thrive may 2011

THRiVE nc » NORTHERN COLORADO WELLNESS June 2011 » INSIDE: COULD YOU HAVE LOW THYROID? CHECK OUT THE MEDICAL DIRECTORY • EVENTS DOES IT PAY TO SHOP AROUND? Page 6 Report shows big diff erences in what Colorado facilities charge for MRIs

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June 2011



Page 6Report shows big di� erences in what Colorado facilities charge for MRIs

Page 2: Thrive May 2011

Banner Medical GroupNorth Colorado Medical Center

WhereExpertsWork Best.

Ask the Expert: KidnEy StonES Health has been named as a Top 10 Health System in the U.S. for patient care according to Thomson Reuters.

Although the content of this ad is intended to be accurate, neither the publisher nor any other party assumes liability for loss or damage due to reliance on this material. if you have a medical question, consult your medical professional.

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Question:Is there anything I can do to prevent kidney stones?

Answer:one of the most common reasons patients are seen in our urology practice is kidney stones. Studies have suggested they affect 10 to 15 percent of the U.S. population. Most kidney stones are made up of various crystals of calcium. the crystals form into stone when urine becomes over-concentrated. Kidney stones, though seemingly tiny, can be very painful to pass through the body. However, there are some simple things you can do to prevent the formation of kidney stones, or the growth of any stones you may already have.

Most people do not need to avoid dietary calcium or supplements in modest

urologist or primary care physician.

Five simple things you can do to prevent kidney stones:

Eat a healthy diet

Drink plentyof water throughoutthe day

Limit saltintake

Consumedrinks thatcontaincitric acid

Stick to lean animal proteins

Curtis Crylen, M.D.north Colorado UrologyAppointments: (970) 378-1000

Thrivenc n May 25, 20112 n healTh

Page 3: Thrive May 2011

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» WHAT: North Colorado Medical Cen-ter’s Wellness Services o ers low-cost blood screenings. Open labs are avail-able on the second Wednesday and fourth Wednesday of every month from 7-8:45 a.m. Some immuniza-tions are available upon request and availability. » WHEN: 7-8:45 a.m. June 8 and 22.

» WHERE: Union Colony Room, Area C, ground fl oor, North Colorado Medical Center, 1801 16th St., Greeley .» COST: Costs vary.» DETAILS: To schedule an appoint-ment, call (970) 350-6633 at least 24 hours in advance. Walk-ins welcome.

«BODY SHOPPE» WHAT: A 12-week lifestyle change program that includes stress testing,

lipid testing, fl exibility and body fat measurement, an exercise prescrip-tion, exercise classes and eight evening education classes. » WHEN: Fitness testing by appoint-ment June 1-10. Classes begin June 14 and continue through Sept. 12.» WHERE: Cardiac Rehabilitation, North Colorado Medical Center, 1801 16th St., Greeley.» COST: $299 per person or $500 per couple.» DETAILS: Call (970) 350-6204 to register or for more details.

«COOKING CLASSESLearn about heart-healthy cooking and how to modify unhealthy cooking habits in North Colorado Medical Center’s monthly cooking classes. This

month’s focus is “Kids’ Cooking Class.”» WHEN: 5:30-6:45 p.m. June 13.» WHERE: Cardiac Kitchen, North Colorado Medical Center, 1801 16th St., Greeley. » COST: $10.» DETAILS: Call (970) 350-6633 to register. Recommended age for this class is 5-10. Kids get to sample their creations and take a recipe booklet.

«SAFE SITTER - GREELEYA one-day, fi ve-hour curriculum de-signed for 11- to 13-year-olds. This is a contract class with the City of Greeley Leisure Services.» WHEN: 9 a.m.-3 p.m. June 30.» WHERE: Family FunPlex, 1501 65th Ave., Greeley.

» COST: $10.» DETAILS: Call (970) 350-9401 to register.

«STRONG PEOPLEThis Area Agency on Aging program is for people 60 and older. It aims to improve physical abilities and conditions through weight-bearing strength training. » WHEN: Noon-1 p.m. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from June 6-July 29. » WHERE: Greeley Senior Activity Center, 1010 6th St.» COST: Free for persons 60 and older. A suggested donation of $25 is accepted.» DETAILS: Call (970) 346-6950, ext. 6117 by May 31 to register. Space is limited to 10 people.


■ THRIVENCMay 25, 2011 3HEALTH ■

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BROADER PERSPECTIVEWith a host of research that says that childrenfare best when they grow up in a house with their2 biological, married parents, we get this questiona lot: “So if I’m [divorced, never married, remarried], are you saying my children are going to be screwed up and bad at life?”

Throughout our 5 years with the Building Healthy Marriages project, if there’s one thing we’ve learned, it’s this:

Regardless of your marital status or family structure, the one thing that makes the most positive impact on your kids is that they see you developing and maintaining healthy relationships – with your friends, your significant other, and your family. Doing that can help your kids overcome some of the risk factors identified in past research.

Well, we’re glad to have some new research that confirms that what we’ve been learning is true. Child Trends, a nonprofit research center, has published a recent findings brief titled “Parental Relationship Quality and Child Outcomes across Subgroups.” The basic point—

“Results indicate that the parents’ relationship quality is very consistently and positively associated with a range of child and family outcomes, including: child behavior problems (externalizing), child social competence, child school engagement, child internalizing (depression), parent-child communication, and parental feelings of aggravation.” This association holds true regardless of ethnicity/race, income, marital status, gender of the child, and parent education level.

What’s that mean for us? No matter what your family structure looks like, building and practicing healthy relationship skills matters to your children- and their future. To make a difference in your child’s future today, check out the Within My Reach or Building Healthy Relationships seminar offered through the Building Healthy Marriages project.

For more information on this study,

For more information about the Building Healthy Marriages project or to register for an upcoming seminar, visit

Funding for this project was provided by the U.S. Department of Health and

Human Services, ACF, Grant: 90FE0134. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions

or recommendations are those of the author(s). Partners for this project are

Weld County Department of Human Services, Community Mediation Project,

United Way of Weld County, and University of Northern Colorado.

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Weld County Department of Public Health and Environment. (970) 304 6470.

LiveWell Weld County is helping to make the healthiest choice the easiest for our residents by creating:

• Active Community Environments

• Access to Healthy Foods

• Farm to School Programs

• Worksite Wellness

LiveWell is a supporter of Weld County school district healthy eating and active living initiatives!

LiveWell is a supporter ofWeld County school district

healthy eating and active livinginitiatives!

LiveWell Weld County is helping to make the healthiest choice the easiest for our residents by creating:

Active Community Environments Access to Healthy Foods Farm to School Programs Worksite Wellness

Weld County Department of Public Health and Environment. (970) 304 6470.

Weld County Department of Public Health and Environment. (970) 304-6470.

Thrivenc n May 25, 20114 n healTh

By Shari roanLos Angeles Times

Staying up late at night can lead to an additional

2 pounds a month weight gain, researchers reported this month. The study showed that people who go to bed late eat more food,

have worse diets and are more likely to have a higher body mass index.

Many studies over the past 10 years have pointed to the need for people to sleep when they’re supposed to (at night) and to sleep for the needed amount of time — about eight hours for adults. Keeping a healthy sleep schedule allows the body’s circadian rhythms to stay in sync and keeps a range of metabolic and physiological systems run-ning smoothly.

The new study adds to the sleep-weight connection. Northwestern University scientists examined 52 adults on their sleep and dietary patterns. More than half of the participants were normal sleepers — meaning that the midpoint of sleep occurred at or before 5:30 a.m. Late

sleepers (44 percent of the sample) got less sleep and went to sleep later.

Late sleepers consumed more calories at dinner and after 8 p.m., ate more fast food, drank more high-calorie soft drinks, and had lower fruit and vegetable consumption. Overall, late sleepers consumed 248 more calories per day than normal sleepers.

The late sleepers tended to eat less in the morning, then steeply increased their ca-loric intake in the afternoon and evening.

It’s not clear, however, whether the late sleepers ate more unhealthy foods at night because they preferred them or because they had limited choices of food at later hours.

The study was published online in the journal Obesity.

night owls eat more, worse

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By Marni JamesonThe Orlando Sentinel

M illions of Americans — mostly women — could fi nd the key to more en-

ergy, easier weight control, sharper thinking, less depression, less infertility, lower blood pressure and lower incidence of heart disease. It all depends on who wins a 10-year-old medical debate.

The holdup is the number on a lab test — specifi cally, the refer-ence range for thyroid-stimulating hormone.

Many physicians who specialize in endocrine disorders, including thyroid disease, think lab limits for thyroid-stimulating hormone are too broad, leaving many patients who su� er from low-thyroid dis-ease undiagnosed and untreated.

Marilyn Arnst of Orlando, Fla., fell in that gap.

“I was cold all the time, even in the hot Orlando summer,” Arnst said of the symptoms she felt seven years ago, when she was 49. “I would wake up feeling drowsy, and need to lie down in a couple hours. I was confused and foggy and kept fi nding more hair in my hairbrush.”

The wife and mother asked her primary-care doctor to check her for low-thyroid disease. He ran the usual blood tests and told her she was fi ne. Her thyroid-stimulating hormone was 3.44. Most medical laboratories put the normal range for that hormone between 0.4 and 4.5 (milliunits per liter) or even as high as 5.5.

“Because both of my kids had just gone o� to college and my husband traveled a lot, the doctor thought

this was just a phase and suggested I try volunteering,” Arnst recalled. Then a nurse practitioner friend told her to go back to the doctor and insist on more testing. A blood test for thyroid antibodies came back positive, confi rming she had low-thyroid disease, or hypothy-roidism.

“My doctor felt terrible,” she said, although in fact he only did what most doctors do. Unless they specialize in endocrine disease, most physicians go by the labs. He started Arnst on thy-roid medication. Shortly afterward, she recalls, “I woke up and felt like myself again: clear, awake and alive.”

A butterfl y-shaped gland that sits at the base of the throat, the thyroid governs metabolism. When it doesn’t make enough thyroid hormone, people feel sluggish, have trouble concentrating, gain weight and feel cold. Left un-treated, thyroid disease can lead to more-serious health problems, including elevated cholesterol, heart disease, osteoporosis, infer-tility and depression.

Conversely, an overactive thyroid causes people to feel anxious, jittery and hot, and can cause rapid heartbeat and insomnia.

Overseeing all this is the brain’s

pituitary gland. When it senses that the thyroid isn’t producing enough thyroid hormone, it sends out thyroid-stimulating hormone, also called thyrotropin, to tell the

thyroid gland to step up produc-tion.

Thus, a high thyrotropin means the thyroid is underactive, caus-ing hypothyroidism. A low level indicates that thyroid levels are too high, creating hyperthyroidism.

Most hypothyroidism occurs when the body makes antibod-ies that attack the thyroid gland.

Treatment is simple and involves taking a daily bioidentical thyroid pill.

Mark Lupo a Sarasota, Fla., an endocrinologist who spe-cializes in thyroid disorders, estimates that 25 million Americans, or about 12 percent of adults, currently have a low-thyroid condi-tion, and only half are di-agnosed. He attended the annual meeting of the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists

last month and said the debate about whether to

narrow the lab range was still in full swing.

Many endocrinologists think the labs’ upper ranges of 4.2 to 5.5 are too high and should be 3. Op-ponents think lowering the limit would lead to increased costs and overtreatment.

“In the medical community, the issue is not seen as very seri-ous,” said Leonard Wartofsky, an

endocrinologist and professor of medicine at Georgetown

Medical Center in Washing-ton who has published

extensively on the subject and


anything over 2.5 should be looked at.

Wartofsky says the medical-lab ranges are too high because the labs based normal ranges on a large population sample that included those who had thyroid disorders.

In 2002, the National Academy of Clinical Biochemists reran the population samples, removed those with thyroid problems and found that 95 percent of the population had thyrotropin levels of 2.5 or lower. That same year, the National Health and Nutri-tion Examination Survey looked at samples from 17,000 adults and, after eliminating those with thyroid conditions, found that Caucasians have average thyrotro-pin levels of 1.4 and blacks have an average of 1.18.

Among the most outspoken opponents to narrowing the refer-ence range is Martin Surks, an endocrinologist and professor of medicine and pathology at Albert Einstein Medical Center in New York. “Any decision to narrow the reference ranges has nothing to do with data,” he said.

Lowering the rate would come at a cost, because it would mean a lot more testing, he said.

“Once diagnosed, patients have to have annual blood tests, regular doctors’ visits and daily medication. All that adds up. Plus, identifying patients with a disease gives them a label they will carry the rest of their lives, which has insurance implications.”

Surks also worries about overtreatment, which he thinks is worse than undertreatment.

Experts from the North Colorado Medical Center Endocrinology Clinic will answer questions about thyroid disease during Get into the Game of Health held by NCMC and Spirt of Women.

The event will begin at 9:30 a.m. June 11 at the Eaton Grove Nursery, 35901 Weld County Road 31, along

with “Get a CLUE: The Mystery of the Thyroid,” where audience members can learn about thyroid disease while playing the board game CLUE.

“Approximately 80 percent of thyroid disease is experienced by females; women are fi ve times more likely to develop hypothyroidism than are men, so this is a perfect

opportunity to come and learn in a beautiful setting,” Kris Howard, manager of the Spirit of Women, said in a NCMC press release.

According to the release, statistics from the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists indicate that thyroid disease is a fact of life for as

many as 27 million Americans, and more than half remain undiagnosed.

“Get a CLUE: The Mystery of the Thyroid” is free for Spirit of Women members and $10 for nonmembers. To make a reservation, call the Spirit line at (970) 392-2222. For more information, go to .

Women invited to get into game

to learn about thyroid disease

■ Many people with low thyroid may be missed because lab ranges may be off

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phyllis hAmAr, l.A.c.Master of Science, Traditional Chinese MedicineNCCAOM Board Certified710 11th Ave., Ste. 106Greeley, CO 80631970-539-0324

WestlAke FAmily physiciAns, pc5623 W. 19th StreetGreeley, CO Phone: (970) 353-9011Fax: (970) 353-9135Professionals: Richard Budensiek, DO; Janis McCall, MD; Frank Morgan, MD; Jacqueline Bearden, MD; Angela Mill, MDWebsite:

Alzheimer’s/skilled cAre

Bonell Good sAmAritAn708 22nd StreetGreeley, CO 80631Phone: (970)352-6082Fax: (970)356-7970Web Site:

GrAce pointe1919 68th Avenue Greeley, CO 80634Phone: (970)

meAdoWVieW oF Greeley5300 29th StreetGreeley, CO 80634Phone: (970)353-6800Web Site:

Assisted liVinG

Bonell Good sAmAritAn708 22nd Street Greeley, CO 80631Phone: (970) 352-6082Fax: (970)

GrAce pointe1919 68th Avenue Greeley, CO 80634Phone: (970)

meAdoWVieW oF Greeley5300 29th StreetGreeley, CO 80634Phone: (970)353-6800Web Site:

the BridGe Assisted liVinG4750 25th StreetGreeley, CO 80634Phone: (970)339-0022

AudioloGyAlpine All ABout heArinG1124 E. Elizabeth Street, #E-101Fort Collins, CO 80524Phone: (970)221-3372Fax: (970)493-92373820 N. Grant AvenueLoveland, CO 80538Phone: (970)461-0225Fax: (970)593-0670Web Site: www.allabouthearing.comProfessionals: Renita Boesiger, M. A., CCC-A Rachel White, M. A., CCC-ACheryl Hadlock, M. S., CCC-A

AudioloGy AssociAtes2528 16th Street Greeley, CO Phone: (970)352-2881Professionals: Robert M. Traynor, Ed. D. F-AAA; Karen Swope, M. A. CCC-A

mirAcle-eAr2404 17th Street Greeley, CO 80634Phone: (970)351-6620

749 S. Lemay Avenue, Suite A1Fort Collins, CO 80524(970)221-5225

peAkVieW medicAl center5881 W. 16th StreetGreeley, CO Phone: (970)313-2745Fax: (970)313-2744Professional: Dice, Noel G., AuD

unc AudioloGy clinicGunter Hall, Room 0330Greeley, CO 80639Phone: (970)351-2012/TTYFax: (970)351-1601Web Site: Diane Erdbruegger, Au.D., CCC-A;Sonie Harris, M.A., CCC-AJennifer Weber, Au.D., CCC-A


liFe cAre center oF Greeley- Ascent4800 25th StreetGreeley, CO 80634Phone: (970)330-6400Professionals: Cozette Seaver, PT;Leslie Vail, PT

cArdiAc VAsculAr surGery

cArdiAc, thorAcic & VAsculAr surGery (ncmc)1800 15th Street, Suite 340Greeley, CO 80631Phone: (970)378-4593Fax: (970)378-4391Professionals: Lyons, Maurice I. Jr. DORichards, Kenneth M. MDTullis, Gene E. MD


cArdioVAsculAr institute (ncmc)1800 15th Street, #310Greeley, CO 80631Phone: (970) 392-0900Professionals: James H. Beckmann, MD;Harold L. Chapel, MD;John Drury, MD;Lin-Wang Dong, MD;Cynthia L. Gryboski, MD;Cecilia Hirsch, MD;Paul G. Hurst, MD;Brian Lyle, MD;Randall C. Marsh, MD;Arnold Pfahnl, MD; James E. Quillen, MD;Gary A. Rath, MD;Ahmad Shihabi, MD;

heArt center oF the rockies1900 16th StreetGreeley, CO 80631Cardiologists: Roger C. Ashmore, MD, FACCWendy J. Austin, MD, FACCWilliam B. Baker, MD, FACCAnthony H. Doing, MD, FACCTristan J. Dow, MD, FACCThomas R. Downes, MD, FACCC. Patrick Green, MD, FACCJennifer Hill, NPTimothy C. Johnson, MD, FACCAnnaliese Jordan, NPDennis G. Larson, MD, FACCEmily Leibow, PAGary J. Luckasen, MD, FACCRobert H. Kiser, MD, FACCWilliam E. Miller, MD, FACCGerald I. Myers, MD, FACCJ. Bradley Oldemeyer, MD, FACCMatthew T. Purvis, MD, FACCRobert Schultz, MPChad L. Stolz, MD, FACCJustin A. Strote, MD, FACCStephen A.Treat, MD, FACCTodd B. Whitsitt, MD, FACC

cArdioVAsculAr/cArdiothorAcic surGeons

heArt center oF the rockies1900 16th StreetGreeley, CO 80631Mark B. Douthit, MD, FACC, FACSMark D. Guadagnodi, MD, FACC, FACSThomas L. Mathew, MD, FACC, FACS

chiroprActiccBp spine center1180 Main Street, Suite 7Windsor, COPhone: (970)686-9117Fax: (970)686-5441Website: Professionals: Dr. Jason W. Haas Dr. Sandra Haas

corporAte heAlth

Greeley medicAl clinic pc1900 16th StreetGreeley, CO 80631Phone: (970)350-2471Fax: (970)350-2418Professionals:John Charbonneau, MDThomas Lynch, MDRaymond Van Den Hoven, MD


Greeley dentAl heAlth1600 23rd Avenue Greeley, CO 80634Phone: (970)353-4329www.greeleydentalhealth.comProfessionals:Randy C. Hatch, DDSCharles W. Johnson, DDS

sidney Benner, d.d.s.Julie shArp, d.d.s.3400 W. 16th Street, Suite 8-EGreeley, CO 80634Phone: (970)

roBert kron, dmdscott WilliAms, dmd3535 W. 12th Street, Suite BGreeley, CO 80634Phone: (970)

dentistry - hyGene

AABsolutely smiles1135 N. Lincoln Avenue, Suite 4 Loveland, CO 80537Phone: (970)622-0970Fax: (970)

dentistry - pediAtric

pediAtric dentAl Group2003 46th Avenue Greeley, CO 80634Phone: (970)330-4600www.pediatricdentalspecialties.comProfessionals: David Strange, DDS, MSMalcolm Strange, DDS, MSCourtney College, DDS, MSJustin Cathers, DDS, MSGary Belanger, DDS

dermAtoloGypeAkVieW medicAl center5881 W. 16th StreetGreeley, CO 80634Phone: (970)313-2700Fax: (970)313-2733Professionals: Mary A. Blattner, MD

medicAl clinic At centerrA pc2500 Rocky Mountain AvenueLoveland, CO 80538Phone: (970) 619-6558Fax: (970) 619-6092Professionals: Michelle D. Wis, MD

Thrivenc n May 25, 20118 n healTh

Page 9: Thrive May 2011


AlpiNE EAR, NOSE & THROAT 1120 E. Elizabeth Street, Suite F-101Ft. Collins, CO3820 N. Grant AvenueLoveland, COPhone: (970)221-1177Professionals: Andrea Biegnski, P.A.C. Chris Eriksen, M.D., Maria Chand, M.D., Marvin Childers, M.D., Sarvjit Gill, M.D., Meg Ricci, PA-C, Matt Robertson, M.D.David Zacheis, M.D.

NORTH cOlORAdO EAR, NOSE, & THROAT2528 West 16th StreetGreeley, CO 80634Phone: (970) 356-4646Professionals: Dr. Keith Peterson, ENT Specialist;Dr. Thomas Peterson, ENT Specialist

pEAkviEw mEdicAl cENTER5881 W. 16th StreetGreeley, CO 80634Phone: (970) 313-2700Professionals: Arthur Chen, MD


ENdOcRiNOlOgy cliNic (Ncmc)1801 15th Street, Ste 200Greeley, CO 80631Phone: (970)378-4676Fax: (970)-378-4315www.bannerhealth.comProfessionals: Nirmala Kumar, MD

FAmily pRAcTicE mEdiciNE

FAmily pHySiciANS OF gREElEy,llp-cENTRAl2520 W. 16th St.Greeley ,CO Phone: (970) 356-2520Professionals: Joanna H. Branum, M.D.;Ann T. Colgan, M.D.; Douglas A. Magnuson, M.D.;Lori A. Ripley, M.D.;Andrew P. Stoddard, M.D.;D. Craig Wilson, M.D.

FAmily pHySiciANS OF gREElEy,llp-cOTTONwOOd2420 W. 16th StreetGreeley ,CO 80634 Phone: (970) 353-7668Professionals: Christopher T. Kennedy, M.D.; Daniel P. Pflieger, M.D.; Mark D. Young, M.D.; Stacey L. Garber, M.D.Amy E. Mattox, M.D.

FAmily pHySiciANS OF gREElEy,llp-wEST6801 W. 20th Street, Suite 101Greeley ,CO Phone: (970) 378-8000Professionals: Daniel R. Clang, D.O.; Tamara S. Clang, D.O.;R. Scott Haskins, M.D.;Mathew L. Martinez, M.D.; Chima C. Nwizu, M.D.;Michelle K. Paczosa, D.O.; Jeffery E. Peterson, M.D.;Kyle B. Waugh, M.D.;Charles I. Zucker, M.D.

kENNETH m. OldS6801 W. 20th Street, Suite 208Greeley ,CO 80634Phone: (970)330-9061

mEdicAl cliNic AT cENTERRA pc2500 Rocky Mountain AvenueLoveland, CO 80538Phone: (970)203-7180Fax: (970)203-7105Professionals: Pamela Levine, MD

NEXT cARE2928 W. 10th StreetGreeley, CO Phone: (970)351-8181Fax: (970)351-0281Professionals: Gregory Denzel, DO

pEAkviEw mEdicAl cENTER5881 W. 16th StreetGreeley ,CO 80634Phone: (970)313-2700Fax: (970)313-2720Professionals:Joseph Corona, MDJames W. Ley, MDWilliam J. Oligmueller, MDBrian K. Schmalhorst, MD

wESTlAkE FAmily pHySiciANS, pc5623 W. 19th StreetGreeley, CO Phone: (970) 353-9011Fax: (970) 353-9135Professionals: Richard Budensiek, D.O.; Jacqueline Bearden, MD; Janis McCall, MD;Angela Mills, MD Frank Morgan, MD;David Pols, D.O.

wiNdSOR mEdicAl cliNic1455 Main Street, Ste 100Windsor, CO 80550Phone: (970) 686-3950Fax: (970) 686-3960Professional: Emily Anderson, MDEgle Bakanaislas, MDRovert Bradley III, MDMichael Carey, MDKeith Rangel, MDJulie Homann, FNP


AllNUTT & RESTHAvEN FUNERAlSERvicES702 13th Street, Greeley, CO Phone: (970) 352-3366650 W. Drake Road, Ft. Collins, CO Phone: (970) 482-3208 8426 S. College Avenue, Ft. Collins, CO Phone: (970) 667-02022100 N. Lincoln, Loveland, CO Phone: (970) 667-11211302 Graves Avenue, Estes Park, CO Phone: (970) 586-3101


dOwgiN, THOmAS A., md.cENTERS FOR gASTROENTEROlOgy7251 W. 20th St., Bldg JGreeley, CO Phone: (970)207-97733702 TimberlineFt. Collins, CO Phone: (970)207-97732555 E. 13th Street, Suite 220Loveland, CO Phone: (970)669-5432Website:

gREElEy mEdciAl cliNic pc1900 16th StreetGreeley, CO 80631Phone: (970)350-2740Professionals:Steven Kading, MDPeter C. Witt, MD

NORTH cOlORAdO gASTROENTEROlOgy (Ncmc)2010 16th Street, Ste. AGreeley, CO 80631Phone: (970)378-4475Fax: (970)378-4429Professionals:Mark Rosenblatt, MDAhmed M. Sherif, MDYazan Abu Qwaider, MD

wiNdSOR mEdicAl cliNic1455 Main Street, Ste 100Windsor, CO 80550Phone: (970) 686-3950Peter Witt, MD


BEllS RUNNiNg/wAlkiNg3620 W. 10th StreetGreeley, CO 80634Phone: (970)356-6964

HOmE HEAlTH cAREcARiNg HEARTS HOmE HEAlTHcARE6801 W. 20th Street, Suite 207Greeley, CO 80634Phone: (970)378-1409

HEAliNg HElpERS, llc3527 W. 12th StreetSuite 104, Greeley, COPhone: (970) 302-5559Email: (970) [email protected]

REHABiliTATiON ANd viSiTiNg NURSE ASSOciATiON2105 Clubhouse DriveGreeley, CO 80634Phone: (970) 330-5655Fax: (970) 330-7146Web Site: www.rvna.infoProfessionals: Crystal Day, CEO

TOUcHSTONE HOmE HEAlTH5312 W. 9th St Drive, Suite 120Greeley CO 80634 Phone: (970) 356-3922Fax: (970) 381-8113


HOSpicE OF NORTHERN cOlORAdOAdministration Office2726 W. 11th Street RoadGreeley, CO 80634Phone: (970)352-8487Fax: (970)475-0037

iNdEpENdENT ASSiSTEd liviNggRAcE pOiNTE1919 68th Avenue Greeley, CO 80634Phone: (970) 304-1919Website:

mEAdOwviEw OF gREElEy5300 29th StreetGreeley, CO 80634Phone: (970)353-6800Website:

iNdEpENdENT ASSiSTEd liviNg w/SERvicES

BONEll gOOd SAmARiTAN708 22nd StreetGreeley, CO 80631Phone: (970)352-6082Fax: (970)356-7970Web Site: www.good-sam.comFOX RUN SENiOR liviNg1720 60th AvenueGreeley, CO 80634Phone: (970)353-7773Fax: (970)330-9708Web Site:

iNFEcTiOUS diSEASEBREEN, jOHN F., md (Ncmc)1801 16th StreetGreeley, CO 80631Phone: (970)350-6071Fax: (970)350-6702

iNTERNAl mEdiciNEBANNER iNTERNAl mEdiciNE2010 16th Street, Suite BGreeley, CO 80631Professional: Steven Kalt,

gREElEy mEdicAl cliNic pc1900 16th StreetGreeley, CO 80631Phone: (970)350-2438Fax: (970)350-2473Professionals: Berntsen, Mark F. MDCash, Robert L. MDChristiansen, Dana L. MDDemacupoulos, Nicola MDEbens, John B. MDFloyd, Chelsca PA-CLoftin, Andrew PA-CRademacher, Donald R. MDRacine, Kim PA-C Randle, Michael T. MDThompson, Keith S. MDTryggestad, David I. MDZenk, Daniel R.MD

n ThrivencMay 25, 2011 9heALTh n

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TRiBUNE MEDiCAL DiRECTORY 2011next care2928 W. 10th St.Greeley, CO 80634Phone: (970)351-8181Fax: (970)351-0281Professionals: Gregory D. Denzel, DO

MaSSaGe tHeraPY

HealinG toucH MaSSaGe @ center For WoMen’S HealtH1715 61st AvenueGreeley, CO Phone: (970)336-1500 Professional: Becci Payne, Certified Massage TherapistMedical equiPMent & SuPPlieSBanner HoMe Medical equiPMent (ncMc)Phone: (970)506-6420

Paul HoMe oxYGen3483-A West 10th Greeley, CO Phone: (970)356-3131

Mental HealtH ServiceS

ncMc - BeHavioral HealtH928 12th StreetGreeley, CO 80631Professionals: Cheryl Giambrone, LPCAngelica Perino, LPC, CACIIIElise Pugh, LPCShawn Crawford, LPCLaura Grotenhuis, LPCTia Lewis, LPCRenée Rogers, LMFTDr. Robert Ruegg, MD-psychiatryJose Vasquez, Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner

MidWiFerY carecenter For WoMen’S HealtH1715 61st AvenueGreeley, CO Phone: (970)336-1500Professionals: Marie Foose, CNM; Michael Plotnick, MDKrista O’Leary, CNMKaren Vorderberg, CNMneuroloGY

centennial neuroloGYDr. David Ewing7251 W. 20th Street, Unit CGreeley, CO 80634Phone: (970) 356-3876

GreeleY Medical clinic1900 16th StreetGreeley, CO 80631Phone: (970) 350-2438Professionals: Donal Rademacher, MD

ncMc neuroloGY clinic1800 15th Street, Suite 100BGreeley, CO 80631Phone: (970) 350-5612 Fax: (970) 350-5619Professionals: Siegel, Jeffery, MDShaffer, William, MD; Hayes, Todd DO

nurSinG HoMe reHaBilitationcentennial HealtH care center1637 29th Ave. PlaceGreeley, CO 80634Phone: (970) 356-8181Fax: (970) 356-3278

oBStetricS & GYnecoloGY

GreeleY Medical clinic Pc1900 16th StreetGreeley, CO 80631Phone: (970)350-2403Fax: (970)392-4708Professionals:Burket, Charles R. MDColberg, Craig S. MDKiser, Rick E., MD

center For WoMen’S HealtH1715 61st Ave.Greeley, CO Phone: (970)336-1500Professionals: Stewart Abbot, MD; Marie Foose, CNM;Michael Plotnick, MD;Krista O’Leary, CNM;Karen Vorderberg, CNM;Bea Bachenberg, WHCNP;Kecia Doll, Licensed Esthetician; Becci Payne, Certified Massage TherapistWeStlake FaMilY PHYSicianS, Pc5623 W. 19th StreetGreeley, CO Phone: (970) 353-9011Fax: (970) 353-9135Professionals: Jacqueline Bearden, MD; Richard Budensiek, D.O.; Janis McCall, MD;Angela Mills, MD Frank Morgan, MD;David Pols, D.O.

occuPational Medicine

GreeleY Medical clinic1900 16th StreetGreeley, CO 80631Phone: (970)350-2471Professionals:John Charbonneau, MDRay VandenHoven, MDRobert Nystrom, DOMichael Deitz, PA-C

oncoloGY & HeMaloloGY

cancer inStitute (ncMc)1800 15th Street,Greeley, CO 80631 Phone: (970) 350-6680Toll Free: (866) 357-9276Fax: (970)350-6610Professionals: Elizabeth Ceilley, MDBrian Fuller, MD

GreeleY Medical clinic1800 15th St.Greeley, CO 80631*Moving in August - 1675 18th Avenue, Greeley, COProfessionals: Thomas R. Lininger, MD Phone: (970)378-4170 Fax: (970)378-4171Douglas J. Kemme, MD Phone: (970)353-6722 Fax: (970)353-6434Michael D. Stone, MD Phone: (970)378-4170 Fax: (970)378-4171Debra DeWall, PA-C

GreeleY Medical clinic loveland2050 N. Boise Ave.Loveland, Co, 80538Professionals: Samuel A. Shelanski MDPhone: (970)667-7870Fax: (970)667-4510

ortHodonticSGreeleY ortHodontic center2021 Clubhouse Dr., Suite 110Greeley, CO 80634Phone: (970) 330-2500Fax: (970) 330-2548E-Mail: [email protected]: www.doctork.comProfessionals: Dr. Gary J. Kloberdanz

ortHodontic aSSociateS oF GreeleY, Pc3400 W. 16thSt., Bldg 4-VGreeley, CO 80634Phone: (970) 356-5900Website: www.dredgren.comProfessionals: Burdett R. Edgren, DDS, MS; Bradford N. Edgren, DDS, MS

oral SurGerY & MaxilloFacial SurGurYnicHolaS, kenton c. MdGreeleY Medical clinic1900 16th StreetGreeley, CO 80631Phone: (970)350-2458Fax: (970)392--4715


GreeleY Medical clinic Pc1900 16th StreetGreeley, CO 80631Phone: (970)350-2427Fax: (970)350-2421 Professionals: Grossnickle, Mark D. MDHunter, Brett P. MDSnyder, Joshua MDSimonsson, Michelle PA-C

Mountain viSta ortHoPaedicS 5890 W. 13th Street, Suite 101Greeley, COPhone: (970)348-0020Fax: (970)348-0044Web Site: www.bannerhealth.comProfessionals: Randy M. Bussey, MDDaniel Heaston, MDThomas Pazik, MDShelly Remley, PA-CKelly R. Sanderford, MDSteven Sides, MDLinda Young, MD

PediatricSPeakvieW Medical center5881 W. 16th St.Greeley, CO 80634Phone: (970)313-2700Fax: (970)313-2727Professionals: Amy Driscoll, MDMeshelle M. Kolanz, MDChris Moore, MDRobert L. Pedersen, MDJoseph Ryan, MDTom Deen, PA-C

Pediatric reHaBilitationBanner reHaBilitation center1801 16th StreetGreeley, COPhone: (970)350-6160Fax: (970)378-3858

PerSonal reSPonSe Service

Banner liFe line (ncMc)2010 16th Street, Suite CGreeley, CO 80631Phone: 1-877-493-8109(970) 378-4743

PHYSical tHeraPYHoPe tHeraPY center(Formerly North Colorado Therapy Center)2780 28th AvenueGreeley, CO 80634Phone: (970)339-0011Website: www.GCIinc.orgProfessionals: Chris Denham, PT; Kryste Haas, OT;Kathie Hertzke, PTA;Moni Kohlhoff, PT;Alex Luksik, PTA;Jeanne Rabe, PT;Melissa Richardson, PT; Howard Belon, PhD, Clinical Psychologist

PeakvieW Medical center5881 W. 16th StreetGreeley, CO 80634Phone: (970) 313-2775Fax: (970) 313-2777Professionals: Kirk Henderson Ann Hurst, PT Lindsay Paulson, PTM. Elissa Marshall, OTOla Simonsson PC-A

PodiatrYFoot & ankle center oF nortHern colorado P.c.1931 65th Ave., Suite AGreeley, CO 80634Phone: (970) 351-0900Fax: (970) 351-0940

4401 Union StreetJohnstown, CO 80534Phone: (970) 443-0925Web Site:

Professionals: Daniel J. Hatch, D.P.M. Mike D. Vaardahl, D.P.M.

GreeleY Foot & ankle2000 16th Street, Suite 3Greeley, CO 80631Phone: (970)352-4815Fax: (970)352-5130Professionals: Dr. Jean Masterson

PulMonarY/critical care

nortH coloradoPulMonarY (ncMc)2010 16th Street, Ste AGreeley, CO 80631Phone: (970)392-2026Fax: (970)392-2028Professionals: David Fitzgerald, DOKelli R. Janata, DORobert J. Janata, DO

ProStHeticS & ortHoticS

HanGer ProStHeticS & ortHoticS7251 West 20th Street, Building MGreeley, CO 80634 Phone: (970)330-9449 Fax: (970)330-42172500 Rocky Mountain Avenue, Suite 2100North Medical Office Building Loveland CO 80538 Phone: (970) 619-6585 Fax (970) 619-6591Website: www.hanger.comProfessinal: Ben Struzenberg, CPOMichelle West, Mastectomy Fitter


GreeleY Medical clinic Pc1900 16th St.Greeley, CO 80631Phone: (970) 350-2423

Thrivenc n May 25, 201110 n healTh

Page 11: Thrive May 2011

TRiBUNE MEDiCAL DiRECTORY 2011rehabilitation

aSCent at liFe Care Center 4800 25th StreetGreeley, CO 80634Phone: (970)330-6400Website: www.lcca.comProfessionals: Annie BennettLeslie Vail

banner rehabilitationPhone: (970)350-6160

CbP SPine Center1180 Main Street, Suite 7Windsor, COPhone: (970)686-9117Fax: (970)686-5441Website: Professionals: Dr. Jason W. Haas Dr. Sandra Haas

Peakview MediCal Center5881 W. 16th St.Greeley, CO 80634Phone: (970)313-2775Fax: (970)313-2777


greeley MediCal CliniC/loveland1900 16th StreetGreeley, CO 806312500 Rocky Mountain AvenueLoveland, CO 80538Professionals:James Levine, DO Phone: (970)350-2433 Fax: (970)392-4768Garvin C.. Murray, MD Phone: (970)461-1880 Fax: (970)593-9731J. Stephen Thompson, MD Phone: (970)461-1880 Fax: (970)593-9731

Skin CarekeCiaS Skin Care @ Center For woMen’S health1715 61st AvenueGreeley, CO Phone: (970)336-1500 Professinal: Kecia Doll, Licensed Esthetician

Skilled Care/rehab

bonell good SaMaritan708 22nd StreetGreeley, CO 80631Phone: (970)352- 6082Fax: (970)356-7970Website:

graCe Pointe1919 68th Avenue Greeley, CO 80634Phone: (970) 304-1919Website:

SPeeCh and language

unC SPeeCh language Pathology CliniCGunter Hall, Room 0330 Greeley, CO 80639Phone: (970)351-2012/TTYFax: (970)351-1601Web Site: Lynne Jackowiak, M.S., CCC-SLPJulie Hanks, Ed.DPatty Walton, M.A., CCC-SLPMark Guiberson, Ph.D., CCC-SLP

SPortS MediCine

Mountain viSta orthoPaediCS 5890 W. 13th Street, Suite 101Greeley, COPhone: (970)348-0020Fax: (970)348-0044Web Site: www.bannerhealth.comProfessionals: Randy M. Bussey, MDDaniel Heaston, MDThomas Pazik, MDShelly Remley, PA-CKelly R. Sanderford, MDSteven Sides, MDLinda Young, MD

north Colorado SPortS MediCine1801 16th StreetGreeley, COPhone: (970)392-2496

SPeeCh language Pathology

banner rehabilitation Center1801 16th StreetGreeley, COPhone: (970)350-6160Fax: (970)378-3858

Surgery general & trauMa

bariatriC Surgery (nCMC)1800 15th Street, Suite 200Greeley, CO 80631Phone: (970)378-4433866-569-5926Fax: (970)378-4440Professionals: Michael W. Johnell, MD

greeley MediCal CliniC/loveland1900 16th StreetGreeley, CO 806312500 Rocky Mountain AvenueLoveland, CO 80538Phone: (970)350-2426Fax: (970)350-2452Professionals:Steven M. Dubs, MDLesley A. Fraser, MDMichael E. Peetz, MD Phone: (970)350-2426 Fax: (970)350-2452James Schiefer, MD Phone: (970)203-7250 Fax: (970)619-6094

Surgery weStern StateS burn Center (nCMC)1801 16th StreetGreeley, CO 80631Phone: (970)350-6607Fax: (970)350-6306Professionals: Gail Cockrell, MD Cleon W. Goodwin, MD BURN

windSor MediCal CliniC1455 Main Street, Ste 100Windsor, CO 80550Phone: (970) 383-3950Mark Grossnickle, MDBrett Hunter, MDJoshua Snyder, MD

SurgiCal aSSoCiateS oF greeley PC (nCMC)1800 15th St. Suite 210 Greeley, CO Phone: (970)352-8216Toll Free: 1-888-842-4141Professionals: Lisa Burton, M.D.;Michael Harkabus, M.D.; Jason Ogren, M.D.;Samuel Saltz, D.O.; Robert Vickerman, M.D.

urgent Care

greeley MediCal CliniC1900 16th StreetGreeley, CO 80631Phone: (970)350-2425Fax: (970)350-2447Professionals:Grauerholz, Brent D. MDLee, Dan PA-CNoordewier, Edward, MDNystrom, Robert DO

SuMMitview urgent Care2001 70th AvenueGreeley, CO 80634Phone: (970)378-4155Fax: (970)378-4151www.bannerhealth.comProfessionals:Thomas Harms, MDAmy E. Shenkenberg, MDLinda Young, MD


greeley MediCal CliniC1900 16th StreetGreeley, CO 80631Phone: (970)350-2491Fax: (970)350-2492Professionals:Gary R, Goodman, MDHank Jounson, PA-C

Mountain viSta urology5890 W. 13th Street, Suite 106Greeley, CO 80634Professionals:James Wolach, MDCurtis Crylen,


vein CliniC (nCMC)1800 15th Street, Suite 340Greeley, CO 80631Phone: (970)378-4593Fax: (970)378-4591Professionals:Maurice I. Lyons Jr., DOKenneth M. Richards, MDGene E. Tullis, MD

woMen’S ServiCeS

greeley MediCal CliniC1900 16th StreetGreeley, CO 80631Phone: (970) 350-2403Charles Burket, MDCraig Colbery, MDRick Kiser, MDAmy Schweers, NP

n ThrivencMay 25, 2011 11heALTh n

Page 12: Thrive May 2011

Ehrlich Motors, Inc. 8th Avenue & Hwy 34 Bypass – Greeley 8TH




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Thrivenc n May 25, 201112 n healTh