title: fostering effective partnerships of equals

Title: Fostering Effective Partnerships of Equals with the North in the Africa-Diaspora Collaboration in Leveling the Playing Field 1 The Dream Albert Gyan Development Consultant Second Congress of African Economists Abidjan , Côte d’Ivoire November 24-26, 2011 Theme : “Achieving Strong and Sustainable Economic Growth in Africa to Curb Unemployment and Promote Regional and Continental Integration Dynamics".

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Theme : “Achieving Strong and Sustainable Economic Growth in Africa to Curb Unemployment and Promote Regional and Continental Integration Dynamics". Title: Fostering Effective Partnerships of Equals with the North in the Africa-Diaspora Collaboration in Leveling the Playing Field. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Fostering Effective Partnerships of Equals with the North in the Africa-Diaspora Collaboration in

Leveling the Playing Field


The Dream

Albert GyanDevelopment Consultant

Second Congress of African EconomistsAbidjan , Côte d’Ivoire  November 24-26, 2011

Theme: “Achieving Strong and Sustainable Economic Growth in Africa to Curb Unemployment and Promote Regional and Continental

Integration Dynamics".

Page 2: Title: Fostering Effective Partnerships of Equals

We live to pursue our dreams.

2PerspectiveThe Progressive Agenda for Economic Justice / Catholic Social Teachings

Hypothesis The rules of the “market place” are rigged in favor of the North; Africa requires among others strategic partnerships to level the playing field

Arguments Proportion of ownership of natural resources to wealth (GNP)Asymmetrically (unfairly) rewarding factors of productionChange regime by changing the rule-makersThe moral imperative - a rights-based approach

Findings Hope: Berlin wall, apartheid regime, Debt discourse, BO 2008Acknowledged: Diaspora = Brain Bank and Financial Capital An untapped potential: “Diaspora Intelligence”

Conclusion AU with the Diaspora, engage UN FFD and the BWI/IFI processes, to articulate and advocate the ethical and moral imperative for creating just and fair trade and finance regimes

Key policy recommendationBuild strategic alliances and develop a concerted program to harness and use intelligence in leveling the playing field

The structure:

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Perspective 3

The Progressive Agenda for Economic Justice and Catholic Social Teachings

Not unique to any particular Faith nor Religion - shared core values that are expressed in the preamble of the UN Millennium Declaration - justice and fairness In 1998 Marking the UN Year of Africa – EU Youth to initiate a campaign for transforming all subservient relationships with the African continent into partnerships of equals. The questions we asked then were: How much have things changed since the first Europeans sailed down to Africa to exploit the continent over 500 years ago?

25 ears of operating from a vintage point of the idealism of an activist, with the naiveté that persistent advocacy and agitation within the established dominant development paradigm, will lead to the continent its rightful place at the table as an equal partner

practicing the catholic social teaching progressive agenda of as the ecumenical movement with its roots in the anti-apartheid and the “anti-globalization” movements.Un processes 80s 90s – millennium declaration / mdgsCulture of ubuntu (I am because we are) economy of solidarity – practice in a united Africa – economic justice Values and principles that underpin fair business and trade practices

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We’re hitting a wall.

4Hypothesis The rules of the “market place” are rigged in favor of the North. Africa requires among others strategic partnerships to level the playing field

Africa is one of the richest continents on the globe. There is no moral justification for over half its population to live in dehumanizing poverty

Nearly 80% of the strategic minerals the U.S. requires are found in Africa, 90% of the world's cobalt, 90% of the platinum, 40% of the gold, 98% of the chromium, 64% of the manganese, and one-third of the uranium.

Africa also accounts for 18% of U.S. oil imports, compared to 25% from the Persian Gulf, with Nigeria and Angola, with new oil rich countries

AU is operating in a framework that is hostile to the aspirations of the continent and its people; driven by profit at all cost -- even human life and environmental (disregard for the “rights of mother earth”

This paradigm is perpetuated by crony capitalism dominated by oligarchies & monopolies with a culture of greed, which has created the widest income disparities since 474

To achieve the dream of “strong and sustainable economic growth” we got to level the Playing Field to compete fair and squarely in the global market place

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The Wall is no accident.

5Africa requires among others strategic partnerships to level the playing fieldTo achieve the dream we got to level the Playing Field to compete fair and squarely in the global market place

“Think different”? No, this is not for the crazy ones; though it’s they who think they can change the world are the ones who do! Rational: Real lessons from recent struggles:

Campaign against the iron curtain that lead to the fall of the Berlin wall and despotic regimes of the Eastern Bloc

The ant-apartheid struggle that united a rainbow of forces and brought an end to deplorable epoch of the human race,

The unprecedented Demand for the cancellation of the debt of poor countries by the Jubilee Campaign changed the discourse on Debt forever

My first national election, which halted a political dynasty and elected the first African-American President (from the “outhouse” to the White House) - BO ’08

The Arab spring…  Effective partnerships of Africa and the Diaspora can help in leveling the playing field via strategic entry points

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We’re facing a wall.

6A rigged trade and finance regime that has over the past five decades systematically unfairly rewarded capital and technical know-how at the cost of labour and land

“We can't change the rules until we change who's making the rules”

Making of the RulesManaging and enforcement of the RulesMonitoring and evaluation of the efficacy of the Rule-base processes equal and effective representationactive participation  resource distributionrewarding capital and technological know-how more than lobor and landwealth distributionconsumption patternscarbon footprintlife expectancydeath rates from preventable and treatable diseases


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Let’s start with the divisions among us.


Building strategic alliances: A concerted effort to harness the intelligence within the various corridors of power to defend and promote the agenda for a strong and united Africa with a progressive agenda for . 

With the civil society organizations and ecumenical social movement(s), to advocate and articulate the ethical and moral imperative for creating just and fair Trade and Finance Regimes

Business: To engage the private and the public sectors (with the civil society) in shaping a charter for a just and responsible business standards and norms, and help promote the set of values and principles that can underpin a just and fair environment for business and trade with(in) the continent

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The time to act is now.

8Potential entry points for engagementBuild the capacity with the Diaspora to engage with the UN and the IFI processes especially the FFD process – which has as its hallmark a multi-stakeholder process for the active participation of all in the solution-seeking process. The UN FFD process should be transformed into a functional commission on Financing for Development. As against the self-appointed G8 and G20 (A following-up on the G77 proposal post Monterrey Consensus)

New and alternative voices of public outrage in the North: US - The Rebuilding the American Dream Movement (MoveOn.org) / Occupy Wall Street/ We are the 99% - and their common agenda to build “An economy that works for all” (the goal is to make sure that they are aware of the interdependence of economies and not limit their focus to only America but to include Africa as well)

Adequate and proportional representation at the decision-making table may change the dynamics of the rules-making process, but effective representation requires acknowledging and making adjustment to accommodate the limitations and handicaps of all parties; this can only be achieved through rigorous campaigning and vehement agitation from within – strategic alliances is a must.Acknowledged potential of the Diaspora: Brain Bank and Capital transfer (via remittances and direct investments)An untapped potential is the “Diaspora intelligence”; the Trojan horse for leveling the playing field from within the North corridors of power: From activists in the streets and the halls of Trade Unions, to the board rooms of Transnational Corporations and International Trade and Finance Institutions.


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Corporate elites set the lies in place.9

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They gain power and money.10

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They started with lies.11

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Potential entry points for engagementBuild the capacity with the Diaspora to engage with the UN and the IFI processes especially the FFD process – which has as its hallmark a multi-stakeholder process for the active participation of all in the solution-seeking process. The UN FFD process should be transformed into a functional commission on Financing for Development. As against the self-appointed G8 and G20 (A following-up on the G77 proposal post Monterrey Consensus)

New and alternative voices of public outrage in the North: US - The Rebuilding the American Dream Movement (MoveOn.org) / Occupy Wall Street/ We are the 99% - and their common agenda to build “An economy that works for all” (the goal is to make sure that they are aware of the interdependence of economies and not limit their focus to only America but to include Africa as well)

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Key policy recommendation 13

Build strategic alliances and develop a concerted program to harness and use intelligence within the various corridors of power in leveling the playing to defend and promote the agenda of a United Africa with. 

Strategic entry points: With the civil society organizations and ecumenical social movement(s), to advocate and articulate the ethical and moral imperative for creating just and fair Trade and Finance Regimes

With the private sector: AU in consultation with the public sector and civil society engage the private in shaping a charter for a just and responsible business standards and norms, to help promote a set of values and principles that can underpin a just and fair environment for business and trade with(in) the African continent