be quite an achievement.”

TR: Would Meritus be looking at setting up a factory or perhaps a university for motoring? PT: A university sounds good but that’s not in the near future. We’re looking at establishing a centre where trained mechanics will receive proper training in high performance vehicles. There’s also compiling of data.

We could set up somewhere else first before establishing a centre near the Sepang International Circuit. We’re not going to spend money on stu ff which we can already get in Malaysia.

Perhaps we’re looking at getting simulators and on racing engineering equipments. Our dream is F1 but look here, we want to start an industry where we make parts for cars, and not just building cars. Right now every time we crash the car, we end up paying a huge amount of money. If we make our own stu ff, it’ll be at least 30 percent cheaper than those made by the Europeans.

We will help turn Sepang into a larger Asian motorsports hub. In England, the motorsports industry is worth £5 billion and hires about 300,000 people. If we can do a quarter of that, it would be quite an achievement. M

14 Track Record 2010


Malaysian Prime Minister YAB Dato Seri Mohd Najib Bin Tun Haji Abdul Razak took time off his busy schedule to visit Asia’s most

successful motorsports teams MERITUS GRAND PRIX at the Sepang International Circuit on April 4.

Dato Seri Naji, who toured the team’s garage, congratulated the Malaysian team for its historic achievement of becoming the first Asian team to win a GP2 race in March. He also praised the team for the team for its efforts in promoting the country’s name through motorsports. Meritus GP has won an incredible 34 titles in 13 seasons of racing across Asia.

MERITUS-GP owner and head of driver development, Firhat Mokhzani, greeted the Premier, who was accompanied by FOM president, Bernie Ecclestone, Youth and Sports Minister YB Datuk Ahmad Shabery Cheek, SIC chairman Datuk Mokhzani Tun Mahathir and SIC CEO Razlan Razali.

Firhat also presented YAB Dato Seri Najib with the trophy MERITUS-GP driver Luca Bahrain won for winning the Bahrain GP in March and together with team President, Peter Thompson, gave the premier a model of the GP2 Asia car.

YAB Dato Seri Mohd Najib, who also toured the MERITUS-GP pit said: “I congratulate the team for all its successes and I will make sure this GP2 Asia trophy

Meritus grand prix honoured by visits

Chairman Datuk Vijay Eswaran, Executive Chairman Qi Group of Companies.

Earlier in the week, Deputy Prime Minister YAB Tan Sri Dato’ Muhyiddin bin Haji Mohd Yassin was the guest of honour at the team’s Formula BMW Pacific Series launch.

YAB Tan Sri Dato Muhyiddin also announced MERITUS-GP would provide a ‘Single-seater racing Scholarship’ for Malaysian driver Mohd Afiq Ikhwan.

Firhat said: “YAB Tan Sri Dato Muhyiddin was our first ever guest of honour when MERITUS-GP moved to Malaysia in 1997. Since then, we have grown from strength to strength and have won a record 34 international titles. .

“Over the years, MERITUS-GP has helped develop Malaysian motorsports and besides unearthing the nation’s only two formula champions – Ng Wai Leong (Formula Asia 2000) and Jazeman Jaafar (Formula BMW Asia, 2007), we have also upgraded our local technical and support crew.

“Thirteen years ago, when we first started racing in Asia, MERITUS-GP had an all-European crew. But now, with the exception of two educators/trainers, our Formula BMW Pacific crew comprises entirely of Malaysians.”

The two visits by the country’s most important men will certainly fuel Meritus Grand Prix’s ambitions. M

will be displayed in my office.Firhat said: “I’m indeed honoured that

the Malaysian Prime Minister has taken an interest in the team. He has been very supportive of our efforts in promoting Malaysia throught motorsports to the world.

“His presence here, where he met our drivers including our Malaysian talent Mohd Afiq Ikhwan and our wholly Malaysian crew, will inspire us to strive for more success in the future.”

Also present at the event was Qi

“I’m indeed honoured that the Malaysian Prime Minister has taken an interest in the team. He has been very supportive of our efforts in promoting Malaysia throught motorsports to the world.”

– Firhat


16 Track Record 2010


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18 Track Record 2010


Afiq knows it can only get better

Mohd Afiq Ikhwan has always been an optimist. When many said it was too late to make the grade as a race driver, the 18-year-old refused to

listen. He and his dad approached Meritus Grand Prix for a test drive early this year. He got one and impressed the team’s bosses to earn a slot in this year’s Formula BMW Pacific Series.

Six races into the season, and Afiq, who many expected to dominate, has yet to score a podium but he is confident the two-and-half-month break between races will work in his favour.

“Perhaps I need to mandi bunga (flower bath for good luck) before the next races,” he joked. “I showed I have the pace in the six races but never the good fortunate to challenge for a podium.

“I don’t want to repeat all the bad things that have happened to me this season. I’m just looking forward to the next nine races to put my season back on track.”

Afiq has a special reason to do well as he has had the good fortune to meet the two most powerful men in Malaysia in April.

“The deputy Prime Minister YAB Tan Sri Dato’ Muhyiddin bin Haji Mohd Yassin was the guest of honour when Meritus

announced it had offered me a scholarship to drive in Formula BMW,” said Afiq.

“Then, during the Malaysian F1 Grand Prix, our Prime Minister YAB Dato’ Seri Mohd Najib Tun Haji Abdul Razak visited the team’s garage. I had the honour of meeting them both and I’m inspired to go out and win for them.”

While many may consider him a late starter, Afiq is a firm believer in the old adage, better late than never.

In a way, making his single-seater debut in his late teens could be a blessing in disguise for Afiq, who only started karting three years ago. But it was a memorable experience as he was named the Rotax Max go kart Rookie-of-the-Year for 2007.

“I know I’m a late starter but I believe my maturity will help me in my driving,” said Afiq, who set some impressive times in his first three tests earlier this year.

“I had a great first season in karting three years ago where I not only won Rookie-of-the-Year, but also got the opportunity to compete in the World Final for Malaysia.

“Unfortunately, I was too nervous and didn’t set the track ablaze. Worse luck was to follow a year later. I had once again qualified for the World Final but was stranded at the Bangkok Airport due to the political protests in the city.

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TR: How did the contact with Meritus happen? MA: My father wrote to Firhat Mokhzani and furnished him with my race results. I was then asked to attend some tests and managed to impress the team

TR: What attracted you to Meritus?MA: I like red and the team’s colour caught my eye but obviously, the team’s winning track record was the main reason

TR: How did it feel to meet the both the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister in the same week? What was going through your mind?MA: I was very nervous. I didn’t know what to expect them as they are such powerful men. However, both of them are also very down to earth and easy going and immediately put me

and my team mates at ease.They were both happy to see a Malaysian

team doing well in motorsports and delighted there is a Malaysian driver as well.

I will try to do my best in the next nine races to live up to their expectations. Having met them, I don’t want to disappoint either of them.

TR: How do you prepare for each race, mentally and physically?MA: I go to the gym everyday and my parents also give me advice on how to be successful in everything I do

TR: Do you have any superstitions before a race?MA: No

TR: When looking at the calendar and at the track maps, which Formula BMW Pacific

circuits will you enjoy most?MA: Sepang, as it was my first time racing on my home circuit.

TR: Do you have brothers and sisters?MA: Two elder sisters, 23, and 22 who are both studying.

TR: Do your parents support your racing career?MA: Yes

TR: What is your best racing quality? MA: My will to win no matter the circumstances

TR: What languages do you speak? MA: English and Bahasa Malaysia

TR: Which driver do you admire most? MA: The one and only Ayrton Senna

Q&A with Mohd Afiq Ikhwan

BIOGRAPHY Date of birth: Aug 8 1991

Current age: 18

Place of birth: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Resident: Saujana Impiana Kajang, Malaysia

Height and Weight: 169cm, 54kg

Hair: Black

Eyes: Black

Blood type: AB+

Hobbies: Futsal

Favourite drink: Lychee

Favourite meal: Laksa Johor

Start of racing career: 2007

Worst experience: Stranded at Bangkok airport and missing karting champiosnhip

Most memorable experience: Rotax Max go kart Rookie-of-the-Year 2007

“Those two incidents helped toughen me up and taught me not to take anything for granted be it in racing or in life. Now that I’ve been given a chance to race for Meritus-GP, I’m determined to follow in the footsteps of Jazeman Jaafar, who was the 2007 Formula BMW champion.”

A big fan of the late great Brazilian

driver, Aryton Senna, Afiq said he has his family to thank for giving him the chance to concentrate on racing.

“I had no idea what degree to pursue when my dad told me I could take the year off to live my dream. In fact, he was the one who wrote to Meritus-GP in December to ask for a test.”

PARENTAL GUIDANCE: Mohd Yazid (right) has played an instrumental role in his son Afiq’s racing career.

20 Track Record 2010


To say Dustin Sofyan had a roller coaster first season in Formula BMW Pacific last season is putting it mildly.

The Jakarta native, who finished fifth overall in his debut season, had some great results mixed with some spectacular crashes and near misses in his first ever single-seater season in 2009.

Dustin got off to a good start when he finished fifth in the season opening race Sepang International Circuit but in the second race the following day, he had to retire on the first lap after he was involved in an accident which saw him go airborne after being hit by another driver.

“It was a frightening experience but thankfully no one got hurt,” said Dustin. “This is part of racing but I hope never to experience anything like it again.”

In fact, that was the only race of the season that the then 14-year-old failed to score points in. This year, he is all geared up to show what he is capable off but to do so he needs to, “cut down on silly mistakes.”

“I need to stay focus if I harbour any hopes of winning the championship,” said Dustin, who turns to fishing and other water sports when he has any free time.

“I’ve been working real hard from the last day of the previous season until now as I know I have an added advantage from many of the other competitors as I have raced in most of the circuits, with the obvious exception of the new South Korea circuit, which will host six races this season.

Dustin is also looking forward to racing in Singapore once again, scene of another of his big crashes last season.

“Despite my crash, I still earned a total of four points from that weekend’s two races. It was exciting racing on the streets and I hope to do much better this season,” said Dustin, who has been also working on his mental strength.

“We get up so early for practice, 5am, and sometimes it can be difficult to stay awake. But it is better now as I have been working hard on staying focus right from the beginning of every session.

“I know this is my big chance and I am determined to succeed my former team mate Rio Haryanto and become the next Indonesian Formula BMW Pacific champion.”

His experiences will surely make Dustin hard to beat. M

Dustin has learnt his lesson

Track Record 2010 21


BIOGRAPHY Date of birth: July 29 1994

Current age: 15

Place of birth: Jakrarta, Indonesia

Resident: Jakarta, Indonesia

Height and Weight: 165cm, 60kg

Hair: Black

Eyes: Brown

Blood type:

Hobbies: Hanging out with friends

Sports: Fishing and water sports

Favourite drink: Sprite

Favourite meal: American, Italian, Indonesian and Malaysian cuisine

TR: How did the contact with Meritus happen?Ds: Last year when my dad approached Peter Thompson and Firhat Mokhzani

TR: What attracted you to Meritus?Ds: They have a winning tradition

TR: Do you have any superstitions before a race?Ds: No

TR:When looking at the calendar and at the track maps, which Formula BMW Pacific circuits will you enjoy most?

Ds: Singapore as it is a street race and I want to make up for my crash there last year

TR: Do your parents support your racing career?Ds: Yes

TR: What is your best racing quality? Ds: My determination

TR: What languages do you speak? Ds: English and Bahasa Indonesia

TR: Which driver do you admire most? Ds: Michael Schumacher

Q&A with Dustin Sofyan

22 Track Record 2010

Pasin Lathouras was born to race. The driver of Greek descent was born and raised in Bangkok and got his love for the sport via his father, Vassilios Lathouras,

who caught the racing bug while a student at Monza in 1967.

It was there that the elder Lathouras saw the likes of Denis Hulme, the New Zealander who won the championship that year, Jim Clark, Jack Brabham, Jackie Stewart, John Surtees, Jackx Ickx and Jo Siffert in action for the first time in his life.

While it was too late for him to embark on a racing career, Vassilios vowed he would do all he can to support any of his kids who showed the same interest in the sport.

As such, when his son Pasin began to show the makings of a champion when he won the Rotax Max Challenge DD2 Class, Vassilios didn’t hesitate to show his support.

Such has been Pasin’s progress that in little more than three years he was talent spotted by Meritus-GP, Asia’s most successful motorsports team with 34 titles in the last 13 years.

The Malaysian-based outfit gave Pasin a few test drives in their Formula BMW Pacific car earlier this year and were so pleased with the results, they immediately offered him a contract for this season’s Formula BMW Pacific.

“I’m delighted to be given a chance to prove myself with such a prestigious team. Everyone involved in racing has heard of Meritus,” said

the soft spoken Pasin.“They have a tradition of winning and

producing great champions. I’m over the moon to be one of their drivers for the 2010 Formula BMW Pacific Championship.

“This is my first real test in a single-seater championship and I’m determined to show what I can do. It won’t be easy but with the backing of such a great team, I’m confident we can have a successful season.” (add ”)

“It has been hard for me as I had to divide my time with school back in Bangkok but the coaching and guidance I receive from the Meritus technicians has filled me with confidence.”

On his targets for this year, Pasin said: “Obviously, I would love to win one of the three championships I’m eligible


Pasin has found his footing

for – Drivers’ Championship, Rookie Championship and the big one the, Constructors’ Championship.

Pasin sees himself following in the footsteps of James Grunwell, a former Meritus driver, who was also based in Thailand. Grunwell was the 2008 Formula V6 champion.

“Grunwell is one of my heroes and we have raced together in karting and he has taught me a lot. I hope to be a champion with Meritus like he was,” said Pasin, who in his spare time has a penchant for remote control cars, badminton, tennis and football.

“I’m looking forward to racing in Singapore and Macau this year as there are street races and will surely test me as a driver. It will be both challenging and

exciting and I hope I can show just what I’m capable of.”

The Thai driver has collected 18 points from his six races. He started slowly in his first to races in Sepang during the Malaysian F1 weekend but really shone in May where he scored 17 points in four races.

“I had a great weekend but it could have been better if the team had more luck. Overall, I’m happy with my four races. I collected 17 points and now have 18. It’s not bad for my first season in Formula BMW Pacific.” M

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TR: How did the contact with Meritus happened? PL: Through another Meritus driver, James Grunwell.

TR: What attracted you to Meritus?PL: The team’s long history of dominating the race TR: Where did you race before? What’s your first race?PL: Thailand and karting series around Asia. My first was a 6 hour race with 4 stroke kart. TR: How do you prepare for each race,

mentally and physically?PL: I follow a training programme given by the team, and focus on my goals towards each race.

TR: Do you have any superstitions before a race?PL: No TR:When looking at the calendar and at the track maps, which Formula BMW Pacific circuits will you enjoy most?PL: Singapore and Macau as they are street circuits

TR: Do you have brothers and sisters?PL: No, only child

TR: Do your parents support your racing career?PL: Yes TR: What is your best racing quality? PL: I can adapt to situations quickly TR: What languages do you speak? PL: Thai and English TR: Which driver do you admire most? PL: Jack Lemvard and James Grunwell

Q&A with Pasin Lathouras

BIOGRAPHY Date of birth: Dec 3 1993

Current age: 16

Place of birth: Bangkok, Thailand

Resident: Bangkok, Thailand

Height and Weight: 179cm, 80kg

Hair: Black/ Brown

Eyes: Brown

Blood type: B+

Hobbies: Remote Control Cars

Sports: Badminton, Tennis, Soccer

Favourite drink: Coke

Favourite meal: All Thai foods

Start of racing career: Four stroke karts

First success: 2nd using Rok 125 engine in Super Kart Thailand Championship series

Worst experience: Akoc round in Macau, first time racing KF2 class.

Most memorable experience: Akoc round in Thailand, racing against Aron Lim, Fahmi Ilyas, Tanart Sathienthirakul, Shogun, and Jonathan Reveille Tin Sritrai and Stefano Marcelo. (Top karting competitors in Asia.)

First win: Rotax Max Challenge DD2 Class.

24 Track Record 2010


Young Colombian Formula BMW Pacific driver Oscar Tunjo has certainly made the racing world sit up and take notice after his sensational drives in the Formula

BMW Pacific SeriesThe 14-year-old from Cali, who has been

racing competitively since he was just three-years-old, is the youngest driver to be recognised by a federation of global karting by passing the Mobil Karting School in Colombia. He is also the youngest driver to receive a license as a novice pilot when he was five.

During the Malaysian Formula 1 Grand Prix at the Sepang International Circuit in April, Tunjo finished fourth in his first ever single-seater race and followed that up with a sensational second-place finish in the second race.

To cap a memorable weekend, Tunjo then got to meet Malaysian Prime Minister YAB Dato Seri Mohd Najib Bin Tun Haji Abdul Razak who was presented with the GP2 Asia Bahrain race winner’s trophy which was won by Meritus driver Luca Fillppi in March.

Asked what the Malaysian premier said to him, Tunjo replied: “I was actually nervous meeting such an important person, but the Prime Minister put me at ease and even commented that I could pass off as a Malaysian!

“He congratulated me on finishing second in my second race and encouraged me to continue giving my best in the coming races. It was a wonderful meeting and I hope not to disappoint him in the other 13 races of the season.”

Tunjo’s driving skills also caught the eye of Formula One Management (FOM) president Bernie Ecclestone, Renault, some F1 media as well as a sports agent from Germany who approached him about his future plans.

“Ecclestone told me he hopes I can develop quickly as there is a need for a South American driver in F1 and I’m honoured he thinks I have the ability to race in F1,”said Tunjo.

“I was also approached by several people during the Malaysian F1, including an official from Renault. But for now my target is to concentrate on the Formula BMW Pacific.”

Tunjo followed up his impressive debut a

Colombian ace Tunjo driven to be champion after PM visit

month later where he showed just what he is made off as he stormed from the back of the grid in two races to finish sixth on both occasions,

The 14-year-old, started from 19th place in the first race of the day and 22nd in the second race but on both occasions the Meritus Grand Prix racer kept his cool to pick off his rivals one by one.

“I’m both excited and disappointed as I demonstrated I had the pace to match my rivals. Starting from the back was obviously a great disadvantage, but I think I handled myself well to get into the points,” said

Track Record 2010 25


Colombian ace Tunjo driven to be champion after PM visit

Tunjo, whose parents Oscar Tunjo Carrillo and Francisca Sanchez were on hand to cheer him on.

“I set the fastest laps in both races and this shows the potential of the car. In the first race, I clocked 2:12.601 seconds and was even faster in the second race where I set a time of 2:11.970 seconds.

“I just need to a bit more luck in qualifying so that I can be among the leaders instead of battling from the back.”

Currently second in the Drivers’ Standings, Tunjo will be the watch to look out in South Korea in August. M

“Ecclestone told me he hopes I can develop quickly as there is a need for a South American driver in F1 and I’m honoured he thinks I have the ability to race in F1, I was also approached by several people during the Malaysian F1, including an official from Renault. But for now my target is to concentrate on the Formula BMW Pacific.”

– Tunjo

BIOGRAPHY Date of birth: Jan 5 1996

Current age: 14

Place of birth: Cali, Colombia

Resident: Mont Kiara, Malaysia


Height and Weight: 169cm, 62kg

Hair: Black

Eyes: Brown

Blood type: A+

Hobbies: Karting, gym, video Games

Sports: Soccer and Swimming

Favourite drink: Manzana Postobon, a soda from Colombia

Favourite meal: Pasta

Start of racing career: Three-year-old karting school in Cali

First success: National karting champion Colombia when five-years-old:

Most memorable experience: Getting FIA license to compete in Formula BMW Pacific

Best win: To be the youngest driver to be authorise by FIA to get an international C licence to compete Formula BMW Pacific

Best Podium: All podiums

26 Track Record 2010


weekend but I’m not getting carried away.

TR: What are your immediate plans?oT: Obviously, I want to win the Formula BMW Pacific championship but it is not going to be easy. Finishing fourth and second in my opening two races has certainly been a confidence boost and I believe I will be able to challenge for the title.

Right now, I have to stay focus, work hard, hit the gym and listen to what my technicians and engineers tell me as they know what’s best for the team. M

Q&A with OsCar TunjO

“I have to stay focus, work hard, hit the gym and listen to what my technicians and engineers tell me as they know what’s best for the team.”

TR: Tell us about your meeting with the Malaysian Prime Minister YAB Dato Seri Mohd najib Bin Tun Haji Abdul Razak.oT: The team owner, Firhat Mokhzani, had arranged for the PM to visit our garage as he wanted to present him with the GP2 Asia Bahrain race winner’s trophy which was won by Luca Filippi.

I was actually nervous meeting such an important person, but the Prime Minister put me at ease and even commented that I could pass off as a Malaysian!

He congratulated me on finishing second in my second race and encouraged me to continue giving my best in the coming races. It was a wonderful meeting and I hope not to disappoint him in the remaining races of the season

I also had the opportunity to meet the Deputy Prime Minister YAB Tan Sri Dato’ Muhyiddin Haji Mohd Yassin and he too said I looked like a Malaysian!

Hopefully, I will be able to make these two great leaders proud of me.

TR: You also met with Formula one Management (FoM) president Bernie Eccestone. What did he tell you?oT: Ecclestone told me he hopes I can develop quickly as there is a need for a South American driver in F1 and I’m honoured he thinks I have the ability to race in F1. He said the same think to the team president (Peter Thompson).

It was quite a shock really, to hear the top man in F1 saying he hopes I can make the grade in the pinnacle of motorsports.

TR: You were also approached by several individuals associated with F1 teams. What did they speak to you about?oT: Someone from Renault approached my brother –cum-manager Gonzalo to find out our plans for the future while several F1 media even interviewed me. A sports agent from a big German agency also talked to my brother as he has some plans for us.

All in all, I was quite an exciting

Track Record 2010 27


It was a memorable occasion and one that will not be forgotten soon as an emotional Luca Filippi was awarded his second place Trophy for the 2009-10 GP2 Asia Series Championship during a

ceremony which took place in Spain’s theatre Auditori Granollers in May.

Handed his prize by Russian Formula 1 Driver Vitaly Petrov, a smiling Filippi waved

to the crowd before lifting his trophy in the air in a celebratory gesture. The event was supported by the rhythm of the Catalan “Gruppo Brincaderia” drum dancers, who added to the festive occasion,

In one of the most competitive season yet, the Italian secured his overall placing following a flawless performance during the Kingdom of Bahrain race, where he blistered

across the finish line in 1:06.15.383 to seal second spot in the driver’s championship with 29 points.

Filippi finished the season behind iSport’s Davide Valsechi, who ended the year with 53 points. DPR’s Giacomo Ricci completed the podium in third with 23 points, followed by Arden duo Charles Pic and Javier Villa who tied for fourth place with 18 points each. M

Filippi savours his moment in the spotlight

28 Track Record 2010

tR: How do you feel after this 2009-2010 GP2 asia season?LF: It was a very thrilling season with many highs and lows. But we definitely finished on a high during the last race held at Bahrain International Circuit in front of the Bahrain fans. We couldn’t have given a better performance for our home race and I felt we did a great job that day. I am very pleased for our team owner and Chairman Raad S. Abduljawad.

tR: How would you sum up this season?LF: It was definitely a very competitive season. I felt comfortable with at all times and I felt we made a great team. Together, we produced some very strong racing performances and achieved good results. I am so pleased to have finished second, and I fought hard during every race. This was really important for us and everyone worked very hard to achieve this.

tR: what is the best quality of the team?LF: The team had a fantastic dynamic and this could be seen throughout the season as we improved our performance at every race. The lap times can speak for themselves! Everyone on the team really wanted those pole positions and podium finishes, and we got them in the end!

tR: How would you describe the team work?LF: The mechanics and engineers did such a great job. At the start of the season we did not know each other very well but this did not stop them putting 100% dedication behind the cars and the team. The spirit was fantastic with the team and this is something I will never forget for the rest of my life.

tR: How does it feel after such a good performance this season?LF: Firstly, I really want to thank the team, including the mechanics, my engineers, Peter Thompson, Sean Thompson, the Chairman Raad S. Abduljawad, our team Ambassadors and everyone else who was involved. A special thanks to our loyal fans and sponsors QI who stood by us and cheered us on at every race of the season.

I made some great friendships this season and met some fantastic people. It was great fun to work with our team rookie Alexander Rossi, he is a great driver and has lots of potential. With my experience this year in the GP2 Asia Series I now feel ready to take on the Formula 1 World Championship.

tR: what is your best memory of the season?LF: I was so pleased to win in Bahrain where Chairman Raad S. Abduljawad lives. It was the perfect day and it was such a fantastic feeling to win in front of our fans and home crowd!

Questions and Answers with Team Driver Luca Filippi


Track Record 2010 29

tR: How do you rate the 2009-2010 season overall?st: Extremely well! I am very proud of what we have achieved this season. We were missing just one ingredient, luck, but everything else was there including the hard work by all members of the team.

I was told many times that we were the biggest threat to iSport throughout the season and this is real compliment as it shows we are up there with the best. We started our team from scratch only a few months ago during the first round held in the Kingdom of Bahrain and we implemented some big changes and restructuring.

Looking back, we would have needed a bit more time to get everything running perfectly and if we had a few more races under our belt we would have had an even better performance this year. We managed to have great reliability which allowed us to engage in some great on track fights and remain competitive.

tR: what did you set out to achieve?st: We set out to achieve a victory in the GP2 Asia Series with our Malaysian Team and we managed just that. This was a tremendous achievement for the team and a testament to all the hard work the crew have put in all year round.

tR: so do you feel that the team can be proud of what they have done this year?st: I think our results speak for themselves! This season saw the very first time a Team driver finishing inside the top five in the GP2 Asia Series, which is a phenomenal achievement. The previous best was when Japanese driver Hiroki Yoshimoto finished in ninth place on 14 points during the 2007-08 season.

tR: Did you reach your goal in terms of Championship results?st: As I said, this year has been really great for us and the Team finished in its best ever position, ranking third in the Constructor’s Championship with 32 points, just four points behind Arden International and two points ahead of DPR. Team iSport International has kept an unreachable lead of 70 points and we congratulate Paul Jackson and his team on their success.

tR: are you relieved with how things turned out? st: I feel like I was the one with the most responsibility on my shoulders – it was not an easy task and there were some stressful moments. But it was all worth it and I am very proud of the team’s performance. We improved on last season’s result and hopefully next season we will do even better!

tR: what is your goal for next season?st: We hope to continue competing and improving if there will be another season of the GP2 Asia Series. The championship is very competitive and has reached a top tier level. As a team we would like to consider the opportunity to return with a new car and also new drivers. We did very well this year and must now build on this result. M

Questions and Answers with Team Principal Sean Thompson


30 Track Record 2010


Meritus and Questnet congratulate our GP2 Asia winner LucA FiLiPPi

Track Record 2010 31


TR: Bruno Michel, why did you create GP2 Asia series and decide for GP2 to head East? What is the philosophy behind this move? BM: One of the reasons for the creation of the GP2 Asia Series has been to ensure that the excitement of the GP2 concept is taken around the world. The Middle East and Asia are becoming a key continent in the motorsport industry. The drivers from this side of the world are not prepared enough to get into F1. We were trying to fill this gap and bring some very competitive racing to Asia and Middle East. We used the GP2 cars to keep the costs as low as possible.

TR: Why did you decide to have two series instead of one trans-continental championship? BM: Originally to be able to follow Formula One, but without a budget, for18 to 20 weekends - it would have been too difficult financially for the teams. Instead, we will do two championships, possibly with different drivers, so the budget can be split.

TR: What thoughts did you have about cost efficiency? BM: By splitting GP2 into the GP2 Main Series and GP2 Asia Series, we wanted to ensure that teams and drivers can take part in both championships, without suffering the large costs which would have come with one trans-continental championship.

TR: What changes drive the third year of GP2 Asia? BM: The launch of the GP2 Asia series worked well and it has developed with consistency. In order to grow GP2 Asia, we were very aware that the heightened cost would have gone against one of our principal values.

The perfect method by which such an expansion could be realised did not go the direction we wanted and there were less Asian teams than we expected. is a Malaysian-based team, in fact the only Asian-owned team, that has become virtually Ambassador of Asian Motorsport while also showing deep roots in the Middle East through its Saudi partner, team Chairman, Raad S. Abduljawad.

It is this combination that gives that team a natural advantage in the GP2 Asia Series. It is its unique appeal of being Asian, blended with Middle Eastern culture that shows we have gone in the right direction. MERITUS Grand Prix participation with the European teams has turned the championship into a high level series where young drivers can put some mileage under their belts in the winter months. TR: Would you say that the cost of the series is too expensive for Asian drivers? BM: Possibly. A combination of factors did not allow us to grow the young champions along the lines of our original plans. However, the first season of the GP2 Asia

Interview with Bruno Michel CEO GP2 Europe and Asia

ThE GP2 Asia Series has ended its third season. It is interesting to see how the GP2 Asia Series has developed. It has established a genuinely high level of recognition in Asia. A series where every team shares the same values: discipline, passion, emotions and very

special contacts. Bruno Michel has spoken openly about the Malaysian MERITUS-GP2 team and the 2010 GP2 Asia Series.

Series began with a record, as reigning F3 Euro Series champion Romain Grosjean became the first rookie to win our series. Romain Grosjean joined the Renault F1 team and finished his first race in Valencia. Kamui Kobayashi is the Japanese winter champion 2009 for team Dams. Kamui has drove in F1 for Toyota F1in 2009 and Sauber in 2010. They both deserved their Championship and will capitalise on their investment.

TR: What are your feelings overall? BM: has integrated well in the new world of GP2 and has shown it can compete at the highest level, a level of motorsport that has produced champions like Nico Rosberg, Heikki Kovalainen and world champion F1 Lewis Hamilton.

TR: What is next? BM: hasa special place in GP2 Asia, and I wouldwelcome in advance if it decides to apply for a license to the GP2 main series M

“By splitting GP2 into the GP2 Main Series and GP2 Asia Series, we wanted to ensure that teams and drivers can take part in both championships, without suffering the large costs.”

– Michel

32 Track Record 2010


He began as a racing driver under Meritus-GP president Peter Thompson 21 years ago and Raad S. Abduljawad’s ties with the team were renewed in 2007 when

the team launched its inaugural GP2 Asia campaign.

Throughout those years, the soft-spoken 47-year-old Saudi had always kept his dream of bringing a team to Formula One under wraps. Until now that is. He explains that the timing and conditions should be right before the set-up moves into the top echelon of motorsport.

For now, as partner in the GP2 Asia team, Raad is looking to establish the team in Europe, via the GP2 main series by 2011.

“It is all about a natural progression. We’ve been in GP2 Asia and we’ve met this challenge. Then it will always be about finding a new challenge so that you keep on improving and progressing,” said Raad.

The team is expected to debut in the GP2 main series in Europe next season, confirmation of which will come by December, 2010 when the list of teams to start the next season is finalised.

This will be the next step towards realising the Meritus target of making it into Formula One by 2016. Raad is enjoying each step he takes like a true motorsports fanatic.

“I’ve always had a passion for motorsports. I’ve been in it as a driver, now chairman. It is something I enjoy and want to keep on doing,” he said.

“With that comes an ambition to go higher and higher. And to do that, we will work harder to put everything in place. We’re now trying to make it out of Asia and show that even coming out of Asia, we can put in a very strong package.”

The team has made waves as the only indigenous Asian team competing in the GP2 Asia series. It is now aiming to move into Europe and eventually become a truly indigenous Asian Formula One team.

After three years in the GP2 Asia series, the team ended the past season with astonishing results. The team finished fourth in the Constructos’ Championship with Italian driver Luca Filippi finishing second in the Drivers’ Championship behind compatriot Davide Valsecchi.

Filippi also ended the season on a high in the final round of the series, held as a support event for the Formula One Bahrain Grand Prix, by winning Race One. This was

Raad: no reason we can’t be in F1 in 2016

an historic occasion as it was the first ever race win in GP2 by an Asian team.

“We will have six years in the GP2 main series if we make it there. That is enough time to establish ourselves. Once we have done that, of course the next progression will be Formula One, there’s nothing else to aim for but Formula One,” said Raad.

This high ambition is driven by the fact that Asia needs to begin to show itself on the global stage, with Formula One currently dominated by Europe-based teams, which had all come from European backgrounds.

“We hope all our efforts will give more exposure to motorsports in this region. People will have something they can associate themselves with and this will build the interest and eventually there will definitely be more exposure for the sport in this region,” said Raad.

“From there, with people interested, we can continue to build and develop. Eventually we should have more drivers, mechanics and technicians coming out of Asia.” M

“With that comes an ambition to go higher and higher. And to do that, we will work harder to put everything in place. We’re now trying to make it out of Asia and show that even coming out of Asia, we can put in a very strong package.”

– Raad




34 Track Record 2010


THERE is a firm belief that the team has what it takes to go all the way to the top tier of motorsports.

Ask team Principal Sean Thompson and he will tell you that there isn’t a single doubt that the team would not be capable of competing against the best in Formula One given sufficient time to be ready and the right backing.

Irishman Thompson has already delivered on his word, transforming the team’s fortunes within the space of a year in the GP2 Asia series. From less fortunate beginnings, Thompson already delivered the team’s first victory as the race engineer for Italian driver Luca Filippi.

Filippi registered the team’s first ever victory in GP2 Asia, leading from pole position to the chequered flag in Race One of the final round in Bahrain on March 13.

“We’re confident we can hold our own if we are granted a license for the main GP2 series in 2011. We’ll have a better idea of that in October, when the new cars for the main series are available. We should be ready by December when the teams for the 2011 season are announced,” said Thompson.

The team is working towards achieving their dream of making it into Formula One by 2016, something which Thompson, brother of MERITUS GRAND PRIX president Peter Thompson, will be putting the pieces together for.

“Everyone has dreams. If we make it into the GP2 main series next season, we’ll have six years to be ready for Formula One. And six years is sufficient enough time to firstly establish

ourselves in the GP2 main series, before looking at Formula

One,” said Thompson.

“The reason why we believe

we’ll be able to do

so is pure logistics. There is no reason to

doubt that this team can’t evolve into a Formula

One team and there’s no reason why it can’t be done.”

F1? It’s only a matter of time

Thompson said the team had sufficient experience dealing with super high performance cars and machinery, which was one of the reasons why a shot at Formula One would not be considered impossible.

“If you look at F1 this season, there’s the Hispania Racing Team (HRT) which evolved out of the European Formula Three team Campos. There’s the Virgin Racing team, which came out of the Manor team that competed in the British F3 Championship, not even GP2,” said Thompson.

“We’re dealing with really high powered cars in GP2. The GP2 Asia cars are 10 seconds off the pace of a Formula One car, while in the main series it is six seconds. We’ve got the experience in dealing with this sort of machinery, so F1 is definitely not impossible.

“Plus, with each year, the team is growing stronger and stronger.” M

“We’re confident we can hold our own if we are granted a license for the main GP2 series in 2011. We’ll have a better idea of that in October, when the new cars for the main series are available. We should be ready by December when the teams for the 2011 season are announced.”

– Sean Thompson

Track Record 2010 35


QuestNet™ fans of 2009-2010 GP2 Asia motorsport were on cloud nine when Luca Filippi – driver of their favourite

team, Malaysia – raced into pole position at the Bahrain International Circuit (BIC).

The weekend’s final result places Malaysia in overall fourth position of the 2009-2010 GP2 Asia Series. The QuestNet™ team garnered 34 points, a mere one point less than the third place team and just three points behind the runner-up.

This win puts Filippi in second place among the participating drivers with team mate Alexander Rossi, placed ninth.

“Here’s one for QI, one for QI-Meritus, one for Bahrain and one for Malaysia in line with Malaysia being one. We have always felt that team Malaysia is a No. 1 racing team of its class and now the rest of the world can see what we have always

known,” said Dato’ Vijay Eswaran, the Executive Chairman of QI Group of Companies – the conglomerate of which QuestNet™ is a flagship brand.

Khaled Diab, QuestNet™ spokes-person and General Manager for QuestNet Middle East General Trading L.L.C., said: “Filippi’s skills impressed everyone, and given that it is the team’s chairman’s (Raad Abduljawad) home

QuestNet™ is an international direct selling brand established in 1998. Operating a global sales force, QuestNet™ offers a high-quality product portfolio consisting of innovative lifestyle products, including consumable and everyday items, personal care and wellness products, luxury and collectible items, vacation packages, and telecommunications.

QuestNet™ also provides business opportunities to millions of people around the world by offering entrepreneurial aspirants the opportunity to run their own business through an e-commerce platform, to promote the company and its products. QuestNet™ provides its representatives with the requisite training and business tools to succeed, and champions professional business and

marketing practices at both corporate and network levels. Driven by the mission of RYTHM (Raise Yourself To Help Mankind), QuestNet™ is an active contributor to the support and sustainability of the communities in which it operates. QuestNet™ is a brand established by the QI Group.

To learn more about QuestNet™, visit

About Questnet™

Questnet’s GP2 Asia team thrills fans in Bahrain

circuit, his win brings double pleasure.” “Rossi also gave an impressive

performance, making a notable comeback after his disappointment at the previous rounds held at BIC,. It’s the team’s first win after three years of participation in GP2 Asia and it has rightly been described as a dream win for Team Malaysia,” Diab added.

This is also the third year since inception of the GP2 Asia Racing Series that QuestNet™ is sponsoring team Malaysia.

QuestNet™ – a Hong-Kong-based direct selling brand with global operations (covering, among others, the Middle East, Africa and Asia) – is a keen sponsor of motorsport, according to Diab, because there is a clear relation between motorsport and the direct selling industry.

“In both instances it requires performance, focus, passion, a winning attitude, and last but not least, teamwork, to get ahead,” Diab concluded. M

“Here’s one for QI, one for QI-Meritus, one for Bahrain and one for Malaysia in line with Malaysia being one. We have always felt that team Malaysia is a No. 1 racing team of its class and now the rest of the world can see what we have always known.”

– Dato’ Vijay Eswaran

ONE FOR THE ALBUM: QIMM team members celebrate Filippi’s victory.

36 Track Record 2010

THUMBS UP: His Excellency Dato’Syed Sultan Idris, Ambassador of Malaysia to the Kingdom of Bahrain at the grid prior to the start of the Bahrain GP.


Following’s blistering season finale at the 2010 Formula 1™ Gulf Air Bahrain Grand Prix

where Luca Filippi claimed the team’s maiden victory during race one, the squad has gained international support with some of the region’s most influential individuals personally congratulating the rising team.

Throughout the 2009-10 GP2 Asia Series has consistently proved its ability to impress, finishing the season in overall fourth in the team championship.

This year has been a golden season for the team, whose success can be attributed in part to the addition of four former Formula 1™ technicians and engineers which has complimented the existing staff. The signing of American racing sensation Alexander Rossi as a partner for Italian Luca Filippi proved to be a pairing made in heaven as the two talented drivers took the GP2 Asia Series by storm.

The team’s speedy rise to one of the top competitor’s of the GP2 Asia Series has not gone unnoticed. His Excellency Dato’ Yahaya Abdul Jabar, Ambassador of Malaysia to the UAE, an avid supporter of the team since its inception, has followed their progress throughout the 2009-10 season.

During the second round of this year’s season, he supported the team in person with a visit to the racing pits at the Yas Marina Circuit, praising the squad’s performance and their excellent representation for Malaysia’s budding motorsport community.

His Excellency stated: “Our Malaysian motorsport ambassadors earned a great second place podium during the opening round of the 2009 GP2 Asia season. I visited the team in the Yas pits and hopefully brought them good luck. I was impressed and honoured by the team’s results and to see our Malaysian flag fly on the Abu Dhabi UAE podium.”

His Excellency continued providing support for throughout the remainder of the season, travelling to Bahrain International Circuit for the final round of this year’s GP2 Asia Series where he joined His Excellency Dato’Syed Sultan Idris, Ambassador of Malaysia to the Kingdom of Bahrain.

Following an emotional victory where Filippi took the chequered flag in-front of tens of thousands of action hungry fans, the winner dedicated his win to the Ambassadors of Malaysia in an emotional

lifted by Malaysia Ambassadors’ support

speech, stating: “It was a great team performance and I would like to thank the Malaysian ambassadors for their good luck and support and I dedicate our win today to them.” The moment was further marked as a high point in the team’s history when His Excellency Dato’ Yahaya singled out the driver, stating: “I will never forget that Filippi dedicated his podium to me after the race.”

The celebratory atmosphere continued when His Excellency Dato’ Syed, added his own praise to those of the Malaysian Ambassador to the UAE, when he congratulated podium victor Filippi after his flawless performance.

After the race, the Ambassador held a

party at his private Residence in Bahrain for the team and the Bahrain media and TV where the celebrations continued. This followed a party held earlier in the week to welcome the drivers to the Kingdom of Bahrain and wish them luck on this momentous occasion and that was recorded on his wife’s Datin Zarin Hussin’s, facebook page.

“On behalf of Malaysia we are very proud of the motorsport heritage and technology and the training that MeritusGP provides our young engineering graduates. All of this would not be possible without a great Malaysian entrepreneur like Peter Thompson, the President and team founder,” His Excellency commented. M

ALL THE BEST: His Excellency Dato’ Yahaya Abdul Jabar, Ambassador of Malaysia to the UAE (third from left) and his wife Datin Sakdah Sanip (third from right) at the Meritus pit in Abu Dhabi.

38 Track Record 2010


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Winner of 4th Round, GP2 Asia 2010 Series