this information will be on your quiz on friday!! take notes if necessary. major historical events...

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  • This information will be on your quiz on Friday!! Take notes if necessary. Major Historical Events That Influenced American Literature
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  • 1400s and 1500s 1492: Columbus lands in the Bahamas. 1499: 20,000 in England die in plague. 1513: Juan Ponce de Leon lands on the FL peninsula. 1565: St Augustine, FL First permanent settlement in the U.S. 1590: Iroquois Confederacy established to stop warfare among the Five Nations.
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  • 1600s 1607: First permanent English settlement at Jamestown, VA. 1620: Pilgrims land at Plymouth, MA. 1630: Japan All Europeans expelled. 1639: First printing press in English-speaking North America arrives in MA. 1642: England Civil War Begins 1647: MA establishes free public schools. 1650: Anne Bradstreet publishes a collection of poems in England.
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  • 1600s (Cont.) 1652: South Africa First Dutch settlers arrive. 1667: England Milton publishes Paradise Lost 1675: King Philip, chief of the Wampanoags, begins raiding New England Frontier towns. 1683: China All ports opened to foreign trade. 1692: Salem witchcraft trials result in the execution of twenty people.
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  • 1700s (Before Revolution) 1702: England First daily newspaper published 1735: John Peter Zenger acquitted of libel, furthering freedom of the press. (libel: a false, published statement that makes someone look bad) 1741: Great Awakening, a series of religious revivals, begins to sweep the colonies. 1741: Edwards gives his sermon Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God.
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  • 1700s (Events Surrounding the Revolution) 1752: Ben Franklin conducts kite-and-key experiment. 1753: African American Ben Banneker makes first clock with all American-made parts. 1755: England Sam Johnson publishes Dictionary of the English Language 1759-63: France gives up claim to North American territory. 1765: Stamp Act passed by British Parliament (taxes) 1767: Townshend Act imposes new taxes on colonists.
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  • 1700s (Cont.) 1769: Scotland James Watt invents an improved steam engine. 1773: Boston Tea Party 1773: African American Phillis Wheatley publishes collection of poems in England. 1775: Revolution Begins 1776: Congress adopts Declaration of Independence 1783: Websters Spelling Book first appears. 1783: Revolutionary War ends. 1787: Meeting in Philadelphia to draft Constitution 1793: Eli Whitney invents cotton gin.
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  • 1800s (Before Civil War) 1803: Louisiana Purchase 1804: Lewis and Clark explore the West 1817: William Cullen Bryant publishes Thanatopsis 1818: England Shelley publishes Frankenstein. 1820: Missouri Compromise bans slavery in parts of new territories. 1827: Poe publishes his first collection of poems. 1838: Cherokees march on Trail of Tears to OK. 1848: CA gold rush begins. 1848: Womens rights convention held in NY. 1850-1852: Scarlett Letter, Moby Dick, and Uncle Toms Cabin published.
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  • 1800s (Civil War end) 1855: Whitman publishes Leaves of Grass 1859: England Darwin publishes The Origin of Species 1860: SC secedes from the Union. 1863: Emancipation Proclamation issued. 1865: Robert E. Lee surrenders to Ulysses S. Grant. 1876: Twain publishes Tom Sawyer 1876: Baseballs National League founded. 1885: France Louis Pasteur administers first rabies vaccine. 1890: Last major battle between US troops and Native Americans.
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  • 1900-1930 1903: Wright Brothers fly airplane. 1908: Ford builds first Model T. 1917: US enters WWI. 1918: Worldwide flu epidemic kills about 20 million people (not Edward, though he becomes a vampire.) 1920: Women gain right to vote. 1925: F. Scott Fitzgerald publishes Great Gatsby. 1929: Stock market crash.
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  • 1930-1945 1933: Germany Hitler becomes German chancellor. 1933: Roosevelt (and Congress) pass New Deal laws. 1939: Wizard of Oz and Gone With the Wind appear in movie theaters. 1939: WWII begins in Poland. 1941: US joins WWII after bombing of Pearl Harbor. 1945: Atom bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. 1945: WWII ends.
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  • 1945-Now 1948: UN establishes state of Israel. 1954: Supreme Court rules public school segregation unconstitutional. 1963: JFK assassinated. 1968: MLK Jr. murdered in Memphis, TN. 1972: Last US troops leave Vietnam. 1987: Reagan signs INF treaty, banning short- and medium- range nuclear missiles. 1990: Congress passes Americans with Disabilities Act. 1991: Gulf War 2001: September 11, 2001