tip of-day- give up (talking & reading about) wine

It’s Lent. For some people, that means giving up something they enjoy. Last month, there were those who followed an annual routine of giving up alcohol for the whole of January. My proposal requires a different kind of self-denial, but one that might be genuinely useful to you professionally Give up reading and talking about wine (apart from on a strictly professionally necessary basis, obviously) for 4 weeks. Stop discussing the wines you’ve enjoyed. (You’re allowed a few words of appreciation, but no more). Stop reading wine columns, blogs and magazines. Stop responding to wine-related comments in blogs and on Twitter, Facebook etc. Stop wandering into wine shops and chatting to the staff. (Unless you have to do that professionally) Find other things to read and talk about. Try it, just for a month Give up (Reading/talking about) Wine

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Post on 20-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Tip of-day- Give up (talking & reading about) wine

It’s Lent. For some people, that means giving up something they enjoy. Last month, there were those who followed an annual routine of giving up alcohol for the whole of January. My proposal requires a different kind of self-denial, but one that might be genuinely useful to you professionally

Give up reading and talking about wine (apart from on a strictly professionally necessary basis, obviously) for 4 weeks.

Stop discussing the wines you’ve enjoyed. (You’re allowed a few words of appreciation, but no more). Stop reading wine columns, blogs and magazines. Stop responding to wine-related comments in blogs and on Twitter, Facebook etc. Stop wandering into wine shops and chatting to the staff. (Unless you have to do that professionally)

Find other things to read and talk about.

Try it, just for a month

Try to behave like 95% of your fellow wine-consuming citizens.

Give up (Reading/talking about) Wine