chroniclingamerica.loc.govthf dispatch,..*___rvthedi8patch"d0kpany. t-l vi ¦.>*.' >...

THF DISPATCH, rv THE DI8PATCH"d0kPANY. ..*___ t-l vi ¦.>*.' > ,N Si>VAMCe. ..sift D^PATTTI t*d*Mv-Me**»*an*>cr»- «* -itrrB-WcCBBTI ,*_, week, payable tn the *** *' LaifciV Malted at 88 per amain: SS for R^rTtS 8LM"** «¦«. **«¦»».' H* for afevMl-WBBKlY DISPATCH St 88 paran* "^ .ai fonts months. *pTVwVfKLY DISPATCH »!*' par annum. (i 0 0 D NEWS _. m 1NTET lie. INCE FROM VARIOUS ,.ARTKi:v<'Ki.RKAT IMPOHTAV I TO THE Pl'RLH . mug -BRICHTSTAU-Off Hoio < MARIN TUF.oKYANDSHlNTNe; I I'OX ALL. .**"*) i-XBfsafatD V11AI.ITY VANQUISHED AND m in *.-. pt « TI VE POWER COM- , I t'ILLY BROS EN. MOB IT WAI Ai oMPLlSIIED. .-.sai arn.nent medteal lltBOrlttetl hit,«,w- ,sj*i Britl'l's Di*-ase of Hie KWb*ts incurnt.le. ****"2faT,|iifi>c* Ihnawath In Hil* ami other laasht* ..,1 ic 'he In-ldlon* nower of Hie com- r.»»>ri).il lliesnMlsea tom untimely an.l V-* ..rv fr.i«\ Hut Hie ape ahlch could make -*__|ueatai *e|ence ha.* ano n vealed the rctor- »*^___r_rt Hu 1%'al disease. Warner's Safe fffLitin.! Liver Cure ts ai certain in ll* htaPnt *'_!'.,» iiaihetnailcal prr-blem. lt ll siuranu-eal Vx, p.r cent, of a i Kit-wv Dlsea*es anr) 05 *__*___«l*>i Ute* Discs***, aid that UwlB*. *SL?Ma>_a| awe*' 'on. *****____*0tfs.r>. M. D.. I t*"*tln**ul«h-*1 allopath c .1_**r*l.^r ibi - 'uh- » cte lo Uk; UtUieuiJmur- __T_Jn*he rfc: 'hat after a'i other mean* li»d i_ae*r*il f- r the KMnev Cure (now called Wsr- -afr K'tixxaiio Llser t me), and tn his a*. rot niiW* *."<...* r*«e.'f Hrlirht'a !n-**-e "iilnl<trr!i)£ H. *nd sftei wants lound lt. nualiT al Bl oi her rn*e>. Ht-a.ivHed hi* broiher- il --awes to sa** lt,la preference to i n-i .!.. -. ¦Vad "he lotlniinr « xtrncf from a lelter from .Stu A e.rlffln. dnig*i-t-. Monroe. N. C.: Vonkok. Df-reaber 87, lt-79. ufo lisse ri" lif-'ts'i n in savina "-at tour Mfe ___.. ,,,,] I iv. r < Die I- the uio*t efficient comhl- £**!!"_ for .ti-llnatc hume. Dl*<a»e»w- havel vi r ami "ii han- BO tncastre experience, our Dr. taite a practice*: phvMcian for nearly .»rs Hil KETT A C.R1KKIV fWeh teslitnons 0*M**p*/Mtrlar, and ls Indeed st new-which ran co ,-to \ Pt- Wartier'* safe Renie.lie* consist nf SKfrk'lier anil l.lscr Cure, the Safe Nervine, -au Pi!'-, and -sfe BIPers-Bll of .rc made up of nure iorredlent*. and are n timi- offlce*. 'I !ie-e siateroe uts are UWBSfrt valuable f.cU.aiiil comiuciid Uirm*c'v,-* JTtbe at-rntl-.n and rood MBStofBB. Druggist* u i-i rafe Rersvedte* la all parts nf the j,-... ii, ali mun* iry'hem. mb 15-Mlm 4J i>k. ¦eLAMfra urn pill**. , l.\I.« BaCFOBI TIIK rURLIC. THE GERUtBB !> !1 C. Mc LA N E'S OO.KKI.ATKD liver PILLS, FOR THE CUBK Ol' HVPAT1TI OB I IVER COMPLAINT, OTB" PKi-iA. AND >l< K HEADACHE. ITaTPTOBll OT A DL-EA-ED LIVER. Pain lu the rtetit side, under thc *atja Bf the rlhs, - on (Brtataiei WBlRaMI the pain ls In the ihe patient ls rarely ahle to lie on the k-ft ! .,!::.. . the pi»in I- felt under thc shouiil. r- ll frequently ex: ni? to the top of the t r, and is sonietluics mistaken for rheutna- SBB Bl Hip arm. The stomach I* affecto! Mlth I" . Bf appetite and H.-kiic;.«; the bowils In general ure >. un Un es alternative willi lax : the heal ls lv,lth pain, accompanied with a dull, heavy itti'flion in the back paru There Is generally a IWatfltiable lou of memory, accompanied with a painful a stat ton of having- left undone something whictoiu^-kt to have NMB done. A MBBt, dry coueh :, - iiiftlines au .iienrliii!. The patient complains Bf xx,.irui-.-snl debility ; he ls eu.-ily startleJ. lils MB s-x "1 -r hitriniig. lad h.- ccinp'ains of a p-\Lly ar*MlMoa f,f IBS skin: hu spirits are low; Igtl Bt P fi'i-tieii liiat i M-ic's- BSMM be i. ..1. 1.1 ie- Cj;i scarcly summon dp M cooaga to tr) lt. In fact, he distrust*, n cry ,-ai of tin- short symptomi attt-mi tin- bat case* han- ra-curred where a few of xaui-.uailin of tlw hody arter *q Hie Liv ki: t,, have btMB «.xH.nsive- AGCE ANT) FEVER. li: C.Mi Lam's Liver Pills. In casts o Acvb and Fkveb. when talen with quliiine, are productive of the mo.-t happy results. No belter cathartic cod be med preparatory to or after 'akin** quinine. Wt would advise all who are afflicted with BBB] to give them s FAIR TRIAL. I ...'i BBbboj dcrani*aucnto. and as a olrnple pur- liU-re, they are uneuuallt-d. BEWARE OK IMITATIONS. Tbe (eu ul oe ore never lurar-coated. f.f*r- t*>x nasa red wax seal on the lld, with Hie imp*t.-tl<iu Dk. MiLane's UTBB Pills. Tbt (i-iiuuie MtLAVkiV Eivkb Pills bear the :.-iii!tj,*,.f (-.Mi-I. a Mt and FLBBINU Bros. on U.* wrappers, lnobt upon narin* the genuine *ir. C, McLabe'S wh Eilis, fsstUttt hy Flembtjr Bros., of SBBSBSBBB, Ea., the roaiket bein*; rullof ImlUtlons Basal Mt Lan*, spelled differently but same .^.SBelaUon. my 12-deowly ll I BOM HITTER*}._ kalth, morora, happiness. IRON B1TTEB8. BstBJ HE1TEK-. A Gnat Tonic. ^S" RITTERS, ASurtAppellaer. .Sall BIT't+;B8, I ObbsbsbbI tireiujtbener ¦. UlTTEESi, * ValBablt Bedlclue. .Bs**) iHTTKBg, ^."'IdoaaHeverase. J|*0N BITT1B8, ''ot Hellcat*- r emaks. Illo-hly reeommendi-dto Un- public for all il I (ern es ie<|u!i)ii( a ceitaiu and . fh.-ieit To NIC; Set**- 'lally in INDIGESTION. MYseH*SlA. INTERMIT¬ TENT FXVBaS. WANT OK a e r KT t T , LOSS or STKKNOTII. LACK OF Y.i tC. It ititi I."-. the Mood. »U euathen* the muscles, ami (Ive* new il. to tho nerves. To the tired, ladlei, and dillina. te.(aliii i:, his valuahli- remedy can¬ not lia too hto-hly reconi- !ii< mieii. IT ACTS LIKU A (HARM Oil llil-illi/esllv*! oiffano. A teospoouful be- lort inealo will remove all dyspeptic 0) mptoui*, TRY IT. rHJLI) BY ALL DH! OMI 'I-. THE HBO ll V CHEMICAL COMPANY Baltimore, Mo. PUBCELE, L 11)1) A CO.. Whiloaals Aaeau, Richmond. ta* are**B\WAraowA wsowlfj JJAlLiY DISPATCH. vol. LYU. RICHMOND, YA., MONDAY MORMmTmaRCH 22, 1880. N0, g Richmond ^isptfh* fctOHDAY.MAIUH 22, issn. *T;lMr. CIHCl l ATIo.N OK THE BISrATCH IS LARGER THAN THE COMBINED C1RCC- LATION OE ALL THKOTUXB HAILY NEW6- PArrrt>t or ihe city. I Entered at the l'o«|.offlee ot Rlebinoiid. Va., as eecond-cla*.* matter.j WEATHeR K.KFOK1. Indications edi: Si'Mht.-For the South Atlantic siale*, eh ar or 'cully cloudy wofi- tber, southwell wiruN veering to northwest, stationary or higher iefBB«MitBrr, rising bu- rou.etir. For the Middle Atlantic Slates partly cloudy, weal ber io ihe northern portions, occasional lii*ht snows, \\e*t winds veering to colder northwest, lubber baromeier. The weather tsAiiitbAT wus clear, cool, mid pleasant. TBBBMBBBIBB SaTTRuay : C A. M.. 42; 9 A. M., 48 ; noon. ; 8 P. af., ',3; G P. M.. Cl; nii(ini,'ni. it*. limo temperature, 55}. Tata «n i ii(.*..» Masai l.o. fFrom th, M'ast,i,rf*'ot> Cost.J A\ IWKQl'AL BARGAIN. That thc existing treaty with China is unfavorable to Amtiican interests und un¬ satisfactory lo the majority ot the Ameri¬ can people arc taeta timi will scarcely be fjtiesiicned. In tbal compact ive i*ive a -.Tent deal mote lh:ni wc receive. For in¬ stance, we ibiovv Oflf doors wide o|ien for the admission of immigrants from a coun- Iry whose poi'ithttioii i-i so vast that mil¬ lions would make no perceptible diminu¬ tion. We off.r them !hc same adv.lOtacei lhat belong to our own people.such faeili- lies for making life a success as can ie found in no other country. We take them inio thc American family and Ihev become Joint heirs with us in Hie grandest inheritance OBI the globe. Forthe sun shines on no i thor land, and since time began lins never illuminated any region, where life.Hie privilege of living.has in en or worth half what it is to BMD inhabitant of lhis continent, and (specially that por¬ tion of thc coutinetit vvliich constitutes UM I'nited Slates. Th.- condiliors of existence, the Messing of individual liberty, thc chances we ctjoy for obtaining weaJth, social distinction, nnd political po ferment, our exemption from thc oppression ol despotism and the cruelty 11 ol caste, the measureless resources of our country in all the g*re*s>l elements of material li proxies*.IbesB arc some of the reasons i; why it is I vast priiilctie tor thc people of j | any oilier land to he adopted into the Arae- licnn fundy. This mav seenr*?ike a boastful strain, but ir is Uk most sol er matter of fact. It i- tl | simple truth, uneinhcllished l»y rhetorical varnish, lt will be admitted bj" every in- telllgeat citIz- ti who has travelled in the Old World, in Mexico, or South America, and tins kept li's eyes and cars open as In¬ ila* gone among UM people ol other land-. Not even I he most favored country ol Eu¬ ro pe can offer to thc poor mai) n tillie ol arba! he linds ben wailing for him to eke alni eiijov ll. Hui as compared wilh Asia, and espe- i: liv with the CbtotBe Empire, this land r.f ours i*- Bf a palace lo a hovel, a feast to famine, affluence to penury. boj>e todc-imir. And we baie swung our front gale open, hy the llurlingame treaty, and said to the countless millions of that miserable Empire, .. Come in and help yourselves." We bare riven to cadi emixiant the same rights tbal itt-anti our children possess. We offer to livide tba estate with them, and make them iur bro!hers-. 'Mitre is not a foot of our lomain from whreh they are excluded. Our .ourls bate made iliem voters, and they are .ligihle to anv office except thc two at the op of the official ladder. And what do we git in return? What toefl i hilra agree to do for us in compenaa- ioti for this noli niiiniticent gift* Is her territory opened up for Americans in case ii,-y should wi*t) to go there and become .itlSeBB? I* therenny rral BdVBBtaffl g'OH- d bf us except a few rtgbll ('f tracie that iv. sboold have if no such treaty existed. bj in.: tbfl Empire, except a few ports, seal- (i, barred, i"»itt d Beales! osf Are sra not is (ffcc'ually txcluded from China BOW as ac were before tbfl treaty was made . And I ive could go all over the Empire in peace ....I ....,- ,vl>«.,.. iv,. ,.le.e,.,l ,l,a..w il ,.(T..r .,,,v BdvaBlaaref No, it is n wretched, over* populatrel, woro-OOl lund, w here no Aim. ii- BBB Bares to live, except for trade in a few of its pioduc's. We do nol wan! to exchange -onie tbOR* ninds of Americans lor thc -anio or a greeter mimbi r of chinese.. Experieoce bas shown that these Asiatic ItBflalaraotfl lire a ii)o*l uncle-ii-iible actjiii-iiion. We do not want to degrade Hie labor or tlu* life of our worklo|MMople lo tba chinese level ol lusiiality. We clo nut want to introduce the vlleoesa and tbe loathsome habit* of ttie«e people into our count iv. We bave leal ni il what they arc, seen bow they liv. and can easily fordell the result of u yipi influx of their countrymen. The trca'y, while it stands, must be ful¬ filled, bul it cannot be too soon abrogated its to trieist of its provisions. V\'e niu*i se* that this country -ball not be overrun with a turbid tide of Asiatic degradation. China has shown us how to do thi* by fixing upon certain ports where Americans may enter and certain places where, under deified conditions, they may reside. In any new treat} With that Empire we must "follow this example. If Wt have any .-ingle riirht ns a people it is that ol self-protection, and under this right wc are bound to Bay that the million* of Asia shall not occupy this counti y or cine here in t»ucb numbers as to do ns bairn. It i- -tated that a commission to negotiate a new treaty willi China Will soon be ap¬ pointed. It should heirn) with a fair tin- deiXanding that China is incapable of _iv- lag us lunch that we WORM not pt saes* were- there no international compact; that (bimi ls too exclusive to fairly claim Bread* ing with treaty-making- powers; that we are read*/ to extend our commercial iela¬ tions on fair term*", but don't intend to adopt and take home the miserable million* el tba! Qod-for*a>kea land. Fikxishino Timk as Ga3 and Watkr auk Supplied..Paris, 31areh 13..1'aris clocks bave long afforded I subject of ridicule to lore lg nert. In a few days there will be no room for derision. Within the last week handsome public illuminated time-pieces have been erected In tbe middle of thc causeway of the leading thoroughfare*. These are all in communication with the works of the new Pneumatic Clock Com¬ pany, tn tbe Rue St. Anne. Ry means of subterranean lubes this ctompaiiy receives the time direct from the Observatoire-t mtv morning, and regulates all tbe time-pieces in connection simultuneou-dy. lu future it will bc |M)S8lble to have the coi reel time laid on io any bouse, like gas or water, at thc ti illili;* cost of from three to ti ve centimes per clock pc:- day. I was allowed to in- siseci the company's pretoisc-s privately to¬ day, and examined the whole arrangements. Tbe air is compressed by steam-engines, and driven at intervals of a minute through tbe communicating tubes so as to mute tbe minute-bund*, the requisite distance ut etch pulsation. It cid be applied to any clock. The company undertakes to pay ill Hie cost of tbe tit tm--, lt supplies clocks gratui¬ tously, md charges only a subscription. By this ii.w system ill trouble of i .-pairing aod winding up ls done away with. Over oatt thousand iiueumatlc clocks are ordered in Paris a read v, and will soon Ins tested at Mew York, where the patent (or America kU affrffU pUrcbSKd, L.OUAL) MATTKK3. FAain.r PRica***.. The following were ihe prevailing pi ins lor family market Inn; on Saturday : Beef,8) Its}, and toe. per pound; mutton, 10 to 12c per pound; chop*, 10 lo 12|c per pound; veal, 10lol5e. (ter pound; pork"! 10c. pei pound; sa usage, 10c per pound; smoked sausage, 10c per pound; bacon, 10c. per pound; middling and shoulder, 8 to 10c. per pound; chipped beef, 2*»c per pound; he.f-tongue, IS|e. per pound; liver, 8 Io 10c. (per 'lound; chitlin**, 10c. per pound; tripe, 8c. per pound. Pouts and Butter, dc.Live chickens, 40 lo 50c. apiece or 80c. to fl per pair; dressed chicken*, If to IGjc per pound; live tur¬ keys, $1.50 to Bl "5 apiece; dressed tor- keys, 20 to 25c per pound ; live ducks, fl 'per pair; dressed ducks. If,} to 20c. per pound; live I et se, T."ic. lo fl apiece; dressed geese, 15c. per pound ; squab*, 40c. p«r pair; robins, 50c. per dozen; eggs, 12|c. per dozen; cheese, Wi to ISc per pound ; lard, 10c. per pound; butler tor cooking, 25e., fair at 30c, choice at 35c per pound; sweet i milk, Sc per quart, Ot tte. per gallon; but¬ termilk. 4c. per quart, or 15c. per allon. Vcgrlables..Sweet potatoes, 15 to 20c. par lia'f-peek ; Irish potatoes, 10 BO lao**, per half-peck; carrots. 10c. per dozen; salsify, 5c. per bunch, or 50c |icr dozen bunches: parsnips, 10c per dozen; spring onions, 5c. per bunch; red onions, 8c. per qusrt, or 25c per half-peck; rhubarb. 10c. per bunch; radishes, 3 to 5c per bunch; cab- hage-iprout*. 10 to 20c per peck; lettuce. 2 to 5c. per head or M 11 50c per dozen; new English pea", 75e. per peck; horse- radwbea, 2 and 3 for lOe.; pop-eom, 10c per dozen; dried heans, 8c. per quart; white beans, 8c per quari; blackeye pen", 5e. per quart; ttinii*>-*.tlad, 20c per peck; k.ilc-salntl, 15c per peck. nth and Game..Wren, 20 to 25c per bundi: rocktisb, lfijc par pound; shad, ('."ic to §1 per pair; eels, 25c. per buneh; chubs, 25c per bunch: herrinsrs. 25c. per bunch, or 40c per dozen: crab--, M to .'{."ic. per do,'en ; cnttish, 10c lo Me, per bunch ; blackm-'.-k ducks, 50c per pair; oysteis, 75c to fl and 91.25 per gallon (oysters are very scarce on account*!)! Ibt freshet). l<ruits..On¦( ii apples. 5 to 8c per (jua! f, or 40 to 50c. per peck (apples are very in¬ different): dried applets 5 to 7c. pel- pound ; dried peaches, 12 to 15c |>er pound: dried pears, 7 lo 8c per pound; dried cherries, 15 lo 16c. per quart; straw¬ berries, 80 to 40c-T>er quart; oi anet's, 20 to 25 and Me. per dozen; lemons, 25 to 30c. per dozen.) Mr. J. W. Kates ArroixTKD Srrrmx- rt-lMl. NT Of Tn VllllilNTA ANO N'OflTII CABO- lina Telephone- Ex(h.vnu':s. .superin¬ tendent J. W. Kates, of the Wealers union Telegraph C'ompnny, hns been appointed superintendent, and J. I*. Tracy »s-Mant .iiperuitendent. of -the Southern Beti Tele¬ phone and Ti-legra ph Company, in charge if tbe Telephone Exch-uigts at Richmond, Danville, Lynchburg, Norfolk, and Peters- traif. Va.,' and Kaleiifh, Charlotte, and Wilmington, X. C. They will have lieail- piarteis in Ibis eily. This js a BHMl excel- cut appointment, and mir people will no Joubt tit,il in air. Kates a superintendent Aho will always iee that thB patrons of the relcphone Exchanges are accommodated. VIr. Tracy, thc well- and favorabl*-known innagcr ot the Richmond Exchange, has low had his duties and position enlarged to rsstatarrl flopertntt*TJdeot of ibe soiitbern ***change«, and win doobtlesfl continue to dense his many friends and patron*.. Who the BlTOBMB of Richmond Coi.- _B| Want fur President,.At a joint Heeling of the litenpy societies of I'ieh- nond College held last Eriday night thc lienibers resolved themselves into | N> ional t'onventioii to nominate a candidate or President of the United Slates. Ihe Convention Wat organised in due form, lomiiKiling speeches Blade, and an election »j ballot entered lalo, willi thc following esult: Total number of votes cast, fis; of v li leta lia van! received 59; Grant, 4; Til- len, 2; S-vmour. 2: and Hancock. 1. Some ealoiis tripod of another candidate bil unted thal Hay ird\* popularity was due to he tact that "the foVUt genilemr.n who lomlnated hun said tba) Bayard, if elected, i-otild endow Ibe college tvitbfl00,000 sod ive ali tbe boys a big oyater sapper. This ppeal frat irresistible, ind carried tbe Con* tattoo._ The Dollar Casi:. Etc.. n tin- United Mates Dist rid Court on Sat- irday.-iudge Bobert Vf. Bocbea pre* idtng-Jud'M' Men diili eoneladed blfl bi> unient in tbe Dollar Savings 15mk ease. Tie ease was linn submitted Io tl.e .Illd'-'C. who took the papata aod note* ol tba au¬ thorities cited. Ile will take time to ri Bder his opinion, which nere.ui i y, from the large number ol BOtborltlei cited, will bea very elahorate one. Thechanceiy case of Baird's aaalfoet Off, Whittet A Bbepperaoo wai argued hy Ms* >r Robert Stile* for the plaintiff and Captain John A. Coke for the defendants, and suls- raltted. FiPin.MK Court OPApPb*ai*S, Satuiipat.. Borke vs. Leer. Writ ol en ur awaidi tl to ¦ judgment rendered bj the Corporation C'ouit of the citv e.f Alexandria on tbe IJ'h of April, 1878. Daiugeilield Pff. Thumps m. Argued by ,) dm M. .Johnson, E-ip, and Jti*li:e W. J. Kobertsun fer plaintiff in error and Judie Cbarlea K. St uart and H. 0. Claughton, Esq., for defendants in error, and submitted. City Ciiicitt Court. Jud'je B. H. Welt- ford presiding..The Jury in the case of Newbold vs. Hoekaday returned fl verdict for the defendant. PO I. 1('K ('i)l'IIT. Acting Poliie-Jil-tice J. J. CruicbtieldidlfpOtad ol the following ca*es Saturday: .Julin Butler (colored), for unlawfully as¬ saulting and threatening ta> BUI Sallie) Bat* ler, his wife. Discharged. Jennie Roberts (colored), for unlawfully trespassing BOOB the pre mises of Martha Pelton Discharged on pavmt-nt of OOBlB. Julita-; Monroe, Bddls Youri:.', and Mi- e'nacl Hlnck, charged with being dAmk, were discharged on payment of costs. A Plan to IrprOTB BbSRRVOTB AyRRBR. A subscription Hst will be opened at .Mr. Andrew Pizzini, Jr/*, Blore this morning to receive subscriptions lor sprinkling the drives around tbe ne vv reservoir. TBeae who are in the habit of u-ing thc drives will no doubt respond liberally. Messrs. 31. Millhistr and Andrew Pizzini, .lr., will see that thc funds are judiciously spent. Chicken Tuif.tes..Tie BeB*bO*l«8 at Mic re*ldence of Mr. E. A. Flanbardt, in Henrico county, near Hie city, was entered in thieves Friday night, and a lot of tine imported black Spanish stolen. The thieves were well supplied with tools for the oc¬ casion, leaving a large crowbar Jin their hasty retreat. New I'm fob es for Nkws Aoknts..The new* BgBRtl on the Chesapeake and Ohio railway bave recently tx-en uniformed In a neat ind attractive suit. These gentlemen occupy an imi>ortant relulionsbip to tIn¬ tra veiling public, and their handsome new uniforms will now make (hem particularly conspicuous. Cask Continukd.Tbe case nf John Bbl I- ton (colored), who Wus arrested Friday afternoon charged with having in bis pos¬ ses-Ion two mu-coYf ducks nncl one lot of salad, the properly of some person un¬ known, was continued until this morning and thc accused committed to> "ail. Internal-lUvENui. Collections..The following are Unit, ci. Stiles internii-reve- one: cnIii i Hom for tho past week : .Monday, 17,575-81: Tuesdiv, f7.103 55: Wednes¬ day. f7.eS8l86* Tboradsv. 88,888.88; Fri¬ day, 88.285.70; xiaJurday, *7,2W.3:.*-toUl, Onr Mtraefe aaaaj As en ms. WHAT Till: t ITT KXOISaxRB HAS TO SAY IV ni ANNUAL BE ly HT. w*ta|R DOXK DUBLVO THI TEAR . THU ('lintt'H-LrD INI'i.XIIM.L AVK NIK.rnNfilTlON'nrTRRB'MSMSFWBBBTH- thk bbsEr.roib ejiiorttiis, ac, ac. The annual rejiorl af the City Engined bas bren sent In to ibet Mayor, who ls non engaged in wiltfnghliB^erws-etoihe Coun '.'I. In referi ins- to tht-etif cs and Church- Hill avenue, r.donel Cttfahuw says: *>n.! hundred and fievenleen thoossnej seven hundred and sixty-five cubic yards ol earth m-ie excavated daring the year, giv¬ ing an increase of 1,1,811 cubic yards over the amount of Ihe before Kighty-tlve thoii.and one hundred and twenty-three cubic vania of Hus grading were moved by the eily foi ce of bandi and carts, at nil avenge cos. of 15 4-5.coots per cubic yard, and 32,1)42 cubic yards were moved by con¬ tract at a c- st of 17 4-5 to 21} cems per cu¬ bic yurd.the contrae-t prices of the year lie- fore being 18 cents to 85 cools per cubic: yard. Sn much ia dependent upon tbe per- roaneot grading of streets* is a baili apoa which nil other Improvements should de Bade that I must urge the nt cosily for in- creasing this part of our city work'beyond what it h: s been heretofore. Especially should thia lie done in roe ease nf thc Church-Hill avenue, athete j* large amount nf work remains to ^t.c dane, and which needs to be flcilsbed before Hie -bf netlrs from .hes-e improvements can be realized. The Engineer furthe>r says: A large .mount of repaving is needcel upon some >f our luiaine-s streets, e*pecially where he rough cobble-stone paving exist*, and ¦hould bc replaced with granite. Special '¦revision should be n;ade for this woik. More attention should be given to cleaning, ind in dry weather to sprinkling the streets, is tba increasing I ra flic upon them is now H'odurit'g such an accumulation ol mud ind dost ia will soon become a nui-nnce. Bael* year ibis ia becoming more marked ipon the n.iicad iBtiSBd and gravelled trii ts and in the upper p tri ion of the city viii be irierra-ed bv the hauling of freight o the Richmond, Freclencksburg mid Po- om-ec railroad de; eV, located on wetl Broad treat Although a great deal has been accom- ilished bv thc Health having barge of Hie street-c!einiiig, which ts done lilli inure system than formerly, I do not BB bow 1 his cleaning can be satisfactorily lone without I force siiflicient to make daily ouudsof the ; rinci, al streets, instead of he periodical cleanings of several times a car. Iii reafte r in constructing sewers the con- ccfion will be run to the proposed euib nes, I hen lo be joined by the house eon- eclion, when they are inpaired to euler lie sewer. I must "again crail attention to be importance of connecting Shockoe-cree k ewer. Turee n iv bridges ate over ie haste at \iiiiii itreet. one over Bttoekoe retk at the ind of Hospital street, and ono ) l.e replaced .t Fifteen!h street over Bockoe creek. With sonic slight repair all ic other bridget under our control will be > good order. 'lin' temporary building used as a City ! di ha* bsd the u*ml repairs made during e i eer, besides enlarging thc wiult-room, ld making BOOM changes (a the Chancery oiui-room. The exteostoa of the vault- kihi ever tbe ipaea oceopied bf thc office f clerk rf Ihe Chancery Court Ins re¬ llim! ide usc of thc .Mavin's eiflier for the erk of thi- eoe*"*. An r'.ycc bool rovided for ihe Mayor, woo is now using private effie*) at hi* own expense. Some the om'it* ara vt rv much crowded, and t iii need of repairs. A few etWBgea in io*c oflicis will probably be made this 'ar. In regale! to the necessary changes at thc bird police-talion. Hie Engineer says they iinot bc made until a separation ls made the combined police and DT*l-eu*,{*>« eta. una. The charge.* proposed in the Po- .e-Court loom will be made Hii- year. line ehaogesarB Baked lor ta tba Clrcolt* jurt roora* During Ihe year Hie Monroe and Libby- di Bqoaret bave marredtbeotualatten* m. be-iili * placing B few mure seat- in em. To COOlione thc improvement ol Ibby Hill it will be Bcceflairy to acqoire S hillside extending from Main street to .-kells street and William-burg avenue Tin- work iip.iti e;ambit's Hill and Chun- iraao baa progressed as fir aa Ibe roeaaaat ir ili.siio-ai would perrolL Wit ii another n's w.:k tba Improvement ol tbesa a iii be to lir advanced Ibal tbe pob* caii redlty understand the design of m. Dining thc year the osteal attention has eu given t" repairing and keeping np the iprovements ol tbe reaervolr grounds, lt is inienueu io improve sriiuiuniiv, as it,*- means at oar disposal will permit, ihat nor* tioB'of tbe enunda" non an nntlgbtly wast,-, a* well ll to bring lo a complete state of itt - provemenl tbe other portion already laid out in roads and gi ass plats. DBABATIC I'mti ations ,u int: AtBOCIA< nos Mall..The appeal ance ol Mr. iVil- liam Ma- ni Klaus at. the Association Hill on r.ex' Taesda; night may be looked for- ward lo as a prOBItlag and pleasing event. Tbt talent- and attainments ef Mr. Evans li ive been vcr\ highly s.n.ken ol elsewhere, IJ-- i* nu eliicutionist of rare tit's and of iineoniinoB resources, and eOBSeqaeallj his efforts are marked by trtetfal ease and by eoneentru'ed pow tr. Ile brines out with bofdaett aad skill tbt incidents, tkongbtt, tad ttOOtlons of an author, and displays nieetv of judgment and fidelity to _ett truths and charms. It is one of the real plea¬ sures of life to sit and listeu lo excellent in- terpxetttl n.lo.sir and hear the impressive ideas of mas erf n! minti* or the mit tl.fill and brilliant nct'onsof a .prightlitr genius sit forth bf IB eloquent and cultured render with cleverness and craft. It is a pleasure not to be underrated, and therefore it is a pleasure not iikt-ly to ba regaided with aeg- iigei c ¦. The proi/rimme for Tuesday evening's cn- ti :' iiiiiii-iii is a must excellent one, and the ibjed for which the readings are tTvea heneft Of tbt Vonni* Men's Mi**i"ii.iry so¬ ciety or th.- Btaood Baptrtt church) stioubl **_..*. a i-roivded -^- ABBOT! Ol*BBJ Ti:.'i rt:..Mi*s Emin i Ab* aott coiniiieaces M eii'.'ageii.eiit of four ligliis and Saturday matine*' at the Theatre Anril 7th, with tee foUowiaf repertoire: - Faust," .. Martha," ..Paul and virginia," .Bohemian i'irl," and ..The Chimes of S'tu'iijandv.'' A iv titer says: Emma Abbott's pt rlorm- inc-' throughout wu* ¦ genuine triumph. II. r voice is in thc freshness of its spring- line, rich in tone crystalline clear, and utting with simpaMiy and tenderness. ¦ilie BBB B magnet lc presence and manner, md poatttatt dramatic feiverand breadth mil extraordinary vocal volume. The OVl Is' dilt-t, by Emma Abbolt and Castle, vas admirably sung and impassiona ely icPai bf both. It siormed the house aad iwaketied it to genuine enthusiasm. Paul ind Virginia wi re tumultuously called Ins¬ ure the eiirlalii, and alter they had retired he audit nee was ina state trf furore that tts not quelled until the curtain had risen bree times for three repetitions, wolta were ;iven, wheti (jillet wm re-tored until Ibe cur¬ alo roe OB the next act. Then soon came he bud song by Emma Abbott, willi its harming melody and vcutiil.'i'Uiat effects, t < ontains ci cry difficulty in the way of bril* iant bravura singing, abounding as lt doe* n trill*, sejatot, and roulade*, and is the st* .¦lt-t pu.-IWe test of a llatrr*! vocaliza- lou, Emma Abbott carried it in triumph, .nd still heightened th- enthusiasm, ll was neared, and she repeated its whole movc- nont, wiih sustained power. So tbe lovers' liict and the bird song proclaimed the su> .es*«eH nf paul and Virginia, and crowned be Utile American warbler with fit sh non- **, Mrs. Hcguin had .cveral ons, which ibe Ming with her Banal power and finish, ind su»talned her part brilliantly -Q Bumer*. >ui cvoccrtcd pieces. The Art A*.*...elution. A PEKP AT HOMK OF THK ltB xi MU l. PHTCBES AT THK VlllHIMA UPKBABOUSB. The Richmond Art Association eotn- iti'-ne.'.l lil annual exhibition Xiturdnv at Virginia Opera-House. The collection Ibis year of punting* and other works of art probably surpasses ony ever mads in Vir¬ ginia before. Throughout ibe day tb*> hilt was Tittled b.v a number of persons, who .expressed theroselwi highly pleased with tbe exhibition. The paintings, engnvtnga, and drawings are tastefully armored, and at noon Ibe sun shone I brough thc sky lilt hts of the bill upon some of tbe paintings with j striking and beautiful efft-et. There are so many bandaome pictures on | exhibition it is bard to decide which is the most attractive. The atige wbs literally covered with many rare and beautiful law* er«, ind the scene In the hail was beau;ifni. Mi«fl Lottie Price, Misses Jane iud Helen Rutbe foord, Alis, pimhi.'.ke Jones, and Mi*ses Morris, Furl ix. Daniel, and Stew¬ art. pupils of Mi*s Laird, of Richmond- contributed (o the exhioition some of their work, consisting of wafer-color paintings, pencil- and ciavoo-druwings, which attract¬ ed not a HtrJe attention. " Dryburgh Ab¬ bey," a water-color painting by Miss ilaria Stewart, ot Richmond, eeeerves special no- Mr. C. IL Rend, Jr., exhibit*** ar.-ttitf'*>"i tiirol design of the United States Soldiers' Home st Washington. On Hie right, as the visitor en'cis, is a paietleg bf H. T. Daniel, Jr., iffier Bead ** Dc-eiied." It is an old cislle covered willi vine.s. The picture i* a fine one, and iis mle would seem mo*t appropriate. Near bv is perhaps the be.t piece of pen- and-ink drawing on exhibition, lt is celled "Facial Types la America.*1 aad la the work of Mr. J. We Hs ( hiimpney, of .v tv York, who made ..Hut contributions lint have peen much admired. It consisls of a grouped aliotit aeventy*8vs or one hundred dUb-tcut facial types of Americans. Promi¬ nently among them we noticed tin Old New England Farmer, the California .Miner, ami various types of Tidewater Virginians; but the most conspicuous, were tbo*e of the Old Virginia Darky. Thc "Duke of Gola** and Dead Hotly of Collgar *' is another tine painting, by .Mr. R. T. Daniel. Jr., after De Neuville. It was generally admired try art critics. " Fortuny Dead," (etching on copper,' by Mr. Stephen J. Ferris, ol Philadelphia, ateo attracted much attention. The dead Fortuny, lying upon a couch, has a natu- lalne-s nf exi)i'e-sif)n seldom fltefl in pic¬ tures of Hie kind. Mr. Fern's h,d aumin: Ilia palaU**_S ORB Called IBB .. Orient: I Street scene," Brhlabraaka high as a work nf art. It is exquisitely colored. Mr. Kriiseman Van Riteo. of New York, exhibits ihiee leigfl paintings, valued at !-1.0.)U. His "(.'urn-tit ld in Westchester Ii.linly. New York,'' was probably ad¬ mired more tbaa either nf tim other paint¬ ing-. Some of [be visitors, however, re¬ garded his Hillside *' a- lin- I BsL "The Witch Helge," by Mr. F. S. Church, of New York, fl a* much admired, lt is not a ve-ry luge painting, bur there i* onitthing about it which will Attract at.eti- ion. Il represents an old witch entangled in i badge. Hor*c-shoi* placed along tbe hedge :onjured the old witch, and -be tim* i,e- .anie entangled in tbe tum ns and c>ul<l not ree herself.- A Idlle imp with gio**}' Bingi -iis idly by upon one ol thc horse- iboes, rnjoving tba old witch's misfortune, ». Appomattox," by Mr. I A. Elder, ol tientiinnd, is a tine representation eif a ,'onfederate aoldler attired in the old Bow* tzcr uniform, standing with bal in hand militating upon'the surrender at AppO* BflttOX. ..An Roedslde,*' by Tsddison lichards, of New York, >od " Brook-ule." ly M.". A. T. Bricker, ol New York, bm Ito paintiofis ol high or der. T ". forruer s valmd flt ?'2.>0, and nie latter at if llb. .'Hallo," by Mr. M. J. Bores, ol Sew fork, is a tine oil-painting, valued al |3S0. t represents B lislierm IB returning from sea villi his mt banging over his .shoulder-. rtie expression is life-like. "Sunset in the DiSflMl Swamp,"' by Gig- lorx (loaned by Mr. W. H. HaxalP, la one ,f the ino-t Cant If til and one ol the irgest minting! on exhibition. The reva of the un fell upon it about midday Satorcby, vhich made lt exquisite. There are BO many beaotifnl palnt- ngn un exhibition it would I'.- Impos* Ible for i,s to refer to them all, and io di'tibt we bave omit led many which i.-sii\e special meotioo. Richmond is veil .md creditably represented st the ex- libitlon. lu conclusion lt may be areli io d that tbe ex ii bi'io ii wilie lotloue probe* .ly f..r two vv. t ks. NO one should miss an .ppmHunty like tin* lo visit bb exbibltioo Bbxbico Uii'iui.tiANs. .'i'd,. Henr'eo c.iiiiity Republican Committee mel Satur- day morning Bl the count*/ c »urt-bou*x i tin- absence of the chairman, Willi un Bin* lleton was called to preside, and -I. ll. M. wart Beted as secretary. The eom- mittee decide t- in Becordanee willi Instruc¬ tions from thc Butt Central c .mmlltee. to elect Ave deleaatet to tbt Counts Cooven- tint), ob UtaS8tb instant, ut 12 o'clock M., Bl tbe following plac.s: Ttlckalioo town¬ ship. Ham's I fill; Brookland. Hulebera store; Fail ti -ld, Singh ton's Halt; Variui. Town-hip iidi. thc sud delegates. 11 meet at the county couit-hoiise on the lotti day of April at 12 o'clock M. lo elect two dele- fatet to Ibt stiuintoii Convention to send delegates to the Chicago Convention. MOTBtB Chose..At tot urgent request of many admirers. "Motlier uoca*V' »vi111 her numerous goslings, will napp'tr Bl Mozart Hall Pi-night. A more novel enter¬ tainment bas never before been offered to the pubiic Among so much talent it i* Invidious to (Irvscnminnto. The wonderful n ndltiOB of th.- eliatac'i'i'* and the brilliant c 'sfiitnes i|, Hgbl all. Immense houses have Fleeted <h<- twt performance*, and with sreat eatbOadatrB Bstttl it*, meril. Thin people laugh and grow fat, the old are reju¬ venated, and dyspeptics forget Wu ir ail¬ ment-'. Wt iinve bein. .. Co thoo and do lUtea ste." Paasos vi.. Bats f li Bara..Dr. Ctaturies If. Shield*, late resident physician to the city riBBflbOOtt hospital, bas bet n tlected lec¬ turer on anatomy in the adjunct faculty of flit Medical College of Virginii rn place of In. Christopher Tompklas, who resigned to till the chair of anatomy in the winter i-nir-e of the college. The spring and witBBtar fltttloBbas ju*t beana, with pros¬ pects more than u*ually good. Kaw StbaBbBUT Link..The .teamer J. B, Set.nvl.r, for tbt new line between Rico- ni'ttul, Norfolk, and Baltimore will arnie lice April Ttl), and will BBsBt her frat trip from Richmofld on thc following day. aaa ivill s-op at all the rtgalar landings on I un.a rlver^ and will carry freight ami ptt- ifBgerttt very low rate*. Mi.tart. Curtis !fe Parker ure the agents au this dy for the new line. _ Chanuk of Timk..Hereafterthetbrough- freight train on the Richmond und Patera* liurg r.iirroatl will leave for Petersburg at ; A. M. instead of 9: JO A. M. ttAM llt.BTER AND Vll'IMTY. Fine Tobacco. Mi: MartBttl Berger, n [armer of Cbesteracbl count*,. sold his cop nf tobacco at cise of the warebooatfl In Iii lomond Fridaf afternoon at prietfl Haber Hun have been paid for any Ch'stcrJeld to- i«kvo sold Ihtfl -elson. His crop wi* rabad tn gklaaaarter, tad averaged $:>") per twt. The prices obtained for lug* ranged tiona HM to til, -.nd. l"i" Ital *io .»..*.*: Tin*.- n'l'ics mil MBlptrt tavorubly with itv ol_B\Be4tbteiettoB for Tli^blfJttbte- co. Mr. Berger is a forelj-uer, and lu* Just settled in Curaterlleld. Manchester's i>c6l.--T be T^ »oeb(«t«>r uoodUoldwi will meet April ito,ii wlilcb 'lime it ls expected I hat tbe Maur heat. (Council commttiee wilt tnve prepared j proposition wh'ch is to fie tubroltted lo Hi bondholders at a plan for the setrlcmeni e fbr city's debt. Tbe [>cop*r of Mancbeste arrjrreally interested in thc debt quest ron aod are anxious for a scttlens-nt ol son, Mit to be made. New Rood*?..A new road is fa-lntr mad. in Chesterfle ld near fhe city between Hu Broad rock and Branch/1» nindi. A larg. J loree of hands have bteis engaged upon ii nearly two weeks. The road is ex--ected u be finished in a few day*,, and wbon com- j ploted will be of great hcr-rb't to thedMaert* of that neighborhood. Work bas not as yet been commenced on the propped roaO-from Maury ceme'ery to tbeBroadrock road. An OUt ('laim..At the next term or the Che -.terbeld County Court tbe -ult of L. L. Lester, executor of Wilkins HaH. wlllcome up for trial. sfer claims that Hall during tbe war furnished to thc enanty of Chester field r'2,(*Oo worth of sad. In December. 1878, Lpster presumed a claim to the Board of Supervisors against the cninty tor thi above amount. The Board failed to ac¬ knowledge the claim, and Lester appealed to tbe County Court. Divi*ifyn.~- MarteBewfer Dlvr- sion, Sons of Temperance, h Interest ing meeting Saturday night. Four'nea numhers were received and four lady visit¬ ors admitted. Kev. Mr. Eager was invited to preach bis temperance sermon ne xt Sun¬ day night. Several able ad reuses were de¬ livered, and tb#» best of feeling prevailed. Manchester Division, with it- z-alou* lead¬ er, i* eaHated for the ivar, and is doing a good work in a good eau-.. Workiinjmen's Meeting..-Old Dmiinion Union, No. 1, of the Iron-andMeel-Worker*' A-soctation, had a Mtge and loteretttna meeting at Odd-Fellow*' Hall on Satiid.y nlgbf. Miali buttners of imporiance to the trade was transacted. The Busy Season..Times arc unusually brisk at the Richmond and Danville railroad workshops. At the machine-, caipenter-, and hltck-tnith-shnps a large force is em- ployed. Last we <k a number of the opera¬ tives were compelled to work until after 9 o'clock ench night. How TO nessa wau.. soi.vkd nv A. -AKS A CO.. 'i ii" I asama Osibmii. 1013 Main Mi.-t. BTCI I BOOTHBBfl lui."- Hi- L-trgcst *88SaefCAB* ra ra us matti-'gs ia c atp. * COHBM Rno ru mc sari: now offering the rino EST rO(K ot- QOOBfl lt has iver btsM their pleasuro to rrtttac. Their stuck ls complete In every tl narira, nt for he present and IfMftMehlBfl season. Tl.ctr principal stock BMBttfl purchased to such ia leVaatift Bs te bt taatslai tn ntrcr Moat tix-tls ¦Itlier at last year's -ate** IT even fer l*e*. In-nnnr-ctton wi.), their reiiilsr *t.i> k they HS 0 rt " ,T*if ll liir/e nu. hi x<a..|* |i.ucu«.-e>] Ol Hiv. imic-wrltara mun itttnteal Bur*** Bea York Bte. . Go to Antoni's fur Vki.i.ow Bananas, . GO TO Antoni's tor r'l.oitni* OBAVOB8, . CO IO ANIONIS fur MVLIUA l.llll'Ks, Main afreet. A rarflt itara nt' Bc v. k nii.i e oLOttiio sn k- cai sa fonnel al m l Broad Mrs**, Livy BBOTIUBI liri |i!|ieil .v.rv ilcpuriuieiit In til* ir MON with rema*. iBAionaatB ooodi, Th'-y iiuw ,sii.w tin- BUflttt, Hi- ."j't-.i-ijorti ¦'. Iii- ni".-t i-oiii|i'. !.-, ;uiil tin- ii., sioi l of J'UY GOODS AND Nilli . i Ill'iaellU al the BOYBLTiBfl iv DtaatlDOOOt, now on lbs mat'el. BBd a n,i,-t SBpayt a<-ortliK-nt .'I* ll .-i.iy ami KulUltiif, a* well as IsBVBaf iniete Israa ssBftUeas k> ali Uh .ah r ibwrtassata. Loot at lin ir Taielii,ti,aml llainbiir^-. For |ir» tty k (Trtains amt Misnow- Sll IDHS JfO IO STCl.i: IIUOTIIKIIS'. BY< ii: HitO'llKiiS have renave.t ili.-lr entire stuek ol' l)iu:*s i;ooiis. Hoi'T, Hit uv. bbbvb loon, (ol.Itu'- LlBBiC**S u> t.xi\>^\i t Baan Klvrs lieallll, -iTftil-'tli. an<l nerve f.iree. |*OB oirtssiv u mt katu fni'ii .le.-ayetl teed! aatasssaa<i aassa, ass mk a uk & hakkk'm cab- BOLIC IfOtl rn-ll IBB*. B1JIV cents a Ixmie. -v. LB IHiorrtKRs havt the lar/.-,t a-virlmeut or PARASOLS ill III,' (-UV. A (inand Cn .BM -fiinlie tar BM linl'dars. Foi sale everywhere. Only ftc. DIM oi.orki) rreril reixler-al oeaHttfully whit* hy tin u-eof XatBDa A HAKKRSsiAl'ONI.'IB DkN- TlillKK. Firtv ei nts a Lox. Linen habbxbi it ttte.inBvi tr. isrotuf-rs' For a na''.OOO 1 ('<..( TO AK take WHITLOCK'S Moukl. lt has a., ai. IM Il'IKNT TAItTAK AMD Ml hk r*»n-ov*-<l ty Mrvi.i: * Ham i's |A_OBIBB Di.M Hitici;. Hl'ly .-eilis a I...*. I. iBttSf r:itKRsrr:AB. ttii-larmst avs.irut.iut la the .Hy. al :t I 1 llrninl street. Hui rio-,ks 9*3. Kr.i sVBBl ( I'.aK has no iu- |)e;l'.r. He wa re >.i' limf.-i'lnns. fOB i-i.taaiATiat moi'xh. me tieainif **riipertlei ofMrAUE A Ha k au's cakhoi.mj Hoi TU-tV ASH are uHcxcelleil. Fills eeata a BSstBa, lui-. \, HB*__M simokk try t»e PIC* Vic (kiar._ A sointileu- av*os*T*ieiit or tMWSH il Bad 111 HM CAS illMlMI»«STfLI llllOTIIKIts AS A HlM.IlA.aT AXUrLKASANT W.-.jII .''er Hit ne alli, flu re- ls no,'liln< so s"o,l is Ml .Di: .* HA- irn*t oiaaaaw bsBbttb wita fut ceuu o BfBBM '. Wimi-ji 1, 141,5 Ultu st nat, auau:'*.etnr»-i *t i lifliti en .liiJt-ruut bram!* ur Hue CUfars. Bj «. .Mir itrlee-liit. ll lSThKHIBl.K ia :. ot -a wigu or aasband willi a Bal l.ri-aih. All tnt. mav ta;iv.iU->i tty Bala*] BtBBBJ ont. lt i ajtrri-j»>.'a to Ha* IsStB- fraifranl, alni lu*I. lifal. lt eonii-rs joiiC-si SSBSJ lt* n**rr,.ond prc v'.atti the i.ltl StlBB </l"uu|i*Va-aiii breath. Flv* tbousaod pair* ol Kio sii.ov ks to *m sold at 50 aad 78c at Ht Vt HBOTi**r.BS'. -¦¦¦ . KiSB AI.LMStCASKS Or TBBTr.KTiI _U>ai BBJ ns* Mrads a Hakkh'i MoLtu- IVAAU. Slfty cent* a i-.tlW._ ttS all lue laf.t uuioltle* go t*> SYCLB BjO. tunas*. OLD Domikio-** K\k. iViusar-viUlit iea*aold, . H*et,»i" and " at "Ht rose" Kia Will kev, "Km - |ibv" oimI " Inxtaatiii." Honr*x.» WBHkey t ¦. 1*1'** os,** "Santa Oars," ami all i;radi-i of Cuto-si ll.ttn--, y .mt Mirul Hrait'lj, Ima" li-Mr-Kui oud ot.rr sjhcrrU^ot mt*oVr.i.e -trie*.*, by ll'. H. Ht via A co. 8AV4 bobby ur BBViBj mr Hiattai asaa Ula* Du fATtii I'aiBTiBO-lloi'sa. ttoog uest* flt*. iMejebtBdosy_tsVis^ I'HB DISPATCH, i .i M*tssa iiaiMiWrt tifi -i-bi"***i-b-i -i*f*ttrirTMTr**~iMMiiT s ii.»»iJaM*«*u*Ri. . TKHM8 OF *e»DVraTI8JJKae .. Ca*aSW>IWVABta*n.T IB ABVAffOB. ** cejB»j-i,*rt«jin*>***Uo»......a*.....~. g. -.* sntare,tue IrMtrttort> « s-iuarta, thrat lflBMBa " -,B-J-f,ri| !*a*4*rt|<s-ai. -*,***«," «.noire, -joar--, a-*^t*»al*Miitti-anat....^.~. . I are, ope moir*..It are, two monta*..... a.... ll *r*». tS|S*»>*-inr»»i|>...,.of Ocb Taiaaan-a fapAiTaiaT. t noir r Tai net. ABTIST ClTtTBBS. LOW miers. A. Saks A CO.. Fash on a bi a Tailoba. vi-it rs. "* nv pay sawi Mah Jttkmt tu Puotcobafiib wha-n youoao tatse th-M done at the ir. Malu street,tr- oipeiHi -and reasonable t Go ta the Lib bsiLi} tv. Mala street, tua ta nhoCofirapIied. Ilaxe y-ur PDOroca,*-K* ku, at the LKi.GAIy LERY. Tue prettiest Hoe est Host tar In the city can ta found at Stclb Ba-rr aaa*-. _j,' Broi4 tire* c. ..-1. : Go- to a'sto'ic* fer cbkim 1'trrv. : Go to ABTotsrs fr* f **** a otMjrtfs* : e.;o to axiom*-. rv>r r-emo.x rca oaxit, : Go to A-tioeri'-j for Caramil*. Made fresh en ry rta*-. Kon BLKEDINU.H**,, lise MEADE A KASIR'fl e'Ahiiot.K Moith-Wash. Fifty c*-n« a hot tie. o'.i.itus-WATgtt.-l'ssnpi-rlDrUTisacaifiar. tic :.iul iBlimlil nm-la, tu Ba entire fr.e.I.nii fruin latspihlBB I'ltter. crude that produces hi-ii.'ii. lc-. Ititi rmi s.irina-ss. suit MBSBt M rtwiroy the mucous membrane. All minc ral water* tout ara duiisa-rous irritants limy ta ku..-tu ap un adit after- taste. "MOTHERS! MOTHFBS! MOTBlatti An* yon i!blurbed at night anil I rokeu of Tour re«l hy a sick chili! suffci in* anil cryli.*- willi iht *xcru- taatlBB | uti) of c.min.' teeth ? ir «o. «.o il .mee mid eet a bottle of MBB. WIRSLORfB *KK*TtllBli SYRUP. It will relieve thc lo. r ll tl.- MitT.-rtr itu- tnedlitcly.depend mun lt: tlurc I- nilaiuke aliont lt. There ls not a mother on earth who hu, ever tisi-d lt who will not tell you at ouet llnit lt will narran les imwei*. and s'v* rest to Bm uummw* am) relic' ami health to He- clillil. nneratlue like illari.-. Ills tM-rfectlv -aft- IO BM lu sll cara, anil pleaSBBI to HM taste, ami l* th» ireacilpdon of one Bf Rm tBSMI siul Ix st female i hy-titni. and nuraea in the I lilted Stott*, BIBI , tn ij where. Twenty- llle C'llt- ll Nittl". tl 21-e.KllW xHimv vt l.t.* 1111*4 HST. ear* On all tain of Rmi B<ttat* midi vcm«*t te 1*1 o/ January ind tatt cf Jun-: t\* taxeifii Ott preittntytar l,nvt tot* paid by th* purchaitt 0'a ail tait* mods b*t w*«n tbt lit of July aud lout of the year the tf-xti have to bi paid by the itlltr iThlsrii-torn waa adopt, si m,u'it tineen yiar.ajra -iv al Hi" rea! Mrtott IfltJBta in Richmond, and aa* td Us to Richmond and vl.-lnatT.l BOBRRT 15. LVRR, 2 I*. M iMtMared tam la Hmrteo enaaly, un wiif* ni of aaa IttfoM tin-city nf Hu-lun nd. "ti tn.- Klnslind road. .1 THOMPSON BBOBTB, 5 I*. H., .liib'i-trii'k re- atiifii... wi ii i.ti).'i i"i aitaciif.i. eoratrtiCfaf anet fourth -ti-.ela. ./< UV V. WRIGHT, SharlfT. 10 t. M.,over Mora loot HalBttreil,pollwatchBBfl aai.i, ll* vt-r.wateB, I I . fiHKKS'S. IO*. A. M., Second ami l.r.>ad afr.cla. cli'Mrcu's cairlau'"-. J Ne). R, LAI CHITON, -Ju.. 10 | A. M.. furniture, Kas Balarat, Be. R. H. ANDKKSON A M)N. 18 A. M.. M»* ¦****» I. S tVAVt*. _ WAN! LD. I UK LADIES AND ALL LOVERS OP KIM-; A HT to call and ate .¦eiVFLTIKhut GIBBON'S i'»II\A-"TOHK. nih Vj*-,*_ Ti" 7 Mi I "_____._ VV AX Tl" I>, TK ACHKILS..Hepteoiber : ff I'KKSHIKNT** for Hi ree female cn-Uepe-; ADI Al K e-P LNIVKII.-IIV nV VIRGIN!*. tor M en.miltie* In eaaiern -eli. ol: PMeiPKSioR -i'll-. Ne KS for south ru culeee; TKACHKIt (Me- ilnHliai) se Ir.NCfc*, eastern se* le mi : .-KVKUAL ADIK-uf hlshr-t rank as MuitellBtj LADY for Musi,-. Gcnnan, Latta: LADY PBIRCIT. ALB for si-varal -oiiihi ru coll"*-.". Imnu dla..-!-. BIJPR- Uieilt Dist ll'I.INAKI.vN fur Methudltt coil.-*-.-. I ExTiLVL SCHOOL A1.ENCY, MhSBMt* 511 **Ulf aire, t. St. Lo'U'. Mo. WASTED, TOUBO MAS lb' Okfs (*RRY«*lfORE * lat willina? to liri ve wan«n. il- liver roods, Uk'- older-, ind make Bliaielf fl*at rally astfai. win bi r.<iuir.-«i totMarrl wini pra*> urtetor, Address, irlv MBIBItlBd re-ld.-i cc KN- ilt.V 'ii"*.-rt liri r N". ll, elly, mli 2-A-lt*>__^_ W\ N TED, A s E T f L B D WOMAN (wi lunn ciie-iuit.raiicf) tu OOOB and male hera.'li'_ei,.r;i ly BttfBI. .Vp.iii ..: M'.' e l:iy itreet, _roh 2i-'l\ rANTBD. KVEBYBODY To lt KAU GIBSON** CHIBA VHVI-I'.'l I-KMKN I ...I w '.Mil ma .,,. -, r.,> i NA ,_*t e_ ffTAiSTBD, loo SI I A lt KS OF Till Al'- >T I. INT IC MI--1-MPPI Alli 0HfOBAlt> Ito.M), fur win.-n tin- ha-best ninKit in ac-will be leii.i. c. \v, PllfcKi.l .Btoeti Breftor, mh il) Ai_IV? 14 Milln sin et. WAXTKD, A HU-l-l LASS COOK. wlliiout li-.'-iinihranee. Bool r> I'.-i-en,-,- re* .|iitu-'l. Apply at BAB, f.m. r >mli ami Franklin mawr._ BahtO-tta WANTED, A BB»-lX)5fVRAND BIM¬ BLE BET OF IIARNKI***. i.lite.1. .ti BSiaBBl or.|.r (collar*. A.Hrev, -i.iiiik prier, 4c, l'*,»t- BSBea Box .>tl. I'liiviTsliv of Virginia. _Mill Ifi-TtiAWJt _ r\(\(i (\fhf\ A( KKS OF WKST Vllt- .JVJ\JJ.)\nt I.IMV I.AS't tlrs hsvilk tracts of fro us 1,000 acn*s upward*, with ( LB VU TITI 1* will BOSBaa *nte thi-rxael |i»- -lil'-it of I*ik1 un.) < %»il mn K. whleB raaslboc aacasi tJ mr sere. Aiiiir*-*si,r aopiy ta POINUKXTCB a Tl'ITr-.K. N... IStHl east Malu .tn-i-t. nih IH-lw_Richmond. Va. ^f A N I R D, IV* LOAN rUDNF.V f»M ( hy Bf *»iT!n<r.AX nttrtMfYt TM tJ/MM T<> >f'T. ( HA.'H.KS S.ITfrT If TORT. J..TlB)Mr-s*l>**J HIP)AV, mh 17-1 Ul 1)11 *4*la tirttt. TYTAN-TED, rrw ii.\s<i:rs roi ll l.('O) bal.** HAY.arline.*«illf. ; 1UH ton* ItlCiiWNsvrrFa*. I th'oat HMU'Mlfi*. -. (IO nam I* i ol{> .,.. in. -uli. Il ... * Vs|f, KI Nils v.SI) |,. ...Hs. I I li il* * af in. anons lilli IC ll lt,. HI Kl h V AL¬ NI 'Mftn h. M\PLr. A.-d!. t IIKIfUV. l'.>l"*AR, HU Koliy.o.lli.f Vl'HCS**. siHM.I.Ks. |. vrHH» is.iv. I HUMAN A. PaVBKEB .1 rn, I. uiu«*-t Driller*. rTittiaiei ( anal si s*ta. lah l-l IS I DO NOT LIKU TO HUAO. tberefore ? nlr-tv ll s.a. n*j.|« I Ul-'. A I* I RIK l>.1."t«o WA Ll. vt Ks. it" > ..ti a_t HNKi 'll I.** A aa to A'AI.I. I' >'**»'. if -. >--*.i' ***at lAA-^aitts. la * LASS VI ARK. TBBI.F-SBTLBBY, FT. VI Kl*- WAKK, ",iNlv .III). r am Ht'C*»K-»beNI'*ll- I.M. I.C'OtN )oil viii madlin Ill si a vu. i f.-s. fla IS NO. 400 1*1 Md M'tw*. =r*sj hint. »T-ts.Yi:i>. *".*.» bimbi*. I 08T, IX (saR NF. A lt UIHiHiiNI), OB li -.i inlay, a, M* IP « u.-W \t:H VN I fr..«t Va- rUia nt.trl.' .. rsviirtr.i e.,univ, invade ta sud eu- .l-i -. .1 by 111- a I tr. M. (Ia » wo y AU " ar* i jul.uiie.l .-iK* i*. si traill na fer ihe ssiaov a. ..hum. ul. has bren -t- «>-,*4. I.. I ...VT EWi ». 4>. UH it-li* l.l, n.,., ,. I fei-ieoemoty. I 08T.OH RATUBDAX Vl-THtNOON, 4 iHSfaSraa ab (itt flail *n<\ Um is.r-i.-r of tsreo'iil aud Frisa*, ia >lrv*-U, a Pi «»'l r. JluNNAlK «.»¦- Biltiiuy *hs>«IS9. A nw .¦¦I w_ tx* Slfeti ii tho »..ine: ,1*aCtatTlll*J (,^'IVa\__* *_JL. f O-va, ON BATCitflATi A NARtQw* Ii <«.'I.D BANU. iu'ii|itti ltilil.,1, -II. J. V " on 'las lusMe. A i>utta'sat <v%siu » Hi If |.*U If . fl at L>**wd'K -"tte*.._n.h >4-l ._ iiaaiKN. fini:v Ar._ HOMatt .11 FBI AltI:I\KD. -Vi-f^rra b*. vi MoiM.ina .''... >«...' *al** ... .**>**. aflCti suitable f,,r anv i**r »*>*-. Call ant, *,!,'« ***_¦". itooy ara ,>i.-k«-rt <>wr i »n .taoist »t-,.,!i>.i. ttfSil P.Vr.tsiiFM.\Tt UK». R. L. B\a*4F*t a CO. No. 14 eitattl Ttulh -tievt su-|StU Ol) »"... . to!) 84 Ml IIHia BALK LOW'. A No, 1 ll VH-oTW Na.**S-and B\li|)l.>:.HiiB*iK> (auisrVCJi, (Beit by callina at owe a| |l| .}_ li *f_^'?_f:*» stahl--of T. t\ B*B>aYTi aiaW'&WAI-fH*

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THF DISPATCH,rv THE DI8PATCH"d0kPANY...*___ t-l vi ¦.>*.' > ,N Si>VAMCe.

..sift D^PATTTI t*d*Mv-Me**»*an*>cr»-«* -itrrB-WcCBBTI ,*_, week, payable tn the

*** *' LaifciV Malted at 88 per amain: SS for

R^rTtS 8LM"** «¦«. **«¦»».' H* for

afevMl-WBBKlY DISPATCH St 88 paran*"^ .ai fonts months.*pTVwVfKLY DISPATCH »!*' par annum.

(i 0 0 D NEWS






m in *.-. pt « TI VE POWER COM-



.-.sai arn.nent medteal lltBOrlttetl hit,«,w-,sj*i Britl'l's Di*-ase of Hie KWb*ts incurnt.le.

****"2faT,|iifi>c* Ihnawath In Hil* ami other laasht*..,1 ic 'he In-ldlon* nower of Hie com-

r.»»>ri).il lliesnMlsea tom untimely an.lV-* ..rv fr.i«\ Hut Hie ape ahlch could make-*__|ueatai *e|ence ha.* ano n vealed the rctor-

»*^___r_rt Hu 1%'al disease. Warner's SafefffLitin.! Liver Cure ts ai certain in ll* htaPnt*'_!'.,» iiaihetnailcal prr-blem. lt ll siuranu-eal

Vx, p.r cent, of a i Kit-wv Dlsea*es anr) 05*__*___«l*>i Ute* Discs***, aid that UwlB*.*SL?Ma>_a| awe*' 'on.*****____*0tfs.r>. M. D.. I t*"*tln**ul«h-*1 allopath c.1_**r*l.^r ibi - 'uh- » cte lo Uk; UtUieuiJmur-

__T_Jn*he rfc: 'hat after a'i other mean* li»di_ae*r*il f- r the KMnev Cure (now called Wsr-

-afr K'tixxaiio Llser t me), and tn his a*.

rot niiW* *."<...* r*«e.'f Hrlirht'a !n-**-e"iilnl<trr!i)£ H. *nd sftei wants lound lt. nualiT

al Bl oi her rn*e>. Ht-a.ivHed hi* broiher-il --awes to sa** lt,la preference to

i n-i .!.. -.

¦Vad "he lotlniinr « xtrncf from a lelter from.Stu A e.rlffln. dnig*i-t-. Monroe. N. C.:

Vonkok. Df-reaber 87, lt-79.ufo lisse ri" lif-'ts'i n in savina "-at tour Mfe

___.. ,,,,] I iv. r < Die I- the uio*t efficient comhl-£**!!"_ for .ti-llnatc hume. Dl*<a»e»w- havel vi r

ami "ii han- BO tncastre experience, our Dr.taite a practice*: phvMcian for nearly.»rs Hil KETT A C.R1KKIV

fWeh teslitnons V« 0*M**p*/Mtrlar, and ls Indeedt« st new-which ran co ,-to \ Pt- Wartier'* safe Renie.lie* consist nfSKfrk'lier anil l.lscr Cure, the Safe Nervine,

-au Pi!'-, and -sfe BIPers-Bll of.rc made up of nure iorredlent*. and are

n timi- offlce*. 'I !ie-e siateroe uts are

UWBSfrt valuable f.cU.aiiil comiuciid Uirm*c'v,-*JTtbe at-rntl-.n and rood MBStofBB. Druggist*

u i-i rafe Rersvedte* la all parts nf thej,-... ii, ali mun* iry'hem. mb 15-Mlm

4Ji>k. ¦eLAMfra urn pill**.



!> !1 C. Mc LA N E'S


liver PILLS,





Pain lu the rtetit side, under thc *atja Bf the rlhs,- on (Brtataiei WBlRaMI the pain ls In the ihe patient ls rarely ahle to lie on the k-ft! .,!::.. . the pi»in I- felt under thc shouiil. r-

ll frequently ex: ni? to the top of thet r, and is sonietluics mistaken for rheutna-

SBB Bl Hip arm. The stomach I* affecto! Mlth I" .

Bf appetite and H.-kiic;.«; the bowils In general ure

>. un Un es alternative willi lax : the heal ls

lv,lth pain, accompanied with a dull, heavyitti'flion in the back paru There Is generally a

IWatfltiable lou of memory, accompanied with a

painful a stat ton of having- left undone something

whictoiu^-kt to have NMB done. A MBBt, dry coueh:, - iiiftlines au .iienrliii!. The patient complainsBf xx,.irui-.-snl debility ; he ls eu.-ily startleJ. lils

MB s-x "1 -r hitriniig. lad h.- ccinp'ains of a

p-\Lly ar*MlMoa f,f IBS skin: hu spirits are low;Igtl Bt P fi'i-tieii liiat i M-ic's- BSMM be

i. ..1. 1.1 ie- Cj;i scarcly summon dpM cooaga to tr) lt. In fact, he distrust*, n cry

,-ai of tin- short symptomi attt-mi tin-

bat case* han- ra-curred where a few ofxaui-.uailin of tlw hody arter

*q Hie Liv ki: t,, have btMB «.xH.nsive-


li: C.Mi Lam's Liver Pills. In casts o

Acvb and Fkveb. when talen with quliiine, are

productive of the mo.-t happy results. No belter

cathartic cod be med preparatory to or after 'akin**quinine. Wt would advise all who are afflicted with

BBB] to give them s FAIR TRIAL.

I ...'i BBbboj dcrani*aucnto. and as a olrnple pur-

liU-re, they are uneuuallt-d.

BEWARE OK IMITATIONS.Tbe (eu ul oe ore never lurar-coated.

f.f*r- t*>x nasa red wax seal on the lld, with Hieimp*t.-tl<iu Dk. MiLane's UTBB Pills.Tbt (i-iiuuie MtLAVkiV Eivkb Pills bear the

:.-iii!tj,*,.f (-.Mi-I. a Mt and FLBBINU Bros. on

U.* wrappers,lnobt upon narin* the genuine *ir. C, McLabe'Swh Eilis, fsstUttt hy Flembtjr Bros., of

SBBSBSBBB, Ea., the roaiket bein*; rullof ImlUtlons

Basal Mt Lan*, spelled differently but same

.^.SBelaUon. my 12-deowly


kalth, morora, happiness.


BstBJ HE1TEK-.A Gnat Tonic.

^S" RITTERS,ASurtAppellaer.

.Sall BIT't+;B8,I ObbsbsbbI


¦. UlTTEESi,* ValBablt Bedlclue.

.Bs**) iHTTKBg,^."'IdoaaHeverase.

J|*0N BITT1B8,''ot Hellcat*- r emaks.

Illo-hly reeommendi-dtoUn- public for all il I (ern esie<|u!i)ii( a ceitaiu and. fh.-ieit To NIC; Set**-'lally in INDIGESTION.MYseH*SlA. INTERMIT¬TENT FXVBaS. WANT OKa e r K T t T f£ , LOSS orSTKKNOTII. LACK Y.i tC. It ititi I."-.the Mood. »U euathen* themuscles, ami (Ive* newil. to tho nerves. To thetired, ladlei, and dillina.te.(aliii i:,his valuahli- remedy can¬not lia too hto-hly reconi-!ii< mieii. IT ACTS LIKUA (HARM Oil llil-illi/esllv*!oiffano. A teospoouful be-lort inealo will remove alldyspeptic 0) mptoui*,






Baltimore, Mo.PUBCELE, L 11)1) A CO..

Whiloaals Aaeau, Richmond.ta* are**B\WAraowAwsowlfj

JJAlLiY DISPATCH.vol. LYU. RICHMOND, YA., MONDAY MORMmTmaRCH 22, 1880. N0, gRichmond ^isptfh*fctOHDAY.MAIUH 22, issn.


I Entered at the l'o«|.offlee ot Rlebinoiid. Va., aseecond-cla*.* matter.j

WEATHeR K.KFOK1.Indications edi: Si'Mht.-For the South

Atlantic siale*, eh ar or 'cully cloudy wofi-tber, southwell wiruN veering to northwest,stationary or higher iefBB«MitBrr, rising bu-rou.etir.For the Middle Atlantic Slates partly

cloudy, weal ber io ihe northern portions,occasional lii*ht snows, \\e*t winds veeringto colder northwest, lubber baromeier.

The weather tsAiiitbAT wus clear, cool,mid pleasant.TBBBMBBBIBB SaTTRuay : C A. M.. 42;9 A. M., 48 ; noon. ; 8 P. af., ',3; G P.

M.. Cl; nii(ini,'ni. it*.limo temperature, 55}.

Tata «n i ii(.*..» Masai l.o.fFrom th, M'ast,i,rf*'ot> Cost.J

A\ IWKQl'AL BARGAIN.That thc existing treaty with China is

unfavorable to Amtiican interests und un¬satisfactory lo the majority ot the Ameri¬can people arc taeta timi will scarcely befjtiesiicned. In tbal compact ive i*ive a-.Tent deal mote lh:ni wc receive. For in¬stance, we ibiovv Oflf doors wide o|ien forthe admission of immigrants from a coun-Iry whose poi'ithttioii i-i so vast that mil¬lions would make no perceptible diminu¬tion. We off.r them !hc same adv.lOtaceilhat belong to our own people.such faeili-lies for making life a success as can iefound in no other country.We take them inio thc American family

and Ihev become Joint heirs with us in Hiegrandest inheritance OBI the globe. Forthesun shines on no i thor land, and since timebegan lins never illuminated any region,where life.Hie privilege of living.has in enor i» worth half what it is to BMD inhabitantof lhis continent, and (specially that por¬tion of thc coutinetit vvliich constitutes UMI'nited Slates.

Th.- condiliors of existence, the Messingof individual liberty, thc chances we ctjoyfor obtaining weaJth, social distinction, nndpolitical po ferment, our exemption fromthc oppression ol despotism and the cruelty 11ol caste, the measureless resources of ourcountry in all the g*re*s>l elements of material liproxies*.IbesB arc some of the reasons i;

why it is I vast priiilctie tor thc people of j |any oilier land to he adopted into the Arae-licnn fundy.This mav seenr*?ike a boastful strain, but

ir is Uk most sol er matter of fact. It i- tl |simple truth, uneinhcllished l»y rhetoricalvarnish, lt will be admitted bj" every in-telllgeat citIz- ti who has travelled in theOld World, in Mexico, or South America,and tins kept li's eyes and cars open as In¬ila* gone among UM people ol other land-.Not even I he most favored country ol Eu¬rope can offer to thc poor mai) n tillie olarba! he linds ben wailing for him to ekealni eiijov ll.

Hui as compared wilh Asia, and espe-i: liv with the CbtotBe Empire, this land

r.f ours i*- Bf a palace lo a hovel, a feast tofamine, affluence to penury. boj>e todc-imir.And we baie swung our front gale open,hy the llurlingame treaty, and said to thecountless millions of that miserable Empire,.. Come in and help yourselves." We bareriven to cadi emixiant the same rights tbalitt-anti our children possess. We offer tolivide tba estate with them, and make themiur bro!hers-. 'Mitre is not a foot of ourlomain from whreh they are excluded. Our.ourls bate made iliem voters, and they are.ligihle to anv office except thc two at theop of the official ladder.And what do we git in return? What

toefl i hilra agree to do for us in compenaa-ioti for this noli niiiniticent gift* Is herterritory opened up for Americans in case

ii,-y should wi*t) to go there and become.itlSeBB? I* therenny rral BdVBBtaffl g'OH-d bf us except a few rtgbll ('f tracie that

iv. sboold have if no such treaty in.: tbfl Empire, except a few ports, seal-(i, barred, i"»itt d Beales! osf Are sra notis (ffcc'ually txcluded from China BOW asac were before tbfl treaty was made . AndI ive could go all over the Empire in peace....I ....,- ,vl>«.,.. iv,. ,.le.e,.,l ,l,a..w il ,.(T..r .,,,v

BdvaBlaaref No, it is n wretched, over*populatrel, woro-OOl lund, w here no Aim. ii-BBB Bares to live, except for trade in a fewof its pioduc's.We do nol wan! to exchange -onie tbOR*

ninds of Americans lor thc -anio or a

greeter mimbi r of chinese.. Experieocebas shown that these Asiatic ItBflalaraotfllire a ii)o*l uncle-ii-iible actjiii-iiion. We donot want to degrade Hie labor or tlu* life ofour worklo|MMople lo tba chinese level ollusiiality. We clo nut want to introducethe vlleoesa and tbe loathsome habit* ofttie«e people into our count iv. We baveleal ni il what they arc, seen bow they liv.and can easily fordell the result of u yipiinflux of their countrymen.The trca'y, while it stands, must be ful¬

filled, bul it cannot be too soon abrogatedits to trieist of its provisions. V\'e niu*i se*that this country -ball not be overrun witha turbid tide of Asiatic degradation. Chinahas shown us how to do thi* by fixing uponcertain ports where Americans may enterand certain places where, under deifiedconditions, they may reside. In any new

treat} With that Empire we must "followthis example. If Wt have any .-ingle riirhtns a people it is that ol self-protection, andunder this right wc are bound to Bay thatthe million* of Asia shall not occupy thiscounti y or cine here in t»ucb numbers as todo ns bairn.

It i- -tated that a commission to negotiatea new treaty willi China Will soon be ap¬pointed. It should heirn) with a fair tin-deiXanding that China is incapable of _iv-lag us lunch that we WORM not pt saes*were- there no international compact; that(bimi ls too exclusive to fairly claim Bread*ing with treaty-making- powers; that weare read*/ to extend our commercial iela¬tions on fair term*", but don't intend toadopt and take home the miserable million*el tba! Qod-for*a>kea land.

Fikxishino Timk as Ga3 and Watkr aukSupplied..Paris, 31areh 13..1'aris clocksbave long afforded I subject of ridicule tolore lg nert. In a few days there will be noroom for derision. Within the last weekhandsome public illuminated time-pieceshave been erected In tbe middle of thccauseway of the leading thoroughfare*.These are all in communication with theworks of the new Pneumatic Clock Com¬pany, tn tbe Rue St. Anne. Ry means ofsubterranean lubes this ctompaiiy receivesthe time direct from the Observatoire-t mtvmorning, and regulates all tbe time-piecesin connection simultuneou-dy. lu future itwill bc |M)S8lble to have the coi reel time laidon io any bouse, like gas or water, at thcti illili;* cost of from three to tive centimesper clock pc:- day. I was allowed to in-siseci the company's pretoisc-s privately to¬day, and examined the whole arrangements.Tbe air is compressed by steam-engines,and driven at intervals of a minute throughtbe communicating tubes so as to mute tbeminute-bund*, the requisite distance ut etchpulsation. It cid be applied to any clock.The company undertakes to pay ill Hie costof tbe tit tm--, lt supplies clocks gratui¬tously, md charges only a subscription.By this ii.w system ill trouble of i .-pairingaod winding up ls done away with. Overoatt thousand iiueumatlc clocks are orderedin Paris a read v, and will soon Ins tested atMew York, where the patent (or AmericakU affrffU pUrcbSKd,

L.OUAL) MATTKK3.FAain.r PRica***..

The following were ihe prevailing pi inslor family market Inn; on Saturday :

Beef,8) Its}, and toe. per pound; mutton,10 to 12c per pound; chop*, 10 lo 12|c perpound; veal, 10lol5e. (ter pound; pork"! 10c.pei pound; sa usage, 10c per pound; smokedsausage, 10c per pound; bacon, 10c. perpound; middling and shoulder, 8 to 10c.per pound; chipped beef, 2*»c per pound;he.f-tongue, IS|e. per pound; liver, 8 Io 10c.

(per 'lound; chitlin**, 10c. per pound; tripe,8c. per pound.Pouts and Butter, dc.Live chickens, 40

lo 50c. apiece or 80c. to fl per pair; dressedchicken*, If to IGjc per pound; live tur¬keys, $1.50 to Bl "5 apiece; dressed tor-keys, 20 to 25c per pound ; live ducks, fl'per pair; dressed ducks. If,} to 20c. perpound; live I et se, T."ic. lo fl apiece; dressedgeese, 15c. per pound ; squab*, 40c. p«r pair;robins, 50c. per dozen; eggs, 12|c. perdozen; cheese, Wi to ISc per pound ; lard,10c. per pound; butler tor cooking, 25e.,fair at 30c, choice at 35c per pound; sweet imilk, Sc per quart, Ot tte. per gallon; but¬termilk. 4c. per quart, or 15c. per :¦ allon.

Vcgrlables..Sweet potatoes, 15 to 20c.par lia'f-peek ; Irish potatoes, 10 BO lao**, perhalf-peck; carrots. 10c. per dozen; salsify,5c. per bunch, or 50c |icr dozen bunches:parsnips, 10c per dozen; spring onions,5c. per bunch; red onions, 8c. per qusrt,or 25c per half-peck; rhubarb. 10c. perbunch; radishes, 3 to 5c per bunch; cab-hage-iprout*. 10 to 20c per peck; lettuce.2 to 5c. per head or M 11 50c per dozen;new English pea", 75e. per peck; horse-radwbea, 2 and 3 for lOe.; pop-eom, 10cper dozen; dried heans, 8c. per quart;white beans, 8c per quari; blackeye pen",5e. per quart; ttinii*>-*.tlad, 20c per peck;k.ilc-salntl, 15c per peck.nth and Game..Wren, 20 to 25c per

bundi: rocktisb, lfijc par pound; shad,('."ic to §1 per pair; eels, 25c. per buneh;chubs, 25c per bunch: herrinsrs. 25c. perbunch, or 40c per dozen: crab--, M to .'{."ic.per do,'en ; cnttish, 10c lo Me, per bunch ;blackm-'.-k ducks, 50c per pair; oysteis,75c to fl and 91.25 per gallon (oysters are

very scarce on account*!)! Ibt freshet).l<ruits..On¦( ii apples. 5 to 8c per (jua! f,

or 40 to 50c. per peck (apples are very in¬different): dried applets 5 to 7c. pel-pound ; dried peaches, 12 to 15c |>erpound: dried pears, 7 lo 8c per pound;dried cherries, 15 lo 16c. per quart; straw¬berries, 80 to 40c-T>er quart; oi anet's, 20 to25 and Me. per dozen; lemons, 25 to 30c.per dozen.)Mr. J. W. Kates ArroixTKD Srrrmx-

rt-lMl. NT Of Tn VllllilNTA ANO N'OflTII CABO-lina Telephone- Ex(h.vnu':s. .superin¬tendent J. W. Kates, of the Wealers unionTelegraph C'ompnny, hns been appointedsuperintendent, and J. I*. Tracy »s-Mant.iiperuitendent. of -the Southern Beti Tele¬phone and Ti-legra ph Company, in chargeif tbe Telephone Exch-uigts at Richmond,Danville, Lynchburg, Norfolk, and Peters-traif. Va.,' and Kaleiifh, Charlotte, andWilmington, X. C. They will have lieail-piarteis in Ibis eily. This js a BHMl excel-cut appointment, and mir people will noJoubt tit,il in air. Kates a superintendentAho will always iee that thB patrons of therelcphone Exchanges are accommodated.VIr. Tracy, thc well- and favorabl*-knowninnagcr ot the Richmond Exchange, haslow had his duties and position enlarged torsstatarrl flopertntt*TJdeot of ibe soiitbern***change«, and win doobtlesfl continue todense his many friends and patron*..Who the BlTOBMB of Richmond Coi.-

_B| Want fur President,.At a jointHeeling of the litenpy societies of I'ieh-nond College held last Eriday night thclienibers resolved themselves into | N>ional t'onventioii to nominate a candidateor President of the United Slates. IheConvention Wat organised in due form,lomiiKiling speeches Blade, and an election»j ballot entered lalo, willi thc followingesult: Total number of votes cast, fis; ofv li leta lia van! received 59; Grant, 4; Til-len, 2; S-vmour. 2: and Hancock. 1. Someealoiis tripod of another candidate bilunted thal Hay ird\* popularity was due tohe tact that "the foVUt genilemr.n wholomlnated hun said tba) Bayard, if elected,i-otild endow Ibe college tvitbfl00,000 sodive ali tbe boys a big oyater sapper. Thisppeal frat irresistible, ind carried tbe Con*tattoo._The Dollar Casi:. Etc..

n tin- United Mates Distrid Court on Sat-irday.-iudge Bobert Vf. Bocbea pre*idtng-Jud'M' Men diili eoneladed blfl bi>unient in tbe Dollar Savings 15mk ease.Tie ease was linn submitted Io tl.e .Illd'-'C.who took the papata aod note* ol tba au¬thorities cited. Ile will take time to ri Bderhis opinion, which nere.ui i y, from thelarge number ol BOtborltlei cited, will beavery elahorate one.Thechanceiy case of Baird's aaalfoet Off,

Whittet A Bbepperaoo wai argued hy Ms* >r

Robert Stile* for the plaintiff and CaptainJohn A. Coke for the defendants, and suls-raltted.FiPin.MK Court OPApPb*ai*S, Satuiipat..

Borke vs. Leer. Writ ol en ur awaidi tl to¦ judgment rendered bj the CorporationC'ouit of the citv e.f Alexandria on tbe IJ'hof April, 1878.

Daiugeilield Pff. Thumps m. Argued by,) dm M. .Johnson, E-ip, and Jti*li:e W. J.Kobertsun fer plaintiff in error and JudieCbarlea K. St uart and H. 0. Claughton, Esq.,for defendants in error, and submitted.

City Ciiicitt Court.Jud'je B. H. Welt-ford presiding..The Jury in the case ofNewbold vs. Hoekaday returned fl verdictfor the defendant.

PO I. 1('K ('i)l'IIT. Acting Poliie-Jil-ticeJ. J. CruicbtieldidlfpOtad ol the followingca*es Saturday:

.Julin Butler (colored), for unlawfully as¬

saulting and threatening ta> BUI Sallie) Bat*ler, his wife. Discharged.Jennie Roberts (colored), for unlawfully

trespassing BOOB the pre mises of MarthaPelton Discharged on pavmt-nt of OOBlB.

Julita-; Monroe, Bddls Youri:.', and Mi-e'nacl Hlnck, charged with being dAmk,were discharged on payment of costs.

A Plan to IrprOTB BbSRRVOTB AyRRBR.A subscription Hst will be opened at .Mr.Andrew Pizzini, Jr/*, Blore this morningto receive subscriptions lor sprinkling thedrives around tbe ne vv reservoir. TBeaewho are in the habit of u-ing thc driveswill no doubt respond liberally. Messrs.31. Millhistr and Andrew Pizzini, .lr., willsee that thc funds are judiciously spent.Chicken Tuif.tes..Tie BeB*bO*l«8 at

Mic re*ldence of Mr. E. A. Flanbardt, inHenrico county, near Hie city, was enteredin thieves Friday night, and a lot of tineimported black Spanish stolen. The thieveswere well supplied with tools for the oc¬

casion, leaving a large crowbar Jin theirhasty retreat.

New I'm fob es for Nkws Aoknts..Thenew* BgBRtl on the Chesapeake and Ohiorailway bave recently tx-en uniformed In aneat ind attractive suit. These gentlemenoccupy an imi>ortant relulionsbip to tIn¬traveiling public, and their handsome newuniforms will now make (hem particularlyconspicuous.Cask Continukd.Tbe case nf John Bbl I-

ton (colored), who Wus arrested Fridayafternoon charged with having in bis pos¬ses-Ion two mu-coYf ducks nncl one lot ofsalad, the properly of some person un¬known, was continued until this morningand thc accused committed to> "ail.

Internal-lUvENui. Collections..Thefollowing are Unit, ci. Stiles internii-reve-one: cnIii i Hom for tho past week : .Monday,17,575-81: Tuesdiv, f7.103 55: Wednes¬day. f7.eS8l86* Tboradsv. 88,888.88; Fri¬day, 88.285.70; xiaJurday, *7,2W.3:.*-toUl,

Onr Mtraefe aaaaj As en ms.WHAT Till: t ITT KXOISaxRB HAS TO SAY IV niANNUAL BElyHT. w*ta|R DOXK DUBLVO THITEAR.THU ('lintt'H-LrD INI'i.XIIM.L AVKNIK.rnNfilTlON'nrTRRB'MSMSFWBBBTH-thk bbsEr.roib ejiiorttiis, ac, ac.The annual rejiorl af the City Enginedbas bren sent In to ibet Mayor, who ls non

engaged in wiltfnghliB^erws-etoihe Coun'.'I. In referi ins- to tht-etifcs and Church-Hill avenue, r.donel Cttfahuw says:*>n.! hundred and fievenleen thoossnej

seven hundred and sixty-five cubic yards olearth m-ie excavated daring the year, giv¬ing an increase of 1,1,811 cubic yards overthe amount of Ihe before Kighty-tlvethoii.and one hundred and twenty-threecubic vania of Hus grading were moved bythe eily foi ce of bandi and carts, at nilavenge cos. of 15 4-5.coots per cubic yard,and 32,1)42 cubic yards were moved by con¬tract at a c- st of 17 4-5 to 21} cems per cu¬bic yurd.the contrae-t prices of the year lie-fore being 18 cents to 85 cools per cubic:yard. Sn much ia dependent upon tbe per-roaneot grading of streets* is a baili apoawhich nil other Improvements should deBade that I must urge the nt cosily for in-creasing this part of our city work'beyondwhat it h: s been heretofore. Especiallyshould thia lie done in roe ease nf thcChurch-Hill avenue, athete j* large amountnf work remains to ^t.c dane, and whichneeds to be flcilsbed before Hie -bf netlrs from.hes-e improvements can be realized.The Engineer furthe>r says: A large

.mount of repaving is needcel upon some>f our luiaine-s streets, e*pecially wherehe rough cobble-stone paving exist*, and¦hould bc replaced with granite. Special'¦revision should be n;ade for this woik.More attention should be given to cleaning,ind in dry weather to sprinkling the streets,is tba increasing I ra flic upon them is nowH'odurit'g such an accumulation ol mudind dost ia will soon become a nui-nnce.Bael* year ibis ia becoming more markedipon the n.iicad iBtiSBd and gravelledtrii ts and in the upper p tri ion of the cityviii be irierra-ed bv the hauling of freighto the Richmond, Freclencksburg mid Po-om-ec railroad de; eV, located on wetl BroadtreatAlthough a great deal has been accom-

ilished bv thc Health havingbarge of Hie street-c!einiiig, which ts donelilli inure system than formerly, I do notBB bow 1 his cleaning can be satisfactorilylone without I force siiflicient to make dailyouudsof the ; rinci, al streets, instead ofhe periodical cleanings of several times acar.Iii reafte r in constructing sewers the con-ccfion will be run to the proposed euibnes, I hen lo be joined by the house eon-eclion, when they are inpaired to eulerlie sewer. I must "again crail attention tobe importance of connecting Shockoe-cree kewer.Turee n iv bridges ate overie haste at \iiiiii itreet. one over Bttoekoeretk at the ind of Hospital street, and ono) l.e replaced .t Fifteen!h street overBockoe creek. With sonic slight repair allic other bridget under our control will be> good order.'lin' temporary building used as a City

! di ha* bsd the u*ml repairs made duringe i eer, besides enlarging thc wiult-room,ld making BOOM changes (a the Chanceryoiui-room. The exteostoa of the vault-kihi ever tbe ipaea oceopied bf thc officef clerk rf Ihe Chancery Court Ins re¬llim! ide usc of thc .Mavin's eiflier for theerk of thi- eoe*"*. An r'.ycc boolrovided for ihe Mayor, woo is now usingprivate effie*) at hi* own expense. Somethe om'it* ara vt rv much crowded, andt iii need of repairs. A few etWBgea inio*c oflicis will probably be made this'ar.In regale! to the necessary changes at thcbird police-talion. Hie Engineer says theyiinot bc made until a separation ls madethe combined police and DT*l-eu*,{*>« eta.

una. The charge.* proposed in the Po-.e-Court loom will be made Hii- year.line ehaogesarB Baked lor ta tba Clrcolt*jurt roora*During Ihe year Hie Monroe and Libby-di Bqoaret bave marredtbeotualatten*m. be-iili * placing B few mure seat- inem. To COOlione thc improvement olIbby Hill it will be Bcceflairy to acqoireS hillside extending from Main street to.-kells street and William-burg avenueTin- work iip.iti e;ambit's Hill and Chun-iraao baa progressed as fir aa Ibe roeaaaatir ili.siio-ai would perrolL Wit ii anothern's w.:k tba Improvement ol tbesa

a iii be to lir advanced Ibal tbe pob*caii redlty understand the design ofm.Dining thc year the osteal attention haseu given t" repairing and keeping np theiprovements ol tbe reaervolr grounds, lt

is inienueu io improve sriiuiuniiv, as it,*-

means at oar disposal will permit, ihat nor*tioB'of tbeenunda" non an nntlgbtly wast,-,a* well ll to bring lo a complete state of itt -

provemenl tbe other portion already laidout in roads and gi ass plats.

DBABATIC I'mti ations ,u int: AtBOCIA<nos Mall..The appeal ance ol Mr. iVil-liam Ma- ni Klaus at. the Association Hillon r.ex' Taesda; night may be looked for-ward lo as a prOBItlag and pleasing event.Tbt talent- and attainments ef Mr. Evansli ive been vcr\ highly s.n.ken ol elsewhere,IJ-- i* nu eliicutionist of rare tit's and ofiineoniinoB resources, and eOBSeqaeallj hisefforts are marked by trtetfal ease and byeoneentru'ed pow tr. Ile brines out withbofdaett aad skill tbt incidents, tkongbtt,tad ttOOtlons of an author, and displaysnieetv of judgment and fidelity to _etttruths and charms. It is one of the real plea¬sures of life to sit and listeu lo excellent in-terpxetttl n.lo.sir and hear the impressiveideas of mas erf n! minti* or the mit tl.fill andbrilliant nct'onsof a .prightlitr genius sitforth bf IB eloquent and cultured renderwith cleverness and craft. It is a pleasurenot to be underrated, and therefore it is a

pleasure not iikt-ly to ba regaided with aeg-iigei c ¦.

The proi/rimme for Tuesday evening's cn-ti :' iiiiiii-iii is a must excellent one, and theibjed for which the readings are tTveaheneft Of tbt Vonni* Men's Mi**i"ii.iry so¬

ciety or th.- Btaood Baptrtt church) stioubl**_..*. a i-roivded

-^-ABBOT! Ol*BBJ Ti:.'i rt:..Mi*s Emin i Ab*

aott coiniiieaces M eii'.'ageii.eiit of fourligliis and Saturday matine*' at the TheatreAnril 7th, with tee foUowiaf repertoire:- Faust," .. Martha," ..Paul and virginia,".Bohemian i'irl," and ..The Chimes ofS'tu'iijandv.''A iv titer says: Emma Abbott's pt rlorm-

inc-' throughout wu* ¦ genuine triumph.II. r voice is in thc freshness of its spring-line, rich in tone crystalline clear, andutting with simpaMiy and tenderness.¦ilie BBB B magnet lc presence and manner,md poatttatt dramatic feiverand breadthmil extraordinary vocal volume. TheOVl Is' dilt-t, by Emma Abbolt and Castle,vas admirably sung and impassiona elyicPai bf both. It siormed the house aadiwaketied it to genuine enthusiasm. Paulind Virginia wi re tumultuously called Ins¬ure the eiirlalii, and alter they had retiredhe audit nee was ina state trf furore thattts not quelled until the curtain had risenbree times for three repetitions, wolta were

;iven, wheti (jillet wm re-tored until Ibe cur¬

alo roe OB the next act. Then soon came

he bud song by Emma Abbott, willi itsharming melody and vcutiil.'i'Uiat effects,t < ontains ci cry difficulty in the way of bril*iant bravura singing, abounding as lt doe*n trill*, sejatot, and roulade*, and is the st*

.¦lt-t pu.-IWe test of a llatrr*! vocaliza-lou, Emma Abbott carried it in triumph,.nd still heightened th- enthusiasm, ll was

neared, and she repeated its whole movc-

nont, wiih sustained power. So tbe lovers'liict and the bird song proclaimed the su>.es*«eH nf paul and Virginia, and crownedbe Utile American warbler with fit sh non-

**, Mrs. Hcguin had .cveral ons, whichibe Ming with her Banal power and finish,ind su»talned her part brilliantly -Q Bumer*.>ui cvoccrtcd pieces.

The Art A*.*...elution.A PEKP AT HOMK OF THK ltB xi MU l. PHTCBES

AT THK VlllHIMA UPKBABOUSB.The Richmond Art Association eotn-iti'-ne.'.l lil annual exhibition Xiturdnv atVirginia Opera-House. The collection Ibis

year of punting* and other works of artprobably surpasses ony ever mads in Vir¬ginia before. Throughout ibe day tb*> hiltwas Tittled b.v a number of persons, who

.expressed theroselwi highly pleased withtbe exhibition. The paintings, engnvtnga,and drawings are tastefully armored, andat noon Ibe sun shone I brough thc sky lilt htsof the bill upon some of tbe paintings withj striking and beautiful efft-et.There are so many bandaome pictures on| exhibition it is bard to decide which is the

most attractive. The atige wbs literallycovered with many rare and beautiful law*er«, ind the scene In the hail was beau;ifni.Mi«fl Lottie Price, Misses Jane iud HelenRutbe foord, Alis, pimhi.'.ke Jones, andMi*ses Morris, Furl ix. Daniel, and Stew¬art. pupils of Mi*s Laird, of Richmond-contributed (o the exhioition some of theirwork, consisting of wafer-color paintings,pencil- and ciavoo-druwings, which attract¬ed not a HtrJe attention. " Dryburgh Ab¬bey," a water-color painting by Miss ilariaStewart, ot Richmond, eeeerves special no-

Mr. C. IL Rend, Jr., exhibit*** ar.-ttitf'*>"itiirol design of the United States Soldiers'Home st Washington.On Hie right, as the visitor en'cis, is a

paietleg bf H. T. Daniel, Jr., iffier Bead** Dc-eiied." It is an old cislle coveredwilli vine.s. The picture i* a fine one, andiis mle would seem mo*t appropriate.Near bv is perhaps the be.t piece of pen-and-ink drawing on exhibition, lt is celled"Facial Types la America.*1 aad la thework of Mr. J. We Hs ( hiimpney, of .v tvYork, who made ..Hut contributions linthave peen much admired. It consisls of agrouped aliotit aeventy*8vs or one hundreddUb-tcut facial types of Americans. Promi¬nently among them we noticed tinOld NewEngland Farmer, the California .Miner, amivarious types of Tidewater Virginians;but the most conspicuous, were tbo*e of theOld Virginia Darky.Thc "Duke of Gola** and Dead Hotly of

Collgar *' is another tine painting, by .Mr.R. T. Daniel. Jr., after De Neuville. It wasgenerally admired try art critics.

" Fortuny Dead," (etching on copper,'by Mr. Stephen J. Ferris, ol Philadelphia,ateo attracted much attention. The deadFortuny, lying upon a couch, has a natu-lalne-s nf exi)i'e-sif)n seldom fltefl in pic¬tures of Hie kind. Mr. Fern's h,d aumin:Ilia palaU**_S ORB Called IBB .. Orient: IStreet scene," Brhlabraaka high as a worknf art. It is exquisitely colored.Mr. Kriiseman Van Riteo. of New York,

exhibits ihiee leigfl paintings, valued at!-1.0.)U. His "(.'urn-tit ld in WestchesterIi.linly. New York,'' was probably ad¬mired more tbaa either nf tim other paint¬ing-. Some of [be visitors, however, re¬garded his .« Hillside *' a- lin- I BsL"The Witch Helge," by Mr. F. S.

Church, of New York, fl a* much admired,lt is not a ve-ry luge painting, bur there i*onitthing about it which will Attract at.eti-ion. Il represents an old witch entangled in

i badge. Hor*c-shoi* placed along tbe hedge:onjured the old witch, and -be tim* i,e-.anie entangled in tbe tum ns and c>ul<l notree herself.- A Idlle imp with gio**}'Bingi -iis idly by upon one ol thc horse-iboes, rnjoving tba old witch's misfortune,

». Appomattox," by Mr. I A. Elder, oltientiinnd, is a tine representation eif a,'onfederate aoldler attired in the old Bow*tzcr uniform, standing with bal in handmilitating upon'the surrender at AppO*BflttOX...An Roedslde,*' by Tsddison

lichards, of New York, >od " Brook-ule."ly M.". A. T. Bricker, ol New York, bmIto paintiofis ol high or der. T ". forruers valmd flt ?'2.>0, and nie latter at if llb..'Hallo," by Mr. M. J. Bores, ol Sew

fork, is a tine oil-painting, valued al |3S0.t represents B lislierm IB returning from seavilli his mt banging over his .shoulder-.rtie expression is life-like."Sunset in the DiSflMl Swamp,"' by Gig-

lorx (loaned by Mr. W. H. HaxalP, la one,f the ino-t Cant If til and one ol the irgestminting! on exhibition. The reva of theun fell upon it about midday Satorcby,vhich made lt exquisite.There are BO many beaotifnl palnt-

ngn un exhibition it would I'.- Impos*Ible for i,s to refer to them all, andio di'tibt we bave omitled many whichi.-sii\e special meotioo. Richmond isveil .md creditably represented st the ex-libitlon. lu conclusion lt may be areli iod that tbe ex ii bi'io ii wilie lotloue probe*.ly f..r two vv. t ks. NO one should miss an

.ppmHunty like tin* lo visit bb exbibltioo

Bbxbico Uii'iui.tiANs. .'i'd,. Henr'eoc.iiiiity Republican Committee mel Satur-day morning Bl the count*/ c »urt-bou*x itin- absence of the chairman, Willi un Bin*lleton was called to preside, and -I. ll.M. wart Beted as secretary. The eom-

mittee decide t- in Becordanee willi Instruc¬tions from thc Butt Central c .mmlltee. toelect Ave deleaatet to tbt Counts Cooven-tint), ob UtaS8tb instant, ut 12 o'clock M.,Bl tbe following plac.s: Ttlckalioo town¬ship. Ham's I fill; Brookland. Huleberastore; Fail ti -ld, Singh ton's Halt; Variui.Town-hip iidi. thc sud delegates. 11 meetat the county couit-hoiise on the lotti dayof April at 12 o'clock M. lo elect two dele-fatet to Ibt stiuintoii Convention to senddelegates to the Chicago Convention.

MOTBtB Chose..At tot urgent requestof many admirers. "Motlier uoca*V' »vi111her numerous goslings, will napp'tr BlMozart Hall Pi-night. A more novel enter¬tainment bas never before been offered tothe pubiic Among so much talent it i*Invidious to (Irvscnminnto. The wonderfuln ndltiOB of th.- eliatac'i'i'* and the brilliantc 'sfiitnes i|, Hgbl all. Immense houses haveFleeted <h<- twt performance*, and withsreat eatbOadatrB Bstttl it*, meril. Thinpeople laugh and grow fat, the old are reju¬venated, and dyspeptics forget Wu ir ail¬ment-'. Wt iinve bein. .. Co thoo and dolUtea ste."Paasos vi.. Bats f li Bara..Dr. Ctaturies If.

Shield*, late resident physician to the cityriBBflbOOtt hospital, bas bet n tlected lec¬turer on anatomy in the adjunct faculty offlit Medical College of Virginii rn place ofIn. Christopher Tompklas, who resignedto till the chair of anatomy in the winteri-nir-e of the college. The spring andwitBBtar fltttloBbas ju*t beana, with pros¬pects more than u*ually good.Kaw StbaBbBUT Link..The .teamer J.

B, Set.nvl.r, for tbt new line between Rico-ni'ttul, Norfolk, and Baltimore will arnie

lice April Ttl), and will BBsBt her frat tripfrom Richmofld on thc following day. aaaivill s-op at all the rtgalar landings on

I un.a rlver^ and will carry freight ami ptt-ifBgerttt very low rate*. Mi.tart. Curtis!fe Parker ure the agents au this dy for thenew line.


Chanuk of Timk..Hereafterthetbrough-freight train on the Richmond und Patera*liurg r.iirroatl will leave for Petersburg at ;A. M. instead of 9: JO A. M.


Fine Tobacco.Mi: MartBttl Berger, n

[armer of Cbesteracbl count*,. sold his copnf tobacco at cise of the warebooatfl InIii lomond Fridaf afternoon at prietfl HaberHun have been paid for any Ch'stcrJeld to-i«kvo sold Ihtfl -elson. His crop wi* rabadtn gklaaaarter, tad averaged $:>") per twt.The prices obtained for lug* ranged tiona

HM to til, -.nd. l"i" Ital *io .»..*.*:Tin*.- n'l'ics mil MBlptrt tavorubly with

itv ol_B\Be4tbteiettoB for Tli^blfJttbte-co. Mr. Berger is a forelj-uer, and lu* Justsettled in Curaterlleld.

Manchester's i>c6l.--T be T^ »oeb(«t«>ruoodUoldwi will meet April ito,ii wlilcb

'lime it ls expected I hat tbe Maur heat.(Council commttiee wilt tnve preparedj proposition wh'ch is to fie tubroltted lo Hibondholders at a plan for the setrlcmeni efbr city's debt. Tbe [>cop*r of Mancbestearrjrreally interested in thc debt quest ronaod are anxious for a scttlens-nt ol son,Mit to be made.

New Rood*?..A new road is fa-lntr Chesterfle ld near fhe city between HuBroadrock and Branch/1» nindi. A larg.J loree of hands have bteis engaged upon iinearly two weeks. The road is ex--ected ube finished in a few day*,, and wbon com-j ploted will be of great hcr-rb't to thedMaert*of that neighborhood. Work bas not as yetbeen commenced on the propped roaO-fromMaury ceme'ery to tbeBroadrock road.An OUt ('laim..At the next term or theChe -.terbeld County Court tbe -ult of L. L.Lester, executor of Wilkins HaH. wlllcome

up for trial. L» sfer claims that Hall duringtbe war furnished to thc enanty of Chesterfield r'2,(*Oo worth of sad. In December.1878, Lpster presumed a claim to the Boardof Supervisors against the cninty tor thiabove amount. The Board failed to ac¬knowledge the claim, and Lester appealedto tbe County Court.

Divi*ifyn.~- MarteBewfer Dlvr-sion, Sons of Temperance, h Interesting meeting Saturday night. Four'neanumhers were received and four lady visit¬ors admitted. Kev. Mr. Eager was invitedto preach bis temperance sermon ne xt Sun¬day night. Several able ad reuses were de¬livered, and tb#» best of feeling prevailed.Manchester Division, with it- z-alou* lead¬er, i* eaHated for the ivar, and is doing agood work in a good eau-..

Workiinjmen's Meeting..-Old DmiinionUnion, No. 1, of the Iron-andMeel-Worker*'A-soctation, had a Mtge and loteretttnameeting at Odd-Fellow*' Hall on Satiid.ynlgbf. Miali buttners of imporiance to thetrade was transacted.

The Busy Season..Times arc unusuallybrisk at the Richmond and Danville railroadworkshops. At the machine-, caipenter-,and hltck-tnith-shnps a large force is em-ployed. Last we <k a number of the opera¬tives were compelled to work until after 9o'clock ench night.





soi.vkd nv

A. -AKS A CO..'i ii" I asama Osibmii.

1013 Main Mi.-t.

BTCI I BOOTHBBfl lui."- Hi- L-trgcst *88SaefCAB*ra ra us matti-'gs ia c atp.


COHBM Rno ru mc sari: now offering the rino ESTrO(K ot- QOOBfl lt has iver btsM their pleasuro to

rrtttac.Their stuck ls complete In every tl narira, nt forhe present and IfMftMehlBfl season.Tl.ctr principal stock BMBttfl purchased to such

ia leVaatift Bste bt taatslai tn ntrcr Moat tix-tls¦Itlier at last year's -ate** IT even fer l*e*.In-nnnr-ctton wi.), their reiiilsr *t.i> k they HS0 rt " ,T*if ll liir/e nu. hi x<a..|* |i.ucu«.-e>] Ol Hiv.

imic-wrltara mun itttnteal Bur*** Bea York Bte.

. Go to Antoni's fur Vki.i.ow Bananas,

. GO TO Antoni's tor r'l.oitni* OBAVOB8,

. CO IO ANIONIS fur MVLIUA l.llll'Ks,

Main afreet.

A rarflt itara nt' Bc v. k nii.i e oLOttiio sn k- caisa fonnel al m l Broad Mrs**,

Livy BBOTIUBIliri |i!|ieil .v.rv ilcpuriuieiit In til* ir MON

withrema*. iBAionaatB ooodi,

Th'-y iiuw ,sii.w tin- BUflttt, Hi- ."j't-.i-ijorti ¦'.Iii- ni".-t i-oiii|i'. !.-, ;uiil tin-

ii., sioi lof


i Ill'iaellU al theBOYBLTiBfl iv DtaatlDOOOt,

now on lbs mat'el. BBd a n,i,-t SBpayt a<-ortliK-nt.'I* ll .-i.iy ami KulUltiif, a* well as IsBVBaf inieteIsraa ssBftUeas k> ali Uh .ah r ibwrtassata.Loot at lin ir Taielii,ti,aml llainbiir^-.For |ir» tty k (Trtains amt Misnow-


BY< ii: HitO'llKiiS have renave.t ili.-lr entirestuek ol' l)iu:*s i;ooiis.

Hoi'T, Hit uv. bbbvb loon,(ol.Itu'- LlBBiC**S u> t.xi\>^\i t Baan

Klvrs lieallll, -iTftil-'tli. an<l nerve f.iree.

|*OB oirtssiv u mt katu fni'ii .le.-ayetl teed!aatasssaa<i aassa, ass mk a uk & hakkk'm cab-BOLIC IfOtl rn-ll IBB*. B1JIV cents a Ixmie.

-v. LB IHiorrtKRs havt the lar/.-,t a-virlmeut orPARASOLS ill III,' (-UV.

A (inand Cn .BM -fiinlie tar BM linl'dars. Foisale everywhere. Only ftc.

DIM oi.orki) rreril reixler-al oeaHttfully whit*hy tin u-eof XatBDa A HAKKRSsiAl'ONI.'IB DkN-TlillKK. Firtv ei nts a Lox.

Linen habbxbi it ttte.inBvi tr. isrotuf-rs'

For a na''.OOO 1 ('<..( TOAK take WHITLOCK'SMoukl. lt has a., ai.

IM Il'IKNT TAItTAK AMD Ml hk r*»n-ov*-<l tyMrvi.i: * Ham i's |A_OBIBB Di.M Hitici;.

Hl'ly .-eilis a I...*.

I. iBttSf r:itKRsrr:AB. ttii-larmst avs.irut.iut lathe .Hy. al :t I 1 llrninl street.

Hui rio-,ks 9*3. Kr.i sVBBl ( I'.aK has no iu-

|)e;l'.r. Hewa re >.i' limf.-i'lnns.

fOB i-i.taaiATiat moi'xh. me tieainif **riipertleiofMrAUE A Ha k au's cakhoi.mj Hoi TU-tV ASHare uHcxcelleil. Fills eeata a BSstBa,

lui-. \, HB*__M simokk try t»e PIC*Vic (kiar._A sointileu- av*os*T*ieiit or tMWSH il Bad 111 HM


AS A HlM.IlA.aT AXUrLKASANT W.-.jII .''er Hitne alli, flu re- ls no,'liln< so s"o,l is Ml .Di: .* HA-irn*t oiaaaaw bsBbttb wita fut ceuu o

BfBBM'. Wimi-ji 1, 141,5 Ultu st nat, auau:'*.etnr»-i

*t i lifliti en .liiJt-ruut bram!* ur Hue CUfars. Bj «..Mir itrlee-liit.

ll lSThKHIBl.Kia :. ot -a wigu or aasband willi a Bal l.ri-aih. Alltnt. mav ta;iv.iU->i tty Bala*] BtBBBJ ont. lt i

ajtrri-j»>.'a to Ha* IsStB- fraifranl, alni lu* I. lifal. lteonii-rs joiiC-si SSBSJ lt* n**rr,.ond prc v'.atti thei.ltl StlBB </l"uu|i*Va-aiii breath.

Flv* tbousaod pair* ol Kio sii.ov ks to *m sold at

50 aad 78c at Ht Vt HBOTi**r.BS'.-¦¦¦ .

KiSB AI.LMStCASKS Or TBBTr.KTiI _U>ai BBJns* Mrads a Hakkh'i MoLtu-IVAAU. Slfty cent* a i-.tlW._ttS all lue laf.t uuioltle* go t*> SYCLB BjO.

tunas*.OLD Domikio-** K\k. iViusar-viUlit iea*aold,

. H*et,»i" and " at "Ht rose" Kia Will kev, "Km -

|ibv" oimI " Inxtaatiii." Honr*x.» WBHkey t ¦. 1*1'**

os,** "Santa Oars," ami all i;radi-i of Cuto-si

ll.ttn--, y .mt Mirul Hrait'lj, Ima" li-Mr-Kui oud

ot.rr sjhcrrU^ot mt*oVr.i.e -trie*.*, byll'. H. Ht via A co.

8AV4 bobby ur BBViBjmr Hiattai asaa Ula*Du fATtii I'aiBTiBO-lloi'sa. ttoog uest* flt*.iMejebtBdosy_tsVis^

I'HB DISPATCH,i.i M*tssa iiaiMiWrt tifi -i-bi"***i-b-i -i*f*ttrirTMTr**~iMMiiT s ii.»»iJaM*«*u*Ri.. TKHM8 OF *e»DVraTI8JJKae ..

Ca*aSW>IWVABta*n.T IB ABVAffOB. **

cejB»j-i,*rt«jin*>***Uo»......a*.....~. g.-.* sntare,tue IrMtrttort>« s-iuarta, thrat lflBMBa" -,B-J-f,ri| !*a*4*rt|<s-ai.-*,***«,"«.noire,-joar--,

a-*^t*»al*Miitti-anat....^.~. . Iare, ope moir*..Itare, twomonta*..... a.... ll*r*». tS|S*»>*-inr»»i|>...,.of

Ocb Taiaaan-a fapAiTaiaT.

t noir r Tai net.


LOW miers.

A. Saks A CO..

Fash on a bi a Tailoba.

vi-it rs.

"* nv pay sawi Mah Jttkmt tu Puotcobafiibwha-n youoao tatse th-M done at the Malu street,tr- oipeiHi -and reasonable t

Go ta the Lib bsiLi} tv. Mala street, tua tanhoCofirapIied.Ilaxe y-ur PDOroca,*-K* :» ku, at the LKi.GAIy


Tue prettiest Hoe est Host tar In the city can tafound at Stclb Ba-rraaa*-. _j,' Broi4 tire* c.

..-1.: Go- to a'sto'ic* fer cbkim 1'trrv.: Go to ABTotsrs fr* f **** a otMjrtfs*: e.;o to axiom*-. rv>r r-emo.x rca oaxit,: Go to A-tioeri'-j for Caramil*.

Made fresh en ry rta*-.

Kon BLKEDINU.H**,, lise MEADE A KASIR'fle'Ahiiot.K Moith-Wash. Fifty c*-n« a hot tie.

o'.i.itus-WATgtt.-l'ssnpi-rlDrUTisacaifiar.tic :.iul iBlimlil nm-la, tu Ba entire fr.e.I.niifruin latspihlBB I'ltter. crude that produceshi-ii.'ii. lc-. Ititi rmi s.irina-ss. suit MBSBt M rtwiroythe mucous membrane. All minc ral water* tout araduiisa-rous irritants limy ta ku..-tu ap un adit after-taste.

"MOTHERS! MOTHFBS! MOTBlattiAn* yon i!blurbed at night anil I rokeu of Tour re«l

hy a sick chili! suffci in* anil cryli.*- willi iht *xcru-taatlBB | uti) of c.min.' teeth ? ir «o. «.o il .mee mideet a bottle of MBB. WIRSLORfB *KK*TtllBliSYRUP. It will relieve thc lo. r ll tl.- MitT.-rtr itu-

tnedlitcly.depend mun lt: tlurc I- n» nilaiukealiont lt. There ls not a mother on earth who hu,ever tisi-d lt who will not tell you at ouet llnit lt willnarran les imwei*. and s'v* rest to Bm uummw*am) relic' ami health to He- clillil. nneratlue likeillari.-. Ills tM-rfectlv -aft- IOBM lu sll cara, anilpleaSBBI to HM taste, ami l* th» ireacilpdon of oneBf Rm tBSMI siul Ix st female i hy-titni. and nuraeain the I lilted Stott*, BIBI , tn ij where. Twenty-llle C'llt- ll Nittl". tl 21-e.KllW

xHimv vt l.t.* 1111*4 HST.

ear* On all tain of Rmi B<ttat* midi vcm«*tte 1*1 o/ January ind tatt cf Jun-: t\* taxeifiiOtt preittntytar l,nvt tot* paid by th* purchaitt0'a ail tait* mods b*tw*«n tbt lit of July aud loutof the year the tf-xti have to bi paid by the itlltriThlsrii-torn waa adopt, si m,u'it tineen yiar.ajra

-iv al Hi" rea! Mrtott IfltJBta in Richmond, and aa*tdUs to Richmond and vl.-lnatT.l

BOBRRT 15. LVRR, 2 I*. M iMtMared tam laHmrteo enaaly, un wiif* ni of aaa IttfoMtin-city nf Hu-lun nd. "ti tn.- Klnslind road.

.1 THOMPSON BBOBTB, 5 I*. H., .liib'i-trii'k re-

atiifii... wi ii i.ti).'i i"i aitaciif.i. eoratrtiCfafanet fourth -ti-.ela.

./< UV V. WRIGHT, SharlfT. 10 t. M.,over Moraloot HalBttreil,pollwatchBBfl aai.i, ll*

vt-r.wateB, I I .

fiHKKS'S. IO*. A. M., Second ami l.r.>ad afr.cla.cli'Mrcu's cairlau'"-.

J Ne). R, LAI CHITON, -Ju.. 10 | A. M.. furniture,Kas Balarat, Be.

R. H. ANDKKSON A M)N. 18 A. M.. M»* ¦****»I. S



.¦eiVFLTIKhut GIBBON'S i'»II\A-"TOHK.nih Vj*-,*_ Ti" 7 Mi I "_____._VV AXTl" I>, TK ACHKILS..Hepteoiber :ff I'KKSHIKNT** for Hi ree female cn-Uepe-; ADI Al K e-P LNIVKII.-IIV nV VIRGIN!*.tor M en.miltie* In eaaiern -eli. ol: PMeiPKSioR-i'll-. Ne KS for south ru culeee; TKACHKIt (Me-ilnHliai) se Ir.NCfc*, eastern se* le mi : .-KVKUALADIK-uf hlshr-t rank as MuitellBtj LADY for

Musi,-. Gcnnan, Latta: LADY PBIRCIT. ALB forsi-varal -oiiihi ru coll"*-.". Imnu dla..-!-. BIJPR-Uieilt Dist ll'I.INAKI.vN fur Methudltt coil.-*-.-.

I ExTiLVL SCHOOL A1.ENCY,MhSBMt* 511 **Ulf aire, t. St. Lo'U'. Mo.

WASTED, TOUBO MAS lb' Okfs(*RRY«*lfORE * lat willina? to liri ve wan«n.

il- liver roods, Uk'- older-, ind make Bliaielf fl*atrally astfai. win bi r.<iuir.-«i totMarrl wini pra*>urtetor, Address, irlv MBIBItlBd re-ld.-i cc KN-

ilt.V 'ii"*.-rt liri r N". ll, elly,mli 2-A-lt*>__^_W\ N TED, A s E T f L B D WOMAN

(wi lunn ciie-iuit.raiicf) tu OOOB and malehera.'li'_ei,.r;i ly BttfBI. .Vp.iii ..: M'.' e l:iy

itreet, _roh 2i-'l\

rANTBD. KVEBYBODY To ltKAUGIBSON** CHIBA VHVI-I'.'l I-KMKN I ...Iw '.Mil ma .,,. -, r.,> i

NA ,_*te_ffTAiSTBD, loo SI I A lt KS OF Till Al'->T I. INTIC MI--1-MPPI Alli 0HfOBAlt>Ito.M), fur win.-n tin- ha-best ninKit inac-will beleii.i. c. \v, PllfcKi.l .Btoeti Breftor,mh il) Ai_IV? 14 Milln sin et.

WAXTKD, A HU-l-l LASS COOK.wlliiout li-.'-iinihranee. Bool r> I'.-i-en,-,- re*

.|iitu-'l. Apply at BAB, f.m. r >mli ami Franklinmawr._ BahtO-tta


or.|.r (collar*. A.Hrev, -i.iiiik prier, 4c, l'*,»t-BSBea Box .>tl. I'liiviTsliv of Virginia.

_Mill Ifi-TtiAWJt_

r\(\(i (\fhf\ A( KKS OF WKST Vllt-.JVJ\JJ.)\nt I.IMV I.AS't hsvilk tracts of fro us 1,000 acn*s upward*,with ( LB VU TITI 1* will BOSBaa *nte thi-rxael |i»--lil'-it of I*ik1 un.) < %»il mn K. whleBraaslboc aacasi tJ mr sere. Aiiiir*-*si,r aopiy ta

POINUKXTCB a Tl'ITr-.K.N... IStHl east Malu .tn-i-t.

nih IH-lw_Richmond. Va.


( hy Bf *»iT!n<r.AX nttrtMfYt

TM tJ/MM T<> >f'T.


J..TlB)Mr-s*l>**J HIP)AV,

mh 17-1 Ul 1)11 *4*la tirttt.

TYTAN-TED, rrw ii.\s<i:rs roill l.('O) bal.** HAY.arline.*«illf. ;

1UH ton* ItlCiiWNsvrrFa*. Ith'oat HMU'Mlfi*.

-. (IO nam I* i ol{> .,.. in. -uli.Il ... * Vs|f, KI Nils v.SI) |,. ...Hs. I I li il* * af

in. anons lilli IC ll lt,. HI Kl h V AL¬NI 'Mftn h. M\PLr. A.-d!. t IIKIfUV. l'.>l"*AR,HU Koliy.o.lli.f Vl'HCS**. siHM.I.Ks. |. vrHH»is.iv. I HUMAN A. PaVBKEB .1 rn,

I. uiu«*-t Driller*. rTittiaiei ( anal si s*ta.lah l-l IS

I DO NOT LIKU TO HUAO. tberefore? nlr-tv ll s.a. n*j.|« I Ul-'. A I* I RIK l>.1."t«oWA Ll. vt Ks. it" > ..ti a_t HNKi 'll I.**A aa to

A'AI.I. I' >'**»'. if -. >--*.i' ***at lAA-^aitts. la* LASSVI ARK. TBBI.F-SBTLBBY, FT. VI Kl*-WAKK, ",iNlv .III). r am Ht'C*»K-»beNI'*ll-I.M. I.C'OtN )oil viii madlin Ill si

a vu. i f.-s.fla IS NO. 400 1*1Md M'tw*.

=r*sjhint. »T-ts.Yi:i>. *".*.» bimbi*.

I 08T, IX (saR NF. A lt UIHiHiiNI), OBli -.i inlay, a, M* IP « u.-W \t:H VN I fr..«t Va-rUia nt.trl.' .. rsviirtr.i e.,univ, invade ta sud eu-.l-i -. .1 by 111- a I tr. M. (Ia » wo y AU " ar*i jul.uiie.l .-iK* i*. si traill na fer ihe ssiaov a. ..hum. ul.has bren -t- «>-,*4. I.. I ...VT EWi ». 4>.UH it-li* l.l, n.,., ,. I fei-ieoemoty.

I 08T.OH RATUBDAX Vl-THtNOON,4 iHSfaSraa ab (itt flail *n<\ Um is.r-i.-r of tsreo'iil

aud Frisa*, ia >lrv*-U, a Pi «»'l r. JluNNAlK «.»¦-

Biltiiuy *hs>«IS9. A nw .¦¦I w_ tx* Slfeti ii tho»..ine: ,1*aCtatTlll*J (,^'IVa\__**_JL.f O-va, ON BATCitflATi A NARtQw*Ii <«.'I.D BANU. iu'ii|itti ltilil.,1, -II. J. V "

on 'las lusMe. A i>utta'sat <v%siu » Hi If |.*U If . flat L>**wd'K -"tte*.._n.h >4-l ._

iiaaiKN. fini:v Ar._

HOMatt .11 FBI AltI:I\KD. -Vi-f^rrab*. vi MoiM.ina .''... >«...' *al** ... .**>**. aflCti

suitable f,,r anv i**r »*>*-. Call ant, *,!,'« ***_¦".itooy ara ,>i.-k«-rt <>wr i »n .taoist »t-,.,!i>.i. ttfSilP.Vr.tsiiFM.\Tt UK».

R. L. B\a*4F*t a CO.No. 14 eitattl Ttulh -tievt su-|StU Ol) »"... .

to!) 84 Ml

IIHia BALK LOW'. A No, 1 ll VH-oTWNa.**S-and B\li|)l.>:.HiiB*iK> (auisrVCJi,

(Beit by callina at owe a| |l| .}_ li *f_^'?_f:*»stahl--of T. t\ B*B>aYTiaiaW'&WAI-fH*