tourist map of vischongo

Ticllo Ccallan Patacorral Putacca Ccceullaccocha Orccoccocha Huarmi Yacu Puro Puro Cuchi Cancha Pomaccocha Chinchipata Pachahuaycco Vischungo Puro Puro Saihua Saihua Pabellón Pabellón Ccotoccasa Ccotoccasa Socclla Raccay Socclla Raccay Ccaccuia Ccaccuia Amaroccasa Amaroccasa Bosque de Puya raimondii Bosque de Puya raimondii Bosque de Puya raimondii Bosque de Puya raimondii Bosque de Puya raimondii Bosque de Puya raimondii Abra Abra Paccha Paccha Ccocha Ccocha Mirador Mirador Mirador Mirador Mirador Mirador Atencocha Atencocha Moliniyuq Moliniyuq Intiwatana Intiwatana Hercomarca Hercomarca Cementerio Cementerio Ocanan Hasa Ocanan Hasa Ccachubamba Ccachubamba Ccayan Ccasa Ccayan Ccasa Terrazas Inka Terrazas Inka Baños Del Inka Baños Del Inka Portada Del Sol Portada Del Sol Vischongo Plaza Vischongo Plaza Nuevo Ccachubamba Nuevo Ccachubamba Pomacocha Iglesia Pomacocha Iglesia Laguna Pumacocha Laguna Orcconcchocha Laguna Chinacchocha Laguna Challhuaccocha Laguna Cceullaccocha Rio Vischongo Rio Ocanan Rio Wayllura Legend Tourist hikes (Length, time) Ecomaratón Titankayoc (21.5 km, 6h) Intiwatana (8 km, 3 h) Lagunas (13 km, 4 h, guided) Pomacocha (8 km, 2 h) Points of interest Town Hotel Mountain peak Tourist attraction Infrastucture Main road Dirt road Path Irrigation channel High tension power line Populated areas Rivers great medium small Ecology Forest of Puya raimondii Limit of Conservation area Lakes Altitude (m) 4200-4400 4000-4200 3800-4000 3600-3800 3400-3600 3200-3400 3000-3200 2800-3000 0 0,5 1 1,5 2 0,25 km SCALE 1:20000 TOURIST MAP OF VISCHONGO Fritz Kleinschroth Katharina Dorn Christoph Doerffel Church from colonial times, built on an Incaian temple. Catacombs connect the church with the ancient Jesuit convent, nowadays a hostel. Archeologic site of Inca origin. Ceremonial and residential function, recognizable in the remains of the Incaian baths and other ruins. Situated at the artifical lake Pumaccocha. Titankayoc The worlds largest forest of Puya raimondii. In full bloom this bromeliad is almost 15 m high. Puna grasslands above 4000m with beautiful views. You pass the Titankayoc forest and nice valleys. Occasionally Vicuñas can be spotted along the hike. Ayacucho Vilcashuaman Hostel “Titankayoc” Hotel "Titank" & Guide (966795679) Guides (966891837, 966841039) Community president (966909497) Vischongo Best starting point. All hikes easily accessible, including Titancayoc, Intiwatana and Pomacocha. Intiwatana Pomacocha Puna Laguna Chinaccocha From the hostel go up 300m, turn left and then follow the red arrows. From main road go down to the bridge and up straight. From the main square go down left and follow the river. In continuation of follow the Ecomaratón. There are various waterfalls along the way. In the upper zone you can find two pristine lakes. From above you can observe the whole area of Vilcashuaman. By Combi to Ccachubamba. Guides avlb. (966875498) Don't litter. Don't leave the dedicated tracks. No fires. Don't pick up plants or disturb animals. Please help to protect our environment. Enjoy nature. You can observe various birds, other animals and plants. But please: [email protected]

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Post on 17-Feb-2016




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frizt Kleinschroth Katharina Dorn Christoph Doerffel Asa Program Green Life Erci Team


Page 1: Tourist Map of vischongo










Huarmi Yacu

Puro Puro

Cuchi Cancha



ta Pachahuaycco




S a i h u aS a i h u a

Pab e

l ló n

P ab e

l ló n

C c o t o c c a s a

C c o t o c c a s a

S oc c

l la

R ac c

a y

S oc c

l la

R ac c

a y

C c a c c u i a

C c a c c u i a

A m a r o c c a s aA m a r o c c a s a

B o s q u e d e P u y a r a i m o n d i iB o s q u e d e P u y a r a i m o n d i i

B o s q u e d e P u y a r a i m o n d i iB o s q u e d e P u y a r a i m o n d i i

B o s q u e d e P u y a r a i m o n d i iB o s q u e d e P u y a r a i m o n d i i

A b r aA b r a

P a c c h aP a c c h a

C c o c h aC c o c h a

M i r a d o rM i r a d o r

M i r a d o rM i r a d o r

M i r a d o rM i r a d o r A t e n c o c h aA t e n c o c h a

M o l i n i y u qM o l i n i y u q

I n t i w a t a n aI n t i w a t a n a

H e r c o m a r c aH e r c o m a r c a

C e m e n t e r i oC e m e n t e r i o

O c a n a n H a s aO c a n a n H a s a

C c a c h u b a m b aC c a c h u b a m b a

C c a y a n C c a s aC c a y a n C c a s a

T e r r a z a s I n k aT e r r a z a s I n k aB a ñ o s D e l I n k aB a ñ o s D e l I n k a

P o r t a d a D e l S o lP o r t a d a D e l S o l

V i s c h o n g o P l a z aV i s c h o n g o P l a z a

N u e v o C c a c h u b a m b aN u e v o C c a c h u b a m b a

P o m a c o c h a I g l e s i aP o m a c o c h a I g l e s i a

Laguna Pumacocha

Laguna Orcconcchocha

Laguna Chinacchocha

Laguna Challhuaccocha

Laguna Cceullaccocha

Rio Vischongo

Rio Oc


Rio W



LegendTourist hikes (Length, time)

Ecomaratón Titankayoc (21.5 km, 6h)Intiwatana (8 km, 3 h)Lagunas (13 km, 4 h, guided)Pomacocha (8 km, 2 h)

Points of interestTownHotelMountain peakTourist attraction

InfrastuctureMain roadDirt roadPathIrrigation channel High tension power linePopulated areas


EcologyForest of Puya raimondiiLimit of Conservation areaLakes

Altitude (m)4200-44004000-42003800-40003600-38003400-36003200-34003000-32002800-3000

0 0,5 1 1,5 20,25km


Fritz KleinschrothKatharina Dorn

Christoph Doerffel

Church from colonial times, built on an Incaian temple. Catacombs connect the church with the ancient Jesuit convent, nowadays a hostel.

Archeologic site of Inca origin. Ceremonial and residential function, recognizable in the remains of the Incaian baths and other ruins. Situated at the artifical lake Pumaccocha.

T i t a n k a y o cThe worlds largest forest of Puya raimondii.In full bloom this bromeliad is almost 15 m high.

Puna grasslands above 4000m with beautiful views.You pass the Titankayoc forest and nice valleys.Occasionally Vicuñas can be spotted along the hike.




Hostel “Titankayoc”Hotel "Titank" & Guide (966795679)Guides (966891837, 966841039)Community president (966909497)

VischongoBest starting point. All hikes easily accessible, including Titancayoc, Intiwatana and Pomacocha.

I n t i w a t a n a

P o m a c o c h a

P u n a

L a g u n a C h i n a c c o c h a

From the hostel go up 300m, turn left andthen follow the red arrows.

From main road go down to the bridge and up straight.

From the main square go down left and follow the river.

In continuation of follow the Ecomaratón.

There are various waterfalls along the way. In the upper zone you can find two pristine lakes. From above you can observe the whole area of Vilcashuaman.

By Combi to Ccachubamba. Guides avlb. (966875498)

Don't litter.Don't leave the dedicated tracks.No fires.Don't pick up plants or disturb animals.

Please help to protect our environment.Enjoy nature. You can observe various birds, other animals and plants.But please:

[email protected]