tips for making oral presentations

Tips for Making Oral Tips for Making Oral Presentations Presentations

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Post on 22-Apr-2015




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Page 1: Tips for Making Oral Presentations

Tips for Making Oral Tips for Making Oral PresentationsPresentations

Page 2: Tips for Making Oral Presentations


Do you feel sick hearing “oral presentation”? 

You are not alone…

most people fear public presentations more than DEATH!

The following tips will make it easier

Page 3: Tips for Making Oral Presentations

Don’t Write Out Your Don’t Write Out Your Presentation Word for WordPresentation Word for Word

slides are not cue cards – don’t read from them

contain minimal information

in large type, easy to read and understand

short and to the point

Page 4: Tips for Making Oral Presentations

Make Eye ContactMake Eye Contact

look at audience

show confidence in topic

eye contact shows you are interested in your subject and audience

keeps you from reading your presentation

Page 5: Tips for Making Oral Presentations

Practice…More than Once!Practice…More than Once!

Ask others to listen to you practice

Talk to your mirror or record your presentation

time your talk to make sure it meets time guidelines

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Model Your PresentationModel Your Presentation

Model your presentation based on best presenter you know – a teacher, parent, friend

Use their techniques to keep class engaged/ interested

Model their voice inflections, enthusiasm, while still being yourself!

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Breathe and SmileBreathe and Smile


Pretend it’s a conversation with friends

Your classmates are just as nervous as you!