toyota project marketing survey

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In the current world of marketing, consumer behavior has become an imperative part for both the consumers and the companies selling different types of products. A perspective of marketing is about making a consumer realize that they want your product, even though initially they might not. Consumer behavior is such a thing which depicts consumer's attitude towards a product. It shows consumer's likeness or this likeness towards the product. Consumer behavior plays a very important role in the success or failure of a product. If a consumer is satisfied from the product then his behavior would be positive towards the product and if he is not satisfied from the product then his behavior would be negative towards the product. A company's success largely depends upon the consumer's positive behavior. Today's consumer is very well aware about the products available in the market. He knows what a good product is and what a bad product is. He is well educated and decides to purchase goods on merit. He will never go for such products which do not meet the quality standards. He will buy only those things which will truly satisfy his needs and expectations. Today's global companies truly believe on this idea that a consumer must be fully satisfied. For this purpose they have the special departments like Research and Development. These global companies keep on doing research on the products and their customers. From research and surveys companies get the 1

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In the current world of marketing, consumer behavior has become an imperative part for both

the consumers and the companies selling different types of products. A perspective of

marketing is about making a consumer realize that they want your product, even though

initially they might not. Consumer behavior is such a thing which depicts consumer's attitude

towards a product. It shows consumer's likeness or this likeness towards the product.

Consumer behavior plays a very important role in the success or failure of a product. If a

consumer is satisfied from the product then his behavior would be positive towards the

product and if he is not satisfied from the product then his behavior would be negative

towards the product. A company's success largely depends upon the consumer's positive

behavior. Today's consumer is very well aware about the products available in the market. He

knows what a good product is and what a bad product is. He is well educated and decides to

purchase goods on merit. He will never go for such products which do not meet the quality

standards. He will buy only those things which will truly satisfy his needs and expectations.

Today's global companies truly believe on this idea that a consumer must be fully satisfied.

For this purpose they have the special departments like Research and Development. These

global companies keep on doing research on the products and their customers. From research

and surveys companies get the true picture of its standing in the market. According to the

consumers' feedback they further develop and improve their products. For consumer it is an

advantage that the companies’ gives respect to his views and attitude and bring changes in the

products accordingly. Understanding how to utilize the information gleaned from consumer

behavior is the key. Armed with this information marketers can focus on producing products

and/or services targeted markets are actually interested in, and they can also figure out how to

develop effective campaigns. Consumers today have become much more knowledgeable and

conscious in their consumption behavior than they were one or two decades ago. Now a day,

in consuming products and services consumers go through an extensive thought process

which determines one’s certain action in their consumption behavior. Also, people get

influenced by their parents, peers, relatives and in most cases by their previous experiences

which help them to create a certain perception or image about any brand or product. This

perception drives them into showing different attitudes towards different products and

eventually buying or rejecting these products in the reflection of satisfaction or

dissatisfaction. In this report, we have also tried to find out these similar aspects. We have


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conducted a brief survey among certain group of people’s within a specified sample size to

get the idea about people’s perception and attitude towards their purchase behavior in

purchasing Toyota Cars (Allion/ Premio’s). We have asked question which would help us to

find out which demographic group is showing what type of purchase behavior. Also, we have

tried to measure the features that are valuable to the consumers while purchasing Toyota Cars

(Allion/ Premio), through specific sets of question. Analysis of the answers of these questions

would give us a clear indication whether the consumers are satisfied or not and from these

findings companies can undertake necessary customer satisfaction and customer retention

programs. Whole of this analysis of customer perception, preference and purchase behavior

would help the company to draw proper marketing strategies which will eventually help them

to increase their market share. We have described the methodologies we have used in order to

survey the sample population. In places we have even identified some of the limitations by

some of those methodologies where necessary. We presented a detailed analysis of our

findings in the later parts of the report and lastly we have recommended any possible

solutions for the improvement of the current situation based on the findings.


Toyota has grown to a large multinational corporation from where it started and expanded to

different worldwide markets and countries. It displaced GM and became the world's largest

automobile maker for the year 2008. It held the title of the most profitable automobile maker

(US$11 billion in 2006) along with increasing sales in, among other countries, the United

States. Toyota Motor Corporation abbreviated TMC, is a multinational automobile

maker headquartered in Toyota, Aichi, Japan. In 2010, Toyota employed 317,734 people

worldwide and was the world's largest automobile manufacturer by production. The company

was founded by Kiichiro Toyoda in 1937 as a spinoff from his father's company Toyota

Industries to create automobiles. Three years earlier, in 1934, while still a department

of Toyota Industries, it created its first product, the Type A engine, and, in 1936, its first

passenger car, the Toyota AA. Toyota Motor Corporation group companies are Toyota

(including the Scion brand), Lexus, Daihatsuand, Hino Motors along with several "non-

automotive" companies. Toyota has been a leader in environmentally friendly vehicle

technologies, most notably the RAV4 EV (produced from 1997 to 2003) and the Toyota Prius


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(1997 to present). Toyota is now working on their next generation Prius and second

generation RAV4 EV both due out in 2012. Toyota implemented its Fourth Environmental

Action Plan in 2005. The plan contains four major themes involving the environment and the

corporation's development, design, production, and sales. The five-year plan is directed at

the, "arrival of a revitalized recycling-based society. TMC is part of the Toyota Group, one of

the largest conglomerates in the world.

The Toyota Company is involved with the exporting of cars to Bangladesh for over decades.

The mid ranged Toyota re-conditioned cars (Probox/Corolla/Fielder/Alion/Premio) have

captured a large consumer base of Bangladeshi market. There is plenty of car show rooms in

Bangladesh through which Toyota markets its re-conditioned cars to Bangladeshi market.

Toyota also has an exclusive distributorship agreement with Navana Limited, the flagship

company of Navana Group which markets only the brand new cars of Toyota.

We will be looking for the key reasons behind the popularity of Toyota (Alion/Premio) cars

in our country, Bangladesh. We will analyze relevant consumer behavior issues towards this

product and the effects that these issues. Lastly we will come up with any sort of

recommendation possible to make the product’s appeal more effective in line with the

consumer behavior.

Through our research we tried to figure out the factors that affect the buying behavior of the

consumer in selecting the Toyota brands Allion and Premio. Our research is based on a small

survey which consists of a sample size of 20 consisting of consuners from different class. In

the survey they have been asked to complete a questionnaire which consist of 17 questions

which best reflects the buying behavior of consumer while choosing their Toyota brands

Allion and Premio. Through our research we found that there is a huge vehicle market of

Bangladesh for Toyota, reasonable price compared to others, availability of the vehicle and

parts, low maintenance cost, brand image and better re-sale value.


The area of research analysis was to identify how individuals behave towards consumption of

Toyota cars (Allion and Premio) in Bangladesh. We have certain objectives of the survey and

research here. Specifically, the study addresses the following research questions:


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Finding out the relationship between peoples’ income and sensitivity to current price

rate of Toyota cars comparatively to the other brands.

Analyzing consumers’ preference toward Toyota cars (Allion/ Premio) on the basis of


Word- of-mouth and effect of surroundings effecting purchasing of the consumers.

Scrutinizing the factors related to the purchasing cars (Allion/ Premio’s).

Indicating and locating the factors and specially reasons why people always go mostly

after Toyota cars.

The main reason of popularity of Toyota Cars (Allion/ Premio’s).

Among many other factors, demand for energy efficient and greener cars, demand for low

operating cost, and demand for high level of safety and comfort are the most significant

factors that are influencing the trends and conditions of automobile market place. Toyota has

set seven fundamental objectives. Among them, to dedicate in providing clean and safe

products and enhance the quality of life everywhere through better production and services is

the main objective of Toyota. Similarly, its other objectives are: to honor the law, language

and culture of every nation with fair corporate activities; contribute to economic and social

development of communities around the world through corporate activities; create and

develop advanced technologies and provide outstanding products and services to customers;

foster individual’s creativity and teamwork value; pursue growth through innovative

management; and work with business partners for mutual benefits. Based on then objectives

of Toyota in the perspective of our country we have found that Toyota cars are the most

popular car, especially mid ranged cars like Allion and Premio’s. The main objective would

find out and analyze the main reasons of the popularity of Toyota Cars of Bangladesh.

VEHICLE (CAR) MARKET IN BANGLADESH:The car market of our country is huge. There are both brand new and reconditioned cars.

Here in Bangladesh, most of the reconditioned cars come from Japan. Other brand new cars

come from certain countries and some come from country of origins. For brand new cars,

there are dealers and show rooms and for reconditioned cars, there are both small and large

importers providing show room facilities. There are cars from many price variations, both

more or less. But in perspective of Bangladesh, mid ranged cars are the most popular cars.

Depending on the income, price of the cars, parts availability and longevity, people buys car


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and especially goes after mid ranged cars. Our objective and focus would be on the reasons of

the popularity of mid ranged cars of Bangladesh. Car dealers see a solid long-term future

beyond the current blip in sales. Local purchasing power is “increasing like crazy”. Most of

the Toyotas on Bangladesh's clogged roads, however, are second hand, reconditioned imports

shipped from Japan. Toyota's dominance is likely to continue. The ubiquity of the brand

means re-sale is easy, while “every roadside mechanic in the country knows how to fix a

Toyota”. It helps that Toyota tunes extra-rugged vehicles on a special assembly line for the

market in south Asia, where highway quality remains patchy. Bangladesh's preference for

reconditioned cars is making life harder for brands trying to shake the Toyota stranglehold.

Add-ons frequently offered by the reconditioned market - drivers often order cars customised

with DVD players - makes new, alternative brands less appealing. Meanwhile, duty on auto

imports remains heavy in the country. Sales of the Hover CUV and Wingle pick-up have not

been very significant, since the 2007 launch, but are rising. Meanwhile, leading Dhaka

retailer Rangs Motors Ltd has ditched China brand Geely in favour of India's Mahindra.

CURRENT VEHICLE (CAR) MARKET SIZE:Around the world, there were about 806 million cars and light trucks on the road in 2007,

consuming over 260 billion US gallons (980,000,000 m3) of gasoline and diesel fuel yearly.

The automobile is a primary mode of transportation for many developed economies. The

Detroit branch of Boston Consulting Group predicts that, by 2014, one-third of world demand

will be in the four BRIC markets (Brazil, Russia, India and China). Other potentially

powerful automotive markets are Iran and Indonesia. Emerging auto markets already buy

more cars than established markets. According to a J.D. Power study, emerging markets

accounted for 51 percent of the global light-vehicle sales in 2010. The study expects this

trend to accelerate. As mentioned earlier, the car market is huge. There are cars of different

companies and respective brands both brand new and reconditioned. There are Toyota,

Honda, Hyundai, Nissan, Mitsubishi, Kia, Mercedes, BMW, Audi etc cars in Bangladesh.

Most of the cars of brand new and reconditioned cars come from Japan.


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Toyota’s market share is growing each year. From about 5 percent market share in 1986, it

has acquired more than 15 percent market share in the US in 2006. Its competitors’ market

share is declining each year, which is the biggest opportunity for Toyota.

Toyota and its competitors have similar segmentation and targeting but in creating


Toyota has come off much ahead than its competitors because of its products’ attributes.


We have used mostly the primary data for our research purpose. We have done primary

research which includes our survey questionnaire and information we collected in general


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from our friends and family. And, as our secondary research we have used writings on

consumers’ behavior towards the consumption of Toyota cars found online.

THE METHOD OF DATA COLLECTION:For the primary data collection we have selected the questioner survey method, means we

have asked questions to a sample of twenty people. There are about seventeen questions. We

did the survey on what factors do consumers consider while choosing an Allion or a Premio

brand of Toyota. For the secondary data collection we searched through websites specializing

in the concerned data.

THE DATA COLLECTION INSTRUMENT:The primary data collection instrument for our research is the multiple choice questionnaire,

which we already got it approved from you. Our questionnaire is very easy to understand and

complete, interesting, specific to our purpose, objective, and meaningful. We also used the

web, literature review, newspaper articles for secondary data collection related to our project,

which we will discuss in the later part of the project.


We have conducted a survey based on the perception of people regarding mid-ranged Toyota

cars. We took people from different age groups (mainly 18 and above) as our sample

population and we have restricted our sample size to 20 people. We have tried to ask them

about their perception and buying behaviors towards Toyota cars.

Survey Question 1: What would you think of before buying a car for you or for your family?


Persons Percentage

Price 8 40%

Comfort, ability & luxury 5 25%

Social status 5 25%


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Resale value 2 10%





PriceComfort, ability & luxurySocial statusResale value


We asked 20 respondents on the most important factor an individual considers while buying a

car for himself /herself and/or for family use. As our research is based on mid range Toyota

cars which are highly used by middle class, so 40%, which was the highest percentage,

supported price as the most influential factor. As there is the factor of upper middle class as

well, a significant portion equally supported the comfort, ability & luxury and the social class

factor, which were 25% each respectively. The rest of the 10% supported the resale value


Survey Question 2: Since most of the cars of our country are from Toyota, what do you think

is the reason behind it?


Persons Percentage

Parts availability 16 80%


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Flexible budget of buying a


2 10%

Durability of the Toyota cars 1 05%

Attractive design 1 05%




Parts availabilityFlexible budget of buying a carDurability of the Toyota carsAttractive design


The second question we asked the 20 respondents was about the main reason behind the huge

presence of Toyota cars in our country. Out of 20 respondents, 80% were of the opinion that

the parts for Toyota are widely available everywhere which gives an effective and efficient

after sales service. 10% were of the opinion that the budget is flexible mainly because they

were the upper middle class and of the perception that the mid range Toyota cars are cheaper

than most of its expensive counterparts’. 5% of the respondents supported the fact that

Toyota cars had attractive design and they are durable.

Survey Question 3: Why do you think most people usually buy Toyota cars out of all the

available brands in the market?


Persons Percentage

Other brands are expensive 4 20%


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The maintenance cost of other brands is high 8 40%

Parts are not widely available for other brands 8 40%

There is no resale value 0 0%



40% Other brands are expensiveThe maintenance cost of other brands is highParts are not widely available for other brandsThere is no resale value


Our next point of focus was why most people usually buy Toyota cars out of all the available

brands in the market. 40% supported the facts about high maintenance cost and parts

unavailability of other brands. For 20% of the respondents other brands are expensive.

Survey Question 4: Like the Toyota has its dealer Navana, other brands has also its own

dealers. Then why do people buy Toyota cars the most?


Persons Percentage

Other brands are overpriced 4 20%

Other brands’ parts are most expensive than


5 25%

The maintenance cost of other brands is high 5 25%

It’s the owner’s personal/typical mentality or 6 30%


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preference towards Toyota





Other brands are overpricedOther brands' parts are most expensive than Toyota'sThe maintenance cost of other brands is highIt's the owner's personal/typical mentality or the preference to-wards Toyota


We also wanted to know why people buy Toyota cars the most, even after other brands have

also got dealers in Bangladesh like Toyota has Navana as dealers. 30% were of the opinion

that people in Bangladesh has an attachment with Toyota cars. It’s the owner’s

personal/typical mentality or preference towards Toyota cars as this was one of the few

brands that were available in Bangladesh in the early stages. 25% supported the fact that

other brands’ parts are most expensive than Toyota’s and also the maintenance cost of other

brands is high. 20% went as far as thinking that other brands are overpriced and so the

customers are being price discriminated for that.

Survey Question 5: Do you think all the parts of the car brands (Including Toyota and other

available brands) are widely available in the current parts market of Bangladesh?


Persons Percentage

Yes 18 90%

No 2 10%


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We also wanted to know whether people support the fact that all the car brands’ parts are

available in Bangladesh currently. From the 20 respondents, 90% supported the fact of which,

a large portion were Toyota users. While 10% went against this fact who were mainly users

of other brands.

Survey Question 6: Do you think all the parts of Toyota (in comparison to other available

brands) are widely available in the current parts market of Bangladesh?


Persons Percentage

Yes 20 100%

No 0 0%


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Next we made the question a bit more specific and asked people whether they support the fact

that Toyota parts are widely available in Bangladesh and the answer was an overwhelming


Survey Question 7: “Toyota cars are less stylish, traditional looking” – Do you really think



Persons Percentage

Yes 14 70%

No 6 30%


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According to our survey, most of the people around 16 persons out of the 20 persons

surveyed said that they suppose that Toyota cars are less stylish, traditional looking. Whereas,

the rest 30% believes that Toyota cars are stylish competing with other brands. This means

that there are consumers of both types in the market. Although, most of the surveyed people

said that Toyota cars are not that fashionable but the number of Toyota cars’ consumers are in

majority in the market.

Survey Question 8: “Other dealers do provide many promotional and discount offers, where

the dealer of Toyota, Navana does not offer anything special” – Do you agree?


Persons Percentage

Yes 15 75%

No 5 25%


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Most of the respondents believed that the dealer of Toyota, Navana, does not provide as

many promotional and discount offers like the other dealer. A total of 15 persons among the

20 respondents answered ‘Yes’ to this question. The reason behind this can be Toyota cars

have huge demand in the market and are comparatively low prices than the other car brands.

Therefore, discount offers are really not used by the dealers of this brand to attract customers.

Whereas, the dealers of other car brands try to provide different offers because the prices and

popularity are relatively lower than the Toyota cars.

Survey Question 9: What do you think of the import tax placed on the values of the cars being

imported by Bangladesh?


Persons Percentage

Very high 10 50%

High or low, the amount

is logical

2 10%

Not high 2 10%

Tax is a mandatory. So

being high or low

6 30%


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doesn’t really matter





Very HighHigh or low, the amount is logicalNot HighTax is a mandatory. So being high or low doesn't really matter


This question allowed the customers of Toyota cars to portray their view on the Tax rates

imposed on the cars of Bangladesh. The majority (50%) a total of 15 persons said that tax

rates were too high. Six persons said that tax was mandatory, and the tax rate being high or

low did not matter in any way. And, very few people said that tax rates were not high or were

logical. This shows that the majority population of this country who are the customers and

consumers of Toyota cars felt that the tax rates were excessively far above the ground.

Bangladesh being a poor developing country expected to come with such results. The mass

population of this country falls in the middle-class group. Thus, they prefer Toyota cars

which have a somewhat lesser tax rates than the other brands.

Survey Question 10: Do you think Toyota cars have become expensive due to tax, compared

to other brands?


Persons Percentage

Yes 2 10%

No 18 90%


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This question revealed a basic reason behind why the Toyota consumers are loyal to its

product and service. Ninety percent of the respondents said that in the past few years due to

the tax rates the price of Toyota cars have gone up but in comparison to other products the

price was still very low and affordable for many.

Survey Question 11: Does Toyota keep an eye on its consumer demands regularly?


Persons Percentage

Not often 6 30%

Yes 10 50%

No 4 20%


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Not oftenYesNo


Most of the respondents came up with a positive view about Toyota cars. Ten persons said

that Toyota keeps an eye on its consumer demands regularly. And if Toyota was not actually

keeping its consumers on mind it would not make a successful business all around the world.

Whereas, a very few percentage of respondents, 20% and 30%, came up with the answer ‘No’

and ‘Not often’ consecutively..

Survey Question 12: What do you think about the customer service provided by Toyota,

compared to its competitors’?


Persons Percentage

Satisfactory 16 80%

Unsatisfactory 0 0%

Satisfactory but needs


4 20%


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SatisfactoryUnsatisfactorySatisfactory but needs improvement


To this question, most of the respondents came up with ‘Satisfactory’ as their answer. Sixteen

persons which are 80% of the respondents said that they were satisfied with the service of

Toyota cars. This confirms that the consumers of Toyota cars are totally pleased with the

service it provides widening its market share.

Survey Question 13: Do you think Toyota needs to advertise more in comparison to its

competitors, in order to attract a large customer base?


Persons Percentage

Yes 9 45%

No 11 55%


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In the global context, Toyota has a huge customer base, mostly in USA, UK, UAE and some

Asian countries. This represents that Toyota ensured a good number of customer assuring

good quality and vast advertisements all over. The question was from Bangladesh perspective

and most people thinks there is no need of further progress of its advertising issues. And

other people thinks that they need to enrich its advertising sector more. In Bangladesh,

Toyota has distributor named Navana Bangladesh Ltd. They are good with advertisements

and they sponsor a good number of events. So, we got to know from this survey that if

Toyota in Bangladesh does not increase advertising more, there is not much problem since

they already have a good and strong customer base here.

Survey Question 14: Rank the following brands from 1 to 4:


Persons Percentage

Toyota 7 35%

Mitsubishi 5 25%

Nissan 4 20%

Honda 4 20%


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Toyota MitsubishiNissanHonda


It is clearly visible here that in the mid ranged car market, Toyota is the market leader having

the highest percentage. Then come Mitsubishi and Nissan and lastly comes Honda

respectively. It is very common and noticeable that most of the people buys Toyota car in

Bangladesh because of the parts availability and resale value. The other brands lost their

votes in lack of availability and resale value. Apart from those facts, people of Bangladesh

have already set their mind about Toyota and that’s why other brands can’t be market leader;

it’s just a typical belief.

Survey Question 15: What is your desired budget while buying a car?


Persons Percentage

(10-15) lacs 9 45%

(16-20) lacs 7 35%

Above 21 lacs 4 20%


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(10-15) lacs(16-20) lacsAbove 21 lacs


Most of the people of Bangladesh lives under the poverty line and basically a good number of

people are belong to middle class family. Most of the people think twice in order to buy a car.

But nowadays, a car has become a necessity here. In the consequences, if people want to buy

a car but the budget of buying a car remains less mostly. So, the percentage of the people of

buying car budget are less or standard in Bangladesh context. And the numbers of buyers,

who have a better and higher budget for buying a car, are comparatively less. This is one of

those reasons, which made Toyota mid ranged cars the bestselling car and helped them to be

the market leader in Bangladesh.

Survey Question 16: Does Toyota fit in the range you specified above?


Persons Percentage

Toyota fit in the range

specified above

14 70%

Toyota does not fit in the

range specified above

6 30%


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Toyota fit in the range specified aboveToyota does not fit in the range specified above


Nowadays, the current TAX structure in Bangladesh made the car price way high than any

other time. If the gasoline purpose has been added, the percentage of buying a car would be

really less. In the specified range, there are very few cars of Toyota but then again there is at

least. If people starts looking for other brands (Most of them comes brand new, not

reconditioned), there are not much option left for them to buy one. This is the prime reason

people thinks that there are still Toyota cars in the specified range mentioned above and very

less opportunity left for other brands.

Survey Question 17: What will be your choice if you are asked to buy another brand other

than Toyota?


Persons Percentage

Mitsubishi 9 45%

Nissan 6 30%

Honda 3 15%

Other brands over Toyota 2 10%


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MitsubishiNissanHondaOther brands over Toyota


First of all, less number of people does prefer other brands over Toyota in Bangladesh.

Mitsubishi is the name which comes at the first choice of the customers. Then respectively

come Nissan, Honda and others. Mitsubishi is famous for its unique design and features and

therefore attracts customers which are clearly shown in the survey. A less number of people

prefer Nissan and Honda because of its price and resale value. And lastly apart from all the

brands over Toyota, only few people prefer other brands which are not mentioned here. So, it

can be said that Mitsubishi is the second largest competitor of Toyota in perspective of

Bangladesh car market.


We faced some obstracles as well as some shortcomings regarding our research. Because of

having few limitations, our research had to cope up with various limited resources and

biasness. Our limitations made our research a little bit narrow, but inspite of having these few

limitations we had come up with our desired findings. Here is the few limitations which we

had faced while conducting the survey and preparation for the research:


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We were limited to one brand only which makes our research very narrow.

The sample was limited to North South University students only.

We had a time limitation. So a few more weeks would have lead to better results.

Biasness towards the Toyota brand.

The above limitations were the basic obstracles in proceeding our reseach to a swift analysis.

But inspite of having these limitations, we became able to do our survey in pretty much

satisfying way and finally we have become able to reach our primary and secondary answers

about the consumers point of view toward Toyota through the overall process which we have

followed to draw our reseach perspectives and results.


Our search has come across a very strong consumer responses and it has a very strongly

possitive acceptance level and consumers behavior was tremendously satisfectory. The most

concluding fact is that in Bangladesh there are other lots of branded cars, but a vast

proportion of consumers possess a first recomendation or desire for consuming Toyata rather

than the other brands. It is mainly because of Toyaota’s high brand image, performance, word

of mouth and up-to-date appearence. After analysing our findings we have pick up some

effective ways and steps for Toyota to enrich its existing condition in a more profound and

deliberating manner. To compete with today’s market world every brand needs to draw up a

specified line and exceptionality in the market and before the consumers. So that the

consumers can easily justify their prefference and can pick up their desired brand. A good

and successfull brand always let their consumers free and offer the product in a very visible

and maximized quality so that the consumers do not regret their choice after purchasing that

brand’s product. In case of Toyota, basically consumers do not doubt of buying it, but to

deliver the consumers of Toyota a more satisfectory outlook towards their choice, Toyota can

do some external and internal tasks and make a more visible image of its brand so that the

consumers of Toyota do have more strong belive and reliability to the brand. The finding

from the research shows that the consumers of Bangladesh have a positive behavior towards

the consumption of Toyota (Allion and Premio) cars knowing that there are other brands

competing in the market. Therefore our suggestions would be:


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The import taxes should be reduced of not only Toyota cars but of all the brands; this

would let the prices to go down.

The availability of the car parts should be high.

The resale value should be made higher.

Better branding and advertisement should be done.

The market should convince the consumers to buy other brands rather than Toyota

cars only.

The above recomendations will be very useful for a higher and better consumption of Toyota

and as well as these will make a more larger market for Toyota. Basically Toyota is already a

leading brand, but to make the leading possition more sure and consistant Toyota must

formulate further advertisements and introduce the above partial benefits in today’s market.

Though Toyota has an established image, it shoud construct the existing image more

replanished and upgraded time to time so that it does not skip away from its leading position

in today’s competitive market world. Because the market world changes in a very frequent

way, though it takes time for any successful brand to fall down, regarding this Toyota should

keep pace with the other car brands acceptance level and mostly in accordance with the other

brand’s advertisements.


According to our research we can come to a point that the car consumers of Bangladesh have

a very positive behavior in consuming Toyota(Allion and Premio) rather than the other car

brands. Our research results show us that in Bangladesh the most car consumers consume car

according to their income, product longevity and very few according to the highly

fashionability. The large proportion of car consumers are influenced by word of mouth and

preferable advertisements. As per our research we conducted and finally obtained that

Bangladesh consumers are more interested to buy Toyota (Allion and Premio) cars. The

reasonably ranged, attractively designed, and better quality cars are enjoyed by the consumers

and Toyota comprises of all these qualities in itself. Therefore the availability of the features

of other brands must be visible to the consumers which will let them get pleasure from the

different kinds of car brands available in the world market. Moreover, Toyota is already a

highly accepted car brand now-a-days in today’s market and in consumers’ preference. As it


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has drawn up a sharp image of itself, it needs to implement necessary further precautions and

qualitative steps to make itself more competitive. At last but not least Toyota definitely

should imply more visible quality and advancements to make the leading position more

strong to compete for other brands. Competetive advancements would be a very srtong

weapon for Toyota to keep going on today’s competetive and unstable market place and to be

stable in maintaining its existing consumers as well as grab more new consumers through its

upcoming higher competitiveness and more conductive relationship by satisfying the

consumers in a maximum level.