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0 i and Other D angerous Drugs.

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rCommunicated to the Council and the Members of the League.]

C. 1 60. M» 145, 1940. xi.[O.C.S.300 (r).]

Geneva, October 1st, 1940.









BETWEEN JULY 1 s t AND SEPTEMBER 3 0 t h , 1 9 4 0

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Nos. 1820 and 1821. — Discovery of the Illicit Manufacture and Sale of Sedol Ampoules in Colombia.

R efe ren c e : _ On J u n e 3rd, 1940, th e Colombian G overnm en t com m unicated thefollowing fu r the r in fo rm a tion concerning th is case :[O.C.S.300 (ç)j,

pages 25/26. The A tlan tic S an i ta ry Police inspected ten pharmacies at Barran-O.C.S./Conf.llSl (a). quilla and found th e following q uan t i t ies of faked Sedol : Drogueria

Blanco & Roca, 58 ampoules ; F a rm ac ia Blanca, 96 ampoules ; Farmacia Colon, 6 ampoules ; F a rm ac ia del Carmen, 1 ampoule. The ampoules were packed in genuine conta iners. The falsification corresponded to the 67 m m . ty p e p h o to g rap h .1 The word 11 Sedol ” was crossed ou t and the sides of the su rround ing rectangle ended in a very sharp point. In eight boxes, all th e ampoules were faked ; in the others, th e y were mixed with genuine ampoules.

The Sectional S an i ta ry Police of the D e p a r tm e n t of Valle learned t h a t ampoules of faked Sedol were being sen t out f rom th e es tab l ishm en t of Dr. R oberto Correa, in the town of Cartago and were la te r informed b y a physic ian t h a t he h ad used for one of his patients an am poule supplied b y Dr. Correa an d h ad observed sym ptom s of in tox ica t ion an d excessive t ac h y ca rd ia — which he had never seen w ith the use of genuine Sedol. The Inspector of Police a t Cartago ascerta ined the following facts. A n individual “ of small s ta tu re , fair, and robust ” came to Dr. R ober to C orrea’s p h a r m a c y and told him t h a t he was a n a t iv e of Bogota an d was em ployed as an ag en t for ph arm aceu tica l p roduc ts , th o u g h he did n o t mention th e nam e of the m an u fa c tu r in g firm. This person fu r th e r to ld Dr. Correa t h a t he had three boxes of free samples of Sedol which he wished to exchange for o th e r samples t h a t were of no value to th e la t te r . The alleged agent was so ins is ten t th a t , in order to get rid of him. Dr. Correa decided to tak e one bo x of am poules in exchange for samples from th e Squibb firm. Of th e twelve am poules in th e box, Dr. Correa disposed of four, one of which he used for a p a t i e n t of his own. The rem ain ing e ight ampoules were confiscated an d sent, together w ith th e re levan t reports , to th e F ir s t Circuit Judge , who, as head of judicial investigations in criminal cases, was the p rope r a u th o r i ty for dealing w ith this m a t te r . Dr. Antonio J . Sancedo, of Roldanillo, who learned of this falsification th ro u g h th e Press, handed over, th ro u g h the in te rm ed ia ry of the H ea l th Inspector, t h e 59 ampoules of faked Sedol which are referred to in the reports .

No. 972. — Seizure at New York on September 17th, 1937.

In its annua l report for 1939 on the traffic in op ium and other dangerous drugs, the Governm ent of the U n i ted S ta tes of America gives th e following fu r th e r in form ation concerning this case :

Louis B uch a l te r {alias Lepke), who was a fugitive in connection' w i th this case, surrendered himself to th e Federal au thori t ies in August1939 and was su b sequen tly sentenced to im prisonm en t for twelve years,hav ing been convic ted of conspiracy to v io late th e narcotic laws. With his conviction, all th e m ajo r defendants in th is narcotic smuggling

conspiracy (30 were indicted), which was th e m o s t im p o r ta n t case developed in several years, have been b ro u g h t to just ice w ith the excep tion of th ree : Louis Kravitz , a fugitive, who is believed to be in th e U n i ted S ta tes , and Yanis Tsounias and George L. Mexis, who are believed to be in Shanghai. In J u ly 1939, the U nited S ta tes T reasu ry D ep ar tm en t , through theD e p a r tm e n t of S ta te , su b m it te d to the Shanghai au thori t ies evidence in g rea t detail showingan extensive traffic in illicit narco tics by Tsounias and Mexis, in the hope t h a t on the basisof this evidence these m alefactors m igh t be b ro u g h t to justice. These smugglers obta inedth e i r narco tics in th e Jap a n ese Concession of Tientsin, China, smuggling into the United S ta tes in th e baggage of ostensible round- the-w orld touris ts , in app ro x im a te ly one year; sufficient drugs to supp ly th e needs of 10,000 add ic ts for t h a t period.

[ See photographs a t tach ed to docum ent O.C.S./Confidential/1131.The label shown in these photographs as the genuine Sedol label bears th e following wording : “ L a b o r a to i r e

d ’Hypodermie de Paris S é d o l Nom déposé Enregist ré au Labora to ire National de Contrôle des M é d i c o n i e n ' sous le N° 455.33 Sédatif du Système Nerveux M o r p h i n e (Chlorhydrate) : Soixante Centigrammes l a m i n e (Bromhydrate) : Deux Centigrammes S p a r t é i n e (Sulfate) : Deux Grammes pour Cent Grammes. P «IL nt Solution pour injections sous-cutanées Boîte de 12 Ampoules de 1,3 cc. renferm ant : M o r p h i n e (Chl.) : neuI ® trente-six dixièmes de mil ligramme S c o p o l a m i n e (Br.) : t ren te et u n dixièmes de mill igramme ®PABpnx (Sulfate) : t ren te et un centigrammes. Sté. Gle. d ’a p p l i c a t i o n s t h é r a p e u t i q u e s T h é r a p l i x R. M o R « p h a r m a c i e n Ancien interne des H ôp i taux de Paris, 98, Rue de Sèvres, P a r i s V I I e. B S o l u t i o n p o u r i n j e c t i o v -

R efe ren ces :C. 135. M. 80.1938. X I [O .C .S.300 [h)], p ag e 24.O.C.S./Conf . 497.

1281/388/445 .

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Reference NameResult

Imprisonment Fine

Turkey :i .14.M.12.1940.XI Zia A lgün ................... One year , th ree m o n th s ,

fifteen days.£T. 4 , 3 1 4 (1 0 , 3 5 3 . 6

[O.C.S.300(c)], Swis; gold francs).i.rj'f 21, No. 1672. Mme. A n n a M. Paol . Seven m o n th s . £ T .1,696 (4,070.4 Swiss

M u s ta fa N u r i Y a lu z . Seven m o n th s .gold francs).

£T. 1,696 (4,070.4 Swiss

United S ta tes of A m e ­rica :

<:. 135. M. 80.1938. X I [O.C.S.300(A)],

Lou is B u c h a l t e r (alias L e p k e ) ........................ Twelve vears .

gold francs).

jingc 24, No. 972.

C. 128. >1.80.1939. X I Louis A d e lm a n (Edel- (Ten y e a r s )1 1,000 dollars ( 3 , 1 0 0[O.C.S.300(0], m a n ) ............................. Swiss gold francs).page 39, No. 1468.

M a x Sch i idw a ck . . . F iv e vears . 500 dollars (1,550 Swiss

i .346.M.261 .1939 .X I J o s é I .ago E s te i ro . . F ive v ea rs ( the d e fen d ­gold francs).

[0,C.S.300(n)] , A n to n io P a lm ero . . a n t s a p p e a le d and th epage 11, No. I 080 . a pp ea l is still pending) .

1 Already rep o r ted ; see Document C.14.M.12.1940.X I [O.C.S.300(c)], page 2.

5448. — s. d. N. 750 (F.) 625 (A.) 12/40. Imp. Granchamp, Annemasse.

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1. R a w o p i u m . 5 . C o c a i n e .

2 . P r e p a r e d O p i u m a n d D r o s s . 6 . I n d i a n H e m p .

3 . M o r p h i n e . 7 . M i s c e l l a n e o u s .4 . H e r o i n .



No. 1826. — Discovery at Istanbul of clandestine manufacture of and illicit traffio inmorphine, June 17ih? 1940. R ep o r t com m unica ted by th e Turkish G overnm ent , J u ly 9 th , 1940.

Reference : 1 (a). Morphine base : 23 kg.O.C.S ./Conf . l l b S . Morphine hydrochloride : 4 k g . 225 g r . — in nine s m a l l '8g>4 0 5 2 6 '3 8 7 c o n t a i n e d i n o n e p a r c e l .

Rudimentary apparatus for the manufacture of the drug,

3. On Ju n e 17th, 1940, th e Criminal Inves t iga t ion D e p a r tm e n t a t Is tan b u l disco'.' -red w h a t was perhaps the m ost im p o r ta n t case of the y ea r of illicit traffic in narcotic drugs, accom panied by c landestine m an u fac tu re carried on in a rem ote l itt le place in Asia Minor.

The police h ad for some considerable t im e been w a tch ing M ustafa Ozem, proprietor of Ozem Casino a t Péra, and Neset Goker, formerly a clerk in the Customs guard and now engaged in the dye trade , to g e th er w ith the ir confederates, h av ing reason to suspect that these persons were im plicated in th e c landestine m an u fa c tu re and illicit sale of morphine on a large scale. F o r a long t im e, however, th e traffickers, w arned th ro u g h personal friends of Neset Gôker, always e luded the t raps set for them , and the police were unable to ca tch themin the act. A t leng th the police secured th e co-operation of a person who had temporarily re tired from the business an d was well-known in the world of th e illicit t raffic and capable of securing th e confidence of the gang. This confidant was p u t in touch w ith Mustafa Ozem who welcomed h im w a rm ly an d finally agreed to sell h im 4.5 kg. of m orph ine . Mustafa Ozem th en gave ins truct ions to his m anager , A hm ed Oruç, a dealer in business a t Uluborlu, where th e d rug was m an u fa c tu re d and s tored pend ing delivery to th e purchaser , and Ahmed Oruç. set out w ith th e goods. A fter several secre t consu lta t ions a t Is tanbu l , it was arranged to m ee t a t a place in G alata , and th e Criminal In v es t iga t ion D e p a r tm en t m ad e a r r a n g e m e n t s to a r res t the ringleaders in th e ac t of c landestine sale. A t th e m o m en t w hen Ahm ed Oruç was han d in g over th e parcel to the supposed purchaser , th e police, who h ad been waiting in a taxi, dashed in and took the necessary action. In the parcel seized were nine small bags conta in ing, in all, 4 kg. 225 gr. of m orph ine hydrochloride . A search was m ade of the t ra f f icke rs ’ residences, and in the room occupied by A hm ed Oruç a t an inn 23 kg. of morphine base, of a b lackish colour, were seized. The local au thor i t ies a t Uluborlu , w arned by a te legram in code, discovered in th e house of Çopur A hm ed , an im p o r ta n t m em ber of the gang: th e r u d im e n ta ry ap p a ra tu s used for the m an u fa c tu re of th e drug.

The first s tage of th e judicial en q u iry revealed t h a t th e u n d e r ta k in g was financed by a wholesale fruit and vegetab le dealer n am ed Mehmed, who was in business a t Izmit. Mehmet h ad adv an ced £ T . 2,800 (6,720 Swiss gold francs) for th e purchase of th e necessary opium and h ad also supplied th e m ate r ia l and th e chemical ingredien ts used for th e m a n u f a c t u r e .

H e had , fu r the rm ore , sen t for Çopur A h m ed to come to I s tan b u l to receive from Laz Osman technical in s t ruc t ion in th e m an u fa c tu re of morphine. A hm ed Oruç ac ted as transport agent in the organisa tion. Lemi K erm en , a commission agent, and Marco Pardo , a dealer, were also m em bers o f th e gang who were engaged in selling morphine.

The whole gang is u n d e r a rres t and th e case has been h an d ed over to th e Is tanbul Public P rosecutions D e p a r tm e n t for an enqu iry . The verdic t of th e com p e ten t cour t will be co m m unica ted in due course.

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1. R A W O PIU M

. 1827. — Seizures by the Chinese Maritime Customs on various dates from December1939 to June 1940. R ep o rt com m unica ted by the Chinese G overnment. A ugust 14th, 1940.

1 (a). Raw opium : 170 kg. 90.6 gr.Prepared opium : 13 kg. 566.6 gr. 152 kg. 950 gr. of the

raw opium were smuggled in from Indo-China and 8 kilogrammes from B u rm a ; 1 kg. 670.6 gr. was of I ran ian origin.

3 kg. 781 gr. of th e p repared opium bore th e “ Red Lion ” m ark, 2 kg. 437 gr. theGolden Deer ” m ark , and 37.8 gramm es th e “ Eagle ” m ark . The opium was conta ined

in '265 tins (mostly of one tae l or half-a-tael), 1,415 2-candarine tubes , 26 2-mace tubes, 134 jars of 0.25 tael. 41 jars of 0.1 tael, 295 jars of 0.05 tael. 165 jars of 0.025 tael, and 6 jars

: 0.01 tae l .1 There were also four 1-tael packages an d 590 gram m es in sticks. All the prepared opium seized a t L ap p a came from Macao.

3. Lungkow (Shantung) Customs, A p r i l 11th, 1940. 590 g ramm es of foreign prepared •:um. in sticks, were found concealed in passengers’ luggage on th e s.s. Y unglee (Chinese)

on her arrival from Dairen.

Canton Customs, M a y 28th to Ja n e 17th, 1940. On the s.s. Sh ing Cheong (Portuguese) raing from Macao, 1 kg. 500 gr. of foreign prepared o p ium was found on May 28th inside

a double p ar t i t io n in the ca rp e n te r ’s room, behind tool shelves full of tools ; 76 gramm es a an unclaimed the rm os bo tt le in passengers’ luggage, on Ju n e 12th ; 570 gram m es inside

pump-case on the floor in the ’tween-decks, passenger space, on Ju n e 17th ; on J u n e 3rd, ist.oms officers a t ten d in g the vessel on her arrival seized 490 gram m es of p repared opium

i '"ii a Chinese runner, who was a rres ted by a Jap an ese gendarm e. The op ium was in t insloi den in an ea r thenw are j a r w i th a layer of shrim p sauce on the top. 300 gram m es were

seized from a Chinese passenger from the s.s. Y un Y a n g M a ru (Japanese) from Macao,oncealed inside the foodstuff carried by the passenger, who escaped.

Chefoo Customs (W eiha iwei) , A p r i l 1940. 7 kg. 320 gr. of foreign raw op ium were seized from Ling W en Hua, who was handed over to the Consolidated T ax Office (in control of opiummatters).

Kowloon Customs.

February 21st, 1940. — Shatoukok Barrier.

150 gramm es of foreign raw . op ium were found on the person of a Chinese w om an passenger, who escaped.

March 1st. 1940.

1 kg. 361 gr. of I ran ian raw opium were seized by an a rm ed pa tro l am bu sh ed near Hou Hoi Beach, from a m an who approached from the beach w ith a r a t t a n b ask e t con ta in ing taree pieces of raw opium (each 1 lb) and 27 pieces of “ Marsale G um ” . The m an escaped.

-iprit £th to Ju n e 17ih, 1940. — Shum chun R ai lway Station.

605 gramm es of foreign p repared op ium and a small piece of raw op ium were seized. In one case the op ium was concealed in two squares of household soap, in an o th e r in a bundle of fresh vegetables carried b y a Chinese runner , and, in a th i rd , in c igarette packets in inward

assengers’ luggage. 14.3 gram m es were carried by a Chinese w om an in a handkerchief in >ioi' hand. In all of these cases the owner of the drug escaped.

AL% 2nd to 30Ih, 1940. — Shehow Station.

755 gramm es of p repared op ium m an u fa c tu re d in H ong-K ong were seized. Two of the three seizures were from passengers by the Po On Ferry , one of w hom carried the opium in two double-bottom ed r a t t a n baskets , and the o th e r in a specially-made double-sided tin . J ho third seizure was from a Chinese wom an, who also carried th e op ium in a doub le-bo t tom ed basket. The owners of the drugs escaped.

1 1 candarine = 0.378 grammes : 1 mace = 3.78 grammes ; 1 tael = 37.8 grammes.

' teference : O.C.S./Conf. 1190.

: 1177/388 (3).

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Lappa Customs.

December 25 th, 1939 to Ja n u a ry 29 th, 1940. — Chienshan Station.

1 kg. 627.3 gr. of p repared opium seized from passengers by sam pans coming froi Macao. 1 kg. 990.3 gr. was found on various sam pans and o th e r craft coming from Maca<- In one case the sam p an had a specially cons truc ted ru dde r for concealing co n t ra b an d ; i

another, th e op ium was hidden inside a double p a r t i t io n on th e sam pan . 320.3 gramme were seized from various sam pans and tows. E ight Chinese were arrested.

December 26 th, 1939 to Ja n u a ry 20 th, 1940. — Shekok Station.

1 kg. 111.3 gr. of p rep a red opium was seized from th e persons of pedestr ians passing tl s ta t io n inwards, one of w hom a t t e m p te d to take to flight when s topped for searchin: 33.1 gram m es were found on a child of 5, to w hom his fa th e r had given the opium to ca r ry pa th e s tation . The fa ther was arrested. A p a tro l on d u ty a t th e top of Chuksin tung foun 143.6 g ramm es on the person of a m an coming from th e W ancha i direction. Ten Chinese we; arrested.

December 27 th, 1939 to February 17th, 1940. — K w a n ch a k Station.

1 kg. 360.8 gr. of p repared opium was seized from bus passengers ; in one case i t w; concealed in umbrellas carried by two Chinese passengers ; and in an o th e r in two special!' m ade doub le-bottom ed r a t t a n baskets carried by a w om an passenger on th e K i-K w an bu102 gram m es were found concealed under passenger seats on incoming buses ; 13.2 gramme in 14 jars contained in a p o t te ry j a r and covered over w ith bean paste , were found under passenger seat on the K i-K w an bus ; 305.3 gramm es were seized on var ious incomin ; K i-K w an buses. 535.7 gram m es were seized from pedestr ians , in one case the op ium bein v concealed in specially-made double bo t to m ed baskets , and in an o th e r case bound round t 1 arm s of two pedestr ians. E ig h t Chinese were arrested.

Lungchow Customs.

M a y 30 th, 1940.

B oa tm en on d u ty a t the bridge-head de ta ined a Chinese (said to be an officer of guerilla units) who came inwards w ith som eth ing concealed under his c lothing and refused to re­searched. A rm ed guards were sent to th e spot, and, on searching the m an, found 1 kg. 100 _ of foreign p repared opium. A big crowd of rioters gathered , an d in the confusion the man escaped.

Sezmao Customs.

March 21 st to Ju n e 13th, 1940.

The to ta l seizures a m o u n ted to 160 kg. 950 gr. of raw opium, of which 152 kg. 950 g , were smuggled from Indo-China and 8 kilogrammes from B urm a. In one case, 15 kg. 500 p . were seized from smugglers by a rm ed guards sen t on receipt of a rep o r t from the plain-clotl ;; o u tp o s t in Moo-ding. The smugglers were found a t K w ai-San a b o u t one li from the Custoi house. The opium was carried on horses. 9 kg. 450 gr. were seized by a pa tro l p a r ty . < operat ing w ith Customs guards , from a b an d of seven smugglers whose loads were carried 1-y five horses. 22 k ilogram m es were carried on a horse in a doub le-bo t tom ed baske t by n I-Sar m erchan t . 106 k ilogram m es were seized from a Chinese carrier. 7 k i logram m e (from B urm a) were seized by Custom s guards a t Acasatze and 1 k ilogramme (also from Burma b y a n ight-patro l pa r ty , w ith the assistance of Y u n n a n T ax B ureau officials, near the village of Manglung. The persons im plica ted were : Chen Pao-qun , I-Sar, P a n Chin-u and others, W a n g Aur, W an g San and Yuan-Iviang, all Chinese.

Wenchow Customs.

37.8 gramm es of p repared op ium (Macao) were seized on board the s.s. Haiching (British; on her arrival from H ong-K ong . The op ium was in a tin , concealed u n d e r a p lank behind and under an ice-box, on the m ain deck, af t side. The owner was unknow n.

No. 1828. — Seizure at Port Said on July 6th, 1940. R ep o r t com m unica ted by the Ceni ";1 Narcotics Intelligence Bureau , Cairo, A ugus t 10th, 1940. ‘

l | eI ece^?e ; n ~7 1 (a). Opium : 12 kg. 500 gr. Ten slabs, w rapped in th in paper' ni. ' 7- and enclosed in a rubbe r covering. P resu m ed to be of T urk ish origin.

40585/387. 3. A police corporal patro ll ing n ea r th e s laughter-house a t I ' r 'Said s topped on suspicion A hm ed H assan Shala ta , who was carrying a

sack and a t te m p te d to ru n aw ay, b u t was arrested . The sack was found to conta in the ten slabs of opium. The enquiries m ad e by th e C.N.I.B. revealed t h a t the drug was the property

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f a f isherman nam ed Mohd. Mohd. R ay y an , who is a well-known trafficker, and t h a t Shala ter received from him the sum of £E ,5 (76.5 Swiss gold francs) for carrying th e drug from the seashore to a house of one of his re latives in the city. S ha la ta h a d previously been sentenced m a drugs case to im prisonm ent for th ree years. As a result of the enquiries m ad e by the Parquet, Salem H em aid was also involved.

4. A hm ed H assan Shala ta was sentenced to im p r iso n m en t for th ree years and a fine4 £E.500 (7,650 Swiss gold francs) ; Mohd. Mohd. R a y y a n an d Salem H em aid to im prison ­

ment for five years and a fine of £ E . 1,000 (15,300 Swiss gold francs) each, b y default .

No. 1829. — Seizure on the Turco-Syrian frontier on April 2nd, 1940. R ep o r t com­m unica ted b y the Turkish G overnm ent, J u ly 5th , 1940.

Reference ̂ ̂ 1 (a). Raw opium : 65 kg.

3. Ismail Pirincci, living a t Kilis, was caugh t a t n igh t by The 10525/387. Customs officers responsible for the supervision of the Leylit sector of

the frontier, nea r Kilis, w hen he was t ry in g to smuggle his w ay th rough , he district w ith a horse loaded w ith 65 kilogrammes of ra w opium.

Pirincci and th e opium were handed over to th e local Public Prosecutions D ep ar tm en t , hich has opened an enquiry. The decision of the Court will be com m unica ted in due course.

Note. — Seizures of raw opium were also m ade in connection with the following cases, hich included seizures of o ther drugs and which have been sum m arised under corresponding

headings :

Case No. 1849, under “ Heroin Case No. 1854, under “ Ind ian H em p

Q u a n t i t i e s o f R a w O p i u m s e i z e d a s r e p o r t e d t o t h e S e c r e t a r i a t :


248 kg. 828.6 gr.


.'Jo. 1830. — Seizure at Brisbane, Australia on March 31st, 1940. R ep o r t com m unica ted by the A ustra lian G overnm ent, May 6th , 1940.

Reference : I (a). Opium prepared for smoking : 310 g ramm es (1 2 % oz.).

In twelve 1-oz. tubes and one %-oz. tube , similar to screw-top 29226/388. too th -p as te tubes an d bearing Chinese w ording which reads : “ F irs t

qua l i ty op iu m —• 1 oz. n e t t . ITar H oon O pium Office

3. The op ium was found concealed in th e overflow pipe of the af te r p ea k t a n k on the s.s. Karuah (H u n te r R iver Line, British), coming from Hong-Ivong via Zam boonga and '•andakan. I t was no t know n where or b y w hom it had been shipped.

So. 1831. — Seizure at Cairns, Queensland, Australia, on March 1st, 1940. R ep o r t com­m unica ted b y th e A us tra l ian G overnm ent, M ay 10th, 1940.

Reference : 1 [a). Opium prepared for smoking : 2 kg. 272 gr. (80 oz.).J.u.S Conf. 1186. Yick Kee, Lion and Globe B rand . In ten tins, each of 8 ounces.

29226/388. 3. The opium was landed in a suit-case from th e s.s. Ta ip ing(Austra lian & Oriental Co., British), coming from H ong-K ong via

lanila and T h u rs d a y Island. The t ins were w rap p ed in a gown to p re v en t ra tt l ing .

4. Y ui Shui Sing, or T o m m y Yep, of Tung Yep & Co., Cairns, was charged under Section 233(1) (d) of the Customs Act, b u t the case was dismissed.

o. 1832. — Seizures in Macao during February, March and April 1940, Report com­m unica ted b y th e Portuguese G overnm ent, J u l y 5 th , Sep tem ber 4 th and October 18th, 1940.

February 1940.

Heference : 1 (a). Prepared opium : 26.5 gram m es (0.7 taels).O.C.S./Conf. 1166. V V

Gum used by traffickers for adulterating prepared opium :' 088 W- 2 kg. 808.5 gr. (74.3 taels).

Heroin pills : 54 pills.

3. There were six seizures : th ree Chinese, Chiang X"on, H ong Cheng and Lei Ung were srrested for being in possession of p repared opium n o t p roduced by th e Monopoly ;

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2 kg. 740.5 gr. of gum used b y traffickers for ad u l te ra t in g p repared opium were seized fro; Yong Tong, Chinese, and 68 gram m es of the same subs tance from Lei Sam, Chinese; anotlv Chinese, Lao Tak, was ar res ted for hav ing in his possession 54 heroin pills.

The drugs were ordered to be rendered useless.

4. Chiang Von and H ong Cheng were fined 30 dollars each (21 Swiss gold francs) an Lei Ung and Lao Tak 8 dollars (5.6 Swiss gold francs) and 54 dollars (37.8 Swiss gold frani respectively. These fines were paid. Yong Tong and Lei Sam were fined 1,000 dollars ea: (700 Swiss gold francs). In these cases the fines were n o t paid an d the offenders were therefo- b ro u g h t before the Court.

March 1940.

1 (a). Prepared opium : 41.6 gram m es (1.1 taels).“ Halan ” : 362.9 gram m es (9.6 taels).Gum used by traffickers for adulterating prepared opium113.4 g ram m es (3 taels).Caffeine: 73.1 grammes.Heroin : 56 grammes.

3. There were six seizures. Leong Cheac was a rres ted for being in possession“ ha lan ” , p repared opium and gum used b y traffickers for ad u l te ra t in g prepared op iun1 Lao Kao and Lo Y ong Tac for being in possession of “ ha lan ” ; Cho Pei and Yong On t being in possession of p rep ared op ium n o t p roduced by the Monopoly ; and Ung Ma Sen. long T chau and Lei Tou for being in possession of caffeine an d heroin.

The drugs were ordered to be rendered useless.

4. Leong Cheac was fined 1,000 dollars (700 Swiss gold francs) ; Lao Kao 20 doll;: (14 Swiss gold francs) ; Lo Y ong Tac 100 dollars (70 Swiss gold francs) ; Choi Pei 18 doll; (12.6 Swiss gold francs) Yong On 36 dollars (25.2 Swiss gold francs) ; and Ung Ma Seng, lo r Tchau and Lei Tou 706 dollars (494.2 Swiss gold francs). In the cases of Leong Cheac an Lo Y ong Tac, the fines were n o t paid and the offenders were therefore b rough t before I Court. In the o ther cases the fines were paid.

A p r i l 1940.

R e f e r e n c e 1 (a). Prepared opium : 15 g ram m es (0.4 taels).O.C.S./Conf. 1184. “ H a la n ” : 393 gram m es (10,4 taels).

529/388 (9). 3 . There wTere th ree cases : F u n g Kong (Chinese) was foundpossession of p rep a red op ium not p roduced by the Monopoly ; Yong Chak Sam and Tcha Lok Tchi (both Chinese) were found in possession of “ ha lan ” .

The drugs were ordered to be rendered useless.

4. F u n g Kong was fined 7 dollars (4.9 Swiss gold francs) ; Yong Chak Sam 96 doll; (67.2 Swiss gold francs) ; and Tchao Lok Tchi 100 dollars (70 Swiss gold francs). In ea.: case the fine was paid.

Note. — Seizures of p repared opium wTere also m ad e in connection with the follow cases, which included seizures of o th e r drugs and which have been sum m arised un corresponding headings :

Case No. 1827. u n d e r “ R aw O pium ” .Case No. 1840, un d e r “ Morphine ” .

Q u a n t i t i e s s e i z e d o f P r e p a r e d O p i u m , “ H a l a n ” a n d G u m


Prepared o p iu m : " Halan ” :

1939 1940 1940

3 kg. 115.6 gr. 16 kg. 240.1 gr. 755.9 grammes.

R efe ren ce :O.C.S./Conf . 1196.

529/388(9) .

Gum used by traffickers for adulterating prepared opium


2 kg. 921.9 gr.

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3. M O R P H IN E

No. 1833. — Discovery of Irregular Traffic and Seizure at the “ Drogueria Ultramar ”, Bogota, on May 13th, 1940. R eport com m unica ted by the Colombian G overnm ent. J u n e 26th , 1940.

Reference: 1 (a). Morphine hydrochloride : One t in box conta ining 1.000f-t I p P 1 1 « A X U

.L.b. /Loni. l i / a . g ram m es of m orphine hydrochloride and magnesia in cubes1540/38 7 . and in powder (see details of analysis below).

Sedol : 2 ampoules.Pantapon : 13 ampoules.

The t in conta in ing the magnesia and m orphine hydrochloride bore an orange-coloured iabel with the following inscription : “ Société de Recherches Chimiques e t d ’applications industriels, 233, rue Tolliac, Paris X I I I arrd. — Adresse té légraphique Sorchap-Paris . 101 Telephone Gobellins Do 99-CIorhidrate de m orphine (.M orph inum clorhydricum). Sorchap marque déposée — Poison — N e t 1 K g .” Its gross weight was 1,542 gramm es. The lid of the box was sealed with a s trip of p ap e r bearing the word “ Poison ” . It was purchased : ir the Drogueria U l t ram a r on Sep tem ber 12th, 1934, from B ernard Pau ly of Bogota. The container when seized seemed no t to have been opened, b u t the Chief of the Chemical Section i f the S am per Martinez Nationa l H ea l th In s t i tu te repo r ted th a t , on proceeding to ca rry ou tthe analysis, he found t h a t th e conta iner was n o t in the condition in which it had left theiactory and t h a t the inside w rap p er had been broken.

3. On May 13th, 1940, when inspecting the Drogueria U lt ram ar , 8-99, 11th Street. Bogota, owned b y M. Luis Noriega, the C undinam arca Regional Inspector of the National Sanitary Police discovered t h a t M. Noriega could n o t present the required au tho r isa t ion to

■11 narcotic drugs and t h a t there were irregularities in the filling of prescriptions for such drugs. The au thori t ies therefore rem oved the stocks of narco tic drugs. An analysis of the

ibstance seized as m orphine hydrochloride was m ade b y th e Sam per Martinez National Health In s t i tu te , whose report reads as follows :

1; The box conta ins m agnesia in cubes and in powder. Of th e conten ts , 5 % consists of m orphine hydrochloride in cubes, these being chiefly in the up p e r p a r t of the box. These cubes are a li tt le da rk e r in colour and offer grea ter resistance to breaking with the fingers. If a q u an t i ta t iv e analysis of th e m orph ine is desired, it will be necessary toreduce to pow der the whole of the con ten ts of th e box, so t h a t an average m a y be taken .If it is desired to e x t ra c t the m orphine combined in the p roduc t, a special ex trac t ion will be necessary .”

This report gave rise to th e p re su m p tio n t h a t the case was one of illicit traffic in morphine, and the m a t t e r was handed over to th e Judge of th e Seventh Section of th e Criminal Investigation D ep ar tm en t . The progress of th is case will be reported .

Luis Noriega is of Spanish na t iona l i ty , aged 52, and has resided in Colombia since 1919. He formerly worked in a texti le es tab l ishm ent in Cuba, and in the U nited S ta tes w ith the arm of Barclay, as whose represen ta t ive he came to Colombia.

No. 1834. — Seizure in Germany in 1939. Case repo r ted by the G erm an G overnm ent in its report on the illicit traffic in 1939.

Reference : O.C.S.319(/z).

1 (a). Morphine ampoules : A large n u m b er (exact q u a n t i ty no t specified).

3. A w om an tr ied to smuggle a large n u m b er of m orph ine ampoules from Czecho-Slovakia into G erm any. The drug was confiscated and


4. The w om an was sentenced to a fine of 600 R.M. (720 Swiss gold francs).

No. 1835. — Seizures in Thailand on December 8th, 1938, July 7th, 1939, September 3rd,1939 and from October 1939 to January 1949. R eport com m unica tedb y th e Thai G overnm ent, J u ly 15th, 1940.

Reference :O.C.S./Conf. 1181.

1 (a). Morphine hydrochloride : 1 kg. 877 gr.

39991000 ̂ 3. There were fo r ty - th ree cases. F o r ty -s ix Chinese and six Thais•j (d). were arrested. 1 kg. 800 gr. of m orph ine were kep t for purify ing and

the rest was destroyed,

4. Fines rang ing from 25 to 589.30 ticals (35 to 825 Swiss gold francs) wrere inflicted.

No. 1836. — Seizures and arrest of traffickers in Kansas City in 1939. Inform ation com­m unica ted by the G overnm ent of the U nited S ta tes of America in itsannua l repor t for 1939.

~s8/ f £ e,nce ■ 1 (a ) . Morphine : 2 k g . 1 2 6 gr. ( ■ , ,vv. 143.M. 131.1940.X I Heroin • 1 k » 361 o-*- ) aP P r 0 X im a tel> .[O .C . /A .R .1939/49] , 1 =*'

None of the drugs bore a n y m arks or labels, or was of a type produced in the U nited Sta tes.

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3. Num erous defendan ts , pr incipa lly of K ansas City, Mo., were arres ted in an im porte r ' case involving th e domestic d is tr ibu tion of drugs believed to have been smuggled into tl U nited Sta tes. The illicit traffic in K ansas City p resented a p a r t icu la r ly difficult proble: . from the po in t of view of th e enforcement of the law. because i t was in th e hands of dangerov,- criminals, was h ighly organised, and was carried on in such a w ay as to m ake approaches the principals by outs iders v e ry difficult. The B ureau of Narcotics conduc ted a lor inves t igat ion w ith th e objec t of prosecu ting the leading traffickers. The ex trem e cauti i of the suspects rendered th e procedure p ar t icu la r ly tedious, b u t a t length, in April 193 58 persons were indicted . Chief am ong these was Angelo Donnici, so-called “ Mayor N in th Street ” , and his l ieu tenan t , Crapisi. Joe Olivera, no torious for years as a leadi narco tic dealer in the Midwest, was indic ted , and became a fugitive, but la ter surrendere- Others ar res ted were J a c k Ancona, rep u ted to be supp ly ing a large p ropor tion of tl c o n t ra b an d narcotics used in O klahom a, Mike L icam i, Charles Casesa, of New Y o rk ,1 ai i J am es A bbo t t , who h a d several previous convictions. The am o u n ts of heroin and morplm m entioned above were seized or purchased during the course of the investigation.

4. Angelo Donnici received p en i ten t ia ry sentences to ta l l ing th i r teen years, and fini s to ta l l ing 16,000 dollars (49,600 Swiss gold francs) ; Crapisi received to ta l sentences im prisonm ent for five years and fines to ta l l ing 1,500 dollars (4,650 Swiss gold francs) ; J . • Olivera was sentenced to im p r iso n m en t for five years ; J a c k Ancona was given a ten-ye,,r p en i ten t ia ry sentence ( later reduced to seven years) ; Mike Licausi im prisonm ent for fix - years, Charles Casesa five years and Jam es A b b o t t fifteen years. Most of th e remaini. j. d efendan ts received sm aller b u t su bs tan t ia l sentences, w ith the result t h a t the organic d d rug traffic in K ansas City has been reduced to a m in im um .

No. 1837. — Illegal Sale of Drugs by a doctor at Callands, Virginia. In form at ion coi m u n ica ted b y the G overnm ent of th e U n ited S ta tes of Am erica in ; annua l rep o r t for 1939.

Reference : 1 ( b). Morphine sulphate : 3 ounces (85.2 grammes) (in th e origii. Ifo c ' 19 3 9 /4gX * s tam p ed packages of 1/8 ounce each).

3. Dr. Samuel Addison R eynolds was arrested at Callan Virginia, on A u gus t 15th, 1939, a f te r m ak in g th ree illegal sales to a

Federal narco tic officer an d a G o v e rn m en t employee. He charged 24 dollars (74.4 Sw s gold francs) for each sale of eight one-eighth-ounce packages.

4. Dr. R eynolds was sen tenced to im prisonm en t for one yea r and a day in th e Unih :1 S ta tes P e n i ten t ia ry at Fort L eavenw orth , K ansas , and a fine of 500 dollars (1,550 Swiss geld francs).

No. 1838. — Seizure at Seattle, Washington, on November 10th, 1939. In form ation given b y the G ov e rn m en t of th e U nited S ta tes of America in its annua l rep- rt for 1939.

Reference : 1 (b). Morphine hydrochloride : 667 gramm es.C. 143. M. 131.1940. X IO . C . / A .R . 1939/49] , 3. Jam es M. Boyd was a rres ted on N ovem ber 10th, 1939. a:, r

250 gram m es of m orph ine hydrochloride in cube form h ad been purchased from him. A Chinese, Moi W ong, and Pasquale Sirac -a

were also arrested , th e l a t t e r as B o y d ’s source of supply. The inves t iga t ion showed t at Siracusa a rr ived in Seatt le from San Francisco on N ovem ber 7th, 1939. by aeroplane, w h a t least 667 gram m es of m orph ine , which he delivered to Boyd. Of this 250 gramm es was bo u g h t by the narco t ic officers, and th e rem a in d e r a p p a re n t ly passed in to the illicit tra! . Boyd co m m it ted suicide su b seq u en t to in d ic tm en t and release on bond. Inves tiga tion a.; to the source of the drugs (believed to be Europe) is being continued.

4. P asquale Siracusa p leaded gu il ty and was sentenced to im prisonm en t for four years and a fine of 2,000 dollars (6,200 Swiss gold francs), and Moi Wong, who also p leaded guihy, to im p r iso n m en t for four m onths .

No. 1839. — Seizure at Honolulu in December 1939. In fo rm at ion co m m unica ted by he G o v e rn m en t of the U nited S ta tes of America in its annual repor t for 1' it1.

R efe rence : 1 (a). Morphine hydrochloride ( “ c o t t o n ” m o r p h i n e ) : i'eC. 1 43 .M. 131 .1940 .X I „ rarr l ' '[ O .C . /A .R .1939/49] . g i m m e s .

3. W o n g Ming, Chinese, o p era to r of a fleet, of tax icabs , who ;;ad for a n u m b e r of years been considered the chief source of supply for

narcotic drugs for the underw orld in Honolulu, was arres ted in Honolulu on D ecember 1 h.1939, a f te r m ak in g a sale of 22 gram m es of m orphine hydrochloride ( “ co t ton ” morph ne) for 175 dollars (542.5 Swiss gold francs). Tom Sai On, alias Rose Leong, an accomplice, was a r res ted w ith h im . A n add i t iona l 227 g ram m es of “ co t to n ” m orph ine were found on th e premises of T o m Sai On.

1 See docum en t C.i 35.M.80.1938.X I [O.C.S.300{/i)], page 23, No. 971.

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4. W ong Ming received a p en i ten t ia ry sentence of th ree years and four m onths to be ,-rved, followed by p ro ba tion for fifteen years . T om Sai On was sentenced to four m onths

in the co u n ty jail, followed by p ro b a t io n for fifteen years.

No. 1840. — Seizures at San Francisco, California, Tacoma and Seattle, Washington, and New York, in March, April, May and July 1940. R ep o rt com m unica ted by the G overnm ent of the U n i ted S ta tes of America, Sep tem ber 12th, 1940,

1 (a). Morphine hydrochloride : 9 kg. 914 gr. (349 oz. 34.4 grains). Cocaine : 7 kg. 34 gr. (247 oz. 299.5 grains).

Prepared opium : 5 kg. 396 gr. (approx im ate ly ) (190 ounces).

The m orphine and cocaine were in rubberised sacks bearing no identify ing m arks or labels ; the p repared opium was in tw en ty -n ine 5-tael t ins, of the familiar “ R oos te r and E lep h a n t ” b ra n d (Lam Kee-

Macao), o r ig inat ing in the F rench leased t e r r i to r y of Ivwangchow-wan.

3. On March 25th , 1940, two Chinese, J . C. Y oung and L u m W ah, alias George Wong, alias F ra n k Huey , were arrested a t San Francisco in possession of a b o u t two lbs of powdered morphine, com m only referred to as “ co t ton ” m orphine. I t was believed t h a t this m orphine had been smuggled from J a p a n , and a jo in t inves t iga t ion was opened b y the Federal N arcotic and Customs agents.

On th e same date , 384 gram m es of the same ty p e of m orph ine were seized a t Seatt le j'rom a J ap an ese nam ed Chotaro Mina toga wa.

Inves tiga tion showed t h a t L u m W ah , w hen serving a te rm in a U nited S ta tes Federal Penitentiary , had m ade a r rangem ents w ith a Japanese fellow-prisoner, Shigeo Shiraishi. for future m orph ine deals w hen b o th were released. Shiraishi re tu rn ed to J a p a n and corresponded w ith L u m W ah, using the address : 944-2, K aw ase Machi, Num azu-Shi, Jap a n . Lum W ah s ta ted t h a t he received from Shiraishi 3 lbs of m orphine in San Francisco in 1938,i iirough a Jap a n ese m em b er of th e crew of a Jap anese vessel ; 3 lbs in New Y ork in 1939, through an o th e r J ap an ese seam an ; and an o th e r 3 lbs in New Y ork in N ovem ber 1939 also through a Jap an ese seaman. These deals were a r ranged th ro u g h correspondence w ith Shiraishi. In J a n u a r y 1940, he received a le t te r from Shiraishi in t roducing Koki Osugi. member of the crew of the s.s. Tosei M a ru (Y am ash i ta Shipping C om pany — Jap a n ese ) ,b u t failed to get in to touch with this seam an. In March 1940, he received a le t te r from Shiraishi instructing him to go to a J a p a n ese lau n d ry at Tacom a, W ash ing ton , to tak e delivery of some morphine. He w en t to this address w ith J . C. Y o ung and m e t Mrs. Mineko Ogata , who irave him 3 lbs of m orphine, s ta t in g t h a t she had ju s t smuggled a q u a n t i t y from J a p a n via Vancouver, B.C. It was this m orph ine which was in th e possession of L u m and Y oung when they were a rres ted in San Francisco on March 25th.

On April 1st, Chotaro M inatogawa s ta te d in gaol t h a t he had been commissioned to dispose of narcotics for Mrs. Ogata , who had recen t ly re tu rn ed from J a p a n w ith a q u a n t i ty of morphine. Mrs. O gata was a rres ted on April 3rd, an d 1 kg. 280 gr. of m orph ine (45 oz. •dV2y2 grains) were found concealed on her premises. She confessed t h a t she had recen tly returned from J a p a n with fifteen packages of m orphine. She took eight of these ashore at ' ancouver on March 9 th , concealed on her person, and placed th e m in a suit-case which she bought there , checking the suit-case at a bus s ta t ion . She th en re tu rn ed to th e s.s. H ie M a r u , on which she had arrived, and proceeded to Seatt le , where she concealed the rem ain ing seven packages of m orph ine in her clo th ing and in her b a b y ’s diapers, an d smuggled th em ashore. She re tu rned to V ancouver b y au to-s tage, picked up the e ight packages of m orph ine and inuggled th e m in to the U nited S ta tes at Blaine, W ash ing ton , concealed in a p ap e r shopping-

bag toge ther w ith soiled diapers. She confessed also t h a t she had delivered th ree pounds of this m orph ine to L u m W a h on March 25th . and t h a t she delivered to M inatogawa the morphine which was seized from him.

While a p p a re n t ly the m orph ine seized from L u m W ah, Chotaro Minatogawa and -'1rs. Ogata was supplied by Shiraishi, an o th e r Japanese , whose nam e will be given in a later report, was im plicated in the case of Mrs. Ogata . On April 8th , Mrs. O gata received a le t ter *!’om this Jap an ese , s ta t in g t h a t a m em ber of th e crew of the s.s. Tosei M a ru would deliver 10 her a q u a n t i ty of m orphine. As a result of this in form ation , Ko ko Osugi and S ho lei Takeda, Japanese firemen on th e Tosei M a r u were a rres ted on May 8th, a f te r th e y had smuggled ashore

Seattle 2 kg. 727 gr. (6 lbs) of m orphine an d tw en ty-n ine 5-tael tins of p repared opium.< um W a h also received a le t te r from Shiraishi s ta t in g t h a t Osugi would deliver m orphine to -'1rs Ogata, and suggesting t h a t he should go to T acom a to tak e delivery of it. I t is thus seen th a t Shiraishi and the u n n am e d J a p a n ese were also th e suppliers of this sh ipm ent.

in fe ren ce :Û.C.S. /Conf. 1185.


.S. R e p o r t No. 956.

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On April 8 th , L um W a h received a le t te r from Shiraishi ins t ruc t ing him to go to New Yc k to tak e delivery of m orphine from a m em ber of th e crew of the s.s. N a n k a i Mciru( O se i

Syosen Kaisha, — Japanese) . As a result , the inves t iga t ion was carried to New Y ork and Iwakichi K inoshita , oiler on the N a n k a i M a r u , was a rres ted as he a t t e m p te d to deli- r4 kg. 545 gr. (10 lbs.) of m orph ine in a hotel room. K inoshita confessed th a t the morphi >e had been given to h im in Y o k o h am a b y a Jap an ese nam ed Kakeichi Y a m a d a ; t h a t it 1 d been concealed during the voyage in th e engine-room un d er some rags and waste ; and tl he had t ak e n the drugs off the vessel b y placing two of th e packages in belts round his be- and ca rry ing th e rem ain ing th ree packages suspended a t th e end of a line as he walked aroi: 1 the stringpiece of the p ier to th e street , keeping th e m orphine packages out of s ight suspended on th e line.

On May 12th, L u m W a h received a le t te r from Shiraishi s ta t in g th a t 4 kg. 545 gr. (10 11 of cocaine should arrive a t San Francisco n ea r the end of May or th e beginning of June , a:v enclosing half of a Jap an ese 50-Sen note as identif ica tion when L um W a h should meet carrier . (K inoshita had been identified in the same m an n e r in New York). On J u ly 19! i, inves t igat ing officers m et the carrier, Yoshim oto W ada, m em ber of the crew of s.s. N a n m a n M a ru (Y a m a sh i ta Shipping C om pany — Japanese) and a Customs agent posj. : as a buyer a r ranged for delivery of the cocaine. The nex t m orning th e Customs agent w aboard the N a n m a n M a ru dressed as a s tevedore and m e t W a d a in the boiler-room. W; a gave him th e two packages, which he took ashore and delivered to the w a it ing officers, re tu rned to th e boiler-room, w here W a d a h anded h im the th i rd package. The officers th e n w it aboard and a rres ted W ada . Slightly over 6 kg. 817 gr. (15 lbs.) of cocaine were seized, contah cl in typ ical “ smuggling belts ” . AYada s ta ted t h a t he was given the cocaine in Kobe : y Shinjiro Shimizu, who lives on Hira to Cho, Sum a, K u, K obe City, J a p a n , and is im p rop r ie to r of th e “ Shimizu Tekko Jo ” iron foundry . Shigeo Shiraishi m u s t have participai: 1 in th e t ransac t ion , since he signed the le t te r to L u m W ah.

Shigeo Shiraishi is know n to th e au thor i t ies in the U nited Sta tes, hav ing been s e n te n d at Seatt le , W ash ing ton , on F e b ru a ry 20th , 1935, to im prisonm en t for eighteen m on ths -r m oral tu rp i tu d e and depor ted to J a p a n on October 24th , 1936.

Shinjiro Shimizu is also know n ; he was im plica ted in a seizure of m orphine a t Los Angel - on O ctober 11th, 1936.1

4. Chotaro M inatogawa was sentenced a t Tacom a, on May 18th, 1940, to imprisonm. it for two years and fined §1,100 (3,410 Swiss gold francs), to s tan d com m it ted unti l th e fbie is paid. Iwahichi K inosh ita was sentenced a t New Y ork City on May 28th, 1940, to se rve five years in a Federa l p en i ten t ia ry . The cases aga inst th e o th e r defendants are still pendi :.

Details of these seizures were sent to th e J ap an ese au thori t ies , who will be given copies of subsequen t repor ts as th e inves t iga t ion perm its .

Note. — Seizures of m orphine were also m ade in connection w ith the following ca. which included seizures of o ther drugs and which have been sum m arised under the appropri , Le headings :

Case No. 1826, u n d e r R eports on the Discovery of Clandestine M anufacture of Narcotic Drugs and o ther Similar Cases ” ;

Case No. 1849, u n d er “ Fleroin ” ;Case No. 1850, u n d e r “ Cocaine ” .

Q u a n t i t i e s o f M o r p h i n e s e i z e d a s r e p o r t e d t o t h e S e c r e t a r i a t :

M orphine base:M orphine :

1939 1940

2 kg. 126 gr. 23 kilogrammes

A large n u m b er of morphineampoules.

M orphine sulphate:


85.2 gram m es

Sedo l:


2 ampoules

M orphine hydrochloride :

1938 1939 1940

1 kg. 31 gr. 2 kg. 244 gr. 14 kg. 307 gi.

M orphine hydrochloride and magnesia, in cubes and powder:


1 k i logramme.

Pantopon :


13 ampoules.

1 See documents C.307.M.190.I936.XI [O.C.S.300(a)], page 35, No. 190 ; C.124.M.77.1937.XI [O.C.S.300(c)], p a g e 23, No. 402; and C.135.M.80.1938.XI [O.C.S.300(A)], page 2. Nos. 190 and 402.

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4. H E R O IN

. 1841. — Destruction of Heroin voluntarily surrendered by Five Pharmacies at Barran­quilla, Colombia. R ep o r t com m unica ted by the Colombian Government, May 10th. 1940.

Reference : 1 (a). Heroin Diacetvlmornhine) : 18.8 gramm es and 16 ampoules.O.C.S. /Conf. 1174. ' 1 * 1

3. The propr ie tors of five pharmacies in B arranquil la (D epar tm en t >53/387. of the A tlantic) handed over the above-m entioned q u a n t i ty of heroin.

which was destroyed. As a result of th is v o lu n ta ry destruction, the ; tablishments in the D e p a r tm en t of the A tlan tic now hold no stocks of heroin, and it isI herefore possible to app ly in t h a t area the provisions of Decree 1959, of 1939.1

. 1842. — Seizure at Alexandria in February 1940. R eport com m unica ted by the Central Narcotics Intelligence Bureau, Cairo, J u ly 14th, 1940.

reference : 1 (a). Heroin : 15 grammes. Origin unknown.O.C,S. Conf. 1170.

3. On F e b ru a ry 19th. 1940, a m em ber of the C.N.I.B., posing as ; 1041/387. a buyer, got in touch w ith Aristo Dimossoglou, alias Aristides, and

Elefteri Christoforou B eneda t tos , alias X an thos , Greek subjects, of lexandria, w hom the C.N.I.B. had been inform ed were ac tive ly dealing in narcotics, and

purchased from th e m 3 gramm es of heroin. It was no ted t h a t Dimossoglou b rough t the drug, Kile B eneda t tos k e p t the purchase price. Dimossoglou was followed, and the house to

1 i;ich he proceeded was noted. The pseudo buyer informed the traffickers t h a t he would;> ;;uire 10 g ram m es of heroin in two d a y s ’ t ime. On F eb ru a ry 22nd, the pseudo b u y e r m et ! he traffickers and gave th em th e agreed purchase price for the 10 gramm es — viz.. four banknotes of £ E . l (15.3 Swiss gold francs) each. Dimossoglou w ent to the same place as the ii‘st t ime and was arrested on his w ay back w ith a small packet conta in ing 12 gramm es of

heroin, of which he ad m it ted ownership. In the m ean tim e, B eneda t tos was also arrested, and found to be in possession of th e four bankno tes h anded to him by the pseudo buyer. The house from which the drug was b rough t was searched and in it were found a pa ir of small scales and some glacé p ap e r similar to t h a t in which the 12 gramm es were w rapped .

Dimossoglou is a t raff icker of old s tanding. He was sentenced to im prisonm en t for :x months in 1936 by the A lexandria Consular Court for being im plicated in a drugs case.2

4. The accused were tr ied b y th e Mixed Tribunal, A lexandria . Dimossoglou wasintended to im prisonm en t for two years and a fine of £E .400 (6,120 Swiss gold francs) and■ nedattos to im prisonm en t for one yea r and a fine of £E.200 (3,060 Swiss gold francs).

1843. — Seizure at Port Said on March 20th, 1940. R ep o rt com m unica ted b y theCentral Narcotics Intelligence Bureau. Cairo, J u n e 9th , 1940.

Reference : 1 (a). Heroin : 5 grammes. In n ineteen packets. Origin un-O.C.S./Conf. 1165. k n o w n ; '

o3I/38/' 3. On in form ation that, Ali Ib rah im Ali, of P o r t Said, wastrafficking in heroin, the C.N.I.B., P o r t Said Branch, searched a bakery

iere he was em ployed and found, concealed in a wooden table, n ineteen packets conta in ing •-> grammes of heroin.

4. The S u m m a ry N a tive Court, P o r t Said, sen tenced Ali Ib rah im Ali on May 13th,1940, to im prisonm ent for one yea r and a fine of £ E .200 (3,060 Swiss gold francs).

-'■0- 1844. — Seizure at Alexandria on March 23rd, 1940. R ep o r t com m unica ted by theCentral Narcotics Intelligence Bureau , Cairo. Ju ly 29th. 1940.

Reference :O.C.S./Conf. 1175. 1 (a). Heroin : 619 gramm es. Origin unknown.

' ,j8'' 3. The cap ta in of th e s.s. Kawsar, on th e vessel’s arrival a tAlexandria on March 23rd, 1940, informed th e B oard ing Officer of the P o r t Police th a t a student of the Marit ime School, who was undergoing a period of t ra in ing on the ship, had been s>ked by M ohamed El Saved El Bassati . a seam an on the ship, to smuggle drugs into Alexandria for a m o n e ta ry consideration. The s tu d en t had agreed to do so and was prepared '■ help the police. The cap ta in s ta ted t h a t th e drugs were b rough t on board by Ib rah im

1 d Sayel El Bassati , the b ro ther of Mohamed El Sayed El Bassati . I t was agreed th a t , ontuc arrival of the ship a t A lexandria , the s tu d en t should ca rry the drugs ashore and go with Mohamed El Sayed Bassati to his b ro th e r ’s house. Consequently, when the s tu d en t left the ; >ip with M oham ed El Sayed El Bassati , he was s topped on the quayside and searched and found to be in possession of 619 gram m es of heroin.

, 1 Note by the Secretariat: Decree No. 1959, of October 4th, 1939, which came into force on J a n u a ry 1st, 1940, ,;bits in Colombia the importa tion and m anufacture of d iacety lmorphine and a n y substances conta ining th a t drug.

2 See document C. 124.M.77.1937.X I [O.C.S.300 (c)], pages 26-27, No. 411.

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4. M ohamed El Sayed El Bassat i was sentenced to im p riso n m en t for four years an r a fine of £E .400 (6,120 Swiss gold francs). Ib rah im El Sayed El Bassati was ar rested , b u t la tor released on account of insufficient evidence.

No. 1845. — Sale of H eroin to Narcotic officers in New York City in June 1938. Case of W ill iam W eber and Maurice Carillot. In fo rm at ion com m unica ted by i he G overnm en t of th e U n i ted S ta tes of America in i ts annua l reports ior1938 an d 1939.

1 (b). Heroin : 702 grammes. No m ark s or labels indicating origin.

3. In its an n u a l rep o r t for 1938, the G overnm en t of th e Uni' ;d S ta tes of America rep o r ted th a t , in October 1938, Will iam Weber, A ndrew Vergetalis, Maurice Carillot and Irv ing K uba , all of New Y rk City, were ind ic ted a t T ren ton , N .J . , for v io lation of th e H arr ison _ ct

and the Jones-Miller Act in connection w ith th e sale to narco tic officers of 702 gramn - of heroin in J u n e 1938. W eb er had long been un d er suspicion as a wholesale trafficke: in narcotic drugs. Maurice Carillot was a fugitive in the case. He had prev iously been sentenced in connection w i th a seizure of cocaine, heroin and sucrose.1 On May 30th , IV Carillot’s bulle t-r idd led b o d y was found in Loch Sheldrake, Sull ivan County, N.Y. Inch a- tions were t h a t he h ad been m u rd e red some five or six m o n th s previously.

4. In J u l y 1939 W eb er was sentenced, on a plea of guilty, to im p r iso n m en t for two years to be served an d to addit ional im p r iso n m en t for t en years which was suspended during his good behaviour.

No. 1846. — Seizures and arres t of traffickers a t Chicago and New York in 1939. Infori a- t io n co m m u n ica ted by th e G overnm en t of th e Lïnited S ta tes of America in its an n u a l repo r t for 1939.

Reference : 1 (a). H eroin : 1 kg. 277 gramm es, and num erous lots varvingPà1 r 3i*1 q4/?cr"1 from 28 to 577 grammes.

. (_j . i a . r i . j/4 y j .

3. In March 1939, a co n cen tra ted invest igat ion was made in Chicago in to the activities of narco tic dealers who were d is tr ibu t ing large

am oun ts of heroin. Narcotic agents m ade num erous purchases, ranging from 28 to - : 7 gram m es of heroin. One of the pr incipal operators , S tephen Mackey, was arrested . Anotl r. Leon Parker , was arres ted in May 1939 on his re tu rn from Newr Y ork City, where he had g« ne to bu y drugs. It was ascerta ined t h a t th e o rganisa t ion had been ob ta in ing p a r t of its di gs th rough J o h n Mancuso, alias “ Clippy ” , of New Y ork City, who was a fugitive from justi ,2 Mancuso was arres ted in Chicago in April 1939.

As a result of th e Chicago invest igat ion, R ay m o n d E ugene T ucker was a rres ted in N:\v Y o rk for hav ing supplied drugs to be sen t from New Y ork to Leon P a rk e r and other- in Chicago. He im plicated as his source of supp ly H y m a n Epste in , of New Y o rk City. At ne same t ime, an en qu iry in s t i tu ted in W ash ing ton , D.C., ind icated t h a t E p s te in was also the source of supp ly for large am o u n ts of narcotics being d is t r ibu ted in t h a t City. Epste in a? arres ted a f te r purchases of heroin in lots of 283 and 424 gram m es had been m ade from him. His au tom obile and a b o u t 908 g ram m es of drugs were seized.

It was ascerta ined t h a t J o h n Mancuso had been a source of supp ly for an important Chicago traf ficker nam ed Girard Nisivaco an d his associates. Afte r M ancuso’s arrest, Nisi' :co continued th e traffic and evidence was ob ta in ed against him. Evidence was also obtained against A r th u r C. R oberts , alias “ R a b b i t ” , a v ery im p o r ta n t t ra f f icker ,3 an d the following m inor m em bers of the o rgan isa t ion : George Taylor, M argare t Taylor, his wdfe, Alfred Strunewitz , Joseph W eb er and Cora W eber. I t was found t h a t N isivaco’s source of sup ly was Joe Miller, alias Ja c o b Marcus, w7ho had p rev iously been convic ted several times for v iolations of th e narcotics laws.4 Miller was arres ted for illegal possession of 369 grammes of heroin. This series of a r res ts had a m ost sa lu ta ry effect on th e illicit traffic s i tuat ion in Chicago. In a rep o r t for A u g u s t 1939, the D is tr ic t Supervisor s ta ted : “ Their a r res t caused a so-called panic in th is district , which still exists. . . . E v en a t . . exorbitantprices the heroin availab le is so weak t h a t only m inor w i thd raw al sy m p to m s are noi need w hen add ic ts are depr ived of the ir usual supply . I t is believed t h a t narcotic d rug ' are scarcer, weaker , and m ore expensive in Chicago now th a n a t an y t im e since the enactment of th e H a rr iso n N arcotic A c t . ”

4. S tephen M ackey wras sentenced to im p r iso n m en t for five years ; Léon Parker to im p r isonm en t for twro years ; J o h n Mancuso to co ncurren t te rm s of im prisonm en t for five years and th ree yea rs ; H y m a n E p s te in to im prisonm en t for twro years ; Girard Nisivaco to c rve th ree years in the U n i ted S ta tes Public H e a l th Service Hospita l a t Lexington , Ky. ' J°e Miller to serve five years in the same hospital for a cure for his addic tion . R ay m o n d Eugene Tucker is aw ait ing sentence.

1 See documents C.309.M. 136.1934.X I [O.C.294 (/)], page 23, No. 1179, and C.465.M.200.1934.X I T).C 2. ,!, J' page 7, No. 1179.

■ See document C.309.M.136.1934.X I [O.C.294 (Z)], page 25, No. 1183.3 See docum ent C.54.M.193.1929.XI [O.C.1074],* See document C. 124.M.77.1937.XI[O.C.8.300(c)], page 23, No. 400.

R e fe re nc e :C.2 4 2 .M .167 .1939.X I [ O . C / A .R . 1938/10).

a n dC. 143. M. 131.1940. X I [O. C . /A. R . 1939/49] ,

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1847. — Arrest of Traffickers at Houston, Texas in April 1939. In fo rm at ion com­m unica ted by the G ov e rn m en t of th e United S ta tes of America in its Annual R epor t for 1939.

Reference : 1 (b). Heroin : 356 grammes.C. 143. M. 131.1940. X Iro.C./A.R. 1939/49], 3. Following the convic tion in 1938 of Biaggio Angelico,1 th en head

of a large illicit d rug d is t r ibu ting organisa t ion in S ou the rn Texas, andseventeen of his associates, in fo rm ation was ob ta ined t h a t Donato

J Scardino, Rocco Vallone and Je rom e D. Goldberg were a t t e m p t in g to ca r ry on this illicit i affic. In April 1939, Scardino, Vallone and Goldberg were ar res ted a t H o u s to n by narcotic officers co-opera ting with c i ty police. D uring F e b ru a ry and March 1939, five purchases of ure heroin to ta l l ing ap p ro x im a te ly 356 gram m es were m ade from these defendants .

4. Scardino and Goldberg en te red plea of n o t gu il ty and were convicted a f te r a ju ry■ rial, Scardino being subsequen tly sentenced to im prisonm en t for ten years and Goldberg

im prisonm ent for five years. Vallone, on his plea of guilty, was sentenced to im prisonm ent fur three years.

No. 1848. — Seizures at San Francisco and Berkeley, California, in July 1939, and subsequent arrest of a band of New York and California traffickers.In fo rm ation given b y the G overnm en t of th e U n i ted S ta tes of America in its annua l report for 1939.

Reference : 1 (b) . Heroin : 907 grammes.C.143.M. 131.19 4 0 .X I: O.C./A.R.1939/49) . 3. J a c k B. Wolfe, alias J a c k Goldberg, and Vernon Fie lder were

arres ted on J u ly 11th, 1939, in connection with a case in which 907 g ram m es of heroin were purchased or seized as evidence. The

Slate au thori t ies ob tained inform ation showing t h a t the source of supp ly of the drugs was■ iparently New Y o rk City. These facts were im m ed ia te ly co m m unica ted to the Bureau

»! Narcotics office in San Francisco, and a jo in t inves t iga t ion disclosed t h a t Wolfe had obtained large supplies of drugs from Jo sep h R oth , alias J . Rrown, a notorious traf f icker hi New York, who had carried on in te r -S ta te d is t r ibu tion of illicit narcotics for a considerable period. B o th Wolfe and Fie lder had cr iminal records d a t in g from 1928.

As an outcom e of this case, it was es tablished th a t J a k e Fisher, alias " Yonkel ”, of New York, a m a jo r narcotic law v io la tor in t h a t city, had also been in s t ru m en ta l in supp ly ing drugs to J a c k B. Wolfe in California. In addition, Willie Ouon, alias " Willie th e B utcher ”, Chinese, of O akland , California, was identified as a receiver of drugs to ta l l ing abou t V kilogrammes of m orphine. 340 gram m es of cocaine and 6 k ilogram m es of raw opium,: -lipped from New York.

4. J a c k B. Wolfe, Vernon Fie lder and Joseph B o th were indicted in New Y o rk City. Wolfe, who was addic ted to narcotic drugs, en te red a plea of guil ty and was sentenced to serve eighteen m o n th s in the United S ta tes Public H e a l th Service Hospita l a t Lexington, Ky. f ie lder also pleaded guil ty and received a suspended sentence of one year. R o th pleaded guilty to charges of v io lation of th e Federal narco t ic laws and was given concurren t sentences

ii'li will require h im to serve a te rm of im p r isonm en t for four years. Jak e F isher and Willie Ouon were indicted in N ovem ber 1939. F isher p leaded gu il ty and was sentenced to imprisonment for th ree years and given an addit ional sentence of two years, which was suspended. Ouon also p leaded guil ty and was sentenced to im prisonm ent for e ighteen months and fined 1,000 dollars (3,100 Swiss gold francs).

This case is an i l lus tra t ion of the good results which can be accomplished th ro u g h S ta te co-operation.

No, 1849. — Seizure at Brooklyn, New York, on August 31st, 1939. In fo rm ation given by the G overnm en t of the U nited S ta tes of America in its an n u a l repo r t for 1939.

Reference : 1 (a). Heroin : 2 kg. 931 gr.Opium and , smaU amountg Morphine (Complete equipment for adulterating drugs.Several opium pipes.

3. J a c k L angsam was arres ted on A ugus t 31st, 1939. a t Brooklyn, a f te r m ak ing a sale 0! 198 gram m es of heroin. The rem a in d e r of the drugs and articles seized were found in his residence. L an g sam a t t e m p te d to bribe the officers who arrested him ; th ey p re ten d ed to

' 7'1't the proposi t ion and in his efforts to ob ta in th e bribe m oney he led th em to his bro ther- m-law, Em anue l Weiss, who was also ar res ted . Weiss was a well-known associate of Louis ^uchalter, alias L epke2 and had been sough t for questioning in connection w ith an earlier seizure.

4. L angsam wras sentenced to im p riso n m en t for seven years. E m an u e l Weiss was lndieted, w ith one Philip Cohen, for conspiracy to violate th e Federal Narcotic laws, th e

1 See docum ent C..135.M.80.1938.X I [O.C.S.300 (A)], page 23, No. 971.See docum ent C. 135.M.80.1938.X I [O.C.S.3 0 0 (A)], page 24, No. 972 ; also page 2 of the present document.

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in d ic tm en t being based on his connection w ith the earlier seizure m entioned above and , n evidence ob ta ined b y the au thori t ies th a t he h ad p a r t ic ip a ted in the sale of heroin In New \ o r k in 1937. This case is still pending.

Note. — Seizures of heroin were also m ad e in connection with the following cases, wh .h included seizures of o ther drugs and which have been sum m arised under corresponding headings :

Case No. 1832, u n d e r " P repa red O pium ” ;Case No. 1836, u n d er “ Morphine

Q u a n t i t i e s o f H e r o i n s e i z e d a s r e p o r t e d t o t h e S e c r e t a r i a t :

1938 1939 1940

702 gram m es 6 kg. 832 gr. 713.8 gramm es

and num erous lots of from 16 ampoules.28 to 577 gramm es. 54 pills.


No. 1850. — Disappearance of narcotic drugs in Bolivia in 1938 and 1939. Report com­m un ica ted by the Bolivian G overnm ent. F e b ru a ry 2nd, 1940.

1 (b). Cocaine hydrochloride : 1 kg. 790 gr.Dionine : 10 gramm es.Morphine hydrochloride : 650 gram m es 13 fifty-gram ie phials).

3. The Drug Control D e p a r tm en t of the Ministry of H ea l th repo r ted th a t , at ; he beginning of 1939, w hen th e in v en to ry of narco tic drugs was being m ade and when there was a change of S up er in ten d en t of W arehouses , i t was found t h a t 1 kg. 790 gr. of coco;ne hydrochlor ide had been lost and replaced by some o th e r substance . A fter analysis of ! he conten ts of the phials and exam in a t io n of th e lab o ra to ry certificates, the m a t t e r was referred to th e J u d g e who is acqua in ted w ith th e p rac t ice of th e Ministry.

The Drogueria H am b u rg o reported th e loss of postal package No. 19.584, sent to îe P h a rm a c y B ri tân ica in th e c i ty of Cochabam ba, wrhich con ta ined 10 gram m es of diomre. The p o s tm as te r was in s t ruc ted to inves t iga te the case. I t has n o t been possible to trace ! he drug.

On M ay 9 th , 1938, th e General D irec to ra te of H ea l th signed a con trac t w i th M e- Zieriaks Becker, representing the F arben in d u s t r ie firm of Leverkusen , for the sale of chemical p roduc ts . The supplies purchased included 10 ki logram m es of m orphine hydrochloric n 50-gram m e phials. Of this q u a n t i ty 650 g ram m es — i.e., th i r t e en phials — were lost d could not be traced . In fo rm ation from the Official D espa tcher and the Customs was to the effect t h a t th e goods had been in the Customs warehouse for a year.

R e fe re nc e :O .C.S ./Conf . 1187.

40600/387 .

No. 1851. — Seizure at the Pharmacy of T. Amaya, Ibagué (Tolima) , Colombia. Re: itcom m u n ica ted by th e Colombian G overnm ent , A u gus t 1st, 1940.

R e fe re nc e : 1 la). Cocaine hydrochloride : 0.5 g r a m m e s .O .C.S ./Conf . 1180. y J 6

3. The Regional S an i ta ry Police Inspector of Ibagué (Tolima)4059°. 387. seized a t th e P h a rm a c y of T. A m ay a 50 cen t ig ram m es of cocaine

hydrochloride because th is was n o t du ly en te red in the drugs registerof th e es tab l ishm ent.

Note. — Seizures of cocaine were also m ade in connection w ith the following case, which included seizures of o ther drugs and which has been sum m arised un d e r corresponding head < »

Case No. 1840, un d er “ Morphine

Q u a n t i t i e s o f C o c a i n e s e i z e d a s r e p o r t e d t o t h e S e c r e t a r i a t :

Cocaine : Cocaine hydrochloride :

1940 1938/9 1940

7 kg. 34 gr. 1 kg. 790 gr. 0.5 gramme.

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6. IN D IA N H E M P D R U G S

. 1852. — Seizures at Rio de Janeiro on April 27th, 1940. R eport com m unica ted bythe Brazilian Governm ent, May 14th, 1940.

ference : 1 (a). Indian hemp ( “ maconha ” ) : q u a n t i t y n o t s p e c i f i e d ., 'Conf. 1171. ^ v

',h°‘>l/388 3- On April 27th, 1940, José Gonçalves was caught in the ac tand charged, a t his residence a t 113 rua da Gambôa, when he had in hispossession a q u a n t i ty of the poisonous substance know n as 11 maconha

On the same day, Horacio Duque de Assis, an official of the M inistry of Railways and vblic Works, who had in his possession a large q u a n t i ty of “ m aconha ” , was also caugh t in

Mit act and charged, at his residence a t 20, rua Joao Alves.

1853. — Seizure at Barranquilla, Colombia, on May 28th, 1940. Report com m unica tedby the Colombian Governm ent, Ju n e 12th, 1940.

Reference : 1 (a). Marihuana cigarettes : 2 cigarettes.O.C.S./Conf. 1169. 1 b

07 /387 3. Two m ar ih u a n a cigarettes were found by police officers at th eresidence at B arranquil la of Castulo Padilla Rolong, who was handed over to the Sectional Inspec tor of the A tlan t ic S an i ta ry Police. The

T idge of the Third Section of the Criminal Court is conduc t ing th e investigation into th e natter.

1854. — Seizure at Cairo on March 17th, 1940. R eport com m unica ted b y the Central Narcotics Intelligence Bureau. Cairo, A ugust 27th. 1940.

1 (a). Hashish : 2 kg. 592 gr. pure hashish powder.Opium : 1 kg. ‘238 gr.

Hashish p resum ed to be of Syrian and opium of Turkish origin.

3. In F eb ru a ry 1940. in fo rm ation was received th a t two Berberin wants of two a rm y officers in Palestine had arrived at Cairo w ith a q u a n t i ty of drugs, and

March 17th a confidant reported t h a t Ali Elewa H assan and Ismail Fadel Sayed, ice- ^ndors of Cairo, had asked him to find a buyer for some hashish and opium which th e y said - the p ro p e r ty of a Berberin employed by an a rm y officer in Palestine. A C.N.I.B.

unstable, detailed to ac t as buyer, get into touch w ith Ali Elewa H assan and Ismail Fadel "■aved, who offered h im two okes of hashish and one oke of opium (one oke = 1 kg. 250 gr. ; ir £E.155 (1,912.5 Swiss gold francs). T hey gave the constable samples and agreed to

-eliver the drugs at a café in Maghrabi S treet the same day. The constable was given E .125 in m arked bankno tes and sent in a hired cab driven b y th e C.N.I.B. chauffeur, followed

a C.N.I.B. squad in an o th e r car. In the café he m et the two traffickers, who were s i t t ing with another m an nam ed M ahm oud H assan Agha. L a te r the confidant came in, and he and ismail left the café and m et a Berberin nam ed A hm ed Ali Abdel R ah m an , who was s tand ing near. The th ree w en t to G arden City, where th e Berberin en te red a large build ing and returned w ith a p ac k e t in his hand. T hey re tu rned in a carriage to the café, where the Berberin h anded th e p acke t to Ismail and re tu rn ed to the building. Ismail th en h anded th e packet to the pseudo-buyer, who gave the p re -ar ranged signal, w hereupon the C.N.I.B. -quad came up, a r res ted the sellers and seized the drugs. O th e r m em bers of th e gang were g unde d up and arres ted in Cairo, w ith the exception of Eleish Mohd. Ali, who was a rres ted ! K an ta ra when leaving for Palestine.

4. Mohd. A hm ed Abdel H ad i and Eleish Mohd. Ali were sentenced to im prisonm en t for five years and a fine of £E .400 (6,120 Swiss gold francs) each ; A hm ed Ali Abdel R ah m an . --Iohd. Ebeid Abdel Re him, Ismail Fadel Sayed an d Ali Elewa H assan to im prisonm ent for two years and a fine of £E.200 (3,060 Swiss gold francs) each ; Hussein A hm ed Ali and Mahmoud H assan Agha to im prisonm en t for one y ea r and a fine of £E .200 (3,060 Swiss gold francs) each.

No. 1855. — Seizure at Cairo on May 22nd, 1940. R ep o rt com m unica ted by the Central Narcotics Intélligence Bureau. Cairo, A ugust 13th, 1940.

Kuerence : ] /a y Hashish : 303 gramm es. P resum ed to be of Syrian origin.O.C.S./Conf. 1178. v ; 6

40589/387. 3. In fo rm ation was received th a t Abbass El Sayed Ayeda, ofBelbis, Skarkia Province, was in the hab i t of visiting Cairo for the purpose of selling narcotic drugs w ith the assistance of a haberdasher

of Cairo nam ed Abdel Aziz Ib rah im T ar tou r . Abbass took advan tage of the b an k ru p tc y Vbdel Aziz and ran the l a t t e r ’s shop un d er his nam e, so as to avoid suspicion t h a t m ight

he aroused by his f requen t visits to Cairo. On May 10th, a conf idant proposed to Abdel A/.iz, in the presence of Abbass, the purchase of th ree okes of hashish for a t raff icker known

Reference :C.S./Conf. 1183.


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to him. Aziz and A bbass agreed to th e proposal and asked th e conf idan t to bring the b i v ' e r . On May 11th, a de tec t ive ac t ing as a buyer m e t the two traffickers, w ith th e confidan: at a café a t Midan Sayeda Zenab. The de tect ive asked for th ree okes of hashish, and refused i he t ra ff ickers’ offer of one oke (1 kg. '250 gr.) only on the p re te x t t h a t he was a big dealer w ith n mv clients. Abbass th e n gave the conf idant a small piece of hashish as a sample and promised t i go to Belbis for th e q u a n t i ty asked for. I t was la te r ar ranged t h a t th e whole p a r ty should r -et a t a café nea r Sayeda Zeinab Mosque for th e delivery of the drug to the buyer. On May "2 . ad, th e y m e t a t th e café and th en en te red the Mosque by different doors. The traffickers har ed th e hashish to the pseudo buyer , wrh o . while coun t ing th e purchase money, gave the ire- a r ranged signal to th e C.N.I.B. squad who wrere w a tch ing th e m ovem en ts of th e p a r ty . The traff ickers were ar res ted en flagrant délit.

4. Abbass El Sayed A yeda was sentenced to im p riso n m en t for two years and a ,ne of £E .400 (6,1*20 Swiss gold francs), and Abdel Aziz Ib rah im T a r to u r to im prisonm en t for ne y ea r and a fine of £E .200 (3,060 Swiss gold francs).

No. 1856. — Seizure at Cairo on June 4th, 1940. R ep o rt com m unica ted by the Cen‘ ral Narcotics Intelligence Bureau, Cairo, A ugust "27th, 1940.

1 (a). Hashish : 2 kg. 544.5 gr. Origin unknow n.

3. F o r some time, m em bers of a Bedouin family a t El ' nr.em ployed as fa rm w atchm en , had been know n to be ac tive as drug ; af-fickers, b u t all efforts to ca tch th e m had failed owing to the ir astuteness

and the head of the fam ily ’s influential posit ion as a chief w a tch m an . On May 7th, an o f . : :er and a conf idan t a r ranged for th e purchase of a q u a r te r of an oke of hashish, bu t , though ney paid £ E . l (15.3 Swiss gold francs) in advance, th e gang m em ber wTho received the money lid n o t p u t in an appearance . On J u n e 3rd, 1940, an o the r conf idant wTho knew a coup! of m em bers of the gang approached th e m an d a r ranged to b uy th ree okes of hashish, osten b ly for a w e a l th y narcotic dealer from th e provinces. The conf idan t was given £E 44 (2,203.2 Swiss gold francs) in m ark ed bankno tes for the purpose of effecting a deal a t 9 * .in. a t a café in Midan B ab El K halk , a t £E.50 (765 Swiss gold francs) pe r oke ( 1 kg. 250 gr.) : .>on af te r m idn igh t , the conf idan t te lephoned t h a t th e gang had deposited the hashish in the hov e of a K o ran reciter a t D arb El Ah m ar. I t was arranged th a t th e pseudo buyer and .h e confidant should meet th e traffickers a t Casino B ab El K h a lk a t 7 a.m. on J u n e 4 th , and iiat the C.N.I.B. force should be in w a it near. A t a b o u t 9 a.m., Abdel H am id Ezz Edd: , a m em b er of the gang, came to th e Casino an d seated himself w ith th e buyer and the confh nt. L a te r an o th e r m em ber and th e K o ran reciter came. The conf idan t and the buyer ere th e n informed t h a t th e deal would ta k e place a t the house of the K o ra n reciter. The C.N B.force was te lephoned and ra ided the house, where eight packets of hashish w?ere seized. T h etraffickers were im m ed ia te ly arrested .

4. Sayed Soliman Seif El Dine, M ohamed Soliman Seif El Dine and Soliman E r i El Wefi were each sentenced to im prisonm en t for th ree years and a fine of £E.800 (12,240 Swiss gold francs) ; Abdel H a m id E z El Dine, A m in Abdel Meguid Ghali, Abdel Maksoud Ghali and Sayed Mustafa El Ads to im p r iso n m en t for eighteen m on th s and a fine of £E.600 (9,180 Swiss gold francs) each ; Mohd. Ib rah im El B enhaw i and Sadek Soliman to imprisonment for one yea r and a fine of £E .200 (3,600 Swiss gold francs) each.

No. 1857. — Seizure at Izmir and at a Village in Ouchak, Kutahya, Turkey, in July -‘-O'R ep o r t com m unica ted by th e Turk ish G overnm ent , A ugust 5th , 1940.

1 (a),. Hashish : 9 kg. 600 gr.

3. On J u ly 9th , 1940. on the arrival of th e A nk a ra - Izm ir : raina t K ars iyaka , a suburb of Izmir, two m en who wished to alight w; ha lea the r suit-case arouse th e suspicions of a police officer, who took ; hem

to th e police s ta t ion . I t was there found t h a t th e suit-case conta ined 7 kg. 500 °*pow dered esrar (hashish), which was seized. The m en s ta ted t h a t th e y were Ali Tokay, aged 31, and O sm an Aslan, aged 37, b o th agr icu ltura l labourers in a village in th e Ov hak district, which is in th e area of the Governor of K u ta h y a , in Asia Minor. The s u b s e q u e n t enqu iry showed t h a t th e y were going to Izmir w ith th e in ten t ion of selling the hashish to an in v e te ra te traf f icker nam ed Ivucuk H asan , and t h a t th e drug came from a village in t h e same district. The G overnor of K u ta h y a was inform ed by a te legram in code and ordered a searchin t h a t village, w i th th e resu lt t h a t 2 kg. 100 gr. of hashish were discovered in the res idencesof E m ine Dogan, aged 30 (the wife of Mehmed Dogan), Dondu Yilmaz, aged 50 (the wife ot Halil Yilmaz), Dondu Coskun, aged 25 (the wife of H usev in Coskun), and Sati Unluz.

4. All th e offenders were placed a t th e disposal of the Public P rosecutions Office. Hieresults of th e case will be co m m unica ted in due course.

R efe ren ce : O .C.S ./Conf . 1176.

40568 /387 .

R e fe re n c e : O .C.S ./Conf . 118-2.

40610/387 .

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Q u a n t i t i e s o f I n d i a n H e m p d r u g s e i z e d a s r e p o r t e d t o S e c r e t a r i a t :

H ashish: Ind ian hemp : M arihuana cigarettes :

1940 1940 1940

15 kg. 39.5 gr. A large q u a n t i ty (exact 2 ount no t specified).

7. M IS C E L L A N E O U S

1858. — Excessive prescription of narcotic drugs by a doctor at Cali, Colombia. R eport com m unica ted by the Colombian G overnment, April 29th. 1940.

nTerence : _ 3. By a decision of th e Valle D ep ar tm en ta l H e a l th D irectorate.s. Conf. 117-2. on Sep tem ber 15th, 1938, Dr. Aurelio Ordonez, of Cali, who had been

: , :511387. prescribing narcotic drugs in excessive quanti t ies , was sen tenced to afine of $200 (340 Swiss gold francs) or to the corresponding te rm of

imprisonment. The offender lodged an appeal w i th the Ministry of Labour , H ea l th an d -ocial Welfare, which confirmed the finding of the D ep ar tm en ta l H ea l th Directorate . Hr. Ordonez accordingly paid th e fine.

-vo. 1859. — Irregular sale of drugs by the “Drogueria Santa Clara ” , Bogota. Report com m unica ted by the Colombian G overnm ent, May 20th , 1940.

Reference : 3. On inspecting the Drogueria S an ta Clara, 9-21, E ig h th Avenue.. i ̂ C* r-. -P 1 1 " 1 0

• u • 1 /d- Bogota, owned b y Dr. Adân Méndez, licensed physic ian and p h a rm a -4H552/387 ceutical chemist, th e S an i ta ry Police Inspector found, on Decem ber 6 th ,

1939, t h a t narco tic drugs were n o t k ep t in an ap p ro p r ia te cabinet, as required by law. F u r th erm o re , Dr. Méndez h ad no licence for dealing

required b y law. F u r th erm o re , Dr. Méndez had no licence for dealing in narco tic drugs, and ■ertain prescriptions for such substances had not been en te red in the re levan t register.

4. Dr. Méndez was sentenced by the C und inam arca S an i ta ry Police Inspec to ra te to pay to the National T reasu ry 50 Colombian pesos (85 Swiss gold francs). He appealed to i he D epartm ent of th e Chief of th e Sanit ary Police, which a u th o r i ty confirmed the decision of the C undinam arca Section.

- ' O . 1860. — Seizure at Barranquilla, Colombia, of a shipment from the United States of America, claimed to have consisted of five lbs. (2 kg. 272 gr.) of fluid extract of opium.

Reference : ( a ) R ep o rt com m unica ted by the Colombian G overnm ent. J u lv 1st.O.C.S./Conf. 1188. ' ' 1 9 4 0

40547/387.(b) In fo rm at ion supplied by th e G overnm ent of the U n i ted States

of America, S ep tem ber 10th, 1940.

fa) The Colombian N ational Supplies D e p a r tm en t ordered from Messrs. McKesson and Robbins, Los Angeles, 5 lbs. of fluid e x t r a c t of opium, b u t did n o t send w ith th e o rde r the equisite im p o r t certificate issued by th e M inistry of Labour , H e a l th an d Social Welfare.

Although the p ro d u c t wras consigned to an official body, the B arranqu i l la Customs Office eized it because i t was no t accom panied by a certificate, and th e Ministry of Labour , H ea l th

and Social Welfare gave instruct ions for it to be h an d e d over to an official es tab lishm ent, lue facts were repor ted to th e T reasu ry D e p a r tm en t of the U n ited S ta tes w ith a view to its ascertaining w hy the v en d o r firm despa tched the op ium w i th o u t th e au tho r isa t io n required by law.

[b) In reply to an enqu iry b y the Secretar ia t , the G o v e rn m en t of th e U n i ted Sta tes, in a telegram d a ted S ep tem ber 10th, 1940, s ta ted t h a t inves t iga t ion by the B ureau of Narcotics showed t h a t th e shipm ent was consigned to the Nationa l Provision Store, Colombia ; -■lessrs. McKesson & Robbins m ain ta in ed t h a t no narco tic i tem s wrere expor ted in th e■ iiipment and t h a t th e produc t listed on th e consular invoice as five bott les of “ op ium « t r a c t ” should have been listed as “ fluid e x t ra c t of m y r rh ” (Lilly’s n u m b er 327-5 Botte ilas hxtracto (Goma) m irra) — a non-narcotic p roduc t. The U n ited S ta tes G ov e rn m en t had on August 16th asked th e Colombian G ov e rn m en t w h e th e r chemical analysis had shown t h a t the produce had a narcotic content.

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No. 1861. Attempt at illicit traffic between Germany and Lithuania in 1939. Inform; .on com m unica ted by th e G erm an G overnm en t in its repo r t on the il cit traffic in 1939.

Refe rence : 3. Nine G erm an na t ionals a t t e m p te d to smuggle pure sali' lieO .C .S .319 'h). acid as real cocaine in to L i thuan ia .

4. They were sen tenced to te rm s of im p r isonm en t up to one y ir.

No. 1862. - Illicit traffic by a doctor at Asheville, North Carolina, in 1939. Informo oncom m u n ica ted b y the G o v e rn m en t of the U nited S ta tes of Amerie: inits an n u a l repo r t for 1939.

Refer°nee : 3. Dr. G a rre t t Dewey G ardner, of Asheville, N w a s charged& l43;M . l 3 M y o Xl with the purchase in New Y ork an d elsewhere of large quantitu- of

co n t ra b a n d narcotic drugs. He was an ad d ic t himself an d sup; leddrugs to o ther add ic ts solely to satisfy the ir addic tion . He obtained

his supp ly of drugs for at least a tw o-year period by ge t t ing add ic ted dealers to purcha- for h im in New Y ork heroin an d m orphine, usually in lots of from 5 to 15 oz. The drugs v ere th e n delivered to Dr. G a rdner for d is t r ib u tio n in N o r th Carolina. He would supply i he runners w ith funds for th e expenses in trave ll ing to New Y ork and back, and w ith amoi nts rang ing from 100 to 300 dollars ,310 to 930 Swiss gold francs) for the pu rchase of drugs. He had f r eq u en t ly v io la ted the narco tic law s an d had two convictions, one involving imprisonn -nt for a year, prior to the p resen t case. His wife h ad been imprisoned for t r an sp o r t in g il: rit drugs.

The case was rep o r ted to the S ta te Board of Medical E x am iners of N o rth Carolina, out no ac t ion was tak en by t h a t Board.

4. Dr. G ardner was sentenced a t Asheville to th ree years in a Federal peniten t , i t .

A charge of conspiracy to violate th e F edera l narcotic laws, b ro u g h t aga ins t h im in ev York in March 1939, is still pending. His co -defendants in the conspiracy case included he New Y o rk dealers who supplied the drugs, th e runne rs who took th em from New Yori to N o r th Carolina and some of th e persons who p u rchased drugs from Dr. Gardner. Fou: of these co-defendants received suspended sentences and eight, received sentences requ. ng th em to serve te rm s in a p en i ten t ia ry or in the U n i ted S ta tes Public H ea l th Service Hos> ital a t Lexington .

No. 1863. — Illegal prescription of drugs by a doctor at Durham, North Carolina in 1939.In fo rm at ion co m m unica ted by th e Government, of the U n ited St at of America in its annua l report, for 1939.

R efe ren ce : 3. Dr. George H . Boss, of D u rham , N.C., wrho had for some 1 ime

r r / /a*n*m V c w a * been p rescr ib ing large q u an t i t ie s of m orph ine to th i r ty -f ive addic ts who h a d no m edica l need for drugs, was a r res ted on April 21st,Dr. Ross h ad been charg ing 5 dollars (15.5 Swiss gold francs) eac for

so-called “ prescrip tions ” and in one y ea r h ad issued 996 prescrip tions for 52,100 grams of m orph ine , or 208,400 doses of a q u a r te r of a gra in ; 794 of these prescrip t ions were for 60 g ins each, an d on num erous occasions add ic ts h ad received more th a n one prescr ip t ion in a lay.

4. Dr. Boss was fined 1.000 dollars (3,100 Swiss gold francs), placed on p r o b a tk : for two years, and forb idden to issue an y m ore so-called “ prescrip tions ” for addic ts . Th case was repo r ted to the S ecre ta ry of the B o ard of Medical E x am iners for th e S ta te of North Carolina, b u t no ac t ion was tak e n b y t h a t Board . Three of the add ic ts who were selling port ions of their supplies were sen tenced to p e r i o d s ei ther a t the U nited S ta tes Public Health Service H osp i ta l a t L exington , K e n tu c k y , or a t th e Federa l R efo rm a to ry for Women at Alderson, W . Virginia.

No. 1864. — Closing of cases against Riley C. Hammers. In fo rm ation communicatthe G o v e rn m en t of th e U n i ted S ta tes of America in its ann u a l repo: 1 lor 1939.

R e f e r e n c e : 3. On the e s tab l ishm en t , in December 1939, of posit ive ; rootp3}non4li<rf1 t h a t Dr. A lber t C. T im bs, whose b o d y had been washed ashore in the

P a n a m a Canal Zone, was identical w ith Dr. Riley C. H am m ers , several pend ing cases aga ins t this m a jo r wholesale narco tic d is t r ibu to r were

closed. Dr. H am m ers was first a r res ted for v io la t ion of th e H arr ison narco t ic law in I»* in connection w ith t ran sp o r t in g from Flor ida to New Y ork and selling in New Y ork 100 o nee" of u n ta x p a id m orphine. He h ad also been supp ly ing seven ty- tw o addic ts w i th large air uni-

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of morphine and cocaine. l i e was sentenced to serve for ty-eight m on ths in the Federal Pen iten tiary a t A t lan ta . In March 1923, he was arres ted a t Memphis for a second violation of the narcotic laws and charged w ith the sale of 20 oz. of m orphine. While he was at l iberty under bond, w i th the second offence still pend ing against him, he w:as a rres ted in April 1923 for a th ird v iolation of th e H arr ison narco tic law'. He was released under a 10,000 dollar bond, from which he absconded. C ontinuous efforts were m ade to locate him. Late in1939 the Bureau of Narcotics issued W an ted ” circulars to various American diplomatic missions in Central America and was informed by the A m erican E m b assy in P an am a t h a t certain d a ta app ea red similar to t h a t con ta ined in a d ea th report issued in 1931 on Dr. Albert ; Timbs, whose body had been found on the shore in th e Canal Zone. E x am in a t io n of a post-mortem set of finger-prints of Dr. T imbs showed th a t he and Dr. H am m ers were the same individual.

A review of this case is in teresting , in t h a t it indicates a v a s t ly different condition with respect to the ava i lab il i ty of pure drugs to th e illicit traffic tw e n ty years ago as contrasted w ith th e scarc i ty which exists to -day .

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i. Kind and quantity ot drugs (a ) seized or (b ) in v o lv e d in the illicit transaction.

O rig in o f drugs. N a m e o f m anufacturer o f drugs : labels, markspacking, etc.

3 Xam eE ° f c° nsign o r , co n s ig n e e and addressee , or o th er p erson s implicated

r o r w a r d in g agents and o th er persons or firms w h o s e n a m es appear in co n n ect io n w ith the case.

3- Addit ional details.

4- Legal p roceed ings and penalties.

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C ountry a n d locality Dale P age

A u s tra l ia :

B r is b a n e M arch 31st , 1 9 4 0 . . . . 7Cairns M arch 1st, 1 9 4 0 .......... 7

Bolivia : 1938-1939 .................... 16

B raz i l :

R io de J a n e i ro Apri l 27 th , 1940 . . . . 17

China :

C a n to n M ay 28 th to J u n e17th , 1940 ............... 5

Chefoo A pri l 1940 ......................... 5K o w lo o n F e b r u a r y 2 1 s t to J u n e

17th," 1940 ............... 5L a p p a D e c e m b e r 2 5 th , 1939

to F e b r u a r y 17th ,1940 ' ............... 6

L u n g c h o w M a y 30 th , 1940 ............. 6L u n g k o w A pri l 11th, 1940 . . . . 5Sezm ao M a rch 21st to J u n e

13th , 1940 ............... 6W e n c h o w M arch 17th, 1940 . . . 6

Colombia :

B a r r a n q u i l l a 1940 ......................... 13, 19M ay 2 8 th , 1940 . . . . 17

B o g o ta 1939 19M ay 13th . 1940 .......... 9

Cali 1940 10I b a g u é 1940 16Sedol case . 2

Egypt :

A le x a n d r i a F e b r u a r y 1940 .............. 13M arc h 23rd , 1940 . . . 13

Cairo M arch 17th, 1940 . . . . 17M av 22 nd , 1940 .......... 17J u n e 4 th , 1940 .......... 18

P o r t Sa id M arch 2 0 th , 1940 . . . 13J u l y 6th , 1940 ............ 6

G e rm an y :

B e tw e e n Czecho ­s lo v a k ia a n dG e r m a n y 1939 9

Country and locality Date Page

G e r m a n y (con t inued)

B e tw ee n G e r m a n yan d L i t h u a n ia 1939 ...............................

P o r tu g u e se Colonies :

M acao F e b r u a r y 1940 ..........M arch 1940 ..............A pr i l 1940 ...................

T h a i l a n d :

D ec e m b e r 8 th . 1938. J u l y 7 th , 1939, Sep­t e m b e r 3rd, 1939 a n d O c to b er 1939 to J a n u a r y 1940 . . . .

T u rk e y :

I s t a n b u l J u n e 17th, 1 9 4 0 .......... 1Izm ir J u l y 1940 ............. IsLey l i t (Turco-Sy-

r i a n f ro n t i e r ; A pri l 2nd. 1940 . . . 7O u c h a k ( K u t a h y a J u l y 1940 ............. IsU lu b o r lu J u n e 1940 ............... 4

U ni ted Sta tes of A m e r ic a :

Ashevil le 1939 20B e rk e ley J u l y 1939 ....................... 15B ro o k ly n A ugus t 31st . 1939. 15Callands 1939 10Chicago 1939 14D u r h a m 1939 20H ono lu lu D e c e m b e r 1939 ............ 10H o u s to n Apri l 1939 ................... 15K a n s a s City 1939 9N ew Y o r k ’ S e p te m b e r 17th, 1937 2

J u n e 1938 ..................... 141939 14A pri l 2 8 th , 1940 . . . 12

San F ran c i sc o J u l y 1939 ....................... 15M arch 25 th , 1940 . 11J u l y 20 th , 1940 ......... 12

S e a t t le N o v e m b e r 10th, 1939 10M arch 2 5 th . 1940. . 11M ay 8 th , 1940 . . . . H

T a c o m a A pri l 3rd , 1939 ........... H

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S a m e Page

Abbass El S a v ed A y e d a . . . 17A bbott , J a m e s ......................... 10Vlniel Aziz I b r a h im T ar Lour 1 /

Ad-, Sayed M osta fa Ei . . . 18Ajh-i. M ah m o u d H a s s a n . . 17Ahmed, Gopur ......................... 4Ali, Eleish M o h d ...................... 17>Ji. Hussein A h m e d .......... 17vii, Ib r ah im Ali .................... 13

Amaya, T ..................................... 16in ona. J a c k ........................... 10

Angelico, B iaggio ................. 15X lau, O s m a n ........................... 18

Horacio D u q u e de . . 17

;in-siiti. I b r a h im El S ay edEl .................................... . . 13"•a t i , M oham ed E l SavedEl ......................................'. . . 13

IIfneilnttos, E le f te r i Chris lo- !vir.m alias X a n th o s ) . . 13

iVtihawi, Mohd. I b r a h im El 18I ;ayd. J a m e s M........................ 10iuichal ter, Louis alias

Lepke) ........................... 2, 15

f iarillut, M aur ice .................... 14Casesa, Charles ...................... 10Cohen, Ph il ip ........................... 15■. -kuu. D o n d u ...................... 18

1 apisi ....................................... 10

Uimossoglou, A r is to (aliasAris tides) ........................... 13

Dine, A bdel I l a m i d Ez E l . . 18Dine. M o h am ed S o l im an Seif

El ............................................ 18Dine, Sayed Soliman Seif El 18I tfïgan, Ë m in e ......................... 18Uonnici, Angelo ...................... 10

Eddin , A bdel H a m id Ezz . . 18Epste in , H y m a n .................... 14

Fielder, V e rn o n ...................... 15isher, J a k e (alias Y o n k e l ) . 15

Gardner, Dr. G a r r e t t D ew ey 20Ghali, A b d e l M ak so u d . . . . 18Ghali, A m in A b d e l M e g u i d . 18Gôker, Neset ........................... 4

N a m e Page

G oldberg , J e r o m e D ......... 15G onea lves , José. ...................... 17

l l a d i , Mohd, A h m e d A b d e l . 17H a m m e r s , Dr. R i l ey C. . . . 20H a sa n , K u ç û k ......................... 18H a ssan , Ali E l e w a ............ 17H e m a id , S a lem ...................... 7

K e rm e n , L e m i ........................ 4K in o s h i t a , Iw ak ich i ............ 12K ra v i t z , Louis ......................... 2K u b a , I rv in g ........................... 14

L a n g sa m . J a c k ...................... 15Licausi, Mike ........................... 10L u m W a h (alias George

W o n g , alias F r a n k H u e y ) 11

M ackey, S te p h e n ................. 14M ancuso , J o h n [alias Cl ippy : 14M eh m ed ..................................... 4Mendez, Dr. A d t i n ............ 19Mexis, George 1.................... 2Miller, Ju u alias J a c o b M ar ­

cus) .......................................... 14M in a to g aw a , C h o ta ro .......... 11Moi W o n g .............................. 10

Nis ivaco , G ira rd .................... 14Noriega, Luis ........................... 9

O gata , Mrs. Mineko ............ 11Olivera , Jo e .............................. 10

I O rdonez , Dr. Aurel io .......... 19Orug. A h m e d ........................... 4O sm an , Laz .............................. 4Osugi K o k i .............................. 11O zem, M u s ta fa ...................... 4

P a rd o , Marco ......................... 4P a rk e r , L eon ........................... 14Pir incci , I smai l ...................... 7

Ouon, W il l ie [alias Will ie th e B u tc h e r ) ...................... 15

R a h m a n , A h m e d Ali A b d e l 17R a y v an , Mohd. M o h d 6R eh im , Mohd. E b e id A b d e l 17

j N a m e Page

R eyno lds . Dr. S a m u e l A d d i ­son .......................................... 10

R o b e r t s . A r t h u r C. aliasR a b b i t ) ................................ 14

Rolong , C astu lo P a d i l la . . . 17Ross, Dr. George H ................ 20R o th , J o s e p h alias .1.

I Brown) .................................. 15

• “ Sa 'nta C lara ”, D r o g u e r i a . 19S ayed , I sm a i l F a d e l ............ 17

j Scard ino , D o n a to J ................ 15S h a la ta , A h m e d H a ssa u . . . <i

• Sh im izu , Sh in j iro .................... 12Shiraishi , Shigeo .................... I I

! S iracusa , P a s q u a l e ............... 101 So l im an, S a d ek ...................... 18j S t ru n e w i tz , A lfred ............... 14

T a k e d a , S hohe i ...................... IIT ay lo r , G e o r g e ......................... 14T ay lo r , M a r g a re t ................. .14T im b s , Dr. A lb e r t C. (see

H a m m e rs . Dr. R ilev C.).T o k ay , Ali ...................... 18T o m Sai O n [alias R ose

Leong) ................................... 10T so un i as. Y an is ...................... 2T u ck er , R a y m o n d E u g e n e . 14

“ U l t r a m a r ” , D roguer ia . . 9Unluz , S a t i ................................ 18

V a l lo n e, R o c c o ......................... 15Yergeta l is , A n d re w ............ 14

W a d a , Y o s h im o to ................. 12W e b e r , Cora .............................. 1!W e b e r , J o s e p h ......................... .11W e b e r , W i l l i a m ...................... 14Wefi , S o l im an E id E l 18W eiss , E m a n u e l ...................... 15W olfe , J a c k B. alias J a c k

Goldberg) .............................. 15W o n g Ming .............................. 10

Y a m a d a , Ixakeichi ............... 12Y ep , T o m m y ........................... 7

: Y i lm az , D o n d u ...................... 18Y o u n g , J . C ................................. 11Yui, Shui S ing ......................... 7