trabajo de ingles

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Post on 20-Jun-2015




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My last summer


  • 1. TheCountry Poorest


  • Zimbawe

3. Franja de Gaza 4. Zambia 5. Chad

  • Hait

6. Liberia 7. Surinam 8. India Countries 9.

  • In the republic of zimbawe (frica).

10. The causes of the poverty are:inbest too much money in the war with the congo. Zimbawe 11.

  • (Asia) betweenPalestina and Israel.

12. Causes of the poverty is the war. Franja De Gaza 13.

  • Is in frica.

14. Causes of the poverty is by drought and disease. Zambia 15.

  • Is in the Republic of Chad (frica), the causes of the poverty is the war.

Chad 16.

  • It is in the U.S Caribe Island

17. The causes of poverty are the recent earthquake Haiti 18.

  • It is in the frica, nex to saw mountain Leone and mountain Marfil

19. The causes of poverty is its location.Liberia 20.

  • Found in south America next to Guyana and Guayana Francesa.

21. The causes of the poverty is a crisis in 22. Argentina. Surinam 23.

  • Is a country in South Asia. It is the seventh-largest country by geography are, the second-most populous country with over 1.2 billion people, and the most populour democracy in the world.

India 24.

  • Suffers from problems such as high levels of poverty, illiteracy and pandemics.

25. Most affected in India are farmers, there is also child abuse to get money. In India women and girls are dancing to earn money. 26. By: Manuel David, Raul, Marina and Yoli :)