thyroid stress and adrenals

Thyroid Stress and Adrenals VS “Health must be looked at as a systemic natural state” Dr. Bergman

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Page 1: Thyroid stress and adrenals

Thyroid Stress and Adrenals


“Health must be looked at as a systemic natural state”

Dr. Bergman

Page 2: Thyroid stress and adrenals

Time Line

25 diagnosed with low thyroid

35 Gall Bladder removed

45 Fibroids & Hysterectomy

55 Breast Cancer


Bad Luck Bad Genes or

Bad Medical Care

Page 3: Thyroid stress and adrenals

Adrenal /Pituitary / Thyroid / AxisTRH = Thyroid releasing Hormone(Hypothalamus senses T4)

TSH = Thyroid Stimulating Hormone(Pituitary)

StressHypothalamus = corticotrophin-releasing hormone = pituitary = adrenal = Cortisol = TSH

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The thyroid hormones, triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4)

•Iodine is necessary for the production of T3 and T4

•ratio of T4 to T3 is roughly 20 to 1

• T4 is converted to the active T3 (three to four times more potent than T4) within the Liver, Intestines, Kidneys, Lungs

•dietary selenium is essential for T3 production.

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Lab Testing:•TSH•Total T4•T3 uptake (measured unsaturated binding sites for thyroid transport proteins … Estrogen binds to this)•T7 (FTI , Free Thyroxin Index)•Total T3 (Decreased in Hypothyroidism, high bp meds, acute illness, starvation, steroids, anything that affects Thyroid Binding Globulin)

[LOW T3 Syndrome]

Lab Tests and Missed Things That Affect Them

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T4 99.9% is bound to TBG (Thyroxine Binding Globuline)T3 99.5% Is Bound to TBGsalicylates decrease the binding (aspirin therapy contributes to Hypothyroid)Estrogens bind to TBG

•Nutrient Deficiencies, Heavy metal exposure, Adrenal Stress, enzyme deficiencies, chronic illness, Oxidized PUFA’s PUFA’s= canola oil, soy oil, vegetable oil, safflower oil, sunflower oil, walnut oil, ect…),Processed food additives

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Heart RateBlood pressureBlood SugarLDL CholesterolCortisol and all Stress Hormones----------------------------Gut blood supplyImmune systemBody RegenerationTSH DecreasedLow Thyroid

StressPhysical, Chemical,


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Which Body is under stress?

55 yo mom 17 yo daughter


Problem Correction

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StressPhysical Chemical Emotional

Stress hormonesReleased

TSH decreased

Thyroid decreasedDigestion decreasedSerotonin decreased

Prescribed:ThyroxineAnti-acidsAntidepressantsSleep Rx

Thyroid the Canary

in the mine

Page 10: Thyroid stress and adrenals

Adrenals:all derived from cholesterol•Mineralocorticoids•glucocorticoids •sex hormones


•Estrogens•Progesterone•Testosterone•fights cancer•produces interferon•vital for immune system

Adrenals the pharmacy of the body

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No clinical findings until 90% of adrenal cortex is destroyed

Up to 90% of adrenal insufficiency - women ages 20-50

Cortisol = anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant •Alcohol•Drugs•Foods•Environmental•Stress

Progesterone= Protects you from cancer, infection, and autoimmune disorders.


Sex hormones(menopause in women), whole host of physical, emotional and psychological effects, from sex drive to weight gain

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Cortisol Vital Short term vs Deadly Long term

Higher and more prolonged levels of circulating cortisol•Impaired cognitive performance•Dampened thyroid function•Blood sugar imbalances•Decreased bone density•Sleep disruption•Decreased muscle mass•Elevated blood pressure•Lowered immune function•Slow wound healing•Increased abdominal fat

Cortisol is a life sustaining adrenal hormone :

•Blood sugar levels•Fat, protein and carbohydrate metabolism•Immune responses•Anti-inflammatory actions•Blood pressure•Heart and blood vessel tone•Central nervous system activation

Depression, lupus, migraine, menopause, diabetes, and aging ,MSAll have chronically increased production of cortisol

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Raises Cortisol•Low Thyroid function•Inflammation•Stress•Tissue Damage•Vaccinations•Toxic foods Lowers Thyroid

•Estrogen•High Cortisol•Liver toxicity•Fluoride•Pesticides•Stress•Toxic foods•Medications•vaccinations

Lowers Cortisol•Healthy Thyroid •Vegetables•Healthy Water

Helps Thyroid•Healthy Gut•Low Cortisol•Healthy food•Healthy water•Low Stress

Metabolic BalanceCortisol vs Thyroid


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IodineIodine is a key component of thyroid hormoneIodine deficiency linked to Breast Cancer

Iodine is Mimicked By:Chlorine, fluorine and bromine •halides like iodine, they compete for your iodine receptors. Bromine (40 years ago Iodine was replaced by Bromine):• Banned in UK 1990, Canada 1994• plastics, pesticides, hot tub treatments, fire retardants, some flours and bakery goods, and even some soft drinks

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Fluoride as a Medical Intervention for Hyperthyroid

The use of fluoride as an anti-thyroid treatment beginning in the 1800s linking fluoride ingestion to goiter, a swelling of the thyroid gland resulting from a hypothyroid condition.

Up until the 1970s, scientists in Europe prescribed fluoride to reduce the basal metabolism rate in patients with an over-active thyroid gland

doses of just 2 to 3 milligrams of fluoride is sufficient to reduce thyroid activity in hyperthyroid patients. .

Dose (mg)





 12 oz. Coke

 8 oz Milk

 6 oz. Wheaties

Fluoride PPM





Exceeds "Optimum Dose" 233%

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Gluten, GMO, Vaccinations, Neurotoxins, Pesticides

and Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis Gluten and food sensitivities and leaky gut can cause inflammation.

Gluten can cause autoimmune responses and is responsible for 30% of Hashimoto's thyroiditis

•food particles can then be absorbed into your bloodstream where your body misidentifies them as antigens

•The body then produces antibodies against them

These antigens are similar to molecules in your thyroid gland. So your body accidentally attacks your thyroid

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• Hyperthyroid with bouts of Hypothyroid• from excess iodine or decreased selinium • Diagnosed by anti-thyroid peroxidase antibodies in blood• digestive system linked to • autoimmune diseases • lack of beneficial bacteria• diet high in refined foods • protein found in gluten looks very similar to our thyroid

Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis and Grave’s Dis.Autoimmune Disease

•Grave’s = iodine supplements/ heal the liver•Vit D suppresses autoimmune system diseases•Liver Health Essential to excrete the extra T4•Selenium Supplements•Herbs:•Bugleweed – decreases TSH production•Motherwort – Decreases Palpitations and Tachycardia

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2006 report Fluoride in Drinking Water: A Scientific Review of EPA's Standards, the National

Research Council (NRC)"several lines of information indicate an effect of fluoride on thyroid function.“

"fluoride exposure in humans is associated with elevated TSH concentrations, increased goiter prevalence, and altered T4 and T3 concentrations" with "similar effects on T4 and T3…reported in experimental animals." •NRC panel recommended "effects of fluoride on various aspects of endocrine function should be examined further, particularly with respect to a possible role in the development of several diseases or mental states in the United States“

"fluoride exposure in humans is associated with elevated TSH concentrations, increased goiter prevalence, and altered T4 and T3 concentrations" with "similar effects on T4 and T3…reported in experimental animals."

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fatigue, loss of energy, general lethargy

cold intolerance

muscle and/or joint pain decreased sweating

depression puffiness

weight gain coarse or dry skin and hair

hair loss sleep apnea

carpal tunnel syndrome forgetfulness, impaired memory, inability to concentrate

weakness in extremities bradycardia (reduced heart rate)

menstrual disturbances decreased appetite

impaired fertility constipation

fullness in the throat, hoarseness increased risk of heart disease

increased "bad" cholesterol (LDL) decreased hearing

emotional instability blurred vision

mental impairment

Symptoms of Hypothyroid

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• hot all the time• tired, especially in the

morning• unexplained change in weight• depressed or anxious• water retention• bug eyes• hair loss• difficulty swallowing• lump in your neck


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Cholesterol the vital building material for Hormones


Cholesterol > pregnenolone > 17 hydroxylation > progesterone > 17 hydroxyprogesterone > 11 deoxycortisol > Cortisol

Cholesterol > pregnenolone > 17 hydropregnenolone > DHEA > Androstenidione > Testosterone

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Cholesterol-lowering diets and drugs--can be expected to disrupt the production of adrenal hormones and lead to:

Blood sugar problems Edema Mineral deficiencies Chronic inflammation Difficulty in healing Allergies Asthma Reduced libido Infertility Various reproductive problems

Problems with low Cholesterol adrenal glands

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Mary 13 yo with :LBPSleep ProblemH/A

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The Solution to Healthy Adrenals and Thyroid

Solutions•Drink More Healthy Water•Eat more organic veggies•Reduce or eliminate medications•Eliminate refined foods•Eliminate enriched foods•Eliminate Environmental toxins•Deal with Stress Causes

•HFC Beverages & Food•Standard American Diet•Medication use•refined foods•enriched foods•Environmental toxins•Unhealthy Stress

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hyperoxidation, the formation of free radicals, is one of the basic damaging processes in the body

damage tissues at the cellular level and at the tissue level

Antidote to Adrenaline and Cortisol Vitamin B-3 Vitamin C, Vitamin E, beta carotene selenium and others protect the body against the effect of the free radicals by

removing them more rapidly from the body.

Stress HormonesCatecholamine's Adrenaline, Cortisol

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Approximately 90% of the mercury, heavy metals and toxins contained in our bodies gets

eliminated through stools

Chlorella , Spirulina are algae that has very high levels of chlorophyllBentonite Clay Absorbs Toxins (don’t take with suppliments)

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juicing removes the indigestible fiber, so nutrients are available to the body in much larger quantities than if the piece of fruit or vegetable was eaten whole.

when you eat a raw carrot, you are only able to assimilate about 1% of the available beta carotene. When a carrot is juiced, removing the fiber, nearly 100% of the beta carotene can be assimilated.

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ENZYMESAll enzymes are proteins,

but not all proteins are enzymes.

each chemical reaction in an body requires

its own specific enzyme.

enzymes can be called an ORGANIC CATALYSTand are never changed by their reactions!


Enzyme helpers = COENZYMES or VITAMINS

enzymes are named for what they work on

enzyme names always end in -ASELipase = for fatLactase = for milk sugars Peptidase, Protease = for protein Amylase = Starches

*Patients with Reflux avoid Protease till Gut is Healed about 30 days

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Page 30: Thyroid stress and adrenals

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Page 31: Thyroid stress and adrenals Johnbchiro (subject here)Reverse ArthritisEliminate High Blood PressureDiabetesReverse CancerCorrect FibromyalgiaHeadaches solutionSciatica Low back painIrritable Bowel SyndromeInfertility and dysfunctionRLS Restless leg SyndromeNeuropathy

Be part of the Health Renaissance

Page 32: Thyroid stress and adrenals

Cruise Day 1 Sat leave Miami florida, 1 hr get together cocktail/juice bar Day 2 at sea 3 hrs how your body works: nervous system, lungs, digestionDay 3, 1hr questions and answers, explore Puerto RicoDay 4 , 1 hr questions and answers, explore St MaartenDay 5 , 1 hrs immune system eliminating disease, St ThomasDay 6 , 3hrs nutrition for disease reversal and healthy for life, at seaDay 7, 3hr Healing Mindset Techniques, at seaDay 8 Sat back in Miami

Page 33: Thyroid stress and adrenals

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Page 34: Thyroid stress and adrenals

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Page 35: Thyroid stress and adrenals

thyroid and adrenals link and infertility stress causes 1.the hypothalamus (the corticotrophin-releasing hormone) to the pituitary for the adrenals to increase cortisol

2.the cortisol can then inhibit TSH as well as block the conversion from T4 to T3, causing symptoms of low thyroid

3.women decreased progesterone levels due to adrenal fatigue

4.precursor to progesterone, DHEA (dehydioepiandrosterone)

5.DHEA is used to metabolize cholesterol to make estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone

6.poor adrenal function can directly affect the reproductive system.