tool 4.5: overview of an mca-based decision tooltool 4.5: overview of an mca-based decision tool 4...

Impacts of Climate Change on Urban Infrastructure & the Built Environment A Toolbox Tool 4.5: Overview of an MCA-Based Decision Tool Author S.G Oldfield Affiliation MWH New Zealand Ltd., PO Box 9624, Te Aro, Wellington

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Page 1: Tool 4.5: Overview of an MCA-Based Decision ToolTool 4.5: Overview of an MCA-Based Decision Tool 4 2.2 First Stage MCA – Prioritisation of Locations for Attention At this stage,

Impacts of Climate Change on Urban Infrastructure & the Built Environment

A Toolbox

Tool 4.5: Overview of an MCA-Based

Decision Tool


S.G Oldfield


MWH New Zealand Ltd., PO Box 9624, Te Aro, Wellington

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1. Introduction 1

1.1 Background 1

1.2 Purpose of Tool 1

1.3 Obtaining this Tool 1

2. Overview of the Decision Tool 2

2.1 Basis of Multi-Criteria Assessment Process 2

2.2 First Stage MCA – Prioritisation of Locations for Attention 4

2.3 Second Stage MCA – Identification of Preferred Mitigation Measures 4

2.4 Data Needs 5

2.5 Outputs Generated to Aid Decision-Making 7

2.6 Assumptions and Limitations 8

3. How to Apply the MCA-based Decision Tool 9

3.1 Application Framework 9

3.2 Tool Structure and Content 10

3.3 Illustrative Examples 14

4. References 15

Appendix A: Example Screenshots from the MCA Decision Tool 16

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Tool 4.5: Overview of an MCA-Based Decision Tool 1

1. Introduction

1.1 Background

This document gives details one of a number of tools developed to assist Councils,

and others, in taking account of long-term climate change effects in their on-going

asset development and management, with the broad aim of making urban

infrastructure more resilient to climate change effects.

The tool described here [Tool 4.5] is based on the Multi-criteria Analysis (MCA)

approach promulgated by the NZ National Asset Management Steering Group in the

document “Optimised Decision Making” (NAMS, 2004). The underlying techniques

used in formulating the tool described here are widely used in many different contexts.

Here, however, the tool has been developed and demonstrated (Oldfield S.G, 2011)

specifically for prioritising and planning against increasing rainfall-initiated landslide

hazard. The tool could be adapted relatively easily for other applications.

Designing and developing infrastructure to be more resilient to climate change does

not require fundamentally different solutions, rather the designs need to take account

of the changing frequency and magnitude of these effects.

Detrimental climate-related effects influence design through increased ‘loading’

requirements, and add to other uncertainties because the rate and magnitude of the

changes in climate are not known with certainty. Increased uncertainty means that

making the ‘correct’ design choice in any particular context is more challenging that it

would otherwise be.

1.2 Purpose of Tool

The MCA-based tool is specifically designed to allow prioritisation of actions to

prevent or mitigate the impact of landslides based on the level of risk they present,

taking account of climate change.

1.3 Obtaining this Tool

Contact the author of this report for information about obtaining and using this Tool.

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Tool 4.5: Overview of an MCA-Based Decision Tool 2

2. Overview of the Decision Tool

The Decision Tool described here is based on a multi-stage Multi-Criteria Assessment

(MCA) methodology. Multi-Criteria Analysis is perhaps the most ubiquitous of all

formal methods of decision-making. In this tool the MCA methodology is applied

firstly to prioritise geographical locations for attention and then again to select the

most appropriate means of reducing the risk at the selected location.

The tool is presented and illustrated here for its application to rainfall-induced

landslide risk, but the same methodology could be applied, in part or in total, to other

hazards. However, the full process as described is likely to be most applicable to

location-specific hazards such as landslides, rather than wider area hazards such as


2.1 Basis of Multi-Criteria Assessment Process

In the MCA process, decisions are guided by rating the alternative solutions to a

problem against a set of chosen criteria. In Stage 1 the locations are first prioritised for

attention and in Stage 2 the risk reduction (‘mitigation’ or ‘remediation’) options are

determined for these locations.

The selection criteria are chosen to cover all the factors that distinguish what is ‘good’

and ‘bad’ about the solutions. These criteria can include both tangible factors (i.e. a

measurable property), and intangible factors (e.g. a property that can only be defined


The individual scores for an option are combined in some way (usually a weighted

sum) to provide an overall measure of preference for each solution. The contribution

that each criterion gives to the sum of scores for an option is weighted to reflect the

choice by decision makers on the relative importance of the different criteria.

The scores may be seen as surrogates for measures of value for the criteria, allowing

combination of the effects of diverse criteria with different units. The weights

represent beliefs about what is important in a particular situation or to a particular

group of individuals.

The MCA scoring and weighting process is illustrated in Figure 2.1.

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Tool 4.5: Overview of an MCA-Based Decision Tool 3

Figure 2.1: Schematic of MCA evaluation process

The MCA Decision Tool applies the basic MCA process, illustrated above, in two

stages as shown diagrammatically in Figure 2.2 and described below using the

example of rainfall-induced landslides in the Wellington region.

Figure 2.2: Representation of two-stage MCA process

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2.2 First Stage MCA – Prioritisation of Locations for Attention

At this stage, the options being assessed are the different locations and the criteria are

the factors which determine the level of landslide hazard or risk.

In the first stage of the MCA process, the area of interest (i.e. in this example the

Wellington Region) is sub-divided into a mesh of cells (say 10m by 10m). The

probability of a landslide is predicted in each cell from the ground slope and severity

of the rainfall events, using local historical records as a guide. This information was

provided for the Wellington Region by NIWA and GNS for the purposes of

demonstrating the tool [see the Tools in Bin 2.3]. The consequences should a landslide

occur in any particular location are then predicted, and are dependent on the buildings,

services and other infrastructure assets which could be damaged.

Combining the landslide probability with the likely extent of damage on a spatial basis

provides a measure of landslide risk from which ‘high risk’ areas for priority attention

can be identified. In practice, generating estimates of the potential damage on a spatial

basis is relatively demanding in terms of data and resources. For expediency,

therefore, the initial identification of priority areas was undertaken on the basis of the

known landslide hazard in the Wellington region. Consequence estimates were then

sought only for the priority areas.

The RiskScape package [Tools 3.2 and 3.3] is planned to enable spatial estimates of

landslide risk to be mapped more easily. However, this capability was not available at

the time of writing and the methods described here provide a less data-intensive


The Wellington Region, used to illustrate this Tool, is comparatively large so the area

prioritisation process was completed in two steps. Initially, a larger area of 500m by

500m was used to rank the hazard likelihood of each grid cell and so identify areas of

high landslide hazard. The landslide risk (a combination of the hazard likelihood and

damage caused) was then evaluated in these high hazard areas using the finer 10m by

10m grid. The cells were ranked according to the level of risk, with the objective of

prioritising locations for adaptation in the second stage of MCA, as described below.

2.3 Second Stage MCA – Identification of Preferred Mitigation Measures

The second stage of MCA is applied to the priority high risk locations (identified in

the first stage) and used to identify risk reduction (‘mitigation’ or ‘adaptation’)

measures that are appropriate to the high risk location, eventually identifying a

preferred option.

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The options in the MCA at this second stage are the alternative mitigation methods for

reducing landslide risk. The criteria are the issues that need to be considered in

identifying the best remedial option given the local circumstances.

There are numerous ways of reducing landslide risk and so, once again, the Tool

allows the user to select appropriate solutions in two steps. The first step involves

screening the widest possible range of solutions, eliminating those that are either not

viable or are ineffective for the location. The remaining short-listed potential solutions

are then assessed using the classical MCA process as described above.

A separate Toolbox Option Screening Tool [see Tool 4.2] has been developed for the

first stage of short-listing viable adaptation options. This Tool contains a long list of

different generic types of actions that could be taken to reduce landslide risk. These

are rated in the MCA Decision Tool for their relevance to some key context-specific

factors, such as the slope of the ground and the surface rock type (in the case of

landslide risk). Given knowledge of these characteristics for the location of interest,

the adaptation options that are most relevant for the location can be identified. The

screening tool provides facilities for the user to define new or hybrid options based on

modifications to or combinations of other options.

The Option Screening Tool [Tool 4.2] is designed to provide a justifiable record of the

choices made. It is intended to be used either by a single user or in an interactive

workshop environment. It provides a simple basis for reducing the options to a

manageable number for more detailed treatment using the MCA process. As with all

assessment methods based on subjective judgement, it should only be used as a guide

in the decisions to be made.

The shortlist of viable options generated by Tool 4.2 may then be developed in more

detail in MCA Decision Tool by allowing a more in-depth comparison and rating of

options using the MCA process, as illustrated in Figure 2.2.

2.4 Data Needs

The basic data needs for the MCA-Based Decision Tool methodology to be applied to

the management of rainfall-induced landslide hazard are as follows:

a) Current rainfall and future predicted rainfall taking account of climate change.

It is also important to factor in the antecedent conditions as landslides tend to

occur when the ground has a high moisture content [see Tool 2.3.2]; and

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b) Ground slope, land-use and vegetation cover; this information is likely to be

readily available to a Council in GIS form.

Information (a) and (b) are used to predict the annual probability (likelihood) that a

landslide might be expected to occur at any particular location. In the current example,

predictions are based on past records of landslides that impacted the Wellington road

network, as provided by Wellington City Council, and landslides that impacted

properties provided by EQC [see Tool 2.3.2]. At the time of writing this Tool the EQC

data was not available.

Predicting the impact of a landslide requires location-specific information on what

could be damaged if a landslide occurs. In an urban setting a relatively high level of

detail is required [see Tool 2.3.2, for example].

The choice of cell size used to map spatial data will depend on the extent of the area

under consideration and the resolution of available detail. A base cell of 10m by 10m

is convenient, if this level of detail can be justified, as at this scale the road

carriageways and individual houses can be readily resolved on a map. If the region or

area of interest is large, or the level of available detail is poor, then a larger cell size

may be used initially to assist prioritising smaller areas for more detailed analysis, as

in the current example for Wellington.

For smaller areas of high landslide hazard, typically say 4 hectares in size, the

following additional localised information needs to be collected in order to estimate

the likely impact of a landslide:

c) Buildings and infrastructure, roads, utility services etc. that could be exposed

to landslide hazard; this information is often held by Councils and/or

emergency management agencies;

d) Localised landslide hazard-enhancing factors, e.g. areas of recent vegetation

clearance, the presence of surface water flows, evidence of slope movement

or other ground instability etc.; and

e) Presence of existing slope stabilisation and risk reduction measures, e.g.

benching of slopes, rock-bolts or shotcrete etc.

Asset information in (c) above is used in the MCA Decision Tool to determine the

likely impact of a landslide at any particular location. Information from (d) and (e) are

used to update base hazard and consequence information for local factors that enhance

or reduce landslide risk.

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Information required in (c) and (d) above can be obtained by performing a ‘ground-

truthing’ survey of the chosen area. Such a survey can be conducted by driving along

the roads and recording relevant information. A video recording of routes can be very

effective as a means of checking and geo-referencing captured information after a

landslide event.

The information listed in (a) to (e) above is best incorporated within a GIS for ease of

analysis. NIWA and GNS are in the process of developing RiskScape [see Tools 3.2

and 3.3] for the prediction of rainfall-induced landslide risk from this type of

information. As this capability is still under development, the spreadsheet approach

described in this Tool (see Section 3 below) provides a simplified alternative.

2.5 Outputs Generated to Aid Decision-Making

Figure 2.3 (left hand side) shows a digitised map of the Wellington region, colour-

coded according to the predicted landslide hazard (for a specific range of severity

rainfall events).

Figure 2.3: Illustration of landslide risk mapping output

On the right hand side of Figure 2.3 is an enlargement of a small area of Wellington

showing the localised landslide risk. The red squares indicate where the risk is highest.

These are the priority locations for remedial action identified in Stage 1 (see Figure


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Having identified the high risk locations, a preferred set of risk reduction measures is

identified through a systematic consideration of alternatives (Stage 2 in Figure 2.2).

The preferred solution from the shortlisted candidates is the one with the highest score

for the chosen assessment criteria. This is illustrated in Figure 2.4.

Figure 2.4: Illustration of preference amongst alternative solutions

In the above illustration, “Planting” has scored highest overall rating and therefore is

preferred over the other four options. In reality, other measures may well be combined

with planting to give the best possible solution. These hybrid solutions can themselves

be assessed in the same way.

2.6 Assumptions and Limitations

The overriding assumption in applying the MCA Decision Tool in the context of

landslides is that it is reasonable to establish priorities for the management of landslide

hazard on the basis of risk using past history as a guide. Other key assumptions

implicit in applying the MCA-based Decision Tool are as follows:

a) Landslide hazard likelihood can be predicted using empirical relationships

based principally on rainfall (taking account of antecedent conditions and

climate change effects) and terrain slope [see Tool 2.3.3];

b) The level of impact resulting from landslides can be consistently derived from

expert judgement based on limited knowledge of the location-specific

vulnerabilities and guided by suitably couched guidance; and

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c) The effectiveness of different landslide remedial actions can be quantified to

the degree that a preferred solution can be identified for a specific location

using expert opinion.

One of the major advantages of the MCA methodology is its ability to be applied at

different levels of detail. This means that the technique can be adapted to suit the level

of information available. However, one of the method’s main weaknesses is the lack

of explicit treatment of uncertainty. These uncertainties arise because:

Landslide hazard and risk is predicted from empirical relationships based on

limited data and a relatively small number of indicator factors [see Tool

2.3.3]; and

The effect of the indicator factors cannot be measured nor easily determined

from fundamental science; instead, reliance is placed on subjective judgement

by experts.

Because priorities are set through the ranking (comparison) of options on a common

basis, the effect of these uncertainties can be managed by ensuring a consistent

treatment throughout. Thus applying some rigour in the MCA methodology is

important in achieving robust solutions.

3. How to Apply the MCA-based Decision Tool

The application and use of the MCA Decision Tool is illustrated using a case study

performed on the Wellington urban region (Oldfield, 2011). The presentations and

descriptions given in this case study offer insight into the application of the tool for a

relatively large urban area.

Where small areas are of interest, the process described here can be simplified e.g. by

applying the location prioritisation MCA in a single step and using a less formal

screening of remedial options.

3.1 Application Framework

The overall process used in applying the MCA Decision Tool is shown in Figure 3.1

and illustrated below with images and screenshots of the Tool (see Appendix A) from

the Wellington case study (Oldfield, 2011).

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Figure 3.1: Generalised MCA Decision Tool framework

3.2 Tool Structure and Content

Figure 3.2 shows one of a series of landslide hazard maps of the Wellington Region,

generated for a number of different ranges of rainfall events (Table 3.1).

Table 3.1: Defined rainfall event ranges used in the Wellington case study

0 to 25 mm/day 25 to 50 mm/day 50 to 75mm/day

75 to 100 mm/day 100 to 125 mm/day* 125 150 mm/day

* See Figure 3.1 for the relevant landslide hazard map

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Figure 3.2: Example landslide hazard map of Wellington (rainfall event 100 to 125 mm/yr)

The hazard map gives the probability that a landslide (of any size) will occur within a

particular area of known slope, given an assumed rainfall event. Analysis of the

Wellington landslide data shows no particular correlation between slip size and the

severity of the rainfall event. Rather, the number of slips in an area increases with

increasing rainfall. The overall hazard is a combination of this landslide probability

and the probability that the chosen rainfall event occurs [see Tools 2.3.3 and 2.3.4].

The spreadsheet-based MCA Decision tool contains a sequence of worksheets. Table

3.2 provides a description of each worksheet. Examples of screenshots from the Tool

are given in Appendix A.

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Table 3.2: Description of worksheets within the MCA Decision-Making Tool

Worksheet(s) Description

Rainfall Hazard

Maps (RHM) in


(One for each of

the six rainfall


A set of six worksheets, one for each of the six rainfall event ranges defined

above (Table 3.1), containing landslide probability data supplied by GNS and

downloaded from a GIS for the Wellington Study. Currently, hazard maps

have only been generated using WCC historical landslide road clearance

records. Mappings of the landslide hazard to buildings, using EQC claims

records, are to be added later. Hazard maps provided by GNS were generated

on a mesh grid of 10m by 10m cells but aggregated on to a coarser grid of

500m by 500m cells (see for example Figure A1, Appendix A), before being

imported into the MCA Spreadsheet Tool for the purposes of identifying areas

of high landslide hazard. The mapped data is listed to the right of the mapping

on each of the six worksheets.

RHM Summary The tabulated data from each of the six RHM worksheets are listed together

on this worksheet. The rank scores for each column of event probabilities are

also tabulated. The rank scores may be sorted to allow areas with a high

hazard to be identified for priority attention. Cells that rank highly across all

rainfall event ranges have the greatest priority. The selected high priority areas

are then explored in more detail on subsequent worksheets.

Selected Area


(Correction) Map

(One for each

selected area)

This worksheet is provided for the user to make local corrections or

refinements to the event probability data imported from GIS. The worksheet

contains three rows of map enlargements of the selected high hazard priority

area of interest – one map enlargement for each of the six rainfall event ranges

(see Figure A2, Appendix A). The first row of maps are generated by re-

importing the landslide probability data from the GIS on the original 10m by

10m mesh grid cell size for the selected high hazard area only. The second

row of maps of the same selected area is for the user to make corrections to

the event probabilities in appropriate cells to account for known errors or

omissions in the imported hazard mapping data, e.g. to account for existing

slope stabilisation measures. The corrected hazard maps in the third row are

generated from the maps above.

Ground Truthing


(One completed for

each selected area)

This worksheet is used to maintain a record of information recorded during a

‘ground truthing’ survey of the selected area of interest. The survey

information is used to update the landslide probability data for local landslide

hazard-enhancing features and for existing landslide remediation works (see

the Enhancing and Mitigating Factor worksheets below). The survey can also

be used to inform and locally refine the subjective assessment of landslide

impacts on roads, buildings and infrastructure.

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Worksheet(s) Description

Selected Area


Enhancing Factors

(One completed for

each selected area)

Copies of the selected area enlargement maps are provided on this worksheet

for the user to enter modifying factors to account for increased or reduced

levels of damage, above or below the ‘typical average’ level for a particular

land-use type. A ‘typical average’ level of impact is computed for each land-

use type and applied according to the cell’s land-use type designation.

Impacts may be higher than average if, for example, a particularly vulnerable

or expensive asset is at risk. Impacts may be lower than average if assets are

not vulnerable to landslides or of low value. A separate map is used for each

distinct enhancement factor. A consolidated map is used to combine the

different factors into a single modifying factor for each mesh cell (see Figure

A2, Appendix A).

Selected Area


Mitigating Factors

(One completed for

each selected area)

Copies of the selected area enlargement maps are provided on this worksheet

for the user to enter modifying factors to account for reduced landslide impact

owing to localised factors which reduce risk (e.g. existing slope stabilisation

measures) or for other reasons that decrease the priority for remedial action to

be taken (e.g. slips are known to be small and/or the damage inconsequential).

A separate map is used for each distinct mitigation factor. One consolidated

map is used to combine the different factors into a single modifying factor for

each cell (see Figure A2, Appendix A).

Risk Evaluation

(One completed for

each selected area)

The components of landslide risk (likelihood and consequence) developed on

the Selected Area worksheets above are brought together to predict the risk in

each cell of the mesh grid covering the selected area (see Figure A3,

Appendix A). These risk estimates may be ranked to prioritise high risk

locations for possible remedial works.

Risk Mapping

(One completed for

each selected area)

This worksheet (Figure A4, Appendix A) is used to provide mappings of the

landslide risk generated on the Risk Evaluation sheet. The MCA process does

not include an explicit treatment of uncertainty so an implicit treatment is

added in the presentation. The level of uncertainty needs to be defined by the


Screen Options

(One completed for

each selected area)

An interactive tool [see Tool 4.2 – Option Screening] is provided on this

worksheet for shortlisting the potentially most effective landslide risk

reduction measures from a long list of generic methods. Measures are

shortlisted based on their relevance to a few predefined local characteristics

(see Figure A5, Appendix A). This worksheet is designed for individual use or

in a brainstorming workshop. The shortlisted measures are then passed to the

MCA worksheet for final selection of a preferred solution.

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Worksheet(s) Description

MCA Options


(One completed for

each selected area)

This worksheet contains a MCA options assessment matrix (Figure A6,

Appendix A). The options in this matrix are listed down the left-hand side of

the matrix. These are shortlisted remedial measures identified on the Screen

Options sheet. The assessment criteria are listed across the top of the options

assessment matrix. A standardised set of criteria is provided, however, these

can be modified to suit specific needs.

Lookup Tables This worksheet contains the various lookup tables used in the hazard and risk

evaluations on the various worksheets. These are intended to be generic and

standardised factors which may require some customisation for different

regional context.

3.3 Illustrative Examples

The MCA methodology described in this Tool is demonstrated in the Wellington

Landslide Case Study (Oldfield, 2011).

The case study illustrates:

How priority landslide-prone areas for investigation and possible treatment

can be established on the basis of risk;

How different risk reduction options can be identified;

Shortlisting the most relevant options for consideration; and

Identifying a preferred solution.

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4. References

AS/NZS ISO 31000:2009, Risk Management – Principles and Guidelines, Standards

New Zealand, Wellington.

NAMS (2004) Optimised Decision Making Guidelines – A Sustainable Approach to

Managing Infrastructure, NZ National Asset Management Steering Group Version


Oldfield S.G. (2011) Toolbox Case Study – Wellington Landslide Hazard, MWH

Report No Z1823604.

O'Hagan A, Buck C.E, Daneshkhah A, Eiser J.R, Garthwaite P.H, Jenkinson D.J,

Oakley J.E and Rakow T. (2006) Uncertain Judgements - Eliciting Experts'

Probabilities, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., London.

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Appendix A: Example Screenshots from the MCA Decision Tool

The following are annotated computer screenshots of an illustrative application of the

MCA-based Decision Tool to the assessment of rainfall-induced landslide risk in the

Wellington region.

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Figure A1: Selected area hazard maps

Figure A2: Enhancement and mitigation adjustments

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Figure A3: Risk evaluation worksheet

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Figure A4: Landslide risk plots

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Figure A5: Tool for screening options

Figure A6: MCA options assessment matrix