top producers

Producers ost New Listings: Most Units Sold: Top Producer: Cathy Howard Bob Caron Lori Hubbard

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Post on 22-Feb-2016




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Top Producers . Cathy Howard. Most New Listings: . Most Units Sold :. Bob Caron. Top Producer:. Lori Hubbard. Many Eyes are on your marketing. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Top Producers

Top Producers Most New Listings:

Most Units Sold:

Top Producer:

Cathy Howard

Bob Caron

Lori Hubbard

Page 2: Top Producers

 Yea!  This is great!  Right?  Be very cautious!  You can lose business you never knew you lost because of shoddy and unprofessional Internet marketing.  Buyers and sellers want to work with a professional and your misspelled words, wrong word usage and badly laid out posts, MLS listings and other marketing will send consumers running not to you but far away from you.  Being negative in your postings and comments does not serve as a lure for new business, rather it works as a warning to keep on searching for a professional to assist them.  Remember you are marketing to the general public and you should avoid marketing, posts and comments that will chase them away.  Positive works! Rants don't work!    Eyes watching you! 

Many Eyes are on your marketing

Page 3: Top Producers

Millions of EYES are on you! Think!  Proof read and proof read again! If in doubt, don't submit!  A picture is worth a thousand words, right?  Yes, and a bad picture or picture in poor taste will be worth those words, only in a really bad "coming back to haunt you" way.  If in doubt about a photo, it is likely not one that should be used.  The Eyes are always watching. 

Caution!  Proceed with care!  Be VERY Afraid!  

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