things you need to consider on planning an event

Things you need to consider on planning an EVENT

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Post on 18-Jan-2015




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Page 1: Things you need to consider on planning an event

Thingsyou need to consider on planning an EVENT

Page 2: Things you need to consider on planning an event

Planning an event is not an easy task, you need to do lot of things and preparations. You need to plan it in order to run your event smoothly and perfectly. If you don’t plan your event and you don’t prepare for it, you will definitely have problems and people will be disappointed. It is not easy to prepare an event all by yourself. You must form a team before you plan on making event. Planning an event needs effort.

Page 3: Things you need to consider on planning an event

Here are the things you need

to consider on planning an event

Page 4: Things you need to consider on planning an event

This is the first thing that you need to consider when you are planning an event. You need to choose a venue that will suit the kind of event that you are planning. For example, if you are planning an event like a conference, then you should choose a venue that is wide. You need first consider the numbers of people that will attend the conference. People will feel uncomfortable if the venue that you choose is not spacious, wherein people cannot move freely. You also need to make sure that the site or location of the venue is not too far from the house of your visitors.


Page 5: Things you need to consider on planning an event

When you already found a venue for your event, the next thing you need to do is buy quality items such as decorations. Do you want people to give a negative comment about your event? You need to buy decorations that will match the event that you choose. Your event will be more perfect if the decorations are attractive and will match your event. You need to design the tables, style curtains, lightings etc. To make sure that your decorations will keep its quality until the events end, make sure that young children won’t reach them.


Page 6: Things you need to consider on planning an event

After you are done with the venue and the decorations, you need to think about the food and beverages. Restaurants usually offer catering on every event. But you need to check first the restaurant’s menu. You also need to consider the number of people that will attend in the event. You need to make sure that the food that will be serving can feed all your visitors. It is better if the food will be more than enough.

Food and Beverages

Page 7: Things you need to consider on planning an event

This is one of the very important things you need to do when you plan an event. You need to let people know that you are planning an event. You need to send invitation to people who you want to be in your event. You can do it by sending a mail or an e-mail. You can also contact them through phone calls. In that way, you will be able to know who will attend and who will not. In your invitation, you need to include the address of the venue; the date of the event and the event’s starting time. Make sure that the people that you invite are free on the date of your event.


Page 8: Things you need to consider on planning an event

To make your event look more perfect, you need to set attire for every people that will attend the event. For example you are planning an event like a conference; you need to let people who will attend that they need to wear formal attire. If your event is formal, the people who will attend should be formal too. The people’s attire should also fit the event. In a conference, it will not look formal if people are not wearing formal attire.


Page 9: Things you need to consider on planning an event

When planning an event, you must have budget for it. You cannot run an event for free or without spending money. You need to consider how much it will cost you to run an event including the cost of the venue, the cost of the decorations and the cost of the food. If you don’t have enough budgets for your event, you can limit the number of persons you will invite.
