topsis based swot analysis for the lean strategy selection...

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  • For Peer Review

    An integrated analytic network process and modified

    TOPSIS based SWOT analysis for the lean strategy selection in foundry industry

    Journal: Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture

    Manuscript ID: JEM-15-0508

    Manuscript Type: Original article

    Date Submitted by the Author: 31-Jul-2015

    Complete List of Authors: Prasad, Suresh; National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra (Research

    Scholar), Mechanical Engineering Department Sharma, Surrender; National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra (Former Professor), Mechanical Engineering

    Keywords: Manufacturing Management < Optimisation, Multiple Criteria Decision-Making, SWOT Analysis, ANP, TOPSIS


    The purpose of this article is to deal with the lean strategy selection process in Indian foundry industry by using Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) analysis aimed at determining strategies and for providing an initial decision framework. It involves specifying of the objective of an industry and identification of internal and external factors, its sub-factors and strategies, which are either favourable or unfavourable to achieve the stated objective. However, the SWOT

    method does not provide any logical way to assess the priorities of the identified strategies. In order to overcome this limitation, this study presents two multiple criteria decision-making (MCDM) methods, analytical network process (ANP) and modified technique for order of preference by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS), for providing a quantifiable basis to analytically ascertain the ranking of criteria, sub- criteria and strategies in SWOT analysis. At first, lean strategies are determined on the basis of SWOT analysis, followed by the calculation of priorities of the SWOT criteria and sub-criteria using ANP, and finally the priorities of strategies are analysed through the modified TOPSIS. The results shows that the quantitative SWOT analysis based approach is a feasible and exceedingly capable method that provides vital sensitivity for selecting lean strategy in

    the Indian foundry industry, and can be employed as an effective method for many other complex decision-making processes as well.

    Journal of Engineering Manufacture

  • For Peer Review

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    Journal of Engineering Manufacture


  • For Peer Review

    An integrated analytic network process and modified TOPSIS based

    SWOT analysis for the lean strategy selection in foundry industry

    Suresh Prasada,*, Surrender K. Sharmab,

    a Research Scholar, Mechanical Engineering Department, National Institute of Technology,

    Kurukshetra, India b Mechanical Engineering Department (Former Professor), National

    Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra, India

    *Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]

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    An integrated analytic network process and modified TOPSIS based

    SWOT analysis for the lean strategy selection in foundry industry


    The purpose of this article is to deal with the lean strategy selection process in Indian foundry

    industry by using Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) analysis aimed

    at determining strategies and for providing an initial decision framework. It involves

    specifying of the objective of an industry and identification of internal and external factors,

    its sub-factors and strategies, which are either favourable or unfavourable to achieve the

    stated objective. However, the SWOT method does not provide any logical way to assess the

    priorities of the identified strategies. In order to overcome this limitation, this study presents

    two multiple criteria decision-making (MCDM) methods, analytical network process (ANP)

    and modified technique for order of preference by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS), for

    providing a quantifiable basis to analytically ascertain the ranking of criteria, sub- criteria and

    strategies in SWOT analysis. At first, lean strategies are determined on the basis of SWOT

    analysis, followed by the calculation of priorities of the SWOT criteria and sub-criteria using

    ANP, and finally the priorities of strategies are analysed through the modified TOPSIS. The

    results shows that the quantitative SWOT analysis based approach is a feasible and

    exceedingly capable method that provides vital sensitivity for selecting lean strategy in the

    Indian foundry industry, and can be employed as an effective method for many other

    complex decision-making processes as well.

    Keywords: Lean strategy selection; MCDM; SWOT analysis; ANP; TOPSIS; foundry


    1. Introduction

    The twentieth century was marked by the development of several advanced manufacturing

    strategies which were beginning to transform the traditional approaches due to intense global

    competition, rapid technological changes, and advances in manufacturing and information

    technology for improving quality and productivity, and for the optimisation of manufacturing

    processes which will enable manufacturers to deliver high-quality products in a short period

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    of time.1 Lean philosophy, which originated from the Toyota production system (TPS), is one

    of the initiatives that many businesses have been trying to implement so as to minimise

    wastage of resources, eliminate non-value added activities and focus on cost reduction.2, 3 In

    India, many foundries have been trying to adopt lean manufacturing (LM) in order to stay

    alive in todays competitive marketplace by improving productivity and operational

    performance. The foundries can become economically and environmentally sustainable

    industry only when the strategies proposed by LM system are implemented in an appropriate


    Bhasin 5 stated that any strategy, regardless of its strengths, will not be accepted if it is

    outside the bounds of an organisations culture. Existing methods for selecting the

    appropriate lean strategy relies on the manufacturers common sense of judgement rather than

    any sequence of analytical justification.1 SWOT analysis is a commonly implemented method

    to systematically analyse an organisations internal and external factors, and is capable of

    formulating strategies based on these factors. Therefore, for identification of lean strategies,

    SWOT analysis of the industry can be helpful since almost every function within the

    organisation is influenced by the internal and external factors. However, the qualitative

    SWOT analysis method is not without limitations as it does not provide an analytical means

    to determine the relative importance of the decisive factors or the ability to assess the

    relevance of defined alternatives based on these factors.6, 7 In order to overcome this

    limitation, researchers employed strategic decision-making models which would consider

    multiple criteria in their analysis, such as analytic hierarchy process (AHP) 8 or the technique

    for order of preference by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS).9 AHP is an undeniably

    efficient method as it makes the best judgement between both tangible and intangible aspects

    of a decision. However there is a major drawback, it is incapable of measuring possible

    interdependencies among the criteria, as these criteria are often dependent with each other.6, 10

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    The analytical network process (ANP) is a comparatively new and improved version of AHP

    which could be employed for solving various complex decision-making problems involving

    feedback approach and can easily represent many complicated relationships.

    In this article, we applied SWOT analysis to determine lean strategies based on the

    internal and external factors, and two multiple criteria decision-making (MCDM) methods,

    i.e., the ANP and the modified TOPSIS, for obtaining the relative importance of each

    strategy. The approach in this article is to use ANP for the calculation of priorities of the

    SWOT criteria and sub-criteria, and modified TOPSIS for assessing the priorities of lean

    strategies in the Indian foundry industry. Thus, we developed a methodology that facilitates

    finding the priorities of the SWOT criteria, sub-criteria and lean strategies. Therefore, to the

    best of our knowledge, we applied integrated ANP and modified TOPSIS for the first time to

    assess the lean strategies of foundry industry in India.

    This article is structured as follows. The literature review is provided in section

    Literature review. Section Multiple criteria decision-making (MCDM) methods describes

    the research methodology of ANP and modified TOPSIS. Section Proposed research

    methodology for lean strategy selection analyses the lean strategies of Indian foundry

    industry so as to provide decision aid to these foundries in developing their strategies.

    Finally, the conclusions of this article is discussed in Section Conclusion.

    2. Literature review

    With the advent of liberalization and globalization, the products and processes have

    undergone a lot of changes and manufacturing companies are facing a tough competition in

    all aspect of business. In todays competitive environment, lean manufacturing (LM)

    strategies are the most powerful strategies for achieving operational and service excellence in

    manufacturing industries. Lean concept has evolved as a philosophy with the motto to do

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    more with less aimed at elimination of non-valued added activities in every aspects of

    industry while adding value to the product with a systematic and continuous approach.11

    According to Shah and Ward 12, LM can be defined as an integrated socio-technical system

    whose main objective is to eliminate waste by concurrently reducing or minimizing supplier,

    customer, and internal variability. LM has originated from Toyota with the title given by few

    researchers as Toyota Production System (TPS),13 or just-in-time (JIT) production14, 15 in the

    1960s. The reason behind this might be that both these systems aims to increase the value-

    added work by eliminating waste from the systems and operations, reducing incidental work,

    and extracting as much output as they can acquire from lesser inputs,14 which makes LM

    highly synonymous with JIT production. Monden 15 stated that any process inside a

    manufacturing facility can be classified as incidental activity, value-adding (VA) activity

    and/or non-value-adding (NVA) activity. Russell and Taylor 16 defined waste as anything

    other than the minimum amount of equipment, effort, materials, parts, space and time that is

    essential to add value to the product, and for which the customer is unwilling to pay for. The

    most commonly identified NVA waste categories in any industry include over-production,

    waiting of equipment and human resources, transportation, inventory, motion, defects, and


    In the pursuit for improvement in quality and equipment productivity, organizations

    have practiced revolutionary programs or quality initiatives such as total quality management

    (TQM) and continuous improvement methodologies such as Kaizen.18 Bayazit and Karpak 19

    described TQM as an integrated management philosophy aimed at continuously refining the

    performance of products, processes and services for meeting or exceeding on customers

    expectations. The aim of a continuous improvement program is to continuously recognize

    and reduce the extent of waste in a system since it is essential to identify and separate waste

    from incidental and VA work.20 LM is governed by a pull type production control system

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    where the parts are pulled from upstream work centres to downstream work centres as they

    are needed. Pull production system is a production monitoring technique for JIT production

    which makes full use of workers capabilities.21 Eswaramoorthi, Kathiresan 22 stated that the

    main cause for low level of lean implementation is anxiety in changing the mind-set of

    workers for adaption to varying manufacturing circumstances. Porter and van der Linde 23

    proposed in their study that organizations can develop some capabilities through their

    environmental effort, which translates into competitive advantage leading to higher

    profitability. Moreover, Yang, Hong 24 investigated the relationships between LM practices,

    environmental management and business performance outcomes in the context of

    manufacturing industry. Their research reveals that, on the one hand, LM practices have

    positive effects on environmental management practices, while on the other hand, isolated

    operation of environmental management practices have negative effects on market and

    financial performance. Furthermore, the firm level strategic commitment for LM and

    environmental management requires well-communication and understanding by issuing

    comprehensive sustainability reports.

    However, evaluating LM strategies is a complex task which does not only involve a

    trade-off between strengths and weaknesses entailed but also takes opportunities and threats

    into consideration. Hisrich and Peters 25 stated that responding to internal strengths and

    weaknesses is a fundamental constituent of the strategic management process. Several

    strategic management approaches have been developed to solve such sort of real-life

    problems. SWOT analysis, which was originally described by Learned, Christensen 26, is one

    of the essential methods to address complex strategic situations by reducing the magnitude of

    information which improves decision-making. SWOT analysis is a prevalent method of

    strategic planning and is commonly implemented to provide a basic framework for

    identifying the internal and external factors, and formulating strategies.27 Using the SWOT

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    analysis, any entity or individual can determine the way to leverage its strength, overcome its

    weaknesses, seize opportunities and elude hypothetically detrimental threats or nonetheless

    scrutinise them through more consistent perusing.28-30 Despite its advantages and usages to

    strategists, SWOT analysis is often criticised because of its inability of not providing any

    analytical method for ascertaining the relative importance of the decisive SWOT criteria or

    the ability to assess the importance of defined feasible alternatives based on these criteria.

    Therefore, researchers employed strategic decision-making models which would assess the

    relative importance of SWOT criteria and sub-criteria on the strategies by incorporating

    AHP, known as the SWOT-AHP method.8, 31, 32 Since the selection of criteria for alternatives

    may interact with each other and not be independent in some cases, few researchers like

    Ekmekioglu, Can Kutlu 9 and Yang 33 employed the SWOT-TOPSIS method. Although the

    AHP and the classical TOPSIS method have proven their efficacy in dealing with the MCDM

    and their simplicity of implementation, they do possess some sort of limitations. First of all,

    the AHP provides a quantifiable basis and hierarchical structure to the SWOT analysis

    framework, it lacks the ability of encapsulating potential interactions, interdependencies, and

    feedbacks amongst the SWOT criteria. In order to overcome this drawback, the researchers

    developed an ANP based SWOT-model.6, 7, 34 Secondly, on the other hand, the SWOT-

    TOPSIS method possesses an inherent difficulty of assigning reliable subjective preferences

    to the criteria even though the concept of TOPSIS is rational and reasonable, and the

    computation involved is uncomplicated. Therefore, in order to overcome this limitation, the

    modified TOPSIS method proposed by Deng, Yeh 35 could be applied. The modified TOPSIS

    uses a new defined weighted Euclidean distance and ranks the alternatives in terms of their

    overall performance with respect to the weighted criteria.

    Ho 36 reviewed the literature appearing in the international journals from 1997 to

    2006, providing the evidence that the integrated AHPs are better than the stand-alone AHP

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    and also expressed that the five commonly integrated tools with the AHP include

    mathematical programming, quality function deployment (QFD), meta-heuristics, data

    envelopment analysis (DEA) and Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT)

    analysis. More recently, Azimi, Yazdani-Chamzini 10 had developed a SWOT model in three

    stages. In their study, they used SWOT analysis to determine alternative strategies, then ANP

    was applied in order to obtain the priority of SWOT criteria and sub-criteria, and ranked the

    strategies using the TOPSIS. The outcome of their study was distinguishing between the

    efficient and inefficient strategies. Although these methods have produced new insights into

    the literature and deserve merit in terms of their analytical means for ascertaining the ranking

    of SWOT criteria, they still possess a major limitation: ignoring the intrinsic intricacy of

    determining consistent subjective preferences to the criteria. To simultaneously overcome

    these limitations, we propose an integrated ANP and modified TOPSIS based SWOT

    methodology which would fill the above mentioned limitation in the literature. The proposed

    methodology may provide organisations a systematic approach to formulate and enhance on

    adequate criteria, and minimise the risk of selecting sub-optimal strategies.

    3. Multiple criteria decision-making (MCDM) methods

    MCDM refers to the process of problem solving for finding the best alternative that is

    employed to solve decision problems involving selection from among a set of feasible and

    finite number of alternatives. These methods often involve experts to provide qualitative

    and/or quantitative judgements for defining the performance of each alternative with respect

    to criteria, and the relative importance of criteria with respect to the overall objective or goal.

    The advantage of most MCDM methods is that they possess the ability of simultaneously

    analysing both qualitative and quantitative evaluation criteria. The ANP and modified

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    TOPSIS are both logical and rational decision-making methods, which deal with problems of

    selecting the best alternative from a set of feasible alternatives.

    In this study, the main objective is to develop an integrated methodology by using

    SWOT based MCDM methods for solving the lean strategy selection problem. Therefore,

    these methods are briefly described in the following subsections.

    3.1 Analytic network process

    ANP is the generalised form of the AHP and it is used to solve various complex decision

    problems involving feedback, interactions and interdependencies in the decision-making

    system with more accuracy and precision. In the AHP approach, the analytical aspects of a

    decision problem are decomposed into an independent unidirectional hierarchy structure with

    overall goal or objective at the top level of the hierarchy, followed by criteria and sub-criteria

    at the middle level and feasible alternatives at the bottom level. However, several decision

    problems cannot be designed hierarchically as they involve dependence and interaction of

    higher-level elements on a lower-level element.37 ANP does not presume this independence

    among distinct levels of criteria and within the level of a hierarchy. It structures a network

    without levels, which signifies that certain element may exhibit influence over certain others.

    A comparison of structure and super matrix between AHP and ANP methods is presented in

    Figure 1. ANP is effective in assisting the mind of analysts to systematise its experiences and

    views to elicit judgements recorded in memory and quantify them in form of priorities.38

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    Figure 1. A comparison of the structure and super matrix between AHP and ANP.

    As is apparent from Figure 1, ANP involves a system-with-feedback approach since it

    includes both internal and external relationships with feedbacks, and thus making it possible

    for the elements in a cluster to either influence some or all of the elements of same or another

    cluster. External relationship indicates dependence of elements of a cluster with same or other

    clusters elements. Internal relationship, which is shown by a looped arc, relates to the

    dependence of an element of a cluster among other elements in the same clusters integrated

    with feedback. Eliciting priorities of elements of each cluster requires pairwise comparison of

    elements of clusters with respect to their upper level control criterion. The priorities of

    elements of each cluster for internal relationship are obtained by comparing it with respect to

    their influence on other elements within their own cluster. Pairwise comparisons of elements

    in a cluster are made for external relationship by comparing them among elements of other

    clusters to which they are connected. These pairwise comparison are made systematically by

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    using the fundamental scale of absolute numbers, as tabulated in Table 1.39 By means of the

    super matrix, the influences of interdependence that exists between the criteria and sub-

    criteria of the system can be determined. The super matrix is a partitioned matrix which

    represents priorities obtained from the pairwise comparison of the elements that are arranged

    hierarchically into the appropriate columns of the matrix. As is represented in Figure 1, is the super matrix whose elements represents clusters, where, is an element which signifies the influence of the goal on the criteria, is an element which signifies the influence of the criteria on the sub-criteria, is an element which signifies the influence of the sub-criteria on the defined alternatives, and I represents the identity matrix. The dependence and

    feedback amongst the elements of criteria and sub-criteria are signified by and , respectively.

    Table 1. Pairwise comparison scale of absolute numbers.

    Intensity of importance Definition 1 Equal importance 3 Moderate importance 5 Strong importance 7 Demonstrated importance 9 Absolute importance 2,4,6,8 Intermediate values for compromise between the above values Reciprocals of above

    If activity i has one of the above non-zero numbers assigned to it when compared with activity j, then j is assigned the reciprocal value when compared with i

    Note that the elements of the super matrix have to be raised to arbitrarily large powers

    by taking the necessary limit in order to obtain the limit matrix. This matrix is inclusive of the

    final priority required to attain a set of long-lasting stable weights. Higher values in the final

    priorities conveys the higher desirability of that alternative. The selection of the best

    alternative depends on the calculation of the desirability index, for an alternative i and

    determinant a, can be obtained as defined by Meade and Sarkis 40.

    3.2 Modified TOPSIS

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    The TOPSIS is a multiple criteria decision-making (MCDM) method proposed by Hwang

    and Yoon 41, based on the concept that the chosen alternative should have the shortest

    distance from the positive-ideal solution and the longest distance from the negative-ideal

    solution. In the classical TOPSIS method, the elements of the normalised decision matrix are

    weighted by multiplying each column of the matrix by its associated criterion weight. The

    priority of an alternative is then determined by its Euclidean distances to the positive-ideal

    and the negative-ideal solutions. Conversely, in the modified TOPSIS presented by Deng,

    Yeh 35, these distances are interconnected with criterion weights and should be incorporated

    in the distance measurement. Since all alternatives are compared with the positive-ideal and

    the negative-ideal solutions, instead of directly comparing among themselves. The modified

    TOPSIS method uses the weighted Euclidean distances instead of representing weighted

    decision matrix. It is required to establish a decision matrix based on all the information

    available on criteria, which can be structured with ith alternative in each row, = 1,2, ; each column is assigned to a criterion, = 1,2, , ; and represents a crisp value indicating the performance of an alternative with respect to a criterion.

    Geometric mean could be employed to group multiple opinions of experts into a

    single judgement. Considering a group of k experts, an element of decision matrix from each

    expert can be aggregated by taking the geometric mean to attain the group importance weight

    of that element, as shown in Eq. (7).

    = / (7) The elements of the normalised decision matrix R (= ) can be calculated by using

    the vector normalisation method as:

    = !" !$% &' , = 1,2, ,, = 1,2, , (8)

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    The positive-ideal solution () and the negative-ideal solution (* from the normalised decision matrix can be expressed as:

    () = +max / 03, min / 036| = 1,2, ,8 = 9), ), , ): (9) (* = +min / 03, max / 03| = 1,2, ,8 = 9*, *, , *: (10) where, 3 =

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    The proposed research methodology of this article is based on the integrated approach of

    ANP and modified TOPSIS based SWOT analysis. Thus, the problem is decomposed into a

    network decision-making model such that the priorities of lean strategies can be measured

    based on the identified criteria and sub-criteria as shown in Figure 2. The overall goal of

    selection of the best lean strategy was placed at the top level of the model, followed by

    SWOT criteria and SWOT sub-criteria at the second and third level, respectively. As can be

    seen from Figure 3, each SWOT criterion includes five sub-criteria. Therefore, a total of 20

    sub-criteria were identified. The bottom level of the model consists of feasible eight lean

    strategies developed for this study. For the sake of simplicity, eight potential lean strategies

    identified in this study are abbreviated as S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, S7, and S8 in following

    discussion. As the key steps of this study involves the identification of SWOT criteria, sub-

    criteria and lean strategies, it provides a framework for obtaining priorities of identified

    criteria and sub-criteria by using the ANP. Finally, the ranking of identified lean strategies

    can be obtained by using the modified TOPSIS. Figure 3 shows the flowchart for the

    proposed decision-making model. Table 2 presents all the criteria, sub-criteria and lean

    strategies used.

    Three stages are proposed, in order to implement the proposed methodology, which

    are described as follows. The first stage involves analysis of the organisation for SWOT. In

    this manner, strategically important SWOT sub-criteria, i.e., the internal and external factors,

    which significantly affect the success of the organisations future goals are identified and

    determined. The second stage involves the determination of priorities of criteria and sub-

    criteria by using the pairwise comparison of ANP. The last stage involves the ranking of lean

    strategies and selection of the optimal strategy by using the modified TOPSIS method.

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    Figure 2. Proposed decision-making model for lean strategy selection.

    Figure 3. Flowchart of the proposed decision-making model.

    Table 2. LM strategy selection framework for the foundry industry.

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    SWOT criteria and its sub-criteria Lean strategies

    Internal factors

    Strengths (S) S1. Most of the raw materials are easily available

    from the local suppliers S2. Company believes in cleanliness of the shop

    floor and is quite concerned about the environment

    S3. State-of-the-art production technologies are used, which leads to high productivity and less pollution

    S4. High level of support from the top management for introducing lean concepts

    S5. Committed manpower and team spirit

    A1. Identify wastes in the manufacturing system and restructure manufacturing processes and layout

    A2. Take management support for using better technology

    A3. Collaborate with customer and supplier in product development processes

    A4. Share production planning and forecasting knowledge with customers and suppliers

    A5. Consider employee suggestions on products and processes improvement

    A6. Undertake programs for quality improvement and control and for the improvement of equipment productivity

    A7. Undertake programs to improve environmental performance of processes and products

    A8. Undertake actions to implement pull production system

    Weaknesses (W) W1. Lack of Management Information System

    (MIS) for inventory control W2. Lack of communication between management

    and workers W3. Lack of skill up-gradation training and formal

    training for workers and managers W4. Anxiety in changing the mind-set of workers to

    adapt varying circumstances W5. Lack of senior managements committed


    External factors

    Opportunities (O) O1. Rise in demand of casting products at local and

    national level O2. Growing environmental concern in foundries of

    western countries provides opportunities for sourcing of castings from developing countries like China and India.

    O3. Low labour costs in India O4. Technology available for castings are well

    established in India O5. Improvement in economic and political

    relations with different countries Threats (T)

    T1. Looming shortage of skilled workers and trained engineers in foundry industry

    T2. Foundries are forced to invest more in R&D to increase productivity and reduce pollution

    T3. Producing the castings with limited effects on the environment under present technological and economic challenges

    T4. Other competitors, in particular China and United States are emerging as potential supplier in global market due to better technology and infrastructure

    T5. Fluctuations of raw materials prices in the market

    4.2 Analysis of criteria and sub-criteria priorities using ANP

    In this section, ANP is used for evaluating priorities of SWOT criteria and sub-criteria.

    Assuming independence among the SWOT criteria, a pairwise independent comparison

    matrix is formed among the criteria with respect to the overall goal by using pairwise

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    comparison scale. The pairwise comparison matrix has been analysed as shown in Table 3,

    and the following priorities () are obtained.










    = =

    Table 3. Pairwise comparison of SWOT criteria with independence among them.

    SWOT criteria S W O T Priorities of SWOT criteria

    S 1 2 2 3 0.410 W 1 2 2 0.269 O 1 3 0.212 T 1 0.109

    Internal dependence among the SWOT criteria is then determined by evaluating the influence

    of each criterion on other criteria. Since, it is unrealistic to assume the SWOT criteria as

    independent, the existence of internal dependence among these criteria is modelled more

    realistically through the ANP approach. The pairwise comparison matrices are formed for the

    SWOT criteria based on the internal dependencies by using pairwise comparison scale as

    shown in Tables 4-7. The internal dependence matrix of the SWOT factors () is formed using the obtained internal dependence priorities of each criterion.

    Table 4. The internal dependence matrix of the SWOT factors with respect to strengths.

    S W O T Priorities W 1 1/5 0.094 O 1 3 0.627 T 1 0.279

    Table 5. The internal dependence matrix of the SWOT factors with respect to weaknesses.

    W S O T Priorities S 1 4 3 0.630 O 1 2 0.218 T 1 0.152

    Table 6. The internal dependence matrix of the SWOT factors with respect to opportunities.

    O S W T Priorities S 1 5 6 0.729 W 1 0.162

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    T 1 0.109

    Table 7. The internal dependence matrix of the SWOT factors with respect to threats.

    T S W O Priorities S 1 7 4 0.705 W 1 1/3 0.084 O 1 0.211


    1 0.630 0.729 0.705

    0.094 1 0.162 0.084

    0.627 1 0.211

    0.279 0.152 0.109

    0.2 8




    The interdependent priorities (CDEFGDEH) of the SWOT criteria are calculated as follows:

    22 21





    criteriaw W w

    = =

    The local priorities of the SWOT sub-criteria are calculated by using the pairwise

    comparison matrices as follows:

    ( )

    1 1/ 3 1/ 7 1/ 5 1/ 3 0.044

    1 1/ 5 1/ 4 1/ 2 0.082

    1 2 8 0.483

    1 5 0.295

    1 0.096

    criterisub stra engthsw

    = =

    ( )

    1 5 1/ 2 1/ 5 3 0.137

    1 1/ 7 1/ 9 1/ 3 0.033

    1 1/ 3 6 0.247

    1 8 0.523

    1 0.060

    criteriasub weaknessesw

    = =

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    ( )

    1 2 3 3 5 0.372

    1 3 5 7 0.322

    1 4 7 0.187

    1 3 0.080

    1 0.039

    sub opportucrite nitiesriaw

    = =

    ( )

    1 3 5 1/ 3 7 0.264

    1 2 1/ 5 5 0.118

    1 1/ 7 3 0.068

    1 9 0.516

    1 0.034

    sub thrcriteria eatsw

    = =

    The global priorities of the SWOT sub-criteria IJK*CDEFGDEH

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    amongst the SWOT sub-criteria by inputs from each expert. The multiple opinions on

    elements of decision matrix obtained are aggregated into the group importance rating by

    taking the geometric mean, using the Eq. (7) and the aggregated rating of each lean strategies

    with respect to the sub-criteria was obtained as shown in Table 9. Then, the elements of the

    normalised decision matrix are calculated for each element of the aggregated decision matrix

    using the vector normalisation method using Eq. (8), and the normalised decision matrix is

    formed as shown in Table 10. By using the Eq. (9) and (10), the positive-ideal and the

    negative-ideal solutions are determined for each SWOT sub-criteria from the normalised

    decision matrix. The weighted Euclidean distances of each lean strategy are calculated from

    the positive-ideal and the negative-ideal solutions by using the Eq. (11) and (12) and the

    obtained distances are shown in Table 11. Finally, the relative closeness coefficient ? of each lean strategy to the ideal solutions are calculated by using the Eq. (13) and are relatively

    listed in Table 11. The relative closeness coefficient indicates the most and the least

    preferable lean strategies.

    In addition to this, the same model has been applied and analysed with the ANP based

    TOPSIS method. In order to compute the ANP based TOPSIS satisfaction values, the data

    obtained from the weighted decision matrix has been used. It is specified that the results

    obtained by the application of the modified TOPSIS may perhaps vary from those calculated

    by the classical TOPSIS method. The modified method, however, maybe considered to

    provide better and more reliable results, because of its analytical derivation in view of the

    weighted Euclidean distances.

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    Table 9. The aggregated rating of the lean strategies with respect to the sub-criteria.

    S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 O1 O2 O3 O4 O5 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5

    A1 2.25 7.28 5.27 3.65 4.38 5.12 4.45 3.25 2.13 5.37 8.21 7.73 2.37 5.42 1.79 4.38 7.85 3.34 8.53 2.94

    A2 1.67 3.56 8.64 5.53 4.27 7.83 6.25 5.38 7.13 8.17 6.52 6.43 4.89 8.35 2.47 3.77 4.92 6.23 8.06 3.67

    A3 6.91 3.47 5.57 7.31 2.35 3.52 1.96 3.68 3.35 4.03 7.28 8.67 1.77 3.67 7.17 2.54 5.37 6.94 8.74 5.89

    A4 6.57 2.65 6.38 7.45 2.19 6.37 2.15 2.57 3.97 3.53 6.23 7.93 2.85 7.95 5.15 3.65 4.67 4.84 7.23 8.35

    A5 2.81 8.43 6.86 8.93 5.15 3.16 8.42 7.19 6.75 4.27 2.27 3.28 5.07 5.81 1.97 4.15 3.31 4.41 2.19 1.09

    A6 3.62 7.35 8.38 6.75 4.78 7.87 5.37 7.03 8.26 6.67 7.15 6.49 4.37 8.78 4.63 7.35 6.53 7.27 7.79 2.43

    A7 7.25 8.09 6.25 5.93 2.13 4.93 3.63 5.47 2.31 4.49 5.79 5.35 2.23 6.39 1.47 2.63 7.45 8.05 5.84 3.95

    A8 8.71 6.55 7.29 8.78 5.47 8.09 5.68 6.92 7.56 6.59 8.45 7.82 4.76 7.93 3.35 6.72 4.59 6.97 8.35 8.18

    Table 10. Normalised decision matrix.

    S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 O1 O2 O3 O4 O5 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5

    A1 0.143 0.408 0.269 0.185 0.382 0.295 0.305 0.210 0.132 0.339 0.431 0.396 0.223 0.274 0.160 0.330 0.481 0.191 0.409 0.200

    A2 0.106 0.200 0.441 0.280 0.372 0.450 0.429 0.348 0.443 0.516 0.342 0.329 0.460 0.423 0.220 0.284 0.301 0.355 0.386 0.250

    A3 0.439 0.195 0.284 0.370 0.205 0.202 0.134 0.238 0.208 0.255 0.382 0.444 0.166 0.186 0.639 0.191 0.329 0.396 0.419 0.401

    A4 0.417 0.149 0.326 0.377 0.191 0.366 0.147 0.166 0.247 0.223 0.327 0.406 0.268 0.402 0.459 0.275 0.286 0.276 0.346 0.568

    A5 0.178 0.473 0.350 0.452 0.449 0.182 0.578 0.465 0.420 0.270 0.119 0.168 0.476 0.294 0.176 0.312 0.203 0.252 0.105 0.074

    A6 0.230 0.412 0.428 0.342 0.417 0.453 0.368 0.455 0.514 0.421 0.375 0.332 0.411 0.444 0.413 0.553 0.400 0.415 0.373 0.165

    A7 0.460 0.454 0.319 0.300 0.186 0.284 0.249 0.354 0.144 0.284 0.304 0.274 0.210 0.323 0.131 0.198 0.456 0.459 0.280 0.269

    A8 0.553 0.367 0.372 0.444 0.477 0.465 0.390 0.448 0.470 0.416 0.444 0.400 0.447 0.401 0.299 0.506 0.281 0.398 0.400 0.556

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    Table 11. Closeness coefficients and ranking of lean strategies with ANP based TOPSIS and

    ANP based modified TOPSIS methods.

    Alternatives ANP based TOPSIS method ANP based modified TOPSIS method Si

    + Si- Ci Rank Di

    + Di- Ci Rank

    A1 0.0549 0.0550 0.5002 7 0.1847 0.1990 0.5185 5 A2 0.0466 0.0499 0.5167 5 0.1850 0.1631 0.4686 7 A3 0.0464 0.0550 0.5421 3 0.1649 0.2069 0.5565 2 A4 0.0393 0.0508 0.5639 2 0.1487 0.1896 0.5604 1 A5 0.0539 0.0503 0.4824 8 0.1922 0.1926 0.5005 6 A6 0.0490 0.0509 0.5095 6 0.1919 0.1687 0.4679 8 A7 0.0438 0.0488 0.5273 4 0.1622 0.1850 0.5329 3 A8 0.0450 0.0583 0.5643 1 0.1771 0.2020 0.5328 4

    5. Conclusions

    The purpose of this article has been to evaluate lean strategies as a MCDM problem by using

    integrated ANP and modified TOPSIS based on the SWOT analysis. This research explores

    and identifies sub-criteria in order to generate a basic hierarchical model for analysing lean

    strategies by using SWOT analysis. To find out the best lean strategy for the foundry

    industry, we proposed a new integrated method for the first time based on the ANP and

    modified TOPSIS. Thus, an integrated evaluation system has been designed to provide

    practitioners a point of view to construct a SWOT model for ascertaining the relative

    importance of the SWOT sub-criteria and to assess the lean strategies based on these sub-

    criteria. By quantitatively comparing our method with classical TOPSIS approach, we have

    shown that the proposed method successfully contributes to the knowledge in the

    development of a systematic methodology and enables decision makers to understand the

    complete evaluation process of lean strategy selection problem. Managerially, this article

    provides a novel approach to examine various lean strategy using decision-making methods.

    Furthermore, this approach provides a more accurate, effective, and systematic decision

    support tool. Finally, it is recommended that managers of the foundry industry can utilize this

    model to evaluate their organisations strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to

    prioritise the strategies for further development and higher productivity.

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    Regardless of the benefits summarised, there are some limitations. This paper could

    be extended by using intuitionistic fuzzy sets in conjunction with ANP and modified TOPSIS

    based SWOT methodology to capture possible uncertainty. The refinement of the proposed

    approach for sophisticated modelling would be an appropriate approach for future research. It

    is also suggested that future research may include the application of the proposed

    methodology to other manufacturing industries. This work can also be further extended by

    developing a mathematical software package for the selection of lean strategies.


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