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2010 Weight Loss Challenge ( 863 ) 299-3661 www.tigersworldma.us BODY TRANSFORMATIONS TIGER’S WORLD BEFORE AFTER SUSAN Anders

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2010Weight Loss

Challenge(863) 299-3661



TIger’s World



SuSan anders

12010 challenge

Top 5 2010 Summer Challengers 2

12 Week Sponsor Challenge 3

Dieuseul Berto Story 4

Andre Berto Story 5

Susan Anders 6

Robyn Barnes 6

Letter from the Mayor 7

Tracy Brown 8

Becky Hart 8

Nadege Francois 10

Kassia Edee 10

Pati Mills 12

Renetta Burke 12

Hall of Fame Museum 13

Carolyn Allen 14

Kenneth Wright 14

inside this issueMark Lowenstine 16

Exana Louis 16

Shontina Moment 18

Diane Woodside 18

Edna Pierre Louis 20

Kiki Cox 20

Lucretia McCintosh 22

Jennifer Taylor 22

Sabrina Crumedy 24

April Wiggins 24

Tamira Robinson 25

Sharonda Lawrence 25

Top 25 Challengers 26

Captains 27

Trainers 28

Buscando La Vida Fat Burner 29

2 TIger’s World

Top 5 2010 summer Challengers

“…I have rarely been successful on a diet/exercise plan. I knew this would be different. I told my husband after the first class that I found it. Something was different. I loved it. This would be the start of a lot of positive changes in our life.” –J.F.


results are typical at Tiger’s World!results you can see! results you can feel!

“Some mornings I would finish working out, go shower and get dressed for work and burst out into tears because I no longer had clothes that would fit… It was like I didn’t even know what size to buy anymore… That’s when it came to me that I had come a long way.” –R.B.

Challenge Warriors

Whitney anders susan anders

yolanda Palmeredna Pierre Louisryan summeralls

32010 challenge

Dear 12-Week Challenge Sponsor –as you are surely aware, obesity and

its many resultant conditions are on the rise. Our communities, our families and each one of us have become accustomed to lives built around diets of prepackaged and fast foods coupled with little meaningful physical exercise and stress relieving activities. We see productivity wane in the business world.

We lose or watch family members and friends suffer with preventable health related disabilities. and we wonder how we will cover the related insurance rates. These are a few of the headline health issues we hear every day. Why should we care? What can we do? We care because we are all part of the same family, community, nation… world. We can make the choice to make a difference and remember that every choice we make affects many others: our family, our friends, co-workers, and

12 week: sponsor Challengeeven those we don’t know. We can take responsibility and control of our lives and set an example for others.

Join Tiger Vascular Boxing Fitness and other health conscious community partners. Support your family, friends and community members who are committed to demonstrating the benefits and opportunities catalyzed by a healthy life style change. Show that you, too, are dedicated to building a stronger and healthier community.

Participate as a Sponsor, Vendor, 12-Week Challenge “Team Builder”, or 12-Week Challenger yourself! Inspire others by sharing your enthusiasm and commitment to building a stronger and healthier community —one body and one attitude at a time.

Dieuseul Berto Tiger Vascular Boxing Fitness

4 TIger’s World

with something different – something they can’t find from other gyms or work-outs. ask someone why they go to Tigers World, you will get answers like: “it’s great stress relief”, “it’s great fun”, “it’s like a dance party”, “it’s boot camp, but in a good way”, “it’s a family”, “it’s the best kick-butt work-out”… Master Berto, his trainers, his family and his programs are the real thing; they provide a heart-to-heart,

baptism-by-sweat work-out, and the most fun you will have

getting fit.

Yes, you can! …and if any man would know, it is Dieuseul Berto. Master Berto knows what it is to be faced with a seemingly insurmountable challenge. ask anyone who knows this man and they will tell you that “Berto” meets challenge with awe inspiring strength and spirit. His strength and spirit are felt by all those around him and people instinctively want at least a piece of what he has; he’s glad to give it – with gusto – if you’re willing to take it.

not so long ago Berto, athlete, successful Pride fighter, and family man found himself awaking from a coma after a horrendous automobile accident that left him unable to walk, or talk, or even feed himself. any man would have found it easy to give in and give up, faced with this situation; however, Dieuseul Berto is not your run-of-the-mill ordinary man. Berto is a fighter, through and through.

With the support of his family, Berto was able to dig deep and fight his greatest fight. He called upon his athletic training, his spirituality, and his unstoppable personal will power to rebuild himself. Oh yes, he won. amazingly, this tragic event resulted in the recreation of a man, a career, a life and a passion to give to others that has changed and continues to change so many people physically, emotionally, and yes, spiritually – mysterious ways indeed.

now, with the assistance of his “home grown” family of champions, Berto’s Tigers World provides physical fitness & weight-loss programs for children, adult, and professional fighters in Winter Haven for 12 years. It may be because the Berto family consists of professional fighters, champions and title belt holders like andre “Mike” Berto – undefeated Pro Boxer, Cleveland – Fla. State Wrestling Champ, J - Lightning Fast - Lee, Revelina – Blackbelt, and Edson “Little Tiger” Berto – RFC Title Belt Holder, that their programs are more than just fitness routines that produce physical improvements, although they most certainly do that. Berto and his crew of enthusiastic trainers deliver much more.

ask the folks who go to Tigers World what the work outs are like and you are likely to receive a variety of responses as there are a wide variety of folks who participate and each one comes away

Mr. and Mrs. Berto

52010 challenge

Winter Haven’s Home Town Hero: andre Berto andre Berto is a champion and a true hero. In a day

when young people look up to celebrities who do little to earn or deserve the status they have, andre provides a brilliant alternative to the empty flash and the fluff of pop stars competing for the public’s attention. His home and heritage ensured that he was brought up to hold integrity as the underlying theme of everything that is done. While many fighters may feel that “Might is Right,” for the Berto’s it is always the other way around — “Right is Might.” This is not to say that andre is not without a quick-witted, fun-loving and maybe even slightly devilish side as well… another inherited trait perhaps. Even now, as a prominent professional athlete, he prefers to live in his home town near his family and friends and the gym where he began his training as a slightly chunky mischievous boy years ago. He once divulged that this was partially due to his mother’s cooking.

as he adds belts and titles to his resume he also increases his support of others in need especially the people of Haiti, who need so much. Many soon forget where they come from. andre seems to develop his

ability to empathize more as his success builds. His desire to give back and do more is as focused and tireless as his training. His professional careers began soon after his 2004 Olympic boxing experience. It was clear that he was going places fast. Between

2004 and 2006 he was 15-0 with 13 of his fights coming

from knockouts. The only complaint from fans? His fights were too fast. andre would come in and knock out his opponent in a round or two leaving the commentators fumbling to fill time. 2007 brought some challenge with Cosme Rivera, but still he remained

undefeated. In 2007

he won the naBF welterweight title in an exciting eleven round show. He defended his title in 2008 and then won the WBC welterweight title as well. andre

defended his WBa title in 2008 against Steve Forbes and again in 2009 against Luis Callazo and later Juan urango. The competition was getting hotter. The Collazo fight was especially stressful for fans and family who watched and waited breathless and teary eyed for the controversial unanimous decision.

The big one was coming. andre was slated to go at it with Shane Mosley in huge WBC, WBA title unification bout in January of 2010. When the massive earthquake disaster shook Haiti two weeks before the

fight, priorities shifted along with the tectonic plates. Andre had to first consider his family and then his career. He fell back to his heroes, men like his father and Joe Louis, men who worked through adversity, men who “sucked it up” and did right. He traveled to Haiti in an effort to do anything he could and he did. Obviously, this was the most tragic and horrendous life changing event for many and andre and his family were certainly not spared from the experience. andre responded in the usual Berto fashion by looking for the “Right” in his “Might”.

after returning from Haiti and witnessing the utter devastation and unbelievable strength where only hopelessness should have been, his focus turned to doing more for those in dire need of medical attention in Haiti. In the past, andre and his family had backed many charitable causes. With the help of other concerned individuals, he created his own foundation – Berto’s Dynasty Foundation — and his family joined forces with Project Medishare, a non-profit medical relief program working out of Miami to provide assistance to those most in need.

andre returned to the ring in april of 2010 not to defend a title, but to raise money and the morale of his Haitian countrymen. Surely there was a lot of pressure on him to represent his country and name, but he came through as always – a champion. andre continues to focus much of his attention on assisting the Haitian relief effort, but there are still fighters out there to be tested. He is always training. He is always getting better and stronger. Rest assured he will be ready to take on the next challenge – whatever that may be.

Andre and little sister Shasha

6 TIger’s World






“There’s no other program like this one.

I was able to accomplish several

goals because I was surrounded by people who cared and pushed me to

keep going.”

“After hearing the reputation of Tiger’s World it made me

want to join. This experience has

shown me that I am tougher than I thought I was & that you’re never too old

to get started.”


ToTalWeighT loss

29.4 lbs. in 24 Weeks

ToTalWeighT loss

26.0 lbs. in 24 Weeks


72010 challenge 72010 challenge

Everyone wants to live in a healthy city; a city that is fiscally sound, with needed services and resources available to its residents. Winter Haven is that kind of City - plus more. With multiple parks, trails, green spaces, recreational facilities, ball fields and leisure classes, there’s more to do now than ever before! Winter Haven is host to more than 100 special events annually where families can enjoy and interact at multiple activities, gather with old friends and meet new ones, and be connected to this close-knit community.

Partnerships with organizations and businesses only enhance the quality of a City. Working with other agencies to improve our community is what these partnerships are all about. Many organizations provide opportunities for our residents through events and services. Tiger’s World, specifically, continues to make a healthy impact on Winter Haven’s residents. a healthy community is also an active community. Tiger’s World recognizes the importance of being a healthy weight and physically fit. Offering multiple classes that are exciting, intense and not to mention great stress relievers, Tiger’s World is a community partner

dedicated to making Winter Haven a healthier city.

Part of being a healthy City is helping those in need. Through its partners, Winter Haven employees have contributed thousands of supplies to area children at the start of the school year; employees have collected multiple crates of nonperishable food annually for those less fortunate, and have gathered bags of toys so needy area children can have a brighter holiday season.

When a disaster destroys, people want to respond, and Winter Haven is no different. When the Haiti earthquake hit, City employees were quick to ask what they could do to help. Without hesitation, Mayor Jeff

Letter from the mayor a Healthy Winter Haven

City of Winter Haven employees collected multiple containers of food, water and comfort supplies days after the Haiti earthquake hit to assist those in need. Supplies were transported to Tiger’s World where they were prepared for transport.

Continued on page. 19 Mayor

5636 Cypress Gardens Blvd. • Winter Haven, FL 33884

863-291-GOLD (4653)

8 TIger’s World






“If you’re tired of the way you look & you want to make a change, this is the

place to do it. Thank you so much,

I finally like my body & I will be back.”

ToTalWeighT loss

15.4 lbs. in 12 Weeks

ToTalWeighT loss

17.0 lbs. in 24 Weeks

“Thank you Daddy Berto.

I never looked this good at this age. I will stick to the program because

it works.”


92010 challenge

10 TIger’s World



“This program has changed my life.

Thanks Tiger’s World and Staff. All things

are possible if we just believe.”

“Hard work pays off. All I can say is

Thank You.”







ToTalWeighT loss

77.0 lbs. in 24 Weeks

ToTalWeighT loss

76.0 lbs. in 36 Weeks

112010 challenge

Bring this coupon with you and receive 30% off all your health and diet supplements

at your Winter Haven GNC location only.

Coupon: 30% off for Tigers WorldNo other discounts applyExpires March 31,2011

We appreciate the opportunity to serve and help you.

12 TIger’s World





ToTalWeighT loss

99.0 lbs. in 36 Weeks

“Renetta came to Tiger’s World a few years ago. She found the motivation and drive to change her life around. Renetta is now totally dedicated to her health

and fitness. She has participated in several Tiger’s World 12-

Week Challenge events and has lost over 100lbs and inches.

She loves to work out, run and eat right and she loves to share her drive and help others find in themselves what she has found.”


ToTalWeighT loss

48.0 lbs. in 36 Weeks

“I’m the oldest chick at Tigers World. I don’t take

any meds and I can run with the youngest. Today I am

healthier than I’ve ever been at any age, all because

Mr. Berto believed I could do this. He had me

believing and that changed everything. No Doctors, No Meds, just the workouts at

Tigers World.”


132010 challenge

everything to a warehouse in Winter Haven. Then the laborious process began of going through each box and identifying each piece of memorabilia. It was during that process that Longo learned about all the Hall of Fame Inductees, humbled when handling their memorabilia, like holding on to the shoes of Bob Hayes, the world’s fastest man.

Longo met again with Split Rock Studios, to come up with a concept design of the museum. With the help of local business owners, Kevin Ward, of a Ward Design Cabinetry and Kim and Barry Burgoon, of Visual Images, the display design and build came to life. On June 22, 2010 the dream became a reality with the ribbon cutting ceremony at the new PCTSM headquarters.

The Florida Sports Hall of Fame Museum is an unbelievable display of Florida’s greatest athletes, including 2010 Inductees, World Series MVP Pat Borders, Olympic swimming medallist Catie Ball-Condon, professional golfer Hubert Green and

Gainesville Sun Sports columnist Jack Hairston. Other greats in the Hall of Fame include, arnold Palmer, Charlie Owens, andy Bean, Chris Evert, Pete Sampras, Jim Courier, angelo Dundee, Eddie Flynn, Julian Jackson, George Steinbrenner, Hal Smeltzy, Otis Birdsong, Big

Daddy Don Garlits, Bobby and Donnie allison, Bobby Bowden, Dan Marino, Dick Pope Sr. and Dick Pope Jr., Rowdy Gaines and one day andre Berto.

The Florida Sports Hall of Fame is located on Berkley Rd., in auburndale, 2.5 miles north from Hwy 92. The Hall of Fame is open Tuesday-Friday 9aM-4PM. You can call Polk County Tourism and Sports Marketing at 863-551-4700.

THe fLorida sPorTs HaLL of fame mUseUmfinds a neW Home in aUBUrndaLe

In 1961 the Florida Sportswriters founded the Florida Sports

Hall of Fame. In 1974 the Hall of Fame found it’s first home at Cypress Gardens. It remained there until 1986

and then found a new home in 1991, relocating to Lake City. In 2000 the museum closed down, due to lack of state funding, resulting in all the memorabilia being hidden away in a near by warehouse.

In 2008 Polk County Tourism and Sports Marketing Director, Mark Jackson, met with Florida Sports Hall of

Fame President, Rick Dantzler, to discuss putting the Hall of Fame on the lower level of the new Polk County Tourism and Sports Marketing Headquarters, located at the new Lake Myrtle Sports Complex, in auburndale. The concept was brought to the Polk County Board of County Commissioners and was approved.

That’s when the fun began for Hank Longo, Manager of Visitor Services and Outpost 27 Visitor Center, for Polk County Tourism and Sports Marketing. Longo was responsible for managing the building project of Outpost 27 and designing the interior displays with Split Rock Studios, one of the premier museum exhibit design companies in the country. With that accomplishment, Longo was put in charge of managing the building of the new PCTSM Headquarters and designing and building the Florida Sports Hall of Fame Museum.

The first thing Longo had to do was go to the warehouse, in Lake City and St. Paul, and move

—Photo by B. Williams

14 TIger’s World





ToTalWeighT loss

69.4 lbs. in 12 Weeks

“My sister, Carolyn, inspired me to join the 12 Week Body

Transformation. The Tiger’s World team encouraged me to push

and Mr. Berto taught me to always go hard

or go home. It started as a dream…

Thanks for making it a reality.”

Kenneth Wright

ToTalWeighT loss

130 lbs. in 48 Weeks

“I’m tough enough to finish what I start, I’m smart enough to know

that I’m beautifully & wonderfully made by God, & humble enough to reach

out & help someone else....

I rock!

Thank you Mr. Berto &

Tigers World!”


152010 challenge

16 TIger’s World






ToTalWeighT loss

46.0 lbs. in 12 Weeks

“Are you kidding? Do we really have to say anything?

Just look at that tummy! Mark - the Big Man -

can tell you it ain’t easy, but it’s so worth it.”


ToTalWeighT loss

45.0 lbs. in 24 Weeks

“What you see here is Exana: Queen of

Lean & Mean. Yes, the attitude you see is as real as is the amazing


172010 challenge

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18 TIger’s World






“Shontina is amazing and no stranger to hard

work. She started working out at Tiger’s World

several years ago and has completed several

12-Week Challenges placing in some and

winning one too. It is clear to see

that she has worked hard - losing over 150 lbs.”

ToTalWeighT loss

203 lbs. in 52 Weeks


ToTalWeighT loss

20.0 lbs. in 12 Weeks

“Where everything else failed, the Tiger Vascular classes and

the 12 Week Challenge really work! I am in the best shape I have ever been. Mr. Berto and his staff transformed

my body by just doing squats, push-ups,

crunches and using 5 lb. weights.

You Guys Rock! ”

192010 challenge

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Mayor continued from page 7Potter was instrumental in coordinating a disaster relief contribution program. a day after the earthquake, Mayor Potter was communicating with Tiger’s World, and work-ing with City of Winter Haven administration to coordi-nate a collection process. Immediately, City employees were collecting food, water, and comfort supplies by the buckets. Collection sites were established, communica-tion was circulated to all employees and the public was notified of this opportunity. The window for collection was small, but the amount of supplies collected was significant! In just 24 hours, hundreds of bottles of water, non-perishable food, first aid supplies and other impor-tant items were placed in over a dozen collection bins and transported to Tiger’s World where supplies were prepared for transportation and distribution.

We are fortunate to live in a community of caring indi-viduals and organizations who recognize the importance of contributing to the health of our community. Whether it’s creating opportunities for a more physically fit popu-lation, or being there for those needing assistance for a better life, the City of Winter Haven is proud to have partners such as Tiger’s World. It is because of partner-ships that community generosity can develop into a larger project benefiting more people. We are privileged to have each other.

20 TIger’s World






ednaPierre Louis

“In the beginning, I thought, ‘What did I get

myself into.’ Towards the middle,

I felt strong and empowered. At the end,

I remember brushing my teeth and looking in the mirror thinking ‘What is that?’…

‘Wow it’s my abs!’

Can’t wait until the next challenge… part duex.”

ToTalWeighT loss

32.0 lbs. in 12 Weeks


ToTalWeighT loss

30.0 lbs. in 24 Weeks

“Thanks to Papa Berto and the amazing

Tiger’s World Challenge I am now a healthier, happier, & sexier ME! After

joining Tigers World & the Challenge I have lost all of my

pregnancy weight plus gained leaner/healthier

muscles! Thank you Tiger’s World!!”

212010 challenge

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22 TIger’s World





ToTalWeighT loss

23.0 lbs. in 12 Weeks

“Discipline and Motivation are the keys to success.

Master Berto and his “Tiger Team” make this possible. Tigers World is where I discovered

my healthy, beautiful body!”


ToTalWeighT loss

22.0 lbs. in 12 Weeks

“Thank you for pushing me to the limit. I have

never experience anything like this. It definitely works.

I’ll be back.”




232010 challenge

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24 TIger’s World




ToTalWeighT loss

41.0 lbs. in 36 Weeks

“The Challenge really showed me that the

sky is the limit. There’s nothing

I can’t do if I try.”


ToTalWeighT loss

50.0 lbs. in 24 Weeks

“ This program has really changed my perspective on life.

I always thought you live for the moment.

Eat what you want and drink what you want,

but through what I have learned at Tigers World I now know that life is

what you make it. I plan to make mine healthy.”




252010 challenge





“Tigers World has made a lasting

impression on my life. It was definitely hard, but with the help of God, the Captains,

fellow challenge members; and most importantly Berto pushing me, I was

able to overcome that obstacle in my life.

Now I’m ready for anything.”

ToTalWeighT loss

75.6 lbs. in 24 Weeks


“Excuses are only verbal

manifestations of ones fear

of failure!!!!!!!”

ToTalWeighT loss

32.6 lbs. in 24 Weeks



26 TIger’s World

Top 25 Challengers

rashawn alexander Whitney anders susan anders Charles anderson robyn Barnes

Jane Bucci amber Cordle alisa Cotton sabrina Crumedy amy Cunningham

Becky Hart Jay Hart randi Horner Kathy Jessie LaToya Jones

Lisa Littleton Lucretia mcCintosh Valesha mosley erica northern yolanda Palmer

edna Pierre Louis Tamira robinson ryan summeralls LaCheron szoke Kendra Williams

272010 challenge









28 TIger’s World

EDSoN BERTo is a profes-sional mixed martial artist who is trained by his father, Dieuseul Berto that appeared in the uFC 9, 10 and competed with mixed martial arts in Japan for several years. Edson’s incredible athleti-cism and talents have also stretched him to compete as a professional soccer player while living in Haiti. He currently has been training for MMa for the past years now and prefers the Muay Thai style stand up fighting. Edson’s forte would be his devastating leg kicks that chopped down his opponents as if he was wielding and axe. Edsons training regimen consists of grueling workouts that include: MMa by his father and training partners, boxing with his brother andre, Wrestling with his other brother Cleveland and strength conditioning. He is also a certified personal fitness trainer, and enjoys instructing others with self defense, weight loss, physical fitness and nutrition. Contact Edson today for Personal Trainer Rates.

JLEE CHERA Lightning Fast JLee will keep you moving! In addition to instructing adult cardio classes, fighter classes, and chil-dren’s classes, JLee attends college and is working towards complet-ing a degree in Physical Therapy. He has had several profession fights with RFC and is currently training for up and coming fights. Interested in Personal Training? Contact me today!


EDEMS CELISCAR loves being a fighter and a personal trainer and his love and enthusiasm shows through when he competes or when he instructs. He is the eldest of seven siblings and he is just as likely to be found lead-ing a church service or playing games with the little ones as he is training to the breaking point or pushing clients to theirs. Edems is originally from the small island of La Gonave, off the coast of Haiti; after coming to the united States in 1999, he attended Winter Haven High School where he was respected for his athletic abilities. Edems excelled in soccer, track and basketball; however, after high school he entered a period known as the “freshmen fluffy” a period when the first year college student’s body reacts to the loss of high school sports train-ing coupled with the added stress of academic demands. In a nutshell, Edems packed on the weight and spent his free time in front of the television or computer instead on the track or in the gym.

Contact us today to set you up with one of our quality trainers.

RENETTA BuRKE Renetta is now being trained as an instructor at Tiger’s World; where she main-tains seven fitness groups; and will be going to get her official certifi-cation soon. Renetta is a true inspiration and living proof that it can happen even for the most discouraged individuals. Tiger’s World will be signing up for the new fitness challenge soon where participant’s compete for 12 weeks with daily

fitness training, vigorous diet, and unlimited motivational speeches from Berto himself for encouragement.


1007 6th Street, SE • Winter Haven, Florida 33880

www.tigersworldma.us • (863) 299-3661

Cleveland Berto2000 Freestyle WrestlingFlorida State Champion

register now for the next

Weight loss challenge



SpACE iS LimitEd

call TodaY!



Lose Weight & Get in Shape