this file archived at union of egoists€¦ · 2016. the website initially...

is file archived at Union of Egoists What is a is is an informational resource provided by Kevin I. Slaughter of Underworld Amuse- ments and Trevor Blake of OVO, initiated in February and publicly launched April 1st of 2016. e website initially focuses on providing historical, biographical and bibliographical details of a few their favorite Egoist philosophers. It is also integrating the archives of egoist website, the former project of Svein Olav Nyberg, and the EgoistArchives. com project of Dan Davies. Further, it will be home to Der Geist, a Journal of Egoism in print 1845 – 1945. will be the best resource for Egoism online. What is a Union of Egoists? We two, the State and I, are enemies. I, the egoist, have not at heart the welfare of this “human society,” I sacrifice nothing to it, I only utilize it; but to be able to utilize it com- pletely I transform it rather into my property and my creature; i. e., I annihilate it, and form in its place the Union of Egoists.” – Max Stirner, e Ego and Its Own What is Egoism? “Egoism is the claim that the Individual is the measure of all things. In ethics, in episte- mology, in aesthetics, in society, the Individual is the best and only arbitrator. Egoism claims social convention, laws, other people, religion, language, time and all other forces outside of the Individual are an impediment to the liberty and existence of the Individual. Such impediments may be tolerated but they have no special standing to the Individual, who may elect to ignore or subvert or destroy them as He can. In egoism the State has no monopoly to take tax or to wage war.” -Trevor Blake, Confessions of a Failed Egoist is item was scanned by UoE from Libertarian Microfiche Pub- lishing Peace Plans films. John Zube’s LMP project preserved thousands of documents that would otherwise be lost. More information can be found at our website under “contributors.” -Kevin I. Slaughter

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Page 1: This file archived at Union of Egoists€¦ · 2016. The website initially focuses on providing historical, biographical and bibliographical details of a few their

This file archived at

Union ofEgoists

The information that follows was downloaded from the Union Of Egoists. The source material might have been

gathered from an existing archive or produced by an editor or a direct contributor to the project.

What is a is an informational resource provided by Kevin I. Slaughter of Underworld Amuse-ments and Trevor Blake of OVO, initiated in February and publicly launched April 1st of 2016. The website initially focuses on providing historical, biographical and bibliographical details of a few their favorite Egoist philosophers. It is also integrating the archives of egoist website, the former project of Svein Olav Nyberg, and the project of Dan Davies. Further, it will be home to Der Geist, a Journal of Egoism in print 1845 – 1945. will be the best resource for Egoism online.

What is a Union of Egoists?“We two, the State and I, are enemies. I, the egoist, have not at heart the welfare of this “human society,” I sacrifice nothing to it, I only utilize it; but to be able to utilize it com-pletely I transform it rather into my property and my creature; i. e., I annihilate it, and form in its place the Union of Egoists.”

– Max Stirner, The Ego and Its Own

What is Egoism?“Egoism is the claim that the Individual is the measure of all things. In ethics, in episte-mology, in aesthetics, in society, the Individual is the best and only arbitrator. Egoism claims social convention, laws, other people, religion, language, time and all other forces outside of the Individual are an impediment to the liberty and existence of the Individual. Such impediments may be tolerated but they have no special standing to the Individual, who may elect to ignore or subvert or destroy them as He can. In egoism the State has no monopoly to take tax or to wage war.”

-Trevor Blake, Confessions of a Failed Egoist

This file archived at

Union ofEgoists

The information that follows was downloaded from the Union Of Egoists. The source material might have been

gathered from an existing archive or produced by an editor or a direct contributor to the project.

What is a is an informational resource provided by Kevin I. Slaughter of Underworld Amuse-ments and Trevor Blake of OVO, initiated in February and publicly launched April 1st of 2016. The website initially focuses on providing historical, biographical and bibliographical details of a few their favorite Egoist philosophers. It is also integrating the archives of egoist website, the former project of Svein Olav Nyberg, and the project of Dan Davies. Further, it will be home to Der Geist, a Journal of Egoism in print 1845 – 1945. will be the best resource for Egoism online.

What is a Union of Egoists?“We two, the State and I, are enemies. I, the egoist, have not at heart the welfare of this “human society,” I sacrifice nothing to it, I only utilize it; but to be able to utilize it com-pletely I transform it rather into my property and my creature; i. e., I annihilate it, and form in its place the Union of Egoists.”

– Max Stirner, The Ego and Its Own

What is Egoism?“Egoism is the claim that the Individual is the measure of all things. In ethics, in episte-mology, in aesthetics, in society, the Individual is the best and only arbitrator. Egoism claims social convention, laws, other people, religion, language, time and all other forces outside of the Individual are an impediment to the liberty and existence of the Individual. Such impediments may be tolerated but they have no special standing to the Individual, who may elect to ignore or subvert or destroy them as He can. In egoism the State has no monopoly to take tax or to wage war.”

-Trevor Blake, Confessions of a Failed Egoist

This item was scanned by UoE from Libertarian Microfiche Pub-lishing Peace Plans films. John Zube’s LMP project preserved

thousands of documents that would otherwise be lost.More information can be found at our website under “contributors.”

-Kevin I. Slaughter

Page 2: This file archived at Union of Egoists€¦ · 2016. The website initially focuses on providing historical, biographical and bibliographical details of a few their

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Page 3: This file archived at Union of Egoists€¦ · 2016. The website initially focuses on providing historical, biographical and bibliographical details of a few their


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Page 4: This file archived at Union of Egoists€¦ · 2016. The website initially focuses on providing historical, biographical and bibliographical details of a few their


" tille1 ans Stronghold, o Fortress, d t e istoric · astille u a State prison from e ti~e of Louis XlV to the time of

Loui X , fact th t exp .ns t, e hatred o the people for t c Feudal buil<line, r. •my t e.., at nee of de troying it. 0 course, re, ovinr t e Bo til w :; not suppresoing the abuse and · njust · c ,;) , but en nre like to siJSsh t e furni turc · &! t ay are t r z d a~, h . e.

On e urtc f Tuly, 1789, t e people gre v sud enly e./·c~ ter , an one of the c o~ ~ tartc "A la B stille!" So et ~ng li e one s outi in a ·cvr .lor c · d , "to the Toobs!" vlhen e.tcite nent

n .e Yor." w.a, r oc ·1 t e pi tc!l it di in the ans of 17 •

looking for sor.\c new w •• nth t heir maotcr '

ut it \/ c a big job , and it prove to be no ordinary s . h .. nc. ,.., , or riot, ,. al.l"lost fortuitous,

al cfoi eh y t e political state and 18nY at ending circumstru~ ccs . Let us con i er o monant the nature of t e politic or lCVO . tiona~ ccitation in France nt that tiMe.

In Vorsail en , \11e c tlc kin - of France esidcd , t ere vres b neral conve.!tiox: or congrc discussl.n the various atter connec e \' i 1 t 1e n v need of the cou.T'ltcy. T. e 1'hird Estate, ·rhich was represei til g .. hat tl cy elaine to be the "People", was st '"'ling again t the ot r t ·ro Estates, tLe o ili ty and the Clergy . "'le remember the clait of the '1' ird : t.utc which was cond sed in a short p p ct: .That is t 10 Thi Estate? The People! What have t 'l.eJ been· so for? ot ing! ·, at do t eJ want t be? h'verythingl

The~c slo:,cn , no doubt, 'l e e effecti vc, just as ?ur nevt slogans obout e , orkers and thei 1 ture ruline. That is t. e ·t • to ·e the people stir. .s ft rule it : !.. al · s -t:. •• e people ·rho undertake t. e e ine fig.:tin:; , tl o~. h result has lv vs de~ene ntc into o new form of op~Jreos ~on. J • it scens t at it \"ill al;a:./s e t e ~su-ne as lo as t' .e is a . o i c sense of solidnri ty in t he people 's

·nd, or so lone as there is .. soul of th rowd".

Th s, to r t to our Cv cri~tion of t at curiou itatio ! T~e · hird Estate ·r a ci.n.e d blc-crossed in Versail s and bullie~ y the ing o---~1d hi ... support ; and the eople of ens, only s e v mile away, re ... e.1teu it.

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Page 5: This file archived at Union of Egoists€¦ · 2016. The website initially focuses on providing historical, biographical and bibliographical details of a few their

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Page 6: This file archived at Union of Egoists€¦ · 2016. The website initially focuses on providing historical, biographical and bibliographical details of a few their


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(Kalei ~o o De L'H Irmt Libr . r1 Id re 1 Renoulet. Cercl D'Etudes Psychol q es, B.P 282 2006, St. Etienne, Farnce, 1978.)

In. • Renoulet • s vie" the outlook for the rld is bleak. He c enotmcQ "the pr sent tendency f the ese to a levellill£5; 80\i tot-elitarlM collectivis ,. and t s the obliteretion o~ the 1n ividual u. The mas es are . upi , • c pable of elieving every

bsurd'i:ty", whJ.le ' the psychQ~ogict='~ level of most people represents the tel of R chi o .t ~u lve". ne mRs s are menipulated, ot 13 their ostens1ble rulers, b t by th "hidi!an stere" o

intemation h finance, wh "p.lll the strings of · liti.cel group , c f sects. r ligions, an go rru ts• both 1n th est and e st. These

den mas ere re of orl o · ~ti n'- and their str tegy is to ca econ c cris St a eial bra ·~n, An a thi 1orl

o that in t e ensuing ch os they can seize everything end J.ish tot 1 'ta P.n worl order "veri table hyper-e pit ism".

Rl 1 n0t l ost. It is s ill ~pen to th indiv~~~ to make


Page 7: This file archived at Union of Egoists€¦ · 2016. The website initially focuses on providing historical, biographical and bibliographical details of a few their

s "

I n t vory c nvinc . ' In C:;\Se, surely i:f al.l c1epends n


Page 8: This file archived at Union of Egoists€¦ · 2016. The website initially focuses on providing historical, biographical and bibliographical details of a few their

• 7

·vidual psycholoeic self-liberation (as I holehearte y egree it does) th history is relati ely uni ortant, the last thing

s P ychol B c 1 authority of so-cal let: sages and esoteric •

CIS ELLDGIW .. 11.5.?9

es l ocumen es reunis &nd presentees par Died erick s ce Philosophe - L' Age d'Ho • Editions L' e sanna ( ~ · tzer an ) F88)

I always hav mixed f elin s whon confronted by academia studies of r sex Stimer. c the ne .. , they oft n proviee useful backgroun ~"'a.ial or his life and 1 e • On the other hand, I fear that their proli~aration is likels to b ry the1r subject un~er such a weight of erbi th the will b c "cla sic": frequently referre to but 1 om rt and even 1 ss underst9od.

(fo.9 \gain, those m pproach St rnet throug! such studies are likely" be

confU d b.y the w~ t h€y contradict ~ach other. Who, for ex~p,le, r a ..ding R. .K.Pat rson • "The Egoistic ihilist:. ax Stirner • ~u1d recogniz the tim9r portraye there as the seme person who featured in John Carro11•s "Breek Out From The Crystal alaco"? Some of the ost interesting ustirneri~ I ha-ve met have taken their Stirner ne't

without nee~ acat cmic r ~ utions, or, ced, beins aware that suoh things exist .•

Keep1fl8 t is r - ~~ations in mine , I think thst reaee s of this rcv1e who knot Fr ch will fin the material assembled by fi.JX. Dett ye of consider ble inte~ t. In this well-de signed, although MdMSroly size volume,can b £otmc! contributio f'rom a number of iverse uspeci~ists" on Stimar, plus French tmslations of' tVTo o-r

Stirner's early essays d of Feuerbach's re to Stirner.

In a revi \., of this sort it is not possible to give the <letaile consideration that such a b eserves even if ~ knowledge of the reneh langu e rrante it, which it does not. I 11 state, h ~er thet ~r m a S irncri viewpoint the great disagreement would

~ocusse on uch contributors MArtin Bubcr, Hans G.Helms and Dani 1 Guerin. Indee , th lost n rep ats his lament that Stirner

i not "find a erfect synthesis- between the individual an society" which hQ first sound in his book on anarchism in 1965. To this he

. · th astonishi comment tl .at Pr u on, ..vhom Stirner ~espise 1 an ~in, who ocate1 the ihilaticn of the indivi&al, omplete~e rk that Stimer bo£?an!. PrDUt~,.. 3,okt oJ. ~--•sl- cowc,...M &M•kcf~ 4 Ad,.Uh

1 9~ c• .. ~c.h ,A,- -tl ,.,.tfll/w'tlu•ft, ,.,. aU ~NS,- ..,c~ ~.u" l...t lo ~.,.·,.~·"t•. /oz. t/. ' ·

The bo cont - ins a f w illu tration - one of' :1hich 1 En3els f us sketch of Stirner and his colleagues of "Th Free" an 1 onother a be tifUlly apt an untit1 photoeroph of o tramcer beering the d stJ:nation si(..; .: "St. Marx ...


(Feuerbach, . arx and The Left He elinns. Th Philosophical Forum. A Triple Issue. Volume Vlll, los . 2-4. Box 247, Boston University Station, Boston, as • 02215, USA.

This trinle i s ue of The Philosophical Fonun will be f int€rcst to readers ot ~D:NUS 0 • for the material it features on or by JJ;ax timer.


Page 9: This file archived at Union of Egoists€¦ · 2016. The website initially focuses on providing historical, biographical and bibliographical details of a few their

er's co .Gnt t a ost s'bonishing

ind those

"Humanity and m- sculinity o . thereforQ be a tter of t•~ •true humanity' or

h co ti ues, for Feuerbach to e:nc€ of Christi i ty. It 'IS

FeuerbACh t. t h \'1 .s able to write this in oth r words, he ~s "more than sculine" .

so be ad ed sup le~ent that Stirner's attack the not1on of the Unique , display to devalue th lves.

fli(d~ .rQ ... J.t ~ collGction of CRdernics such ns this, learned

p.eP-r. Th·s is th cRse rc6nrding one oft 1 tter mtten in 1882 by Edg B uer to

d Hilderbr dt. In it is an anecdote that n his first wif nak d, b cR. e " rs ' to

h r. On th s li&ht ~ d confirmed basis, H s-Mortin S ss rests is comm t ". s to ~ psychoanalytic interpr tation f Stimer or ~narch·s in ener , the infer tion oonteined in this 1 tter reg ing St rn r 's sexuAl life is certoinly of interest !!

ow t i shattering i fornAtion concerning Stimer's' exuel life" is cont in d in t s ntence n reminiscence wr1 tten almos thirty y rs aft e... his d th. It is, furthermore , reminiscence that is wrong

bout Sti .er 's p ace of birth, the d~te of his first marri e , the o cupation f is first wife, his cadenic qualif1c .tiona and the nge '1t ich h die ! .. ot only this but B uer ~ es to sP:y rlthin a :fe lines t.: t he Ego and i s Own uis immortal, s today as it was forty Ars ago nn¢1 "tl at it is truch too unworldly" and "given to trmsi to ·, 111usory end n g ti v things .. !

H , in such ~ erroneous. nnd confused ccount, one cM hope to f'ind oat riAl for "psychoan tic inte-rpi'etaticn, I c ot underst nd, ven aup sine, ·1hich I deny, thAt .one can ' psychoanalyze" the deeq.

,\s for .. psychoen Q.yzing" "anArchisn in g neral", ince when has it been ssibl to put a theory on en analyst s couch? It is nonsense such thi thRt reor s ·~.nti-intel1ectuali " such ent cing prospect •••

Th re is . ch else in this interesting public tion on which I uld like to co ent if I had the space. I would like, however, to

p iculRrly recc .end Ilanr ..\rvon • s es ey on the eff c s of the critici of Bruno BAuer Md tirner upon terx' s "ep emol r;yu. I

ld 11 - to deplore th ooi sian '£ the u~i transl tion of Stirner's The F c Princip e Of Our Education, published by Ralph 'Ylcs in 19671 fro the iblio r phy coop1led by Uich el Levi.



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r t pu l~shed in 1873, as


s an .ple o rly trAct v t , l ty o~ gel rig ts. owe r , it overblcm


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