timer talks about chow directory: professionaldirectory … · 2010. 1. 12. · aviators pass...

AY MORNING TORRANCE HERALD FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12, TIMER TALKS ABOUT CHOW ;ALLS HUGE FOOD FACTORY ******* MEN FED BY MACHINERY BUSINESS Professional DIRECTORY: Directory By ANANIAS FIBB timer leaned back In his sighed contentedly. He a hot eight hours on the vashed up, and accepted my to break bread. To this whose work had taken him continents of the earth and I places not listed as contl- eaking bread meant some- ttmn breaking bread. Gen- neant starting with a large khick soup, generously aug- flth crackers, then swinging of butchers. Hunks of steak is fast- ened to hooks which hang down on a moving chain. The chain passes by cogs through tin- steak furnace. The movement of thf chain Is automat- ically timed to the heat of the firea. When the fires is very hot the chain moves fast, when not so hot the steaks moves slow. When the steaks, dangling to the hooks, come out from the furnace they is nicely barbecued and the chains pass out, carrying the steaks over the heads but within the reach of the lads seated at the tables. The boys pick 'em off as they come by and the empty .hooks return to the butcher department for a new load. Bomb* on Eggs "Eggs is generally scrambled. Thou- sands of dozens of nourishing hen fruit arrives in overhead baskets at 5:47 each morning. These baskets is made special out of wire. The mesh Is too small for an egg to fall through. To crush the eggs In the basket a novel arrangement is made. Aviators pass overhead and drop bombs into the baskets, crushing the egKS, and the whites and yolks drops out of the baskets into the scrambling pans, wjiere Mexican girls is em- ployed with long forks to pick out the small pieces of shell that come down with tlie food portion's. Rotary forks, operated by machinery, moves about in the pans at 3,000 revolutions per minute, scrambling the eggs. When panful is ready for the boys, iron plates revolving; downward on a ma chine which closely resembles a sewer digging contraption scoop up the eggs. The plates is then carried upward to a height of several hundred feet, where they is automatically released on greased Rkidways leading to the tables. They slide down by gravity to the tables. Cream Is Sweat "The coffee system in unique and extensive. Boiled in huge vats, the coffee :s piped to the eaters. Before reaching: the tables the coffee pipes are joined by cream pipes which run from the dairy. The cows Is fed on sugar cane, so the cream is sweetened by nature and they is no need sugar bowls.' The coffee pipes run along the center of the tables and is tapped by spigots three feet apart. The boys do the rest. Doean't Last Long , "When the whistle blows for break- itner then swung into lhej fast the boy., slt down. The chief se. He always speaks in ; cook puahes a button and the gigantic machinery starts operation. Breakfast is over in half an hour, everybody well fed and the machinery cleaned by a special steam apparatus." "Sure was some eating house, Old Timer," I said. "Yes, but it didn't last long. The men eats too much. The last day of ts operation comes when the chief cook turns off the button when each man has ate only two bowls of oat- meal, one plate of eggs, two steaks and a quart of coffee apiece. And them boys is so sore they rises up from their seats and leaves the tables Itiiout their breakfast." mountains of gravy-covered s-sidf and a few dishes lonions, PCUH, turnips, beans, other vegetables; then these morsels off With two .slices of pie and two or of Java, according to his It Take* Money could stand the financial ! essary to put all of this front of the old timer and [in light his pipe, you were come a one-man audience ellent ta^e, the voracity of ended upon the old timer's with the meal that had timer lighted his pipe and ^xpertly until the volume of racted seemed in the right answered my ciuestion. seen some oil men whose vould surprise you. There lads working with me that properly fortified with |alk into a chow parlor, uther customers out, and devour all and sundry ! in the kitchin. Worker* Champion* r be bigger and more in the Kansas harvest has never been my mis- natch pitchforks with these don't know. But it is ( ion. after yeai-s on the rig, It comes to catch-as-catch- wrestling the oil worker champion's belt, speaking of the great pas- jting aboard the old vltt(es, gs to mind the difficulties j>plying chow to crews on under intensive develop- again, he forsakes the rings the tale up to date ortt of the present tense. [Large Food Shack forgot the chow camps own in Mexico," he went the biggest camps ever ' the Goddess of Gulp. Petroleum corporation but finally forsakes the ting its help and pays the instead, finding the latter aper. arena is located on a tract. The kitchin is in a food plant many thou- .juare. The tables is laid [sides of the kitchin, like pircus. Six hundred cooks [mechanics Is employed in ery of ranges is fed with (stokers and burns crude jltput of four 20,000-barrel equired to keep the ranges sikfast, for example. The for oatmeal, beefsteak, offee. any builds a special track factory near the chow night long a. series of oatmeal in coal cars and vats which feed to the on the stove by air fhese pots /has spigots on is opened when the pd la well cooked. Dishes these spigots on belts, btomutically, and then are he belts to the tables In The boys grab off the uome by. f*teak Hook* any maintains its own The beef ia slaughtered put up by a special corps "THE MYSTERY" Last night I had a dream so drear I awoke with a sudden start. And saw the Peteraon-Barker well As the derrick drifted apart To let the casing go into the clouds, With a blast and a terrible roar. The rail birds came drifting by hun- dreds To the spots they had all used be- fore. When they thought the well was duster; Now their shrieks seemed to reach to the skies. While the black liquid gold shot into the air. 'Twos a heck of a dream when opened my eyes. ACKLEY. Lomita Garage Member United Auto Club Wilmington-Redondo Boulevard We aaanre yon personal service In Repair Work of All Kinds. GASOLINE AND OILS Complete Stock of Ford Part* TOW CAR SERVICE Phono 177-J-11 Lomtta W. A. King, Prop. For Space In This Directory Telephone 1-J FUNERAL HOME O. W. Stone Embalmor and Funoral Director C. P. MKYERS. Aaatetant Auto Hoar** Equipment 12M Narbonne Av. Lomita W. D. LOCKHART THE DRAIN BOARD MAN Phone 13-W. Lomita 1667 Oak 8t Uxnlta. Cal Dr. Maude R. Lathrop Chiropractor First National Bank Building. Phone 121-J. Hours daily, except Thursday, 10-12; 2-5. Thursday, appointments only. Monday, Wednesday and Friday eve- nings, S:30 to 8. Other evenings, by appointment Consultation free. Architectural Designing Wynkoop, Hodge & Law E24 W. Tenth Long Beach, Calif. Phone C38-S78 Torrance Ref.: Gilbert * Hanaon Foley & Mueller ATTORNEYS AT LAW Offices at Lomita and Bedondo Practice in all the State and Federal Courts Lomita Phone Redondo Phone 171-J-3 1091 Phone Torrance 1-J For Space In This Directory Dr. N. A. Leake PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Torrance Office Hour* 2:30 to 5:30 P. M. Phone Office- Residence 13- M ALICE R SPRINGER Public Stenographer Notary Public Phono 166 State Exchange Bank Building TORRANCE, CALJFORXIA ! Dr. J. S. Lancaster j PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON | Phones: j Office 14 House IS i Office First National Bank Bldg. ! Res. Cor. Post ana Arlington Torrance California DR. F. H. RACER FRATERNAL Triple City Lodge I. O. O. F. No. 33VLomrU, Cat Moot every Tooaday Night. Initiatory Degree firat Tuesday each month. Torrance Review No. 37 Maccabees Meets Sd and 4th Friday 7:10 P.UL. In Catholic HalL MRS. MARTHA UcCAFFREY Commander PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phone, Lomita 28 Office in Barn** Building Lomita California EXAMINATION FREE All Work Guaranteed Torrance Council No. 2445 K. C. Meets Erery Tuesday Ere. at 8:00 o'clock Torrance Catholic Hall DENTIST Suite 2, Erwin Building (Opp. Chamber of Commerce) Complete X-Ray Service 1212 EL PR ADO TORRANCE Open Tuea. and Thur*. Eve*. High-Class Reasonable "Bat-Soap Beats the Beat Trap Bter Made," Mrs. Emily Shaw Says. "My husband bought $2 trap. I bought a 65c box of RAT-SNAP. The trap only caught 3 rats but RAT-SNAP killed 12 in a week. I'm never without RAT-SNAP. Reckon I couldn't raise chicks without it." RAT-SNAP comes in cakes. Three sizes. 35c, 65c, $1.26. Sold and guaranteed by Beacon Drug Store and Torrance Hardware Company. WANTED Oil Royalties Land Owners Only WILL PAY BEST CASH PRICE Taykr 524 E 15th tang Beach, Calif. EXAMINATION FREE Dr. Sylvester Successor to Dr. L F. Baldwin W/i E. Sixth St. Phono 970 SAN PEDRO CESS POOLS Dug and Repaired SNYDER Harbor City, Calif. noMB-W OMITA MEAT MARKET H FSCMMIDT, PROP. IL.IOI-J2 LOMITA.CAL t> .sun »r wlirii your mf;il from thin V.'i- uliluiul «u>', kiniwi I trudi- U.'limnds ;. r.-i UIKl l|IUllll> Y..I WUII pK'ilMi'll. B*h Every Wadneiday, Iriday and Friday 101-J-2 Schmidt Block Lomita IF TOUR AUTO WAS STOLEN WHO WOULD BE THE LOSER? OSTEOPATHY and the ELECTRONIC REACTIONS OF ABRAM! Doctors Bruce & Lynd Suite 14. Caatle Apia. Phone 128 John U. Hemmi A-OTORNEY-AT-LAW Office, Room 2, new Rappaport Bldg, Practice In all Courts. Wills and Probate Cases a Spectalt; PERRY G. BRINEY ATTORNEY-AT-LAW 110 First National Bank Blag. Phone 16» Torranoi Residence 15S1 Eahelmaa St, Loml Phone Lomita 41 S. C. Schaef er ATTORNEY-AT-LAW SIS Fatterson Bldg., Sixth and Mesa San Pedro, Calif. Phone San Pedro 1184 FRED STOCK Lomita Redondo Phone 172-3-3 POULTRY SUPPLIES HAY COAL GRAIN BRIQUETTES PEED FUEL Prompt Service Free Delivery Smith & Trotter 2610 Redondo Blvd. SOUTH LOMITA Expert* in Auto Repairing and Welding All work given our personal attention. Our Work i* Guaranteed PALOS VERDES MEAT MARKET 2709 Redondo Blvd., Lomita SATURDAY SPECIALS on Ham*, Bacon, Beef. Pork, ettu. Every Weak ltasses~ Braces Elastic Stockings- Supporters and When you need a support for a weakened part of your arms, legs or body, we have them for you. Theae good* are carefully made by expert appliance maker* and give the necexary support without binding the actions of the body. You get eaa* and comfort when you wear them. For surgical appliance* of all kind* Come to u* FIRST TORRANCE PHARMACY Malone Bros. Phone 3-J Torrance, California Real Estate For Lomita Property Bud Information Se« J. A. Smith, Original Tract Agent. The Man who spends all bis Time and Money to Make Lomita Property More Valuable. Telephone 179-J-l I. Lomita. Auto Supplies. Tires and Accessories Pennsylvania Vacuum Cup Tires Have Sold My Filling Station. Lomita C. M. SMITH Narbonne and Weston Each Delicious Loaf of our bread is counterpart of the other. You are never dis- appointed with our bread be- cause we never resort to econ- omy materials in making it It is machine-mixed in scrupulous bakeshopa and baked a crisp, gold brown in sanitary ovens. Buy today and test it* whole- some qualities. Two Store* Lomita Phone 177-J-2 GLOBE BAKERY S. L. GROVES GORDON GROVES Two Stores Ternnc* Phore 122 Lee R. Taylor ATTORNEY-AT-LAW 1020 Cola f hone 1X4- TOKKANCE, CALIF. iluy be oonaulted In Torranoe evenings by appointment. Office. Suite 108 Calif, HI Phone Main J803 Phone Broadway 7650 TOM C. THORNTON GAIN EH a TURNER Thornton & Turner ATTORNEYS AT LAW MO-22 Maaoo Bide., 4th * Broadway Loa AA«elea, Cal. The Bottoms Are New ami only the uppera are old, when you give us u pair of slioi-a to be soled and heeled II the uppors ure utill good, we will add mouUiB of wearing to your comfortable pair. Let UH uttunh rufolwr heelH to your next Ulll'N. D. C. TURNER In Rappaport'a Store Torranc*

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    BUSINESS ProfessionalDIRECTORY: Directory


    timer leaned back In hissighed contentedly. He

    a hot eight hours on thevashed up, and accepted my

    to break bread. To thiswhose work had taken him

    continents of the earth and

    I places not listed as contl- eaking bread meant some- ttmn breaking bread. Gen-

    neant starting with a large khick soup, generously aug- flth crackers, then swinging

    of butchers. Hunks of steak is fast- ened to hooks which hang down on a moving chain. The chain passes by cogs through tin- steak furnace. The movement of thf chain Is automat- ically timed to the heat of the firea. When the fires is very hot the chain moves fast, when not so hot the steaks moves slow. When the steaks, dangling to the hooks, come out from the furnace they is nicely barbecued and the chains pass out, carrying the steaks over the heads but within the reach of the lads seated at the tables. The boys pick 'em off as they come by and the empty .hooks return to the butcher department for a new load.

    Bomb* on Eggs"Eggs is generally scrambled. Thou-

    sands of dozens of nourishing hen fruit arrives in overhead baskets at 5:47 each morning. These baskets is made special out of wire. The mesh Is too small for an egg to fall through. To crush the eggs In the basket a novel arrangement is made. Aviators pass overhead and drop bombs into the baskets, crushing the egKS, and the whites and yolks drops out of the baskets into the scrambling pans, wjiere Mexican girls is em- ployed with long forks to pick out the small pieces of shell that come down with tlie food portion's. Rotary forks, operated by machinery, moves about in the pans at 3,000 revolutions per minute, scrambling the eggs. When panful is ready for the boys, iron plates revolving; downward on a ma chine which closely resembles a sewer digging contraption scoop up the eggs. The plates is then carried upward to a height of several hundred feet, where they is automatically released on greased Rkidways leading to the tables. They slide down by gravity to the tables.

    Cream Is Sweat"The coffee system in unique and

    extensive. Boiled in huge vats, the coffee :s piped to the eaters. Before reaching: the tables the coffee pipes are joined by cream pipes which run from the dairy. The cows Is fed on sugar cane, so the cream is sweetened by nature and they is no need sugar bowls.' The coffee pipes run along the center of the tables and is tapped by spigots three feet apart. The boys do the rest.

    Doean't Last Long, "When the whistle blows for break-

    itner then swung into lhej fast the boy., slt down. The chief se. He always speaks in ; cook puahes a button and the gigantic

    machinery starts operation. Breakfast is over in half an hour, everybody well fed and the machinery cleaned by a special steam apparatus."

    "Sure was some eating house, Old Timer," I said.

    "Yes, but it didn't last long. The men eats too much. The last day of ts operation comes when the chief

    cook turns off the button when each man has ate only two bowls of oat- meal, one plate of eggs, two steaks and a quart of coffee apiece. And them boys is so sore they rises up from their seats and leaves the tables

    Itiiout their breakfast."

    mountains of gravy-covered s-sidf and a few dishes

    lonions, PCUH, turnips, beans, other vegetables; then

    these morsels off With two .slices of pie and two or of Java, according to his

    It Take* Moneycould stand the financial

    !essary to put all of this front of the old timer and [in light his pipe, you were come a one-man audience ellent ta^e, the voracity of ended upon the old timer's

    with the meal that had

    timer lighted his pipe and ^xpertly until the volume of racted seemed in the right

    answered my ciuestion. seen some oil men whose

    vould surprise you. There lads working with me that

    properly fortified with |alk into a chow parlor,

    uther customers out, and devour all and sundry

    ! in the kitchin. Worker* Champion*r be bigger and more in the Kansas harvest

    has never been my mis- natch pitchforks with these

    don't know. But it is

    (ion. after yeai-s on the rig, It comes to catch-as-catch- wrestling the oil worker champion's belt, speaking of the great pas- jting aboard the old vltt(es,

    gs to mind the difficulties j>plying chow to crews on

    under intensive develop-

    again, he forsakes the rings the tale up to date ortt of the present tense.

    [Large Food Shackforgot the chow camps

    own in Mexico," he went the biggest camps ever

    ' the Goddess of Gulp. Petroleum corporation

    but finally forsakes the ting its help and pays the

    instead, finding the latter aper.

    arena is located on a tract. The kitchin is in

    a food plant many thou- .juare. The tables is laid

    [sides of the kitchin, like pircus. Six hundred cooks [mechanics Is employed in

    ery of ranges is fed with (stokers and burns crude jltput of four 20,000-barrel equired to keep the ranges

    sikfast, for example. The for oatmeal, beefsteak,


    any builds a special track factory near the chow

    night long a. series of oatmeal in coal cars and

    vats which feed to the on the stove by air

    fhese pots /has spigots on is opened when the

    pd la well cooked. Dishes these spigots on belts,

    btomutically, and then are he belts to the tables In

    The boys grab off the uome by.

    f*teak Hook* any maintains its own The beef ia slaughtered

    put up by a special corps


    Last night I had a dream so drearI awoke with a sudden start.

    And saw the Peteraon-Barker wellAs the derrick drifted apart

    To let the casing go into the clouds, With a blast and a terrible roar.

    The rail birds came drifting by hun- dreds

    To the spots they had all used be- fore.

    When they thought the well wasduster;

    Now their shrieks seemed to reachto the skies.

    While the black liquid gold shot intothe air.

    'Twos a heck of a dream when opened my eyes. ACKLEY.

    Lomita GarageMember United Auto Club

    Wilmington-Redondo BoulevardWe aaanre yon personal service In

    Repair Work of All Kinds.GASOLINE AND OILS

    Complete Stock of Ford Part*TOW CAR SERVICE

    Phono 177-J-11 LomttaW. A. King, Prop.

    For SpaceIn This

    DirectoryTelephone 1-J


    O. W. StoneEmbalmor and Funoral Director

    C. P. MKYERS. AaatetantAuto Hoar** Equipment

    12M Narbonne Av. Lomita


    Phone 13-W. Lomita 1667 Oak 8t Uxnlta. Cal

    Dr. Maude R. Lathrop Chiropractor

    First National Bank Building.Phone 121-J.

    Hours daily, except Thursday, 10-12; 2-5. Thursday, appointments only. Monday, Wednesday and Friday eve- nings, S:30 to 8. Other evenings, by appointment Consultation free.

    Architectural Designing

    Wynkoop, Hodge & LawE24 W. Tenth Long Beach, Calif.

    Phone C38-S78 Torrance Ref.: Gilbert * Hanaon

    Foley & MuellerATTORNEYS AT LAW

    Offices at Lomita and BedondoPractice in all the State

    and Federal CourtsLomita Phone Redondo Phone

    171-J-3 1091

    Phone Torrance 1-JFor Space

    In This Directory


    Torrance Office Hour*2:30 to 5:30 P. M.

    Phone Office- Residence 13- M

    ALICE R SPRINGERPublic Stenographer

    Notary PublicPhono 166

    State Exchange Bank Building TORRANCE, CALJFORXIA

    ! Dr. J. S. Lancasterj PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON | Phones: j Office 14 House IS i Office First National Bank Bldg. ! Res. Cor. Post ana Arlington

    Torrance California

    DR. F. H. RACER


    Triple City Lodge I. O. O. F.No. 33VLomrU, Cat

    Moot every Tooaday Night. Initiatory Degree firat Tuesday

    each month.

    Torrance Review No. 37 Maccabees

    Meets Sd and 4th Friday7:10 P.UL. In Catholic HalL



    Phone, Lomita 28

    Office in Barn** Building Lomita California


    All Work Guaranteed

    Torrance Council No. 2445 K. C.

    Meets Erery Tuesday Ere. at 8:00 o'clock

    Torrance Catholic Hall

    DENTIST Suite 2, Erwin Building(Opp. Chamber of Commerce)

    Complete X-Ray Service 1212 EL PR ADO

    TORRANCE Open Tuea. and Thur*. Eve*.

    High-Class Reasonable

    "Bat-Soap Beats the Beat Trap Bter Made," Mrs. Emily Shaw Says.

    "My husband bought $2 trap. I bought a 65c box of RAT-SNAP. The trap only caught 3 rats but RAT-SNAP killed 12 in a week. I'm never without RAT-SNAP. Reckon I couldn't raise chicks without it." RAT-SNAP comes in cakes. Three sizes. 35c, 65c, $1.26.

    Sold and guaranteed by Beacon Drug Store and Torrance Hardware Company.

    WANTED Oil Royalties


    Taykr 524 E 15thtang Beach, Calif.


    Dr. SylvesterSuccessor to Dr. L F. Baldwin

    W/i E. Sixth St. Phono 970SAN PEDRO

    CESS POOLS Dug and Repaired

    SNYDERHarbor City, Calif.




    t> .sun »r wlirii your mf;il from thin

    V.'i-uliluiul «u>', kiniwi

    I trudi- U.'limnds ;. r.-iUIKl l|IUllll> Y..I

    !« WUII pK'ilMi'll.

    B*h Every Wadneiday, Iriday and Friday

    101-J-2 Schmidt Block Lomita


    OSTEOPATHYand the



    Bruce & LyndSuite 14. Caatle Apia.

    Phone 128

    John U. HemmiA-OTORNEY-AT-LAW

    Office, Room 2, new Rappaport Bldg,Practice In all Courts.

    Wills and Probate Cases a Spectalt;


    110 First National Bank Blag.Phone 16» Torranoi

    Residence 15S1 Eahelmaa St, Loml Phone Lomita 41

    S. C. Schaef erATTORNEY-AT-LAW

    SIS Fatterson Bldg., Sixth and MesaSan Pedro, Calif.

    Phone San Pedro 1184



    Phone 172-3-3


    Prompt Service Free Delivery

    Smith & Trotter2610 Redondo Blvd.


    Expert* in

    Auto Repairing and Welding

    All work given our personal attention.

    Our Work i* Guaranteed

    PALOS VERDES MEAT MARKET2709 Redondo Blvd., Lomita

    SATURDAY SPECIALS on Ham*, Bacon, Beef. Pork, ettu. Every Weak

    ltasses~ Braces Elastic Stockings- Supporters and

    When you need a support for a weakened part of your arms, legs or body, we have them for you.

    Theae good* are carefully made by expert appliance maker* and give the necexary support without binding the actions of the body. You get eaa* and comfort when you wear them.

    For surgical appliance* of all kind*

    Come to u* FIRST


    Phone 3-J Torrance, California

    Real EstateFor Lomita Property Bud Information Se« J. A. Smith,Original Tract Agent. The Man who spends all bis Time and Money to Make Lomita Property More Valuable. Telephone 179-J-l I. Lomita.

    Auto Supplies. Tires and Accessories

    Pennsylvania Vacuum Cup TiresHave Sold My Filling Station.

    LomitaC. M. SMITH

    Narbonne and Weston

    Each Delicious Loafof our bread is counterpart of the other. You are never dis- appointed with our bread be- cause we never resort to econ- omy materials in making it It is machine-mixed in scrupulous bakeshopa and baked a crisp, gold brown in sanitary ovens. Buy today and test it* whole- some qualities.

    Two Store*


    Phone 177-J-2



    Two Stores Ternnc*

    Phore 122

    Lee R. TaylorATTORNEY-AT-LAW

    1020 Cola f hone 1X4- TOKKANCE, CALIF.

    iluy be oonaulted In Torranoe evenings by appointment.

    Office. Suite 108 Calif, HI Phone Main J803

    Phone Broadway 7650TOM C. THORNTON GAIN EH a TURNER

    Thornton & TurnerATTORNEYS AT LAW

    MO-22 Maaoo Bide., 4th * Broadway Loa AA«elea, Cal.

    The BottomsAre New

    ami only the uppera are old, when you give us u pair of slioi-a to be soled and heeled II the uppors ure utill good, we will add mouUiB of wearing to your comfortable pair. Let UH uttunh rufolwr heelH to your nextUlll'N.

    D. C. TURNERIn Rappaport'a Store
