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Volume 8 Issue 2 Halachos of Fish (in Orach Chaim) TOPIC SPONSORED BY: KOF-K KOSHER SUPERVISION

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Volume 8 Issue 2

Halachos of Fish (in Orach Chaim)



Page 2: TOPIC Halachos of Fish (in Orach Chaim) - · Volume 8 Issue 2 Halachos of Fish (in Orach Chaim) TOPIC SPONSORED BY: KOF-K KOSHER SUPERVISION

Compiled byRabbi Moishe Dovid Lebovits

Reviewed byRabbi Benzion Schiffenbauer Shlita

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HALACHICALLY SPEAKING � Halachically Speaking is a monthly publication compiled by Rabbi Moishe Dovid Lebovits, a former chaver kollel of Yeshiva Torah Vodaath and a musmach of Harav Yisroel Belsky Shlita. Rabbi Lebovits currently works as the Rabbinical Administrator for the KOF-K Kosher Supervision. � Each issue reviews a different area of contemporary halacha with an emphasis on practical applications of the principles discussed. Significant time is spent ensuring the inclusion of all relevant shittos on each topic, as well as the psak of Harav Yisroel Belsky, Shlita on current issues.

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ת ח.(של הלכה בלבד... )ברכו

ת מו

אא ד'


עולקב"ה ב

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There are many halachos that apply to fish, such as what beracha is recited on fish sticks, breaded fish, and gefilte fish. In addition, why

do we eat fish on Shabbos and Yom Tov? Are there any borer issues with fish on Shabbos? All these questions and others will be discussed in this issue.

Fish were created some 5772 years ago.1 We find many references to fish in Tanach. Fish are protected from ayin hara.2 Yaakov bentched Yosef ’s sons that they should multiply like fish.3 The Bnei Yisroel ate fish in Mitzrayim.4 Some say that fish are not subject to ayin hara, so a dish prepared from several fish varieties brings good luck. Fish are symbolic of fertility in the Chumash, as Yaakov bentched Yosef and his sons by saying: “May they increase in the land like fish.”5 We all know of the story of Yona who was swallowed by a fish.6 One of the gates of Yerushalayim was called the Fish Gate.7

1. Refer to Bereishis 1:20-23.

2. Rashi Bereishis 48:16, Toldos Yitzchok Bereishis 1:26.

3. Bereishis 48:16.

4. Bamidbar 11:5. Refer to Meseches Yoma 75a, Torah Temimah Bamidbar ibid.

5. Bereishis 48:15-16.

6. Sefer Yona 2:1.

7. Divrei Hayomim 2:33:14.

Halachos of Fish (in Orach Chaim)

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Beracha on Fish The beracha on items which do not grow from the

ground or on a tree is a shehakol. Accordingly, the beracha on fish is a shehakol.8

Beracha on Fish Sticks A question arises regarding which beracha to recite

on fish that are fried with breadcrumbs. If the breading is thick, some say that a mezonos should be made on the breading and a shehakol on the fish,9 while others say that only a mezonos is recited.10 If there is a thin coating, then a shehakol is recited even if the breading serves to give taste to the fish.11 If one is unsure, then a shehakol and a mezonos should be recited on other foods to exempt the fish and the breadcrumb coating.12 The same halachos would apply to fish sticks.

Breadcrumbs are frequently added to gefilte fish as an extender. The beracha is shehakol.13 (If the breadcrumbs

8. Shulchan Aruch 204:1, Aruch Ha’shulchan 1.

9. Vezos Ha’beracha page 110.

10. Rivevos Ephraim 5:147, Vezos Ha’beracha ibid quoting the opinion of Harav Elyashiv Shlita, V’sein Beracha page 78, Birchos Haneinen pages 129 quoting the opinion of Harav Elyashiv Shlita, Ve’aleihu Lo Yeibol 1:page 113:148.

11. Refer to Lehoros Nosson 4:9, 5:6, L’Torah V’horah 5:page 21, Rivevos Ephraim 3:122 quoting the opinion of Harav Moshe Feinstein zt”l, Harav Yaakov Kamenetsky zt”l, and others, Sharei Ha’beracha 16:21, Divrei Chachumim page 72:7 quoting the opinion of Harav Yaakov Kamenestky zt”l, Birchos Haneinen pages 129-130 quoting the opinion of Harav Shlomo Zalman Aurbach zt”l, V’sein Beracha page 78 quoting the opinions of Harav Sheinberg Shlita, Harav Moshe Feinstein zt”l, and Harav Yaakov Kamenetsky zt”l, Emes L’Yaakov 208:footnote 214. Refer to Pnei Ha’shulchan pages 221-226 in depth.

12. Harav Yisroel Belsky Shlita.

13. Avnei Nezer 1:38, Maharsham 2:32, Be’er Moshe 5:62, Rivevos Ephraim 2:77, 3:117, 5:152, 7:62, 8:409, Teshuvos V’hanhugos 1:181, Vezos Ha’beracha birurim 19, Birchos Haneinen pages 142-144, Orchos Rabbeinu :page 88:90.

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ת ח.(של הלכה בלבד... )ברכו

ת מו

אא ד'


עולקב"ה ב

אין לו לה


serve to add taste, a mezonos would be made,14 but this is not normally the case).

Eating Fish on ShabbosThe custom15 of Klal Yisroel is to eat fish on Shabbos.16

Many reasons are offered for this custom. Some say that just like fish have their eyes opened, Hashem opens His eyes to those who fear Him and has compassion on them.17 Others explain that water is the source of life for fish, and Torah, which is comparable to water, is the source of life for Klal Yisroel. Eating fish reminds us that we should devote Shabbos for learning of the Torah. 18 Furthermore, the daled and gimel of dagim represent the four forefathers and the three emahos. Also, the mon, which did not fall on Shabbos, is called gad, which are the letters of Dag ( fish).19 Hashem blessed three things at their creation: fish on the fifth day, man on the sixth day, and Shabbos. When people eat fish on Shabbos it brings these three blessings together in “a three-stranded cord that does not break easily.”20 Shalosh Seudas

14. Ohr L’tzyion 2:14:19.

15. Refer to Shulchan Aruch Harav (kuntres achron) 242:4 who quotes an opinion that it is an obligation. However, he refutes this opinion.

16. Refer to Meseches Shabbos 35b, 118b, Medrash Rabbah Koheles 7:23:3, 9:10:3, Shulchan Aruch Harav 242:2, Yeshurin 5:page 448. See Journal Shoneh B’shoneh 5744:pages 293-301.

17. Otzer Hayidios Shabbos page 82:11.

18. Sefer Matamim page 28:2 new.

19. Sefer Matamim page 28:7 new.

20. Sefer Matamim page 27:1 (new), Bnei Yissochor Shabbos 3:16:pages 11b-12 new.

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The poskim say that one should eat fish at all three Shabbos meals.21 Tuna fish is routinely served at shalosh seudos; this is sufficient and considered as fish.22

Muktzah - Fish A raw food that is fit for animal consumption is still

muktzah on Shabbos and may not be moved.23 Frozen raw fish is muktzah and may not be moved in the freezer.24

Many people keep aquariums with fish. Some say that it cannot be moved with the fish on Shabbos since it is muktzah.25

Borer and Fish Borer on Shabbos is a very complex issue. Therefore,

we will limit our discussion to its application to fish. It is prohibited to remove bad items from good items on Shabbos.26 There is a discussion among the poskim if borer is permitted while eating.27 Some permit it,28 though the custom is to be stringent.29 Nonetheless, one who does so while he is eating should not be rebuked.30 This has

21. Magen Avraham 242:1, Sefer Matamim Hachodesh pages 15-16, Kaf Ha’chaim 10, 291:29, Taamei Haminhagim 305-306 pages 143-144, and kuntres achron, Lekutei Maharich page 76, M’boa V’ad Tzeiso 68:17:footnote 43, Shearim Metzuyanim B’halacha 72:18, see Nishams Shabbos 2:442.

22. Harav Yisroel Belsky Shlita.

23. Shulchan Aruch O.C. 308:32, Mishnah Berurah 127.

24. Refer to Shalmei Yehudah 8:footnote 5 who says if there is a great loss one can be lenient (quoting the opinion of Harav Elyashiv Shlita, Rivevos Ephraim 4:97:3).

25. Rivevos Ephraim 1:239 quoting the opinion of Harav Moshe Fienstein zt”l, 3:207, Be’er Moshe 2:28:4, Har Tzvi O.C. 194, Shalmei Yehudah 13:11, Yabea Omer 5:26, Oz Nedberu 9:27:1. Refer to Ketzos Hashulchan 121:4, and Yesodo Yeshurin 4:page 328 who are lenient.

26. Shulchan Aruch O.C. 319:4. Refer to Oraisa (journal) 7:pages 187-198 in depth.

27. Refer to Minchas Shabbos 80:15:footnote 62.

28. Refer to Minchas Shabbos 80:15:footnote 62.

29. Biur Halacha O.C. 319 “ha’borer”.

30. Biur Halacha O.C. 319 “metoch”. Refer to Chazzon Ish O.C. 54:4 who is stringent.

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ת ח.(של הלכה בלבד... )ברכו

ת מו

אא ד'


עולקב"ה ב

אין לו לה


ramifications when eating fish on Shabbos that contains bones (such as carp, whitefish and some herrings).31

According to the stringent opinion, one would be required to eat the flesh (good) from the bones (bad), and not remove the bones before eating the flesh.

To avoid these issues, the custom of many people is to eat gefilte fish ( filled fish) on Shabbos, since they do not contain bones. They are usually made with a variety of different kinds of fish.

Fishing on Chol Hamoed In order to stay focused on the main concepts of chol

hamoed, one should not be distracted by other pursuits.32 One should not go fishing even if he will eat the fish on Yom Tov.33 However, if he enjoys fishing, then some permit it on chol hamoed. He should try to eat the fish on Yom Tov.34

Fish on Pesach In previous years carp was shipped alive from city to

city by placing alcohol on a piece of chometz in its mouth. After they died, the chometz was absorbed. Therefore, many had the custom to refrain from eating carp on Pesach.35 Although the fish is no longer shipped in this manner, some people still have the custom.36 Some have the custom to eat fake fish instead, which is made out of chicken.37

31. The same applies on Yom Tov (Biur Halacha 510 “haborer”).

32. Refer to the opinion of the Be’er Moshe as quoted in Chol Hamoed (English) page 187:30. See Shulchan Aruch O.C. 533:4, Magen Avraham 7, Mishnah Berurah 18.

33. Mishnah Berurah O.C. 533:23, Shar Ha’tzyion 33.

34. Refer to Aruch Ha’shulchan O.C. 533:7. Opinion of Harav Moshe Feinstein zt”l as quoted in Chol Hamoed (English) page 166:13.

35. Pri Megadim Eishel Avraham 447 (end). Some had the custom to buy live fish (V’yagid Moshe 27:9:page 227).

36. Harav Yisroel Belsky Shlita.

37. Halacha Shel Pesach page 160:footnote 43.

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Fish at a Seudah HamafsekesSome say that one may not eat fish at the seudah

hamafsekes on erev Tisha B’av.38 One reason is that eating fish causes joy.39 Others say that this is a mistake, and eating fish is indeed permitted.40 The custom of many is to be stringent.41

Fish During Aseres Yemi TeshuvaThere are those who refrain from eating fish during

Aseres Yemi Teshuva since some of its letters are the same as “worry” in Hebrew (da’aga).42 Others specifically eat fish, since they are a remez to multiplying and being fruitful.43 Indeed, the custom of most people is not to be concerned with this.44 Succos

When exiting the Succah for the last time, we say a tefilla that just as we have fulfilled the mitzvah of Succah, we should have the zechus to dwell in the Succah of the skin of the Levyason ( fish).

Fish and Adar The zodiac sign of the month of Adar is fish.

When Haman plotted the genocide of the Jewish People, he consulted the stars to see which month would be the most propitious for his murderous plan. He found

38. Shulchan Aruch 552:2.

39. Magen Avraham 2, Mishnah Berurah 6.

40. Gra 552 “v’dagim,” Aruch Ha’shulchan 3. Refer to Bigdei Yeshaya 552:2.

41. Nechamas Yisroel 27:20. Sardines are not chashuv therefore eating them at this seudah is permitted (ibid:footnote 54).

42. Matei Ephraim 583:3.

43. Matei Ephraim 583:3, Minhag Yisroel Torah 3:page 85. Refer to Darchei Moshe Ha’uruch 583:1.

44. Matei Ephraim 583:3, Lekutei Maharich 3:page 619 (new).

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ת ח.(של הלכה בלבד... )ברכו

ת מו

אא ד'


עולקב"ה ב

אין לו לה


that the month of Adar, whose sign is Dagim contained no special merit for the Jews. He surmised that, just like a fish, he could “swallow” his prey. The fact that death had “swallowed” Moshe on the seventh day of Adar lent support to his hypothesis. However, Haman had forgotten two small points: Moshe was also born on the seventh of Adar, and although fish can swallow up their prey, they can also get swallowed up by bigger fish. This is exactly what happened to Haman and his crew - all their plans were turned upside down, and Haman and his family were hung on the exact same gallows which he had prepared for Mordechai.

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