tips for buying extension from wholesale indian hair company


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Post on 13-May-2015



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Indian hair is considered the best of the rest due to its unique texture and softness. Buy them carefully by following these tips.


Page 1: Tips for buying extension from wholesale indian hair company

Tips for Buying Extension from Wholesale Indian Hair Company

Are you planning to get hair extensions? Want to invest in something that will last for months without being damaged? Then you must buy wholesale Indian hair for your hair weave. Indian hairs are considered to be the gold of artificial extension industry. They are of superficial quality thus last for quite a long time without being damaged in any sort.

Every girl who is having them for the first time will buy them every time, due to the high quality and lustrous appearance available in them natural. What makes Indian hair different from other extension options is that they have highly natural appearance. You can wear them and no one will notice you are wearing artificial hair with your real locks. Some of the tips for buying extension from wholesale sellers are:

No or less chemicals: Indian hair is good only because there is no or very less chemical used in processing them. Ask your Indian hair company how they process their hair wefts before buying. Less chemically processed ones last for a long time.

Human donor: since there are several sources for the hair to come from, it is essential to have them from human donors for natural look. Animal hair or synthetic hairs do not look real in appearance. They lay flat on your head with a dead look. If you want to have life in your locks, you must use the real human hair. While buying them from the wholesale Indian hair seller, confirm about their source. Some sellers also provide guarantee card with their hair supply.

Page 2: Tips for buying extension from wholesale indian hair company

Available in wefts: if you want to use them instantly, try to buy them in wefts. These are easy to install, weave or stick with hot glue by the stylist. Saves time and effort in getting a new look.

Custom color: if you are looking for different color hair to suit your or just to have a trendy look, try to ask your Indian hair company to color them for you. You can have colored highlights according to the current fashion. If they are not coloring, it is ok; you can do it at home or ask your stylist.

Try to make sure about the source of the hair from where they are coming from. GoodIndian hair sellers try to obtain their hair directly from the Indian temples, where people donate the hairs. They are of high quality, which require less chemical processing. Visit to know more about Indian Hair Company.