through the bible - preservedwords spirit-led by, walk in, filled...through the bible gospels...

Name: ___________________________ Date: ________ © 2011 Ronald Williams, 8306 James A Reed Rd, Raytown, MO; [email protected] Through the Bible GOSPELS Introduction Spirit: led by, walk in, filled with

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Name: ___________________________ Date : ________ © 2011 Ronald Williams, 8306 James A Reed Rd, Raytown, MO; [email protected]

Through th e Bibl e



Spirit: led by, walk in, filled with

STUDY Through th e Bibl e Spirit: led by, walk in, filled with (13.14) 3

ondayonday:: Spiritual CPR If you’ve ever stopped at the scene of a really se-rious accident you’ve probably seen paramedics

giving medical aid to someone. It’s quite impressive to watch. They know exactly how to treat the victim to save their life. But there is also something the people standing by can do be-fore the paramedics arrive. And it’s just as crucial to the vic-tim as what happens later (even more so in most cases). One of the things spectators can do is give CPR—cardio pulmo-nary resuscitation. And it’s also quite impressive.

If you look around at the scene of an accident you will see three kinds of people: those who are dying, those who are saving others, and those who are watching.

1 2 3 Write the highlighted words (above) in the correct column below which show the traits of each group.

needs oxygen needs blood pumped

blows oxygen pumps blood

has oxygen has blood

The reason you give CPR is to move people from the “dying” group to the “watching” group.

But even better is if they can become one of the saving group (instead of just watching). That’s why for many years CPR classes have been offered—it teaches everyone how to save others. And that’s exactly the same process God has in mind for Christians—be a saver instead of just watching or even worse, dying.

Spiritual checkup Pause a moment to take a spiritual checkup. Write how many hours in a typical week (not in-cluding church) you do the following (time completely focused on that activity). The final score will show your spiritual pulse.

read the Bible:

read other Christian materials: study the Bible (privately or publicly):

pray (excluding meals):

listen to sermon (live, recorded) : spiritual discussion (serious, not chit chat):

meditate on scripture:

Total: ___ X 10 = ____ (spiritual pulse)

How did you do? If you’re a typical Christian (at least in America) you should be in ICU (Intensive Care Unit) hooked up to a machine that breathes for you and have a pacemaker to keep your heart pumping blood. In other words, if it wasn’t for the pastor’s preaching at church and prayers at mealtime you would never open your Bible or pray. And it shows! So let’s get to work on your spiritual CPR.


4 Spirit: led by, walk in, filled with (13.14) STUDY Through th e Bibl e

Preview This week you will learn the most important practical principles about growing in Christ:

• What it means to be filled with the Spirit, and how to get it, • What it means to be led by the Spirit,

• What it means to walk in the Spirit, • How all three fit together,

Bible Reading: Rom 8

STUDY Through th e Bibl e Spirit: led by, walk in, filled with (13.14) 5

uesdayuesday:: Spirit, spirit, spirit After Jesus’ baptism and as he entered into the temptation in the wilderness, the Bible records three aspects of Jesus’ spiritual nature that are crucial to every believer’s

spiritual maturity.

Fill in the blanks with the three aspects of the Spirit’s work.

• Spirit: _________4 of the Holy Ghost (Luke 4:1) • Soul: _______5 by the Spirit (Luke 4:1)

• Body: Spirit ____________6 him into the wilderness (walk in the Spirit) (Mk 1:12) These three together form a “spiritual trinity” for the Spirit’s work in a believer’s life.

SpiritSpirit :: filled with the Spirit Being filled with the Spirit (in your spirit) is the foundation of spiritual maturity. It de-termines your character (personality). You will either be a partaker of God’s __________

__________7 (2Pet 1:4) because you are filled with his Spirit or you will have a ____________8 nature (Rom 8:5-7) because you _________9 the things of the flesh. Galatians 5:22-23 lists the __________10 of the Spirit that is characteristic of a Spirit filled life.

Use the following verses to write what spiritual personality trait is mentioned.

• Exod 28:3 spirit of _____________11 • Isa 61:3 spirit of _________________12 • Num 5:14 spirit of __________________13 • Zech 12:10 spirit of _____________14

• Zech 12:10 spirit of ____________________15 • John 14:17 spirit of _____________16 • Rom 1:4 spirit of _____________17 • 1Cor 4:21 spirit of __________________18

• 2Cor 4:13 spirit of _____________19 • 2Tim 1:7 spirit of _____________20

SoulSoul :: led by the Spirit Being led by the Spirit (in your soul) is the next step towards spiritual maturity. It means letting the mind of ____________21 be in you (Phil 2:5) so that God’s ______________22

(content) become your thoughts (Isa 55:6-9) as the Spirit teaches you God’s principles.

BodyBody:: walk in the Spirit Walking in the Spirit (body) is the final step of spiritual maturity. It is the conduct (per-formance) that results from being empowered by the filling of the Spirit and guided by the

leading of the Spirit. Your actions will no longer be directed towards satisfying your own fleshly desires but will be motivated by love to _______________________________23 (Gal 5:13). It is only possible if you _____________24 the deeds of the body (Rom 8:13)/______________25 the flesh with the affections and lusts (Gal 5:24).





6 Spirit: led by, walk in, filled with (13.14) STUDY Through th e Bibl e

Spirit: filled with the Spirit

Soul (mind): led by the Spirit

Body: walk in the Spirit

Character: personality Content (thoughts): principles Conduct: performance

1. ____________26 (Prov 16:32)

2. ____________27 (over the will 1Cor 7:37)

3. ____________28 (run, walk Isa 40:31)

4. ____________29 5. ____________30 6. ____________________31

worketh in you 7. ______________32 8. ___________33

Fill in blanks #1-3 with the enablement it requires (compare Eph 6:10 and the references above to see what words they have in common).

Fill in blanks #4-6 with the correct verses for the work it shows (Gal 5:13-26).

Write the correct phrase in blanks #7-8 to show God’s work in you (Phil 2:13-14).

Write the correct phrase (Eph 5:18-21) in the blanks to show the result it produces.

• Spirit: (vs. 18) filled with the Spirit • Soul: (vs 19-20) ________________________________, _________________________34 • Body: (vs 21) ____________________________________________________________35

Write the correct phrase (2Cor 10:3-6) in the blanks to show the battle you fight.

• Spirit: (vs 3-4) ____________________________________________________________36

• Soul: (vs 5) _____________________________________________________________37

• Body: (vs 6) _____________________________________________________________38

Bible Reading: John 15

Meditation Verse: Eph 6:10 Write the meditation verse on a 3 X 5 card.

Review the previous meditation verses.

STUDY Through th e Bibl e Spirit: led by, walk in, filled with (13.14) 7

ednesday: ednesday: filled with the Spirit The Holy Ghost (Spirit of God) lives inside every Christian. He came in at the mo-ment of salvation and took up permanent residence. But Christians are not always

full of the Spirit after salvation. According to John 3:34, it was possible for God to give more or less of it to Jesus (“by measure”) so the same must be true for believers. Even though some peo-ple teach that what changes is how much control the Spirit has over you at any given moment, the Bible teaches that the amount you are filled with the Spirit changes from day to day, hour to hour, minute to minute, even second to second. That’s why the filling with the Holy Ghost oc-curred not once but twelve times in the book of Acts (often to the same people). It was a constant need in order to remain strong spiritually.

So how do you get filled (and refilled) with the Holy Ghost? If you compare Eph 5:18-19 with Col 3:16 you will see that letting the ___________________39 dwell in your heart produces the same result as being ________________________________.40 In other words, the more you fill your heart with scripture the more God’s Spirit will be in you.

Eph 5:18-19 Col 3:16 filled with the Spirit word of Christ dwells in you

Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making mel-ody in your heart to the Lord;

teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.

Jesus said the same thing in John 15:1-8 by comparing himself to a _______41 and believers

to the ____________________.42 God (the husbandman) checks to see whether the branches are bearing any ________.43 He helps the fruit-bearing process by cleaning the believers through the _________.44 The key is for us to _________________________45 (vs. 4-6—salvation) and for him to _________________________ (sanctification).46 Finally, in vs. 7 he then defines what it means for Jesus to abide in us as ______________________________.47 If all goes according to plan we will bring forth ___________48 (vs. 2), ________49 fruit (vs. 2) and _________50 fruit (vs. 5, 7).

So God has a tool for you to “fill up” with the Spirit anywhere and anytime. What is it?53 Lest you think I’m overstating the importance of filling your heart and mind with his word notice an obscure verse most people rush right past—John 6:63. Jesus’ words here are often overlooked because people don’t take them literally. Scientists know that physical things can’t be destroyed (cease to exist). But they can be changed from matter (form) into ___________54 (function) and back again. So Jesus is NOT speaking symbolically. He’s NOT speaking poetically. He’s NOT giving a parable or an allegory. He’s NOT saying his words are merely spiritual and life-giving. Rather, he’s saying that written scripture (God’s word) literally IS the physical form (matter) of his Spirit (energy).

Write “form” and “function” in the correct blanks to show which one is matter (scripture) and which one is energy (Spirit).


Scripture Spirit

__________:51 matter _____________:52 energy

8 Spirit: led by, walk in, filled with (13.14) STUDY Through th e Bibl e

Where is the form of God’s word found? (Rom 2:20) ______________55 (Bible)

Notice this same energy (function)/matter (form) relationship in Ezra 7:25. Ezra held the

written ________________56 (matter) in his hand which was literally the _________________57


Another example in the Bible of this energy/matter relationship is the disciples’ baptism by the Holy Ghost in Acts 2. What you probably haven’t considered is what happened before then that allowed God to perform this incredible miracle. They had lived with Jesus for about three years. They watched him, talked with him, listened to him, etc. but they still weren’t ready to be used mightily by God. According to Acts 1:3, what did Jesus do during the 40 days after his res-urrection to put the finishing touches on his work?

1. _____________________________________________________________________,58 and 2. _______________________________________________________________________59

The first thing Jesus did (showed himself alive) reaffirmed their faith in him while the second

thing he did (speaking) reaffirmed their trust in his word (“Bible”). What did the disciples do for

the 10 days after his ascension: remember what he had taught and shown them; reflect on its

meaning; rehearse what they had learned? They needed to let God’s word move from their

__________60 (knowledge) to their ____________61 (belief).

Before his crucifixion Jesus told the disciples in John 14:21-26 that he would manifest

(shew) himself to them by his _________62 (sayings). This replaced their dependence on seeing

and hearing him with dependence on the written scriptures (the Bible). That’s important because

according to 2Pet 1:16-21 the written word of God (________________63) is more sure (reliable)

than seeing (_______________________)64 and hearing (__________).65 Why?66

Moses said essentially the same thing in his last address to Israel (Deut 32:46-47) before

they went into the promised land. If they would set their hearts on _______________67 (vs. 46)

it would give them ________68 (vs .47). The two were inextricably linked.

Bible Reading: 2Pet 1

Meditation Verse: John 6:63

Write the meditation verse on a 3 X 5 card.

Review the previous meditation verses.

STUDY Through th e Bibl e Spirit: led by, walk in, filled with (13.14) 9

hursdayhursday:: led by the Spirit In order to have the mind of Christ (Phil 2:5) so that God’s thoughts (content) become

your thoughts (Isa 55:6-9) you need to be renewed. But in order to understand how it

happens it’s necessary to assemble several verses like a puzzle. If the goal is to be totally trans-

formed (conformed to the image of Christ) it begins with the renewing of your _____________69

(Rom 12:2). But this is only the gateway to the core of your being which also needs to be re-

newed—the ___________70 of your mind (Eph 4:23). These two together (spirit and soul) form

the _________________71 which needs to be renewed day by day (2Cor 4:16) even though the

____________________72 (body and soul) has perished (if you are saved).

The inward man (called the ___________73 in Col 3:10) is renewed in ________________74

by letting the ________________________75 dwell in you richly in all wisdom (Col 3:16). 2Pet

1:2-8 says that grace and peace are multiplied unto you through the ___________________76 of

God and [knowledge] of ____________________.77 God’s divine power has given unto you all

things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the ____________________78 of him [God].

First, Peter says that God’s divine power has given you everything you need for life—godly

power. He is referring to spiritual life because God has already given you _____________79 life

(Gen 2:7). Job says the same thing in Job 33:4, “The ________________________80 hath made

me, and the _______________________________81 hath given me LIFE. (“Breath” is the same

Hebrew word used for “Spirit”). Notice how Paul explains it.

Rom 8:1 There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. 2For the law of the SPIRIT OF LIFE in

Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death. 3For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh: 4That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. 5For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit. 6For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. 7Because the carnal mind is en-mity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be. 8So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God. 9But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.

Second, 2Pet 1 says God’s divine power has given you everything you need for godliness—

personality. By this knowledge you are given exceeding great and precious _______________:82

that by these [promises] you might be partakers of the _______________________.83 The result


10 Spirit: led by, walk in, filled with (13.14) STUDY Through th e Bibl e

is that you will neither be barren nor unfruitful (your walk in the Spirit) in the ______________84

of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Finally, you must remember that renewal is only possible through the work of the ________

_________85 (Tit 3:5). That’s why Jesus said in John 16:7-13 it was expedient (helpful, neces-

sary) for him to go away—otherwise the Comforter (holy Spirit) would not come. But when the

Spirit of truth comes, he will __________86 [lead] you into all truth.

Bible Reading: Gal 5

Meditation Verse: Eph 4:22-24 Write the meditation verse on a 3 X 5 card.

Review the previous meditation verses.

STUDY Through th e Bibl e Spirit: led by, walk in, filled with (13.14) 11

ridayriday:: walk in the Spirit You’ve already seen that walking in the Spirit is the final stage of the Spirit filled life. In Rom 6:4 Paul calls it walking in _________________________.87 He goes into even

greater detail about walking in the Spirit in Gal 5. Starting in vs. 13 he exhorts the brethren to _________________________88 (out of love). This fulfills the law which says, “Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.” The contrast is those who ________________________89 one another until they are _________________.90

Fill in the blanks with the word that shows the practical application about your “one an-other” relationship to other Christians.

• Rom 12:10 _________________________91 • Rom 12:10 ______________92 • Rom 12:16 ______________93 • Rom 13:8 ______________94

• Rom 14:19 ______________95 • Rom 15:7 ______________96 • Rom 15:14 ______________97 • Rom 16:16 ______________98

• 1Cor 12:25 ______________99 • Gal 5:13 ______________100 • Gal 6:2 _____________________101 • Eph 4:2 ______________102

• Eph 4:32 ______________103 • Eph 4:32 ________________104 • Eph 4:32 ______________105 • Eph 5:21 ______________106

• Phil 2:3 ______________107 • Col 3:9 ______________108 • Col 3:16 ______________109 • Col 3:16 ______________110

• 1Th 4:18 ______________111 • Heb 10:25 ______________112 • Heb 10:24 ______________:113 love, good works • Jms 5:16 ______________114

• 1Pet 3:8 ____________________115 • 1Pet 4:9 _________________116 In vs. 16-18 Paul’s solution is to __________________________117 so you will not fulfil the

___________________________.118 For the __________119 lusteth against the __________,120

and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are ________________121 the one to the other: so that

ye _______________122 [impossible for you alone] do the things that ye would. Fortunately, if

ye are _______________________,123 ye are not under the law.

After listing the works of the flesh in vs. 19-21 Paul contrasts the ____________________124 in vs. 22-23.

Write the nine qualities that will be produced as the fruit of your new nature (Gal 5:22-23) on the tree (next page),125

Write the six qualities (Isa 11:1-2) that are the roots of the Spirit of the Lord (as opposed to fruit) on the next page.126


12 Spirit: led by, walk in, filled with (13.14) STUDY Through th e Bibl e

Paul concludes in vs. 24-26 by reminding you that if you are Christ’s you have crucified the

__________127 with the affections and lusts. Remember, if you ________128 in the Spirit (salva-

tion), you should also __________129 in the Spirit.

Fill in the blanks with the word that shows how you should walk.

• Eph 2:10 ________________130 • Eph 5:2 in _________131 • Col 4:5 in _________132

• 1Th 2:12 __________133 • 2Jn :4 in __________134 • 3Jn :4 in __________135

Bible Reading: Prov 2

Meditation Verse: Rom 6:4

Write the meditation verse on a 3 X 5 card.

Review the previous meditation verses.


_____________ ___________________ ________________ _________________ ______________ _________________ _______________ ______________


t of



STUDY Through th e Bibl e Spirit: led by, walk in, filled with (13.14) 13

undayunday:: How? If having God’s word abide in you is so essential (which it is) then it’s important that you know how to do it. Fortunately, it’s not some mystical experience that only a few

special people can accomplish. It’s a practical reality that God has made possible for every be-liever. In fact, God has given you a five step plan in Proverbs 2:1-5 for doing just that.

Fill in the first blank for #1-5 below with the following words that show the five steps necessary for having God’s word abide in you: receive, reflect, request, research, retain.

1. [______________]136 1a My son, if thou wilt receive my words, …

2. [______________]137 1b … and hide my commandments with thee; 3. [____________]138 2So that thou incline thine ear [____________________________]139

unto wisdom, and apply thine heart [_______________________________]140 to understanding;

4. [_________]141 3Yea, if thou criest after knowledge, and liftest up thy voice for understanding 5. [____________]142 4If thou seekest her as silver, and searchest for her as for hid treasures;

5Then shalt thou understand the fear of the LORD, and find the knowledge of God.

✍ Fill in the extra blanks in verse 2 above with “practical application” or “pay attention” to show what the previous phrase means.

Notice that this is NOT a passive activity. Verse 1 says you must hide God’s word in your heart (memorize). Verse 2 says you must incline your ear and apply your heart (meditate). Verse 3 says you must cry and lift up your voice (ask in prayer) in order to get it. Verse 4 says you must seek and search for it (study). Only the person who actively receives, retains, reflects, requests and researches God’s word will have it abiding (remaining) in him. It’s like the food groups—grains, meat, fruits, vegetables, dairy products and sugars. It takes a combination of all of them to be healthy. The same thing applies to your spiritual health. All five steps of sanctifica-tion are essential for balanced, healthy spiritual diet. Let’s look at each step in more detail.

ReceiveReceive:: hear, read The first step in having God’s word abide in you is to receive it. But the most important thing in this step is your attitude—you must receive it with all _____________________

___________143 (Acts 17:11). There are two ways you can receive God’s word.

• Hear: One way to receive God’s word is to hear (parents, pastor, teachers, holy Spirit, etc.). But you must pay close attention so you can hear clearly.

✍ Write the correct words from Num 24:16 above the correct pictures to show the proper order of getting to know God inti-mately.


11 144 145 146

words of God knowledge of

the most High vision of the


14 Spirit: led by, walk in, filled with (13.14) STUDY Through th e Bibl e

• Read: The second way to receive God’s word is to read the Bible. Not just on Sunday at church but every day at home so you systematically go through the Bible on a regular basis (as God instructed the king to do in Deut 17:18-20). This will help you learn to _______147 the Lord (vs. 19), ________148 the word, and be _____________149 (vs. 20). During this time you should focus on gaining a general understanding (Neh 8:8) rather than mastering all the intimate details of each verse (which you will do later). This will give you a good overview of how the Bible fits together so you get “the big picture”.

RetainRetain:: keep, hide The second step in having God’s word abide in you is to retain (keep, hide) it in your heart. This is what most people call memorizing. This makes sure that God’s word doesn’t

just go in one ear and out the other. The goal is to have God’s word “handy” (in your heart) for instant use whether or not you have a Bible in your hand.

✍ Fill in the blanks with the word(s) from the verses that show HOW to retain God’s word.

• ________:150 Psalm 119:11 • ________:151 Proverbs 3:3 • ________:152 Proverbs 3:1 • _______________________153: Prov 3:3

• ________________:154 Proverbs 3:1 • __________:155 Proverbs 3:3 • ___________________:156 Prov 3:21 • _______________:157 Proverbs 4:4

• ________________:158 Proverbs 6:20 • ____________________:159 Prov 4:13 • ________:160 Proverbs 6:20 • ________________:161 Deut 11:18

• ____________:162 Col 3:16

ReflectReflect:: meditate The third (and most important) step in having God’s word abide in you is to reflect (meditate) on it. It’s similar to the four compartments in a cow’s stomach. Every time the

food goes into a different section the cow gets more nourishment from it. In the same way, if you “chew the cud” of God’s word regularly you will extract more and more nourishment from it.

✍ Fill in the blanks with the word(s) from the verses that show HOW to reflect. • ___________:163 Phil 4:8 (use it or lose it) • _________________:164 Psalm 19:14 (not just for Buddhists)

• _______________________________:165 Eph 5:18-19 (schizophrenic conversation) • ___________:166 Psalm 143:5 (very entertaining)

• __________________:167 Luke 2:19 (it didn’t start on Bonanza) • ________________:168 2Tim 2:7

✍ Fill in the blanks with the word(s) from each verse to show WHAT to meditate on.



STUDY Through th e Bibl e Spirit: led by, walk in, filled with (13.14) 15

• Psalm 63:6—__________169 • Psalm 119:48—God’s —__________170 • Psalm 77:11— God’s __________171 • 1Tim 4:1-15—_______________________172

RequestRequest:: cry, lift up your voice The fourth step in having God’s word abide in you is to request it (ask). James says “ye have not because ye ______173 not.” This is what you normally call prayer.

ResearchResearch:: seek, search The fifth step in having God’s word abide in you is to research (study) the Bible. Where- as reading shows how the whole Bible fits together, study _____________174 (dissects)

the Bible so you can understand its parts (2Tim 2:15). This is done by searching the scriptures (John 5:39, Acts 17:11, Eccl 12:9-10) about specific topics.

Conclusion All foods can be divided into five basic groups (see the pyramid below). Some foods are health-ier than others which is why you need to eat more of them than others. The same relationship exists between the five ways you learn the word of God. Each way meets a different need and should be ‘consumed’ in varying amounts.



16 Spirit: led by, walk in, filled with (13.14) STUDY Through th e Bibl e


Fill in the blanks with the three aspects of the Spirit’s work.

• Spirit: _________175 of the Holy Ghost (Luke 4:1)

• Soul: _______176 by the Spirit (Luke 4:1)

• Body: _________177 in the Spirit (Mark 1:12)

How do you get filled with the Holy Ghost? Let the ______________________178 dwell

in your heart produces the same result as being _____________________________179 (compare

Eph 5:18-19 with Col 3:16).

Being led by the Spirit begins with the renewing of your __________180 (Rom 12:2). But

this is only the gateway to the your core which also needs to be renewed—the __________181 of

your mind (Eph 4:23). These two together (spirit and soul) form the _____________________182

which needs to be renewed day by day (2Cor 4:16). Finally, the inward man is renewed in

__________________183 by letting the ______________________184 dwell in you richly in all

wisdom (Col 3:16).

In Gal 5:24-26 Paul says if you ________185 in the Spirit (salvation), you should also

__________186 in the Spirit. But it only possible if you have crucified the ___________187 with

the affections and lusts.

Fill in the blanks to show the five steps necessary for having God’s word abide in you.

1. Receive: 1a My son, if thou wilt _________________188 my words, …

2. Retain: 1b … and ___________189 my commandments with thee;

3. Reflect: 2So that thou _______________________190 unto wisdom, and _________

________________________191 to understanding;

4. Request: 3Yea, if thou __________192 after knowledge, and __________________

_______________193 for understanding

5. Research: 4If thou _______________194 her as silver, and _________________195 for her as for hid treasures;

Meditation Verse

Review the previous meditation verses.

Key 1 dying 2 saving 3 watching 4 Full 5 led 6 driven 7 divine nature 8 carnal 9 mind 10 fruit 11 wisdom 12 heaviness 13 jealousy 14 grace 15 supplications 16 truth 17 holiness 18 meekness 19 faith 20 fear 21 Christ 22 thoughts 23 serve one another 24 mortify 25 crucified 26 might 27 power 28 strong 29 Vs. 22-23 30 Vs. 18 31 Vs. 13-17, 19-21, 24-26 32 to will 33 do 34 Speaking to yourselves, Giving thanks 35 submitting yourselves one to another 36 pulling down of strong holds 37 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ 38 And having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience 39 word of Christ 40 filled with the Spirit 41 vine 42 branches 43 fruit 44 word 45 abide in Jesus 46 abide in us 47 my words abide in you 48 fruit 49 more fruit 50 much fruit 51 form 52 function 53 Bible 54 energy

55 in the law 56 scriptures 57 wisdom of God 58 shewed himself alive by many infallible proofs 59 speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God 60 heads 61 hearts 62 words 63 scripture 64 eyewitnesses 65 voice 66 They can be remembered and reviewed more accurately 67 God’s word 68 life 69 mind 70 spirit 71 inward man 72 outward man 73 new man 74 knowledge 75 word of Christ 76 knowledge of God 77 Jesus our Lord 78 knowledge 79 physical 80 Spirit of God 81 breath of the Almighty 82 promises 83 divine nature 84 knowledge 85 Holy Ghost 86 guide 87 newness of life 88 serve one another 89 bite and devour 90 consumed 91 Kindly affectioned 92 Prefer 93 Same mind 94 Love 95 Edify 96 Receive 97 Admonish 98 Salute 99 Care 100 Serve 101 Bare burdens 102 Forbear 103 kind 104 Tenderhearted 105 Forgive 106 Submit 107 Esteem 108 Lie not 109 admonish 110 Teach 111 Comfort 112 Exhort

113 Provoke 114 Pray 115 Compassion 116 Hospitality 117 walk in the Spirit 118 lust of the flesh 119 flesh 120 Spirit 121 contrary 122 cannot 123 led of the Spirit 124 fruit of the Spirit 125 love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance 126 wisdom, understanding, counsel, might, knowledge, fear of the Lord 127 flesh 128 live 129 walk 130 good works 131 love 132 wisdom 133 worthy 134 truth 135 truth 136 receive 137 retain 138 reflect 139 pay attention 140 practical application 141 request 142 Research 143 readiness of mind 144 heard 145 knew 146 saw 147 fear 148 obey 149 humble 150 hide 151 bind 152 keep 153 let not forsake 154 forget not 155 write 156 let not depart 157 retain 158 forsake not 159 take fast hold 160 tie 161 lay up 162 dwell 163 think 164 meditate 165 speaking to yourselves 166 muse 167 pondered 168 consider 169 God 170 word

171 works 172 godly teaching 173 ask 174 divides 175 Full 176 led 177 walk 178 word of Christ 179 filled with the Spirit 180 mind 181 spirit 182 inward man 183 knowledge 184 word of Christ 185 live 186 walk 187 flesh 188 receive 189 hide 190 incline thine ear 191 apply thine heart 192 criest 193 liftest up thy voice 194 seekest 195 searchest