this is the message you€¦ · scripture: stephen ruff jim wilmot children’s message: mary jo...


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Post on 20-Sep-2020




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Page 1: This is the message you€¦ · Scripture: Stephen Ruff Jim Wilmot Children’s Message: Mary Jo Boehning Mary Jo Boehning Sound Technician: Torrey Pitchford Jason or Holly Portner
Page 2: This is the message you€¦ · Scripture: Stephen Ruff Jim Wilmot Children’s Message: Mary Jo Boehning Mary Jo Boehning Sound Technician: Torrey Pitchford Jason or Holly Portner

This is the message you heard from the beginning: We should love one another.

-1 John 3:11

Page 3: This is the message you€¦ · Scripture: Stephen Ruff Jim Wilmot Children’s Message: Mary Jo Boehning Mary Jo Boehning Sound Technician: Torrey Pitchford Jason or Holly Portner

Suffering Servant:• Isa. 42:1-4• Isa. 49:1-6• Isa. 50:4-9• Isa. 52:13-53:12

Page 4: This is the message you€¦ · Scripture: Stephen Ruff Jim Wilmot Children’s Message: Mary Jo Boehning Mary Jo Boehning Sound Technician: Torrey Pitchford Jason or Holly Portner

Suffering Servant:• Bring justice to the nations• Bruised reed• He will not falter or be discouraged till he

establishes justice on the earth• God formed him in the womb to be his servant• A light for the Gentiles• Offered his back to those who beat him, his

cheeks to those who pulled his beard• Mocking and spitting• His appearance was so disfigured beyond that

of any human being

Page 5: This is the message you€¦ · Scripture: Stephen Ruff Jim Wilmot Children’s Message: Mary Jo Boehning Mary Jo Boehning Sound Technician: Torrey Pitchford Jason or Holly Portner

Suffering Servant:• No beauty or majesty• Despised and rejected by others, a

man of suffering and familiar with pain• Pierced for our transgressions, crushed for our

iniquities• The punishment that brought us peace was on

him, and by his wounds we are healed• He was oppressed and afflicted, punished and

crushed, his life poured out unto death for the sake of others

Page 6: This is the message you€¦ · Scripture: Stephen Ruff Jim Wilmot Children’s Message: Mary Jo Boehning Mary Jo Boehning Sound Technician: Torrey Pitchford Jason or Holly Portner

"You call me 'Teacher' and 'Lord,' and rightly so, for that is what I am. Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washedyour feet, you should also wash one another's feet. I have set an example that you should do as I have done for you.“

-John 13:13-14

Page 7: This is the message you€¦ · Scripture: Stephen Ruff Jim Wilmot Children’s Message: Mary Jo Boehning Mary Jo Boehning Sound Technician: Torrey Pitchford Jason or Holly Portner

This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for one another.

-1 John 3:16

Page 8: This is the message you€¦ · Scripture: Stephen Ruff Jim Wilmot Children’s Message: Mary Jo Boehning Mary Jo Boehning Sound Technician: Torrey Pitchford Jason or Holly Portner

This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him.

This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.

-1 John 4:9-10

Page 9: This is the message you€¦ · Scripture: Stephen Ruff Jim Wilmot Children’s Message: Mary Jo Boehning Mary Jo Boehning Sound Technician: Torrey Pitchford Jason or Holly Portner

We love because we deem “the other” worth sacrificing for.

Page 10: This is the message you€¦ · Scripture: Stephen Ruff Jim Wilmot Children’s Message: Mary Jo Boehning Mary Jo Boehning Sound Technician: Torrey Pitchford Jason or Holly Portner

If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners love those who love them. And if you do good tothose who are good to you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners do that. And if you lend to those from whom you expect repayment, what credit is that to you?

Page 11: This is the message you€¦ · Scripture: Stephen Ruff Jim Wilmot Children’s Message: Mary Jo Boehning Mary Jo Boehning Sound Technician: Torrey Pitchford Jason or Holly Portner

Even sinners lend to sinners, expecting to be repaid in full. But love your enemies, do good to them, and lend to themwithout expecting to get anything back.

-Luke 6:32-35

Page 12: This is the message you€¦ · Scripture: Stephen Ruff Jim Wilmot Children’s Message: Mary Jo Boehning Mary Jo Boehning Sound Technician: Torrey Pitchford Jason or Holly Portner

But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

-Romans 5:8

Page 13: This is the message you€¦ · Scripture: Stephen Ruff Jim Wilmot Children’s Message: Mary Jo Boehning Mary Jo Boehning Sound Technician: Torrey Pitchford Jason or Holly Portner
Page 14: This is the message you€¦ · Scripture: Stephen Ruff Jim Wilmot Children’s Message: Mary Jo Boehning Mary Jo Boehning Sound Technician: Torrey Pitchford Jason or Holly Portner


LISTEN TO SERMONS ONLINE Choose the image that corresponds to the relevant series, and then choose the sermon you want to hear.


CDs of the full service are available from the church office. Call us at (507)647-5777, email us at [email protected] or drop a note in Krystal Stoll’s mailbox.



Songs of Praise

Scripture Reading: 1 John 3:11-4:6

Pastoral Prayer


Scripture Reading: 1 John 4:7-21

Children’s Message

Hymn #485 “I Stand Amazed in the Presence ”

“More Than a Feeling”

Closing Hymn #83 “What a Fellowship, What a Joy Divine”


September 13th September 20th

Prelude: Delaine Elseth Shirley Rosnau

Greeters: Stubers Ann Wind

Nursery: Messerlis Laura Becker & Jovi Stoll

Scripture: Stephen Ruff Jim Wilmot

Children’s Message: Mary Jo Boehning Mary Jo Boehning

Sound Technician: Torrey Pitchford Jason or Holly Portner

Fellowship Snacks: JoAnn & Stephen Ruff Sunday School: Ann Wind

Sept. Sanct. Floral: Betty Boyum

Sept. Ushers: Ted Oman, Erv Huwe, Torrey Pitchford, JoAnn Ruff

Sept. Lawn Mowing Erik Ahlstrand



Leadership Team:

Darren McKinney, Chair

Rueben Rosnau, Vice Chair

Sondra Redman, Secretary

Dan Messerli, Financial Offcr.

Becky Baker

Rose Adema

Ministry Team Leaders:

Karen Benson, Missions/Outreach

June Oman, Worship

Delaine Elseth, Discipleship

Property Mgt: Dale & Betty Boyum


AWANA: Kay Linsmeier

Clothes Closet: Mary Jo Boehning

Food Cupboard: Chuck & Barb Peik

Men’s Ministry: Chuck Peik

Nursery: Rose Adema

Sunday School: Delaine Elseth

Women’s Ministry : Becky Baker

Youth Group: Kyle & Lindsay Kachelmeier

I John 3:11-4:21, pp 1184-1185


Water Project

This week’s challenge: Many children throughout the world do not have a place to sleep at night due to poverty. Give 25 cents for every sleeping bag and bed in your house.


Page numbers listed above can be found in your pew Bible. If you do not have a Bible at home, please feel free to take a pew Bible to keep as your own.

Sunday 9/13 Blood Pressure Screening

9:30 AM 10:45 AM

Worship Fellowship Hour

Wednesday 9/16 9:00 AM Prayer Coffee at Eunice’s

Thursday 9/17 9:30 AM 6:30 PM

Women’s Bible Study at church Men’s Bible Study at Peik’s

Saturday 9/19 6:30 AM 9:00 AM

10:00 AM

Men’s Bible Study at Hahn’s Dining Clothes Closet open Food Cupboard open Shift Party in the Gaylord Park

Sunday 9/20 Sunday School Kickoff

9:30 AM 10:45 AM

6:30 PM

Worship Fellowship Hour A Showcase of Talent

Page 15: This is the message you€¦ · Scripture: Stephen Ruff Jim Wilmot Children’s Message: Mary Jo Boehning Mary Jo Boehning Sound Technician: Torrey Pitchford Jason or Holly Portner

Pastor: Kyle Kachelmeier 107 West Third Street

Winthrop, MN 55396-0486 Office hours: M, W, F, 8:30-11:30am

Phone: (507) 647-5777 Parsonage phone: (507)-647-3739

Website: Email: [email protected]

September 6th, 2015

Sermon Notes

Ministry NEWS Men’s Ministry Work Day

Eric Sandberg is looking for volunteers to help cut

firewood for an elderly couple, as well as people to transport and stack the wood. Please see sign-up sheet for more information.

AWANA Volunteers Needed

Please pray for God to provide volunteers needed in order to begin the AWANA program this fall.

Talent Show Practice TODAY

There will be practice times for the men’s and

women’s groups following worship services and fellowship hour at 11:15am TODAY.



Like us on Facebook!





This WEEK Women’s Bible Study to Resume

Thursday morning women’s Bible study will begin

again with a continuing study of the Psalms THIS Thursday, September 17th from 9:30 to 11am in the church library. Open to all women.


Today: “More Than a Feeling” Scripture: 1 John 3:11-4:21

Next Week:

Shift Your Relationship With God

John 15:1


Due to unforeseen circumstances, the Showcase of

Talent has been rescheduled for Sunday, September 20th at 6:30 pm.



Page 16: This is the message you€¦ · Scripture: Stephen Ruff Jim Wilmot Children’s Message: Mary Jo Boehning Mary Jo Boehning Sound Technician: Torrey Pitchford Jason or Holly Portner


Current Requests:

PRAY FOR GUIDANCE AND PROVISION for the the Stuber family, as Laura searches for a new job in/around Hutchinson and they work to clean and update her house to get it on the market. Pray also for the Earles family, as Kent continues to search for a new job, and for other displaced Michael Foods workers as well.

PRAISES: Kristofer Hipp, who was involved in a critical car accident west of Henderson, has emerged from his coma. He still has a lot of recovering to do; please continue to pray. Also, Elizabeth Becker has landed a new job in a Christian bookstore—congratulations!


REMEMBER OUR SHUT-INS: Clarrice R, Margie B.

TODAY’S MISSIONARIES ARE: Kim and Joel Delp, serving in Ecuador with their children Simeon and Esther, and Malia and Mark Dullanty, serving in Mexico with their children Rory and Jinora. Their info can be found on page 17 of the Covenant Missionary Prayer Calendar.

Contacts and Info:

If you have a request you would like prayer for, you can communicate with us in one of the following ways:

-Email the church office at [email protected]

-Call the church office (647-5777), the pastor (647-3739) or the parish nurse (647-3824) -Place a written request in the offering plate or in Krystal’s mailbox

PRAYER MEETINGS are held Wednesday mornings at 9am; contact Eunice Sahlberg for more information.


Contacts and Info:

If you have a request you would like prayer for, you can communicate with us in one of the following ways:

-Email the church office at [email protected]

-Call the church office (647-5777), the pastor (647-3739) or the parish nurse (647-3824) -Place a written request in the offering plate or in Krystal’s mailbox

PRAYER MEETINGS are held Wednesday mornings at 9am; contact Eunice Sahlberg for more information.

Contacts and Info:

If you have a request you would like prayer for, you can communicate with us in one of the following ways:

-Email the church office at [email protected]

-Call the church office (647-5777), the pastor (647-3739) or the parish nurse (647-3824) -Place a written request in the offering plate or in Krystal’s mailbox

PRAYER MEETINGS are held Wednesday mornings at 9am; contact Eunice Sahlberg for more information.

Current Requests:

PRAY FOR GUIDANCE AND PROVISION for the the Stuber family, as Laura searches for a new job in/around Hutchinson and they work to clean and update her house to get it on the market. Pray also for the Earles family, as Kent continues to search for a new job, and for other displaced Michael Foods workers as well.

PRAISES: Kristofer Hipp, who was involved in a critical car accident west of Henderson, has emerged from his coma. He still has a lot of recovering to do; please continue to pray. Also, Elizabeth Becker has landed a new job in a Christian bookstore—congratulations!


REMEMBER OUR SHUT-INS: Clarrice R, Margie B.

TODAY’S MISSIONARIES ARE: Kim and Joel Delp, serving in Ecuador with their children Simeon and Esther, and Malia and Mark Dullanty, serving in Mexico with their children Rory and Jinora. Their info can be found on page 17 of the Covenant Missionary Prayer Calendar.

Current Requests:

PRAY FOR GUIDANCE AND PROVISION for the the Stuber family, as Laura searches for a new job in/around Hutchinson and they work to clean and update her house to get it on the market. Pray also for the Earles family, as Kent continues to search for a new job, and for other displaced Michael Foods workers as well.

PRAISES: Kristofer Hipp, who was involved in a critical car accident west of Henderson, has emerged from his coma. He still has a lot of recovering to do; please continue to pray. Also, Elizabeth Becker has landed a new job in a Christian bookstore—congratulations!


REMEMBER OUR SHUT-INS: Clarrice R, Margie B.

TODAY’S MISSIONARIES ARE: Kim and Joel Delp, serving in Ecuador with their children Simeon and Esther, and Malia and Mark Dullanty, serving in Mexico with their children Rory and Jinora. Their info can be found on page 17 of the Covenant Missionary Prayer Calendar.

Page 17: This is the message you€¦ · Scripture: Stephen Ruff Jim Wilmot Children’s Message: Mary Jo Boehning Mary Jo Boehning Sound Technician: Torrey Pitchford Jason or Holly Portner

We are so glad you’re here to join us in our time of worship and praise. Here at Winthrop Covenant Church, we are a community of believers who aspire to do more than just go to church – we want to be the church. We desire to be Christ’s disciples, to know him more and to reflect his character. Whether you’re strong in your faith, feel estranged from God or somewhere in between, we hope that you can find a place within our faith community to experience God in a new way.

We encourage you to take a welcome packet from the visitor’s table and take a peek at our website to see what we are about! We would be happy to keep you updated about church activities and events as well, so please fill out a visitor card and return it to an usher or the offering plate. And please come back and join us



We have a staffed NURSERY for children three and under – down the stairs and to the left.

There are pews reserved in the back for you, and children’s bulletins with activities and crayons available at the usher stand.


Christian Formation classes will start September 20th!


We are so glad you’re here to join us in our time of worship and praise. Here at Winthrop Covenant Church, we are a community of believers who aspire to do more than just go to church – we want to be the church. We desire to be Christ’s disciples, to know him more and to reflect his character. Whether you’re strong in your faith, feel estranged from God or somewhere in between, we hope that you can find a place within our faith community to experience God in a new way.

We encourage you to take a welcome packet from the visitor’s table and take a peek at our website to see what we are about! We would be happy to keep you updated about church activities and events as well, so please fill out a visitor card and return it to an usher or the offering plate. And please come back and join us



We have a staffed NURSERY for children three and under – down the stairs and to the left.

There are pews reserved in the back for you, and children’s bulletins with activities and crayons available at the usher stand.


Christian Formation classes will start September 20th!


We are so glad you’re here to join us in our time of worship and praise. Here at Winthrop Covenant Church, we are a community of believers who aspire to do more than just go to church – we want to be the church. We desire to be Christ’s disciples, to know him more and to reflect his character. Whether you’re strong in your faith, feel estranged from God or somewhere in between, we hope that you can find a place within our faith community to experience God in a new way.

We encourage you to take a welcome packet from the visitor’s table and take a peek at our website to see what we are about! We would be happy to keep you updated about church activities and events as well, so please fill out a visitor card and return it to an usher or the offering plate. And please come back and join us



We have a staffed NURSERY for children three and under – down the stairs and to the left.

There are pews reserved in the back for you, and children’s bulletins with activities and crayons available at the usher stand.


Christian Formation classes will start September 20th!


Page 18: This is the message you€¦ · Scripture: Stephen Ruff Jim Wilmot Children’s Message: Mary Jo Boehning Mary Jo Boehning Sound Technician: Torrey Pitchford Jason or Holly Portner

Winthrop Evangelical Covenant

Church Presents:

“A Showcase of Talent”

RESCHEDULED: Sunday, Sept. 20th at 6:30pm

A Showcase of Talent at our church will again be celebrated on Sunday, September 13th at 6:30pm. We are planning musical numbers with men’s and women’s groups, trios, duets and solos. The string band will perform as well. There will also be skits presented and individual readings. Favorite hymns will be sung.

Light refreshments will be served following the program.

The worship committee is planning this event. In case you have not been asked to proved a special number or talent and would like to be, you can still participate by contacting June Oman, Shirley Rosnau or Marlys Woods.

Winthrop Evangelical Covenant Church


“A Showcase of Talent”

RESCHEDULED: Sunday, Sept. 20th at 6:30pm

A Showcase of Talent at our church will again be celebrated on Sunday, September 13th at 6:30pm. We are planning musical numbers with men’s and women’s groups, trios, duets and solos. The string band will perform as well. There will also be skits presented and individual readings. Favorite hymns will be sung.

Light refreshments will be served following the program.

The worship committee is planning this event. In case you have not been asked to proved a special number or talent and would like to be, you can still participate by contacting June Oman, Shirley Rosnau or Marlys Woods.

Winthrop Evangelical Covenant Church


“A Showcase of Talent”

RESCHEDULED: Sunday, Sept. 20th at 6:30pm

A Showcase of Talent at our church will again be celebrated on Sunday, September 13th at 6:30pm. We are planning musical numbers with men’s and women’s groups, trios, duets and solos. The string band will perform as well. There will also be skits presented and individual readings. Favorite hymns will be sung.

Light refreshments will be served following the program.

The worship committee is planning this event. In case you have not been asked to proved a special number or talent and would like to be, you can still participate by contacting June Oman, Shirley Rosnau or Marlys Woods.

Page 19: This is the message you€¦ · Scripture: Stephen Ruff Jim Wilmot Children’s Message: Mary Jo Boehning Mary Jo Boehning Sound Technician: Torrey Pitchford Jason or Holly Portner

Come out to the Gaylord City Park THIS Friday, 9/19, and help us celebrate as we kick off another season of ministry. This will be a fun-for-all-ages, all-church event! Don’t forget to invite your friends…this is a great opportunity for people to visit with us, meet Sunday School teachers and ministry leaders. If you can help provide ingredients for the walking tacos, please be sure to fill out the sign-up sheet. Feel free to bring a game if you would like! Skates available free, or bring your own rollerblades. See you Friday!

Into gear

Walking Tacos served at 5pm

Roller Skating Yard Games

Table Games Kids’ Crafts

Fall Sneak Peek

Gaylord City Park and Skating Rink

Saturday, 9/19 3-6 pm

Come out to the Gaylord City Park THIS Friday, 9/19, and help us celebrate as we kick off another season of ministry. This will be a fun-for-all-ages, all-church event! Don’t forget to invite your friends…this is a great opportunity for people to visit with us, meet Sunday School teachers and ministry leaders. If you can help provide ingredients for the walking tacos, please be sure to fill out the sign-up sheet. Feel free to bring a game if you would like! Skates available free, or bring your own rollerblades. See you Friday!

Into gear

Walking Tacos served at 5pm

Roller Skating Yard Games

Table Games Kids’ Crafts

Fall Sneak Peek

Gaylord City Park and Skating Rink

Saturday, 9/19 3-6 pm

Come out to the Gaylord City Park THIS Friday, 9/19, and help us celebrate as we kick off another season of ministry. This will be a fun-for-all-ages, all-church event! Don’t forget to invite your friends…this is a great opportunity for people to visit with us, meet Sunday School teachers and ministry leaders. If you can help provide ingredients for the walking tacos, please be sure to fill out the sign-up sheet. Feel free to bring a game if you would like! Skates available free, or bring your own rollerblades. See you Friday!

Into gear

Walking Tacos served at 5pm

Roller Skating Yard Games

Table Games Kids’ Crafts

Fall Sneak Peek

Gaylord City Park and Skating Rink

Saturday, 9/19 3-6 pm