together we're better - digital governance session

Digital Governance #twbdigital

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Post on 01-Nov-2014




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Nick Torday, MD at Sift Digital, outlines the major challenges faced by digital teams in the not-for-profit sector and how best to adopt a digital first culture. Slide 2 - the challenge The greatest challenge facing many: under-resourced, bottlenecked teams are working in organisations with little appreciation for the nuance or opportunity presented by digital communications. Slide 3 - the business context Investment in digital products and platforms is accelerating but this isn't being matched with adequate investment in infrastructure (resources, people) and governance (strategy, training, structure). Slides 4 - 5 - the semantic landscape Everyone calls it something different! 'Digital transformation' is the current term used across the industry yet fundamentals remain the same: it's the ability of any organisation to use digital communication practices as easily as they send an email or make a phone call. Slides 6 - 7 - building a digital culture The building blocks of creating a 'digital culture' are: people, processes, investment and training/development. Slide 8 - age and size Two key factors enabling digital transformation are the age and size of an organisation. The older and bigger the business or institution, the harder it is to deconstruct legacy systems and ideologies, to 'turn the oil tanker around'. Conversely, if you are young, small and agile, it's highly likely you will adopt a contemporary, digitally-led model to grow with. Slides 9 - 10 - potential solutions and tactics What are the practical ways of affecting change? We began by looking at the 'pincer movement' effect which is familiar to any programme of business change: senior-level, evidence-led influencing at the top, with grass-roots training and empowerment programming at the bottom. The two cannot happen in isolation (i.e. they will achieve little on their own), but they often do! Slide 11 We paused at this moment to ask the delegates whether they felt they had a 'digitally enlightened SMT' or indeed and specialist trustees they could rely on. The response from the floor was mixed, but an interesting response was - "the enthusiasm is often there, but not the education for them to make informed decisions". Slides 12 - 14 - Digital governance and resource modelling We then explore various models for digital governance and resource modelling. Slides 15 - 16 - Make HR your best friend Building relationships with HR and Internal Comms is hugely important, as these natural agents of change within any organisation can help you to embed digital principles and values into the core governance. Slides 17 - 18 The extraordinary achievements of the digital change program is mentioned here. If that could succeed in the labyrinthine bureaucracy of central government, then there is hope for us all. Slides 19 - 20 - adapt or fail And to conclude, the message was clear: 'adapt or fail'.


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Digital Governance


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“I feel that no-one really gets digital; we are constantly under pressure to deliver requirements that relate to no particular objective or user need, and we’re constantly chasing our tail to stay on top of it all”.

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Digital culture is about people’s basic capacity to embrace digital, be they your Chief Executive or a Campaigns assistant.

Digital becomes as instinctive to your colleagues everyday working practices as sending an email.

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How many of you have ‘digital trustee’ representation at board level?SHOW OF HANDS PLEASE

How many of you have an enlightened SMT that truly understand digital opportunity?



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Image credit: Jason Mogus @ Communicopia

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Image credit: Jason Mogus @ Communicopia

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Head of HR is your best friendEmbed digital principles into recruitment

❏ Clear but basic digital capabilities in every JD❏ Work digital literacy development into objectives and

appraisal cycles

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Post-intranet world:

Establishing engaged internal communities for:

❏ Knowledge share❏ e-learning❏ Online mentoring❏ Components libraries❏ Principles and guidelines

Internal comms is essential

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Adapt or fail

❏ Sustainable investment❏ Integrated planning❏ Structural adaptation to meet the needs of the future…❏ ...and the present!

What will the outcome be?

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Candour, insight, sharing

❏ Two speakers: Owen (Amnesty) and Olly (Nesta)❏ Split into facilitated breakout groups, capture common

themes and best practice❏ Come back together to share and summarise❏ Continue the conversation on the TWB discussion forum


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