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Pali-English Dictionary published in 1920 in Rangoon, Burma





    M \L'\


    This Dictionary is intended mainly for students in Burma.

    As I have aimed at confining the maximum of matter in

    the minimum of space, I have not made any reference to

    Sanskrit forms. And the arrangement of words has been

    guided less by philological connections than by practical

    considerations, and^the abbreviation signs have enabled me

    to save space by grouping together under one heading

    many words which might otherwise have required separate


    I have derived much benefit from Childers's Dictionary,

    the list of Pali .Words beginning with S and H in the

    Journals of the Pali Text Society for 1907 and 1909,

    Andersen's Glossary to his Pali Reader, Ledi Pandita's

    Pali-Burmese Dictionary.

    K \NGOON COLLEGE, ) MAUMC; TIN.August IQ20. )


  • adj. = adjective.

    adv. = adverb.

    caus.=: causative,

    con/. = conjunction .

    dat. = dative.

    denotn. = denominative.

    /. = feminine


    inter;. = interjection ,

    w. masculine,

    n. = neuter,

    num. numeral.

    part,=i particle.

    pass. passive.

    . future passive par-ticiple.

    ger, = gerund.

    imper. = imperative.

    indecl. = indeclinable.

    inf. infinitive.


    garahati, ha = garahati, garaha.

    cira,*kala = cira, cirakala.

    />/>/>. = perfeet passive par-ticiple.

    pref. = prefix.


    suf. = suffix.

    . = vocative.


    a, negative prefix an, before a vowel.amsamsa, m. (Jas) a portion of a part.aihsa, mn. (Jam) the shoulder.amsa, m. (Jas) a part, portion, share; a period of time.

    . \mscna, in st. in part,arhsaka, m. a relative, heir; n. day.amsa-kuta, m. tlie shoulder-blade, the hump of an ox-arhsa-bhaga, m. (^bhaj) a share, portion, inheritance,amsala, adj. strong, durable,amsa-hara, harl, mfn. (Jhar) a share-holder,arhsu, mn. a thread, ray, sunbeam, filament.,arhsuka, n. a leaf, cloth,

    amsu-jala, n. a net-work of rays.arhsu-dhara, m. the sun.

    amsu-pati, m. the sun-

    arhsumaphala, /. the plantain,amsu-mala, / a garland of rays,aiiisu-mall, m. the sun.

    amsula, adj. radiant.amsu-vana, the sun. ,

    amsu-hattha, m. the sun.amhati, tl, /. a present, disease, abandonment,aka, m. one who walks crookedly, an evil action,akaca, tu. a banner,a-kanna, adj. deaf, lit. earless.a-katannii, adj. ( Jkar), ungrateful, lit. not kowing what hasbeen done.akata-nnii, adj. (s/na) knowing nibbana (/;/. the unmade).akattana, mfn. a dwarf.a-kaniulia, adj. greatest, highest, an epithet of spirits in-

    habiting the sixteenth or highest of the material brah-ma worlds.

    a-karani, m. failure, deficiency.a-kala, m. (Jkal) unseasonable time, wrong time.akala-jaladodaya, m. mist, fog.akala-saha, adj. (Jsah) hasty, urgent.a-kincana, n. freedom from cares.a-kuppa, adj. (^kup) immovable; n. gold and silver.a-kulina, adj. (Jkul) of low family.

  • ^ a-kusala

    a-kusala, adj. (*Jkus) immoral, unskilful; -HZ. immorality.akiipara, m. the sea, ocean ; a tortoise ; a rock, stone.

    akota, w. the betel tree.

    akka, m. the sun; the plant swallow-wort; copper; sunday.ukka, / the mother.akkosa, m. "ana, n. (Jkus) abusedakkha, m. (Jakkh) the axle of a wheel; a die; a snake; a

    law-suit; the plant tcrminalia bcllcrica; the tical

    weight ; a born-blind ; the width of the earth ; n. a con-

    trolling faculty; the salt of the sea; vitriol.

    akkhaka, w. the collar-bone.akkhakanna, n. astronomy.akkhana, /. lightning.akkhata, n. fried grain ; a enuch.

    akkhata-yoni, /. a virgin.akkha-dassa, aka, m. (Jdas) a judge.akkha-devi, m. (J div) a dicer, gambler.akkha-dhutta, m. iJ(dhur) a dicer, glambler.akkha-dhuttila, m. a beast of burden.

    akkha-pata, m. a law-court; boxing, wrestling.akkha-pataka, "tika, m. a judge.akkha-mala, /. a rosary.a-kkhara, n. the imperishable, nibbana; austerity; the

    sky ; water.

    akkhara-janani, - lekhanl, /. a pen-holder, pencil.akkhara-mukha, m. a school-boy.akkhara-samaya, m. letters, reading and writing.akkha-sutta, n. a rosary.akkhagga, n. a carriage-front.akkhara-lavana, n. the sea-salt; a morning meal.akkhi, n. (Jakkh) the eye.akkhi-kutaka, n. the eye-ball.akkhi-ga, n. the eye-lashes.akkhi-gata, -mfn. that which comes into the field of vision;

    an enemy.akkhi-gola, m. the eye-ball.akkhi-tara, /. the pupil of the eye.akkhi-dala,

    -patala, n. the eyelid.akkhiva, n. the sea-salt.akkhi-vikusita, n. a side-glance-akkhota, m. the walnut.akkhobhini, /. a complete army; a high numeral, i follow-

    ed by forty-two ciphers-

  • aggibha 3

    a-khanclana, n. time; promise; entirety.a-khanciaphulla, adj. intact, unbroken.akhanditutu, adj. fertile in crops.a-khata, inn. (Jkhan) a natural pond.a-khila, adj. all, entire.

    aga, m. the sun; a tree; mountain, snake.a-gaccha, m. (Jgam) a tree.a-gati, /. (Jgam) wrong course, misfortune.a-gada, m. medicine; adj. healthy.agadari-kara, m. (Jkar) a physician.a-gama, m. (Jgam) a tree, mountain.again, inn. aloe wood.a-gadha, n. a hole, chasm; adj. deep, bottomless.agadha-yoni, /. a \voman lusting for sensuality.agara, n. a house.

    agina, w. the sun.

    agira, 772. the sun, fire, evil spirif.aguru, mn. aloe wood, teak tree.aguta-gandha, n. (Jgandh) asafoetida.agga, adj. first, chief, pre-eminent; n. top, summit ; height ;

    goal ; sprout or bud of a plant; firstfruits. Aggato,adv. prep, in front of.

    agga-kara, m. th6 right hand,

    agga-ja, m. (Jja) the eldest brother; a brahmin,agga-jana, - jati, m. (Jja) a brahmin,agganna, adj. noble, principal,aggamahesi, /. the chief queen,agga-mamsa, n. the heart-flesh.

    agga-hara, 7??. (Jhar) arable field, or cultivated land,aggala, 7/7. a door, wave, tusk, outer layer,aggi, m. fire, the god of lire, gold,aggi-kattha, n. aloe wood, fire-wood,aggi-kona. m. the east,

    aggi-gabbha, m. crystal, pepper,aggi-jala, n. (>7jal) the flame of fire,aggi-jhapana, n. (Jjha) cremation,aggittha, H. a pot, pan.aggi-niyyasa, 7??. gold,aggini, m. tire.

    aggi-patthara, 7)2. a lucifer match,

    aggi-bahu, m. smoke,aggi-bija, >i. gold,aggibha, adj. (Jbha) radiant like fire; m. gold.

  • 4 aggibhu

    aggibhu, n. water.

    aggi-mukha, m. a brahmin.aggi-raja, m. (Jraj) ink, soot.aggi-ratha, m. a railway train.

    aggi -vallabha, m, the wind.

    aggi-vana, m, a rocket.

    aggi-vaha, m. (Jvah) smoke.aggi-visappa, m. a boil.

    aggi-sakha, m. the wind.

    aggi-sahaya, m. a pigeon, the wind.

    aggi-sala, /. a fire-place, kitchen.

    aggi-sikha, m. a lamp, lantern, arrow, rocket, balloon.

    aggha, 11. (Jaggh) price, value, cost, offering of rice, etc.agghati, v. (Jaggh) to cost, be worth.agghapaniya, m. ( Jaggh) an appraiser, valuer.agghiya, mfn. an oblation.

    agyagara, m. a fire-place.agha, n. evil.

    a-ghamma-dama, m. the moon.arika, m. (Jac) a mark, the flank or side, hip, place.arika-palika, /. a nurse.

    anka-vijja, /. (iJvid) arithmetic.aiiki, /. a long cask.ankuta, m. a key.aiikura, m. (Jac) a sprout, shoot.aiikuraka, m. a bird's nest.

    aiikusa, mn. (Jac) a hook to guide an elephant with.arikusa-ggaha, m. (Jgah) an elephant-driver, mahout.arikola, m. name of a plant.anga, n. (Jang) a limb, member, body, division, quality,


    anga-ggaha, m. (Jgah) disease.ariga-ja, n. (Jja) blood, love, hair, disease, offspring,aiiga-jata, n. (Jja) membrum virile-arigana, n. (Jang) a court-yard, house-floor, sin.arigati, m. brahma, fire.angada, n. a dress with close fitting sleeves,angana, /. a woman,

    anganappiya, m. the amherstia tree-aiigapaccariga, n. limbs big and small,aiiga-pali, m. embrace-

    anga-m-anga, n. limbs big and small,ariga-madda, m. (Jmad) a shampooer.

  • acctia

    ariga-rakkhini, /. (Jrakkh) a coal of mail, robe.ariga-raga, m. (Jraj) besmearing tlie body with unguents.auga-ruha, n. (-s'ruh) the hairs ot the body.arigalota, m. green ginger.arigava, m. a dried fruit.

    ariga-vikati, /. U'kar) a swoon, stupefaction, apoplexy.anga-sariga, in. ( N/safij) sexual intercourse.

    anga-hara, m. (Jhar) deportment of the body.arigarigi, n. boxing.augadhipa, m. (-s/pa) a king.arigara, mn. live coal, charcoal.

    arigara-dhanika, /. a stove.

    arigara-puppha, in. (Jphus) the plant cannu indica.ahgara-maujarl, - vallarT, /. a kind of tree.arigarika, /. sugarcane, a butea flower.

    aiigarini, /. a small stove.

    angika, /. a shirt, bodice, shorts.

    angikarana. n. a promise, mutual consent, contract.angirasa, in. name of a buddha or a sage.ariguttha, m. 'he thumb.ahgula, mn. a finger, finger's breadth, inch.

    ahgulitta, "tana, . gloves.ahguli-pabba, n. a finger-joint.anguli-motana, n. the cracking of finger-joints.aiigulika, Tya, inn. a finger-ring.anguli-sambhuta, m. the finger-nails.arigulyabharana, n. a finger-ring.angfisa, m. an arrow, elephant-goad.a-canda, /. a tame cow, gentle lady.a-cala, adj. (Jcal) immovable; m. a mountain, pin.a-cira, adj. short, brief. Acircnn, inst. adv. before long,


    acira-ppabha, /. (s'bha) lightning,a-o-'tanfia, n. (Jcit) forgetfulness.a-celaka, adj. unclothed; m. a naked ascetic,accana, /. offering, worship.accanta, adj. exceeding, extreme. am, adv. very, exceed-

    ingly.accaya, in. (ati >j\ + a) lapse, death, offence, sin.acci, m/u. a ray of light, sunbeam, flame,acci-ma, m. fire.n-ivuti, /. (N'CU), the deathless, nibbana.accha, ddj. clear, transparent; >n. a bear, crystal.

  • 6 ajjhapatti

    acchara, /. a celestial nymph, the snapping of a finger.acchariya, adj. wonderful.acchadana, n. (Jehad) a covering, lid, clothes.acchadeti, v. (a Jehad) to wear (clothes), dress, cover, hide.

    ppp> Acchanna.acchi, /. the eye.acchindati, v. (a Jchid) to take away, rob, plunder, daka,

    m. a robber.

    aja, m. (Jaj) a goal, ram.aja-kanna, m. a goat's ear, chilli leaf,ajaga, m. fire.ajagara, w. a boa constrictor,aja-jlvaka, 7??. (Jjiv) a goat-herd,ajanna, n. an evil omen; adj. socially unbefitting,ajatakasa, m. the open space,a-janani, /. (Jjan) a step-mother,ajapa, m. (Jpa) a goat-herd,ajapala, m. the goat-herds' banyan tree,ajamoda, /. the radish plant,ajambha, m. a frog,ajaya, m. (s/ji) defeat, fire; adj. unconquerable; /. the flax


    ajara, /. (Jjar, jlr) a spirit, the aloe plant,ajalambana, n. antimony,ajajl, /. cummin seeds or plant,ajina, n. the hide of the black antelope,ajinapatta, /. a bat.ajinayoni, m. a wild goat, large kind of deer,ajimhaga, m. (Jgam) an arrow,ajira, n. a court-yard, frog, wind,

    a-jivha, m. a frog.a-jiva, adj. (Jjiv) lifeless; m. a corpse.ajja, adv. today.ajjatagge, adv. from today, henceforward,ajjatana, adj. of today, contemporary, modern. nl, f. ;he

    aorist tense,

    ajjuka, /. a courtezan.ajjhakkha, m. a village head-man, superintendent,ajjhatta, "tika, n. subjective, personal, internal,ajjhacarati, v. (adhi+a Jcar) to practise, enjoin. cara, m-

    an offence.

    ajjhapeti, v. (adhi +a + apaji) to teach, instruct,ajjhapatti, /. (Jpad) an offence, transgression.

  • atavi

    ajjhaya, m. the chapter of a book.ajjharopeti, cans. (Jrtih) to raise, transfer, apply ; "riilha,

    ppp.ajjhavasati, v. (Jvas) to chvell, inhabit.ajjhavasatha, in. ( Jvas) a covered place, house, dwelling.ajjhavahanika, n. (-Jvah) a dowry.ajjhasaya, (adhi+ a Jsi) intention, inclination, wish, vote.ajjhaseti, v. (Jsi) to lie or rest upon.ajjhena, n. vedic learning.ajjhesati, r. (Jis) to request, invite.ajjhokasa, m. (Jkas) the open sky, space.ajjhogalha, ppp. (Jgah) plunged, sunk, immersed.ajjhottharati, v. (s/thar) to strew about, scatter; thata,

    ppp.ajjhosita, ppp- (Jsi) bent upon; sana, n. being bent upon,

    application.ajjhoharati, v. (Jhar) to swallow, eat; hata, PPP-ancati, y. (Jane), to honour.ancala, m . the fringe of a garment.anjati, v. (Janj) to anoint, smear.anjana, m. a tuktoo ; /. a chameleon; n. a collyrium, night.anjanika, /. a white-bellied mouse.anjali, m. the hollow of the joined hands, a respectful salu-

    ation performed by raising the joined hands to the fore-head. Afijalini karoti, pagganhdti or patydmcti, tosalute respectfully so.

    anjasa, n. a road.anjittha, m. the sun.anjira, n. the fig tree or fruit.aniia, adj. other, another, a second; *tara, adj. a certain,

    some, one; attha, adv. elsewhere; *d-atthu, adv. sure-

    ly, certainly; *da, adv. at another time; *m-anria, adv.each other, mutually, reciprocally.

    aiiha, /. (Jna) knowledge, fruition of arahantship.a-nnana, n. (is/na) ignorance.annadisa, adj. different.aiinoniia, adj. mutual-

    atata, n. a very high numeral.

    a^ati, v. (Jat) to roam.

    atani, /. the frame of a bedstead, the notch of a bow tocatch the bow-string.

    atavi, /. (Jat) a forest.

  • atta. m. ( Jar) a lawsuit ; (".'at) a watch-tower, un upperstorey of a house; adj. suffering; *yoga, m. (Jyuj)litigation.

    attahasa, in. (Jhas) violent laughter.atlahasaka, m. the wild jasmine.attala, m. (Jat) a watch tower; lika, /. a palace-attiyati, r. to loathe.

    attha, num. eight; aka, n. an octacl, set of eight.atthakatha, /. ( Jkath) a commentary.atthagadha, m. a spider.atthapada, m. a spider.atthaml, /. the eighth day of a lunar half month.a-tthana, n. (>Jtha) wrong place, wrong occasion. Atthane,

    adv. loc. out of place, unseasonably.atthapada, mn. a picture-frame, a chequered board for dice

    etc., spider, worm, safety pin, gold.attarasa, num. eighteen.atthi, n. a bone, kernel of a fruit; *ka, a skeleton, seed.

    atthikarikala, m. a heap of bones.

    atthija, *nna, *sara, m. a mirror, glass.atthi-tunda, m. a bird.

    atthitoda, in. (Jtud) bone-disease, disease of the bones.atthi-thtina, m. the body.atthi-mala, / a rosary of bones.

    atthi-minja-meda, /n. marrow.atthi-sarhharaka, m. the adjutant bird.atthi-sancaya, m. (Jci) a heap of bones, ashes obtained

    from a cremated body.atthi-sosa, m. (Jsus) a disease causing the bones to dry up.atthuppatti, /. (Jpat) the circumstances of an occurrence.addha, adj. half, wealthy.addha-tiya, adj. to and a half ; -teyyasata, adj. two hundred

    and fifty; - teyyasahassa, adj. two thousand and fifty.addha-porisa, n. two cubits and one span.addha-ratta, n. midnight.addhudclha, adj. three and a half; *sata, adj. three hundred

    and fifty.ani, m. the edge of a weapon, extremity, limit of a field or

    province.anum-thula, adj. small and great.arm, in. an atom; adj. minute, subtle, small.anda, n. an egg, a testicle; *kosa, m. an egg-shell, bound-

    ary of a province.

  • ati-ratha 9

    anda-ja, m. (*/ja) a bird.andalu, w. a fish.andlra, m. a man.

    andupaka, n. a roll of cloth to serve as a si and for a vesselcarried on the head.

    anna, m. (Jar) water, a message.annava, m. the sea.an nob hava, m. a bomb, shell.atata, m. a mountain-precipice.atati, v. (is/at) to go.atala, n. a hell below the earth.

    atalamphassa, adj. bottomless.atasa, in. the wind, body, a weapon.atasT, /. flax.

    ati, prcf. (with verbs) over, beyond; (with no it ns) excessive,surpassing; (with adverbs) very exceedingly.

    ati-katha, /. (Jkath) meaningless words.ati-kkamati, v. (Jkam) to step or pass beyond, cross, sur-

    pass, transgress; ppP- atikkanta.

    ati-kkama, m, ana, n. (Jkam) passing away, transgression,a fault, offence.

    ati-ga, adj. (Jgam) going beyond, escaping from.ati-gacchati, v. (Jgam) to overcome.ati-gandha, adj. strong smelling ; m. lemon-grass, champak,

    brimstone.ati-carati, v. (Jcar) to transgress, commit adultery.ati-cariya, /. - caia, ??i. (Jcar) transgression, adultery.uticchatha, v. (imper. 2nd. pi.) this is the word for civilly

    refusing alms to a monk;'

    go and beg further on.'atichatta, m. a mushroom; /. the anise plant.atithi, m. a guest, visitor. *kriya, /. hospitality, duty to-

    wards guests.ati-dassana, adj. (Jdas) beyond ken, invisible.ati-ppage, adv. loo early.ntibharaga, ni. a donkey, mule, camel.ati-matta, adj. (Jma) exceeding, excessive, "am, adv. ex-

    ceedingly.ati-mariyada, adj. exceeding the limit.ati-mdnusaka, adj. superhuman.atimuita, m. the soap acacia creeper; 'aka, m. the pcrsimon


    nti-moda. /. the jasmine plant; excessive joy-ati-ratha, >n. a chariot-army.


  • 10 ati-ntta

    ati-ritta, aka, adj. (s'rir) superfluous, extra, in excess.atireka, adj. ( Jric) excessive, exceeding.ati-rocati, v. (J rue) to outshine.ati-romasa, adj. very hairy; m. a wild goat.ati-vattati, v. (Jvat) to go beyond, pass, overcome, trans-


    ati-vasa, adj. subject to, submissive.ati-vakya, n. (Jvac) bad language, abuse-ati-viya, adv. very, exceedingly.ati-visa, adj. able to counteract poison ; /. garlic, dried

    ginger.ati-vela, ndj. unseasonable, late-ati-sajjana, n. (Jsajj) a present.ati-saya,. excess, excellence. Atisayena, instr. exceedingly.atisara, m. dysentery.atlta, adj. (*li) past; n. a story of the past. Atllc, adv. for-

    merly.ativa, adv. very, exceedingly.a-tula, adj. (Jtul) incomparable.ato, adv. hence, now, accordingly.atta-ggaha, m. (iJgah) belief in the self, soul-theory .atta-ghosa, m. (Jghus) blowing one's own trumpet.atta-ja, adj. (Jja) self-produced; m. a son; /. a daughter.atta-jaya, m. (s/ji) self-conquest.atta-d-attha, 111. one's own good.atta-dassa, m. (Jdas) a looking-glass.atta-ditthi, /. (^/dis) heresy of the self, soul-theon-.atta-dutlya, adj. alone, lit. 'with self as a second com-

    panion.'atta-niya, adj. belonging to the self.atta-bandhu, m. (Jbandh) one's relative; nephew.atta-bhava, m. (Jbhu) individuality, personality.atta-vada, m. doctrine of the self, soul-theory.atla-samapanidhi, m. (Jdha) self-determination.atta-hacca, /. (*/han) suicide.atta-hita, in. one's o\\n advantage.attanopada, ;i. the intransitive, reflexive (grammatical).attamana, adj. (^da) delighted, joyful.attavlra, m. a brother-in-law, clown.atta, in. self, individuality, soul; /. mother, elder sister;

    *dhina, adj. independent, relating to one's self; m. abrother-in-law, son.

    attukkamsana, n. (Jkariis) self-praise-

  • atha 1 1

    attupanayika, adj. (JnO making self the example, consi-derate.

    niiovada, m. (Jvad) selt'-insLrurtion.all ha , ad-', here.

    aUlia, adj. rich, skilled.altha, w. (Jar) need, matter, aim, purpose, reason, welfare,

    meaning. Attham, ace.; attliaya, dat. for the purposeof. A ttli en a, instr. by reason of, on account of.

    atthak-ara, adj. (Jkar)' m. beneficial.itthakusala, adj. clever in one's welfare,aithakkhavi, m. (Jkha) a friend who instructs one for good,anhacariya, /. (Jcar) wise conduci .aitliapati, in. a king.atthappayoga, w. (Jyuj) usury.aliliabhata, adj. (Jbhar) drawing a large salarv.atthabheda, m. (Jbhid) destruction of one's welfare, classi-

    fication of meaning in grammar,atthalesa, adj. similar in meaning.atthavada, m. benediction,

    atthasanthana, /?. treasury, bank.atthasattlia, n. ethics.

    attha, n. (Jas) disappearance, destruction,atthangacchati, v. (Jgam) to disappear, to set (of the sun);

    gama, m. disappearance, destruction.attiiana, /. (Jar) a request,altham-eti, r. ( Ji) to set (of the sun).aLiharana, n. (Jthar) a covering, carpet,attharati, r.JJthar) to spread, lay out, cover; ppp. atthata.atthadhikara, w. a treasurer, accountant.atthantara, n. another meaning, opposite meaning.atthi, v. (Jas) lo be, exist,atthibhava, m. (Jbhu) existence,atthika, adj. (Jar) desirous of; m. a pauper,atthita, /. "tin, n. (Jas) existence,atthi, mfn. (Jar) a beggar, plaintiff,attheti, v. (Jar) to request.atyappa, adj. ver\- few.aira, ad-r. here.

    airicclia, adj. (Jis) covetous, greedy.atha, ad-r. and, but, then, now.atha kiiii, adv. how so? why?atha kho, udv. indeed, then,atha va, conj. or,

  • 12 athahbana

    athabbana, m. the atharvn veda.

    atho, adv. and, also, then,

    adatta, /. a virgin, unmarried lady,aditi, /. the mother of Gods, the earth.

    adinnadana, n. theft, lit.'

    taking what is not given.'adu, adj. such and such.adukkha-m-asukha, /. neither painful or pleasurable feel-

    ing, neutral feeling,

    a-dutiya, adj. without a second, alone,

    adda, adj. wet.addaka, n. ginger,adda, /. name of a planet,addi, m. a mountain,

    addipavaka, m. a volcano,addita, adj. oppressed, afflicted,addha, adj. half,addhanisa, /. midnight.addhaga, gu, m. (Jgam) a traveller.addha, m. a road, distance, time.addha, adv. truly, certainly.addhi, / a long journey.addhika, mfn. a far traveller.adhama, adj. lowest, meanest.adhamangn, n. the foot.adhara, adj. lower, inferior ; m. the lower lip.adharlka, adj. opposing.adhi, prep, above, superior to.

    adhika, adj. exceeding, more than, excelling.adhikarana, n. (Jkar) reference, locative case in grammar,

    circumstance, special cause.

    adhikarani, /. a smith's anvil.

    adhikara, m. (Jkar) office, authority, function, chapter.adhikottaria, n. (Jkutt) a chopping block.adhigacchati, v. '(Jgain) to reach, attain.adhitthati, "thati, "thahati, v. (Jtha) to establish, resolve, un-

    dertake, appoint.adhitthayaka, m. superintendent, director.

    aclhipa, ati, m. lord, chief, ruler.

    adhippaya, m. intention, wish, meaning.adhibhavana, n. subjection.adhibhasati, v. (is/bhas) to address, speak.adhibhu, m. lord, master, king.adhimatta, adj. excessive.

  • an-avasesa 13

    adhimuccati, i'. (Jmuc) to he inclined to, intent upon,resolved.

    adhirohani, /. a ladder.adhivacana, n. a synonym.adhivasati, ?'. (Jvas) to dwell,adhivaseti, 7'. ( Jvas) to consent, comply with, accept, ap-

    prove.adhivinna, /. chief wife.

    adhiveclana, n, taking a lesser wife.ad hisaya, m. place.adhisayam, /. fire-place, bellows.adhiseti, v. (N/SI) to lie down, rest, sleep.adhlte, adhiyate, v. ( Ji) to read, study.adhlna, adj. subject, dependent.adhuna, adv. now.adho, adv. underneath, below.

    adhojivhika, /. the uvula.adhopatthara, m. (Jthar) a bed cloth.adhobhaga, m. (Jbhaj) the lower portion.adhobhuvana, n. the lower region, hell.adhomukha, adj. face downwards.adhovirecana, n. (*Jric) a purgative.ana, n. a cart.

    an-agariya, /. asceticism, the homeless life of a monk.an-aggha, adj. (Jaggh) priceless, invaluable.an-anna, adj. without another, alone; *pubba, /. a pure

    virgin.an-aniiata, adj. (Jria) unkown.anaduha, m. a bull.anati, r. (Jan) to breathe,an-atta, m. selflessness, soullessness-

    an-attha, m. disadvantage, misfortune.an-anta, adj. endless, infinite; *sisa, /. Visnu's wife.an-anlara, adj. without an interval, immediately following,


    an-amatagga, adj. (Jmar or Jman) revolving (in samsara),endless, whose end is not known, without end or be-ginning (used of samsara).

    anaya, m. bad luck, calamity, sin, misfortune.anayabyasana, n. destruction.anala, m. fire.

    an-avaya, adj. non-destruction.an-avasesa, adj. (Jsis) without a remainder, the whole.

  • 14 an-asana

    an -aSana, n. (o/as) fasting.an-assava, adj. (N'SU) disobedient.an-akula, adj. untroubled, unmixed.an-agata, adj. (Jgam) the future.an-atapa, m. shadow, coolness.a-natha, /. a widow.a-nama, m. bamboo; Vnika, /. the ring-finger.an-ayata, adj. short.an-arata, adj. (Jram) continual.anavaha, m. a cart-bullock.

    an-ahata, ??. (Jhan) new cloth, that has not been washedyet.

    anikkhu, m. a reed,a-nicca, adj. impermanent.a-nimisa, adj. not winking the eyes; m. a god, spirit,aniruddha-patha, m. the sky.anila, m. wind ; "anjasa, n. the sky.anilapariyaya, m. swelling of the eye-lids,anilasakha, m. fire, lit. 'friend of the wind/aniiamaya, m. distending of the stomach,

    anilasayana, n. the sky.anika, tnn. an army, battle,

    anikatthn, m. body-guard, a musical band,anikadassana, n. a review of soldiers, parade,ami, orfv. prep, after, under, along, in consequence of.

    anuka, adj. greed}7 , lustful.anukaddhana, n. (Jkaddh) referring back,anukatha, /. agreeable speech, words of compliance,anukantati, v. (Jkant) to cut.anukappa, m. a substitute.

    anukampati, v. (Jkamp) to pity.anukarana, n. imitation,anukassana, n. (Jkass) persuasion,anukamarii, adv. at will,

    anukula, adj. suitable, agreeable.anukkama, ?n. (Jkam) series,anu-ga, m. a follower, servant,

    anugacchati, v. to follow.

    anuganhati, v. (Jgah) to favour;c

    ggaha, m. favour.anugiddha, adj. greedy,anucara, m. an attendant, companion,anuccavaca, ad]', middling, neither too high nor too low,anucchavika, adj. suitable, fit,

  • anumodati 15

    anuja, mf. a younger brother or sister.anujanati, ;'. (Jja) to grant, permit.anujivl, w. a servant, retainer.anuju, adj. crooked, wicked.anuniia, /. (is/ja) permission, sanction.

    anuithubha, /. a kind of metre-

    aftutakketi,yy. (i/takk) to consider.

    anutappatijfv. (Jtapp) to suffer, be anguished.anutara, n. freight.anutthunati, r. (Jthun) to bewail.anuthula, adj. small and big.anuthera, n. succession of elders.

    anudaya, /. compassion.anudinarii, arfv. daily.anudisa, /. an intermediate point of the compass.anudiita, in . a travelling companion.anuddhamseti, v. (Jdharhs) to vex, harass.anudhamma, w. minor doctrine.anudhavati, v. (Jdhav) to run.a nu nay a, tn. compliance.anunada, m. a continuous sound, echo.anunayaka, m. (Jnl) sub-chief, vice-president.anunasika, adj. nasal.

    anupa, adj. watery.anupatati, v. (s/pat) to follow, meet, fly up.anupadarh, adv. after, behind.

    anupabbajati, v. ( Jvaj) to give up the world in imitation ofanother.

    anupariyati, v. ( Jya) to walk round and round, watch over,anupavisati, (Jvis) to enter upon, occupy.anupassaii, i. (Jp'^) to contemplate,anupubba, adj. regular, successive; "bena, adv. regularly,

    one by one.

    anuppadajjali, -r. (is/da) to give in return,unubandha, tn. succession, consequence;/, hiccough.anubandhati, i'. (Jbandh) to pursue, wait upon..'intibhavati, v. (Jbhu) to enjoy, experience, partake of.anubruheti, v. to develop, devote oneself to.anumati, /. (Lilian) to consent,.'timmatta, adj. small, least,anumasati, r. to touch,anumfuia, n. inference, doubt, unceitaintv.anumodati, -v. (mud) to approve, express gratitude, thank-

  • i6 anuyunjati

    anuyunjati, v. ( Jyuj)lior

    practise, exert oneself, be zealous-

    anuyoga, m. a question, zeal, application,anurakkhati, v. (Jrakkh) to guard, preserve,anurafijana, n. (Jraj) attachment, affection,anurava, m. (Jru) a continuous sound, reverberation, echo,

    anuradha, /. name of a constellation,

    anurujjhati, v. (Jruclh) to approve-anurupa, adj. suitable, conformable, proper,anurodha, m. compliance-anulapa, w. (iJlap) repetition, tautology,anuiomam, adv. in direct order,anulometi, v. to be in accordance with.

    anuvattati, V. (Jvatt) to follow, conform, attend upon, as-sociate with.

    anuvadati, v. to blame, censure-anuvasati, v. to inhabit,

    anuvassarh, adv. yearly.anuvatam, adv. in the direction of the wind-anusandhi, m. connection, application,anusaya, m. repentance, latent bias,

    anusahagata, adj. subtle, refined,anusasati, v. (Jsas) to teach, instruct, admonish; *aka, m.

    a teacher; ppp. anusittha.

    anusara, m. conformity. Anusdrena, in sir. according to.anusitthi, /. admonition, command,anusocati, v. (Jsuc) to bewail.anussati, /. (Jsar) recollection.anussarati, v. (Jsar) to recollect, remember, call to mind.anussava, m. (Jsu) report, tradition.anussaveti, caus. (Jsu) to proclaim, announce.an-una, adj. entire, complete, without deficiency.anupaja, n. green ginger.an-eka, adj. several, many, manifold, various. Anekaso,

    adv. in many ways.anekaja, m. a bird.unekapa, mf. an elephant.

    an-eja, adj. free from desire.

    anesana, /. (Jis) impropriety.aneha, in. time.

    an'Oka, n. the houseless .state.

    fiilotatta, M. name of a lake*

    anonia, adj. lofty, illustrious.

  • anclhabala 17

    anta, mn. end, limit, boundary, side, death, interior; n. anintestine, bowels; aka, m. death, the evil one.

    antaguna, n. the mesentery,antamaso, adv. even.

    antara, adv. prep, within, between, among, in.antara, n. interior, included space, interval, opportunity,

    difference, peculiarity, a hole, inner garment, theheart or mind,

    antaradhayati, v. (Jdha) to disappear, vanish; ana, n.disappearance, covering; ppp- antarahita.

    antarantara, adv. from time to time, at intervals.

    antarabhogika,w. a village headman, border chief,antaravasaka, m. an under-garment.antara, adv. prep, between, on the way.antaraparinibbayi, m. one who dies and attains nibbana

    before half the age he should have lived in a Brahmaworld is expired.

    antaraya, m. an obstacle, prevention, accident, end.antararati, denom. v. to run into danger,antarala, n. an interval,

    antarita, ppp. (Ji) hidden,

    antaripa, n. an island,

    antanya, n. an under-garment.antare, prep, between, among, during, within,antarena, prep, between, except,antalikkha, n. the sky, air.

    antavanna, m. one of the working class,ami, /. an elder sister.antika, /. an elder sister, hearth; n. vicinity,antima, aka, adj. final, last,antepura, n. royal citadel, inner chamber for royal ladies,


    antevastka, si, m. a pupil,anto, adv. prep, within, inside, during.antogadha, adj. contained in, being among,antojata, in. the child of a slave,antonivesana, n. (*/vis) an inner room.antobhaga, m. (Jbhaj) interior,antobhava, in. ( Jbha) inclusion,andu, m. a chain,andha, adj. blind,andhakara, m. darkness,andhabala, adj. silly, stupid, doting.


  • i8 andhabuta

    andhabhuta, adj. blind, unenlightened.andhika, /. night, mustard, a woman.

    andhu, m. a well.anna, n. (Jad) food, boiled rice.annakottha, n. a meatsafe, granary.anna, /. a mother.

    anvattha, adj. according to the meaning.anvaddhamasa, ran. a fortnight.anvaya, m. connection, race, lineage, succession.

    anvacaya, adj. adding an object of secondary import.anvadheya, n. a wedding present given by the bridegroom's


    anvaya, ger. (tJi) following upon, in consequence of.anvassavati, v (anu+ aJsu) to flow from, result from,anveti, v. (Ji) to follow; ppp. anvita.anvesati, v. ("/is) to seek, search,

    apa, adv. prep, away, from,

    apakaddhati, T. (Jkacldh) to remove, put away,apakarana, m. a bad performance.apakkamati, v. (Jkam) to depart.apagacchati, v. (Jgam) to go away, depart from.apaga, /. a river.

    apaghana, ra. a limb of the body.apaiiga, m. the corner of the eye.apacaya, ra. (Jci) loss, decay ; honour, worship.apacayati, v. to honour.

    apaciti, /. (Jci) offering, worship; loss, decay.apacca, n. offspring.apaccada, / a midwife.

    apaccasattu, m. a lobster, crab.

    apajita, ppp. (Jji) defeated.apatl, /. a screen, door-curtain,apanna ka, adj. certain, absolute; true.apadana, n. a heroic action, tale, legend, the I3th book of

    Khuddakanikaya.apadisati, v. (Jdis) to tell of, show.apadevata, /. an evil spirit.apadesa, ra. statement, pretext, deception, stratagem, cause.apadharana, n. covering.apanidheti, v. (Jdha) to hide, conceal.apaneti, v> (Jnl) to remove, put away.apanhana, n* bathing a dead body.apamara, m. epilepsy-

  • apaya 19

    apayana, n. departure.apararh, adv. moreover, further.

    apara, adj. other, subsequent, western.aparagoyana, n. name of one of the four great continents.

    aparajju, adv. the next day.aparajjhati, v. (Jradh) to offend against, sin.aparanna, n- beans, vegetables.aparanha, n. the cool of the evening.aparanta, m. the future.

    aparabhage, adv. afterwards, subsequently.aparava, m. emulation, discord.

    aparadha, m. (Jradh) an offence, sin, crime, guilt.aparaparam, adv. on and on, successively, backwards and


    aparinita, /. an unmarried woman,apala, n. a pin, peg, stake,

    a-palapa, m. (Jlap) secrecy, silence.apalasika, /. thirstiness.

    apaloketi, v. (Jlok) to give notice of, obtain consent,apavagga, m. completion, renunciation, deliverance,

    apavajjana, n. a present, sacrificing,apavana, n. a grove, garden,apavaraka, n. a sleeping room,

    apavahati, v. to carry away,apavada, m. (Jvad) blame, abuse,apaviddha, ppp. (Jvidh) thrown away, discarded,apasakkati, v. to depart,apasaggana, n. stopping, hesitation,

    apasavya, adj. right (not left),apasadeti, cans. v. (Jsad) to upbraid,apasmara, m. epilepsy,apassaya, m. a pillow to lean on.

    apassena, n. basis, charity.

    apahattha, n. shifting from one hand to another, pilfering,apahara, m. (Jhar) taking away,apakasaka, n. green ginger.apaci, / the south; *na, adj. southern, contrary,a-padaka, m. a snake, lit.


    without legs.'apadana, n. taking away, the ablative case,apana, n. respiration, breathing out.

    apamagga, m. a kind of plant,apaya, m. departure, disappearance, loss, misfortune, ruin,

    place of suffering or punishment.

  • 20 apayika

    apayika, m. one suffering in a place of suffering.aparuta, /. crooked iron.

    apalamba, m. basis, a pillow to lean on.

    api, part, also, even, though, merely; expresses interroga-tion

    ;*ca kho pana, however, nevertheless ; *nu kho,

    expresses emphatic interrogation ; *nama, perhaps.apidhana, n. (Jdha) concealment, a cover, lid.apupa, m. a cake.

    apekkhati, v. (Jikkh) to regard, mind, expect,apekkha, /. regard, care, affection, longing.apeti, v. (Ji) to go away ; ppp. apeta, free from, deprived of

    apoha, m. giving up, shifting, excuse.

    appa, aka, adj. little, slight, few.

    appacura, adj. little, few.appana, /. initial application of mind.

    appabodhati, v. (Jbudh) to despise.appamannati, v. (Jman) to despise, underrate.appamanna, /. the Buddhist beatitudes.appa-matta, adj. little, slight.a-ppamada, m. vigilance, earnestness, zeal, non-negli-


    appamarisa, m. a kind of plant.a-ppameyya, adj. (ijma) immeasurable, boundless.appahonaka, adj. insufficient.

    appabadha, m. good health.appekada, adv. sometime or other.appeti, v. to fit, fasten, deliver, assign ; ppp. appita.appesakkha, adj. of little power.apposukka, adj. free from care.

    appotheti, v, to clap the elbows in token of delight.apphota, /. a kind of jasmine.a-phala, adj. barren, fruitless, unprofitable.aphena, n. opium.abaddha-mukha, adj. foul-mouthed, scurrilous.ababa, num. i followed by seventy-seven ciphers.abala, adj. weak; /. a woman.abbati, v. ( Jabb) to go.abbahati, v. (Jvah) to take away, remove; ppp. abbujha.abbuta, adj. undisciplined.abbuda, n. a high numeral, canker, sore.abbha, mn. a cloud, sky.abbhaka, n. a tale.

    abbhakkhana, . (Jkha) accusation, slander, calumny.

  • abhijappana 21

    abbhanjana, n. (abhi Janj) anointing.abbhattha, n. setting, declining.abbhanumodana, n. (abhi+amWmud) rejoicing, thanks-

    giving.abbhantara, w. (abhi-f antara) interval, interior. Abbhantarc,

    loc. within.

    abbhagamana, n. (abhi+ a is/gam) approaching, visiting.abbhacikkhati, r. (abhi 4- a Jcikkh) to accuse, slander, ca-

    lumniate.abbhana, n. rehabilitation of a monk.abbhasa, m. repetition, reduplication.abbhuggacchati, v. (abhi+ ud Jgam) to ascend, approach,


    abbhujjalana, 77. (abhi + ud Jjal) spitting fire.abbhunha, adj. warm, fresh.a-bbhuta, adj. marvellous, mysterious ; n. a wonder, marvel.abbhokasa, m. (abhi-fokasa) the open sky.abbhokkirana, n. (abhi4-o /kir) spreading out, bedecking.abbheti, v. (abhi Ji) to restore a monk.abyata, /. the wild rambontan.abyathi, m. a horse.

    abyathisa, m. the ocean, sun ; /. the earth, midnight.abyaya, n. an indeclinable word, particle.abyayena, adv. without loss, safely.abyaseka, adj. charming, fascinating.abhabba, adj. unable, improbable.abhikirati, v. ( Jkir) to overwhelm.abhikami, adj. desirous.abhi-kkamati, v. (Jkam) to go forward, advance, ap-

    proach ; ppp. "kanta.abhikkanta, adj. (Jkam) handsome, desirable; (Jklam)

    withered, exhausted.abhikkhanaiii, adv. repeatedly.abhikhya, /. name, beauty, splendour; *ta, adj. renowned.abhi-gacchati, v. to go to, approach.abhighata, m. striking, concussion.abhighara, m. butter.abhicara, m. a servant.

    abhicara,m. fascination by means of certain magical influ-ences.

    abhiccha, /. (Jis) desire, longing.abhijana, m. race, tribe.abhijappana, n. muttering spells, incantation.

  • 22 abhijata

    abhijata, ppp. (^ja) well-born.abhijati, /. origin, race, birth.

    abhijanati, v. to know, ascertain, perceive, admit.abhijjha, /. covetousness ; *lu, adj. covetous.abhinna, /. higher knowledge, super-knowledge.abhiniiana, n. a sign, token.

    abhinharh, adv. repeatedly.abhitatta, adj. scorched.

    abhitappeti, v. to satisfy thoroughly.abhito, adv. near, in the presence of, on both sides.abhitoseti, r. (Jtus) to gratify, reward.abhittharati, v. (Jthar) to make haste.abhitthavati, v. (*ythu) to praise; ppp. "thuta.

    abhidosa, m. evening.abhidhamma, m. higher doctrine, Rurldhist philosophy,

    metaphysics,abhidha, /. a name.

    abhidhana, n. name, appellation, noun,

    abhidhryati, pass. (Jdha) to be declared,abhidheyya, n. (Jdha) a name, appellation,abhinadati, v. (Jnad) to roar,abhinandati, v. (Jnand) to be pleased with, approve of,


    abhinaya, m. a dramatic representation,abhinava, adj. quite new.abhinikkhamati, v. (Jkam) to go out, depart,abhininnameti, v. (Jnam) to turn, direct,abhinipajjati, v. (iVpad) to lie down,abhinipphatti, /. (Jpad) accomplishment, success,abhinipphadeti, v. (7pad) to accomplish, effect, succeed,abhinibbattati, v. (Jvatt) to be re-born,abhinibbatti, /. (Jvatt) rebirth,abhinimanteti, v. (Jmant) to invite, present,abhinimminati, "mati, v. (Jma) to create,abhiniliyati, v. (Jli) to lie hid, hide onself.abhinivisati, v. ( Jvis) to settle down, devote oneself to. P/>/>.


    abhinivesa, m. inclination, laying to heart,abhinisidati, v. to sit down,abhinlla, adj. deep blue,abhiniharati, v. (Jhar) to turn, direct,abhinlhara, m. earnest wish or aspiration,abhipattheti, v. (*/atth) to pray for, wish for.

  • abhividhi ^

    abhipijita, ppp. (Jpi!) oppressed, afflicted.

    abhipujeti, v. (Jpuj) to offer, present.abhihavati, v. (Jbhii) to overcome, master, surpass. Ppp-


    abhibhava, m. defeat,

    abhbihayatana, n. a position of mastery,abhibhasati, v. (Jbhas) to speak, address,abhibhu, adj. surpassing, mastering, vanquishing,abhimaiigala, n. high festival, solemnity,abhimatthati, v. (Jmatth) to grind, crush,abhimaddita, ppp. (Jmad) crushed, trampled, overthrown,abhimana, m. pride, haughtiness.abhimukha, adj. facing towards, opposite, in the direction of.abhimuda, /. sympathetic joy.abhiyacati, v. (Jyac) to entreat, request,abhiyati, v. (Jya) to approach, attack,abhiyoga, m. (Jyuj) charge, accusation,abhirati, /. (Jram) delight.abhiramati, -u. (Jram) to delight in. Ppp- "rata.abhiramma, "rama, adj. delightful,abhiraja, m. a supreme king,abhiradheti, v. (Jradh) to content, satisfy,abhirucita, ppp. (Jruc) pleasing, agreeable, liked,abhiruta, n. a sound,abhiruhati, "ruhati, "rohati, v. (Jruh) to ascend, mount.

    Ppp. ru!ha.abhirupa, adj. handsome, beautiful.abhilakkhita, ppp. (Jlakkh) marked, distinguished,abhilabhati, v. (Jlabh) to obtain, receive, get.abhilapa, m. talking, conversation,

    abhilava, m. (Jlu) reaping,abhilasa, m. desire.

    abhilitta, ppp. (Jlip) smeared, stained, polluted,abhilepana, n. (*/lip) pollution, smearing,abhivad^hati, v. (Jvaddh) to grow, increase, multiply,abhivadati, v. (Jvad) to say, declare,abhivandati, v. (Jvand) to salute, greet respectfully,abhivakya, n. humiliating speech, mean words,abhivadaka, adj. humiliating, rude,abhivadana, /. respectful salutation, greeting,abhivadeti, v. (Jvad) to salute, greet respectfully,abhivijayati, jeti, v. (Jji) to conquer, overcome,abhividhi, m. arrangement, procedure.

  • 24 abhivinaya

    abhivinaya, m? higher discipline.abhivuddhi, /. growth, prosperity, increase.

    abhisajjati, v. (Jsajj) to be angry, scold.abhisarikharoti, v- ( jkar) to prepare, effect. Ppp. "khata.abhisankhara, m. effecting, accumulation, idea, conception.abhisaiiga, m. curse, imprecation.abhisaddahati, v. (Jdha) to confide, believe firmly.abhisandeti. v. (Jsand) to drench, wet, saturate. Ppp- nna.abhisandhi, m. intention.

    abhisamaya, m. penetration, intuition, understanding.abhisamacarika, n. minor duties.abhisameti, v. (Ji) to comprehend, penetrate- Ger. "ecca.abhisamparaya, m. future state.

    abhisambujjhati, r. (Jbudh) to be perfectly enlightened,omniscient.

    abhisambodhi, /. (Jbudh) perfect knowledge, omniscience,abhisambhunati, noti, v. (.Jbhu) to attain, get.abhisammata, ppp- (Jman) approved, honoured,abhisavana, n. (Jsu) oozing, trickling,abhisapana, n. taking the oath at a law court,abhisarika, /. a woman who carries on an intrigue,abhisincati, v. (Jsic) to besprinkle, anoint. Caus. "seceti.

    Ppp' "cita, sitta.

    abhisunoti, v. (Jsu) to hear, harken.abhisuta, n. vinegar.abhiseka, m. sprinkling, anointing, inauguration,abhissariga, m. attachment,

    abhihanti, v. (Jhan) to assail, strike,abhiharati, v. (Jhar) to bring, acquire ; hata, ppp ; hara, m.

    offering.abhihita, pf)p. (Jdha) called, said, named,abhlka, m. a husband,abhira, m. a cowherd.abhlsu, m. colour, bridle, affection; /. a finger,abhuta, adj. false. Abhutena, instr. falsely,abhyagata, m. a guest, visitor,'abhyasa, m. repetition, practice; adj. near,

    abhyupagama, m. agreement, promise,ama, n. a water-snake,

    amaiigala, adj. inauspicious,amacca, m. a minister, councillor,

    amajjha, /. uncleanliness.

  • ambukirata 25

    amata, n. deathlessness, nihhana, ambrosia, nectar; adj.deathless, undying, eternal.

    amatatarangini, /. a ray of the moon.

    amatadldhiti, ni. tlie moon.

    atnatapa, w. a spirit, lit.'

    one u

  • 26 ambukisa

    ambukisa, w. a porpoise.ambucamara, n. water-weeds.ambucarl, m. a fish.

    ambuja, m. a fish; n. a lotus plant.ambujakara, m. a pond.ambujini, /. a lotus-pond.ambuda, m. a cloud.ambudhara, m. a cloud.ambudhi, m. the ocean.ambunidhi, m. the ocean, sea.

    ambupaddhati, /. a current of water.ambura, m. the threshold of a door.

    ambusappinl, /. a water-leech.ambha, m. a stone, pebble.ambho, interj. Oh ! I say !ambhoja, n. a lotus flower; m. the moon, a crane.ambhojajani, m. brahma.amma, voc. mother ! lady ! madam !ammana, n. a canoe, a measure of capacity.amma, /. a mother.

    amha-maya, adj. made of stone.amhadisa, adj. like us.aya, mn. iron.

    ayati. fc. (Ji) to go; "ana, n. a road. ,a-yacitaka, adj. owned by oneself, unborrowed.ayanaya, m. a country.ayokara, m. a blacksmith.

    ayoghana, m. a sledge-hammer.ayya, m. a lord, master; voc. sir! my lord ! /. madam ! my

    lady!ayyakaj m. a grandfather, ancestor; /. a grandmother,ara, . a wheel,

    ararti, adi>. speedily, presently,araka, m. moss,

    araghatta, m. a water-pump,aranjara, m. a large pot, jar,aranha, n. a forest,

    arannanl, /. a large forest;arani, mf. wood for kindling fire by friction,aratatapa, m. a dog.arati, /. dislike, discontent,arama, adj. inferior,gttira, Mfn. a gate, door, cover, lid.

  • alattaka 27

    araru, w. an enemy.aravinda, n, a lotus, red copper; "dim, /. a lotus-bunch.

    araha, adj. worthy, deserving, venerable.arahati, v. (Jarh) to deserve, be worthy of, fit ; arahita, ppp.arahatta, n- state of being an arahant or saint; *phala, n.

    fruition of arahantship ; *magga, m, the path of ara-

    hantship.arahanta, ha, m. an arahant or saint,

    arati, m. an enemy,ari, m. an enemy',arittha, m. a heron, the nimba tree; n. buttermilk, harem,

    happiness,aritta, n. a rudder.

    arindama, adj. (Jdam) foe-vanquishing, victorious.:ariya, adj. noble, venerable, elect, holy,ariya-dhana, n. noble treasure, the cheek,

    ariya-phala, n. the noble fruition, viz., arahantship.ariya-magga, the noble path,ariya-sacca, n. the noble truth or fact,

    ariva-savaka, m. a holy disciple,arisa, n. hemorrhoids,aru, n. a wound.aruna, adj. light red; m. the dawn,aruna-kamala, n. the red lotus,

    aruna-locana, m. a pigeon, lit.'

    the red-eyed.'arunuggama, n. the dawn, sunrise,aruriopala, m. a ruby.arupa-bhava, m. formless existence, immaterial world,

    arupavacara, adj. (Jcar) experienced in the formless orimmaterial realm,

    are, interj. here ! I say ! sirrah !

    alarh, adv. hold ! enough ! adequate, sufficient,ala, n. scorpion-poison,alaka, mn. a roll, fold, bundle,

    alaka, /. Kuvera's city,alagada, m. a snake,

    alaghupala, m. a rock,

    alankaroti, f. to decorate, adorn, embellish; kara, m. anornament, decoration, rhetoric,

    a-lajji, adj. shameless,

    alanjara, m. a large pot, jar.alattaka, m> lac.

  • 28 alambusa

    alambusa, m. the palm of the hand; sickness; /. a kind oftree.

    alavala, n. a pond at the foot of a tree,alasa, adj. idle, lazy, slothful,alata,, n. a firebrand,

    alapu, H. a gourd, pumpkin,alabu, /. a gourd, pumpkin,alara, m. a gate, door,

    ali, ?n. a bee.

    alika, n. the forehead, falsehood; adj. false, untrue,

    aligaddha, m. a cobra.

    alipaka, m. the carpenter bee, scorpion, dog.alimaka, m. a cuckoo, frog.alika, w. the forehead, falsehood; adj. false, untrue,a-lina, adj. free from desire,alu, /. a small water-pot.alia, adj. wet, moist; /. a mother,avamsira, adj. head downwards, head foremost,ava, prep, away, off, down,avakarhsa, m. inferiority,avakaddhati, ?>. (Jkaddh) to drag down,avakara, m. dust, rubbish-

    avakasa, m. place, room, space, opportunity, leave, leisure,

    avakujja, adj. upsidedown.avakkanti, /. (Jkam) introduction, descent,avahara, m. a thief,

    avapurana, n. a key.avarapara, m. the sea.

    avaraparika, /. the coriander seed,avavata, m. a son of a lesser husband,avi, m. a ram, sheep, day, mountain, master, mouse, wind,avika, n. a diamond.avikata, m. a flock of sheep.a-vikkhepa, m. (Jkhip) non-distraction, balance of mind,aviggaha, m. the god of love,a-vijja, /. ignorance,a-viddasu, adj. ignorant,avidusa, n. sheep's milk,

    avipata, m. a coat made of sheepskin,avila, /. a female sheep,avi ha, /. one of the brahma worlds,a-vihimsa, "hesa, /. mercy; lit. 'non-cruelty.'avici, m. one of the eight hells.

  • 20

    avekkliati, r. (Jikkli) to look clown upon, consider, con-

    template.aveccu, gcr. (*Ji) thoroughly, clearly, penetratively.avhaya, m. a name, invocation.avha, /. a name, appellation.asakirh, adv. more than once, repeatedly, continuously.aSaiinasatta, m. inhabitant of one of the brahma worlds.asattha, m. the tree of wisdom.asana, mfn. an arrow, food.asani, mf, the thunderbolt.

    a-santa, adj. unreal, false, wicked, bad.a-sayha, adj. (Jsah) invincible, unconquerable.asi, m. a sword.asita, run. a sickle; adj. black.asipatta, m. the sugar-cane plant.asiputtl, /. a knife.

    asilesa, /. name of a constellation.

    aslti, num. eighty.asu, m. breath, life.

    asu, pron. this, that.

    asuka, adj. such and such.asura, m. a fallen god.asekha, m. on arahant, one who is no more a student.aserana, adj. charming, captivating.asesa, adj. all, without remainder. Ascsato, adv. entirely,

    altogether.asoppa, /. a fairy, spirit.asmagabbha, m. emerald.asmapuppha, n. benzoin.asma, m. a stone.

    assa, tu. a horse, corner.

    assakanna, m. one of the seven circles of rock that sur-*

    round Meru.assatara, ni. a mule.

    assattharana, n. a saddle-

    assama, mn. a hermitage.assamedha, m. horse-sacrifice.assay u ja, m. name of a constellation.

    assava, adj. (Jsu) obedient; m. pus, matter.assasati, v. (Jsas) to inhale air, inspire, breathe; assattha,

    ppp. Cans, assaseti, to comfort, encourage.assada, m. "ana, . tasting, enjoyment.

  • nssasa

    assasa, m. (Jsas) inhalation, comfort, consolation, respira-tion; *passasa, m. inhalation and exhalation.

    assu, n. a tear. Assumukhai with tearful face.aharhkara, m. arrogance, haughtiness.aham-aham-ika-, /. conceit, egoism.aha, n. a day.ahata, n. ( -Jhan) a new cloth before it is washed.

    ahaha, n. a high numeral.ahaha, inter j. alas! oh !a-hirhsa, /. mercy; lit.



    ahi, m. a snake.

    avaganeti, v. (^gan) to neglect, disregard.avagata, ppp. (is/gam) known, understood.

    avajahati, v. (Jlia) to abandon, forsake.

    avajata, ppp. (Jja) low-born.avajanati, v. (*/ja) to despise; avanfiata, ppp.avajiyyati, "jlyati, pass. (Jji) to be conquered.avajja, n. blame; adj. not to be avoided, harmless.

    avajjhayati, v. to waste away, perish-avaima, / disrespect, contempt.avannita, adj. despised.avata, m. a hole, hollow, well, astrologer.avatarika, m. market-place.avatu, /. the neck, well.

    avatthiti, /. (Jtha) steadiness.avanna, m. dispraise, reproach. Avcuinam b hdsati, to speak

    ill of.

    avatarhsa, m. a crest, earring.avatarati, v. to descend, disembark; "tinna, ppp.avatara, mn. a landing-place.avati, v. (Jav) to protect.avattabbata, /. ineffability.a-vattha, adj. naked ; m. a naked ascetic.avattharati, v. (Jthar) to spread, cover, scatter, pervade;

    "thata, ppp.avattha, /. state, condition, time, period.avatthana, n. standing-place, state.

    avatthapana, n. fixing, settling.avadata, adj. white, pure.avndarana, n. a spade.avadoha, m. sweetened milk.

    avadhana, n. (Jdha) attention.

  • ahiptiena 3 l

    avaclhareti, cans. (Jdha) to ascertain ; "rana, n. ascertain-ment; "rita, ppp.

    avadhi, m. limit.

    avana, n. wish, grace, entrance.

    avani, /. the earth.

    avani-pati, m. a king.avani-ruha, m. a tree.

    avanejana, n. washing.avapida, m. a snuff.

    avabodha, m. (Jbudh) understanding; "ana, n. instruction.avamangala, adj. inauspicious.avamana, n. disrespect.avamaneti, cans. (Jman) to despise.avaya, m. loss, decay.avayava, m. a limb, member, part.avaratta, n. the whole night.avalambana, n. hanging, depending.avalekhana, n. a small piece of whittled bamboo or wood

    used in the bath-'oom.

    avalepa, m. (Jlip) anointing, pride.avaloketi, v. to look, behold, survey.avasa, adj. unsubdued, independent, powerless, true.avasanna, ppp- languid, depressed.avasaya, m. leave, rain-fall, year.avasara, m. opportunity, turn.

    avasarati, v. (/sar) to go.avasana, n y end, conclusion.avasittha, ppp. (Jsis) remaining, left.avasita, ppp. (Jsl) finished, ascertained.avasissana, n. (Jsis) remainder.avaslna, mfn. a scorpion.avaseseti, v. (Jsis) to leave, spare.avassarh, adv. certainly, undoubtedly; *bhavi, adj. cne\ it-


    avassagga, m. relinquishment, abandonment.avassaya, m. support, help, refuge, protection.avassuta, ppp. (Jsu) lustful.avaharati, v. (Jhar) to take away, steal, draw down.ahi*kaflcuka, tn. the slough cast off by a snake.ahi-gunthika) wt a snake charmer.ahichattaka^ n. & mushroom.ahi^-turtclikaj to. a snake charrrter.ahiphcija, n. opium, snake's poison.

  • 32 ahimariisu

    ahimarhsu, m. the sun.ahivata, m. the plague-ahlrani, m. a two-headed snake.aho, inter], oh ! ah ! alas ! *vata, indeed, Oh what !ahomani, m. the sun.ahomukha, n. the morning.ahoratta, m. a day and night.ahosesa, n. the evening.a}a, m. a crab's finger.ajakka, m. a mad dog.


    a, prep, until, as far as.

    akarikhati, v. (Jkankh) to wish, desire, long for.akarikha, /. desire, longing.akaddhati, v. (Jkaddh) to draw towards, drag along.akappa, m. appearance, embellishment, disguise, disease.akara, m. a multitude, mine.

    akassa, m. dragging, a magnet.akara, m. appearance, countenance, form, sign, way, means,

    cause, purpose, factor, constituent part,akasa, m. ( N'kas) the sky, air, space,akasa-mandala, n. the open sky.akasa-yana, n. an aeroplane,akasa-valli, /. the orchid plant,akasa-salila, n. rain,

    akasanancayatana, n. sphere of infinity of space,akincannayatana, n. sphere of nothingness,akirati, v. (Jkir) to scatter, sprinkle; Ppp- akinna, mixed,

    crowded.akuiicita, ppp. (Jkunc) bent, curved,akula, adj. crowded, confused, perplexed, troubled,akuli, / a kind of plant,akha, m. a spade-akhanika, m. a thief, rat, pig, spade,akhu, m. a rat, mouse,

    akhughata, m. the fourth caste,

    akhubhufija, m. a cat-akhetika, m. a hound, hunter,akhota, m. the walnut tree,

    akhya, /. a name,

    akhyata, ppp. said, announced j ti a finite verb.

  • anapeti 33

    akhyayika, /. a tale, story, legend.agacchati, v. (Jgam) to come, arrive, return ; agamma, ger.agantu, *ka, adj. coming, occasional, adventitious, foreign ;

    m. a guest, visitor.

    agantukavatta, n. hospitality, duty towards guests.agama, m. advent, arrival, income, knowledge, Buddhist

    scriptures.agameti, cans. (Jgam) to cause to come, communicate, im-

    part, wait.

    agaml, adj. coming, future-agara, n. a house, building; "rika, m. a householder.

    agilayati, v. (Jgla) to be tired, ache.agu, n. sin, guilt, crime; *carl, mfn. a sinner.aghattana, n. (Jghatt) impact, touching.aghata, m. ill-will, malice, hatred.

    aghatana, n. slaughter-house, place of execution.acaka, m- a kind of plant.acamana, n. ( Jcam) rinsing the mouth, washing.acaya, in. (Jci) accumulation.acarati, v. (sfcar) to act, perform, treat, practise; acinna,

    ppp.acariya, m. a teacher, professor.acariya-mutthi, m/. a teacher's favourite or secret theme;


    teacher's closed fist.'

    acariya-vatta, n. a duty towards a teacher,acama, rn. scum of boiling rice,

    acara, m. (Jcar) conduct, practice,acikkhati, v. (Jcikkh) to tell, announce,acinati, v. (Jci) to heap, accumulate; acita, ppp.aja, n. butter,

    ajaka, n. a flock of goats.ajanna, ajaniya, ajaneyya, adj. (Jja) of good race or breed,aji, /. battle, strife.

    ajlva, m. (Jjiv) livelihood, occupation, profession,ata, m. a heron, duck,

    atavika, m. a forester.

    adambara, m. trumpeting of an elephant, a war-drum,anaka, adj. inferior,anatti, /. command, authority,ana, /. an order, command, ordinance,ana-desana, /. a discourse of authority, the Vinaya Pitaka.anapeti, cans, to order, command; anatta, ppp.


  • 34

    ani, /. the pin of a wheel, linch-pin, peg, the edge of aknife.

    atarika, m. sickness, affliction.

    atata, n. a drum covered with leather on one side.atata-vitata, n. a drum covered with leather on both sides.atatayi, m. a highwayman, criminal.atapa, m. (Jtap) sunlight, zeal.atapatta, m. a parasol.

    atapabhava, m. a shade.

    atappa, n. zeal, ardour, exertion.atara, atara, m. freight.atapa, m. heat, burning, zeal.atapl, adj. (Jtap) ardent, zealous, active; m. a kite, also


    atitheyya, n. (jt. atithi) hospitality ; adj. hospitable-atu, m. a raft.

    atuma, m- the body ; another form of atta.atura, adj. ill, diseased, afflicted.atojja, n. (Jtud) a musical instrument.athabbana, m. the fourth Veda.adara, m. esteem, regard, affection.

    adaranlya, adj. estimable.adati, adadati, n. (Jda) to take, receive, seize; adaya, ger.;

    adinna, ppp. ; adata, m. one who takes; adana, n. tak-ing, attachment, clinging.

    adasa, m. a mirror.

    adi, m. beginning, starting-point; suf. et cetera, and soforth. Adito, adv. from the beginning.

    adika, adj. first, beginning with, initial.adikammika, adj. a beginner, novice.adikara, m. brahma.adicca, m. the sun.

    fidicca-patha, tn. the sky, the heavens.

    adippati, v. (>/dIp) to blaze, burn; aditta, ppp.adi-bhuta, -ma, adj. first, initial.adiyati, pass. (Jda) to take, receive, take to heart.adinava, m. disadvantage, evil, tribulation.adeti, t. to take, receive, obtain.

    adevaka, mfn. a merry-maker.fidevita, n. violent crying.adesa, w. (Jdis) information, direction, injunction, a sub-

    stitute in grammar.adesi, m. an informant, director.

  • abadhika 35

    adyanta, mn. beginning and end.adhana, n. keeping, placing, pawn, pledge.adhara, m. a support, stand, receptacle, water-basin round

    the foot of a tree, the locative relation in grammar,adhipacca, n. overlordship.adhuta, ppp. (is/dhu) shaken,

    adhunika, adj. new, first to arise,adheyya, mfn. a pledge, pawn,adhorana, TO. an elephant-driver, mahout,ana, n. (Jan) inhaled air, inhalation,ananca, n. infinity.

    anaddha, adj. (Jnah) constipated; n. a drum, decoration,anana, n. the mouth.ananda, m. joy, delight, a sea-monster, whale,ananda-pata, n. a wedding garment,anandi, m. joy, delight.anapana, n. inhalation and exhalation, .respiration,anaya, m. a fish-net,

    anaha, m. constipation, strangury,anisariisa, m. advantage, reward, good result,apa, m. water,

    apaga, /. a river,

    apajjati, -j. (Jpad) to enter, fall into, undergo; apanna,ppp; apajja, ger.

    apana, m. a market, bazaar, shop,apanika, m. a tradesman, shop-seller,apatika, m. a hawk,

    apatti, /. offence, guilt, sin.

    Spada, /. misfortune, necessity,apana, n. mustard. -

    apanika, m. a ruby, wild man.

    apannasatta, /. a pregnant woman,

    apaka, m. a baking stove,apana, n. a drinking shop, tavern,apucchati, v. (Jpucch) to ask leave, take leave, bid adieu ;

    cha, /. a request,apupika, mfn. a cake-seller,

    apiirati, v. (Jpur) to be filled, increase,apusa, n. tin.

    abajjhati, pass. '(Jbadh) to be bound, fastened; abaddha,ppp.

    abadha, m. illness, disease,abadhika, adj. ill, sick.

  • 36 abharana

    abharana, n. an ornament, decoration.

    abhassara, adj. radiant, shining.abha, /. splendour, radiance, light; *kara, m. the sun.

    abhati, v. (Jbha) to shine.abhasa, m. light, introduction, preface.abhasana, n. greeting.abhidha, /. a sound.

    abhimukhya, /. front, direction towards.abhlra, m/. a cowherd.

    abhujati, v. (Jbhuj) to bend, turn into. Pallankam abhuja-ti, to sit cross-legged.

    abhuji, /. a kind of plant.abhoga, m. reflection, fulness, plenty.ama, interj. yes, indeed; adj. raw, uncooked.amaka,-ad;. raw, uncooked.amaka-susana,. n. a cemetery where dead bodies are thrown.

    ama-gandha, m. the^ foul-smelling corruptions-arnajata, m. a son of a sl'ave.amanda, m. the castor-oil plant.amanta, interj. yes, certainly.amanteti/T. (Jmant) to address, speak, call, consult.amaya, w. sickness, ill-health.

    amalaka, m/n. emblic myrobalan.amasana, n. (Jmas) handling, touching, contemplating.amatisara, m. dysentery.amalaka, mn. the foot of a hill, open ground.amisa, mn. flesh, meat, food, object of enjoyment, tempta-

    tion, lust.

    amisa-dayada, m/n. a donor of fleshly needs.amisappiya, m. a heron.amutta, ppp. (Jmuc) dressed, accoutred.amupa, m. the thorny bamboo.amendita, n. repetition.amoda, m. (Jmud) joy, fragrance.amodana, /. (Jmud) rejoicing.aya, m. gain, revenue, entrance.

    ayatacchada, /. the plantain tree.

    ayatana, n. abode, receptacle, mine, origin, cause, meeting-place.

    ayatanetta, m. a prawn.ayati, /. the future, length, majesty. Ayatim, adv. in future.ayatika, adj. future.

    ayattata, /. dependence.

  • arati 37

    ayamati, v. (s/yam) to draw, stretch, extend; ayata, ppp.long.

    ayasa, adj. made of iron.ayasma, adj. venerable, reverend.

    ayacati, v. (s/yac) to ask, request; "ana, n. a request.ayati, v. (/ya) to go, approach, return.ayama, m. length. Ayamato, adv. at length.ayasa, m. trouble, suffering.

    ayu, n. life.

    ayuka, ad}, living.ayukappa, m. the life-term.

    ayuta, ppp- (n/yu) endowed, furnished with.ayutta, *ka, m. a secretary, agent, manager, trustee.

    ayu-dabba, n. medicine.

    ayudha, n. a weapon.ayudhika, m. a soldier.

    ayu-beda, m. the science of medicine.

    ayu-vaddhana, adj. life-prolonging.ayusa, n. duration of life- Ayusa, abl. as long as life lasts.ayu-saiikhara, m. maintenance of life.

    ayuhana, n. striving, exerting.ayogo, m. (Jyuj) occupation.ayodhana, n. (Jyudh) battle.ara, n. a corner, end, brass.

    araka, adv. prep, far off, from afar.arakuta, ran. brass.

    arakkhati, v. (Jrakkh) to guard, protect.ararinaka, adj. belonging to the forest, situated in the forest.arannikariga, n. the pure practice of a monk dwelling in the


    arani, m. a whirlpool.arati, /. avoidance, abstinence.

    araddha, ppp. (Jrabh) striving, earnest, accomplished.araddha-viriya, adj. strenuous, making an effort.aranala, n. sour gruel-arabhati, v. (Jrabh) to begin, undertake, attempt, exert

    oneself; arabbha, ger. beginning with, from, concern-

    ing, with reference to.

    arambha, m. *na, n. commencement, effort, injury, mischief.arammana, n. an object of sense, support, basis, ground,


    araj'adi). far off; /. an awl ; aragga, n. the point of an awl.arati, m. an enemy.

  • 38 aradheti

    aradheti, V. (Jradh) to propitiate, make favour with, win,accomplish ; dhana, n. propitiation, accomplishment;"dhita, Ppp-

    arama, m. a garden, park, monastery, temple.aramika, m. a temple servant, gardener.aralika, m/. a cook.

    arava, m. .(-s/ru) a sound, noise.

    arissa, m. the state of a sage.

    aru, ?n. a crab, pig, kettle.

    aruppa, ad;', incorporeal, formless, immaterial.

    aruhati, v. (Jruh) to ascend, mount; arujha, ppp; aruyha,ger.

    aru, m. the red or yellow colour.

    arogya, n. health-

    aroceti, v. (Jruc) to tell, announce, declare.

    aropeti, v. (Jruh) to lift, establish, put, raise, introduce.aroha, m- length, ascent ; /. an elegant woman.

    arohaka, m. a rider.

    arohana, n. ascent, ladder, stairs.

    aroha-paiinaha, m. length and breadth.ala, adj. large, wide.

    alaka, /. Kuvera's city.

    alapati, TJ. (^lap) to speak to, address.alambati, v. (Jlamb) to lean upon, take hold of; ana, n. a

    support, object of sense.alambara, m. a drum, pride, arrogance.alavalaka, n. a basin round a tree to retain water.

    alaya, m. a house, dwelling, abode, longing, desire, attach-ment.

    alasiya, sya, ssa, n- idleness, sloth.

    alata, n. a firebrand.

    alana, n. a state or post to which an elephant is tied.alapa, m. (Jlap) speech.alapa-sallapa, m. conversation.

    ali, m. a scorpion ;/. a woman's female friend, "line, em-bankment.

    alikhati, v. (Jlikh) to draw, delineate-alinga, m. a small drum.

    aliiigati, v. (s/ling) to embrace, enfold.

    alimpati, v. (lip) to besmear, anoint. .alinda, m. a terrace or verandah.

    alinaka, n. tin.

    alu, mfn. a kettle; mn. a potato.

  • avisati 39

    alulati, v. (*Jlu\) to agitate, disturb, confuse; alolita, ppp.alekha, m. (Jlikh) a drawing, painting, picture.alekhani, /. a paint-brush, pencil.alepa, m. (s/lip) besmearing.aloka, m. light, sight, look.

    aloka-sandhi, m. a window.alopa, m. a fragment, morsel, plundering.alojeti, caws, to mix. stir, jumble, confuse; lita, ppp.avajja, adj. low, inferior.avajjati, v. (*/vajj) to reflect, consider; ana, n. meditation.avajjeti, caus. (/vajj) to bend, incline, upset.avatta, m. a whirlpool, circuit, circumference. Avatbato,

    adv. in circumference,

    avattani, /. a woman, flat cupel-avapana, n. a cup, sowing, weaving,avarana, n. covering, obstruction, prohibition,avala, n. the trumpet-flower plant,avail, /. a row or range,avasati, v. (Jvas) to dwell, inhabit,avasatha, m. dwelling-place, abode, house,

    avasagara, n. a rest-house-

    avasita, adj. stored up, ripe, mature,avahati, v. (Jvah) to bring,avata, m. a hole, pit.avadha, mfn. pain, anxiety.avapa, m. a pond at the foot of a tree, sowing, cup, wristlet,avapana, mfn. a weaving loom,avari, m. a shop.avasa, m. (Jvas) a house, dwelling-placetavaha, m. marriage,avahana, n. invitation, marrying,avi, adv. manifestly, evidently, plainly,avika, adj. woollen ; m. flannel,avi-karoti, v. to make manifest, explain,avijjhati, v. to draw, drag,avittha, ppp. possessed by a devil,avita, adj. guarded, protected,aviddha, ppp. thrown.avidha, m. a bore or drill.avi-bhavati, to become manifest, appear-avibhava, m. appearance, manifestation,avila, adj. turbid, stained,avisati, v. (Jvis) to approach, enter.

  • 40 avi

    avl, /. pains of childbirth,

    avikarana, n. manifesting,avunati, noti, v. to cover, inclose, string; ppp. avata,


    avudha, n. a weapon,avusa, indecl friend! sir ! brother !

    avenika, adj. detached, independent., avesana, n. a workshop, dwelling, fury, entrance,

    avesika, m. a guest ; adj. entering, adventitious,

    avela, /. a garland worn on the crown of the head, a kindof flower.

    avhaya, m; avha, /. a name, appellation,asamsana, n. hoping, wishing, publishing,asamsa, /. a wish,

    asa, m. eating,

    asaiiga, m. attachment,

    asajja, adj. attainable,asankati, v. (Jsank) to suspect, doubt,asanka, /. suspicion,asanki, adj. anxious, apprehensive,asatta, ppp. (Jsajj) attached, intent,asatti, /. (Jsajj) attachment, desire,asada, m. approaching,asana, n. a seat, the withers of an elephant,asandi, /. a long or easy chair,

    asanna, ppp- (Jsad) near,asabha, adj. taurine, eminent.

    asaya, in. meaning, inclination, support, abode, haunt,asala, m. the white anise plant,asava, m. spirituous drink, intoxicant, passion, drug,

    poison-drug ; *kkhaya, m. extinction of passion,asavati, v. (Jsu) to trickle, flow,asa, /. desire, longing,asatika, /. a fly's egg, nit.

    asara, m. a heavy shower, current,asajha, mf. name of a month,asirhsa, /. (ijsas) wish, hope, benediction,asi, /. blessing.asincati, v. (Jsic) to sprinkle, moisten, anoint; ppp. asitta.asittha, ppp. ( Jsas) wished for.asita, n. a seat, town,

    asivada, m. blessing,asi, /. fang of a snake.

  • aslvisa, w. 5 snake.

    asisa, /. wishing.asu, adv. quickly.aseka, m. (Jsic) sprinkling, anointing.asevati, v. (Jsev) to practise.asevi, adj. addicted to.ahaka, m. disease of the nose.

    ahacca, adj. (Jhar) adduceable, removable.ahaccapada, m. a bed or chair with removable legs.ahanati, v. (Jhan) to strike, beat, reach; ahacca, ger ;

    ahata, />/>/>.aharati, v. (Jhar) to bring, fetch, plunder, relate; ahata,

    ppp. Atltarfi aharati , to tell a story.ahava, m. war, battle.

    ahavaniya, fpp. ( Jhu) sacrificial.ahara, m. food, nourishment, nutriment, cause.ahava, m. a trough.ahindati, v. (Jhind) to roam, wander.ahitundika, m. a juggler, snake-charmer.ahuneyya, adj. sacrificial, worshipful, worthy of offerings.ajara, adj. wide, expansive.ajarika, tn. a cook.alahana, n. a cemetery, graveyard.ali, mfn. a crab, scorpion.alinda, m. a portico.ajhaka, m. a post to which an elephant is tied ; mn. a mea-

    sure of capacity.


    ikka, m. a bear.

    ikkata, m. a kind of reed.ikkhana, w. (Jikkh) sight.ikkhanika, wt. a fortune-teller.ikkhati, t>. (n/ikkh) to look, see.ikkhu, m. sugar-cane.inga, m. a gesture, sign.iiigati, 7. (Jirtg) to move. Iftgita, n, p'pp. gesture.h'lgudl, /. a kind of plant.ingha, interj. come ! pray ! prithee !icchati, v. (Jis) to wish, desire, seek.iccha, /. desire, wish, lust.icchacara, m. desire, covetousness, ambition*incaka, m. a, pra^wn.


  • 42 injati

    injati, v. (Jinj) to move, budge. Iftjita, n, ppp, movement,vacillation.

    ittHam, adv. at will, as one wishes,

    ittha, ppp. (Jis) desirable,itthaka, /. a brick.

    itthaka-vaddhakl, m. a bricklayer, mason,

    itthakanyasa, m. laying a brick foundation,

    itthagandha, adj. fragrant,ina, n. debt,

    iiiayika, m. a debtor,

    itara, adj. other, different,itaratha, adv. in another way.itaritara, adj. one and another, any whatever, this and that,

    hi, ti, and before a vowel ice, adv. thus, used as a mark of

    indirect narration,

    itikatha, /, idle speech.itivuttaka, n. the fourth book of Khuddakanikaya.itiha, /. oral tradition,

    itihasa, rn. legendary lore, tradition,

    ittara, adj. low, mean, poor,ittharh, adv. thus; *bhuta, adj. such,

    itthatta, n. the present condition,

    iuhannarrta, adj. so and so, such and such,

    itthagara, n. women's apartment, harem,

    itthi, itthi, /. a woman, female,

    itthindriya, n. feminiety.idarh, n. this; adv. here, even,

    idani, adv* now.

    idha, adv. here, hither,

    iddhi, /. prosperity, power, magical potency,iddhika, ima, adj. possessed of magical powers,iddhi-pada, m. basis of magical powers,ina, m. the sun, lord, master,

    ina-sabha, /. a government office.

    Ittda, in. chiefj king,iftdakaj ft. an assembly halhindakhila, in. a city-gate pillar, threshold.

    Indagopaka, in. a sort of insect,

    indajalika, m. a juggler, magician.Indadhanu, . the rainbow,indanlla, m. a sapphire,indabhesajja, ft. dried ginger.jndayavas mA ^ kind of fruit.

  • issara' 43

    indalutta, mw. shaving the head.indavarunl, /. a species of gourd.indasala, m. a kind of plant.indanika, w. a salt-water muscle.

    indayudha, n. the rainbow.indindira, m. a large bee.

    indiravara, indivara, n. the blue water-lily.indu, m. the moon, camphor.indukamala, n. the white lily.indukalika, /. the screw-pine.indujanaka, w. the ocean.indumati, /. the full-moon day.in dura, m. a rat.

    induratana, n. pearl.indulohaka, n. silver.

    indriya, n. a controlling faculty.indhana, n. firewood, fuel.ibbaru, ibbalu, mf. cucumber.ibbha, adj. wealthy.ibha, m. an elephant.ibhamacala, m. a lion.irana, mfn. a desert.ira, /. the earth, water, word.iracara, m. hail.

    iriyapatha, m. movement, posture, deportment.iru, /. the Rigveda.ilagola, /. the earth.

    ilatala, n. the surface of the earth.ilika, /. the earth.

    illala, m. a bird.

    ill!, /. a dagger.iva, va, part, like, as.

    isa, issa, m. a bear.

    isi, m. a sage, anchorite.isina, /. an elephant's eye, paint-brush.isigili, m. a mountain in Magadha.isipatana, n. a place near Benares.isipabbajja, /. the life of an anchorite.isira, m. fire.

    isu, mf. an arrow.isudhi, m/. a quiver.issayati, v. to envy, be jealous,issara, m. lord,

  • 44 issariya

    issariya, issera, n. dominion, supremacy,issa, /. envy, jealousy.issasa, t. a bow.issukl, adj. envious, jealous,ilia, adv. here.

    iholokika, adj. belonging to this world.


    Tti, /. danger, turbulence.Idisa, adj. like this, such.Ireti, v. (Jlr) to utter, shake; ppp. Irita.isa, m. lord, master.

    Isakam, adv. a little.Isakkara, adj. easy to do.Isajjala, n. shallow water.Isaddassana, n. a smile.Isadhara, m. one of the concentric mountains surrounding


    Isappurisa, m. a useless man.isa, /. the pole of a plough, axle.Isadanta, m. the tusk of an elephant,fsana, n. radiance.Isika, /. an elephant's eye, paint-brush, sprout,isitta, n. government.Isi, /. a queen.Tha, /. exertion, endeavour.Ihamiga, m. a wolf, leopard,


    u, ud, prep, only used as the first part of a compound, withthe meaning of



    above - or ' away.'ukanaha, m. a horse of a bay colour.uka, /. a louse.

    ukuna, m. a bug.ukkarhsa, m. excess.ukkamseti, cans. (Jkams) to exalt; ppp. ukkattha, exceed-

    ing, excellent.

    ukkaddhati, v. (Jkaddh) to cast out.ukkanthati, v. (Jkanth) to regret, pine, be discontented.

    ukkamana^ n. (?/kam) stepping aside, passing.

  • uggh&tita*fii1u 4$

    ukkamapeti, cans. (Jkam) to cause to step aside.ukkalapa, uklapa, w. sweepings, rubbish.

    ukka, / a torch, firebrand; *pata, m. a meteor; *mukha, n.the mouth of a furnace,

    ukkara, m. dung, excrement,ukkasati, v. (Jkas) to hem, clear the throat,ukkujjeti, v. to set up again what has been overturned,tikkutika, adj. sitting on the hams, squatting, crouching;

    Ukkntikam nis'idati, to sit on the hams, squat,ukkutthi, /. (kus) shouting, crying out. Ukku\thim karoti t

    to shout.

    ukkusa, m. an osprey.ukkoca, m, a bribe.

    ukkoteti, caus. to disturb what is settled,ukkha, adj. clean, washed,ukkhatara, m. a big bull,ukkhali, /. a rice boiling pot.ukkhipati, i>. (Jkhip) to throw upwards, lift, eject ; ukkhitta,

    ppp.ukkhittaka, m. a monk who has been excommunicated,ukkhepa, m, lifting, raising; aka, m- one who excommu-

    nicates; ana, . excommunication ; "aniyakamma, n.

    excommunication of a monk for a grave offence,uklapa, see ukkalapa.ugga, adj. violent, severe, cruel,ugga-gandha, adj. strong-smelling; m. onions; n. asafoe-


    uggacchati, v. (Jgacch) to rise, ascend; uggata, ppp.ugganhati, v. (Jgah) to acquire, learn, lift, pick up,g&aOhapeti, caus. to teach,

    uggati, /. ascent, appearance,uggatthana, n. a garland of pearls,uggama, m; "ana, n. rising, ascent,

    uggaha, m; "ana, n. learning, acquisition,uggatha, /. a stanza with a wrong metre,

    uggara, m. hiccough, vomiting,

    uggtrana, n. vomiting,

    uggilati, v. to vomit,

    uggharati, i). (Jghar) to oo/e.ugghatana, n. the rope and bucket of a well,

    ugghateti, caus. to open, unfasten, reveal,

    ugghatita-ftnu, adj. understanding quickly.

  • 46 ugghoseti

    ugghoseti, cans. (Jghus) to shout out, proclaim;ft

    sa, TO.

    proclamation,unkuna, m. a bug.ucita, adj. suitable, convenient,ucca, adj. high. Uccato, adv. in height,uccata, /. pride,

    uccaya, m. ( Jci) accumulation,uccara, m. excrement,

    uccarana, n. utterance, pronunciation,uccareti, cans, to raise aloft, lift up.

    uccalinga, w. a caterpillar,uccavaca, adj. irregular, various,uccinati, v. (Jci) to choose, select,uccula, m. a flag of victory,ucchanga, m. the hip, flank,ucchadana, n. rubbing the body with perfumes,ucchittha, ppp. left, rejected, impure; *modana, n. bee's


    ucchita, ppp. lofty, exalted,

    ucchindati, v. ( Jchid) to cut off, extirpate, destroy ; ucchijja,ger; ucchinna, ppp.

    ucchu, m. sugar-cane; *gu|ha, m. sugar, molasses,ucchuna, adj. swollen, exalted, fat.uccheda, m. extirpation, annihilation ; *ditthi, /. heresy of


    uju, ujju, adj. straight, upright, honest. Ujuth karoti, tostraighten, correct,

    ujjalati, v. (7jal) to flash up, shine; ana, n. lighting,burning.

    ujjota, m. (Jjut) light, lustre,ujjotana, n. illumination,ujjhaggika, /. loud laughter,ujjhati, v. to abandon, throw. Ppp. ujjhita.ujjhana, n. taking offence,ujjhayati, v. to be offended,unchati, v. to seek, beg for food,uta, m. thatch; *ja, m. a hut or monastery roofed with


    uttancja, n. treasury,utthahati, utthati, v. (Jtha) to rise, stand up, rouae oneself,

    be active; ger. utthaya; ppp. utthita.uUhahana, utthana, n. rising, origin, exertion,utthubhati, v. to spit out.

  • tittiinga 4?

    liana, fn. 'wool, hair between the eyebrows. ,unnata, n. a forehead ornament or flower.

    unnanabhi, w. a spider.unha, adj. hot. Unhdkdram dasseti, to grow hot.unha-rarhsi, m. the sun.

    unhika, /. rice-gruel, porridge.unhisa, ran. a crest, diadem, turban, frontlet, staircase.utu, mfn. season, time; m. the menses; *nl, /. a menstrua-

    ting woman.

    uttarhsa, m. a chaplet, earring.utta, adj. wet, damp.uttata, n. dried flesh.

    uttama, adj. best, highest, eminent.

    uttamanga, n. the head; *ruha, m. hair of the head.

    uttamanna, mfn. a creditor.uttamattha, m. the highest object, arahantship.uttara, adj. higher, superior, northern, subsequent.uttarana, n. {Jtar) crossing over, passing across.uttarati, v. (Jtar) to cross over, escape from; cans* uttareti,

    to save; />/>/>. uttinna.

    uttarappacchada, m. a cover, lid.

    uttaravatti, /. a small syringe, pump.uttarasakkhl, m. a defendant's witness.

    uttarasanga, m. the upper robe of a monk.uttarasadhaka, mfn. friendship, help.uttaradhlkarl, mfn. an heir.

    uttari, adj. excessive, superior.uttaritara, adj. exceeding, better.uttarirh, adv. beyond, further, more.

    uttariya, n. an outer garment, cloak.

    uttarottha, m. the upper lip.uttarottara, adv. more and more, further and further; n. a

    reply.Uttasati, v. ( Jtas) to be alarmed.uttana, adj. supine, lying on the back, open, evident, easy ;

    *mukha, m. an open face, sweet expression.Uttapcti, caus. (Vtap) to heat.uttara^ m. vomiting, ejection.uttala, adj. swift, high ; m. a monkey.Uttavikamrna, n. manifestation, making cleanuttasa, m. terror*

    utti, /. speech) utterance*uttuhga, adj. high.

  • uttua, m- fried grain.uda, indecL or, on the other hand-

    uda, udaka, n. water.udaka-niddhamana, n. a sluice, runnel.udaka-manika, /. a large warter-pot.udaka-saka, n. water-vegetables.udakadhara, m. a well, pond, tub.uda-kumbha, m. a water jar.udakodara, n. the dropsy.udagga, adj. high, delighted, elated.udadhi, m. the sea.

    udadhikkama, m. a sea-voyage.udadhimekhala, /. the earth.udanta, w. news.

    udapatta, n. a water-cup, finger-bowl.udapana, inn. a well.udabindu, m. a drop of water.

    udaya, m. (ud *Ji + a) rise, beginning, appearance-udayabbaya, n. rise and fall, birth and death.udara, n. the stomach, belly.udarattana, n. a coat of mail, a waist-ornament.

    udaramaya, m. dysentery.udaravatta, m. the navel.

    udaravettha, m. a crooked iron, crooked stick.udariya, n. the stomach.udavasita, n. a house.

    uda-haraka, m. a rain-cloud.udana, n. aspiration, ecstatic utterance, a book of the

    Khuddakanikaya. Udanain udaneti, to breathe forthan ecstatic utterance,

    udasina, adj. indifferent, neutral,udaharana, n. an example, instance,udaharati, v. (Jhar) to utter, recite; udahata, ppp.udahu, indecl. or.udikkhati, t\ (Jikkh) to look at, survey,udita, />/>/>. (*/i) high, risen.udlcT, /. the north,

    udirana, n. utterance,

    udlreti, v. (Jir) to speak, utter,udukkhala, n. a mortar,udumbara, m. the fig tree,udositu, m. a shelf,

    uddamsa, m. a bug.

  • upakarana 49

    udda omi, m. a woollen coverlet with a fringe at each end.uddana, n. binding, politeness, fireplace.uddapa, m. foundation of a house.

    uddama, adj. freed from bondage, wild.uddala, m. the tree cassia fistula.

    uddina, n. noon.uddisati, v. (Jdis) to point out, declare, appoint; uddittha,

    ppp.uddlpa, m. lighting.uddesa, m. ordinance, period, occasion, recitation,

    uddesika, adj. pointing to, illustrative of.uddehika, /. a white ant.

    uddharh, adv. up, above, after,

    uddhampada, adj. heels upwards,uddharhbhagiya, adj. belonging to the upper part,udclhan'ivirocana, n. sneezing.uddharhsota, m. one who goes up the stream (of life),uddhaka, m. a kind of drum,uddhacca, n. distraction of mind,uddhana, n. an oven,uddhamma, rn. wrong dhamma.uddahrali, v. (Jhar) to draw out, lift up, raise; uddhata,

    ppp.uddhara, m. pulling out, debt.

    uddhumayati, v. to be bloated, swollen ; uddhumata, ppp.uddhuyati, v. to be driven away,undura, m. a rat.unna, ppp. wet.

    unnata, ppp. raised,

    unnati, /. haughtiness,unnadati, v. (Jnad) to shout, roar,unnama, m. elevation, height.unnamati, v. (Jnam) to rise up, ascend; ppp. unnata.unnala, adj. proud, insolent,unnahana, /. binding talk,unnada, n. a shout, echo,unnaha, n. vinegar,upa, prep, below, less.

    upakattha, ppp. near, approaching,upakaddhati, v. (Jkacldh) to drag down,upakappana, -rt. preparation,upakappati, n. to serve, profit,upakarana, n. help, service, instrument, furniture.


  • 50 tipakilra

    upakara, m. help, service; a benefactor.

    upakula, n. vicinity of a river bank.

    upakkama, w. putting forth effort, beginning.upakkamati, v. (Jkani) to approach, begin ; ppp. upakka-nta.upakkilittha, ppp. stained, corrupted, depraved.

    upakkilesa, m. depravity, corruption, sin.

    upakkuttha, ppp. blamed, reproached.upakkosa, m. blame.

    upakkhata, ppp. got ready, prepared.upakkhara, w. the thill or shaft of a cart.

    upaga, adj. going to, entering, undergoing.upagacchati, -y. to approach, visit, undergo, undertake,

    begin.upaga, m. approaching, entering upon.upagayati, v. to sing.upagulha, ppp. embraced.

    upaguhana, n. embracing, an embrace.

    upaggaha, m. capturing, helping.upaghattita, ppp. knocked against.upaghata, w. injury.upacaya, m. (Jci) accumulation, increase.

    upacara, m. approach, entrance; a present, offering, prac-tice, civility.

    upacika, /. a white ant.

    upacinati, v. to heap up, accumulate; ppp. upacita.upaccaka, /. land at the foot of a mountain.

    upaccaya, m. passing away, transmigration.upacchindati, v. (Jchid) to cut off, interrupt.upaccheda. m. cutting off, interruption.upajaneti, v. (Jjan) to produce.upajapa, m. danger, sowing dissension.upajivha, /. the uvula.upajivati, v. to subsist by, maintain life-upajjhaya, m. a spiritual teacher, preceptor.upaniiasa, m. an exordium, hint.upattha, adj. near, close to; m. the hip.upatthaka, m. a servitor, personal attendant.

    upatthati, upatthahati, v. (Jtha) to serve, wait on, support.tipatthana, upatthahana, n. attendance, service.

    tipaddha, adj. half, partial.Upatapa, m. vexation, disease.

    upatapeti, v. (n/tap) to vex, torment.

    upatthambha, m. support, prop.

  • upayama 51

    upatthambhati, v. to support, help, prop.upaclassaka, m. a guide, gate-keeper.upada, /. a present.upadisati, v. (Jdis) to command, advise, direct.upadi, /. a creeper.upadesa, m. instruction, direction.

    upadeha, m. a medical ointment.

    upaddava, m. accident, misfortune, distress.upadduta, ppp. distressed, oppressed, annoyed.upadhana, n. a pillow, cushion.upadhareti, v. to consider, reflect, ascertain, investigate.upadhavati, v. (Jdhav) to run after.upadhi, m. a wheel, element of being.upanaya, m. bringing near, initiation.upanayhati, v. (Jnah) to tie, wrap up.upanameti, cans. (Jnam) to offer, present.upanayika, adj. referring or belonging to.upanaha, m. enmity.upanikkhipati, v. (Jkhip) to deposit, lay up.upanikkhepa, m. a deposit, pledge.upanighathsati, v. to rub up against.upanijjhana, n. meditation.upanidhi, m. a deposit, pledge.upanibandhati, v. (Jbandh) to tie, fasten.upanisidati, v. to sit beside.

    upanissaya, m. a basis, sufficing condition, faculty, tendency .

    upanissaya, ger. near, close to.

    upanti, adv. before, in the presence of.

    upantika, adj. close to, adjoining; n. vicinity.upapajjati, v. (Jpad) to come to, attain, be reborn.upapati, m. a paramour.upapatti, /. birth, rebirth.

    upaparikkhatt, v. (w'ikkh) to investigate, ascertain.upaparikkha, /. investigation.upapataka, n. a crimin-il offence.

    upaparami, /. minor perfection or virtue.upapijaka, adj. oppressive.upappadana, n. giving of bribe.upabhoga, m. enjoyment.upama, /. comparison, illustration, aprable-upamata, /. a wet-nurse.

    upamana, n. resemblance.

    upayama, m. marriage.

  • 52 upayati

    upayati, v. (Jya) to approach.upayoga, m. employment, use.

    uparati, /. cessation.

    uparamati, v. to cease.

    uparava, m. noise, clamour.

    uparaga, m. eclipse of sun or moon.

    uparaja, m. a viceroy.upari, adv. above, upon, over, beyond, further.

    uparitana, adj. upper.uparima, adj. uppermost, overhead.

    uparujjhati, v. (Jrudh) to cease, be stopped.uparupari, adv. higer and higher.uparodha, m. obstacle, detriment.

    upala, w. a stone, rock.

    upalakkhana, n. synecdoche.upalakkheti, v. (Jlakkh) to regard, note, look at.

    upaladdhi, /. acquisition, knowledge.upalasika, /. thirst, oppression.upalimpati, v. (sflip) to smear, defile; lepana, n.

    upavanneti, v. (is/vann) to describe fully.upavadati, v. (Jvad) to blame; "vadana, /; "vada, m.upavana, n. a park.upavasatha, m. a village.upavahati, v. (Jvah) to bring about.upavisati, v. to sit down ; "vesana, n.upavina, m. the neck of a lute, vellum.

    upasarhharati, v. (Jhar) to bring together.upasariihita, ppp. (Jdha) accompanied by, furnished with.upasagga, m. trouble, misfortune, preposition.upasarikamati, v. (Jkam) to approach; ana, n.upasappati, v. to approach.upasampajjati, v. ( Jpad) to attain, reach, enter upon ; pan-

    na, ppp.upasampada, /. acquiring, full ordination of a monk.upasammati, v. (Jsam) to be calm, cease; sama, m.upesiiighati, v. to kiss.

    upasussati, v. (N/SUS) to dry up.upasevati, v. (Jsev) to serve, honour, practise; va, /upasobheti, cans. (Jsubh) to adorn, beautify.uppassattha, ppp. oppressed, beset.

    upassaya, m. a dwelling-place, asylum.

    upassuti, /. listening to, eaves-dropping.

  • uppada 53

    upahanti, v. (Jhan) to hurt, injure, vex; ger. upahacca;ppp. upahala ; nana, n.

    upahara, m. a present, offering, sacrifice, oblation,

    upagacchati, v. to come to, arrive at, reach,

    upanta, adj. adjoining.upadana, n. firewood, grasping, attachment,

    upadaniya, adj. connected with grasping or attachment,

    upadiyati, v. to take hold of, cling to, grasp ; upadaya, ger.upadisesa, adj. having the elements of existence remaining

    (used of nibbana).upaya, m. means, expedient, way, stratagem. Upayena, by

    stratagem .

    upayana, n. a present,upiiyasa, m. despair.

    uparambha, m. hate, grudge, resentment,upasaka, m. a lay devotee,

    upasaiiga, m. a quiver.upasati, v. (Jas) to attend, wait upon, serve; sita, ppp.upasana, n. archery, attendance,

    upahana, /. a shoe, sandal,

    upahara, m. bringing forward, adding,upitthi, /. a concubine, lesser, wife,

    upekkhati, v. (Jikkh) to be indifferent, neutral,upekkha, upekha, /. indifference, equanimity, neutrality,upeti, i). (Ji) to approach, enter, incur, undergo; upecca,


    upogghata, m. an example,upodika, /. a vegetable,uposatha, m. the fast-day, lent,

    uppajjati, v. (udJpad) to arise, originate, appear, be born ;uppajja, ger; uppanna, ppf-

    uppatipati, /. disorder, irregularity,uppandeti, v. to ridicule.

    uppatati, v. (is/pat) to rise up, spring up, jump; "ana, n.uppatti, /. arising, birth, production,uppatha, 777. wrong path, error, mistake,uppabbajati, i>. to leave the priesthood, turn layman,upparikkhati, v. to investigate,uppala, n. a lotus, water-lily,uppalini, /. an assemblage of lotuses,uppateti, cans, to root out, tear out.

    uppata, m. a portent, omen,

    uppada, .m. appearance, birth, omen.

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    uppilavana, n. frivolousness, levity.uppljeti, v. to press together.ubbattana, n. shampooing the body.ubbahati, v. (Jvah) to raise, remove, drive away; ubbay

    ha, ger ; ubbajha, ppp-ubbigga, adj. terrifying, fearful, frightened,ubbijjati, v. to be afraid,

    ubbinaya, m. wrong or false vinaya.ubbillapita, ppp. puffed up, elated,

    ubbl, /. the earth,

    ubbldhara, w. a mountain,

    ubbejanlya, adj. causing alarm, terrifying,ubbega, m. excitement, agitation,ubbedha, m. height,ubbhata, ppp. thrown up.ubbhava, m. birth, origination,ubbhida, n. kitchen salt,ubha, ubhaya, adj. both,ubhato, adv. on both sides, in both ways.ubhatobyanjanaka, adj. of both sexes,ubhayattha, adv. in both places,ubho, pron. both.umanga, m. wisdom, a cave,uma, /. radiance.

    ummagga, m. an underground passage,ummajjana, n. shampooing the body,ummatta, ummattaka, adj. mad.umma, /. flax,

    ummada, m. madness,ummadeti, v. to madden,ummara, m. a threshold,

    ummlleti, v. to open the eyes,urnmuka, n. a firebrand,ummukha, adj. expecting,timmugga, adj. emerging,ummujiati, v. to emerge, rise out of.ummuleti, v. to root up.umhita, adj. smiling.uyyati, v. (Jya) to go forth,uyyana, n. a garden,uyyama, m. exertion.uyyunjati, v. (Jytij) to exert oneself; ppp, uyyutta-

    w. departure, decay.

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    uyyojana, n. instigation.uyyodhika. n. a fight, warfare, combat.

    ura, mn. the breast, chest.

    uraga, m. a snake.

    uragari, m. a garula bird.

    uracakka, n. a razor-wheel.

    uracchada, ra. a mail armour, breast-ornament.

    urana, ra. a ram.

    uratthala, n. the breast.

    urasiloma, adj.' hairy-breasted.uru, adj. large, eminent; /. sand.uruvuka, /. the castor-oil plant.urokkhata, n. consumption.uroghata, ra. asthma.ulati, v. to wander.

    ulupi, m. a porpoise.ulumpa, mn. a raft.uluka, ra. an owl.

    ullanghati, v. to leap up.ullapati, v. to lay claim to.

    ullasita, ppp. shining.ullitta, ppp. smeared.

    ulluficana, n. shaving.ullekhana, n. writing, peeling off.ulloketi, v. (Jlok) to .look up.ulloca, mn. a canopy, awning. ,ullola, m. a wave, surge.ullolita, ppp. disturbed, stirred up.usa, m. early morning, salt ground.usana, n. mustard.usabha, m. a bull ; hence eminent, best ; n. a measure.

    usabhaiiga, n. the hump of a bull.usa, /. a cow, heat, night.usakala, m. a cock.

    uslra, mn. a kind of root.usu, mf. an arrow.

    usuma, m. heat.

    usuyyati, usuyali, v. to be envious, jealous.usma, m. heat.

    usmabha, m. the sun.ussariga, m. the hip, companionship.ussahkita, adj. anxious, distrustful.ussada, m. name of a hell.

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    ussanna, ppp. extensive, prevalent, rife.

    ussava, m. a festival, holiday.ussahati, r. (Jsah) to be able, endeavour.ussapeti, v. to lift up, exalt, raise.

    ussava, w. dew, hoar-frost.ussaha, ra. strength, effort, endeavour.

    ussincati, v. (iVsic) to bale out.

    usslsaka, n. a pillow, the head of a bed.ussuka, adj. zealous, eager, active.ussukka, n. zeal, eagerness, energy.ussussati, v. (Jsus) to be dried up.ussiiraseyya, /. sleeping till after the sun has risen

    ussojhi, /. exertion.uhunkara, n. an owl