toeic® based exercises, part iv questions -...

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV Questions Photocopiable 1 © These questions refer to the audio file 001_TOEIC_part4.mp3 1). Who is the intended audience? (A) The general public (B) University students (C) Newspaper employees (D) Magazine advertisers 2). Who most likely is the speaker? (A) Publisher (B) Reporter (C) Photographer (D) Customer 3). What will begin tomorrow? (A) A new TV program (B) A news website (C) A newspaper (D) A recession These questions refer to the audio file 002_TOEIC_part4.mp3 1). Who is most likely listening to the report? (A) Subway passengers (B) Vehicle drivers (C) Business executives (D) Housewives 2). What does the speaker say about traffic? (A) It is flowing smoothly everywhere. (B) It is clear on Interstate 7. (C) It is slow only on east-west roads. (D) It is moving slowly everywhere. 3). What is scheduled to happen at 5:30 p.m.? (A) Clear roads (B) Main Street accident (C) A new traffic update (D) A baseball game

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TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 001_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Who is the intended audience?

(A) The general public (B) University students (C) Newspaper employees (D) Magazine advertisers 2). Who most likely is the speaker?

(A) Publisher (B) Reporter (C) Photographer (D) Customer 3). What will begin tomorrow?

(A) A new TV program (B) A news website (C) A newspaper (D) A recession These questions refer to the audio file 002_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Who is most likely listening to the report?

(A) Subway passengers (B) Vehicle drivers (C) Business executives (D) Housewives 2). What does the speaker say about traffic?

(A) It is flowing smoothly everywhere. (B) It is clear on Interstate 7. (C) It is slow only on east-west roads. (D) It is moving slowly everywhere. 3). What is scheduled to happen at 5:30 p.m.?

(A) Clear roads (B) Main Street accident (C) A new traffic update (D) A baseball game

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 003_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). What is the message for?

(A) Tanya Smith (B) Premium Insurance Company (C) Karl Klaussen (D) Toyaki Turbo 2). What is the main purpose of the message?

(A) To issue a reminder (B) To provide information (C) To make an appointment (D) To note phone numbers 3). What is the speaker offering?

(A) Home insurance (B) A new car (C) A job interview (D) Car insurance These questions refer to the audio file 004_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). What is the main purpose of the announcement?

(A) To detail ticket-price information (B) To explain about boarding passes (C) To welcome new rail passengers (D) To guide people to the correct door 2). What should listeners do once they have tickets?

(A) Trade them for boarding passes (B) Check in all their bags and luggage (C) Go the yellow booth next to door 19 (D) Board the train through door 9 3). What is scheduled to happen at 9:15?

(A) The train will depart (B) Tickets go on sale (C) Boarding will begin (D) The train will arrive

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 005_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). What is being advertised?

(A) Dog food (B) A pet product (C) A radio show (D) Property 2). What does the speaker say about Invisifence?

(A) It takes a couple of weeks to install. (B) It might not work for certain dogs. (C) It can be bought at any pet store. (D) It is less expensive than a real fence. 3). What is suggested about the speaker?

(A) He is trustworthy. (B) He has lots of money. (C) He doesn't like cats. (D) He wears fancy clothes. These questions refer to the audio file 006_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Where is the introduction probably taking place?

(A) At a business meeting (B) At a job interview (C) At a TV game show (D) At a dinner party 2). What does the speaker say about Stan Kramer?

(A) He is an engineer. (B) He has three children. (C) He is not married. (D) He will win a prize. 3). What will the listeners probably do next?

(A) Start booing (B) Remain silent (C) Ask questions (D) Clap their hands

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 007_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Who is most likely listening to the talk?

(A) Health-insurance customers (B) Life insurance sales people (C) University business students (D) National government officials 2). What is the main purpose of the talk?

(A) To explain three plans (B) To sell the premium plan (C) To promote the Basic plan (D) To detail the Plus plan 3). What does the speaker suggest?

(A) Signing up for the premium plan (B) Coming to the company store (C) Visiting the company website (D) Phoning for more information These questions refer to the audio file 008_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). When is this report most likely being broadcast?

(A) On Monday (B) On Wednesday (C) On Thursday (D) On Sunday 2). What will happen on Sunday?

(A) There will be a snow storm (B) The rain will increase (C) The temperature will decrease (D) It will be warm and sunny 3). What is suggested about the weather prior to this report?

(A) It has been unseasonably hot. (B) There has been a hurricane. (C) It has been raining a lot. (D) It has been freezing cold.

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 009_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Who is the message for?

(A) Adam Swanson (B) Ron Jaworski (C) Pete Schilling (D) Crystal Gains 2). What is the main purpose of the message?

(A) To reschedule an appointment (B) To explain a meeting cancellation (C) To propose a new meeting topic (D) To change a meeting location 3). What will the listener probably do next?

(A) Cancel Monday's meeting (B) E-mail Crystal Gains (C) Return the phone call (D) Take a long vacation These questions refer to the audio file 010_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). What is being advertised?

(A) Heart medication (B) An energy drink (C) A cola beverage (D) Instant coffee 2). What does the speaker claim about Rev Up?

(A) It will make you stronger. (B) It is a new type of drug. (C) It will leave you tired. (D) It works for five hours. 3). Where can people buy Rev Up?

(A) In pharmacies (B) In supermarkets (C) Only online (D) At coffee shops

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 011_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Where is this talk probably taking place?

(A) In a college classroom (B) At a business meeting (C) On a television talk show (D) Inside a train station 2). What is the main purpose of the talk?

(A) To explain a decision (B) To correct a mistake (C) To persuade listeners (D) To impart information 3). How does the speaker feel about the company's future?

(A) He thinks the company is in good shape. (B) He thinks that earnings will continue to drop. (C) He believes that the company will fail. (D) He believes that profits will soar. These questions refer to the audio file 012_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Who is the intended audience for this advertisement?

(A) Business executives (B) Housewives (C) People with little money (D) Drivers without credit cards 2). How much money must customers pay in advance to buy a vehicle?

(A) $13 (B) $30 (C) $300 (D) $3,000 3). What does the speaker urge listeners to do?

(A) Arrange financing (B) Secure credit (C) Make an appointment (D) Visit the dealership

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 013_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Who is the intended audience for this introduction?

(A) Business colleagues (B) Fellow classmates (C) Potential voters (D) Public relations staff 2). Where did the speaker say he had worked previously?

(A) In Malibu (B) At Lehman and Sons (C) In San Francisco (D) In San Diego 3). What will the speaker likely talk about next?

(A) His previous job at Marshall & Boyer (B) His college football experience (C) His wife's favorite hobbies (D) His salary at Martz Brothers These questions refer to the audio file 014_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Where is this report probably taking place?

(A) On radio (B) In an office (C) On television (D) On the Internet 2). What does the speaker advise the audience to do?

(A) Look at a satellite photo (B) Take a vacation (C) Break out suntan lotion (D) Prepare for rain 3). What will happen over the next five days?

(A) Temperatures will rise. (B) The rain will lessen, then stop. (C) It will gradually get colder. (D) It will rain in the east part of the state.

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 015_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Who is most probably speaking?

(A) A flight attendant (B) A waitress (C) A sales person (D) A chef 2). What is the main purpose of the speech?

(A) To give information about dining options (B) To sell lobster Newton with stuffed prawns (C) To persuade customers to drink margaritas (D) To answer customer questions about prime rib 3). What will the speaker probably do next?

(A) Go and help other customers (B) Take these customers' order (C) Start cooking a T-bone steak (D) Drink a regular cocktail These questions refer to the audio file 016_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). What is the main purpose of this message?

(A) To help homeless people (B) To raise money for charity (C) To solicit charitable donations (D) To remind about an appointment 2). Who is this message for?

(A) Businesses (B) Children (C) Homeowners (D) College students 3). When will the truck be in the area?

(A) By 7 a.m. (B) Next Wednesday (C) On the 2nd (D) On the 7th

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 017_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Where would this announcement most likely be heard?

(A) In a restaurant (B) In a grocery store (C) In the meat department (D) In a cooking class 2). What is the main purpose of the announcement?

(A) To thank customers for shopping at Thrifty stores (B) To alert shoppers to look for items with red tags (C) To get customers to spend all morning in the store (D) To notify shoppers of bargains on meat and dairy items 3). What does the speaker suggest?

(A) Having lunch at the store delicatessen (B) Buying flank steak for $1.09 a pound (C) Getting two gallons of milk for $5.50 (D) Visiting the store's dairy section These questions refer to the audio file 018_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). What is being advertised?

(A) A lotion to promote hair growth (B) A procedure for hair restoration (C) Surgery to implant new hair (D) Discounts for bald customers 2). Who is the intended audience?

(A) Young persons (B) Senior citizens (C) Middle-aged men (D) Teen-age women 3). What is suggested about the speaker?

(A) He has a bald head (B) He is trustworthy (C) He was a famous athlete (D) He is an expert on hair

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 019_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Who is most likely listening to this report?

(A) Commuters (B) Housewives (C) Students (D) CEOs 2). What is the problem on Highway 33?

(A) A two-car accident (B) Backed-up traffic (C) An overturned truck (D) Off-and-on slowing 3). What should listeners do if they're planning to cross the lake?

(A) Drive through the S-curves (B) Drive on State Route 320 (C) Drive on Interstate 12 (D) Drive on Interstate 80 These questions refer to the audio file 020_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). What is the main purpose of the talk?

(A) To introduce a product (B) To secure testimonials (C) To summarize progress (D) To launch a business 2). Which product is the speaker discussing?

(A) Swimming eyewear (B) Sporting-goods shops (C) Diving suits (D) Gold medals 3). What will the speaker probably talk about next?

(A) The price of advertisements (B) Where goggles will be made (C) How much goggles should cost (D) What colors goggles will be

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 021_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). What is the main purpose of this report?

(A) To summarize major stories (B) To provide in-depth analysis (C) To entertain listeners (D) To update traffic and weather 2). What did the speaker report about the president?

(A) That he vetoed a traffic plan (B) That he lowered teachers' salaries (C) That he increased education funding (D) That he lost money on Wall Street 3). What will KATZ report next?

(A) Wall Street news (B) A traffic and weather update (C) An advertisement (D) Sports scores and news These questions refer to the audio file 022_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Who is the intended audience for this announcement?

(A) Car commuters (B) Train travelers (C) Bus riders (D) Airline customers 2). Where would the announcement most likely be heard?

(A) At a train station (B) In an airport waiting area (C) On the radio (D) In a bus depot 3). What does the speaker suggest listeners do?

(A) Miss connecting flights (B) Call customer service (C) Get more information (D) Fly Midwestern Airlines

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 023_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Who is the message for?

(A) Clancy Billups (B) Darlene Ellstad (C) Frugal Financial Services (D) Lori Crowther 2). What is the main purpose of the message?

(A) To offer financial advice (B) To exchange contact information (C) To reschedule an appointment (D) To make an introduction 3). What does the speaker suggest the listener should do?

(A) Change the meeting time (B) Come at 4 o'clock (C) Cancel the meeting (D) Telephone her These questions refer to the audio file 024_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). What is being advertised?

(A) Car and boat insurance (B) Life and health insurance (C) Auto and house insurance (D) Home and fire insurance 2). What does the speaker urge listeners to do?

(A) Switch to SureCo (B) Make a telephone call (C) Lower insurance rates (D) Save $330 3). What is suggested about SureCo?

(A) It is a well-respected company. (B) It is an international conglomerate. (C) It is a young, non-traditional company. (D) It specializes in home insurance.

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 025_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). What is the main purpose of the talk?

(A) To explain procedures (B) To introduce a president (C) To teach a real estate class (D) To answer questions 2). Where is this talk probably taking place?

(A) At a university (B) In a business office (C) Inside a home (D) In a public library 3). What is the main goal of the training?

(A) To pass an examination (B) To complete the text book (C) To learn from Nathan Richmond (D) To create new real estate agents These questions refer to the audio file 026_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Where is this introduction probably taking place?

(A) In an elementary school (B) In a business office (C) At a public carnival (D) At a large convention 2). What does the speaker mean when he says that Ms. Larson does not need an introduction?

(A) He is tired of speaking. (B) She wants to introduce herself. (C) She is already well known. (D) There is not enough time. 3). What is the main purpose of the introduction?

(A) To inform the audience of Ms. Larson's career (B) To summarize Ms. Larson's achievements (C) To give new information about Ms. Larson (D) To raise money for Ms. Larson's children

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 027_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Who is most likely listening to this speech?

(A) Marketing students (B) Potential customers (C) Young women (D) Corporate workers 2). What is the main purpose of the speech?

(A) To propose a solution (B) To summarize statistics (C) To help identify a problem (D) To inspire more effort 3). What will the speaker probably talk about next?

(A) Independent polling (B) Increasing brand awareness (C) Women age 18 to 25 (D) Statistics for young children These questions refer to the audio file 028_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Where does the speaker probably work?

(A) At a design firm (B) At a computer company (C) At a newspaper (D) At a university 2). What is the main purpose of the message?

(A) To answer a question (B) To sell an advertisement (C) To promote the Times-News (D) To schedule an appointment 3). What will the listener probably do next?

(A) Phone Ms. Johannsen (B) Buy a full-age advertisement (C) Contact Mr. Van Hoffman (D) Demand a discount

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 029_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Where is this announcement probably taking place?

(A) At a university (B) At a community college (C) At an elementary school (D) At a hospital 2). What problem does the speaker mention?

(A) Free parking in the main lot (B) An illegally parked car (C) Special handicapped spaces (D) No parking in fire zones 3). What is the main purpose of the announcement?

(A) To issue a warning (B) To welcome visitors (C) To dictate policy (D) To explain fire zones These questions refer to the audio file 030_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Where is the speaker probably broadcasting from?

(A) A radio studio (B) A television station (C) A roadway vehicle (D) A helicopter 2). What is the main purpose of this report?

(A) To provide information (B) To update headlines (C) To entertain commuters (D) To sell advertising 3). Who is most likely listening to the report?

(A) Workers (B) Commuters (C) Students (D) Broadcasters

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 031_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Where is this advertisement probably being broadcast?

(A) On radio (B) On television (C) On the Internet (D) On a street corner 2). What is being advertised?

(A) An appliance sale (B) A grand opening (C) New refrigerators (D) Zero percent financing 3). What does the speaker urge listeners to do?

(A) Save 60 percent (B) Put no money down (C) Visit the S & L website (D) Come to the store These questions refer to the audio file 032_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). What is the main purpose of this report?

(A) To predict weather conditions (B) To estimate the chance of rain (C) To list high temperatures (D) To prepare for the weekend 2). When is this report probably being broadcast?

(A) On Tuesday night (B) On the weekend (C) On Monday morning (D) On Sunday afternoon 3). Where is this report probably being broadcast?

(A) On the Internet (B) On radio (C) In a church (D) On television

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 033_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Where would this announcement most likely be heard?

(A) In a hospital (B) At a football game (C) In the south parking lot (D) Under a large tent 2). What special event is the speaker announcing?

(A) A raffle drawing (B) A Halloween party (C) An autograph session (D) A charity fund-raiser 3). When will the special event take place?

(A) During pregame ceremonies (B) At halftime (C) When the game is finished (D) At dinner time These questions refer to the audio file 034_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). What is the message for?

(A) The Krawshacks (B) Sandra Doeic (C) The National Leukemia Foundation (D) Scientific research 2). What is the purpose of the message?

(A) To get a free gift (B) To help a friend or family member (C) To cure leukemia (D) To solicit money 3). When should the listeners telephone the NLF?

(A) Between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. western time (B) Between 8 a.m. and 9 p.m. central time (C) Between 5 a.m. and 8 p.m. pacific time (D) Between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. eastern time

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 035_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Where is this talk probably taking place?

(A) At a business meeting (B) During an interview (C) In a keynote speech (D) On company laurels 2). What is the main purpose of this talk?

(A) To predict the future (B) To boast about the past (C) To respond to an inquiry (D) To outline two objectives 3). What is suggested about the speaker's company?

(A) It expanded rapidly. (B) It is a worldwide brand. (C) It does not make good products. (D) It is headquartered in Iceland. These questions refer to the audio file 036_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Who is being introduced?

(A) Marcia Maxwell (B) Jason Fellows (C) Harold Edmunds (D) Pen Faulkner 2). Where did the speaker first meet her guest?

(A) On a date (B) At a newspaper (C) In Hollywood (D) In a college class 3). What will probably happen next?

(A) Jason Fellows will give a speech. (B) Marcia Maxwell will go home. (C) Jason Fellows will be interviewed. (D) Marcia Maxwell will call Harold Edmunds.

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 037_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Who is the speaker?

(A) A television reporter (B) A radio disc jockey (C) A newspaper editor (D) A TV cameraman 2). Why is traffic slow on Interstate 30?

(A) Due to road construction (B) Due to an accident (C) Due to a closed right lane (D) Due to spilled milk 3). Where is the speaker now?

(A) Standing beside a road (B) In a helicopter (C) Inside a building (D) In a car These questions refer to the audio file 038_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). What is the main purpose of the advertisement?

(A) To announce an annual sale (B) To attract customers (C) To promote Starwood (D) To introduce a new product 2). What is being offered?

(A) High pressure sales tactics (B) Thirty-nine percent financing (C) Cars averaging less than 30 miles per gallon (D) Bargains on older vehicles 3). What does the speaker suggest listeners do?

(A) Come to the dealership (B) Telephone Patty Mahre (C) Buy a new Kyoto vehicle (D) Check out Highway 909

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 039_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). What is the main purpose of this speech?

(A) To raise money (B) To tell a story (C) To explain a purpose (D) To promote a candidate 2). What is the speaker offering?

(A) Financial advice (B) Net worth (C) A million dollars (D) A magic formula 3). What will the speaker probably talk about next?

(A) His family (B) Getting rich quickly (C) A money-making strategy (D) Rising net worth These questions refer to the audio file 040_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Where would this announcement most likely be heard?

(A) In a supermarket (B) In a discount clothing store (C) At a garage sale (D) At a costume party 2). Who is the intended audience?

(A) New customers (B) Young children (C) Business persons (D) Current shoppers 3). What will happen if listeners find a yellow tag?

(A) They will win a prize (B) They will get an extra discount (C) They will get a two-for-one deal (D) They will get 50 percent off

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 041_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Who is the message for?

(A) Wanda Carlson (B) James Yamaguchi (C) Kathleen Christenson (D) The Local Business Journal 2). What is the main purpose of the message?

(A) To arrange a meeting (B) To discuss development (C) To learn about the Twin Towers (D) To solicit money 3). What does the speaker ask the listener to do?

(A) Meet her downtown (B) Return her phone call (C) Write a newspaper article (D) Talk with Kareen Christenson These questions refer to the audio file 042_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Where is this announcement probably being heard?

(A) On a train (B) On a cruise ship (C) On a bus (D) On an airplane 2). What is the main purpose of the announcement?

(A) To provide information (B) To update changes (C) To entertain passengers (D) To calm down smokers 3). Who is making the announcement?

(A) A flight attendant (B) An engineer (C) A pilot (D) A passenger

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 043_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Where is this report most likely being broadcast?

(A) On television (B) On the Internet (C) On radio (D) On an MP 3. 2). What does the speaker say about traffic?

(A) It is flowing smoothly. (B) It is very heavy. (C) It is lighter than usual. (D) It is a commute. 3). Who is sponsoring this report?

(A) Patricia Prentice (B) WRAP-FM (C) The convention center (D) Koala Cola These questions refer to the audio file 044_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Where is the speaker now?

(A) At an awards ceremony (B) At a job interview (C) At a business meeting (D) At a banquet 2). What is the speaker's main purpose?

(A) To promote himself (B) To deceive his listeners (C) To boast of his achievements (D) To defend his position 3). What is suggested about the speaker?

(A) He is not a very hard worker (B) He does not care about making money (C) He wants to leave his current company (D) He has won several awards

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 045_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). What is the main purpose of this introduction?

(A) To remind people to vote (B) To tell why James Basko is running for city council (C) To criticize the city for ignoring young people (D) To inform the audience about James Basko 2). Where is this introduction probably taking place?

(A) At a public forum (B) At a city council meeting (C) At a speaking contest (D) At the Youth Advisory Board 3). What will the listeners probably do next?

(A) Leave (B) Applaud (C) Ask questions (D) Boo These questions refer to the audio file 046_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). What is being advertised?

(A) A higher interest rate (B) Cheap homes (C) Mortgage refinancing (D) A volatile market 2). Who is the intended audience?

(A) Housewives (B) Homeowners (C) University students (D) Government employees 3). What does the speaker suggest listeners do?

(A) Wait for rates to drop (B) Mention his name (C) Visit US Mortgage (D) Pay closing costs

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 047_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Who is the intended audience?

(A) Business persons (B) Students (C) Construction workers (D) Librarians 2). What is the main purpose of the announcement?

(A) To persuade (B) To correct (C) To instruct (D) To incite 3). What should people do if they have questions?

(A) Get an information packet (B) Go to tables at the back of the room (C) Go to the blue ballroom (D) Look for the blue sign These questions refer to the audio file 048_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Who is most likely listening to the message?

(A) A wife (B) A CEO (C) A secretary (D) A child 2). Where is the speaker now?

(A) In his office (B) In his car (C) At his home (D) At the Steakhouse 3). What does the speaker ask the listener to do?

(A) Telephone his wife (B) Have lunch with him (C) Make dinner reservations (D) Adjust his schedule

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 049_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Where is this speech probably taking place?

(A) At a convention (B) In a lunchroom (C) At a university (D) In a boardroom 2). Who is probably speaking?

(A) A CEO (B) A researching (C) A professor (D) A marketing expert 3). What will listeners probably do next?

(A) Take a short break (B) Talk about budgeting (C) Brainstorm marketing ideas (D) Discuss research trends These questions refer to the audio file 050_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Where is this report most likely being broadcast?

(A) On radio (B) On television (C) On the Internet (D) On DVD 2). How long will the weather be sunny?

(A) All afternoon (B) Through the next weekend (C) For the next five days (D) For one more month 3). What does the speaker suggest listeners do?

(A) Raise their umbrellas (B) Go outside (C) Put away their suntan lotion (D) Swim in the ocean

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 051_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Who is the intended audience?

(A) Tourists (B) Business people (C) Newspaper reporters (D) Students 2). What is the main purpose of the speech?

(A) To update construction news (B) To teach a history lesson (C) To impart information (D) To argue a viewpoint 3). What will happen after visiting the University District?

(A) A boat ride (B) Lunch (C) The Pit Stop (D) Go home These questions refer to the audio file 052_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Who is most probably listening to the talk?

(A) A guest speaker (B) A CEO (C) A new employee (D) A newspaper reporter 2). What is the main purpose of the talk?

(A) To deceive (B) To entertain (C) To incite (D) To orient 3). What will the listener probably do next?

(A) Use the bathroom (B) Make some coffee (C) Ask a question (D) Take a break

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 053_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Where would this report most likely be heard?

(A) On radio (B) On television (C) In a supermarket (D) At a football game 2). What is the main purpose of the report?

(A) To inform listeners of a vote (B) To summarize news headlines (C) To promote the Silver Cup (D) To detail flood damage 3). What will happen at noon tomorrow?

(A) A traffic and weather report (B) A word from the sponsor (C) A Senate vote (D) A football game These questions refer to the audio file 054_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Who is the speaker?

(A) Darcy McGuire (B) Doris Magnusson (C) Green Haven (D) Daisy Meyers 2). Why is the speaker calling?

(A) To set an appointment (B) To return a previous call (C) To inquire about cleaning (D) To ask about pets 3). What will the listener probably do next?

(A) Phone Darcy McGuire (B) Talk to Doris Magnusson (C) Clean Daisy Meyers' house (D) Drive to Green Haven

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 055_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Where is this advertisement probably being broadcast?

(A) Over the telephone (B) On radio (C) Via the Internet (D) On television 2). Who is the intended audience?

(A) Adolescent boys (B) Adult men (C) Teenagers (D) Senior citizens 3). What is being advertised?

(A) Spring (B) Candy (C) Alterations (D) Clothing These questions refer to the audio file 056_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Who is most likely listening to the announcement?

(A) Radio broadcasters (B) High school students (C) Magazine employees (D) Steel workers 2). When is the announcement probably taking place?

(A) In the morning (B) In the summer (C) During lunch (D) At deadline time 3). What should listeners do if they cannot finish their task on time?

(A) Go to Mr. Brighton's office (B) See their department manager (C) Stay into the night (D) Telecommute from home

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 057_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Where is the introduction probably taking place?

(A) At a basketball game (B) At a press conference (C) At a business meeting (D) At a holiday resort 2). Who is being introduced?

(A) Brenda (B) Abigail (C) MaryAnn (D) Linda 3). What will the listeners probably do next?

(A) Question MaryAnn Robinson (B) Applaud the speaker (C) Broadcast a story (D) Read the newspaper These questions refer to the audio file 058_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Who is the report mainly intended for?

(A) Chauffeurs (B) Drivers (C) Bus riders (D) Car-poolers 2). What does the speaker say about traffic?

(A) It is bumper to bumper (B) It is blocked by a semi (C) It is typical for this hour (D) It is unusually light 3). What is suggested about the traffic reports?

(A) They begin at noon (B) They originate from Body Works (C) They are given once an hour (D) They are part of the news

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 059_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Who is the message for?

(A) Tim Cyrus (B) Craig Nicolas (C) Harry Brock (D) Sheila Shepherd 2). What does the caller suggest?

(A) A Wednesday interview (B) A Monday council meeting (C) A convention on Tuesday (D) A story deadline 3). What will the listener probably do next?

(A) Talk with Craig Nicolas (B) Phone Sheila Shepherd (C) Interview Tim Cyrus (D) Return on Monday These questions refer to the audio file 060_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). What is the main purpose of the advertisement?

(A) To sell a product (B) To announce a public service (C) To promote alcohol (D) To warn criminals 2). Who is the intended audience?

(A) Adults (B) Children (C) Women (D) Friends 3). What is being offered?

(A) A little bit of good cheer (B) Designated drivers (C) Tough winter driving (D) Free cab rides for drunk drivers

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 061_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Who is most likely listening to the talk?

(A) Supermarket managers (B) Credit Union CEOs (C) Bank employees (D) Relationship officers 2). What is the talk probably taking place?

(A) At a business meeting (B) In a university classroom (C) At a credit union (D) In a restaurant 3). What is the main purpose of the talk?

(A) To raise deposit rates (B) To attract new customers (C) To get new deposits (D) To announce future changes These questions refer to the audio file 062_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). What is being advertised?

(A) Diamond jewelry (B) Jonathan James (C) Valentine's Day (D) A special gift 2). Who is the intended audience?

(A) Middlemen (B) Men (C) Pet owners (D) Housewives 3). What does the speaker suggest listeners do?

(A) Buy direct from suppliers (B) Get married on Valentine's Day (C) Come to Jonathan's Jewelry (D) Phone Northeastgate Village

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 063_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Where would this report most likely be heard?

(A) On television (B) On radio (C) On the Internet (D) On an I-pod 2). What is the problem on Interstate 35?

(A) A debris spill (B) Off-and-on slowdowns (C) Heavy rain (D) An accident 3). What is scheduled to happen next?

(A) An advertisement (B) A news report (C) A movie (D) More music These questions refer to the audio file 064_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Who is the speaker?

(A) Lenny DiCardio (B) Miguel Soriano (C) Roberto Dinardo (D) Martin Braun 2). Where is the introduction taking place?

(A) In India (B) On the Academy Awards show (C) At a charity fundraiser (D) Outside Miguel Soriano's home 3). What is suggested about Miguel Soriano?

(A) He is a famous movie director (B) He is the keynote speaker (C) He is very generous (D) He does not have children

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 065_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). What is the main purpose of the message?

(A) To book airline tickets (B) To reserve a hotel room (C) To announce itinerary (D) To schedule a meeting 2). Who is speaking?

(A) A business executive (B) A travel agent (C) A tourist (D) A flight attendant 3). What should the listener do after his plane lands?

(A) Look for his chauffer (B) Call Sheila Lancaster (C) Drive to his hotel (D) Get tickets at check-in These questions refer to the audio file 066_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Who is most likely listening to the announcement?

(A) University students (B) High school students (C) School bus drivers (D) Elementary school students 2). What should riders of the special-activity bus do?

(A) Call their parents (B) Go the east parking lot (C) Sign out in the main office (D) See the vice principal 3). What is the main purpose of the announcement?

(A) To announce a schedule change (B) To declare an emergency (C) To explain about snow routes (D) To direct students to their homes

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 067_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Where is this advertisement most likely being broadcast?

(A) On radio (B) On the Internet (C) On television (D) On an airplane 2). What is being advertised?

(A) Low credit (B) Free delivery (C) Used mattresses (D) A special sale 3). What does the speaker urge listeners to do?

(A) Buy a queen-size mattress (B) Come to a Sleep Tight store (C) Shop over the Internet (D) Wait until midnight Saturday These questions refer to the audio file 068_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Who is probably speaking?

(A) A school teacher (B) A football coach (C) A company CEO (D) A movie star 2). What is the main purpose of the speech?

(A) (A)To motivate (B) To inform (C) To entertain (D) To educate 3). How does the speaker feel about his listeners?

(A) Wary (B) Skeptical (C) Confident (D) Satisfied

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 069_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). What is the speaker's main purpose?

(A) To detail her educational background (B) To defend her qualifications (C) To criticize dog lovers (D) To explain her affection 2). What happened first after the speaker found an injured cat?

(A) It killed a bird. (B) The cat had kittens. (C) She helped it heal. (D) She became a cat lover. 3). What will the speaker probably talk about next?

(A) Birds (B) Kittens (C) Universities (D) Closets These questions refer to the audio file 070_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Who is the message for?

(A) A business employee (B) An accounting executive (C) A university student (D) An architect 2). What should the listener do after hearing the message?

(A) Go to the accounting office (B) Call Steve Probinski (C) Attend a board meeting (D) Fly to Boston 3). What is the relationship between caller and listener?

(A) Close personal friends (B) Lawyer and client (C) Boss and employee (D) Master and slave

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 071_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Who is the intended audience?

(A) Radio listeners (B) TV viewers (C) Football fans (D) Movie patrons 2). What is the main purpose of the report?

(A) To present the news (B) To introduce Ross Dinsmore (C) To update traffic (D) To find a stalled vehicle 3). Where is the speaker now?

(A) Inside a building (B) Outside near a road (C) In a helicopter (D) At his home These questions refer to the audio file 072_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). What is the main purpose of the announcement?

(A) To welcome shoppers (B) To declare "bargain days" (C) To promote special discounts (D) To explain how to get help 2). What should shoppers look for?

(A) Red buttons (B) Household goods (C) Customer service representatives (D) Orange tags 3). Where is this announcement most likely being heard?

(A) In a pharmacy (B) In a grocery store (C) In a warehouse (D) In a department store

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 073_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Why is the speaker calling?

(A) He's responding to an advertisement. (B) He's soliciting donations. (C) He wants to sell his automobile. (D) He wants to introduce himself. 2). What will the listener probably do next?

(A) Sell his Hyashi (B) Return the phone call (C) Place an advertisement (D) Send an e-mail 3). What does the speaker ask the listener to do?

(A) Sell him a car (B) Give him a ride (C) Call him back (D) Take a message These questions refer to the audio file 074_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). What is mainly being advertised?

(A) Free food (B) $100 delivery (C) A wide selection (D) A furniture store 2). When is the advertised event taking place?

(A) From 9-6 Friday (B) From 8-7 Sunday (C) This weekend (D) Next week 3). What does the speaker suggest?

(A) Coming to Coleman Brothers (B) Calling for more information (C) Getting free credit (D) Visiting the website

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 075_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Who is the speaker?

(A) A university professor (B) A business employee (C) An economist (D) A company manager 2). What is the main purpose of the message?

(A) To deliver bad news (B) To remind about stock options (C) To offer encouragement (D) To give recommendation 3). How does the speaker feel about the listener?

(A) Condescending (B) Envious (C) Compassionate (D) Ecstatic These questions refer to the audio file 076_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Where is the introduction most likely taking place?

(A) In a company boardroom (B) In a university classroom (C) At a Christmas party (D) At a writers' convention 2). What is the speaker's main purpose?

(A) To entertain (B) To inform (C) To inspire (D) To enrage 3). What will the listeners probably do next?

(A) Tell about themselves (B) Ask questions (C) Take an exam (D) Write stories

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 077_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Where is this talk probably taking place?

(A) In a grocery store (B) In a house (C) In a restaurant (D) In a school 2). What does the speaker offer to do?

(A) Answer questions (B) Bring bread (C) Serve salad (D) Cook swordfish 3). What will the listeners probably do next?

(A) Eat salad (B) Ask questions (C) Buy food (D) Order drinks These questions refer to the audio file 078_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Where is this broadcast probably being heard?

(A) On TV (B) On I-pod (C) On radio (D) On the Internet 2). What is the main purpose of the report?

(A) (A)To sell Fiber Bread (B) To summarize news (C) To promote football (D) To warn of a storm 3). What will happen at 1 p.m. Sunday?

(A) The president's plane will land. (B) The president will speak. (C) A football game will begin. (D) A winter storm will start.

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 079_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Who is the intended audience?

(A) Sports fans (B) Movie viewers (C) Concert goers (D) Business people 2). What is the main purpose of the announcement?

(A) To declare an emergency (B) To block an exit (C) To introduce new rules (D) To warn a car owner 3). What will the owner of the blue Toyonka probably do next?

(A) Enjoy the rest of the game (B) Pay a $200 fine (C) Move the vehicle (D) Call a tow truck These questions refer to the audio file 080_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Who is the message for?

(A) Fiona (B) Marla (C) Ronni (D) Chris 2). What does the speaker want to know?

(A) What Marla wants to eat (B) When the movie will start (C) Why Marla is late (D) What is Marla's cell phone number 3). What is the probable relationship between the speaker and the listener?

(A) Close personal friends (B) Business associates (C) Boss and employee (D) Teacher and student

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

Photocopiable 41 ©

These questions refer to the audio file 081_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Who is the intended audience?

(A) Business people (B) High school students (C) College seniors (D) University professors 2). Where would this speech most likely be heard?

(A) At a commencement (B) At a board meeting (C) In a classroom (D) At a convention 3). What does the speaker suggest listeners do?

(A) Get a job (B) Persevere (C) Make a difference (D) Go to college These questions refer to the audio file 082_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Who is the message for?

(A) Liam (B) Andy Smith (C) Boogle (D) Gil Harmon 2). Why is the speaker calling?

(A) To solicit a roommate (B) In reference to a job (C) To return a previous call (D) In response to an advertisement 3). What does the speaker ask the listener to do?

(A) Sell him a house (B) E-mail Gil Harmon (C) Call him back (D) Come to his hotel

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 083_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). What is the main purpose of the report?

(A) To educate students (B) To impart information (C) To entertain listeners (D) To inspire change 2). Who is most likely listening to the report?

(A) Workers (B) Students (C) Commuters (D) Housewives 3). What will the listeners hear next?

(A) News and weather (B) Music (C) A speech (D) A commercial These questions refer to the audio file 084_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Where would this announcement most likely be heard?

(A) At a stadium (B) In a cinema (C) In a restaurant (D) At a concert 2). What is the speaker offering?

(A) An autographed ball (B) Free gifts (C) Ticket stubs (D) A free car wash 3). What should people do if they win the drawing?

(A) Keep their ticket stubs (B) Go to a special booth (C) Appear on television (D) Get their car washed

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 085_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). What is being advertised?

(A) A product (B) A school (C) A service (D) A job 2). What is suggested about

(A) It is new. (B) It is inefficient. (C) It is cheap. (D) It is trustworthy. 3). What does the speaker suggest listeners do?

(A) Quit their jobs. (B) Send an e-mail (C) Make a phone call (D) Write a resume These questions refer to the audio file 086_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Where is the introduction most likely taking place?

(A) At a party (B) At a convention (C) At a school (D) At an office 2). Who is making the introduction?

(A) Trevor Kline (B) Arthur Davis (C) Roger Montoya (D) Freedom International 3). What will the listeners probably do next?

(A) Applaud (B) Ask questions (C) Leave (D) Register

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

Photocopiable 44 ©

These questions refer to the audio file 087_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Where is the talk probably taking place?

(A) In a classroom (B) In a lunchroom (C) In a boardroom (D) In a cubicle 2). Who most likely is the speaker?

(A) A reporter (B) An executive (C) A chef (D) An engineer 3). What will the listeners probably do next?

(A) Eat lunch (B) Ask questions (C) Read the newspaper (D) Brainstorm These questions refer to the audio file 088_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Where is this report probably being broadcast?

(A) On TV (B) On I-pod (C) On radio (D) On the Internet 2). What is the main purpose of the report?

(A) To update news (B) To update traffic (C) To forecast weather (D) To report an emergency 3). What will happen on the weekend?

(A) It will rain very hard. (B) It will start to clear up. (C) There will be a tornado. (D) It will be sunny and clear.

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 089_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). What is the main purpose of the message?

(A) To remind of an appointment (B) To solicit charity (C) To sell a service (D) To promote a business 2). When is a truck scheduled to come?

(A) Between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. (B) Before 7 in the morning (C) On the 30th (D) On the 13th 3). What should the listeners do if they have questions?

(A) Leave a note with their donations (B) Check a website (C) Make a telephone call (D) Send an e-mail These questions refer to the audio file 090_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). What is being advertised?

(A) Pat O'Donnell (B) A free sample (C) Pills (D) A sleep aide 2). What does the speaker suggest?

(A) Trying a new medication (B) Drinking tea (C) Counting sheep (D) Drinking water 3). What should listeners do?

(A) Contact Pat O'Donnell (B) Dial a phone number (C) Go to a drug store (D) Buy a sample

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 091_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). When is this talk probably taking place?

(A) During a meeting (B) During an interview (C) During a convention (D) During a lecture 2). Who most likely is the speaker?

(A) A company president (B) A radio reporter (C) An industry analyst (D) A store manager 3). What is suggested about the company?

(A) It is small. (B) It provides a service. (C) It is a manufacturer. (D) It is having financial trouble. These questions refer to the audio file 092_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Who is most likely listening to the announcement?

(A) Airplane passengers (B) Train travelers (C) Taxi riders (D) Subway commuters 2). What is the main purpose of the announcement?

(A) To fix a problem (B) To apologize for inconvenience (C) To explain a delay (D) To notify mechanics 3). What does the speaker suggest listeners do?

(A) Use the bathroom (B) Entertain themselves (C) Take another flight (D) Buy a drink

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 093_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). What is the intended audience?

(A) Beta Brothers managers (B) Doll Computer executives (C) MegaByte employees (D) MIT professors 2). Where is the introduction probably taking place?

(A) In a school (B) In a library (C) At a party (D) At a meeting 3). What will the listeners probably do next?

(A) Go to lunch (B) Ask questions (C) Play racquetball (D) Introduce themselves These questions refer to the audio file 094_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Where would this report most likely be broadcast?

(A) On radio (B) On television (C) On an MP-3 (D) On the Internet 2). Why is traffic slow on Interstate 50?

(A) Due to an accident (B) Due to road repair (C) Due to a stalled vehicle (D) Due to a bottleneck 3). When is the report taking place?

(A) In the morning (B) During rush hour (C) At mid-day (D) On the weekend

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

Photocopiable 48 ©

These questions refer to the audio file 095_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Who is the speaker?

(A) Greg Lewis (B) Ian Butler (C) Tanya Phelps (D) Robin Jones 2). Why is the main purpose of the message?

(A) To discuss the end of a book (B) To give Tanya Phelps address (C) To inform of a meeting change (D) To ask for a ride to a meeting 3). When will the book club meet?

(A) At 7 p.m. Wednesday (B) At 7 p.m. Tuesday (C) At 7 a.m. Wednesday (D) At 7 a.m. Tuesday These questions refer to the audio file 096_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Where would this speech most likely be heard?

(A) At a business meeting (B) At a conference (C) At a sporting event (D) At an awards ceremony 2). What is the main purpose of the speech?

(A) To express appreciation (B) To honor family (C) To promote a movie (D) To explain a dream 3). What will the listeners probably do next?

(A) Boo (B) Applaud (C) Ask questions (D) Sleep

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 097_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Where is the introduction probably taking place?

(A) On a talk show (B) In a supermarket (C) At a press conference (D) At a high school 2). How does the speaker feel about Diane Farmer?

(A) He resents her. (B) He worships her. (C) He admires her. (D) He loathes her. 3). What will happen to Ms. Farmer next month?

(A) She will graduate from college. (B) She will have a new book for sale. (C) She will start writing a third book. (D) She will deliver a new baby. These questions refer to the audio file 098_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Who is the intended audience?

(A) Producers (B) Housewives (C) Students (D) Shoppers 2). When is closing time?

(A) 10 (B) 9 (C) 8:45 (D) 8 3). What should listeners do after they have made a purchase?

(A) Come back tomorrow. (B) Walk out the main entrance. (C) Leave through a side door. (D) Wait in a check-out line.

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 099_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). What is mainly being advertised?

(A) A money-back guarantee (B) Windows (C) Energy savings (D) Special discounts 2). What does the speaker promise?

(A) A lower energy bill (B) Triple-pane glass (C) Kryptonite gas (D) A free estimate 3). What action should listeners take?

(A) Send an e-mail (B) Get a discount (C) Make a phone call (D) Visit Frank Miller These questions refer to the audio file 100_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Who is the message for?

(A) Felicia Morgan (B) Ron Valencia (C) Robert Douglas (D) Frederick Pepper 2). What will happen on the 24th?

(A) A conference (B) A conference call (C) A job interview (D) A fax request 3). What should the listener do?

(A) Page Ron Valencia (B) Contact Frederick Pepper (C) Fax Robert Douglas (D) Phone Felicia Morgan

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 101_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). What is the purpose of the speech?

(A) To present an award (B) To raise money for charity (C) To introduce a speaker (D) To announce a retirement 2). Which award did Samuel Jamison win from Business News Magazine?

(A) CEO of the Decade (B) Man of the Year (C) Most Creative Entrepreneur (D) Keynote Speaker 3). How many businesses has Samuel Jamison started?

(A) two (B) three (C) several (D) only one These questions refer to the audio file 102_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Who is the intended audience for this announcement?

(A) The general public (B) Company employees (C) Grandparents (D) Day care students 2). Where is the day-care center located?

(A) Near company headquarters (B) Next door to a school (C) In the countryside (D) In the company's building 3). Which children can use the day-care center?

(A) All children of company workers (B) Children who arrive at 7 a.m. (C) Children age 2 to 5 (D) Only children of full-time workers

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 103_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). What is the purpose of this report?

(A) To promote Tri-State Insurance Company (B) To announce a two-car injury accident (C) To clarify an error in a previous report (D) To inform drivers of traffic conditions 2). Why is traffic moving slowly on part of State Route 95?

(A) Two cars collided at an exit. (B) There is road construction. (C) An accident was moved off the roadway. (D) There is a broken traffic signal. 3). How fast is traffic moving on the Interstate 1 bridge across the river?

(A) At a normal pace (B) Quicker than usual (C) Extremely slowly (D) Completely stopped These questions refer to the audio file 104_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Which customers is this advertisement aimed at?

(A) Business people (B) Homeowners (C) Travel agents (D) College students 2). What does Wallaby Windows guarantee?

(A) A free installation estimate (B) A discount on window installation (C) A reduction in heating bills (D) A vacation in a warm climate 3). How can customers receive an installation discount?

(A) By calling within 25 minutes (B) By buying at least four windows (C) By saving 50 percent (D) By getting a free estimate

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 105_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Why did the caller telephone Dick Lyons?

(A) She was returning a phone call. (B) She was trying to sell a product. (C) She was announcing a new CD rate. (D) She was meeting a new customer. 2). What did Dick Lyons want to know?

(A) The interest rate for Lincoln Bank's 48-month CD (B) The minimum deposit for a money market account (C) How to open a Lincoln Bank checking account (D) Interest rates for CDs and money market accounts 3). What does the caller offer to do for Dick Lyons?

(A) Open an account (B) Give him a discount (C) Call him back later (D) Provide further help These questions refer to the audio file 106_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Who is probably making this speech?

(A) A college professor (B) A business recruiter (C) A company executive (D) An advertising salesman 2). What is the purpose of the speech?

(A) To persuade consumers (B) To impart information (C) To debate policy (D) To explain a problem 3). When will employees be paid?

(A) At the middle and end of each month (B) By 5 p.m. each Friday (C) After they work overtime (D) Before the weekends

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 107_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Why is this announcement being made?

(A) To issue a reminder (B) To give new news (C) To report a problem (D) To explain a rule 2). What does the announcer ask visitors to do?

(A) Enter through the main lobby (B) Use the east door of the hospital (C) Sign in during visiting hours (D) Avoid the north entrance 3). How long will the special situation be in effect?

(A) From 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. (B) Between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. (C) For one week (D) During lobby improvement These questions refer to the audio file 108_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). What type of report is the broadcaster giving?

(A) A weather forecast (B) A commentary (C) A feature story (D) A news update 2). What have coastal residents been ordered to do?

(A) Help old people (B) Join the National Guard (C) Leave their homes (D) Listen to the radio 3). How often does station WROJ provide news?

(A) Whenever it's important (B) At the top of every hour (C) Early each evening (D) Once every day

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 109_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). What is being advertised?

(A) Leather sofas (B) A special sale (C) A one-time discount (D) Children's jackets 2). How long will the fall spectacular last?

(A) Through autumn (B) Until Friday (C) For five days (D) Once a year 3). What does the speaker suggest that listeners do?

(A) Call for more information (B) Come to the store quickly (C) Buy coats for the winter (D) Purchase a new mattress These questions refer to the audio file 110_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Who is probably making this speech?

(A) A football coach (B) A school teacher (C) A business CEO (D) A college student 2). When is the speech taking place?

(A) During practice (B) At the start of a match (C) In mid-afternoon (D) Halfway through a game 3). What is the speaker's main purpose?

(A) To criticize (B) To teach (C) To motivate (D) To inform

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 111_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). What is the main purpose of the report?

(A) To entertain viewers (B) To inform commuters (C) To incite protestors (D) To arouse consumers 2). Where would this report most likely be broadcast?

(A) On radio (B) On TV (C) On CD (D) Via I-phone 3). How often are traffic reports broadcast?

(A) Every hour (B) Every 15 minutes (C) Every half hour (D) Twice a day These questions refer to the audio file 112_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Who is the speech for?

(A) Business executives (B) Graduating students (C) High school freshmen (D) Company salespeople 2). Where is the speaker now?

(A) At a cocktail party (B) At a business meeting (C) At a marketing seminar (D) At a commencement ceremony 3). What will the listeners probably do next?

(A) Ask questions (B) Go home (C) Applaud (D) Boo

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 113_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Where would this announcement most likely be heard?

(A) At a fitness club (B) At a birthday party (C) At a cafeteria (D) At a concert 2). What is being offered?

(A) Membership discounts (B) A free prize drawing (C) Personalized training (D) Money-back guarantees 3). What should listeners do if they want a body-fat test?

(A) Go to the trainer's desk (B) Sign up at the front desk (C) Send a check with the fee (D) Design a workout program These questions refer to the audio file 114_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Who is the message for?

(A) Marcos Hernandez (B) Brad Thompson (C) James FitzPatrick (D) Teresa Guenther 2). What does the speaker suggest?

(A) Rendezvousing in Boston (B) Starting a new business (C) Meeting for dinner or cocktails (D) Calling James FitzPatrick 3). What will the listener probably do next?

(A) Make dinner reservations (B) E-mail Marcos Hernandez (C) Drive to the airport (D) Return the phone call

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 115_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). What is being advertised?

(A) Drugs and alcohol (B) Matt O'Shay (C) Health insurance (D) Medical treatment 2). What does the speaker say about Slick-Sandel Hospital?

(A) It saved his life. (B) It has a 10-week program. (C) It is brand new. (D) It is expensive, but worth it. 3). What is suggested about the speaker?

(A) He is unreliable. (B) He is an alcoholic. (C) He is a celebrity. (D) He is a doctor. These questions refer to the audio file 116_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Where is the introduction taking place?

(A) At a business park (B) At a university (C) At an observatory (D) At a concert hall 2). What does the speaker talk mostly about?

(A) Her husband and children (B) Her mother and father (C) Her education and experience (D) Her bachelor's and master's 3). What will the speaker talk about next?

(A) Scientific discoveries (B) Continuing education (C) Advanced degrees (D) Chicago, Illinois

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 117_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). What is the main purpose of the talk?

(A) To sell a new product (B) To teach a new concept (C) To introduce a new system (D) To preach a new gospel 2). What should people do to improve their networking?

(A) Meet 250 people (B) Focus on Super Networkers (C) Lower their visibility (D) Decrease their interactions 3). What will the speaker probably talk about next?

(A) A special product (B) Average salaries (C) A new concept (D) The rule of 250 These questions refer to the audio file 118_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Where is this report most likely being broadcast?

(A) On television (B) On radio (C) On I-pod (D) On X-box 2). What happened at Mount Capistan?

(A) A thundershower (B) A 3-2 loss (C) A news update (D) A forest fire 3). What is scheduled to happen tomorrow?

(A) The stock market will rise. (B) The weather will be sunny. (C) The Eagles will play New York. (D) The forest fire will return.

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 119_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Who is the message for?

(A) Students (B) Parents (C) Teachers (D) Doctors 2). What is the main purpose of the message?

(A) To inform (B) To entertain (C) To incite (D) To terrorize 3). What should listeners do if their child has a high fever?

(A) Call school district headquarters (B) Wash the child's hands thoroughly (C) Keep the child home from school (D) Rush the child to the emergency room These questions refer to the audio file 120_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Where would this announcement most likely be heard?

(A) At an airport (B) In a train station (C) At a soccer match (D) In a bus station 2). What will happen in 10 minutes?

(A) The Coast Express will arrive. (B) Checked luggage will depart. (C) The Flying Eagle will start boarding. (D) Boarding passes will expire. 3). Where should listeners get boarding passes?

(A) Next to door number three (B) At door number nine (C) Near door number five (D) Through door number two

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 121_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). What is the main purpose of the talk?

(A) To explain office procedures (B) To identify a time problem (C) To schedule an appointment (D) To review a contract 2). Where are the time cards kept?

(A) On top of the clock (B) In the manager's office (C) Beside the clock (D) In the lunchroom 3). What should the listener do when leaving for lunch?

(A) Inform the manager (B) Record the time (C) Check the clock (D) Order take out These questions refer to the audio file 122_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). What is the main purpose of the radio announcement?

(A) To apologize for inconvenience (B) To publicize office hours (C) To ask for parade volunteers (D) To notify citizens of a special event 2). On which day will Main Street close to vehicle traffic?

(A) July 4th (B) Memorial Day (C) July 14th (D) Thursday 3). What should listeners do if they have questions?

(A) Send a message (B) Make a phone call (C) Visit the city manager (D) Look at a website

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 123_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Who is the message probably for?

(A) Employees (B) Students (C) Customers (D) Reporters 2). Which telephone key should listeners press to reach a customer service representative?

(A) one (B) four (C) three (D) pound 3). What information is NOT available on the web site?

(A) Phone numbers (B) Branch locations (C) Directories (D) Schedules These questions refer to the audio file 124_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). What did the speaker major in at college?

(A) Business (B) Literature (C) Writing (D) History 2). What did the speaker do at age 28?

(A) He wrote a best-seller. (B) He started a business. (C) He had a story published. (D) He quit his full-time job. 3). How many best-sellers has the speaker written?

(A) One (B) Six (C) Three (D) Eight

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 125_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Where is this introduction probably taking place?

(A) In an office (B) In a stadium (C) In a park (D) In an auditorium 2). What will Ms. Li talk about?

(A) Nutritional research (B) Her scientific career (C) Multiple vitamins (D) The effects of calcium 3). What has Ms. Li been elected to?

(A) A university board (B) A research laboratory (C) A worldwide organization (D) A panel of judges These questions refer to the audio file 126_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). What is suggested about Wild Water Park?

(A) It is relatively small. (B) It has area competitors. (C) It is not very well known. (D) It is open throughout the year. 2). What free gift is being offered?

(A) A family pass (B) A boogie board (C) A children's ticket (D) A bathing suit 3). What should people do to receive a gift?

(A) Fill out a special form (B) Buy a family pass (C) Visit Wild Water Park (D) Ride the Howlin' Hurricane

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 127_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). What type of performance will follow the announcement?

(A) A movie (B) A concert (C) A game (D) A play 2). What can people do during intermission?

(A) Order season tickets (B) Silence their cell phones (C) Buy food and beverages (D) Photograph the director 3). What should people do if they want tickets to future shows?

(A) Order online (B) Contact the box office (C) Mail an order form (D) Leave a message These questions refer to the audio file 128_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Why is the speaker making the call?

(A) To notify people that she will be late (B) To inform Patrick of her mistake (C) To cancel her appointment (D) To find out where her friend is 2). What is scheduled for 11:30?

(A) A teleconference (B) A luncheon (C) A plane flight (D) A meeting 3). Where is the speaker now?

(A) Downtown (B) In a car (C) At the airport (D) On a bus

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 129_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Who is the speaker most likely speaking to?

(A) New employees (B) Software engineers (C) Advertising executives (D) Department managers 2). What excuse do staff members have for not taking computer classes?

(A) They cannot afford them. (B) They lack time and energy. (C) They have not heard about them. (D) They see no advantages to them. 3). What does the speaker suggest the company do?

(A) Hire a motivational speaker (B) Make computer classes mandatory (C) Charge employees money for the classes (D) Quit offering the computer classes These questions refer to the audio file 130_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). What is being announced?

(A) A retirement (B) A new hire (C) A merger (D) An anniversary 2). How long will Mr. Van Holleback be in training?

(A) Three weeks (B) Four weeks (C) Six weeks (D) Two months 3). Where are the corporate headquarters of Banana Computers?

(A) Munich (B) Copenhagen (C) Toronto (D) Venice

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 131_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). What event are the tickets being sold for?

(A) A music concert (B) A basketball game (C) A movie (D) A comedy show 2). How much of a discount do senior citizens receive?

(A) $50 (B) $25 (C) $10 (D) $7 3). What does the speaker ask listeners to do?

(A) Buy seats in the balcony (B) Be prepared to order (C) Purchase tickets at the box office (D) Leave a message These questions refer to the audio file 132_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Who is the speaker probably talking to?

(A) Farmers (B) Tourists (C) Managers (D) Toddlers 2). What will happen first?

(A) Picking apples (B) Visiting an opera house (C) Eating lunch (D) Watching a sheep dog 3). Why will the listeners go to the opera house?

(A) To view a renowned landmark (B) To have a special meal (C) To take music lessons (D) To meet a famous singer

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 133_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). What is the main purpose of the radio announcement?

(A) To warn about a big snowstorm (B) To remind drivers of icy roadways (C) To inform people of schedule changes (D) To publicize the city's web site 2). What should students who take the bus do?

(A) Get a ride with their parents (B) Wait at a special bus stop (C) Get to their bus stop early (D) Take the bus as usual 3). When will community colleges begin?

(A) At the normal time (B) Two hours late (C) They have been cancelled (D) One hour late These questions refer to the audio file 134_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Where is this talk probably taking place?

(A) At a business meeting (B) In a university class (C) At an awards banquet (D) In a restaurant 2). What is the speaker mainly discussing?

(A) A new advertising idea (B) Falling advertising revenue (C) Selling company stock (D) Computer software problems 3). What is NOT true about advertising revenue?

(A) It accounts for more than half of total revenue. (B) It expanded last year by three percent. (C) The firm wants to triple its growth this year. (D) The speaker thinks an auction will increase it.

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 135_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Who most likely is the speaker?

(A) A politician (B) An athlete (C) An author (D) A movie star 2). What did the speaker do last year?

(A) He retired. (B) He injured his ankle. (C) He hurt his knee. (D) He changed teams. 3). At what age did the speaker start playing?

(A) 7 (B) 14 (C) 21 (D) 35 These questions refer to the audio file 136_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). What is the main purpose of the regulations?

(A) To punish offenders (B) To ensure safety (C) To protect the animals (D) To generate money 2). When should listeners take pictures?

(A) As they drive past animals (B) At the end of the tour (C) Whenever they like (D) When the guide tells them to 3). What will happen to someone who breaks a rule?

(A) They will have to pay $50,000. (B) They will be thrown in jail. (C) They will be kicked out of the park. (D) They will be attacked by animals.

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 137_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Why did Hillman Corporation's stock price rise?

(A) Because of a favorable report (B) Because of an accounting error (C) Because of an annual profit (D) Because of a new product 2). What is suggested about Hillman Corporation?

(A) It is a small company. (B) It has good management. (C) It makes substandard products. (D) It is not very well known. 3). Which of the following is true?

(A) Quarterly earnings were 25 cents a share. (B) Hillman's stock began the day at $12.25 a share. (C) Yearly profit is more than $100 million. (D) Hillman's stock closed at $21 a share. These questions refer to the audio file 138_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). What is being advertised?

(A) An automobile manufacturer (B) Computer technology (C) A new type of tire (D) A safer car 2). What is claimed about Rugged Wear tires?

(A) They will never go flat. (B) They can be used after losing air. (C) They are reinforced on the bottom. (D) They are larger than ordinary tires. 3). What should listeners do to get more information?

(A) Visit a web site (B) Dial a toll-free number (C) Come to a store (D) Send an e-mail

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 139_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Why is the speaker making the phone call?

(A) To inquire about a friend (B) To complain about a loss (C) To report found property (D) To invite the listener to dinner 2). What is the speaker unsure of?

(A) The listener's name (B) Her schedule (C) Where she lives (D) The listener's phone number. 3). What is suggested about the speaker?

(A) She is honest. (B) She is careless. (C) She is wealthy. (D) She is beautiful. These questions refer to the audio file 140_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Who is Klaus Kirshner?

(A) A librarian (B) A city official (C) An architect (D) A movie star 2). How long did it take to build the library?

(A) A year and a half (B) Two years (C) Six years (D) Eighteen years 3). What is implied about Mr. Kirshner?

(A) He is young. (B) He lives in Europe. (C) He loves to read. (D) He is retired.

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 141_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). What is the main purpose of the report?

(A) To forecast the weather (B) To warn listeners of a storm (C) To broadcast the news (D) To update traffic 2). When is rain predicted on the north part of the coast?

(A) The next two days (B) Friday (C) On the weekend (D) Next week 3). When is this report probably being broadcast?

(A) Friday (B) Sunday (C) Monday (D) Wednesday These questions refer to the audio file 142_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Why isn't the speaker returning morning phone calls?

(A) He has an emergency. (B) He doesn't have openings. (C) His cell phone is malfunctioning. (D) He is working in a courtroom. 2). What should listeners do if they have an emergency?

(A) Leave a message (B) Call a secretary (C) Send an electronic page (D) Make an appointment 3). When will the speaker be available for appointments?

(A) In the afternoon (B) Monday (C) Tuesday (D) Next week

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 143_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). What is the speaker mainly discussing?

(A) An office renovation (B) Building construction (C) A marketing campaign (D) New carpeting 2). What does the speaker say about the new layout?

(A) The desks will be facing away from each other. (B) Department managers will sit in cubicles. (C) It will increase the number of sales to clients. (D) It will improve employee communication. 3). What is NOT true about plans for the office?

(A) The walls will be painted. (B) New carpeting will be installed. (C) Work will begin next year. (D) The work will take three weeks. These questions refer to the audio file 144_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). What is causing the changes that the speaker mentions?

(A) Bad weather (B) Overcrowding (C) Construction (D) Flight delays 2). What should international passengers do?

(A) Board in the main terminal (B) Take a bus after deplaning (C) Use gates W, X, Y and Z (D) Ride an underground train 3). What should listeners do to get more information?

(A) Check a website (B) Go to a special booth (C) Ask a flight attendant (D) Watch the TV news

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 145_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Who is being introduced?

(A) A playwright (B) An actor (C) A musician (D) A sculptor 2). What is Martin Bourgette known for?

(A) Writing story books (B) Starring in productions (C) Producing drama festivals (D) Modernizing famous plays 3). What does the speaker imply about Martin Bourgette's work?

(A) It is unprofessional (B) It is controversial (C) It is masterful (D) It is traditional These questions refer to the audio file 146_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). What is being advertised?

(A) New vehicles (B) Light-rail trains (C) Transit service (D) Bus routes 2). What do studies show about trains and buses?

(A) They cost users $10,000 a year (B) They have comfortable seats (C) They operate during rush hours (D) They are cheaper and faster than driving 3). What does the speaker suggest listeners do?

(A) Sell their vehicles (B) Change commuting habits (C) Invest $10,000 (D) Take a vacation

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 147_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Who most likely is the speaker?

(A) A financial adviser (B) A newspaper editor (C) A university professor (D) An architect 2). According to the speaker, what is true about the stock market?

(A) It has averaged a 19-percent return. (B) It is too risky for the average investor. (C) Stock prices will soon start to rise. (D) Clients should put all their money there. 3). What does the speaker advise clients to do?

(A) Pull out of the stock market (B) Diversify their investments (C) Take lots of risks (D) Buy precious metals These questions refer to the audio file 148_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Who is the intended audience?

(A) Business travelers (B) Students (C) Senior citizens (D) Vacationers 2). What can listeners find on the Big Bear Lodge website?

(A) A list of Big Bear employees (B) Coupons for special discounts (C) Summer room rates and types (D) The location of Big Bear lodges 3). What should listeners do if they want to speak with a customer service representative?

(A) Call back later (B) Make an appointment (C) Wait their turn (D) Listen for a beep

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 149_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). What is the speaker mainly discussing?

(A) Road repair (B) Traffic conditions (C) A holiday weekend (D) Types of vehicles 2). Why is there a 45-minute delay on Interstate 50?

(A) Rush hour (B) An accident (C) A stalled vehicle (D) Construction 3). What does the speaker suggest to west-bound travelers?

(A) Leave work early (B) Use an alternative route (C) Wait 45 minutes (D) Go over a mountain pass These questions refer to the audio file 150_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). What is being announced?

(A) A business closure (B) A retirement (C) An acquisition (D) A stock offering 2). Who is most likely listening to the announcement?

(A) The news media (B) Certified accountants (C) Department managers (D) Company clients 3). What will happen tomorrow?

(A) Smith Company will be sold. (B) Staff will be informed. (C) They will brainstorm ideas. (D) The media will be notified.

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 151_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). What is being announced?

(A) New fringe benefits (B) Summer attractions (C) A new company policy (D) Employee raises 2). Who is the speaker addressing?

(A) A group of reporters (B) Employees' families (C) Company managers (D) Fellow CEOs 3). How can employees receive a discount?

(A) By going to a baseball game (B) By visiting the company web site (C) By paying 40-percent off (D) By using a special code These questions refer to the audio file 152_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). What is the purpose of the talk?

(A) To comfort employees (B) To confirm a rumor (C) To announce new policies (D) To lay off workers 2). What does the speaker promise the listeners?

(A) Unemployment benefits (B) Job security (C) Extra pay (D) Sick leave 3). What will Mr. Thompson talk about?

(A) Company profits (B) Hiring stagnation (C) Future compensation (D) Energy conservation

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 153_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). What is the speaker mainly discussing?

(A) Festival hours (B) Free events (C) Admission prices (D) Music concerts 2). What is NOT true of festival passes?

(A) They will be sold online. (B) They are available at the festival gates. (C) They can be bought via telephone. (D) They include admission to all festival events. 3). How can listeners learn about concert tickets?

(A) By pushing a button (B) By calling the box office (C) By ordering a season pass (D) By checking the newspaper These questions refer to the audio file 154_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). What problem does the speaker mention at a highway intersection?

(A) An abandoned car (B) A multiple-vehicle accident (C) An overturned truck (D) A gasoline explosion 2). How is traffic on Southbound Interstate 2?

(A) Bumper-to-bumper (B) A little bit slow (C) Blocked by a sailboat (D) Flowing smoothly 3). What does the speaker remind listeners of?

(A) A sporting event (B) A future traffic delay (C) An upcoming promotion (D) A recent collision

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 155_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). What position does the speaker currently hold?

(A) Executive vice president (B) Software engineer (C) CEO (D) Department head 2). When did Quinn Constantine start working for the company?

(A) When he was in high school (B) About five years ago (C) Immediately after college (D) In 1985 3). What is implied about Quinn Constantine?

(A) He has been criticized (B) He is ready to be CEO (C) He works too hard (D) He will make changes These questions refer to the audio file 156_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). What is being advertised?

(A) Discount tickets (B) A new machine (C) A vacation resort (D) An innovative seat 2). What does the speaker urge listeners to do?

(A) Send a check (B) Go to the store (C) Make a telephone call (D) Buy online 3). How can listeners receive a free gift?

(A) By paying extra (B) By calling soon (C) By recommending friends (D) By using their credit card

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 157_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Where is the speaker now?

(A) Pittsburgh (B) Cleveland (C) Chicago (D) New York 2). Who is the speaker calling?

(A) His wife (B) His secretary (C) His business partner (D) His neighbor 3). What does the speaker ask the listener to do?

(A) Arrange a ride from the airport (B) Forward his phone messages (C) Book a new flight to Cleveland (D) Cancel a meeting with Mr. Beckworth These questions refer to the audio file 158_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Who is the intended audience?

(A) Doctors (B) Managers (C) Reporters (D) Employees 2). What is being announced?

(A) A company record (B) A business obligation (C) A volunteer opportunity (D) An entertainment event 3). What should listeners do if they cannot donate blood on Thursday?

(A) Fill out a form (B) Drive to the blood bank (C) Check with their supervisor (D) Donate on Friday

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 159_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Who is the speaker?

(A) An architect (B) An entrepreneur (C) An engineer (D) A banker 2). How many start-up companies has the speaker formed?

(A) Five (B) Six (C) Twelve (D) Thirteen 3). What does the speaker say about his future?

(A) He is ready to retire. (B) He is going to sell his assets. (C) He will work for five more years. (D) He will remain in the same job. These questions refer to the audio file 160_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). What position does the speaker hold?

(A) Entertainer (B) Professor (C) Travel agent (D) Tour guide 2). What will be the first stop?

(A) The pier (B) High Point Hill (C) Lake Lincoln (D) Downtown 3). What should listeners do if they have questions?

(A) Raise their hands (B) Wait until the tour is finished (C) Write them down (D) Ask them anytime

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 161_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). What is the speaker announcing?

(A) A longer workweek (B) A major change (C) A special promotion (D) A new questionnaire 2). Why will the company be closed on Fridays?

(A) To give workers a rest (B) To reduce expenses (C) To save energy (D) To install new light bulbs 3). What should listeners do if they need help?

(A) Inform their manager (B) E-mail the speaker (C) Complete a questionnaire (D) Fill out a special form These questions refer to the audio file 162_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Who most likely is the speaker?

(A) An artist (B) A teacher (C) A reporter (D) A city official 2). What can be inferred about the city founder?

(A) He is still alive. (B) He was a photographer. (C) He is a Native American. (D) He knows Kyle Chamberlain. 3). What is true about Kyle Chamberlain?

(A) He was born in New York. (B) He lives in the speaker's city. (C) This is his first statue. (D) He is primarily a painter.

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 163_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Who is most likely listening to the report?

(A) Bus drivers (B) Workers (C) Commuters (D) Teenagers 2). Why is east and west traffic moving slowly?

(A) There has been a collision. (B) It is a holiday. (C) It is rush hour. (D) There is road repair. 3). What happened on Highway 10?

(A) A debris spill (B) A two-car accident (C) A 90-minute delay (D) A slight slowdown These questions refer to the audio file 164_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Who is the intended audience?

(A) Health Group members (B) Physicians (C) Registered nurses (D) Waitresses 2). What should listeners do if they have an emergency?

(A) Press one (B) Have their membership number ready (C) Press zero (D) Hang up the phone 3). Which of the following is NOT mentioned as being included on the Health Group website?

(A) Clinic addresses (B) A list of clinic staff (C) Driving directions (D) Clinic hours

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 165_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). What position does the speaker probably hold?

(A) Accountant (B) Financial adviser (C) Insurance salesman (D) Engineer 2). What does the speaker say about stocks?

(A) They are safer than bonds. (B) They can earn the most money. (C) They are too expensive. (D) They are a good short-term investment. 3). What does the speaker offer to do?

(A) Bake a pie (B) Make an appointment (C) Present graphics (D) Chart progress These questions refer to the audio file 166_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). What is being advertised?

(A) New vehicles (B) Tammy Taylor (C) A three-day sale (D) Clunkers 2). What does the speaker urge listeners to do?

(A) Get a discount (B) Make a phone call (C) Trade in their used cars (D) Hurry to Taylor Motors 3). How can listeners receive a free gift?

(A) By trading in a clunker (B) By receiving a rebate (C) By mentioning Tammy's name (D) By using government incentives

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 167_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Where is the speaker calling from?

(A) Seoul (B) Atlanta (C) Dallas (D) Cincinnati 2). What does Jerome ask Rebecca to do?

(A) Call his wife (B) Talk to Antonio (C) Meet him at the airport (D) Prepare a presentation 3). What should Rebecca do if there are problems?

(A) Call Jerome on his cell phone (B) Page Jerome at the airport (C) Postpone the meeting (D) Consult with Erika These questions refer to the audio file 168_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Who most likely is the speaker?

(A) A middle manager (B) A corporate executive (C) A blue-collar worker (D) A famous actress 2). What is the speaker mainly discussing?

(A) Her current position (B) Company goals (C) Her career experiences (D) Her business philosophy 3). How many previous positions does the speaker mention having?

(A) Two (B) Three (C) Four (D) Five

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 169_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). What is the main purpose of the announcement?

(A) To introduce Global executives (B) To initiate boarding procedures (C) To answer customer questions (D) To celebrate a new flight 2). What will each passenger receive?

(A) A discount coupon (B) A special trophy (C) A commemorative T-shirt (D) A complimentary dinner 3). What should passengers do if they have questions?

(A) Ask the pilot (B) Visit the customer-service counter (C) Wait for a special announcement (D) Receive a brochure These questions refer to the audio file 170_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). What is NOT true of the fire?

(A) It is under control. (B) It caused no damage. (C) It is in the eastern foothills. (D) It has been burning for three days. 2). What did Mike Montgomery say listeners should do?

(A) Put out campfires in the western foothills (B) Help firefighters with cleanup (C) Take care with flammable devices (D) Stay inside until the fire is completely out 3). When will the fire clean-up likely begin?

(A) As soon as the cause of the fire is determined (B) When fire danger drops to medium (C) After all flames have been extinguished (D) After the city has spent more than $3 million

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 171_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Who most likely is the speaker?

(A) A cashier (B) An investor (C) An advertiser (D) A CEO 2). What is the speaker talking about?

(A) A shipping company (B) A wholesale food shop (C) A retail store (D) A travel agency 3). What can be inferred about customers?

(A) They are not coming back (B) They have given high ratings (C) They do not like the speaker (D) They are spending more money These questions refer to the audio file 172_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). What is the main purpose of the announcement?

(A) To promote ticket sales (B) To provide information (C) To change a schedule (D) To introduce a speaker 2). What type of performance is going to take place?

(A) A play (B) A concert (C) A dance (D) A game 3). What does the speaker ask listeners to do?

(A) Buy a program (B) Call their neighbors (C) Act considerately (D) Silence their laptops

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 173_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). What is the main purpose of the report?

(A) To provide new information (B) To warn listeners of a flood (C) To correct an earlier mistake (D) To forecast the weather 2). Who is the speaker?

(A) Theodore Cleaver (B) Louise Carson (C) Tyler Moore (D) Marcia Minor 3). What should listeners do to get more information?

(A) Phone the governor (B) Wait for the next update (C) Text the radio station (D) Use the Internet These questions refer to the audio file 174_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Who is the intended audience?

(A) Members of the press (B) Blue-collar workers (C) Corporate executives (D) Government economists 2). What advice does the speaker give?

(A) Fight for survival (B) Look for opportunity (C) Spend money (D) Cut services 3). What can be inferred about the economy?

(A) It is thriving. (B) It has recovered. (C) It is receding. (D) It is volatile.

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 175_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). When will the speaker return to the office?

(A) On Tuesday (B) In the afternoon (C) In March (D) Tomorrow 2). What should listeners do if they are members of the media?

(A) Call back in the afternoon (B) Call the speaker's cell phone (C) Phone Richard Greenwood (D) Leave a message 3). What will readers get if they send an e-mail?

(A) An informational brochure (B) A discount coupon (C) A special prize (D) A faster response These questions refer to the audio file 176_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Where is this introduction most likely taking place?

(A) In a business office (B) In a park (C) In a stadium (D) In an auditorium 2). What will Christopher Sparks talk about?

(A) His grandmother's recipe (B) His personal success (C) How to make money (D) His new distribution deal 3). What will happen at the end of his speech?

(A) He will sign autographs. (B) He will pose for pictures. (C) He will give out tea samples. (D) He will answer questions.

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 177_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Why is bus 234 late?

(A) It is having a mechanical problem. (B) It is stuck in heavy traffic. (C) It was involved in an accident. (D) It is coming through bad weather. 2). What does the speaker offer passengers waiting for bus 234?

(A) Free boarding passes (B) A partial refund (C) A complimentary meal (D) Connecting buses 3). What should listeners do if they want their money back?

(A) Go to the ticket counter (B) Go to the customer service desk (C) Fill out a special form (D) Talk with the bus driver These questions refer to the audio file 178_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). What is being advertised?

(A) Physical fitness (B) A new health club (C) Fitness equipment (D) An instructional video 2). What does the speaker urge listeners to do?

(A) Go to the Porta-Trainer store (B) Work out in their homes (C) Visit a website (D) Make a telephone call 3). How can listeners get a free gift?

(A) By using their credit cards (B) By buying two Porta-Trainers (C) By redeeming a coupon (D) By acting quickly

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 179_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Where most likely is the speaker?

(A) In a radio studio (B) In a helicopter (C) At a TV station (D) On the freeway 2). What is the problem on the southbound freeway?

(A) A stalled vehicle (B) Closed express lanes (C) An accident (D) Road construction 3). What will listeners hear next?

(A) A news report (B) A weather report (C) More music (D) A commercial These questions refer to the audio file 180_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). What is the main purpose of the message?

(A) To answer questions (B) To correct a mistake (C) To set an appointment (D) To solicit an estimate 2). What does the speaker say about painting?

(A) He will paint Ms. Whitehurst's office walls. (B) He will ask someone else about painting. (C) The office walls do not need to be painted. (D) The cost of painting was included in the bid. 3). What will the speaker probably do next?

(A) Remodel Ms. Whitehurst's office (B) Send Ms. Whitehurst an e-mail (C) Contact a subcontractor (D) Shop for carpeting

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 181_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Who is the speaker?

(A) A supermarket clerk (B) A waiter (C) A professional chef (D) A restaurant manager 2). What does the speaker say about the dessert?

(A) It can be made very quickly. (B) The ingredients are simple. (C) The preparation involves very few utensils. (D) It takes longer to prepare than the appetizer. 3). What will happen last?

(A) The speaker will introduce her assistant. (B) Audience members will order cooking products. (C) The speaker will distribute her new cookbook. (D) Audience members will prepare something. These questions refer to the audio file 182_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). What is Ms. Archer's current position?

(A) Company president (B) Consultant (C) News announcer (D) Employment counselor 2). When will Ms. Archer leave her current job?

(A) Today (B) Tomorrow (C) Next Tuesday (D) Next year 3). What activity has already started?

(A) The search for experienced consultants (B) The merging of two companies (C) The search for a new company head (D) The remodeling of the Diamond Company building

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 183_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Who is the intended audience for this talk?

(A) Athletes (B) Film stars (C) Journalists (D) Politicians 2). What are the audience members asked to do?

(A) Speak quietly in the interview area (B) Dress nicely for interviews (C) Use microphones when asking questions (D) Leave telephones outside the media center 3). What will happen next?

(A) The audience will watch a film clip. (B) A tennis player will answer questions. (C) The audience will leave the meeting. (D) A player will sign autographs. These questions refer to the audio file 184_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Who is the intended audience for this announcement?

(A) Supermarket customers (B) Office employees (C) International tourists (D) University students 2). When will the change take place?

(A) Today (B) Next week (C) Next month (D) Next year 3). Where will information be posted?

(A) On the company Web site (B) Next to the vending machines (C) On the front door of the building (D) Near the entrance to the cafeteria

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 185_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). What is the main topic of the talk?

(A) Driving in heavy traffic (B) Purchasing a car (C) Driving safety (D) Traffic conditions 2). What does the speaker suggest that drivers do?

(A) Take frequent breaks (B) Avoid drinks with caffeine (C) Open a window (D) Change cars 3). What will tomorrow's talk be about?

(A) Saving money (B) Reducing stress (C) Getting a good night's sleep (D) Family vacations These questions refer to the audio file 186_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). What is the message mainly about?

(A) An upcoming presentation (B) A request for a product (C) A date for a reservation (D) A bid on a project 2). What does the speaker say about Mr. Ostrem's presentation?

(A) She thought it was impressive. (B) She has some questions about it. (C) She was surprised by his conclusions. (D) She would like a copy of the information he presented. 3). Why does the speaker mention November 14?

(A) It is the starting date for a new project. (B) It is the date of a departmental meeting. (C) It is the last day to submit some information. (D) It is the date of the next presentation.

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 187_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Who is the speaker probably addressing?

(A) A group of technical trainers (B) A group of new employees (C) Guests at a special dinner (D) Historians at a convention 2). What will Karen Maitland do?

(A) Answer questions about policies (B) Talk about company products (C) Lead a tour of the company (D) Meet with the trainers 3). When will a video be shown?

(A) This morning (B) This afternoon (C) Tomorrow morning (D) Tomorrow afternoon These questions refer to the audio file 188_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Why is this talk taking place?

(A) It happens once every 100 years. (B) The museum's president made a request. (C) The architect quit working. (D) Brown & Sons needs repairing. 2). What is NOT required?

(A) A new heating system. (B) A better location (C) A new foundation (D) A building assessment 3). What will the speaker do next?

(A) Describe the landscaping around the museum (B) Lead a tour of the museum's collections (C) Show photographs of historic buildings (D) Explain how the museum can be restored

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 189_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). What is the talk mainly about?

(A) The population of Canada (B) The design of the city of Toronto (C) The size of the shopping centers (D) The province of Ontario 2). What does the speaker say about the weather in Toronto?

(A) It is milder than in the rest of Ontario. (B) It attracts many visitors. (C) Its temperatures vary greatly. (D) It is difficult to forecast accurately. 3). How is Toronto different from other cities?

(A) Construction costs are lower in the city center area. (B) More tourists have come to visit recently. (C) Businesses have remained in the city center. (D) More people live within the city limits than in the suburbs. These questions refer to the audio file 190_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). What example of multi-tasking does the speaker give?

(A) Eating breakfast while driving to work (B) Commuting while getting exercise (C) Thinking while cycling (D) Drinking coffee while working 2). What is the purpose of the event that the speaker announces?

(A) To encourage employees to cycle to work (B) To teach employees time-management techniques (C) To help employees cope with stress (D) To invite employees to join an aerobics class 3). Which employees will get a free breakfast on July 16?

(A) Those who get to work before 8:00 A. M. (B) Those who have paid for parking (C) Those who work in the Collins Building (D) Those who ride a bicycle to work

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 191_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Where is this introduction most likely taking place?

(A) In a board room (B) In an auditorium (C) At a university (D) At a hotel 2). What is the speaker mainly discussing?

(A) John Clayton's work career (B) John Clayton's personal life (C) John Clayton's wife, Karen (D) John Clayton's accomplishments 3). What will happen next?

(A) (A)The meeting will begin. (B) Board members will vote. (C) Martin Lynch will retire. (D) John Clayton will speak. These questions refer to the audio file 192_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). What is the main purpose of the talk?

(A) To set business objectives (B) To announce new classes (C) To introduce a program (D) To explain an acronym 2). Who most likely is the speaker?

(A) A salesperson (B) A company executive (C) A media celebrity (D) A business consultant 3). What is QVS?

(A) The name of a company (B) A corporate objective (C) A training motto (D) A secret project

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 193_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). What is the main purpose of the message?

(A) To provide information (B) To sell annual passes (C) To promote a new exhibit (D) To list admission prices 2). What should listeners do to find out movie show times?

(A) Read the newspaper (B) Dial a different phone number (C) Leave a voice mail message (D) Push a button on their phone 3). Which of the following is NOT included on the web site?

(A) Directions to the science center (B) Detailed exhibit information (C) Times of laser light shows (D) A virtual tour of the center These questions refer to the audio file 194_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Who is the intended audience?

(A) Members of the press (B) Furniture City employees (C) Company executives (D) University students 2). What is the speaker announcing?

(A) A company expansion (B) A quarterly financial statement (C) A CEO's resignation (D) Employment opportunities 3). What will the listeners probably do next?

(A) Buy furniture (B) Apply for jobs (C) Go home (D) Ask questions

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 195_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). What is the speaker mainly discussing?

(A) A back-to-the-future card (B) Business opportunities (C) Consumer discipline (D) A company mission statement 2). What does the speaker say about certainty?

(A) It is less important than it has ever been. (B) It's not something that consumers want. (C) It gives his company an advantage. (D) It is hurting the growth of the economy. 3). What business is the speaker talking about?

(A) Customer service (B) Banking (C) Marketing (D) Credit cards These questions refer to the audio file 196_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Who is the intended audience?

(A) Broadcasters (B) Business people (C) Housewives (D) Commuters 2). What is the problem at the First Avenue on-ramp?

(A) An accident (B) A disabled vehicle (C) Heavy traffic (D) Road repair 3). What can be inferred about Dick's Delis?

(A) Its sandwiches are delicious. (B) Cindy Cowherd often eats there. (C) The company is losing money. (D) It paid to sponsor the traffic report.

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 197_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Why is being advertised?

(A) A special sale (B) A coat store (C) Free gifts (D) Red tags 2). How can listeners get a free gift?

(A) By finding red tags (B) By buying earmuffs (C) By arriving early (D) By using coupons 3). What does the speaker urge listeners to do?

(A) Order online (B) Come to the store (C) Call toll-free (D) Visit the website These questions refer to the audio file 198_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Who is Joy calling?

(A) A neighbor (B) A colleague (C) A friend (D) A relative 2). When will Joy be in the office?

(A) This morning (B) Next week (C) In the afternoon (D) Tomorrow 3). What does Joy ask Trudy to do?

(A) Send her an e-mail. (B) Give Felix a message (C) Return her phone call (D) Contact Mr. Latimer

TOEIC® based exercises, part IV – Questions

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These questions refer to the audio file 199_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). What is the main purpose of the announcement?

(A) To increase commuter awareness (B) To assist disabled passengers (C) To introduce Mayor Nicholas (D) To promote coffee and donuts 2). What should listeners do if they need help?

(A) Go downstairs to a special kiosk (B) Ask someone on the blue line (C) Wait for the mayor to arrive (D) Look for workers in yellow jackets 3). Where does the speaker tell listeners to get more information?

(A) At a booth on the left side of the main lobby (B) At a kiosk or the city-rail website (C) At a special division of City Hall (D) On the upper level just inside the main doorway These questions refer to the audio file 200_TOEIC_part4.mp3

1). Where is this introduction probably taking place?

(A) In a stadium (B) At a staff meeting (C) At a conference (D) In a public park 2). What will Dr. Kidd do next year?

(A) Retire from working (B) Continue his research (C) Study another subject (D) Receive his PhD 3). What will the listeners probably do next?

(A) Turn on their cell phones (B) Ask questions (C) Leave the room (D) Applaud