topic 4: transformations in southern africa after 1750 what transformations took place in southern...

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  • Slide 1
  • TOPIC 4: TRANSFORMATIONS IN SOUTHERN AFRICA AFTER 1750 What transformations took place in southern Africa after 1750? colour pictures to accompany the notes a start to a mindmap on this topic an example of a completed mindmap on this topic colour pictures to accompany the source-based questions. The slides for this topic include:
  • Slide 2
  • Source: J.S, Bergh. 1984. Stamme en Ryke. Cape Town: Don Nelson. The praise-singer of King Dingane of the Zulu, drawn by Allen Francis Gardiner See page
  • Slide 3
  • See page 85 Source: Ji-Elle A Nguni pot and lid from the 19 th century, showing the key role of cattle in this culture A San rock painting from Zimbabwe Source: Steve Evans
  • Slide 4
  • See page 85 The undulating Swartland is fertile and good for farming wheat, grapes and vegetables. Source: Winfried Bruenken (Amrum).
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  • See page 85 Source: Dr Thomas Wagner. The Richtersveld is arid and mountainous.
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  • See page 86 A typical Stellenbosch vineyard in the Boland Source: Deon Maritz
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  • Source: Discott Trekboer migrations between 1740 and 1800 See page Richtersveld Eastern Cape Grahamstown Southern Cape Swartland
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  • See page 86 Source: Lysippos The varied climates of the Eastern Cape support different kinds of farming, from sheep and cattle to fruit farming.
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  • An 1818 map of Africa by John Pinkerton, showing the parts of Africa familiar to Europeans See page 86 Source: Pinkerton, J., A Modern Atlas, from the Latest and Best Authorities, Exhibiting the Various Divisions of the World with its chief Empires, Kingdoms, and States; in Sixty Maps, carefully reduced from the Largest and Most Authentic Sources. 1818, Philadelphia, Thomas Dobson Edition
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  • A drawing of a Tlhaping captain and his wife by Rev. John Campbell, circa 1818 Source: J.S, Bergh. 1984. Stamme en Ryke. Cape Town: Don Nelson See page
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  • See page 87 The Pongola River today Source: Bobrayner
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  • A picture of a Zulu warrior Source: George F. Angus. J.S, Bergh. 1984. Stamme en Ryke. Cape Town: Don Nelson See page
  • Slide 13
  • The Zulu Kingdom encompassed mountainous grasslands and sub-tropical areas. See page 88 Source: Harri Source: Purves, M
  • Slide 14
  • The British camp at Port Natal in 1842 See page 90 Source:
  • Slide 15
  • An 1836 watercolour of Mzilikazi See page 90 Source: William Cornwallis Harris. J.S, Bergh. 1984. Stamme en Ryke. Cape Town: Don Nelson
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  • Southern Tswana Pedi Swazi Ndebele Gaza Sotho Zulu Mpondo Xhosa Griqua Kora San Khoi British Boers Ndwandwe A sketch of where the different cultural groups covered in this topic were distributed around 1830 See page
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  • See page 91 A depiction of Voortrekkers on the 1949 Voortrekker Monument in Pretoria Source: NJR ZA
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  • A Voortrekker ox-wagon See page 91 Source: NJR ZA
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  • A painting of a Kora from the 19 th century See page 91 Source: William John Burchell
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  • See page 92 Thaba Bosiu Source: Marduk Source: Cape Colony Archives An early painting of a Griqua
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  • See page 92 Source: Eugene Casalis King Moshoeshoe
  • Slide 22
  • See page 93 Source: "Stamme & Ryke", by J.S. Bergh, together with A.P. Bergh. Don Nelson: Cape Town. 1984 Andrew Geddes Bain recorded the eye-catching 19 th -century hairstyles of the Mpondo.
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  • See page 95 Source: rm1387502848/tt0086798 A poster for the 1986 film Shaka Zulu
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  • See page 96 The Trekbur by Samuel Daniell circa 1804
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  • See page 96 A photograph of King Moshoeshoe with his ministers Source: Bensusan Museum. Johannesburg
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  • A sketch made of King Shaka by James King in the 1820s SourceWikimedia Commons See page