tools of early humans

By Cole Daniels-Heald

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Post on 23-Jun-2015




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By Cole Daniels-Heald

Early humans began to appear approximately 1.2-4 million years ago and were the beginning of modern day humans. For early humans life was a competition for survival so they had to come up with ways to make surviving easier so they began to create tools.

very first known “Pre human Hominoid” Scientists studies have learned they were

more apelike but walked on two legs instead of all four

a small brain so it only used tools that it found like a stick to put into an ant hill or a sharp stone

studies suggested that Australopithecus was omnivorous. Meaning that Australopithecus must have used tools to hunt/capture animals or they just scavenged off remains.

First discovered by Mary and Louise Leakey between 1962 and 1964.

The first to create tools.Was able to hunt (simple).Could use but not make fire.Could make crude shelters.Could make stone tools for cutting and

chopping by knocking off stone flakes which eventually sharpened it to a point.

Discovered by Dutch anatomist Eugene Dubois in 1886

Were more like us than earlier humans, were the same size as us but were stronger.

Smarter than Homo habilis but could still not talk.

Could create fire.Could make complex tools like hand axes and

tools for butchering.Could hunt African and Asian game.

Found near Neanderthal Germany. Lived During part of an ice age.To begin with scientists only found one

Neanderthal.Neanderthals were taller, Stronger and

maybe smarter than.Scientists believe that causes of their

extinction could be disease or were killed off by another form of man.

Found in Cro-Magnon (a region of France).Scientist believe they could speak which made it

far easier to explain suggest and create.Found a way to cure and store food for the

winter.Learned how to fish with nets and hooks.Cro-Magnons however still could not farm.Learned how to make boats.Could sew and create clothing and jewelry.Created the first ranged weapon and tool the

bow and arrow.

Began the era of technology.The first to use metal tools (began around 300 AD).Began to use simple machines such as the lever the

pulley and the screw.Learned how to farm and grow crops.Learned cures to various diseases.Created ways to find and access information

quickly.Created ways to move things and get places early

examples are a cat and buggy but a more modern one is the car or truck.

Obviously early humans could not have survived without learning how to create and use tools to their benefit. The early uses of tools have now evolved into the useful and advanced technology we see today. This technology has been used to find cures to diseases and many problems but has also created many problems itself. However many of the tools that early humans used are still here today such as spears and axes and knives, and no matter how advanced technology may get I’m quite certain that people will still be putting sticks into anthills.

Ancient World Text Book


