tia support pkg-george tinsley sr

SUPPORT TINSLEY|AWARD PACKAGE 4 SUMMARY During the past 20 years, George Tinsley, Sr. and his companies have established a track record of operational success in managing restaurant concessions at the Tampa Airport. For over nine years, his TGIFridays at Tampa International Airport was the number one TGIFriday’s in the USA. Additionally, Tinsley’s companies have successfully operated all of the restaurants in TIA’s Airside C. On June 4, 2015, the TIA Board will announce whether Tinsley will continue operations at TIA. The TIA selection committee did not recommend Tinsley’s company to be awarded “Package 4”, the highly sought package of restaurant opportunities Tinsley seeks. Despite Tinsley’s established track record of operational excellence and outstanding support of the Tampa Bay community along with the Airport Board’s stated priority for “local involvement”, an Atlanta company has been recommended. For Package 4 HOWEVER, “THE GAME IS NOT OVER”. YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE AND ASSIST TINSLEY IN SCORING THE WINNING POINTS TO BE AWARDED PACKAGE 4! The “Fierce URGENCY of NOW is upon us and if you are willing to help, we need you TODAY and JUNE 4, 2015. PLEASE CONSIDER ASSISTING IN THE FOLLOWING WAYS: 1. Email your support for George Tinsley, Sr. to Theresa Webb, TIA Procurement Agent [email protected] (The email can be very short; 12 sentences) 2. Assist us build awareness by sharing your support with circles of influence via social media and/or email by sending them any of the following statements of support “I support Mr. George Tinsley, Sr. in package #4. Mr. Tinsley is a wellrespected entrepreneur and highly regarded community leader and philanthropist in the Tampa Bay area. “I support Mr. George Tinsley, Sr. in package #4. Not only is he a great businessman, Mr. Tinsley continues to make a tremendous impact with his charitable support in the Tampa Bay area. He is an outstanding role model for aspiring entrepreneurs” 3. Attend the Hillsborough County Aviation Authority Board Meeting June 4, 2015

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Post on 08-Nov-2015




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How you can support George Tinsley Sr.



    SUMMARY During the past 20 years, George Tinsley, Sr. and his companies have established a track record of operational success in managing restaurant concessions at the Tampa Airport. For over nine years, his TGIFridays at Tampa International Airport was the number one TGIFridays in the USA. Additionally, Tinsleys companies have successfully operated all of the restaurants in TIAs Airside C. On June 4, 2015, the TIA Board will announce whether Tinsley will continue operations at TIA. The TIA selection committee did not recommend Tinsleys company to be awarded Package 4, the highly sought package of restaurant opportunities Tinsley seeks.

    Despite Tinsleys established track record of operational excellence and outstanding support of the Tampa Bay community along with the Airport Boards stated priority for local involvement, an Atlanta company has been recommended. For Package 4 HOWEVER, THE GAME IS NOT OVER. YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE AND ASSIST TINSLEY IN SCORING THE WINNING POINTS TO BE AWARDED PACKAGE 4! The Fierce URGENCY of NOW is upon us and if you are willing to help, we need you TODAY and JUNE 4, 2015.

    PLEASE CONSIDER ASSISTING IN THE FOLLOWING WAYS: 1. Email your support for George Tinsley, Sr. to Theresa Webb, TIA Procurement Agent

    [email protected] (The email can be very short; 1-2 sentences)

    2. Assist us build awareness by sharing your support with circles of influence via social media and/or email by sending them any of the following statements of support

    I support Mr. George Tinsley, Sr. in package #4. Mr. Tinsley is a well-respected

    entrepreneur and highly regarded community leader and philanthropist in the Tampa Bay area.

    I support Mr. George Tinsley, Sr. in package #4. Not only is he a great businessman, Mr. Tinsley continues to make a tremendous impact with his charitable support in the Tampa Bay area. He is an outstanding role model for aspiring entrepreneurs

    3. Attend the Hillsborough County Aviation Authority Board Meeting June 4, 2015


    Follow George Tinsley, Sr. on Facebook and Twitter and re-tweet all TIA related posts supporting Tinsley from today through June 4th. Be sure to use the #Isupporttinsleypackage4

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/george.tinsley.9 | Twitter: @georgetinsleysr

    Hillsborough County Aviation Authority Board Meeting

    DATE: Thursday, June 4, 2015

    TIME: 9:00 A.M. (Supporters are requested to arrive by 8:30 A.M.)

    LOCATION: Hilton Tampa Airport Westshore | Grand Ballroom

    2225 N. Lois Avenue, Tampa, FL 33607

    Anyone who desires to speak and show his or her support for Mr. Tinsley being awarded Package 4 will have the opportunity to do so. In order to speak, you will need to sign in at the TIA Board Meeting registration table by 8:30 am. We expect the meeting room will reach full capacity. If you are planning to speak, we recommend that you arrive by 8 A.M. Each supporter will have up to 3 minutes to speak.

    Sample Talking Points

    Local business and civic Leader George Tinsley, Sr. has made significant impacts on the Tampa Bay community through his philanthropic efforts as well as his proven track record of success in leading his companies at the Tampa International Airport. AWARD TINSLEY PACKAGE 4!

    Tinsley and his leadership team are consistently recognized for their outstanding community service, mentorship, and charitable efforts supporting Tampa Bays youth, nonprofits, young professionals, entrepreneurs and athletic teams. AWARD TINSLEY PACKAGE 4!

    The numerous business awards Tinsleys companies have received over the past 20 years reflect an outstanding commitment to excellence and hard work. Tinsleys track record of delivering superior customer service and excellence in operations makes him and his company a role model for many. Lets reward hard work and excellence by expanding Tinsleys responsibilities at TIA. AWARD TINSLEY PACKAGE 4!

  • Florida Sentinel May 8, 2015

  • Tampa Bay Business Journal May 15, 2015

  • Letters of Support

  • Letters of Support Ralph A. Smith

    2413 W. Gray Street

    Tampa, FL. 33609

    (813) 417-6132

    Chief Executive Officer

    Hillsborough County Aviation Authority

    P.O. Box 22287

    Tampa, FL. 33622-2287

    Dear [Recipient Name]:

    I am a long-time resident of Hillsborough County and the city of Tampa. You and I have met on a few

    occasions, including your periodic visits to the Saturday Morning Breakfast Club and at the NAACP

    Freedom Fund Dinner. I am a member of the Saturday Morning Breakfast Club and of the 100 Black

    Men of Tampa Bay, as well as I am the founder of the Computer Mentors Group non-profit organization.

    I am writing you this letter to support George Tinsley and Tinsley Family Concessions to win package #4

    of the Tampa Airport Redevelopment Process.

    Im sure you are aware the George is a long standing member of the Saturday Morning Breakfast Club

    and is also a Board Member for the 100 Black Men of Tampa Bay. In addition, George, both personally

    and individually, supports many other worthy causes including Computer Mentors Group and a host of

    other non-profit organizations and efforts. As such, I think that I can safely speak for these organizations

    in saying that he is vitally important to our local community and we would encourage your support of

    him, in as much as you will then also be supporting us.

    But even though I would implore you to support local causes through Tinsley Family Concessions (TFC),

    TFC has a stellar record at the Airport, and is really a story that you can tout as a success story of the

    Hillsborough County Aviation Authority. TFC worked for many years as a partner under HMSHost in the

    Airports Concessions Disadvantaged Business Enterprise program. TFC has a proven record, and is now

    ready to graduate and come out from underneath the disadvantaged label to be independent, thus

    demonstrating the effectiveness of the program. Hardy anyone would argue that his organization

    deserves this privilege.

    Mr. Lapano, I have heard you on several occasions commit to equity and fairness, especially as it relates

    to supporting minority venders at the Airport. This is a great opportunity to demonstrate your



    Ralph A. Smith

  • Theresa Webb, Purchasing Manager May 11, 2015

    Hillsborough County Aviation Authority

    Tampa International Airport

    Ms. Webb:

    It is indeed a pleasure to extend my support of Mr. Tinsley of TGI Friday for consideration by allowing him

    to continue doing business in the Tampa Airport.

    With plans for a 4.1 billion dollar renovation, diversity and inclusion of African American is a must,

    notwithstanding the fact that the Tinsley Group has operated and employed over 150 residents in his

    restaurant two of which were my daughters several years ago very profitably.

    I spent much time enjoying the food while waiting to pick them up from work. It is difficult to understand

    reports from the media that other food concessions with less experience scored higher.

    Though Ive known him for several years never did I expect Mr. Tinsley to readily agree to participate on

    my annual East Tampa Community Holiday Celebration and Tree Lighting Program last year immediately

    after being asked. Not only did he arrive early and stay for the entire program, he took it a step further and

    stayed after the program ended and personally pulled the many raffle tickets for gifts to those in attendance.


    I think its great that the airports renovations will appear like a new facility when completed, however, I

    feel it is equally important to keep something old (TGI Friday that has worked successfully) with the new

    is equally as important. AFTER ALL, WHY FIX SOMETHING THAT IS NOT BROKEN?

    Respectfully submitted,

    Denese Meteye James

  • Testimonials

    It gives me a great deal of pleasure and satisfaction to share my observations of Mr. George Tinsley, Sr. As a business man, his high professional standards and clear understanding of what it takes to satisfy the needs of customers were evident during our first interaction. He is also a generous philanthropist willing to aid the Tampa Bay community. Mr. Tinsley committed his support to the City of Tampa Black History Committee, Incorporated, most notably our Annual Scholarship Awards Ceremony and the 2014 Passport to Excellence Youth Symposium. In each case, Mr. Tinsley spoke about the challenges faced by todays young men and women in a most relatable fashion. He then offered the young people in attendance pathways to achieving their goals. After the formal aspects of these programs, Mr. Tinsley remained to engage in one on one conversation with many of the individuals present. Despite his many accomplishments and responsibilities, he made time to encourage others. Generosity can take many forms; Mr. Tinsley has given of his time, financial resources, and talents to uplift others. There are so many that have benefited from his noble spirt and kindheartedness.

    Frank J. Crum

    Immediate Past President of the City of Tampa Black History Committee, Inc.

    COTBHC President from 2009 2014 "When I think of Mr. George Tinsley Sr and how his generosity has helped propel the Tampa Bay Black Heritage Golf Classic, in the community, two words come to mind immediately, what a humanitarian and altruistic blessing he is", and we are so Thankful for his continuous support.

    Ruby Jackson

    Co-Chair, TBBHF Tampa Bay Black Heritage Festival Inc.