to bag parent organization of night · lq 1 y i...

Lq 1 y I tPI A tt Y + aYr ji1 4 l t h ti y7 at filalr jXW w j I V fty i yrr1 r t butnlEbtning itn + I II IIt I XXIII NO 97 PADUCAH KY WEDNESDAY EVENING APRIL 22 1908 TEN CENTS PER WEEK k k- I t COUNCILMAN DEAD Y AND TWO WOUNDED AT CENTRAL CIT I v J D Wood Mine Workers President Victim of Street + Battle Last Night IIlischarget1 Policeman Held I 1 Guilty of Crime I s TWO OTHKItS IMIHiY WOUNDFI ssss Ir 1 I AVuml dciiil rum 11MMI iiilnrr Miol In i nrmj Isimlltiniiui shut In both I legs I Will I Ji4niM ii inlnip shut In rlnll I IK 1- h i CS Vr5 40 Contrn City Ky April 22sb ¬ cial Councilman J I n Wood was Wlleil and his brother Tom Woods i probahly fatally wounded In a strtet 5battle with John Magann James Jonka and Walter Hardwlck last i lght Magann wns seriously wound eL The shooting occurred abput 9 oclock at tho Intorrecton of tho Illi- nois ¬ Central nnd LouUvlllu J Nash llIltl i tracks and about CO shots were- nred y Tho trouble Is supposed to hovo nrlion over tbo dlschargo of the three men from tho pence force and tho unploymunt of CharJIo Wood brotho of the councilman who wa at hone asleep when the light oc- curred a None ot the witnesses can ton ox f fnetly how the shooting started but when It broke out revolvers spat fire and barked on all sides and the sound was Mlle a mighty battle for a Irow moments When It was all over t I V I and two oftho former policemen hall t hurried away from the scone Couo I Iletlman Wood was found to bo dead nod Charlo Wood nod Magann wounded Councilman J D Wood formerly was president of the district mine workers radon and Is well known all over western Kentucky Walter Hardwlck Is locked up Tho trouble started In January when the newly elected council undertook to revolutionize the city government Two wore threatened with death and one Pt them John Seder tiled from ttin effects of the threatening letters pant him A truce wds later agreed upon mind now officers were installed J D timef f only one was I separated from his wife He was at 4 one Elmo prrtldcnt of the United 4Hine Workers district 23 and Vns t organizer for tho A F of I L and a member of tho city council A number of Indictments are pend ¬ lag against him and vicro to IMS tried today In Greenville iMuch excite ¬ ment prevails and some threats aro made but no further trouble Is an ¬ t I ticipatedIt Impossible to tell Just who began the shooting or how It started J U Wood lived but a few minutes and the body lies In tho Commercial hotel Wnlto Hardwlck aim Mngnnn were stalking together when approached by tho Wood brothers mid others Is the Btatoment ot Magann GERMAN BUYERS J G Ifr iarnckcn a well known to- bacco buyer of Clarksvllle Tenn anti II Ixnige of Bremen Germany re- it p t nscntutlvc of a big tobacco Import t Inc houre arrived yesterday and re- turned t t l to OIarks1Ue today They s have purchased small quantities of tobac ohero and clsowhoro I t MILLIONAIRESSON t 4 i FOR VAGRANCY Plttsburg Xprll 22Livingston Hoe Jrt son of the Standard 011 jiingnute was tined 10 In pone taut today as n vagrant Ills rather lives In New Jersey Time son hOC been without food or1 shelter t for three days At ono tlmo ho hold a f 26001 position as London ngcnt ot th b Standard If floe receives tho prod < Q Iso of assistance from his father boo r rfore the day Is over the sentence will not bo effective The son Is without nionoy and will have to servo time I tohoc t I ff Troops Ordered Into Trigg County to Bag Parent Organization of t Night Riders East of Tennessee Grand Jury of Calloway Coun ¬ ty Engaged on Other Busi- ness TodayKirksey Law and Order League 5 Frankfort Ky April 22Spe louhtIto thoIIHren 100111011111nnd 1twIIluPIIHJlIH Murray Ky April 2Sptclat Developments In time night rider Rltttatlou at Murray were few yesteri day and this morning The grand Jury probably will return some In dlctmontt tonight but not against night riders The county officials are seeking corroborative evidence for the testimony of Murray HarrfH Itob Duncan ono of the lint neon Indict- ed gavu bond and was rnleaaed t 1 from Jail KlrkMy Hits Kimunli Time following eiaUiifoiit Is pub ¬ lished today We time undersigned citizens of the KlrkFuy nelghlmrhood publicly I endorse tine prompt nnd i eftYctlvo ac- tion ¬ ofour County Judge wells awl other officers In putting a stop to night riding in this county and pledge our olllc s our earnest suiiport In their attempt to drive It out of our midst for we know that it Is detrimental to our country anti will be the ruin of the Tobaottj nmoelatlon If continued Ixx > V nnblc Will Wother Irnto Patton 11 S Miller W V McCallon < II Ilroach S V J Uouland D V Kdmonds J W P Dulancy W S Shoo maker J IX Flnney H B Miller N M Uobortd Sam Jones W II II line J a Broach S II W Du Inney J K TIbbs John I P non G L GlBglc l U W UOIIi B 11 Ross T 0 Hiighog J L Tabor Orhinder McRnos Pat Perry It T Peak 1 K Turkwr E J J Uihgslon Ih Stark A V Story O T Broatm S D Broach R U dark 0 N Hold I W Car ¬ ton S BJ race J It Tucker O O GingU J I V Hays Sum Smith Pnrke Harrell W C Tabors I1 I F M lton II I L Smith II F Chapman T O Ganders T J IMIoy J U Miller Joe Ovtirby K I li I Chapman I I J Hughes L H Sanders H P King S B Mil ¬ ler X A Uedwvll CJ Baoh II F Riley O W 1 Edmonds W U Iad ¬ gett O P Clark C I L toss M Chart ton It A Heath W II Klllobrew I It J B Hadford James Wllpon A J jTurnbow It 9windl6Tont J W Law ¬ rence JJ Had ford J K McCalon Mrs Alice GlngU J C Sanders It II Marino W M Stager I Victim of Night Riders Say lie Knows Who Whipped Him anti Will Go Before Grand Jury That the Law and Order league of HopklnsvlUe Is on top Is testified to- by J W Wicks tho tobacco buyer who was pulled off his horso and whipped by night rulers during a trip through Christian count Ho says sentiment In the capital of ChrUtlan has completely changed and night- riders can now be brought to justice Ho told friends here that ho knows the men who pulled him from his I horse and held It And ho knows per- sonally the thou who whipped him lie will testify before tho grand Jury there and tho authorities lave soul dent evidence to indict at least 50 or 76 people Ho said many of the mOil who raided time town and burned tho warehouses live In Hop kliiHvlllo IJko night riders every ¬ where inspired by tho incendiary speeches or thelr leaders they consid ered themselves Jmmune through po ¬ litical Influence and talked too much Consequently they nro well known Henry llonmlts VurpoKO Oire of the amusing pastimes of tho guests at the St Nicholas hotel IS to hear Henry Hennett tho tobacco buyer who was whipped at Dycus Jjurg badger mqn ho considers nigh I t rlclcrg Bennett was hindo bitter b > his exporjencd the night ot tho raid and hols determined now to brjni his assailants to justice Ho has i II body guard of three men and they nit sleep In one room Ho meets n i 11113rl I from the illlack Patch anti thn ho proceeds tp denqunco Uom and tie chiro he knows wltatthyl have donE rr =c = 0= 0 = μ = c = 0 HIXUUS ILl 1 > AVS Efforts were made nt tho olllic of the county clerk this niomliiK to Icloriiilnit tho uitc of n colored nuns iianuil Jlnr Cole man Ho I Is n MnNl iuT and IH looking for nu IIICICUKO from 91 to 9IBt ublfli the low provides shall lio ImltJl lu liter over i7I yiiirs old In IK1H tlio negro was sold mill a inortKiiKi wlilHi should hnve Ixxn rcconlcd WON taken tin the sale No rimed of Mich mortgage could In rotund I nt tho court house and as thu casi now MnmU there seems to lin no way for tho negro to rslab llsh his ngy c 0 cc = = = = = d Hurnle Kdmonds W H GIngles I G Dunn H i P McBlrnth a U Alexan ¬ dee TF Carson J n Klllebraw IL F Chanib v B I 10 Lynch H M I Mo Callon Jl F Xorsworlhy Judge Wells icimis pCtmnly Judge A J n Wells re- turned ¬ from J iulsvlllo at noon to- day ¬ but declined to say anything about his trip or his mission lie admitted that sposlal counsel will as ¬ slat the prosecution but would say nothing further WOOD PULP CASE Washington Aytrl22Time corn mlttet appointed by Speaker Cannon to nventlgato the price of wood ptilp l and punt ixiiwr will begm Us work ImtiKHllatoly Hepresentatlve Mann Introduced A iVsolutlon to appropriate funds for time Investigation DAY RIDER AFTER UNION FARMER TO BREAK CONTRACT Morganfleld Ky April 22 Spe ¬ ctalA lone masked tiny rider went to W W Davis a tenant onthe farm v f Lloyd HarrIs tt II1l1hy f farmer i tind warned him If he did not break his contract wllh Harris by tho end of time week he would be shot or whip hid He said tho riders were deter- mined there nhotild be no tobacco in the union this year Horn to Mr and Mrs P L Wel ¬ IIngton of J210 Monroe street a boy SENTIMENT IN HOPKINSVILLE TURNS TOWARD LAW AND ORDER ONCE i11bring justlcoI hln1when they first catch sight or him but tho crowd quickly melts away as hilt language and nuinne become more vehement ITALIANS KILLED j Wllllamsport Pa April 22 Attar a wild run of a mile caused by falling an ri glno and Hat car jot the I <nquln Lumber companys loi g road todnj Jumped Ute track pour tlireeratnllyi I IlIurllllhl to 22llaron Go to Home HayashI Japanese minister to China lips beer i ordered hopio front Pekln and will 1 be sent to Rome Baron lulu now counselor of the Japanese embassy pl Jlxndon will succeed to the vacant place In Peki- nHENRY CAMPBELL I BANNERHAN DIES OF HEART DISEASE London April JSr lion 11 CampbollBannprman foniioi premie tiled this mornlaig of heart disease He was Ill ninny weeks and reslgnci agobaunenuoi In 186 H was the first Liberal prime ninlsto IloBeberryjnurrciidcr add vcopervatlve wings tOl1 etlier oij resignede 1 7t + t Y CAIRO GOBS WET BY BIG MAJORITY INCREASED VOTE Ilcturus Indicate That Nobody Forgot to Go to Polls in Siiiewater Town I I t Election Held in Other Cities In Illinois i UTTIK CIIAXOR IX CONDITION I 112Todays ChlcnKti snot fthows au out of I 12 cities and IIIWIIN toted to Iflulll till Wllooim III J1Kt T stluetlIiMIIIIM Is time Mcond bIg routes of the year In the state Wft Majority One of tho most exciting cam ¬ paigns ever held In Cairo and which Is likely to leave inure sore sptts of longer duration than any closed last evening There wore somo very un ¬ I pleasant Incidents yesterday but on tho whole and considering time feel Ing that had been aroused there was l little disorder reported I Two questions were before the I voters The leading Issue was prohi ¬ bition embodied In the question on the ballotsISha11 This City Be ¬ come AytlSaloon Territory The other related to the passing over the mayors veto of certain Interufban railroad ordinances and was repro seated pro and con by candidates for aldermen In five of tale seven wards of the city Both propositions were defeated the result In detail being as tollows Prohibition For Against First Ward 45 CC5 Second wardlip 2G2 Third Ward D3 475 Fourth Ward Ja41 52 ° Fifth Ward 83 97 Sixth Ward > 1411 J 14I Seventh Ward 2CC 989 Total 152 4002 Fifth Ward Frank dorman 424 Peter Kobler 240t Sixth WardFrank Cannon 345 John Snyder 202 Earl Ford 57 Thomas A Fuller 45 Seventh wardW P Greaney 908 01 Kasterday 284 Of the socalled Interurban alder- men ¬ B A Burke was tho only one elected Prohibition Movement In the prohibition movement some of tho ministers and women and clilN dren of Cairo were deeply Interested and they hind x made an imposing street demonstration the day beforp as a climax to a hard campaign of speechmaking and sermonizing on the streets In the pulpits and else ¬ where also housetohouse prayer meetings VeAerday squads of wo mOil were gathered at the various ofE these gatherings that ono of tho most unpleasant Incidents of tho day oc ¬ curred One party of ladles were gathered at Fourteenth street and Washington avenue and had been there but a little white when a party Contlrued on page seven CANT CARRY FREE Chicago April 23 Federal Judgo Knlilsaal granted a tolniorary In ¬ junction restraining exiireis com mnlea front carrying merchandise free of charge for their agents 0111 ¬ coma or famlllea or those on other lines which Is held to be In violation o the Hepburn net DJstrlct Attor- ney Sims brought the cult against tie companies for the government + WKATIIKR 4 CIi l JOUIJY r r s Piully cloudy tonight nnd Thurs I day No derlditl duuiKO In temiKm d 1 1 lure IIIhlllt t temiMitttUre yusterduy 75t IOlsttuduYIii f BROTHER ARRAYED AGAINST BROTHER AND WOMEN ACCUSED OF TAKING HAND IN CALD ¬ WELL TOBACCO WAR IN HOLLOWELL CASE = = = cc = = = TOM JOHNSON IS WINNER OF FIGHT FOR 3 CENT FARE Cleveland April 2 2The press lo days saya Mayor Johnson won his eight year light for the threo cent fare Tho victory camo when the Clevelend Electric Railway company through a mediator offered to accept f 55 per sham for its stock as a basis of settlement the city and a holding company to take over the stock 1 DELAY EXPLAINED Detective Moore has received word from the secretary of state at Frank ¬ fort that the guvesnorof Nevada did not understand tho expression that W E Johnson wanted hero for swindling Is at large In that state an expression In the blank used for requisitions DeWtlvo Moore has communicated with tho authorities Goldfleld where Johnson I Iff held atI I the matter will be straightened up the PadUcah police can get their prisoner DOG CRUSADE STARtS Acting under the advice and the suggestion of Mayor Smith Chief Police Collins Is getting ready to orI I an active crusade against dogs A dog pound has been on the river front bolow the Illinois Central Incline and several wagons have been especially equpled for the officers who will undertake to chase and capture all the stray dogs In the city Tho officers will bo armed with dogcatching nets and any unlicensed and untagged canine that Is found roaming time streets will be caught up and carried to the iwund Two or three days will he allowed for the dog owners to reclaim their animals pro ¬ viding they are willing to pay the tax Last year only 17C dog licenses were Issued and since January 1 of this year only 52 have been Issued CADETS ATTEMPT TO ASSASSINATE PREST CABRERA Washington April 22Tlle official account of tie attempt to assassinate President Cabrera of Guatemala sent by Acting United States Minister lUlmke aays Cabrora entered his 1 pal aoo to receive Helmko In puoilc au dlence Five cadets of the mllltaTj academy forming a part of the body- guard attempted to assassinate Cabrera In the melee Cabrera was bayonetWd through tho left hand while an officer of Lila staff It Is said was killed Just utter the attack Helmke obtained the Interview with Cabrera at tho palace where he 1 is guarded it Is said tho five cadets have been killed All stores are closed The city Is quiet Tile popu lace Is astounded ami condemn the attack MRS STOREY j WiNS Wathlngton April 22ACter a tour hours deadlock In the meeting of tho Now York state delegation of f the Daughters of tho American Revo- lution tile opposition or antladmlhls ration party achieved an overwhelm- Ing victory by electing Mrs William C Storey of New York as state re gentTho auditing committees report read In todays session showed a bal ance on hand and Invested torail road and other securities of 92 1C7I9 or nn Increase of over 17 000 above that of last year Other Interesting reports wbr those of the hlstorian general Mrs J Eakln Gadsby tho assistant his torlangenoral Mrs Heiiry S flow roaramid librariangeneral Mrs Henry Boynton the editor the bust I IThoreporllor the magazine coo t American tonthl Magazine the official organ of the society were listened t to withgreat Interest Grain Market nmSic Wheat 97 corn C oats 53 iS h t Plaintiffs Declare They Were Driven In- to ¬ t Exile to Prevent Their Telling of Raid on Princeton December 1 1906 and Other Depredations of Night Riders Defendants Affirm That Mrs Mary Hollo well Was Fugitive From Justice Be ing Indicted for Destroying Plant Bed Belonging to Her Brother in = law John E Hollowell MRS HOLLOW LL GIVES BOND HERE 4 ATTORNEYS EXPLAIN WHAT THEY CAN PROVE t How the disturbance In the fllacl Patch has divided families arraying brother against brother In deadliest ennjlty and stirring women to overt nets of revenge Is dearly shown forth In tho 100000 damage suits of Robert and Mary Hollowell against their neighbors I In Caldwell county for the alleged brutal treatment of the plaintiffs and driving them from the state The suits are on trial In the federal court here While the plaintiffs assert that the band which whipped Robert Holloi well and kicked and shot his wife Mary Holloweli the morning of May 2 1907 was led by Roberts brother John E Holloweli and his cousin John W Hollowell and that Johfr B HolIoweUs wife was present because they feared Mary Hollow 1t would tell of their connection with tho raid on Princeton tile defendants aro equally positive that they are accused through malice and that Ilpbert and Mary Hollowell lied from the state because she was Indicted for scrap ¬ ing John E nollawells tobacco plarjt bed They offer to establish alibis The plaintiffs retort that the In- dictment ¬ Is part of the scheme to keep them In exile and that It was found while they were living In Oklahoma and they returned to Ken ¬ tucky and lived at Paducah for six months afterwards Tho bench war- rant ¬ was served on Mrs Hollowell jesterday afternoon and she fur- nished bond In the sum of 2GO Tho allegation Is that after Robert HolIoweUs plant bell was scraped about a week before he was whipped c Mary Holloweli Incited two negroes to scrape John E HolIoweUs Plant bed Tho negroes were convicted The statement of tho attorneys foi the plaintiff gives a hint of Interest Ing details In connection with the I Princeton raid of December 1 130C to bo recited inlthe testimony o f their witnesses i Tim Princeton Masks According to time statement olf John G Miller Sr opening the cast i for tile plaintiff the masks worn bj the night riders who visited Prince- ton were copied front a theater mask tort at Robert HolIoweUs boarding house Iii Princeton and carried by hh s little boy when they moved Into the country near Lamasco Vln his statement Mr Miller1 sai- dthat tho day before Thanksgiving 190C Mrs Lola HcJtowell he wife of Join E HolIowellS called at Hob ert HolIoweUs house and asked fo the mask I to use at a masquerade 0 Lamasco The night of November 2 Princeton wall raided ho said and then John E Hollowell appeared nl t Robert Hollowells house and awak ened them to beg Mrs Hollowell nol to tell about the mask Miller said he told her all the facts about the Princeton raid bantere Ingly when the next fire was going to be and hovmentloned the name ol f a man In Princeton who had talked too much before Ward Ileadlcy one of tile attorneys in the case auii I John B HolloweJl She declared II t they burped that mans house sh ° thiny t tlmo the attorney said no fires hay occurred In Caldwell county Christmas week they wevo all at the homo of Robert and John E Hol lowclls mother find John E ilollo well made tame Infilling rt mar k about Hfirnillles and Many llollowe declared she wduld rather bo a HU Continued on Pago Eight 1 004 f aspo S r p If r WITNESSES BEING EXAMINED TODAY Robert Eu Holloweli Me jilaintlff was time first witness called IlIlhl1 tlDOOOO damage suits In federal court against 2S citizens of Caldwell y countyr charged with whipping Robert and Mary Holhjwell and driving them ymout He said The first I heard pf the approach of tho mob was the shooting up of the houio of tenants on myl place The mob drew nearer and I heard orders to close to around my house My I wife and 1 were ordered to corn but We stayed in time house until we heard some one Bay Bring the coal oil1 When I Wentout I saw I George Brown John B HoUqjgeJl ane- llanothermun on the back porch All us go nit In the yard his fist In my wlfea taco land I told her she hind beeL before one havela association canio here to win and 1- 101l would win The witness said he recognized all the defendants in the mob Some wero on top of the house he said 3 John Ew Holloweli Is his brother v and John W Holloweli U his cousin There were about 80 and they were ndt masked They said We did not come here masked Wo wnnt you to recognize us George Brown said You hava worked against tho association but you must Join It We will give jou One week to do It If you tell who Is here wo shall kill youd John t ray held a pistol and Milt and Wallace Oliver took hold of his arms pad carried him to the woOll yard he said and made him take off his coat He was led 75 yards furJiieV Limo men kicking and cursing hint land calling hIm a plant bed scraper They voted to give hint fifty He said Marion Brown and Malachl Pickering whipped Mm and John Orgy hId a pistol over hims When he went back to the house ho heard someone say 0 d I It Jim shoot her V After all had left whllo he and his wife and child were sitting on tho floor crying ho said Brother John and the Olivers and Jim Hyde re ¬ turned and ordered hIm to Gave tho country He sofa ho begged his brother to leave them alone and ho cried on the stand as he recited tho story I Urownt ho said ordered him to Join 1the association and the next day he went to Joe Mirpuys and signed the association pledge He could yet Ho on Ma left sldo for tor work for three months When ho returned to the house his wifes face was bleeding and she had a a bruise where oho load been kicked In tho side He lost a crop nod sold lls fatm and stock at a sacrifice CrONsoYiiinhmtlon Tho cross axatnfuallon was conduct + e n by Ward Heatjley of Princeton Mr Holloweli denied having told Arch HolIowelU George Pett > t Ieo lioberteon of Padueaht and others that the mob was masked and ho did not recognize any of them Ho said some In the rear ho did not recognize but he stuck to lice original story that George Brown was In chargo iii said he has been gqlng back to Oald rr wen county oh buelnoss lie said he refused to tell the names of the mob t to the county attorney of CaldWell count bosausohe feared lie would ha Wiled In 3C hours ufter he did 50- 1rlen lliiilovellw i e- I Pries IlollowPlJ 12 y arsod son 1 oi the plalntllla said ho heard the s + lCoIltuuttl oa Page tics +

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Page 1: to Bag Parent Organization of Night · Lq 1 y I tPI A tt Y + aYr ji1 4 l t h ti y7 at filalr jXW t w j I butnlEbtning V fty i yrr1

Lq 1 y I tPI A tt Y + aYr ji14 l t h ti y7 at filalr jXWw j I V fty i yrr1


t butnlEbtning itn+I







J D Wood Mine WorkersPresident Victim of Street


Battle Last Night

IIlischarget1 Policeman HeldI

1 Guilty of CrimeI



ssssIr1 I AVuml dciiilrum 11MMI iiilnrr Miol In inrmj Isimlltiniiui

shut In both Ilegs

I WillI Ji4niM ii inlnip shut In

rlnll IIK 1-

hiCS Vr5

40 Contrn City Ky April 22sb ¬

cial Councilman J In Wood wasWlleil and his brother Tom Woods

i probahly fatally wounded In a strtet

5battle with John Magann JamesJonka and Walter Hardwlck lasti lght Magann wns seriously woundeL The shooting occurred abput 9

oclock at tho Intorrecton of tho Illi-


Central nnd LouUvlllu J NashllIltli tracks and about CO shots were-

nredy Tho trouble Is supposed to hovo

nrlion over tbo dlschargo of the threemen from tho pence force and thounploymunt of CharJIo Woodbrotho of the councilman who waat hone asleep when the light oc-

curreda None ot the witnesses can ton ox

ffnetly how the shooting started butwhen It broke out revolvers spat fireand barked on all sides and thesound was Mlle a mighty battle for a

Irow moments When It was all overt IV I and two oftho former policemen hall

t hurried away from the scone CouoIIletlman Wood was found to bo dead

nod Charlo Wood nod Magannwounded

Councilman J D Wood formerlywas president of the district mineworkers radon and Is well known allover western Kentucky

Walter Hardwlck Is locked upTho trouble started In January whenthe newly elected council undertookto revolutionize the city governmentTwo wore threatened with death andone Pt them John Seder tiled fromttin effects of the threatening letterspant him

A truce wds later agreed upon mind

now officers were installed J Dtimeff only one wasI separated from his wife He was at4 one Elmo prrtldcnt of the United

4Hine Workers district 23 and Vnst organizer for tho A F of IL and a

member of tho city councilA number of Indictments are pend ¬

lag against him and vicro to IMS triedtoday In Greenville iMuch excite¬

ment prevails and some threats aromade but no further trouble Is an ¬t

I ticipatedItImpossible to tell Just who

began the shooting or how It startedJ U Wood lived but a few minutesand the body lies In tho Commercialhotel

Wnlto Hardwlck aim Mngnnn were

stalking together when approached bytho Wood brothers mid others Is theBtatoment ot Magann


G Ifr iarnckcn a well known to-

bacco buyer of Clarksvllle Tenn antiII Ixnige of Bremen Germany re-



t nscntutlvc of a big tobacco Importt Inc houre arrived yesterday and re-

turnedt t l to OIarks1Ue today Theys have purchased small quantities of

tobac ohero and clsowhoro




t 4


Plttsburg Xprll 22LivingstonHoe Jrt son of the Standard 011jiingnute was tined 10 In ponetaut today as n vagrant Ills ratherlives In New Jersey Time son hOC

been without food or1 shelter tfor threedays At ono tlmo ho hold a f 26001position as London ngcnt ot th b

Standard If floe receives tho prod<

Q Iso of assistance from his father boo

rrfore the day Is over the sentence willnot bo effective The son Is withoutnionoy and will have to servo time


tohoc t I


Troops Ordered Into Trigg County

to Bag Parent Organization oft

Night Riders East of Tennessee

Grand Jury of Calloway Coun ¬

ty Engaged on Other Busi-

ness TodayKirksey Law

and Order League5

Frankfort Ky April 22Spe


1twIIluPIIHJlIHMurray Ky April 2SptclatDevelopments In time night rider

Rltttatlou at Murray were few yesteriday and this morning The grandJury probably will return some Indlctmontt tonight but not againstnight riders The county officials areseeking corroborative evidence forthe testimony of Murray HarrfH ItobDuncan ono of the lint neon Indict-ed gavu bond and was rnleaaedt 1 fromJail

KlrkMy Hits KimunliTime following eiaUiifoiit Is pub ¬

lished todayWe time undersigned citizens of

the KlrkFuy nelghlmrhood publiclyIendorse tine prompt nndi eftYctlvo ac-


ofour County Judge wells awlother officers In putting a stop to nightriding in this county and pledge ourolllc s our earnest suiiport In theirattempt to drive It out of our midstfor we know that it Is detrimental toour country anti will be the ruin of theTobaottj nmoelatlon If continued

Ixx> V nnblc Will Wother IrntoPatton 11 S Miller W V McCallon< II Ilroach S VJ Uouland D VKdmondsJ W P Dulancy W S Shoomaker J IX Flnney H B MillerN M Uobortd Sam Jones W IIIIline J a Broach S II W DuInney J K TIbbs John IP non G

L GlBglcl U W UOIIi B 11 RossT 0 Hiighog J L Tabor OrhinderMcRnos Pat Perry It T Peak 1 K

Turkwr E J JUihgslon Ih Stark A

V Story O T Broatm S D BroachR U dark 0 N Hold I W Car ¬

ton S BJ race J It Tucker O OGingU JI V Hays Sum Smith PnrkeHarrell W C Tabors I1I F M ltonII IL Smith II F Chapman T OGanders T J IMIoy J U Miller JoeOvtirby KI liI Chapman II J HughesL H Sanders H P King S B Mil ¬

ler X A Uedwvll CJ Baoh II FRiley O W 1Edmonds W U Iad ¬

gett O P Clark C IL toss M Chartton It A Heath W II KlllobrewIIt JB Hadford James Wllpon A J

jTurnbow It9windl6Tont J W Law ¬

rence J J Had ford JK McCalon Mrs Alice GlngU J CSanders It II Marino W M Stager


Victim of Night Riders Say

lie Knows Who Whipped

Him anti Will Go Before

Grand Jury

That the Law and Order league ofHopklnsvlUe Is on top Is testified to-

by J W Wicks tho tobacco buyerwho was pulled off his horso andwhipped by night rulers during a tripthrough Christian count Ho sayssentiment In the capital of ChrUtlanhas completely changed and night-riders can now be brought to justiceHo told friends here that ho knowsthe men who pulled him from his

Ihorse and held It And ho knows per-sonally the thou who whipped himlie will testify before tho grand Jurythere and tho authorities lave souldent evidence to indict at least 50or 76 people Ho said many of themOil who raided time town andburned tho warehouses live In HopkliiHvlllo IJko night riders every¬

where inspired by tho incendiaryspeeches or thelr leaders they considered themselves Jmmune through po ¬

litical Influence and talked too muchConsequently they nro well known

Henry llonmlts VurpoKO

Oire of the amusing pastimes oftho guests at the St Nicholas hotelIS to hear Henry Hennett tho tobaccobuyer who was whipped at DycusJjurg badger mqn ho considers nigh Itrlclcrg Bennett was hindo bitter b >

his exporjencd the night ot tho raidand hols determined now to brjnihis assailants to justice Ho has iII

body guard of three men and theynit sleep In one room Ho meets ni

11113rlI from the illlack Patch anti thnho proceeds tp denqunco Uom and tiechiro he knows wltatthylhave donE

rr = c = 0 =0 =µ

= c = 0


Efforts were made nt thoolllic of the county clerk thisniomliiK to Icloriiilnit tho uitc ofn colored nuns iianuil Jlnr Coleman Ho IIs n MnNl iuT and IIH

looking for nu IIICICUKO from 91to 9IBt ublfli the low providesshall lio ImltJl lu liter overi7Iyiiirs old In IK1H tlio negrowas sold mill a inortKiiKi wlilHishould hnve Ixxn rcconlcd WON

taken tin the sale No rimed ofMich mortgage could In rotundI

nt tho court house and as thucasi now MnmU there seems tolin no way for tho negro to rslabllsh his ngy

c 0 cc = = = = = dHurnle Kdmonds W H GIngles I GDunn H iP McBlrnth a U Alexan ¬

dee TF Carson J n Klllebraw ILF ChanibvB I10 Lynch H MI MoCallon Jl F Xorsworlhy

Judge Wells icimispCtmnly Judge A J n Wells re-


from J iulsvlllo at noon to-


but declined to say anythingabout his trip or his mission lieadmitted that sposlal counsel will as ¬

slat the prosecution but would saynothing further


Washington Aytrl22Time cornmlttet appointed by Speaker Cannonto nventlgato the price of wood ptilpland punt ixiiwr will begm Us workImtiKHllatoly Hepresentatlve MannIntroduced A iVsolutlon to appropriatefunds for time Investigation




Morganfleld Ky April 22 Spe ¬

ctalA lone masked tiny rider wentto W W Davis a tenant onthe farmv f Lloyd HarrIs tt II1l1hy f farmer i

tind warned him If he did not breakhis contract wllh Harris by tho end oftime week he would be shot or whiphid He said tho riders were deter-mined there nhotild be no tobacco inthe union this year

Horn to Mr and Mrs P L Wel ¬

IIngton of J210 Monroe street a boy



i11bringjustlcoIhln1when they first catch sight orhim but tho crowd quickly meltsaway as hilt language and nuinnebecome more vehement


j Wllllamsport Pa April 22Attar a wild run of a mile caused by

falling an ri glno and Hat carjot the I<nquln Lumber companys loigroad todnj Jumped Ute track pour

tlireeratnllyiIIlIurllllhl to

22llaronGo to Home

HayashIJapanese minister to China lips beer

iordered hopio front Pekln and will1

be sent to Rome Baron lulu nowcounselor of the Japanese embassy pl

Jlxndon will succeed to the vacantplace In Peki-




London April JSr lion 11

CampbollBannprman foniioi premietiled this mornlaig of heart diseaseHe was Ill ninny weeks and reslgnci

agobaunenuoi In 186 Hwas the first Liberal prime ninlsto

IloBeberryjnurrciidcradd vcopervatlve wings tOl1 etlier oijresignede1

7t + t Y




Ilcturus Indicate That NobodyForgot to Go to Polls in

Siiiewater Town



Election Held in Other Cities

In Illinois



112TodaysChlcnKti snot

fthows au out of I12 cities and IIIWIIN

toted to Iflulll till Wllooim III J1Kt TstluetlIiMIIIIM Is time Mcond bIg

routes of the year In the state

Wft MajorityOne of tho most exciting cam ¬

paigns ever held In Cairo and whichIs likely to leave inure sore sptts oflonger duration than any closed lastevening There wore somo very un ¬


pleasant Incidents yesterday but ontho whole and considering time feelIng that had been aroused there was l

little disorder reported I

Two questions were before the I

voters The leading Issue was prohi ¬

bition embodied In the question onthe ballotsISha11 This City Be¬

come AytlSaloon Territory Theother related to the passing over themayors veto of certain Interufbanrailroad ordinances and was reproseated pro and con by candidates foraldermen In five of tale seven wardsof the city Both propositions weredefeated the result In detail being astollows

ProhibitionFor Against

First Ward 45 CC5

Second wardlip 2G2Third Ward D3 475Fourth Ward Ja41 52 °

Fifth Ward 83 97Sixth Ward > 1411J 14ISeventh Ward 2CC 989

Total 152 4002Fifth Ward Frank dorman 424

Peter Kobler 240tSixth WardFrank Cannon 345John Snyder 202 Earl Ford 57Thomas A Fuller 45

Seventh wardW P Greaney908 01 Kasterday 284

Of the socalled Interurban alder-men


B A Burke was tho only oneelected

Prohibition MovementIn the prohibition movement some

of tho ministers and women and clilNdren of Cairo were deeply Interestedand they hind x made an imposingstreet demonstration the day beforpas a climax to a hard campaign ofspeechmaking and sermonizing onthe streets In the pulpits and else ¬

where also housetohouse prayermeetings VeAerday squads of womOil were gathered at the variousofEthese gatherings that ono of tho mostunpleasant Incidents of tho day oc¬

curred One party of ladles weregathered at Fourteenth street andWashington avenue and had beenthere but a little white when a party

Contlrued on page seven


Chicago April 23 Federal JudgoKnlilsaal granted a tolniorary In ¬

junction restraining exiireis commnlea front carrying merchandise

free of charge for their agents 0111 ¬

coma or famlllea or those on otherlines which Is held to be In violationo the Hepburn net DJstrlct Attor-ney Sims brought the cult against tiecompanies for the government


4 CIil JOUIJYrrs Piully cloudy tonight nnd ThursI day No derlditl duuiKO In temiKm

d11 lure IIIhllltt temiMitttUre yusterduy75t IOlsttuduYIii








Cleveland April 2 2The press lodays saya Mayor Johnson won hiseight year light for the threo centfare Tho victory camo when theClevelend Electric Railway companythrough a mediator offered to acceptf 55 per sham for its stock as a basisof settlement the city and a holdingcompany to take over the stock


Detective Moore has received wordfrom the secretary of state at Frank ¬

fort that the guvesnorof Nevada didnot understand tho expression thatW E Johnson wanted hero forswindling Is at large In that statean expression In the blank used forrequisitions DeWtlvo Moore hascommunicated with tho authoritiesGoldfleld where Johnson IIff held atII

the matter will be straightened upthe PadUcah police can get theirprisoner


Acting under the advice and thesuggestion of Mayor Smith ChiefPolice Collins Is getting ready to orII

an active crusade againstdogs A dog pound has beenon the river front bolow the IllinoisCentral Incline and several wagonshave been especially equpled for theofficers who will undertake to chaseand capture all the stray dogs In thecity Tho officers will bo armed withdogcatching nets and any unlicensedand untagged canine that Is foundroaming time streets will be caught upand carried to the iwund Two orthree days will he allowed for the dogowners to reclaim their animals pro ¬

viding they are willing to pay the taxLast year only 17C dog licenses wereIssued and since January 1 of thisyear only 52 have been Issued




Washington April 22Tlle official

account of tie attempt to assassinate

President Cabrera of Guatemala sentby Acting United States Minister

lUlmke aays Cabrora entered his 1palaoo to receive Helmko In puoilc audlence Five cadets of the mllltaTjacademy forming a part of the body-

guard attempted to assassinateCabrera In the melee Cabrera wasbayonetWd through tho left handwhile an officer of Lila staff It Is saidwas killed Just utter the attackHelmke obtained the Interview withCabrera at tho palace where he 1isguarded it Is said tho five cadetshave been killed All stores areclosed The city Is quiet Tile popu

lace Is astounded ami condemn theattack


Wathlngton April 22ACter atour hours deadlock In the meetingof tho Now York state delegation offthe Daughters of tho American Revo-

lution tile opposition or antladmlhlsration party achieved an overwhelm-Ing victory by electing Mrs WilliamC Storey of New York as state re

gentTho auditing committees reportread In todays session showed a balance on hand and Invested torailroad and other securities of 921C7I9 or nn Increase of over 17000 above that of last year

Other Interesting reports wbr

those of the hlstorian general MrsJ Eakln Gadsby tho assistant historlangenoral Mrs Heiiry S flowroaramid librariangeneral MrsHenry Boynton

the editor the bustIIThoreporllor the magazine coo

t American tonthlMagazine the official organ of thesociety were listened tto withgreatInterest

Grain MarketnmSic Wheat 97

corn C oats 53 iS

h t

Plaintiffs Declare They Were Driven In-



t Exile to Prevent Their Telling of

Raid on Princeton December 1

1906 and Other Depredationsof Night Riders

Defendants Affirm That Mrs Mary Hollowell Was Fugitive From Justice Be

ing Indicted for Destroying PlantBed Belonging to Her Brother

in =law John E Hollowell




tHow the disturbance In the fllacl

Patch has divided families arrayingbrother against brother In deadliestennjlty and stirring women to overtnets of revenge Is dearly shownforth In tho 100000 damage suitsof Robert and Mary Hollowell againsttheir neighbors IIn Caldwell countyfor the alleged brutal treatment ofthe plaintiffs and driving them fromthe state The suits are on trial Inthe federal court here

While the plaintiffs assert that theband which whipped Robert Holloiwell and kicked and shot his wifeMary Holloweli the morning of May2 1907 was led by Roberts brotherJohn E Holloweli and his cousinJohn W Hollowell and that Johfr BHolIoweUs wife was present becausethey feared Mary Hollow 1t wouldtell of their connection with tho raidon Princeton tile defendants aroequally positive that they are accusedthrough malice and that Ilpbert andMary Hollowell lied from the statebecause she was Indicted for scrap ¬

ing John E nollawells tobacco plarjtbed They offer to establish alibis

The plaintiffs retort that the In-


Is part of the scheme tokeep them In exile and that It wasfound while they were living InOklahoma and they returned to Ken ¬

tucky and lived at Paducah for sixmonths afterwards Tho bench war-


was served on Mrs Hollowelljesterday afternoon and she fur-

nished bond In the sum of 2GOTho allegation Is that after Robert

HolIoweUs plant bell was scrapedabout a week before he was whipped c

Mary Holloweli Incited two negroesto scrape John E HolIoweUs Plantbed Tho negroes were convicted

The statement of tho attorneys foithe plaintiff gives a hint of InterestIng details In connection with the I

Princeton raid of December 1 130Cto bo recited inlthe testimony o ftheir witnesses

i Tim Princeton MasksAccording to time statement olf

John G Miller Sr opening the casti for tile plaintiff the masks worn bjthe night riders who visited Prince-ton were copied front a theater masktort at Robert HolIoweUs boardinghouse Iii Princeton and carried by hhs

little boy when they moved Into thecountry near LamascoVln his statement Mr Miller1 sai-dthat tho day before Thanksgiving190C Mrs Lola HcJtowell he wifeof Join E HolIowellS called at Hobert HolIoweUs house and asked fothe maskI to use at a masquerade

0Lamasco The night of November 2

Princeton wall raided ho said andthen John E Hollowell appeared nltRobert Hollowells house and awakened them to beg Mrs Hollowell nolto tell about the mask Miller saidhe told her all the facts about thePrinceton raidbantereIngly when the next fire was goingto be and hovmentloned the name olfa man In Princeton who had talkedtoo much before Ward Ileadlcy one

of tile attorneys in the case auiiI

John B HolloweJl She declared IItthey burped that mans house sh°thiny ttlmo the attorney said no fires hayoccurred In Caldwell county

Christmas week they wevo all at

the homo of Robert and John E Hollowclls mother find John E ilollowell made tame Infilling rt markabout Hfirnillles and Many llollowedeclared she wduld rather bo a HU

Continued on Pago Eight

1 004f aspo S rp If




Robert Eu Holloweli Me jilaintlffwas time first witness called IlIlhl1tlDOOOO damage suits In federalcourt against 2S citizens of Caldwell y

countyr charged with whipping Robertand Mary Holhjwell and driving themymoutHe said The first I heard pf theapproach of tho mob was the shootingup of the houio of tenants on mylplace The mob drew nearer and Iheard orders to close to around myhouse MyI wife and 1 were orderedto corn but We stayed in time houseuntil we heard some one Bay Bringthe coal oil1 When I Wentout I saw

I George Brown John B HoUqjgeJl ane-

llanothermunon the back porch All

us go nit In the yardhis fist In my wlfea taco

landI told her she hind beeL before onehavelaassociation canio here to win and 1-101l would win

The witness said he recognized allthe defendants in the mob Some weroon top of the house he said 3

John Ew Holloweli Is his brotherv

and John W Holloweli U his cousinThere were about 80 and they werendt masked They said We did notcome here masked Wo wnnt you torecognize us

George Brown said You havaworked against tho association butyou must Join It We will give jouOne week to do It If you tell who Ishere wo shall kill youdJohn t ray held a pistol and Miltand Wallace Oliver took hold of hisarms pad carried him to the woOllyard he said and made him take offhis coat He was led 75 yards furJiieVLimo men kicking and cursing hintlandcalling hIm a plant bed scraper Theyvoted to give hint fifty

He said Marion Brown and MalachlPickering whipped Mm and John OrgyhId a pistol over himsWhen he went back to the househo heard someone say 0 d IItJim shoot her V

After all had left whllo he and hiswife and child were sitting on thofloor crying ho said Brother Johnand the Olivers and Jim Hyde re ¬

turned and ordered hIm to Gave thocountry He sofa ho begged hisbrother to leave them alone and hocried on the stand as he recited thostory I

Urownt ho said ordered him to Join1the association and the next day he

went to Joe Mirpuys and signed theassociation pledge

He could yet Ho on Ma left sldo fortorwork for three monthsWhen ho returned to the house his

wifes face was bleeding and she had aa bruise where oho load been kickedIn tho side He lost a crop nod soldlls fatm and stock at a sacrifice

CrONsoYiiinhmtlonTho cross axatnfuallon was conduct +

e n by Ward Heatjley of PrincetonMr Holloweli denied having toldArch HolIowelU George Pett > t Ieolioberteon of Padueaht and othersthat the mob was masked and ho didnot recognize any of them Ho saidsome In the rear ho did not recognizebut he stuck to lice original story thatGeorge Brown was In chargo iiisaid he has been gqlng back to Oald rrwen county oh buelnoss lie said herefused to tell the names of the mob

t to the county attorney of CaldWellcount bosausohe feared lie would haWiled In 3C hours ufter he did 50-

1rlen lliiilovellwie-

II Pries IlollowPlJ 12 y arsod son1 oi the plalntllla said ho heard the s


lCoIltuuttl oa Page tics
