tips berenang

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Post on 07-Jul-2018




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  • 8/18/2019 Tips Berenang


    1) To propel yourself forward with the least effort, focus on body roll and keeping your body horizontal (least resistance), not pulling with your arms or kicking with your legs. This is counter-intuitive but important, as kicking harder is the most universal suggestion for fixing swimming issues.

    2) Keep yourself horizontal by keeping your head in line with your spine  you should be looking straight down. Use the same head position as while walking and drive your arm underwater vs. swimming on the surface.

    3. Think of swimming freestyle as swimming on alternating sides, not on your stomach. For those who have rock climbed or done bouldering, its just like moving your hip closer to a wall to get more extension. To test this: stand chest to a wall and reach as high as you can with your right arm. Then turn your right hip so its touching the wall and reach again with your right arm: youll gain 3-6?. Lengthen your vessel and you travel further on each stroke. It adds up fast.

    4. Penetrate the water with your fingers angled down and fully extend your arm well beneath your head. Extend it lower and further than you think you should. This downward water pressure on the arms will bring your legs up and decrease drag. It will almost feel like youre swimming downhill.

    5. Focus on increasing stroke length (SL) instead of stroke rate (SR). Attempt to glide further on each downstroke and decrease the number of strokes per lap.

    6. Forget about workouts and focus on practice. You are training your nervous system to perform counter-intuitive movements well, not training your aerobic system. If you feel strained, youre not using the proper technique. Stop and review rather than persist through the pain and develop bad habits.

    7. Stretch your extended arm and turn your body (not just head) to breathe. Some triathletes will even turn almost to their backs and face skyward to avoid short gasps and oxygen debt (tip from Dave Scott, 6-time Ironman world champion).

     8. Experiment with hand swapping as a drill: Its difficult to remember all of the mechanical details while swimming. focus on keeping your lead arm fully extended until your other arm comes over and penetrates the water around the extended a

    rms forearm. This encourages you to swim on your sides, extends your stroke length, and forces you to engage in what is referred to as front quadrant swimming. All good things. This one exercise cut an additional 3-4 strokes off each lap of freestyle.