tickhill today october edition


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Community Magazine for residents of Tickhill and surrounding villages


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Welcome to the October edition of TICKHILL TODAYTICKHILL TODAY.

How the months are flying by this year, already leaves are starting to fall from the trees and the days are getting so much shorter. I’m still wearing my favourite Fitflops but I think that the time has come to put them away and get out my winter boots!

I think that this issue is a Christmas free zone, however next month is sure to be full of Christmas themed adverts. The November and December magazines are always very popular so don’t leave it too late to contact me if you would like to book an advert in either edition. The November edition will be delivered from 30th October. Please ensure that any-thing that you would like to be included in it is with me by Friday 15th October.

Best Wishes, Paula


EMAIL: [email protected] Tel: 01302 744278

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Galley Properties

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Today Publications’ Magazines are created & published by local people, for local people, supporting local business.

This Booklet has been compiled and published by Today Publications who are the owners of the copyright. This booklet, publication, images and all content information remain the copyright of the publisher and must not be copied, scanned or reproduced in any way or stored in any retrieval system of any nature without the written permission of the publisher.

All information in this booklet is published in good faith and, whilst all reasonable care is taken to ensure the accuracy of information included in this booklet, we take no responsibility for the accuracy of statements, content or omissions within the advertisements or for the loss arising from non-publication of any detail or advertisement.

Printed by Warwick Printing Company Limited, Caswell Road, Leamington Spa, CV31 1QD Tel: 01926 883355

Tickhill Library, Space Hop & A Big Thank You

Once again this year Tickhill Library has participated in the UK’s biggest reading event for chil-dren, the Summer Reading Challenge. For 2010, the Challenge is called Space Hop.

The aim is for children to read six books from their library during the summer holidays. The chal-lenge is designed for children of all ages and reading abilities. They can read and books they like - fact books, stories, joke books, picture books - its up to them. Audio books count too! If they are borrowed from the library they all count.

It is an interactive experience that children love to take part in. It gets them into libraries and gives them the confidence they need to choose their own books and take their reading to the next stage. For any children, the Summer Reading Challenge is jus the incentive they need to turn them into readers for life.

This year over 60 children in Tickhill have completed the challenge and they will be presented with their medals and certificates, by Sandra Heath, the Reading Development manager. At the presentation ceremony in the Library on Monday 11th October at 4pm.

This will be an ideal opportunity for the children to try out the new sofas and pouffes, purchased especially for the children’s area with donations from the Tickhill and District Lions and Phil Swales and his Notice Board. A huge thank you to both, the new furniture has created a com-fortable & relaxing reading area that the children can call their very own.

Tickhill Horticultural Society The 23rd Annual Show on September 11th was opened by Mrs Debbie John-Lewis, manager of the DMBC Neighbourhood Team, who also presented the trophies later in the afternoon.

With the Methodist church beautifully decorated for the Harvest Festival the needlework's group’s display was a picture. The range of work was such high quality that the judge had some difficult decisions to make. Similarly the photography and art classes filled a room with entries of excellent quality. The main hall was filled with flowers, vegetables, baking, preserves and the entries in the children’s section. Whilst in some classes there were fewer entries than last year, the overall standards were very high, and the judges complimented the quality

Trophies 1. Doncaster Advertiser Cup for most points in the show—Ray Hill 2. Doncaster Free Press Cop for the best exhibit in the Horticultural section—John Marr 3 Eatons Cup for the most point sin the Vegetable Section—Ray Hill 4. Garnett Challenge for the best Vegetables exhibit—Tony Webb 5. Mary Paulucy, Presidents Cup for the most points in Handicraft Section—Sandy Whitehead 6. The Handilec Cup for the best flower or plant in Classes 1-18—John Marr 7. The Guardian shield for the most points in Children’s Section Phoebe McCoy-Nesham 8. Rita Roberts Cup for the most points in Baking Section—Judith Hempsell 9. Freddie Boardman Trophy for the most points in the Flower Section Classes 1-12—Ray Hill 10. Freddie Boardman Cup for the best exhibit in Floral art Section—Pauline Louch 11. Alf barber Trophy for the best entry in Class 23 3 dressed onions—Tony Webb 12. Helene Sanderson Cup fort he best Needlework Exhibit—Carol Banham 13. Horticultural Society Schools Trophy—Tickhill Estfeld 14. Adrian Razey cup for the most points in Photography Classes—David Miller Many trophies and other awards were supported by cash or voucher prizes, and we are indebted to our many sponsors including Torne Valley, Tesco extra, Taylors of Tickhill, Lockwood's Florist, the Millstone, Strikes Nurseries and Markham Grange Nurseries.

Overall an excellent event which contributes to a superb Harvest Festival weekend for the Meth-odist church, providing a great opportunity to meet the charismatic and energetic new Minister, John Hartley.

Our next meeting will be a members evening on Thursday the 28th October in the Methodist Schoolroom at 7.15pm Mrs Debbie John-Lewis will be back to present the trophies again after engraving. Debbie will have other members of her Neighbourhood Team with her to discuss the teams activities and plans . The evening will also include a question and answer session, a quiz and refreshments.

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Melody Maison

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Upholstery Recovering & RepairsUpholstery Recovering & Repairs

Broken Joints & Spring RepairsBroken Joints & Spring Repairs

French PolishingFrench Polishing

Chair CaningChair Caning


Caravans & Motor HomesCaravans & Motor Homes


Contact Mike on 01302 745578Contact Mike on 01302 745578Contact Mike on 01302 745578 The Old Builders Yard, 20 Westgate, Tickhill, DN11 9NEThe Old Builders Yard, 20 Westgate, Tickhill, DN11 9NEThe Old Builders Yard, 20 Westgate, Tickhill, DN11 9NE

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Distinctive Flooring

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DC Interiors Kitchens, Bedrooms & Studies

Superior Quality & Sensible Prices

Our own made to measure rigid built units

Huge range of styles and colours

Full fitting service

Extensive range of appliances

Friendly no obligation design services

Unit 2, Fairfield Road, Tesco Precinct, Edenthorpe, Doncaster DN3 2NS

Tel: 01302 886790

Trusize Works, Rotherham Road, Maltby

Tel: 01709 790145

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Penelope’s Organic and Natural Holistic

Health and Beauty

Holistic Facial Hot Stone Massage Indian Head Massage Swedish Body Massage Reflexology Aromatherapy Hopi Ear Candles Organic Manicures and Pedicures Waxing Eye Treatments Reiki - Courses and Treatments


Tel: 01302 746726 07909 443371

Based on Lumley Drive, Tickhill Mobile Service Available

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Paul Smith Hearing

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Bawtry Health & Fitness

Fashion Show and Sale

of Ex Chain Store Clothes &


On Wednesday 13th October

at 7pm

in the Main Hall at

Sir Thomas Wharton

Community College,


Entrance £2

Refreshments Available

Everyone Welcome

The Tickhill Cricket Club Ball

Sat 20th November

An evening of fun and fundraising Dinner & Dancing to ‘Budo’

7 piece Swing Band (Buble, Sinatra, Martin etc & a bit of Take That!)

Plus Disco til late

Black Tie and Gorgeous dresses

Tickets £45

For tickets contact Sue Draper at Wilsic Road Day Nursery

01302 742629 (cash, cheques) Ann Carrol at

Lockwoods Florists 01302 742128 (cards, cash,


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Scarbrough Arms

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Planning policy may seem a matter of little interest until an unwelcome development comes on your doorstep, by which time it may be too late! Thus the latest consultation on Doncaster’s Local Development Core Strategy – the centre piece of a pile of documents to replace the current Unitary Development Plan – does matter to every one of us. Don’t miss your opportunity to comment.

Where Tickhill is concerned directly, it will probably satisfy most readers. It designates Tickhill as a ‘conservation town’, allowing only ‘modest development’ within the limits of the settlement. The Green Belt around us remains intact. So far, so good.

However, there are other issues which are of inter-est, if not of concern. The Coalition Government has abolished the Regional Spatial Strategies, which means at least one positive in that the unrealistic housing targets imposed by Government Office on Doncaster (and everywhere else) have gone and we can determine what is needed for ourselves. How the Borough Council will decide this is being discussed. I am far from happy about the way the Green Belt is addressed within the Core Strategy, in that it qualifies the exceptional circumstances for Green Belt development laid down nationally with “including the need to achieve the Growth and Regeneration Strategy” – which suggests that, if Doncaster wants to build in the Green Belt, it will ignore what is supposed to be protected. Also the ridiculous anomaly of having half a Green Belt (there is none to the east of the East Coast main line railway) is continued, regardless of the pressure from many individuals and organisations to extend protection to all our countryside after necessary allocations have been made for housing and employment. I know too that there are anxieties in some quarters about development in areas liable to flood, which climate change makes more significant.

There is one wider criticism which I have of the document and that is its constant emphasis on Robin Hood Airport and the access road to it as though this was the only part of the borough which matters and the only potential source of new employment. It would be much healthier if there were a balanced promotion of the regeneration of Doncaster town centre, where there is plenty of opportunity, and of the other parts of the borough whose need is much greater than the prosperous south-eastern fringe.

John Hoare

Village Ventures Rural Touring Scheme for Theatre and Music

Autumn Season

Nearly Lear is a solo performance by

the actor Susanna Hamnett. Susanna trained at the Guildhall in London and

has worked with the wonderful Kneehigh Theatre Company whose work

many of you know. Nearly Lear is touring the UK until it

begins a run on Broadway (New York) January 2011 and then goes on to the Sydney Opera House in April 2011.

this is impressive stuff, and I for one am well impressed!

She will be in

Styrrup Village Hall on Wednesday 3 November at 7.30pm, and all this for only

£7.50 (£3.50 for a child)

Tickets 01302 752515



7 for 7.30pm at Tickhill Institute Tickets £10 inc Pie and Pea supper

There will also be a charity auction and raffle and the bar will be open.

In aid of our local drama groups CATS and 2ACT which give an opportunity for youngsters between the ages of 5 and early 20’s to dance, sing, act and learn theatre skills within new social groups

and perform on stage giving them huge self confidence.

For tickets contact Karen Stoodley on 01302 746674 or call into Karen Connelly

Beauty Salon, 3 Sunderland Street, Tickhill

We hope to see you there

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Specialist in Business and Enterprise

Tait Avenue, Edlington, Doncaster, DN12 1HH. T: 01709 864100 F: 01709 770026 E: [email protected] Headteacher Mrs Mary McCorry Deputy Headteachers Mr K Binks Mr K Grum

Students gain outstanding results at all levels

The school has improved its results in every category, with our highest ever percentage of students gaining 5 A* ‐ Cs including English and Maths, 48%, an increase of 11%.

This represents an 18% increase in two years. Furthermore, 67% of students have achieved 5 A* ‐ C overall, again an improvement of 10% on last year’s results. 99% of our students have left Year 11 with a qualification.

This year, several Year 10 and 11 students have successfully completed AS courses in English Literature, Information Technology, Mathematics and Music. All achieved passes and there was particular success in Mathematics with 4 students gaining a grade A and 2 students a grade B, an outstanding achievement.

We are very pleased that the hard work and commitment of both students and staff have resulted in a 97% pass rate at A level this year. There were many individual success stories and the Year 13 students have chosen a variety of pathways to follow from starting their careers in the workplace to continuing into higher education. We are very proud of their achievements at Sir Thomas Wharton Community College and we wish them every success in their future careers.

Learning for Life Succeeding Together

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Phytotherapy/Herbal Medicine

Phytotherapy is the correct name for herbal medicine, and refers to medicine made with plants as the primary ingredient. Using plants to treat illness is one of the oldest forms of therapy and is still used in many places, as the primary form of health care.

Whilst the UK is still dragging its heels in recognizing the many benefits of herbal medicine, in other European countries, it is a very normal part of treatment and a quick look through the average family medicine chest will reveal herbal products for everything from the common cold to first aid.

Although herbal remedies are safe and effective, it is imperative that you know exactly how to use them. Most can be safely taken alongside regular medicines however there are those that will interact or be totally unsuitable for certain individuals, so all care should be taken and self- medicating (often with nothing more than a little internet research) should be avoided just as with regular medicine. Get professional advice!

A qualified phytotherapist trains for years to know what herbal treatments are appropriate for which conditions, and for whom they are best used.

Vanessa Kramer at our in-clinic phyto-pharmacy at the Alexandra Clinic offers advice and free 10 minute appointments. This ensures that you will receive the correct remedy and that you are safe using it. She can also safely recommend the correct doses for children, who should not be given a normal adult dose of herbal medicines. She can also make some customized items such as creams and flower remedies. Come along and see how herbal medicine can improve you health.

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Bircotes Leisure Centre

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Jo Jingles

Land’s End To John O’Groats in aid of Cancer Research UK

On August 24th 2010 I set off from my home in Tickhill to get ready for a 10 day charity cycle ride supporting Cancer Research UK between Lands End and John O’Groats. Along the way I was to be joined by cycling friends for parts of the journey, and take a route which would take me back through Tickhill and up the east coast rather than the traditional west coast route. One of those was another Tickhill Resident, Graeme Swain who cycled from Bristol back to Tickhill with me where we were encour-aged along by lots of flag waving and cheering!

I arrived in John O’Groats on 3rd September, and encouraged by seeing other cyclists, made it to John O’Groats for 5pm, nervously coming down the hill towards the port in case I didn’t find the ‘John O’Groats’ official sign post and had to go back up another hill!

It was an incredible journey, and one that has so far raised £1080 for Cancer Research.

Thank you to everyone who supported me, through my training and the ride itself

and of course to those who have sponsored me. My sponsorship page remains open, so if you would like to add to my total of £1080 please visit - http://www.justgiving.com/bpmlejog2010

Martin Bowdler

Don’t spend your leisure time


Take it to IRON MAIDEN


01302 742412

or 07779 061304

Tickhill based

reliable service

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Tel: 01302 880739 Mobile: 07773 353051 / 07860 562712 Email: [email protected]


Electrical Installations, Domestic, Commercial, Industrial

Network Installations, Wireless Systems, Structured Cabling, Fibre Optic Solutions.

Integrated telecom solutions including VOIP.

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Security alarms, perimeter lighting, all your security needs.

Local Company - 20 Years Experience - All Work Fully Guaranteed Fast, Friendly & Professional Service - No Job to small

For a no obligation quote - Give us a call

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Mayflower Animal Sanctuary. Narrow Lane Bawtry Doncaster

It is a good feeling knowing that we have re homed so many cats and dogs this year, and so many wonderful people have made this possible. But the list goes on, we re home one dog and there are two or even three to take its place. We hate to think what would happen to all these lovely dogs and cats if it wasn't for Sanctuaries like ours throughout the country.

Good news on Bella our Mayflower Star, she has at last found the loving home we all hoped would come her way. She is packing her bag and saying goodbye to everyone that has cared for her and loved her while she has been with us. Hopefully her new owners will keep us well informed of her progress and we will look forward to seeing her looking proud and happy.

A dog that needs our help at the moment is Doug, he is a Pointer that has been involved in a road traffic accident that has left him with a badly disfigured face and blind in one eye. He is a young dog, he is a pleasant happy boy that loves to play and is good with other dogs. If you are calling at the Sanctuary please ask to see him, it is really heart-warming to see how animals cope with a disability.

The dog warden brought Kylie to us. She is a Staffy cross and still a puppy around 5 months old. This puppy is so depressed she wont lift her head up from her bed. She has one of the worst cases of flea allergy's that we have seen. She will need specialist medication and treatment for quite some time but we hope she will make a full recovery.

The dog warden has also brought us a litter of day old puppies with their mum who is a cross breed, at least she is safe now and has the opportunity of rearing her little ones in a loving environment.

Ellie is a small collie cross around three and a half years old, she is good with other dogs and children, but always seems to get over looked when we have visitors . Please ask to see her if you are looking for that special pet.

We still have lots of beautiful cats and kittens ready for adop-tion . We are also looking for a foster home for an elderly cat, she has health issues which we will continue to provide for. She is ten years old and is a pretty Calico colour. Can you help give her a loving home and a warm bed, that is all she will ask for.

The next fund raiser we are looking forward to is our annual sponsored dog walk in Bawtry forest. Everyone is welcome. If you need any sponsor forms please give us a call . Please come along and support us, this is a beautiful forest and a won-derful way to spend a Sunday morning . So put the 10th Octo-ber in your diary and join us to make this another successful fund raiser.

In the next few weeks we will be re organising our charity shop in Manton, so if you are looking for that Christmas gift that wont break the bank come along and have a browse . Our volunteers will be pleased to see you. If you have any really good quality items or unwanted gifts please donate them to our shop we will be very grateful.

Please call the Sanctuary on 01302 711330 or Mags 07969 203206 if you would like any further information about our Sanctuary Our new website is up and running. You will find us at www.mayflowersanctuary.co.uk.

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The Market Place, Tickhill

01302 742355

Annual Wine Tasting

Your first opportunity to sample the latest additions to our award winning

range of wines will be October 28th 2010.

St Marys School Hall 7.30pm

Entry is by ticket only £7.50 available, in store, from Friday 1st October.

Six of our prestigious food suppliers have also confirmed their attendance

for this event.

Further information on the range of wines can be found at


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EATONS High Class Family Butchers

Awarded 4 star Hygiene from DMBC


Often from D Brookfield (Tickhill)

Local Pork from EV Slack (Wadworth) FREE RANGE EGGS

Gold Award winning PORK PIES

Licensed to sell game Homemade Jams & Chutneys

on sale with fruit from our own trees

FREE local delivery

8 Market Place, TICKHILL 01302 742360

Try our large range of home made

sausages, pork pies, meat pies,

sausage rolls, quiches, barbeque

meats and home cooked meats

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10AM – 11.45AM

Come and buy from our wide selection of home made,

home produced CAKES, SAVOURIES,



Tickhill Country Market call 01302 855379 or 01302 742323

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Tickhill and Bawtry Probus Club

Such is the power of the Press! Since we started putting quarterly articles in the Tickhill and Bawtry Today magazines our membership has increased by 17.46%. Quoting such a useless figure probably tells you that by profession I was either an engineer or a politician (engineer actually) but it also means that our membership has increased to 74 and that its slow decline over recent years has been reversed. Thank you, Paula for providing the means whereby we can publicise our activities. We still have room for a few more members so if you feel that as a retired professional or businessman you would like to join us please come along to the Millstone Hotel on the 2nd or 4th Thursday of each month and see if you like what you find.

Our programme for the next three months is as follows: 14th October. “Magic Mushrooms” by Dr P Harding. 28th October. “Laughton and District - Steeped in History” by Roy Newman 11th November. “Remembering” by Members. 25th November. Members Annual Dinner 9th December. “The Sweet Fifties” by Mr T. Dixon 23rd December. “Vestas” by David Woodall. All meetings are held at the Millstone Hotel and with the exception of the Members Annual Dinner meetings start at 10.30 AM with coffee served from 10.00 AM. We look forward to seeing you all.

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Estfeld at Tickhill Horticultural Show

This year more pupils than ever entered some of their work at the annual Horticultural Show.

It is a wonderful community event and it was lovely to see all of the entries on display.

Pictured are those pupils who won a prize in the class that they entered. Many more of our pupils entered and we were all very proud of their efforts. Well done to everybody. We were also delighted to have won the Schools Trophy for the first time – it was a real team effort!

A special mention must also go to Phoebe McCoy-Nesham who was awarded most points in the children’s section. Congratulations to Phoebe. (pictured below).

Also pictured with our youngest pupils is Mrs Karen Booker, who won both the white and the brown bread-making classes. Well done, Mrs Booker.

Our thanks to Ray Hill and his team for organising the event and for their help in transporting our rather large vegetable box to and from the Methodist Church.

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Tickhill St Mary’s C of E Primary and Nursery School The PTA have been working hard over the last few years to raise money to support the development of the unused playground area. Fund raising events such as the Duck Race and Christmas fairs have all contributed. The school is grateful to all parents past & present who have contributed to this project.

Although it has been a long time coming to fruition we are all delighted that the school garden is now well under way and as we await the planting of the grass we are already looking at further developments which includes the planting of a large amount of purple crocus bulbs donated by St Leger Rotary club as a reminder of how successfully polio has been eradicated in most parts of the world over the years. When children are immunised their finger is dipped in a purple dye to show that they have been immunised. This is the reason for the colour purple and we think they will look stunning in our new garden.

Katarina Martin, School Secretary

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Green Stripe

Garden Services

Garden Maintenance Grass Cutting - weekly visits Gardens Restored Hedges Trimmed & Pruning Turfing, Fencing, Paving Registered Waste Carrier Fully Insured OAP Discount 19 Years Experience

Phone: 01777 818615 Mobile: 07833 494353



Relaxation, Therapeutic & Remedial Massage Therapist

From sleep inducing relaxation to treatment of many soft tissue dysfunctions

i.e. Frozen Shoulder, Whiplash etc

Enquiries : 07951 179270

Practice at Doncaster Dome

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Jones & Co

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Tickhill & District Lions Club

At the Lions meeting on September 7th representatives of both Macmillan Nurses and Marie Curie Nurses gave short talks out-lining activities, costs and where funding was obtained. Welfare Deputy chairman Frank Tyas, presented cheques for £500 to each of the charities for local use.

A contribution of £250 has been made to the Lions Club International Pakistan Appeal. If each Lions Club around the world makes a similar payment many millions of pounds will be available for projects in the disaster areas.

Many thanks to everyone who visited the Scarbrough Arms Beer Festival over the weekend of 11th and 12th September and purchased a burger or hot dog from our barbeque stall. Our team was kept very busy on both days. Keeping them in good practise for our next barbecue on Saturday 6th November at The Oak, for the annual Bonfire Night celebrations. The bonfire will be lit at 5.30pm with a superb show of fireworks to follow, starting at approx 6pm with a short interval half way through.

On Wednesday the 6th of October we will be having a comedy evening & dinner at Doncaster Golf Club. Our usual Master of Ceremonies, Malcolm Lord will host the evening, introducing Lea Roberts winner of the ITV Comedy talent show “Stand up Britain” - , and off-the-cuff, fast ad-lib specialist - Mike Kelly. Tickets are priced at £30 a head and can be booked by contacting the Lions on 01302 743760 or 750050.

The Epilepsy Project The Aim of the epilepsy pro-ject is to ease the Isolation of people with epilepsy and their carers.

At present to achieve our aims we run an arts and crafts group a support group and have social events. we also publish a newsletter and also raise awareness of epi-lepsy and how it effects people with epilepsy and their families.

We also need trustees for our management committee. ( training provided).

We are a registered charity No 11024221

Should anyone be interested in joining one our groups or want to become involved with the Project then please contact Bernard Gage on 17815842104 or Kath on 07810102475.

Voglia d’Italia (the Italian Society for South

Yorks and North Notts) presents:

‘Introducing Dante’. Dr Matthew Treherne gives an

informal talk on Dante Alighieri, Italy’s national poet, focusing on his masterpiece:

“La Divina Commedia”.

Friday 1st October 7.45pm, Tickhill Pavilion.

Admission: £3 non-members Further information:

01909 481136

Who has what secrets at the Hotel Nova Paradise? Find out when the Village Players (Everton) proudly present their next produc-tion, the comedy Let’s Pre-tend, first performed at the Stephen Joseph Theatre in Scarborough in 1995. The hotel Nova Paradise has seen better days and so have some of its long stay British resi-dents, who, it emerges, are escaping more than the UK weather. Things go awry when the arrival of a young couple booked into the hotel by mistake coincides with a near riot by the hotel staff as harassed holiday rep Karen struggles to keep both order and her job. Layers of deceit are peeled away with increasing speed as se-crets are revealed, leaving everyone exposed to the dangers of pretence and deception. Described by The Stage as “a superb evening of riotous enter-tainment”, Let’s Pretend balances comedy, at times bordering on farce, and pathos, leaving the audience in suspense until the very end. Performances will take place in Everton Village Hall from Wednesday 27th to Saturday 30th October. Tickets, which are priced at £5 (£4 for students) can be obtained from their Box Office (01777 817275), or web site: www.evplayers.org.uk.

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Mobile Vehicle Valeting Service Let us take the work out of cleaning your vehicles

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Tickhill Printing & Computer Services

07792 410738


250 Business Cards, 10 Letterheads,

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10 Personalised Pens £33

50 Compliment Slips £20

[email protected] ~ www.tpacs.co.uk

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10% discount for




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Paintings by:-

BRYAN DAY A large selection of Landscapes available

at 31 Worksop Road, Tickhill The work includes water colours (unframed)

of local subjects, with those from previous tours in Lakeland, Cornwall,

Scotland & Spain

Telephone 01302 744952

Your Friendly Coach Holiday Company

2010 Tours & Mini-breaks 23rd Oct Blackpool Illuminations £12 25th Oct & 15th Nov Tinsel & Turkey £209 30th Dec New Year, Savoy, Blackpool £270 24th Jan Grand Hotel Scarbrough £125 21st Feb Bosworth Hall Hotel & Spa £169

Bankwood Ind Est, Rossington, DN11 0PS Phone (01302) 866193 / 07836 757618

Email: [email protected]

CASH PAID NOW for worn/worn out clothing,

bedding, curtains, shoes, boots & bags.

No amount too small.

Please contact Ed or Chris 01302 866051 / 07832 136142

CASTLE DOMESTICS Repairs to most brands of

Domestic Appliance

Washers/Dryers/Electric Cookers/Dysons etc

Freephone: 0800 1583611 Phone or text 07792 892716

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Call to book now 07860 562712


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Our Centenary year is now drawing to its close in October. We have had a packed year, the highlight of which was attending the FUSION event at Harewood House in August with a sleepover for 8 of the girls after. Nothing could have prepared us for this event. The day started in drizzle, but this did not dampen anyone’s spirits, we arrived at 10.30am and were immediately thrown into the fun, there were grannies on shopping trolleys waving their umbrellas and tearing up and down in front of the house, there were singing vegetables, circus acts with hoola hoops, tight rope walkers, a beach with as much sand as you could wish for, complete with deck chairs for weary adults, the list went on and on. The den making in the woods was a big hit with all the girls. The finale was spectacular with acrobats hanging from balloons. We had all been asked to take a piece of pink material which we waved enthusiasti-cally at the end of the day, 30,000 pieces of ma-terial being waved in the air was a sight I, for one, will never forget.

After we had waved goodbye to most of the girls and adults, Katy and I with 8 of the girls went on to the Centenary Camp, where we had great fun putting up our tents and meeting girls from all over the world. The next day, it was a very weary bunch that made their way home by public transport, 3 buses and 1 train with a short stop for a MacDonalds in Leeds railway station. Girlguiding is all about giving the girls confidence and getting them to experience new things, this was certainly one of those times and thoroughly enjoyed by all.

We are now settling into the new school year, some girls have left to go on to Girl Scouts or other things, and new ones have joined. As always if you would like to get involved all that is required is a sense of fun and the willingness to undergo a CRB check.

Clare Carr, Brown Owl, 07780 703012

20th Doncaster Wadworth Rainbows

We have had a good start to the year, welcoming 3 new Rainbows to our Unit. We will shortly be enrolling these girls into our Unit and they are currently learning the words of their promise - 'I promise that I will do my best, to love my God and to be kind and helpful'.

A Centenary party is planned for Wednesday 20th October and many girls who are involved in Guiding from all over the Doncaster area will be joining each other to celebrate the Girlguid-ing UK Centenary year. This will be a fantastic opportunity for the girls to understand that they are part of a much wider family than that of their own Unit.

We will also be raising funds this year for the YWCA Doncaster Women's Centre and will be hosting a variety of fundraising events throughout the year to achieve as much money as we can to show our support for the Centre. One of the things in the pipe line is a Beach Party in October where we will charge an entrance fee and the Rainbows and Brownies will each bring a friend. The girls are very excited – so are we!

Anybody either wishing to join our Unit or volunteer with us should contact me on the number below.

Nicola Lovejoy, Rainbow Guide Leader, 07956 031880

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Call Lynne

Mob: 07779 496001

Home: 01302 745799

If you like food, a My Secret Kitchen tasting is a fun and friendly experience that’s not

to be missed!

Monday 1st November Tickhill Institute

At 7.30pm Organised by Tickhill Residents Association

For more details call 07821 589104 www.mysecretkitchen.co.uk

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Samaritans Purse Operation Christmas Child

- Shoe Box Collection.

I hope you saw the piece in the September ‘Tickhill Today’ about

the shoe box collection for Samaritans Purse Operation Christmas Child. If not and you would like to give a child a never to be forgotten pre-sent, the only gift some of these children will ever receive, please pick up a leaflet from Tickhill library.

The gifts from the U.K. go to children in Eastern Europe, the former Soviet Union and Africa. Fill a shoe box and we’ll see you at the 10.30am service in the Methodist Church on November 7th or ring me before November 7th and I will collect your shoe box.

There will be a coffee morning in the Methodist Church lounge on 20 Oct 10.00 to 12.00 where there will be a stall selling items for shoe boxes you are all welcome.

Thank you for your help. Pat on 742755

Le Cercle Francais de Doncaster

For those who are interested in attending talks and activities in French, Le Cercle Francais meets on the second Friday in the month at 7pm at the College for the Deaf, Leger Way, Doncaster. You don't have to be fluent in the language, or be expected to speak French yourself.

For more information please contact Chris Phinn - Tel: 759467

Yorkshire Countrywomen’s Association

Sixty-two members and three visitors were pre-sent at our meeting on September 9th when Mrs. Pat Eames gave a very interesting talk about the History of Jewellery. She brought ex-amples of her hand-made jewellery which some ladies were very happy to buy!

We are holding a Pie and pea Harvest Supper on Wednesday October 20th in the Parish Rooms at 7.30p.m. The cost of this is £4 and the money raised is for our charity...Weston Park Hospital. Tickets will be on sale at the next meeting which will be on Thursday October 7th. which will be a Humorous Talk by Mr. Dan Bullock.

Will members please note that the money for the tickets for Me and My Girl at the Crucible Theatre in Sheffield needs to be paid at the October meeting.

Marcia J Lingard [ Secretary ]

Les Francophiles de Tickhill

The new season of Les Francophiles starts on Wednesday, 6th October. The evening will begin with our AGM followed by a wine-tasting. This will take the form of a test - from various wine descriptions you have to discover which ones you are drinking! We are looking forward to welcoming back our members and also those who have not been before.

On Wednesday, 3rd November, our speaker is Guy Richeux. Guy, who now lives in France, still returns quite regularly to speak at various French groups throughout the country. He will be talking to us about Joan of Arc.

The meetings take place at 7.30pm in the Parish Room on the first Wednesday in the month Talks are in English but there is always the chance to speak French during the course of the evening. Do come along and see our varied programme for the year.

Membership is £12 for 10 meetings, £3 for visitors. For further information, please contact Mike Scragg - Tel: 750312

Tickhill Methodist Ladies' Fellowship.

At our meeting on Tuesday October 12th we are to be given a Presentation by Tickhill Writers. Then on Tuesday October 26th. we are to have a return visit from the ever popular Sue Benning-ton who will bring us an afternoon of song. Do join us for these meetings which will begin, as usual, at 2.30p.m.

Marcia J Lingard [ Secretary ]

THE SHEFFIELD SINGERS At the risk of making myself unpopular for men-tioning the word Christmas so early it’s time to tell you about the Sheffield Singers again. They will be singing at our beautiful St. Mary’s Church on THURSDAY 16th DECEMBER at 7.30pm. I do hope you will join us for a festive evening of carols and Christmas music - and something at the interval to warm us up!

Put the date in your diary and I’ll give you more details next month.


STUDIO TO LET Small attic studio to let in

town centre Gallery Would suit photographer,

artist, jeweller, therapist etc.. Gallery12a, 12a South

Parade, Doncaster, DN1 2DY £20 per week including

services. Please contact: Rosemary Firth

Gallery 01302 738377 Mob: 07505 057601 www.gallery12a.blogspot.com

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Quality beef, reared in Tickhill.

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non-GM crops.

Matured on the bone for

nearly 3 weeks. Supplied fresh as a £50 family pack

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8kg in total.

To order, ring Anna or David

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Flat roofing with 10 year guarantee Tiling Slating Guttering work Chimney work Fascias

From a simple repair to a re-roof!

For reliable, friendly and professional service call Ian on:

Mobile: 07850 188354 Home: 01302 714055

Or Email us at:

[email protected]

French Polishing

KEN HEMPSELL Professional French Polishing

Furniture Restoration

Prompt Estimates

Tel 01302 751476 (Tickhill)

Mobile 07745 579839

STUDIO TO LET Small attic studio to let in

town centre Gallery Would suit photographer,

artist, jeweller, therapist etc.. Gallery12a, 12a South

Parade, Doncaster, DN1 2DY £20 per week including

services. Please contact: Rosemary Firth

Gallery 01302 738377 Mob: 07505 057601 www.gallery12a.blogspot.com

Page 48: Tickhill Today October Edition

Legs, Bums & Tums Class Tickhill Institute

Tuesday 7-8pm & Thursday 2-3pm All ages and abilities welcome Contact Mandy on 752511

What’s On in Doncaster

Did you know Doncaster is buzzing with activities, events, talks, walks, exhibitions, music and sports, most of which are free.

To find out what’s on in your area log onto www.doncaster.gov/whatson

Tickhill TARA

Our meeting on 25th August took on an autum-nal theme - as the issues mainly discussed were tree and hedge related. Some hedges and over hanging branches separating properties are extremely high and unnecessary - spoiling neighbours enjoyment of their gardens and light. The other problem – common at this time of year – are the fallen crab apples etc. making paths slippery. We had an amusing and informative discussion regarding these prob-lems. The leaves and fallen fruit etc. are a problem but as nature takes on its autumnal colours of russets, browns, yellows and greens I think it is one of the prettiest seasons Mother Nature gives us.

Our next meeting is Wednesday 27th October in Castle Close Communal Hall at 6.30 p.m. Why not pop down and join us. We are a friendly lot come along for a chat!

Trisha Marsh Secretary Tickhill TARA.

Tickhill Pop In Centre We are to be entertained by John Marsden and Friends, on hand bells, at 2pm on the afternoon of October 6th. Anyone is very welcome to join us and there is no charge.

The centre is held in the Methodist Church Lounge on Northgate every Wednesday afternoon from 1.30pm -3.30pm. Please drop in if you would like a chance to make new friends with a cup of tea and a chat. Transport is available within Tickhill and for further details ring Rosemary Cornish on 744768.

We are always looking for volunteers to either help with transport or spend time with our lively group of visitors, on a rota basis. Again, talk to Rosemary if you want to know more. We look forward to hear-ing from you.

Friday 15th October 2010 St Mary’s Primary School, Tickhill at 8pm


Non members and new members always welcome at our concerts

Enquiries: Adrian Hattrell (01302) 742612

Season ticket : Members £50.00 Concessions £45.00 Single concert: Members £ 7.00 Concessions £ 7.00 Non-members £10.00

Children under 16 free when accompanied by an adult Students (16-19) free










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Home Inspirations

Kitchen & Bathrooms

Building Services

Working together with you

Collection to installation service

You buy it we can fit it

Installation of kitchens

Worktops - sinks - taps

Installation of Bathrooms

Shower Cubicles

Tiling - Wall & Floor

All types of building work

Stud walling - brickwork

Just give PAUL a call on

07709 215673

or 01302 744092

Page 50: Tickhill Today October Edition


Pre-school children & their parent or carer on last Wednesday of each month

WADWORTH COMMUNITY CENTRE 10.00 to 12.00 hours

FREE EVENT run by Wadworth with Loversall Mothers Union. ALL WELCOME

Why not come and join Cynthia & friends at Tickhill Institute for

Sequence Dancing and have some fun

Thursday night 8.30-11pm Admission £1.50

Patchwork Join with me to celebrate The wonders of St Mary’s Gate. This busy, linking, one-way street Is one that must be hard to beat. Its length is just a hundred paces But all along in several places Can be seen in random batches Over fifty tarmac patches, The calculations won’t defeat us, Average: one for each two metres! As well - as if the Council cares! - Are further holes that need repairs. Someone ought to take a look And check the Guinness Records book. St Mary’s Gate - I tell you now, No road is Holier than thou! Those few words of celebration Scarcely need much explanation But, I think you ought to know, Were penned eleven months ago. Though some holes may now be mended Other holes have just extended Simply getting deeper, wider, To upset a cycle rider; And, it hardly needs a mention, Threaten every car suspension. Surely it must be conceded A new top layer is what is needed.

Philip Mottram

Tickhill Juniors Lucky Numbers Draw Winners: August 1st = #225 wins £50 (last year U12's age group) 2nd = #145 wins £30 (last year U 13's age group) 3rd = #173 wins £20 (last year U16's age group) September 1st = #1 wins £50 (last year U6's age group) 2nd = #87 wins £30 (last year U12's age group) 3rd = #83 wins £20 (last year U11's age group)

Health News

It will soon be time to think about getting your annual Flu jab. If you are over 65, or have a chronic long term disease such as diabetes or heart failure, please check with your GP practice about their arrangements for flu vacs for the coming winter. Remember the flu vaccine cannot give you flu, but it will offer protection against the most common strains identified each year.

Speaking of chronic long term conditions, these should be monitored on a regular basis. Your GP practice will contact you for an annual review, or possibly more frequently, but if this doesn’t happen please contact them and ask for an appointment.

LOST YOUR CAT? In early July a dark striped tabby cat moved in with my cats. He is young, neutered and originally wore a red flea colour which later disappeared.

It has been confirmed that the cat is micro chipped and the registered owner in tickhill but contact telephone number does not take incoming calls this suggests that the telephone has been disconnected possibly because the owner has moved house or has sadly died. If you can associate a cat fitting this description with a person or property in Tickhill please telephone 01302 744564. N.B. This is not Archie the cat reported missing in the August issue.

CINDERELLA SALE As the owner of After Dark I would like to thank Tickhill Today for supporting me with the Charity Event I am running for local charity Safe@Last.

I would also like to thank the following local businesses for attending the event to help raise much needed funds - Sophisticakes, Tops & Tans, Helen Atkins Reflexology, Rubies Hair of Bawtry, Muse Shoes, Vie@Home, Herbalife, Gallery 12a & Prestige Beauty. These companies along with many others will be running stalls.

This promises to be a lovely afternoon for ladies. So if you are looking for a ball gown, cruise wear, prom wear, race wear or just a little retail therapy, please come and join me at the Holiday Inn Rotherham on November 7th between 12 and 4pm Thank you

Dianne Fox , After Dark

Tickets are on sale at Tops & Tans, Muse, The Holiday Inn and Safe@last.

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Tickhill Chiropractic


Specialist treatment of Low

Back Pain, Neck Pain,

Sciatica, Headaches,

Shoulder, Arm and Wrist Pain,

Knee, Ankle and Foot Pain

and Sports Injuries


Tel: 01302 759900 Buttercross Court, Tickhill

Doncaster DN11 9JX

Registered Member of the British Chiropractic Association

Registered with the General Chiropractic Council

PRS Roofing & Restorations

Specialists in all forms of leadwork Slate, tile, felt & polycarbonate Re-roofs to small repairs Most other aspects of building &

restoration work including: roofline wood upvc & pointing works

Friendly family run firm Free advice and quotations

with no obligation

Contact Phil on: Direct Line: 07704 674640

Office: 01302 759513

Ken Shirtliff Interior & Exterior

Painter and Decorator

Est. 1982


31 The Oval, Tickhill

01302 745799




EST. 1989

Consult Steve on : 07543 843964

Written quotes upon

request Based in your local area -


Page 52: Tickhill Today October Edition

Tickhill Scouts

All our sections – Beavers, cubs and scouts - are up and running. We are about to assess our membership numbers and then we can make the necessary decisions on which sections have spaces for youngsters to join. Nevertheless we have had several scouts go out with the Phoenix Ex-

plorers to take part in weaselling in the Peak District. This is not an animal hunt but a curious form of pleasure where you attempt to squeeze through impossi-bly small gaps between large boulders. A strange sort of pastime and would not suit anyone who suffers from claus-trophobia. Not satisfied with squeezing through gaps in the rocks they then proceeded to abseil into fresh air in pairs!! A good time was had by all and it served as an introduction to Explorer Scouting to some of our older scouts.

Over the next month the explorers have challenged the scouts to the Phoenix Challenge. The scouts form teams of 4 and attempt to follow a trail around Tickhill doing various challenges along the way. This will take place over a weekend and will be partially residential in the Scout & Guide HQ. The Beavers are taking part in a mini-Olympics shortly and we are hoping that they will come home with several gold medals. On 24th September both Scout troops will be going to Bawtry Paint Fields for a laser combat evening. This is one of those activities which is allowed in Scouting but paint balling is not. We look forward to many action photos of scouts being zapped by lasers as they return fire in the dark.

Our next fundraising activity will be a Jumble Sale on October 23rd in the Scout & Guide HQ at 12.00. If you have any jumble you are willing to donate, please bring it down to the HQ on the Saturday morning from 10.00. If you need a hand in transporting it please contact myself so that arrangements can be made to help you. The proceeds from this jumble sale will be used to help fund Alice, one of the explorers, who has been selected to represent Doncaster at the World Jamboree being held in Sweden next year. She has to raise £2000 to attend this event. Of course, it doesn’t cost £2000 for Alice to go but part of her fee also pays for a scout from a poorer country to attend. We are also holding a race night in November to add to the pot.

Over the past 6 months Phoenix Explorers have been raising funds for the Safe@Last homeless youngsters’ charity. The charity challenged the unit to raised £750. Currently, the fund stands at £650 and, with one more event, a sponsored sleep out at Parkgate Shopping Centre in Rother-ham should see this figure being achieved. The vast majority of this money was raised through sponsorship of the Explorer entry into Shennington Pedal Car Races. Once again, both the Jam-boree and this effort clearly shows that Scouting is not just about helping ourselves but helping others is also an important part of our ethos.



110 Sunderland Street, Tickhill, Nr Doncaster DN11 9EX

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Dave Mayes Mobile Mechanic

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Expertise in every Make and Model

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15 Thornhill Road


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All Electrical Work


Full & Part rewires

Fuse boxes upgraded


Telephone points

TV points

Burglar alarms

IEE 17th Edition approved

Contact 01302 868569

or 07970 900340

Page 54: Tickhill Today October Edition

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Mr Ellis V Baldwin 90 Wong Lane, Tickhill DN11 9JL Tel: 742696

Mr Nigel J Cannings 24 Vine Road, Tickhill DN11 9EP Tel: 745372

Mr F William( Bill) Higgins 28 Lancaster Cres, Tickhill DN11 9PX Tel: 743962

Mr Raymond (Ray) L Hill 2 Pinfold Lane, Tickhill DN11 9NS Tel: 743317

Mr Derrick Hoyle 11a Lumley Drive, Tickhill DN11 9QD Tel: 742676

Mrs Margaret Marrison Chumlea, Crossland Gardens, Castlegate

Tickhill DN 11 9QP Tel: 742688

Mr Stuart J Millard 4 Pinfold Close, Tickhill DN11 9NP Tel: 743842

Mr Paul W Rigley 38 Westfield Road, Tickhill DN11 9LB Tel: 751025

Mrs Alison E Spencer Castle Barn, Lindrick, Tickhill DN11 9QY Tel: 743349

You can contact the council by: Writing to: The Clerk to the Council,

Alan Jillott, 13 The Maltings, Blyth,

Worksop, Notts S81 8HD Telephone: 01909 591706 Email: [email protected]


Patricia Bartlett, Tel 01302 310575, Email [email protected]

Bob Ford, Tel 01302 743804,

Email [email protected]

Barbara Hoyle, Tel 01302 742676,

Email [email protected]

YOUR LOCAL MP - CAROLINE FLINT Meteor House, First Avenue, Hayfield Lane,

Auckley DN9 3GA. Tel: 01302 623330, Fax 01302 755099; Email [email protected]

Tickhill Town Council Newsletter

The Audit of the Council’s finances is usually completed about this time of year and those for 2009/10 have just been finalised and the Certificate posted in the Town Notice Boards as required by law. At Tickhill the Responsible Financial Officer is the Clerk to the Council and for each monthly Council Meeting he prepares and distributes to all Councillors an up to date Statement of Receipts and Payments for the financial year to date. He also produces a list of payments due that month. which are compared by Councillors against the

budget estimates and, provided they are satisfied that payment is due, two of them sign the appropriate cheques. The Clerk ensures that there are always sufficient funds on the Council’s current account to meet the cheques with the balance of monies kept in interest bearing accounts with secure approved deposit takers.

The Councils’ finances are also monitored on a quarterly basis at a meeting of its Finance Committee whose own procedures plus the actual transaction books and bank information are scrutinized by an independent “internal” auditor at the year end before documents are sent to Government appointed Auditors for final certification.

A summary of Receipts and Payments for 2009/10 against budget with comparative figures for 2008/9 is shown on the next page. There were some significant changes in expenditure last year resulting from the decisions made to support the replacement of the Bawtry Road trees, the new Christmas lights and new Notice Boards at the Library. Payments was made by best use of the existing Reserves and the balances held in the General Fund. Additionally it was agreed to reduce the balance of the General Fund to one which merely covered income and expenditure in the forthcoming year and place the remainder in a Special Reserve to be drawn on when required for special unanticipated expenditure. The balances of all the Reserves at 31st March 2010 are shown at the foot of the right hand column.

Page 55: Tickhill Today October Edition


RECEIPTS 2008/9 Budget 2009/10 2009/10 Actual

Precept 35000 35000 35000

Bank Interest 2350 503 78

Double rating refund 1141 1197 1197

Other 8343 75

Pavilion & Sports Hire 7073 5400 7523

Sub total 53907 42100 43873

Contras 736 803

Trees appeal 1099

VAT Repaid 941 2363

Cash Book Total 55584 42100 48138

Transfer from Reserve 21915

TOTAL RECEIPTS 55584 42100 70053


Salary 10471 10500 9996

General Administration 6272 7030 6838

Mill Field 1050 1050 1100

Car Park 467 350 544

Trees 12320

Section 137 Grants 730 1750 1426

Christmas 1620 1220 11131

Contingencies 1000 1546

Sub Total 20610 22900 44901

Pavilion & Sports 17322 18600 22068

Sub Total 37932 41500 66969

Contras 736

VAT paid 909 2484

Cash Book Total 39577 41500 69453

Pav. Rep/Ren. Reserve 1200 600 600

Total 40777 42100 70053

Transfer to General Fund 6905

Transfer to DMBC Flexible Funding Reserve 7902

TOTAL PAYMENTS 55584 42100 70053


Balance forward 01.04.08/01/04/098 £50,879.11 £66,887.76

Receipts £55,584.53 £48,138.94

£106,463.64 £115,026.70

Payments (adjusted for Pavilion wages) £39,575.88 £69,456.53

£66,887.76 £45,570.17

Bank Current/Deposit Accounts £2,887.76 £4,570.17

Bank Money Market £64,000.00 £41,000.00

£66,887.76 £45,570.17

Representing: Capital Reserve £31,141.28 £21,277.28

Pavilion Reserve £5,200.00 £4,350.00

DMBC Flexible Funding £7,902.00

Special Reserve £15,000.00

General Fund £22,644.48 £4,942.89

£66,887.76 £45,570.17

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Photograph kindly provided by Mr Bob Gell of Tickhill

Further local photographs can be viewed on www.tickhillhistorysociety.org.uk








01302 744100 or

07810 301586

Page 57: Tickhill Today October Edition

Tickhill and District Local History Society

The 2010/11 Season is well and truly under way with two events to report on even before Tickhill Today goes to press. On Thursday 16th September our well attended AGM was followed by an amusing talk by Leo and Malcolm Leader on Rockingham Pottery. After giving a short history of the Swinton business itself (which at one time was bigger than Wedgewood) they concentrated on showing us examples of the fine porcelain made in the early 19th century. The Pottery had existed since 1745 and in 1802 was bought by the Brameld family who started to develop porcelain manufacture. Unfortunately they were better craftsmen than businessmen and the business only remained in existence thanks to loans from the Earls Fitzwilliam. By 1842 even they had had enough of the losses and the factory closed. Today many pieces of Rocking-ham porcelain are highly prized collector’s items.

On Saturday 18th September we exhibited at the Doncaster Local History Fair held at Doncaster Museum. Thank you to everybody who helped to prepare the stand and man it on the day. Our impression was that the number of visitors to the fair was lower than in previous years, if so that is a pity because the Societies who exhibited had much of interest on show.

A new Society publication “Treasures of Tickhill” is now on sale at Society meetings and at the KSM Card Gallery, Castlegate, price £3.99. This booklet which is well illustrated starts with a brief history of Tickhill and covers subjects such as the Castle, the Parish Room, the Mill Dam, Tickhill streets, Transport, Farming ,Schools, Sport, Holidays, War and Religion. There is also a family Quiz at the back with all the answers contained in the book. It is far from being an ex-haustive history but if you want a “fifteen minute guide” to the development of our town then this is the book for you.

Finally our next meeting will be on Thursday October 21st at 7.30 PM in the Methodist School-room when Roy Newman will be talking about “Saucy Seaside Postcards”. As usual we wel-come members and visitors alike.

Call Roy on

07985 570189 or

01302 745862

We now supply & fit carpet, vinyl & tiles

Page 58: Tickhill Today October Edition

Services Police Station (non urgent) 0114 220 2020

Electricity - Emergency 0800 375 675

Gas - Emergency 0800 111 999

Yorkshire Water 0845 124 24 24

BT Faultline 0800 800 151

Doncaster Council Customer Services 01302 736000 Tickhill Town Council 01909 591706 Caroline Flint MP 01302 623330 Tickhill Neighbourhood Team 01302 736000 Crimestoppers 0800 555 111 Crime Reduction Unit 01302 385462

Citizens Advice 01302 735225

RSPCA National Cruelty Line 0300 1234999

Mayflower Animal Sanctuary 01302 711330 Alzheimer's Society Doncaster 01302 325628 Samaritans 08457 90 90 90

Bawtry New Hall 01302 719838 Tickhill St Mary’s Church 01302 742224 Tickhill Library 01302 742871

Tickhill Post Office 01302 752886

Tickhill Sports Pavilion 01302 752784

Tickhill Parish Room 07840 419763 Wadworth Community Centre 01302 852874 Health NHS Direct 0845 46 47

Tickhill Surgery 01302 742503

DRI 01302 366666

Schools & Nurseries etc Tickhill Estfeld School 01302 744275

Tickhill St Mary's School 01302 742569 Wadworth Primary School 01302 851451 Sir Thomas Wharton College 01709 864100

Wilsic Road Day Nursery 01302 742629

Loversall Farm Day Nursery 01302 311000 Northgate Pre-School 01302 745423 Travel National Rail Enquiries 08457 484950

Bus Enquires 01709 515151 Bob’s Minibuses & Taxis 01302 746235 Groups & Societies Buttercross Needleworkers 751808 / 742550 Friends of Mill Dam 01302 750638 Les Francophiles de Tickhill 01302 750312 Meth. Church Pop In Centre 01302 744768 Tickhill & Bawtry Probus 01302 742070 Tickhill Country Market 01302 742323 Tick. & Dist Footpath Group 01302 745533 Tickhill & District Folk Club 01302 744941 Tickhill & Dist. Lions Club 01302 742843 Tickhill & District WI 01302 743376 Tickhill Evangelical Church 01302 743995 Tickhill Flower Club 01302 751118 Tickhill Horticultural Society 01302 742427 Tickhill Juniors Football Club 07940 924600 Tickhill Local History Soc. 01302 742918 Tickhill Male Voice Choir 01302 743468 Tick. Meth. Ladies Fellowship 01302 745495 Tickhill Musicians Night 01302 744941 Tickhill Music Society 01302 742448 Tickhill Residents Association 01302 751787 Tickhill Running & Athletics 07920 589176 Tickhill Scout & Guides 01302 743430 Tickhill Tennis Club 01302 742058 Voglia d’Italia 01302 721672 Wapentake Writers Group 01302 745212 Yorkshire Countrywomen 01302 744338


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Page 60: Tickhill Today October Edition

INDEX OF ADVERTISERS Accounting Services Barkers Bookkeeping Solutions 26

Appliance Repairs Castle Domestics ` 43

Architect JMD 12

Bathrooms A E Spinks 32 The Ultimate Bathroom Co 63

Beauty Therapists, Salons & Clinics Alexandra Clinic of Natural Therapy 18 Courtyard Beauty 4 Lighthouse Laser 24 Micro Beauty Hair Extensions 26 Penelope’s 12 True Reflections 25

Beef Products Brookfield Beef 47

Building Services Home Inspirations 49

Butchers Eatons 28

Cakes Sophisticakes 4

Carpets and Flooring Cavlan Flooring 40 Distinctive Flooring 9 J Rust & Son 59 Phil Andrews 27

Car Servicing & Repair Dave Mayes Mobile Maintenance 53 Ian Dutton Car Services 39 Mick Jackson & Co Ltd 28 Morebrooke 56 Tickhill Recovery 47

Children’s Activities Jo Jingles 20

Chiropodist & Footcare Practitioners Feet First 42

Chiropractor Tickhill Chiropractic Clinic 51

Cleaning Services Pristine Car Valeting 41 Sparkling 41 SP Cleaning Services 57

Computer Services Cynetix 64 Mat & Mouse IT Services 29

Country Market Tickhill Country Market 29

Country Stores Torne Valley Country Stores 62

Clearance & Re-cycling Ed’s Cloth Recycling 43

Dancewear Six Dancewear 28

Dog Grooming Tickhill Dog Groomers 45 Driving Instructor Glenn’s Driving School 53

Electrical Services Bereton Electrical 51

Brookfield Electrical Services 49 FSDL 24 P R Electrical 53

Energy Solutions Absolute Energy Solutions 27 EStatre Agents & Lettings Galley Properties 5 Robinson Hornsby 8

French Polishing Ken Hempsell 47

Funeral Services W E Pinder 60

Furniture Castle Pine 9

Furniture Restoration & Design Doncaster Furniture Restoration 8 Sally Clarke 3 The Period Chair Workshop 29

Garden Design & Garden Services Country Gardens 29 Green Stripe 36 GreenThumb 58 Lawn Keeper 42 Martin Daniels 41 Paul Winfindale 61 Viking Trees & Gardens 43

Health, Fitness & Leisure Centres Bawtry Health & Fitness 14 Bircotes 19 Helen Durdy Personal Trainer 12 Metres to Miles 36

Hearing Services Yorkshire Hearing 13

Home Improvements AJP Garage Doors & Loft Ladders 30 Home Inspirations 49

Home Shopping Bedtime Fun 43

Homeware & Gifts Homeworks 2 Melody Maison 7

Interior Design & Soft Furnishings Colourbox 4 C&S Designs 11 Homeworks 2 The Curtain Bar 33

Ironing Iron Maiden 20

Joinery LM Carpentry 42 Saffron Joinery 49 S&J Turnbull 61

Kitchens & Fitted Furniture DC Interiors 10

Lingerie Evelyn’s Den 25

Locksmith & Security Services SF Locksmith 40

Logs Tickhill Barn Dried Logs 4

Massage Therapy Ian James 36

Oven Cleaning

The Oven Butler 61

Paintings Bryan Day 43

Painting & Decorating Ken Shirtliff 51 Michael Jones 53 Paul Winfindale 61 S&J Turnbull 61 Terry & Curtis Fletcher 41

Paving Doncaster Driveways 12 GB Surfacing 25

Pet Services Tickhill Dog Groomers 45 Woodfield Petsitting Services 20

Pharmacy McGills Pharmacy 31 M&R Pharmacy 22

Photography Temporal Photography & Art 40

Plumbing &/or Gas Services Andy Bark Plumbing & Heating 43 James Winfrow 49 RJ Letts 45 Tickhill Plumbing & Gas Services 61

Printing & Design Tickhill Printing 41 Today Design & Print 59

Property Maintenance Work Sure 36

Public Houses, Cafes, Bars & Restaurants The Blacksmith’s Arms 3 Scarbrough Arms 15 Styrrup Hall Golf & Country Club 1 The Jinja Tree 21

Recruitment & Employment Austin Banks Recruitment 43

Roofing EPG Roofing 42 PRS Roofing & Restoration 51 Torchmaster Roofing 47

School Balby Carr Community College 17 Sir Thomas Wharton Community College17

Solicitors Jones & Co 37

Supermarket Taylors of Tickhill 27

Surfacing Contractors Sanmet 52

Tuition School of Philosophy 19

Travel Wilson’s Coaches 43

Visitor Attractions Boston Park Maize Maze 21

Website Design Cynetix 64

Will Writing In Home Legal Services 45 Windows, Conservatories, Fascias & Soffits MD Windows 39

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