to hsbc provident fund trustee (hong kong) limitedofficer,h sbc provident fund trustee (hong kong)...

Completing this form will change the investment allocation of your new contributions and transfer-in MPF Benefits and AVC Benefits only. The investment allocation of your existing investments will remain unchanged. 本表格的指示將只更改新供款及轉移至恒生強積金智選計劃的強積金的權益以及自願性供款的權益 投資分佈。現有投資的投資分佈將維持不變。 Note 注意: 1. Please complete in BLOCK LETTERS. 請用正楷填寫。 2. Your new investment instruction will not apply to any amount awaiting for clearance and fund purchases at the time we process the instruction. 您的新投資指示將不適用 於任何正待結算及購買基金的款項。 3. Please return the completed form to the Administrator — HSBC Life (International) Limited — PO Box 73770 Kowloon Central Post Office. 請把填妥的表格寄交行政管理 豐人壽保險(國際)有限公司 九龍中央郵政信箱 73770 號。 4. Your instruction below will normally be processed within five working days after we receive your properly-completed form. Please note that if the processing of your Portfolio Rebalance or Asset Switch instruction is scheduled on any day that the transfer of benefits under Employee Choice Arrangement (“ECA Transfer”) is to be processed or (if your MPF accrued benefits includes investment in the MPF Conservative Fund) the fees of the MPF Conservative Fund are to be deducted from your MPF account (“Fee Deduction”) or on any of the consecutive days that ECA Transfer and Fee Deduction are to be processed, the processing of your Portfolio Rebalance or Asset Switch instruction will be postponed to the next business day after the day(s) that such ECA Transfer and/or Fee Deduction is/are being processed. In any of the above circumstances, the processing of any further Portfolio Rebalance or Asset Switch instruction made before the processing of any pending consecutive Portfolio Rebalance or Asset Switch instruction(s) and/or ECA Transfer and/or Fee Deduction will be postponed to the next business day after the day(s) that such pending consecutive Portfolio Rebalance or Asset Switch instruction(s), ECA Transfer and/or Fee Deduction is/are being processed. The above processing time is for reference only. Your instructions will be processed as soon as possible, however, our company shall not be liable for any delay. 本公司收到填妥的表格後,以下指示一般將於五個工 作天內處理。請注意,如您的重組投資組合或資產調配指示的執行日同為僱員自選安排下的權益轉移(「自選安排轉移」)之執行日或(如您的強積金累算權益包括強積金保守 基金)您的賬戶的強積金保守基金費用之扣除(「扣除基金費用」)日,或是在連續執行自選安排轉移及扣除基金費用的日子,您的重組投資組合或資產調配指示將會順延至完 成處理自選安排轉移及╱或扣除基金費用後的下一個工作日處理。在以上任何情況下,任何於重組投資組合或資產調配指示及╱或自選安排轉移及╱或扣除基金費用正待處 理時而提交的重組投資組合或資產調配指示,將於完成這些正待處理的重組投資組合或資產調配指示、自選安排轉移及╱或扣除費用後的下一個工作日處理。上述處理時間 僅供參考,我們會盡快處理您的指示,如有延誤,本公司恕不負責。 5. Please note that a confirmation notice will be sent to you after the instruction has been successfully processed. 請注意確認通知書將會在完成處理指示後寄發給閣下。 6. You are recommended to submit only one investment instruction on the same day. 我們建議閣下於同一日只遞交一項投資指示。 7. The investment instruction below cannot be cancelled after submission. 於遞交表格後,下列投資指示將不能更改。 A. Personal information 個人資料 1. Full name 全名 2. Contact no. 聯絡電話號碼 3. HKID / Passport no. 香港身分證╱護照號碼 4. Participating employer name 參與僱主名稱 THE GOVERNMENT OF THE HKSAR 5. MPF membership no. 強積金成員編號 6. Employer ID (Please 3 the boxes.) 僱主編號(請於方格內填上 3 號。) MPF scheme 強積金計劃 (30268471) CSPF scheme 公務員公積金計劃 (30650085) B. Investment instruction of new contributions and transfer-in MPF Benefits and AVC Benefits 新供款及轉移至恒生強積金智選 計劃的強積金的權益以及自願性供款的權益的投資指示 All contribution allocation percentages should be in whole numbers (e.g. 50% not 50.5%) and the total should be 100%. Otherwise, the instruction cannot be effected. 所有供款分佈百分比必須為整數(例如:須為 50% 而非 50.5% )及其總和必須為 100% 。否則,此項指示不能生效。 Name of investment fund 投資基金名稱 Contribution allocation percentage 供款分佈百分比 MPF Conservative Fund 強積金保守基金 CPF % Guaranteed Fund 保證基金 GTF % Global Bond Fund 環球債券基金 GBF % Flexi-Managed Fund 靈活管理基金 FMF % Stable Fund 平穩基金 SBF % Stable Growth Fund 平穩增長基金 SGF % Balanced Fund 均衡基金 BLF % Growth Fund 增長基金 GRF % North American Equity Fund 北美股票基金 NAEF % European Equity Fund 歐洲股票基金 EUEF % Asia Pacific Equity Fund 亞太股票基金 ANEF % Hang Seng Index Tracking Fund 恒指基金 HSIF % Hong Kong and Chinese Equity Fund 中港股票基金 HKEF % Chinese Equity Fund 中國股票基金 CNEF % Total 總和 100% HKSAR HARP To : HSBC Provident Fund Trustee (Hong Kong) Limited c/o HSBC Life (International) Limited 豐人壽保險(國際)有限公司 PO Box 73770 Kowloon Central Post Office 九龍中央郵政信箱73770Hang Seng MPF Employer Direct 恒生強積金僱主專線:2288 6822 Hang Seng MPF Service Hotline 恒生強積金服務熱線:2213 2213 HANG SENG MANDATORY PROVIDENT FUND – SUPERTRUST PLUS THE GOVERNMENT OF THE HKSAR CONTRIBUTION REDIRECTION FORM (EMPLOYEE) 恒生強積金智選計劃:香港特區政府 — 重新分配新供款表格(僱員) * Important note – Please read this section * 重要事項 請參閱此部分 1 of 3 HKSAR_HARP v07/0413 (0413) D

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Page 1: To HSBC Provident Fund Trustee (Hong Kong) LimitedOfficer,H SBC Provident Fund Trustee (Hong Kong) Limited, c/o HSBC Life (International) Limited, PO Box 73770, Kowloon Central Post

Completing this form will change the investment allocation of your new contributions and transfer-in MPF Benefits and AVC Benefits only. The investment allocation of your existing investments will remain unchanged. 本表格的指示將只更改新供款及轉移至恒生強積金智選計劃的強積金的權益以及自願性供款的權益 的投資分佈。現有投資的投資分佈將維持不變。

Note 注意:1. Please complete in BLOCK LETTERS. 請用正楷填寫。2. Your new investment instruction will not apply to any amount awaiting for clearance and fund purchases at the time we process the instruction. 您的新投資指示將不適用於任何正待結算及購買基金的款項。

3. Please return the completed form to the Administrator — HSBC Life (International) Limited — PO Box 73770 Kowloon Central Post Office. 請把填妥的表格寄交行政管理人 — 豐人壽保險(國際)有限公司 — 九龍中央郵政信箱73770號。

4. Your instruction below will normally be processed within five working days after we receive your properly-completed form. Please note that if the processing of your Portfolio Rebalance or Asset Switch instruction is scheduled on any day that the transfer of benefits under Employee Choice Arrangement (“ECA Transfer”) is to be processed or (if your MPF accrued benefits includes investment in the MPF Conservative Fund) the fees of the MPF Conservative Fund are to be deducted from your MPF account (“Fee Deduction”) or on any of the consecutive days that ECA Transfer and Fee Deduction are to be processed, the processing of your Portfolio Rebalance or Asset Switch instruction will be postponed to the next business day after the day(s) that such ECA Transfer and/or Fee Deduction is/are being processed. In any of the above circumstances, the processing of any further Portfolio Rebalance or Asset Switch instruction made before the processing of any pending consecutive Portfolio Rebalance or Asset Switch instruction(s) and/or ECA Transfer and/or Fee Deduction will be postponed to the next business day after the day(s) that such pending consecutive Portfolio Rebalance or Asset Switch instruction(s), ECA Transfer and/or Fee Deduction is/are being processed. The above processing time is for reference only. Your instructions will be processed as soon as possible, however, our company shall not be liable for any delay. 本公司收到填妥的表格後,以下指示一般將於五個工作天內處理。請注意,如您的重組投資組合或資產調配指示的執行日同為僱員自選安排下的權益轉移(「自選安排轉移」)之執行日或(如您的強積金累算權益包括強積金保守基金)您的賬戶的強積金保守基金費用之扣除(「扣除基金費用」)日,或是在連續執行自選安排轉移及扣除基金費用的日子,您的重組投資組合或資產調配指示將會順延至完成處理自選安排轉移及╱或扣除基金費用後的下一個工作日處理。在以上任何情況下,任何於重組投資組合或資產調配指示及╱或自選安排轉移及╱或扣除基金費用正待處理時而提交的重組投資組合或資產調配指示,將於完成這些正待處理的重組投資組合或資產調配指示、自選安排轉移及╱或扣除費用後的下一個工作日處理。上述處理時間僅供參考,我們會盡快處理您的指示,如有延誤,本公司恕不負責。

5. Please note that a confirmation notice will be sent to you after the instruction has been successfully processed. 請注意確認通知書將會在完成處理指示後寄發給閣下。6. You are recommended to submit only one investment instruction on the same day. 我們建議閣下於同一日只遞交一項投資指示。7. The investment instruction below cannot be cancelled after submission. 於遞交表格後,下列投資指示將不能更改。

A. Personal information 個人資料

1. Full name 全名 2. Contact no. 聯絡電話號碼 3. HKID / Passport no. 香港身分證╱護照號碼

4. Participating employer name 參與僱主名稱


5. MPF membership no. 強積金成員編號

6. Employer ID (Please 3 the boxes.) 僱主編號(請於方格內填上3 號。) MPF scheme強積金計劃(30268471) CSPF scheme公務員公積金計劃(30650085)

B. Investment instruction of new contributions and transfer-in MPF Benefits and AVC Benefits 新供款及轉移至恒生強積金智選計劃的強積金的權益以及自願性供款的權益的投資指示

All contribution allocation percentages should be in whole numbers (e.g. 50% not 50.5%) and the total should be 100%. Otherwise, the instruction cannot be effected. 所有供款分佈百分比必須為整數(例如:須為50%而非50.5%)及其總和必須為100%。否則,此項指示不能生效。

Name of investment fund 投資基金名稱 Contribution allocation percentage 供款分佈百分比

MPF Conservative Fund 強積金保守基金 CPF %

Guaranteed Fund 保證基金 GTF %

Global Bond Fund 環球債券基金 GBF %

Flexi-Managed Fund 靈活管理基金 FMF %

Stable Fund 平穩基金 SBF %

Stable Growth Fund 平穩增長基金 SGF %

Balanced Fund 均衡基金 BLF %

Growth Fund 增長基金 GRF %

North American Equity Fund 北美股票基金 NAEF %

European Equity Fund 歐洲股票基金 EUEF %

Asia Pacific Equity Fund 亞太股票基金 ANEF %

Hang Seng Index Tracking Fund 恒指基金 HSIF %

Hong Kong and Chinese Equity Fund 中港股票基金 HKEF %

Chinese Equity Fund 中國股票基金 CNEF %

Total 總和 100%


To 致: HSBC Provident Fund Trustee (Hong Kong) Limited c/o HSBC Life (International) Limited 豐人壽保險(國際)有限公司 PO Box 73770 Kowloon Central Post Office 九龍中央郵政信箱73770號

Hang Seng MPF Employer Direct 恒生強積金僱主專線:2288 6822 Hang Seng MPF Service Hotline 恒生強積金服務熱線:2213 2213


* Important note – Please read this section *重要事項 — 請參閱此部分

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Page 2: To HSBC Provident Fund Trustee (Hong Kong) LimitedOfficer,H SBC Provident Fund Trustee (Hong Kong) Limited, c/o HSBC Life (International) Limited, PO Box 73770, Kowloon Central Post

C. Declaration and authorisation 聲明及授權書

By signing this form, I 在簽署本表格後,本人

a) understand and agree that all new contributions (including Flexi-Contributions) and transfer-in MPF Benefits and AVC Benefits under an MPF account will be allocated and invested according to the investment allocation specified in this form, and明白及同意強積金賬戶內所有新供款(包括靈活供款)及轉移至恒生強積金智選計劃的強積金的權益以及自願性供款的權益將根據此表格所填寫的投資分佈作出分配及投資,及

b) declare I have read and understood the Principal Brochure. 謹此聲明已閱讀和明白主要推銷刊物的內容。

Personal information collection statement 收集個人資料聲明

1. The personal data provided by Participating Employers and/or Members and details of transactions or dealings by such Participating Employers and/or Members from time to time may be used for one or more of the following purposes: - (i) the administration and/or management of or in connection with the contributions or accrued benefits or MPF account in respect of the Participating Employers and/or Members under the MPF scheme; (ii) conducting direct marketing activities of MPF products and/or MPF services by entities of the HSBC Group as described in paragraph 5 below; (iii) improving and furthering the provision of MPF products and/or MPF services (including through customer research or surveys) by entities of the HSBC Group, subject to applicable MPF legislation; (iv) matching for MPF related purpose with other personal data concerning the relevant Participating Employers and/or Members; (v) compliance or in accordance with an order of a court or compliance or in accordance with a law or a requirement made under a law. 不時由參與僱主及╱或成員所提供的個人資料及該等參與僱主及╱或成員的交易或事務往來的詳情將可被用於以下一項或多項用途:(i) 強積金計劃下與參與僱主及╱或成員的供款或累算權益或強積金戶口有關的行政事宜及╱或管理﹔(ii) 進行以下第5段所述由豐集團成員所提供的強積金產品及╱或強積金服務的直接有關促銷活動﹔(iii) 在適用的強積金法例規限下,改善及進一步提供由豐集團成員所提供的強積金產品及╱或強積金服務(包括透過客戶研究或調查)﹔(iv) 為任何強積金相關的用途而核對相關參與僱主及╱或成員的其他個人資料﹔(v) 遵守或按照法庭命令或遵守或按照法律或根據法律訂立的規定。

2. Failure to provide your information may result in us being unable to process your application or perform the services you request. 如您未能提供資料將可能導致我們未能處理您的申請或提供您所要求的服務。

3. Personal data held by us relating to a Participating Employer and/or Member will be kept confidential but such information may be provided by us or any of our service providers to the following parties for the purposes set out in paragraph 1:- (i) any regulators or government authorities in any jurisdiction; (ii) any service provider, agent or contractor who provides administrative, telecommunications, computer, payment, data processing, matching, storage, customer research or survey or other services in connection with the operation of our MPF business; (iii) relevant Participating Employers; (iv) entities of the HSBC Group. Such information may be transferred to a place outside Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. 由我們持有參與僱主及╱或成員的個人資料將予保密,但我們或任何我們的服務供應商可能會將該等資料提供給以下各方作第1段所述的用途:(i) 任何司法管轄區的監管機構或政府機關﹔(ii) 任何提供與營運我們的強積金業務有關的行政、電訊、電腦、付賬、數據處理、核對、儲存、客戶研究或調查或其他服務的任何服務供應商、代理人或承包商﹔(iii) 相關的參與僱主﹔(iv) 豐集團成員。該等資料可能轉移至香港特別行政區以外的地方。

4. You have the right to request access to and correction of your personal data held by us. Request should be addressed to: The Data Protection Officer, HSBC Provident Fund Trustee (Hong Kong) Limited, c/o HSBC Life (International) Limited, PO Box 73770, Kowloon Central Post Office. For enquiries, please contact our MPF Hotline at (852) 2288 6822 (Employer) or (852) 2213 2213 (Member). 您有權要求查閱及更改由我們持有您的個人資料。如有需要,可致函九龍中央郵政信箱73770號(c/o豐人壽保險(國際)有限公司 ),向 HSBC Provident Fund Trustee (Hong Kong) Limited 資料保障主任提出要求。如有查詢,可致電 (852) 2288 6822(僱主)或 (852) 2213 2213(成員)聯絡我們的強積金熱線。

5. We, entities of the HSBC Group, intend to use your personal data in direct marketing of MPF products and/or MPF services, and we require your consent (which includes an indication of no objection) for that purpose. In this connection, please note that: 我們,豐集團成員,擬把您的個人資料用於強積金產品及╱或強積金服務的直接促銷,而我們為該用途須獲得您的同意(包括表示不反對)。就此,請注意:

(i) your name, contact details, other products and services portfolio information, transaction pattern and behaviour, financial background and demographic data held by us from time to time may be used in direct marketing; and 我們可能把我們不時持有您的姓名、聯絡資料、其他產品及服務組合資料、交易模式及行為、財務背景及人口統計數據用於直接促銷;及

(ii) the MPF products and/or MPF services offered by entities of the HSBC Group may be marketed. 可用作促銷由豐集團成員所提供的強積金產品及╱或強積金服務。

If you do not wish us to use your personal data for use in direct marketing as described in paragraph 5 above, you may exercise your opt-out right by notifying us. 如您不希望您的個人資料被用於上述第5段所述的直接促銷活動,您可通知我們行使您的選擇權拒絕促銷。

Signature 簽署


Date 日期

‘AVC Benefits’ means benefits derived from voluntary contributions and/or Flexi-Contributions (if applicable). 「自願性供款的權益」指由自願性供款及╱或靈活供款所得的權益(如適用)。

For office use only公司專用

Document received on (yyyy/mm/dd) Data checked by Data input by

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Page 3: To HSBC Provident Fund Trustee (Hong Kong) LimitedOfficer,H SBC Provident Fund Trustee (Hong Kong) Limited, c/o HSBC Life (International) Limited, PO Box 73770, Kowloon Central Post

How it works 如何運作 – Contribution Redirection 重新分配新供款

1 Existing 現時 Your existing asset



2 Stop 停止 STOP contributing into

existing funds


3 Buy 買入 BUY new funds with new

contributions and transfer-in

MPF Benefits and AVC Benefits

利用新供款及轉移至恒生強積金 智選計劃的強積金的權益以及自願 性供款的權益買入新基金

4 Result 結果 You now have 3 funds

in asset allocation

您現時持有 3 種基金

1 Existing 現時 Your existing asset



2 Stop 停止 STOP contributing into

existing funds


3 Buy 買入 BUY new funds with new

contributions and transfer-in

MPF Benefits and AVC Benefits

利用新供款及轉移至恒生強積金 智選計劃的強積金的權益以及自願 性供款的權益買入新基金

4 Result 結果 You now have 4 funds

in asset allocation

您現時持有 4 種基金

Example (1) 例子 (一)

Example (2) 例子 (二)

CPF - MPF Conservative Fund 強積金保守基金 BLF - Balanced Fund 均衡基金

New contributions and transfer-in MPF Benefits and AVC Benefits to GTF only


New contributions and transfer-in MPF Benefits and AVC Benefits


GTF - Guaranteed Fund 保證基金

CPF - MPF Conservative Fund 強積金保守基金 BLF - Balanced Fund 均衡基金GRF - Growth Fund 增長基金GTF - Guaranteed Fund 保證基金









Contributions 供款 Contributions 供款

New contributions and

transfer-in MPF Benefits

and AVC Benefits to



New contributions and

transfer-in MPF Benefits

and AVC Benefits












Contributions 供款 Contributions 供款

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