thompson's ·modica hall - memorial university of...

·. < ,, VOLUME' XXVI \ .. HARBOR GRACE, NEWFOUNDLAND , SATURDAY, APRIL 11, 1885. Advertisements. RHEUMATISM, lteurclgia, 3ciatica, LumiHzgo, 8adache, Soreneu of tit• CAul, 6out, QuiM J, Sore Throat. Srre/1- /Pgl and Sprcin1, 8u r111 ud 3u.Ju, Genua/ Bod i fr P ai111, Eal' aMI Huia olte, Tro•ttd ' F,.t and Ean, and all at/ttl!' P ain1 tuH! hhu. •• "'-""'"' .. - oq...Jo 11r. s• .._ em ...... ,., - ..... _,. ... 14nol ... .q 4 ..... •lollo ""' Cl>o --··ol• \IIA!DC _. 7 <11 10 e-ta. .nc1 •• ""7 .... "'"•rt•r Yltll s-U> <aa loan ....S poll lin pnool ol 1,. .w- IOLD BT .lLL D:&U0018'18 AID DULIIIS a' XI:!> I alit. A. VOGE!'·ER & CO •• New Advertisements. Why esperiment witb no known mixturoe -vitbo ut c:l1amcter or reput.lltion, wbao this world.reot'woed PalN-KILLEil, wbic:h baa stood the test of orcr 40 am bo bad ror tho eamo prioo at aoy Drug Store in the Dominion 1 JL'BAD '!BE J'OLLOWDIG. OTrA,-,., Oot., March 2, )1850. . 1he wrlter bu 10lllng Pnry Dnit ' Pain Killer oow for t be lui 22 yeare, "nil CAD eoolldenlly il to the poblio aa a aoro remod1 for CholerA, bcea., Sore ' l'h"*- Chroolo Broacbitil, lJn roJ, Satlda, &o. llno koo wo 11 to cure a cue of S7Jlbilitlc &re Throa\ of t•o 1eara' when all1be uaual kiUC· di es fa1lod. The pancM took ball a teupoooful in water 1hr ee timea 11 day, aud Jlarglec tilo throal tb n o Uruea a d111 wilb one t.caapooaful io a wioeglua of water. Youre, II. F. MAc<.:ALnHY. I:O.'TERNALLY', it c:urea Dyaent.ery, Cholera. Dianbcr:a. Cramp and l'aio io tho Stomach, llowel Complint, l'ainlera' Colic. Unr Cowp lainl, or lo· d igu1io n, 'udolrn O>lda. Sore TbroaUI, &c:. U '1-: J) ALLY It c:urea Uoila, Fdon8, Hruiec:a, Cute. Uurue, Scald1, Old Sorea and of th" Joi ull. T octbac: be, Pain io tho Face, aad ltheoouatiam, Cha)lped Handa. Froat-bitt.eo Foot. &o. &hi lly all dealera 10 Family Medic:iuoa tbe wnrld around. Price 25c. , and 50c. 110r boule Bewl\l'O o! OoWltorf e ita &Dd lmit.a\iona. Fob. 7. Thompson's · Modica I Hall QUEEN in Stock all the l eading I C · Clarlu 1's Blood Kc l'pl er'a Cod T.iver Oil nm l :'ll nlt Patent Medicines nsura,nce om pany Tamar lndien (for COitivtl.llesa) Wf'IIOO of All tn'a Da)@UIIl Eno'a Metlic:ate<l (for Worms) .Jud110n's Geld P•int, CArtT:\u--.£2,000: 060 Sterling. . ---- I NSUR ANCE BUILr l.S C LIVERPOOL, -ASD-- GO GR.<\ CECll UHC il LON DUN. TlV ... f'JHST ' AL H F.PORT f bo He1JO A ccoun t ft t11r tb., ytllr I Ri d , J'< l tot e. Me 1 at th o A.n"""' :'11 e.,ti ng, on Tu esdtty,2 ith l\lay, I j!) , 11t whi-:11 Ue marJ IJ all.r:..q., l'resiJc:<l. 1howe.l, in tbe Dividerd aut.! &nus at the r ate tostetltllr of I:. pe r cent. w11s dedn red, £14 ,036 bei ng r ieJ lo rwartl FlRG BRANC IT, T ltat.. tbe Pr e miums for I i S, t.ledu c: ti o; Re.- ina ura nctlll, anlounl>"d to (-l56 ,!1 H, being an i n.:reaao oi £!'i,3!) I over the Premium I ncome u l' 1877; anJ tho Loaa01 to £:lbi ,G61, hei ng 51 U 6 ver cent. on the Premiums ot the Y ear. IN TllE LIFE DEPAHT.Ul!:NT. That N ew .P olic:i811 had been iaued for £il'a2,485 ; aou that the Life l!und• uy the ndo. Jitions m11d0 to it U the r oau lt ot tb e yC!llr'a UJ WII'II l ions now G7.9 per cent. oftbe en tiro netPreroium, rec:eiveo.l oo uvery pQlic:y in force. 'the s urplua bt.!Booo in the Fire conot wu 1ho wn to be .£1 07.69!1, out ot which £20,000 wu appropriMed to Suspenae \ coou.nt, railing tbat. Acoount co .£140,000 and m1ltin& with t.ho Re· aen·e Fund and Bala.oc:e oarrild {onrard .£24, 000. CApital r ai4- up .... .. . .. ...... General Reane Food .. , ...... 170,009 !"ire .lo ood fo r Premioma H O,OOa Balance c:amed forward ... .. . ., 14.030 We Aocomulalloo Fond ....... . 300,811 .Aoouity J:lood... .. . ... .. . ... 11,686 Deo.27. £H1 6,.28 DONOVAN, General A¥8!11. for Nlld 8UI·AO&lt'TII· A. T. Harbor liraoo, JL O'SilUI:iAN & Co., S,. PiCJH. Northern · Assumnce C'mpa,ny -JO.B- --'- 1P:J:EUIJ d3 CAPI'I'Atr-£3,000,000 Stg. :rmz PUIUtrMS. .. ... ..... ...... !403,< 00 LJR 4o ................. / 167,(00 ......... ,.1.. ............ 110,00( IAirDOif-1 ICeorph ..... A&DDUJt-1 J[Jna ..._,. r-.ra... .... Oil Propt.t, ia NetrfeG.,awM OO.... ,.U p,.. ..... of Applilatlon f• liN ... Ufe IManMI, ... iU odHir IDior•.._ .. be ollt.aiud a4 ..... of A. 0. ... ...... t fluanl'a H11ir Dy .. , Tricopherous Jn tlaon'" Oolt.l Ink, Teaberry Tooth Po wder, C itrate o f l\1ngcai11, CPJf'nn e fAU:•n,:es Ho ngl• '• H one J.i nirutsnt Pe p1-.erruint Lozenges. U in ger J o:ten:;so Frui\ S.IL Sll vo •y and M oor e' ,. Food :\l urray' Fluid MAgne.iA Schcp(''ll PN'pated Coconn nt W y,.th'a Iron "ncl Wino V.l r,. }' ooL Jelly, F<IOd No rthrop cl.: Ly mllu'a V egetallle DillC:OY(' ry Cn nnt'tl Pincnpple, l.iJUe J nice tl o do Qui nino W iuo C:11n ned Oy .. 1 cr 11, .. nnod A11tbmn Reo•ooy W oc:d ill'" Puwder do. Cat.:urh Sn 111I Y orhhiro R.,lillh 13ateman 1 Drops WorceAV n!hiro &uco 1) 11 1Ty's F.lillir, H op Bitten D rietl Savory, Dried Sago B s Dried Mi nt, Dried Thyme Ho llo way II C ure Vineg11r in Bo nl ee Putnam's ()om fXtr.cto r Pic:kat.m'11 W uhiug C1y6tal Gutta Percha l ooth StoPt>ing Coffee anJ Milk Puto Koa\ioi• l naect Powdur Cocoa and Milk do Gutta Peralta 'l'l.uuo, Oiloo Silk R ntb & Coe. Rat Paste N or tluop A Lyman'• Em•laion Harrop Lin en Olaae, Spirit F'I11 Rkl Wilaons Saraf"'rillian Elixir Inr nnt.s Hair Cloth es Br ushCII A yer'• Putner'11 Em ulllion Tooth do. Sha ving d o. do Cherry l:I..i r"'bru•h ell, Oo.moLiquo Pieroo'a Uolden Metlical Disc:ovo1 y Drenmg Combs F. T, Combe do P olloLa Wax Smellmg,Bottlllll do N aMI Iojeoi-Ofl Rimmc ll'- Lime Juice &. GIJoorine Waterproof NnMiiug Aprou d o. Toilet Vinegar do Spo"ge Ad11heada Plato Powder Fe llowa' Compou nd Syrup Coocontratod Lye, Scented Soapa l'arri11b's do do l\li sed in lib Tina St«'<iman'a Tooth iog Powclen Umber, ,SieDD" 'l'ubina for Feeden Red and Ye llow Oc hre, DSJUir V11mi.ah H air ViBOr, Bay Rum Belt Eogli.ah Cor-1 Varni.ah- 1 G'"'l Allen'• Hair Ue.t.orer,Cbild'a TruiiiC.'tl Satinwood StAin, Waloot Stain, Adulta' Tru-. LioimenL Mabogny do. Oak · do. OaiverL'a O.rbolio Soap, .Fuller'a Earlh .Horehound Ctu1dy, Bath Pipe Always on hand a large Stock of Toilet Requ:lsites, Perfumes. Dyes, Cigars . Cigarettes. and &-Personal attention given to Prescriptions and accur- ately prepared with pure drugs.. W. H •. THOMPSON. MAR F: :NEW RIOH BLOOD. ...wtll , ... .., ........................ ., ..... .. . .__... - ...... wm .._a ..a .... _..,.. ,._a ell u--. ..,.'be--.. to ..... ...... ,.., ..... .._. .. , ....... hlr ..... ...... ,o •• ' , ........ .._._._ ..... _ ... .._ .. .... ,,._._ .... •mJwloiN,--*'II7._.alar .... .... ... (UQqOJI 00.. ........ . Miscellaneous. SABBATH SLAOOB'lEB. IN '!BE SOOD&JII. ...-- . Sorloual_. on ald-'l'he A.rabe aurpriae &Dd AMrly rou\. the Britlah.. -. S"n1:im, lclordt 22. -Wbllo cletac:bmeota of lho r.:ns:l i•h aa.l Indian inf.,nlry wer e making a ur cba anou ruiltt aoutb-weetof Suakim to-day, they wens 11Hpril- cd by a ruah of Arab-. who bad been con- c:uled Ia thode61n weet of llaahuo. Tbe Eoglitb formetl aquare u quickly u poaJi· ble, bul t he mulu aocl wcl'\l driven back iu Cllufuaiou on th e tr oopa. a ata1Dpede, a nd cuu id clouda of doat tb o Araba penetrated aou1h and no rth aidt l of tho aquDre. lu the mean. wl• ilu 1bo marioee aod Uerkahin: r t>j(iiDtota, who wero oo tbe eul and weet aides of the aquare , mainlalood a c:ootinuoae fire. holding lbe euem1 111 bsy, tY blle lloo cilarge of the eau.lry and tho fire from tl.o ruua at tbe Hubeen urcbcl checked tbo oos augb t of tbe Arabi, which at tbe ouuet l hnatou· ed oorloua d ill.litcr lo the Uritiah. Goo Grahatu repor ta tllat tl1o Engliah u rar ae know a are 2 officer• ao•l :22 roea kill· ed, a nd S!\ men wo unded. Tbo loalca ol tbo eogioeera, 1rao1por 1.a aod tb11 lu dia.u troop• aro tlo t yet reported An uu offic ial uumate plAc:ea tho Briti•b kill ed "t 62 ao d tbe woooded at 1:1:1. ::\u rly all tho were due to tpe!kr • ou nd• io bancl-to-hand eorRtmeull. l:t.o ,\raba gol betwee n tbc traoapoot tr!Un aotl tho uroba ao• l apoartd lho wen of t he t ranaport co rps and killed tho animAls Tho T r.,ugilt MVIj!Oiy. refu•ing to gi'I'O or 1ake. quutcr. li e ocral wbo ""' c:ocomauding t ho ureb3, rrporll Yaguel) 1ha1 th e re • ere aoY eral 1bounnd rubola in t he Hght and ou r 1,000 killell aod wound- rd. < :eneral i! bl•med for oo ttal:· il\ 1: prtcnutions a..:•ioat • aurpri•e. Suokim, .ll<lfch 2!1.-Tbc c DOit tj 1\n ottack al three o' r lurk Ibis "er o repulscJ 1ile ci< MC:d O) four. The doae 1<1 t J.e tranaport onllteri&l was immeuae. T he gUtud• "'"' artillery wore aeu t to reiuforcu trour• .,..,, u attacked. T hu wbol..- ll riliAb fcrco r emained in thu dariug u ij!ltt . Tl.o ca111ela anti ruuiM wHe haonatruuc lly t he Arab•. &:oo ra of t hll tAmp lollowera were cu t up. Tho Ambo allou' in tho held, ialer- ruptloa 1he nal ivu fugitivea. 'fbo appeanuee and yella of U.o Aral>a waN •-.Ide• lhl\t ll•e •hole UACmbl_alle of t raoaport aul mala, 1oixed w;tb 1be oati 'l'e,, becAme pAnic etricken and on tbo u reba , hopdraa. Theec:tne •a• iudte: riba ble. The Araba glided 1\nll c:aroo in "II direc1iona from amoul( the a nimal•. ·n oo lladdcndowaa awarmed from t he llu1b like magic attAcked tbe &:Ueba forcibl1 oo all aidu. Th a So11danuo c:ooHe5 were mistaken for tho enemy and mAny of 1beru kill ed by frienda. The llttltahioe anti tho roarinu at ood 6m1 and o >a l, and fired volleyaher t olleJ iota t he ra oka of euetuy. Tho nual bri pda, •hieb waa in aid• of tbe sa reba, a lao opucd a bot firo . The Indian troopt held tbeir own lr'llaotl.f u aoon as they were able to tho ' quare a1111in. Enotually, being uoDblo to tlaod the rattlius: fire, tbo eoe wy diaappured aa t bty oame. ( ;toeral d raw .Ul t he forcea aod a tood to arllll . Tho 1luast11"1 in tbe wo unded, t bouKh roeuac:ed by tho Arab camal force, which watch ed t beir mo•omeot.a. Tho cJ.I4rt ia dotted in nery direc:tiou with runawayanilllAII, 'l'he eoemi• lou be bea.,-. The camp at SO.ktm waa prepared ror a renewal of or attaclt, but waa 1.4TIR Blrn511 ltiLI.ED. LoRden, .Morc'h 23.-AdYic:• from Maa· 10wah atato the rebels, wbo bad been reio - forc:lld from Berber, attacked Kuala, but were repulaed. The goferooc of Kuaala ell tel lie oao bold o vt for aome time, and and will bo rn tho towo rather than eubmit to tbo rebelt. It Ia be baa roeeif · ed a Jreab aupply or proYitiooa. A de.tpatc:h from &akim uya io tbe eo- paemeot on Frida y tbo to tal namber of k illed of Briliab f6rco. wa1 " · Korli, Wolulor and 1t.alf •ill go to VoniJiolaou Tuoaday, Priuc:e l:lauau baa left At oriao for Wad& Halla. QILIJ'UIC ACCOtnrr or IUJll).lT'S SIUI.IllaJI S1101:im, Mo¥9 23.-!ootny oomborod -iOOO. Their faoatlcal ooorar o won admira· Uoo. TM1 ruUod \0 wha' oertalo d'eath wilbou' falterloe, boo . dreda of .dead aod wou nded Ia?' rouod lbe l;oamy withdrowllabuaa. H waa Ia oo 10n10 a defeat, though belioted they loet folly 800 IOeQ, Jt ll I myatery bow auch ou11.1berof eoe:ay adunced whb· oat d itc:onry. 'rile eopecl&lly !he .Marinee, behnod admirably. Deapento Sjlelka, •niolf lbei r banner, aoJ with a bo rdo of cbarcod tbo . Marice'• before they bad been ref o rmed, bul were uoablo to penetf11te t beir line. Tho Sbolka fou abt to l .. L aaap, bu' lot' tbeir 'baooor, 'l'llieb wu captured by Madoea, 'nm LION ..tJifD 'lJm DAB. 150,000 Indian 'lroopa dopnt11tioo promised Eoglaod material a!ld moral eupport. Pori•, A/areA oewapeper1 lktoribe Mr. Gla tlltooe's anoooncemont ol an IJ!reewe ut with R uaia u "EoglaoJ eating bumblo pie." T1llt "TUID" 0!:1 TB C VorotG, illordt 16.-lt ia reported that Ruuia lau bNn ao uudiog Tnrkey Mth r.:· feroo ce to a allianc:o an d tho l' o rte hu r4: plicd IbM Tu rkey will reullliu neutral. J.ondott, Mnrcll 16.-The 7i •IU tbo belid thnt Komaroff bugooe from AaltabaJ to the dieputed te r ritory, aod UJI if lt nni" ia all owed to 1ho territory by t rickery wo eh:o.ll haYe war a lll t.lo IIller, ooly whb lho Awee rof Afghaniatao. It iadiegusod • •i tb ou r folly :tud ltouia ia 11reugtilened by the Vl\IUAhlo poti t ionl gaiuod. Advices f rom Gulho, noder date of 8t h, atato tbat a!Tair11 aro :t little brtgbter. Sir Pet er Loooaden'a eacurt C:ODNII.S of only 400 troop1, and but 5Q oro wit h (; tu. llidgc w,yat Peodjoh. 'I'ho goreromet•l baa anapeoded lor one ye1r the di•c:bargo of aoldiora ohgiblo fo r tho rcae rYo force outd(liiO tn oaporta from tho army in India to the reaerYU . Tt hfron, MurC'll If•.- It ia rt'porl ed that Sir Lumacleu hu arri,ed at llerat, anti th11tlho Af.:lcaas Dre acti,.ely lortif)' ios.: tbu ctty. Small bodies of Ru .. ians holJ t bc wella nrd roads bolweeo s. •• aklt a a nti Mu;obab river. So•cral l:ou.,cka aro ooar which is tho moal a oulberly point nure ll 10 ll c raL Tb e H uaiau forcca occapyiog Mer'f eoosiJI of • battalio U ltJ ,& ol dr"800Dt .aod me l:OA&cka . At AakllbAd t here are abo t oigh t thousand troopa of sl) anna. One ltu 10 brijiDdo a nd ' II COIIYO.Y of tnilita ry at ea arc eu roulo from Cauc:u11.1 tc .\Aka- bad. T bo Afgbana hero believe thai au alliance aod Turkoy would buo tho elf cot of ali e Mt iog t bo Turoot nana fr om ltuuis. Cnlculla, .\farch 16.-Tho gororn ruot i:o a bout toaood n ballery of guoa , 11 of bo:t,.y and !1.000 Snitlor ri tloa,witb :lj r ouuds of ammunition lor aa 1111ih to Amet'r of Afg b: tDlatlln, &rli11, M a rd a lG - Ooc:.or Aro1oooa \'aobury, tho profeuor of Orienlo l lao· in t he uul\·ersity ul l'cath, ll•aerls thM Puorljcb 11 00 the whole C:ll uutry bet· 1woeo Hortwuod aod ll t r&t is oow, a nd bu been fW' at toast thrco cuntorice, an in· ' "1: "'1 P"'' of P rof. Vanbury ie tbo lh ·io&' autho rity of 11l\11dsrd litcca"410- "I"'" tbe oouolri .. aad pcop lo dirMIJ aff.:c:ted b1 tho preaeol Ruaatao advance, aud •pe at tbe time, be t •eco 1860 and 11)6.! trnollio&' 11110011 tb co1 u a dor· Yiab. Tli F. ASOLO·ROSSI AN WAR CLOt: O. CakcJttn, ll orch 1 9-It is known bore t hat Esrl Uu!Jerin iaable to pla eu :ro.OOO ludi2o IOirliora ac:ron tbo Afllblln fron t ier promptly aod that be is diapoeed to do ao upon tho 1lich tut pretext for a ction. Lo•don, Mo rch 19.-Tho Go1 •e rument ia 11\kin J: 1tept 10 aroaro • n ample aupply of food at H erat, to &e!lbl e tho p!Ac:o to with· ataod a elege or ADJ duration. R uul au troopa now occupy an iotreocbod s od forti· !led po11tion neAr Pen djob. 'l'ho r eaeno of tbe oat in Jo diao army ia beio!:' b1 LorJ Duffcrin, wbo Al aa tO. add SO,OO'l lo tbo of In · di L Thu lndi ao n.reaa uoanitooualy ad Yocato wAr io c:aao of .ltuaaiafrrrouioo. T he RuaaiJl n railway from Kizi ut 10 Aalcabad, • Web. if c:ooti nae<t. will trike tbe Afghan frontier jt\11 abo to Uen.l, il b:eioi hurritd n.pitlly forward. St. Pctw.b""!J, March 17. -lt ia ao11oo'lo· ..J that tbe toi:IOI DDrllber Of lt U .. iiD tr00p1 in Aaiatio 1\Q,Aia Ia SO,OOO, and they aro acatlered 9t1r a wide are&. Calcutla, Ma rch 2L-Lord Dulferio Ia c:aoainl"( 1uppliea te be colloc:ted at Q• lett&, noar llolan 1'1111 iota Afg bao'-tao, auffid out for ao "rm1 corpa. [..(Jndott, MJrc lt 21.-Tbe Admiralty baa comple ted every preparat ion to &entl. an army ancl full fl oe I into lho Bs lt fc Sea within a few daya alter any outbreak of war be· tween (.j reat Britain and R uaais. LondoJt, MnrcA 22. -Tiro U11itcd &nice GIUI(If4 atatea lbat tile Uritiab adoli rAity ban completed nery preparation oec:essary to .. ad a t,rge a nd powe rf ul fl eet to lho Ualtic Sea, witbio a few dll71 after auy OUL· break o! - r wi th Ruu.ia . 4DL! r on RUSS B .. Colcutto. 1VorcA 2• . -Tbero aro 60 000 meo io l odia 1eady for 111nic:e at any ltiO· IQeaL 1. Tbe militar1 aro Cllnli· of tboir ability to repulae an attac:k oo lleratwilboot &lliatAnce (rom Eo11land, bu t they c:oo&idor England migb' aelld e oou11b troopt to eod f or ncr Roat iAn menace. 'fhot ordei'JI were ilaaod OD Saturday to mobilize two "rmy c:orpa.asrgregatiog 26,000 moo with atrooif ditieloae reaonc. ' RUSSIA's ll.lVT. .Brra•, JJW'CA 23 - The Vonlc:be Guette .. ,.. tta .. ta le deYot lor a larve portion of rcoeot loan• 10 lmpron ber naY&I atreogth. Teo mao-of-war .,. being ooo etructed, 1\Yo of tbom of !he IA'1fll& tJpe of war- ahlpt; three aro plated eruieera, a ad two aro tor· podo rama. Lolldon, Mord 23.-'l'be uder· U&nu R1111ian ollloer1 on furlough baM b111o ordered to rejoio their rt'g{meota G«<. Zoleo.olla waitioc at to J11lu Sir Lwncadoo, wbeo 1111U.r of eetab- lilllilll Afcban froatlor wUI bl lfr'Uied. .V.rc.l 13..-' l'ben are renewed &o etr• thu Ru-. ud Porte aa,Otlatior for aeatrali&y tnatylo nettt of war between Enalaod &Dd IWiei&. 16.000 Mllf .a. HICUat. Colcllllo, !.1. -n I• lr.t.oded to eoad 11.000 moo to' Pilohto while weather 11 oool. Gn. will hue co'ramllD<l an4 ,Dale:• G( ucl U•n. MICI[,>her- IOD 1 11J.ll be .. dnlif'...-1 rtoe!'lall. Grea• eoUiullllaa tbe 8111:111, ucl roan ita an comi•a forwald !v. lmodrodl Bellu- .U lD(II'Jid wlll .. ua 16,000 mh II fer· 111oto\ locrt&IIO Cp ladlu .-rrlaoo. :as :ca:z;:zz:su , o,a, O'luaelotolepble ll .. lt . ... , •• Cora Otre nmoyh tb• trouble. 'lllB OOlfSTABVLAB.Y VOD. Tbe eobjoiaod remarka oC tb 'o boo l'remie r. S ir J,V. V. Wbit•••T· oo t he "Y voto wore inteodlld for publi · cation io l.ut iu ue :- Tho Hon .l;'u:Juca thoarbt h be well il ia our llebatoe whal bad jult trans- pired Ia tho House aboolcl fonu 1 pro- Jt bad been a t oo common j)rac. tic:o for hoo •oetnben to refer 14 olllciala and o1 ber11 not mambero of tbo llooae Ia Wl'tlle prrju4icial and c:oodemoatory, and tho partioa 10 uptraed had oo opportunity of doft odiog tbemaehet. Tbe practice wu to be Jer,reeatetl, arrd bo would like to t PO an ona aught 1nade upon ioy hoo- ou n•blo member wb-> io tra oag rcuoJ. Tho bou,meonber lot 'l'williogate aod Fogo bad beeo rn01t Yiruleotly attAcked by oo loee lhM fou r boo momber1, and fur wbat ? !Jo bad natured to assert wbat ho hl\d l:crml and beliued, tbat the re did exitL :t full confidenccs io Ciao l'olice force. ll o h2d no t uaailed a ny member of that foree particYiarly, but oxpreuatJ hl1 UtOII J ioiA from a ru moor bo bad b eard rc · epect oog 1Le co tir.s body. Now, althousth there b esueb a rumor,aod 11lthou gb tbo hono ntablo member might buo beliond It, yet it be en tirely errooeoUII or It mi::bt be c:Mr rct. Uut wby wu tho booor- ablo ·uember for Twilliogato aoloeted for t hU. .tl14ck '! W h1 bad not boo. membora who had tH t.bia to attack in tbo aamo manner Jud11ea of Diatrict Co prL, nnd Magist111tee boca auailed u had been tbo bon l or Twilliogat o? Another hon. member of t ho other brACCh Of tho l..egia(atllro-bad boOD ntailed by th o hon. member for Ferrylaod, G ood ridge? Why wu tboro oo OU· opon bim? Uut no c:omiDoot waa uud.u upon the remarka of that boo . geo- llcman. T he boo. and learned wember for St. Jo hn'• wt bad called upon tho bon . m1mber for Twilliogate nnd Fogo to make a 1pecitlo 1 11 wr illng againat t he Jo. apc:ctor of l' olico. Should auc:b haYO bcoo attempted be (tbe hon. Premier) would h11YO immediat ely p rOIOIIId Ajf&ioat it. Tbi1 .. It not tbe placo for preforriog llO onqoiry into apinat olliniat .. S hou ld auch a c:barge be mado and die· cuaaed it cou ld reach oo practical end hr ro. fh o proper placo f or 10cb cbargo and ioYettigatioo 11'11 before tbo t::uc:uti'fO Couocil, wbeo tbo mal· would be e tr oc:tually dealt wilb. After a ll, what hu Mr. 'l'horupson .. Id io but tha t be thoua-ht thoro wu a lo" of cou fidoo co in tbo P olice For ce, gat he red, no d ou bt, from aomo r umora o r from what be bad In 100111 newapapo"'? Are we to be influenced or led away by a ny rumora that ml\7 be atloat, or by wbicb may be publiahod in nowapapora? Jf eo, the abtur di tiea may reault : for examp le, a 11rut mllDJ ealnmalee a nd puaioua bad been all eged In tbo no•lp&pe ra him, tho Premier, and tlo"L bo had 1 0111 lhe of aome of tbo reoplo. .... could 0110 imagine" greater abl urd · uy than tbia? llo bad o!too been t ppliod to by official• wbo lwl been abuaod in tbe papera for adYic:o aa to whether they eb ould eoter 110 action for libel, bo' heal - ""'7• told them to uea' aucb obargos • ith c:onwmpt. Tho "o oly ebngea \boy bad to wore tboeo whloh .,,. w.ado io 11 lt'glt!n1ate toauncr. flMbe Premier, could only asy t ha t, u far aa bialtnowlodgl\ wen,, be ko o• of oo e1ose of c:omplaiot tl!o police, but while be aaid tbia bt' dod not 1*(1\n 10 aay thoro were none. They might exiat without hie koo.,lellu, but nooo bad como bel'bro bl10 at lbe Exec: uthe Conocil, and if any did uilt it waa ooly fiih t that those wbo bad c omplaint. aboold raalto thetn to the Esoc:utiYo,wbeo they raiebt rely upon it thoy would IJo fully and joaticc done. He (the hoo J'remier) r1gr,tted t ile turn wb lob cbia diacuuloo had uaumed. Th is wae a when for· bcarauce oo all &idee aboold be uorcialld bJ OYe ry ooo, a nd moderation iba.old tho eondoct of all, wbeo nery olforc ebould t:o made to allay thole angr1 paaaioo• wbleh had been unhappily arooud by tbe lame r. table oc:ca rrenoe of lut 1ur, fajuri.ea bad baeo eolrered aod bitter f eel- bad bOt'o n c:ited, but ner1 ooo who bad t be troe wellaro of their eooot rJ at heart aho uld eodenour to reetore tbftt peac1, harmo ny aod I!OOdll'lll wblob bad been tbo c bara ot erialic of our people ; bo' bo feared that tbia condition of ami11 oou ld hardly rotoro uotil jnatico had been do nt. The bon. member for Pla- ceotla aod SL lll'ry'a bad re ferred to tho fact or hi• hllriDir boeo in t ho Esooati'fo Council, aall no a pirrat tbt police bad been abowo. In ILia he wu correct. Ae ( tbo Premier ) from hia potitioo wu moro imonelllalely O'l'er that depar tmool , and oo c:lo &rllll bad bten preferred t() him. llo (hoo. Premie r) t rn1tod t hat all omc:iala wo uld eo ndu'd tbomselwu with ooo aim- the d iec:haq;e ol t hei r duty -.regard I ell ol danoraiuatiooal fe eUop. In ooacloaion he d ... irod t () add, and h aboold be publicly ltnqwo, that If theN n.letod any 0001pl"lo' &Ji.lolt lbe Pohoe the Elteoutho Coonoil wu tho proper piMO for it to be made ko owD. It would be r igidly iD'featiptell, and be woold oodertall:e t hal ju•tic:e would bl done, ao matter wbo10 it cooeeraod. ' Bl.ID\.uck'• S.!Jie aud Voioe. (7hnu/.aJal f 10• a z.ridt ro,_ rw .- l:Mdore Dailf NnA.) !:rery polltic.l mna' ••ln7 .,. In#) Pri001 IJIOI!Ik. Be II eo q_uea' orator, rotber tbe oootrary, bot he can le ad a debue Iiiio oo one ella. Oaly a f•• rta,.. ace he lpoU "'""' tlmt• Ia OH MOb U.. wiah IDO ... OIIOIJ1 Md eplrk.. proria11 tW llillllall" II lodted rt• ratored Rlldda•IJ oof& boll• aro ll11rd l11 _.n P.,rtl o! the uo...,.. Tba .. oott!4t boll• Ia "'• nadio1 room, Ia U.. oo••U'" room, U.o joarnabatl' room, life oo•nc1Cid to a onoa- 'be anita! of "'e Cllu-IJH, wbo b&l elaowa ..._. be will lpOIIk , .... ,._ ly. f11r whla oatol bil peaoll1, tiiDft than a fooll9Qf, be bu DOlod dOW11 OOftllthiDI ba 1be lOOM quno abeetl biefora .... erlttl lofte* oM lelltbu an looh dHp. uri tW. Ia a ale tip tbat be hueadl -.eakllrr NUDER 8 Tho Pl'elidn• bew1 14 &ad Prioce lJitmarck "- 14 " take tho wonL" lh II c:eriainly1110,. &ban 1ht hisrh; powerful and broad abou.ldt,. ri.iea A atra0$1111 roondetf, weJI-ebap ed o( IDOI'tliOill dlmellliona, and wilb oo ba ll' upon h, 10 It looka like a doaao of politbed !tory. - 1'\lok - •t.lto browa b•ost our bit •101 liko tw" icicl•. Tbe.o browa aito bla face a dark and frowning uprea.iou, a nd \bo lool.; wbioh in bit 1101 ia coi<J aod .4ruel-a& leut in Parliament. H it ia al10 thic:lt ant! qrayaod c:on c:ula tho mouth ODTho wbole face le covered with fold• a od w rinkles, broad hie eyu aod o wen bit temploe . aro wi th amall wr loklee. Wh oa bt' bogina t t he c:olot of hie fro pal o to r ed. a nd srradaally a ·,ibt wbicb ei,.oe ;,i, powerful tk ull the of pollablld metal. It ia 1\ aiN priaeto noar fliemarc:k lpesk for tho fir11t t ime. Tho aoft, ahno1t weak, Yoice ia oat of aH pr oportion with bia gipo . tic: frame. It eometimea become• 10 10/t t hat WCI fear it w;Ji die DOt & f<Oge ther, ana when be hu tpokeo for a wt.ile it boal'U. Th e Chancellor 1nmotimee apealte Yery fut,aomet.imea tory alowly, bat oenr ia · a load tooo. lfo baa oo pathos, whatJ rver. Some of hla mort remarltablo word1, wbicb in pn nt loolt aa if they had beea 1poktn witb full force , M If tboy moat hAYO h'd t be oiJect of a aoddeo thuoder- bo\l on the andieoc:e, are io reality omittod io :>a orrlinar1 to ne ol well bl'ld C:OO'fe ra&- t ion. PerallDal · atfac:h upon . ar e epolteo by Biamarclt wttb lruo!eal r.oHteoeaa, and ia aacb ao obligine tone u 1f tf •oy concealed tbe klodeat aeotiment&. Uot if hla aogor be heard It can bo aeeo ; bia face red, and the oo !a la ncc:lc swell in ao alarming ma nner . Wbeo angr y, ho 111wly erups tho collar of hie uniform, aud aeama to catch lor br eath. llle aro l owered at ill mora, eo thAt hi• oyoa aro almoet io · Yia ibla. lll• Yolco 11rowa a lhade l ouder, a nd bu a metallic ring in it. The drop from bie lipt in ropid aoo- ce•ion. Ho tbr ow 11 baclc b1a bead and JriYel his face a bard, 11007 uproeeioo . Bat It is tlifficult to diec:e rn .U.en hia angn ia re:.l and wllen it ie arcificiAI: The Chao .. cellar hu beoo ••,.n trembli og wi th r:-ge. and more 'li.,o tho elemeota Jet looee than like anytbiog elao. Or c:o when he tbooghc. tbat the wo rd •. fie!" bad been wd 6y ooo of tho Oppoaltlon. party, ho had o ne of hi• atll\cka, whlcb W11ntd haTe ailcnc:ed tbo Houae had enryntJo been apellkiDJ: at ooc:e. With trembli ng OOI· trite. with hie teeth lirmly aet, witb eyes that eonillod firo, aud cleoc:hcd handJ, lee jam pod from hi, pl11ce to tbo aide wh ere tbo wo rd had 10unded. lf ample apnloJriel and cxpl2oat iona not been otTor ed, wb() lcDOII'I how tbia ICeOO migh t .ha\'0 ondod ?' l;lnt except opoo ancb rare occatio.oa Prince llitmarc:k.tbo Orlltor, it alwaya a welL bred mlln, li e does not bawl or ehont anv- of hie lpotciJ e.t, but while gi•ioe them their foil eharo of poin ted a&rcum h• al- way• maio tAina tho form uf a poli tical coo ., vcn,tion bttwuo stontlemoo. lie h,u ' met hod of bis own for w11 .Riog 'I(J1 111ilb, W& oppooenu. lie r egardl hi• epeec:h u a ball of W llOI, tb,e lut aeoteoc:es apolten beloq tho en, which lie takea in h11od fl.nt, a ad with which he bagi1111 to no· wind ti\C apeech "bo w.>old onwlod tho hl\11 G( wool. But it taay to aee wbilo his tonstoo it apealdae bia i4 io ac haoc:e of it . aTRAllGE PllBNOKKNO!l AT Sill.. ' -;-- Tho bark 1 Innorwick' IUTt'OWlded b7 a wave o!llre. 11•c dnriag 1 'C'OJ:ago Xolto hama IO Vu:ton&, n. c., . bad a ten-i blo u perieooe on Feb . tlco report of wbieb excited raucb diacn .. loo in •h ipping circles. On t baL day a bout fi'l'o o'clock io lbe mora- ine, w&e o tile •eAel waa. io .latitude loogitodo 70.r>O, tbe aky auddeoJy cbanged to a fiery rod. .\11 at o rco a lar11e mua or 6ro a ppeared otor tho Ye.IIOL h IOOiliN to wher a momeot in apace and thea fe ll intotbo aea. a boot Of ty1ardlw tho lee,...rd. It tlu water with a r;trll.'ll. h"-iog eoood, tbo aboclt cauain11: tho barlt to quiYer fr0111 atem to 1tero 'l'he 1111111 croaked ominou •ly aod tho 1hip I nn:hod. A tower, ing ro&tl of white foam wu tbon u eo rapid- 11 ap(>f'oaobing tbo Yeutl. 1'be baric waa atnlolr fta& abaok, a od before \bore -l tima to. touob a brac:o the aaila filled '!"in a od, tbo roaring white mau oould be-n paui nac away ahead. Aoo ther abet\ of tl. eq ran dowo tho miluotoUt. From tbc giog G( Lbo o•* noyriau of ipU'b pocirod fo rth, aod the ''"""R• redn- o( cho· ak 1 luted for twoot1 mloote1 Dnriost al ll tho time tbo aalloN were apralled. 'l''btro wu not a epec:k of white or or blr .ctt In tho aky. All w10 a 6orJ rod, , When I& f&deq t!1e al&o.<lpb- tlfl • •sta. T'bea 1 ic oiiADI!ed to a blue atd lln.Jiy fadO(\ a•&J' ia a mitt, Snd,denlylhe 11\11 oama "fl, u:d In ID hour WU OD tbo. watera. Tho Cflplafn oowd giYe no planation of the piiiDI'IIMOOD. '1\t of fin 10emid to be 40 feu 1.o1t1 aotl 20 wide.

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RHEUMATISM, lteurclgia, 3ciatica, LumiHzgo,

8adache, Soreneu of tit• CAul, 6out, QuiMJ, Sore Throat. Srre/1-

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1he wrlter bu ~D 10lllng Pnry Dnit' Pain Killer oow for tbe lui 22 yeare, "nil CAD eoolldenlly ~commeod il to the poblio aa a aoro remod1 for CholerA, UU.r~· bcea., Sore 'l'h"*- Chroolo Coo~~:ba, Broacbitil, lJn roJ, Satlda, &o. llno koowo 11 to cure a cue of S7Jlbilitlc &re Throa\ of t•o 1eara' a6urlin~r, when all1be uaual kiUC·

dies fa1lod. The pancM took ball a teupoooful in water 1hree timea 11 day, aud Jlarglec tilo throal tbn o Uruea a d111 wilb one t.caapooaful io a wioeglua of water.

Youre, II. F. MAc<.:ALnHY.

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'the s urplua bt.!Booo in the Fire A~ conot wu 1hown to be .£10 7.69!1, out o t which £20,000 wu appropriMed to Suspenae \ coou.nt, railing tbat. Acoount co .£140,000 and m1ltin& with t.ho Re· aen·e Fund and Bala.oc:e oarrild {onrard .£24, 000.

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:rmz PUIUtrMS. .......... ...... !403,< 00 LJR 4o ................. / 167,(00 lBT~ ......... ,.1.. ............ 110,00(

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tlo do Quinino W iuo C:11n ned Oy .. 1cr11, ~ .. nnod Pe.~choa Kcllo~·~~ A11tbmn Reo•ooy W oc:dill'" URkiu~: Puwde r

do. Cat.:urh Sn111I Y orhhiro R .,lillh 13ateman 1 Drops W orceAV n!hiro &uco 1)111Ty's F.lillir, H op Bitten Drietl Savory, Dried Sago Dr";' --W~• Vin"~f'" s Dried Mint, Dried Thyme Holloway II ~ Cure Vineg11r in Bonl ee Putnam's ()om fXtr.ctor Pic:kat.m'11 W uhiug C 1y6tal Gutta Percha l ooth StoPt>ing Coffee anJ Milk Puto Koa\ioi• l naect Powdur Cocoa and Milk do Gutta Peralta ' l'l.uuo, Oiloo Silk R ntb & Coe. Rat Paste N ortluop A Lyman'• Em••laion Harrop• Line n Olaae, Spirit F'I11Rkl Wilaons Saraf"'rillian Elixir Inrnnt.s Hair flrnHhro~, Clothes BrushCII A yer'• tian~potrille, Putner'11 Em ulllion ~hilaud Tooth do. S ha ving d o.

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SOOD&JII. ...-- .

Sorloual_. on bo~ ald-'l'he A.rabe aurpriae &Dd AMrly rou\. the Britlah.. - . S"n1:im, lclordt 22.-Wbllo cletac:bmeota

of lho r.:ns:l i•h aa.l Indian inf.,nlry were making a urc ba anou ruiltt aoutb-weetof Suakim to-day, they wens IUdli~>t~ly 11Hpril­cd by a ruah of Arab-. who bad been con­c:uled Ia thode61n weet o f llaahuo. Tbe Eoglitb formetl aquare u quickly u poaJi· ble, bul t he ealb.,(~, mulu aocl bore~ wcl'\l driven back iu Cllufuaiou on the troopa. c:auein~t a ata1Dpede, and cuuid clouda of doat tbo Araba penetrated aou1h and no rth aidt l of tho aquDre. lu the mean. wl•ilu 1bo marioee aod Uerkahin: r t>j(iiDtota, who wero oo tbe eul and weet aides of the aquare, mainlalood a c:ootinuoae fire. holding lbe euem1 111 bsy, tYblle lloo cilarge of the eau.lry and tho fire from tl.o ruua at tbe Hubeen urcbcl checked tbo oosaugbt of tbe Arabi, which at tbe ouuet lhnatou· ed oorloua d ill.litcr lo the Uritiah. Goo Grahatu reporta tllat tl1o Engliah lou~ u rar ae know a are 2 officer• ao•l :22 roea kill· ed , and S!\ men wounded. Tbo loalca ol t bo eogioeera, 1rao1por 1.a aod tb11 ludia.u troop• aro tlot yet reported

An uuofficial uumate plAc:ea tho Briti•b killed "t 62 aod tbe woooded at 1:1:1. ::\u rly all tho ca~oahiea were due to tpe!kr • ound• ~ceintl io bancl-to-hand eorRtmeull. l:t.o ,\raba go l between tbc traoapoot tr!Un aotl tho uroba ao•l apoartd lho wen of the tranaport corps and killed tho animAls ThoT r.,ugilt MVIj!Oiy. refu•ing to gi'I'O o r 1ake. quutcr. li eocral Mo~e1l , wbo ""' c:ocomauding tho ureb3, rrporll Yaguel) 1ha1 there • ere aoYeral 1bounnd rubola in t he Hght and our 1,000 killell aod wound­rd. <:eneral ~l cl'~il i! bl•med for oottal:· il\1: prtcnutions a..:•ioat • aurpri•e.

Suokim, .ll<lfch 2!1.-Tbc c DOittj bc~nn 1\n ottack al three o'r lurk Ibis utorn l u~:. Th~y "ero repulscJ :~ad 1ile ~:round ci<MC:d O) four. The cbms~e doae 1<1 tJ.e tranaport onllteri&l ye~turd"y was immeuae. T he gUtud• "'"' artillery wore aeu t to reiuforcu 1~e trour• w:o~ .,..,, u attacked. T hu wbol..­ll riliAb fcrco remained in thu fi~hl dariug t~o uij!ltt . Tl.o ca111ela anti ruuiM wHe haonatruuc lly the Arab•. &:oora of t hll tAmp lollowera were cut up. Tho Ambo 10.11~red allou' in tho w~c.lo~ held, ia l er­ruptloa 1he nalivu fugitivea. 'fbo appear · nuee a nd yella of U.o Aral>a waN •-.Ide• lhl\t ll•e •hole UACmbl_alle of traoaport aulmala, 1oixed w;tb 1be oati 'l'e,, becAme pAnic etricken and eur~:od on tbo u reba, 1nnk ln~: r~8i•lance hopdraa. T heec:tne •a• iudte:ribable. The Araba glided 1\nll c:aroo in "II direc1iona from amoul( the a nimal•. ·n oo lladdcndowaa awarmed from the llu1b like magic at~d attAcked tbe &:Ueba forcibl1 oo all aidu. Tha So11danuo c:ooHe5 were mistaken for tho enemy a nd mAny of 1beru killed by frienda. The llttltahioe re~:imenl anti tho roarinu atood 6m1 and o>al, and fired volleyaher t olleJ iota t he raoka of euetuy. Tho nual bripda, •hieb waa in aid• of tbe sa reba, a lao opucd a bot firo . The Indian t roopt held tbeir own lr'llaotl.f u aoon as they were able to cln~e tho ' quare a1111in. Enotually, being uoDblo to tlaod the rattlius: fire, tbo eoewy diaappured aa tbty oame. ( ;toeral Mc~til draw .Ul the forcea aod atood to arllll. Tho 1luast11"1

b:'Ou~tbt in tbe wounded, t bouKh roeuac:ed by tho Arab camal force, which watch ed tbeir mo•omeot.a. Tho cJ.I4rt ia dotted in nery direc:tiou with runawayanilllAII, 'l'he eoemi• lou be bea.,-. The camp at SO.ktm waa prepared ror a renewal of or attaclt, but waa UJ110~t11t.ed.

1.4TIR J'A.~CUUJS-23 Blrn511 ltiLI.ED.

LoRden, .Morc'h 23.-AdYic:• from Maa· 10wah atato the rebels, wbo bad been reio­forc:lld from Berber, attacked Kuala, but were repulaed. The goferooc of Kuaala ell tel lie oao bold ovt for aome time, and and will born tho towo rather than eubmit to t bo rebelt. It Ia aopp~aed be baa roeeif· ed a Jreab aupply or proYitiooa.

A de.tpatc:h from &akim uya io tbe eo­paemeot on Friday tbo total namber of k illed of Briliab f6rco. wa1 " ·

Korli, M~.-Gen. Wolulor and 1t.alf •ill go to VoniJiolaou Tuoaday, Priuc:e l:lauau baa left Atoriao for Wad& Halla.


S1101:im, Mo¥9 23.-!ootny oomborod -iOOO. Their faoatlcal oooraro won admira· Uoo. TM1 ruUod \0 wha' ~NG~ed oertalo d'eath repe~tedly wilbou' falterloe, boo. dreda of .dead aod wounded Ia?' rouod lbe ~quare l;oamy withdrowllabuaa. H waa Ia oo 10n10 a defeat, though belioted they loet folly 800 IOeQ, Jt ll I myatery bow auch lar~:e ou11.1berof eoe:ay adunced whb· oat d itc:onry. 'rile Br'i~ilb, eopecl&lly !he .Marinee, behnod admirably. Deapento Sjlelka, •niolf lbeir banner, aoJ with a bo rdo of followe~ cbarcod tbo .Marice'• before they bad been refo rmed, bul were uoablo to penetf11te t beir line. Tho Sbolka fouabt to l .. L aaap, bu' lot' tbeir 'baooor, 'l'llieb wu captured by ~e Madoea,

'nm LION ..tJifD 'lJm DAB.

150,000 Indian 'lroopa ~.

dopnt11tioo promised Eoglaod material a!ld moral eupport.

Pori•, A/areA H.-F~ocb oewapeper1 lktoribe Mr. Glatlltooe's anoooncemont o l an IJ!reeweut with R uaia u "EoglaoJ eating bumblo pie."

T1llt "TUID" 0!:1 TBC STTU.t.TIO~.

VorotG, illordt 16.-lt ia reported that Ruuia lau bNn aouudiog Tnrkey Mth r.:· ferooce to a Ruuo-Turk!~h allianc:o and tho l'orte hu r4:plicd IbM Turkey will reullliu neutral.

J.ondott, Mnrcll 16.-The 7i•IU upr~uea tbo belid thnt G~n Komaroff bugooe from AaltabaJ to the d ieputed te rritory, aod UJI if ltnni" ia allowed to ~ain 1ho territory by trickery wo eh:o.ll haYe war a lll t.lo IIller, ooly whb lho Aweerof Afghaniatao. It iadiegusl· od ••itb our folly :tud ltouia ia 11reugtilened by the Vl\IUAhlo potitionl gaiuod.

Advices from Gulho, noder date of ~larch 8 th, atato tbat a!Tair11 aro :t little brtgbter. Sir Peter Loooaden'a eacurt C:ODNII.S of only 400 troop1, and but 5Q oro with (; tu. llidgcw,yat Peodjoh.

'I'ho goreromet•l baa anapeoded lor one ye1r the d i•c:bargo of aoldiora ohgiblo fo r tho rcae rYo force outd(liiO tnoaporta from t ho army in India to the reaerYU .

Tthfron, MurC'll If•.- It ia rt'porled that Sir P~l~r Lumacleu hu arri,ed at llerat, a nti th11tlho Af.:lcaas Dre acti,.ely lortif)'ios.: t bu ctty. Small bodies of Ru .. ians holJ tbc wella nrd roads bolweeo s .•• aklta a nti Mu;obab river. So•cral huodr~d l:ou.,cka aro ooar Pulikh~tuo, which is tho moal aoulberly point nurell 10 llc raL Tbe Huaiau forcca occapyiog Mer'f eoosiJI o f • battalio UltJ,& l"f~rn~nl ol dr"800Dt .aod me l:OA&cka. At AakllbAd t here are abo t oigh t thousand troopa of sl) anna. One ltu 10 brijiDdo and ' II COIIYO.Y of tnilitary at ea arc e u roulo from Cauc:u11.1 tc .\Aka­bad. T bo Afgbana hero believe thai au oiJon~i··o alliance ~een Eo~land aod Turkoy would buo t ho e lf cot of alieMtiog tbo Turootnana from ltuuis.

Cnlculla, .\farch 16.-Tho goror nruot i:o about toaood n ballery of '-'O tntl~io guoa, 11

b~ltery of bo:t,.y ~~orull.:ry and !1.000 S nitlor ritloa,witb :lj rouuds of ammunition lor e:~cb aa 1111ih to ~be Amet'r of Afgb:tDlatlln,

&rli11, M a rd a l G - Ooc:.or Aro1oooa \'aobury, tho profeuor of Orienlol lao · au~ in the uul\·ersity ul l'cath, ll•aerls thM Puorljcb 1100 the whole C:lluutry bet· 1woeo Hortwuod aod ll t r&t is oow, a nd bu been fW' at toast t h rco cuntorice, a n in· ' "1:"'1 P"'' of Al~:haoialan. Prof. Vanbury ie tbo ~:reateet lh·io&' authority of 11l\11dsrd litcca"410- "I"'" tbe oouolri .. aad pcoplo dirMIJ aff.:c:ted b1 t ho preaeol Ruaatao advance, aud •peat tbe time, bet •eco 1860 and 11)6.! trnollio&' 11110011 tbco1 u a dor· Yiab.


CakcJttn, llorch 19-It is known bore that Esrl U u!Jerin iaable to plaeu :ro.OOO Au~;lo . ludi2o IOirliora ac:ron tbo Afllblln frontier promptly aod that be is diapoeed to do ao upon t ho 1lichtut pretext for action.

Lo•don, Morch 19.-Tho G o1•erument ia 11\kinJ: 1tept 10 aroaro • n ample aupply of food at H era t, to &e!lble tho p!Ac:o to with· ataod a elege or ADJ duration. R uulau troopa now occupy an iotreocbod s od forti· !led po11tion neAr Pendjob. 'l'ho reaeno of t be oat in Jodiao army ia beio!:' raia~d b1 LorJ D uffcrin , wbo Alaa pro~ tO. add SO,OO'l nllli"<M~Iroopo lo tb o ~r~rriloua of In · diL Thu lndiao n.reaa uoanitooualy adYocato wAr io c:aao of .ltuaaiafrrrouioo. T he RuaaiJln railway from Kizi ut 10 Aalcabad, • Web. if c:ootinae<t. will t rike tbe Afghan frontier jt\11 abo to Uen.l, il b:eioi hurritd n.pitlly forward.

St. Pctw.b""!J, March 17.-lt ia ao11oo'lo· ..J that tbe toi:IOI DDrllber Of ltU .. iiD tr00p1 in Aaiatio 1\Q,Aia Ia SO,OOO, and they aro acatle red 9t1r a wide are&.

Calcutla, March 2L-Lord Dulferio Ia c:aoainl"( 1uppliea te be colloc:ted at Q •lett&, noar llolan 1'1111 iota Afgbao'-tao, auffid out for ao "rm1 corpa.

[..(Jndott, MJrclt 21.-Tbe Admiralty baa completed every preparation to &entl. an army ancl full floe I into lho Bs ltfc Sea within a few daya alter any outbreak of war be· tween (.j reat Britain and R uaais.

LondoJt, MnrcA 22.-Tiro U11itcd &nice GIUI(If4 atatea lbat tile Uritiab adolirAity ban completed nery preparation oec:essary to .. ad a t,rge and powerful fleet to lho Ualtic Sea, witbio a few dll71 after a uy OUL· break o! - r with Ruu.ia.

I~DIA 4DL! ron RUSS B ..

Colcutto. 1VorcA 2• .-Tbero aro 60 000 meo io l odia 1eady for 111nic:e at any ltiO· IQeaL1. Tbe militar1 ~utboritlt& aro Cllnli· doc~ of tboir ability to repulae an attac:k oo lleratwilboot &lliatAnce (rom Eo11land, bu t they c:oo&idor England migb' aelld eoou11b troopt to eod for ncr RoatiAn menace. 'fhot ordei'JI were ilaaod OD Saturday to mobilize two "rmy c:orpa.asrgregatiog 26,000 moo with ~wo atrooif ditieloae ~a reaonc.

' RUSSIA's ll.lVT.

.Brra•, JJW'CA 23- The Vonlc:be Guette .. ,.. tta .. ta le deYotlor a larve portion of rcoeot loan• 10 lmpron ber naY&I atreogth. Teo mao-of-war .,. being oooetructed, 1\Yo of tbom of !he IA'1fll& tJpe of war-ahlpt; three aro plated eruieera, a ad two aro tor· podo rama.

Lolldon, Mord 23.-'l'be ~ uder· U&nu R1111ian ollloer1 on furlough baM b111o ordered to rejoio their rt'g{meota G«<. Zoleo.olla waitioc a t ~ltabad to J11lu Sir Pete~ Lwncadoo, wbeo 1111U.r of eetab­lilllilll Afcban froatlor wUI bl lfr'Uied.

V~V~~~~, .V.rc.l 13..-'l'ben are renewed e-.n~eote &o etr• thu Ru-. ud Porte aa,Otlatior for aeatrali&y tnatylo nettt of war between Enalaod &Dd IWiei&.

16.000 Mllf .a. HICUat.

Colcllllo, M~ !.1.-n I• lr.t.oded to eoad ~ 11.000 moo to' Pilohto while weather 11 oool. Gn. Robo~tl will hue co'ramllD<l an4 ,Dale:• G( Oo~~~a&alrba ucl U•n. MICI[,>her­IOD111J.ll be .. dnlif'...-1 rtoe!'lall. Grea• eoUiullllaa a~~~oag tbe 8111:111, ucl roan ita an comi•a forwald !v. lmodrodl Bellu­.U lD(II'Jid wlll .. ua 16,000 mh II fer· 111oto\ locrt&IIO Cp ladlu .-rrlaoo.

:as :ca:z;:zz:su , o,a, O'luaelotolepble ll .. lt. ~ ... , ••

Cora Otre nmoyh tb• trouble.


Tbe eobjoiaod remarka oC tb'o boo l'remier. S ir J,V. V. Wbit•••T· oo t he Couu~bul "Y voto wore inteodlld for publi· cation io l.ut iuue : -

Tho Hon .l;'u:Juca thoarbt h m~bt be well il ia our llebatoe whal bad jult trans­pired Ia tho House aboolcl fonu 1 pro­cet.l~nt. Jt bad been a too common j)rac. tic:o for hoo •oetnben to refer 14 olllciala and o1ber11 not mambero of tbo llooae Ia Wl'tlle prrju4icial and c:oodemoatory, and tho partioa 10 uptraed had oo opportunity of doftodiog tbemaehet. Tbe practice wu to be Jer,reeatetl, arrd bo would like to t PO an ona aught 1nade upon ioy hoo­oun•blo member wb-> io traoagrcuoJ. Tho bou,meonber lot 'l'williogate aod Fogo bad beeo rn01t Yiruleotly attAcked by oo loee lhM four boo momber1, and fur wbat ? Uec:~t\ao !Jo bad natured to assert wbat ho hl\d l:crml and beliued, tbat there did co~ exitL :t full confidenccs io Ciao l'olice force. llo h2d not uaailed a ny member of that fo ree particYiarly, but oxpreuatJ hl1 UtOIIJ ioiA from a rumoor bo bad beard rc· epect oog 1Le cotir.s body. Now, althousth there mi~:ht besueb a rumor,aod 11lthougb tbo honont ablo member might buo beliond It, yet it 1oi~ht be entirely errooeoUII or It mi::bt be c:Mrrct. Uut wby wu tho booor­ablo ·uember for Twilliogato aoloeted for thU. .tl14ck '! W h1 bad not boo. membora who had tbuu!lh~ tH t.bia <~nuing to attack in tbo aamo manner Jud11ea of Diatrict CoprL, nnd Magist111tee boca auailed u had been tbo bon m~~~t~ll~r l or Twilliogato ? Another hon. ~~~nlleroan-a member of tho other brACCh Of tho l..egia(atllro-bad boOD ntailed by tho hon. member for Ferrylaod, ~tr. Goodridge? Why wu tboro oo OU· al~tughL opon bim? Uut no c:omiDoot waa uud.u upon the remarka of that boo. geo­llcman. T he boo. and learned wember for St. J ohn'• wt bad called upon tho bon. m1mber for Twilliogate nnd Fogo to make a 1pecitlo char~:e 111 wr illng againat t he Jo. apc:ctor of l'olico. Should auc:b haYO bcoo attempted be (tbe hon. Premier) would h11YO immediately prOIOIIId Ajf&ioat it. Tbi1 .. It not tbe placo for preforriog llO onqoiry into c:har~:e• apinat Go•ernn~ent olliniat .. Should auch a c:barge be mado and die· cuaaed it cou ld reach oo practical end hr ro. fho proper placo for 10cb cbargo and ioYettigatioo 11'11 before tbo t::uc:uti'fO Couocil, wbeo tbo mal· would be etroc:tually dealt wilb. After all, what hu Mr. 'l 'horupson .. Id io ~trocl

but that be thoua-ht thoro wu a lo" of coufidooco in tbo Police Force, gathered, no doubt, from aomo r umora o r from what be bad ~en In 100111 newapapo"'? Are we to be influenced or led away by a ny rumora that ml\7 be atloat, o r by Anythio~ wbicb may be publiahod in nowapapora? Jf eo, the a bt urditiea may reault : fo r example, a 11rut mllDJ ealnmalee a nd U·

puaioua bad been alleged In tbo no•lp&pe ra abou~ him, t ho Premier, and tlo"L bo had 10111 l he couftd~oce of aome of tbo reoplo. ~a .... could 0110 imagine" greater ablurd· uy than tbia? llo bad o!too been t ppliod to by official• wbo lwl been abuaod in tbe papera for adYic:o aa to whether they ebould eoter 110 action for libel, bo' heal ­""'7• told t hem to uea' aucb obargos • ith c:onwmpt. Tho "ooly ebngea \boy bad to ra~ul wore tboeo whloh .,,. w.ado io 11

lt'glt!n1ate toauncr. flMbe Premier, could only asy t hat, u far aa bialtnowlodgl\ wen, , be koo• of oo e1ose of c:omplaiot ~ainat tl!o police, but while be aaid tbia bt' dod not 1*(1\n 10 aay thoro were none. They might exiat without hie koo.,lellu, but nooo bad como bel'bro bl10 a t lbe Exec:uthe Conocil, and if any did uilt it waa ooly fiiht that those wbo bad complaint. aboold raalto thetn to the Esoc:utiYo,wbeo they raiebt rely upon it thoy would IJo fully iofealipt~. and joaticc done. He (the hoo J'remier) r1gr,tted t ile turn wblob cbia diacuuloo had uaumed. This wae a tiDM~ when for · bcarauce oo all &idee aboold be uorcialld bJ OYe ry ooo, a nd moderation iba.old ob~raot•ri•o tho eondoct of all, wbeo nery olforc ebould t:o made to allay thole angr1 paaaioo• wbleh had been unhappily arooud by tbe lamer. table oc:carrenoe of lut 1ur, fajuri.ea bad baeo eolrered aod bitter feel­In~ bad bOt'o n c:ited, but ner1 ooo who bad t be troe wellaro of their eoootrJ at heart ahould eodenour to reetore tbftt peac1, harmony aod I!OOdll'lll wblob bad been tbo cbaraoterialic of our people ; bo' bo feared that tbia condition of ami11 oould hardly rotoro uotil jnatico had been dont. The bon. member for P la­ceotla aod SL lll'ry'a bad referred to t ho fact or hi• hllriDir boeo in tho Esooati'fo Council, aall no char~ apirrat tbt police bad been abowo. In ILia he wu correct. Ae ( tbo Premier) from hia potitioo wu moro imonelllalely O'l'er that departmool, and oo c:lo&rllll bad bten preferred t() him. llo (hoo. Premier) t rn1tod t hat all omc:iala would eondu'd tbomselwu with ooo aim­the d iec:haq;e ol their duty -.regard I ell ol danoraiuatiooal feeUop. In ooacloaion he d ... irod t() add, and h aboold be publicly ltnqwo, that If theN n.letod any 0001pl"lo' &Ji.lolt lbe Pohoe the Elteoutho Coonoil wu tho proper piMO for it to be made koowD. It would be rigidly iD'featiptell, and be woold oodertall:e t hal ju•tic:e would bl done, ao matter wbo10 it cooeeraod.

' Bl.ID\.uck'• S.!Jie aud Voioe.

(7hnu/.aJal f 10• a z.ridt ro,_ rw .­l:Mdore Dailf NnA.)

!:rery polltic.l ~·'-mna' ••ln7 .,. In#) Pri001 01...,.~ IJIOI!Ik. Be II eo ~lo­q_uea' orator, rotber tbe oootrary, bot he can lead a debue Iiiio oo one ella. Oaly a f•• rta,.. ace he lpoU "'""' tlmt• Ia OH af~fnOOO, MOb U.. wiah IDO ... OIIOIJ1 Md eplrk.. proria11 tW llillllall" II lodted rt• ratored Rlldda•IJ oof& boll• aro ll11rd l11 _.n P.,rtl o! the uo...,.. Tba .. oott!4t boll• Ia "'• nadio1 room, Ia U.. oo••U'" room, U.o joarnabatl' room, life oo•nc1Cid to aonoa- 'be anita! of "'e Cllu-IJH, wbo b&l elaowa ..._. be will lpOIIk ,....,._ ly. f11r whla oatol bil peaoll1, tiiDft than a fooll9Qf, be bu DOlod dOW11 OOftllthiDI ba 1be lOOM quno abeetl biefora .... erlttl lofte* oM lelltbu an looh dHp. uri tW. Ia a ale tip tbat be hueadl -.eakllrr


Tho Pl'elidn• bew1 14 b~ &ad Prioce lJitmarck "- 14 " take tho wonL" lh II c:eriainly1110,. &ban 1ht fee~ hisrh; oto~ bi~ powerful cbes~ and broad abou.ldt,. ri.iea A atra0$1111 roondetf, weJI-ebaped b~~&d o( IDOI'tliOill dlmellliona, and wilb oo ball' upon h, 10 ~~ It looka like a doaao of politbed !tory. -1'\lok- •t.lto browa b•ost our bit •101 liko tw" icicl•. Tbe.o browa aito bla face a dark and frowning uprea.iou, and \bo lool.; wbioh ~Iitten• in bit 1101 ia coi<J aod 10mewha~ .4ruel-a& leut in Parliament. H it mn1~cho ia al10 thic:lt ant! qrayaod c:onc:ula tho mouth OD• ti~ly. Tho wbole face le covered with fold• a od wrinkles, broad rin~r~aurround hie eyu aod owen bit temploe.aro coYO~d with amall wrloklee. Whoa bt' bogina t ~peak the c:olot of hie ~anst• fro palo to red. and srradaally aa~me. a ·,ibt hron~e ab~do, wbicb ei,.oe ;,i, powerful tkull the of pollablld metal.

It ia 1\ aiNpriaeto noar fliemarc:k lpesk for tho fir11t time. Tho aoft, ahno1t weak, Yoice ia oat of aH proportion with bia gipo . tic: frame. It eometimea become• 10 10/t that WCI fear it w;Ji die DOt &f<Oget her, ana when be hu tpokeo for a wt.ile it ~~:ro•• boal'U. The Chancellor 1nmotimee apealte Yery fut,aomet.imea tory alowly, bat oenr ia· a load t ooo. lfo baa oo pathos, whatJ rver. Some of hla mort remarltablo word1, wbicb in pnnt loolt aa if they had beea 1poktn witb full force, M If tboy moat hAYO h'd t be oiJect of a aoddeo thuoder­bo\l on the andieoc:e, are io reality omittod io :>a orrlinar1 tone ol well bl'ld C:OO'fera&­tion. PerallDal ·atfac:h upon . ~ie enell!iet~ are epolteo by Biamarclt wttb lruo!eal r.oHteoeaa, and ia aacb ao obligine tone u 1f tf•oy concealed tbe klodeat aeotiment&. Uot if hla aogor c:>~onot be heard It can bo aeeo ; bia face gndnally~:rowa red , and the ~ei11a oo !ala ncc:lc swell in ao alarming manner. W beo angry, ho 111wly erups tho collar of hie uniform, aud aeama to catch lor breath. llle ~rowi aro lowered at ill mora, eo t hAt hi• oyoa aro almoet io· Yiaibla. lll• Yolco 11ro wa a lhade louder, and bu a ali~hL metallic ring in it. The aeoteoc:e~ drop from bie lipt in ropid aoo­ce•ion. Ho tbro w11 baclc b1a bead and JriYel his face a bard, 11007 uproeeioo. Bat It is tlifficult to diec:ern .U.en hia angn ia re:.l and wllen it ie arcificiAI: The Chao .. cellar hu beoo ••,.n trembliog with r:-ge. and more 'li.,o tho elemeota Jet looee than like anytbiog elao. Orc:o when he tbooghc. tbat the word •. fie!" bad been wd 6y ooo of tho Oppoaltlon. party, ho had one of hi• atll\cka, whlcb W11ntd haTe ailcnc:ed tbo Houae had enryntJo been apellkiDJ: at ooc:e. With trembling OOI· trite. with hie teeth lirmly aet, witb eyes that eonillod firo, aud cleoc:hcd handJ, lee jam pod from hi, pl11ce to t bo aide where tbo word had 10unded. lf ample a pnloJriel a nd cxpl2oationa h~d not been otTored, wb() lcDOII'I how tbia ICeOO might .ha\'0 ondod ?' l;lnt e xcept opoo ancb rare occatio.oa Prince llitmarc:k.tbo Orlltor , it alwaya a welL bred mlln, lie does not bawl or ehont anv­pt~rt of hie lpotciJe.t, but while gi•ioe them their foil eharo of pointed a&rcum h• al­way• maiotAina tho form uf a political coo., vcn,tion bttwuo stontlemoo. lie h,u ' method of bis own for w11.Riog 'I(J1 111ilb, W& oppooenu. lie regardl hi• oppoo~L'Il epeec:h u a ball of WllOI, tb,e lut aeoteoc:es apolten beloq tho en, which lie takea in h11od fl.nt, a ad with which he bagi1111 to no· wind ti\C whol~ apeech "bo w.>old onwlod tho hl\11 G( wool. But it ~ taay to aee tha~ wbilo his tonstoo it apealdae bia lpiri~ i4 f~ io achaoc:e of it.

aTRAllGE PllBNOKKNO!l AT Sill.. ' -;--

Tho bark 1 Innorwick' IUTt'OWlded b7 a wave o!llre.

11•c ~rk /nn~ll'icJ.;. dnriag 1 'C'OJ:ago fro~ Xoltohama IO Vu:ton&, n .c.,. bad a ten-iblo u perieooe on Feb. 2~. tlco report of wbieb excited raucb diacn .. loo in •hipping circles. On tbaL day about fi'l'o o'clock io l be mora­ine, w&eo tile •eAel waa. io .latitude ~7. loogitodo 70.r>O, tbe aky auddeoJy cbanged to a fiery rod. .\11 at o rco a lar11e mua or 6ro a ppeared otor tho Ye.IIOL h IOOiliN to wher a momeot in apace and thea fell intotbo aea. a boot Ofty1ardlw tho lee,...rd. It ~troolt tlu water with a r;trll.'ll. h"-iog eoood, tbo aboclt cauain11: tho barlt to quiYer fr0111 atem to 1tero 'l'he 1111111 croaked ominou•ly aod tho 1hip I nn:hod. A to wer, ing ro&tl of white foam wu tbon u eo rapid-11 ap(>f'oaobing tbo Yeutl. 1'be baric waa atnlolr fta& abaok, aod before \bore -l tima to. touob a brac:o the aaila filled '!"in aod, tbo roaring white mau oould be-n pauinac away ahead. Aoother abet\ of tl.eq ran dowo tho miluotoUt. From tbc rig~ giog G( Lbo o•* noyriau of ipU'b pocirod forth, aod the ''"""R• redn- o( cho· ak1 luted for twoot1 mloote1 Dnriost alll tho time tbo aalloN were apralled. 'l''btro wu not a epec:k of white or l-I~W or blr.ctt In tho aky. All w10 a 6orJ rod, , When I& f&deq t!1e al&o.<lpb- tlfl • 1•Uo.~ •sta. T'bea1ic oiiADI!ed to a blue atd lln.Jiy fadO(\ a•&J' ia a mitt, Snd,denlylhe 11\11 oama "fl, u:d In ID hour WU dltnei11~ OD tbo. watera. Tho Cflplafn oowd giYe no er~ planation of the piiiDI'IIMOOD. '1\t ~ of fin 10emid to be 40 feu 1.o1t1 aotl 20 wide.

. .

HARBOR GRACE .. ~~========~~====~~~==================~~~~~~~~~~~~~==~~=-~~~=2~~======~~~-r====~~.-t~~.a~~~r=~~e.~~,~~==~r~ ~~~~~~--~~=---~~ir

NotwlU..laodl~( tbe fw' tba' U.e beet [rolt TJa ~0& ftAJID.lllD.] rbe Oh~Mole' 1~~\ s·IDI-. ~~ tile tab! Np,.. ~ p1p lp ... J ~ e Items. • -Tbe ureb6, 10 f~uently llltutiooed

lo &be &udao deepiatobea. le a baetily con· •1rocted ddeoei•e brea&worll compoeed of pack l&ddl.., il">"iaioa box..-. the priekiJ deefrt bueb01, Or lnJtbln!f elae that COtUI budy, aud itaeootaliJ equa,.·~pe<l.

'be jtanbarb eloruofourlep~&lorlareywriJ~ Dr JLIAlll. 1 , ~t~ C / , \ tU·'f'altofdle~F,:~· ~~':ed· ~-~!W'. .PWefJ . Hilll~. e4 U(IOil tJae WO"Df of &be dapp&r ~BIU, , .,.. - " ' ' / )dal~,..we ~ • DJ v:_- .. SPIU.uJJfld.....-eome wctrlt of lot4ra& &o tlte oooow,. ~ na. nollce of • eboYo, yrorolled for io· will , fro• &hl"Gi~~ 1)!0~• witb lhe llm pan ol tiM cteli6te oa tbo beeo.,do Pcrilape tbe a-. of &be bill• KiU ~ •ona&ll of Jlrlcu. eortlo1r io a p,.yloua I-. o tbe SuiiDARD, Co" of Cork, wbeo ZWU.~p t prioLior petro.aqe of ~ "'-mblf. -Alm­

C0NCRP1J0N D:lY AT>VERT/Sh'R. which '\&~e.~ tile Commlu.N of Ulo '!'" aoawoidablf bold onr. Tile KAter· • poUMo,' wb.. ' ~ l)OJW! 'I#" nrrr el! lioUH w lha& introdueed b)' the Hooot· The &owa of B~ wu ttanled oo talomeot wwlo eo•• rapecta &IIIODJR Lbe ehlUelacbe lo&o ptobaodl-. aad ebao- -The brill 1~ Capt.. Foote, Jef'

oa Monday lae~. wtth a C&fiO of Oell lor M etliterranoeo.

I \

I' .['a R.t.tti\LZo: an.- V'-, Aprill.­A Co11eteeunoplo u r11pato" 1&1' It ._ .-rt.­ed lbat Zobebr Paehaeeat &o Kbartonmtbe blllblao " "aot wbo betrayed aod kllleJ Gto. fk>rcloo . Zobr~r·a mothe ww re · noao (or baapg bitiO!I·

' able tho, Mr. Uood, &be obltf' pro· Moadar worulDc Lu' 6111 IDea., &o beer tbU bee&, aod, lo ooe. cerieiDir .the a-. ~ cloo U.. Mdoc:U,. fiOMura of • fra llcbt. villoo of which it to p,.YOnt tbe Ot'Uload· durloa Lbe olabl lh~ ba4 jMINe4 aWIJ bu bMu fiyeo iu tbe &owa dorlnc &be ru• for ..... l im pier I 1- eoduriDg jOJI of lpg of Hallog 1t.oamere. h 1e matter of, lf from amoa~ ua the brlabt aod lutell(jreot MMOo. Aa edmlreble fHtu,. l.n the ar· • bual tbe elipper' and • 10apc~Ja&oo.' U aot 111rpriM, 101 of regrtl;, &ba& &be Upper daughter of fllr. Beory NoNDao. &!ill ,.~meu'a. aod ooe tbat ehoald be follow· eo, it wae a ~&feat euccett.

's~7fi.i'iWAY, Al'ltiL tl, l~.

A a we intimat.ed Jut week, a fter haw­ing dtpl'tcllwd tho violeoce o r tho l•te at t.llelt on a{r. 'fhomp.on, i n the matter o r tho Conlltabnlery volt<, tUld abown tho of hie eritiea, wo bad iutendod inqulnog whether Mr. Thomt .. t .Jn'• &em,..lta worn or aucb a chat'llcter u to jo~ify the criticitm to which they wero aubjk ted. W e \hf11k, howoYer, &bat. it i.a BCAroely worth wbtlo 61hng up oa~>-tpaoe with what we bad prepuod on tbal (>Oint, for few would care lO do­fond a tlOifition 111:bich ,·ir t ually amount& t.o an ~taumption that the pcoJllo'e repro­lieD taU fee when voting eupf>liea fo~ a eervico &ro precluded from elahng wbeth~r they collJlitlet tla .. money hero­t •fore CX!Jt!Ud!,tJ to bo laid ou~ t o the beet adnntJI~n or not, and that t ho duty of a representative is t o conti11oe ''o tins tho money in allc:uco till tl.ain81f reach s neh a past that bo i.a i11 & }>OII•tioo lO ley forme I ehargf'e against aomo iorlh· i • dual l.aeforo another trib una l t han &ho H ouM. Ia f~tct, we clo think Mr. Tbompeon'a IUIIIIIIIttnta would in their cal mer m oments repudiAte tho etnmge tloctrine they preached oo tbo tlay in queetion.

Tbe brig Willilue, Capl Hin1~ arrlwed el St. Jobo'l r~rday froat Glb,..ter, tad lef~ llle former plaoe t.bie moraing for tbla pore..

Bow GoiDON w.u K~,-Korli Nard, 2-l. -1\ uauwe •eV"•II walllt "''" eortlc tie· fo,. lbe fall o r KLanoum, Geo. Gordoo loat200 mea ; that Geo.liordon wu cruelly k tlled by a &bot from a guo •ad tbac b ie bodywu pieroed with epea1'11 alter d011tb.

SoC'DA.If SUOCLit Ill 0 1\' CII OP.-l'..mtdort JfprifS.-Al ao CDOrOlOUI rueetiu11 beld io Loodoo laet dabt, at wbich Laboucbere and many other Radical roembC~re of Huuee ol Comm.ont '-ero preeenL, a retl\lotlon wu edopted io fnor of tho uacualioo of Sou · daa by Brititb troops.

Tho Bril.i.ab GD1'eruruot bu cng~~zocltbe Conard a~einer Umbria for traoepoa~ aor­YiCC".

BAD • CAtrniDO..:..-w"tlo•, M nrC'Ii 28.­Lord W olreley'a complain t t ha& tbo car~ no,ee foroiabed to the Dritiab troop• in E,!)pl baYO for aomo time be-on of an in· feriflr quallt~ and derectLYO lo workman· ahip; bniug bee o re-echoed by tbo war correepoodeote wbo u.ertrd that t.he uae of c.artridl!• ww auicid&: to the eoldiena uaioa tbem, tbe GoYornweot bu ordered tho maoufadore of corupcHuto cartridge~ at Weolwicb It nreoaQdtaoootinued. The ebelle o f the c.artridgoe \.ercafte r made wtll be compoaed of ootid metal twtet i01tead ol ateol &Dd braaa, u beretofore.

TuEt_aamso .lton.-lu moying for • grant fo r army io the n ouee of <.:om· m noe the otber d~y tbo Marqu•• cf li Art· t lagloo aald reemiting waa uc:eodiolflJ acm·o. 'Tho 6ghll11111treog1b of t!Jn arm1 .,..., 40.000 more tbao in 1883. There y ero ee"a ty t houaaod reeervea ready for l rumediale eerYare. 'fbo Ue'l'ooport doclr· ~rd ofllciala Inform the Admira.!tytbaL they bu e teo meo->f·•ar reAdy fo r aer"ce iD a for~llfhl.. The reJular army now Jtumbere 184,000 &Ddj tbo Yolaoteenr 208-000. Tbe oewapepera esl?reaa pltaeure 11 tho fa,orable military ahowiog.

" Lar m• .t.llSTtUA.IC3 DLOSR.- 1- itnna, Morell 2!1.-'l be rio1oue ece oca in the Aualrtao Chamber of ltepreaooteti•ee, wbieb t.egun on WodoeedaJ . culmion~d yeeterdlty ia a d tato rbaoce which callod fo r tbo iotenen­tioo of lbt poliee. A largo number or etudeote took po110aeion of tho ptlcne• and repeatedly int errupted t he procec•hn~:e witb eboute o f " dowo watb the Je., l'rett· d eot" i "down wttb tbe railway J ewa" ,

• "burrab forttbo Aoti·Semtttca." Bo111otu Yaeetopped aod the Pree1deot ordered tho galloriea to be dured. It wu oeeeaear~ to bring in tho large force.of pohce before tbit ww accompltahtd. T ho n oten rougbt deaperat.el1 tout were finally •JecteJ oue by ooe, moet ol tbem wore locked up.

Uao the aafe. pleaaaot , and effoctual wonn killer, Mntber Gra•u•' Worm Exterwau ­at.or ; ootl iDJ eqo•la it.

Rue JOn tTied llc lloway'a Corn Core ? it bae oo equal for rcmoYiog tbuo t rouble· tome eiCfe&eeDCC'S.

Rheumatism can 1 at op whero :>l ananl t · imeot bu been tborou~hly applar•l ~n •l

'w e · roaliy, thie Ill &:tc ' erdtct of e ll

!io mao i11 hia ., •hould 1181' worth­leu horn and cattle po"ol~r. fl mpl • hecanl t it it p11L ap 10 /n r~ p3ch .%f'tdun'• Ca~alry ro~d"""' Pu11.'dfffl are put up ao lllllall peekt bat aro abaolu tely pure aod are immenacl1 va!o,.blo.

JohiiMJrtl Anodynt Linunmt i1, wathoul doobt, the aafea~. anreet, 1\Dd beat retuetiJ that Dae enr been ionoltd fo r iotfrna l and ex~roal use. lL t1 arphcable to 11

11reat varle t)' of <'ODlplalote, and 11 equallY beoe6ciAI (or Dtan or beut, Ftod ou1 a bout It aod aod thank mo for tbc ad•ace.

t BJ iack or open air f'l erclac, and tho wan

of eulllcieM cue io the roattena o f d iol, the whole phy~ mecbaoiem o lton become• Impaired dorio~ tbo win~ r. Ayer't ar· •parina It th proper medicine to take in tho epnog of year to punf1 ~bo • blood, lo­Yiguralo the IJI~m. r uato tbe llnr to ac­tion, &!ld rtatore tho healtb1 toot and •igor.

1.. 1\1.. Sbeeban, of Oecoda, Mieh • wrltee : l ban oaed Dr. Tbomw' Eotect.rlc Oil on honra for different diocaeu, aod fonnd It 10 be jon M yon recommtodod. It hu d011e jutUee to me lt'ery time, &Dd it Ia tbe l>ett ell for bonee I e ' er need.

U ouee. 11.!1 it it preteotloualy called, aboald A~ooe Norlllltl ww lo the bloom of yoa&b, ed, "" &be ...a"iog &Dd oamberlog of 40 W i&b tbe u:ception of tbe anfortnoato oCK lu." pe1111i«ed tiHI Hill &o 1o &o a eoo- be1og oal1 16~ ye1r1 ofd : ebe w11 attack· ,or ..60 eliaile for &l6oee wbo like .&o ~ " blaJniall epoltea of in tbo pan of Mr. ood reading. Hut, there 1 lel It be oun &o od bJ IJpbotd ft nr and In leei tbao a U&Ue more for tbe pilrilep (dat. &o tbe ~Pdai-., wo tblok tbe audience wore bow In meek auba~i .. ino- ~the aaperior week aaccawbed t.o&M fell dettroyer. She ,.otler ax) of oolllforieblt aopuoatuallty. p[aied, ana &bel t.lte Yario.a pertormo1'11 lotelllgooce, tor,1 preclplellce, aod ,.flood w-.e lo maoy retpecta a remukabl.e jfirl, end 'l'lle proaramme bepa Wllll Hlecliou. by Woecl \lt'eir UI&Du.

-AKonnm EsJOYADLit ENTtln'IJllloltm ia in atoro for oor t owoapoople durlo' t bo ap­proaching W"eelc. l o tho Brit.ieb Uall a\ 6.46 o'clock.. on out Taetda1 neoiog tbero will be held 1 tea-meeting 1o coooectioo witb Cbriat Church SaadA7 Scboota. At 8 o'clock tbe eecoo.d il&l't of tbe ealerlaib. meol triU lake plaoe.. 'l"blia •IU ooo.U.t of Soogt, Cboroeea aod RA!citation1, a l peaial roeture boiojt a performance by mewbera ol B .U . S. ~· Al luetJoel Troope and o then.

By Telegraph... wiadom of \ be Iordi 1 TMy ontr make an one that endeare d btl'llll &o all with whom the Band of U.M.S. T~~ttdol, alter wblcla e rror, either of j udgment, or auytbior ebe carue In contact. M&~~J ebed bitter ww produced tbe ftret • tebl•o.' h re­elae 1 Uuc., e•eo 00 ; it will oenrtbelett teare wbeo t.be1 foood t.bat deu J.uio h&d pr ... ot.ed a number of IIUI1 firle, be frctlJ admitted that aucb a bill w tbo pueo<taway. Uer compaolnoe are d iaooo- 10 wbi~ frocka, wenior floral garland& --o--aforc.ald it much ooeded; aod it ie 10 eoletJ. Silo wae poeaeaeed of a nry re~o- round ... ma,polo. Tbe elfool ww qaalot B~Ltr.U, April 6.-Feolaoe thnaton to '•w abown 01oa' coocl:u in lJ laec yNr, tin memory aad ap(l'lrtd at, coo· aod ·~e"r. f~e·ancieace te.ilflod their iondo Caneda, 16,0.)() etroa~r. American wbeo t he N tptUM er~red our harbor .dnr· eert.e, and toolt part in Slbbath School reoi· appro,&l b7 YI(Oroua t p1Jiauae, which wu GoYeromeo t will au~ tbe froo ter. · tog a oalm, eo deeply ladoo that her tatiooa. &c., wbere her elforta were ooinr· reaewed wbeo colored tlroe io Lbe wioaa Arab deeer~re repon lhai Oemao Dip declt ww but a little e h< " " &be aallr aclt.oo•ledrod. Sbe ww lillce Lito brilllantlJ1lb op ~ wb.ola. __ ·- bu oo~1 L60_folJ!.wen. . - · __ eurfaoe of tho water, \V 0 10ay well fofDlatioo of tllo Brj;c.a Haoll of Ho1>0, ita The fi1'111 part or tbe pro~tramme call• Uubho etreote are profuttl~ docoreted in aboddor at tho t bougllt of wbat migbl Secrol.\rJ-aod a apleodld one eho mad•. for little l!rom-rt. It coueht.od ot ••r · booor of lbo Prince ol WaiN. hi\•O bl\ppenod b&d a etroog wind been l:lho toYed froO'\ her ver) burt t be eaneo of o"'l good aouga, aod -. nadln~r h om ! •llaaia coi\tioaoe.cooclliatory , and w:iniAI blo'wiog u abo w11 roturulog bomo. lJer Teruptraoco, anu bent all tbe eoergiet of ·Pickwick.' T he IUDI!Ofl ware tboee we tbe frontier lloe MLtlod M eoou u poaaible.

' o'ltlrloaded and be lvieu condtlloo n etted bod1 and eoul to further Ita lo~reeta. She kno... T iley no doubt did full juetice · Rtel hu .,tebliabecJ • proYincial go•ero· .:owment a nd wouder :t~ the time, and ., .. alao a 'ecbolar In the Metbodiet l:labbatn 10 their pen., bG'-· UUa it moM & meot of ll•lf·breede at Sukatobewao. Tbo wu the eubjeet of renurk up till wttlun tbe School, and uooo in tbo Bible claea enJOY· can be. aid flU' tb\ draVei1, ud buci.,. Uallfaat coot logeol of Mihc.ia, SOO atroog, lMt fe"J. daye wboo thla year 'a arriul• frow od tbe lueooe there taogbt from week to on t.b~a&.p. TheM abeOrbed a 1.,00 deal, ttanl to·mOrfOw.

'fbo ~Y. J. Jllack, R.N., ebaplalo of Ute ehip. bat &lAo klodlf coo10a~·l to eire a relldiog.

-:>1tSSnro.-Wo learn from oar correa. (IODdoot at Chanool tha~ Cnpt Uall·a achr. o f Codroy le(t tho former pl Ato for tho latler 110mo time ago. for t he purpose of procurln,ll firewood and tbt.\th tnlf pre. ptHatorJ lo leaYiog fo r the ice. Tho ~ehr. hatl oo board no 6rewood, no WAtl'r, and b11t a little proYialooe. She b"d "cro .. of roor meo. Sb11 wl\l on::bt 1o the ice. nod Cllrricd ou\ to aoa A acboouer, 1 o ~0100 t ime after. ftoelink oa Coolroy was ' euppoeed to be l:f i\II'L Fo-:r of h ia yc<: crew had left in a boot to att<Jtnp to raacb ller ; bnt It ia not toowo wbetlter 1h1.1yl dtd ao or not. ~ NC~itber bu heeD beard from eiaco. W1Tnt~ the last lew weeb, tho eyos

of t ho w J rlcl have been directed Wllh painful intentness to Contra! Aai11. I n tba~ bl'()l\(]. 1\1'1'1111, tho long- lookod·for 11tru~lo for domimon bc~woen tho two lnrgca~ ttnd m011t populoua .-mpircs on th• h :o of tltc gloL•' uppoo<rod to be rlru ,•ang JWrilbn~l) nonr. Tho •• I!N'Rt N ortlu•rn B •11r," ever r(ll;llcl'•. e.-er ng~r(''"I"C, b•• Cor tho ln~t ono hundrl'tl nn•l fi ft) years been ml\l.:ing steslthy :u l v11ncea t,ownrtl11 tho Jo;u~;hsh J umtniOII8 in [ nJm .. [ n 173•1, aho p<Hil>rtlfteJ no torratmy tn

wnstc m Aata e:~utb of tho U rn! and T r tiah Rh cr11, n ow aho atAnrls t huoder· tog at tho outer gntea of ) ndi&. By ~ucceMivo strtde.~ in 1836, IR63, 1867, 1Si4, 18i6, 1881, 1884, 1885, alto !•cu oyerh'!l\p<'<i a thousand or more m tlt 1 ot 1ntvr~ening ter ritory. Her advance smce tho Crimean war hM been alarm­ingly rnpicl. At caoh &ncceaaivo atep towards l ndtn , England became 1\ h ulo rc8tli' C, but aoll'llln 1\MUrOIICIIS Of thll Cur that hu contem!JIBted no fu rt he r ;Jr Of:t ell& lndaa- wuds, or morn lormal plcds;:eJJ, 11ttll, qutetod ber dov.•n , llll tb" uo:ort ooo W tUI t.akoo, when Britam ro­mc.onetMl~d ns bofon~, p1:t her foot down, rec:ctnxl another pllklgr, and '11' 1\B eoo­t.ent to lie down a0111in, N ow, bow. over, tho Ensl11h I)(:OJJIO 110001 t.o bo t horongblJ aroull8d llntl reMh·~-d t.o figlo t rathor than y teld lA> Hu11111a 's do­mar d ll. T ho treache ry of R n111•• baa t.een an gl~<nng, vacill~&tton 80

uROicas, d~&ngeroull 11nd daahooorable, thnt nohody ~ut one who bollia Lbo d oc. trtne o r .• pll1H!O ut ftll)' prtet>," can conn· 110 1 .. n~·llaiog l.aut wa r o r t ho ><"itl.adrawal o f RuMIII.

T ho u nml'llll\to ~IIIlO of tho p~nt C'ODdillon o r Hlfau.,. IM t he Oc:copn

. uon hy Huasm of " portion ol !to ry w hlch £us land bol(lll, l.wlon~111:; lA> A f­!!hana~ll\n. ,., naa uy of our rcn•le rw lcnow, A f;zlo&nt~IA h&., Lcun "'"'"YII aoltnowll'dg~ hy Rnastil loG bo wt~btn tho IPgitim,.to . a ph ere of England'• i • · fturnCI', a nd o w111g to t he pledgca t o 1100

l•oth Eoslaocl nnd RniiiiUl wenke nod} ut rupecaally tho lnllcr, would n ot alto rnonce tA> mt.erfoa o ew·n if allo were so tOcl m ed .

Tho re matntler o f ou r arttcle on tbi• euhject is ro r w11nt of H)':tCO h eld ove r ull next week.


[Faov oc• M u noroLIT.t.ll Conii!!PowoL-n)

St. Jol.n'1, WtduJdny EM>i~g.

t ho ~ ptOCII\im In yet loudor tooea the weclc more than l ho benelf did. Sbo at· ol tho eound, aod tbo YOic;e.t oOfer "erutd I~ fe e~~d tbet the French Cllambor mod rashnea of our aealiog eapteioe. T bo tended our flret entertainment ( which, ~lr to ao' quit. clur ol \hem. U we ~"1 ~'rill be rdt.olnd. - -ll'be~AJ.ooan!Wate aro Rntt~r, "ttearuer or~ tona. c.'mo in l111t ~:di tor, you reportod lut weok)at wluch ahe make a eu~tlon for future 11uld~ce. the pre~DC for ~~ ~· t ol~ht wltb s~.OOO eeala, 7,000 of wbicb read "Lottie'• Measa~;o." All I httlo t.hd eta~• mlgbt be hron~l 011' th..e'br foar • q~aioaprupoeea ~~ ~· wero upon her di!Ck. Tbere w11 no room tro think ae wo liareoed to her; t bat tt wu reot fur&ber, and tbe eiuaere plaoed...u 'to relln,ultb 'foa!lu~Da.!!}ee belo"' for tho men, eo tb01t eoruo bad to lo r tbo luttimo. Uut God bl\• taken ber tnoch io froot u poeei.blo. '.\lar~ro emoubt t-'un~l~ eoc~o to emottj:­aleep ou tllo docks, otbena eould obt.alo no fro111 ue t o tho tetter land Dea.r A111Cio of time ~d tronblt wae no doubL upeod.d' A pnl 7.- Tt.o excitement Ofer the 1 teep, wt.tlo " " wero compelled to put wau gooJ girl. St.rlcuy truthful, abo oe, er oo the tttloga of tbt ·~J but ecooellc cootiouee. \\' looapeg tbear daya and olj:bte beneath 10 open eky. wu koooro either by pareote o r fneode to prioctplee aro alwaya d iaregar o ru ""Y ·a~alr111te a mililt\ry camp. Voloolc~rA If tbe ebap bad mot with woatber that attn a fal~ebood. Lut wloter abo cooN· crea l coet uo puuriog lu frow all parte of couo· tbe .Ruol111e ooc>antcred, there would orated bo1'11olf to God, joined tbo cbul"Cb, Tb,.o firet p11rt of tbe F.oterteioment wu try. doobtl08t b""o beeo moro than MAle waab · and in d~ath u perieoced the llappy prhi· brouabt &o a clou,' by ~' moa• e iJeoti fe 'fbo Mabdi b11 IDrumooed the Emar of ed o"orbo:ud. Dut-roweoo9' • ooe 10ou· ltgo of llodant; tho Sl•iour e preaeoco witb tebleau, rntttlod • S tetnary • A ouw~r of Berber to proeeed w.Abartoam t.o 1upprua tons 1 he r. Ono of the lnt requolls from her young Jadaee. eynobolniog abetraot 1deaa, 1\ re ~ull ..

Hornor, 11.!1 I hne alreadr obstrud, 11 durfmotbc r wae to plAc:e her Billlo near. eo eucb u • Jo~1lce.' • Commoree.' Know- ~Agliehpependeclaro tbo RuuiiUI aoawer quito h; uym re rt> rtnce to tho l!erreaeota- t':lat 1be coold, wben not tlellraoue. rtad ledKe.' • T rnel.' &e., were moat artiaucaiiJ elll.ltYe aod uoaatie!aotOrJ. Actin war pro· 1100 Hill ~~en lhu writoro of tho .. loe&l from tbo ucren Yolamo. Tllo.l Word wu grouped together, I Otno ateodtog, OOOlO paraliooa oontiDUI io India. • htl.!t'• in our comic AOnc:a tluol; l ho eubJect tho I!Ctde nf her !'outb &nd bor aupport alltiog, and All looking eo t:luaical and The now Freocb Cabioe& ia M follow a :­orc r lhJ of thetr rem1rk Notblng Ia ltoown. amtll tho ~:loom of deMh. So r.uud a oray marble-like u to rflake one tt.iok be wae Bn1110o, Mmaeter of J qeuoe ; FrtJcioet , so d•rk are our Exe~tii Yo, 110 well leapt from urth to bcu eo, lo• iog, lriod, dearC~It lookl ug at a wuterplellO by A pollee or Almieter of Foreago A.4ai1'11; Goblt& lho11· 11r0 thnir 1ccret.t, lo rc~'ll:rcl to t ho lnt.t'ntlou Asgit. Uooatello>. ter of laatrucrloo ; Campeooo, Miutalllr of tho (inve•ome"t r~apectloa thcor new o ... , .\ ~-=1;• !:""" t11 be • hh !"hrlsl, Tbo aecood pert be~ean witb a pi•co on · of War: Guhfer, Mta ittor of r.Ja~iae. Iotti. Yet t hll <lllinu>n, ftll 1 IIAieri Ill a AM •• omuu~ tbn ... lbota,.., biNI ; tatted •lei OD parle Fr..a<•i•.' tbe prodacttoo Tbo M&hlriJab o f Nepaul olfena t he lorruor Iotter. laM '=" t flbro~·l that thoro l A Bhlf• olnt;tnll' wh~ th• .......... ....... o lwbtch ..... rooted rorward,to watb IDtercet Q ueen 1~.000 U'OOpe ready to utarch aoroM to bo no eweertn,t ohen~;o, lout mere ly an Au..t ,..,,.,,. •t t;~rln·• 1""1 • h"'U bow Tbe aolion of tbo ptece lay a In au P.oghab t lte froo~r. The imtoodlate corapleltoo o f &dtlt' laoulll memller 10 t ho •hetri r tJo whach 1 aeuidf' lodmog· houee, aod tbo plo& l ura• oo t ile Rall wa1 &o Quotta tl ordered 14n.-t~1y anit ple,~unt • • • laer 1 'ff "" ·1 8 J · d tb t be ~lann11'Y need th~m. Nothio~ "'dacnl •• Uut "" " """'' 11,,11 th•• mortal •lrtfr, t ho.cupadaty -of::the lotlrraog- bou.e-kteper, Apr& .- t II re~r~ a ptaco · wba•r erod o f, no r lo tbo preecnt po1111011 Sh,..•gon-"' <l••ll where •"II•'• oro and b11 knowlc<ii!O of French, acquared tween France and Chana hu beeu aooclud· of partiu j1 eocb a thing acarcely po ... tblo l o 1ba1 brigbl land ow C&!m aud fotr, from ~. nluable book anmulod .. freoc~ oJ. through tbt twodl&t.ion of Grca~ Un· Ahbongb there can be no doubt thal tho bef,ete-ll"reakfrat,'' wbach todaco him ~ taio. C hina 1>1'1' no indemnitJ . Opposition will support tbo Gowornmeot to ?~ :';:~~~~:;t•l:_~•;b'~~·:f..!'::ao et<>rnt, hlng up a notice' oot;elde bta door, "lc1 oo Tbo l'riooo of Wt'lf ~oh D ~odon ''='' lhe ar Ulll , yet aomo ••1 tha~ tho liovern· o.oould woN~~ onramoro berface Pl'rle Frao~att,"-&oat.tractFreoebYWIOnl. W roan · u ho 11 10 mcoL, ueo though It ht.d noy llrong do· llodo all II too,.., beeute<>as br Ooci'o graoel J T be caeto orae a f11rly ltrODI! one. aoll bolida7 trim. airee, 18 iteelf ~ weak. to thiolr o r proro•· we were glad 1.0 ..,e that t he ladtea' parte 1'•e1YO buodred bulltliogt were burood

b •"bo lo•·~t ·o ~rve Obr'·l boro"" .. rth. " b f · t o to ToLt' o oo tbo 19tb loa• ing 6 Ill upon wbiab the re mt11ht lld an ,, •~ • ~ .. orere L.:\aeO 1 rcr fllr COIIU rJWOmC • & • Sho'e •~•od llltn fr0111 the dAr of blrtb • b 11 Tb No tb t r b II ton b•• prob•bl • hoocat difference o f ophaoo. " l:llow but , 1 ..... loor. OoJ'a pr-~u 10 luUII, wheroaa t bo mal cbaractera were • o 1 0 r • ea 0 0

- > euro·· ia <.er1ato ~ be their motto, Att<t In 'TfTOI hero lo dG Ul• bt ... e.J will. trupereooa~ed by Ol!ice1'11 of H .M.S. Ttnt• : ollar.od, tbe I ndiana, except a few IDlDII thte the)' aro wtee It wall takCl ,. 8 cronl! dol. banda, reluaing to joa n Htcl (,0.,0rnmeot to totroduco a nomploto He· Oul nnw •hdojtnM oed loft u• bore In I&J1"i tbet III ia htllo ploeo trU well General Graot 18 •ery we,k. prU<!ntAttoa Hall, and It wtll tal: ~ a wts• .o\mlolt•tnf."' ' l<>n,lrl•l, ooro • recol• ed bJ a f ull bou~. and a nry d la· APRIL 9.- fhe Prince &Dd Prioceta of ooo to wako It aati•ractory and hut in... or 11" 1 11"' t~ 'aiH"• ~nn•. ,.~ """" 10 .,..,: crlmioat.log and orit.ical audieoc~ . we ~in Walu wttb their elde~& eon 1aoded a t Dub·

., D<ar .\l!t>IO al OoJ'o ~tlorioue fl>.ol, • 1 1 I' • •·rd Tb i ~.t <'OUMie, an wbat~•er chang .. thoy prot>O~r. &be playe n1 tboar beet pre11e; bul a tt a to a. ooon JU... ay. e1 toce •vu "" 1ho ( iovernmenl wall tAke u thtar bula tltr YouMI very t r uly. critiatm "'ill DOl be out of place. oothullutic recept.lon ; "'' hou•~• Jllnd Ccosuo of 1834. UoCA u not 1 eem ,.,. J . liUODI::.O~. P/o(t o uz domu. lftae Pa•enoo u M•·• atree te wero decouted ; oYery epot " "' thou~h we were ape~l: an~r in mockery when Bragu, , Ap·il 8th. Srngg1111 ehawod rnoeh eptatude in tho pari crowded wtth OARor tptctAtOMI. T here WIUJ

we call th11 1he Cen~ua of •84? Why, wr - ----- - - of • a udwile,'aod t be teuderee&eympathy lor oo llj(U or bosule feolinJt. Tbo people a p -aro now well 11dunr ... t 10 ·~. ~nd 00 " " 1'rutity D.Jfl, tlpril 'itlt., 1855. the waote and caret of tbe amiable Spri~r· ptartd cordual aod unanirno11a. tbonlt\r1ve r tat4mont 1a yet l!ive u of wh• t L>r.n :\l't. F.orrnrc,- gins J'o aay tlta~ ahe held nurror up Rcae&ery "lllte Llorlio . Ho wrote Oio-tbe ceusua ta. It no longor "P('eAMI to me I now aak yon to olondem th~L c l•l to Nature it but a pbrue. Sbo we.:: Nature marck to medaate between En.:laod a od t ho woodor ~~ ror" tool( 11mo ..... our m'\chanery, ,\ not try atod I!Ot a oc• ou~anu itaelf I Ru


1•· Negodtiabtiooahare. oritt~. J d

census ia takon In tho fo urth yur ol each &o t.eku your ,.11lu1tl!lo p~per to u•m T ranity 1\bae Clift at A11~l/ntJ 611ed a part that ' • roporte t at t • amencan ° 11" 1

docatlo natbcr than ID the f! rtt Ill 11 tbe llay. T ho ft nat etArt t. IIOQd. On :>fonday wu '•peclaiiJ tuited tn ber 'fbe tbf, are CrO&IIlli boaodary. fbOJ will belp ca.oo 10 other COD!IIriea.. 18 It not that we It uoea from llarbor Graco to ll eart't Coo· "otitin and eympa~elic 10aooe r aa .. bleb Rtel m&J not eboW' p ow alowly aud poort1 we ";'- aod t hen t be worlte gel ao much on I tbll telonud youojt lady rendered t be f cur aoaiM of l ho Soalt iDl and Borb•r do tbi1111• bore ..., conopar..S with otber of order that h ukoe oohl Saturday befo re cbarac~r. ebewed that t he wae well able to ltallway art coruple~d. ' l 'he Porto luuu

'cou otraca? In tho • old country' tbe ceo- tbo poat.el a u thorities can manage to eend tt uoderetaud, o r a~ lout to rtpreaeo t tbe a p •oclamataoo c.allloa tho Mahdl ao im· an• 11 tJokeo i o a eiusrlo oiRht'~ in oar leland &o Boarfe J)ohgb&, and t hoo t hrough good oubtl9 IIIJitoriot o r • Ia grondt pauto•.' po•ler a nd robbf.r · bnmo at lbe prt)(lol momeot wo are a p · manar:oment they ae~ II on to Groen•• Mna. \V. P . Muon ae Juloa , tho ware of It it rtpo rtdd tba~ a b.ttlo bu bteo proacbtng I he &lUll rDODih 8\DCO II wu ctlm· u ,rbor on r.looday ; ba t t ftl! ntiu•e• It l.!tkt Major lto~rnlnA lbttAn, .... natural and foua ht at Murah• b ltl•er between the

- O uR A nnH·•L r nolol mr; SEA F ISIIotJ in Conception !!,1 '"-' tbe S. ~ {ulnttd, <.:apt W. Waoeor, &o Meura. John ~luno & Co. oo Wodouclayaf~rnooo wtth tho h oe t rip of 2-&,GOO aeale, o f wbicb l!,C.OO woro on deck. '

We leArn tb11t In cooeequeooo or tbe S S. Toro 1\'om, Capl. Fairweather, hui nol taoen ~ pn contat oin.~r abou~ 7,()1)() eeall boloogan~: to tbe l ctloml. Ca pt. Wm&Or coulol not f allylolfd Ius ahiphko 1bo Rur~gu a udFt. k • t, he t nok ouly 2.C.OOon deck when hut for tho ~thoro filet, hos would h11re taken four o r rive t hnu13od.

Ae t bc lrrland drew near t he innrr b&rbor- cro ords of lp<'CIA~ra walcbod tu r courao wttb f~Uug11 o r doep iol4rcat nun;:. teet With !JII!MUtO \\'heD pU'IIDt: the !""" 1nU1ot of hrr ow uora, t he lcc/Liild dipp~J h~r o~~: in fne nd:y .:reeting, II :\1 S Tt ... d , of ~u"e retorulo::t the Mlut."tion 'J ho " lloy• ' on bn:t.rd t hu former otet~tbcr. mouuted 111 11. denae UI3U on tb~ tol't."'llaot forccMIIo. nnd aunt up 11 '""1 ~ll~cr, whach wu 1\lt'WoreJ tu truo Bruia!J atylo by l b" bhtcjacketJ of tho 1;•udJ•, Tho / rda••d then d rew up tn t ho upper prcn~illCs wb<ro aha " u .-iaued ~y nun1b0no or the tOW!ll· people :>lid offi~Crll of tho 6l11p

1 ho report htolu:ltt by the !ctlnntl l~ ~ tbo l lnii!J<fl fouud CUo)lfburo.

-!'F.At.l!lll ~OTU.~iooo IIIl i i011uo !.l:ao followang e:e~rncrJ han arra rcd at b t. J obu'• from lh o tco-6ulJa:

'l'u ~~~._." Bowrio:; fir ' S Falcon, Capt. K oeo . ...... ...... ....... 2f, c;J;.

To :\lcssN. \ \ ' Stephen &: c.,. Ttrra .Voc~. C.>pl .\ . Fl\irwe•u brr, ... :!l,O()(I

To Mt.dMI. J . & W. Stew "1. Ran!Jff'. Capt J 13ar~cr, .............. :ll,u~ .,

T o Mcaor~ W ' t.,phen & Co.. l urora, Copt. J . Fl\lr•e~>tber ....... ... 12,()1)1)

I 1'1 ' I a, -·y 11 ·1 ·r· d b 1 ~ ar• - ful, and, .,e bellon t he public b.•.• • lt na\lane and AriJhloa, t od that five huo· ~::",.':: .now t~;~;~~~t"d wr:oct;' l:o~er~u:•d ~~~:n~n~: 1.0 "G~.:~·1 ~ ~:~~~y e&o mlllllge ~bi;fty to tbaok tb11 lldy lor tbo play. lho drtd were k illed. T ho R""'lfT {l'fo lo•ato fr1lm tho Jfm:acrJI.)

•·~ d '·I ~-f · 1 · 1 '"n• though• tb•t w<.uld naturlllly atriko For11 t bouaaod mioe1'11 at Yorlrlblro arr lora nt.:l lhd IArgeet trap fo r the ahtp'a Allu tu~t mlly uv toa o pu u tc • •~o ""ore wnl(o Rot now, ~r. •.Ahtor. aoppose you u • •

1 bo b L amol 1, r•"oc tt'oo o f ' t ell per ev~r cnt.,ed t hiS o r 1\ny othe r po r• ~••ry

T •. I I I r ' f I k ( I . th• •p~tator, w-· bow I came a ut, t 1\1 on llruae ~- n • .u .. v • you AlfBIU 0 ue 1\ Ill 0 IU ft( vAn··o 0 10)' willa&J that I t HI wor 8 0 I 10 :ST.t.SI>ARO v w - f h oook aud cor ner llellll( jl\tomod fu ll. I !'.ti noighbou nnt! to hop tho rcadora of t bc are nnt of order. a ll ot bor ne .,.. I I!OU\1 mull MaJor RatiJ\n should 1M r oae•·•ud 0 IUC Ct'OL • aaea. F cl•im, hn•~'er. 18 (s:>p t lao 1.t('lr

111, 1

S TASOAitD poetcd un thu freahcu uf now•. '-· the • • mo. for 1t a ll pamee throu" h lht a cbmrmioa wife ! But 'tlt OYer ao. llraMno 11 P rtmier o f ran~ d •• 1 •·· t tr r tl u 1 IT' 1 • J . .,., - " " APRIL lO.-Giad.eteot la.ll\ night iolonn "I' U...,( oo ""•a o "' "'"' •v "' uc •.t: a.

1 now 11ive your r"trona tbo return• aa 1 ono muhh• ry, •o th,re tho nry rel\IOn I · " All olbrr """'"by F'C'rtaao• b.ond aro glr•a, ed Parliament of tbt facl tbat a ballle ball 8:\ld, amp'UI•~d roiMI\·~Iy witt! h~r to·m~::, bua them from n ve r• relt~blo eoure•. - o• you to coodem•t ll. Du• ' ""'" pir· ~ orllo Ia abo peculfor g!h of Ueuoa.~ R • • '1"- f 1 1 .. l'he.v nry • li .. htly lro:u ~ho noueral 6guru ~- • ., " ' A ,1 . . 1 taken place be twun tbo R u .. aaol and the ""!/"' .t' AUf'~: e. nr "~ '"'" • were I:> a a" ~ ,. bape you will PY af wo ooodemu tbe old. MiN l..e)10Ma rier.wu nna ,, o rtn, mAll Afgban11. I:Atl!land demaude a lull osplaoa- oo l'•trick'• d~y wbc n 4,()1)t wore ecenn~o l 1 guo you l~>rmorly . and t.tmo, 1 tbtck, bow can wo IUAko any improvement ? J ust or o.ll work, and a 'fery "ttracti'fo oaa!d of all 1100 Tho Rulliant mAde eurJ tnJu...Or 11 followang daye weru occupied lo ktllins: wtll pro'~ thotll correct wit 111 ovor bero, aod we will tell you. F<>r wort too Tbo polulaooo, ttertneu , a nd 10 tOdueo t bo Afghaoe to begio lhbtin~: e uoogb eeala to ftll ber up, bat tho weather

Tbe l ollowtnll figure• wall •"ow the ioatance, tbCl STASD.ltO prioted &b1a Satnr· prett•ocu with wb•ob' ebo rend ered the , nd twtce at~mpted to P•• t~o AfRh&D ~ei11g cold and ronqh the wen could uot ~alion of t ho couo tJ in 1874 aod daJ ~tete to Heatt'a Uollgbt otn Saturday. character, mioif!ed wltb a proper aroooot of picket llnoe. Dogiere upreaud &be Cur·a • ork 111 t boJ wisb'\d. On &turJ~y wecl; 1881 : t.bey will be ecaone Wttb prcuhar a dtaranco of 18 mtle• tf tbo ngbl track ntrau11aooo, wore hi~;f!.l] apprecaated by ear nee& bo""' that tho loei<loot mi"b~ not abo boro op fo r bomt , leuio~ a norubcr , f iutereet M tho preeent CfltacaljuocturCl iu I'IU takea. The paper 11 not eLate wbeo t~to attdaooco. pr .. eo' t.b;-cootlouatlon of Ut'Jotlatiooe or paooed eeala wlticb eho coolrl not take. lu tho h11~ry of tbo colony :- wo r:~t 11, bu~ tho no we 11. Tbo toalo charaoters do not CAll for much poaco. l o tbe COalDlOna all partill are 1111 proM~aluy tho Wolf or Ytlll9""" fAccar·

/•180'4. /•18Sl. l..:reau. Bopmg to •poak to you lltr'in .. horlly, remark. Mr. Leonard aa Moinr RtyotltU pua~ooatoly toda(Cllaot aL Ruuaa, Luml· ed tl.em ·Sho would hue been bore lon~ fll\m•n Cothollea .. ... lloi ,JI7 74 Ot!b U 1"4· I r om.uo, youn truiJ. Rattu had a difficult r61t. and filled h tl~o report& tbat tbe R oulaoe attacked ere lhia af ehe had oot uofurtuoalrly be~n ~~~;:';ft:~~~.~ .. ~:: :::~1~~ ~~;: : ~ U. D. G. S. woll . Llout. GreeL u 4£. Jroctor D•~u l'eojdob, killl"i 200 Afgbana R ouiana 00• jammed K r: of lhCl Fuokll, not ~tct.holo' l',.b1t~ri•u .. ,_ .. . 1,168 1,484 !!.'\ • \ ., .. nry !Jood· We OlD". OO~fr&lu1 ldalll t.bolo eupied tho towo oD March so. Cooeole f•ll elet~r till .Mouda7 e~~uau~:, wll~u cbe 1~1 t Onnll"egatl<.>.,.ll • .., . 401 7)t 113 .. TttE R ilL RuEt.Lios ~olooial pape1'11 !l"'llut Frenebroao on hw aoow e go fivo per ct~~'-, eqoal &o tbo fall at &he opec· t.lto hMYY tee 11boat 4u mclu E ~.E of Cat•c Othero--.. ......... \~ 41-<l'crauH rceeiYed bT fael maH aro Rllod witb ao- En~tlitb ,' aod of t be art of Lo• e, which laat., 102 o f tbo Criwoeo war. Tbe Emp~ror Uooi\Yieta.

Tot&J ......... l Cl.JU 101,'t00

ID 18it-P..;teetaa~ ............. - ... - . ... - ... VT Ol7 • -Bom•o O.U.Oiioe ·- .................. &I JJ \7

lobJo:ltT-·- ................ u ,7•o

In 1834-l'rotMtaniJI ........................... 118,\16 " -Bomu Cathot...,_ .................. 7• ,086

M ejorily ......... ~....... ... ,OSO

l eer-In tee )'IU'I ....................... U ,li'IICI PrniMiant lacreMe !all 10 yeare-2\f per oeot•

oouot.e of the eboYo outbreak, whleb. ao. we koow, OQmOI nry naturally to t ho WJ IIIam oxpreaeot gra•e 101ielJ In reprd T bo 1trra i\'nM repnrt, the fo llowinl!' cordiua 1.0 lateat ~legT&me, Ia aot ye t quell. people o r ' Ia gnodo nation' Bat pe r - to ~0 rolataooe of England and !tuaia. steamers :- l'alf!Juard, 8 000 : Wuif, 8.00{1, od. Tbo Mcatroal Doily IY1tn- etetee bapa be will permit Ul &o eoggeet for ltle The recepuoo of P rillcO of \V&lealo and 11t11 J nn Mo~n, &qtwmcu., l'tJ,....,, ~at all accouDta agree io tndo' 1he baJf. coo•deratloo a row lioee from ooo of bie Ireland It eYerywbore magail!ceot. Ue re· A relic, -"'l'tunt, lltctor. ll'olr•• 10nd E'I!Jot , breed and J odt&D troublee to tbo lusitodo own poete: maioa till t bo 20th. almoa~. af no~ eutir~ly cle3n. 'l'!Jo N t ptun< of tbe Department of ~he lotorior uodor the L'omou ! L'anoour 1 qeu<l ta ooue tltne, t TO-DA. Y'S TEC.EO'RAM. "M eomowb&t dllma~ttd ~1 cnllietou w11b on control of an 11&11 11oing knightly prcAooco Oo bloo dlt·•,- adlell pr udeooo, icolH!rg. 'J he ll'o!f lln-1 l'angttar<l w~re wboeo rule~e tha' of Kloa Log, a nd to tbo lola!• dADe l'a10our oo1111D• dadll la suern. ArruL 11.-Tbe lnUiatul and Half 11nrphod by CaptAin F:ur.-cathor wtth " ooiYe raa.l diatr"ll of f,ieutcoaot· GO'IClroor Toajoana d'aad.- l.reods mu,aCfed fourteen Canad i1101 't '!UIIntily of brel\d And gunp!lW'der, Drle dn Oewdoey. Esprcatooe t bat como to 01 Perbape lo tbereodering'of this ebaraetor Ff'Oi Lake forty milea N orth -west o( lu• w~k 'l'be Falco~ ~~<.-cured nearly a il from lop\ wbite men of the Weat 01re u a lit.tle more cfacul.oce would no t hi\ YO beoo Fort Pitt. Two priOIIta, Obla~ Fatbe n1, ber "''' oo one t boet o f ico . bltt.or u ~bo~f tho I odiaoa, and t ho bur out of place, and pou1bly, Uto fan Aflrehna were killed. 1 O o Monday lute~e llj:lbted thoJoe.lfay n

R atra Hair R eoe rer renew•. clean~ee, br!gbteo•, .tad inYigoratel the, and Netora fauod or i"Y heir to l t.e J Ootbfa l eolor end loetn . l'eople wltb gr&J bair prefer to oeo the Renewer, rather t hao pro· claim to \he world, tbroo11b their biHobed loch, t hat. they e re becomior aged, and puling eu to decay.

II. Oalbolic " " - till " don of tbamall"' tbt.l &here CliO be DO good may ljtteO w!lh 01. Ba I r rd . dod La tb f >iJlop110 arad Eogl,, tbey b:mns: jue~ j;Ot c l ..... r will aa l oag M Si r Da.ld Atacplfonon eod Mr Midihlpman Cbaino filled tbe pal , tt 0 0 11 eurroun 1 a ou · of t bo tee anti being bound " " ay to tho Mr. Dowdoey bold their prctent offioea. r6/l ae Mr. Spriggi.J• . . Tbia IOGDi reotle10ao und • • • t i ·· eMtw .. rd. For tho hut tbr~ d•J• thu

'fLt di.al1lecUon &OlOD(t the Jod11111 it 110011 &o bue a oooaiderallle drarntlc tal • TIJil Brititb O onmml'nt uk Italy to Rntt~r hu beoo ahort of coale. 1\lad wu eald bJ tbnee wbo ltno"' tho ooaolry eot, whlcb t bowooi well oo thai. particular tal:e eh" rge o f the Soudan. obhged to burn llb"'n h •or for coolrinl!' lboroa,~tbiJ to be Jargelr due to tbo eabetltu· oigbt. eod tbereforo it Ia witb r tbet Gladatone intimated in, ..E-.rliamen t por~oeeL About !!60 th11rke ware trilled tioo. o f Jotlien ll'llta,pohtlcal•ppoiotmeota wo ~"'to IUincle oar praiM whb-lllamo. J~t nigM that Ruapia bu ''uked ,Kom8 - dar ng t ho •or age. ' Iter 1e11l1 • oro take n af~r tbe American modo. for tbe &dminit· Tb~werfnl command of laogn~~te po•· ff I · hi ob d · l •ftm t.t.t..ok rro tl1t' ume l•ateh M tbe R"ofut~ loadod

h '. F 1 b d 1e bw ••·:• -oll•mao, and t ho unrortu- ro to. e iCp e tn 1 n. nc, . ed f mg from. 'l'be lu(and alto lo.,de<lln tho···-· Lratloo tff l e fo ICO. o rrner '! t o ro r . • u~ .. - • p d h Tb R t 0 - · .. u

~B AO'UB, ANI!rt.t., Iln'EllJillT. ~ nvBR, OONBUliPT'lOJr,


'l'be oorpeclatloo wae • ery prewa leot bere tbat yeeterdar upoo the U ou10 ruum1og Ita altt.inK• alter tho Euter bolidau, the Gororomeoi would louodact their 'llepre­... tetlon Btl!. Our " Com moos," botr· eYer. apeo~ 1be day and, tl may be adderl, tbe nltrbt, 10 tbe fu r&beraoce of tbt Supply and Rou ouo Ullla. l'htao, t bouab n ry ~ hooor.blo members aod to GonrumeoL, do not poa~ea tba& amount o f ioterett wbtcb would jtMttfy your ~rne­pondoot eoterio(l ioto aoy leoatb~noel re­marlr~t tboroapou. 'l'bie :a upeci~tlly • P· pttreot wheo we call ~ mint! t he fact that little eleo bu been dono ~It eeuion b1 tbo ruto " we are all proud of'' than dceouuing and quarrollin~t over &be Supply Btll. Some of oar pepers bue entered ioto a baod-to-baod 6~tht witb each o~or o'er lhle bill- ll11hL In w.ltfcl• eaelt one ttriket out for ltaelf. The apecial c.aueo of t.blt broadeuiog of the d ilhrencet wblob hitber· to eepera~d our lamlnouaeou~ee o l In~ I· l~wal llafl t Ia deeltioo of t be Aaem· nl7 to roceiu ~odors for tho priutlua of it• Reporla, Debetea, clo. No two of our pa· pert now ... whit tbe eame e1••-od le' ua hope lbat tbe roeolt of t be "tendering" wlll be tbu eome of'll\ "'Ill .,.... to 100 al all. h woald be ead indeed if we had ao looel entree of lltorataro, bal., al.u I wo (rotD now oader too voa& a toed of them. h It eueap wbat a eeomlo11IY iateroecioo llriro our pepere carry oa. Our daillet b•• • little {n &btm be.,.ond penooal edi­torial refereoo., aod tb•J malotalo their abaee of eacbl oUter ooflaplnjtiJ from da7 td day and from mouU. to mootb, uotll a• length ooe 11~t1 Imp~ with tbe Idea ttla~ the,. retlly DID.U be tocoo priodple in· ul•ed lo tiM qaarrale ~ edlton. l!.1ae,

Theeo llgnru, u yon will obMn e. gl•o oa the eotlro population or Newfoaodlaod •• 1!12,200 lobabitante: and 1 am informed from tbe aamo credible eoarce th&t Labra­dor baJ a population of 42ll. If Goy. ernmeot therefore wero to introduce into tbc A .. embly a Repreaeotat.loo llall wbicb "'oold RiYo eacb deonmioetioo IC. duo, it would caoeo a lion•• to be rotontod alter next e lection• bu iog-lf wo tako 116 u tbo full number ol repreeeotatiYoa- H Roman Ct~t.hollca aod 22 l'rot.NteAte. l'arther, of tboee Pro~lao'a. tbo Epl100pallan• would nua1ber 18 aod lbe Met.bodieta !l mombere: but u tbt1 it a d iYieloo wblob Ia uooataral to ltaelf and DDD-'flo reality, it will ne• er, wo may woll ay, meet Ita ooooter· pari ie the Uooae. Jodeed, In a parlla­meetary couoiJ &bore it an eeeenUal dal'for· eoue between the llomao Catholio and the Pro~teol rtproMota&1n: that wbilo the forllllr ... u tbe ednota,. of the Chareb or Ita prioa'a. tbt lAUer ootJraiJ coeh &bat or ' he people. But UIODI Pro~~ota t.bere II oo redloel dT.atlootloo, for all eeek tho aood of lbolr oommoo ooootty. WhOe •• would lane no e'bjeotloo to a o Aaaem· bly oompoelld Ia t.rlot cooforDlltJ with tbe emntrt.b of denomioatioae, •• mae' ye' •1 tbat &heir reiAtln tmortb In tbe UoaM do· peoda eot eo muob upoa lbtlr num .. loel aueocfb lo l he coulltfJ M uDOD &be auOl· ~end &be lotelleo&oal etaodlac of tbelr

'COl~ WM tO tbe ndiao t he IJmbul of rro· oato feoaiJLy with w~(l bt oaed, ~be bia biC ti~J e • e U&lltane ro lr ! I Q t'IACO, aoct UOre Dp for hOWO ~OrO tho ~tioo ~d booeflceoce, ror the o the D seeded &o &brow t,.ebedo• co a n p iber- y,nj(1eh nf' t he battle. Tho RuutiUle Ra11gtr. pOllee llrou;lbl w~lb 1~ the anooet dlatribo - wl.e brlehtiJ played par1. We can &ell occupr tho Old poeition. Tho con•ictibn Tbe wohcht of t ho Ruolottr'l c.&rlf" of tJoo of mucll. no?11ed aapplfo~S '!'bas good· blm Lba~ thlt wontianenr,ot well-ltar"dl -pr&•llJ Ui'G'"Rallla "'Wilt'~nathfac. eaala wu 772 tone; tile oomher, 3~.6.! : wllt ~-d',,~lce..,b lfOOIT etud .,boo tftr, beerd lo U~rbor G~oe. IDd \.bJI I~ t.orynpl«ut iou.. J)ulf, rin 11'1" tho aod t be a"era~;e welgbl, 4!1t lbt. 'l'11e theJ bad ~00 &o repraaa wrong -doing. uH ane ara• offerle. to t be .audlo!'co. immetliatead ... poe of c.h' British troopt crow n>lldc £17 :l man.

ll.nltlOfA,MUCU <A•. MIISOtnn, May, 1878 To F!UA..,s MCDICAL MAlltTP.t.CTOarMo Co

G UTS.-We han o11ed JOllr Fellowa Com~aod S1rap of Bypopboephi~ wltb ps&ifflng reenlte 10 no• praoaoe, aod dle•r· fallr reoommeDd It l.o Pbyelciaoe aod o tbort w a ftlia~Jo &Dd ar-eble p,.paration In · -..e. Lo~rOliUtol Vower, l!lm aud -od ne,e of Pohaonll')' Cooeomptioo or A-la or Ueoe,.. Debility. We woold -.-c~ '' .. the beet tJalllc •• koow of.

J'OIUD 1 '0IIOCC AND IIIPIJU JfiiUTif are two -"-~ of bllloamjll' remlldltd br Jforthrop 6 Ly•u'e Vtpteble Diecow-erf aod D..,.,c.ta Cure. IJiautbam., wblcb .,.,._ tbe .OJIP'Pdo after mala. aod J!Orpltxhtc &Del ebaa .. fal 9Jmptome of a&~>bllalled l~o, are dl«<ereed by U.llalalafJ 11011'e0Cift &oolo mel" oeleb~ .a blood ..... ~r.

·~Y ebould •• ba•e ~ rted aboaa tb­qourell froat dar &o day, u.d wb1 lboal.t 111e pepen be lllecl whll u.- ? E•ery at• paper, M '' IMira hf lottodoe&o'f . .-u .a.. .. ,,_ to lllalooc-

waat,.. ._...., lalatl"f U.a1 I& win l...U eabelrYNu to tile aood ol t.b•

~bile, ud •Ill .a. oolr for tba& ·poe~ .,.,.,.. ...... ra oo- c~oa •• ,., • ....,.. .._ •• el ...,...... l.baa, for· ,....., t• &redid-, It ,..,.. lie llplao• llaed ........... •••bUt~~~!• ....... If thy .............. , ,_ , ... , ...... eifel ......, aad ,..._ .. u_,. &o ................................. ....... ,. .... ...,_ •• VW10n to ........ ) ==·-:--.......... ...,.... ... ........ .. ........... ...., .... ~ .. ............... " ......... ,...• ~· -

f>ubliomeo. D&LTA.

Mr. B. F. Maoo.tlty Obfi'Oiet, ottatrt, wr!lft: • 1 ha•• beee ~oelaa &Dd job· 111111 Nortllrop aad Lr-'• &mallioo ' of Cod Unr OU ud llJJ>apboepbtta o f Lhoe aod Soda rw .._ pae& two yare. eod coo· eld• tb&L l.b.,. Ia oo beuer p,.paratioo of tlae -• kred lo matkeL 1& II ,., ~le, ao4 for obroolo ooap l~ 11M ao equL" -W1lal TOI'Oito'lnll·koOW'B Good ••• arl'-a -.,. : " I llaft beee lloablecl wi~ D~ ... IbM eo.plela•f~n o•eriO ,..... ... , ............ ,. Nlltedlll, "' ..,., fou4 ............. d ... - .. eaeb JOOd ••-*rep aad ..,_.o'e V•· table~ IDd J)fiPOIIdo Cue.


Now tile lolllao 1toow1 the red eoat ooly tboqb • • ecqull him of Mlf&oC.o&ioaalt 1 to A~ banilt.¥1- , 'l'be 1-"afoo~t'l l oad of fat r.,ota up 24 002 w that of tbe paoW..r of bit tina, wbllo d•h• &o olead. We 111onld bawe tboogbt Jl .~ (()r M ani• MAll. whicb ls onr tbo ettimato, autl tho he bw &o look te npaelooe ageot.e for bit U.e&:lbit oflcer mue& ban ~ e4uoei4d ...Bal•.u Yo!autee,. lillrt weight MOton•. dole. No· one koowa bol~r"tJi&D ao Iodlao oo ~ B . M.S. Plieo}'Cift,.JI!!tor than eo &oba tb" mornm;. _. ..: The IV:JOJute aeiled on tho ~~econd trap on when bo I.a. bbantlr created, and oo ooo board a hlgbl7 morel llllp Ulte .[l.l!.J:i. • 'raClltllly, the Fttlco" oo · 'I'buradaJ, aou tbo roeeota double~t61iol' or dlabooeety moro rTowdoa. ~ • • .• L • al d th ItemS 1 A.lrora on l<·rld•J tltao lle doee. It tu roe oat that thiop hue '!'be IIIOIL oot be forrotAeo. l:le, oc an 0 8f . Up ~ din ner lime 00 'l'bornlay tlie ae"'• been Ia a bad ""7 for eome time, eod ell &oo, did .raiL Ilia low .. ,. woioo, hke • • • landed frow tbe &ttguneraaod 46l 1~•-for the ealte of a few placo· teolten. Thla •Ritoa~btr'ellaoahtor'e, &bat ooold be be&M -EtteAoT,l.-ln laet edi~r\111. for " •I· eacb. 1 I' • cbuge {a eald to ban beeo made upon &be all cloWD l'&rtmm.ot 8&., ...mted •ell OYW- DleR lodofeDaible" read "quhe lodofeo· --·~ araoo' rer...-.~ooe of .Sr. DowdoeyJ ~~~~ flret elchtor ten ro .. of the....,, .. aad tlble," aed for l' we.,. oereful t o meta, ,..,. ,.. r .. r' I • • Tl:rESJ>AT' ~,. .... .,1

·u.erefon, oo doab'- .,.. btanl b!,UI• ~~- oa' &o Wb lbelr d ue ab~ ol blaaat- ' ' read1 J r <I ' • re,.. "' · era-11:bleb w .. U.. malo U.lor. , · ' "•• are 1101 ca..tul," '&4. ' At e c"oocluafoo a f tl.'o1'remler"e IPfl'<:h Jelher Gtt.YOI \'V OrOl Ex~rmlnal.or le

~ol to ~ke ; 10,. aod elfectaaliD de· .. tro7log woi'Dll. •

W by fO limpiD&' aod wbiolo11 abotn yoar ooroe, wbeo • 26 oeo' bottle cf Hollow.,·a Corn Care wUI maofe them .

A 111&0 mar forfet b.ll boU.. hld&~~~Uy, aod all Ule -.<1 obllptloo• ol a lifo, tiDa Use ~mble palM <'1f oeu,..,ta. rbeomatlero, lambefo, ~ ... Uuoat oeo ODIJ' be forpl~o alcer ~ia~Jal f ... ty of lliaud'l LID'-'; •• oura lflt:e JUlio. •

ADa 'a Laq Balam-11 ............ to break op tbe 111- moblaon&o ooop S. a lllel'tdlble abort tilDe. !'beN Itt oo N-.dJ tb .. O&ll ebow IDO,. endeaot Of real .... thaD ............ for earl .. co-•pdoa, Co ..... Colcl.a. Aida-. Crollp, lie.

0. I!:.*• OllecJoeia, llloo .. ...... l.lftl ............... __._ .................... '?,. ......... 0.. lppltc.doa e1 Dr. Th.._. .....,._ ou ~ ...... lDitaa.,...,. ..... bottlltelooteta,......., .....

6, wcMod a &o tbe.,;, fll..... Tbti arop , ,upon~ \ bO .£.rfDtiOif quf!!!ioo, ~be lfOUfO -·· abiwed a ob .. rlo\ Ylaw ol a lf'IYI• -llllhe Hoe .. theotller w, )lr. r.te. .. .dhided.Qf!D.o.tbo l\Deocbiif' .. t &o Ut~~port yard, bulll .,.. nplaloecl ~ a1, tb•' It,.. esp.....S 'bio lo~otJoa o[ 80ftig In Ute oltbo Ooollogency Com01htee, and it wae p..eeot.ed eome&blo1 from ., Enorolloe,' tnauer of heYiq1 "'' ~~~ • ataptbeted. .lll\OP~ 1>1, ~Toto a! 16 for: ll &g~lon :- •

·•bleb w eYerybodJ howe w a blfbly io· 'fnil ww a 1ubjeo& we W l o.,.oded -'!li· F oa. • AO.t.ISST. apiri&lOf ltlbjeot.. fie rlu of th• eartalo ,eatiQt ou,._t ..... 'ocL1fe ttraa• tbe ~o )tr1 ~~o~ridro, D on. Attorne1 Oenl'f'l\l, c&.loeed ao lotuier~ of each • blfla •-ber'• .-.-~ will be etteocltd • " . . Pt~ " Solicitor Oepersl,

o1 an. *-'we _,ll(.llr. Bprlr- .4o, r" J:imaba.. " A. lf. ) lec.\,1 Ia U.lolri111 thl • pa• il too low at -- ·•" Ou'faod, ' ·,, Act.lloc. Geoe~l rntn ... " ..... t. .. , - Taa 011111J1.-Qar 8*, Jobo't OOrrtl- .. Wlo~o. 'I)• Sarnyor Geoerel:

ne per!~enoe '!!! ,~ant to a e1dll .,o.debt tall~ letter to-d~yleye W ore our , .. , UaoJ,loooell, vhairln(nBoardWorh by Ute prodoetloo ofioiMii'r lib1ao, oallid i-eWerw'a' litlatiowlog the reteu.-,· •tao~og • Carty, Air. p 1011t, Ia tile IIIII •DeeaybtoM Fur.' • (:.Obeeu oUIMcll,_Lde-.IIIA&IouJa~oouatry " Callahln, : ", • Mel koM·bneoll• there ... ,.,., to be nre, lo •&b•1•re 1874 aod 1884. It It takeo " l'a...One, --.. 1'hom(!'Oa, ac1 tile fa111l11Ar 11111Jel .. b ... ~ aii!Mb' 1 par\11 fi'OIII U. oebou ~boa of tbo p,.: " SOoU. u ~. "' o&M"'- !.beN...,. aMIIID~ .-dou· aot auoo. 1 i " ~~ ·" · Dart.te~ •• / larlf .., ...... ef the,_. Jrlab, ---~ ~, " Dearlo, A......,....- ~· ~"'tb edY'ID _ 'nc la.u. l'ISUI1' D~ let " I llr ; •" tl\\lbhe , 1 llaft a-. Mn ~ .... lONe • M.r Bood, tbe boo. Speatet-, "" eftllt.ta' " Doaoe\l,r. .._. _,., .....,, .,.,. cleol&NCI Ill•· lo the ~ala&ln CoiUM(I : tre mo&ioD for .. ·tobiD. Mlf • hi ..... &~~, ,_.,... e1 a lladll', or Ita 11«111cf a.dl111- 10et, th mof'Or' tbe _:.k'tre11Tf. '' haft ,.u ... , nq._... _...,r ... ~ bela. Cotoelal a-..., ..... roc.d f~n 1-. ---· to''"'d oaiM Mil~~"-'-' n•potae.ea .,...lpOh ....... lllella,. r ; • 1 .•

0.. oori...- DoaDJllrMk I'IIJr lrllk we,.. beetcla the mo .. r, Ute J1911oplll* 'l'qql;"tohe -:;Vo )'OWioffer with IU Go ••lfJllalor wild_. ..........,wil.b bootllll 11--. Tllorbva, Moorw, Ben•r. ~. bar • bcn&le or Perry Daria• Pale-ID114t ... ...... ...... - ..... , drlo..... tlld a,... n • ..,...... -- br "- - lad .. n.r lo the twlelrlt ot &ll .,_ IDd ..-1ene tp&iq J• for tile lon ,......_ ril eppear Md w..t. for Totbaola• Ia lea epecl.llO. •



-'I'Uit DLt1UACEI:TS IN Tlfi'!OTAL Allsn·l NUcrt lll.u •. -Poalcn placed uoood &owo to-day aooouoeo tha~ tho amateur rr- There w•gi•tn !.D. the ~o Hall f~rmen o! H. M. ~. T(>Kdoa !o~o lo 011 1~ Tuted.&y &f,OiDg u entBrtain­I!I"O a f&l'llwelt oo~U.alo01eot 111 !be m eot 'yhlch• may J'•tly be --IICI, u Total Abatloeoce Uall 0o Mood.&1 eyeo1og .,..... • c~ nuL A glaoee Lbrougb tbe prognunmo tbe~' and moet auooeuf~ of ~e,PDa renala that it will dilhr !o fl)rm aod mat- held n ·~arbCK' Grace Una M&IOI4 U ter from IUIT alread1 aivoo. H will be monty coo.Uted of a OuL&ta,­moro nriodat(d more oonl. Pro6niog b7 Under' tbe Palma; o r,· t}le :Jnlih ~lt o:rj)orieoco, tbo. Idea of a Mioauol flo"er }i'eut.-ill!lttrati~ oCtb~ .Je~ J.'roupo bu, we~ 1utormed, beeo a_bao- Feut oC :J'abernacle.•.C"t:' the C&pLi•lLJ. doocd and tho nnoue aoogt till be (rl'feo, The manDfK' in- wbioh tba wbolo piece AI lho1 ougbt to be. at the foot-ligbt.a. -'- 1 d '.L'be performaaeo wrll n~flect tbo martial from tho bell ... n ~~ to tile U • wu• por-Pplrit of tho momeot, aod tho eoog1 will be fo rmed I.e!\. n~th)Dg to b~ 4oauod, a~d d<lli•ered by Ailon aod m.ariooe tor tho re0oet41d tbo hLqboa' c,.Ut on tho coo­moU<par\ io uniform. duetor, Mr., u weU u on lobo

Wo boar, too, that there will be an "U• rca~ of tho company who 00 ;well per· UJJh of 11rma", awd tba~ tbe r.l.ali.,, po•en formed the ir reapeoti•o parts. (The tnler· <1f aod eu\J~ at Wt&poDI of !lf· t ' nrneot Je t Ul uy here 'ln.l rc·yon by feoc:e, w1U be det.erm1oed. The " uvtoo at • • ._ , . 111\i of old En~tland" will be unfurled bJ the leadler. anolsoholan of ~hiii.J o:hod11t C. J ouoa, aod cz. Cbapliu w!U "like a S.abbatli'. School.) ~ produehon ol aoldlcr fall.'' t.hia really fino cantata for the lint time

A c:hans:o in tho e~e man~emou~ hu, irv flarbor Grace baa dordod 10 much , we uode':'taatl, take~ pla<Xl, an~ a new bo& pleunre to tboee who were eo. fortunate !lOt 'Uat nod baod w11.1 z.ko h11 d ebut at 11.11 to hoar it, that we w ould auggeat to Ul~ter of lhec:ereraoniO&. ou lrionds advisability ot rerro.-

ro moe& tho dtmaod for aeat.e, noarl1 r . • 100 c:bain oumbertld and rtlte"oJ will bo ducmg tt at an early date. The .hal on l'ro,.jded,"'aud those 'lli'bo cojoJ tbo l uxury Tuoad•f e • enlng waa packed watb a p­of oliNm c~<m dignilatc csn book their places prcciatno bearel'll; and tbere .CAn be n o beforehAnd. A plan of tbo dall will bo doubt that a elaailar if not larger • pl•eed in Mr. Tbompaoo'• dru~ebop. enoo would greet aingoll on tbo~ir

• We bMe no doobt a nry large bonae second appoal":\nce. "'ll 1\MeUJblo eo grl'et the P.lay~"'· aod Besides tho 11bo,.e-, thoro 'lltcre given wlab lbc:ru, whero.-er tbolr deettoauoo ma1 b 1 f l h 1 ( tb s bb lu be, a .beftrt)' ·• OM •reed •• yaevora o ~ 10 oe. o ara o o a ~

'l'bo fact r.hat 1bia will io all p robabilit1 School a Cll lu~l d11logu~ an1l reelt.Ol• be lbe Jut appearaaee of tho Troupe in ~ion, both of which were we ll rendc1 ed . llMbor Grace will Joud additlooallotereat W e rogre' tltat wo ha ve not apace to· day t.o~ho eu~ruiun.cnt.. t.o wake moro oxtonded re ference to the

ont.ertainment.. We shall inst.ead in~rt YIOl 'Olll A RTRE&T SOIJOOL.-Qo.I.IITI.Il.T

I\'11.1Trll!'f £ :utmuTto!'f. tbe prognmm~ which will ~ti•o tho


12 I ! 13 13

13 13

• Win I~ ,..., .... t.~i~l• d•por1meDt ~ad prepared ltJ>~n•. 13 •coek• io qu•r~r • t llflib••' ~··bit> mart l llol.


reader some idea· or the ex tent of tho Cantata :- ' Addreaa by Cbairm~n-Sberifr Bt WISTtlt. Part Flrat-Ddicuanct. (;borut-IVol:e I copliotHtii'Oh. Bua Solo-TAll•, 10itlt CyrlU-M R. GtoRO&

APSIT. Cborua-1/ut/ ll~ I t o Jtnwtkm. Uau Solo aod Choruo-IVAo i• llt.trc arrwng you-~ln E!HV\ao PA1150~'ll.

School (;holr-11'• ttrt ... arcJoi~g /tom(. Sop moo Solo - 1\'lltn 1M 1-t~rd turntd again

the copt~t·ily nf Z wn- M1ss S . II ALl~ ChC'i r and Cborua-171< Lord /lathdontgf"tol

tiling• for 111.

QuMte n o - Tl<ty that IOID i11 tror~-~ltM l. t:<DSH , Miea I>A\'15, ~la . ArstT and Mn \\'IIIT li.\N,

School and (;horua-lritA P'!l w ltat•t our cnptirt 1tatr.

Bu& Solo-ltut PilgriiiU Rut-Ma. W IIIT· WAll.

l~cilJIIion and Re• ponae-Dy .~Aa .. a Rit'tr. B..:n Solo-Proclaim a Fcut-llr. E. J:'.u. sos~.

Onr nlrl, ,.,~Jl .intorm~ri . ~nri slw~:r• r~- SopranoSolo-0 Shcp~rd u:ho kadut-Mn. hablu W u:orn Shore c.>rr··•ponrlrnt, wnt. Wmnt.t.N'.

, in.: lo us fr.?m Ch• ntu•l. ,,,for d~te nf lhe School and (;boir-TIIou art ~lp to tAt ~lp· ~4tl) ~l~rc:l>, tbu• .. uufolrl• hia raelao~holy /.( .... tl\ln'" : School-l.i/1/r nlltA oj f";od nrt we.

l l"'"C nr.!hin); hut the ol.l. old •tory to T e nor 'olo-/.~• brfut"t 0 ltoJtilt ll'Oy- Mr. tell-l'l~nl)' of po•·ert\', mi•Pry and icc , 11. TATLOII

Lut " " li~h. .\l.n:Jt " forllllj::hl &flO lOme naet - l 'rayfor thtlpt'art of JtriiiOltrn-Mra. ft'W o>l !I.Jo ·~•lh mnt.,lltd to t.:ttoo tbl' fioh · \\' uintA:< a nd ~!111 IIA LL. h.: ~.: r •un.!• an•l ' /e \11 b•libut and coJfiob Cborua aod Solo-/,,~ to tht nvnwg pmln1 " er~ rAt: .!:.! l ~"\•t tiUDltnn l\n1f l10~t fail' a ~l r. J . TUPSELI.. fiahcr'' loa• n..; I.,.,, •iery b• rl. 1\ncl l lus Cboru• -.\'tflllt tht Palnu' f'"'ltclirtg lhadr. •rnn~·. hl-iuc " t >\AI failure. thl' ~on - i nYi~lble Tri o-r.<~<t thy I""Y" ,..,,.. b<>or• to erqoen~1· 1• th•l ' "" people M a whole ar~ ll•or-MI'tl. Wut r iiA>I, l\hu U.t.LL and in " n•nro i!eplorable condilioD than tb.·~ At•<tr. "~r" , ... o ~''"" ~,:o. <;>ur r~a~ ~rrant" hove Into«&l durin~: which. D ia loguc-Auc· " II t•·en &• •llowl'li np 111 rehevma the 1\ble · tionur- Jo: Ksr~ \V Aftrti!S. hoda<-d pn<>r. •n•l ""y~t l h.,ra Ia no • ppear· R•cnntion- W H.I.I A.\1 WHITtw.u . ftll ce of any eb•n)!O. Looltinl! from my l l "~rt •teon<1-llejoicinll. '~""'""' now. I can 8eo ootblll lf hnt an l'horno-C'nrtu vi "' f lrioirt c>-~·'" of let . Allon~tl\l oar p<'O(llc depcn•l

1 I'enor ~.>1••-L'/d•ft y••ur thmU.:ful tJ!rA- :\I r,

1\lntN I eul<rPlJ. u lh• :r do At lhe ~rnaent 11 . r .H I.OR.

olmr. u-nn thr Wlhlt r fiA~ery . there 1e •urc I DaM Solo ~nd Chflrna- .f) ble.u, 0 ~lfu tht ~o "" m,.~!:t l'"v~r<ynn tb1.11h0r.,, l~·rd-~f r. W IIITW.I.S

" '1t.h '"'" H "PI•ti n•. C'Ur •~•l in~ 8•~.~ ~puno Soln 1\D.I Chor:u- fl'nll'•l ~ tlo!l A ~1le•l "''•v l••t wrelt:. I ••f · all . r:• .. ,;.,,,. .Yllmr- ~~rs l\' 1una~. brtt 1h~ • ;~et i• but • atllllll ouo con· Alto S,>l l\ -11 l .t>rd, tlu hanoi .. .fr/,r 9,nr. a iatlt·11 e>f ~,, . <' . !)" Miu A. I'AaL•os•. ""'~'"' l: a t >t Al !If nboul ~0 mea . ~1nco IJ&..a :join Anol (.; l•orus-Sta11d "I' tv duy-t he aU~311'~n l~l t tbi• on the l Oth, noth i n~:, Mr. A~c.t._ I m•~ Mf. hu l..con hurJ of them. Once Cbor u•- 1-i•r ul" 0 /.flrd. or twi~· tre •mo::•• o f a tt("~mer hu bt'eo llUA Soln llnd Cho;:-.•4- fl<h .:J 1~ /.wd-)lr p~~o cofi lhl' locality. Ono steamer, enp· \\' lliT>IA'i. r r.-ed !O h.~•l) been the [~>Or~. ~~~d Alto Solo Qarlt't 3od Quin lt't-/Jy tAr dar!· hert' rntnct esa~. andt'r f~ll tall. 'l•o W.ya f:ul'hratt• Sorfflm - ~lou A. l'A~SS ~l ioa 1\ht rw•rdo al:o ( at lc:Mt tt "IU snppoeerl. to Arst T. ~leul"!l. l'n.t.PNlLL. l'AYI.I>lf, \\'lilT· be 1he ,.,mr,) ..-~• "'' ' D off Cape lt3y She l.t.\S ""<! AI'>H. ........_ Apptar~rl to be dreply lAd~~. but, 111t~nu11h $oprann Solo- ll't rtmrmLtr t~ !JfOCtl of &1J:Dalloll'(.o, Al1e only repherl by bo1slln~ IIUr Fath"•- Miu 11 4 u .. her r.o•i~:n •. She h&•\ no atcam up. yet 11 {;looruo-1-'r•HII TtroU nf /'ine. w~ ampocmble t<;> ~•Y ~hetber abo "'""' I>M l Sola and Chorua- / rrtt• !Jiad-~\n. M1'1nl( lu~r co~la t~ll aucb limo • • aho could \\'n tn us oud ~l i•a f'Ail-~OS$. tle' cteu nf ~bo 1c~. o r . • hethtr. her DIA· Teror So lo-Tilt f.ord i.r ,;911- Mr. J cibs ~binery had S:t~~n out . {.;pliO lh? ICC O~n- 'fRAI'SI:I.J ..

'in!f abe atsr_tcd niT acrou .~~~ Gn~f unrler School And (;horne-//~ ultdp to tu ~/pun 4!3 ~1 ·. Tbe ~tttl~<rk baa, 11 11 tald, lx-eo Q 11,.rtrt Choir 11url Chorua- Praiu yr tht rlra(UDj: 1\~nt :H lue ~erc:y of the "'""~ (,..,d - Mi!W'a (.;OUilCIIILL, A PSr.Y, llod (nr aome tune p:!it, ba~loj!lo•t her ru11der. l'ARSOS~ and ~teaar-1 . TATLOn aod APSET.

omo of her crew ler( bu and ll\nded 1\t Solo Q 111rtet 1od Quintet w11h Soprano Cope Ray. :.t .. nr aea l11 wero ae~n aut! 1 Obbht~alo-0 CAurclt. "' CArilt-~li...aotJ (t w talt:en by tla~m. 'l;'beJ rerort an nn- H ut. •nd Ar'r.T 11od Mrs. Wurn!AM aod !tnown l ti.AhlN OS 114'i ng to the bod! of aoala· M~aara. TA l' t..c'n anti WmTI.UM. Numbers of nl<l acals bne been • reo bo1b Chorns with So loa - FVjaiu. /Vjviu.-~eura h t ro aod n1 <;:"l'e Jt&J, bu~ •ery fe or w.cre T.t.TLOII :lDd Arstr. ' tsktu. At Codroy a low old one. were APrLICAnos ~bol. Some aro o ( opln!oo tb11L bot.b eail· Chorua-From bo•d.age a~q. ang a nd at.ean~ tl~u are ID BA1 S t. George, Baa, Alto , T enor, Sopraoo Solo and Qn~~r-but t llla I t lunk 11 mere conji!Ct uro. tet- ,1/y 'Doc/ 1M Sat:iour'1 ,.tiM!~ Aror-

A SAD nno\f!CtlCO .t.CC IDr;~ Mr. Wu n WAS, Miu l'ai\SOSS, Mr. TAT·

~rredal HarborleCoo(~rRoaeBiaocllr) VIII and Mra Wmn uw. ' no the momin~t of the 16tb inaL, whcrebJ•n• Sc:heol Choir Chorne .. od Qaute t- Jllc ore o tiJ'r w¥ added to tbo long lid of t hose marchi•!J l<nm~ to Z'wn. who found w~tery gnna there witbin the Cod Sacc IN, Cbutn.

r.aat Pix mootha. A &OD of S. lJucltland, a Tho prooeod11amount.ed t.o the band. ad abo a & 21 yeara o l &JIO. wu drowned 10mo tum o{ about S7G.

whil•' endc::worin; to 1ne bla falher"• altiff ----" hich bed brot:en looeo from lu mooriogt, flia Exc:ollcncr tbe GoYemor io Concil aod waa driTing oo tbe roeke. 'fbe lad, baa been p leued eo a ppoin t Ao~atu• who wu a cripple. weot wltb t wo other 0 H rd ,. Q c 1 .... u be

d. b I . aywa , rAq, • . , o .,.. a "'' eO'I r

roeo to .. ve tba d:iJf, bu~ Oo IOJt t e ref. of the Board of Oirt~etont of tbe Cborcb of forta of no aen ice. Ll.ey bad t.o turn their Jrogland Academy, fa the place o f tbe Uoo .J attentiou to their own aafetJ . Tbe lAd in Sir F. B. T . Carter, rulcvtd. endnvorioa to jump oo abore fe llloto tbe Secretary'• Ollie.; :WI.h Aarcb, 1885. watar. aDd aa t bere ••~ a f>OOCt deal of Ice And elob aboot, be a ere.r roae &o tho tor­face again. BIBTBB.

--::...-o . ElST~'Lt'"3HED .18~.

,. '•'---- ..... OIVlm A. W AY FOB ONE n:;AR.

Cap~tal (pa1C;f~ in.)_- _:__~ $.350,00.0 . H Ojlt on Offic:e..!..4S Comm ercial . S~reet, (Olu Stand.) N ew Y or' ' Offico-17~ 'Fult.nn Street.

We want 200,010 aubaeribent bdom M~y let, 1885, w oor IUJtO llloatnHod publicati­on TilE SOIISilllll MAOA11M£. I n o rder t~ gei tbe abon numller of aubaeribera wo woat ai•o awa1aublcriptlon& t he lirn year, • and the oecood 1ear we •ill roake; up the loaaa4 moat of the m will aobaeribo again, paying oor rcgolar'priee. Send Lwol•o two­cent etampa to pay poatage 110d yo u will ban abo\'e M~ng to relld oYe ry weelr. for ouo whole year. J( ;on acc~('t tbe abo" offer. we expect you will be lcind eoougo &o oJia&ributo arooog you~ Crleudtt, a tow amllll booka eootaiulng our ~~or· IIIOIDCDII and 167 or t bo bel~ }lOillcbqld ~u. fo r wbic:b wo will mnk. yo'u 11 prcaeot of a haodaome all ver-p lat~d lh :e. bottle CASTOR, or a pair of JtOrjiJEil· SKATES. SIAto bow """'Y b<~okll you can l!i"o awa1 fo r ua, And -.o will .. od tho book11 11nd Caator (or ::l~Mc.) 1oropaid. Order lo r 1our frieorl alao, a ud yon Will ru·


S cttiti's' Fpc~r.y-.DOet.Qb, l\lus. Twlno F;.ct<u-y,-CRot.op; Mus.

, 1 Gilli.og li'oow•y-Eut• Haddam, Ct. I ' • • I • ..

Sole Agc~ts' and 1~~nufn~tut:,ers of the ~old Medal Shepard & Hnll

·Am eri.can ·,.·c ·otto n TWINES

ceiYe both prcaenta. Addreas · SON::illlNE MAGAZfXF. Co. ,

F1IID1ore, N.Y .

" L I Z Z I E, " 64 TONS.

For particula11 appt1 to, Dnos & Co., lleart'a Content, or lhrhor lil'llcC

JILLAilD, DHOS. & Co. llarbor Grace, Jan. 2';?.

PHOTOGRAPHS l'hol.ograpbs (all bizcs) c:an uc taken aud

finished io 6ntt·clau atylo a~ PAIU)ONS'

PHOTOGRAPHIC GALLERY' Water Street, H Arbor Gra c:o.

4Kif4G POWDER A bsolutely Pure.

11•is powder no.,er nriu. A rr.nn ·tl of pooity, etreo gth aod wholeaom~nl''-8,

I oro c:conom cal tbao the ordiuuy ldnc!a. an ~annoL Jxo aold io coropetilion lfiLh the multitudtt-.0 low teet, ·~ort .. eijjlll.. alum o r phoeph~to powpers. SoW. ~·~(~ i11 c11u1. HIITAL llAI11SO I 'OtYDt:ll Co •• 100 \\' rlii·H,, ~ Y. J aw3ly

I•CJ ... ' '' • f 1.~> • ~,,

I •r/ .. ,. . ~.

·' '·- 'FOR -,

Cotwn i.s now uniiemlly in use in AXE!UOAN W.! TERS " 'iLh A mc riCIUl fi6hcr moo. C<lotptlrnd \Y ith Howp, Cotton c.•tchea moro tish, is much lil{htor, 1.1.11d tuoro oullily hanlll.ud, i.s llqll"lly durnlole, 1\lld c:o~t.; no more.

lt i11 ou~ llol.cnniMt.ion to meet Lho wants of tb o lishorwcn of tho hland io o,•ory pos:~iblo wny. Wo war~ no,·er aulo to do 110.

Order American Herring-Nets. Order American Cod Traps

Order American Caplin Seines. Order Am.erioan Cod Seines

Order Amez:i_oan Netting in the Web. MOUNT~D OR UN~lOUNTED.

Fiahortn<'n will Gnd our goods with the B onae M orc hnn t. IJrtler'll ..:.•refnllr and pro1Dptly liJl.-d.

L\'"ERS ·w. ADA)! , Presid~'1Jt. I ~.A.RD L. GRUEBY, 1'-rcas.

J OITN W. FURBA~KS, O\'or 3~ YT,rs bead of Mann faclurins Depnrtrn<'nt. J . S. H l.!:l' A HD, O\'et· 3u yronr ~faclurcr of Twinl'8.

Jnn. 1.

·. OUlt DISPLAY 0 }i,

u R N X T u R E •••• hiM ;aew 5 Wif1JA7 Cl

u R N I T u R .. ·:- AND-

ouso~furnishing G o~s .,

Will be the finest we have ever yet produced.

We arc lcnvihg n,othing undone to h:wc n thoroug h Stock of well-made subsl.nntint Furniture.

Nfld. Furniture & Moulding Co., G H. & C. E . ARCHIBALD, Man agers,

Show Rooms, Duckworth St. ! Factoty, Forest Rond, St . • John's.

rwr.orGO. wJI). 1bo ~ ao4 trw~ Of JOIH)I. t.adl<l or v a7 lialr to a •oral, a1cb broW11 color, or 411<!P blaell, N ...,., t..llo&lrtd. D7 lla 'IUO ltcbt or rOll ,llalr ~f\M.darl<w4d, lhl.a balr lltlel<en•l, All~ bAl~ otu.aa. llooqh oot alw•J•.<l.

Jl cbeokl talltDi of tho balr, ud .Urou-1&141& n:at IUI4 olelllJ powtlt 1.0 J1P• h ,... • ..,. ud euree ac~~rt &llll d&a4nta, and haall -rl7 onry '"--to ,..,uilar 1.0 we - lp. AI a Ladloa' Ualr Dreeatn~r, \bo

• Vtooa tJ o.De<JI13ll<d: II conl&l1111 neltlt..-oil nor d,., reDden the b lr ooft. 1'-Y· ao.l ellb:D In ap~. ADd lmtutU A 4ollcatlo, a~blo, and laaUna pertwno.

l\111. C. P. Dntc:rn:a ..... u ... fro'" r.lrf>J, O't July 3, I"''I'J ' " r- /All m7 h.\1~ corurt111......0 OUL and Ill a aloQrt UUlo I bc!cao>O b.-rly bsld. 1 uod o&n " ' .. 'bntllo or A \ 0'1 I LAIR VIOO&. wltlell ai.Opj)<llllhe tall• ta,c or ~b· hAi r a nd tt.atW<I a ...,...,rolrth. 1 n•• Dol),.. a tu\1 bend of balr l:fOWi"' n,.o.. oe>lr, and t.m Ol'll<l..ced tb.a.t bul for the ue ~ yoor prepo.ratltlll 1 abo1ll4 hue .....,. - dnq bal.~. ..

J . W. no~. pfop<lecor of Ute Jfc~t1br

IOIMt) a,., .. "" nya : .. . \ \' CU'I IU.Ift \ ' too a • Ia ntOCII o•rtoll<mt r"l"L-.1101! fOf tloellalr, I ol)ealt ot t~ Iron& DT ......., ..-pocktl.-. '"' 010 protao:.OO lha IITJ>W\Ia• o ( n•• bJO!r, and mall• It •'-T IUl<l -.rt. Ttto Y1ooato aloo a , cur• for dAtl<lnltr. .NOI wttbln Jill' t aowleoJp ~ tt .. P£'1JlOli"&UOA por fallocl 1.0 Jl~o <>olltO &.lWfac:UOI>-" '

1o1a. A:coue, l~r:r or tho .. let.n.Lf'<l "li't.l.ri>Alra J'~&~ntiJ " or llc:<>ttlab. "\·.,.,tJ.~t.t. ,..,.,, .. rrpm /loltan, Ha11,1 Jl'c"b.. e, 1&.'10! " t:nr atuco lilY 4!llr ~"" 1.0 j;lre ""~­" trf .. !Jeace ol lito cb.""':• wbl<h il<~tlog t iiDt pttlell'"9tb, 1 I lA~ Ofl<>l A\ o.ll't IU.ta "\"'tOOll, &DII "10 I ... TO '-" :>ble LO utaiPIAJQ ""al'!)e31"1Ul(l! or JOillbful»caa - a maiW o( ooulder2blo eo~ue~ to tnln!6Worw. o,... tof9. actdrt, an-t I n '''' e'fuy ooe wbo UYfa l.a t ll.ley<e o r tho f'Ol>Uc.'"

llltu. 0. A. Pauron-, 'll'rlll•ll f rom JJI F.ln ,<;l. (~llrit.W...,., .<tru1., April R r.· !, ._,,, : "T•• yean,..:o abont twO.thhlhor mrl•olt e~m• olf. 11 Utlnnt<l ..,.,. rapltl17, wil l ,... fo,n WttWin,t; Mid. OD W IUR A\'r.ll'•~Atll

~r.:!~~~~·~:~~~lj~::~ !"!~':t't..~~ v u <nmplo!AliJ' ro~llt"(>d. vll.b abort b.Ur. H Nu COUIIIIU"'l In i<OW, and lo now U rnocS U bo!l~ r• 11 f~ll. 1 r~larly UJ"<l bcu ou~ bottle ..t tbe \'lnoc., but now liM lt oec..aiOuall J u t. dt..,lu;."

Wo bn•"' hundrNI o r almlbl t.olthnonl.tJa tO the cllloa~r of A l:T.." ' 1 II.LIU \'10011. II neodA bat" l.l":Al 1.0 coaTiooo tho wo.t JlltpU· CAl ot IU ralur.

rrJ:r A &t:D 1\Y

Or.J. C .Ayor&Co., Lowoll, Maaa, aow b7 au l.>nlq'lot.o.

TIIOS. l\t' Mt:RDO & Co., WboiC~~:~Ie Asont, St.. .J~>bo"a.


Ko. 1, 1885.

Nort.horn R oad, Brlguo, Conception Bny.

J..lllit udc 47" :J:!• 61 ' North. Locgitnde :~·p 10· 35• W ctt.

A rooo•l iron t')wer haa been ercc:!erl on Ibis ULn•l, oo which 1\t ao clrration of 11!) feet nbo1'e tbu lcnl of r.he eca n fixed rr.t light will bo I'Xblbited 11 i~hlly, from suo<I'L tu Hunrifte, on 11nd lift er :\lnrch lit. h will illun1irnte t bc wbolo borlzon ec:\war.l , nnd bo •·i•illlo rn-cl,.o miles in clear weather . Tho appar:tt•r!l i~ dior: rio of tho Gth order, llluiDinntcd by 1\11 Ar~..,nd burne r. J t i~ :? I ft . n in. ft um b!t!c of tOI\'Cr to top of •·onttlatu~.

'I1tc 1\cepct 'd Lou•c, ll (u14n t!loeouth· Ward o ( the tow.:r M!l! C:ODIICC!< <I therewith b.'" a co,·ered Hairll'ay , is :. Eqn~ro wood buihlinif, r1at roofNI.

·n1c to:.or it p~i.>tcd llltc:rnolely ret! aud "Lite, in ..-crUCAI atripcA, t hree red nnd lhrt'O wlaitc. Tho bottle It allo p111nted with rc1l nod white vcrtic~l •tripea.

Xo. 2, l RS:J. 9roon Inland, Oat.alinl\,

T he C hampion Fo;: lloru a~ t hi• Station, allvcrtrsed hc rclofvrc u ll(loodin ~: lor peri· od~ of fi"• aeconds, wi~b intenal• of eileoc:o of 1Mrty-1i~e recooda. huiu;l been foaod 10 work i rrt'~;nlarly io 1rylna to kcop at lbnt rnle, will iu fut uro lie operatcJ 10 aouud teo ~JC<:outla with internla of ailooe<> of thirty·&~ veo eccon\la.

No.3, 1 85. For~ Am.bore~.

Thia Stlltion h 'll! hc~n eupplicd with n c:o~t!auous :ll ccb:~oi.:.•l Fos flo~n working b)' ltantl. On 1\ncl of1er Mnrcb ls~ tbe Kt~tp<·r will sound it, bct11 ecn 1\Jo iutcrnla of flriug tbo r og Gun, io l'•!JIIt lo n ' 'rl!el'a ~on or whilllt. l 'bo llrin1: o t he (;DD will 11<1 c:outlnood according 1o tho utabll.1bed culltotn ooco in every ho:1r during dl\ylij:ht At aoch t iwili :.a Cnpo S[lC:lr may be ob- · acured,

IJy order, M . T . Kt\IGHT,

I'ro. &c. B. IV. Bonrd \\' orka' Offic~. ~

St. J obn'e. 1-'.:b . 7, IS ~- S

PH <EN IX Fire Assurance Company. LOli.OAnn STr.J;£T .'t CJI.\nt~Ci enos


ESTABLISHED IN 1782. ,.- n UBTEI:S ,t DIRfiO'T'On~ .

J oaepb W m. 1Juoudt\le1 l:Aq. l lri6low Uovill, Esq. T be lion . • Jamee llmg. .1 oha Clultoo, 1-:Sq. Oot.a•iua B. <.:oope. Eeq .• M.l'. Uc:Ofl:O Arthur r uller, t.:&q. Obarlta b:. (ioodbart, ~· lL R hode 111\, }Aq, SlrJobo Lubbock, Han~ M.P., F.n.s. Cb~~rle11 T 1Jua1.,_ l .ucaa, ~;.q.

, Cb11tltl Mn11nay. 'l'bo lion. ~Al••n B. l'orhnao. Dudley llo~rt Smith , l~q Wm. Jamca f l!olllpaon, l· • .q.

no~. DlllF.OTOll , J ODN J. lJLOOliPit.Lll, Etq.

W n.LIA)I C. MACDOliiiU\l J oi11t ' }'IWICIS n. AIACI>O~ALD,) &crttariu.

'1110 eopgementa or lb~ Office are jtuu­li!JI~ by II tJDOlCI'ODI and WfllllhT l'ro· prlol.ary lo addJUon to 11 larao. i n.•e~ted Oapltal ; a!ld the p~mplltqdo arid ll~ra). lly wltb wbl6h clahna hno ahra,a beeo me l, aro well-knowo aod •ckoowled!fed.

11ro IDlportance of tile traosacliooa of L~•

PH<ENIX FIRE OFFICE raay be eatltuted f com the f&et tthat lloce lb. eetabll4meat-110w o•n On Ummatn Yult-\be JI&1D'tnta ID aatJalacdoo of ClaiN for fA~~ee hue exeeedo4 J'OUHt'ltN M tLLlOICS Suau..r.~o.

l tllnr&"DOM a11•l•n Loll by .Ilre a•d T.lgbtolnJ are efec;U!d bJ t.ha Cocrtplll1 apon neyy deeeriptjoo o l Proportt1 ou tbo mOlt fuo.rable lenoe.

W. & G REND.EhL, l:lt.Jomc'«, j or N crcfautll4Pit

T ilE UND&R~IGNED beg to ex­p~Ut tho beliehha.l tho7a~-o q111l·

titd I o Ulake for tho ?l(erehanta of N'cw­fduodl.and fi4biog wares· o( a utiafaclory qol\li1y. .<\lwiQ'll at l.l1ett aer•ice,

\VILU.AM STOWE, l'"rwidctt, o:ov.atur Nt/4 I& 2~ 0•.,


Post-Office, N otic'e ' ' I - ~ ,, ..

~.{'AILS fo r N orthern :Oiatricta •ill tbi ll:J.. made up and d c:apatdt, d .b1 OYilfr laDd routo oo Wedn~ada7. 7th aod 2h~ JaDOIIIJ ; olt.!l 1111d 181l.a f•brttary ; 'l th 11o•l ·l&h Marob 1 In .aud 15th April, cloaiog at 8 a.w., abarp.

&-Corre•pondence ~~I arte r t l:!u hour will remain until lhe followina fort< nigbtly dupatc:b. 'l'br r•nhlle - t het"e­(oro reqoMtod CO hue all mall INit\et poat.ed 1fmel1, aa lhia rule will uot bo do. patted from. General l'oat omee, t

::il J obn'e, Jan. ~.1886. )

Harbor Grace Stove Depot - ANO-

Glau, Tin & B:Qrdwaro Eet.ablia4meo~

(To the t04t "f .llnsu. Joln .llm• /6. 6,.,. llltT&:Oilti/c }Jt("111i«-f. (~ KENNEDY · thankful for p:ut frl..-ors r rcci,.cd from tuc lteoplo of ll<is town ntod uulport.f:, wiahca to inform h.ia many l rie~ttl. blld patroos thllt he baa DO\\' iu at.oc:k a l .. rgo va.riety of

S T.OVES of nil d01eriplioM ' "ith nU t oo l11lea~ mpro\'omenl K-compriaing



togolhor 'vith GnAT.ES and FJ'JTI :<!Uti o f a ll sizes. .

A lao, t\ lino nasortmc.nt of l ho nowcat styles of

Gothic GRATES (Dritish ami American.)

I N THE SHOP is n .Jnrs" alock oft he follo•,.ins: nrliclt .. and olbors too nmucroas to "J>Ceif.l­l'aint!l o! !!.II color•. Spirit& of furpentio , Mixod l'nint.a in I, ~ nnd !l lh t i111 Liu•ec:l Oil-ooi1cd and rnw, \\'loil~ Len 1 Zior; 1\' bito. l'ully, \\' hi:in$1, Ocl.r,•. Gh· , <.:opal nnd Furui1ure Ynrni•la. ~l Htlln~·u 1\ero•cuc Oil, \\' induw lol~~M--"11 MIICY

lhr!!.•'""· l'untiluru lllld nm. ... l '.tll•h Oruoa~. iclt ll:n~k. l'hMC'• LioJUitl Gluo Glycerine l.~~ ther l> rct~~~ins.

HARDWARE of c1·e ry dcscriplion.

Oval Boilers, Enamelled aut! Tinortl n oiicre F.oglle!J &A m••ricnn lti111 a nd Morti.o l .o..:l:s WindoiY Furnitur<'. SMh Balnuc1 s llrlll!l l'olo l!:ndM, Dra~kera nod Wt~p~ Amorie..,o Ax~und llal'ebeta l!nglitb llatcucta , •

1 American Cut l\aile anrl Fini• hirtf! • ·:~· •. Ol:u.~ware-l.amp Chiumie• and ll•uu~i:j llnll 11od Dinin:: !1oom l,,mps , Cltnodeliers-:! noel !: lijjhts,


Sno 'J'A!llo f.3mp!. T oilet !'et' Orit11nnla Me tal Tea 1\lld ColT~~ l'of • Sil¥cr-plnttd Tt~ble , D cnert Anol l'u~I~)()OD Silver-plllled TilLie lind lJcJ!.SCrl For);J '

CUTLERY of all Kinds . h ory-baodle Table11od Duecrt Koi"ll' • Ivory- handle l ' ickle .FodelL 1

TOOLS Olo'. A LIJ D~C.UPTIDNS. G RUCBIU I•:S.-Coffeo, ::loap1.1 l)latoLe..,

010, cto. · • • T o &II of " hlch inlpe<'Uoo ill !11-rltcd; •

W For ulu at the loWI"•t \l(lt<lbht' l'rie< , [C. L. KEKN El.H.'.

No., !l l : .


TAE SU!JSClllHE ll, t bankful f9 r Jl'\ t fo,.ore,IJe;:a 10 intimate 1ruu l1t 1141!i

prop3rcd to i.'J~cnto nil work in hia lioe .. : t rade "itb oe~lur•~ nntl tl~II3tcb, aucl ... pricea uoL 10 bflll len in ttl \YU. Llo ' " '· JIQIII'IIDI~o t bnt all \fo rk enlruml'\} · t9 II• .. will. bt pul out u! unutl iQ a \hqro_uj;hly aor~1o~nble nod tah•~•otory 111/\""er.

A II t.. o r work, f ro1n ilao •ltgbl.4il 1: r l ab® 1o tho htll\ icai 6 o·bool, ca.u be w3tl~ 11ud rcp~ircd. • 1

R eailh•nC\l- Wn!er Sl.rtet wt•t, ow ~r­drewa' lUll.

:\ov. :!!l

J. ·w. XENNl~Ol;, &x!t and SIIH •'~of."




TII UIL"'AT, Man:h 1!). (Conl••-'•1 )

Coruoulk• o f the Wh,lu on SEAL .FISIII!:Il Y Ul LL.

Mr. UoYD IU tb.o cbair. 'II·• boo. Sl't.r.Un (Mr. Bond)­

Mid tha~ ha.inr Introduced thiaJ,YII bcfor" tl1e Lc,llillature tt bee1111t' tocumb«.t on him to O&llafy tba llouee u to tho oeoeuity lor tbe Ul~t.aurJt be I•.U iolrOdueod. "l 'bo bon. membtr iu hia iotNdu~ry remarkubow· ed the a~ity ul le~::.latioo, aa hotween emplora'l.. IUid t'mploreu. non in 1ucb t:ouotri.a t.a Uritaln, in order ~ tho protec. tioo ,of tbe life of tbo taller lo the coo,.e of tbt. ~oq~ul ~rorattou llo tuado cb .. followini etattu.eut: Th~ a•oregu lou of life in oooiiiiCti- witt. factoriu of E nalaod ue~ bettreeo threo aod lour huodred li'I'M IM~r annum; in con~tioo 'lrith coal toiulog a C.OO.aud It vet ; in coo ~tion w1tb ra1l.,.y o perattooa, uno thou· aud and eighty hna, and t weotr·•on n t.laou~aud foor hundred ~rmaneoot clir.ablo· IUOota. 'Tho loee o f hfo on tbe IJriliab COML ueregv 69'0 buml~l 1ueu and boy• per aouam ; wb ilo r~ Hritiah U.ipt'iog at .,.. tbo &ftrllgO acnounta to two thouuod1 ,e&r, Including ata·llOialt' men oolr.

The boo. Sp.!1ke r tbt!fl went ou to obaerto: I laa\'11 ao .,n.1111 of ..-rtainlag wbat tbe lu" of Hfo i1 in conntet.ton w1th our eu•oral loc:-al ID..Inatri<'&, M h lou oever ~~~ tlu.ugh~ of eulftcient lmJlOrtllnco to keep a d Ntb f'Clllti'J here. Kleowhcre, howe• er. we find tba~ ~ lltatiatsea obtained from t bia 1o.rce IUC conaulered o f the grrateet ""lue, bnosillfl' aa th~y do apccial cauu a proDlin~otly btf<K'O tJ.., ootice of tho pub· lie, and ..troroiog opportumty lor tbe afp)i. eatioo of pr~tati'<o meAIDI"K. J we take a ~;laoc, at the law1 bearine ou ou r aeveral iuduatriee, 1t Qnnot but be 1\dm•~­t.ed tbtlf'o 18 "laxitr about our legiaiA­tioo, and that the live• of our p,oplo are DOt aufficiently proteoled ~·or iuatance, k'l'tral tbouaanda ul 0"' couotrymco have been eo~ed in romsng bperatiooe lor tbt lut tweiYO or flr~~n yura. aod there it no law 1o .eure the afe wo rkior of tbt aaiacs, dlo timberi!JI of abafta. uoderaroond dial line a nd a,.-temattc n~apping oot of the mlaea. Yet a daagt'rooa. probably br far tbo - daogeroot of all u ocatton.a, ia tbat o f tbo miae r. 'Tho lioelo fact to w bich I ban before allud od, tbat an avor­&110 ot o ne tbouuod hftl arc annually loet 1a I::n~tlaod in ooo branch o f ruio101: alone, ia aufficieot ~ mdscate at once thn hazard­oua oature of tho e111ployweot., and tbo •aluo of tucb l..gtalalloo u IDIRbL bue •p~ial r efertoco to tho c h1el aoorce<~ of nak. But it iJa w1tb our 1b1pp1og that we are no w particularly concerned aoJ t ho fac t that we .ue t.tll to-day without any law to prt veo t tho on rload1n11 of f eeaol• ~PJIN 10 the seal fiabory, bnt too fully bc~:re out wbat I bue aaut wttb regard t.o tho lasity U•at cbiU'llcte r~~;ea Ctur leg1tlot1un on tbt."le WIUttora. Tbe q ueauoo naturally aria1og bere 11, 11legiaiMsoo necHaAry? Uo­lore proceed1og "'"h t hat qucallon I wou ld loke to remo• e Cf'rtaiD IDIPfpreh~nllon• (bat apprared from lu t ev~o111g" J ubnte to essat In tbc m1nolo of 110mc hon , .. ~ouhertl oo • h,. auLJcct. It ""-' obt,-et.-ol to th1• b1'l t hAt ll J ul ool 111rlutle ftll ••c.,.,• I• < O(;ft~uJ to tbo t rade. Otb.·r bmncho~ of al.o1:,.p1u,: :.r c atrudy pro•~<lt•d for b) t be tuueml. meot llf the ~l c1 chaut• "'•11'1" "1-: Acl , ftD<I 1t is t licrt'fo r~ uune t"clioA:uv t u •n&or t. .suc h '~ctsou1 10 the bill 110"' lodoru t he l lou1e y ~liN. I• J>rO~r~oiiOJI IO fN~I~Il pori• >r() hy t ht .!:•th 11rct1on o f t f t 1 M ,,n.·hAu ~l • 1 pp1ou .\ ct , 1~7r., ohh,;ed 10 be nl>tL c•l " ' '"deck a nd lol\d lor.eo \ " eu-·1• """""II to au.t from t he I.Ahr.ull)r. .Jo, I .ubnut o:Ctm~ nn•ler thl\l ~«·ctsou of ILl' "'" " Act. h.·~.t .. l " Colona! \"op!=eii.~ wh,•ns 1t 1• •hotiiiC I•

itl down that · Colou1al \'o) ~~:e · · • hnll I'll ny ' " Yft i;C fr<.m any place w 11h1u Inch po ~ auy placu ,. ha te• cr wben tbot dosLAnce~~ thall exceed 400 rn~ le1-" T hon we o:o1ne back ~ ou r previOUJJ q ucet.lon as ll•e lo l(l"· latJoo, I t>ropol e, nt"eea.'ll\ r) ' I 1ubmtt •hat encb 11 tbo case , anrl my op1n1oo 11 b~cked by aucb Wt!n ..., Capll\10 Jaruee JoY. Capt.. \\ Kmght a nd vanouA other J!r ..cllcal mto enttged in lbu Mal liobery. Thoro depart frotu tb11 o r other porta of this Colon~ , for the rrOSI'CUtiOU of t b11 fiahary- every""rcar. eJt;h ttoeo o r twonty Ita nere, taksug wi.Lh them ton•o fi fe tbo~t~.tod of tho bar<heal ll.t"or mco of the lalud, p iclted mau from the vanvua eollle­maotl of tbd aouth 11od uortb·eaa~ col\lt Tbo crowa of tbuo >ttoamera range from a boodrod and twenty ~ three huodr~d aod eiltly mta. Now, 1t ia not my ioteolloo ~ di....n tho ootice of tba Ho11.10 ~ tbo fa~t tba~ tb- ~o aro crowded together tn dark IUid oowholuome quartera, wbere little of tho ur n~ lor a healt hy ox­iateooe COD poaaibly peoetrale, an.J whore the atmo.pbore ia filled wit.b • illllinoua eden, W to tzyaod prou, that aueh being t.l1a -· 1~ m111t be deatructi~o to the hoahb of theao indi•itluala. '.l'lua danaor IOollll op btforo 111 oot uturly iDdsat.ioct Ne~ithor it .. mr iouotioo ~ IDJIJOit that t hor require compeleot medsc:o~ l men ou board throogb tho daoge re of epide mic breaking oat amo1111' tho crew ; tbo csrc, m· eblocea to wbicb 1 bave alluded, aro but &oo a pparent 1 bne .,., Included l f'C·

d ona beariog n pon theae poieta, becauM 1 U.iolt that 'thia 8111, i.n pro•idieg greater ~pace for lnlpro~ld ac.:GiuW'odation, guarda aeaJoal t.b- ev1la and ma~riallyro1nimiau them. On more lbJ\o one oee:uloo bave &Milar , ... ole como Into tblt ud othtr poru Ia ao,tbiog but a ae,wortby oonds­tloo. Ia 11146 tbero wu tls~ of tbe &tritwr' ud !Jillot&tmd witb only about teo locllea of fraebo.rd. Io 1838 rbero wu the Hrbe ; in 1872 tbero wu tho o~,, aod tha ~--'orr. In 1873 Ute f'r<Jitu aod GrtJUilaiU/were both penloualy loaded On Jut raar there wu a caae in poiut. On cbe t.lllrd dar of April a n••el enkred t hw port eo bau iiJ ladeo tbu ller d 11ck wu at the'1 edp. U e r entire cargo onm­behKI ·U,600 Mal., of which nomber thoro wu a doc\· load of two thoua&Od lin bun . d1ed, ud tbi'M tltouaud bet waeo t he cab1o lloore, aad tbi1 ,_,1 l1ad not more tbao thln.tea haebn of f'" boartl h ia well ltoowa thu if tlut a teuaPr oocouol4!r· ed roa,b waatber &II !.heM people would ba•e met '"""' rrartt ; aad h ... witb ennelderabla dillcultf daU tho ••tt wu btoocttt llde on ~ .. e wiAd in tol4rlog tbe laartlft. h wu a frlah llul veotbre, but fOfCIIUteiJ DO IIana oecarred. lo oo etber •a•IIJ ID t he W01'Id would euoh a atate of .. airs u thle be penulU4d, thal .. aliog ..... ,. elaonld he allowed t.o eodlrllttr tbo II•• of their ore•• for tbe •lte of caJoiog a few ltnndr• 1 poand&. Wbr ahould it be oJie ... liMe? Are alae 11 .... of nar ooao­~ ef 1- nlae fa our .oyu than the u .... ef &Ire~ efC.&Iaer coootrl••re In &lie .,. ot ihefr lflielatore? Ia &Ita aama ol ...._, tha& /aclae wllioh eraanatJnK fi'OII tile -roe o •II &nnh, ltae a pi- in tile b...e of·~ -· •Ina ~ IU• -.. ltW pict., aM oatr•ltlt reprd 10 blaaelf. ... wf&ll ,...,... t.o lrlol fello•••n , ecd lu .... lelerwot ol &he tbo-ado wltoee llr• .,. u "*- I WOtlftl ..... ·~ tilt. eo... --.10 tin..._ ..... ,. ijlelr fall eap-~

Dr. Duaw.-h t. - da&r u a lejlieta. ..... doaiJiaCMII' JIOWU loJuard OUIItartiJ

""•lore ajtalnat acclct.ntl wlilla eoga,ej \o \beir buudo111 tlodortakiog. h t. all ferr well ~ ur that uo accldeota han bl&herto bappeoed. NloeLY·oiouteame~ tu&f oome ioto por~ overloaded aod ooo oterloaded • teatuer 10&)' fa il to reacb por& ; bu~ bow would tho fact tba& tho n1oc&y aaol nine t.rriud mako amonlls lor tbo lo• of \llo in the uuu lu¥t •. It 11 a well-known fact that when t.l•eac at.earurre aro oYerloaded thor are altoiether unn1aoa~ablo. \Vbeo we o:oud.Jer tlua f&et, and reJlect tbaL tbo line of fi•o thoua~tod of our peopla a ro coocoro­ed, wa bo,.:io to uoderetand tbd 1mport.aot chal'llcter of llro lllll!tlion wo aro ao~w coo­asderin«. The captain la about tbe moat iotereetc.l lo oYOrloadiog bU. ttll&l!l i and it iJa t herefore hlghlr improper tha& tho m•ttor abould be eorirelr left lo bU. banda at tbo pre.eot. Le& ua briar Phwaoll'• m11r~ to btlr upon 1&, and th~ liYea of ftto t bouaand o f our haroy aooa of ~il. will, lo tbia 1uatter c.f O'rorloadtug, oo loo~o:•r be •~ tho capn~ d iacrotioo pr Mil 1otereat, wbicbever rou prefer to \.tefru it, of tho oo~o in oowu1aod of our aealtu~ •~amere. If DDt 6f OUt teahog l te&Wt l'l Wltb itt tWO or t bree hun.Jrod moo aauk , tb rougb ~ndiecret.ion of a ecaliu11 muter io ororload­iog, would no rupooaibslityattacb to t tl fur tbo iodill'ereoco w1th wbicb we ban •i.,wed a mat~r lo wbicb tho h vea of thoutlloda of our people are concerued? 'fbtre i1 a matter to wbtcb 1wiab to refe r more putlcu­larly, although it bu no reference ~ tbo mat~r now be foro tho lion eo. 1 refer~ tbo . • burning qnuuou" or laud tenure. 1 t.opo tha' tbo P remier will wake up t.o tbo great 1mportaoco o f tbla queattoo and u.uao aomet hiull to bo done. Jt 11 tbo dutr of tho Go• e ruweut to legt~late upon tb11 m:u ter. h is tbeir duty, if it oecd bo, to buy tbo land lo rd• out.. Jt w1ll ool coat tbo (io,cromeot aoytbiojf ~ do thia. Jf a mao hat a bou"'l valued a& ooo thoui&Dd pouoda, built oo leued land, the Ootern · ment could buy out ~he landlord 1 1otarcat, pro•idsog tho tooaot d1d uo' bno tho meaoo, aod tboo tbe tooan& oould rrpay tbe Go•­ornment In ~·emrlyloatalmeota, they keepsog an 111teree~ 10 tho houao at aec urtLY for tho payrueot of t he principal T o coo6no our effortt to r~gulauog property oo W atr.,et alooo. and tboo to ooly ooo aido of 11., 11

J .. rllal ltlfltlattoo, and ahould not be ~~­orated uoder a ny circu1nat.ocea. Tbo mao wbo poue• et a bouae at a low re ntal ta u much iotereatod lu thl- mat~r aa tho mao wbo oacupsu premiaet at a higb rental and lfl'O&L •alue.

Mr. f>oooruooi-Beloro t bta 100tiou puaoa through oowmlt14!o. I ba•o to reite r­ate tho opiu1one oxpreaeed by mo dunng tbo diiCUUIOn "bicb took pl&ce yeatcrday upon tho accood r..adiog of tho U1ll I Dllllt compliment ' bo l:ipealtor upon tbu a ble maooer 10 wbich he bu dealt w1tb tb1a matter. He bat alluded t.o t ho fACl that lleamel'l buo e ntered our porl Of Cr· loaded, bu t 10 oooo of bas re mar k• d1d be meet tho objccllona ~ tbo Hill ra1•ed by me oo Itt aecou<l reed1ug I theo .... aJ tbat a veu cl half a m1lu from t ho porl of St. J obu"8 may not bu overload~d and would reach t•Drt iu perfect Mfoty. wi.Jcn tt would be &UIQJdal for tbu ntno 1'CMCI to lcl'l"c tho cout of LAbrador wtt h tho IAiliO c:&rj!O I ho hea lth and better aco:ommo.J~ttoo for tbe men bu been referrerl to, but tbo Dtll •1roply eun& to re~:clate tbu aruouut of car11o that each vcuel may ~rry I tluuk thBt t!J11 rnl\tl<lr 11 Wlltr left to tbe gooJ ju..l:;t· ment of thoac au ~httr~;e of tbooe Yc...,IL \\ o arc ni)L the Jnd~:u of tho ctt<:um­• t.aoc~8 under "hsch the seAls are tAken In l~~:u.laung ~nlnAL 1ho o•crlol\dsut-: of tH"~atuer. w-., arc • l"'u 1c~1&1&t1h~ ~J;AIU'' tbo o• erlo ... hn.: of echounor«. .\nd "'" tbo bou UlCIU bcro lor I Wllilltj[~lc 1\Ud ro~:o oulm1t to lq:•olnllvn u l thAI oOrt ? .\ re t~c) prer -•~<•1 tv P"-"' 1 be IIIII " ho~h ,.. ,11 vr . . .... lhu ... ' r ~0 ..... 1 .,( c ..... f t •d ucb .... ,d from b uhurs Ju tltc1r thfl'lfl<"t fro rn t3 k. · mh 11 full trot• of •u la od >cn 1t cao bo done m purl~ct tlllel) P Arc tho meu .. ho have chor~e of our ueamere aoJ vessel• oot coon · petc ut 10 JUd i(& for tl•cm•el ves, and are tbry to be d1cla!A!d to by srreapousiblo per · ADD• who know notLiu~: wbotevcr o.bout t he mal~ 7 Tho boo the S 1•eo.lte r Mid 111 the couMIIl of Till! r e mark• t hat t hrro wAI no law rtgulftlong m~ op.,rallooa 10 tl111 count ry N o w tine til a ~J>att.s r wb1cb I ra· fr-'"1 .. on& of aowe •mpo~oo:e W e ougbt t.o ha'e II\JI rej!U13llnj( tbu m1o1ng operetlona of tbe couut ry l\hnllljf opera· uooa are not 10 coollngeot upon tbe m'"'e of conolucllnl( thew aa 11 lhe se•l fhbery. rtua Hill doe1 not t.ouch either of the l ob­

Jecla o f better accowmodatloo And hmil.ll­u oo of the ouwbcr of tbe crow. It ouly doala wolh O<orloadsog, whb b 11 a matter upon wlucb wo c:aonot legtalatc. 1 caooot aupport tho Hill to itt p reaoot form.

Mr. GAttLAliD.-1 am aomewhat 10 &e· cord wtth tbo , D1ll now 10 commit~e, but It dou oo~ ro far ooougb ~ pleue me Wbat I would liko to eeo ta a ~ct ioo lutro­ducod 1oto Dsll wak1og It imporat.tYe opoo tho part of tho owners to p ro•id11 bette r accowmodat.too for tbe roea. Thoro 11 aootber maUor wbscb 1 tbiolt ta worthy the at~nt1oo of th11 llo111e, and tbat 11 tbe lodg•n~t of tbeliO weo wbo come bero ~ n11D t he teuele for t b11 lhbery. Tbe ownore ahoo ld tiod them w1 tb board and lodgtog from the liiDO Of tbeir arntaJ hero ~ tbe eloac of the t'oyage. AI matC..I'II 11aod at preHnt lbe m11n ban ~ eodure great bardtb•pa. t hey buo in rn.&DJ i'Dataoau ~ borrow tbe money n~ry to bring tbew tQ. St. J ohn'• and tb~o maiota1o theruMI Yot aftll r they arriro here : aod ury often t bo rctUit ia a di~appointmeot, t ber aro aot able ~ llll bMt ba and bavo to return howe lli&ID. 'Cloo owners abould pro"de tbo ere •• wltb board and lod~tlnr from the fifth or aiub of March. I o !.he meaDt.ime f mo•o tba& the H•ll be referred to a Select t:ommit~a, aad that a n arouodweot bo ID• ~rtod,

Mr. WHin.-Suppoaing you plaeo a marie oo a ltuwer. aod ebo take• on board 1 load of eoal• about ~0 msloa frno1 bere, before abo reaebea S t J obo ·, aloe will bo fifty ton a h"httr. ~elat.too U J!OD a ruatter o f t hle kind ia •~rr dslllcul t.. Jf Mr. Boud woald ioaert a olauM h mllioJ tbo oumber o f tbo ere w aocordlorr ~ t.be1111 of tbe YHIIPI, and prorsdiog for tho bet.Cer aooommndattoo of the IDeA I would gi.,o my aueot to t bo Dill.

li<U. <!.u .un.ut- I buo litteoed wlt b moch attention to the remarkl of boo me lll­bere on thU. UiJI, bu~ if i' be pueed, 1 am •"' 11 1oM ~ koow bow It can be carried ont . Ooo of tbo Metiooe pro •ldu for the • P· pointme n' of par t.ift ~ aun~r tb.a , _Ia. If tbsa ~ctJon be carried oot, a peraou molt bo appoio~ ~ • illt tbo ,_, ~ aeo tlla t ahe 11 obt loaded below lbe hoo. T11ke, lor enmple, t.he cue of one of uur aleamere It tbe leo. Tbe cartaio aDd cre w are aodOYI to tlh all tbo -1• they poMI· bly caa "" board. 'I~ey botd a ooaegJta­tion aad ooacloda to loltd tbe •- 1 below the llu., bellnlor &bat I& will talte them &boo& two wetke ~ ,.ua St. J obu'a, wbe,a br lbe co-arpLioa of U.o coli the , ... 1 •Ul bMo•e •llliderably blflter Ia the I wa ter. B•~ alter &ea•iar ther U· per!eoae line weather, end t.beJ arrl•a off the uarrowo In tb,.. or four da11o h th•ra ••J .. IOf, after all tha danaer of the • orace u orer, ~ pn•~nt tbr orew from &l!uwlor the ooal o"erboard " briar op to 0.. load line before comiaa lo bere ? If Mr. JJoad would lo.aeri a olaa~e pro•1cl-1nr f~ better aecolll•odatlon and Umi&a· IJou of lbe crew l wo~d •ovpon 1b1lijll.

\ I


Mr. BuosnAW-y thinlt: wo haw a d!a. Dr. D&UUr-1 Utlalt: U~oa• I• would be oult wat~r to deal , lth Ia U.le BUL &tp- wall for &be ooaa!Uea to riot, eo thal tho poalug a •-1 ooamaDOOd taklor Ia .toNI lati'OdaOit' _, 1M able to,_ a eecdn aacoaaarr lor tba t'oJ.,., and wltae hilla· tM& .., ... widl die w~ of tile Ho•-. ad U.a It found ~ b4wabore &lie P'roa-., Oft llaowladce I kaow *' t.laa Hoe- Wbal tbea? We baw ol'" - Olltpoft ,_,.. ~edea ~look· tlleru deo~r goior out tb&A COCDlar Ia. \Of for l.ih Mft e.a-la .. IIWDl And apia, wbea two or &b,.. baailrecl ~lp. 'U4I ._ iltoold be boaacl mea atep oo board for the t'D,. I• .U• .0 leot after 1M ,.tl of t.laoea ~ wbOID tbo n ael etill daeper. Sacll I~ *"1 ~aa ... ~-plor-t.. may be all nrr well for forolp .,_Ia, Mr. Dolrriu.T.-1 dl, tlaM tbcl' •ora-· ~ut [do not t.hiuk' that it ou1b' &o be ap- don of t.lae laoa. Sol~r Geoeral &ora'­plled ~ our owo. Dr tbe appearaoae qf &be co111111ltiM a wiae ·oaa, eo that a m•­thiuga no• 1 tbiok that lo a ' '" ,.n the IDN ID&J tie framed &o ••• t.lae 'lie•• aeal tlabory will ooL bo muob wuble ~ of &he Boa-. 'Ille loadlaa of -• oa, for the Dundee pooplo wUI ba" lc all laM't la oomawbt dlfereJI• frooa t.ha' of in tbeir own banda, aDd lo& tbam pu• a o&her oou&riae. FortllDawiJ DO aocidaot marie on tbe1r nucla. Jf - oe>uld pau a bat oeoun.d •• tlae .-1 lllhery from the law tba& •ould gi•• mea half tholr ql&4m ol O'IVIoadial, ba& we lhotlld not oateb, wo would accompliab a •ery deair- be wai&Jua oa!JI RCII bu oooun.d to lo.­ablo t bsoa,: At &ho preaen' time the Clp· duoe Ill~ adopl recedialleaiaJaLioo. Wa talo1 of oor eleatuera recelu too larae a matt alto bear lo 111iad t.oe aa~:iety with eum in compantoo to wbat tbo meo got. wbiab our people look forward ~ ambarlt 'l'ha Iormor ban bee n koowo to recei.,o io tba aeallar \V • muet oot .£1,000, ud tbe latter only .£20, for tho forrettbat tbe ~e of aor le& iimitlog ICUOD. The Captaio abould roceltO a tba DIIIJ\ber of the ore• ~ be &aha br amaller auru, and It would mako no differ- , .... 1 will bo the maaoa of depri.,iog a coco ~ tho owour, aa tiJo mooey rccelvod number of our pao\lle of taroiag aomet.hlog goea back agato ~ lbo wercbao11' a tore for tbarnaol vaa and their familiea

Mr. P~:ntes-1 doo"t 1n~od t.o oocupr tbe Ou motloo, the committee roee and re-tlmo of tbo Houao at aor len~tth upoo thle ported tha~ they had under coneiderat.ioo nutter. I do not aeo tho utlUtr of thia bi1l tbe matters to them referred. and bad mlde io 111 preeeot fo rm , for if I read 1t ari1bt .omo progr-. and requealed Info to alt tbero iJa no (lcbaltr for &Df oornber of eeala agaia ou M11oday out. t bat may bt pu& oo board. Al~r the load Oo rnotloo of tbe baa. Suneyor General lloe bu beoo ueortamed, tbo Ye&lelll ~oL t.hat tho Ho111o do not adjourn, t.o tho see, aDd abo can. accordtog ~ tbo Mr. Uoon111DO& roeo aud ~id : I object bill, tak~ aor number o f acala on board to the •uotloo to a'tljoor11 bolog made at

lloC .SoLICtTOR G £NtK.&L.-llaa tbe boo. tha preaeot llme. We ban a largo oum · mrmber read tbe elgbth aoctloo? ber of quutJooa oa tbe notice paper o f tbe

Mr. P rnms.-(after readio11)-lt mar or llouae, aome of the10 bne been there for ~y not bt ao. l don'& know wbot ber tbo 10a10 daye put, wblcb require to bealllwor­aecliOD co•era tbe d•fliculty, but apan from od. 1 wu ukod reat.eroar to allow thoae tbat I do oot eeo tho w11doo of ltgialatioo q uea&iooa ~ ataod OYer, aud 1 cooaeotod, for tho .cal fiabery. h ia a nry precario~~a and now wha& do wo 6od? we find t bat Yoyagc. Hefereoco bu been rnado by tbo there ia only ooe depattmentat" officer 10 bon. tho Speaker to tbe oterloac:!ed condi- u11 place In lho Hoaao.. Wbere iJa tho boo lloo o f ooo of tho Iteam e re that arri 'Ojl tbo l'remler? Wbere iJa tbe boo. tho So· from the aoal liabery lall at aaoo , but t bat h eitor Gooeral ? ,Are ther afraid ~ ro­waa tbe only ooo a n>oog tbe ~tiro •caliog mato in tbeir placea abd aoawor th01o quu­!1eet. l o 311 my recollection ~ bavo uo,.r uoua? At tbo oponlnr of tho ~lalature koowu ao acciden t to occur from ov~rload· tha Suneyor General rno ' od tbo appoint­log )( tha capta1na and owoere of eteame11 ~pent of a oon.tniUeo on priotiog aud ro­are perm.)Uod ~ OYorcrowd tbero with roou, portin~t. aod tbeo be afl.erwarde witbJrow u tbey do aL preaent It Ia hl~t:b ume lo r t bo tbe molioo; the d utr thou de,ol•od upoo !Agt~laturo t.o adopt aorue law t o meot tb11 me ~ roo te tha appolotmeo~ of thaL com­ruaLI4!r. "fbtro ahould be allowed a ea r- mitl4e. 1 know thai tllo SuneJ Or General laiD oumbtr of men: accoNhog to tbo liu b .. paid mono,. away oo aoooout of coa­aod ~uoago of vuael TbiaU. t bo cou,.o tiogeoclu 'Jithout ooaanlli og tbo com­adopted 10 J::nglaod and other couotnea. AI~R•Lber there bu been paid to A pro• iasoo of tbll kond 1 couteod ahould tho £Haiag Mrrcury IIDCO tbo opeoiDil of be 11Dported ioto th11 ll1ll. I tbsolt more. tb11 lloueo t be au01 of aorao buodred over t.bat i t would bo hAN ~ ex pee& tbat dolllara for &&.iecellanootta prlotlnlf, and tb11 foro.aoJ-alt ach('()o~n abo uld bo eubjoct.ed ' mount bu been paid w1tbout tho a uthonty to tho pro• u •oo• of th•• Act. Thla would o f aor raapooaibl11 pareoo. I would hko act moat preJUdlc:ally In manr caaca. at for t.o koow by wbat ri(lbl ll1o Suneyor Goo. ioa!Aoco wb'u tbo aeal1 camo .a near Jut eral bu paid thu aiDOont to tbo E~>tni119 1pr1ng .\Jrrcr.r1 aowapaper. I bue bnrd that be

.hlr Scorr-We muat ll••o cred1L to the ie a abareholdcr of tbat paper. I do ao t boo tbe Spuker lo r b.:tug aotualed wt1b aartbat bo ta, bu t thU. 1 do kne w, bo ap­tbe moal laudable a nd phllaotbropio mo- peare to tak• a groat loteraet in i t. hYea iu 1otroducmg thia m~uure. llut wo Mr. BIUMRAw- l tbink tbat u a matl4r ouabt to uk ounel•ee, w11l tbo pi'OYtasou• of oourteay we ongbt to ret oar queatiooa conta1oed 10 tbs• llsll, u aleo tbo euggca re plied t.o, aod the deparuneotal officere Ilona wade by boo merubere in reforooco oagbt to bo in tl11lr place• to do lt. W., tboroto, elf oct tho object wo muet all buo do oot npoc& nrr aatilfactory a naweu to 10 fiow ? I fea r tbat tbo rHult w11l not our queeuooe, bo t we upect ~ be Lrea.t.d pro • e 1.11 utsafac~ry u clailned by the 111 - 10 a cour1410111 manaer. I t rod uctr. Tbere are ddlio:uh101 eurrouod- ~r. Soorr · Uefora t he lfouao a<IJourn.a I ing tb11 quutioo • b1c b 1L will be 1m poa- wiah ~ make a few obacrntlooa concern­as bit fo r ua to aorwou nt by legiiiAttno. 1ne tbo nabtt an1 priYJiegu of tbia AMem­"1 he paruu 1rumodtatoly souru141d d1lfar. bly. U thtre ia a cocawitt.eo oo oootlo ­Tbe secuud aection of tbo Usll, prot~dtug goocioa, t bat ahouiJ be called fo r t ho duty of auneyore, would appear ~ toretber and cooeult.ed opoo any es~ndl­be 1ud utintlA<I) aba p.:J There will oe~•- turu , and lo oo caee ebould any •odsvidual u nly bo dslfcr~uced of o p1oioo between member of t bo committee tlelog, te to th~m •• to t be locauon ol the lioo wh~n~ h1m•lf the power ~ apaod tbe rooo•1• tho ablpa wRy bo loaded .. ttb aafory Then, of tbo llou ... I de oot w11h ~carilabout aa:am. at rt g..rda tbu fihb eectioo, p rorid- tbo payweott referred ~. bu ' t be maooer 1n11 for a n appeal to the Go•eroor to t:ouo- of payior mooey1 In tbt way1 b& .. refer­ell . there .are no darect w na nrulatlng tbo r•d to, It blably objectiOJl&ble. 1 hue oo •c uon of t ho tio•eruor 111 t:ouocil In cuo doubt that tbe (.;ba.irtllln of t bo committee of an appul Tb~•e aro mat~re wb1cb acted upoa • tbo lalao practice wbicb bat m1s:b t be oauefactor~ ly prov1ded for br the bolo lo •oru• , a practice wb1cb hu beta dehberau ooe of 11 eelec~ coo:.mitlee. 1'bU. raeorled ~ too maeb.. I do not conaider o:ou!'llo would not at all affect tba LDatD ob- h fair to charge tbo depart•ueotal oftlcors Jecl of t ho Btll , vtL, t be prcwornt.ioo of of the Gonromao' with tbe a rticl•• ' h at tho lina of our hardy toilera of tbe ~L ap~arod In Eruing Mrrcury. 1& iJ f bero 11 ooo tb1ng that abould be atl4!oded not , bowenr, too mach to npect that the to, aud to wlltcb refereuce bu beeo mado membere of tbe Gon1omeol. wbo bue, u by hoo memben , a nd t ha t ia, tbo accom- a matur of fact, the control of tbat paper modatsoo ouj!bt to be prot~ded for ahould not permit aor particular rohgioua tho moo wbo go out 10 tbote etoamera. deoomlo.atioo to be groaaly ioeulted through We all approctato t be d1fficultiee wbicb ita columna, &Dd thereby run tbo rialt of aurrouod tbo mutere aod owoera of ateam· cft' eeriou1 confo11on amuog oar pet · ore lo tbta rceJlOCI. We muat admtre tbe pia. NotwithataodiDf wbat mar ban kap­maoly a pant aod pluck wbicb 1oduco oar p<!Dtd In t be ~' in lbia reapecl 1 fetl u l · wen '? undergo tbe euerut bardabi(ll aad 1al\.d tha& oor people will not he actualld 'J)tnat.tooa to proYJJo tbe oeceuane. o f by 107 epiriL of ,...,top io aor ma~r of hfo (Q_r t bamaelua a nd tbe1r fanuliae. ao character that may come be­Thera are at prueol tweoty-ooo •~ere fore tbem. 'fha report of the commitl4!e eo~taged 10 tho~ 6altory. H~w maor Now- will be re11arded bflll u a mall4r of buai­fouodlaud Capta101 a:r. thoro? 1 do no& oaea, lrroepaelln of what may hue hap­wiJib to ca•t tho aligbtut r~lleotlon upon paned In the put. Ia ooncl111ioo J ban ~ ouwtdora. wbo come bere aod upead their e:rp.- tbe bopa that wboner mar be tbe c1pital io rlgfolopioi t bo 1odoatrlu ot• tbU. reel plant of the priotlDK of t.bla HonM will country, and wbo come upon our aboree do &be won boaeetly a~~d daoootly, ~ with booutr and iodepeo.tenoe. Wbu tba' lae will reeped ntry daoomioaliou. bopo fo r tbo future ie now beld out ~ the La& blm at&aok lodsrldu.ala, it he will. They &TDWIDif up aooa of the booeat aad bard. are falr aame. What bat beea d one so tho wor kiog plan tor of ~-dart Thera are peat by the EotJting Muc•ry waa aot done 10~• thin,. coooect.od whb tbe p roaeca - In tbe IDtereet of peace or the fallue wtl ­t iOD o f Lbe aeal fiabory which require im- fare of Newfoaadlaod. Tbtre era tbree medsate ramedr. 1 ref or part ioularly ~ membere of our partyop.>o thia coatloraooy ~· a ropa wbicb aro 14keo op by tbe mea, ootnwlt14!e wbo know oar • iewe, and, I 1he tneo are charged oo 1- tbaa M por han no doubt, will carry them In~ ell' .at cooL a bove caab price for thoae orope. 1 10 faru praotioable. contend that uuder auob citooiDitaoOM the Mr. Gauir& - 1 ba" tha pri.-lla1e of men ahould Dot be liable for tble cbarge. 1 bel or a oaember of tbe Cootlogeuoy Com­t ruat that tbo boo. t be Introducer of Lba miUee, aod Ia e~akior &o the molleo for 8111 w1ll introduce a olau .. profid1og for adjournmoot 1 !l,tlb &o offer one or two ob· tbe oece1a1r1 accommodatioa of tbe moo .. uat.toaa, ~ot-. -liiDiatal cbaradter, OD boerd tbo ...... mora. Tllere ooab& ~ lo refiiiDOI &o tha Snanolal ,oaltloo WI be eurteyora appoiotod ~ loepoa the qual. bear towarcle tba paper t.ha' bu been de­ity of tbe lfi'Ub wbicb Ulnae mea are com· tailed~ publlah tba debatee of thle liouM. pelted to 010. Tbe boo. aad laaraed member Mr. Soott

Mr. GooDRIDOE-f tblok the moyer baa alated tba• the Commiu.a wu appoiat· of thla Bill would do well to •d IM• eeaalon with the power. ~ all dur-rufe r it ~ a aeleet aommitlea. Irs«,_ 1 llhou'ld lib to ltoow wbr we If 1 a m not ou t of order 1 wlab to refer ~ were ao\ ~ll.d duriDI raoeaa, IUid aome rernarh mido by a rpof wbleb Ia fartbmah, wb7 ob~ of a laaoalal DOl, I belion, tho organ 0 the GoYem- c haracter wert .. aiDed without the ODD• moot., bot ie tha o rgan of tho At~raey .. at or knowledge ol &ba Cocnmluee Gooeral. Tbat paper bu btoo pleued ~ Tbal hal Dlflr beeo done uatllla &ba'}l,... charae~riae our cooduot bero IMt ennina Mol laetanoe. 1 am upoa t.lae eo-rue. oo tbo wotioo lor aupplf u dilloyal h ia for the p.-o• ..-loa, and I oanool -.rae ecan:elr ooceaurr for me to ay lllat I ~ llablllllee belor looatTad upoa the ao­repudtau aoch an uowarreotable eharg1. I tboritJ of any llacl• of thla ltated here wben tho tuatAer oaOle ap tbat Uoou. 1 foll1 "'T" wltb tbe remarke of our object ion to th1 motiou wu that I• wu tbe hon. and leat'DN 1111eber lolr. SnoU ioopportuno, u we bad not yot b-Ien trlno wbeo he .,. t.hat the pa&ronqe of thll tbe detaila of tbo n peud1turo of the put Houae lhould Dot be alno &o ... ,lodl­ycar. • • who dellberatelr aoee oat ot hit

Mr. Guuxo.-Aa tba boo member for war to ~er lotalt to a particular denoarl• Ferryland hu Juet uld, the only objoctioo da&Joo Ia tbt. ooiODJ to whloll we bafl the tbo oppoeitJoo bad ~ tba pa-.. of the laoDor to IMiona. Bill wu becaaeo wo bad not before aa the Mr. GOODIUD0&-1 with te •1 a few ~~ialte detalll u ~ tha expendltore of worde 1D rafarenoe to wbat woald appear

lion. SoLICITOR Gt!IIIU.L-I woald eak ~be • ealaappnbeoelon opoo 'be~ of b h Co

. t.U laoa. ud leanaed •-her, Mr. S.OU, t a& t • mm1ttee riae. Now that a en.. M10...._1 recarb. IDe bat uaamed tbal oullioo bu heeo bad oo both aidea, I tblnt &lie payareo• of thlt J700 11 In aooordanoe tba& a aeetloo may be framed to IDM& witt. precedenl. 'nint la DO rr-cSea• • lowe of boo mt4lbcra. 1 am oppoeed •o for tha paymea' of dill montJ for mlteal· l'aferriog tbe bill to a S.l~& ComciU.. '- pria~ar Wo,. anJ eaoll prinUar to( Jf aoeh a oooeloaioo be ..,.. to, w~ - doM. 'l'ha,. would aow appear to be w ll probablr bear oo more of 1M bliL fal'tW ~fa Lbl,...-tatlon of tile re-

Mr. Goooatooc-1 rill t. -d die port. n .... aa bi DO poeeible ......,D fot obeernllooe of lbrftoo Solioitcr Gnenl, f~er wlthboldla1 '"

Mr. (lAIU.Alf0.-1 would .. t, u U Llae ~· Mr. l"~\Vltla reprd to 1M DI&Met' tealloo to io.aen • olaOM fo r tJae pro~ 1•••=\J ..-, .....,,.oe, 1 - ...... of the aealen? Tile apta1111 o1 ov,... leMd =•uu=:; o1 W.p -...d ebo11ld be ooepelled to tab die - Ia a-,. ~~ ..... ......._...._ oharv• whom bare lndooacl &o ._ . ..... la ..._ BCIIPit hera uoder the promlto of trlf'lar t.ta.tD i\i wp •how Ia .._. dJOJ .,. lae,., llldal­bertba fo r the foe, lnetead of aiJowlor tbem MlliJ aad CIOOMaatly au.ndlor &o their 10 waD~er •bou our ltreetl. Wo 1bould work ; lnd ,.., they do ao• kaow by w\OtD take tb• mau.~ up a~~d dnl wltb h Ia a thy are to be peld. Tb'a pobllo moaeJ too aplrh of fur pt.1, lA order tba• eom etblog to a larp lUDoaat, 1tae been paJd t.o tit~ pr-otlool PY be done for the wan~ aad B~ Mtreerr, atad bou -mbera of dlla 11oiDiocu ol4v lalrdf &oUt'l o( &be n•. Houtlaue beeo lfOIIIT ~ ~ 1111·

~ ·. npreeequd. Tho h11n the Premier atated • thac lbe Eota~ 1/~rcei, wu oot tbe ora~ au o1 tile Ho-, bu~ the e.,ploreo of tbe Ho.... I muat objeot ~ o ut P.!pe• wooo­P.OIW.,-&he eotir• pdotl!'g of'ihia Hou .. r..t tterJ paper ~Li~~ "o( 'a 1bar~ of 1M palrOUp ol thla llo \IM pNTided tlla work C&ll be dooe E'ac~rii,. I "ob­Jacc td &n.• lUDODDl d • er pr•n'D~ fo r .. printiar of tbe de tt-l reid for mil­oeUaneou papers. wo bid not tlaat Rftlcleot lafot'IDaltoo u ~ whu' wu dooa lut year i and beoauee o(. tbal ODI.J did we •o~ lflaloet goioa io~ Suppl7. l ... Ia bo~ boo. tbo J:lromiu IUid the boa Solici~r G eneral would have been Ia their ~~- tbla noaior. ~ .:newer tbcae few pert.meot quutiooa •"llich wo ba•o put ~them. •

Dr • • D&.umr-.Being a membel" <' f tbe Contingency Committee, 1 con11ider i t 11

illcumbent U!IOtl mo to offer a fliw ob IOI"Yatioll.ll upon tho preteD~ OCCNiou . I consider that tbero W!'t"D rtol!Ons wltj tho Contingency Cumautteo 11hould l1llY6 !:tan called togothel". I 11m ao r t"y t o 114 v bowover, that wo w-oro not callorl ..0.: ~tber. Wba t can bo the meanin~: of continuing tbo commi~tce dnrini recu1s 1f we a re noL to bo called toge ther aoJ oollllul~. Tile wbolo managem ent of t be afl'eirs uf t ho Conlingeno1 Com m1n.-o abonld be plaocd In thotr b.ntlo. Tht~ Chairman of tho CouHuittce t lus J car had DO ri~:ht to employ Ro~poo t r r><, no r l? make a rrongoma nl.8 " alb 1111) )'U' ­

tiCular p&pllr fot" l ho jJ~\.oli c.ltiOII vf tliu del..ata. 1 muat coinciJo with t ho rt­markl mado by t ho hun. ttml l ~.rne•l member Mr. "colt m 1 efcrcne<~ to t h 01 cunduct ol the l.'w11illfl Jlcrcury 111 "r.t­t uitoualr and malic10 u1ly ~ttackm"


mcm bcl'll of 11 dooonunation tO ,. l.~cb I m oommon wtth 11o J .. rge propvrtsv11 o f th<1 lcpr.,.eotatiYCa of t he people 111 tlu~ H ouao, bevo tho prh· il r~:o to bci,JII!; Tbia ~vor u puiJ by tbLS H o use h uv­ing almoet 11.8 enllro l•a t rOIIl!;!'' It ehould not therefore be pcrrustted t o In­dulge in tbose unpro•-o"er.l .lttach wb1cb ha vo c rcat.e<l tiuch uu unple..s. 1 11 ~ fcohng ln_lbUI couuo unity . TLti l'" l'er, 1 re!JC&t , Ia patd {,o lD t ho pubhc fun!h of tho colony, a n .I should r.o l engn;;o 111 '"'Y ooureo o f conduct that wo u ld be ~alculst.ed to create d teunioa among ou r J'&'plo.

ht~. Nou!f .. \!r-I riso upon thu p~eut OCC&IIIou to aay tbat UJIOn n o occ"s1nn •us I a perty to i n t.odero .. tlh the


:SCROFULA _,all·~~ ....... ...,.,,.. ..... ~ ........... aa..w-. Teo

--~ Outoto-. .. u.. and -.....u­~ lk!a, ...,.. Ul~~ tWIII4 0( ... .. ptrn 11.11.1 of the Wooot. -•:ru ..,.. u... ...... the bloo4 .... , be

puta.l, Ul4 ,_10re4 to a l>oalUIJ Ul4 ua­hni-'JUoa. .A. n:a'l SAuu .t.JLLL&.t. 1tae tJx orit tonr raan liMa noop1la4 ~,. •""" D- ....siCO>l u UioriU. u the - po.,. erfal Wood poutaar to ulate- J\ ltt• U.. er*aa trom all Coal baaorw, nrlO• &ll<lotreclhaoe U.e blood,-all ~ ot _,arlal u---. a...s prDTM I...U a OODipt.te DJUtor of aii iCtOluloal ~

A 8-.ot CllrO or llaotlllou lloru. " Sumo n•o11U.o aco 1 1IU t roubled wllll

oeroCaloaJI ..,.,.. (o~n) oo my le~ 11to 11••..,. wore bo.dlyowollOJo and 1U1d u... oo...., dJJ<!har~ tara• quanuu.:. ot olf~llOIYo matter. Etog rame<I.J 1 trled fa,lteoJ1 1Wtll I OMd AY••• S•uArAIUu..t, or wbiCb I b"•• now L&lron u......, bolll,. wltb \bo ..,.uti that \bo aoru an healed; aud rny • •neral b tal\b ~IIJ loupro•o.L !,~O:l.;'t.Z Ct,!~ '" Uao gooa J')ar

\ 'bu.- reaJMeUullt , !IIRL ..unro•nnra:ll." U S lluUhaA St., :Now Yor-k, JDDo ::l, lNII.

Tbo we ll ILoown t<Tilcr"" IA< I14110ft /ftmld, D. W. D.&LL, ol fi«MIItr, X . II., writ .. , JIWo •• 18.12.

··~Ia Jl llllfere.l oo•erelr Co r ar>mo )u,.. v lt ll'k'\. an\1 h.:..vtu; faUed \0 rtat.l rell4"f f rom Hr 1 bino m.ado u,ao • ..Surfna lho pan tlu eo mou•h;, or A\'ttll'l l:IAMUI"A· JULL~ wlalcb ~ cu:r~Ltod a «JMpltt~ C"'t'N. I conJ,Jer h a wa;ulllc:e~~L rcwO<IJ lor all bloo.l c~ac ...... :·

Ayer'sSarsaparilla ltt'rr'Rll:.tH &Dd r~""golau·• t bo ac tion ot lho d fa;fltl't'O and: &JAimllatl•o o rs;aut, rf'nOW''1 aud n reu;:t1H,.IJ tb~ ~leAl foroet , ~uut 'lte.edll t t urea lUun .una tlttu, 'Neura.lkl•. lth.-uola.. t ic Oo o l , Cntnr rh, Ocm&ral LU 11T• w ..t a ll \JlHQ...k,. a.rblu; trom a.n lnlprtY< 01

OO<'r•~Jl<ld eondltloo of lhc bloo<l, ud a ••It· elMOII'riW llJ

It I• JuoouJp&rabtr the chrapr.t L100f.l mt"U· ~hut, oc a ecoun&. ot Ill oooceutra\.Ol! •treuc lb, t.ud lfro&l po .. er OTor dlM&N..

rur~JU:D nY

Dr. J. C.Aycr&Co., lowell, Mau. IQI.J b)' all Dr""'~·.g,rteo er, &Is bot&lu

Til l ' S M ~I U IWO & Co. Wbuleaalc .\ jluut, ::>t. .Jo l111'1

GENERAL 4ssurancaCam pan1 FIRE A.ND LIFE.

pusaga of~urel,r. I '"a" ""'I'' 'R"'' 'o find in t'lle Eoeni"9 Mercury uu•ul'''' l"'' ata , menta 10 refj!reocc to t he cond uct o f momben of t bo Oplli>Stllon "' rc· foreaoo to S uppiJ which woru no t truj' Tha motion C:>r Supply w .. p•:r, and the leaJ e r a f tbo O ppo&it i'>n , Mr. G ood r11.h:e . stated tba~ t bo m& Wl\.ll pre mature unti l the nec..a81lr! pu bl1c p~<pcrs wero EST.\J3LlSHEl> A. D. 1 8 ~ 7. !.ud upon •he of tbc UoWIO. Tlon~ a III<)YCnle rtt Wd m...Jo to p1ewent t hu paaege of tho Suwt1 llill ,.. ... no•·o1· mteoded. \Vith r .,fe rence to &loo re· warlta o f bon memknr ~uchmg t ho oondnct of tbe ConllngencJ Com mtlk••, 1 may eay t hat lara a ol th"t Co~mittoo, an.J llinoo tb11 ope111111: o f t Lc Legt~lalure I have attondll<l tho d ifl'urunt •oeetingrt, llnd rnatlers apptmretl ~ be oonduct.oo.l 1n 11 proper m~tnnor A • tfl

what may buo h•I"'IMlned •fr...r thn o:l"~'" of ll.'lt IIO!IIIlOa 1 a ru no t rreparo.J lu o tft•o

lla,:AJ) O FFICI:::

103 C~~~O~ .'TR~I::'I', Lo~oON, E ( '

Capital : £1,000,000 Stg l nsuuno:~a olfectcd oo almost all kmd•

o r p roperty 10 :\ ewfooudl .. od Ill lo ,.e•l poe11blo ral~8

an optulon. \ u~: 11.

J AUC: lJS1 US Cl.l f''T, ::>Ot 11:11<111, ::-tr J u11s·,

A!J'-' jttf' \"r,.fnumlluml F. It I"IIU)II';,0:-1.

S•lh·A:;t nl fur 1/urlfflr f.-'rau

._ ........... -~ ... - .......... .HOUSEHOLD WORD~ 1

----o-P urity of Blood e11ent.i&l t o Henlth

B&roDgth, and LoDit Lifo.

tiu r pasa all o ther M edicines fo r Pu r ify 1ng tl•c Ulood; t hey aro a\ailaLio fur a iiM u. tlumealic ~tnd Luuseho!J r <'medy ln1 nil OIMor<lcNI of thu STO MA C H Ll V ~:n, KU>N F:YS anl1 llO W J::f.S~ In Cong• Httllu e n1l OLstnu:tio 1111 o l C\ c1 y kmJ t ill·~ q uickly rCIIlO\ e t he Cllu~o, ontl tn ctJnbltpn u on Rnd lltAorJcrc:i con..llltOII ,,f tlou Uowcls, t hl') 1\C L tu~ n clcnntiw g UJW i l P II t .

F u1· Uul.oi lilntecl Con~tl .n ttOM nnd .,IJ F.:m"lc C'ut~~plu inu. t l .. :e<' P ill!! n t C 1111· s u r, ,,.,.,,.,l- tJwy COli c.: t ull lu:cs-Woll lllt'M .m•l \V!'.tk llt'SbC:I fi OUI '\'I'"LOVrl ~tl81l \ r ls lut;.

s tAnd• u n r i • .• llcd for t he fr..:Jii ty il d 11· )'la)ll 111 rcJw ,•ing, lu.aling , uud thor Onghl) Cll r ll tt! l hC 1001\t iO\ c lCI"ll l f: OOTI.M t<nd t: I<'''"'• .. nd 111 CRIICB o f l:JA I) LEU I:) HA D HltE.\ "T~. 0 1.0 W OUNDS: Gou t, Ithc nrnRttsu•, nod 1111 S k to ,It,.. f'IL!Ks, at uCllf 1<8 u c lournt. :'lfn1.u inctlll cd onh• j•t P rofcsao1 II OLLO•

WAY'II J.:~t n l.ll•hmcnt , :•:13, O X !o"UH D STtU; to:1', LO N D O N , und solol ut l 11. I ~d , 2• 9.1., -lv. 6, J J,., :!:!"·• ""d :l:IM, lnch Box •.ncl P o&, 1111d 111 c .. n;\ll.t Il l 3G I."OII IA, !>0 cen ts, unJ t IJ•V ccut•, &Ill I t ho IMrgtr Al ~l.l 111 p roporttos .

1:7"0AOTION - I bavt no A g ent i u t.ho Un ttcd State~, Dor aromy M otlicw oa •ol d Lbero. P urchaaer1 aoo uld Lbcrofora ook: t o tbo Label on t.ho P ot. IUld l!oxo.s U t.ho add roll le not 633, Oxfol'd Stroot, L oodoo, t hey nro epunoue.

Tho T rll•lc .'ll u 1 kt1 of Ill)' stu J Mc:di ­~""'S llrO rr~: ss lcu:d tu Ott..•w~, und " l"o ut. \Vnal11ne;~nh

Soyn~ol 1'1 !0 :\1 AS l lllLLO\\' .\ y 5:13, O xford Lo udon. I

D ec. 0.• ( ------E C/)

~ ~

E H oo S u &VJ:Tj\R G~t'II!.R4L·-Thu o U1.:c of

~bainnan o l th10 Cont.in0e noy C'u m1u tttet' Ill aa llnODYIIbJo ODD n~ bt..'St. !'lor proceodmgv Dl l.ho ch.u r •n.u1 o f t lo·• proseu& oomm1tt.eo h .. vo II· e n th•'"'' go verning c hourmen on nil l<•nn• r occ.laiOil!l fr tbf'rO W llft t1. nee--, It , to call o r e o r more mcm l.or~< of tJ,,. committce tos;etbor, dunng rec011•, :h .. u • wu o necoaity ~ cull a ll o f t locm , ,,_ getbl'r . A1 a m o f fac t, t ilL', .,.,. 1mpoe11iblo. Se•enol o f &bo COI•om otlct· me mben1 woro nut 111 S t. J u l.on'" fu r woe~ prior ~ tho openi ng o f thu 1..,:: •• l .. ture, aud could not be called tn,:etbcr H oo. memberwuy, why not t.•Rtt untoi t he opeoiag of tl111 U onse to mnko tlof o~rr provision for t ho priu~I IIJ:: uncl reportmg f I aoawer tbom thut 1t would be &oo late if lett unttl that t1me, as 11 wook ot tho IAg1slaturo muat J>Dllll be fo re such~ co~mitt.ea could 1-e •t•, up to wb1cb Jlmo thoro oould bn no report Ol" publicat ion o f de loa tAos. If an 1 va lue attaches~ put.) o •tson ofdebnt.e., .. runr;:o moull pnor to opentng o l t be H ouae " ' e oeceuarr. In t ho put I ho chRirmAn of t he oommitt.oo made all nf'Coaaary a rrnnljO· menll an this rllllpeot.-anhJect of coun<c

ST. JOHN'S ~ c Marble & Freestone Works 5§ "'0 ::s­,.... .\ u . X.\ :\OEH S)IITII, l' ltOI'niF;nm


\ ~ d"'""" tv tltllnk tho"' " ho hl\\t" • v • (~,\! U ft!tf f. t Hl ' " lhc pat~ t Will

t ht-~r ur4h:r•. :uuJ would Hllllll"tCl ftt t l ~ umu u .uu t!t.ttl" hu facth llco fo r perform 1n,: """'It 110 luo liuo wstb unt q lll\llcd rl~· •P <I• h aoJ oeatnOM. a od u price I t ha t cnu­n o t bu COnli'<l"d "llb. T bo.e rt'qnino~r

llttB.Dte l Ptocca, Mooum eolll , Tomb•, Heaclltoooa . Curbs, B oorlhll nod

Oop1ng11, wall do wtll to cnll o u b11n. 'l'hl'y c:\n ob. ta m MIIIIIC, Llrorou~h And chMl(l \rOrkulnn­olup. a l p rtcca lo tYor thnu t bu lowcat d oc­where. Oborch W ork - F oa ls, Altars, T ublels,

&c.- n MJlt'ClllhtJ. Tht' "ub~criher bM sngnlmoat forty ycart"

ett>"rteucc iu th•• coJooy ie tht rolore 111 n po&nion to pro,·1da :\11\tersal 11nd \\"orkuuu1· rffup'be•t c&lc ufMcd to uo.Jure tbu acyo>rlllcd of ou r c hmate

2iu Gower Strcct1 Aprt l Ill


to tbe approv ... l of H ou:Je-M h~tH RED UCT [ON I bften done in tbe pr~t inatanc:e. Tbe re RF.O UCTIOS I

:--u no permanent arrangoment ontered For One ~oonth 1alo; all t bat Will agreed upon wa.a o f a .w.. Only J temporary cba ra.cter. W tLb regard t.o tl.e JlOJ'DII'IJtl raf~~rred to, tbcre were rw poymeoll made ucopt what Jt .. ,.e t.M'n uaual in former yeal"'l. I ' a m nol ono t.o pu~ mJDCif unduly fo rward a nd uauml' powort unwarraotetl by precede nt. I bava to off11r ono furtlu1r observatton in nlor~ ~ tha obarsa of d iaoourw.y made bf t be hD<l.. mcn\ber, Mr. Good­ridge, againe& t.b~ tnembere of tho E~:e­out.iva, wbo a re neoeaurilr ablt~Dt from tbe Hoaee tblu•eol~. N;, d iacourtuy wu intended, \VIten I DlO•ed tho tul. joummenl., I thoagbt it wu ao unde r · etood by bon membera, nor d id 1 lln­tioi~te Uad if would be oppos:>-1 oo aucb a m• pretext.

T il E GE~ UI~ E

SINCER SEWING MACHINES Lockman Hand lillacbioee

Blokfud Xn.lttlng lillaohlnee :S=ek&·..Cloth.. Wringers

A emo Nuhln~ M Mhinoe Oootenwe.l Plalttng ]l(aclline•

S tat )[achioe Oil, ~cudloa and Attach­menta fo r all SEWI.S G MACIII~ t::S. all refluood to 'bott.:>m pricc:a, fo r one roonth only .

T M. SiNgw" !tfamdnrtunng Co"'J'O"Y· M. F . SMYTiJ, AoENT,

172 Wetor St. .3t.. J ohn a; SEIVIN u M.A.CHlNES ll£ t'AIIUW

Guardian FIRE & LlFE

C/) Q) ~

::s u

:::::r ' (1) -s -· ~ .

Sc1.'\ti~l\, N e11ulgia, Headache, F.anu:hc. l"oothl\cht>, C rnmp11, Bru1•.:&. Spre1na, Oongb~. Colola. Qum~ey, E rya1pell\8, Colle (.; roup'' ' Hattln, llol\rst:nell3, Uurua. llro u clutia, ~nrubncea o l t hu l.1mbJ, ron.,rt n~ l>llndruff M d producioj( t ho c:rowth o f tl•o I l a~r, """ 1\8 a llnir l>rcuiug u unequalled .

$500a00 Reward olfer~d for 11 h('tter nrllde, o r t he P roprio· ton~ of nny rcmrdrshowsog morn T('Jtlmo­"snl. of gt>on1nt cures o f I he a bo•·o du~~es on tho "'"'1e lent:th of tlmo TbcrQ 11 oo. tlung ll ku 11 "bon tnk en in ternally fo r Crnmps, Colir (.;roup, Colds Cougl•~. l'l~u r~•y. llol\raenel<!l at11l Sore Tbro&t It 11 perfect ly harrnlru, nurl ~nn bo g11 en ac ­cordsoj! to d~rcctiooa w1tbout a uy l.fJury whhlt:\ er ,

) looa rtt'e l..>nim~nl II fnr £:tic hy all Orujlgtl tt 1\Dd Oeall'ra. Pnco 25 crnl&.

S200. 00 Reward ! W ill be ['1\ld fo r tbo dotectioo and convic. t1on of 11ny poraoo eellin~: o r deal10g 10 a uy bogus. count erfeit o r unitallbll llo r lln­T&JtS, upcqiallr Dltte ra o r preparattoo1 ,. u h tho word liol• or llOI'I 10 the ir name or cou oeeted t herow1th, tba~ ia loteoded t o i nti,) lead 11nd c.heAt t be public, or for any P""PIIr· au on put w 11ur lo ran, protelld lng to be the eau1o M ll<.oP UITTEns 'l'he genuine bave cluste r of Gnt.£!1 U ors (no tice tbia) printed oo the wblto label, a nd are tbu p ureet 1\Ud best medscind on e1tl1b, capeciall1 fo r 1\ul. oeya, Live r aud Ne rvo ue Usecuu. Ue wa,.. o f all otbe re. and of all prete!ldcd forwulaa o r r ecolptt of H OP DITTKn& pobhehed in pRportl o r for aalc, 11 t bey are fraud• •ud awlodle• \\' hoover doala in Ill)' bul tha goonioe will be p roeecuted .

Hop Hm&u Mro. Co., Hoc:beate r N .Y. mt!t

Mr. O ooDIIDOI- As to the pt"ioting potronqe or tba Aatmtly , I l till liMit tbaL work wu giYen to tho Jlercury b7 a eabterf'ug.. Tbe printinJt oom­ml"- ahould hl'le met daring recesa.. B.!Yao ou' .C oine membcrt on t hAI oommiUee were raaidanc in Rt. Joh n'11 and one o r two otbe n .~ he~ eome time before the opeoing of the Le­

Assurance Comp'ny ~e· fttt~or ~rut f tanbarh

platare. On moUon 'be Hoaaa aijonmed,

;_:;: :a:t.ii:== Ke«ulat. II,.. tho ato-oh, eeoood tbe llnr; Hp&OiallJ U.e llret, 10 u ~ P.rfona ... r fanotJoa.-pftftotly ·aod yo11 will re ­_.,. ali..- •"'*'"•· &woDu.tb.a of all tile IUe lbea maaltlad la balr ~. Ia. .. il or aar other oll..a.. Bop .Bit&ara it' Lba ealy t.IIJ .. tJaet will pe porf«tiJ b~thr Dll• t•rel aotloo 10 .a.... ,_ orpoa.- J14i• p.,.,.,

.,._~ .. ,..

OF LONDON. coNcEPTJoN-i/ADl'-Jtv vsmJ~En

I~ printed a 'Jd pabliabed nory Snua-E3T.ABLlSEIED 1821. DAY morolnl br J. F . M oliN at the

" Sa~tdard" Oftlee, WaUtr Stree t, rear of Me~:~re. Qolotln'e ebop, Uarbor Grace Newround lantl

S UISORia&O CAPITAL .. ...... . £2,000,0(.() " TOTAL hrUtT!.D F usos UP·

WARDS Or ••••• . ....... ..... !,760,00C " AIIIIU.U. hi COlt& UPWAIIOS Or 860 000 " . .

The "GUARDIAN" beintr o8rst-olue Engllab loeorcaee C j1mpaor,oll'eraalltboee adnotape .,oat dealrablo to loaurere •b. ucloubted etabilltJ, fuonbl e t erme ' and promp' eeUlemeot o c lalme for t o•

l'he ~ndentgnodba•lng bee n ~proioted Apat tor Newfouudlaod Ia prepared to la­a u Polloieuptnetlou br.Flre

JAMES 8 WINTER, 8~. Joltn'L

l'ln»S-Twenty lbUliog1 por anoull)-pay­able half-yearly.

Tb11 p&lllf fa DO~ 1111ed to IDf tubacribet for a leu tei"'D tb&A ei1: mootbe.

TtiUlS roa Al!YUTtll•o-Flril lpaerUoo­for &brae linea (bret'ler t1Jltli) h ., toe IIY0'7 additional fine 3d. For ttteh con . tlnuatloo ono-tblrd or tbo flret cbarae. :

Da.'l take anJ ol &be q Qaclt roatru~. u thy .,. real-a tal &o die beman .,.tom • bo• po• yoar &ru& · Ia Hop Blttara. wblob will corereaeral dilapidation. -t~ra babltl &Ad all ooe6o d...._ ·n..7 ~ftictlfuo fiOCD • .. .,e ... utnot of lripocl r..-. ne1 are uae .. ,-. llfiiiMf o1 II!~--~A. fi#fW. . - =~ 1•b. T

JOS&PH GODDEN, $alrA,ent Hr. Ortct

trAJ,erti•emeDt. recel•ed-a\ tho ofllee or title papor wltboo' written o.ttuotiooo , llmitlug the Dombor of iDMrtlona (Aoc. tiona, Sal•, and Notloea whirb dttemioo &heroaelvea exc:epted) will be tjl~led aniU ordtred Ia wrilior tp bo with· then