€¦ · tiriij omaha daily bee : sfttday, aucwst 30, 1800. f society receives...

TiriiJ OMAHA DAILY BEE : SfttDAY , AUCWST 30 , 1800. f SOCIETY RECEIVES A K1SC- Enler' of tie Seven Oities of Oibola tt- Oome CROWNING SOCIAL EVENT OF THE SEASON lirllllntit rntiutloti in lie Ce1i-l rntei1 lit he Cnnllp ' the KnluliUJ- Vi'xt IVIilny MKlil _ < if > NNl- iof the "VVtM'U. Last week society was all agog over the fledlcfc reception , and to say the least , II van the society event ot tlic season , having brought out not only all of the old-time so- ciety traders , but many of the future buds , All In nil , the lit dick reception will be pleasantly rcnicmbcicJ foi mauy a lonf- day. ' . i The coming vvcck , however , will put the cap sheaf onto society and will give peo- ple something to talk about for month * to come. The event rofeircd to Is nothing lest than the grand ball to be given by the KnlRhta of Ak-Sai-Hcn at the castle next Friday night. IbU ball U given In- lionor of the coming of the King of Qtll- ra - > , ruler of the Seven Cities of Clbola , Kho will be attended by his ictlnuo of- JtnlRhts , all ot whom come from the goodly Eouth land. Upon this occasion the King of Qulvcra will choose from the ladles of the court , or the malda of honor some Omaha woman Rho In the plcscnce of the spectators will bo crowned the Queen of Qulvcra The exercises at the ensile will begin shortly after !) o'clock Trlday evening with the entrance of the Knights of Ak-Sar- Hon , clad In thtlr various costumes Aftei entering the castle the knights will go through the evolutions of a march , at the end of which the king , whose Identity Is known only to the knights of the Inner circle , will step flora the ranks and ascend the dlai where the ladies of the court and the maids of honor are sitting and from their number he will choose the queen leading her forward to the front ot the dlas , tlicie to be crowned. After thh has been accomplished there will be the Ilojal Lancers of the knights and their ladles led by the king and Hit queen This over the knights will repair to their dressing rooms , where they will resume their even- Ing - dre-ss , after which the ball will go on Kitty prominent gentlemen of the knights have been chosen as a reception committee , and twenty-iflve of the > oung men ns a ( loot committee , so that there Is no doubt of a complete and correct management of the main floor. Governor Holcomb heads the re- ception ¬ committee and will bo present. Full dress Is requisite for admission to the canvascd space , although knights holding ball tickets not In full dress may sit In what Is generally known as the blcjcle track sur- rounding ¬ the oval , seats being reserved here for all of them Each end of the oval will bo carpeted as last jear , and reserved for the dancers The band of-J.he Twenty-second Infantry , under the leadership of Mr. nelchardt , play- ing ¬ ns an orchestra , will furnish the dance music , being stationed just behind the seats of the maids of bonor. On the opposite side of the hall will be the Seventh Waid Military band , plajlng the promenade music alter ¬ nately. Those who have been selected as ladles of the court , ladles In waiting and maids of- lionor are1 Ladles of the Court Mcsdamcs Charles F- Mandurson , W. N. Babcock. C B. Yost. E- M. . liartlctt , W. II McCord , C. W. Lyman , P. II D.ivla Charles M Wllhelm. F. C- Klrkcndnll , G'ly C Barton. J J Dickey , W- R. . Bennett , II S Wilcox , C. S Totter , Isaac A. Coles. II. W. Yatcs , J. M Woolworth , Omahn ; EV Hart. John A. Baldwin , Coun- cil ¬ niufts , la : r. L Clark , G M Lambert- son , D. E Thompson , Lincoln ; George II- .Thumniel . , George H. Bell , Grand Island ; John C. Watson , Frank P. Ireland , Nebraska City. Ladles-ln-Waltlng Mesdnmes D. H Wheeler , jr. . John S Brady , jr , Charles C. Allison , A. B. Jaqulth , W. A. Hedlck. Harry Jordan , B. B. Wood. Rimer n. Bryson , Thomas A. Fry , O. D Klpllnger , M. C- I'cters , Harry Cartnn , G. M Nattlnger , Julius Kessler , II. J. Pcnfold , Clement Cluise Walter Jardme , Vance Lane , G , W. Loomls- A. . I ) Brandies , Omaha ; Ilarlow Keys , In- dlanola - , Neb ; W, S. Dlmmock , H W Binder , Lucius Wells , II. L Cummlngs Council Bluffs , la ; D. L Holmes , James G- .Martin. . . South Omaha ; Ray Nye. Fremont. Maids of honor Misses Pearl Hart- man - , Zctta Margaret McKell , Palsy C. Poane , Sue May Dundy , Grace Allen , May Mount , Flora Webster , May Hartlett , Grace Illmebaugh , May Sar ¬ gent , Nellie Baum , Georgia Lindsay , Clara Palmer , Lillian A. Wllcox , Snra Butts , Ber- tha ¬ Sloanc , Florence Knox , Bessie Yates Omaha ; Dorothj Van Patten , Davenport , la ; Nclllp Moore , Jennie Keating , Council Bluffs , In. ; Jean Bo > d Mullen , Ethel Honey South Omaha ; Mattlo Hayward , Qwendoljn Larsh , Nebraska City ; Laura Mead , May Colson , Fremont ; Hell , . Warwick , Grand Is- land ¬ ; Maud Oakley and Sadie Burnham , Lincoln. At < lic Ilt-illrU ItiMM-iitliMi. Last Thursday evening witnessed the social event of the week , which vras the reception given In boner of the homo-coming of John I. Hedlck and the charming woman he has chosen for his bride ; and surely no bild- o'er had a more royal home-coming The magnificent grounds surrounding the Rcdlck- lesldenco were Illuminated with hundreds of etectilc lights In the royal colors of Ak- fnrBen - ; the wide , loomy verandas were likottlso illuminated The floral decorations of the bouse were almost a dream of tropical splendor ; great palms , through which you could nlmoit catch n breath of spicy south- ern ¬ broeres ; graceful ferns and foliage plants Intermingled with red and white loses Jn the drawing room , library and lower hall.- Avlth . golden rod and Maiehel Nell roses In the dining room , completed the decorations In the lower hall from a bower ot palms n mandolin club of six pieces discoursed sweet music throughout the evening A largo canopy was erected at the side en- trance ¬ through which the guests passed to the dressing rooms Coronndo punch , an In- ipoitatlon - from the Coronado hotel , Santiago , Cal. , was served from a large punch bowl which rested In a bed of luscious fruits Refreshments were served in the dining room and library In the dining room were Miss Dundy and Miss Wakeley , assisted by Mrs. D , II. Wheeler , Jr. , and Miss Daisy Doane. In the library were Miss Emily Wakeley , Miss McKell and Miss Dlckliibou Judge and Mrs , Hedlck wro assisted In re- ceiving ¬ by Mr. and Mrs. W A. Hedlck and -Messrs. Clark and Chat Hedlek Assisting throughout the rooms were Mrs W J. Con- neil , Mrs. Swaitzlander , Mis , McKell , Mrs Wood , Miss Hlmebjugh and Mrs. E. S Dundy. jr. The brldo wore blue foulard trimmed with black chiffon , black ribbons and red roses Mrs , W, A. Hedlck wore blueorgandie. . One noticeable feature of thu evening was the presence of many old icildcnU who can seldom bo induced to attend social functions The list of Invited guests Included- Mr. - . and Mrs. George Armstrong , Mr and Sirs. W. N. Babcock General and Mrs. John K. Ilropko , Judge Benjamin S. Baker , Mr- nud Mrs. n. Halch , Mr. and Mrb St. A. D- Balcorabo , Miss Mora Balcombe. Miss Mabel- Balcombo , Mr. and Mrs 8 , D. Barknlow , Mr, and Mrs , George Barker , Mrs. Joseph Barker , Mr. Joseph Barker , Jr , , Mr. and Mrs. M , T Barlow , Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin II , Barrows , Judge W O. Bartholomew , Mr- .nnd . Mrs. Guy Barton , Mr. and Mrs. J , F- llarton , Mr. nnd Mrs K. C , Barton , Mr and Mrs. Lawrence Bedford , Mrs , H. Bel- Ii- i den , George P. Hernls , Mr. and Mrs L M- Dennett , Hichard Berlin , Mr , and Mrs , Ellis : L. Blerbower , Hon. and Mrs. J. E , Boyd , i : Miss Margaret Boyd , Mr. nnd Mrs. L. Brad- ford , Mr , and Mrs. J. S. Brady , Mrs. K , J- IJrlggs Mr. Clinton HrlBgs , Mr. and Mrs J , J , Brown , Hon. and Mrs Charles II Drown , Miss Margaret Brown , Mr, and Mrs Truman Buck , Miss Buck , Mr , and Mrs Samuel Burns , Mlsa Fannlo Butterncld , Miss Mellona Buttcrfleld , Bert and Margaret Cook. Hon. and Mrs. 8. H. II. Clark. Mrs.- S. . . S , Caldwell , Mr. ami Mrs. V , B. Cald- vvoll - , Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Calm , Mr. and Mrs. Albert Calm , Mr. and Mr a Martin Cabn , Mr. and Mrs. O. 0 , Campbell. Mr- nnd Mrs. It. Carrier , Mr. and Mr *. Harry Cartau , Mr , and Mrs. C, r. Catllu , Mr. and Mrs , Juinc-H K , Chambers , Miss Delia Chandler , Mr. 13. B , Chandler. Mr. Champion B. Chase. Mr. uud Mr *. Clement 0. Cliaae , Henry T. Clarke , John T. Clarke , Ml Gertrude Clarke , Mrs n. H , Clarkson , Mi and Mrs. John F. Goad , Dr. and Mri- V.. H. Coffman , Mr. and Mrs. Isoa- Coles , J. S , Collins , Mr , and Mr : A. S. Carter , Mr. nnd Mrs. Levl Cartel Mrs. D. C. Collier , Mrs. D. L. Collier , Mis- Hnttlu Collier , Miss H. E. Collier , Mr. an Mrs F. Colpctzer , Ml n Susie Colpetzei- Mr. . and Mrs. I. H. Congdon , Mr. and Mrs I. K , Congdon , Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Conkllns- Mr. . and Mm , W J. Council and family Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Cornish , Ed J. Cor- nlsh , Mr. and Mrs C. K Coutnnt , Mr. an- MM , J. C. Cowln , William H, Cowln , Mis- Ednfi Cowln , Mr. nnd Mrs. Thomas A- C'relgh , John A. Crclghlon , Mr and Mrs. I- .F . Crofoot , Dr nnd Mrs II. F Crummcr , Ui Hey Crummcr , Mr. nnd Mrs 13. A. Cudahy Mrs T 11 Cumlng , Mr , and Mrs. S. S. Cur tls. Miss Linn Curtis , Mr N. N. Crnry , Mr William Crary , Miss Anna Crnry , Genera nnd Mrs. Geoige B. Dandy , Mr Milton K Darling Mr nnd Mrs. F. II. Davis , Dr- nnd Mrs J C Denlse , Mr and Mrs. C. L- Deuel. . Mr nnd Mrs H P. Douel , Mr , nm Mrs J. J. Dickey , Mr. anil Mrs W Ljl- DIcKcy , Mr and Mrs E. Ulckcnson , Mis Jessie A. Dickinson , Judge and Mrs Gcorgi- W. . Doane , Miss Daisy Doane , Mr. On ; Doane , Mr W. O Doane. Ilev nnd Mrs Robert Dohertj , Luther Drake , Mr. nm Mrs L J. Drake. Miss Alice Drake , Scth C Drake , Judge nnd Mrs E S. Dundy , Mlsi May Dundy , Mr nnd Mrs. 13 S. Dundy- jr , Mrs n. Estabrook , Mr nnd Mrs. H. D- Estnbrook , Mr and Mrs J II 13vnns , Judgi- nnd Mrs. J. Fawcett , Judge nnd Mrs A. N Ferguson , Mr. and Mra. Elmer 1) Frank Dr. and Mrs. II. Olfford , Mr. am Mrs Benjamin Gallagher , Mr. ant Mrs .1 W Gannett , Mr. Earl Gannett Mr. C. C. George , Mr. J. E George , lion and Mrs Gilbert , Mr. and Mrs. C. J Greene , Arthur P. Gulou , Charles H. Gulou- Mr and Mrs. C. Will Hamilton , Mr and Mra- C W Hamilton , Mr Frank Hamilton , Mis Stella Hamilton , Mrs Frank L Hallcr. Mr and Mrs Chris Hnrtman , Miss Pearl Hart- man , Miss Grace Illmebaugh. Mr. and Mra 0 M Hitchcock , Mr. nnd Mrs. George A- Hoaglaml , Miss Helen Hoaglaml , Mr. Pan Homeland , Mr. nnd Mrs. G. W. Holdrcgc- Mr Paul Horbach , John D. Howe , Mr. am Mrs William H S. Hughes , Mr and Mra- C. . W. Hull , Mr. nnd Mrs 11. S. Hall , Judgi and Mrs. Frank Irvine , Dr. and Mrs. H. r Jensen , Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Johnson Mr nnd Mrs. Thomas Kllpatrlck. Mr. am Mrs Charles B Keller , Mr. and Mrs. Wll Ham H. Kecley , Miss Fannie Kennedy , Mr and Mrs. B. E. B. Kennedy , Hermai- Kount7e , Miss Gertrude Kountze. Hon. am Mrs George B. Lake , Mr. and Mrs. J. H- Lelimer , Mr and Mrs G. W. Ltnlnger , Dr and Mrs Horace Ludlngton , Mr. and Mrs C W. Lyman , Miss Mary McCrcary , Mr and Mrs William II. McCord , Mr. and Mrs John McCreary , Mr. nnd Mrs. J. C. McKell Miss Margaret McKell , Mr. Thorpe J. McKell- Mr and Mrs. W F. Hurley , Mr. and Mrs A. J Hanscom. Miss Virginia C. Hanscom- Mr and Mrs John A. Horbach , Mr. and Mrs Charles T. Kountye. Mr and Mrs. Jesse H- Laccy.'Mr and Mrs. F. P. Klrkcndall , Mr and Mrs William C. Ivcs , Mr. and Mrs George , A Josljn , Judge Larimer , Dr. am- Mrs. . E W. Lee , Mrs. Florence McClelland- Mr and Mrs F. H McConnell , Mlsi- Calllo McConnell , Miss Isaacs , Mrs Annie C Meredith , Mr. and Mrs. Jame McKenna , Miss Blanche McKcnna , Mr. am Mrs J. A Mv-Shane. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Me- Whorter , Hev. and Mrs T. J. Mackay , Gen- eral and Mrs. C. F Manderson , Mrs. Ello- Mathcscn , Mr and Mrs J. G. Megeath , Mr and Mrs. Samuel A. Megeath , Dr. and Mrs S. D. Mercer , Mr. nnd Mrs. George Mer- cer , Mr. nnd Mrs J. M MetciUo , Mr. am Mrs Alfiod Mlllard. Hon. and Mrs George L Miller , Mr. and Mrs. J H. Mlllard. Mr and Mrs. W. B Mlllard , Miss Jessie Mlllard- Mr. . and Mrs. H , C. Miller , Mr. and Mrs C. S. Montgomery , Dr. and Mrs. R C Moore , Mrs. S C. Morgan , Mr. and Mrs W. H. Morris. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. V. Morse Miss May Morse , Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Mors- man , Edgar M Morsman , Jr. , Mr. E. P- Mullen. . Mr. Frank Murphy , Mrs Ezra Mll lard , Miss Cnrrlo Millard , Miss Helen Mll lard , Miss Anna Mlllard , Mr. A. Nash , Mr and Mrs. E. W. Nash , Mrs. E. B. Nichols Mr. and Mrs. Charles Offutt , Mr. nnd Mrs Charles Ogden , Mr. and Mis. T. M. Orr , Mr and Mrs. W. C. Orr, Mr. and Mrs. H. E Palmer , Miss Clara Palmer , Mr. George H Palmer , Mr. and Mrs J. N. II. Patrick , Mr. Robert Patrick , Mr. John 13. Patrick , Mr and Mrs. M. T. Patrick , Mr Al S Patrick Mr. and Mrs. George Patterson , Mr. am ! Mrs. William A. 1'axton , Mr. W. A. Paxton Jr. , Dr. and Mrs. James H. Peabody , Mr. ( and Mrs. E. P. Peck , Mrs. Elizabeth H. Peck Mr. and Mrs P. L Perrlne , Hon. and Mrs A. J. Popploton. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Popple- ton , Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Powell , Mrs. C. M, Powell. Mr. nnd Mrs. H. McL. Towell. Mr.- E. . D Pratt , Jr. , Mr. nnd Mrs. Lewis S. Heed Mr. and Mrs. Abram L Heed , Mr. and Mrs W. S. Hector , Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Homing- ton , Mr. and Mrs. Lymnn Richard- sou - , Mr. L. W. Ross nnd family Mr. nnd Mrs T. L, Rlngwnlt. Mr. and Mrs John R Rlngwnlt , Mrs Sarah Roddls , Mrs Milton Rogers. Mr. nnd Mrs. Thomas J- Rogers. . Mr. Herbert M Rogers , Mr. Will Rogers , Warren Rogcra , Mr. and Mrs Edward Rosewater , Mr. Victor Rosowatei Mr. and Mrs C. B. Rusttn , Mr. nnd Mrs W. B. Sterling , Miss Mary Sargent , Hon and Mrs. Alvin Saundcrs , Mr. Charles L- Saunders. . Mrs. J. W. Savage , Miss Mattic Sharp , Miss Ida Sharp , Mr J. C Sharp , Mrs Charles Shlverlck. Mr. Arthur Shlverick , Mr Asa Shlverick , Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Slmeral Mr. and Mra. William Slmeral , Mr. E. W- Slmeral , Mr and Mrs. Howard B Smith Mr W. Farnam Smith , Dr. and Mrs. J. E Summers , jr. , Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Summers sr ; Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Squires , Mr- nnd Mrs. George G. Squires , Miss Louise Squires , Mr and Mrs 13 L Stone , Mr. II- F Cndy , Miss Hnttle Cady , Mr. and Mrs C D Sutphen , Mr. Dewitt Sutphcn , Mr and Mrs. Warren Swluler , Mr. nnd Mrs Thomas Swobe , Mr. and Mrs C. T. Tnylor , Miss Taylor , Mr J G Tnylor , Mr. nnd Mrs E A. Thayer , Senator and Mrs John M- Thurston , Dr. nnd Mrs. George Tllden , Mr and Mrs Charles Turner , Mr Curtlss Turner , Miss Mary Turner , Mr. nnd Mrs Jnmcs Van Ostrand. Mr and Mra. D H. Wheeler , Mr Bert Wheeler. Mr. and Mrs. A. C- Wakeley , Hon. and ? lrs. E. Wakeley , Miss Nelllo Wakeley , Miss Emily Wakeley , Mr Bird C Wakeley Mr. and Mrs William Wallace , Hon , nnd Mrs. A U Wyman , Hon and Mrs John L. Webster , Miss Flora Webster , Mr. and Mrs. Francis Wesscls- Mr and Mrs. D II. Wheeler , jr ; Mr and Mrs John E. Wilbur. Mrs. M. C. Wilbur , Mr and Mrs B B , Wood , Mrs. P. E Wood , Mrs. Clark Woodman , Mr and Mrs J M Woodworth , Rt. Rev. George and Mrs Worthlngton. Mr. and Mrs Henry Whiting , Mr. Charles Wilson , Mr and Mrs IIenr > Wyman , Mr nnd Mis. W T Wyman , Mr and Mrs IKnry W. Yntcs , Miss Bessfe Yates , Miss Flora Yates , Mr. and Mrs. C. E- Yost. . One of the prettiest homo weddings of the season occurred at high noon last Tues- day ¬ , when Mr. Clarence A. Sweet of Fre- mont ¬ and Miss Irene 13 Godfrey , daughter of Mr and Mrs Charles H , Godfrey , were united In marriage at the homo of the bride's parents , 312 South Eighteenth street , this city. After the wedding lunch , the young people left for the west , their wedding trip covering a number of the western re- sorts. ¬ . Mr and Mrs. Sweet will bo at homo to their friends at Fremont after September 10 , where Mr Sweet U recognized as one of the prominent joung business men of that busy little city. The wedding ceremony was performed In the parlor , which had been beautifully dec- orated With cut and natural flowers. The blinds were drawn and the gas lighted , giv- ing ¬ the Interior of the room a delightful appearance. Those Invited were relatives of the contracting parties. The bride was gowned In pink silk , trimmed with real lace and chiffon. She carried a huge bunch ot white roses , TliorHoii-Floiliiinii. Probably the grandest wedding that ever occurred among the Swedish population of Omaha took place last Thursday evening , In the Swedish Lutheran church , when Mr. Carl Thorson and Miss Emma Flodinmi , daughter of Mr. and Mrs , P. E- .Flodman . , were married. At 8 o'clock the bridal couple , preceded by the brldeemalds and groomsmcu , arrived. The bridesmaids and groomsmen were Miss Ida Flodman , Bister of the bride , and Mr , Ells Thorson , brother of the groom ; Miss Amanda Limlo- blad - and Mr , Oscar Hypse , Miss Edltb Carl ¬ son and Mr , Alvin Johnson. There were also In the bridal procession two little flower gtrli. Bertha Flodman and Nora Jerpe. The bridal procession came marching in very , keeping time to the soft strains of % ihurmlng wedding march played on the pipe orgau by Mlsa Hannah Flodman , the organUt of the church and a gUter ot the bride The bridal procession was ono < Ideal beauty. The bride was gowned 1 cream colon and silk. The church was tastefully decorated , th principal feature being a large arch of evci greens , upon which was an artistically de- signed good luck horse shoe , At the altar the people were mt- by Dr. P. J. Sward , who united them 1 wedlock according to the rites of the Luth- cran church , after which he delivered short address. The church was filled to overflowing nn many could not gain admission After th ceremony a reception was held In th church parlors A number ot telegram and letters of congratulation were recclvei' ' The Swedish church choir rendered number of beautiful songs suitable to tto- ccasion. . Mrs Clara Ekstrom nnd Mr. Cat Ekstrom gave piano duets and a short bu hearty speech was delivered by Rev. C. Ii- Elvlng. . The wedding presents were man and elaborate The bridal couple will mak- n short wedding trip to DCS Molnes o Monday When they return they will lo- cate nt 2055 North Nineteenth street.- In . Honor iif Ml ** ICIInntrlelc. Last Wednesday evening a delightful danc- Ing party was given by Mr and Mrs Thoma- Kllpatrlck In honor of their daughter , Mis- Florence. . The rooms of the pleasant hem wore thrown together for dancing. Th porch , fuinlshed with rugs , divans , etc made a pleasant moonlit retreat for thi- dancers. . There were present' Misses Adeline Nash Louise Hobble , May Hamilton , Emmi- Crclghton , Clara Palmer , Ednn Cowln , Flor- ence Morse , Lo Boutlller , Josephine Chris tlnn , Lydla Moore , Eva Kcnnard , Anna Shlv- erlck , Orctchcn Crounso , Georgia Llndsey Helen Miller. Gertrude. Kountro , Helci- Hoaglaml , Bessie Yates , Carolyn John- son of St. Joseph , Hugus of Pasadena , Saral Baum , Bessie .Towlo , Sue Colpctzer , Saldi Allen , Leila Carter , Agnes Reed , nud Messrs Will Rogers , Hal Shears , Asa Shlverick Ross Towle , Arthur Cooley , Herbert Morse Edgar Mcrsman , Russell Wilbur , Era Mil laid , Jay Boyd , Louis Reed , Fleetwood. Og- den of Now Orleans , Charles Pratt Fran ! Hamilton. Tom Crelgh , Herman Kountze Luther Kounte , Charles Wilson , Mlllan Hopkins , Harry Lyman , Fred Austin , Ho ; Crummer , Paul Hoagland , Will Cowln. Fre Lake , Moshler Colpetzer , Charles Young John Patrick , William Cox , Arthur Carter Harry Llndsoy , Henry Allen , Earl Gannett Sam Bums , Wallace Lyma- n.Camltnl . of tlie Sirl o . The lawns of R. R. Ballman and C. C Cope , Jr. , at Twenty-eighth and Blondi streets were the scene of a delightful enter talnment given by the llttlo folks of tin neighborhood last Wednesday evening Dressed In fanciful costumes of varlousl : tinted paper , the little girls looked Indeec like fairies and flowers The months were represented as follows Helen Thotras , Februaiy ; Daisy Lightfoot March ; Stella Grocox , April ; Margaret Col well , May Birdie Williams. June ; Belle Wll- Mams. . July ; Franklo Grocox , August ; Ear- line Valentine , September ; Edna Jameson October ; Alma Buck , >Iov ember ; Ruby Tracy December Bertha Morton was "Nature , " Margarel- Cohvoll princess and John Wood prince. The last scene was n dainty little elf Alice Anderson , emerging from among th ( opening petals of an enormous tulip ant skipping about as a fairy should. All who were there pronounced the enter- tainment n success. for tlic Chililrrn.- A . pretty dancing party was given lasl Tuesday evening from 7 to 11 by Mrs. W. J Connell for her two charming little daugh- ters , Marlon and Hazel. About 100 bonnic lassies were present. The floors of the drawing room and library were catvassed , the porch ilecorated with Japanese lanterns and floor waxed for danc- ing La France roses , carnations and ferns decorated the spacious rooms. During the evening delicious refreshments were served In the dining room , In fact all arrangements were complete in every detail for the en- joyment of the merry little guests The strains ot sweet music , the perfume of flow- ers , the murmur of happy childish voices the tinkle of dancing feet , the white duck suits of the boys and the dainty airy cos- tumes of the llttlo maidens In the soft , mel- low glow of the tapers , all combined to make ono forget the dull old world and dream they were wltiesslng a carnival of real fairies.- Ifr. . . niirt MFH. Tl 'nr l'x Surprise I'nrty Among the many enjoyable parties of the past week the surprise tendered Mr. and Mrs. Beard was ono of the most enjoyable. Without a word of warning the party ap- peared ¬ and took possession of their home and for several hours menlmcnt reigned supreme , the pleasure seekers enjoying themselves as only a party of Omaha's young people can. Various games were In- dulged ¬ In. Dainty refreshments were served it a late hour. Messrs Beard and Jen- nings ¬ rendered several musical selections , which were well received , and aided In completing a very Interesting Impromptu irogram. Those present were : Mr. and Mrs. Beard , Mr. and Mrft. Whitehouso , Mr. and Mrs. Greylag , Mr. and Mrs. Henry Beard ; Misses Shalda , Mulhall , Shalda , Coppeck , Shalda , Glllan , Mulhall and Hummel ; Messrs Jen- ilngs - , Irwln , Impey , McCreary , Bouk , Hum ¬ mel and Allen- .Siiiprlm . - M r. Ilnjtlcii.- A . pleasant surprise was given William C. Hayden last Tuesday evening at the rcsl- lence - of D. I , Hayden. Appropriate music was furnished by Mr. H. Griffiths and pleas- ant ¬ games were indulged In by all present. Light refreshments were then served and altogether the evening proved a most en- oyablo - one. Those present were1 Ed Martin , Bert Smith. Abe Kohn , Llllle Kohn , Mr. and Mrs. H. Griffiths , Fred Currier , George T- .larrle . , Addle Palmer , Emily Brown , Frank roplirr , Maria McGlnnls , P. W. Perry , rleda Voncgert , Harry Bcrgcr , Nellie Ilckok , May Nelson , Charley Turker , Amma- inowden , Theodore Fainsley , Mr. and Mrs. Schneider , Maggie Brown , Tony Brown , Dr. and Mrs. Walter , Mnttlo Alvcy , Alfied- Vlntera , W. R. Jones. Laura Nelson , Mima- Jayden , Savlllo Hayden , Sammle Has den , Yesley L Hnydcn , Mr. nnd Mrs. D. I , Hay ¬ den. _ _ Oruniil7i-l n ISen Club.- An . 0. G. N. club was organized last Tues- lay evening at the residence of Charles A- .laldwln . , and the following officers elected'- 'resident , Herman Wachter ; vice president , Jharles Baldwin ; secretary and treasurer , leo A , Llllle. On Thursday evening the club was entertained at the residence of- W J. Bnldwln , 2100 Ohio street. Cords and games were the order ot the evening , Lun- cheon ¬ was served at a late hour. Those present were : Misses Llzzlo Bachus , Anna Sundlatid , Lulu Ochsenbcln , Mae Boyle , Lulu Jones , Miss Buck , Lucy Bald- win ¬ , Lily Burns , Lcona Cottrell , Nora M- cnn - , Minnie Heacock , Anna Anderson , Opal Jaxter , Agnes Morand , Wllhelmlna Martin and Miss Klrkpatrlck ; Messrs. George Gard- ner ¬ , George Boycr , Henry Smith , Will Fal- coner ¬ , Dave Golden , John Wilson , Charles Baldwin , Heman Wachter , Curtis Eaton , liiK' I'nrtj.- A . dancing party was given by Miss Lulu Joyd at her homo , 1302 Park avenue , Thurs- ay - evening. Those participating were : lossrs Harry Wade. William Wood , Charles Shlverick , Wlllard Barrows , Gilf- ord ¬ Sadler , Lauren Drake , Gas lord Martin , .etta Dwyer , Walter Wllklns , George Grant , Jlarenco Thurston , Hex Moorhouso , Paul lodgland , Prof , Cockrell , Leon Boyd , John .arlnicr ; Misses Clarice Sadler , Maria larker , Nanco Taylor , Vivian MeDonaW , Cato Grant , Margaret Curtis , Darlln Brcck- nrldgo - , Giaco and Qeno Thurston , Lulu Mwanla , May Nordaln , Hazel and Marian Connell , Ethel Wllklns , Miss Purvis , Alma Maplln , Holllo Burgess , Sadlo Alexander , .label Boyd , ___________ At n Tl.lnil.le 1'iirty.- A . Thimble party was given by Mrs. En- rlkln - last Thursday afternoon , which was a most enjoyable affair. The hostess had pre- tared - a delightful surprise , In the way of a- jargaln counter , which the guests , after lartaklng of delicious refreshments , were nvlted to Inspect. Each guest was pre- ented - with a dainty pleco of china as a- ouvenlr of the occasion , Among the guests present were : Meg- ames Cronk , Billiard of Chicago ; Hasel of- hlladolphla ; Burners , Ford , Sherrnclun , ones of Dolovan ; Kessler , Sanburn , Rhodea , Cochran , Kline , Flnley and Pass- .MnrrliiKrH . mill The wedding of Mr. William F. Baxter f Omaha and Miss Katherlne Krlckhaus ot- St. . Louis , will occur at the last named city on September 15 Miss Krlckhaus vlsllec- Mrs. . Illlam Kccnlg three summers ago Mrs. II. Nathan announces the cngagemen- of her <lauglrte"r , Carrie , to Joseph A. Syars- At All Saints' rectory , Friday , August 28- Mr. . Louis A Weber and Miss Bertha Wood both of Council Bluffs , Rev. T J. Mackaj- officiating. .}=> The engagement has been announced o- Mr. . Ward Bdrgess and Miss Margaret Brown Both are wijlhknown favorites of Omaha so- clcty circle . Word has b en received of the engage- ment of Miss Helen Copcland , formerly ol Omaha , but-riow living at Salem , Ore. , nni- Mr Fred Smith"of that place. Married af Uie homo of the bride's parents 316 South JLTueniy-slxth street , Lillian daughter o( Mr. , and Mrs. Darius H Fitch- ind Mr Caheton Branch White ot DuQuoln 111 Only { ho Immediate family were pres- ent. . Mr aiFd Mrs White left on the after- noon train for a western tour Invitations are expected to be soon Issued for the marriage of Miss Grace Detwller daughter of Mis Matilda Detwller of thU city , and Mr Paul Kulins. also ot Omaha. Among the social happenings of the pasl fortnight was the marriage of Mr John Go- llgleo !- to Miss Hose Nau on August 18 at St- .MaryMagdalene's church. Rev Father Glnuber ofllelatlng Mr Michael Golllglcc- ncted ns groomsman and Miss Mnrgnrultc- Nau ns bridesmaid After the ceremony a reception was held and n wedding lunch served nt the residence of Mr nnd Mrs. Thomas Burns. SS4 South Seventeenth street with whom the brldo had made her home. Amid a shower of rice and best wishes the happy joung couple left on the evening train for Fremont where the groom Is n prosperous young farme- r.I'limllon . * tlm < HIM - I'lifonil.- In . honor of Miss Boutcl and Miss Chllds , Mrs Frank L McCoy gave n charming "morning kcnslngton" on Thursday. Miss Acheson received at an afternoon tea on Saturday afternoon , from to 6 , In honor or her cousin , Miss Helen Chllds of Pitts- burg. - . The Misses Comstock entertained a num- ber ¬ of joung women on Wednesday after- noon ¬ In honor of Misses Chllds and Beutel , the guests of Miss Acheson. Last Tuesday evening a most pleasant surprise party wns given by the Misses Nelllo McCarthy nnd Ltda Hourlgan In honor of Miss Toody Hourlgan- A bowling party , followed by an elegant luncheon , was given Wednesdiy afternoon bv Mrs Charles Mctz of South Twenty-eighth street In honor of the Misses Schmidt of Davenport and Miss Clara Schmidt of St- Louis. . Tuesday afternoon Miss Evelyn Jones en- tertained ¬ at Kensington for her friend , Miss Eulallo Houck of Plttston , Pa Those pres- ent ¬ were- Mrs Fred Schneider , Misses Hall , Emlngcr , Bates , Burnham , Aulthans , Fow- ler ¬ , Coatsworth and Houck. The Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor of St. Marj's Avenue Congrega- tional ¬ church toured the city Monday even- Ing - In two largo trolley cars. Over seventy Endeavorers and their friends were present. Refreshments were served on the cars while en route.- A . pleasant surprise party was tendered Miss Orllla Butterfleld by her many friends last Thursday evening. The guests were : Misses Mamie and Fannie Thomas , May Stockham , Ertle Monlngcr and Lottie Whlto- liorn - ; Messrs Wood , Miller , Wallace , Smith , Carney and II. Gamble. Miss Rose Bernstein entertained a few of her friends informally on last Wednesday evening with Dancing , games nnd music. Among those , present were : Misses Belle and Bessie JlcPhall , Myers , Ajers , Wllcox , Kalish , , Bernstein and Miss Sadie Bernstein , Mlss , Cora Young of Council Bluffs and tMiss May Young of Trinidad , Cole A most pleasant evening Is reported by all Tuesday Master David Northrup enteri- n - In cd at his home In honor of his twelfth birthday. lAfter several games , refresh- ments ¬ were served , and a very enjoyable time was had by all. The Invited guests were : Misses Lena Crlt7er , Bessie Crltzer , Lillian Hall , Alice Hall , Mary Bedwell , Nel- le - Guild , Bertha Majnard , Edna McLeod ; Masters Joe Maynard , Edgar Bedwell , Frank Peckham , Willie Guild , Jack Guild and Shlr- ey - and David Northrup.- A . bicycle party was given last week by some Omaha young men In lionor of their joung lady friends , but owing to the modesty it the said joung men. wo are only allowed : o candidly say , after the ride they returned to Omaha for lunch and afterwards danced until a late hour , The party consisted of Misses Vinnle Brown , Bertha Hertzler , Lole- 3Iark Edna Jones , Edna Sherwood , Fay 3ole , Kato Whltmarsh , Kate Wilson ; Messrs- Whltmarsh , Young , Hastings , East , Scribncr , Forsher , Dale. Buckingham. Tuesday evening a most enjojable cycling party was given by Miss Katherlne L Havens and Miss Ada M. Stone. After a short ride to the -cast of Hanscom park , the ride was out Center street , on the macadam. The party returned to the. home of Miss Havens , where , on the lighted lawn , dainty refreshments were served. Those partici- pating ¬ in the enjoyment of the evening were : Misses Eva Bartlett , Mamie Bojle , Bruner , Clark , Delia Day , Havens , Hertzler , Parsona of Chicago , Stone , Wjman ; Messrs Brown , Bruner , Chaffce , Dale , Day , Ewlng , Poster , Harford , Houston , Ireland , McCague , McClond. The chaperones wereMr. . and Mrs. M. L. Stone and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Chase.- A . few Walnut Hill j-oung girls last Frl- lay evening entertained nt the home of Miss Adele Ryan. Many were dressed In costumes to represent books. Miss Ruth Wiley as "Pocahontas , " Miss Maybel Hull as "A Boston Girl , " Miss Hattlo Mitchell as- 'A Bow of Orange , " Miss Adele Ryan as Work , " Miss Edith Dumont as "A Gypsy Girl , " nnd Miss Clara Hervey as "A Paper Soil. " Games and dancing were enjoyed until dainty refreshments were served , then .ho llttlo Misses Dovey of Plattsmouth ren- cred - a pleasing vocal selection.- 'hoso . present were : Misses Edith Du- mont ¬ , Ruth Wiley , Katherlno Wiley, Clara Icrvey , Maybel Hull , Clara Mackin , Emma Joerne , Hattlo Mitchell , Adele Rj'an , Naomi 3peneter , Ethel Hull , Alice Dovey and Ethel } ovey ; Messrs. Dale Daw son , Mont Case , lobert Shirley , Arthur Chlsnm , Ben Senton , 3nrl Hervey , Joe Qulnllvln , Earl Tate , Les- er - Hutchlnson , Charlie Wagner , Lester Wll- on - and Edward Burgess. Miss Ethel Hull and Miss Belle Ryan presided at the punch owl , _ I'ooiili * "VVlio Conn1 neil (! o- .Mrs. . . W. S. Stravvn Is back from Okoboji. Miss Pearl Hartman Is at Lake Hlpley , Wis. Lulu Pejcko leaves for school Saturday , September B- .Mr. . . Gould Dlctz is homo again from Sheri- dan ¬ and Dome Lako. Mrs Steven A. MoWhortcr Is recovering rom a two weeks' Illness. Miss LIlllo Tukey has returned from her ummer outing at Okoboji. Mrs , George E. Collins has returned from a nine weeks' trip In the east. Miss Mary Lunt of Wisconsin is the guest of her brother , Mr , A. J. Lunt. Irving P. < lner |s making his home vlth Mr. and Sirs S A. McWhorter- Mr John CV. iWharton left Thursday for a two weeks' putlng on the northern lakes , Mrs. T, J. Rogers and daughters have re- timed from ajslx. weeks' stay In Salt Lake City.Mr. . Archibald Acheson returned to Omaha his week after a sojourn of a month In Miss Henrietta 'Fohllch of Nebraska City s visiting Mlsa Hattle Drelfus during fair veek. ' Mra. H. H. Mrittock and son of Chicago nro visiting the family of Frank E. Alex- ander ¬ , Judge Baxter a'pd Mrs. Baxter , and Mrs tobert Purvfs rpturned from Denver on 'hursday. Miss Carlta Curtis has returned from Spirit Lake , where she has been spending the summer. She will remain In the city n week , when shn leaves for her school In the east Colonel C. L. Harris nnd toll daughter Miss Louise Harris , have returned from Sal Lalo City.- Mr. . . and Mrs. J. H Holrnnn of Indlanapo- Us , Intl. , arc the guests ot Mr. and Mrs. C- F , Wellcr.- Mrs. . . H. J. Fry and children have rcturnc from Georgetown , Denver and other Colo- rado points. Miss Eulalle Houck of West Plttston- I'd , Is visiting Miss Evcljn Jones of Chi caco street Edward PecV and family will move Int the city from their summer home nt Calhoui- on Tuesdaj' . Mrs W. A Plcl ot West Point Is visiting for several weeks with her sister , Mrs. O- C. . Kuenne.- Mr . and Mrs Frederick W. Leo nnd sons Robert anil Curtis , nro nt Lee Abode , Lak- Ulpley , Wls. Miss Hnlton and Miss Lindsay of St Louis are visiting Miss Ocorglc Krtlg o- Kountzo Place , Charley Engcl of this city has returnci from a vacation of two months spent aroiuu the Gloat Lakes. Miss Beutel , who has been visiting il Omaha for the past ten days , Is now visit tug friends In Iowa.- Mr . nnd Mrs Andrew Hoscwnter and sol left Wednesday to spend ten days In Wji- omlng and South Dakota.- Mrs. . . Minnie Miller Thompson of Topekn- Kan , Is visiting nt the homo of Miss Nellie Sheeb 2MS Lcavenworth During their stay at Lake Rlpley , Mr. ant Mrs. Felix McShanc welcomed many of their friends to the Owl's Nest. Miss Mnjmo Hutchlnson , who has been spending the summer at Denver and Manl ton , returned homo jcstcrday.- J . M. Wilson has relumed from an ex- tended ¬ eastern trip having spent the soasoi- at Coney Island and Long Branch.- Rev. . . T. J. Mackay and family have re- tuined to the city after a delightful stim- iner - spent nt Harbor Springs , Mich Mrs A E Baker of Chicago , who has been visiting her sister , Mrs George W lloobler the past few weeks , has returned home Miss Frances Arnold , dliectnr of music In the Omaha schools , has been n sojouiner- nt Ak-Sar-Uen cottage , Like Hlpley , Wls.- Mrs. . . B Harris nnd daughter have le turned from a weeks' visit with friends nnd relatives at St Louis and Creal Springs 111. Miss Mable Smith of Oak Park. Chicago visited Mrs. Charles D. Thompson of 2112 Douglas street Thursday and Friday of last w cck.- Mrs. . . Felix J. McShnno , sons Edward and Felix , and daughter , Marie , have returned home nftci two months spent at Lake Rip- ley - , Wls Miss Schultz has left for a month's visit in St. Paul , and while there she will he the guest of Mrs. A. H. Llndeko and Mrs S. H. Ide. Miss Octavla LeSueur of Jefferson City Mo. , and Miss Susie LeSueur of Lexington Mo , are visiting their aunt , Mrs. Jeffcrhon- W. . Bedford Miss Nora O'Connor , who was formerly a teacher In the Farnam Street school , will henceforth bo identified with the Chicago city schools.- On . Sunday , September C , Mrs. Edward C- .McShane . nnd the Misses McShane leave for New York , to sail for Europe , to spend the w Inter abroad. Miss Theodora Borglum , accompanied by her mother , left Omaha Wednesday for Palo Alto , Cnl. , where she will attend the Stan- ford ¬ university. Miss May Cleghorn , daughter of Robert Clcghorn of Salt Lake , Is in the city and will remain several weeks , the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Weller.- Mrs. . . John Francis , accompanied by Mrs H. C. Fisher and her son , Harry , have re- turned ¬ fiom Manitou , where they have been during the past few weeks. Miss Ellenoro Dutcher , secretary of the Omaha chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution , has returned from several weeks' visit In the west.- Rev. . . Howard McAycal , who has been spend- ing ¬ his vacation camping with Dr. W. J- .Galbralth . in central Idaho , returned from that tenitory Friday evening last.- Mrs. . . Robert Rosenzwclg and children re- turned ¬ Tuesday , after two months spent along the Pacific coast and at Salt Lake City , visiting filends and relatives. Miss Rose. E. Nlckell and Miss Katherlne- O. . Gue have returned from the Maltha's Vineyard Summer Institute , where they have been spending the summer vacation.- Mrs. . . J. C Cornwell and children leave this evening for a month's visit with rela- tives ¬ in Minneapolis nnd St. Paul , the lat- ter ¬ place oncp having been her home.- Mr. . . Walter S. Anderson and wife of Salt Lake City are visiting at the house of Mr- .Anderson's . parents , 3523 Burt street , nnd will remain In the city for seveial days.- Mrs. . . A. C. Richards of Gencsco , 111. , Is expected next week to visltt her brother , F.- B. . . Glllmore , 2019 California street , nnd will accompany her niece. Miss Lita Glllmore , to- Denver. . I- Mr. . and Mrs. Thomas R. KImball have re- turned ¬ to Omaha from Dome Lake , Wyo.- Mr. . . T. L. KImball and family , with Mr- .Holdrege's . family , arc still occupying their cottager at the lake. Miss Hunt of Massa- chusetts ¬ , who has been the guest of the Holdreges during the season , came down last week and loft for the eas- t.i.icoi.vs . .SOCIAI.I sinn. LINCOLN , Aug. 29. ( Special. ) Miss Lot- tlo - Whedon nnd her brother , Bert , gnve a- very merry tallj'-ho ride Tuesday evening In- lionor of their guest , Miss Katharine Crllcy- of Kansas City. The young people met at- Mr , Whedon's handsome residence about 5 and drove to Ensign's barn. Arriving at their destination duo Justice was done the abundance of good things which Miss Who- don had brought for the lunch. Singing and dancing furnished the amubcmcnt until 10 , when the party started on their moonlight ride home. The guests were : Misses Eleanor Raymond , Sadie Bur nil a in , Ona Im- hoff - , Mabel Richards , Ellen Gere , May Bart- lett - of Omaha , Katharine Crlley of Kansas City, Mo ; Messrs John Jones , Will Ray- mond ¬ , Harry Evans , Tom Wing , Ralph Hag- gard ¬ , Piilsbury , Will Wcsterman , Bert Whe ¬ don , Dr. and Mrs Ladd , Emory Hardy, Mrs- .Buckstaff . and Mr. C. O , Whedon.- Mr. . . nnd Mrs. L. W , Marshall gave a very pretty party last evening. After a few houis spent pleasantly at cards , dainty refresh- ments ¬ were served , The Invited guests were ; Messrs. and Mesdamcs Burnhnm , William Leonard , Charles Lippencott , C. F. Lndd J.- A. . . Buckstaff , A. G. Beeson , R. J. Green , W.- B. . . HaiBrenvcs , F. W. Brown , John B. Wright , W. C. Wilson , G. M. LambortHon , L C. Burr , C , L. Burr , Carl Funko and D. E. Thompson , Miss Sadlo Burnham gave a jolly straw ride for Miss Bartlett of Omaha last even- ing ¬ , The young people met nt Miss Burn- iinm's - home at G for a rldo Into the country , The guests were : Misses Katharine Crlley- nf Kansas City , Louie Whcdon , Lewis , Brooks , Ella Raymond , Ona Imhoff , Bessie Wing , Alice Wing , Alice Rlghtor , Messrs. Will Raymond , Charley Jones , Harry Evans , Piilsbury , Honeywell , Coojey , Joyce , Enrl- McCroary , Tom Wing , On en Oakley. Miss Henrietta Hollowbush gave a very merry watermelon feast lost evening A thoroughly good time was had by nil the guests , who were : Misses Florence Farwoll , Mae Moore , Grace Oakley , Allco Slaughter , Olhe Latta and Miss Grace Rlngsurd of Elk Point , S. D. ; Messrs. C Y Smith. Matt Baldwin , Fred White. John Lottildgo , Ho- mer - Honeywell and John Farvvell , Mr and Mrs. Frank W Smith and Mr and Mrs Henry Sutton. Regent C , II , Morrlll rcoclvJ n postal from Chancellor MacLean , written at Ber- lin ¬ , In which ho elates that ho will re- tuin - to Lincoln two days piovlous to the opening of the university It Is understood that the ladlcz In wait- Ing for the Ak-Sar-Ben ball , to be neld Highest of _ H in Leavening Power. Laie&i u. b. ( jov't Iveport In Omaha during the state fair , ar Mrs O. M Lnmbcrtsnn and Mrs D E Thomp- son The maids of honor arc Miss Once Oakley and MKs Sadie Bu'.nnniu All ot Lin coin Misses Grace Oikley , Allco Sliushter and Grace Rlngsurd and Meism. Fied White , Homer Honovwcll and Harry Lanrlix; weie out Thursday night seienndlnt ; their friends Mhs Anna Binady , who Is n delegate to the convention ot Kappa Kappa Gnmmn fra- ternity ¬ , left Mond.iv for Kvuna'on , 111. , c- rompanled - by Miss May Whiting Thomas J Piatt nnd son , ( leorge. have re- turned ¬ from thrlr trip lo Ireland , where his mother now icsldes They weie gone eight weeks on this delightful Journev.- A . B Coffroth hiia ictiiini-d from nn ex- tended ¬ cnstein tilp. Including n uijngr- on the great Inkes Mis Coffioth I * visit- ing ¬ In Tcrro Haute Ind. Arthur Temple , n llttlo 12-jear-nld gentle- man ¬ from Mexico Cltj' , nnlvcd Weducsdnj for a visit with Mr. and Mrs D U. Thomp- son. . Mrs L. C Buir nnd daughter , Mae , fame home Thuisday from LaKe Okoboji , wheir they have been all summer cnjovlng an outing Dr. Alton Saunders left for Blockings R 1) , Tuesday He Is to take the post of- piofessor of botanv nt the State Agilcul- lural - college Miss Ella 11 Harper and Laura B. Flske left Thursdnj for Omaha to spiVid a week with the lattcr's Mster , Mrs O W. Kcnnoy- Mr and Mrs G Wheeler of Fulleiton Neb . have been visiting their son Mr. W B Wheeler , during the Grand Aliuj of the Re- public ¬ encampment Frank Stetson of Kansas City has been In the city the past week , the guest of his mother , Mrs T M Mnrquetto Miss Mae Bartlett of Omaha was visiting with Miss Allco Rlghter , Mrs Coats and Miss Eleanor Hnjmond this week. Miss Llda Miller went to Omaha this week to visit her Kappa Alpha Thcta sister , Mlsa- N'ell Randall. Miss May Lewis of Boston , Mass , Is visit- ing ¬ Miss Charlotte Clalk and other friends In the city R C Hamilton nnd wife of Keokuk , la , are visiting this week with A. R Talbot and wife- Miss Marie Marshall will go to Omahn week to attend the fair and the AkSarHonb- all. . Miss Ethel Ilarman and sister from Tccum- soh - are here spending the week with rela- tives. ¬ . Mrs Sclp Dundy of Omaha was In the city this week , the guest of Mrs AV B Ogden. Mrs T M Mnrquette will leave week for n short visit with relatives In Illinois Miss Nellie Lau will attend the AkSar- Bcn - ball at Omaha next Friday. Miss Ollvo Napper of Kearney , Neb , Is visiting the family of 71 A Wise Miss Mable Tuttle returned this week from her summer outing to Oregon Mrs Cochran left Wednesday for Peorla , where she will visit friends Mrs Bartlett of Omaha has been down to Lincoln twice this week Mrs E H Bow en returned Tuesday from the Black Hills Miss Mny Jones left this week for Cleve- land ¬ , 0- C E Magoon starts next week for Minne- apolis ¬ W. T. Elmore of Talmago was In Lincoln this week.- M . > TiS K1KM1 OMAHA'S hUIIUIlllS- ."Ilriinoii. . . Born To Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Hoffman , n daughter , August 23. James A. Howard Is building an addition to his store and fixing It up all around. Miss Ben Hoffman returned last Wednes- day ¬ from a month's visit with friends in Kcarnej- Mr. - . . Carmolchel Is having the house for- merly ¬ occupied by J. Martlg remodeled and repainted W. J. Joseph visited In Silver City , la. , during this week. He attended the fair at that place.- C. . . Stlger returned from Lincoln Thursday , where ho attended the Grand Army reunion held at that place. Miss Kemp nnd Miss Mary Griffith of Omaha have been visiting with Mrs. G. R- .Villlams . the past week. Mrs Fcott , who has been visiting In Ben- son ¬ for bcveral dajs , returned to her home In Lincoln last AVcduesdaj1.- Mr. . . and Mrs. H. C. Brewstcr of Beebee- town , la , formerly of this place , nre rc- lolclng - over the birth of a daughter. Miss A. E Stlger entertained some of her Frlonds at her homo last Thursday evening . pleasant evening wns spent with music ind games. Miss Eva Smith and Bertha Tldd ot Platta- nouth - arrived In Benson last Wednesday ifternoon and will visit with friends here .111 after the state fair. Will Anderson , who lias been living In- I3cnson during the summer , departed for Lincoln last Saturday , where he will ro- nimo - his studies at the University of Ne- araska.- Mrs. . . J. A. Morgan entertained nt dinner 'ast Saturday a week ago a number of bur ' 'riends and relatives who were in Omaha is delegates at the United Presbjterlan con ¬ tention. She was assisted in entertaining jy Miss Jessie McDIll. Miss Margaret Safford entertained her 'rlonds at her borne last Friday evening In loner of her guests , Miss Smith and Miss fldd. Though It was stormy without a- ilcasant evening wns spent till a late hour , refreshments were served.- V. . . SI. C. A. The managers of the Young Men's Chrl'3- lan association bureau of Information , inder the auspices of the Knights of Ak- jirBen - , nre vcrj- busy listing rooms for 'Iiitoia to the stnto fair nnd have already Hied quite n number They ure prepared o furnish lodging for at least 2,000 people luring fair week The cxperlenco of Inst- .ilr . time has taught them many thliiKS- ind the system tills will bo much mproved No rooms will be listed after ilonduy noon , ninrrliiKc MITIIHCH. Permits to wed have been Issued to the ollowlng parties by the county judge : Iiimo and AddrcsH Ago- .neob . Richards , North Plattc , Neb 21- lllu ) Aronsohn , Onialin 2- 1ohn Chrlstensen , Omaha SI- 31vcna Olson , Omaha 2- 2Vrthur M. Titus , Omaha :n- Juncy A. Stltcs , Omaha 2- 2Stover It Kvonrriitril.- A . Mr. Stover , engaged in the real estate iiislnoss , w ns tiled before Judge Gordon yea- onlay - morning. Ho was charged with swlnd- ing - n number of boarding house keepers y exacting a fee from them for listing their hciitsx * . repremitlng himself to bo $ fiRent for the rommtrclal club. Upon t testimony ot fe woman , A boarding houL- KfLpcr whom he had lined snd who pi him a fee , he was discharged , he trstlfyb" that Stover b rt mads no mlircprrsentntlwh- lo her and that she was satisfied ivlh what she hurt dons Th trouble was causi- by a tulsunlristandttiR between Mr. Utt i the ilub nnd Mr Htovcr. * There Is no txcuso for any man to M pear In tarlotv vlth n grimly beard slnta the Introduction ot Hucklngham'i Oyu- Mhlch cole : natural brown or black.I- . . . I-VIIAOUAl'lIS. The lies Molnti Ilaso Hall club arc quar- lered at the ItAtkcr j The Woodward Theater company are stop-t Ping at th IiArker. 1 M V) Tulton left last evening for Denver , ' to be gone several ilajs. . "Colouel" Hay Eaton returned jcst J y- fiom a vnrAtlon of two weeks , passed at- I.ainmlr vo- Suiieilntetident Poarse of the Omnha pub- , lie schoolb left last evening to spend Sun1- dav In Lincoln J J- Mc'sis retguson and Kmcrlck anil the Tlns company nro making the | Harl ei their headquaitcrs.- Rev. . . George Conrad of Klngsley , la. , haal been vlKltiiiK his fuitner parish at Saratoga ) and Chi-iry Hill during the past week.- W. . . C. Vandeivoort , chief clerk of the rail- way ¬ mall service , relumed vcstcrday from a tour of Coinado ) points , Including Denver.- C. . . W. Wllklns , cashier of the local Pull. man olllco , returned homo last evening from'v- n fortnight's vacation spent at Qunnlson , Cole P. Hnney , son of E Hancy of the union depot , leturned homo last evening fiom California , after an absence of nearly a serr. Mrs Remington has returned from n fortnight spent at the ranch of hcrA brother , Harry T. McConnlck , near Sher- idan ¬ , Wjo- Geoigo E. McKay of San Francisco ar- rived ¬ In Oinnhn jcsterday nnd will inako-a- short visit with friends before continuing on bis way eastward , Commercial men stopping at the Darker are Clint 11 Slater , Chicago ; John J. Corn- stock Jnrcbvllle. Wls ; W C. Ebcrts nnd J. 0 Klnnaid. Detroit , Mich ; E. R. Con-Ing- ; ton , Kansas City , Ej Elklns and William Vivian , St Joseph ; E. T How era , Kansas City ; Occigo Chapman , Hockford , III. ; 1- 3.Ogllvlo . , Minneapolis. Minn ; C. E. Klm- brough - , Mexico. Ind. ; Charles J. Smersh , Uralnard , Neb. With the approach 01 autumn we are preparing tc- d splay finer stocks of well- ] made and fashionable clothing-, all ready to put on , than we have ever shown before. Es- pecial ¬ pains have been taken ! in the selection and making of | these good- s.Meantime . our suppb- of lightweight garments is ] somewhat heavier than it | should be and we are offering quite unusual values in suits ind trousers in order to clear ] aut as far as possible our sum- merstock. - . Our Children's depart- ment ¬ , too , is full of attractive garments at attractive prices. V S. W. Cor. 15th nnd Douglas St.s. 'mmWWl V ; During fair Week in addition to the extremely low prices we are making to early purchasers of- CAKPCrS AND FURNITURE we will prepay the freight to all points in Iowa or- Nebraska. . ORCHARD & WILIICLM CARPET CO. ,

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Page 1:€¦ · TiriiJ OMAHA DAILY BEE : SfttDAY, AUCWST 30, 1800. f SOCIETY RECEIVES A K1SC-Enler' oftie Seven Oities Oibola tt-Oome CROWNING SOCIAL EVENT OF THE SEASON

TiriiJ OMAHA DAILY BEE : SfttDAY , AUCWST 30 , 1800. f


Enler' of tie Seven Oities of Oibola tt-



lirllllntit rntiutloti in lie Ce1i-l rntei1

lit he Cnnllp ' the KnluliUJ-Vi'xt IVIilny MKlil _ < if> NNl-

iof the "VVtM'U.

Last week society was all agog over the

fledlcfc reception , and to say the least , II

van the society event ot tlic season , having

brought out not only all of the old-time so-

ciety traders , but many of the future buds ,

All In nil , the lit dick reception will be

pleasantly rcnicmbcicJ foi mauy a lonf-

day. '. i

The coming vvcck , however , will put the

cap sheaf onto society and will give peo-

ple something to talk about for month *

to come. The event rofeircd to Is nothing

lest than the grand ball to be given by

the KnlRhta of Ak-Sai-Hcn at the castlenext Friday night. IbU ball U given In-

lionor of the coming of the King of Qtll-



> , ruler of the Seven Cities of Clbola ,

Kho will be attended by his ictlnuo of-

JtnlRhts , all ot whom come from the goodlyEouth land.

Upon this occasion the King of Qulvcrawill choose from the ladles of the court ,

or the malda of honor some Omaha womanRho In the plcscnce of the spectators willbo crowned the Queen of Qulvcra

The exercises at the ensile will beginshortly after !) o'clock Trlday evening withthe entrance of the Knights of Ak-Sar-Hon , clad In thtlr various costumes Afteientering the castle the knights will go

through the evolutions of a march , atthe end of which the king , whose IdentityIs known only to the knights of the Innercircle , will step flora the ranks and ascendthe dlai where the ladies of the court andthe maids of honor are sitting and fromtheir number he will choose the queenleading her forward to the front ot thedlas , tlicie to be crowned. After thh hasbeen accomplished there will be the IlojalLancers of the knights and their ladlesled by the king and Hit queen This overthe knights will repair to their dressingrooms , where they will resume their even-Ing


dre-ss , after which the ball will go onKitty prominent gentlemen of the knights

have been chosen as a reception committee ,

and twenty-iflve of the > oung men ns a (loot

committee , so that there Is no doubt of acomplete and correct management of themain floor. Governor Holcomb heads the re-


committee and will bo present.Full dress Is requisite for admission to the

canvascd space , although knights holdingball tickets not In full dress may sit In whatIs generally known as the blcjcle track sur-rounding


the oval , seats being reserved herefor all of them Each end of the oval willbo carpeted as last jear , and reserved forthe dancers

The band of-J.he Twenty-second Infantry ,

under the leadership of Mr. nelchardt , play-


ns an orchestra , will furnish the dancemusic , being stationed just behind the seatsof the maids of bonor. On the opposite sideof the hall will be the Seventh Waid Militaryband , plajlng the promenade music alter ¬

nately.Those who have been selected as ladles of

the court , ladles In waiting and maids of-

lionor are1Ladles of the Court Mcsdamcs Charles F-

Mandurson , W. N. Babcock. C B. Yost. E-

M. . liartlctt , W. II McCord , C. W. Lyman ,

P. II D.ivla Charles M Wllhelm. F. C-

Klrkcndnll , G'ly C Barton. J J Dickey , W-

R. . Bennett , II S Wilcox , C. S Totter, IsaacA. Coles. II. W. Yatcs , J. M Woolworth ,

Omahn ; EV Hart. John A. Baldwin , Coun-


niufts , la : r. L Clark , G M Lambert-son , D. E Thompson , Lincoln ; George II-


, George H. Bell , Grand Island ;

John C. Watson , Frank P. Ireland , NebraskaCity.

Ladles-ln-Waltlng Mesdnmes D. HWheeler , jr. . John S Brady , jr , Charles C.Allison , A. B. Jaqulth , W. A. Hedlck. HarryJordan , B. B. Wood. Rimer n. Bryson ,

Thomas A. Fry , O. D Klpllnger , M. C-

I'cters , Harry Cartnn , G. M Nattlnger ,

Julius Kessler , II. J. Pcnfold , Clement CluiseWalter Jardme , Vance Lane , G , W. Loomls-A. . I) Brandies , Omaha ; Ilarlow Keys , In-


, Neb ; W , S. Dlmmock , H WBinder , Lucius Wells , II. L CummlngsCouncil Bluffs , la ; D. L Holmes , James G-


. South Omaha ; Ray Nye. Fremont.Maids of honor Misses Pearl Hart-


, Zctta Margaret McKell ,

Palsy C. Poane , Sue May Dundy ,

Grace Allen , May Mount , Flora Webster ,

May Hartlett , Grace Illmebaugh , May Sar ¬

gent , Nellie Baum , Georgia Lindsay , ClaraPalmer , Lillian A. Wllcox , Snra Butts , Ber-tha


Sloanc , Florence Knox , Bessie YatesOmaha ; Dorothj Van Patten , Davenport , la ;

Nclllp Moore , Jennie Keating , Council Bluffs ,

In. ; Jean Bo > d Mullen , Ethel Honey SouthOmaha ; Mattlo Hayward , Qwendoljn Larsh ,

Nebraska City ; Laura Mead , May Colson ,

Fremont ; Hell , . Warwick , Grand Is-


; Maud Oakley and Sadie Burnham ,

Lincoln.At < lic Ilt-illrU ItiMM-iitliMi.

Last Thursday evening witnessed the socialevent of the week , which vras the receptiongiven In boner of the homo-coming of JohnI. Hedlck and the charming woman he haschosen for his bride ; and surely no bild-o'er had a more royal home-coming Themagnificent grounds surrounding the Rcdlck-lesldenco were Illuminated with hundredsof etectilc lights In the royal colors of Ak-fnrBen

-; the wide , loomy verandas were

likottlso illuminated The floral decorationsof the bouse were almost a dream of tropicalsplendor ; great palms , through which youcould nlmoit catch n breath of spicy south-ern


broeres ; graceful ferns and foliageplants Intermingled with red and white losesJn the drawing room , library and lower hall.-Avlth

.golden rod and Maiehel Nell roses In

the dining room , completed the decorationsIn the lower hall from a bower ot palms

n mandolin club of six pieces discoursedsweet music throughout the evening Alargo canopy was erected at the side en-trance


through which the guests passed tothe dressing rooms Coronndo punch , an In-ipoitatlon

-from the Coronado hotel , Santiago ,

Cal. , was served from a large punch bowlwhich rested In a bed of luscious fruits

Refreshments were served in the diningroom and library In the dining room wereMiss Dundy and Miss Wakeley , assisted byMrs. D , II. Wheeler , Jr. , and Miss DaisyDoane. In the library were Miss EmilyWakeley , Miss McKell and Miss DlckliibouJudge and Mrs , Hedlck wro assisted In re-ceiving


by Mr. and Mrs. W A. Hedlck and-Messrs. Clark and Chat Hedlek Assistingthroughout the rooms were Mrs W J. Con-neil , Mrs. Swaitzlander , Mis , McKell , MrsWood , Miss Hlmebjugh and Mrs. E. SDundy. jr.

The brldo wore blue foulard trimmed withblack chiffon , black ribbons and red rosesMrs , W , A. Hedlck wore blueorgandie. .

One noticeable feature of thu eveningwas the presence of many old icildcnU whocan seldom bo induced to attend socialfunctions

The list of Invited guests Included-Mr.


. and Mrs. George Armstrong , Mr andSirs. W. N. Babcock General and Mrs. JohnK. Ilropko , Judge Benjamin S. Baker , Mr-nud Mrs. n. Halch , Mr. and Mrb St. A. D-

Balcorabo , Miss Mora Balcombe. Miss Mabel-Balcombo , Mr. and Mrs 8 , D. Barknlow ,Mr, and Mrs , George Barker , Mrs. JosephBarker , Mr. Joseph Barker , Jr , , Mr. andMrs. M , T Barlow , Mr. and Mrs. BenjaminII , Barrows , Judge W O. Bartholomew , Mr-


Mrs. Guy Barton , Mr. and Mrs. J , F-

llarton , Mr. nnd Mrs K. C , Barton , Mrand Mrs. Lawrence Bedford , Mrs , H. Bel-



den , George P. Hernls , Mr. and Mrs L M-

Dennett , Hichard Berlin , Mr , and Mrs , Ellis: L. Blerbower , Hon. and Mrs. J. E , Boyd ,

i : Miss Margaret Boyd , Mr. nnd Mrs. L. Brad-ford , Mr , and Mrs. J. S. Brady , Mrs. K , J-

IJrlggs Mr. Clinton HrlBgs , Mr. and MrsJ , J , Brown , Hon. and Mrs Charles IIDrown , Miss Margaret Brown , Mr, and MrsTruman Buck , Miss Buck , Mr , and MrsSamuel Burns , Mlsa Fannlo Butterncld , MissMellona Buttcrfleld , Bert and MargaretCook. Hon. and Mrs. 8. H. II. Clark. Mrs.-



. S , Caldwell , Mr. ami Mrs. V , B. Cald-vvoll

-, Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Calm , Mr. and

Mrs. Albert Calm , Mr. and Mr a MartinCabn , Mr. and Mrs. O. 0 , Campbell. Mr-

nnd Mrs. It. Carrier , Mr. and Mr * . HarryCartau , Mr , and Mrs. C , r. Catllu , Mr. andMrs , Juinc-H K , Chambers , Miss DeliaChandler , Mr. 13. B , Chandler. Mr. ChampionB. Chase. Mr. uud Mr* . Clement 0. Cliaae ,

Henry T. Clarke , John T. Clarke , MlGertrude Clarke , Mrs n. H , Clarkson , Mi

and Mrs. John F. Goad , Dr. and Mri-V.. H. Coffman , Mr. and Mrs. Isoa-Coles , J. S , Collins , Mr , and Mr :

A. S. Carter , Mr. nnd Mrs. Levl CartelMrs. D. C. Collier , Mrs. D. L. Collier , Mis-

Hnttlu Collier , Miss H. E. Collier , Mr. anMrs F. Colpctzer , Ml n Susie Colpetzei-Mr.. and Mrs. I. H. Congdon , Mr. and MrsI. K , Congdon , Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Conkllns-Mr. . and Mm , W J. Council and familyMr. and Mrs. J. N. Cornish , Ed J. Cor-

nlsh , Mr. and Mrs C. K Coutnnt , Mr. an-

MM , J. C. Cowln , William H, Cowln , Mis-

Ednfi Cowln , Mr. nnd Mrs. Thomas A-

C'relgh , John A. Crclghlon , Mr and Mrs. I-


Crofoot , Dr nnd Mrs II. F Crummcr , UiHey Crummcr , Mr. nnd Mrs 13. A. CudahyMrs T 11 Cumlng , Mr, and Mrs. S. S. Curtls. Miss Linn Curtis , Mr N. N. Crnry , MrWilliam Crary , Miss Anna Crnry , Generannd Mrs. Geoige B. Dandy , Mr Milton KDarling Mr nnd Mrs. F. II. Davis , Dr-

nnd Mrs J C Denlse , Mr and Mrs. C. L-

Deuel. . Mr nnd Mrs H P. Douel , Mr , nmMrs J. J. Dickey , Mr. anil Mrs W Ljl-DIcKcy , Mr and Mrs E. Ulckcnson , MisJessie A. Dickinson , Judge and Mrs Gcorgi-W. . Doane , Miss Daisy Doane , Mr. On ;

Doane , Mr W. O Doane. Ilev nnd MrsRobert Dohertj , Luther Drake , Mr. nmMrs L J. Drake. Miss Alice Drake , Scth C

Drake , Judge nnd Mrs E S. Dundy , MlsiMay Dundy , Mr nnd Mrs. 13 S. Dundy-jr , Mrs n. Estabrook , Mr nnd Mrs. H. D-

Estnbrook , Mr and Mrs J II 13vnns , Judgi-

nnd Mrs. J. Fawcett , Judge nnd Mrs A. NFerguson , Mr. and Mra. Elmer 1) FrankDr. and Mrs. II. Olfford , Mr. amMrs Benjamin Gallagher , Mr. antMrs .1 W Gannett , Mr. Earl Gannett

Mr. C. C. George , Mr. J. E George , lionand Mrs Gilbert , Mr. and Mrs. C. JGreene , Arthur P. Gulou , Charles H. Gulou-

Mr and Mrs. C. Will Hamilton , Mr and Mra-

C W Hamilton , Mr Frank Hamilton , Mis

Stella Hamilton , Mrs Frank L Hallcr. Mr

and Mrs Chris Hnrtman , Miss Pearl Hart-

man , Miss Grace Illmebaugh. Mr. and Mra

0 M Hitchcock , Mr. nnd Mrs. George A-

Hoaglaml , Miss Helen Hoaglaml , Mr. PanHomeland , Mr. nnd Mrs. G. W. Holdrcgc-

Mr Paul Horbach , John D. Howe , Mr. am

Mrs William H S. Hughes , Mr and Mra-

C. . W. Hull , Mr. nnd Mrs 11. S. Hall , Judgiand Mrs. Frank Irvine , Dr. and Mrs. H. rJensen , Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. JohnsonMr nnd Mrs. Thomas Kllpatrlck. Mr. amMrs Charles B Keller , Mr. and Mrs. WllHam H. Kecley , Miss Fannie Kennedy , Mrand Mrs. B. E. B. Kennedy , Hermai-Kount7e , Miss Gertrude Kountze. Hon. amMrs George B. Lake , Mr. and Mrs. J. H-

Lelimer , Mr and Mrs G. W. Ltnlnger , Drand Mrs Horace Ludlngton , Mr. and MrsC W. Lyman , Miss Mary McCrcary , Mr

and Mrs William II. McCord , Mr. and MrsJohn McCreary , Mr. nnd Mrs. J. C. McKellMiss Margaret McKell , Mr. Thorpe J. McKell-

Mr and Mrs. W F. Hurley , Mr. and MrsA. J Hanscom. Miss Virginia C. Hanscom-Mr and Mrs John A. Horbach , Mr. and MrsCharles T. Kountye. Mr and Mrs. Jesse H-

Laccy.'Mr and Mrs. F. P. Klrkcndall , Mr

and Mrs William C. Ivcs , Mr. and MrsGeorge , A Josljn , Judge Larimer , Dr. am-

Mrs. . E W. Lee , Mrs. Florence McClelland-Mr and Mrs F. H McConnell , Mlsi-

Calllo McConnell , Miss Isaacs , MrsAnnie C Meredith , Mr. and Mrs. JameMcKenna , Miss Blanche McKcnna , Mr. amMrs J. A Mv-Shane. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Me-

Whorter, Hev. and Mrs T. J. Mackay , Gen-

eral and Mrs. C. F Manderson , Mrs. Ello-

Mathcscn , Mr and Mrs J. G. Megeath , Mrand Mrs. Samuel A. Megeath , Dr. and MrsS. D. Mercer , Mr. nnd Mrs. George Mer-

cer , Mr. nnd Mrs J. M MetciUo , Mr. amMrs Alfiod Mlllard. Hon. and Mrs GeorgeL Miller , Mr. and Mrs. J H. Mlllard. Mrand Mrs. W. B Mlllard , Miss Jessie Mlllard-Mr. . and Mrs. H , C. Miller , Mr. and MrsC. S. Montgomery , Dr. and Mrs. R CMoore , Mrs. S C. Morgan , Mr. and MrsW. H. Morris. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. V. MorseMiss May Morse , Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Mors-man , Edgar M Morsman , Jr. , Mr. E. P-

Mullen. . Mr. Frank Murphy , Mrs Ezra Mlllard , Miss Cnrrlo Millard , Miss Helen Mlllard , Miss Anna Mlllard , Mr. A. Nash , Mrand Mrs. E. W. Nash , Mrs. E. B. NicholsMr. and Mrs. Charles Offutt , Mr. nnd MrsCharles Ogden , Mr. and Mis. T. M. Orr , Mrand Mrs. W. C. Orr, Mr. and Mrs. H. EPalmer , Miss Clara Palmer , Mr. George HPalmer , Mr. and Mrs J. N. II. Patrick , Mr.Robert Patrick , Mr. John 13. Patrick , Mrand Mrs. M. T. Patrick , Mr Al S PatrickMr. and Mrs. George Patterson , Mr. am !

Mrs. William A. 1'axton , Mr. W. A. PaxtonJr. , Dr. and Mrs. James H. Peabody , Mr. (andMrs. E. P. Peck , Mrs. Elizabeth H. PeckMr. and Mrs P. L Perrlne , Hon. and MrsA. J. Popploton. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Popple-ton , Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Powell , Mrs. C. M ,

Powell. Mr. nnd Mrs. H. McL. Towell. Mr.-E. . D Pratt , Jr. , Mr. nnd Mrs. Lewis S. HeedMr. and Mrs. Abram L Heed , Mr. and MrsW. S. Hector , Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Homing-ton , Mr. and Mrs. Lymnn Richard-sou


, Mr. L. W. Ross nnd familyMr. nnd Mrs T. L, Rlngwnlt. Mr. and MrsJohn R Rlngwnlt , Mrs Sarah Roddls , MrsMilton Rogers. Mr. nnd Mrs. Thomas J-

Rogers. . Mr. Herbert M Rogers , Mr. WillRogers , Warren Rogcra , Mr. and MrsEdward Rosewater , Mr. Victor RosowateiMr. and Mrs C. B. Rusttn , Mr. nnd MrsW. B. Sterling , Miss Mary Sargent , Honand Mrs. Alvin Saundcrs , Mr. Charles L-

Saunders. . Mrs. J. W. Savage , Miss MatticSharp , Miss Ida Sharp , Mr J. C Sharp , MrsCharles Shlverlck. Mr. Arthur Shlverick , MrAsa Shlverick , Mr. and Mrs. J. M. SlmeralMr. and Mra. William Slmeral , Mr. E. W-

Slmeral , Mr and Mrs. Howard B SmithMr W. Farnam Smith , Dr. and Mrs. J. ESummers , jr. , Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Summerssr ; Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Squires , Mr-nnd Mrs. George G. Squires , Miss LouiseSquires , Mr and Mrs 13 L Stone , Mr. II-

F Cndy , Miss Hnttle Cady , Mr. and MrsC D Sutphen , Mr. Dewitt Sutphcn , Mrand Mrs. Warren Swluler , Mr. nnd MrsThomas Swobe , Mr. and Mrs C. T. Tnylor ,

Miss Taylor , Mr J G Tnylor , Mr. nnd MrsE A. Thayer , Senator and Mrs John M-

Thurston , Dr. nnd Mrs. George Tllden , Mrand Mrs Charles Turner , Mr Curtlss Turner ,

Miss Mary Turner , Mr. nnd Mrs JnmcsVan Ostrand. Mr and Mra. D H. Wheeler ,

Mr Bert Wheeler. Mr. and Mrs. A. C-

Wakeley , Hon. and ? lrs. E. Wakeley , MissNelllo Wakeley , Miss Emily Wakeley , MrBird C Wakeley Mr. and Mrs WilliamWallace , Hon , nnd Mrs. A U Wyman , Honand Mrs John L. Webster, Miss FloraWebster , Mr. and Mrs. Francis Wesscls-Mr and Mrs. D II. Wheeler , jr ; Mr andMrs John E. Wilbur. Mrs. M. C. Wilbur ,

Mr and Mrs B B , Wood , Mrs. P. EWood , Mrs. Clark Woodman , Mr and MrsJ M Woodworth , Rt. Rev. George andMrs Worthlngton. Mr. and Mrs HenryWhiting , Mr. Charles Wilson , Mr and MrsIIenr > Wyman , Mr nnd Mis. W T Wyman ,

Mr and Mrs IKnry W. Yntcs , Miss BessfeYates , Miss Flora Yates , Mr. and Mrs. C. E-

Yost. .

One of the prettiest homo weddings ofthe season occurred at high noon last Tues-day


, when Mr. Clarence A. Sweet of Fre-mont


and Miss Irene 13 Godfrey , daughterof Mr and Mrs Charles H , Godfrey , wereunited In marriage at the homo of thebride's parents , 312 South Eighteenth street ,

this city. After the wedding lunch , theyoung people left for the west , their weddingtrip covering a number of the western re-sorts.


. Mr and Mrs. Sweet will bo at homoto their friends at Fremont after September10 , where Mr Sweet U recognized as oneof the prominent joung business men ofthat busy little city.

The wedding ceremony was performed Inthe parlor , which had been beautifully dec-orated With cut and natural flowers. Theblinds were drawn and the gas lighted , giv-ing


the Interior of the room a delightfulappearance. Those Invited were relativesof the contracting parties.

The bride was gowned In pink silk ,

trimmed with real lace and chiffon. Shecarried a huge bunch ot white roses ,

TliorHoii-Floiliiinii.Probably the grandest wedding that ever

occurred among the Swedish population ofOmaha took place last Thursday evening ,

In the Swedish Lutheran church , whenMr. Carl Thorson and Miss EmmaFlodinmi , daughter of Mr. and Mrs , P. E-


, were married. At 8 o'clock thebridal couple , preceded by the brldeemaldsand groomsmcu , arrived. The bridesmaidsand groomsmen were Miss Ida Flodman ,

Bister of the bride , and Mr , Ells Thorson ,

brother of the groom ; Miss Amanda Limlo-blad

-and Mr , Oscar Hypse , Miss Edltb Carl ¬

son and Mr , Alvin Johnson. There werealso In the bridal procession two little flowergtrli. Bertha Flodman and Nora Jerpe. Thebridal procession came marching in , keeping time to the soft strains of% ihurmlng wedding march played on thepipe orgau by Mlsa Hannah Flodman , theorganUt of the church and a gUter ot the

bride The bridal procession was ono <

Ideal beauty. The bride was gowned 1

cream colon and silk.The church was tastefully decorated , th

principal feature being a large arch of evcigreens , upon which was an artistically de-

signed good luck horse shoe ,

At the altar the people were mt-

by Dr. P. J. Sward , who united them 1

wedlock according to the rites of the Luth-cran church , after which he deliveredshort address.

The church was filled to overflowing nnmany could not gain admission After thceremony a reception was held In thchurch parlors A number ot telegramand letters of congratulation were recclvei' '

The Swedish church choir renderednumber of beautiful songs suitable to tto-

ccasion. . Mrs Clara Ekstrom nnd Mr. CatEkstrom gave piano duets and a short buhearty speech was delivered by Rev. C. Ii-

Elvlng. . The wedding presents were manand elaborate The bridal couple will mak-n short wedding trip to DCS Molnes oMonday When they return they will lo-

cate nt 2055 North Nineteenth street.-



Honor iif Ml * * ICIInntrlelc.Last Wednesday evening a delightful danc-

Ing party was given by Mr and Mrs Thoma-

Kllpatrlck In honor of their daughter , Mis-

Florence. . The rooms of the pleasant hemwore thrown together for dancing. Thporch , fuinlshed with rugs , divans , etcmade a pleasant moonlit retreat for thi-

dancers. .

There were present' Misses Adeline NashLouise Hobble , May Hamilton , Emmi-Crclghton , Clara Palmer , Ednn Cowln , Flor-ence Morse , Lo Boutlller , Josephine Christlnn , Lydla Moore , Eva Kcnnard , Anna Shlv-erlck , Orctchcn Crounso , Georgia LlndseyHelen Miller. Gertrude. Kountro , Helci-Hoaglaml , Bessie Yates , Carolyn John-son of St. Joseph , Hugus of Pasadena , SaralBaum , Bessie .Towlo , Sue Colpctzer , SaldiAllen , Leila Carter , Agnes Reed , nud MessrsWill Rogers , Hal Shears , Asa ShlverickRoss Towle , Arthur Cooley , Herbert MorseEdgar Mcrsman , Russell Wilbur , Era Millaid , Jay Boyd , Louis Reed , Fleetwood. Og-

den of Now Orleans , Charles Pratt Fran !

Hamilton. Tom Crelgh , Herman KountzeLuther Kounte , Charles Wilson , MlllanHopkins , Harry Lyman , Fred Austin , Ho ;

Crummer , Paul Hoagland , Will Cowln. FreLake , Moshler Colpetzer , Charles YoungJohn Patrick , William Cox , Arthur CarterHarry Llndsoy , Henry Allen , Earl GannettSam Bums , Wallace Lyma-



of tlie Sirl o .

The lawns of R. R. Ballman and C. C

Cope , Jr. , at Twenty-eighth and Blondistreets were the scene of a delightful entertalnment given by the llttlo folks of tinneighborhood last Wednesday eveningDressed In fanciful costumes of varlousl :

tinted paper , the little girls looked Indeeclike fairies and flowers

The months were represented as followsHelen Thotras , Februaiy ; Daisy LightfootMarch ; Stella Grocox , April ; Margaret Colwell , May Birdie Williams. June ; Belle Wll-

Mams. . July ; Franklo Grocox , August ; Ear-line Valentine , September ; Edna JamesonOctober ; Alma Buck , >Iov ember ; Ruby TracyDecember

Bertha Morton was "Nature , " Margarel-Cohvoll princess and John Wood prince.

The last scene was n dainty little elfAlice Anderson , emerging from among th (

opening petals of an enormous tulip antskipping about as a fairy should.

All who were there pronounced the enter-tainment n success.

for tlic Chililrrn.-A

.pretty dancing party was given lasl

Tuesday evening from 7 to 11 by Mrs. W. JConnell for her two charming little daugh-

ters , Marlon and Hazel. About 100 bonniclassies were present.

The floors of the drawing room and librarywere catvassed , the porch ilecorated withJapanese lanterns and floor waxed for danc-ing La France roses , carnations and fernsdecorated the spacious rooms. During theevening delicious refreshments were servedIn the dining room , In fact all arrangementswere complete in every detail for the en-joyment of the merry little guests Thestrains ot sweet music , the perfume of flow-ers , the murmur of happy childish voicesthe tinkle of dancing feet , the white ducksuits of the boys and the dainty airy cos-tumes of the llttlo maidens In the soft , mel-low glow of the tapers , all combined to makeono forget the dull old world and dream theywere wltiesslng a carnival of real fairies.-



. niirt MFH. Tl 'nr l'x Surprise I'nrtyAmong the many enjoyable parties of the

past week the surprise tendered Mr. andMrs. Beard was ono of the most enjoyable.Without a word of warning the party ap-peared


and took possession of their homeand for several hours menlmcnt reignedsupreme , the pleasure seekers enjoyingthemselves as only a party of Omaha'syoung people can. Various games were In-


In. Dainty refreshments were servedit a late hour. Messrs Beard and Jen-nings


rendered several musical selections ,

which were well received , and aided Incompleting a very Interesting Impromptuirogram.

Those present were : Mr. and Mrs. Beard ,

Mr. and Mrft. Whitehouso , Mr. and Mrs.Greylag , Mr. and Mrs. Henry Beard ; MissesShalda , Mulhall , Shalda , Coppeck , Shalda ,

Glllan , Mulhall and Hummel ; Messrs Jen-ilngs

-, Irwln , Impey , McCreary , Bouk , Hum ¬

mel and Allen-


- M r. Ilnjtlcii.-A


pleasant surprise was given William C.Hayden last Tuesday evening at the rcsl-lence

-of D. I , Hayden. Appropriate music

was furnished by Mr. H. Griffiths and pleas-ant


games were indulged In by all present.Light refreshments were then served andaltogether the evening proved a most en-oyablo


Those present were1 Ed Martin , BertSmith. Abe Kohn , Llllle Kohn , Mr. andMrs. H. Griffiths , Fred Currier , George T-


, Addle Palmer , Emily Brown , Frankroplirr , Maria McGlnnls , P. W. Perry ,

rleda Voncgert , Harry Bcrgcr, NellieIlckok , May Nelson , Charley Turker , Amma-inowden , Theodore Fainsley , Mr. and Mrs.

Schneider , Maggie Brown , Tony Brown , Dr.and Mrs. Walter , Mnttlo Alvcy , Alfied-Vlntera , W. R. Jones. Laura Nelson , Mima-Jayden , Savlllo Hayden , Sammle Has den ,

Yesley L Hnydcn , Mr. nnd Mrs. D. I , Hay ¬

den. __Oruniil7i-l n ISen Club.-


0. G. N. club was organized last Tues-lay evening at the residence of Charles A-


, and the following officers elected'-'resident , Herman Wachter ; vice president ,

Jharles Baldwin ; secretary and treasurer ,leo A , Llllle. On Thursday evening the

club was entertained at the residence of-

W J. Bnldwln , 2100 Ohio street. Cords andgames were the order ot the evening , Lun-cheon


was served at a late hour.Those present were : Misses Llzzlo Bachus ,

Anna Sundlatid , Lulu Ochsenbcln , MaeBoyle , Lulu Jones , Miss Buck , Lucy Bald-win


, Lily Burns , Lcona Cottrell , Nora M-cnn

-, Minnie Heacock , Anna Anderson , Opal

Jaxter , Agnes Morand , Wllhelmlna Martinand Miss Klrkpatrlck ; Messrs. George Gard-ner


, George Boycr , Henry Smith , Will Fal-coner


, Dave Golden , John Wilson , CharlesBaldwin , Heman Wachter , Curtis Eaton ,

liiK' I'nrtj.-A


dancing party was given by Miss LuluJoyd at her homo , 1302 Park avenue , Thurs-ay


evening. Those participating were :

lossrs Harry Wade. William Wood ,

Charles Shlverick , Wlllard Barrows , Gilf-


Sadler , Lauren Drake , Gas lord Martin ,

.etta Dwyer , Walter Wllklns , George Grant ,

Jlarenco Thurston , Hex Moorhouso , Paullodgland , Prof , Cockrell , Leon Boyd , John.arlnicr ; Misses Clarice Sadler , Marialarker , Nanco Taylor , Vivian MeDonaW ,

Cato Grant , Margaret Curtis , Darlln Brcck-nrldgo

-, Giaco and Qeno Thurston , Lulu

Mwanla , May Nordaln , Hazel and MarianConnell , Ethel Wllklns , Miss Purvis , AlmaMaplln , Holllo Burgess , Sadlo Alexander ,.label Boyd , ___________

At n Tl.lnil.le 1'iirty.-A


Thimble party was given by Mrs. En-rlkln


last Thursday afternoon , which was amost enjoyable affair. The hostess had pre-tared

-a delightful surprise , In the way of a-

jargaln counter , which the guests , afterlartaklng of delicious refreshments , werenvlted to Inspect. Each guest was pre-ented

-with a dainty pleco of china as a-

ouvenlr of the occasion ,

Among the guests present were : Meg-ames Cronk , Billiard of Chicago ; Hasel of-hlladolphla ; Burners , Ford , Sherrnclun ,ones of Dolovan ; Kessler , Sanburn , Rhodea ,

Cochran , Kline , Flnley and Pass-



millThe wedding of Mr. William F. Baxter

f Omaha and Miss Katherlne Krlckhaus ot-

St. . Louis , will occur at the last named city

on September 15 Miss Krlckhaus vlsllec-Mrs. . Illlam Kccnlg three summers ago

Mrs. II. Nathan announces the cngagemen-of her <lauglrte"r , Carrie , to Joseph A. Syars-

At All Saints' rectory , Friday , August 28-

Mr. . Louis A Weber and Miss Bertha Woodboth of Council Bluffs , Rev. T J. Mackaj-officiating. . }=>

The engagement has been announced o-

Mr. . Ward Bdrgess and Miss Margaret BrownBoth are wijlhknown favorites of Omaha so-

clcty circle .

Word has b en received of the engage-ment of Miss Helen Copcland , formerly olOmaha , but-riow living at Salem , Ore. , nni-Mr Fred Smith"of that place.

Married af Uie homo of the bride's parents316 South JLTueniy-slxth street , Lilliandaughter o ( Mr. , and Mrs. Darius H Fitch-ind Mr Caheton Branch White ot DuQuoln111 Only {ho Immediate family were pres-ent. . Mr aiFd Mrs White left on the after-noon train for a western tour

Invitations are expected to be soon Issuedfor the marriage of Miss Grace Detwllerdaughter of Mis Matilda Detwller of thUcity , and Mr Paul Kulins. also ot Omaha.

Among the social happenings of the paslfortnight was the marriage of Mr John Go-

llgleo! -

to Miss Hose Nau on August 18 at St-.MaryMagdalene's church. Rev FatherGlnuber ofllelatlng Mr Michael Golllglcc-ncted ns groomsman and Miss Mnrgnrultc-Nau ns bridesmaid After the ceremony areception was held and n wedding lunchserved nt the residence of Mr nnd Mrs.Thomas Burns. SS4 South Seventeenth streetwith whom the brldo had made her home.Amid a shower of rice and best wishes thehappy joung couple left on the eveningtrain for Fremont where the groom Is nprosperous young farme-



* tlm < HIM - I'lifonil.-In


honor of Miss Boutcl and Miss Chllds ,

Mrs Frank L McCoy gave n charming"morning kcnslngton" on Thursday.

Miss Acheson received at an afternoon teaon Saturday afternoon , from to 6 , In honoror her cousin , Miss Helen Chllds of Pitts-burg.


The Misses Comstock entertained a num-ber


of joung women on Wednesday after-noon


In honor of Misses Chllds and Beutel ,

the guests of Miss Acheson.Last Tuesday evening a most pleasant

surprise party wns given by the MissesNelllo McCarthy nnd Ltda Hourlgan Inhonor of Miss Toody Hourlgan-

A bowling party , followed by an elegantluncheon , was given Wednesdiy afternoonbv Mrs Charles Mctz of South Twenty-eighthstreet In honor of the Misses Schmidt ofDavenport and Miss Clara Schmidt of St-

Louis. .

Tuesday afternoon Miss Evelyn Jones en-


at Kensington for her friend , MissEulallo Houck of Plttston , Pa Those pres-ent


were- Mrs Fred Schneider , Misses Hall ,

Emlngcr , Bates , Burnham , Aulthans , Fow-ler


, Coatsworth and Houck.The Young People's Society of Christian

Endeavor of St. Marj's Avenue Congrega-tional


church toured the city Monday even-Ing

-In two largo trolley cars. Over seventy

Endeavorers and their friends were present.Refreshments were served on the cars whileen route.-


pleasant surprise party was tenderedMiss Orllla Butterfleld by her many friendslast Thursday evening. The guests were :

Misses Mamie and Fannie Thomas , MayStockham , Ertle Monlngcr and Lottie Whlto-liorn

-; Messrs Wood , Miller , Wallace , Smith ,

Carney and II. Gamble.Miss Rose Bernstein entertained a few of

her friends informally on last Wednesdayevening with Dancing , games nnd music.Among those, present were : Misses Belleand Bessie JlcPhall , Myers , Ajers , Wllcox ,

Kalish , , Bernstein and Miss SadieBernstein , Mlss, Cora Young of CouncilBluffs and tMiss May Young of Trinidad ,

Cole A most pleasant evening Is reportedby all

Tuesday Master David Northrup enteri-n

-In cd at his home In honor of his twelfth

birthday. lAfter several games , refresh-ments


were served , and a very enjoyabletime was had by all. The Invited guestswere : Misses Lena Crlt7er , Bessie Crltzer,

Lillian Hall , Alice Hall , Mary Bedwell , Nel-le

-Guild , Bertha Majnard , Edna McLeod ;

Masters Joe Maynard , Edgar Bedwell , FrankPeckham , Willie Guild , Jack Guild and Shlr-ey

-and David Northrup.-


bicycle party was given last week bysome Omaha young men In lionor of theirjoung lady friends , but owing to the modestyit the said joung men. wo are only allowed: o candidly say , after the ride they returnedto Omaha for lunch and afterwards danceduntil a late hour , The party consisted ofMisses Vinnle Brown , Bertha Hertzler , Lole-3Iark Edna Jones , Edna Sherwood , Fay3ole , Kato Whltmarsh , Kate Wilson ; Messrs-Whltmarsh , Young , Hastings , East , Scribncr ,

Forsher , Dale. Buckingham.Tuesday evening a most enjojable cycling

party was given by Miss Katherlne LHavens and Miss Ada M. Stone. After ashort ride to the -cast of Hanscom park , theride was out Center street , on the macadam.The party returned to the. home of MissHavens , where , on the lighted lawn , daintyrefreshments were served. Those partici-pating


in the enjoyment of the eveningwere : Misses Eva Bartlett , Mamie Bojle ,

Bruner , Clark , Delia Day , Havens , Hertzler ,Parsona of Chicago , Stone , Wjman ; MessrsBrown , Bruner , Chaffce , Dale , Day , Ewlng ,

Poster , Harford , Houston , Ireland , McCague ,

McClond. The chaperones wereMr. . andMrs. M. L. Stone and Mr. and Mrs. ArthurChase.-


few Walnut Hill j-oung girls last Frl-lay evening entertained nt the home ofMiss Adele Ryan. Many were dressed Incostumes to represent books. Miss RuthWiley as "Pocahontas , " Miss Maybel Hullas "A Boston Girl , " Miss Hattlo Mitchell as-

'A Bow of Orange , " Miss Adele Ryan asWork , " Miss Edith Dumont as "A Gypsy

Girl ," nnd Miss Clara Hervey as "A PaperSoil. " Games and dancing were enjoyeduntil dainty refreshments were served , then.ho llttlo Misses Dovey of Plattsmouth ren-cred

-a pleasing vocal selection.-


present were : Misses Edith Du-


, Ruth Wiley , Katherlno Wiley , ClaraIcrvey , Maybel Hull , Clara Mackin , EmmaJoerne , Hattlo Mitchell , Adele Rj'an , Naomi3peneter , Ethel Hull , Alice Dovey and Ethel} ovey ; Messrs. Dale Daw son , Mont Case ,

lobert Shirley , Arthur Chlsnm , Ben Senton ,

3nrl Hervey , Joe Qulnllvln , Earl Tate , Les-


Hutchlnson , Charlie Wagner , Lester Wll-on

-and Edward Burgess. Miss Ethel Hull

and Miss Belle Ryan presided at the punchowl ,_

I'ooiili* "VVlio Conn1 neil (! o-



. W. S. Stravvn Is back from Okoboji.Miss Pearl Hartman Is at Lake Hlpley ,

Wis.Lulu Pejcko leaves for school Saturday ,

September B-



. Gould Dlctz is homo again from Sheri-dan


and Dome Lako.Mrs Steven A. MoWhortcr Is recovering

rom a two weeks' Illness.Miss LIlllo Tukey has returned from her

ummer outing at Okoboji.Mrs , George E. Collins has returned from

a nine weeks' trip In the east.Miss Mary Lunt of Wisconsin is the guest

of her brother , Mr , A. J. Lunt.Irving P. <lner |s making his home

vlth Mr. and Sirs S A. McWhorter-Mr John CV. iWharton left Thursday for

a two weeks' putlng on the northern lakes ,

Mrs. T, J. Rogers and daughters have re-timed from ajslx. weeks' stay In Salt Lake


. Archibald Acheson returned to Omahahis week after a sojourn of a month In

Miss Henrietta 'Fohllch of Nebraska Citys visiting Mlsa Hattle Drelfus during fairveek. '

Mra. H. H. Mrittock and son of Chicagonro visiting the family of Frank E. Alex-ander



Judge Baxter a'pd Mrs. Baxter , and Mrstobert Purvfs rpturned from Denver on'hursday.

Miss Carlta Curtis has returned fromSpirit Lake , where she has been spending

the summer. She will remain In the cityn week , when shn leaves for her school Inthe east

Colonel C. L. Harris nnd toll daughterMiss Louise Harris , have returned from SalLalo City.-


. and Mrs. J. H Holrnnn of Indlanapo-Us , Intl. , arc the guests ot Mr. and Mrs. C-

F, Wellcr.-Mrs.


. H. J. Fry and children have rcturncfrom Georgetown , Denver and other Colo-

rado points.Miss Eulalle Houck of West Plttston-

I'd , Is visiting Miss Evcljn Jones of Chicaco street

Edward PecV and family will move Intthe city from their summer home nt Calhoui-on Tuesdaj' .

Mrs W. A Plcl ot West Point Is visitingfor several weeks with her sister , Mrs. O-

C. . Kuenne.-Mr


and Mrs Frederick W. Leo nnd sonsRobert anil Curtis , nro nt Lee Abode , Lak-Ulpley , Wls.

Miss Hnlton and Miss Lindsay of StLouis are visiting Miss Ocorglc Krtlg o-

Kountzo Place ,

Charley Engcl of this city has returncifrom a vacation of two months spent aroiuuthe Gloat Lakes.

Miss Beutel , who has been visiting ilOmaha for the past ten days , Is now visittug friends In Iowa.-


nnd Mrs Andrew Hoscwnter and solleft Wednesday to spend ten days In Wji-omlng and South Dakota.-



. Minnie Miller Thompson of Topekn-Kan , Is visiting nt the homo of Miss NellieSheeb 2MS Lcavenworth

During their stay at Lake Rlpley , Mr. antMrs. Felix McShanc welcomed many of theirfriends to the Owl's Nest.

Miss Mnjmo Hutchlnson , who has beenspending the summer at Denver and Manlton , returned homo jcstcrday.-


M. Wilson has relumed from an ex-


eastern trip having spent the soasoi-at Coney Island and Long Branch.-


. T. J. Mackay and family have re-tuined to the city after a delightful stim-iner

-spent nt Harbor Springs , Mich

Mrs A E Baker of Chicago , who has beenvisiting her sister , Mrs George W llooblerthe past few weeks , has returned home

Miss Frances Arnold , dliectnr of musicIn the Omaha schools , has been n sojouiner-nt Ak-Sar-Uen cottage , Like Hlpley , Wls.-



. B Harris nnd daughter have leturned from a weeks' visit with friendsnnd relatives at St Louis and Creal Springs111.

Miss Mable Smith of Oak Park. Chicagovisited Mrs. Charles D. Thompson of 2112Douglas street Thursday and Friday of lastw cck.-


. Felix J. McShnno , sons Edward andFelix , and daughter , Marie , have returnedhome nftci two months spent at Lake Rip-ley

-, Wls

Miss Schultz has left for a month's visitin St. Paul , and while there she will hethe guest of Mrs. A. H. Llndeko and MrsS. H. Ide.

Miss Octavla LeSueur of Jefferson CityMo. , and Miss Susie LeSueur of LexingtonMo , are visiting their aunt , Mrs. Jeffcrhon-W. . Bedford

Miss Nora O'Connor , who was formerly ateacher In the Farnam Street school , willhenceforth bo identified with the Chicagocity schools.-


Sunday , September C , Mrs. Edward C-


nnd the Misses McShane leave forNew York , to sail for Europe , to spend thew Inter abroad.

Miss Theodora Borglum , accompanied byher mother , left Omaha Wednesday for PaloAlto , Cnl. , where she will attend the Stan-ford


university.Miss May Cleghorn , daughter of Robert

Clcghorn of Salt Lake , Is in the city and willremain several weeks , the guest of Mr. andMrs. C. F. Weller.-


. John Francis , accompanied by MrsH. C. Fisher and her son , Harry , have re-turned


fiom Manitou , where they have beenduring the past few weeks.

Miss Ellenoro Dutcher , secretary of theOmaha chapter of the Daughters of theAmerican Revolution , has returned fromseveral weeks' visit In the west.-


. Howard McAycal , who has been spend-ing


his vacation camping with Dr. W. J-.Galbralth

.in central Idaho , returned from

that tenitory Friday evening last.-Mrs.


. Robert Rosenzwclg and children re-turned


Tuesday , after two months spentalong the Pacific coast and at Salt LakeCity , visiting filends and relatives.

Miss Rose. E. Nlckell and Miss Katherlne-O. . Gue have returned from the Maltha'sVineyard Summer Institute , where they havebeen spending the summer vacation.-


. J. C Cornwell and children leavethis evening for a month's visit with rela-tives


in Minneapolis nnd St. Paul , the lat-ter


place oncp having been her home.-Mr.

.. Walter S. Anderson and wife of Salt

Lake City are visiting at the house of Mr-.Anderson's


parents , 3523 Burt street , nndwill remain In the city for seveial days.-


. A. C. Richards of Gencsco , 111. , Isexpected next week to visltt her brother , F.-


. Glllmore , 2019 California street , nnd willaccompany her niece. Miss Lita Glllmore , to-

Denver. . I-

Mr.. and Mrs. Thomas R. KImball have re-turned


to Omaha from Dome Lake , Wyo.-Mr.

.. T. L. KImball and family , with Mr-


family , arc still occupying theircottager at the lake. Miss Hunt of Massa-chusetts


, who has been the guest of theHoldreges during the season , came down lastweek and loft for the eas-



.SOCIAI.I sinn.LINCOLN , Aug. 29. (Special. ) Miss Lot-


Whedon nnd her brother , Bert , gnve a-

very merry tallj'-ho ride Tuesday evening In-

lionor of their guest , Miss Katharine Crllcy-of Kansas City. The young people met at-

Mr , Whedon's handsome residence about 5and drove to Ensign's barn. Arriving attheir destination duo Justice was done theabundance of good things which Miss Who-don had brought for the lunch. Singing anddancing furnished the amubcmcnt until 10 ,

when the party started on their moonlightride home. The guests were : MissesEleanor Raymond , Sadie Bur nil a in , Ona Im-hoff

-, Mabel Richards , Ellen Gere , May Bart-


of Omaha , Katharine Crlley of KansasCity, Mo ; Messrs John Jones , Will Ray-mond


, Harry Evans , Tom Wing , Ralph Hag-gard


, Piilsbury , Will Wcsterman , Bert Whe ¬

don , Dr. and Mrs Ladd , Emory Hardy , Mrs-.Buckstaff


and Mr. C. O , Whedon.-Mr.


. nnd Mrs. L. W , Marshall gave a verypretty party last evening. After a few houisspent pleasantly at cards , dainty refresh-ments


were served , The Invited guests were ;

Messrs. and Mesdamcs Burnhnm , WilliamLeonard , Charles Lippencott , C. F. Lndd J.-



. Buckstaff , A. G. Beeson , R. J. Green , W.-



. HaiBrenvcs , F. W. Brown , John B.Wright , W. C. Wilson , G. M. LambortHon ,

L C. Burr , C , L. Burr , Carl Funko and D. E.Thompson ,

Miss Sadlo Burnham gave a jolly strawride for Miss Bartlett of Omaha last even-ing


, The young people met nt Miss Burn-iinm's

-home at G for a rldo Into the country ,

The guests were : Misses Katharine Crlley-nf Kansas City , Louie Whcdon , Lewis ,

Brooks , Ella Raymond , Ona Imhoff , BessieWing , Alice Wing , Alice Rlghtor , Messrs.Will Raymond , Charley Jones , Harry Evans ,

Piilsbury , Honeywell , Coojey , Joyce , Enrl-McCroary , Tom Wing , On en Oakley.

Miss Henrietta Hollowbush gave a verymerry watermelon feast lost evening Athoroughly good time was had by nil theguests , who were : Misses Florence Farwoll ,

Mae Moore , Grace Oakley , Allco Slaughter ,

Olhe Latta and Miss Grace Rlngsurd of ElkPoint , S. D. ; Messrs. C Y Smith. MattBaldwin , Fred White. John Lottildgo , Ho-mer

-Honeywell and John Farvvell , Mr and

Mrs. Frank W Smith and Mr and MrsHenry Sutton.

Regent C , II , Morrlll rcoclvJ n postalfrom Chancellor MacLean , written at Ber-


, In which ho elates that ho will re-


to Lincoln two days piovlous to theopening of the university

It Is understood that the ladlcz In wait-Ing for the Ak-Sar-Ben ball , to be neld

Highest of _H in Leavening Power. Laie&i u. b. (jov't Iveport

In Omaha during the state fair , ar MrsO. M Lnmbcrtsnn and Mrs D E Thomp-son The maids of honor arc Miss OnceOakley and MKs Sadie Bu'.nnniu All ot Lincoin

Misses Grace Oikley , Allco Sliushter andGrace Rlngsurd and Meism. Fied White ,

Homer Honovwcll and Harry Lanrlix; weieout Thursday night seienndlnt ; their friends

Mhs Anna Binady , who Is n delegate tothe convention ot Kappa Kappa Gnmmn fra-ternity


, left Mond.iv for Kvuna'on , 111. , c-


by Miss May WhitingThomas J Piatt nnd son , ( leorge. have re-


from thrlr trip lo Ireland , wherehis mother now icsldes They weie goneeight weeks on this delightful Journev.-


B Coffroth hiia ictiiini-d from nn ex-


cnstein tilp. Including n uijngr-on the great Inkes Mis Coffioth I * visit-ing


In Tcrro Haute Ind.Arthur Temple , n llttlo 12-jear-nld gentle-


from Mexico Cltj' , nnlvcd Weducsdnjfor a visit with Mr. and Mrs D U. Thomp-son. .

Mrs L. C Buir nnd daughter , Mae , famehome Thuisday from LaKe Okoboji , wheirthey have been all summer cnjovlng anouting

Dr. Alton Saunders left for Blockings R1) , Tuesday He Is to take the post of-

piofessor of botanv nt the State Agilcul-lural


Miss Ella 11 Harper and Laura B. Flskeleft Thursdnj for Omaha to spiVid a weekwith the lattcr's Mster , Mrs O W. Kcnnoy-

Mr and Mrs G Wheeler of FulleitonNeb . have been visiting their son Mr. W BWheeler , during the Grand Aliuj of the Re-


encampmentFrank Stetson of Kansas City has been In

the city the past week , the guest of hismother , Mrs T M Mnrquetto

Miss Mae Bartlett of Omaha was visitingwith Miss Allco Rlghter , Mrs Coats andMiss Eleanor Hnjmond this week.

Miss Llda Miller went to Omaha this weekto visit her Kappa Alpha Thcta sister , Mlsa-

N'ell Randall.Miss May Lewis of Boston , Mass , Is visit-


Miss Charlotte Clalk and other friendsIn the city

R C Hamilton nnd wife of Keokuk , la ,

are visiting this week with A. R Talbot andwife-

Miss Marie Marshall will go to Omahnweek to attend the fair and the AkSarHonb-all. .

Miss Ethel Ilarman and sister from Tccum-soh


are here spending the week with rela-tives.



Mrs Sclp Dundy of Omaha was In the citythis week , the guest of Mrs AV B Ogden.

Mrs T M Mnrquette will leave weekfor n short visit with relatives In Illinois

Miss Nellie Lau will attend the AkSar-Bcn

-ball at Omaha next Friday.

Miss Ollvo Napper of Kearney , Neb , Isvisiting the family of 71 A Wise

Miss Mable Tuttle returned this week fromher summer outing to Oregon

Mrs Cochran left Wednesday for Peorla ,

where she will visit friendsMrs Bartlett of Omaha has been down to

Lincoln twice this weekMrs E H Bow en returned Tuesday from

the Black HillsMiss Mny Jones left this week for Cleve-


, 0-

C E Magoon starts next week for Minne-apolis


W. T. Elmore of Talmago was In Lincolnthis week.-






Born To Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Hoffman , ndaughter , August 23.

James A. Howard Is building an additionto his store and fixing It up all around.

Miss Ben Hoffman returned last Wednes-day


from a month's visit with friends inKcarnej-


- .

. Carmolchel Is having the house for-merly


occupied by J. Martlg remodeled andrepainted

W. J. Joseph visited In Silver City , la. ,

during this week. He attended the fair atthat place.-



. Stlger returned from Lincoln Thursday ,

where ho attended the Grand Army reunionheld at that place.

Miss Kemp nnd Miss Mary Griffith ofOmaha have been visiting with Mrs. G. R-


the past week.Mrs Fcott , who has been visiting In Ben-


for bcveral dajs , returned to her homeIn Lincoln last AVcduesdaj1.-


.. and Mrs. H. C. Brewstcr of Beebee-

town , la , formerly of this place , nre rc-lolclng

-over the birth of a daughter.

Miss A. E Stlger entertained some of herFrlonds at her homo last Thursday evening

. pleasant evening wns spent with musicind games.

Miss Eva Smith and Bertha Tldd ot Platta-nouth

-arrived In Benson last Wednesday

ifternoon and will visit with friends here.111 after the state fair.

Will Anderson , who lias been living In-

I3cnson during the summer , departed forLincoln last Saturday , where he will ro-


his studies at the University of Ne-araska.-


. J. A. Morgan entertained nt dinner'ast Saturday a week ago a number of bur''riends and relatives who were in Omahais delegates at the United Presbjterlan con ¬

tention. She was assisted in entertainingjy Miss Jessie McDIll.

Miss Margaret Safford entertained her'rlonds at her borne last Friday evening Inloner of her guests , Miss Smith and Missfldd. Though It was stormy without a-

ilcasant evening wns spent till a late hour ,

refreshments were served.-



. SI. C. A.The managers of the Young Men's Chrl'3-

lan association bureau of Information ,

inder the auspices of the Knights of Ak-jirBen

-, nre vcrj- busy listing rooms for

'Iiitoia to the stnto fair nnd have alreadyHied quite n number They ure preparedo furnish lodging for at least 2,000 peopleluring fair week The cxperlenco of Inst-.ilr. time has taught them many thliiKS-

ind the system tills will bo muchmproved No rooms will be listed afterilonduy noon ,

ninrrliiKc MITIIHCH.Permits to wed have been Issued to the

ollowlng parties by the county judge :

Iiimo and AddrcsH Ago-.neob


Richards , North Plattc , Neb 21-

lllu) Aronsohn , Onialin 2-1ohn Chrlstensen , Omaha SI-

31vcna Olson , Omaha 2-2Vrthur M. Titus , Omaha :n-

Juncy A. Stltcs , Omaha 2-

2Stover It Kvonrriitril.-A


Mr. Stover , engaged in the real estateiiislnoss , w ns tiled before Judge Gordon yea-


morning. Ho was charged with swlnd-ing

-n number of boarding house keepers

y exacting a fee from them for listing

their hciitsx * . repremitlng himself to bo $

fiRent for the rommtrclal club. Upon ttestimony ot fe woman , A boarding houL-KfLpcr whom he had lined snd who pihim a fee , he was discharged , he trstlfyb"that Stover b rt mads no mlircprrsentntlwh-lo her and that she was satisfied ivlhwhat she hurt dons Th trouble was causi-by a tulsunlristandttiR between Mr. Utt ithe ilub nnd Mr Htovcr. *

There Is no txcuso for any man to Mpear In tarlotv vlth n grimly beard slntathe Introduction ot Hucklngham'i Oyu-Mhlch cole : natural brown or black.I-




The lies Molnti Ilaso Hall club arc quar-lered at the ItAtkcr j

The Woodward Theater company are stop-tPing at th IiArker. 1

M V) Tulton left last evening for Denver , 'to be gone several ilajs. .

"Colouel" Hay Eaton returned jcst J y-

fiom a vnrAtlon of two weeks , passed at-

I.ainmlr vo-

Suiieilntetident Poarse of the Omnha pub- ,lie schoolb left last evening to spend Sun1-dav In Lincoln JJ-

Mc'sis retguson and Kmcrlck anil theTlns company nro making the |

Harl ei their headquaitcrs.-Rev.


. George Conrad of Klngsley , la. , haalbeen vlKltiiiK his fuitner parish at Saratoga )

and Chi-iry Hill during the past week.-



. C. Vandeivoort , chief clerk of the rail-way


mall service , relumed vcstcrday froma tour of Coinado) points , Including Denver.-


.. W. Wllklns , cashier of the local Pull.

man olllco , returned homo last evening from'v-n fortnight's vacation spent at Qunnlson ,Cole

P. Hnney , son of E Hancy of theunion depot , leturned homo last eveningfiom California , after an absence of nearlya serr.

Mrs Remington has returned fromn fortnight spent at the ranch of hcrAbrother , Harry T. McConnlck , near Sher-idan


, Wjo-Geoigo E. McKay of San Francisco ar-


In Oinnhn jcsterday nnd will inako-a-short visit with friends before continuingon bis way eastward ,

Commercial men stopping at the Darkerare Clint 11 Slater , Chicago ; John J. Corn-stock Jnrcbvllle. Wls ; W C. Ebcrts nnd J.0 Klnnaid. Detroit , Mich ; E. R. Con-Ing- ;ton , Kansas City , Ej Elklns and WilliamVivian , St Joseph ; E. T How era , KansasCity ; Occigo Chapman , Hockford , III. ; 1-


, Minneapolis. Minn ; C. E. Klm-brough

-, Mexico. Ind. ; Charles J. Smersh ,

Uralnard , Neb.

With the approach 01

autumn we are preparing tc-

d splay finer stocks of well- ]

made and fashionable clothing-,

all ready to put on , than wehave ever shown before. Es-


pains have been taken !

in the selection and making of|these good-



our suppb-of lightweight garments is ]

somewhat heavier than it |should be and we are offeringquite unusual values in suitsind trousers in order to clear ]

aut as far as possible our sum-



Our Children's depart-ment


, too , is full of attractivegarments at attractive prices.

VS. W. Cor. 15th nndDouglas St.s.

'mmWWl V;

During fair Week in addition to the extremely lowprices we are making to early purchasers of-


we will prepay the freight to all points in Iowa or-