top responsive joomla templates of 2015 from joomlart

Top 12 responsive Joomla templates of 2015 from JoomlArt Click on each image to know more about the template!

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Top 12 responsive Joomla templates of 2015 from JoomlArt

Click on each image to know more about the template!

Clean and simple, JA Hotel is a first class solution for your travel and hotel booking website. The homepage of JA Hotel will help the travelers with useful information about travel planning from sightseeing spot, delicious food to local culture, and interesting activities.

JA Hotel

Luring fashionistas fans to your online store and shopping for their latest temptations with our chic and trendy Joomla template JA Cagox.

JA Cagox

Uber is the perfect All in one Joomla template to help everyone build their business site. This special Joomla template is a feature project for Joomla 3 & Joomla 2.5. It is a built with T3 Framework template with Bootstrap 3, and the Advanced Custom Module.


JA Charity - our responsive Joomla template for Churchs and Charity - will not only breathe a new air into the interface of your church or charity organization's website, but also the unique experience for the users.

JA Charity

JA Directory - Responsive Joomla 3 template is a wonderful solution for a Directory website. It is built with the new T3 Framework and supports the great K2 component. The search and filter component works in tandem with mapping in JA Directory to bring you our highlight feature. This is thanks to our JA Google Map plugin and JA K2 filter components being seamlessly integrated.

JA Directory

Responsive Joomla template for Tech Store - JA Techzone is responsive Joomla template for online showroom and hi-tech gadgets eCommerce site. Techzone is perfect fit for modern shopping needs, great for showing and reviewing technology products in an attractive yet simple web store.

JA Techzone

JA Rent is a Joomla template designed for vehicles rental service website. This template is fully responsive based on Bootstrap 3 grid system. It is built with our solid T3 Framework, supports K2 component and dedicated Car rental component - Vik Rent Car. JA Rent gives you power to build a full Rental functionality website.

JA Rent

JA Social II is all new responsive Joomla template to build a social network for your community. Social II derives its name from JA Social, one of our best Joomla social templates for years. Social II is designed to help you create your own social network with Joomla.

JA Social II

JA Events II is the responsive Joomla event template dedicated for event organizers. Whether you're a professional events manager or one-off organizer, this Joomla template for events will help you to plan for successful events.

JA Events II

JA Magz II is the successor of our most favorite Joomla responsive template for news and magazine sites, JA Magz. It's a clean and simple design, with highlights of typography for news and magazine readers. Magz II is responsive and displayed well on any device from mobile to PC.

JA Magz II

JA Mono is based on Unusual layout concept with monochromatic style. This is not your traditional website and Mono is dedicated for creative business, designers and startups. JA Mono is unusual because it makes great use of large-screen estate.

JA Cagox

It is a perfect new Joomla 3 template for Universities, schools, colleges and other educational websites. JA Platon supports Kunena - Joomla forum component and Jomsocial 4 - Joomla social networking extensions. With Kunena, and JomSocial 4, Platon creates not only school websites but also discussion boards, forums and social platforms for educational organizations.

JA Platon