tour code 8cpk - energy holidays beijing/ tianjin/ chengde tour code :8cpk ... assemble at the...

Tour Code8CPK

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Tour Code::::8CPK

Beijing 北京 Tiananmen Square 天安门广场,The Imperial Palace 故宫,National Grand Theater (view only) 国家大剧院 (外观) ,The Summer Palace (with cruise tour) 颐和园 (含游船) ,Acrobatics Show 杂技表演,Shui Guan Great Wall 八达岭水关长城,Tombs of Ming Dynasty 明十三陵,Wangfujing Street 王府井大街,Shichahai Bar Street 什刹海酒吧街, The Place (night view) 世贸天阶夜景,The 2008 Olympic Stadium "Bird's Nest" & "Water Cube" (view only) "鸟巢" & "水立方" (外观) ,CCTV Tower (view only) 新中央电视台大楼 (外观),Pangu Plaza (view only) 盘古大观 (外观) ,Central TV Tower (view only) 中央电视塔 (外观) ,Qianmen Street 前门大街,Chang'an Avenue Night Scenery 夜游长安街,East City Gate Tower 东便门城楼,Tiantan Park 天坛公园,China Century Altar (view only) 中华世纪坛 (外观) ,Yuan Dynasty Relics Park (coach passby) 元大都遗址公园 (车游)

Tianjin 天津 Tianjin Culture Street 天津文化街,Tianjin Food Street 天津食品街 Chengde 承德 Chengde Mountain Resort (exclude buggy) 避暑山庄 (不含电瓶车) ,

Pule Temple 普乐寺,Sledge Hammer Peak (view only) 棒棰山(外观)

Beijing roasted duck 北京烤鸭,Mutton slices cooked in hot pot 涮羊肉, Hangzhou flavor 杭州风味,Guangdong cuisine 广东菜风味, Sichuan flavor 四川风味,Old Beijing flavor 老北京风味,Minan flavor 闽南风味

Shaolin kungfu legend 少林功夫传奇,Jingshan Park 景山公园, The Capital Museum 首都博物馆,Xiu Shui Fashion Market 秀水街, Sanlitun Taigu Square 三里屯太古广场 : RMB280/ 每人/ pax

Day 1 Kuala Lumpur ���� Beijing (--/--/--)

Day 2 Beijing (B/L/D)

Day 3 Beijing (B/L/D)

Day 4 Beijing – Tianjin – Beijing (B/L/D)

Day 5 Beijing – Chengde (B/L/D)

Day 6 Chengde – Beijing (B/L/D)

Day 7 Beijing (B/L/D)

Day 8 Beijing ���� Kuala Lumpur (--/--/--)

第一天 吉隆坡 ���� 北京 (--/--/--) 第二天 北京 (早/午/晚) 第三天 北京 (早/午/晚) 第四天 北京 – 天津 – 北京 (早/午/晚) 第五天 北京 – 承德 (早/午/晚) 第六天 承德 – 北京 (早/午/晚) 第七天 北京 (早/午/晚) 第八天 北京 ���� 吉隆坡 (--/--/--)

8 天天天天6 晚晚晚晚 皇者之都北京皇者之都北京皇者之都北京皇者之都北京/ 天津天津天津天津/ 承德承德承德承德

8D6N Beijing/ Tianjin/ Chengde Tour Code::::8CPK

【【【【TOUR HIGHTLIGHTS / 行程特色行程特色行程特色行程特色】】】】 Main Attractions : Great Wall, Imperial Palace, Tiananmen Square, Tiantan Park, Summer

Palace北京五大景点 :八达岭水关长城,故宫,天安门广场,天坛公园,颐和园 (含游船) UNESCO assessed as World Heritage Site - Chengde Mountain Resort

联合国教科文组织评定为世界遗产 – 承德避暑山庄 The 2008 Olympic Stadium"Bird's Nest" & "Water Cube" (view only) 外观“鸟巢”& “水立方”

Beijing 北京 (5N) Commune 1958 Boutique Hotel (local 4*)/ similar 1958公社精品酒店 (当地 4*)/ 同级

Chengde 承德 (1N) QianYang Hotel (4*) / similar 承德乾阳大酒店 (4*)/ 同级

Tea 茶叶,Jade 玉器,Baofuling 宝肤灵,Silk 丝绸,Pixiu 貔貅

8 天天天天6 晚晚晚晚 皇者之都北京皇者之都北京皇者之都北京皇者之都北京/ 天津天津天津天津/ 承德承德承德承德 Tour Code::::8CPK 第一天第一天第一天第一天 吉隆坡吉隆坡吉隆坡吉隆坡 ���� 北京北京北京北京 (---/ ---/ ---)

� 团队集合于国际机场,搭乘豪华客机飞往中国最大的城市-北京。抵达后,直接送往酒店安排入住休息。 第二天第二天第二天第二天 北京北京北京北京 (早早早早/ 午午午午/ 晚晚晚晚)

� 天安门广场天安门广场天安门广场天安门广场 - 是世界上最大的城市中心广场。它占地面积 44公顷,宽 500米,长 880米,地面全部由特殊工艺 技术处理的浅色花岗岩条石铺成。

� 故宫故宫故宫故宫 - 也称“紫禁城” 。这里曾居住过 24个皇帝,明清两代 (公元 1368-1911年)的皇宫,现辟为“故宫博物院”。

� 国家大剧院国家大剧院国家大剧院国家大剧院 (外观外观外观外观) - 国家兴建的重要文化设施,也是一处别具特色的景观圣地。

� 颐和园颐和园颐和园颐和园 (含游船含游船含游船含游船) - 昆明湖和万寿山为基址,杭州西湖风景为蓝本,汲取江南园林的某些设计手法和意境而建成的 一座大型天然山水园 (视气候而定,若因气候因素没开放,船游将以三轮车胡同游代替)

� 杂技表演杂技表演杂技表演杂技表演 - 演员靠自己身体技巧完成一系列高难动作的表演性节目。 第三天第三天第三天第三天 北京北京北京北京 (早早早早/ 午午午午/ 晚晚晚晚)

� 八达岭水关长城八达岭水关长城八达岭水关长城八达岭水关长城 - 建于 2000多年前的春秋战国时期,秦朝统一中国之后联成万里长城。其工程之浩繁,气势之 雄伟,堪称世界奇迹。

� 明十三陵明十三陵明十三陵明十三陵 - 明定陵是明代第十三帝神宗显皇帝朱翊钧 (年号万历) 的陵墓。它是十三陵中唯一一座被发掘的陵墓。

� 王王王王府井大街府井大街府井大街府井大街 - 北京最有名的商业区。王府井的日用百货,五金电料,服装鞋帽,珠宝钻石,金银首饰等,琳琅满目,商品进销量极大。

� 什刹海酒吧街什刹海酒吧街什刹海酒吧街什刹海酒吧街 - 位于由前海、后海、西海三个湖泊组成的什刹海,又称北京后三海。周边,是北京最具文艺气息的酒吧聚集地。 � 茶博士茶博士茶博士茶博士 - 享受品茶乐趣。 第四天第四天第四天第四天 北京北京北京北京 2HRS 天津天津天津天津 2HRS 北京北京北京北京 (早早早早/ 午午午午/ 晚晚晚晚)

� 天津文化街天津文化街天津文化街天津文化街 - 北起老铁桥大街(宫北大街),南至水阁大街(宫南大街)。长 687米,宽 5米,是商业步行街。

� 天津食品街天津食品街天津食品街天津食品街 - 天津食品街集合餐饮、购物、旅游、娱乐为一体,是目前国内规模最大的餐饮集中地。

� 参观世贸天阶夜景世贸天阶夜景世贸天阶夜景世贸天阶夜景 - 由南北两翼休闲购物中心和两座 5A 写字楼组成,长 250米,宽 30米的天幕凌空而起。

� 玉器中心玉器中心玉器中心玉器中心 –了解玉石文化,各类玉器任君选购。 第五天第五天第五天第五天 北京北京北京北京 3HRS 承德承德承德承德 (早早早早/ 午午午午/ 晚晚晚晚)

� 2008 奥运会主场馆奥运会主场馆奥运会主场馆奥运会主场馆 “鸟巢鸟巢鸟巢鸟巢” & “水立方水立方水立方水立方” (外外外外观观观观) - 鸟巢为 2008年第 29 届奥林匹克运动会的主体育场。水立方位于 北京奥林匹克公园内,是 2008年夏季奥运会修建的主要游泳馆,也是 2008年北京奥运会标志性建筑物之一。

� 新中央电视台大楼新中央电视台大楼新中央电视台大楼新中央电视台大楼 (外观外观外观外观) - 颠覆人们心目中摩天大楼的概念。由两座斜高楼组成的建筑,没有应用建筑工程的 承重和横向负荷的标准体系。

� 转播中心转播中心转播中心转播中心盘古大观盘古大观盘古大观盘古大观 (外观外观外观外观) - 盘古大观紧临 “鸟巢” & “水立方”西侧,整体项目由写字楼,国际公寓,七星级酒店和商业龙廊组成,总建筑面积 42万平方米。

� 中央电视塔中央电视塔中央电视塔中央电视塔 (外观外观外观外观) - 中央电视塔,现为国家级的 4A景点,也是一座多功能现代化的标志性建筑。

� 前门大街前门大街前门大街前门大街 - 北起前门月亮湾,南至天桥路口,仅前门大街两侧,建筑面积就共计 6.6万平方米,约容纳 180家 商户。

� 宝肤灵宝肤灵宝肤灵宝肤灵 - 北京宝树堂知名产品,闻名海内外。主要用于烫伤、湿疹、瘙痒症、神经性皮炎等。((((只卖烫伤膏及相只卖烫伤膏及相只卖烫伤膏及相只卖烫伤膏及相 关产品关产品关产品关产品,,,,不咨询不咨询不咨询不咨询,,,,不打脉不打脉不打脉不打脉) 第六天第六天第六天第六天 承德承德承德承德 3HRS 北京北京北京北京 (早早早早/ 午午午午/ 晚晚晚晚)

� 避暑山庄避暑山庄避暑山庄避暑山庄 (不含电瓶车不含电瓶车不含电瓶车不含电瓶车) - 承德避暑山庄始建于 1703年,占地面积 564万平方米。是中国三大古建筑群之一,它 的最大特色是山中有园,园中有山。

� 普乐寺普乐寺普乐寺普乐寺 - 全寺建筑为汉藏结合式。主体建筑旭光阁,重檐圆顶,藻井采用层层收缩的三层重翘重昂九踩斗拱手法 ,具有极高的艺术价值。

� 棒棒棒棒棰棰棰棰山山山山 (外观外观外观外观) - 在磬棰峰国家级森林公园内的高山岗上,有一块奇石,上粗下细,形似棒槌,故此山俗名“棒槌山”。

� 丝绸工厂丝绸工厂丝绸工厂丝绸工厂 - 了解丝绸制作工艺,选购丝绸产品。

� 夜游长安街夜游长安街夜游长安街夜游长安街 - 它是世界上最长及最宽的街道,也是中国最重要的一条街道之一,在中国被认为是“神州第一街”。 第七天第七天第七天第七天 北京北京北京北京 (早早早早/ 午午午午/ 晚晚晚晚)

� 东便门城楼东便门城楼东便门城楼东便门城楼 - 位于北京城墙东南端角楼旁边。东便门是北京保存下来的城门之一,主要由城楼箭楼组成。

� 天天天天坛公园坛公园坛公园坛公园 - 在北京正阳门外,永定门内路东,是明朝、清朝两代帝王冬至日祭皇天上帝和正月上辛日行祈谷礼的 地方。

� 中华世中华世中华世中华世纪坛纪坛纪坛纪坛 (外观外观外观外观) - 由主体结构,青铜甬道,圣火广场,过街桥,世纪大厅,艺术大厅等组成。

� 元大都遗址公园元大都遗址公园元大都遗址公园元大都遗址公园 (车游车游车游车游) - 分为海淀和朝阳两段,全长 9公里,是北京市城区内最大的带状公园,集历史遗迹保护,改善生态环境,休闲游览于一体。

� 貔貅店貔貅店貔貅店貔貅店 - 中国古代风水学者认为貔貅是转祸为祥的吉瑞之兽。 // 送机送机送机送机,,,,结束愉快旅程结束愉快旅程结束愉快旅程结束愉快旅程!!!! 第八天第八天第八天第八天 北京北京北京北京 ���� 吉隆坡吉隆坡吉隆坡吉隆坡 (---/ ---/ ---)

� 乘搭凌晨航班,飞返美丽家园。

* 最后确认的行程将以旅行团抵达各地后由接待社安排为准 !!! *

8D6N Beijing/ Tianjin/ Chengde Tour Code::::8CPK Day 1 Kuala Lumpur ���� Beijing (---/---/---)

� Assemble at the KLIA for your flight check-in to Beijing. Transfer to check-in hotel upon arrival.

Day 2 Beijing (B/ L/ D) � Tiananmen Square - The world's largest city center square. It covers an area of 44 hectares, width of 500 meters, 880

meters long. � The Imperial Palace - known as " Forbidden City". There had been 24 emperors of Ming and Qing Dynasties who

lived in this palace between year 1368 until 1911. � National Grand Theater (view only) - located at the West of Tiananmen Square. It is an important cultural facility

and unique attraction site. � The Summer Palace (with cruise tour) - located in Haidian District Area of about 290 hectares. The natural landscape

of hills and open water is combined with artificial features forming a harmonious ensemble of outstanding aesthetic value. (subject to the weather condition, Hutong tour by trishaw will be replace if unable to arrange cruise tour)

� Acrobatics Show - also known as "ZA Kabuki". Enjoy series of stunning acts performed by highly skilled performers.

Day 3 Beijing (B/ L/ D) � Badaling Shui Guan Great Wall - The Great Wall is a symbol of Chinese civilization. Its main purpose is to protect

China's borders from the intrusion of the northern nomadic tribes. � Tombs of Ming Dynasty - located at north of central Beijing. This is the burial site of 13 out of 17 emperors of the

Ming Dynasty. � Wangfujing Street - Beijing's most famous commercial district. It is a shopping paradise for fashionable clothing and

accessories. � Shichahai Bar Street - located on Shichahai which make up by Qianhai, Houhai and Xihai. It is the most artistic bar

street in Beijing. � Tea Shop - enjoy and relaxing yourself with the Chinese tea culture.

Day 4 Beijing 2HRS Tianjin 2HRS Beijing (B/ L/ D) � Tianjin Culture Street - This street is unique with its architectural styles and classic cultural features. � Tianjin Food Street - An exquisite parade of palace-like classic buildings that house over one hundred restaurants that

offer luxury dishes, snacks and flavors of styles from all around the country. � The Place (night view) - Beijing’s funkiest new mall. Possesses the biggest LED screen canopy in Asia that sweeps

over its central outdoor plaza. � Jade Centre - variety of jade products are available for purchase.

Day 5 Beijing 3HRS Chengde (B/ L/ D) � The 2008 Olympic Stadium" Bird's Nest " & "Water Cube" (view only) - There are National Stadium and the

National Aquatics Centre respectively. Both are the landmark buildings used for the Beijing 2008 Summer Olympics. � CCTV Tower (view only) - 44storey skyscraper in the Beijing Central Business District. Serves as head quarter of

China Central Television. � Pangu Plaza (view only) - Pangu 7 Star Hotel is the China’s newest icon and the latest masterpiece of C.Y. Lee. The

world’s second tallest building. � Central TV Tower (view only) - It is the tallest structure in Beijing. The tip of its antenna reaches a height of 405m. � Qianmen Street - A famous commercial street in Beijing which include the front door of Moon Bay at North and

bridge junction at South. � Baofuling - Beijing Baoshu Tang famous product. Mainly used for burns, eczema, pruritus, neurodermatitis…..(only promo and sale for burn ointment and others product but no medical care)

Day 6 Chengde 3HRS Beijing (B/ L/ D) � Chengde Mountain Resort (exclude buggy) - It was founded in 1703, it covers an area of 5.64 million square meters.

It is one of the three ancient buildings China and the most significant feature is the park with the mountains. � Pule Temple - located at the east of Chengde Mountain Resort. One of The 8 Outer Temples in Chengde. � Sledge Hammer Peak (view only) - It is an impressive 38.29m high rock formation located outside Chengde. It is a

nice example of a Danxia landform. � Silk Factory - A site where you can know well on silk. Silk products are available here for sale. � Chang'an Avenue Night Scenery - It is a major through route that runs in the heart of Beijing. Most busiest streets.

Day 7 Beijing (B/ L/ D) � East City Gate Tower - The last remaining watchtower in the city. It hosts the Red Gate Gallery which exhibits the

work of contemporary Chinese artists. � Tiantan Park - It is under UNESCO World Herritage Site. Known as Temple of Heaven, an imperial sacrificial altar

for emperors of Qing Dynasty and Ming Dynasty. � China Century Altar (view only) - The altar is located on Fuxing Road, covers an area of 4.5 hectares. It consists of

several buildings, the most prominent being the Sacred Fire Square, The Bronze Path, The Main Altar, The Century Bell, The Art Hall and The Culture Square.

� Yuan Dynasty Relics Park (coach passby) - largest linear park in Beijing with a length of 9 kilometers which extends across Haidian and Chaoyang districts from west to east.

� Pixiu Store - Ancient Chinese Feng Shui scholars believe is a brave turn calamity for the auspicious. // End tour and transfer to airport.

Day 8 Beijing ���� Kuala Lumpur (---/---/---)

� Enjoy your early flight back to sweet home.

* The itinerary are subject to the final discretion of the Land Operator !!! *