top trends in marketing & selling to women


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SMARK Conference Marketing to Women October 2014


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ANDREEA STRACHINĂ Head of Communication Design Kaleidoscope Proximity

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before trends: the state of women in RO

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1 9 7 0 1 9 8 0 1 9 9 0

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S o c i a l E c o n o m i c C u l t u r a l

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Two women running for presidency

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Romanians who would never vote a female president in 2013

2013 Research, Consiliul Naţional pentru Combaterea Discriminării (CNCD)

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Romanians who would never vote a female president in 2014

2013 Research, Consiliul Naţional pentru Combaterea Discriminării (CNCD)

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A trend isn’t about what’s “cool”.

T h e i n d u s t r y h a s b e e n o v e r u s i n g t h e w o r d .

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A trend has reached its tipping point, but this doesn’t mean it can be applied globally.

T h e c u l t u r a l d i f f e re n c e s b e t w e e n R o m a n i a a n d o t h e r c o u n t r i e s .

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Take for example the Shared Economy trend. Romania is a nation of owners over “shares”. Our first two values in life are owing a house and a having a family. And the “house” presents the biggest spending a Romanian has in a lifetime.

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Crowdsourced jobs marketplace helps women with children find short-term work Beta-launched in Japan during March 2014, Mama and Crowd is a crowdsourced jobs marketplace allows women with young children to find work that fits around their schedule. Expensive day care and a stay-at-home-culture mean that it’s often difficult for moms to earn supplementary income; Mama and Crowd allows users to browse short-term contracts or one-day tasks. Users can split longer-term jobs with other members, or join a pool of workers to complete tasks.

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Crowdsourced jobs marketplace helps women with children find short-term work Beta-launched in Japan during March 2014, Mama and Crowd is a crowdsourced jobs marketplace allows women with young children to find work that fits around their schedule. Expensive day care and a stay-at-home-culture mean that it’s often difficult for moms to earn supplementary income; Mama and Crowd allows users to browse short-term contracts or one-day tasks. Users can split longer-term jobs with other members, or join a pool of workers to complete tasks.

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It’s all about SUBSEGMENTATION nowadays

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Happy  spo(ers  is  a  Trendwatching  network  I’m  part  of.  Here,  the  hub  calls  different  countries  in  order  to  iden?fy  signals,  micro-­‐trends  &/or  trends  for  their  further  researches/state  of  the  industry  analysis.      And  I  always  have  trouble  offering  them  material  because  the  majority  of  them  don’t  really  apply  much  to  our  culture/way  of  doing  things.  

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A trend needs time in order for it to be adopted What we’re looking at now are trends that have been part of our lives for the past 1/3 years. Because trends need a higher time span than micro-trends or signals.

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so, this is not your ordinary top 10 trends list

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introducing behavioral economics

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The fuzzy zone between the emotional and the “rational,” the economic and the social; the individual and his/her context; humans and technology "-Ana Andjelic, Group Strategy Director

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behavioral economics






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behavioral economics







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Empowering women You can do it%Example: brands supporting breastfeeding in public #

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Empowering women to be active participants% Women are invited by brands to be partners, co-curators and co-creators, more than spectators. It’s how the entire concept of Engagement started after all.


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I’m always wearing my inventor hat. Whenever I purchase a new technology, I look for ways to improve it. The USPTO has issued 115 patents to me, and I have more than 250 more pending, making me the first woman in IBM’s history to reach the 100th Plateau Achievement Award, which is a point system that rewards patent filings and publishes.



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2. Diabetic indulgence It’s time to care about yourself #

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3. The power of emotion From increased empathy to an emphasis on family values and interaction, most of these impacts have one thing in common — emotional connections. From tapping childhood nostalgia and promoting family safety to striking confidence and evoking a sense of power, creating an emotional experience is a sure-fire way to improve sales efficiency. #

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4. Interests over age-groups It’s about evolving how we target & address women within our media strategies. It’s about the impact technology now has in shaping / endorsing new & existing behaviors.%%Google has some solutions, CRM programs can also help, and a new software is preparing to be launched in the Romanian market that allows you to use cookie history in order to better profile your digital audience.


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BUILDING UPON A NEW BEHAVIOR%For all 700,000 wedding-related pins every day,

hotels now hunt bridezillas on Pinterest.

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5. Relationships From “rise of data” to “usage of data”. Although I’ve searched, there is no CRM program in Romania created exclusively for women. Reasons? Business commitment and money. But relationships are the most valuable thing a brand could build in these non-linear times where the process of acquisition is much more higher than the retention one.


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For more information about trends, let yourself get inspired by:

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