tm - rediscover radiance · your arm. gratitude is the energy of life. but to create meaningful...


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Page 1: TM - Rediscover Radiance · your arm. Gratitude is the energy of life. But to create meaningful changes, you need a structure to attach it to. The Radiant LifeTM Gratitude Journal
Page 2: TM - Rediscover Radiance · your arm. Gratitude is the energy of life. But to create meaningful changes, you need a structure to attach it to. The Radiant LifeTM Gratitude Journal


Harness the Power of Gratitude

to Boost Your Self-Esteem and Create the Radiant LifeTM You Deserve

Holly Doherty

Page 3: TM - Rediscover Radiance · your arm. Gratitude is the energy of life. But to create meaningful changes, you need a structure to attach it to. The Radiant LifeTM Gratitude Journal

Copyright Notice

Copyright © 2016 by Holly Doherty and Rediscover Radiance, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

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Holly Doherty, Owner and Founder, Rediscover Radiance, LLC

13954 W. Waddell Rd, Ste #103, Surprise, AZ, 85379, USA

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Page 4: TM - Rediscover Radiance · your arm. Gratitude is the energy of life. But to create meaningful changes, you need a structure to attach it to. The Radiant LifeTM Gratitude Journal

How to Use This Journal

H of control. It’s easy to get sucked in and add to the negativity that’s out there.

How do you break that vicious cycle?

By being grateful.

The power of gratitude is no secret. People who develop a habit of consistent

gratitude are happier, more fulfilled, and have a greater sense of self-worth. I

know you want all of that .

And the more you express gratitude, the easier it becomes. Dr. Robert Holden

explained that “the miracle of gratitude is that it shifts your perception to such an

extent that it changes the world you see.” Gratitude changes the world you see.

How does it do that? Many spiritual leaders and philosophers have discussed

how gratitude works. Oprah Winfrey said it simply: “The more you praise and

celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.” It goes two ways. You

train yourself to see the good, so it becomes easier to notice. And noticing the

good that’s already present multiplies the good that comes into your life.

Gratitude actually allows more good to flow in. Instead of a vicious cycle of

negativity, you create a victorious cycle of positivity and good things.

But most people merely scratch the surface of the truly transformative power

of gratitude, because they start and stop with this practice.

But gratitude is the starting point, not the destination. It’s like the engine that

runs your Radiant LifeTM creation machine.

eaven knows there are enough things to complain about these days. Just

watch the evening news or scroll through your social media feeds for a

while. Negativity is everywhere. Sometimes is seems like it’s spiralling out

Page 5: TM - Rediscover Radiance · your arm. Gratitude is the energy of life. But to create meaningful changes, you need a structure to attach it to. The Radiant LifeTM Gratitude Journal

ATP provides the energy for the muscle fibers to contract. The structure of the

fibers provides the framework for change to take place.

You need both the energy and the cellular structure, working together, to lift

your arm.

Gratitude is the energy of life. But to create meaningful changes, you need a

structure to attach it to. The Radiant LifeTM Gratitude Journal is the time-tested

structure you need to create massive results in your life.

This book is more than simply a gratitude journal. It is a 5-part blueprint to

boost your self-esteem and create an abundant, Radiant LifeTM that you love. A

life that supports you in your life’s purpose. A life where you show up in this

world the way you’re meant to, and have the impact you were created for.

Because you were designed with a purpose. And it’s your duty to live it out as

fully as possible.

There’s no right or wrong way to use this journal. To make gratitude a habit,

it’s good to practice it daily. But don’t beat yourself up if you miss a day here and

there, and don’t feel like you have to write things down every single day.

Some of my clients use a variety of colorful pens in their journals. Some

doodle in it. Some simply grab whatever writing implement is handy and start to


The journal is yours to use as you wish. But the more you use it, the more

quickly your life will change.

Basically, all of your cells’ activities are

powered by a chemical called ATP. It’s the

“energy currency” of all cellular functions,

from building proteins to generating

electricity in your nerves, to moving the

muscle fibers so you can lift your arm.

All by itself, ATP isn’t very useful.

To do its work, ATP has to bind to

another structure in the muscle fiber. Photo by OpenStax, is licensed under CC BY 4.0, cropped

from original, no endorsement implied

Since I’m a science geek, let me put it this way:

Say you’re thirsty and you want to pick up your glass of water to take a drink.

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1) I am grateful for...

The gratitude section is designed to be as versatile and flexible as you want.

Here are several ways you can use it, but I’m sure you’ll think of more:

List the things you’re grateful for – 3, 5, 10, as many as you wish.

Write about one thing in particular, and describe it in greater detail.

Explain why you’re grateful for that situation.

Pick big things and little things.

List victories as well as lessons. (I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase,

“Sometimes you win; sometimes you learn.” We often learn a lot through

experiences that don’t go as planned.

There’s no right or wrong way to complete this section. Just do it. Mix it up

and do something different each day. Or find a method that works best for you

and stick with it.

2) I desire...

Did you ever try to make money when you were desperate and absolutely had

to have money right now?! What happened? Chances are, you didn’t make any


Or did you ever settle for a crappy boyfriend/girlfriend because you were

lonely and just had a have a relationship right away? You were focused on the

need - the lack - rather than abundance.

Many of my coaching clients feel guilty for wanting more, afraid that they’re

not being content with what they have. And yet I believe that inside every single

person is a deep-seated yearning, a God-given seed of immense possibility that’s

just waiting for the opportunity to blossom into an amazing, Radiant LifeTM if it’s

just given the freedom to do so.

It’s OK to desire to improve your situation, to grow your business, or to

acquire physical possessions. Gratitude shifts the balance from desperation, lack,

and guilt, to celebration, contentment, and a willingness to receive. When you

start with gratitude, you start from a place of abundance. Fulfillment. Not


Contentment and desire don’t have to be mutually exclusive. In fact,

contentment, expressed through gratitude, often compliments desire. It helps you

see what you really desire more clearly. You realize that you don’t need things in

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order to be fulfilled. To be enough. You are enough. You have enough. Right here,

in this moment. The practice of gratitude brings a sense of fulfilment and

abundance on its own.

Then, acknowledging the things you desire comes from a place of abundance

instead of lack. The things you want become a bonus, one more incredible thing

to add to your gratitude list.

You have permission to be grateful and desire more.

Use this section to write about the things you desire. Here are some ideas:

• Things you want to see in your character, like more patience or


• How you want a situation to improve, like to have more fun in your


• Dreams and bucket list items, or the next vacation you want to take.

• Goals you want to accomplish or the new car you want to buy.

Don’t make it a daily to-do list of errands and chores. This section is about

dreams and desires, to help you be open to receiving more goodness and actively

creating your Radiant LifeTM.

Once you’ve written down what you want, write down what Action Steps you’ll

take to get it. Remember that the goal is to help you create the Radiant LifeTM you

desire. Without Actions Steps to achieve it, your list is simply a wish list.

3) Today’s Affirmation

Words and thoughts are powerful. There’s a Hebrew proverb that says, “Life

and death are in the power of the tongue.” Our thoughts and our words can bring

life to us, or they can tear us down. If you’re like most women, you probably

spend more time criticizing yourself than building yourself up. So train your mind

to speak truth and love and words that bring life. What positive thought will carry

you through this day? What truth do you want to speak into your life?

4) Evidence for the Affirmation

As popular as affirmations are, they have their limitations. In fact, most

affirmations don’t work, and there’s a growing body of research that indicates that

affirmations actually backfire in people with low self-esteem, reinforcing their

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negative beliefs rather than replacing them. Through my years using, studying,

and teaching affirmations, I have a pretty good theory about why they’re not as

effective as the gurus want you to believe.

When I first learned about affirmations, the “experts” suggested repeating

affirmations of things I wanted, such as, “I am happily and joyfully receiving

$10,000 a month for my coaching services.” The problem was, I wasn’t making

that kind of money. Not even close.

Buddha said, “Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the

truth.” There wasn’t an ounce of truth in the affirmations I said. I was lying to

myself, and my mind knew it.

Do you know why we all instinctively distrust a used car salesman? Because

we all have a built-in B.S. meter. When you say affirmations that clearly aren’t

true, you’re being a used car salesman to your soul. Your mind rejects the

affirmation, and sometimes even erodes your own trust in yourself.

In my work, I’ve come to believe that affirmations backfire for two main


First, people say the wrong affirmations, like we’ve just discussed. They’re not

actually affirming anything, but lying to themselves. If you say things like, “I’m

feeling alive at 125!” when you’ve weighed 165 lbs for the last ten years, or “I’m

happily and effortlessly enjoying my ideal body weight” when you’re actually 20

pounds heavier than you want to be, one of two things happen. Either your

subconscious will say, “Hey, my current weight must be my ideal weight,” and it’ll

never change, or you’ll feel like a loser, like affirmations don’t work, and you’ll

give up.

The second reason why most affirmations fail is that people use them at the

wrong time.

When someone wants to boost their self-esteem, or manifest something in their

life, the temptation is to do affirmations first. I get it. They’re easy and don’t

require a lot of effort. But when you do them first, without clearing your negative

beliefs, they backfire. You don’t believe them, and they feel like a lie.

I went to an event a few months ago, and the coach said that “negative beliefs

are like the hot air in your car in the summer. You don’t have to dig out the hot

air. You simply have to blow enough loving thoughts on them until they blow

away, like turning on the air conditioner in your car.” (Cue Kum By Ya)

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I’ve coached enough women over the years to know that that’s total B.S.

Negative beliefs aren’t like hot air. They’re like weeds, with their roots buried deep

in our souls. What happens when you blow on a dandelion? It may seem to

disappear, but pretty soon you’ve got 100 more weeds sprouting up. Negative

beliefs are like weeds, and you have to dig them up by the roots.

When I work more closely with women to heal the pains of their past and

reclaim their worth, I teach affirmations, but only after we’ve done the work to

clear away a lot of the mental garbage and set a foundation for actually believing

the affirmations they say. If you jump the gun and go straight to affirmations,

they’ll likely fail.

Over the years, I’ve come to understand that for affirmations to be effective,

they must be rooted in the truth. This section is designed to help you find the

evidence – the truth – for the affirmation in your life.

So instead of “I’m feeling alive at 125” when you’re clearly not, a more effective

affirmation is “I make healthy lifestyle choices.” Notice that the affirmation doesn’t

say that every choice you make is healthy, or even that you make healthy choices

every day. Just that you make healthy choices. Much more believable, isn’t it?

So find evidence of your healthy choices: even if it’s “I ate an apple last week!”

The evidence doesn’t even have to be recent. It just has to be true. And then a

funny thing happens. Once you start recognizing that “Yes, I DO make healthy

choices,” it becomes that much easier to make those choices more often.

Seeing the evidence for the affirmation solidifies it in your brain as the truth.

And because your mind wants things to be true, you’ll start making more

evidence. It creates this wonderful positive feedback loop that actually boosts

your self-esteem. So you get more of what you want, and feel better about

yourself. Win, win!

5) Today I honoured my preferences by...

Honoring Your Preferences every day sends a very powerful message to

yourself that you’re important. It can be using your favorite scented shower gel in

the morning, sleeping on your preferred side of the bed, or using your favorite

color pen.

There’s so much more to say about this subject than will fit in this journal!

Trust me when I say that Honoring Your Preferences is one of the most powerful

habits you can develop to improve your self-worth and create your Radiant LifeTM.

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Clients come back to me years after learning this habit and tell me how much it

changed their lives.

To help you learn more about this powerful practice, I have a free gift for you.

Download The Self-Worth Key: The Essential Tool to Unlock Your Worth and Take

You From the Back Seat to the Driver’s Seat of Your Life, available at

Honor Your Preferences in small ways every single day – even little,

“inconsequential” ways that you think “don’t matter.” Practice this habit daily

until it becomes second nature. And I promise you this: when you develop the

habit of Honoring Your Preferences in the small things, it becomes easier to honor

yourself in the big things – like standing up against unfair treatment, or getting

what you really want out of life. Over time, Honoring Your Preferences results in

you truly stepping into your power and directing the course of your life rather

than passively accepting what’s handed to you. It’s how you get out of the back

seat and into the driver’s seat of your life, to start creating the Radiant LifeTM you


Here’s to your amazing, Radiant LifeTM!

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Other products by Rediscover Radiance, LLC

The Self-Worth Solution Book – Discover why smart entrepreneurs

sabotage themselves when they don’t feel “Good Enough,” and how to

break the cycle of self-sabotage once and for all.

The Magic of Family Meals Book – Connect with your children like

never before and boost their self-esteem with fun conversation

starters for dinnertime or any time.

Masterpiece Moments – Embark on a journey of self-discovery and

self-acceptance to reveal the unique masterpiece that’s inside you. In

this fun, fast-paced, and reflective course you will discover: who you

are from the inside out, what you truly believe, and which influences

shaped those convictions.

Rediscover Your RadianceTM with Private Coaching – Need to

rediscover your self-worth? Quiet the negative voice of your Inner

Mean Girl for good? Let go of the emotional baggage that’s holding

you back from impacting the world the way you’ve always wanted to?

Holly can help. Apply for your complimentary Self-Worth Discovery

Session today at

About Holly Doherty

Holly helps them turn their pain into power, remove the mask, and stand boldly

in their Radiant SelfTM.

Like a modern-day Michelangelo, Holly Doherty helps women chisel away all

the bits and pieces that make them feel “Less Than,” and helps them rediscover

the unique, amazing masterpiece they were created to be.

She lives in the Phoenix Valley, where she loves her husband, homeschools

her children, and tries (unsuccessfully) to train her cats. She loves penguins,

Latin music, and ballroom dancing. Obsessed with all things purple, she strives

to move toward a more minimalist lifestyle while maintaining an epic collection of

sparkly jewelry and cute shoes. Find out more at

Holly Doherty is a best-selling author, speaker, coach, and Sculptor of

Self-WorthTM. She is the creator of The Self-Worth SolutionTM and

Radiant ReinventionTM. Women hire Holly to reveal their brilliance and

reclaim their worth, because too many women are sabotaged by self-

doubt, afraid to be themselves, and hiding from their true purpose. So