timeline editor tommi karhela, antti villberg vtt

Download Timeline Editor Tommi Karhela, Antti Villberg VTT

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Post on 14-Dec-2015




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  • Slide 1

Timeline Editor Tommi Karhela, Antti Villberg VTT Slide 2 Semantic Models at VTT Focus on applying semantic modelling techniques to industrial process engineering and simulation Research group of 11 researchers established in the beginning of 2006 Current applications in power generation, pulp and paper sectors Slide 3 Background Slide 4 Objectives Design and implemention of a timeline editor for plant model data Similar editing features for engineering objects as in video editing tools Slide 5 Tools and Technology Implemented using Java Implementation on top of Eclipse plugin architecture (SWT and JFace for UI) 3D-view to the engineering objects can be formed using existing 3D viewers Slide 6 Setting Background of four consequtive years of being a customer for T-76.4115 work practices known Focused objectives Experienced and motivated customer