thinking outside the boolean box: metastrategies for conducting legally defensible searches in an...

Thinking Outside the Boolean Box: Metastrategies for Conducting Legally Defensible Searches in an Expanding ESI Universe ICAIL 2007, Palo Alto, California Supporting Search and Sensemaking for Electronically Stored Information in Discovery Proceedings (“DESI Workshop”) June 4, 2007 Jason R. Baron Director of Litigation National Archives and Records Administration

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Page 1: Thinking Outside the Boolean Box: Metastrategies for Conducting Legally Defensible Searches in an Expanding ESI Universe ICAIL 2007, Palo Alto, California

Thinking Outside the Boolean Box:Metastrategies for Conducting Legally

Defensible Searches in an Expanding ESI Universe

ICAIL 2007, Palo Alto, CaliforniaSupporting Search and Sensemaking for Electronically

Stored Information in Discovery Proceedings (“DESI Workshop”)

June 4, 2007

Jason R. BaronDirector of Litigation

National Archives and Records Administration

Page 2: Thinking Outside the Boolean Box: Metastrategies for Conducting Legally Defensible Searches in an Expanding ESI Universe ICAIL 2007, Palo Alto, California

Definition of “ESI”

-A new legal term of art: “electronically stored information” to supplement the older term “documents”:

-The wide variety of computer systems currently in use, and the rapidity of technological change,counsel against a limiting or precise definition of ESI…A common example [is] email … The rule … [is intended] to encompass future developments in computer technology. --Advisory Committee Notes to Rule 34(a), 2006 Amendments to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure

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National Archives and Records Administration 3

Information Inflation: The Expanding ESI Universe . . . .

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Snapshot of 2007 ESI Heterogeneity

E-mail, integrated with voice mail & VOIP, word processing (including not in English), spreadsheets, dynamic databases, instant messaging, Web pages including intraweb sites, Blogs, wikis, and RSS feeds, backup tapes, hard drives, removable media, flash drives, new storage devices, remote PDAs, and audit logs and metadata of all types.

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The Myth of Search & Retrieval (bedtime stories for lawyers)

When lawyers request production of “all” relevant documents (and now ESI), they believe (or pretend to believe) that all or substantially all documents and ESI will in fact be retrieved by existing manual or automated methods of search.Corollary: in conducting automated searches, lawyers (and judges) operate under the assumption that the use of “keywords” alone will powerfully and reliably produce all or substantially all documents from a large document collection.

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The “Hype” on Search & Retrieval

Claims in the legal tech sector that a very high rate of “recall” *(i.e., finding all relevant documents) is easily obtainable provided one uses a particular software product or service.

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The Reality of Search & Retrieval

+ Past research (Blair & Maron, 1985) has shown a gap or disconnect between lawyers’ perceptions of their ability to ferret out relevant documents, and their actual ability to do so: --in a 40,000 document case (350,000 pages), lawyers estimated that a manual search would find 75% of relevant documents, when in fact the research showed only 20% or so had been found.

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Why is IR hard for lawyers?

+ Lawyers not technically grounded+ Traditional lawyering doesn’t emphasize front-

end “process” issues that would help simplify or focus search problem in

particular contexts+ The reality is that huge sources of heterogeneous ESI exist, presenting an array of technical issues + Deadlines and resource constraints + Failure to employ best strategic practices

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National Archives and Records Administration 9

Sedona Guideline 11A responding party may satisfy its good faith obligation to preserve and produce potentially responsive electronic data and documents by using electronic tools and processes, such as data sampling, searching, or the use of selection criteria, to identify data most likely to contain responsive

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National Archives and Records Administration 10

Case Study: U.S. v. Philip Morris – Overall Discovery

1,726 Requests to Produce propounded by tobacco companies on U.S. (30 federal agencies, including NARA) for tobacco related records

Along with paper records, email records were made subject to discovery

32 million Clinton era email records – government had burden of searching

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ESI Universe of White House email

pertaining to tobacco lawsuit

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National Archives and Records Administration 12

Case Study: U.S. v. Philip Morris (con’t) – Employing a limited feedback loop

Original set of 12 keywords searched unilaterally After informal negotiations, additional terms

explored Sampling against database to find “noisy” terms

generating too many false positives (Marlboro, PMI, TI, etc.)

Report back and consensus on what additional terms would be in search protocol.

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National Archives and Records Administration 13

Example of Boolean search string from U.S. v. Philip Morris

(((master settlement agreement OR msa) AND NOT (medical savings account OR metropolitan standard area)) OR s. 1415 OR (ets AND NOT educational testing service) OR (liggett AND NOT sharon a. liggett) OR atco OR lorillard OR (pmi AND NOT presidential management intern) OR pm usa OR rjr OR (b&w AND NOT photo*) OR phillip morris OR batco OR ftc test method OR star scientific OR vector group OR joe camel OR (marlboro AND NOT upper marlboro)) AND NOT (tobacco* OR cigarette* OR smoking OR tar OR nicotine OR smokeless OR synar amendment OR philip morris OR r.j. reynolds OR ("brown and williamson") OR ("brown & williamson") OR bat industries OR liggett group)

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National Archives and Records Administration 14

U.S. v. Philip Morris E-mail Winnowing Process

20 million 200,000 100,000 80,000 20,000 email hits based relevant produced placed on records on keyword emails to opposing privilege terms used party logs (1%)

A PROBLEM: only a handful entered as exhibits at trial A BIGGER PROGLEM: the 1% figure does not scale

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Litigation Targets

+ Defining “relevance”

+ Maximizing # responsive docs

+ Minimizing retrieval “noise” or false

positives (non-responsive docs)

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National Archives and Records Administration 16

Not Relevant and Retrieved

Relevant and Retrieved

Relevant and Not Retrieved

Not Relevant and Not Retrieved




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The Great Unknown

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Measures of Information Retrieval

Recall =

# of responsive docs retrieved

# of responsive docs in collection

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Measures of Information Retrieval

Precision =

# of responsive docs retrieved

# of docs retrieved

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National Archives and Records Administration 20



0 100%



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Three Questions

(1) How can one go about improving rates of recall and precision (so as to find a greater number of relevant documents, while spending less overall time, cost, etc., sifting through noise?)(2) What alternatives to keyword searching exist?(3) Are there ways in which to benchmark alternative search methodologies so as to evaluate their efficacy?

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Beyond Reliance on Keywords Alone: Alternative Search Methods

Greater Use Made of Boolean StringsFuzzy Search ModelsProbabilistic models (Bayesian)Statistical methods (clustering)Machine learning approaches to semantic representationCategorization tools: taxonomies and ontologiesSocial network analysis

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National Archives and Records Administration 23

What is TREC?What is TREC?

Conference series co-sponsored by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the Advanced Research and Development Activity (ARDA) of the Department of Defense

Designed to promote research into the science of information retrieval

First TREC conference was in 1992 15th Conference held November 15-17, 2006 in

Gaithersburg, Maryland (NIST headquarters)

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National Archives and Records Administration 24

TREC 2006 Legal TrackTREC 2006 Legal Track

The TREC 2006 Legal Track was designed to evaluate th effectiveness of search technologies in a real-world legal context

First of a kind study using nonproprietary data since Blair/Maron research in 1985

5 hypothetical complaints and 43 “requests to produce” drafted by Sedona Conference members

“Boolean negotiations” conducted as a baseline for search efforts

Documents to be searched were drawn from a publicly available 7 million document tobacco litigation Master Settlement Agreement database

6 Participating teams submitted 33 runs. Teams consisted of: Hummingbird, National University of Singapore, Sabir Research, University of Maryland, University of Missouri-Kansas City, and York University

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National Archives and Records Administration 25

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?> - <TrecLegalProductionRequest>- <ProductionRequest>  <RequestNumber>6</RequestNumber>   <RequestText>All documents discussing, referencing, or relating to company guidelines or internal approval for placement of tobacco products, logos, or signage,

in television programs (network or cable), where the documents expressly refer to the programs being watched by children.</RequestText> - <BooleanQuery>  <FinalQuery>(guide! OR strateg! OR approval) AND (place!

OR promot! OR logos OR sign! OR merchandise) AND (TV OR "T.V." OR televis! OR cable OR network)

AND ((watch! OR view!) W/5 (child! OR teen! OR juvenile OR kid! OR adolescent!))</FinalQuery> - <NegotiationHistory>


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Beyond Boolean: getting at the “dark matter”

(i.e., relevant documents not found by keyword searches alone)

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49404117 1047243629 39254451 3520143328 46503222 371830 6 9 38451343 7 27 8 3421 31262319




n R








Boolean Expert Searcher Ranked Only

TREC Legal Track 2006: Percentage of Unique Documents By Topic Found By Boolean, Expert Searcher, and Other Combined Methods of Search

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TREC Legal Track 2006: Sort by Increasing Percentage of Unique Documents Per Topic Found By Combined Methods Other Than A Baseline Boolean Search

0% 0% 0% 0% 0%2% 3%

6% 6% 7% 7%11

% 14% 16%



18% 20

% 22% 24



% 28% 32


% 36% 38%

44% 46

% 51% 53



% 64%

73% 76


% 78%













17374041512818275013302522194745292039214331322644 8 3814362335 6 3446 9 33 7 2410






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National Archives and Records Administration 29

INCREASING EFFORT(time, resources expended, etc.)

Boolean Run

Alternative Search Run

Boolean vs. Hypothetical Alternative Search Method




SUCCESS(in retrievingrelevant docs)




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Strategic Challenges

Convincing lawyers and judges that automated searches are not just desirable but necessary in response to large e-discovery demands.

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Challenges (con’t)

Having all parties and adjudicators understand that the use of automated methods does not guarantee all responsive documents will be identified in a large data collection.

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Challenges (con’t)

Designing an overall review process which maximizes the potential to find responsive documents in a large data collection (no matter which search tool is used), and using sampling and other analytic techniques to test hypotheses early on.

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Challenges (con’t)

Parties making a good faith attempt to collaborate on the use of particular search methods, including utilizing multiple “meet and confers” as necessary based on initial sampling or surveying of retrieved ESI, based on whatever methods are used.

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Challenges (con’t)

Being open to using new and evolving search and information retrieval methods and tools.

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The Research Challenge

Scaling up TREC to real-world litigationFinding better ways to account for (i.e., sample) the “dark matter”Benchmarking competing search methods with objective standardsMeasuring how paying greater attention to front-end “process” improves the results found by search tools and methods

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J. Baron, D. Oard, and D. Lewis, “TREC 2006 Legal Track Overview,” available at (document 3)

The Sedona Conference, Best Practices Commentary on The Use of Search & Retrieval Methods in E-Discovery (forthcoming 2007)

TREC 2007 Legal Track Home Page, see

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National Archives and Records Administration 37


ICAIL 2007 (International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and the Law), Workshop on Supporting Search and Sensemaking for ESI in Discovery Proceedings, see see also J. Baron and P. Thompson, “The Search

Problem Posed By Large Heterogeneous Data Sets in Litigation: Possible Future Approaches to Research,” ICAIL 2007 Conference Paper, June 4-8, 2007, available at (click link to conference paper).

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Collaborative Expedition Workshop #45, Advancing Information Sharing, Access, Discovery and Assimilation of Diverse Digital Collections Governed by Heterogeneous Sensitivies, held Nov. 8, 2005, see

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Jason R. BaronDirector of LitigationOffice of General Counsel

National Archives and Records Administration

8601 Adelphi Road # 3110College Park, MD 20740(301) 837-1499Email: [email protected]