timbers fortune (notes)

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1840 Thomas Henderson leaves Perth for New Zealand. (obit., NZH28 June 1886) 

1841 19-20 April 1841

William Buckland and Thomas Henderson purchase 1 rood 40

perches section in the first Town Allotments sale. (NZ Herald &Auckland Gazette, 17 July 1841) They were both involved with theMechanics Institute 1845-1848 at least. (NZr, 11 October 1845)

Their purchase is today site of the former Auckland GasCompany building.

“At the first Government land sale, Mr. Henderson and W. T.Buckland jointly bought an allotment in Wyndham-street, but itwas too far removed from the business quarter, and remainedidle for years. He bought another allotment, where he erectedthe Commercial Hotel at a cost of ₤2000, and it was the most

pretentious building of the time.” (obit, NZH 28 June 1886)


Begs leave to inform the inhabitants of Auckland that he hascommenced (illegible) Lemon Syrup, Lemonade, and GingerBeer, and hopes by manufacturing the above of the bestmaterials, and at reasonable prices, to meet with publicsupport. Auckland, August 12, 1841. (NZ Herald & AucklandGazette, 21 August 1841)

It is proclaimed that her Majesty has directed that effectualmeans are to be taken to preserve the forests of koudi pine forthe use of the navy. Therefore it is notified, that all personsfound stealing, cutting, or destroying such timber within theColony of New Zealand, will be prosecuted with the utmostrigour of the law; and a reward of £5 is offered to parties whomay be the cause of offenders of this class being convicted.(NZ Gazette and Wgtn Spectator, 27 November 1841) 

1842 “In 1842 Mr. Henderson retired in favour of Messrs. J & HMacfarlane, with the former of whom he had been inpartnership, but in the succeeding year he met with reverseand had to go to work again. He ran a firewood boat fromRiverhead at first. And soon afterwards engaged in the timbertrade, but he lost money, and sold out his stock by auction at2s 6d per 100 feet.” (obit, NZH 28 June 1886) 

1843 (Auckland Times, 26 January 1843)


(The best made in the Colony.)


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BEGS to acquaint the public of Auckland, that he can supplythem with Bricks of a superior quality, for ₤1 17s. per thousand – CASH . Merchants and others who may wish to secure theirproperty from fire, ought to avail themselves of this opportunityto erect substantial premises.

Builders and others are informed that he can supply them withsawn Timber of every description at moderate prices.

House blocks, shingles, palings and fire-wood also supplied.

Commercial Inn,

Shortland crescent, Jan. 17, 1843

18 April 1843

Thomas Henderson’s licence for the Commercial Inn renewedat annual hearing.

(SC 22 April 1843)

(SC 24 June 1843)

T HENDERSON begs leave to intimate to all parties indebtedto him that in consequence of an alteration about to take place

in the arrangement of the business, unless payment of theirrespective accounts be made to him, or to H. Macfarlane, on orbefore the 1st July next, he will be under the necessity ofhanding them over to his Solicitor for recovery. June 22, 1843.

SC 1 July 1843

EXTENSIVE TIMBER SALE BY AUCTION— Without Reserve.MESSRS. BROWN & CAMPBELL WILL SELL BY AUCTION,This Day, (July 1,) at 12 o'clock precisely, on the Beach, nearthe Government Store, NINE THOUSAND FEET BEST KAURI

TIMBER, of all descriptions suitable for Building Purposes.

SC 1 July 1843

EXTENSIVE SALE OF KAURI TIMBER BY AUCTION, WithoutReserved MESSRS, NATHAN & JOSEPH WILL SELL BYAUCTION. On Wednesday, the 5th of .July, at 12 o'clockprecisely, at the Corner of Mr. Broadbent's Store, in Queen-street. TWELVE THOUSAND FEET of excellent COWRIEBOARDS and SCANTLING of all descriptions and sizessuitable for Building Purposes.— The timber may now be seen

on the Ground.

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SC 1 July 1843, p. 2

Canty & Co subscribe ₤5 to the Wesleyan Chapel fund. In

1848, Thomas Canty subscribes ₤1 towards erection of newWesleyan chapel. (NZr, 28 October 1848) In 1850, Cantybecomes one of the trustees of the Primitive Methodist chapel& school house in the city. (NZr, 31 August 1850)

8 September 1843

Thomas Henderson, in a return of contributions for thecompletion of the Auckland Total Abstinence Hall, is listed ascontributing 250 feet of timber. (SC 9 September 1843)

1 December 1843 – Lucidan arrives in Auckland.

SC 2 December 1843

The License of Mr. Thomas Henderson. "Commercial Inn," wastransferred to Mr. Hy. M'Farlane. (SC 9 December 1843)

SC 9 December 1843


at 12 o'clock, at his Rooms, Queen-street, A QUANTITY OFTIMBER, consisting of Totara Boards of all widths, suitable forthe Manufacturing of Furniture, Kauri Boards, Scantling, andBattens. One Cask Beef, One ditto Pork. Without Reserve.


SC 27 January 1844

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February 10 1844

Lucidan, Jessup, for Russell, with passengers

Proclamation 28 March 1844 - NZG

Purchases of native land under the waiving of Crown pre-emption were liable, after Crown scrutiny, to a charge of 10shillings per acre.

SC 6 April 1844

S. ELLIOTT, Land Agent and Licensed Surveyor, Auckland,BEGS to acquaint his friends and the public that, as now theright of the Maories in Selling their Land has been conceded,he undertakes to select and lay out any assigned quantity in

any form whatever, though not exactly according to theAuckland practice of doubt and difficulty and requiring extraquantities to make up deficiencies, &c, the line of MEUM andTUUM is alone determined and fixed with accuracy. A Registeris opened for the Purchase and Sale of Land on Commission,which will be Published monthly. Chancery-st., April 5, 1844.(Meum and Tuum – What is mine, what is thine.)

8 October 1844

Memorandum 45/1849

“In consideration of the various circumstances connected withMr. Henderson’s exchange of his Schooner for Land I willconsider his a special case and give him a crown title to onehalf of the quantity claimed – upon his furnishing a sufficientdescription of the boundaries.”

This is interesting. It appears that Henderson made his trade with Ngati Whatua before 8 October – therefore coming under the provisions of the 10 shilling charge – and he presents the 

circumstances of his claim at least 2 days before FitzRoy’s October Proclamation, with the charge reduced to a penny an acre. But, his claim in 1847 for the 17,784 acres can’t have been under the March Proclamation, but the October one.Reasons: his name on the later memorialists’ petition against FitzRoy’s despatch, and that only 1795 acres were claimed before the 1847 land commission under the March Proclamation, whereas 90,016 acres was claimed under the October Proclamation. (SC, 14 August 1847, p. 2) Turton (see 1882) says that Henderson approached FitzRoy first, received an agreement, and then made the trade. Lucidan probably last 

owned by Henderson November 1845, and still registered at Auckland 1851 (SC 18 February 1851)

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Proclamation 10 October 1844 – NZG

The fee reduced to a penny an acre.

New Zealand Spectator and Cook's Strait Guardian, 9

November 1844


By his Excellency Robert Fitzroy, Esq., &c. Whereas by aproclamation, bearing date the 26th day of March, 1844, it wasnotified to the public, that the Crown's right of pre-emptionwould be waived over certain portions of land in New Zealand :and whereas the terms and conditions set forth in suchproclamation on. which the right of pre-emption would be sowaived, have in some cases been disregarded, either by

persons making purchases of land from the natives without firstapplying for and obtaining the Governor's consent to waive theright of pre-emption, or by much understating the quantity ofland proposed to be purchased from the natives : and whereascertain persons have misrepresented the objects and intentionsof Government in requiring that a fee should be paid onobtaining the Governor's consent to waive the right of pre-emption — on behalf of her Majesty— who, by the Treaty ofWaitangi, undertook to protect the natives of New Zealand —and, in order to do so, has checked the purchase of- their landswhile their value was insufficiently known to their owners. Andwhereas the evil consequences of misrepresenting the motivesof Government, and asserting that to be a mark of oppression — even of slavery— which is in reality an effect of parentalcare — are already manifest, and, are certain to increaseseriously if the cause be .not removed. And whereas thenatives of New Zealand have become perfectly aware of thevalue of their lands — and are quite alive to their own. interests — however indifferent at times" to those of their children. Now,therefore, I, the Governor, acting on behalf of her Majesty theQueen, do hereby proclaim and declare that from this day no

fees will be demanded on consenting to waive the right of pre-emption: — that the fees payable on the issue of CrownGrants, under the following regulations, will be at the rate ofone penny per acre ; and that, until otherwise ordered, I willconsent, on behalf of her Majesty, to waive the right of pre-emption over certain limited portions of land in New Zealand,on the following conditions …

Nelson Examiner and New Zealand Chronicle, 16 November1844


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Since the above article was in type, in looking through theAuckland papers we have met with another proclamation onthis subject, which it appears was published in the GovernmentGazette on the 5th of October, only five days prior to that whichwe printed in our last number. It recites the proclamation of the

26th of March last, and declares "that the Crown's right of pre-emption will in no case be waived on behalf of her Majesty theQueen in favour of any person who may have purchased, orwho shall hereafter purchase, land from the natives withoutcomplying strictly with the regulations set forth in the saidrecited proclamation." Further, the quantity of land to beconveyed to the purchaser by the Crown grant will in no caseexceed the number of acres in respect of which the right of pre-emption was first requested to be waived, except uponpayment of double fees for the excess. The first fee of 4s. anacre must be paid within one month of the Governor's consent

being obtained, or, in default of payment within that time, suchconsent will be cancelled." So that if his Excellency'sproclamations are of any value, the sum that would purchasebut a single acre on Saturday would buy 120 acres on thefollowing Thursday! Pleasant news for landholders. The causeof this sudden change in his Excellency's views regarding thevalue of property is at present a mystery, which the followingextract from the Auckland Times may probably throw somelight upon. It is dated the 8th of October, just midway betweenthe proclamations alluded to :

"It is difficult indeed to conceive what are the real intentions ofthe Government in respect of Land Sales. Perhaps there neverwas a more extraordinary transaction than the one we areabout to relate.

"It has been, and it still is, asserted by the native chiefs that hisExcellency the Governor has declared to them that they maysell their lands free of all restriction, and without theintervention of any tax, to any European who is willing to buy,at any price or for any consideration whatever that may be

agreed upon between the parties. Upon the faith of thisrepresentation Mr. Henderson bargains with a native chief for adistrict of land supposed to contain about twelve sections orsquare miles. For this he paid to them the schooner Lucidan,which, since the recent outlay, may be valued at about £350,and the vessel is delivered; but, on the publication ofSaturday's Gazette, it appears by the Governor's proclamationthat Mr. Henderson has by this transaction incurred anobligation to the Government of no less a sum than about fourthousand pounds! — that is to say, before he can get a Crowngrant for the land he must pay that sum into her Majesty's

Treasury, after the rate of ten shillings per acre purchase, orthe bargain or conveyance shall be held by authority of law to

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be 'utterly null and void'. As soon as Mr. Henderson reads thisdocument, he promptly demands his vessel back from thenative chief, explaining to him the nature of the transaction. Thenative chief honestly and quickly gives back the property, butinstantly makes an appeal to the Governor, demanding his right

of sale. He sets forth how earnestly he covets possession ofthe vessel, without insisting upon an arrangement of thesystem of land sales for the future and, receiving an assurancefrom his Excellency that the vessel shall be restored to hispossession, he says 'Kapai te Kawanu' and is satisfied. Butnow comes the consideration, how is our countryman to re-echo the 'ka pai' ? The Governor tells him that his taking backhis vessel is a felony committed upon the Maori! that, if it is notrestored, her Majesty's Attorney-General shall put him into —Purgatory — or some other terrible abode; but finallycompromises the matter by assuring Mr. Henderson he will

forgive his atrocities, and pay him liberally, if he will indulge theearnest demand of the important and importunate chief! Mr.Henderson complies, in deference to her Majesty'sRepresentative, and the vessel is returned to the Maori buyer,upon the faith of his Excellency's threats and promises. But,after it has been so returned, what is the fulfilment? It amountsprecisely to this — that Mr. Henderson may take possessionwith a Maorie title, not confirmed by a grant at all; but that for allthe use of the land he shall not at present be disturbed, unlessthe original owners should find it convenient to do so, and thenthe Government (not waiving the right of pre-emption) of coursewill acknowledge no claim on their protection. Poor Mr.Henderson! Why did he not stick to his vessel till he had blackand white of some sort?

"It cannot escape the inquisitiveness of a very child to ask,’Where is all this to end ?' What a labyrinth of confusion we arein. If Mr. Henderson now wisely give up his bargain, and seeklegal compensation for the loss of his vessel, the followingquestions will be very appropriate: — What is to become of theland Mr. Henderson bargained for? Will the Government,

solemnly pledged to deal in land no longer, become thepossessor or the Governor personally? If the latter, will he setthe example of paying the forfeit he himself imposes? WillCaptain FitzRoy post the £4,000 for the benefit of theTreasury? Or will the Maori chief have the benefit of this saleand bargain, and be encouraged to make a new one to-morrow, without parting with his land at all? — and then, is thecolony or the Home Government to pay for the absurdity?

"P.S.— A third consideration of this matter has been made, andassurances given that no wrong, but, on the contrary, great

liberality, shall be the consequence, if the surrender of thevessel (in which the natives have been triumphantly sailing

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about the harbour all day, to the manifest risk of the Lucidan'skeel) is silently submitted to. But the public demand a settledprinciple; it is not by privately hushing up a public injury thatgeneral rules of conduct can be established. Mr. Hendersonhas been, according to Captain FitzRoy, in the course of one

day, first a felon — then a compromiser of the law,— and,lastly, a person to be rewarded by the law's chief administrator?Was there ever anything so unhappy? It will be ever the casewhile people (however well intentioned) act upon impulseinstead of reflection." * This definition of Mr. Henderson'soffence may appear strange to English readers, but it must berecollected that his Excellency is only a sea lawyer, anauthority, fortunately, of very little weight with the judges.”

(Nelson Examiner and New Zealand Chronicle, 21 December1844, Page 166)

“But at Auckland the natives had shown, as usual, greatdiscontent at the stoppage of their sales of land, caused by theassertion of the Queen's right of pre-emption. In deference tothem, Captain FitzRoy, in May, waived that right ; allowedthem, by proclamation, to sell to whom they pleased ; butexacted a fee of 4s. per acre ready money and 6s. on creditfrom the purchasers. This was again changed to 10s. anddouble fees in certain cases. The Maories were stilldissatisfied. A notable instance of the consequence of waivingthe Queen's right occurred. A Mr. Henderson bargained withsome natives for twelve square miles of land, giving inexchange a schooner worth £350. Government immediately lethim know he had become by the transaction indebted to it tothe amount of £4,000 for fees. Mr. Henderson, repentant, gotback the vessel, which the Governor denounced as "felony."The Maori complained, the Governor promised its restoration.After threatening in vain, he persuaded Henderson to return it,by promising him a recompense. But, the vessel given up, theGovernor refused to pay the compensation, bidding him takehis chance with a Maori title he would not confirm by a Crown

grant. With such troubles, the Governor resorted again to hisold mode of concession; so issued another proclamation,limiting the Government charge upon land bought from Maoriesto one penny an acre, and thus put a stop to the operation ofthe Waste Lands Act in this country.”

1845 January 1845 – S. Elliott surveys “Plan of an Estate situatebetween the West Shore of the Estuary of the Waitemata andthe top of the Kauri Forest on the Manukau Ranges, Purchasedby Mr. Thos. Henderson from the Chiefs of the Nga Te Watua:Rewiti, Hira and others of Oraki.” (OLC 283, LINZ records) Thesurvey encompasses 17,784 acres. The news report referred to

12 square miles, which is 7680 acres.

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AMERICAN SAW MILL. THE Proprietor of this MACHINE willdispose of it wholly, or erect it in Co-partnership with arespectable Party. For particulars, apply to H. R. Cretnay.Auckland, January 8, 1845.( Southern Cross, 11 January 1845)


THE Undersigned having, by agreement bearing date January20th, 1845, purchased from the Native Chiefs belongingthereto, all the Kauri Timber, and other Wood, standing andgrowing on Land known as Khanghapa, on the banks of theRiver Kopite Nui, hereby cautions all Persons front cutting orremoving any Timber, Spars, or Firewood from the said Land.JOHN MACFARLANE. 30th October, 1845. (New Zealander, 1November 1845)

August 16 1845

Lucidan, Henderson master, inward from Mangonui with gum

September 5 1845

Lucidan, Jessup master, inward from Kaitaia with gum

October 4 1845

Lucidan, Jessup master, inward from Kaitaia with gum

November 4 1845

Lucidan, Jessup master, inward from Doubtless Bay with gum

“In 1845 Mr. [H] Macfarlane left the [Commercial] hotel, and hisbrother John continued the business till the following year,when he and Mr. Henderson went into partnership as traders,becoming the firm so well known in after years as Hendersonand Macfarlane.” (obit, NZH, 28 June 1886)

1846 FOR FREIGHT OR CHARTER, THE Schooner KATE, 80 tonsburthen, Macfarlane, master. Apply to H. R. Cretnay. Jan. 20,1846. (New Zealander, 24 January 1846)

CAUTION. ALL PERSONS found cutting Timber, ortrespassing on my land, known as Wai-komite, will beprosecuted according to Law. E. Constable. Kent Place,Auckland, Feb 26th.( New Zealander, 7 March 1846)

NZr, 18 July 1846

The undersigned wants 200,000 feet, or upwards, of roundtimber, to be cut and brought to Auckland Beach, as soon as

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possible. The timber is situated on a fine creek above the riverWaha, leading to the Waitemata River.

For further particulars apply to


At Mr. Cormack’s Warehouse, Shortland-street

Also – Wanted to charter, a vessel of 20 to 30 tons berthen.Apply as above. Auckland, July 17, 1845.

15 June 1846 – NZG (NZr 20 June 1846)


Those who purchased native lands after the 26 March 1844proclamation were to send in their papers concerning thepurchase by

15 September 1846.

Those who purchased after the 10 October and 7 December1844 proclamations were to do the same – but …

“It is further notified that as it appears that the regulations and

terms under which these certificates waiving the Crown's rightof pre- emption were issued, have in many cases, beenevaded, no further steps, than the examination of these claims,will be taken until the views of Her Majesty's Government uponthe subject have been ascertained.”

And …

“Lieutenant-Governor directs attention to be called to the fact,that the Proclamation issued by His Excellency's predecessor,upon the 10th day of October, 1844, regarding the terms upon

which Governor Fitz-Roy intended to waive the Crown's right ofpre-emption in favor of certain individuals, has been in no wayacted upon by the Lieu- tenant-Governor. His Excellencyfurther directs it to be notified, that he will not entertain or grantany application for waiving the Crown's right of pre-emption infavor of any individual, under the terms of the aforesaidproclamation, issued by his predecessor. He will, however, notfail to endeavour to devise and introduce some system bywhich Lands the property of the Natives may be brought intothe market, under such restrictions as are required by theinterests of both races.”

The Timber Trade.—This branch of commerce is in a

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flourishing state. The additional buildings that are dailyprojected, greatly increase the demand sawn timber, and theextensive exportation of spars, give constant and lucrativeemployment to the settlers and the natives who inhabit thebanks of the adjacent rivers where the Kauri Pine abounds.

The Waitemata, owing to the number of persons employed inthis trade, presents an animated scene of busy life. The rafts asthey come down are quickly sold, and it is as much as therespective proprietors of five water mills, and the numeroussawyers at the different stations on the adjacent rivers, can doto meet the demand for building materials. (New Zealander, 19September 1846)

1 October 1846

Thomas Henderson is among those who meet at Wood’s Royal

Hotel to read a memorial letter to the Governor protesting thatthey had purchased land from the Maori owners after the 10October 1844 FitzRoy proclamation, had expended a largeamount on improvements, and expressed surprise at theinformation that their names were on a list sent by FitzRoy toLondon in a despatch dated 14 October 1844.

“That your Memorialists are only just now aware of theexistence of that Despatch, and of the view which yourExcellency has taken of the same :— That each of yourMemorialists takes this, the earliest opportunity of mostunequivocally declaring that he did not at the time mentioned inthe despatch referred to, or indeed at any other time, excite thenatives on the subject of the Crown's right of pre-emption :—that he neither subscribed himself nor was he aware that anyother person ever subscribed any sum whatever "as a rewardfor whomsoever should do most towards stirring up andinforming the natives how to act together on this subject;" andfurther each of your Memorialists declares that it was not hisintention (nor is he aware of such intention having existed onthe part of any other person) to agitate in the northern parts of

the Country, during the Governor's absence in the Southern, inorder that on his Excellency's return, he might find the screamof popular feeling too strong to oppose effectually :" — YourMemorialists trust that this unequivocal denial, will at least asregards themselves, satisfy Your Excellency of thegroundlessness of the statements contained in the abovementioned Despatch : but should your Excellency entertain ashadow of a doubt as to the accuracy of your Memorialistsdeclaration, they entreat the institution of such an investigationas may be sufficient to satisfy Your Excellency of their truth :—: — And Your Memorialists pray that Your feeling the injustice of

dealing with their property, on an assumption of the truth of thatwhich is undeniably incorrect, will in conformity with the

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Secretary of State’s permission, grant to your Memorialists thattitle to their lands, which was promised to those who purchasedunder the authority of the Proclamation of the 10th of October,1844. And Your Memorialists will ever pray. Daniel Lorrigan,William Goodfellow, Chas. Ring, P. Lundon, Thomas

Henderson, T. Russell, Henry McCan, William Gamble, CharlesRobinson, Benjamin Smith, William Harkin, Robert White,Joseph May, Henry Hayr, Adam Chisholm, Thomas Shepherd,Henry R. Cretnay, Isaac Merrick, Edward Foley, W. Cleghorn,George Buckingham, G. O. Ormsby, Frederick Whitaker,Frederick S. Peppercorne, C. Fulton, Theophilus Heale, JamesWilliamson, William Williams, John Brigham, John L Heyd'n,Thomas Somerville, Daniel Lynch, Thomas Henry, JohnOakes, William Smithson, T. McDonald, James C. Hill, FrancisRing, James Harris, W. Hart, Clement Partridge, J. A. Langford,George Willson, Thomas Jackson, P. Donovan.”

This got nowhere with Governor Grey, who insisted that notitles would be issued without proper and involved investigation.

(NZr 3 October 1846)

November 1846

Land Claims Bill introduced in the Legislative Council. Thisallowed for the appointment of a Lands Commissioner toinvestigate claims made under the terms of the 10 October1844 Proclamation.

(NZr, 7 November 1846)

1847 NZr 16 January 1847

Major Henry Matson, the appointed Land Commissioner, wasto open his court for deciding upon the 10 October 1844 landclaims on 1 February 1847.

Two persons of this town, named Henderson and McFarlane,sold to the natives a vessel called Lucidan. The considerationwas land, with timber on it. Not being able to obtain a crowngrant, they told the natives that the land was useless to them,and that the vessel must be given back again. Kawau, thechief, went forthwith to complain to Capt. Fitzroy, who sent forMr Henderson, and spoke to him very angrily, telling him hehad made a bargain, and must abide by it. Mr. Henderson wasfirm, and left the room, persisting still in his originaldetermination. The following morning, the whole of Kawau's

tribe, each man with a musket in his hand, landed from canoesin Mechanic's bay, and there danced the war dance (in

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celebration said Mr. Clarke, the chief protector, of their meetinga tribe they had not seen for a long time). The protector'sexplanation certainty seemed rather suspicious; but, be that asit may, a few days afterwards, the penny an acre proclamationwas issued. (New Zealander, 12 June 1847)

NZr 11 August 1847

Attorney General's Report.

On the course to be pursued under the terms of Lord Grey'sdespatch on the subject of Claims to Land, under GovernorFitzRoy’s Proclamation, I have the honor to report as follows : —

The result appears to be this. That Governor FitzRoy's

Proclamations are declared to have been issued by him withoutauthority, and to be null and void ; but that the acts done underthem are to be recognised so far as they were done in strictpursuance of them. That in order to entitle any claim (whetherunder the first or the second Proclamation,) to be entertained,two things must be proved.

1st. That Governor Fitzroy in waiving the right of pre-emption,did so, in manner, within the extent, and according to the termsof his own proclamation, —

and 2ndly. That the claimant on his part, complied strictly withthe requisitions of the Proclamation: in other words, that theproceedings were throughout "in strict pursuance of," andunder the authority of the Proclamation.

The Proclamations declared that the right of pre-emption wouldbe waived over limited portions of land, and in the notice of the7th Dec, 1844, Governor Fitzroy declared that by the term

“limited portion" was meant “a few hundred acres." In caseswhere the right was waived over a greater quantity than a fewhundred acres, the act not being in strict pursuance of theProclamation, the claim would by a rigid construction of LordGrey's despatch, be out of Court. But an interpretation morefavourable to the claimant might I think, be adopted, without aviolation of the fair spirit of the despatch, viz : —That the merefact of the waiver being excessive, shall not invalidate theclaim, but that if in other respects valid, the claimant mayreceive a grant not exceeding " a few hundred acres," (say 500acres.) In no case whatever, can the claimant, according to

Lord Grey's despatch, receive an absolute Crown Grant, in theusual form, but simply a deed, releasing in favour of the

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claimant, any right which the Crown may have in the land.

The course to be pursued in the investigation of a claimpreferred under the Despatch would be this :— 1st. It would beexamined in order to ascertain whether Governor FitzRoy's act

in waiving the right was in "strict pursuance" of theProclamation. If it should be found that the right had beenwaived over land reserved by the provisions of theProclamation, or in any other manner at variance with the termsof the Proclamation, then, the claim would at once fall to theground. If it should be found to be correct, so far as GovernorFitzRoy's acts were concerned, then the inquiry would be:—has the claimant on his part complied strictly with therequisitions of the Proclamation ? If it should be found that theclaimant had purchased the land from the natives beforeobtaining the waiver of the right of pre-emption, or wilfully

understated the quantity offered, &c, &c, then the claim mustfall to the ground, by reason of the claimant having on his partfailed to comply strictly with the requisitions of theProclamation. But assuming a claim to have passed the firsttwo stages of the enquiry, then would arise the question of title.Was the land purchased from the true native owner, or owners,according to native law and custom? The necessary evidenceon the point is to be produced at the expense of the claimant,and failing to be satisfactory, the claim would, after all theexpense and delay incurred in the course of the investigation,fall to the ground. But assuming the evidence to provesatisfactory, then the claimant would be entitled to receive aDeed releasing the Crown's right only and in no case for agreater quantity of land than 500 acres; the remainder, if any,falling to the Crown, as part of the Royal demesne. Apart fromits small intrinsic value, such a title, differing so widely from theordinary absolute Crown Grant, would always be looked uponwith suspicion in the market. The claimant under it would beliable at any time within a certain number of years, to actionsand claims by native claimants, and would frequently for thesake of quiet possession, have to buy off or satisfy, native

claims which had not been considered, when the purchase wasoriginally made. W. SWAINSON, Attorney-General, August 7,1847.

14 October 1847

The decision of the application (3 May) by H&M to occupy landto cut timber was that a license couldn’t be granted but theGovernment wouldn’t interfere.

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On 27 October 1847,

Joseph Burns, a local boat builder, murdered the Snow familyon the North Shore, and made the crime scene look as if it hadbeen a Maori attack. Witnesses pointed out at the coroner's

inquest that on the night of the murders they had sighted aschooner close by resembling the Lucidan , the Maoris on boardhaving had a sharp disagreement with Lieutenant Robert Snowtwo years before the murder over raupo that Snow had takenfrom them. This led to an initial belief in Auckland that localMaori were about to attack. However, Burns was later hangedfor the crime, once the truth came out.

Thomas Canty is awarded a license (for £5) to log timber on aland claim by R. Thomson, 14 July. (New Zealander, 27October 1847) This was the same land claimed as No. 247 by

R. S. Thomson, adjacent and to the east of Henderson’s land.(Roll 62c, LINZ records) Canty rafted logs to his mill atFreeman’s Bay, anchoring them there while processing them.(New Zealander, 18 August 1849)

SC 6 November 1847

“For instance, we see from the Return that out of 14applications from parties to occupy pre-emption land, in sevenof these it is stated that " Government will not interfere, but aLicense cannot be granted ;" being equivalent therefore to apermission to occupy. [This was the case with H&M’aapplication] In two cases the application is refused because theland claimed was "disputed;" nor can we avoid pointing out, bythe way, that an application in one of these cases so refused,was made on the 5th of May, by R. Thompson, to saw timberoff the land which he had purchased, and claimed. Hisapplication however, was refused because his claim wasdisputed ; while on the 14th of July, we perceive that a ThomasCanty applied for liberty to cut timber off Thompson's land, anda License was granted to him on payment of £5. So that the

Government, while they refuse to permit a man to cut timber offhis own land because his claim to it is disputed, yet allow adifferent person this privilege upon paying £5. In two casesagain, out of the fourteen, the application is "refused,"

In two instances the License applied for, is stated to be"granted." So that it seems quite impossible to detect undersuch apparently inconsistent conduct, the rule upon which theGovernment proceed. We have seen that in some instancesthe Government state that they " will not interfere, but cannotgrant a License ; while, in other applications, and under the

same circumstances, they do grant Licenses : sometimeswithout any fee, and in other instances a charge of £5 is made.

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In applications relative to the lands in possession of the nativesagain : sometimes the request is granted, at other timesrefused ; sometimes a fee is charged, and sometimes none. Inshort, if we are to form an opinion from the published Return,the whole subject seems confusion and contradiction. “

Before c.1849, Henderson may simply have used his landpurchase as a loading site for kauri timber brought out from theWaitakere foothills. No one knows exactly when the mill wasbuilt, but it was certainly in existence by then. Before that date,Henderson could only fill large orders for timber along withother timber merchants at the time -- such as the WanganuiBlockhouse in 1847 and fencible housing. (Southern Cross, 31July 1847)

Blue Book, p. 12. — Desp. No. 114. Despatch of Governor

Grey to Earl Grey, dated 11th November, 1847.

Even within a radius of 12 miles from Auckland, but very smallportions of Land which are not claimed by the 1d. an acrepurchasers ; and altho' undoubtedly they will ultimately retainbut a small portion of their extensive and illegal claims, still atroublesome inquiry is necessary before it can be decided towhat portion of their claims they may be able to establish avalid title. (SC 6 July 1849)

1848 There is yet another case, which we have just heard of,deserving notice. Capt. Porter, chartered a small vessel to thenatives four or five years ago. They hired her for purposes oftrade, and while navigating the coast, had the misfortune tolose her. Actuated by principles of honesty similar to thosedisplayed by Paora in the case of McConnochie, they signifiedto Captain Porter, their readiness to compensate him for hisloss. Not having immediate funds at command, Kawau, theprincipal chief concerned, gave his promisory note for £100.Subsequently they requested Capt. Porter to accept of land in

payment of the bill, to which he agreed, provided he obtained agovernment grant to the same. This claim has been disallowedby Governor Grey. As a natural inference, it will probably beconcluded that the land reverts to the natives. Such at leastwould be the verdict of honesty and common sense; butGovernor Grey seems to have adopted a different view, for hehas not only rejected Capt. Porter's claim, but has actuallygranted licenses to other parties to cut timber, &c, from theland! By what species of logic can this policy be justified? Bywhat right does Governor Grey grant occupation licenses overthis land? He may certainly assume a right to disallow the claim

of Captain Porter, because no one can prevent him from doingso; but he cannot on that account seize the land for the Crown.

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SC 18 February 1851

Aside from parliamentary debates (SC 18 June 1858), this isthe last time Lucidan is referred to, on a list of ships registeredat Auckland.

1852 Wanted, by the undersigned, six pair of sawyers. Henderson &Macfarlane, March 18, 1852. (Southern Cross, 19 March 1852)

NZr 9 April 1852


The Undersigned, in returning thanks to his numerous friendsand customer's for their former favours, begs to inform themthat he intends to resume cutting all lengths and dimensions ofTimber, as usual (after a temporary suspension, in

consequence of want of supply of Logs), and will be happy toreceive orders at his house, Chapel-street, or at the Pits,Freeman's Bay, which he will be able to execute at the close ofthe present or the beginning of the ensuing month. ThomasCanty.

N.B. Palings and' Shingles, of all lengths, as usual. - - March21, 1852.

NZr 7 April 1852

2 April – Thomas Canty married Euphemia Nicholson, daughterof John Nicholson, boat builder, at “the Wesleyan Chapel”.

Thomas Henderson purchases the 222 ton British-built brigSpencer at Sydney, lately arrived from San Francisco. (NewZealander, 7 April 1852)

At present several vessels are in our port rapidly filling up withNew Zealand produce shipped for sale in the Australiancolonies. The William Hyde's cargo includes potatoes, hams,

and bacon as well as timber : the Spencer will take sawntimber, framed houses, doors, and window sashes, and alsohams, bacon, pork, potatoes, flour, rope and wool-lashing…(New Zealander 8 September 1852)

Per Spencer for Melbourne :— 100,000 feet sawn timber,11,000 shingles, 10 house frames, 42 doors, 32 pair windowsashes, 10 ball-boxes glass, (window) …(New Zealander, 11September 1852)

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Sir, — We, the undersigned resident sawyers of the differentlocalities in this district, beg to call your attention to ourmiserable and almost destitute state. We are well aware of your

long sojourn in this country, and are satisfied that you have thewelfare of this young but unfortunate colony much at heart;upon these grounds we have presumed to address you

Timber is now at the lowest price. Our employers can give onlyso much a hundred, and when asked why they don't give more,they will say, I am greatly embarrassed at present; and whenwe inquire into that embarrassment, we find it to be merely theloss of a bullock or two, or perhaps his saddle is worn out, andit has to be renewed ; and on this account sawyers are to bekept down: but the employer never forgets to raise the

provisions. What then, Mr. Editor, are

sawyers to do? If we don't soon have a change, what fewsawyers are left will follow their different friends andcompanions to the sister colony, where success and prosperityawait them; and we must in faithfulness tell you, that the axe ofthe bushman will be a sound seldom or never heard. We hope,Mr. Editor, your voice will join ours, and let that voice be, —Raise the price of timber, keep the strong and hardy bushmenin New Zealand — and then the heavy cloud, which is hangingover this unfortunate land, will be removed, and New Zealandwill then be on a level with the sister colonies, but in thepresent state she can only be compared to the awful calamitythat lately visited Ireland. Trusting you will not neglect ourappeal, we remain, &c. Thomas Larkins, and Others.September 22, 1852. (Southern Cross, 24 September 1852)

1853 Start of negotiations between Crown and Maori for thepurchase of the Hikurangi Block.

Beginning of September – wreck of the Helena at WaitakereBay (Bethell’s/Te Henga). The survivors were conveyed “to Mr.Henderson’s Mill, at the head of the Waitemata.” (SouthernCross, 23 September 1853)

Timber. — The timber trade is in a very unsettled state, so thatit is impossible to quote prices with accuracy. At the timberyards the price asked is from 20s. to 23s. per 100 feet. Whileparcels have been bought from the sawyers during the postweek at from 15s. to 18s. per 100 feet. There is no doubt butthat, prices must soon come down, the demand for shipment to

the Melbourne and Sydney markets having ceased; and, atpresent rates, it would not be remunerative to build, while at the

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same time, prices are too high for speculation. (SouthernCross, 4 October 1853)

Timber.— Kauri. From 14s. to 16s. per 100 feet. Timbercontinues slowly to lower in price, and from the quantity known

to be cut at the various stations there is no doubt it will continueto do so, until it is remunerative to buy for building purposes.(Southern Cross, 6 December 1853)

1854 Electoral Roll of the Northern Division – 1854

Timothy Boyle, labourer, householder, Henderson’s Mill

George Grieve Burns, farmer, householder, Henderson’s Mill

William Clark, millwright, householder, Henderson’s Mill

Waitemata River from Kauri Point Auckland Harbour to itssources, surveyed by Comr. B. Drury and the officers of H.M.S.Pandora 1854 (NZ Map Number 3909). Mill noted on oppositeside of Opanuku Creek.

Timber— Kauri. From 22s. to 24s. per 100 feet. The timbermarket is bare, with a great demand for building purposes:some descriptions being scarcely procurable at any price.

(Southern Cross, 13 June 1854)

ANY persons cutting timber on McGhee and Moon's land, atBig Muddy Creek, will be prosecuted at law. Onehunga, July18, 1854. (Southern Cross, 21 July 1854)

Building Materials, Sawn and Split Palings, Shingles, &c. TheUndersigned beg respectfully to inform the Public, that theirSAW MILLS are now in working order, and they are preparedto furnish every description of Sawn Timber. Orders for thesame, left with John Wood- house, Esq., will have prompt

attention. Roe, Street & Co. Coromandel Mills, June 15, 1854.(Southern Cross, 21 July 1854)

SC 25 August 1854

Notice. MR. ELLIOT'S Surveyors being now on the Whau and,Waitemata Districts, for a limited time only, he will be happy toexecute any Surveys in that neighbourhood, by immediateapplication to him at Parnell, or after Monday next, the 28th, atMessrs. Henderson and Macfarlane's sawmill. - Parnell,August 24, 1854.

“Mr. Thomas Henderson had a small mill built by a man named

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Marsden … This mill was subsequently replaced by a verysuperior mill, built by Mr. John McLeod, in 1854, after he andMr. J. [sic] Haskell has completed their contract with Messrs.Roe, Street and Co. Messrs. Henderson and Macfarlane madefurther extensions and improvements to it in 1855, making what

was familiarly known as Henderson’s Mill the best mill in theProvince. The timber “harvest” was then reaped but days ofdepression set in, and timber fell to half its former value.” (NZHerald 1 April 1882, p. 6)

30 November 1854

McLeod & Haskell apply for carpenters, good axemen andlabourers at Henderson’s Saw Mills. (SC, 1 December 1854)

1855 James Burnett appears on the 1855 electoral roll as a farmer atDundee Farm. (Provincial Index)

14 March 1855

Henderson & Macfarlane obtain official Crown title over theirHenderson & Te Atatu North property (4D.640, LINZ records)of 5,169 acres (Flude, 1977, p. 20).


WHEREAS several persons have been in the habit of drivingthe cattle of the Under-signed from off their run, any personfound doing so without the permission of Mr. Burnett, on thefarm, will be prosecuted with the utmost vigor of the law.Henderson & Macfarlane. Auckland, March 19, 1855.(Southern Cross, 23 March 1855).

By testimony of Charles Wood, sawyer, resident atHenderson’s Mill, before coroner’s inquest (SC, 13 November1855)

Wood first knew Marsden at Bay of Islands, 16 years before.Had lost sight of him for 11 months, during which time Marsdenwas in California, but returned on the Tartar in 1853. “I saw himintoxicated a day or two after that. After that he was stupid fromdrink. When I saw him three or four months after, he was quiteright.” Seems he suffered from delirium tremens.

Advertisement from McLeod & Haskell, for “a man possessinga knowledge of measuring and handling sawn timber.”( SC, 3December 1855)

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31 December 1855

McLeod & Haskell are unsuccessful tenderers for a bridge over

Canty’s Creek (Prov. Gazette)1856 Electoral Roll of the Northern Division – 1856

Charles Allen, carpenter, householder, Henderson’s Mill

James Bates, sawyer, householder, Henderson’s Mill

Timothy Boyle, labourer, householder, Henderson’s Mill

James Burnett, farmer, leaseholder, Dundee Farm

George Grieve Burns, farmer, householder, Henderson’s Mill

William Chandler, sawyer, householder, Henderson’s Mill

William Clark, millwright, householder, Henderson’s Mill

Joseph Clarke, sawyer, householder, Henderson’s Mill

Henry Clifton, sawyer, householder, Dundee Saw Mills

John Cole, shipwright, householder, Henderson’s Mill

John Ellis, timber feller, householder, Henderson’s bush

William Hamilton, bullock, householder, Henderson’s Mill

Cyrus Haskell, lumberer, leaseholder, Dundee Saw Mills

George Hill, labourer, householder, Henderson’s bush

Thomas Kelly, bullock driver, householder, Henderson’s Mill

James Lawson, blacksmith, householder, Dundee Saw Mills

Joseph McCallum, shipwright, householder, Henderson’s Mill

Matthew McDonald, sawyer, householder, Dundee Saw Mills

John McDougall, shipwright, householder, Henderson’s Mill

John McLeod, engineer, householder, Dundee Saw Mills

George Robsons, sawyer, householder, Henderson’s Mill

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Peter Simmons, sawyer, householder, Henderson’s bush

John Smith, engineer, householder, Dundee Saw Mills

John Thomas, sawyer, householder, Dundee Saw Mills

Thomas Valentine, labourer, householder, Henderson’s bush

Thomas Wells, carpenter, householder, Henderson’s Mill

SC, 15 February 1856 – Execution of Charles Marsden

As is generally known, the unfortunate man was a native ofAmerica. He was born, we have been informed, in Newbern,North Carolina, and was not 35 years of age at his death. Hecame to the Bay of Islands 16 years ago, in the whaleship 'New

Hampden,' and has since been to the Californian and Victoriangold fields. He was a millwright by trade, and, in different partsof the country, had erected mills for native proprietors. He wasan excellent workman, and a man of considerable intelligence.Had it not been for the demon intemperance, there is littledoubt that, instead of coming to so dreadful and untimely anend, he would have lived and died a useful and respectedmember of society.

SC 15 July 1856

Legal Estate in Land. Mr. Bell moved for leave to bring in a billto provide for the vesting of Legal Estate to land in Granteesunder Crown Grants. The object of this bill was to obviate theinconvenience which resulted from the length of time whichfrequently elapsed between a purchase of land, and the issueof the Crown Grant. Leave granted, the bill read a first time,ordered to be printed, and its second reading fixed for Tuesdaynext.

SC 18 July 1856

(Debate in Parliament)

Mr. Henderson commented upon the remark of Mr. Curtis thatthe man was worthless; and said that he had known Marsdenfor a long period of years, and his life had been the veryreverse of worthless. He had been a steady, industrious manuntil he had gone to the diggings.

WANTED, MEN accustomed to Bush work. Apply to theundersigned, at Messrs Henderson and McFarlanes Mill. John

McLeod. (SC 19 August 1956)

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TIMBER, TIMBER. The undersigned begs to inform the Publicof Auckland, that having received from the Bush a good supplyof the very best Kauri Logs, he will be happy to receive anyorders at the Pits formerly occupied by Canty and Bishop, inFreemans Bay, where he will, with dispatch and punctuality, cut

any description of Boards, Scantlings, or Timber required, atthe cheapest possible price. He need not remind Builders of thegreat advantages of Timber thus cut and free from the sandand dirt, the necessary concomitant of that brought in vesselsand rafted from the Coast. James McLeod. Freemans Bay,December 20, 1856. (Southern Cross, 23 December 1856)“Bishop” may have been sawyer John Bishop, living inWellesley Street.

1857 SC, 31 March 1857

John McLeod write a letter to the editor from Dundee Saw Mills(28 March 1857), giving his opinion on Coromandel goldprospecting.

“I shall soon have a small Quartz-crushing Machine completed,and in working order. If a few tons of quartz cm be got fromCoromandel without difficulty I shall be able to show what theyield is.”

Another letter follows (SC 18 May 1858) and another (1 June1858)


In the midst of general dullness, it is gratifying to see acontinued activity in this branch of our export trade. By recentopportunities, as would be seen from our shipping list, largeshipments of sawn timber have been made by our enterprisingtownsmen, Messrs. Henderson & Macfarlane. Within the lastfew days, 46,500 feet have left our shores, by the Viscount

Sandon, and 33,000 feet by the Gertrude ; while, yesterday, thesame firm completed the loading of the Ellen for Otago. (SC 10April 1857)

WANTED, A number of men who are thoroughly acquaintedwith working in a Saw Mill. Apply to John McLeod, Henderson'sMill. (Southern Cross, 19 May 1857)

SC, 9 June 1857

An inquest was held on Saturday, in the Trafalgar Inn, before

H. J. Andrews, Esq., coroner, and a jury, upon the body of oneJoseph Burn. From the evidence, it appears that, on the

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previous Thursday, the deceased and a man named JohnAnderson were engaged in getting logs of timber into the creekconnected with Hendersons Mill. They were disengaging from afallen tree a log about 14 feet long, 3 or 4 feet in diameter, 3 or4 tons in weight, and which lay upon a slope : deceased had

one end and Anderson another : and it would seem that ityielded rather suddenly to their efforts — technically speaking,it started. The deceased, warned by his mate that there wasdanger, suddenly stepped back but his foot caught asupplejack, and, horrible to relate, the log rolled over him. Hisbody was not so much crushed as might be anticipated, but hisdeath, of course, was all but instantaneous. The Jury returneda verdict of "accidental death.''

The parcel of timber per Gipsy, shipped by Messrs. Henderson& Macfarlane, was well liked in Batavia. It was described as

light, and generally superior to American. It was likely to bepurchased by the Java Government. The timber by the Vixen,shipped by the same firm, found a market in Amoy at fairprices, but, owing to the charges being heavy, the venturewould show a small loss. (SC 3 July 1857)

WANTED, SPLITTERS & SAWYERS Apply to J. McLeod, atMessrs. Henderson and McFarlane's. (SC 7 August 1857)

WANTED. SIX BRICKMOULDERS, to work by contract. Applyto James Burnett, Dee Side Farm, Hendersons Mills. (SouthernCross, 28 August 1857)

SC 18 September 1857

WANTED by the undersigned Six pairs of Sawyers to proceedto Titirangi, the best wages will be given, and constantemployment. For particulars apply to Canty & Bishop atTitirangi, or for the next fourteen days to Thomas Canty,Victoria-street. Sept. 12, 1857.

5 November 1857

Thomas Henderson lodges another claim for his 1844purchase, under the 1856 Land Claims Settlement Act.

“Purchased from the Natives with the sanction of theGovernment. No Pre-emption Certificate was issued. TheGovernment would not grant the land, and claimantsubsequently purchased about 5000 acres under theRegulations of March 1853 within the Claim. Governmentsubsequently promised the allowance for the survey made, but

nothing was done.” (Flude, 1977, p. 14)

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The March 1853 regulations, coming into force 16 April thatyear, were tied in with the start of the Provincial Governmentsystem.


The first Anniversary of the opening of the New Hall of the

Mechanics' Institute was commemorated on Wednesday last, by an

exhibition of Flowers, Vegetables, Minerals, Drawings, Native

Carvings, and numerous other objects of interest …

Messrs. Henderson & McFarlane supplied four Planks, planed,tongued, grooved, and fitted together by Machinery at theirMills.

(SC 13 November 1857)

1858 SC, 26 January 1858

Partnership of John McLeod and Cyrus Haskell ended 18January 1858.

Not a lot is known about Cyrus Haskell. He was born in 1816

in New Gloucester, Cumberland, Maine, USA, his family havinglived there from the 1600s. He married Ann Smith possibly inAmerica (she was born there, around the same age as Cyrus),but she died in New Zealand around 1850. He remarried, thistime to Christina Wynberg (also Wynburg) on either 9 April or 7July 1851 at Titirangi. She died in Henderson’s bush 19January 1859, aged around 34. Cyrus’ third wife was AnneMatheson. They married at Drake Street, Freeman’s Bay on 9August 1859. Anne was born 1829 in the USA, and outlivedCyrus, dying 9 September 1901 at Omaha, north of Auckland.Cyrus died 26 December 1885 at Leigh, Rodney, Auckland. His

son from his third wife was Alexander John Haskell (1864-1939), born at Omaha, and his grandson Cyrus James Haskellborn 1899 at Matakana, Leigh. He died 29 May 1878 inAuckland. (Information from Haskell Family website,www.haskellfamilyhistory.com)

In February 1858, his name appears on a jury list as a “bushoverseer, Henderson’ bush” (SC, 16 February 1858), and inFebruary he was a sawyer, same location. (SC, 7 February 1860)

He appears to have been living in Graham Street close toFreeman’s Bay by 1865. (SC, 8 April 1865)

The partnership with Haskell may have expired by as early as

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August 1856 – only McLeod’s name is on an ad for bushworkers then (19 August 1856), for “men who are thoroughlyacquainted with working in a saw mill” (SC, 18 May 1857), for“splitters and sawyers” (SC, 7 August 1857). Flude says thatMcLeod left Henderson in 1859 (not long after the partnership

ceased). By 1863, he had established his steam saw mill onthe Kaipara. (SC, 31 March 1864) 

SC 16 February 1858

Jury List

John Anderson, Henderson’s Bush, sawyer

George Ashton, Henderson’s Bush, sawyer

Jeremiah Brown, Dundee Saw Mills, sawyer

James Burnett, Dundee Saw Mills, labourer

Nathaniel Burnis, Henderson’s Bush, labourer

Laurence Burns, Henderson’s Bush, labourer

James Burnett, Henderson’s Mill, farmer

John Casey, Dundee Saw Mills, sawyer

John Cassels, Wai Whau whau, sawyer

Henry Clarke, Dundee Saw Mills, labourer

Richard Cole, Dundee Saw Mills, labourer

Patrick Conolly, Henderson’s Bush, labourer

James Dorothy, Henderson’s Bush, labourer

Matthew Downie, Henderson’s Bush, labourer

John Ellis, Henderson’s Bush, labourer

James Fagan, Dundee Saw Mills, sawyer

William Finlayson, Henderson’s Bush, labourer

John Franklyn, Dundee Saw Mills, sawyer

William Frazer, Dundee Saw Mills, sawyer

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William Heaslip, Dundee Saw Mills, bricklayer

Cyrus Haskell, Henderson’s Bush, bush overseer

George Hughes, Dundee Saw Mills, bricklayer

James Johnson, Dundee Saw Mills, sawyer

Stephen Kane, Henderson’s Bush, labourer

Thomas Kelly, Dundee Saw Mills, sawyer

District of Upper Waitemata. South. HARDINGTON & WOODHave the pleasure to announce that at the solicitation of manyof the influential Settlers of this fast rising District, they havedetermined to hold PERIODICAL AUCTION SALES at the Mills

of Messrs. Henderson & MacFarlane, — and that their first Salewill take place on MONDAY, 26th April next, at mid-day, whenthey will offer Horses, Cattle, Merchandize, &c , &c , particularsof which will appear in a future advertisement. Stables,Stockyards, and Paddocks, at the service of visitors, withoutcharge. (SC 23 March 1858)

Southern Cross, 30 April 1858

Auctioneers Hardington & Wood arranged to begin “periodical

auction sales” at “the mill of Henderson & Macfarlane” to suitdemand from settlers in the “District of Upper Waitemata,South”. There may only have been one attempt at such anauction, however.

The items on offer are interesting:

Several Plough, Draught and Saddle horsesSome Milk Cows and heifersA team of Working Bullocks, with yokes, bows and chains150,000 feet of sawn timber, 1st and 2nd quality

1 weatherboard house 18 feet by 121 weatherboard house 20 feet by 141 weatherboard shed 120 feet by 161 weatherboard shed 140 feet by 161 weatherboard shed 160 feet by 166 off-bearing barrows2 crowding barrows3 Navie barrowsSpades, shovels, hoes, rakes etc.

Were existing buildings at the mill site being sold off – or was

Henderson & Macfarlane diversifying into the construction ofsimple settler cottages and sheds? Also, a “crowding barrow” is

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also called a kiln barrow – used around firing kilns, as inbrickworks. An “off-bearing barrow” is also used in brickmaking.Was there a simple (and very early) brickyard at or near themill?

SC 4 June 1858 – letter published from John McLeod ofDundee Sawmill regarding quartz mining and native title in theCoromandel area.

1859 “ … in the immediate vicinity of Henderson’s Mill, Mr. Burnetthas a large farm containing some excellent land, which he istreating like a true agriculturalist; that Mr. McLeod, theenterprising manager of the mill, has productive gardens – showing what can be done even with indifferent-looking land byspade cultivation and deep sub-soiling … It is true that both Mr.

McLeod and Mr. Burnett are hospitable in the true sense of thatword; but a regular “house of call”, where travellers could payfor what they have and where horses and cattle could be takenin for food and rest as a matter of business, would, we believe,soon greatly increase the amount of traffic as well as the publicknowledge of the actual capabilities of this district, and fromhence to the West Coast. We trust soon to hear of this wantbeing supplied.

“The extent of business carried on at Henderson’s Mill is prettyaccurately known to older settlers, and may be guessed at bymore recent comers from the fact that last year upwards of2,500,000 feet of timber were sent away from this mill …” (NewZealander, 16 February 1859)

(Melb. Argus, 7 May 1859)

1860 SC 7 February 1860

Jury List

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John Anderson, Henderson’s Bush, contractor

Jeremiah Brown, Dundee Saw Mills, labourer

William Buchanan, Henderson’s Bush, labourer

James Burnett, Henderson’s Bush, farmer

Alexander Cameron, Dundee Saw Mills, sawyer

James Campbell, Henderson’s Bush, labourer

Samuel Davenport, Henderson’s Bush, sawyer

Edward Doneyan, Dundee Saw Mills, sawyer

John Ellis, Henderson’s Bush, contractor

William Garrison, Dundee Saw Mills, sawyer

Cyrus Haskell, Henderson’s Bush, sawyer

Peter Lynch, Dundee Side Mills, labourer

Duncan McKay, Henderson’s Bush, bushman

John McLeod, Henderson’s Bush, mill owner

Owen Murray, Henderson’s Bush, sawyer

John O’Brien, Henderson’s Bush, labourer

Henry Parsons, Dundee Saw Mills, sawyer

William Pollard, Dundee Saw Mills, saw hammerer

Peter Simmonds, Dundee Saw Mills, sawyer

Archibald Smith, Henderson’s Bush, bushman

Nicholas Stevenson, Dundee Side Mills, clerk

Edward Swords, Henderson’s Bush, labourer

John Trotter, Henderson’s Bush, contractor

Edward Tyson, Henderson’s Bush, bushman

Jerry Wafer, Dundee Side Mills, sawyer

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Thomas Wells, Dundee Side Mills, carpenter

Henry Wilcox, Henderson’s bush, labourer

Henry Williams, Henderson’s Bush, labourer

William Wilson, Henderson’s Bush, labourer

SC 9 March 1860

March 1860 – sale of St Andrews township. Apparentlyunsuccessful.

The Township of St. Andrew's. CONN ELL & RIDINGS Havebeen instructed by the Proprietor, R. S. Thomson, Esq., to sellby Auction, To-Morrow, 10th March, at 12 o'clock, WITHOUT

RESERVE, THE Township of ST. ANDREW'S, situated in theentrance of the RIVER WHAU , and running back to the GreatNorth Road. This Township is beautifully situated on a gentleslope on the western bank of the river — is about six miles fromAuckland by water, and nine miles by the Great North Road.The proposed canal across the portage will enhance theimportance of St. Andrew's materially, as all the trade to andfrom the Manukau and Waitemata will have to pass close to it.

TERMS : All sums under £20, Cash : over £20 and under £50,

one-third Cash, the residue by Promissory Notes at 3 and 6months ; over £50, one-third Cash, the residue by PromissoryNotes at 6 and 12 months. The Promissory Notes to bear 8 percent interest. Luncheon will be provided. Plans are beingprepared, and will be ready in a few days.

(At this point, it was another 5 months, 8 August, beforeThomson obtained crown grant over his claim – and even then,only around half, the part between one of the Oratia Stream’stributaries and the Whau River. It was in August also when thefew who purchased land at his St Andrews subdivision started

to obtain their own titles. The township was on the north-western quadrant of his land, and divided into gridded paperroads – Princes, Napier, Hanover for example. LINZ records.)

By 1860, it appears Henderson & Macfarlane had a mill nearthe bottom of Drake Street at Freeman’s Bay. They sold stockat this mill by auction in May 1860 (SC, 29 May 1860), including“pollard, bran etc., and the whole collected Mill stuff andfeeding material.” 1861, J. G. Soppet leased the “Wyndham-street Corn Mill”. (SC, 22 January 1861), converted to a bone millby 1865. His advertising always included reference to

Henderson & Macfarlane’s stores.

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Might be coincidence – Thomas Canty’s sawmill was atFreeman’s Bay as well, in the early 1850s until c.1856.

SC 7 September 1860

“We have never chronicled a death more regretfully than thatwhich appears in our obituary of this day. Mr. John Macfarlane,of the firm of Henderson and Macfarlane, was one of our earlysettlers, having arrived in the year 1842, since when he and hispartner have been the greatest employers of labour in theProvince. They have done more towards production of exportsthan any firm in the town; while the existence of our Aucklandshipping fleet, which exceeds in tonnage that of all the rest ofthe colony put together, is mainly attributable to their exertions.Mr. Macfarlane was an especial favourite in the place — liberalin all private matters, universally respected, and personally

liked in all Social relations. The funeral will take place this day,with masonic honours.”

He died 5 September at Princes Street, aged 44.

(In Macfarlane’s will in the LINZ deed index, a number ofproperties are detailed as belonging to him at the time of hisdeath, including the West Auckland properties ThomasHenderson had crown grant for in 1855. Among these is aproperty on West Queen Street, adjacent to Canty, which – according to Vercoe & Harding, 1866 – was a dwelling house.)

1 October 1860

John Stewart begins to lease a farm from Thomas Henderson,the agreement for a term of seven years. (Deed 14D/882,LINZ) Burnett is probably no longer at Henderson’s Mill. Thefarm is at the delta between the Opanuku and Oratia Creeks.

1861 By February 1861, Francis Phair was at Henderson’s Mill. He

was interviewed 18 February as he tried to pursue a land claimin lieu of the cost of his passage from England in 1855. (InterimReport No 3, Immigration Claims Committee, AucklandProvincial Council session 13)

SC, 29 March 1861, p. 3

In a report on potential water supply for Auckland, Canty’sCreek is described as falling into Henderson’s Creek “a shortdistance below the saw-mills.”

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New Zealander – J C Loch letter 27 April 1861

…soon from an adjacent height Henderson’s mills and busystation burst upon our view. The lovely valley and glisteningstream, the rolling wheel and snorting engine, the parent mill,

with the little town of heaths and homes that it has given birth toand nursed into comfortable condition, the pleasing hum ofactive industry – all strongly recalled to mind the manufacturinghomes and valleys of our native Yorkshire. Here we witnessedthe monarch of the forest, after being treated to a ride on a rail,and a float on the river, dragged with a bulldog grape up to theinevitable saw, and there halved and quartered, like traitors onTower-hill, at the rapid pace of about five thousand yards perhour.

A man in Tyson’s employment, Samuel Gray, fell and drowned

in Henderson’s Creek, June 1861. (SC, 21 June 1861)

SC, 21 June 1861

Thomas MacFarlane taken on as partner in the renewed firm ofHenderson & Macfarlane, 1 June 1861.

SC 21 June 1861


Dundee Saw Mills,

June 13th, 1861 -:

To the Editor of the Southern Cross.

Sir, Allow us through the columns of your paper - to call theattention of parties using steam-power to the fact that we havegot our boiler repaired in the most satisfactory manner, by Mr.William Thomas , boiler-maker, who has fitted it with the safety

plug, by which means an accident which happened to us,cannot again occur; and we strongly recommend all partiesusing steam power, to have their boilers fitted with the safetyplug, in order to avoid danger to life and property. Allinformation concerning the same can be obtained from Mr.William Thomas, at Mr. Chapman’s Library, Queen-street.

We are Sir, yours truly, Henderson & Phair.

16 November 1861 – George Henderson arrived in Aucklandfrom San Francisco on H&M owned ship Constance (351 tons).

Accompanying were Mrs. H. Macfarlane and 4 children,

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Mitchell & Parr. (SC 19 November 1861)

THE SOUTHERN CROSS. Tuesday, December 17, 1861.

Desirable Settlers

A private letter has been received in town from Mr. JohnMcLeod, late of Auckland, intimating his approaching departurefrom

Picton, with emigrants for Auckland. We have been put inpossession of the Eastern Chronicle (Picton, Nova Scotia),August 22, 1861, which advertises " the first class clipperschooner ' Sea Gull,' 257 tons burthen," to "sail from Pictonwith passengers for Auckland, New Zealand, on the 25thSeptember next." This advertisement is signed by Mr. John

McLeod. We shall heartily welcome the addition to our numberswhich Mr. McLeod will be the means of making. No more usefulsettler was in this community than. Mr. McLeod ; and the NovaScotians have hitherto shown themselves the best pioneers ofcivilization in the New Zealand bush. The men best suited forthe colony would no doubt be most influenced by our old fellowsettler, whose safe arrival in the Waitemata will gratify his manyfriends.

1862 John McKay gazetted as postmaster at Henderson’s Mill.(NZG)

He was in partnership with David Henderson at one point,employing staff to cut flax. Later, he became a manager forHenderson & Macfarlane. (SC, 16 July 1869)

On 4 January 1862, the first known horse races in Hendersonwere staged and called the Dundee Saw Mill Races, after thename given to Henderson's saw mill. This was held, accordingto Ben, in a paddock at the back of what is now the Methodist

Church, close to the corner of Swanson and Lincoln Roads.Henderson's horse racing history got off to a lively start. ThePony Race was run in heats, and was for "ponies that neverran for public money. The first heat was disputed, but wasfinally given to Tubby, who came in 3rd. Second heat Tubbythrew his rider twice, and was distanced, as were also Gipsyand Boomerang, both of whom bolted off the course." (SC, 14January 1862)

SC 7 March 1862

Ad refers to [Shepherd] John McLeod, Henderson’s Mills.

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SC 6 May 1862

Publication of objections to list of voters for Northern Divisionroll, 3 May 1862:

Burnett, James, Dundee Farm, leasehold – lease expired,and he has left the colony.

Franklin, Joseph, Henderson’s Mill, household – Does notpossess a household qualification.

Forsaith, William, Henderson’s Mill, household – Has nohousehold qualification.

Haskell, Cyrus, Henderson’s bush, household – Has nohousehold qualification.

Holland, James, Henderson’s Mill, household – Does not residein the district

Horn, Thomas, Henderson’s Mill, household – Does not residein the district

Hussey, Anthony, Henderson’s Mill, household – Does notreside in the district

Lynch, Peter, Henderson’s Mill, freehold – Has no freehold inthe property for which he claims

McLeod, John, Henderson’s Mill, household – Does not residein the district

McLeod, John, Henderson’s Mill, leasehold – Has no leaseholdin the property for which he claims

Parsons, Henry, Henderson’s Mill, household – Has nohousehold qualification

Phlardy, Louis, Henderson’s bush, household – Has nohousehold qualification

Robertson, William, Henderson’s Mill, household – Does notreside in the district

Ross, Adam John, Henderson’s Mill, household – Does notreside in the district

Simmonds, Peter, Henderson’s Mill, household – Does not

reside in the district

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Trotter, John, Henderson’s Mill, household – Does not reside inthe district

SC 10 May 1862

FOR SALE, The Freehold of 104 acres of good Land situatedwithin 2 miles of Hendersons Mill, Great North Road, andadjoining Messrs. Furley's and McCloud's [sic] cultivatedFarms; having a fresh water creek, and 20 acres of bush.Terms — Easy.

(Lot 14 – Clement Partridge’s section – out Swanson way).

SC 3 June 1862


THOMSON, ESQ. COCHRANE,BROTHER, & CO. Have beeninstructed by R. S. Thomson, Esq., to Sell at Auction, ONWEDNESDAY, 18th JUNE, At their Stores, THEUNDERNEATH VALUABLE City, Suburban, and RuralProperties, the greater part of which are early Grants directfrom the Crown.

Suburban Estate, 1,144 acres, Whau, Auckland. This veryvaluable Estate is six miles west from the City by water, andabout seven by land. The increase of settlers in this district,and the great advance of the City in its direction, may wellwarrant a high estimate of value for this property. It is situatedon the West side of the creek, commencing at its entrance, andpossesses all the creek frontage opposite to the residencesand properties of D. Pollen, Esq., and Dr. Aicken. The GreatNorth Road runs through it, and the Estate of ThomasHenderson, Esq, is close at hand. Having an immense extentof frontage to the creek and the Auckland North Road, thisproperty will subdivide advantageously into fifty acre Lots; but ifthe increase of the Colony, and rapid spread of the City West-wards, should induce a buyer for the whole, a deposit will be

taken, part cash, and part promissory notes, at 8 percent., andthe balance of Six Thousand Pounds can remain on theproperty at the same low rate of interest.

Plans, Grants, &c, can be seen at the Stores, Fore-street, andSALE WILL TAKE PLACE WEDNESDAY, 18th JUNE, 12O'CLOCK. ' COCHRANE, BROTHER, & CO.

[Description ties in with Robert Simpson Thomson’s earlier StAndrews Township sale, and the Resolis Sale later.]

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23 February 1864

Sale of “Resolis” (Deed Whau 9, LINZ records)

Much of this was later Waari Hamlet in the early 20th century.

July 1862

John Stewart competes in ploughing championship, as afarmer from Henderson’s Mill. (SC 6 August 1862)

8 October 1862

“Shepherd” John McLeod marries Agnes Lindsay at McLeod’shouse at Henderson’s Mill, the marriage witnessed by GeorgeHenderson (clerk of Auckland) and Thomas Macfarlane

(merchant of Auckland). Officiating minister was David Bruce,Presbyterian (Marriage certificate, via Ben Copedo)

SC, 17 November 1862 (Long John McLeod)

CATTLE RUN, WAITAKERIE. To LET, THE WELL KNOWNCATTLE RUN in the above district, the property of JohnMcLeod, Esq., containing nearly TWO THOUSAND ACRES,having upwards of three miles frontage to a fresh water river,and about one hundred acres laid down in English grasses.

The distance is only fifteen miles from Auckland, and a goodroad all the way. — Further particulars may be had onapplication to H. P. STARK, Land Agent, Queen-street

(Lot 9, 1751 acres – river frontage against Waitakere River)

(Possibly taken over by Brown & Campbell later – Ben Copedo)

David Henderson, Thomas Henderson’s brother, referred to as“engineer” at Dundee Saw Mill, John McKay a clerk at theDundee Saw Mill. Possibly the Henderson of Henderson &

Phair, earlier? (Marriage Certificate for Robert Webb and MaryAnn Glenn, 25 December 1862, via Ben Copedo)

1863 Henderson races.

Heartened by their success, the organisers had anothermeeting the following year. This too went well, even though theHack Race provided some drama: "The first heat was won byMr. Coyle's Miss Grizzle, and the second would to allappearance have secured the prize to her owner, but that

shortly after the start the rider was thrown, and the mare boltedacross the country. She was, however, caught after a gallop of

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four miles, and brought up to the starting post in time to contestthe third heat, which she won easily." (SC, 5 January 1863)

SC 19 February 1863


Yesterday, at noon, an inquest was held, at the Royal Hotel,before T. M. Philson, Esq., coroner and a respectable jury, Mr.Charles Williamson, foreman, on view of the body of JohnSmith, aged 33 years, bushman, who was killed by the falling ofa tree, at Hendersons bush, on Monday last. Deceased hadformerly been a seaman on board the ' Queen of the North.'

The jury having inspected the body proceeded to hear thefollowing evidence : — Richard Wilmott was the first witness

called. He said : I am a bushman, working at Henderson's MillBush, about five miles from the Dundee saw mills. I wasemployed by Mr. Henderson to fell timber. I was felling timberon Monday last. The deceased, John Smith, worked abouttwenty yards from me. He was a bushman, but had formerlybeen a seaman. He had been employed felling timber aboutfour months. I believe he would be 33 or 34 years of age. Therewere two others working with Smith and myself at the time ofthe accident. About half-past 1 o'clock on the day stated, thedeceased and myself were felling a rimu tree, about 3 feet 6inches through, and about 60 feet high, with large branches. Iwas cutting the tree through with an axe, and had almost cut itthrough, when I cried out for the other men to get away. Thedeceased immediately ran to the opposite side to whore Istood, but had not gone far enough when one of the branchesof the tree struck him on the left shoulder, and he was crushedto the ground. He was struck by a branch limb. Myself and thetwo other men immediately ran to deceased, and assisted himup. He was lying on his left side across another piece of rimu,about two feet thick. Possibly the rimu he was knocked overbroke his ribs. I saw his left arm was broken; and noticed

scratches about the wrist. He was not sensible when we pickedhim up, but recovered in about a quarter of an hour. He said hewas killed. "We made a stretcher, and removed him to Mr.Henderson’s, where we gave him some wine.

He complained all the way down to the mill — a distance of fivemiles. He drank a great deal of water whilst we were conveyinghim to Mr. Henderson's. He did not vomit, nor spit blood. After ashort stay at Mr. Henderson's, we procured a boat, with theintention of bringing him to the hospital. When about five milesfrom the mill, on our way to the city, the deceased expired. This

would be about seven o'clock, he told to me he was going todie. I had my arm under his head, and he told me not to

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withdraw it, as he was going to die. I don't know anything of hisfriends.

He came out as a seaman on board the ' Queen of the North.'He was a sober man whilst at work in the bush. No drink is to

be obtained where we were working. We reached Aucklandwith the body about eleven o'clock the same evening, andplaced it in charge of the police. I have been in the dead-housethis morning, and can identify the body lying there as that ofJohn Smith. I took every possible care in felling the tree toprevent an accident. There is a person superintending the menfelling the trees. I believe the deceased met his death quiteaccidentally.

By the Jury : The deceased was not working with me in fellingthe tree. I was working by day work. The deceased and myself

were on perfectly good terms ; we were mates.

William Eynon, bushman, said : I am employed at HendersonsBush, and was working there last Monday. I was employed"jacking” timber along with three others. Deceased was at workon the road near the spot we were working — perhaps aboutforty yards off. I. did not see the last witness cutting the tree.About half-past one o'clock I heard some one call out for themen to keep clear of the falling tree. I looked up to see whichway the tree was falling. It fell in an opposite direction to whereI stood. I saw deceased running across the road as the treewas falling, but he did not run far enough, and was struck. Weall ran up — perhaps ten or twelve of us, and assisted him up.He was lying half on his side across another piece or timber. Inoticed that he had a bruise on the left shoulder and on hiswrist. He was not bleeding except a little on the wrist, where theskin was off. He was groaning. I got some water and bathed hisforehead. A stretcher was afterwards made and I helped tobring him down to the mill, and afterwards assisted to row himin the boat to Auckland. I knew his arm was broken. I heard himsay that he knew he should die. He complained of his inside

being crushed to pieces. No medical man saw the deceasedafter he was injured. We were bringing him to the hospital. Hedied about five minutes past 1 o'clock. I think sufficient carewas taken in felling the tree. From the way the deceased ranthe accident could not have been avoided. The roots of the treetwisted it quite round as it was falling. I have not known anotheraccident of the nature in question happen in the bush whilst I,have been working there. We are superintended, and advisedto be cautious.

Richard Johnson, deposed : I am a bushman, working at

Henderson’s Bush. I was employed there on Monday last,making a road, about five miles from the mill. The deceased

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and three others were working with me. I saw Wilmott felling arimu tree with an axe, about two yards from where, we were atwork. I heard Wilmott cry out to "clear," and heard the treecracking. Myself and another man ran down the gully ; but thedeceased ran another way, and was struck by the tree. He ran

into danger. I saw the tree fall upon deceased. I have neverknown a man killed that way before. I don't think Wilmott is toblame in the matter.

By the Jury : The tree was 60, feet high, and we were working20 yards away. The deceased ran towards the tree — towardsthe butt — and was caught by a branch.

P. C. Negus said : The body of deceased was handed over tomy charge on Monday night, about half-past 11 o'clock, byRichard Wilmott and a party of men. They brought it in a boat

from Hendersons Mill. I placed the body in the dead-house, Idid not know the deceased. There were marks of injury on theleft shoulder and wrist. I did not observe any fractures.

The men were sober who handed the body to me. They statedthat the man had died on the passage down. I have known twoor three accidents of a like nature happen before. No propertywas found upon his person.

The jury after a short consultation returned the following verdict: — " That the said John Smith accidentally met his death, onMonday, 16th February, 1863, by the falling of a tree, atHenderson’s Bush."

SC 26 March 1863

NOTICE. THE CO-PARTNERSHIP hitherto subsisting betweenus, under the style or firm of CANTY AND McLEOD, TimberMerchants, has been DISSOLVED BY MUTUAL CONSENTTHIS DAY. Debtors to the late firm are requested to pay theiramounts, so due, to Mr. James McLeod forthwith ; to whom

also Creditors are requested to send in their claims.THOMASCANTY. JAMES McLEOD.

Witness— J. Waymouth, Accountant, Fraser's Buildings.Auckland, March 25th, 1863

A DARK BROWN BULLOCK, horned, both ears slit, brandedlike W on near rump, has been running about my place nearlynine months. If not claimed within fourteen days from this date,it will be sold to defray expenses. JOHN STEWART, DeesideFarm, Hendersons Mill. November 20, 1863. (SC 23 November


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Col. Kenny, Capt. Hardington and four men of AucklandCavalry Voluntary Corps stationed at Henderson’s Mill duringscare caused by murder of Mrs Thompson at Kaipara.

(SC 24 December 1863)

1864 SC 30 April 1864

On April 14, at the William Denny Hotel, after a short illness,Francis Phair, formerly of Cork, Ireland, aged 49 years.

(Francis Phair was one of the two witnesses to the dissolutionof McLeod & Haskell’s partnership early in 1858 -- SC 22January 1858)

(He was clerk at the Huia Saw Mills in September 1856 – SC,12 September 1856)

SC 6 May 1864

Electoral roll, Northern Division

Phair, Francis, Henderson’s Bush, household dwelling, dead,objected to by Henry Vernon, Hobson-street.

SC 20 July 1864


The first sight of Messrs Henderson and Macfarlane's sawingstation is an agreeable surprise after a monotonous rideamongst starved fern and tea-tree. … The busy scene at themill drives sleep out of one's head…

(SC, 2 August 1864)

The mill was up for sale in August 1864, along with 10,000acres of land, including the saw mill (suitable either water orsteam power), suitable residence for manager, houseaccommodation for 100 workmen, store, farm buildings,granary, stables, cowsheds, stockyards, and numerousoutbuildings.

Hard to see how they could have thought to sell 10,000, whenthere was only title for just over half that amount.

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“Shepherd” John McLeod of Henderson’s Mill purchased ptAllot 258 Parish of Waikomiti. for £500 (1864, August 10,Record Book 17D 317; LINZ – via Audrey Lange) Hemortgaged this property at New Lynn, borrowing from JamesLaurie, £400

Waitakerei East Highway District established

(SC, 19 October 1864)

“Matchless”, cart-horse sire, standing at John McLeod’sHenderson’s Mill, October 1864 (SC, 26 October 1864)

1865 January – Thomas Macffarlane convenor of Presbytery-appointed committee “to wait on all the leading proprietors in

that [Whau] and the adjacent districts, to ascertain what aidthey might be prepared to give towards the regularmaintenance of divine service amongst the people thereresiding.” (SC 13 January 1865)

Alexander Brothers, timber merchants – SC 27 February 1865,p. 6

Samuel Elliott dies 15 April 1865, in his 81st year. (SC, 29 April1865)

1866 SC 28 February 1866

Son of John McKay born Feb 6 at Henderson’s Mill

SC, 28 April 1866

NO PHEASANT SHOOTING this season will be ALLOWED onmy property. THOMAS HENDERSON. P.S. Messrs.Alexander Brothers and John McLeod are authorised to see

the above enforced.

All Dogs found Trespassing will be Shot.

Thomas Bishop gazetted as postmaster 1 May 1866 atHenderson’s Mill (NZG).

SC, 8 May 1866

DUNDEE SAW MILLS STORE. DRAPERY, GOODS,PROVISIONS, ETC., supplied to settlers and others at Town


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5 June 1866

Thomas Henderson sells 250 acres at the confluence of theTaikata and the Huruhuru Creeks to John Shortt for ₤500.(Deed 21D/55, LINZ records)

SC, 16 June 1866

“Wanted, a competent Ploughman, to make himself otherwisegenerally useful – John McLeod, Henderson’s Mill.”

SC 16 June 1866

FIVE POUNDS REWARD. WHEREAS- some evil-disposedPerson or Persons did SHOOT and LAME one of my CATTLE,the above Reward will be paid on Conviction. JOHN

STEWART, Hendersons Mill.

30 June 1866 – On Thomas Henderson’s retirement frombusiness, George Henderson and Gustav Von Der Heydeaccepted as partners to the firm. (SC, 2 July 1866)

SC, 4 August 1866


The following is the report of moneys raised for the year 1865,in the districts of Whau, Kaipara, Manukau, and theintermediate stations, for the support of the Gospel under theministrations of the Rev. A. Anderson : —Whau, £36 15s. Id. ;Kaipara, £34 3s. Bd. ; Dundee Mills, £20 10s. ; Cornwallis,£1410 . ; Riverhead, £10 7s. 7d. , Titirangi, £7 6s. 4d. Huia, £5 ;Ararimu, £3 14s. 10d.— Total, £132175. 6d. Collected forHome Mission :—Kaipara, £115s. ; Dundee Mills, £1 6d. ;Whau, £1 7s. ; other subscriptions, 12s.—Total, £5. Grant fromHome Mission Committee, Auckland, £64.—General total, £20117s. 6d. ; by stipend for 1865, £200; balance carried to 1866,

£1 17s. 6d. The subscription from Huia is only for one quarter,the former time having been occupied at Mill Bay, for which nomoney was collected. In addition to the above sum £2 wascollected at Dundee Mills for a manse. During the year 1865public worship has been celebrated once every eighth Sabbathat Ararimu and Riverhead, three times in eight Sabbaths atKaipara, once every fourth Sabbath at Cornwallis and Mill Bayor Huia, once every second Sabbath at Dundee Mills andTitirangi, and. three out of every four Sabbaths at Whau,besides weekday meetings as opportunity offered. As theHome Mission Committee decline further aid to the districts,

considering they should be self-sustaining, it is earnestly hopedthat the friends will exert themselves to supply the deficiency,

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and make up the minimum stipend of £200 and a manse.(Signed) Thos. Aickin, M.D., Whau. Alexander Unthank,Kaipara. Alexander Brothers, Dundee Mills. James Clarke,Cornwallis. John Lamb, Riverhead. David Cable, Titirangi.Henry O. Gillespie, Huia.

SC 12 September 1866

Buckland advertises for “quantity of post and rail fencing, forcattle yards, at Henderson’s Mill.”

SC 29 September 1866

Buckland advertises that, “having made arrangements with Mr.John McLeod”, he intends to hold monthly cattle sales atHenderson’s Mill on 2nd Wednesday of each month, first

auction to be held 12 October 1866.

SC, 11 October 1866

Lincoln ram hoggets purchased by John McLeod ofHenderson’s Mill at Buckland’s sheep fair.

SC 27 October 1866

Draught horse Major standing at J. McLeod’s stables,

Henderson’s Mill.

SC 10 November 1866

Hunter & Co sale at Henderson’s Mill

30 head quiet hand-fed heifers & steers

SC 1 December 1866

Presbyterian Rev. J. Wallis providing Sunday service for

Henderson’s Mill at 11 am, and the Whau at 3.30 pm.

SC, 11 December 1869

Haymarket wool sale

John McLeod’s wool branded ML

Henderson & McLeod’s wool branded HM over S

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SC 17 December 1866


Leaving the Whau, we ascend the rising ground, and come inview of the Dundee Saw Mills, better known as HendersonsMill, now leased by Alexander Brothers, of Messrs.Henderson and Macfarlane, and forming a compact settlement.There we halt, joined by another excursionist, to attend to thenecessities of man and beast, receiving a hearty welcome fromMrs. McLeod, such as country people only know how to give.

Another meeting of the Dundee Saw Mill Races was held inDecember 1866 -- then, it vanishes from the record

1867 “ … I knew Henderson’s Mill in 1867. I cannot give any

information as to when the mill was started, but when I knew itthey were drawing their supply of logs from Smyth’s Bush, upwhat was known as Prior’s Creek. I remember seeing the lastlot of logs come down into the dam that was built where thecreek joined the tide. Just after that the mill was turned into aflaxmill. I cut and delivered the flax to the mill by boat. It wasnot run very long, for there was a slump in the flax market. Iwas at the sale held in McCloud’s [sic] yards, near the mill,when Henderson’s bullock team was sold. Old Dick was nearlyin tears when he was told to bring out the team to show them tothe buyers, for he knew it was the last time he was to lay hiswhip over the team. Mr. McKay was manager at the time Ispeak of. We bought the timber for the first house we built inNew Zealand from Henderson’s mill and rafted it back to closeby the dam where we built our house.” (A. H. Maunder letter,NZ Herald, 8 October 1930)

SC 6 March 1867

William Bodenay new postmaster from 1 January 1867 atHenderson’s Mill.

SC 9 February 1867

James Sweeney (a notorious character) and James Sullivanwere given in custody to constable Timmins yesterday byMessrs. Alexander Brothers, timber merchants, on a chargeof stealing a quantity of pork from their offices in Customhouse-street. He will be brought up before the Resident Magistrate to-day.

SC 28 March 1867


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subscriber has received instructions from Messrs, AlexanderBrothers to sell on Custom-house- street, on Saturday, 30thinst. (the hour will be mentioned in Saturday's paper), 35,000FEET FIRST-CLASS TIMBER, consisting of TONGUED andGROOVED BOARDS and SCANTLING, nearly all Heart of


One poss. Neil (Ryrie?) Alexander (timber yard, Custom-housewharf, SC 11 February 1867). Another: George RyrieAlexander, timber merchant. (SC 25 September 1865)

SC 4 November 1867

John MacKay postmaster from 1 July 1867. He was gazettedas such 28 October 1967.

SC 2 August 1867

John MacKay’s wife gives birth to a daughter at Waipu. He’s atHenderson’s Mill.

SC 5 October 1867


On Wednesday night last, the store of Messrs. Henderson and

Macfarlane, adjoining the mill, was broken into by means of acrowbar, which had been taken from one of the outbuildings. Itwas found that a large quantity of articles had beenabstracted— such as coals, boots, trousers, and, indeed, allkinds of clothing, to the amount of £50. Information of therobbery was given at the Police-office on Thursday morning,and detective O’Hara immediately went out to the mill toinvestigate into the matter. Upon inquiry it was found that threemen had been seen going towards town, and upon themsuspicion was fixed. No trace of them was found till yesterdayafternoon, when O’Hara paid a visit to 'Enterprise No. 2,' and

there found three men dressed from top to toe in articles stolenfrom the store. They had taken out their passages for theThames, and had each an immense swag composed also ofstolen goods. Two of them, who, it is stated, wore liberatedfrom the Stockade only on Tuesday last, are named JohnKearns and John Warrington, the third gives his name asWilliam Barlow, but is suspected to have an alias. They will bebrought up before his Worship this morning.

SC 7 October 1867

The three men charged with breaking into Henderson andMacfarlane's store, at Hendersons Mill, were brought up and

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remanded till Tuesday. In this case it will be necessary to bringsome witnesses from the Stockade, as the prisoners had givento them some part of the stolen property.

SC 9 October 1867

HOUSE-BREAKING. John Kearns, John Warrington, andEdward Standring were again placed at the bar on the chargeof breaking into Messrs. Henderson and Macfarlane's store.John McKay deposed : l am the manager of Messrs.Henderson and Macfarlane's mills, and of their store adjoining.On the 2nd of October, at six at night, I locked and secured thestore, which contained a quantity of drapery and provisions.Between six and seven o'clock on the following morning, whenI went to the store, I found the doors broken open, and thecrowbar produced on my office table. It should have been in the

mill, where it was left on the previous night. (Witness here wentover the articles stolen, amounting in value to £44 17s 6 d. Agreat number of articles were produced by detective O’Hara;and boots, shawls, flannels, socks, serge vests, braces, andother articles were identified by the witness.)

Cross-examined by Kearns : I can identify the flannel shirts inthis bundle. One of them is slightly moth-eaten.

James Cooper, gate-keeper at Mount Eden Stockade,deposed: All three prisoners have been imprisoned in theStockade under sentence. They worked in separate gangs. OnThursday afternoon last, Kearns came to the Stockade,bringing a parcel, which was wrapped in the paper produced.The parcel was to be forwarded to one of the prisoners namedBoyle. I afterwards gave it to detective O'Hara. Kearns hadbeen discharged under a pardon during the early part of theweek that he brought the clothes.

Cross-examined by Kearns : Mr. Naughton was in the gaolwhen the parcel was given to me by you.

Detective O’Hara deposed : On Friday last I went on board thesteamer “Enterprise No. 2,” lying alongside the Queen-streetWharf. I saw the prisoners on board between decks. Kearnshad a swag in his hand, which I now produce. He refused togive it to me, and I had to take it by force. (Swag produced,containing a number of the articles which had been identifiedby McKay.) On Kearns's person were a Crimean shirt, belt,wide-awake hat, box of matches, stick of tobacco, pair ofmoleskin trousers, boots, also 13s. 6d. in money. (Witness alsoidentified the swag carried by Warrington, and the articles he

had on.) Standring told me he had nothing. I brought theprisoners up to the office. I went down again to the steamer,

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and found a swag in one of the bunks, I showed it to Standring, but he denied having it. On Standring's person were a pair ofmoleskin trousers, blucher boots, a serge shirt, Crimean shirt,wide-awake hat. One of the bundles I got from James Cooper,warder at the Stockade.

John McKay was recalled, and deposed that he had no doubtthat the belt worn by the prisoner Standring was one of thosetaken from the store. He could not swear positively to the otherarticles. The prisoners were then cautioned.

Kearns said: When I was coming out of Mount Eden Gaol, aman named Boyle in the gaol requested me to buy those thingsfor him. I bought them and gave them to Mr. Cooper. Mr.Naughton was there at the time, and saw me. (Witness thenwas going into the whole matter, with the view of showing to his

Worship, as he said, "that the evidence was not sufficient tosend him to trial.")

Standring, who belongs to the 12th Regiment, said : I was inbed at the Albert Barracks when the robbery was committed. Idid not leave the Barracks till seven o'clock the next evening. Ican prove that I have been wearing the belt that has beensworn to all the time I have been in barracks.

Warrington declined to say anything.

A soldier named Lynass, belonging to the 18th Regiment, wascalled by Standring. He deposed : I have known Standring forabout a month. I was in the habit of sleeping in the same roomas the prisoner. I went to bed at half-past eight on the night ofthe 2nd. I did not see Standring that night nor next day.

Detective Ternahan was called by Standring, and deposed : Iwent up to the barracks,and found that Standring had beencooking on the 3rd October. I did not inquire as to where hewas on the night of the 2nd.

Prisoners were then committed to trial for larceny, Kearnsremarking as he was leaving the box that it was very easy toconvict people when they had got men in the police that wouldswear anything that was wanted. This concluded the business.

SC 26 November 1867

Mr. Boyce, a settler living near Hendersons Mill, showed ussamples of prepared flax yesterday, which are of fair averagequality. He has not yet satisfied himself regarding the best

method of cleaning the flax; but no doubt Mr. Griffin's plan willbe communicated to him, when he will have little difficulty in

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preparing a marketable article.

SC 3 December 1867

John Kearns, Edwin Standring, and John Warrington were tried

on a charge of breaking into the warehouse of Messrs.Henderson and Macfarlane, and stealing a large quantity ofclothing, &c. The jury found them guilty of larceny, and. theywere each sentenced to two years' imprisonment with hardlabour.

1868 7 February 1868 – George Henderson inserts notice about acow (branded HM, conjoined) which had strayed into hispaddocks at Henderson’s Mill. (SC, 7 Feb 1868)

3 March 1868 – George Henderson sails for San Francisco onthe Circular Saw Line barque Alice Cameron. (SC, 4/3/1868)

SC 20 March 1868

We believe we are correct in stating that active operations havebeen carried on for some time part in the erection of extensiveflax-dressing, machinery on the most improved principle atHendersons Mill, in the vicinity of which a very large extent offlax is procurable. The erection of the machinery is so faradvanced that work is expected to be commenced in a fewdays. The small parties of flax-dressers who made Riverheadand neighbourhood the scene of their operations do not seemto have made much headway in forwarding large supplies toAuckland, and it appears their numbers are being graduallydiminished — owing to the attraction of the Thames goldfields,and the near approach of winter.

22 March 1868 -- Mrs. George Henderson gives birth to adaughter at Karangahape Road. (SC, 2/4/1868)

SC 4 April 1868

Tartar, cutter, 10 tons, Woods, from Hendersons Mill, withsawn timber.

Hawke’s Bay Weekly Times, 22 June 1868

We receive from various quarters advices of the progress beingmade in flax cleaning. We were informed by a gentleman fromWaiuku, only two days ago, that in his neighbourhood thisindustry is prosperous, and that average hands can make 25s.

a week, and good ones from 30s. to £2. We understand that MrPrice has more orders for his flax machines than he can

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execute for some time, and lately we heard the same from thehead of an engineering firm in Auckland. The last phase whichthis industry has assumed gives additional promise of successand usefulness. Mr T. Macfarlane, of the firm of Henderson andMacfarlane, has resolved to make the experiment of giving

employment to a number of women and children, providingthem of course with the necessary implements and houseaccommodation, rent free. The circumstances are in thehighest degree favourable to test the efficacy of this newindustry in absorbing either, the surplus or the infirm labour inthe market. Six families have been recommended by theRelieving Officer to Mr Macfarlane, and these will proceed atonce to Henderson's Mill. Should these be enabled to employthemselves profitably, there should be an end to any system ofpoor relief, except for sick, or totally destitute, or aged persons.Mr Macfarlane, we think, deserves the thanks of, the public for

the suggestion he has made. The most efficacious charity isthat which enables the poor man to work out his owndeliverance from poverty. — New Zealand Herald, 12th June.

1869 20 February 1869 – George Henderson returns to Auckland onthe H&M ship Dominga from San Francisco. (SC, 22/2/1869)

20 March and 18 September 1869 – Thomas Henderson entersinto a mortgage with the Bank of Australasia for his land atHenderson’s Mill. (LINZ records)

SC 5 May 1869

A few facts in connection with flax preparation in this provincemay be of interest to our readers, and we have been at somepains to obtain the following, which, may be relied upon:—Messrs. Henderson and Macfarlane already have fivemachines in operation, and which are worked by water-power.

3 July 1869

Commissioner of Lands awards H&M 5,000 acres incompensation. (OLC 284, LINZ records)

6 July 1869

Charles Heaphy draws up “A Plan showing compilation ofsurveys in the land originally purchased from the natives, byMessrs Henderson & McFarlane, at Taikata Creek,Waitemata”, compiled “from the best data available inWellington.” (OLC 284, LINZ records

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SC 23 July 1869


The following extracts from a letter on the above subject from

Mr. Charles Brown to the Superintendent of Taranaki mayprove of interest to some of our readers :—": — " The cabbagetree (ti parae) is stated to yield from two to three times as muchfibre as the same quantity of flax, and this is reported worthabout £22 per ton in Sydney. The process is a simple one, andis, I think, capable of great improvement. One fault of themachines I saw in use in Auckland was that they were not ofstrong enough construction, Mr. Henderson, at the mill ofMessrs. Henderson and Macfarlane, is remedying for himselfthis defect in the machine, and is endeavouring to obviate therinsing of the fibre in the stream, as he considers this might be

effected in the machine, and so dispense with part of themanipulation.

HANDS WANTED. FAMILIES REQUIRED for a FLAX-MILL,where constant employment can be had. — Apply at once toMr. T. Macfarlane, Wyndham Chambers, Auckland. (SC 4October 1869)

26 October 1869 – George Henderson leaves partnership ofH&M. H&M now run by Thomas Macfarlane and Gustav VonDer Heyde. (SC, 28/10/1869)

SC 10 December 1869


Waitakere and the neighbourhood have during the last twoyears, gained an unenviable notoriety for the number of casesof cattle-lifting, horse-stealing, &c, which have beenperpetrated, and hitherto with impunity to the parties engaged,

who have certainly displayed a degree of skill which is sufficientto stamp them as ornaments to the peculiar branch of industrythey have selected. I have now to report another case of cattlestealing, which for its great and successful carrying out eclipsesall precedents. Messrs. Henderson and Macfarlane have, orrather had, two bullocks teams engaged in carrying flax fromMr. Robert Lamb's, Waitakere, to Henderson’s mill. About tendays since, the driver of one of these teams was unable to findsix of his bullocks, when looking them up as usual. For somereason or another he did not report his loss for some time,probably expecting to find them on a future search ; but, after

seeking them in every direction, he has been compelled toarrive at the conclusion that they have been driven away, and

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probably ere this safely disposed of. A reward has been offeredby the owner for their discovery, but I suppose the perpetratorsof the act will escape with the same good fortune which hashitherto favoured them.

30 December 1869 – George Henderson places ad for twofarm servants (no location given) SC

1870 “Some interesting particulars concerning [Henderson’s Mill] …were given on Saturday by Mr. A. Morton … whose father, thelate Mr. George Henry Morton, had a contract for drying theflax as it was produced from the mill.

“’I remember the mill as it was in 1870,’ said Mr. Morton. ‘I wasonly a child of five at the time, so naturally any information I can

give will not be very enlightening …’ Mr. Morton said that in1870 flax grew abundantly all round the salt and fresh watercreeks in the Henderson district. The land where grapes weregrowing now was then swamp ground covered with flax, whichwas cut and conveyed to the mill by bullock drays and cuttersrowed up the creeks. Sledges took the partly-finished productfrom the mill to the drying paddocks and after that it was sent toAuckland by boat.

“Of old Henderson Mr. Morton is able to recall the store, whichwas owned by Mr. Dan Stewart, the hotel, a very small placemanaged by Mr. McLeod … Mr Trewheela was manager ofHenderson’s mill …” (NZ Herald, 20 October 1930)

SC 3 January 1870, p. 4

“The men employed for cutting flax at Henderson’s mill havebeen struck off work this week in consequence of the firmhaving received a much larger amount than they couldmanufacture. The result is that two settlers who, a few weekssince, at the urgent request of Messrs. Henderson &

Macfarlane, made all the necessary arrangements for cartingflax to the mill, are put to the inconvenience of keeping theirteams idle.”

SC 15 February 1870


Yesterday morning Messrs. Probert and Alexander waited uponhis Honor the Superintendent, as a deputation from the

Highway Board and the settlers of Waitakere East, respectingcertain improvements much required in the district. The

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deputation requested his Honor to grant a small sum for theconstruction of a bridge on a road running from Henderson'sCreek across several blocks of land claimed by Messrs. Potter,Henderson and Macfarlane, and others, to the district ofWaitakere East. His Honor said the Provincial Government

would be glad to contribute something towards the constructionof the bridge, but it appeared that the road was in dispute.

It was explained that some two years ago the settlers ofWaitakere East complained of having no outlet from the districtin the direction of Henderson's Creek. Mr. Hardinge wasaccordingly sent up by the late Superintendent, and hesurveyed the road at present used, which starts from Lot 31(Mr. Helitt), and, passing through several blocks of landclaimed by Henderson and Macfarlane, Potter, and others,crosses two branches of Henderson's Creek. Upon this road

the Waitakere East Highway Board has expended a large sum.Last year, about ₤319 was collected in the shape of rates, andexpended upon the road, and this year the Board was preparedto expend a like sum, and with assistance from the ProvincialGovernment, to construct a bridge at one part of it. It appears,however, that recently Mr. Henderson has warned the trusteesto desist from taking the wood, as the land claims have not yetbeen settled, though offers have been made by the ProvincialGovernment, and Crown grants of the land offered incompensation are now lying at the Land Office awaiting W.Henderson's consent.

The deputation stated that Mr. Macfarlane had consented tothe trustees continuing the construction of the road, and thatgreat inconvenience would be suffered by the settlers shouldMr. Henderson continue to oppose it. — Mr. Probert remarkedthat the land at Waitakere East was as good as any in theprovince, and that the whole district, with the improvementsthat had been made upon it, would be absolutely uselessshould the road be stopped up. — After a conversation hisHonor requested the deputation to call upon Mr. Henderson,

and to endeavour to come to an arrangement; and Messrs.Probert and Alexander, having thanked his Honor, withdrew.

SC 18 February 1870

Yesterday, at 1 o'clock p.m., pursuant to arrangement, adeputation, consisting of Messrs. Henry Probert, GeorgeTurrell, and Francis White, chairman to Board of Trustees,district of Waitakere East, waited on Thomas Henderson, Esq.,at his office, to ascertain from him on what conditions a bridgeand other works on the surveyed line from the Great North

Road to the Waitakere block could be proceeded with. Thedeputation were most happy to hear from Mr. Henderson that

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he saw the great importance of the road being opened, andthat the Board might depend upon it that he would not stand inthe way of the settlers getting to their land ; that so far as hewas concerned he would give his consent at once, but he mustfirst see Mr. McLeod at the mill, as lessee of some of the land

through which apart of the road goes. After consulting him hewould give an answer on Monday next, in writing, to thechairman of the Board.

SC 17 February 1870

Thomas Macfarlane was chairman of the Flax Commission? Nowonder he set up flax milling at Henderson’s Mill. He was alsoChairman of the Chamber of Commerce. (SC 4 March 1870)

SC 10 March 1870

John and George Clunes were apprehended yesterday byDetective Murphy and Constable Greene, charged withstealing, from a store at Hendersons Mill, 2G3lb. of kauri gum,valued at £3 10s., the property of Daniel Stewart. (One ladsentenced to a month in Mt Eden, the other seven days.)

Stewart—Lamb.-—At Riverhead, on the 29th inst., by the Rev.R. F. MacNicol, Mr. Daniel Stewart, of Henderson's Mills, toJane Shaw, eldest daughter of John Lamb, Esq., of WaitemataMills. (Auck Star 2 May 1870)

23 May 1870

Thomas Henderson sells 67 acres, bordering on Mill Creek, toJohn Kemsley for ₤135, the payment made to the Bank ofAustralasia in part-payment of a mortgage Henderson had withthem. (Deed 23D/490, LINZ)

SC 5 September 1870

Mr. James Wallace's double - furrow plough will be tried atbreaking -up on Wednesday, the 14th, at the farm of J.McLeod, Esq., Hendersons Mill.

SC, 12 September 1870


There is very little doing here at present. The mill is almost at astandstill, owing to a scarcity of flax. Gum-digging is also on a

decline, the diggers being hardly able to make a living, throughthe late heavy rains. —Two accidents occurred on Saturday,

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the first at about 1 o'clock, when the scutcher connected withthe flax dressing burst, some of the pieces striking a Mrs.Griffiths (who was standing near), and rendering her insensible.On being removed to her home, it was found that she hadreceived a few bruises. She is now progressing favourably. The

other accident occurred about nine in the evening, when thepeople near the mill were startled by cries of "Murder,” and"Help." On proceeding to the spot whence the cries appearedto proceed, it was found that a man named Burns, on his wayto town from Kaukapakapa, had been gored by a cow, theinfuriated animal knocking him down no less than three times.She then turned, and rushed every person that came near tohelp the poor man. He was afterwards brought in, and, thoughthe animal did not succeed in wounding him, it is feared thatsome of his ribs are broken, or that he is otherwise internallyinjured, He will be taken into town to the Hospital to-day.

SC 22 September 1870

Our Hendersons Mill correspondent, writing on the 20th, says:—" Since writing my last, things are looking a little better uphere. The flax mill, having a plentiful supply of flax, is now in fullwork, there being a large quantity of the material brought fromthe Tamaki, from whence the mill is now being principallysupplied."

FARM and Store at Henderson's Mill. The farm contains 67acres, 15 of which are in good grass There is a first-classorchard, and a business in good working order – 70a (AucklandStar 1 October 1870)

SC, 3 October 1870 -- George Henderson’s name appearswith John McLeod regarding standing Northern Hero at stud.

SC 4 October 1870

Draught horse Northern Hero standing at McLeod’s,

Henderson’s Mill.

SC 28 October 1870

There were many much older land claims than Mr. Busby's. Heknew of several himself, and he believed that at next session ofthe [Provincial] Council there would be shoals of land claimsbrought before them, and then the waste lands of the provincewould be more locked up than before. The precedent nowgiven fixed all these claims upon the province of Aucklandinstead of the colony at large. He recognised the fact that Mr.

Busby had a grievance, but it was a grievance caused by thecolony, not by the province of Auckland. After the decision

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come to by the Provincial Government, the land claim of Mr.Macfarlane, and all the other claims in the country — and theirname was Legion — would have to be faced.

"A fire occurred at Henderson's Mill on Friday last, whichresulted in the total destruction of the residence of Mr AlbertPotter. When first discovered the fire was in the kitchen, buthad obtained too much of a hold to be put out. There washardly anything saved, as the inmates had barely time toescape before the place was in flames. One of the men whowas helping to put out the fire nearly lost his life. Whilst insidethe house a considerable rush of smoke took place, and thedoor being shut he was nearly suffocated. When pulled out hishair was all singed off, and he was severely burnt. We have not

heard whether the building was insured or not."

(NZ Herald, 26 December 1870)

"... A correspondent informs us that the range of buildingsdestroyed consisted of three houses, occupied by Mr Potter,who was absent at the time in Auckland. It is supposed thatsome of the ashes from the fireplace had been blown into thelining of the house by the strong wind which was prevailing atthe time. No warning was given, but a flame sprang upsuddenly, and in 20 minutes the buildings were levelled.Amongst other losses were a library of 200 volumes, bedding,furniture, and a large quantity of wearing apparel, andprovisions. By immense exertions, some neighbours managedto save the boxes and bedding of Mr Potter's parents, veryaged persons. We are sorry to learn that nothing was insured."

(NZ Herald, 28 December 1870)

1871 SC 18 January 1871

We are informed by a correspondent that Hendersons Mill (flax)is to be reopened very shortly. Three enterprising young menhave made arrangements for leasing the mill for a term, and nodoubt will have employment to a number of men. They intendworking on the mill themselves, and superintending themanufacturing of the flax. They have had considerableexperience in the preparation of flax. We heartily wish themsuccess in their undertaking ; and we have no doubt they will

succeed, as flax, well prepared, at the present time commandsa good price. It would be a good thing if we had a few more of

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this enterprising spirit amongst us.

Taranaki Herald, 4 November 1871

Alfred Buckland reported on success of cattle sale at

Henderson’s Mill, 31 October 1871

SC 22 November 1871


TO THE Editor, Sir, — In the Cross of Monday last an articleappears giving report of a deputation that waited on his Honorthe Deputy-Superintendent on Saturday ,from Waitakere EastHighway Board. May I ask the favour of giving, for theinformation of those interested in Highway Boards in as

condensed. form as possible, a history of the matter to whichyour reporter refers? On the 18th of July last the annualmeeting of the above district was held at the Thistle Hotel,Queen-street and, being a ratepayer, I was present. Achairman was to be elected. I was proposed and seconded, aswas also Mr. Von der Heyde. I declined to take the chair infavour of Mr. Von der Heyde, who was elected to the chair.

The first business of the meeting was to elect two scrutineers.Mr. Thomas George and Mr. William Wasty were elected. Thenext business was to strike a rate. A 6d. rate was proposed byMr. Henry Probert, and seconded by myself ; a 3d. rate wasalso proposed and seconded ; and Mr. Von der Heyde distinctlysaid, " I shall vote for the 3d. rate," and exercised six votes indoing so. I refer your readers to the sixth clause of theHighways Act, that they may see for themselves the law on thatpoint — as to the number of votes a chairman of generalmeetings can give.

The next business for the meeting was to elect five personseligible for trustees. Mr. Henry Probert then asked Mr. Von der

Heyde if he was eligible, to which he replied, " Yes,", no onedoubting the correctness of his answer.

The meeting proceeded to elect five persons as trustees, whenMr. Von der Heyde voted,and exercised 39 votes— six votesfor each person. About this stage of the meeting Mr. JohnMcLeod, of Hendersons Mill, came from the other end of theroom, took me by the left arm, and said, " White, can you tellme [pointing to Mr. Von der Heyde] what business that fellowhas here?” I replied by saying, "I cannot. No doubt it is all right."I had concluded that Mr. Von der Heyde would not have been

at the meeting unless he had a right to be there. I again referyour readers to the 6th clause of the Highways Act as to the

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number of votes a chairman of any general meeting canexercise. Five persons were elected as trustees, of which I wasone, and at the close of the general meeting I requested thenewly elected members to stop and hold our first meeting, toelect a chairman of the Board. We did stop. Mr. Thomas

George was proposed and seconded ; as was also Mr. Bethell,and each one wanted and urged the other to take it.

This went on for a little time, when Mr. Von der Heyde put anend to it by turning round to a table behind him and tearing twopieces of paper from the margin of a newspaper, and puttingone piece between the fore and second finger and the otherpiece between the second and third finger of his right hand;held it out to Mr. George and Mr. Bethell ; they drew thepapers, and Mr. Bethell became chairman. I again refer yourreaders to the 11th clause of the Highways Act. Who was to be

chairman was never put to the vote. The facts of the wholecase are as follow :—: — Mr. Von der Heyde has no ratableproperty, either freehold or leasehold, in the district ofWaitakere East ; nor has the firm of Henderson andMacfarlane, of which Mr. Von der Heyde is a partner. Mr.Thomas Henderson is the sole owner of all ratable property inthe district of Waitakere East. Mr. Von der Heyde did not exhibitany proxy from Mr. Thomas Henderson or anyone else, nor canI ascertain on whatever pretext Mr. Von der Heyde has anyproper standing as a ratepayer. On the 2nd of last month, theday the mail steamer left Auckland for Honolulu, Mr. Ewington,the appointed collector for the above district, asked me if Icould tell him on what grounds Mr. Von der Heyde claimed theright to take action as a trustee, or in any other matter inconnection with the district of Waitakere East. I replied I couldnot tell, and the same day I went to Mr. Von der Heyde, andasked him if he had any leasehold property in the abovedistrict, to which he answered No. - Had he any freeholdproperty ? The answer was, No. Had he brought a proxy to thegeneral meeting ? No. But he said he was one of the firm ofHenderson and Macfarlane. I at once doubted his claim to

taking any part in connection with Waitakere East district. He atthe same time said he had seen Mr. Hesketh, and he wasaware that he was liable to a fine of £20. Afterwards he tookMr. John Russell's advice (their own solicitor), and hence hehas resigned any further connection with the Board. My ownimpression is that Mr. Von der Heyde took part in the generalmeeting under the idea that he was properly qualified, andwhen I saw him in the general meeting I thought that it was allright, and that he had a right to be there; his whole characterand standing in society quite satisfied me that such was thecase,— I am, &c., Francis White.

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1872 SC 18 March 1872

Advert for a “good farm servant”, J. McLeod, at Henderson &Macfarlane’s.

22 July 1872 – Meeting of the Waitakere East Highway Districtratepayers, at J. McLeod’s, Henderson’s Mill. Thomas, Georgeand Henry Henderson and John McLeod were disqualified fromtaking part in the proceedings due to not paying rates for a yearor more. George Henderson with the highest number of votesone of five elected onto the board. (SC, 24 July 1872)

SC 24 August 1872


To the Editor : Sir, — I noticed in yesterday's Cross a letterfrom "An Old settler” (or one who professes to be) vindicatingMr. and Mrs Furley in the late sad tragedy of Frances M. Ishould not be doing my duty as a settler in the district, if I didhot give that letter a flat contradiction. Who the "Old Settler" iswe are left to imagine, and many of us have made a pretty safeguess. If he felt in his heart he was writing the truth, why did henot manfully sign his name ? But the fact is, Mr. Editor, there isnot one word of truth from beginning to end, save his assertionthat they are two well known settlers of thirty years' standing.That they are, as he says, universally respected in the district,I, in common with the mass of parties living in or adjoiningWaitakere East, simply deny.

"Old Settler" states that Mrs. Lamb had received no liquor fromFurley's after the Wednesday prior to her death, when she lefttheir place perfectly sober. This is incorrect, and, further, theunfortunate woman had not been sober one day for a monthprior to her death. What humanity did they show the wretchedcreature on the Saturday? Mrs. Furley went to see her, but tosend a couple of old blankets, and to again supply her with that

damnable liquor "Old Settler" calls comforts, which had broughther to a premature deathbed? I firmly believe that if WaitakereEast and its surroundings were canvassed not one respectablesettler would hesitate in signing a memorial for the extinction ofthat bush public-house where Mrs. Lamb obtained the drinkfrom. — I am, &c, John McLeod, Hendersons Mill. [We havebeen compelled to omit some very strong expressions ofopinion from our correspondent's letter. —Ed.]

Samuel & Matilda Furley kept a bush-license called “TheSportsmen’s Arms”, about half a mile from Prior’s Creek. Used

by gumdiggers. The coroner’s jury found the Furleys, and Mrs.

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Lamb’s lover, culpable in her death. (SC August 1872)

Furley was then charged with a breach of the licensing act forsupplying brandy to Martin Breen, associated with Mrs. Lamb’sdeath, when he was neither a bona fide traveller, or residing at

the hotel or sleeping there. This charge was dismissed. (SC 26August 1872)

Samuel Furley had a hotel, the Royal Exchange, at Onehunga,until around the end of 1865. (Sc 13 November 1865) Inn 1870,there’s a reference to S. Furley as proprietor of theSportsman’s Hotel (SC 8 June 1870), but he still owned theRoyal Exchange at Onehunga, where there was a fire in 1871.(SC 15 December 1871) His application to renew his licence forthe Sportsman’s Arms was refused in 1872 (SC 17 April 1872)as there was only one room inn public use, the stables were

dirty, and the house inn a state of disorder. Furley may havegiven up for a time – he had the license for the Royal Exchangeat Onehunga transferred to him in July that year. (SC, 12 July1872). But – no. He was back again in March 1873 for a license“for premises at Waitakere West not previously licensed.” (SC13 March 1873) In April, this application was refused (and itwas indeed for the Sportsman’s Arms) … “found it a verymiserable place.” It was at that meeting that a petition ofresidents was presented supporting McLeod’s application for ahotel license. (SC 16 April 1873) It is possible that the originalOratia Hotel partly came about to stop the Furleys.

Samuel Furley died of heart disease in 1878. His wife Matildaoutlived him, dying in 1899.( Mogford, Janice C. 'Furley, Matilda1813 - 1899'. Dictionary of New Zealand Biography , updated22 June 2007 URL: http://www.dnzb.govt.nz/)

SC 27 August 1872 – George and David Henderson in a groupfined in the Police Court for drunkenness.

14 November 1872. A tracing of the S. Elliott survey of

Henderson’s 1844 claim and Heaphy’s 1869 plan of ThomasMacfarlane’s 5,000 acre claim are forwarded to the Inspector ofSurveys in Auckland. (OLC 283 & 284, LINZ records)

1873 SC 29 January 1873

Richardson, Public Works Minister, visits Henderson’s Mill, andhe and his part are hospitably received and entertained by Mr.McLeod.

21 February 1873

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Thomas Henderson sells a 117 acre farm to the east of theOpanuku to Mark Woodward of Mt Albert for ₤187 18s 3d – again to be paid direct to the Bank of Australasia towards themortgage debt. (Deed 25D/861, LINZ)

“Long” John McLeod

We understand that Mr. John McLeod, MHR , has secured theTairua Saw-mill. Mr. McLeod has long been connected with thetimber trade m this province. He was the first, some 20 years ormore ago, who succeeded in cutting the kauri timber bymachinery, and as he has again entered upon the timberbusiness, the same ingenuity which he employed inovercoming difficulties in former years will no doubt beemployed in still making improvements where improvementsare possible. There is a large area of bush attached to this mill,

which will keep its machinery employed for many years. (SC 21March 1873)


J& J Soppet are selling bone dust from their Freeman’s Baymill, or at Henderson & Macfarlane’s. (SC, 27 March 1873)

Tenders called by H&M for erection of a two storied building atHenderson’s Mill (March 27 1873, Southern Cross)

(SC 5 April 1873, WN 12 April 1873)


To the Editor: Sir, -Within the last few days my attention hasbeen called to a letter by a party styling himself "A Bushman ofThirty Years’ Standing." The writer of that letter wishes to makeit appear that I ought to contradict a paragraph which appearedin the CROSS, and which implied that I was the first to succeedmany years ago in successfully cutting kauri timber by

machinery. It is with much reluctance I refer to this subject inany way that may savour of egotism, but as "Bushman"challenges me to speak on a subject which has cost me thestudy and labour of many years, and that without the protectionof the Patent Office, which did not exist here in those times, Itrust I may be pardoned for referring to the matter. Some of"Bushman's" remarks are wrong, but I presume not intentionallyso. He makes far too much of the fact that there were saw-millsat work in this province before my arrival, without showing atthe same time that the difficulty of cutting kauri successfullywas overcome by the introduction of any system of machinery

before my time. I think I may justly infer that success in that lineof business means the working of a system of machinery that

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does its work well and profitably. I admit that there were anumber of mills at work before my arrival here, &c, but"Bushman" might say the same of flaxmills. There were anumber of them both, but were either of them successful? Ithink "Bushman" will admit they were not and I think he must

remember that (apart from the usual remark made so oftenabout those mills at that time that one or two pairs of sawyerscould cut more and better timber than any of them) the timbercut by them ranged about 2s. 6d. per l00ft. lower than hand cutstuff of the same dimensions. In short those mills wereconsidered failures, owing to the gum and spring of the timberand its unusual large and unwieldy size. When attempting toovercome these difficulties, I was told by every mill owner andengineer I met with that the cutting of a single log, or even of aflitch, could not be depended on, as the saws were likely tobecome unmanageable at any time, and to cut every way but

the way required.

With reference to the old mill, which was on the estate ofHenderson and Macfarlane, and in which "Bushman" says"I earned my reputation," &c, — that mill was built 12 or 13years before I saw it; and, although it may have worked aswell as if not better than, any of the first mills built here,yet the fact is that when I leased that mill, privilege, andbush, the old mill was a ruin, and it was with the greatestdifficulty that I got it braced up so as to cut by it a smallportion of the stuff necessary for the new mill and dams Ibuilt there.

I was in Auckland over one year, when the Gibbonses werelanded, with goods and machinery, in the Manukau by CaptainMcKenzie; and at that time my plans were matured, and mypatterns, castings, and machinery were being finished in thefoundry of the late William Bourne, of Auckland. This was longbefore the mill of Rowe, Street, and Co was finished atCoromandel ; yet it was not till I built a foundry of my own that Iwas able to finish in a workmanlike manner that system of

breaking down and circular-saw machinery which is now oftencalled the New Zealand system, and which differs from theEnglish and American systems of saw - mill machinery. If"Bushman" has any doubts upon this matter he will find my oldcircular bench, with most of its machinery and appliances, atthe works of Cousin and Atkin, where it is still being workedoccasionally, and if he will compare it with the machinery in usein the best and most successful mills in this province atpresent, he will find the system, or plan, exactly the same—whether those mills have been got up here, or imported andafterwards altered and adapted to the system in question.

There is one very complete mill here, and much of itsmachinery was manufactured in Glasgow on this plan. The

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drag toothed cross cut saw, which I introduced in Canada in1848 and here in 1852-3, is now also manufactured at homeand sent out here ready for use.

There is one matter more which I think I can refer to with a

degree of pride, and that the large number of saw-mill men andbushmen whom I have trained in to that work, many of whomare now filling good positions as mill and bush managersthroughout the province. —Yours, &c, John McLeod.

Annual licensing meeting held at Police Court. John McLeodgranted license for hotel at Henderson’s Mill. (April 16 1873,Southern Cross)

John McLeod, McLeod's hotel, Henderson's Mill. .

Mr Beveridge appeared for the applicant, and produced anumerously and influentially signed memorial. The Chairmanasked if Mr John Lamb had signed it. Mr Beveridge replied thatif His Worship; was to ask whether Mr Lamb had taken a doseof arsenic he should not have been more surprised. j HisWorship remarked that he asked the question in all sincerity.He was not aware of the geography of the place. The Inspectordid not oppose the application, which was entertained by theBench. The license fee was fixed at twenty pounds per annum.[The Chairman was Thomas Beckham, RM.](Auck Star 15 April1873)

SC 10 May 1873

A number of names removed from electoral roll for Waitemataas having left their dwellings at Henderson’s Mill:

Robert Adams

Thomas Bishop

William Boms

Edward Callnan

Joseph Castles (Prior’s Bush)

Henry Benjamin Clark

William Drever

Richard Eddestone

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William Forsyth

William Fraser

Matthew McDonald

James McKenzie

James McKeowin

William McLeod

William Minchell

Hugh Murdoch

George Peace

William Pollard

John Stewart

Robert Webb

Thomas Well

12 May 1873

After the Henderson’s Mill Educational District is gazetted, ameeting for the election of the school committee was held 12May 1873, “in the Church at Henderson’s Mill, at 3 pm.” (NZG)

SC 6 June 1873

A proposal was received from Mr. T. Henderson, offering a site

of two acres for school purposes and the temporary use of thebuilding hitherto used as a church, with an empty house as ateacher's residence. — The offer was accepted, and theSecretary instructed to thank Mr. Henderson for his liberality.

SC 20 June 1873

Henderson’s Mill— The committee to be informed that theBoard have no objection to a reserve for the site of a school, itbeing understood that the Board are not committed thereby toputting up a building. The school to be carried on for the

present time in the building set apart for the purpose by Mr.

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SC, 26 June 1873

Police Court case (not concerning McLeod). John McLeod

described as “who rented a farm from the firm at Henderson’sMill.”

SC 28 June 1873, p2

Sale of land by Samuel Cochrane

Cultivated farm of 76 acres at Henderson’s Mill.

Brickworks, Elliott’s Point, near Henderson’s Mill

SC 26 September 1873

Another successful sale (Buckland’s) at Henderson’s Mill.

In 1873, the "Henderson's Mill Races" were advertised to takeplace on Boxing Day. Now, there was a grandstand,refreshment booths, stewards and clerks of the course. Theorganisers were taking the Sport of Kings in Henderson veryseriously now, and may have made their move to the secondsite, off Henderson Valley Road, opposite and just a bit to the

south of today's railway station. The grandstand faced KeelingRoad, looking south-west.1874 SC, 9 January 1874

Ad for “good farm servant, a married man preferred,” byHenderson and McLeod, Henderson’s Mill (possibly GeorgeHenderson, a recent partner with McLeod in the horsebreeding)

SC 2 February 1874

John McLeod is co-contact for cattle sellers with Buckland.

“When leaving the North Road for the Mill or School, you firstsaw on your left a long row of small cottages extending fromabout 150 yards from behind the Anglican Church for about aquarter of a mile … On the right was the School, then acookhouse (a fairly large building with a brick baker’s ovenattached.) Then down the steep hill to the dam and the Milladjoining (there was an easier route around the foot of the hillwhere you struck the tram-line – wooden rails –leading to thelanding from the Mill where the boats received and discharged

cargoes.) Milling of timber had ceased years before I canremember , but I can remember the dam, Mill, and waterwheel

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(15 or 18 feet in diameter) were in quite good order and fit forwork.” (A. W. Hepburn, 1933)

James McLeod, Henderson's Mill. Mr Sheehan, on the part ofMr McLeod, asked the Bench for a reduction of his license on

certain conditions. Mr McLeod's house was one of greataccommodation to persons travelling in the neighbourhood ofHenderson's Mill, and although in the bush was well conducted.The Bench remarked that it could only ask for a lower fee byway of recommending it, as it was in the power of the Executivealone' to fix the amount. Mr Sheehan informed the Bench thatthe sum they would recommend must be stated. The Chairmansaid the Bench were disposed to fix the fee at £15 as thelicense at Lucas’s Creek, which was a less frequented place,was £10. (Auck Star 21 May 1874)

Rather a curious application was made to his Honor theSuperintendent by eight ratepayers in the Waitakerei Eastdistrict, residing in Auckland. These eight, the majority of whomhad never attended a meting before, desired his Honor toremove the place of meeting from Henderson's mill toAuckland, as they object to paying the expense of horse hire.The fact that the great majority of the settlers live in the district,and would be put to the cost of horse-hire and loss of time is ofno consequence to the noble absentees. Howbeit theProvincial Government thought otherwise and the applicationwas politely refused. (Auck Star 2 July 1874)

1875 20 January 1875

John McLeod an unsuccessful tenderer for the cutting andforming of part of Great North Road, near Henderson’s Mill.(NZG)

Waikato Times, 18 March 1875

11 March – Euphemia Canty marries William Robert StevensonKerr at the Black Bull Inn, Auckland.

SC, 20 March 1875

An unoccupied hut at Henderson’s Mill was burned down onTuesday last. It was formerly in the occupation of Mr.Murdoch, blacksmith. The building was uninsured; and thefire was originated by some careless person setting fire to the

fern in the neighbourhood.

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7 April 1875

Henderson & McLeod sell farm stock and gear at auction.

(SC 2 April 1875)

SC 23 April 1875

H&M advertise for an experienced man to take charge of afarm about twelve miles from Auckland.

SC 29 April 1875

H&M advertise the Oratia Hotel up for lease.

SC 22 May 1875

J. McLeod leaves Henderson’s Mill

SC, 29 May 1875

A complimentary dinner was given to Mr. McLeod, late hotel-keeper at Henderson's Mill, on Monday afternoon, the 24thinstant; prior to that gentleman' removal from the district. Mr.McLeod has been a resident in that locality for many years, andhas always done what he could to further the interests of the

district in every good work. He has made a large number offriends, both Europeans and natives, many of whom tendered acomplimentary dinner, at 2 o'clock in the hotel; so as to expresstheir regret at his leaving, and wish him good-bye. Mr. Bollardwas in the chair. Although the weather was unpropitious anumber of footraces and other games were indulged in, in apaddock adjoining the hotel. — The horseracing that was tohave taken place at Henderson's Mill that day, was postponeduntil the 19th June, on which occasion the children attendingthe school in that district will have a feast given to them; whenabout £4 or £3 worth of books will be distributed and run for as


WANTED, Teacher for Henderson's Milt School—Apply at theoffice of the Board of Education, on or before the. 24th inst.FREDERICK J. MOSS. Secretary. (Auck Star 17 July 1875)

SC 31 July 1875

J. McLeod (late of Henderson’s Mill) sets himself up as abutcher in the Whau (New Lynn) district. “All meat sold at townprices, and all meat guaranteed, as McLeod knows a good

bullock when he sees one.”

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 1876 (Henderson’s Mill School District – SC, 28 January 1876)

The appointment of the old committee as commissioners for1876 was agreed to, with the exception of Mr. McLeod, who

had left the district. Mr. Vercoe's name was substituted for thatof Mr. McLeod.

SC 12 May 1876, p. 1

John McLeod deleted from Waitemata electoral roll as his“lease expired” at Henderson’s Mill and he’d left the mill farm inhis occupation.

7 June 1876, a Mr. McLeod (farmer) of Great North Roadpurchases 100 acres of land from Thomas Henderson and the

Bank of Australasia (DI 7A.27) for ₤300 (payment direct to thebank) of part of Lot 8, bordering on the creeks. (EdmontonRoad/ McLeod Road & Chilcott Brae). On 16 June 1876,McLeod enters into a mortgage agreement for the purchaseprice with John Malam. (Deed 30D/479, LINZ)

The steam launch Eclipse is to make two trips a week to Lucas'Creek, one to Henderson's Mill and two to Riverhead. (AuckStar 5 December 1876)

SC 11 December 1876

J. McLeod clerk of scales at Henderson’s Mill races

1877 Martin O'Brien, recently the lessee of the Wairnaku Hotel,Henderson's Mill, a bankrupt, appeared yesterday at a meetingof creditors, in the Supreme Court Buildings. Bankrupt'sliabilities were a little over £100. The trustees brought up thereport, and the creditors agreed to the bankrupt's discharge.(Auck Star 12 April 1877)


The adjourned meeting of the Board of Education was heldyesterday afternoon …

Closing of Schools.—It was agreed that the Henderson's MillSchool should be closed on the 31st December. (Auck Star 27November 1877)

On Saturday last a meeting was held at the Oratea Hotel,

Henderson's mill, for the purpose of forming a racing club,under the title of the "Henderson's Mill Turf Club." The meeting

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was well attended, and the project met with general support.The following officers were elected : —President, T.Henderson; Judge, A. Dilworth ; Committee, J. Smyth, J.Dignan, R. J. Vercoe, W. J. Suiter, T. Henderson, jun. ; starter,J. Archibald : handicapper, G, Lendrum ; clerk of scales, H.

Hays; clerk of course, J. Foster. A code of rules was agreedupon, and the subscription fixed at one guinea per annum. Thenext meeting is likely to be held in the month of February, andunder the new organisation is likely to be a great success.(Auck Star 28 November 1877)


It was decided to erect a public pound at Henderson's Mill, on asite to be made over by the Council, at a cost of £10. (AuckStar 28 November 1877)


This popular country race meeting came off to-day atHenderson's Mill on the Great North Road. The weather beingas fine as could be wished, the attendance was larger thanusual. From ten o'clock, omnibuses and cabs kept leavingQueen-street laden with excursionists bent upon enjoying thedrive and the sport. The arrangements were as usual first-class, and much credit is reflected upon the committee ofmanagement and the other officials connected with the venture.The course was in excellent order, and the sport turned outbetter than the paucity of acceptances for the principal racecaused people to expect. Since last meeting the course hasbeen much improved, and a splendid view of the racing wasafforded. The grandstand is also a new structure, and presentsa favourable contrast when compared with the old four postedarrangement. The races began rather behind time, butpunctuality was worked up to by the time the cup was reached.(Auck Star 23 February 1878)

“Long” John McLeod possibly the John McLeod, engineer, whotook out a patent, 13 September 1878, for an improved timber jack. (NZG)

1879 List of School Buildings Required. —Devonport, presentbuilding old and unsuitable; £1,700; Parnell, hired roomunsuitable, £3,000 ; Henderson's Mill, school held in a house,£300 …. (Auck Star 26 July 1879)

1880 Map showing “Sawmill” at Mill Cottage approximate location.

Henderson's Mill.

Friday last was a great day at "the Mill." It marked an era in the

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history of this scattered district, and brought joy to many ananxious heart. The new school-room, towards the erection ofwhich the settlers contributed liberally, was opened by a soireen the evening of that day. Although hurriedly got up it was animposing affair, and caused astonishment to many who had

come from distant parts to witness, and enjoy the first soireethat ever was held in the district. The room was gaily decoratedwith flags, ferns, and flowers, and the seven tables groanedunder a rich and superabundant spread of buns, cakes, and thefinest products of the confectioners' shop, together with apples,plums, peaches, &c. The tables were provided by MesdamesDuncan, Heuston, Malam, Lawrie, J. M. Hepburn, A. Hepburn,and Miss Hanson, and presided over by those ladies. A largeand efficient choir, under the charge of Mr Bell, was driven upfrom Whau in a 'bus. Several traps and many horsemen wentfrom the same direction, and with those who gathered from the

opposite direction, filled the school-room far beyond its sittingcapacity. The Rev. R. Sommervillc, who had been asked topreside, gave out the last verse of the Evening Hymn, andasked a blessing. Tea was then partaken of, and when thetables had been cleared the Chairman called upon the choir tosing the glee, "See our Oars with Feathered Spray." He thendelivered an address in which he explained the reason of hisbeing called upon to preside, and related his first experiencemany years ago, on the road to "the Mill," when by acting uponinstructions and giving the horse the reins he was landed in themiddle of Muddy Creek. He congratulated the meeting on thepossession of such a fine school-house as that in which theymet. It was centrally situated, commodious, and comfortable,and a great credit and convenience to the district. He hoped thevery efficient teacher would send from under that roof manyboys and girls, thoroughly equipped for fighting life's battles,and performing honourable parts on the great stage of life. Thefollowing was the programme: —Solo, "Apart," Miss Archibald;duet, Mr and Miss Hanna; solo, Mr Chain; reading, Mr Owen ;solo, " Beautiful Star," Miss Thomas. The Hon. T. Hendersonaddressed the meeting. He said that thirty five years ago, when

near that spot, he was glad of the comfort afforded by a ferncovering, and tea boiled in a “billey” ; he could not havepictured to himself such a fine house, filled with such a largeand respectable audience. He was both astonished andpleased. He was glad to see the attention now paid to thecause of education, and he hoped no parent would deny hischildren as much education as they could get, for it was it thatmade the man and the woman. He was pleased to notice thesigns of progress in the district, and he hoped to live longenough to see all that valley and the adjoining country wavingwith rich pastures, and blossoming like the rose. Glee, Choir ;

duet, pianoforte, Mrs Turner and Miss Laurie ; solo, Mr Bell;pianoforte solo, Miss l)akin; duct, Mr Manna and Miss

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Buchanan ; solo, Miss Dakin ; solo, Mr Hanna ; pianoforte duet,Misses Duncan ; reading, Mr Owen; solo, Mr Hanna; recitation,Mr Bell; solo, Mr Henderson ; duct, Messrs Bell and Thain.Miss Buchan played the accompaniments and Mr Bell led thechoir. Votes of thanks to the ladies, choir, and chairman having

been accorded, the National Anthem was sung, and so endeda most pleasant and successful soiree. Of course, when thesoiree ended, the dance began, and it was so agreeable thatthe dancer forgot the rapidity with which time was flying tillreminded of the fact by the gradually increasing brightness ofthe eastern sky. (Auck Star 4 February 1880)

1881 Mr Beetham, proprietor and manufacturer of the originalOlson's tomato sauce, has had an immense crop of tomatoeson his land at Henderson's Mill this year. He has already

gathered four tons, and is now brewing three brews of twelvecwt. each per week. The supply, like the demand, of this mostexcellent table condiment is therefore on the increase.(Auckland Star, 24 March 1881)

1882 H. H. Turton,

“Part III.—The Special Cases Remaining Unsettled - (3.) LandClaims not belonging to the Old Series, or Pre-emption Series”,Maori Deeds of Old Private Land Purchases in New Zealand,From the Year 1815 to 1840, with Pre-Emptive and Other Claims , 1882

“The only case I shall take in this class is that of Messrs.Henderson and Macfarlane, to which I referred particularly inaddressing the House on Mr. Carleton's Bill of last session. Thecircumstances were these:—

“The claimants had a schooner, which the Natives wanted, andfor which they offered a block of land at the Whau (one of theestuaries of Waitemata Harbour). Governor Fitzroy made thefollowing Minute sanctioning the transaction: "In considerationof the various circumstances connected with Mr. Henderson'sexchange of his schooner for land, I will consider his a specialcase and give him a Crown title to one-half the quantityclaimed, upon his furnishing a sufficient description of theboundaries.—R. F.—October 8, 1844."

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“The claimants thereupon concluded the arrangement with theNatives, gave them the vessel, had the land surveyed, sent inthe survey to the Government, and claimed their grant. The

plan was referred to the Surveyor-General on the 2nd March,1846, with directions, if he was satisfied with its correctness, toprepare a grant in compliance with Governor Fitzroy's minute.The Surveyor-General required certain things to be done, linescut, and so forth; this was obeyed and the plan sent in again,the contents as finally shown being 17,784 acres. TheSurveyor-General pronounced the survey a very good one; andas to the extinguishment of the Native title it has never beendisputed to this day.

“But the grant, nevertheless, was not issued. In 1853 theclaimants—apparently getting tired of waiting—asked that theclaim might be settled by repaying them their mere outlay. TheGovernment agreed to have the outlay ascertained, but in themeanwhile took possession of the land and proceeded to sellnearly 7,000 acres of it at 10s. an acre; the claimants havingthemselves to buy upwards of 5,000 acres to secure largeproperty they had placed on the land. Some months afterwardsthe Surveyor General sent in his estimate of their outlay,amounting to £970; but the money was never paid.

“When the claim came before me I tried various ways to settleit, but I gave it up at last. The claimants were always willing toaccede to anything I might decide, and to submit to an awardwhatever it might be. But I could not satisfy myself that the Actwould enable a fair award to be made. Although it did not instrictness belong to the "Pre-emptive Claims " (no actualcertificate of waiver having been issued under Governor

Fitzroy's Proclamations of 1844), and might therefore havebeen heard under section 33 without coming within the letter ofthe restrictive words above mentioned, in reality such a coursewould have been a mere evasion of the restriction, the claimbeing virtually one arising out of the waiver of the Crown's rightof pre-emption, though under a special agreement with theGovernor instead of under his Proclamations. The Governor infact enters into a specific agreement with private personseighteen years ago, that if they extinguish the Native title to acertain piece of land and survey the boundaries, they shallhave a grant for half of it. The conditions are fulfilled by one

party, but instead of the Government fulfilling its part it seizesthe-land and sells all the best of it. It appears to me clear that

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this transaction cannot be fairly settled by the provisions now inforce relating to either Old Claims or Pre-emptive Claims.”

We notice in Mr Leech's window, Shortland-street, two newpaintings, one by Mr Blomfield, representing the AucklandHarbour and North Shore, sketched from Grafton Road, theother by Mr Gibb, of Christchurch, entitled "On the Bealey,West Coast Road." Both paintings are portrayed with skill andfidelity to nature. Mr Bloomficld's list of subscribers to his artunion of six oil paintings is nearly completed, and the event willtake place at an early date. The prizes are valuable and thesubjects of much local interest. (1) Home of the Kauri, (2)Scene at Henderson's Mill, (3) Auckland Harbour (4) Roto Iti,(5) Great Boiling Cauldron, Tikitiro, (6) Roto Ehu. (Auck Star 8

February 1882)


Henderson, 1.30. The annual prize competitions held under theauspices of the Auckland Rifle Association were commenced at9 o'clock this morning, on the new range on the HendersonRacecourse …

(Auckland Star 3 January 1885)

1888 Of late increased attention has been paid by the townspeopleto the necessity of fostering country industries, as it isrecognised that commercial prosperity is largely contingentupon having the land opened up, and settled thereon a thriftyand industrious population …

Perhaps the most novel feature is the forming of associationsof city tradespeople for the purchase of land exclusively for fruit

growing and fruit preserving. It is believed with the experiencenow gained, and the improved appliances for fruit preserving,that this may become one of the most thriving industries of theprovince. One such block has thus been taken up by citytradesmen, some 15 miles from Auckland, on the Kaipararailway line, containing 1000 acres, and named Pomaria. Activesteps are being taken for fencing and planting with fruit trees. Inthe event of the experiment proving successful, private partiesadjacent and the Government intend to open up somethousands of acres for fruit culture on somewhat similar lines.The founders of Pomaria are going upon the lines

recommended by Mr Alderton and by Mr Federli. They arelooking less to benefitting themselves as a commercial

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speculation than in initiating for the benefit of' the province anew and more excellent way of dealing with our northern lands,not specially suited for agriculture. The experiment is beingwatched with great interest by the small orchardists andhorticulturists generally.

(Otago Daily Times 27 September 1888)

1889 Long John McLeod dies at Rhode island, heart attack, aharness maker. (Sheffield, Men Came Voyaging , p. 86, 1986)


The polling day at Henderson marked a very large increase invoters. Last election ten persons recorded their votes at thisplace for the Waitemata county. This year 75 people voted. If

we allow that half these voters are women, and that morepeople have exercised their privileges, there still remains alarge increase. The real fact is Henderson has been goingahead rapidly during the last few years. People are finding outthe advantages of the place —its proximity to town—only anhour's run by rail, three trains in, three trains out; the pleasantdrive of twelve miles by road, pleasant anyhow when Naturemakes County Council roads good enough to travel on ; thesafe and easy communication with Auckland by water, thequality of the soil, and the general cheapness of the land.Sections of the Bank of New Zealand property lying betweenthe Great North Road and the railway are being bought forfarming purposes. Mr J. Platt, the well known tailor ofKarangahape Road, has purchased 50 acres, including asection of the Pomaria estate. Mr Peterson, a good stamp ofsettler, has also secured land, and has put up a verycomfortable house. The Messrs Marsh have also purchasedfrom the same source, and several other persons have eitherpurchased, or are making terms of purchase with the EstatesCompany. Most of the now settlers are already improving theirproperties—burning off the ti-tree scrub, ploughing, putting in

grass, planting trees.

The soil is of very fair quality, and can be made really good withproper working. Much of it is an old swamp deposit, deep, blackand easily cultivated. With cultivation and a dressing of lime itgrows clover and other grasses remarkably well.

Some of the older settlers have also increased their estates. MrRoberts, of the Henderson Valley Farm, has purchased the oldracecourse, and Mr Hougham has purchased the favouritepicnicking ground known as Baillie's paddock.

Mr S. Vaile's estate on the peninsula between the Henderson

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and Swanson sea creeks, is being taken up in sections forfruitgrowing. A Canterbury man has taken up 44 acres, and hasplanted an extensive orchard. Mr L. Goodfellow has taken up aportion of the same country, and intends going in largely forpoultry, whilst an Auckland gentleman is thinking of taking the

remainder of the block.

The Henderson district is well adapted for fruits of all kinds. Theapples from Mr Hougham's orchard are famous for their colourand flavour, outdoor grapes, lemons, oranges, figs, and thebetter known English fruits, do remarkably well. The WhiteMuscal of Alexandra grape seems only to have been tried inone place out of doors, and has proved quite a success, whichsuggests the possibility of a big industry in raisin drying.

Green house grapes reach a great state of perfection here.

Grapes from Mr Jane's vinery have been admired even bycritical Australians. Last year his vines, which are quite young,produced 1,800lb of grapes, which were sold in one lot at 1sper Ib. Mr Jane has been very successful as a viticulturalist. Hetells me that the varieties which seem to do best in everyparticular are Muscal Hamburg, Black Hamburg, BlackAlicante, Gross Colman, Mrs Pearson.

One of the greatest features in Henderson is, of course, thePomaria estate. It has an excellent position, being tapped byroad, railway and navigable water. The owners of this estate,besides planting large orchards on their own account, havesold a good many sections to smaller settlers. The sections runfrom eight acres upwards. Several of them have waterfrontages to an arm of the Waitemata Harbour.

Mr R. Cranwell occupies a large portion of the Pomaria estate.He has recently erected a very handsome house on hisproperty and has settled there with his family.

A Canterbury man tells me that he saw on Mr Cranwell's estate

a crop of oats which would more than satisfy a farmer on therichest lands of the premier grain province and I learn fromanother source that the crop is not so good as one grown onthe same ground last year.

Some of the higher and cheaper land between Swanson Creekand Riverhead is being taken up for sheep farming. It is open,undulating country, sloping to the Waitemata Harbour. The soilcan be described as clay loam and sandy loam resting on claysubsoil. Much of the land belongs to the Crown and can be hadon easy terms. The gum from the ground should pay for

ploughing, and the various grasses spreading naturally over thediggings show how easy it will be to get good rough feed in a

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very short time.

It has often been said that the great drawback to Auckland is itslack of agricultural lands. It is certain that the vast extent ofopen country lying about the Waitemata and the Manukau and

stretching northwards for scores of miles is not like the easilyworked volcanic land, but there are plenty of proofs in theHenderson district, and in every other district for that matter,that with intelligent work and a little patience, the gum landscan be turned into vary useful farms. In fact the transformationof the much-abused gumfields into pastures and orchardsbegan long ago, and is continuing to-day at a rate which wouldsurprise the gum land grumblers.— (HendersonCorrespondent) (Auckland Star 7 December 1893)



For some time past there has been a certain amount of frictionin connection with. the Henderson Public School, andconsiderable interest was taken at the last annual election ofCommitteemen. At a recent meeting of the Board of Educationit was decided to remove the teacher from the Hendersonschool as soon as a suitable vacancy occurred. At the meetingof the Board to-day the following report was read from Mr D.Petrie, Chief Inspector of Schools : — I beg to submit for theBoard's information the following report on the inquiry held byme at Henderson Public School yesterday :—"About a dozenhouseholders were present; but the members of the SchoolCommittee were absent except the Chairman (Mr Hougham),who, however, explained that he did not appear in his capacityof Chairman of the School Committee, or as in any wayrepresentative of the School Committee, but simply as ahouseholder. A good deal of evidence was taken, and theinquiry lasted, from nine a.m. to 1 p.m. Herewith are submitted

brief notes of the evidence signed by the various witnesses,and a few (7) documents handed in by Mrs La Trobe. Of thelatter, the most important are two statements certifying that thesignatories are satisfied with the progress their children aremaking under the present teacher, and do not wish the Boardof Education to make any change. These statements aresigned by twelve parents or guardians of twenty-eight pupilsnow attending the school. As the roll number for the month ofAugust last was forty-three, it is evident that a considerablemajority of the householders more immediately interested in theschool have no sympathy with the proposal to substitute a male

teacher for the present female teacher. The evidence given didnot in any way challenge Mrs La Trobe's competency as a

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teacher, or her success in conducting the school. It was statedin evidence that now and in past years some of the elder pupilshad been removed and were sent to other schools. In anydistrict situated on the railway line and at no great distancefrom a city like Auckland, this is sure to happen to a greater or

less extent, as the attractions of the daily journey by rail and ofattendance at a new and larger school, appeal strongly to mostyoung people brought up in the country. A very few of thesepupils have gone, not to town schools, but to neighbouringcountry ones; but there was nothing to show that theirtransference from Henderson public school to a neighbouringone was due to dissatisfaction with Mrs La Trobe'smanagement; moreover, so few were thus removed that Icannot attach any importance to the fact. The evidence showedconclusively that some of the members of the present SchoolCommittee, in canvassing for election, led householders to

believe that they would not attempt to get Mrs La Troberemoved from the school; and I consider that on the strength ofthis belief they may easily have gained support that wouldotherwise have been withheld. The general conclusion to whicha careful consideration of the case has led me, is this :—TheSchool Committee's request for the removal of Mrs La Trobe,and the appointment of a male teacher in her stead, is not dueto any real or widespread dissatisfaction with her managementand teaching, of the school, but, so far as I could gather, to thefact that her husband carries on a store in the district, and toher own association with the local party to which the presentSchool Committee is opposed. I largely failed to elicit from thewitnesses examined any clear or distinct reasons for preferringa male teacher to a female; and the deliberate abstention of theSchool Committee from all share in the inquiry inclines me tothink that good reasons would be hard to find. In thesecircumstances I cannot advise the Board to accede to theapplication for the removal of Mrs La Trobe for the purpose ofappointing a mala teacher in her place. I would, besides,suggest that Mrs La Trobe be informed that the inquiry did notdisclose any reason for dissatisfaction with her management of

the Henderson public school. —(Signed), D. Petrie, ChiefInspector." .

Mr Muir said he did not think there was any real inquiry held.He held that there was really no inquiry. He dissented from theidea that the Committee had no right to ask for a change ofteacher.

The evidence having been read, Mr Wilding remarked that thereport appeared to be a full one, and he would therefore move:“That this Board having considered the report of the Chief

Inspector cannot see sufficient reason for the removal of MrsLa Trobe from the Henderson school." Mr Wilding said he

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considered that anyone who listened impartially to that reportmust be of that opinion.

Mr Luke supported the motion

Mr Muir pointed out that there was already a resolution on thebooks that Mrs La Trobe should be removed when a suitableposition was vacant. Mr Wilding said he would then give noticeto rescind that resolution, and it could be added on to the onehe had moved, but which must now be deferred,

Mr Theo. Cooper said he did not oppose the resolution, but hemust note the fact that Mrs La Trobe was a married woman,and that her husband was the local storekeeper. He did nothesitate to express the opinion that a married woman whosehusband was a storekeeper should not be in charge of the

school in the same district. However good a teacher she mightbe, trade interests were bound to create rivalry. He thought thatwas a matter which should not be lost sight of. Taking thereport they could exculpate Mrs La Trobe from any insinuationof incompetence as a teacher, but, for all that, he did think sheought to be removed from that district as soon as possible, orelse that her husband should give up the store in that particularlocality. He would support Mr Wilding's motion, but at the sametime he considered it should be pointed out to Mrs La Trobethat she should either elect to remain in the service of theBoard, or her husband should give up business in the district.Mrs La Trobe was a valuable teacher, but while in the samedistrict as her husband's store there must be trouble.

Mr Lamb said he had noted the same objection. The Chairmanhere ruled that the discussion must be adjourned until nextmeeting, when Mr Wilding's motion would be brought forward.

(Auckland Star 11 September 1894)