times dispatch.(richmond, va) 1912-01-29 [p...

Social and Personal ".¦"»HE dance given l>y Hie Richmond [ German Club in lite ballroom * of tbu Masonic Temple to-night will bo a brilliant event ami atleml« by a grcnt many visitors ln the oily. Tbc dance will begin promptly at o'clock, nnd a Heated BUpper will bo served In llto dining-room upstairs at 11 o'clock. Tho usual deroratlona will prevail in the ballroom. Colonel Jo Lane .Stem will lead the goi'inan, dancing with Mian Ann.- Douglas Bovorloy, of Winchester, who !h spend- lug HOinu tlmn in the city. .Miss Beverley is the guest of Mr. lind .Mrs. Richard Evelyn Byrd, at 301 Bast Franklin .Street, and a great deal of entertaining has been done In her honor. Cnst for Society ViMidevlllc. Tho cast rot the "So lety Vaudo? vllle." to be given hero next week in¬ cludes most of the prominent society girls and mcnlnlown. The tabh that are yet in process of arrange¬ ment, some of which will not be com¬ pleted this week, ore to form n very Interesting pan of tho evening's pro¬ gram, b'qtne of thus- inking pail will be little Silas Virginia Dornum, the Age of Innocence: .Mis !!. He Wllinrd. an Mrs. Sid dons; Miss Eleanor Ltiidsey. Miss Sarah Hamilton, of Petersburg, «s Lady Hamilton; Mitts Blln Huek nnd nevoral others that have not yet been decided upon. After the opening of the perform-1 Slice With ;i In;; lllinfttrel show In which a nuhiber of society men are east for parts, an Indian dance win be led by Miss Lucy Gwhthmey, as the Indian Queen, and Lewi-' Bo>'d, as Chief. The chorus and dancers for this net Include Misses Mary Scarbflr- < ugh, Bulle Johnston, Mary Humider«. Jellls Scott, Archer Joynes, Con way Fleming, Frances Wheat. Helen lias- kins. Blsle Parrlsh, E. C. Harrison. Jr., Morris Bnnghornc. Catcsby Jones, Bg- borl (Hies. William Dickson, Chlldrcy Scott. Richard Osterloh, Franc!« John- »on. Ten Tuesday. The Mlsres W friend, M'ss Eago at tea on Tuesday 7 o'clock. The affl the home of the M ams and their are entertaining rnoon f mm 4 to will be given at :.» Williams. LQ03 W <t Avcnin Sleeting of Coliuilfil Humes. The regular monthly meeting of the ''olonial Dames In the Wo..tan's .Clttb oh the afternoon of January as signalized »>y the laying aside of ail business and tic.lebrtttiph of a Doily Madison program of entertainment. Mrs. William Butlln Cox presided. Rlio Wore a gown of pale gray brocade \\\WMm Satisfaction. | S Op^CIcAA $3.50 Tans, Patents and Gun- metals, Bluchcr and ^ hut ton, now. N. W. Cor. Third nnd Brood. J/k-fij.j/ Offcnno 201 E. Broad Magnificent showings of Fine Purs. Coins. Suits and Hats. HAVE YUU SEEN THE New Method Gas Ranges AT Pettit & Co.'s? Rouiitfee's Red Tag Sale Now on. Your chance in buy Trim! ami Leather floods at a big saving Furniture, Carpets and ptoves Rotfoert 81 4th and Broad it Fins All Gold, $1.50 Pair. These are not merely sold top. Pah ami engraved All finishes and desttj Smith & Webster, fweWs. el 2 F.nr.t .Iain itrn.-'t; «3 RE E N TRE E'S0 D ROA D AT Jifi LA January End. Bargains In all depart- jj mcnts for iliir, Round-U|vClear¬ ance. with touches "f blue. Mrs. Bland Still th was hostess at the tea lal.le Und wore a gown of black net uppi'.qued with Jet. Miss Lucotta Mad¬ ison Knox »;h ebairihan <>f ttie aftor- ndon, und was gowiied In silver gray silk, combined Willi chiffon of the sum* ahnde. Decorations for lite club par- lora ami on the tea tablo woro all In pink dowers. Miss Knox read a most appropriate päpi on Mi:'. Madison, giving many Interesting Incidents In her life, and Iii that of her distinguished husband, which have been hitherto unknown. The chur'mlng hospitality dispensed at "Moiitpeileii" and the delightful circle which Mrs. Madison there drew around her., were described In a very happy manner. At the conclusion of tho paper, songs of an older day Were Il¬ lustrated by tableaux representing dif¬ ferent pi riods In Mrs. Madison's life. Miss .1« .an Folid was tile Impersonator, and appeared successively as Holly Madison, the little Quaker girl; l)olly Madison. Hie widow Todd; Dolly Mad¬ ison, ttie utjstress of the White House, in sail tin aid lace, and Dolly Madison us the- original of the Gilbert Stuart portrait. Miss Marian Mcade "ting "Drink to only With Thine F.yes," ami Mrs. M. It. Thomas. "List Ito.ie of Summer.rh£ Harp That OllCo Thro' Tain's Hulls" nil other delightful ineiodies. Tho afternoon was one of the most attractive of the many of Its kind given by the Dames, and a large nuin- bfcy of members were present. Engagement A ¦> a on need. Mi-, and Mrs. C. C, Treyllllan, of 009 West Grace Street, announce the en¬ gagement and approaching marriage or iheir daughter; Charlotte, to Wil¬ liam Ellison Harvey. Mr. Harvey is a son of Mrs. Luke Harvey. At Unit erstt> Dnnees, i Severiil Itielimond girls wont to Charlottesvllle last week to attend the two dances given at the Univer¬ sity of Virginia Wednesday and Thursday nights. The tirst of the midWnt'ir gerinnns wit's given by the Getmiin Club and took place nt the University Commons. Dr. Archibald Gary Itnndolph led the dance, and some twenty-five couples were present, Supper v. as served at midnight nnd dancing w«s continued until 2. The huperpn- w. r,- Mrs. Richard Heath Dnbncy, Mrs. W. C. N. Randolph. Mrs. Taryln, Mrs. Thornton. Mr/'. Lattln, of Brooklyn, N. V.i Mrs. S. it. William¬ son and Mrs. I. II Perklnson. ' The second dance tins given by the P. K. Society, and was n very bril¬ liant nffnlr. Mr. .limes led. dancing with Miss Miller. Richmond girls presch) were Ms. Fanny Scott, with V. A. Jenkins; MUs Elizabeth Taylor, with |a. G. A. Balz; Miss Ixnitse Miller. With .Join. Jones: Miss Elsie Harrison. With II. Ci. Hathawavi Miss Mary Chalmers, with .1. S. Elliott. < rnwfOrd.» lyliornc. The marriage or Mis* Leila Yaticey Ciyborno und Carlyle Goode Crawford took place In Washington on January 20, the Rev. jam- s. Montgomery per¬ forming the ceremony. Tho bride Is th-> daughter of Mrs E. V. Clyborne. nnd ts connected with the Ynhcey family, one of the h< st known families In the state. Mr. Crawford, who is connected'with the offices of the Amer¬ ican Locomotive Company. Is a son of W. V. Crawford, and a grandson of the loti J. Oscar Goode." Mr. and Mrs. Crawford will make their home at 1M North Lombardy Street this win¬ ter. Illrllidny Parity. Little Alexander Anderson entertain-' ed some of big friends at his home, 17 > Xorih Twenty-third Street, at 3 o'clock on Friday afternoon. The sf- lalr was In celebration of his fifth birthday. Among those present were Myrtle Ctcmmcnts, Ruth Johnson, Kathleen Anderson, Alexander Ander¬ son. Raymond Andrews. Clohery John- sop, Enrl Felows, Bentley Mills, Mor¬ gan Anderson. Preston Elliott. Mi.-. M. D. Anderson, Mrs. Lyman Stutz and Miss Nellie Anderson chaperoned the party. At «he I'. \\ . C. A. T| e afternoon classes of the gymna¬ st ti in Will hold an exhibition of Swedish work, foik dancing and Gll- b. t t movements on Tuesday ut S P. M. Special features of tho evening will he the Irish Jig by the advanced class, nnd Starlight; a Gilbert scries dance by the beginners. This last step |s done to the Genee Waltz inu.-ic. and the eirls will be accotn- ,.allied by MIS* Thnrston on the vio¬ lin. Mos Ivllc Johnson and Miss Sarah bellnrt are the pianists of llic evening The program Will elpso with a basketball game between the two classes. The gallery Is open to visitors. On Wednesday the small junior class will have Its exhibition. This will lake place at f P. M. Miss Marianne Mendo Will sine "The Slumber Itoat," while the children do . the Gilbert Steps. Visitors are welcome, invitation* "ill. Invitations have been received here announcing the approaching wedding oi Miss Henrietta Olive Trowbrldgo, of Mamuroneek, N. Y:, to Frank Campbell Littleton, formerly of Lees- hing, but now of New York. The ceremony will be performed nt "T:t- lioma." Mnmnrbhcck, N. V., on Sat¬ urday afternoon February l°- at 3 o'clock A special train from New Vork Cltv will convey guests to and The sixteenth annual election of officer of the Richmond Chapter; United ijinughlora of the Confederacy, will be held at Lee Camp Hall this lliorii'ng at 11 o'clock. The meeting Is n I ways held on the -2Stli day of the month, which falls on Sunday this year, in which case Monday was chosen. Meeting Wednesday. The Confederate Memorial Literary Society w ill in el on Wc In-sil.ay morn- ling of tliis week In lite Confederate Museum at II o'clock. All members of Ibis society are urged to be present :.l thlo. meeting. In mid Out of Town. . ¦' Minn;M6.v MeOavoek Kent, of Wythn. vllle. Is tlie guest of Miss Löuise'Wn- liains in this city. Miss Louise M. Cocke, of tin; Uni¬ versity of Virginia. Is visiting Mrs. lAVllklnt tleriolst Shields on West Grace Street. Miss Louise Word, who lit Visillug in New York, attended the' Toxas bull given al the Plaza Hotel, chaperoned by Mrs. I'r.-d Thomas. i Mu..-i Mat s Kent. Who" h.t.s been Visiting MIns Cocllo Wllllnms In Ports-I mouth. Is now the guest of friends: hore. Miss Salllo Uoswcll. of tho Univer¬ sity of Virginia, In spending ten days with relatives In this city. Major Jarnos II. Dooloy hos returned to Richmond, after spending a few days Staunton. Miss Helen Orny Wattson. who is visiting In Baltimore, attended the fourth Friday german given at the Bclvedoro last week. .Jrs. Richmond Hrown and her daughter, Miss Josephine Brown, of Oxford, N. Cv, are guests of Mrs. If. Seldon Taylor, at West Franltllh .Street. Mrs. W. F; Warrlner. W. F. Wurrl- ner, Jr.. and Margaret Warrlner, of 20JM Orovo Avenue, are visiting rela¬ tives in Washington. George S. Reeder, of this city, Is In Now York for a few days and '-s Stopping at the Hotel Wolcott. Mrs. W. T. Rroome, of Orringe, K. J.i Is visiting Mrs. W. M. TalkiTerro. j Mrs. Edmund Waddlll Is spending several days with her daughter, Mr.'. McnalcUS Lunkford. In Norfolk' Hnrrl*.Smith. [Special to The *f Imos-Dlspatch. ] Bynchburg, Va., January "J*>..Last night at 9 o'clock al the home of Mr. and Mrs. Pryor Smith, near the elty, their daughter, Miss Ruby Smith, was married to William Bollard Harris.' of Bynchburg, The attractive bunga- low was beautifully arranged for the evening. Rev. Rdwln R. Carter, rcc- ro; «,f Grace Memorial Episcopal Church, was the minister. Miss Kath- j leen Mathcws, of Clifton Forge, was maid of honor. The bridesmaids were Miss Malllu Moor, of New York; Miss' luden Hardy, of Washington; Miss Grace West, of Waycrly, Muss.; M'.ss May Camp, of Franklin, and Miss Eula I.' -- Kendrick. of Bristol. Herbert Wil¬ liams, of Bynchburg, was tho best man, nnd the bride was given In mar¬ riage by her father. Mr. and Mrs. Harris went at Tiight /or a trip to Florida and Cuba, after which they will be al home here. Among the out of town guests were Misse.« West Mathcws, of Wnverly, May" Camp, of Franklin: Heien Hardy, of Washington; Bailie Moore, of Sew York; F.ula Ree Kendrlr.k. of Bristol; I-; LADY HELPED After Losing Heart She Tried Car- dui, the Woman's Tonic, and is Now All Right. Sasakwa, Okla.."I am almost unable l<> describe my experience," says Mrs. Hcckcy Barrett, of this place. "I suf- fered so for over two year?, with womanly troubles, and had such pains that I was unable to stand on my feet. My husband called in fiv different doc¬ tor-, but they could not help nie. They! save nie up unlesss 1 would be operated on. I took different medicines, but found no relief, and I got out of heart. At last I commenced to use Cardtti, and I am glad to say I am very much better. I have taken five bottles of Cardui, and I can now tlo my work all right.all my housework.and can walk two miles at a time, easily. I feel like a new woman. I will always recommend Cardui to all sick and suffer¬ ing women, for I know that Cardui saved my life!" The best way to cure womanly troubles is to help nature, by taking Cardui. Cardui is a woman's tonic, made from purely vegetables ingredient, that act es¬ pecially on the womanly constitution and help to build up health and strength In successful use for more than fifty years. Try it. N". B.. Write to Ladies' Advisory Dcpt, Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tend;, for Special Instructions and 64-page book, "1 Ionic Treatment for Women," sent in plain wrapper on request. ! Jürgens I Dining Room Chairs at half price to-day. GENTLY SWEEP TUB SYSTEM. More convenient nnd con less than Liquids or Salt*. At dnurcists, IO-23-50 rents. IB.Mosby&Co. Special prices to-day on Wo¬ men's Suits. Ask Grocers, Druggists Dealers/or POMFEiAN LUCCA OLIVE OIL Genuine-.Pure .Healthful t \ Men's 50c Silk Lisle Hose in light shades at tan; .sale price, 17c, or 3 pairs for 50c. Mr. ami Mrs. John Pate Russell; of Knoxrllle, Tonn.; Minn Helen Meals. Albert Dunlaps, of Roanokc; Chester Markley. of itoanokc; Vaughn Camp, of University of Virginia: Robert Cobb, of Franklin; Frank Stuart, of Clif¬ ton Forge: Mr. Uudd, of Durham. N. <.'., and Mrs. C. I. Johnson, of Win- glna. MOVABLE SCHOOL OF AGRICULTURE - Conducted for Three Days at j Onancock.Carnegie Library May Be Established. [Special to The Times-Dispatch.] Onancock, Vu., January 23..The movable school of agriculture was opened In the Town Hull Wednesday morning, with G. C. Starchcr as con¬ ductor. Tho first day's program was his address on orchard maiiagome..t,' and an address by Ii. K. Hodgson ou Improving the corn chop. Thursday the subjects treated weie "Mainten¬ ance, ol Soil Fertility" and "Home Mtx-| iiiö of Fertilizers." by Mr. Starchcr,, and disease* of truck crops, by Pro-' lessor Coley. Friday the addresses were on the breeding and feeding of hogs, and of tho dairy cow, by Messrs. A. Dockhuub and C. W. HolUaway. The attendance and Interest Increased from the Ursl morning. Architect Lothum, of the Trenaury Department, Is ul Wallops Island, pre-' paring plans lor tho Improvement of the Life Saving Station and for the establishment of water works. During tlie late extreme weather, Tangier Islund, on the Chesapeake side, and Chlncoteague, on the ocean. Were cut off from communication with the outside world, except by telephone. When the embargo was raised, Chlnco¬ teague received forty-llvo pouches of mall matter and ten cars of merchan¬ dise. The next day 1.200 barrels and packages of oysters were snipped dur¬ ing the freeze. Rev. V. W. Jones r.'alked down the bench from Ocean City, a distance of thirty-two miles, to All an engagement to preach In the- Union Ilaptist Church. William M. Parker, color-d. the keep, er of KUlick Shoal Lighthouse, Chesapeake Bay, died of appoplexy Tuesday night. He was alone at the lime, Iiis wife having gone lo the ls- Innd for a visit of a few days. Tho ,lght not appearing, some i.t the oys- tertneh In pusslng the next morning, «topped to learn the trouble, and found Mm dead. He had been In tho service *lnce 1S75, and was the local leader of nie race. Harold Stewart, who entered Johns Hopkins University from the Onan¬ cock High School, has been awarded A'$75 scholarship for the exceptionally £ood work dono by him at the Inter¬ mediate examinations. It was un- .ollclted. The Eastern Shore Chapter, Daugh-1 tersof the American Revolution, has of¬ fered a gold medal to the scholar In the public schools who furnishes the beat essay on "The Part the Eastern Shore Pluyed in the Revolution." Essays rnuEt be In the hands of the regent by February 10. Senator Mapp and Delegate Kern^ have announced that they will be at Accomac Courthouse the iirat day of February court to confer with the committee of citizens appointed at the Daley meeting and with citizens gen¬ erally. In regard to the proposed, road law of the county. The Accomac and Northampton Tele, phone Company has been purchased by the Diamond Stale Telephone Com¬ pany. The latter company now con¬ trols all lines on the Virginia peninsu¬ la. Some correspondence has been had willi Mr. Carnegie in regard to estab¬ lishing a library at the courthouse. A suitable site has been given, and the prospect of securing the amount ne- cessary for Its maintenance is encour¬ aging. 0R6AH RECITAL AT UNIVERSITY Varied Program Rendered. Underwood Club to Be Organized. (Special to The Times-Dispatch.i CharlottCSVlUe, Va., January 2&..The third of the midwinter organ recitals at tho University of Virginia was given In Ca bell Han thin afternoon. The organist was William Junes, organist and choir master at ,.t. Lukes Cuurch, Norfolk. Mr. Jones is a musi¬ cian of high distinction, and his pro¬ gram was varied and admirably rend¬ ered. Next Sunday the'organist will be Shepherd Webb, ol Richmond. The recitals will 1 continued through February. R. J. Walter, a consulting ami min¬ ing engineer, of Denver, Col., lias given a rare collection of ores to the gee- logical department of the unlversllj These specimens of rock and mineral were picked u.. In some of tne lead¬ ing mln'ng camps in tho West. The collection contains ahout sixty-live specimens, showing gold, sliver, cop¬ per, lcntl and zinc, in addition there arc specimens o( ran: ores, such as uranium, molybdenum -nd tungsten. The students here from Alabama and a number from other Slates are organizing a club for the purpose Of advocating the candidacy of Repre¬ sentative Underwood for tho Demo¬ cratic nomination for President. On Tuesday evening students from North Carolina will meet in Madison Hall and organize the Car..Una Club. Among the speakers will ho President Alder- man, Dr. Wtrllani A. I.nmboth, Dr. R. II. Wblteltea.l and Prof. C. AlphOnsO f-ml Hi, all natives of the old North Stale. Students from Kentucky havo By ROY K, MOULTON. 1 Tho mau who know how H would go; Who always says. "1 Told You So." Is In our midst again to-day. Thorp do sah'l seam to be a way To circumvent thB noisy post, Who nover gives us any rest. Or to cdc.t the ar¬ rant dub Into the Ananias Club, it matter» not whal the event Ho Is the omnlpr .-sent gent. No matter what creates tbe stir. Ho always knew It would occur. Earthquakes and llres do not dismay This prophet in the slightest way. He'll tell you afterwards that ho Had prophesied them down to a "T." No matter how tho vote may stand, Thl5 ardent faker has the sand To tell you that he doped it out Three weeks before, without a doubt. When tills old world doth end at last, And time for prophecies are past, When he's assigned to realms below, Will he say then. "1 ttdd you so'".' Sonic l.enp Year illnfs. Don't give him a cheap engagement ring, for he is sure to find it out sooner or later. WhJii you Interview his mother and ask her for his hand, don't act as though you were too anxious. lie a Utile Indifferent, and let the old lady know mat her son Is not the only plum on tin- matrimonial tree. If you really want him, don't chase after him. Let him ohaso after you. If you have pot a good lob and In¬ tend to stick to it after marriage* tell him SO. It may make him think more likely of your suit. j Send him a nice bouquet of violets or American Beauttog once In a while, not often enough to Hatter his vanity to any great extent, but just senil- occasionally, as It wore. Cnught on the KIT. .lack Johnson, the negro prize¬ fighter, has an English valet, and, Judging hy the present crop of "white hopes,' he may as well let the valet defend the title In connection with the other duties of the position. According to report, there, are now 5,0i)0 ostriches in this country, and this number does not Include the men who eat In the railroad lunch reomr. between truins. In the dissolving view of the presi¬ dential situation, thoro seems to he coining Into prominence a pair of eye¬ glasses, a bristly mustache nnd a set of teeth. Statistics show that more gold was taken from the earth during 1911 than during iiny previous year. More also was taken from the ultimate con¬ sumer. The mystery Is solved. That Penn¬ sylvania man who never hoard of Wil¬ liam Jennings Bryan Is un Inmate of an Institution for the deaf and dumb. A Cincinnati millionaire entertained seventy-live chauffeurs at a Ohristmas party. He will probably be able to cross tho street In tafoty hereafter. Lillian Bell says every man under thlrty-livo years l5 cither hopeless or impossible. Lillian must have a large acquaintance A man in Mobile. Ala., ha:i just been shot by his tnothor-ln-law. There are times, then, when a mother-in-law is not a joke. A royal duke has written a musical comedy. The dukes seem to be going from bad to worse. Caught With the f.ooda. The man and his wife, or perhaps it might be more proper tnesc days to say- the lady and her husband, had been having one of those eilte little breakfast table chats, wherein hus¬ band and wife twit each other about tlieiT relatives and got very personal In their observations. These thlnga happen In the best regulated families occasionally. Tüo argument had grown heated, and had reached tho point where the wife UTUtlly makes up her mind to go honiJ to mother, when tho tele¬ phone bell rang. The wife answered the telephone. A sweet voice asked over the phone: "Are vou having trouble'.'" "Well," of all tilings!" snapped the wife in reply. "What |f wo are'.' It's none of your business." "O. yes, it is some of my business. Locating trouble is the onlv thing i do." "Well, you've got a nerve," replied tho wife. "Th? Idea of butting Into private family matters like that." "If you had reported your trouble to me 1 would have had It attended to. One of your neighbors reported It." "One of the neighbors? Great Scott! Could the neighbors hear It?" "Your neighbor reported It this morning." "Well, I'd thank my neighbors to attend to their own affairs. My hus¬ band and I settle our difficulties with¬ out help from them or from you. Who are you. anyway?" "I am calling you from the trouble department of the telephone company. The neighbor reported that there was sotnetbin,.; wrong with your phone." "For the love of Mike," shrieked th? wife, us she dropped the telephone receiver and nearly fainted away. "Caught with the goods." already formed a club, and those from Maryland, Mississippi and Southwest Virginia are getting together In the tame spirit. Frederick II. Newell, director of ttie United States Reclamation Service, will deliver an illustrated lecture be¬ fore Hit- Philosophical Society to-mor¬ row night. He will discuss chiefly the work In connection with the reclama¬ tion of a large part of the American desert, and he will explain and illus¬ trate the building of the grea' Hoose- vet\ Oam. Next -Tuesday Dean .lames Morris Page will address the students. His subject will be, "Gambling." Sloan's Liniment lias a sooth¬ ing effect on the nerves. It stops neuralgia, toothache and sciatica pains instantly. HERE'S PROOF Mrs. C. M. DOWKER, of .Juhaiinesbnrg. Ulab.,writes:."Sloan's Liniment relieved me of Neuralgia. Those pains hnvn nil uone aud I Can truly >ay your Liniment did Hop thuiu." is also good for rheumatism, sore throat and sprains. At all SMlWt. fric« 2D:., 60c. 4 61.00. Dr. Earl S. Sloan - Boston, Mass. MILLER'S lias No Equal. Antiseptic. Purifies. Cleanses Makes gums hard and healthy A delightful mouth wash T. A. MILLER CO., Druggists, 519 E. Broad. Mad. 5199 Hourly Deliveries See Our Great New Store New and Stock, Sydnor & Hundley Seventh and Gvace GYMNASIUM SIIÖBS.All «lr.es. P, \V. DAIIXKY A <(),, j southrn*f ftirner Third nnd tlrond. Hopkins Furniture Co., 7 West: Broad St. Cash or Credit CASE IS SETTLED! AFTER 15 YEARS1 i City Gets Deed to Valuable j Property.Damages in Mental j Anguish Suit. ISpecial to The Tlmcs-Dlspntch.l Ashevillc, X. C, January 2S..A easel which has been In dispute for tho past! fifteen years. Involving land valued at, approximately J-.'IO.OOO. has tinally been' settled, as a result of Which the city of Ashevillc obtains a deed to the1 ground on Market Street adjoining the property on which tho City Hall is lo¬ cated, known us .Market Square. An unusual development In a divorce] äse Is that which has come to light in the case of A. I.. Duckctt against Mlnnlne Duckett, In which the plaintiff obtained n divorce last April, It is said that there were a number of Issues in the complaint, and the Jury which; rendered the verdict failed to sign one., of them. A new trial lias been ordered, and it Is understood that the easel will not be contested, this action being! taken in order that each link in tin-, divorce chain may be well forged. No little Interest is being SllQWnl throughout Western North Carolina in' the report of the State Hoard of Agri¬ culture to the effect that It is consid¬ ering the abandonment of the Blan- tyro experimental Farm, at Blantyre, N. C. This farm has been run as an experimental horticultural farm for a number of years, and Is composed of about twenty-five acre.-. Apple and peach orchards arc situated on the farm, and many farm products are ralsetl there In the most modern wajs. The farmers of this section of the Stnle have learned a great deal as a result of the farm's location In this section, and It is said that when the matter comes up for final decision by the Do- pnrtmcnt of Agriculture a determinedI tight will be made to influence the! members of that department to continueI Hie farm. In civil court last week Mrs. U. M.j Thomason* was awarded damages in the sum of $I0U in her suit against tho Hackney &. Moale Company fur $l.'U»i.! The case Is a rather unusual one, Mrs.] j Thomason having brought suit alleg¬ ing that she had suffered menial an- gtlisb as the result of the failure of iie company to develop c< ttiill pictures which she had taken to It. It was stated that n shi rt time airo the Infant of Mrs. Thomason was very ill, and she was Informed Hint it could not re¬ cover. She took .some photographic ex- posures of Hie child, which were lost hy tlie Hackney A: Monic Company, as si result of which she has no picture of tho child, which died a short time af¬ ter the pictures were taken; A large timber detvj was consummat¬ ed last week, when tin- Grand!u Lum¬ ber Company purchased from the V's.d- ktn Lumber Company a trad of land lying In Wo tu ugn, Wllkca and Culdwell I counties, comprslng 60,000 acres and I valued at $ 1,000,000. it is understood thai the new owners of the land Will I erect sawmills at once in,I will make preparations to -tart to cutting the tim¬ ber at once. The deetl was a very volu¬ minous one. having been composed of ::oo typewritten pages. LEESBUR6 NEWS NOTES [Special to The Tithes-Dispatch. | bccsbiirg, V'ii. January 28.. invita¬ tions have been issued to tlie marriage j of Miss Georgennha White, daughter of tin- late Robert J. White. Ksq.. to Or. Thomas F. Keen, of Hamilton; this county, The marriage will take place on Tuesday, January 30, at the resl- it en tie of Dr. k. l. Scharf. Washington, At a meeting composed of represt ;.t i- lives from each of Iho live farmers' Ciubs in Hie. county, U was decided to hold a two days' institute a: PnrceU- ville the last of February. Grass, fruit, coin and country life were among the subjects chpscn to be prominent in the prog ram. The inuninge of Miss Mabel v.inde- vauter, daughter of Addison Clarke Vniidevnnter, of near Paeuulun s.-rings, tills lOUIIty. to Robert .Inline) M 'Cia.w of near Hamilton, took «place at :>i Paul's I'.plseopnl Church, Hamilton; at I j.j9 o'clock Wednesday uVtornoon, Tlia Gold Gifts l'or such occasions as require a Rift ol Rood taste at a reasonable price. You will always lind a pleasing selection here. Schwarzschild Bros. Richmond's Leading Jewelers, Second and Broad Sts. ceremony, which was witnessed by o large assemblage, was performed by Bey, Robert Coies, rector of tho church. Tho bride was given In marriage by her fathcr, being attended by her sister, Mrs. Guy Alexander Buttrcll. of Alex¬ andria. Following the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. McCray lett for an extended tour through tho West, after which they will be at home near Hamilton. The groom Is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar McCrey, of this county. Frederick Hudson Byrne, of Areola, this county, who eloped to Roekvllie last week with Miss Annie Sue Llliton, daughter Of Theodore .1. Union, a farm¬ er und real estate man of Roudoun county, was arrested by Deputy Sheriff Lambert and turned over to Sheriff.' Clifford I,. Howard; of Montgomery. Tho charge is perjury In giving tho girl's age as nineteen, her father say¬ ing that she was tifteen last November. Byrne is out on ball. Immediately af¬ ter the wedding tho couple returned iw Byrne's home. Byrne left in a buggy tho following day Just beforo Deputy Lambert arrived with the warrant. Tho ofliecr pur..tied him over three miles of mitddy roads, when Byrne's horse stum¬ bled and the race was lost. Byrne de¬ clarer ho is hot guilty of the charge oC perjury, as he says that he played .t trick In order to procure the license. Two slips of paper bearing the figures "19" were placed in the girl's slices, nnd when the clerk asked her nge, Byrne replied: "She is over nineteen." Invitations have been issued to tho marriage of Miss Henrietta Ollvo Trowbrldge, of Mamaroneek. N. Y., to Frank Campbell Littleton, formerly of Lcesburg, but now of Now York City. The ceremony will be performed at "Tahdmai" Mamaroneck, N. V., on Sat¬ urday, February 10, at Ü o'clock. A' special train Will convey guests to and from Mamaroneek. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A As we adjust, t>hem are correct,, neat,, comfortable and substantial. Lowest, charges in all cases. Prescription work our specialty, with complete manufacturing plant on the premises. TheS. Optical Co. MAIN AND BROAD AND .AND. EIGHTH THIRD i Kodak Headquarters Antiseptic Mouth Wash. A delightful dentifrice and month wash. 25c nor bottle. $3.50-$4 Judicious Advertising uili lie lease- your bushiest. L*t -a help yob plan, write and illustrate It. Experience ba> taught how ic du this work effectively; Suggestions and advice free. FREEMAN ADVERTISING AGENCY, INC., Mutual Illiillillng. Itichmond, .. .. .. Virginia. 'Phono Madison Mil IF YOU HAVE A MS. you desire issuer in- beaUtifui, hook form; s'over 1'i.ay. POEMS. ussay«. travel. 111 <">< 51S ai'i iV. SUB- MIT at once kok offer. 8e express Oil registered mail, addressing Broadway Publishing Co. Eltnull-red V-<>- 53j Broadway, New Yo.k. For Oil Cooking and Heating Stoves N. Kl I'.IV A SOS. IXC, Pihi Bast Broad We make a specialty of packing and shipping house¬ hold goods. Sutherland & Cherry, Inc. ittO I'.ust llrond Street B. Samuel's STITCH DOWNS ON SALE AT ALBERT STEINS 5th and Broad RHEUMATIC PEOPLE Why pay money and sliU suffer? Tr* .! our risk

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Social andPersonal

".¦"»HE dance given l>y Hie Richmond[ German Club in lite ballroom* of tbu Masonic Temple to-nightwill bo a brilliant event ami atleml«by a grcnt many visitors ln the oily.Tbc dance will begin promptly ato'clock, nnd a Heated BUpper will boserved In llto dining-room upstairsat 11 o'clock. Tho usual deroratlonawill prevail in the ballroom. ColonelJo Lane .Stem will lead the goi'inan,dancing with Mian Ann.- DouglasBovorloy, of Winchester, who !h spend-lug HOinu tlmn in the city. .MissBeverley is the guest of Mr. lind .Mrs.Richard Evelyn Byrd, at 301 BastFranklin .Street, and a great deal ofentertaining has been done In herhonor.Cnst for Society ViMidevlllc.Tho cast rot the "So lety Vaudo?

vllle." to be given hero next week in¬cludes most of the prominent societygirls and mcnlnlown. The tabhthat are yet in process of arrange¬ment, some of which will not be com¬pleted this week, ore to form n veryInteresting pan of tho evening's pro¬gram, b'qtne of thus- inking pail willbe little Silas Virginia Dornum, theAge of Innocence: .Mis !!. He Wllinrd.an Mrs. Siddons; Miss Eleanor Ltiidsey.Miss Sarah Hamilton, of Petersburg,«s Lady Hamilton; Mitts Blln Hueknnd nevoral others that have not yetbeen decided upon.After the opening of the perform-1Slice With ;i In;; lllinfttrel show In

which a nuhiber of society men areeast for parts, an Indian dance win beled by Miss Lucy Gwhthmey, as theIndian Queen, and Lewi-' Bo>'d, asChief. The chorus and dancers forthis net Include Misses Mary Scarbflr-< ugh, Bulle Johnston, Mary Humider«.Jellls Scott, Archer Joynes, ConwayFleming, Frances Wheat. Helen lias-kins. Blsle Parrlsh, E. C. Harrison. Jr.,Morris Bnnghornc. Catcsby Jones, Bg-borl (Hies. William Dickson, ChlldrcyScott. Richard Osterloh, Franc!« John-»on.Ten Tuesday.The Mlsres W

friend, M'ss Eagoat tea on Tuesday7 o'clock. The afflthe home of the M

ams and theirare entertainingrnoon fmm 4 towill be given at

:.» Williams. LQ03W <t AvcninSleeting of Coliuilfil Humes.The regular monthly meeting of the

''olonial Dames In the Wo..tan's .Clttboh the afternoon of January assignalized »>y the laying aside of ailbusiness and tic.lebrtttiph of a DoilyMadison program of entertainment.Mrs. William Butlln Cox presided. RlioWore a gown of pale gray brocade

\\\WMm Satisfaction. |S Op^CIcAA

$3.50 Tans, Patents and Gun-metals, Bluchcr and


hut ton, now.

N. W. Cor. Third nnd Brood.

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201 E. BroadMagnificent showings of Fine Purs.

Coins. Suits and Hats.


New Method Gas RangesAT

Pettit & Co.'s?

Rouiitfee'sRed Tag Sale

Now on. Your chance in buy Trim!ami Leather floods at a big saving

Furniture, Carpetsand ptoves

Rotfoert 814th and Broad

it FinsAll Gold, $1.50 Pair.

These are not merely sold top. Pahami engraved All finishes and desttj

Smith & Webster,fweWs. el 2 F.nr.t .Iain itrn.-'t;



January End.

Bargains In all depart-jj mcnts for iliir, Round-U|vClear¬ance.

with touches "f blue. Mrs. BlandStill th was hostess at the tea lal.leUnd wore a gown of black netuppi'.qued with Jet. Miss Lucotta Mad¬ison Knox »;h ebairihan <>f ttie aftor-ndon, und was gowiied In silver graysilk, combined Willi chiffon of the sum*ahnde. Decorations for lite club par-lora ami on the tea tablo woro all Inpink dowers.Miss Knox read a most appropriate

päpi on Mi:'. Madison, giving manyInteresting Incidents In her life, andIii that of her distinguished husband,which have been hitherto unknown.The chur'mlng hospitality dispensed at"Moiitpeileii" and the delightful circlewhich Mrs. Madison there drew aroundher., were described In a very happymanner. At the conclusion of thopaper, songs of an older day Were Il¬lustrated by tableaux representing dif¬ferent pi riods In Mrs. Madison's life.Miss .1« .an Folid was tile Impersonator,and appeared successively as HollyMadison, the little Quaker girl; l)ollyMadison. Hie widow Todd; Dolly Mad¬ison, ttie utjstress of the White House,in sail tin aid lace, and Dolly Madisonus the- original of the Gilbert Stuartportrait. Miss Marian Mcade "ting"Drink to only With Thine F.yes,"ami Mrs. M. It. Thomas. "List Ito.ie ofSummer.rh£ Harp That OllCo Thro'Tain's Hulls" nil other delightfulineiodies.Tho afternoon was one of the most

attractive of the many of Its kindgiven by the Dames, and a large nuin-bfcy of members were present.Engagement A ¦> a on need.

Mi-, and Mrs. C. C, Treyllllan, of 009West Grace Street, announce the en¬gagement and approaching marriageor iheir daughter; Charlotte, to Wil¬liam Ellison Harvey. Mr. Harvey isa son of Mrs. Luke Harvey.At Unit erstt> Dnnees, i

Severiil Itielimond girls wont toCharlottesvllle last week to attendthe two dances given at the Univer¬sity of Virginia Wednesday andThursday nights. The tirst of themidWnt'ir gerinnns wit's given by theGetmiin Club and took place nt theUniversity Commons. Dr. ArchibaldGary Itnndolph led the dance, andsome twenty-five couples were present,Supper v. as served at midnight nnddancing w«s continued until 2. Thehuperpn- w. r,- Mrs. Richard HeathDnbncy, Mrs. W. C. N. Randolph. Mrs.

Taryln, Mrs. Thornton. Mr/'. Lattln, ofBrooklyn, N. V.i Mrs. S. it. William¬son and Mrs. I. II Perklnson. 'The second dance tins given by theP. K. Society, and was n very bril¬liant nffnlr. Mr. .limes led. dancingwith Miss Miller. Richmond girls

presch) were Ms. Fanny Scott, withV. A. Jenkins; MUs Elizabeth Taylor,with |a. G. A. Balz; Miss Ixnitse Miller.With .Join. Jones: Miss Elsie Harrison.With II. Ci. Hathawavi Miss MaryChalmers, with .1. S. Elliott.< rnwfOrd.» lyliornc.The marriage or Mis* Leila YaticeyCiyborno und Carlyle Goode Crawfordtook place In Washington on January20, the Rev. jam- s. Montgomery per¬forming the ceremony. Tho bride Is

th-> daughter of Mrs E. V. Clyborne.nnd ts connected with the Ynhceyfamily, one of the h< st known familiesIn the state. Mr. Crawford, who isconnected'with the offices of the Amer¬ican Locomotive Company. Is a son ofW. V. Crawford, and a grandson of theloti J. Oscar Goode." Mr. and Mrs.Crawford will make their home at1M North Lombardy Street this win¬ter.Illrllidny Parity.

Little Alexander Anderson entertain-'ed some of big friends at his home,17 > Xorih Twenty-third Street, at 3o'clock on Friday afternoon. The sf-lalr was In celebration of his fifthbirthday. Among those present wereMyrtle Ctcmmcnts, Ruth Johnson,Kathleen Anderson, Alexander Ander¬son. Raymond Andrews. Clohery John-sop, Enrl Felows, Bentley Mills, Mor¬gan Anderson. Preston Elliott.Mi.-. M. D. Anderson, Mrs. LymanStutz and Miss Nellie Andersonchaperoned the party.At «he I'. \\ . C. A.

T| e afternoon classes of the gymna¬st ti in Will hold an exhibition ofSwedish work, foik dancing and Gll-b. t t movements on Tuesday ut S P.M. Special features of tho eveningwill he the Irish Jig by the advancedclass, nnd Starlight; a Gilbert scriesdance by the beginners. This laststep |s done to the Genee Waltzinu.-ic. and the eirls will be accotn-,.allied by MIS* Thnrston on the vio¬lin. Mos Ivllc Johnson and MissSarah bellnrt are the pianists of llicevening The program Will elpso witha basketball game between the twoclasses. The gallery Is open tovisitors.On Wednesday the small junior class

will have Its exhibition. This willlake place at f P. M. Miss MarianneMendo Will sine "The Slumber Itoat,"while the children do . the GilbertSteps. Visitors are welcome,invitation* "ill.

Invitations have been received hereannouncing the approaching weddingoi Miss Henrietta Olive Trowbrldgo,of Mamuroneek, N. Y:, to FrankCampbell Littleton, formerly of Lees-hing, but now of New York. Theceremony will be performed nt "T:t-lioma." Mnmnrbhcck, N. V., on Sat¬urday afternoon February l°- at 3o'clock A special train from NewVork Cltv will convey guests to and

The sixteenth annual election ofofficer of the Richmond Chapter;United ijinughlora of the Confederacy,will be held at Lee Camp Hall thislliorii'ng at 11 o'clock. The meetingIs n Iways held on the -2Stli day of themonth, which falls on Sunday thisyear, in which case Monday waschosen.Meeting Wednesday.The Confederate Memorial Literary

Society w ill in el on Wc In-sil.ay morn-

ling of tliis week In lite ConfederateMuseum at II o'clock. All membersof Ibis society are urged to be present:.l thlo. meeting.

In mid Out of Town.. ¦' Minn;M6.v MeOavoek Kent, of Wythn.vllle. Is tlie guest of Miss Löuise'Wn-liains in this city.

Miss Louise M. Cocke, of tin; Uni¬versity of Virginia. Is visiting Mrs.lAVllklnt tleriolst Shields on West GraceStreet.

Miss Louise Word, who lit Visillug inNew York, attended the' Toxas bullgiven al the Plaza Hotel, chaperonedby Mrs. I'r.-d Thomas.

i Mu..-i Mat s Kent. Who" h.t.s been

Visiting MIns Cocllo Wllllnms In Ports-Imouth. Is now the guest of friends:hore.

Miss Salllo Uoswcll. of tho Univer¬sity of Virginia, In spending ten dayswith relatives In this city.

Major Jarnos II. Dooloy hos returnedto Richmond, after spending a fewdays Staunton.Miss Helen Orny Wattson. who is

visiting In Baltimore, attended thefourth Friday german given at theBclvedoro last week.

.Jrs. Richmond Hrown and herdaughter, Miss Josephine Brown, ofOxford, N. Cv, are guests of Mrs. If.Seldon Taylor, at West Franltllh.Street.

Mrs. W. F; Warrlner. W. F. Wurrl-ner, Jr.. and Margaret Warrlner, of20JM Orovo Avenue, are visiting rela¬tives in Washington.

George S. Reeder, of this city, IsIn Now York for a few days and '-sStopping at the Hotel Wolcott.

Mrs. W. T. Rroome, of Orringe, K.J.i Is visiting Mrs. W. M. TalkiTerro. jMrs. Edmund Waddlll Is spendingseveral days with her daughter, Mr.'.McnalcUS Lunkford. In Norfolk'

Hnrrl*.Smith.[Special to The *fImos-Dlspatch. ]Bynchburg, Va., January "J*>..Last

night at 9 o'clock al the home of Mr.and Mrs. Pryor Smith, near the elty,their daughter, Miss Ruby Smith, wasmarried to William Bollard Harris.'of Bynchburg, The attractive bunga-low was beautifully arranged for theevening. Rev. Rdwln R. Carter, rcc-ro; «,f Grace Memorial EpiscopalChurch, was the minister. Miss Kath- jleen Mathcws, of Clifton Forge, wasmaid of honor. The bridesmaids wereMiss Malllu Moor, of New York; Miss'luden Hardy, of Washington; MissGrace West, of Waycrly, Muss.; M'.ssMay Camp, of Franklin, and Miss EulaI.' -- Kendrick. of Bristol. Herbert Wil¬liams, of Bynchburg, was tho bestman, nnd the bride was given In mar¬riage by her father.

Mr. and Mrs. Harris went at Tiight/or a trip to Florida and Cuba, afterwhich they will be al home here.Among the out of town guests were

Misse.« West Mathcws, of Wnverly,May" Camp, of Franklin: Heien Hardy,of Washington; Bailie Moore, of SewYork; F.ula Ree Kendrlr.k. of Bristol;I-;

LADY HELPEDAfter Losing Heart She Tried Car-

dui, the Woman's Tonic, andis Now All Right.

Sasakwa, Okla.."I am almost unablel<> describe my experience," says Mrs.Hcckcy Barrett, of this place. "I suf-fered so for over two year?, with womanlytroubles, and had such pains that I wasunable to stand on my feet.My husband called in fiv different doc¬

tor-, but they could not help nie. They!save nie up unlesss 1 would be operated on.

I took different medicines, but foundno relief, and I got out of heart.

At last I commenced to use Cardtti, andI am glad to say I am very much better.I have taken five bottles of Cardui, and Ican now tlo my work all right.all myhousework.and can walk two miles at a

time, easily.I feel like a new woman. I will always

recommend Cardui to all sick and suffer¬ing women, for I know that Cardui savedmy life!"The best way to cure womanly troubles

is to help nature, by taking Cardui.Cardui is a woman's tonic, made from

purely vegetables ingredient, that act es¬pecially on the womanly constitution andhelp to build up health and strength

In successful use for more than fiftyyears. Try it.

N". B.. Write to Ladies' Advisory Dcpt,Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga,Tend;, for Special Instructions and 64-pagebook, "1 Ionic Treatment for Women,"sent in plain wrapper on request.

! JürgensI Dining Room Chairs at halfprice to-day.

GENTLY SWEEP TUB SYSTEM.More convenient nnd con less than

Liquids or Salt*. At dnurcists, IO-23-50rents.

IB.Mosby&Co.Special prices to-day on Wo¬

men's Suits.

Ask Grocers, Druggists Dealers/orPOMFEiAN


Genuine-.Pure .Healthful

t \Men's 50c

Silk LisleHose

in light shades at tan;.sale price, 17c, or 3pairs for 50c.

Mr. ami Mrs. John Pate Russell; ofKnoxrllle, Tonn.; Minn Helen Meals.Albert Dunlaps, of Roanokc; ChesterMarkley. of itoanokc; Vaughn Camp,of University of Virginia: Robert Cobb,of Franklin; Frank Stuart, of Clif¬ton Forge: Mr. Uudd, of Durham. N.<.'., and Mrs. C. I. Johnson, of Win-glna.


Conducted for Three Days at jOnancock.Carnegie Library

May Be Established.[Special to The Times-Dispatch.]

Onancock, Vu., January 23..Themovable school of agriculture wasopened In the Town Hull Wednesdaymorning, with G. C. Starchcr as con¬ductor. Tho first day's program washis address on orchard maiiagome..t,'and an address by Ii. K. Hodgson ouImproving the corn chop. Thursdaythe subjects treated weie "Mainten¬ance, ol Soil Fertility" and "Home Mtx-|iiiö of Fertilizers." by Mr. Starchcr,,and disease* of truck crops, by Pro-'lessor Coley. Friday the addresseswere on the breeding and feeding ofhogs, and of tho dairy cow, by Messrs.A. Dockhuub and C. W. HolUaway.The attendance and Interest Increasedfrom the Ursl morning.Architect Lothum, of the Trenaury

Department, Is ul Wallops Island, pre-'paring plans lor tho Improvement ofthe Life Saving Station and for theestablishment of water works.During tlie late extreme weather,

Tangier Islund, on the Chesapeakeside, and Chlncoteague, on the ocean.Were cut off from communication withthe outside world, except by telephone.When the embargo was raised, Chlnco¬teague received forty-llvo pouches ofmall matter and ten cars of merchan¬dise. The next day 1.200 barrels andpackages of oysters were snipped dur¬ing the freeze. Rev. V. W. Jonesr.'alked down the bench from OceanCity, a distance of thirty-two miles, toAll an engagement to preach In the-Union Ilaptist Church.William M. Parker, color-d. the keep,

er of KUlick Shoal Lighthouse,Chesapeake Bay, died of appoplexyTuesday night. He was alone at thelime, Iiis wife having gone lo the ls-Innd for a visit of a few days. Tho,lght not appearing, some i.t the oys-tertneh In pusslng the next morning,«topped to learn the trouble, and foundMm dead. He had been In tho service*lnce 1S75, and was the local leader ofnie race.Harold Stewart, who entered Johns

Hopkins University from the Onan¬cock High School, has been awardedA'$75 scholarship for the exceptionally£ood work dono by him at the Inter¬mediate examinations. It was un-.ollclted.The Eastern Shore Chapter, Daugh-1

tersof the American Revolution, has of¬fered a gold medal to the scholar In thepublic schools who furnishes the beatessay on "The Part the Eastern ShorePluyed in the Revolution." EssaysrnuEt be In the hands of the regent byFebruary 10.Senator Mapp and Delegate Kern^have announced that they will be at

Accomac Courthouse the iirat day ofFebruary court to confer with thecommittee of citizens appointed at theDaley meeting and with citizens gen¬erally. In regard to the proposed, roadlaw of the county.The Accomac and Northampton Tele,

phone Company has been purchased bythe Diamond Stale Telephone Com¬pany. The latter company now con¬trols all lines on the Virginia peninsu¬la.Some correspondence has been had

willi Mr. Carnegie in regard to estab¬lishing a library at the courthouse. Asuitable site has been given, and theprospect of securing the amount ne-cessary for Its maintenance is encour¬aging.


Varied Program Rendered.Underwood Club to Be

Organized.(Special to The Times-Dispatch.iCharlottCSVlUe, Va., January 2&..Thethird of the midwinter organ recitals

at tho University of Virginia wasgiven In Ca bell Han thin afternoon.The organist was William Junes,organist and choir master at ,.t. LukesCuurch, Norfolk. Mr. Jones is a musi¬cian of high distinction, and his pro¬gram was varied and admirably rend¬ered. Next Sunday the'organist willbe Shepherd Webb, ol Richmond. Therecitals will 1 continued throughFebruary.

R. J. Walter, a consulting ami min¬ing engineer, of Denver, Col., lias givena rare collection of ores to the gee-logical department of the unlverslljThese specimens of rock and mineralwere picked u.. In some of tne lead¬ing mln'ng camps in tho West. Thecollection contains ahout sixty-livespecimens, showing gold, sliver, cop¬per, lcntl and zinc, in addition therearc specimens o( ran: ores, such asuranium, molybdenum -nd tungsten.The students here from Alabama and

a number from other Slates areorganizing a club for the purpose Ofadvocating the candidacy of Repre¬sentative Underwood for tho Demo¬cratic nomination for President. OnTuesday evening students from NorthCarolina will meet in Madison Halland organize the Car..Una Club. Amongthe speakers will ho President Alder-man, Dr. Wtrllani A. I.nmboth, Dr. R.II. Wblteltea.l and Prof. C. AlphOnsOf-mlHi, all natives of the old NorthStale. Students from Kentucky havo

By ROY K, MOULTON.1 Tho mau who know

how H would go;Who always says.

"1 Told You So."Is In our midst

again to-day.Thorp do sah'l seam

to be a wayTo circumvent thB

noisy post,Who nover gives

us any rest.Or to cdc.t the ar¬rant dub

Into the Ananias Club,it matter» not whal the eventHo Is the omnlpr .-sent gent.No matter what creates tbe stir.Ho always knew It would occur.Earthquakes and llres do not dismayThis prophet in the slightest way.He'll tell you afterwards that hoHad prophesied them down to a "T."No matter how tho vote may stand,Thl5 ardent faker has the sandTo tell you that he doped it outThree weeks before, without a doubt.When tills old world doth end at last,And time for prophecies are past,When he's assigned to realms below,Will he say then. "1 ttdd you so'".'

Sonic l.enp Year illnfs.Don't give him a cheap engagementring, for he is sure to find it out sooneror later.

WhJii you Interview his mother andask her for his hand, don't act asthough you were too anxious. lie aUtile Indifferent, and let the old ladyknow mat her son Is not the onlyplum on tin- matrimonial tree.If you really want him, don't chaseafter him. Let him ohaso after you.If you have pot a good lob and In¬tend to stick to it after marriage* tellhim SO. It may make him think morelikely of your suit. jSend him a nice bouquet of violetsor American Beauttog once In a while,not often enough to Hatter his vanityto any great extent, but just senil-occasionally, as It wore.

Cnught on the KIT..lack Johnson, the negro prize¬fighter, has an English valet, and,Judging hy the present crop of "whitehopes,' he may as well let the valetdefend the title In connection withthe other duties of the position.According to report, there, are now5,0i)0 ostriches in this country, andthis number does not Include the menwho eat In the railroad lunch reomr.between truins.In the dissolving view of the presi¬dential situation, thoro seems to hecoining Into prominence a pair of eye¬glasses, a bristly mustache nnd a set

of teeth.Statistics show that more gold was

taken from the earth during 1911 thanduring iiny previous year. More alsowas taken from the ultimate con¬sumer.The mystery Is solved. That Penn¬

sylvania man who never hoard of Wil¬liam Jennings Bryan Is un Inmate ofan Institution for the deaf and dumb.A Cincinnati millionaire entertained

seventy-live chauffeurs at a Ohristmasparty. He will probably be able tocross tho street In tafoty hereafter.Lillian Bell says every man underthlrty-livo years l5 cither hopeless orimpossible. Lillian must have a largeacquaintanceA man in Mobile. Ala., ha:i just been

shot by his tnothor-ln-law. There aretimes, then, when a mother-in-law isnot a joke.A royal duke has written a musical

comedy. The dukes seem to be goingfrom bad to worse.

Caught With the f.ooda.The man and his wife, or perhaps

it might be more proper tnesc daysto say- the lady and her husband, hadbeen having one of those eilte littlebreakfast table chats, wherein hus¬band and wife twit each other abouttlieiT relatives and got very personalIn their observations. These thlngahappen In the best regulated familiesoccasionally.Tüo argument had grown heated,

and had reached tho point where thewife UTUtlly makes up her mind togo honiJ to mother, when tho tele¬phone bell rang. The wife answeredthe telephone. A sweet voice askedover the phone:"Are vou having trouble'.'""Well," of all tilings!" snapped the

wife in reply. "What |f wo are'.' It'snone of your business."

"O. yes, it is some of my business.Locating trouble is the onlv thing ido."

"Well, you've got a nerve," repliedtho wife. "Th? Idea of butting Intoprivate family matters like that."

"If you had reported your troubleto me 1 would have had It attendedto. One of your neighbors reportedIt.""One of the neighbors? Great Scott!

Could the neighbors hear It?""Your neighbor reported It this

morning.""Well, I'd thank my neighbors to

attend to their own affairs. My hus¬band and I settle our difficulties with¬out help from them or from you. Whoare you. anyway?"

"I am calling you from the troubledepartment of the telephone company.The neighbor reported that there wassotnetbin,.; wrong with your phone."

"For the love of Mike," shriekedth? wife, us she dropped the telephonereceiver and nearly fainted away."Caught with the goods."

already formed a club, and those fromMaryland, Mississippi and SouthwestVirginia are getting together In thetame spirit.

Frederick II. Newell, director of ttieUnited States Reclamation Service,will deliver an illustrated lecture be¬fore Hit- Philosophical Society to-mor¬row night. He will discuss chiefly thework In connection with the reclama¬tion of a large part of the Americandesert, and he will explain and illus¬trate the building of the grea' Hoose-vet\ Oam.Next -Tuesday Dean .lames Morris

Page will address the students. Hissubject will be, "Gambling."

Sloan's Liniment lias a sooth¬ing effect on the nerves. Itstops neuralgia, toothache andsciatica pains instantly.

HERE'S PROOFMrs. C. M. DOWKER, of .Juhaiinesbnrg.Ulab.,writes:."Sloan's Liniment relieved

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iCity Gets Deed to Valuable jProperty.Damages in Mental j

Anguish Suit.ISpecial to The Tlmcs-Dlspntch.l

Ashevillc, X. C, January 2S..A easelwhich has been In dispute for tho past!fifteen years. Involving land valued at,approximately J-.'IO.OOO. has tinally been'settled, as a result of Which the cityof Ashevillc obtains a deed to the1ground on Market Street adjoining theproperty on which tho City Hall is lo¬cated, known us .Market Square.An unusual development In a divorce]äse Is that which has come to lightin the case of A. I.. Duckctt againstMlnnlne Duckett, In which the plaintiffobtained n divorce last April, It is saidthat there were a number of Issuesin the complaint, and the Jury which;rendered the verdict failed to sign one.,of them. A new trial lias been ordered,and it Is understood that the easelwill not be contested, this action being!taken in order that each link in tin-,divorce chain may be well forged.No little Interest is being SllQWnl

throughout Western North Carolina in'the report of the State Hoard of Agri¬culture to the effect that It is consid¬ering the abandonment of the Blan-tyro experimental Farm, at Blantyre,N. C. This farm has been run as anexperimental horticultural farm for anumber of years, and Is composed ofabout twenty-five acre.-. Apple andpeach orchards arc situated on thefarm, and many farm products areralsetl there In the most modern wajs.The farmers of this section of the Stnlehave learned a great deal as a resultof the farm's location In this section,and It is said that when the mattercomes up for final decision by the Do-pnrtmcnt of Agriculture a determinedItight will be made to influence the!members of that department to continueIHie farm.

In civil court last week Mrs. U. M.jThomason* was awarded damages in thesum of $I0U in her suit against thoHackney &. Moale Company fur $l.'U»i.!The case Is a rather unusual one, Mrs.]j Thomason having brought suit alleg¬ing that she had suffered menial an-gtlisb as the result of the failure ofiie company to develop c< ttiill pictureswhich she had taken to It. It wasstated that n shi rt time airo the Infantof Mrs. Thomason was very ill, andshe was Informed Hint it could not re¬cover. She took .some photographic ex-posures of Hie child, which were losthy tlie Hackney A: Monic Company, assi result of which she has no pictureof tho child, which died a short time af¬ter the pictures were taken;A large timber detvj was consummat¬

ed last week, when tin- Grand!u Lum¬ber Company purchased from the V's.d-ktn Lumber Company a trad of landlying In Wotuugn, Wllkca and Culdwell Icounties, comprslng 60,000 acres and Ivalued at $ 1,000,000. it is understoodthai the new owners of the land Will Ierect sawmills at once in,I will makepreparations to -tart to cutting the tim¬ber at once. The deetl was a very volu¬minous one. having been composed of::oo typewritten pages.

LEESBUR6 NEWS NOTES[Special to The Tithes-Dispatch. |bccsbiirg, V'ii. January 28.. invita¬

tions have been issued to tlie marriagej of Miss Georgennha White, daughter oftin- late Robert J. White. Ksq.. to Or.Thomas F. Keen, of Hamilton; thiscounty, The marriage will take placeon Tuesday, January 30, at the resl-iten tie of Dr. k. l. Scharf. Washington,

At a meeting composed of represt ;.t i-lives from each of Iho live farmers'Ciubs in Hie. county, U was decided tohold a two days' institute a: PnrceU-ville the last of February. Grass, fruit,coin and country life were among thesubjects chpscn to be prominent in theprogram.The inuninge of Miss Mabel v.inde-

vauter, daughter of Addison ClarkeVniidevnnter, of near Paeuulun s.-rings,tills lOUIIty. to Robert .Inline) M 'Cia.wof near Hamilton, took «place at :>iPaul's I'.plseopnl Church, Hamilton; at

I j.j9 o'clock Wednesday uVtornoon, Tlia

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ceremony, which was witnessed by olarge assemblage, was performed byBey, Robert Coies, rector of tho church.Tho bride was given In marriage by herfathcr, being attended by her sister,Mrs. Guy Alexander Buttrcll. of Alex¬andria. Following the ceremony Mr. andMrs. McCray lett for an extended tourthrough tho West, after which theywill be at home near Hamilton. Thegroom Is a son of Mr. and Mrs. EdgarMcCrey, of this county.

Frederick Hudson Byrne, of Areola,this county, who eloped to Roekvllielast week with Miss Annie Sue Llliton,daughter Of Theodore .1. Union, a farm¬er und real estate man of Roudouncounty, was arrested by Deputy SheriffLambert and turned over to Sheriff.'Clifford I,. Howard; of Montgomery.Tho charge is perjury In giving thogirl's age as nineteen, her father say¬ing that she was tifteen last November.Byrne is out on ball. Immediately af¬ter the wedding tho couple returned iwByrne's home. Byrne left in a buggytho following day Just beforo DeputyLambert arrived with the warrant. Thoofliecr pur..tied him over three miles ofmitddy roads, when Byrne's horse stum¬bled and the race was lost. Byrne de¬clarer ho is hot guilty of the charge oCperjury, as he says that he played .ttrick In order to procure the license.Two slips of paper bearing the figures"19" were placed in the girl's slices,nnd when the clerk asked her nge,Byrne replied: "She is over nineteen."

Invitations have been issued to thomarriage of Miss Henrietta OllvoTrowbrldge, of Mamaroneek. N. Y., toFrank Campbell Littleton, formerly ofLcesburg, but now of Now York City.The ceremony will be performed at"Tahdmai" Mamaroneck, N. V., on Sat¬urday, February 10, at Ü o'clock. A'special train Will convey guests to andfrom Mamaroneek.


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