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Page 3: Top50 Logistics Operator


logisticsmanager supplement June 2011

Welcome to LLMM TToopp 5500, LogisticsManager’s survey of the top logisticsservice providers 2011. It has been

a busy year for the 3PL sector, with a numberof mergers and acquisitions changing thelandscape of the market in the UK.Perhaps the biggest news is Norbert

Dentressangle’s takeover of TDG in a £212mcash deal. The move, along with its acquisition ofSchneider International last November will allow

the company to extend its activities into the chemicals,fuel and petrochemicals, automotive and construction

industries. Other significant acquisitions include Kuehne + Nagel buyingNottingham-based groupage operator RH Freight as part of its strategy to expandits European overland network, and Bibby Distribution taking over Taygroup, TM Logistics and a significant part of the English operations of haulage companyMRS Distribution.LM Top 50 aims to provide the fundamental data needed when looking for

a logistics partner, as well as the dos and don’ts of making the right choice.It also offers a round up of what’s been happening over the past year,

including any takeovers and mergers,major contract wins and significantpersonnel changes, plus a lookforward at developing trends.As well as listing the top 50 3PLs –

which are ranked by annual turnover forthe first time rather than in alphabetical order – we have also highlighted the mostinfluential people within the sector, as voted for by readers.To compile the survey we asked companies to supply us with all the relevant facts,

as well as taking information from accounts lodged at Companies House and datafrom Perfect Information (see right). We have made every effort to contact all therelevant companies, but we are reliant on companies supplying data and in somecases have not been able to get the information we require. Please contact us if youfeel your company should be included next year.

Lucy TesserasAssistant Editor

50 Poland Street, London W1F 7AX Tel 020 7970 then 4-digit extension Fax 020 7970 4119 � Editor Malory Davies FCILT (4100) [email protected] � Assistant Editor Lucy Tesseras (4813) [email protected] � Editorial Assistant Johanna Parsons (4139) [email protected] � Contributing Editor, Supply Chain Nick Allen(01444 467 307) [email protected] � Contributing Editor, Property Liza Helps (01449 673 952) [email protected] � Art Editor Steve Lillywhite (4492)[email protected] � Commercial Manager Mark Judd (4441) [email protected] � Senior Advertisement Sales Executive Mauro Marenghi (4122)[email protected] � Recruitment Sales Executive Ross McMeekin (4439) [email protected] � Circulation Marketing Manager Ian Paxton (4243)[email protected] � Production Tony Kempster (4425) [email protected] � Group Publisher Dan King (4854) [email protected] � Printer Williams Press� Publisher Centaur Media plc ISSN 1353-5595 � Circulation enquiries 020 7292 3758 [email protected]

LM Top 50 is a supplement published by Logistics Manager published by Centaur Media plc.

Logistics Manager is a controlled circulation journal published eleven times a year. Applications for inclusion on our free circulation list will be considered from individuals residing in the UK whose job function meets the termsof our controlled circulation. To apply, please complete either the reader application card in this issue or our online form at Logistics Manager is also available on subscription to ‘non-qualified’ readers at £55.00 per year in the UK and £90.00 per year outside of the UK. Although every effort will be made to ensure the accuracy of all information published, the publishers cannot accept responsibility for claimsmade by contributors and advertisers. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be produced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recordingor otherwise without prior written permission of the publishers. © 2011 Centaur Media plc.


Annual Review »04It’s been a real rollercoasterride for third party logisticsproviders over the past year,but there are now signs ofrenewed optimism.

Who wields themost influence? »04Who has made the mostsignificant impact on thelogistic market over the pastyear? Our readers’ votereveals all.

Dos and don’ts of hiring a 3PL »05Selecting the right 3PL canbe a difficult and lengthyprocess but there are anumber of key things toremember when beginningthe tendering process.

Top 50 companies »07The top 50 logisticsproviders ranked by annualturnover.

Pallet networks »15Competition is fierce in thiskey sector of the logisticsmarket.

THE 3PL VIEWCommentary and analysisfrom leading logisticsproviders.

Ceva Logistics »16Building sustainable supplychains.

Kuehne + Nagel »18Achieving supply chainvelocity.


Perfect Information Perfect Information is a sistercompany of Logistics Manager. Itwas established in 1991 toprovide workflow solutions andglobal financial information forthe top 100 investment banks,brokerage firms, consultanciesand the top 75 law firms. Detailsfrom:

LM Top 50 aims to providethe fundamental dataneeded when looking fora logistics partner.

Page 4: Top50 Logistics Operator

It’s been a real rollercoaster ride for third party logistics providers overthe past year, with the downs and ups of the recession, mergers,acquisition, rising fuel costs, and the change in government – withspending cuts still looming. But those that have survived, and evenprospered, have been the ones who have been able to adapt andrespond to changing market conditions quickly. Lucy Tesseras reports.

Growth backon the agenda

There are renewed signs of optimism among thirdparty logistics operators following a turbulentfew years made complicated by recession,mergers, acquisitions, rising fuel costs, and

government spending cuts.“After a tough couple of years I believe that in 2011 we

will start to see signs of recovery with customer volumesincreasing from last year,” says Ian Smith, chief executiveofficer of Nightfreight.

“While the public sector cuts will, undoubtedly, resultin uncertainty I expect to see UK growth continuingthroughout the year. This growth will lead toopportunities for logistics organisations, but I expect tosee service level requirements increasing, with widerservice offerings to meet the consumer demands.”

Kuehne + Nagel’s Glenn Lindfield, senior vice-president contract logistics, North West Europe, agreessuggesting that while times have been tough prospectsare slowly beginning to improve.

“Against the background of economic uncertaintycustomers have been reluctant to accept the risks ofchange without a compelling or critical reason to do so.In the last two to three years this resulted in morebenchmarking on larger transactions and greatercompleted activity in smaller tactical contracts.

“There has since been a noticeable increase in activitylevels and the size of tender opportunities over the pastfew months. Many customers are now considering theirown longer-term growth strategies rather than purelyfocusing on cost reduction.”

However, not all are so confident. Iain Speak, chiefexecutive officer of Bibby Distribution reckons that in theshort-term “pressure will be felt across the industry withrising costs of fuel, general inflation, and clients’demands to reduce supply chain costs to remaincompetitive in challenging market conditions.”

Andhe is keen topointout thatnot all companieswill beprepared to face the challenges that lie ahead, adding: “Anumber of operators who, having survived the recession,may now face an uphill battle to remain profitable.”

However, while Paul Kelly, group marketing manager ofAllport expects there to be a slow down in the first twoquarters as overstocks from 2010 work through customerinventory, he anticipates a modest recovery to begin inthe third quarter.

individual contribution

DHL Supply Chain’s Graham Inglisis our reader’s choice as mostinfluential person in third partylogistics.Inglis, whose full title is chief

executive of DHL in the UK,Ireland, France, Eastern Europe,Middle East and Africa, joined ExelLogistics in 1995 and subsequentlyjoined DHL following itsacquisition of Exel in 2005.Last year DHL joined its Supply

Chain, Global Forwarding/Freight,Express and Global Mail divisions.The company plans to target newindustries such as publishing,fashion, life sciences, technologyand automotive next year, as wellas emerging markets includingAsia.Inglis topped a strong field of

nominees including Stobart chiefAndrew Tinkler, CILT chairmanPaul Brooks, Tim Scharwath ofKuehne + Nagel, and TV dragonHilary Devey of Pall-Ex.Andrew Tinkler, chief executive of

the Stobart Group was a popularchoice. Since buying the companywith Edward Stobart’s brotherWilliam in 2004, he has beencredited with turning it around,returning it to profit. Earlier thisyear he was named North WestBusiness Leader of the Year by theCBI North West. He attributes hissuccess to knowing his customers,

understanding costs and keeping atight rein on them, and never beingcomplacent.Unipart sales director Paul

Brooks, who is also chairman ofthe CILT and Transport UK and aboard member at Skills forLogistics, also figured strongly. Onevoter said: “[Brooks] is a wellknown figure who influences theentire sector with regard to skillsand the profile and status of theentire logistics and transportprofession.”It has been a busy year for

Norbert Dentressangle CEOFrancois Bertreau, who played asignificant role in the acquisitionof TDG to form one of the biggestplayers in the UK 3PL market.Hilary Devey has also been in the

public eye after joining BBC TVshow Dragons’ Den as its latestinvestor and raising the profile ofwomen in logistics.There was strong support for a

number of other individuals whohave made a significant impact onthe industry this year including:Eric Born, CEO of Wincanton, JohnPattullo, CEO of Ceva Logistics,Theo de Pencier, CEO of the FreightTransport Association and formerTibbett & Britten chief John Harveywho is now chairman of KeswickEnterprises and has just launchedTibbett Logistics.

Whowields themost influence?

04 Annual review

June 2011 logisticsmanager supplement

Page 5: Top50 Logistics Operator

Annual review

logisticsmanager supplement June 2011

Risk will continue to be an issue over the next three tofive-yearplanninghorizon thoughasmanycompaniesareless certain of future markets, according to Paul Brooks ofUnipart Logistics. “Themarketwill continue to be focusedon cost and risk, so the cost benefit of any initiative orproject will have to be quite large to gainapproval…However, those companies that are confident,thathaveavision for the futureand thatare setonstrategicchange will move ahead with those plans – whether theybe consolidating three warehouses into one or changingmanufacturing strategy, and service providers will have tobe highly agile and responsive to those demands.”As things begin to stabilise many believe shared-user

logistics will become amore attractive option.Steve Winwood of Culina says: “There is a continual

need to drive costs out of the supply chain and promoteenvironmental responsibility, therefore shared-userlogistics will provide an evermore attractive and suitablelogistics solution tomore andmoremanufacturers.”Keith Forster, managing director of Boughey reckons

the same is true of the food sector. He thinks customershave become less precious over sharing resources acrossmultiple grocery retailers and their suppliers as theystrive for higher service levels coupled with morecompetitive service rates.Investment in new technology and IT infrastructure is

set to be high on the agenda as companies try to stayahead of the curve. Customer service is also being lookedat as operators look to retain customers.Hellmann’s Matthew Marriott reckons that we will see

changes to the 3PL arena over the next 12 months,namely owing to the retail sector driving costs throughchallenging 3PL structures.“More pressure will be placed on consumer sectors in

the UK in 2011/12 due to the austerity budget andreduction in household spending. Consumer businesswill have to react to protect margins through either thecurrent incumbents removing specific processes fromthe supply chain and reducing costs through leanthinking practices or the consumer company placingbusiness out to bid. Either way, margins in 3PLcompanies will be challenged due to the increasingpressure on the high street,” he says.Companies are also looking to invest in new markets.

Norbert Dentressangle’s chief executive officer, François

Bertreau, reckons: “Customers, especially in the retailsector, are increasingly looking to international marketsand need logistics partners that can offer a completerange of services in these markets, the ability to ‘join thedots’ to deliver the most efficient end-to-end supplychain solutions, and the resilience and stability to enterinto long-term, strategic partnerships.”Paul Brooks of Unipart Logistics says: “The growing

markets of the BRICS countries are where we areinvesting a lot of our time and effort. We haveexperienced significant overseas growth over the lastyear, with expanded contracts and additional sitescoming on-stream. We now have five warehouses inChina where we only had two at the start of last year.”

Global sourcingSimilarly, Ian Veitch, managing director of YusenLogistics (UK), says: “It is envisaged that there will bemore emphasis on global sourcing for customers andtherefore a requirement for transparent IT solutions andthe ability to manage in the world’s sourcing centres, egChina, India and Indonesia efficiently and effectively.Equally, the need for efficient pan-European networkscontinues to grow, with companies increasinglyexploring sourcingopportunities nearer to consumers tomaximise flexibility.”The rise of e-commerce has also had a huge impact on

the 3PL sector with many realigning their business toaccommodate these requirements.Sharon Davies, director of corporate affairs, UK &

Ireland at DHL, says: “Our industry was also one of thefirst to profit from the rise of multi-channel and inparticular the surge in online retail investment we haveseen over recent years.”And it doesn’t look like the trend is set to change. Kate

Willard, head of fund and stakeholder management atStobart Group, says: “We see a real potential for growth inthe B2C market with the ongoing increase in internetshopping. This is likely to have a parallel increase inmodal shift traffic due to the sustainability agenda.”Peter Nielsen, managing director of DSV Solutions,

continues to see e-commerce as a bigger proportion ofDSV’s overall business, and K+N’s Lindfield anticipatesgrowth in its e-commerce related products, e-fulfilmentand reverse logistics following investment.


Selecting the right 3PL can be a difficultand lengthy process, but there are anumber of key things to remember whenbeginning the tendering process to helpthings runmore smoothly.Firstly, it is important to be clear as to

why you are outsourcing and what youwant to achieve. “This will direct thecontractor selection criteria, scope ofcontractors’ responsibilities, contractformat, performance measures, etc,” saysindependent logistics consultant DavidHindson. “If you lack clarity in why youare outsourcing, you will probably getthese things wrong which will later resultin frustration and possibly conflict.”He also warns that the process should

not be rushed to meet an arbitrarytimescale and that the time spent on eachstep should be proportionate. “Forexample, don’t allocate six months toprepare tender documents and then givecontractors three weeks to respond,” headvises.

Chris Sturman, chief executive of theFood Storage and Distribution Federation,says it is imperative to ensure that the 3PLunderstands your business and yourcorporate vision and objectives. He alsoadvises companies to get references fromsimilar organisations which the 3PL isalready working with “to ensure that thereis a complete knowledge and integrationof the services supplied and full customersatisfaction”.Both Sturman and Hindson recommend

checking the capabilities of the team thatwill be responsible for theimplementation making sure theircapabilities, experience and knowledge fitthe needs of your business.Hindson also warns companies not to

invite large numbers of contractors to bidin the hope of getting the lowest possibleprice. He says: “This will damage yourreputation such that you may find itdifficult to attract bidders in futureexercises. If you want to test the market

more widely, undertake a pre-qualification exercise perhaps involvingquestionnaires, site visits, references, orinterviews.”Plus, Sturman says don’t expect every

3PL to respond to your invitation totender as proposals cost time andmoneyto prepare and 3PLs will often make avalue judgement as to the likelihood ofwinning.From a 3PL’s point of view,Tony Leach,

director of Virtualized Logistics, theconsultancy arm of SBSWorldwide, says:“The more information the potentialsuppliers have, the more likely they are tobe able to provide a realistic tender reply.”He reckons it is also important to

consider how important your businesswill be to the potential supplier. “Will yoube a major customer, receiving high levelattention…Or will you be just one of manysmaller customers? Do you care – and,more importantly, howmuch is it worth toget the more personalised service?”

Dos and don’ts of choosing a third party logistics provider

Risk will alsocontinue tobe an issueover the nextthree tofive-yearplanninghorizon asmanycompaniesare lesscertain offuturemarkets.

Page 6: Top50 Logistics Operator

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LM 3PL 06:Layout 1 13/5/11 15:39 Page 1

Page 7: Top50 Logistics Operator

LMTop 50

logisticsmanagersupplement June 2011

1.DEUTSCHE POST DHLUltimate owner:Deutsche Post DHLInternational headquarters: Bonn,Germany

SERVICES�Database management � 4PL/lead logistics provider� Polywrapping �Dedicated distribution� Lettershop Services � Shared-user distribution�UK bulk mail distribution �Delivery network�Global mail distribution �Warehousing� E-fulfilment � Inventory management�Global package distribution � Temperature-controlled�Hybrid mail � Bulk solids � Returns services� Bulk liquids �Air freight forwarding � Express (B2B)� Sea freight forwarding � E-fulfilment centres� International logistics �Home deliveries (B2C)� European logistics services � Reverse logistics� Systems and IT services

BUSINESS SECTORS� Publishing � Food & drink� e-Commerce � Pharmaceutical & healthcare� e-Retail � Paper & printing�Automotive � Furniture & furnishings�Chemicals & petroleum �Utilities�Clothing & footwear �Construction� Electronics & electrical �General manufacturing�Aviation � Environmental services�Agri-foods � Public sector�Hospitality, restaurant and catering �Media services� Procurement

PARTNERSHIPS & ALLIANCESCILT � German Industry Group � FTAFreight Quality Partnership � AICESMail Competition Forum � CBI � Dod’sIPT (Industry and Parliamentary Trust)WIG (Whitehall and Industry Group)DfT - Aviation Group � DfT –Van ResearchWorking GroupLondon First � PPA (Periodical Publishers Association)

PLANSJoined DHL Supply Chain, Global Forwarding/Freight, Expressand Global Mail divisions which will be facilitated by anExecutive Committee.

STATISTICSTotal sales: £46.5bn (51.5bn euros)Total number of sites: 120,000 destinations worldwideNumber of UK sites: 811Total number of vehicles: 83,800 (excl. trailers, swap bodies)Number of UK vehicles: 9,363

�Tel: 0844 248 0891Email: [email protected]:

2.UPSUltimate owner:United Parcel Service of America IncInternational headquarters:Atlanta,GeorgiaUK headquarters:Middlesex

SERVICES� 4PL/lead logistics provider �Air freight forwarding�Dedicated distribution � Sea freight forwarding� Shared-user distribution � International logistics�Delivery network � European logistics services�Warehousing � Systems & IT services� Inventory management � Express (B2B)� E-fulfilment centres �Home deliveries (B2C)� Reverse logistics

BUSINESS SECTORS�Automotive � Pharmaceutical & healthcare�Clothing & footwear � Paper & printing� Furniture & furnishings � Electronics & electrical� General manufacturing � Healthcare Logistics

STATISTICSTotal sales: £30.2bn ($49.5bn)UK sales: (UPS Ltd, 2009) £601mTotal number of sites: 1,000+


3.FEDEX CORPORATIONUltimate owner: FedEx CorporationInternational headquarters:Memphis,TennesseeEMEA headquarters: Brussels, Belgium

SERVICES� Express (B2B)� Home deliveries (B2C)

BUSINESS SECTORS�Clothing & footwear � Paper & printing� Furniture & furnishings � Electronics & electricals

STATISTICSTotal sales: £21bn ($34.7bn)UK sales: (FedEx UK Ltd,May 2009/10) £182.1mTotal number of vehicles: 80,000


4.DB SCHENKERUltimate owner:Deutsche BahnInternational headquarters: Berlin,Germany

SERVICES� 4PL/lead logistics provider �Air freight forwarding�Dedicated distribution � Sea freight forwarding� Shared-user distribution � International logistics�Delivery network � European logistics services�Warehousing � Systems & IT services� Inventory management � Express (B2B)� Temperature-controlled � E-fulfilment centres� Home deliveries (B2C) � Reverse logistics

BUSINESS SECTORS�Automotive � Food & drink�Chemicals & petroleum � Pharmaceutical & healthcare�Clothing & footwear � Paper & printing�Construction � Furniture & furnishings� Electronics & electrical �Utilities�General manufacturing �Aerospace� Perishables � Retail/consumer

STATISTICSTotal sales: £16.6bn (18.9bn euros)UK sales: (Schenker Ltd, 2009) £232mTotal number of sites: 2,000


5.KUEHNE + NAGELUltimate Owner:Kuehne + Nagel International AgInternational Headquarters: Schindellegi, SwitzerlandUK Headquarters:Uxbridge,Middlesex

SERVICES� 4PL/lead logistics provider �Air freight forwarding�Dedicated distribution � Sea freight forwarding� Shared-user distribution � International logistics�Delivery network � European logistics services�Warehousing � Systems and IT services� Inventory management � Temperature-controlled� E-fulfilment centres �Home deliveries (B2C)� Bulk liquids � Reverse logistics

BUSINESS SECTORS�Automotive � Food & drink� Pharmaceutical & healthcare�Clothing & footwear� Paper & printing �Construction� Furniture & furnishings� Electronics & electrical� Utilities � General manufacturing

STATISTICSTotal sales: £13.9bn (20,261m CHF)UK sales:Undisclosed

Total number of sites: 900 Number of UK sites: 130Total number of vehicles: undisclosedNumber of UK vehicles: 2,000Total warehousing (sqm): 7mUK warehousing (sqm): 1m

CHANGESAcquired RH Freight.

PLANSDevelop newer sectors including fashion, health & beauty andpharma; grow e-commerce related products.

�Contact: Claire Hall Tel: 01895 552294Email: [email protected]:

6.TNTUltimate owner:TNT NVInternational headquarters:Amsterdam,The Netherlands

SERVICES� International express parcels �Mail� Delivery network � Air cargo

BUSINESS SECTORS�Automotive �Clothing & footwear� Paper & printing� Electronics & electrical� General manufacturing

PLANSTNT is pushing ahead with plans to complete the demergerof its express and mail businesses.

STATISTICSTotal sales: £10.2bn (11.3bn euros)


1. UPS (£32bn)2. Hermes (£600m)3.Yodel (£600m)4. ParcelforceWorldwide (£399m)5. UK Mail Group (£385.2m)

Top 5 homedelivery networks


Page 8: Top50 Logistics Operator

08 LMTop 50

June 2011 logisticsmanager supplement

7.GEODISUltimate owner: SNCF – French RailwaysInternational headquarters: ParisUK headquarters:HighWycombe

SERVICES� 4PL/lead logistics provider �Dedicated distribution� Shared-user distribution � International logistics�Delivery network � European logistics services�Warehousing � Systems and IT services� Inventory management � Express (B2B)� E-fulfilment centres �Home deliveries (B2C)� Reverse logistics

BUSINESS SECTORS�Automotive � Food & drink� Pharmaceutical & healthcare �Clothing & footwear� Paper & printing� Electronics & electrical� General manufacturing

CHANGESDevelopment of Eurotop, European-wide small distribution.

PLANSIntroduction of UK parcel service; plans to combine GeodisCalberson, GeodisWilson and the Fortec Distribution Networkto create a multimodal offering.

STATISTICSTotal sales: £6.5bn UK sales: £80mNumber of UK sites: 14Number of UK vehicles: 80UK warehousing (sqm): 30,000

8.CEVA LOGISTICSUltimate owner:Apollo ManagementInternational headquarters: LondonUK headquarters:Ashby-de-la-Zouch

SERVICES� 4PL/lead logistics provider �Air freight forwarding�Dedicated distribution � Sea freight forwarding� Shared-user distribution � International logistics�Delivery network � European logistics services�Warehousing � Systems and IT services� Inventory management Express (B2B)� E-fulfilment centres � Bulk solids�Home deliveries (B2C) � Bulk liquids� Reverse logistics

BUSINESS SECTORS�Automotive � Food & drink�Chemicals & petroleum � Pharmaceutical & healthcare�Clothing & footwear � Paper & printing�Construction � Furniture & furnishings� Electronics & electrical �Utilities� General manufacturing

CHANGESLaunched Supply Chain Solutions (SCS) and SMART End toEnd.

PLANSDevelop two-man home delivery network and final mileinformation packages for the customer.

STATISTICSTotal sales: £6.1bn (6.8bn euros)Total number of sites: 1,200 Number of UK sites:+90Number of UK vehicles: 3,500Total warehousing (sqm): 10mUK warehousing (sqm): 800,000

�Contact: Lindsey Randle Tel: 01530 568709Email: [email protected]:

9.PANALPINAUltimate owner: PanalpinaWorld TransportUK headquarters: Feltham,MiddlesexInternational headquarters: Switzerland

SERVICE�Air freight forwarding, � Sea freight forwarding,� International logistics, � European logistics services

BUSINESS SECTORS�Automotive �Healthcare�Hi-tech �Clothing & footwear�Oil & gas � Project management� General manufacturing

STATISTICSTotal sales: £5bn (7.2bn CHF)UK sales: (PanalpinaWorld Transport Ltd, 2009) £147.1mTotal number of sites: 500 in 80 countries


10.AGILITYUltimate owner: Publicly listed on the Kuwait StockExchange and Dubai Financial Market

SERVICES� 4PL/lead logistics provider �Air freight forwarding�Dedicated distribution � Sea freight forwarding� Shared-user distribution � International logistics�Delivery network � European logistics services�Warehousing � Inventory management� Express (B2B) �Home deliveries (B2C)� Reverse logistics

BUSINESS SECTORS�Aerospace �Automotive �Chemicals � Fairs & events� Oil & gas � Pharmaceuticals � Retail

STATISTICSTotal sales: £3.6bn (1.6bn KD) UK sales(£): £172m (2009)Total number of sites: 550 Total warehousing (sqm): 2.15mVehicles: 8,000


=11.DACHSERUltimate owner:DACHSER Gmbh & Co.KGInternational headquarters: Kempten,GermanyUK headquarters:Northampton

SERVICES� 4PL/lead logistics provider �Air freight forwarding�Dedicated distribution � Sea freight forwarding� International logistics �Delivery network� European logistics services �Warehousing� Systems and IT services � Inventory management� Express (B2B) � Reverse logistics

BUSINESS SECTORS�Automotive � Pharmaceutical & healthcare�Clothing & footwear � Paper & printing� Electronics & electrical� General manufacturing

PARTNERSHIPS & ALLIANCESUK Pallets � The Hazchem Network

STATISTICSTotal sales: £3.2bn (3.6bn euros)UK sales: £32.3mnTotal number of sites: 306Number of UK sites: 3Total warehousing (sqm): 977,795UK warehousing (sqm): 17,100

CHANGESAcquired J A Leach Transport in Rochdale.

PLANSFurther growth in the UK by acquisition and sales development.

�Contact: Nick Lowe Tel: 01604 747890Email: [email protected]:

=11.NORBERT DENTRESSANGLEUltimate owner:Norbert DentressangleInternational headquarters: Lyon, FranceUK headquarters:Northampton

SERVICES� 4PL/lead logistics provider �Air freight forwarding�Dedicated distribution� Sea freight forwarding� Shared-user distribution � International logistics�Delivery network � European logistics services�Warehousing � Systems and IT services� Inventory management � Temperature-controlled� E-fulfilment centres � Bulk solids� Bulk liquids � Reverse logistics

BUSINESS SECTORS�Automotive � Food & drink�Chemicals & petroleum � Pharmaceutical & healthcare�Clothing & footwear � Paper & printing�Construction � Furniture & furnishings� Electronics & electrical � General manufacturing

STATISTICS (all figures including TDG takeover)Total sales: £3.2bn (3.6bn euros)UK sales: £1.1bn (1.28bn euros)Total number of sites: 500 Number of UK sites: 195Total number of vehicles: 8,300 Number of UK vehicles: 1,800Total warehousing (sqm): 6.5mUK warehousing (sqm): 2.5m

CHANGESAcquired TDG and Schneider International.

�Contact: Rachel Helson Tel: 01604 737100Email: [email protected]:

13.GEFCOUltimate owner: PSA Peugeot CitroenInternational headquarters:Courbevoie, FranceUK headquarters:Chiswick, London

SERVICES� 4PL/lead logistics provider �Air freight forwarding�Dedicated distribution � Sea freight forwarding� Shared-user distribution � International logistics�Delivery network � European logistics services�Warehousing � Systems and IT services� Inventory management � Express (B2B)� Reverse logistics

BUSINESS SECTORS�Automotive � Food & drink� Pharmaceutical & healthcare�Clothing & footwear � Paper & printing�Construction � Furniture & furnishings� Electronics & electrical� General manufacturing � Motorcycles & Scooters

PARTNERSHIPS & ALLIANCESLocal partner agreements � Network memberships

STATISTICSTotal sales: £2.96bn (3.351bn euros)UK sales: (Gefco UK Ltd, 2009) £105.6m

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LMTop 50

logisticsmanager supplement June 2011

Total number of sites: 400 Number of UK sites: 14Total number of vehicles: 10,000+ Number of UK vehicles: 400Total warehousing (sqm): 700,000UK warehousing (sqm): 20,000

�Contact: Claire Hohenberg Tel: 020 8742 4254Email: [email protected] Web:

14.HELLMANNWORLDWIDEUltimate owner: Jost and Klaus HellmannInternational headquarters:Osnabruck,GermanyUK headquarters: Lichfield

SERVICES�Air freight forwarding �Dedicated distribution� Sea freight forwarding � International logistics�Delivery network � European logistics services�Warehousing � Systems and IT services� Inventory management � Temperature-controlled� E-fulfilment centres � Reverse logistics

BUSINESS SECTORS�Automotive �Chemicals & petroleum� Pharmaceutical & healthcare �Clothing & footwear� Paper & printing � Furniture & furnishings� Electronics & electrical � General manufacturing


CHANGESImplemented Mode Neutral Distribution System;moved theloading centre from Bradford, which had operated as an LCLOcean Hub, to cross dock operation at Fradley Park inLichfield. Bradford has now become a dedicated Europeanand domestic depot.

STATISTICSTotal sales: £2.93bn UK sales: £68m (includes R&H)Total number of sites: 443 Number of UK sites: 8Total number of vehicles: 5,000 Number of UK vehicles: 50Total warehousing (sqm): 2mUK warehousing (sqm): 20,000

�Contact: Matthew Marriott Tel: 01543443300Email: [email protected]:

15.WINCANTONUltimate owner:WincantonHeadquarters:Chippenham,Wiltshire

SERVICES� 4PL/lead logistics provider �Air freight forwarding�Dedicated distribution � Sea freight forwarding� Shared-user distribution � International logistics�Delivery network � European logistics services�Warehousing � Systems and IT services� Inventory management � Temperature-controlled� E-fulfilment centres � Bulk solids�Home deliveries (B2C)� Bulk liquids � Reverse logistics

BUSINESS SECTORS�Automotive � Food & drink�Chemicals & petroleum � Pharmaceutical & healthcare�Clothing & footwear �Construction� Furniture & furnishings � Electronics & electrical� Utilities � General manufacturing


STATISTICSTotal sales: £2.183bn UK sales: £1.46bnTotal number of sites: 400 Number of UK sites: 285

Total number of vehicles: 8,000Number of UK vehicles: 5,000Total warehousing (sqm): 2.8mUK warehousing (sqm): 1.8m

�Contact:Victoria Aitchison Tel: 01249 710434Email: [email protected]:

16.DAMCO UK LTDUltimate owner:A.P.Møller MaerskInternational headquarters:Copenhagen,DenmarkUK headquarters: Felixstowe,UK

SERVICES� 4PL/lead logistics provider �Air freight forwarding� Sea freight forwarding � International logistics�Delivery network � European logistics services�Warehousing � Systems and IT services� Inventory management � Temperature-controlled� Home deliveries (B2C)

BUSINESS SECTORS� Food & drink �Chemicals & petroleum� Pharmaceutical & healthcare �Clothing & footwear� Furniture & furnishings � Electronics & electrical

STATISTICSTotal sales: £1.6bn ($2.7bn)UK sales: (Damco UK Ltd, 2009) £151.2mTotal number of sites: 280Number of UK sites: 12

�Contact:Yulia Mozhaeva Tel: +44 1394 614711Email: [email protected]:

17.UNIPART LOGISTICSUltimate owner:Unipart GroupHeadquarters:Oxford UK

SERVICES� 4PL/lead logistics provider�Air freight forwarding�Dedicated distribution � Sea freight forwarding� Shared-user distribution � International logistics� European logistics services �Warehousing� Systems and IT services � Inventory management� Express (B2B) � E-fulfilment centres� Bulk solids � Reverse logistics

BUSINESS SECTORS�Automotive �Chemicals & petroleum� Pharmaceutical & healthcare�Clothing & footwear� Paper & printing�Construction� Furniture & furnishings� Electronics & electrical� Utilities � General manufacturing

STATISTICSTotal sales: £1.13bnTotal number of sites: 39Number of UK sites: 20Total warehousing (sqm): 700,000UK warehousing (sqm): 500,000

CHANGESOpened three new warehouses in China; entered Korea as anew market.

PLANSTargeting growth of 15 per cent.

�Contact: Sue Pryce Tel: 01865 778966Email: [email protected]:

18.YUSEN LOGISTICSUltimate owner:NYK GroupInternational headquarters:TokyoEuropean headquarters:AmsterdamUK headquarters:Northampton

SERVICES� 4PL/lead logistics provider �Air freight forwarding�Dedicated distribution � Sea freight forwarding� Shared-user distribution � International logistics�Delivery network � European logistics services�Warehousing � Systems and IT services� Inventory management � Express (B2B)� Temperature-controlled � E-fulfilment centres� Bulk solids �Home deliveries (B2C)� Reverse logistics

BUSINESS SECTORS�Automotive � Food & drink� Pharmaceutical & healthcare �Clothing & footwear� Paper & printing �Construction� Furniture & furnishings� Electronics & electrical� General manufacturing

CHANGESThe company rebranded asYusen Logistics following themerger of NYK Logistics andYusen Air and Sea Services.

STATISTICSTotal sales: £910m UK sales: £209mTotal number of sites: 427Number of UK sites: 26Number of UK vehicles: 320Total warehousing (sqm): 2,226,946UK warehousing (sqm): 213,327

�Contact: RogerWarlow Tel: 01604 748500Email: [email protected]:

19.DSV SOLUTIONSUltimate owner:DSV a/sInternational headquarters:CopenhagenUK headquarters:Milton Keynes

SERVICES� 4PL/lead logistics provider�Dedicated distribution� Shared-user distribution � International logistics�Delivery network � European logistics services�Warehousing � Systems and IT services� Inventory management � E-fulfilment centres� Home deliveries (B2C) � Reverse logistics

Ifyoulackclarityinwhyyouareoutsourcing,youwillprobablygetthesethingswrongwhichwilllaterresultinfrustrationandpossiblyconflict.DavidHindson,independent logisticsconsultant

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BUSINESS SECTORS� Automotive � Pharmaceutical & healthcare� Clothing & footwear � Furniture & furnishings� Electronics & electrical � General manufacturing

STATISTICSTotal sales: £715mUK sales: £35mTotal number of sites: 132Number of UK sites: 10Total number of vehicles: 1,100Number of UK vehicles: 110Total warehousing (sqm): 2,200,000UK warehousing (sqm): 11,000

� Contact: Peter Nielsen Tel: 01908 512210Email: [email protected]:

20.ALLPORTUltimate owner:Allport Group Ltd.Headquarters:Cowley

SERVICES� 4PL/lead logistics provider � Air freight forwarding� Sea freight forwarding � International logistics� European logistics services � Warehousing� Systems and IT services � Inventory management� Bulk liquids � Reverse logistics

BUSINESS SECTORS� Automotive � Food & drink� Chemicals & petroleum� Pharmaceutical & healthcare� Clothing & footwear � Paper & printing� Furniture & furnishings � Electronics & electrical� General manufacturing

STATISTICSTotal sales: £625mUK sales: £300mTotal number of sites: 350Number of UK sites: 25Total number of vehicles: 500Number of UK vehicles: 150Total warehousing (sqm): 825,000UK warehousing (sqm): 75,000

CHANGESMerger with long standing partner Cargo Logistics to create acombined business operating in 70 countries.

� Contact: Clyde Buntrock Tel: 07770 342094Email: [email protected]:

=21.HERMES PARCELNETUltimate owner:Aktiengesellschaft fuer BeteiligungenInternational headquarters:HamburgUK headquarters: Leeds

SERVICES� Delivery network� European logistics services� Home deliveries (B2C) � Reverse logistics

BUSINESS SECTORS� Clothing & footwear � Paper & printing� Electronics & electrical

STATISTICSTotal sales: £600m (673m euros (Hermes Logistic Group))UK sales: £212mTotal number of sites: 130 depots, 12 hubs,1,700 parcelshopsNumber of UK sites: 19 Number of UK vehicles: 460

CHANGESOpened a Northern hub in Warrington.

� Contact: Mike Antwoon Tel: +44 77 95 64 57 13Email: [email protected]:

=21.YODELUltimate owner: Sir David and Sir Frederick BarclayFamily SettlementsHeadquarters:Hatfield

SERVICES� Shared-user distribution � Delivery network� European logistics services � Express (B2B)� Home deliveries (B2C)

BUSINESS SECTORS� Automotive � Food & drink� Pharmaceutical & healthcare � Clothing & footwear

� Paper & printing � Furniture & furnishings� Electronics & electrical � General manufacturing

PARTNERSHIPS & ALLIANCESCollect+, joint venture with PayPoint.

CHANGESYodel brand launched in May 2010 after Home DeliveryNetwork bought the B2B and B2C businesses of DHL Expressthrough its subsidiary company Parcelpoint.

STATISTICSTotal sales: £600mUK sales: £600mTotal number of sites: 120Number of UK sites: 120Total number of vehicles:+5,000 vansNumber of UK vehicles:+5,000 vans

� Contact: Adam Smith Tel: 01707 287670Web:

23.GISTUltimate owner:The Linde GroupHeadquarters:Chineham

SERVICES� 4PL/lead logistics provider � Air freight forwarding� Dedicated distribution � Sea freight forwarding� Shared-user distribution � International logistics� Delivery network � European logistics services� Warehousing � Systems and IT services� Inventory management� Temperature-controlled� Reverse logistics

BUSINESS SECTORS� Food & drink � Chemicals & petroleum� Paper & printing

STATISTICSTotal sales: £470mUK sales: £380mTotal number of sites: 51Number of UK sites: 37Total number of vehicles: 1,550Number of UK vehicles: 1,300Total warehousing (sqm): 225,000UK warehousing (sqm): 205,000

CHANGESFive-year contract with Tulip; British Airways uniform contract;logistics contract for Waitrose; extended contract with VOW inthe North and South West.

� Contact: Kate Brown Tel: 0782 6875282Email: [email protected]:

24. STOBARTGROUPUltimate owner: Stobart GroupHeadquarters:Carlisle,Cumbria

SERVICES� 4PL/lead logistics provider � Dedicated distribution� Shared-user distribution � International logistics� European logistics services � Warehousing� Express (B2B) � Temperature-controlled� Bulk liquids � Reverse logistics

BUSINESS SECTORS� Automotive � Food & drink� Chemicals & petroleum � Pharmaceutical & healthcare� Clothing & footwear � General manufacturing� Biomass � Aviation

PARTNERSHIPS & ALLIANCESA W Jenkinson Forest Products, Biomass Fuels

STATISTICSTotal sales: £448 million UK sales: £448 millionTotal number of sites: 40Number of UK sites: 38Total number of vehicles: 2,000Number of UK vehicles: 1,800Total warehousing (sqm): 6.5mUK warehousing (sqm): 6.2m

CHANGESLaunched Channel 5 TV series.

� Contact: Kate Willard Tel: 01228 882 300Email: [email protected]:

25.PARCELFORCEUltimate owner: Royal Mail GroupHeadquarters:Milton Keynes

SERVICES� Express (B2B) � Home deliveries (B2C)

BUSINESS SECTORS� Clothing & footwear � Paper & printing� Electronics & electrial

STATISTICSTotal sales: £399mTotal sites: 12,000 Post Office branches and 52 ParcelforceWorldwide depots

� Web:


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26.UKMAIL GROUPUltimate owner:UK Mail Group Plc

SERVICES� Air freight forwarding� Dedicated distribution� Sea freight forwarding � Shared-user distribution� International logistics � Delivery network� European logistics services � Warehousing� Systems and IT services � Inventory management� Express (B2B) � Temperature-controlled� E-fulfilment centres � Bulk solids� Home deliveries (B2C) � Reverse logistics

BUSINESS SECTORS� Automotive � Food & drink� Pharmaceutical & healthcare� Clothing & footwear� Paper & printing � Construction� Furniture & furnishings� Electronics & electrical� Utilities � General manufacturing

STATISTICSTotal sales: £385.2mUK sites:+50Vehicles: 3,500

� Email: [email protected]:

27.CITY LINKUltimate owner: Rentokil Initial plcHeadquarters:Coventry

SERVICES� 4PL/lead logistics provider� Air freight forwarding� Dedicated distribution � Sea freight forwarding� Shared-user distribution � International logistics� Delivery network � European logistics services� Systems and IT services � Inventory management� Express (B2B) � Home deliveries (B2C)� Bulk solids (Subject to ADR regulations)� Bulk liquids (Subject to ADR regulations)� Reverse logistics

BUSINESS SECTORS� Automotive � Food & drink� Pharmaceutical & healthcare� Clothing & footwear� Paper & printing� Electronics & electrical� General manufacturing

PARTNERSHIPS & ALLIANCESTarget Express Ireland, Irish Deliveries – All SectorsNetExpress Europe, European Alliance across 22 countries

CHANGESCompleted the final stages of the integration between CityLink and Target Express; introduced a new curtainsider fleet;formed a regional hub network.

STATISTICSTotal sales: £336m (2010)UK sales: £336m (2010)Total number of sites: 75Number of UK sites: 75Total number of vehicles: 4,000Number of UK vehicles: 4,000Total warehousing (sqm): 178,000UK warehousing (sqm): 178,000

� Contact: Debra Torrance Tel: 020 8756 5379Email: [email protected]:

28.BIBBY DISTRIBUTIONUltimate owner: Bibby Line GroupHeadquarters: Liverpool

SERVICES� 4PL/lead logistics provider� Air freight forwarding� Dedicated distribution � Sea freight forwarding� Shared-user distribution � International logistics� Delivery network � European logistics services (via LWA)� Warehousing � Systems and IT services� Inventory management � Express (B2B)� Temperature-controlled � E-fulfilment centres� Bulk liquids � Reverse logistics

BUSINESS SECTORS� Automotive � Food & drink� Pharmaceutical & healthcare � Paper & printing� Construction � Furniture & furnishings� Electronics & electrical � General manufacturing

PARTNERSHIPS & ALLIANCESPalletlineLogistics World Alliance (LWA)

STATISTICSTotal sales: £230m UK sales: £230mTotal number of sites: 100Number of UK sites: 100Total number of vehicles: 1,770Number of UK vehicles: 1,770Total warehousing (sqm): 185,000UK warehousing (sqm): 185,000

CHANGESAcquired Taygroup, TM Logistics and a significant part of theEnglish operations of haulage company MRS Distribution.

� Contact: David Friday Tel: +44(0) 151 708 8000Email: [email protected]:

29.CULINA LOGISTICSUltimate owner:TML Investments majority shareholderHeadquarters:Market Drayton, Shropshire

SERVICES� 4PL/lead logistics provider� Air freight forwarding� Dedicated distribution� Sea freight forwarding� Shared-user distribution � International logistics� Delivery network � European logistics services� Warehousing � Systems and IT services� Inventory management � Express (B2B)� Temperature-controlled � E-fulfilment centres� Bulk solids � Bulk liquids� Reverse logistics


CHANGESJoint venture with the SHS Group to form Culina LogisticsIreland; joint venture with IPS LLP to form Culina IPS, aspecialist in-house contract packing service.

PLANSWorking on collaborative venture with a European food &drink logistics provider to deliver specialist pan-European,food & drink logistics services.

STATISTICSTotal sales: £210mUK sales: £210mTotal number of sites: 10Number of UK sites: 10Total number of vehicles: 600Number of UK vehicles: 600Total warehousing (sqm): 180,000UK warehousing (sqm): 180,000

� Contact: Debbi Hutt Tel: 07768 623672Email: [email protected]:

30.CLIPPER LOGISTICSUltimate owner:Clipper Logistics Group LtdHeadquarters: Leeds,WestYorkshire

SERVICES� 4PL/lead logistics provider� Shared-user distribution � International logistics� Delivery network � European logistics services� Warehousing � Systems and IT services� Inventory management � Express (B2B)� E-fulfilment centres � Reverse logistics

BUSINESS SECTORS� Food & drink� Clothing & footwear� Furniture & furnishings� Electronics & electrical� General manufacturing

STATISTICSTotal sales: £200mUK sales: £180mTotal number of sites: 29Number of UK sites: 26Total number of vehicles: 700Number of UK vehicles: 650Total warehousing (sqm): 400,000UK warehousing (sqm): 350,000

� Contact: Tony Mannix Tel: 0113 2042050Email: [email protected]:

31.FOWLERWELCHUltimate owner:Dart Group plcHeadquarters: Spalding, Lincolnshire

SERVICES� 4PL/lead logistics provider � Dedicated distribution� Shared-user distribution � Delivery network� European logistics services � Warehousing� Inventory management � Temperature-controlled� Reverse logistics � Ambient consolidation� Container distribution

BUSINESS SECTORS� Food & drink� Pharmaceutical & healthcare� Clothing & footwear� Paper & printing� Furniture & furnishings� Electronics & electrical� General manufacturing

CHANGESDavid Inglis moved from managing director to chairman, andNick Hay was appointed managing director.

1. Deutsche Post DHL (£46.5bn)2. UPS (£30.2bn)3. FedEx (£21bn)4. TNT (£10.2bn)5.Yodel (£600m)

Top 5 Express Couriers

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STATISTICSTotal sales: £160mTotal number of sites: 12Total number of vehicles: 400Total warehousing (sqm): 100,000

�Contact: Nick Hay Tel: 01775 715700Email: [email protected]:

32.TRADETEAMUltimate owner:Molson Coors and DHL in a partnershipHeadquarters:Coleshill,Birmingham

SERVICES� Dedicated distribution� Shared-user distribution� Delivery network � Warehousing� Systems and IT services � Inventory management� Temperature-controlled � Bulk liquids� Reverse logistics


STATISTICSTotal sales: £155 millionUK sales: £155 million

Total number of sites: 32Number of UK sites: 32Total number of vehicles: 550Number of UK vehicles: 550Total warehousing (sqm): 125,231UK warehousing (sqm): 125,231

�Contact: Jill Holloway Tel: 01675 468500Email: [email protected]:

33.GREGORYDISTRIBUTIONUltimate owner:Gregory Distribution (Holdings)Headquarters:Devon

SERVICES� 4PL/lead logistics provider� Dedicated distribution� Shared-user distribution� Delivery network� European logistics services� Warehousing� Systems and IT services � Bulk liquids� Reverse logistics

BUSINESS SECTORS� Food & drink � Construction� Electronics & electrical

STATISTICSTotal sales: £148.9mTotal number of sites: 17Total number of vehicles: 450

�Tel: 08081 683408Email: [email protected]:

34.DAVIESTURNERUltimate owner:Davies Turner HoldingsHeadquarters:Coleshill,Warwickshire

SERVICES� 4PL/lead logistics provider� Air freight forwarding� Dedicated distribution � Sea freight forwarding� Shared-user distribution � International logistics� Delivery network � European logistics services� Warehousing � Systems and IT services� Inventory management � Express (B2B)� E-fulfilment centres � Home deliveries (B2C)� Reverse logistics � Project logistics

BUSINESS SECTORS� Automotive � Food & drink � Chemicals & petroleum� Pharmaceutical & healthcare � Clothing & footwear� Paper & printing � Construction� Furniture & furnishings� Electronics & electrical� Utilities � General manufacturing

STATISTICSTotal sales: £145mTotal number of sites: 23Total warehousing (sqm): 100,000


35.AUTOLOGICUltimate owner:Autologic Holdings plcHeadquarters:Northampton

SERVICES� 4PL/lead logistics provider� Dedicated distribution� Shared-user distribution � Delivery network� Warehousing � Systems and IT services� Reverse logistics � European logistics services


PARTNERSHIPS & ALLIANCESWalon BNL is the European logistics arm of Autologic Holdings

STATISTICSTotal sales(£): £138.3m

�Tel: 01604 664400Email: [email protected]:

36.NFTDISTRIBUTIONUltimate owner:Management + private equity firm,Phoenix Equity PartnersHeadquarters:Alfreton,Derbyshire

SERVICES� 4PL/lead logistics provider� Dedicated distribution� Shared-user distribution � Delivery network� Warehousing � Systems and IT services� Inventory management � Express (B2B)� Temperature-controlled � Reverse logistics

BUSINESS SECTORS� Food & drink � Flowers & fresh produce

PARTNERSHIPS & ALLIANCESDairy Crest – Adhoc deliveries to remote areas to suit ournetwork

STATISTICSTotal sales: £135m UK sales: £135mTotal number of sites: 7 Number of UK sites: 7Total number of vehicles: 370 vehicles + 450 chilled trailersNumber of UK vehicles: 370 vehicles + 450 chilled trailersTotal warehousing (sqm): 700,000 sq ftUK warehousing (sqm): 700,000 sq ft

CHANGES£2m extension of flagship Daventry facility.

PLANSDevelopment of NFX, an in-house 4PL.

�Contact: Bob Duffy Tel: 07809 596 133Email: [email protected]:

37.NIGHTFREIGHTUltimate owner:NightfreightHeadquarters:Willenhall,West Midlands

SERVICES� 4PL/lead logistics provider � Dedicated distribution� Shared-user distribution � Delivery network� Warehousing � Systems and IT services� Inventory management � Express (B2B)� E-fulfilment centres � Home deliveries (B2C)� Reverse logistics

BUSINESS SECTORS� Automotive � Paper & printing� Construction � Furniture & furnishings� Electronics & electrical � General manufacturing

STATISTICSTotal sales: £125m UK sales: £125mTotal number of sites: 65 Number of UK sites: 65Total number of vehicles: 700Number of UK vehicles: 65Total warehousing (sqm): 100,000UK warehousing (sqm): 100,000

PLANSGrow Two Man Deliver2Home business by ten per cent.

�Contact: Ian Smith Tel: 01902 604000Email: [email protected]:

38.PD PORTSUltimate owner: Brookfield Asset ManagementInternational headquarters:CanadaUK headquarters:Middlesbrough

SERVICES� 4PL/lead logistics provider � Dedicated distribution� Sea freight forwarding � Shared-user distribution� International logistics � Delivery network� European logistics services � Warehousing� Inventory management � Bulk solids� Reverse logistics

BUSINESS SECTORS� Automotive � Food & drink� Chemicals & petroleum � Pharmaceutical & healthcare� Paper & printing � Construction� Electronics & electrical � Utilities� General manufacturing


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STATISTICSUK sales: £120mNumber of UK sites: 12Number of UK vehicles: 60UK warehousing (sqm): 250,000

�Contact: Paul Barker Tel: 01642 277536Email: [email protected]:

39. SUTTONS GROUPUltimate owner:Thomas Cradley Holdings LimitedHeadquarters:Widnes,Cheshire

SERVICES� 4PL/lead logistics provider � Dedicated distribution� Sea freight forwarding � Shared-user distribution� International logistics � Delivery network� European logistics services � Warehousing� Inventory management � Temperature-controlled� Bulk liquids

BUSINESS SECTORS� Food & drink � Chemicals & petroleum� Pharmaceutical & healthcare � Drumming

STATISTICSTotal sales: £106m UK sales: £62mTotal number of sites: 30 Number of UK sites: 18Total number of vehicles: 300Number of UK vehicles: 300Total warehousing (sqm): 450,000UK warehousing (sqm): 450,000

CHANGESEstablished a base in the Middle East.

�Contact: Michael Fox Tel: 0151 422 2702Email: [email protected]:

40.GREAT BEAR DISTRIBUTIONUltimate owner:Great Bear HoldingsHeadquarters:Chester

SERVICES� 4PL/lead logistics provider� Dedicated distribution� Shared-user distribution � Delivery network� Warehousing � Systems and IT services� Inventory management � Express (B2B)� Temperature-controlled � E-fulfilment centres� Bulk solids � Reverse logistics � Storage� Bonded Storage � Consolidation Services

BUSINESS SECTORS� Automotive � Food & drink� Pharmaceutical & healthcare� Clothing & footwear� Paper & printing � Furniture & furnishings� Electronics & electrical � Utilities� General manufacturing

STATISTICSTotal sales: £87m (2010)UK sales: £87m (2010)Total number of sites: 25Number of UK sites: 25Total number of vehicles: 150Number of UK vehicles: 150Total warehousing (sqm): 297,000UK warehousing (sqm): 297,000

�Contact: Michael Pepper Tel: 01829 772200Email: [email protected]:

41.BELLVILLE RODAIRUltimate owner: BR Global LtdHeadquarters: London

SERVICES� Air freight forwarding � Sea freight forwarding� Shared-user distribution � International logistics� Delivery network � European logistics services� Warehousing � Systems and IT services� Inventory management

BUSINESS SECTORS� Automotive � Food & drink� Chemicals & petroleum� Pharmaceutical & healthcare� Clothing & footwear � Paper & printing� Construction � Furniture & furnishings� Electronics & electrical � General manufacturing

STATISTICSTotal sales: £83m ($136m)UK sales: £25mTotal number of sites: 20Number of UK sites: 2

PLANSControlled expansion into developing markets where it seesopportunities for growth, including opening a new office inMoscow.

�Contact: Susanne Oud Tel: 020 7265 3100Email: [email protected]:

42.CM DOWNTONUltimate owner:C M DowntonHeadquarters:MoretonValence,Gloucester

SERVICES� 4PL/lead logistics provider � Dedicated distribution� Shared-user distribution � International logistics� Delivery network � European logistics services� Warehousing � Systems and IT services� Inventory management � Reverse logistics

BUSINESS SECTORS� Automotive � Food & drink� Pharmaceutical & healthcare� Clothing & footwear� Paper & printing � Construction� Electronics & electrical � General manufacturing

STATISTICSTotal sales: £75m UK sales: £75mTotal number of sites: 9 Number of UK sites: 9Total number of vehicles: 400 Number of UK vehicles: 400Total warehousing (sqm): 40,000UK warehousing (sqm): 40,000

�Contact: Andrew Downton Tel: 01452 720242Email: [email protected]:

43.EUROPAWORLDWIDEUltimate owner:EuropaHeadquarters: Erith, Kent

SERVICES� 4PL/lead logistics provider � Air freight forwarding� Dedicated distribution � Sea freight forwarding� Shared-user distribution � International logistics� Delivery network � European logistics services� Warehousing � Systems and IT services� Inventory management � Express (B2B)� E-fulfilment centres � Bulk solids� Home deliveries (B2C) � Reverse logistics

BUSINESS SECTORS� Automotive � Food & drink� Pharmaceutical & healthcare � Clothing & footwear� Paper & printing � Electronics & electrical� General manufacturing

PARTNERSHIPS & ALLIANCESPalletline, UK pallet distribution

STATISTICSTotal sales: £65m UK sales: £65mTotal number of sites: 10 Number of UK sites: 10Total number of vehicles: 250Number of UK vehicles: 250Total warehousing (sqm): 50,000UK warehousing (sqm): 50,000

CHANGESSigned a three-year franchise agreement with CFSInternational. Moved its Birmingham operations to ProLogisPark, Midpoint.

PLANSInvesting in a 155,180 sq ft shared-user logistics centre inMinworth, Birmingham.

�Contact: MarkWallace Tel: 0121 766 8000Email: [email protected]:

44.CITYSPRINTUltimate owner:CitySprint (UK) Group LtdHeadquarters: Redhill

SERVICES� 4PL/lead logistics provider � International logistics� Delivery network � Warehousing� Express (B2B) � Temperature-controlled� Home deliveries (B2C) � Reverse logistics

BUSINESS SECTORS� Automotive � Pharmaceutical & healthcare� Clothing & footwear � Utilities � Financial � Media� Legal � Facilities management � Public sector

STATISTICSTotal sales: £61.5mUK sales: £61.5mTotal number of sites: 31Number of UK sites: 31Total number of vehicles: 1,600Number of UK vehicles: 1,600

CHANGESIntroduced iFleet, PDF invoicing, Level 3 invoicing, customerrelationship management system and LiveChat.

PLANSFinalising an improved online booking system for its SameDaycourier service.

�Contact: Justin Moore Tel: 07921 940 763Email: [email protected]:

45.HOWARDTENENSUltimate owner: Peter, Ben and Dan MorrisHeadquarters: Stroud.Gloucestershire

SERVICES� 4PL/lead logistics provider � Dedicated distribution� Sea freight forwarding � Shared-user distribution� Delivery network � European logistics services� Warehousing � Systems and IT services� Inventory management � Express (B2B)� Temperature-controlled � Bulk solids � Reverse logistics

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BUSINESS SECTORS�Automotive � Food & drink �Clothing & footwear� Pharmaceutical & healthcare � Paper & printing�Construction � Furniture & furnishings� Electronics & electrical � General manufacturing

STATISTICSTotal sales: £56.488mUK sales: £56.488mTotal number of sites: 18 Number of UK sites: 18Total number of vehicles: 150 Number of UK vehicles: 150Total warehousing (sqm): 3m sq ftUK warehousing (sqm): 3m sq ft

CHANGESBen Morris has been appointed managing director operations;Dan Morris is now managing director property; Ray Runza,formerly head of European transport at Honda, joined thecompany as consultant development director. Howard Tenensopened a depot at Heathrow.

�Contact: Eilis Cope Tel: 01453 883688 / 07918 738668Email: [email protected] Web:

46.REED BOARDALL GROUPUltimate owner:The Reed Boardall GroupHeadquarters: Boroughbridge,NorthYorkshire

SERVICES� 4PL/lead logistics provider� Shared-user distribution� European logistics services �Warehousing� Inventory management � Temperature-controlled� Reverse logistics


STATISTICSTotal sales: £51m UK sales: £51mTotal number of sites: 1Number of UK sites: 1Total number of vehicles: 145+ tractor units/200+ trailersNumber of UK vehicles: 145+ tractor units/200+ trailersTotal warehousing (sqm):Cold store 112,000 palletsUK warehousing (sqm):Cold store 112,000 pallets

PLANSFurther expansion of its cold store in Europe; investment intogreen technology.

�Contact: Tom Cassells Tel: 01423 322563Email: [email protected]:

47.LLOYD FRASER GROUPUltimate Owner: PrivateHeadquarters: Rugby

SERVICES� 4PL/lead logistics provider�Dedicated distribution� Shared-user distribution �Delivery network�Warehousing � Systems and IT services� Inventory management � Bulk liquids� Reverse logistics

BUSINESS SECTORS�Automotive � Food & drink �Clothing & footwear� Paper & printing� Furniture & furnishings� Electronics & electrical � General manufacturing

PARTNERSHIPS & ALLIANCESSeur, freight forwarding � Aramex, Irish partner

STATISTICSTotal sales: £50.246m UK sales: £50.246mTotal number of sites: 25 Total number of vehicles: 625Total warehousing (sqm): 16,000UK warehousing (sqm): 16,000

CHANGESAcquired a larger site in London for the Lloyd Fraser FashionLogistics business and developed Lloyd Fraser TransportManagement Systems.

�Contact: Mike Dennis Tel: 01788 826500Email: [email protected]:

48. IFORCEUltimate owner: iForce GroupHeadquarters:Weybridge, Surrey

SERVICES�Dedicated distribution � Shared-user distribution� European logistics services �Warehousing� Inventory management � Express (B2B)� E-fulfilment centres �Home deliveries (B2C)� Reverse logistics � Refurbishment and onward sale

BUSINESS SECTORS�Automotive � Food & drink �General manufacturing� Pharmaceutical & healthcare�Clothing & footwear � Furniture & furnishings� Electronics & electrical �Onward sale� Dispersal of returned and surplus stocks� Retail

STATISTICSTotal sales: £47m Total number of sites: 6Total warehousing (sqm): 1.25m


49.BOUGHEY DISTRIBUTIONUltimate owner:NWF Group plcHeadquarters:Nantwich

SERVICES� Shared-user distribution �Delivery network�Warehousing


STATISTICSTotal sales: £42m UK sales: £42mTotal number of sites: 2 Number of UK sites: 2Total number of vehicles: 150Number of UK vehicles: 150Total warehousing (sqm): 100,000UK warehousing (sqm): 100,000

PLANSImplementation of new company-wide IT system; expansioninto Midlands

�Contact: SteveWoodhead Tel: 07740 087782Email: [email protected]:

50.C BUTTUltimate owner:C ButtHeadquarters:Northampton

SERVICES� International logistics �Delivery network� European logistics services � Shared-user distribution� Warehousing � Home delivery network

BUSINESS SECTORS�Clothing & footwear � Electronics & electrical� Food & drink

STATISTICSTotal sales: £38.7mTotal number of sites: 15Total number of vehicles: 400 vehicles, 600 trailersTotal warehousing (sqm): 47,000


14 LMTop 50

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BYBOX FIELD SUPPORTHeadquarters: OxonUK sales: £37mWeb:

RHYS DAVIES FREIGHT LOGISTICSHeadquarters: CardiffTotal sales: £34.8m Total number of sites: 9Web:

KESWICK ENTERPRISESHeadquarters: CheshuntTotal sales: £34.2mWeb:

LONDONCITY BONDHeadquarters: Tilbury, EssexTotal sales: £28mWeb:

BEDFORDSHeadquarters: Birstall,WestYorkshireTotal sales: £22mWeb:

ACUMEN LOGISTICS GROUPHeadquarters: NorthamptonTotal sales: £21.2mWeb:

SUCKLINGTRANSPORTHeadquarters:West ThurrockTotal sales: £17.5mWeb:

THE POTTERGROUP LTDHeadquarters: Ripon, NorthYorkshireTotal sales: £15mWeb:

FRAMPTONSTRANSPORT SERVICESHeadquarters: Shepton Mallet, SomersetTotal sales: £13mWeb:

Ones to watchThey didn’t quite make the Top 50 this time, but next year it could be different.

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PALLETFORCEUltimate owner: Shareholder membersHeadquarters: Staffordshire

SERVICES� 4PL/lead logistics provider �Air freight forwarding�Dedicated distribution � Sea freight forwarding� Shared-user distribution � International logistics�Delivery network � European logistics services�Warehousing � Inventory management � Express (B2B),� Home deliveries (B2C) � Reverse logistics

BUSINESS SECTORS�Automotive � Food & drink�Chemicals & petroleum� Pharmaceutical & healthcare�Clothing & footwear � Paper & printing�Construction � Furniture & furnishings� Electronics & electrical � General manufacturing

STATISTICSTotal number of sites: 101 Number of UK sites: 97Total number of vehicles: 5,000 +Number of UK vehicles: 5,000 +Total warehousing (sqm): 4 million +UK warehousing (sqm): 4,000 million +

�Contact: Marie Leadbeater Tel: 0845 0 944 441Email: [email protected]

PALLETLINEUltimate owner:Member NetworkHeadquarters: Birmingham

SERVICES� 4PL/lead logistics provider �Air freight forwarding�Dedicated distribution � Sea freight forwarding� Shared-user distribution � International logistics�Delivery network� European logistics services�Warehousing � Systems and IT services� Inventory management� Express (B2B)� Bulk solids �Home deliveries (B2C)� Reverse logistics

BUSINESS SECTORS�Automotive � Food & drink� Pharmaceutical & healthcare �Clothing & footwear� Paper & printing �Construction� Furniture & furnishings � Electronics & electrical� General manufacturing

STATISTICSTotal number of sites: 77 Number of UK sites: 77Total number of vehicles: 6,000Number of UK vehicles: 6,000Total warehousing (sqm): 464,515UK warehousing (sqm): 464,515

PLANSFurther expansion of international services; launching ITplatform

�Contact: Nikki Edge Tel: 0121 767 6870Email: [email protected]:

THE PALLET NETWORKHeadquarters: Sutton Coldfield

SERVICES� Pallet distribution� Timed deliveries� International logistics�Delivery network � European logistics services� Reverse collections

STATISTICSTotal warehousing: 315,000 sq ft


PALLETWAYSUltimate owner: Phoenix Equity PartnersHeadquarters: Lichfield

SERVICES� 4PL/lead logistics provider �Dedicated distribution� Shared-user distribution� International logistics� E-fulfilment centres�Delivery network� European logistics services �Warehousing� Inventory management� Express (B2B)� Home deliveries (B2C) � Reverse logistics

BUSINESS SECTORS�Automotive � Food & drink� Pharmaceutical & healthcare� Electronics & electrical�Clothing & footwear � Paper & printing�Construction � Furniture & furnishings�General manufacturing � Retail� Government logistics � Retail & e-business


PALL-EXUltimate owner: Pall-ExHeadquarters: Leicestershire

SERVICES� 4PL/lead logistics provider�Dedicated distribution� International logistics �Delivery network� European logistics services �Warehousing� Express (B2B) �Home deliveries (B2C)

BUSINESS SECTORS�Automotive � Food & drink (ambient)� Pharmaceutical & healthcare�Clothing & footwear� Paper & printing �Construction� Furniture & furnishings� Electronics & electrical� General manufacturing


CHANGESAchieved network wide ISO 9001:2008 certification; joinedforces with the logistics arm of Spanish-based DammGroupto establish Pall-Ex Iberia.

PLANSMore expansion is planned with Pall-Ex Iberia, followed bynetworks opening in Romania, Germany, Benelux, France andTurkey.

STATISTICSTotal number of sites: 87Total number of vehicles: 7,500Total warehousing (sqm): 465,000

�Contact: Patrick Chambers Tel: 01530 239000Email: [email protected]:

LMTop 50

logisticsmanager supplement June 2011

Pallet networksCompetition is fierce in this key sector of the logistics market.

Howmany pallets?We have included the pallet networks as aseparate group this year to reflect the factthat they are a distinctive sector of themarket. In addition, there are issues inestablishing an accurate pecking order.Problems arise because of the different

structures used in thismarket.Some aremembership organisations, some arefranchises, some are single companies.Sometimes billing is done centrally,sometimes billing is done through themember hauliers.As a result the different networks

define their turnover in different ways –some by hub turnover and some by totalnetwork turnover accounting for all thepallets that travel through the network.The result is that two companies

handling similar levels of traffic couldshow dramatically different turnoverfigures.Here is what the latest accounts lodged

with Companies House reveal:

� Palletways Group Ltd has a totalnetwork turnover of £147.5m (2009/10)and is recognised by some of itscompetitors at least as market leader.� Pall-Ex Group Ltd reported a turnoverof £20.979m (2009/10) according to itsannual results.� Palletline Plc reported a hub turnoverof £12.6m (2009/10), according to itsannual results.� Palletforce Plc reported a hubturnover of £10.3m and a total turnoverof £50.2m (2009/10).� The Pallet Network Ltd (TPN) reporteda turnover of £39.3m (2009/10),according to its annual results.� UK Pallets has a turnover of £29.1m(2009/10), according to the annualreport of its parent, UKMail.� Fortec Distribution Network Ltd,which is part of Geodis, reported aturnover of £4.97m (2009), according toits annual results.

Page 16: Top50 Logistics Operator

Logistics companies are well aware of their environmental impact. Arecent report by theWorld Economic Forum estimated that the industryis responsible for 5.5% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions. If youinclude the wider transport sector, the figure is nearer 20%.

Sustainability, supplychains and CEVA

not fringe activities. We should eschew green windowdressing that does not affect ourmainstream operations.Instead, CEVA is committed to a rigorous approach to

the issue. We are increasing our measurement of CO2consumption and are resolved to maintaining our focuson good science. It is vital that sustainability remains afundamental part of the business agenda and doesn’t getderailed by short-termism or unsubstantiated claims.Indeed, we believe the stakes are so high that we must

collaborate not only with customers and suppliers, butalso with our competitors.Wemust all be willing to workwith each other for the greater good.We recognize that this long journey ismadeupofmany

small steps. The logistics industry comprises a hugevariety of organizations – there are nearly 30,000 roadhaulage operators in theUK alone – sowe simply cannotafford to wait for everyone to be ready to act. The singlemost important thing is to get moving.

So, what are we at CEVA doing?On a strategic level, where industry-wide collaborationand political direction is critical, we are actively helpingguide national and regional policy. CEVA is a foundermember of the Alliance for European Logistics (AEL),whose members include logistics providers, transportoperators, shippers, distributors, technology providersand so on.As part of the AEL, we are working closely with policy

16 The 3PLView

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THE 3PLVIEWCommentary andanalysis from leadinglogistics providers.

There is no point in hiding from this awkwardtruth. Global warming is here and theproblem is worsening. Our response shouldbe equally serious.

This isn’t a public relations issue that can be addressedwith a few months of showy activity; it demands athoughtful, long-term strategy that goes to the heart ofour business. We believe the logistics industry is at thebeginning of a 10-20 year journey towards trulysustainable supply chain infrastructure and execution.At CEVA, we are willing and able to lead the way. Our

environmental strategy is clear and committed – and itis based on strong principles. This is a complicatedand politicized arena, where it is all too easy to followfads, but we must all resist that temptation. Ourenvironmental initiatives must always be supported bya strong business case.

Greening the mainstreamThe fact is it can be easy to succumb to tokenism. Ourcustomers frequently ask us about our CO2 reductionplans and environmental strategy – and our responsemust be substantial, not superficial. For example, itwould be easy just to say that we insist that our suppliershave an environmental policy, while ignoring our ownresponsibilities. Along with our competitors, CEVA hasmany good examples of how we have reduced ourenvironmental impact, but wemust make sure these are

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makers to develop consistent regulation to govern thetransport and supply chain industry. This means lookingat overall supply chain architecture across Europe,including rail and waterways infrastructure, transmodalcapabilities and so on.We are financing research to guideour efforts in the right direction and we are collectivelyharnessing economic measures and technologicaladvances to achieve greenhouse gas reductions asefficiently as possible.On an implementation level, we are actively

redesigning our customers’ supply chains to reduce ourcarbon footprint. This can include reconfiguring vehiclefleets to use them more wisely. For example, when wetook over fleet operations for BP in Turkey we reducedtheir fuel load by 18%.While transport attracts most of the environmental

attention in our industry, we also have to focus onwarehouse operations.We are using our LEANwaves andKaizen program to reduce the carbon footprint ofindividual sites, but we are also acting as a catalyst forcustomers in the same market sector to share facilitiesand transport. This isn’t always easy – and we mustensure that such collaboration is transparent and notanti-competitive – but it is clearly the right thing to do.When it comes to supply chain execution,weare taking

practical steps to reduce CO2 emissions in almost everyarea of our operation. From reductions in packaging torunning greener vehicles, from route and loadoptimization to reducing returns through impeccableexecution, we are implementing improvements acrossthe board.

The future is collaborationOperational and supply chain improvements have beenused by companies for a long time to improve theirfinancial performance. Until some years ago theseimprovements were evaluated in terms of costreductions, growth and service reliability and not interms of environmental impact.External pressure to incorporate environmental

aspects into decision making and to develop fuel andemission saving strategies resulting from rising andvolatile energy costs, regulations, taxes, customerrequirements, etc has meant sustainability has becomean increasingly important factor for companies to takeinto account in the development of their businessmodels and operational management.Quantifying energy use and emissions from transport

and logistics sources provides the baseline from whichenergy and emission saving strategies can bedeveloped and the performance can be measure overtime. It allows companies to set goals, to understand

The role oflogisticsserviceproviders astransportand networkoptimizationandconsolidationenablerscannot beoverstated,but jointcross-industryinitiatives willbe neededto improvetransportsystem eco-efficiencyoverall

the trade-offs between choices and to optimize theirmodes of transport.Although there is not internationally agreed

methodology for the calculationof transport emissionsatfirm levels, there are some general internationally agreedprotocols, such as the corporate standard of green housegas (GHG) protocol initiative for calculating corporateemissions. There are also on-going national andinternational initiatives offering guidance andprocedures for calculating transport emissions.However there is growing international recognition

that a common approach has to be developed forcalculating and reporting transport emissions. Theadvantage of a standard procedure and methodologyfor quantifying emissions from freight transportactivities at company level is obvious. At the GermanLogistics Congress, CEVA’s CEO John Pattullo calledon competitors, peers and customers to worktogether to develop global guidelines for sustainablelogistics services.It is likely that the international collaboration between

national and sector organizations will result in acommon globally accepted methodology to assess andreport on the environmental performance of transportand logistics activities and supply chains, and inharmonizing supporting tools.Improved horizontal collaboration and cross supply

chain integration could increase vehicle fill rates, lowerempty running, provide more back-haul opportunitiesand strengthen fleet utilization rates. But a large part ofthe potential cross supply chain collaborationadvantages have been left unmanaged. This is leading togrowing pressure, as society becomes more aware of theneed and the perceived opportunities to improve totaltransport system performance.

The challenge of cross supply chain collaborationCommon efforts towards these global guidelines andprotocols are important but measurement is a tool, notan objective in itself. The achievement of a moresustainable transport system has to be the ultimate goal.A sustainable future will depend on our ability to

collaborateand tochange legacy supplychains intocross-collaborative industry networks. Public intervention canbe expected if the market fails to improve transportsystem performance overall. The role of logistics serviceproviders as transport and network optimization andconsolidation enablers cannot be overstated, but jointcross-industry initiatives will be needed to improvetransport system eco-efficiency overall.Voluntary public/private partnerships are one of the

policy options available to solve market failures andprovide an alternative to legislation and other directpublic interventions. Leading companies in the logisticsindustry could take the lead in trying to create greatercooperation between government and industry withthe aim of designing concepts and policies to developenablers and incentives for horizontal and cross-network collaboration.

A new eraHowever, making savings is not enough. At CEVA weare also using creative thinking and innovativetechnology to turn negatives into positives and drive anew phase in the evolution of our industry. In Italy wehave recently opened seven logistics hubs with eco-sustainable structures including roof-mountedphotovoltaic panels, and we refurbished two existingsites to the same specification. With a total area of340,000 sqm and combined production of over 17,800MWh in solar energy, we are reducing CO2 emissionsby 9,500 tons each year. What’s more, our facilities areproducing enough electricity to provide power formore than 5,000 households.So many of our customers are equally committed to

creating a sustainable global supply chain. By workingtogether, we can all look forward to a future that is bothbright and green.

Page 18: Top50 Logistics Operator

Velocity implies both speed and direction, andVirgin Media’s Velocityprogramme of supply chain transformation has certainly achieved both.In short order, 20% has been sliced from their inventory holding andoperating expenses also reduced by almost a fifth, while every keyperformance indicator has been improved dramatically.

Achieving supplychain velocity

Virgin Media has grown from the former VirginMobile, NTL andTelewest businesses to offer acomplete media service to nearly 10 millionconsumers across TV, broadband, phone and

mobile – its £13 billion ‘next generation’ network of fibreoptic cable reaches 12.7 million homes in the UK.The company’s supply chain now handles everything

from mobile phone handsets to set-top boxes, cablingand consumables, as well as all the equipment requiredtomaintain anddevelopVirginMedia’s network. Reverselogistics for redundant and repairable items is also animportant aspect of the company’s realigned supplychain activities.“Historically,” explains Virgin Media’s Executive

Director,MauriceDaw,“the very disparate supply chainssat in Finance, with a lot of in-house activity, and notnecessarily very efficiently executed.” Daw joined thecompany in early 2008 and now reports throughOperations.With the remit of removing waste, reducingcost and securing efficiencies he is a long way throughthe process of building a supply chain capability thatsupports business growth without excessive risk andcost - providing a platform for future supply chaininitiatives, such as RFID. Additional aims includedimproving customer satisfaction - no more engineersturning up without the right parts - a better employeeexperience, and a sharper environmental performance.

Imaginative approach to sharing cost savingsBy a process of competitive tender amongstconsultancies and logistics service companies,Kuehne + Nagel (KN) was selected for a system designcontract, but as Daw explains, “KN came up with animaginative and creative commercial proposal whichencouraged us to share cost savings with them. Thesavings were so large, and the timescale for an RFQ forimplementation so long that, unusually, the Boardapproved KN’s appointment to deliver their solutionwithout tendering”.Steve Clarke, KN’s General Manager for the Virgin

Media contract explains that KNwas in a strong positionto build on a pre-existing relationshipwithVirginMobilegoing back more than ten years. “In November 2008 wepresented our findings to Virgin Media and theyawarded us a contract to implement our concept design.Because this decision had been arrived at without goingthrough a formal competitive tendering process, they

brought in Accenture to validate and benchmark oursolution and to help with programmemanagement andimplementation,” he says.

Consolidating the distribution networkThe central element of the supply chain transformationhas been the consolidation of the distribution network.Activity from up to a dozen sites across the country hasbeen concentrated into a 220,000 sq ft NationalDistribution Centre (NDC) inWellingborough, part of a500,000 sq ft shared user facility run by KN. Alongsidethis consolidation, a network of 52 ‘field stores’ is in thefinal stages of being established. However, there is moreto theVelocity programme than that.The scope of KN’s work for Virgin Media is wide and

varied. On the mobile phone side, handsets are broughtin from themanufacturers, picked and packed, and sentout through three different channels : direct tocustomers who have ordered through the Internet orotherwise; to resellers such as Dixons and Tesco, andsome to Virgin Media’s own chain of around 70 retailoutlets. “We also deal with reverse logistics, so when aphone comes back we do a ‘screen and clean’ test,” saysClarke. “If there are no problems we refurbish it and putit back in stock; if there are problems we manage therepair process through Virgin Media nominated repairagents, and when it comes back from them we return itto stock, sell on, or whatever is appropriate”.The new Virgin Media business around ‘media’ splits

into two parts. “Customer premises equipmentcomprises set-top boxes,modems, telephony - anythingyou would need as a Virgin Media customer to get yourTV, cable, broadband, fixed telephony,” explains Clarke.“We support that through a b2c operation whereby ifyou are already connected to a cable network, and youdon’t need an engineer to call, you can place your orderthrough the website or call centre and we will deliver abox with all the equipment and instructions”.Conversely, customers who do need engineer support

are handled through the field stores which are 2-5person operations.The field stores are supplied from theNDC, and engineers come in on a daily basis to get allthe stock they need for that day’s customers. But inaddition, the field stores also provide the logisticssupport to maintain the Virgin Media infrastructure, soservice engineers are drawing the cards, cabinets, cablesand so on that they need to maintain, repair and

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upgrade switches, street-end boxes and so on. In bothcases the field stores also take equipment back for returnto the NDC where it is repaired and refurbished, andthen returned to stock or otherwise disposed of. Ineffect, the single NDC inWellingborough is at the centreof several supply chains, very different both in terms ofchannels and volumes - from around 1.5 million set-topboxes a year, to infrastructure equipment counted in thedozens or hundreds.

A process of continuous improvementWith the physical aspects of the new supply chain inplace, KN is working on identifying and securingfurther efficiencies. Dominic Edmonds, KN’s BusinessUnit Director notes that, “A key aspect of thecommercial arrangement is the gain-sharemechanism. From the outset we were both very keenthat we should be positively incentivised to find waysof reducing the overall supply chain costs. One of ourobvious strengths is our ability to add value across thewhole of Virgin Media’s supply chain, not just insidethe confines of the warehouse, and because of the typeof collaborative relationship we have developed,VirginMedia is very open to some big changes in the waythey have previously done things”. KN has aContinuous Improvement/Lean manager on site whoengages with the operational teams, educating themin lean thinking and working with them for ways totake out waste and reduce costs. Edmonds offers anexample of where improvements have been made,around picking and packing wireless routers. “Inaddition to the more strategic ways of reducing supplychain costs we are of course also focused oncontinuously improving the newly implementedoperations. By re-laying out the wireless router area weachieved a 36 per cent productivity improvement.Even during the implementation, we’ve beenachieving productivity improvements like this prettywell every month,” he says.Already some clear targets for further optimisation are

revealing themselves. One of these is around tracing andvisibility. Edmonds explains that customer equipment isrelatively straightforward. “We can give field stores aninitial stock allocation, and with a feed from VirginMedia’s system, we know what the engineer has used,andwe knowwhat hewill need for his next jobswhen hecomes back in a couple of days,” he says. “There is still

the opportunity to raise ad-hoc orders, and it is going tobe a lot more practical to support promotions. We aretrying to give visibility on advance stock and thus makeengineers more flexible – by knowing exactly what is inthe van, engineers can be allocated jobs they cancomplete, making their day more fulfilling and alsoensuring a better customer experience”.

Maximising value fromReverse LogisticsReverse logistics is a highly critical part of the supplychain operation forVirginMedia. KN is using its networkof third party relationships to get value back for its client,and is about to start managing the whole end-of-lifeprocess, including compliance with WEEE and otherenvironmental regulations. Improved environmentalperformancewas one ofVirginMedia’s key objectives forVelocity – the new network together with dynamicrouting, fuel efficient vehicles and waste recoveryfacilities have, amongst other things, saved 350,000miles and recycled 480 tonnes of cardboard a year.At the other end of the chain, trials are taking place

bringing in set-top boxes and the like through KN’sown international supply chain and if these aresuccessful, KN will be operating truly ‘cradle to grave’for Virgin Media.To date, it’s clear to see that significant gains have been

achieved through Virgin Media’s supply chaintransformation. Maurice Daw points out that thefinancial impact of the new supply chain has been seenin threemajor ways: A reduction in operating costs of upto 20 per cent on a like for like basis; stock reductionsworth tens of millions – up to one third in some areas;and stock loss has almost vanished. Other favourablemetrics include on-time despatch availability which hasrisen from 90 to a flawless 100 per cent; and pickaccuracy from 89.95 to 99.95 per cent. Meanwhile,productivity (units per hour) is up by over a quarter.Daw says Virgin Media is “very pleased with the

relationshipwith KN: it is very strong, although there areinteresting cultural differences between a Swiss, processdriven, logistics company, and a Virgin company wherewe sometimes do things slightly differently!“We have now established a supply chain which is

highly capable and cost-effective, that the business canrely on, that can continue to grow with the business,and with a partner in KN that is one of the bestoperators in the sector”.

A keyaspect of thecommercialarrangementis the gain-sharemechanism.From theoutset wewere bothvery keenthat weshould bepositivelyincentivisedto find waysof reducingthe overallsupply chaincosts

L to R: James Ball,Accenture; SteveClarke, Kuehne +Nagel; Steve Rounsley,Virgin Media;MauriceDaw,Virgin Media;Dominic Edmonds,Kuehne + Nagel; PaulBrassett,Virgin Media.

Page 20: Top50 Logistics Operator

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