to help you create more money in your ·...

115 Affirmations to Help You Create More Money in Your Business by Dr. Minette Riordan

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115 Affirmations

to Help You Create More Money in Your Business

by Dr. Minette

Be sure to read my blog post at

1. I am successful in everything I do.

2. I am joyfully receiving wealth and abundance in my life.

3. I am moving towards money.

4. I am creating money in my life.

5. It is great to have money!

6. I am ready for abundance.

7. I am a rich person.

8. I love the energy of money.

9. I am successful and I love it.

10. I am a beautiful, loveable human being.

11. I am successful in everything I do.

12. I am willing and daring to go all the way.

13. I will reach my goals, joyfully and easily.

14. I am always reaching my goals in one way or another.

15. I am joyfully receiving wealth and abundance in my life.

16. I love my self.

17. I love all beings on this planet.

18. I am so happy to be alive.

19. Every day and in every way I am getting better and better.

20. Little by little, I am learning more about money, smart planning and investing.

21. Just because I might have debt, this does not make me a bad person.

22. No matter how much money I have, I am making positive choices about what I do with it.

23. I am learning to take more intelligent risks. I’m confident that sensible risk taking will help me build my financial future.

24. I am choosing to make the time to take charge of my money.

115 Affirmations for Creating More Money

© 2014 Dr. Minette Riordan. All rights reserved.

25. It’s not a bit selfish to take good care of myself financially. It’s self-respecting and self-caring, and

26. ultimately makes my relationship with others richer and more satisfying.

27. My loved ones enjoy, respect, and appreciate my financial knowledge, power, and success.

28. I enjoy earning.

29. I deserve to be wealthy.

30. My job/business is one of the pipelines through which I tap the infinite wealth of the universe for my own desires.

31. My personal connection to Infinite Being and Infinite Intelligence is enough to yield a huge personal fortune.

32. People enjoy paying me for what I enjoy doing the most.

33. Life always holds out as much goodness as I am willing to accept.

34. I am enjoying creating value for the people that give me money.

35. I have the right to give myself permission to become wealthy or do anything that I want.

36. Each year, my money increases faster than I spend it.

37. It takes less effort to be wealthy than it does to keep out the universal supply.

38. Life rewards me with abundance.

39. I deserve to be wealthy, rich, prosperous and affluent.

40. I enjoy expressing my abundance.

41. I spend money wisely.

42. I always have more money than I need.

43. I bless all my bills with love.

44. I pay all my bills on time easily.

45. The more willing I am to enrich others, the more willing others are to enrich me.

46. I now have a positive personal cash flow.

47. I am worthy of having money in the bank.

48. I am financially independent and solvent.

49. I enjoy saving.

50. I am now earning a great big income doing what satisfies me.

51. Something wonderful is happening to me today-I can feel it!

52. All my bills are paid up in full and I still have all this money.

53. My affirmations work for me, whether I believe they will or not. (This is for the skeptics among you.)

54. A lot more money is coming into my life. I deserve it and will use it for my good and others.

55. All my clients praise me and pay me!

56. I am a money magnet!

© 2014 Dr. Minette Riordan. All rights reserved.

57. Money comes to me easily and effortlessly, waking and sleeping.

58. I am now highly pleasing to myself in other people’s presence.

59. I walk, talk, look, act, think and am rich!

60. I am a winner-I win often, and I win big!

61. I now receive large sums of money, just for being me!

62. My income is constantly increasing.

63. I am a money magnet.

64. Abundance surrounds me.

65. I am open to receiving the abundance of the Universe.

66. I choose to be positively abundant in all areas of my life.

67. Money comes to me easily and effortlessly.

68. My prosperity is unlimited.

69. I expect and embrace abundance every day.

70. My income is growing higher and higher now.

71. I am passionate about building wealth.

72. I deserve and welcome financial abundance in my life now.

73. I create abundant wealth easily and effortlessly.

74. I AM easily accepting abundance in my life now.

75. I am financially secure.

76. I am healthy and wealthy.

77. I allow myself to prosper abundantly.

78. I trust that I am creating abundance.

79. I open myself to receive the abundance of The Universe.

80. I am open to abundance.

81. I am saving more money every day.

82. I am prosperous, health and wealthy.

83. I have a financially stable future for myself and my family.

84. I value my money.

85. I deserve to be abundantly prosperous.

86. I am worthy of and open to receiving abundance.

87. I am the source of my abundance.

88. I am a powerful money magnet.

89. I love money.

© 2014 Dr. Minette Riordan. All rights reserved.

90. I am abundantly wealthy now.

91. Money comes to me effortlessly and abundantly.

92. My connection with Divine Intelligence is blessing me with vast amounts of money.

93. I am a money magnet and money comes to me effortlessly and easily.

94. I am grateful and happy for all that I have and all that I receive.

95. I am prosperous; I have everything I need for a joyous, abundant life right now.

96. I effortlessly allow abundance in all areas of my life.

97. Money is forever circulating in my life and there is always a surplus.

98. Wealth is an effortless result of my prosperity consciousness.

99. Everyday my bank balance is more than that of the previous day.

100. I let go of all internal struggle to earn more money.

101. Through the power of my subconscious mind, I effortlessly attract all the wealth I need and desire.

102. Being wealthy is my inherent right and I claim it now.

103. I am grateful for the money flow in my life.

104. Today is a delightful day. Money comes to me in expected and unexpected ways.

105. The money that comes to me today is a pleasure to handle. I save some and spend some.

106. Money is a state of consciousness that supports me. I allow prosperity to enter my life on a higher level than ever before.

107. I move from poverty thinking to prosperity thinking, and my finances reflect this change.

108. I delight in the financial security that is a constant in my life.

109. Money flows easily to me.

110. I receive money easily and effortlessly.

111. Every day I make more money.

112. I know what to do to make money.

113. I enjoy making money.

114. I am a money magnet!

115. Money-making opportunities are all around me.

© 2014 Dr. Minette Riordan. All rights reserved.