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Submitted to the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

Muhammadiyah University of Makassar in Partial Fulfillment of

the Requirement for the Degree of Education in English Education








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NIM : 10535 6327 15

Jurusan : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Judul Skripsi : An Analysis of Students’ Grammatical Errors in translating

the Short Surah of Quran Made by English Students on Sixth

Semester at Muhammadiyah University of Makassar.

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Makassar, 2020

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Saya yang bertandatangan di bawah ini:


NIM : 10535 6327 15

Jurusan : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Fakultas : Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan

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4. Apabila saya melanggar perjanjian saya seperti yang tertera pada butir 1, 2

dan 3 maka saya bersedia menerima sanksi sesuai dengan aturan yang


Demikian perjanjian ini saya buat dengan penuh kesadaran.

Makassar, 2020

Yang Membuat Perjanjian


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Be Ikhlas and Be Patient


This Research is Dedicated for my parents who let

Their confortable to be feeled by me. I am much obligade

for their love even it is not much.

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Bismirabbika, Ikra. 2019. An Analysis of Students' Gramatical Errors In

Translating The Short Surah of Quran Made by English Students on Sixth

Semester at Muhammadiyah University of Makassar. A Thesis. English

Education Department. Faculty of Teaching Training and Education.

Muhammadiyah University of Makassar. Supervised by Nunung

Anugrawati and Farisha Andi Baso.

This study aimed at finding the kind of grammatical errors made by

English students on sixth semester in translating the short surah of Quran. The

research design on this study applied a descriptive quantitative research which

analysed the grammatical error of english students on sixth semester students at

Muhammadiyah University of Makassar. The population consisted of 10 classes

and each classes consisted of 37 to 38 students, it meaned that the total of

population about 380 students. The students were sellected about 10% from each

classes. The instruments used a translation test and the tests were done twice. The

students translate Indonesias‟ translation of surah Al-fatihah clause 1-7 which

found the relibility of the data. In the second test, the students translated surah Al-

alaq clause 1-5 and emphasized the validity of the data.

The researcher found about 317 of grammatical errors in the first test, the

errors classified of verb about 39 (12.30%), noun 55 (17.35%), conjunction 39

(12,30%), pronoun 21 (6,62%), adjective 117 (36,90%) , adverb 18 (5.67%) and

article 28 (8.83%). So that, the researcher may conclude that the most error that

produced by the students in the grammatical area is error in adjective about 117

errors (36.90%). In the second test, the researcher found about 326 of grammatical

errors. The errors were classified of verb about 59 (18.09%), noun 40 (12.27%),

conjunction 38 (11.65%), pronoun 28 (8.58%), adjective 99 (30.36%) , adverb 32

(9.81%) and article 30 (9.20%). Finally, it can be concluded that the students still

make errors in grammatical area in translation.

Key Words: Grammatical Errors, Translation and Short Surah of Quran.

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Bismirabbika, Ikra. 2019. An Analysis of Students' Gramatical Errors In

Translating The Short Surah of Quran Made by English Students on Sixth

Semester at Muhammadiyah University of Makassar.Skripsi. Pendidikan

Bahasa Inggris. Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan. Universitas

Muhammadiyah Makassar. Dibimbing oleh Nunung Anugrawati and

Pembimbing 2 Farisha Andi Baso.

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menemukan jenis kesalahan grammar

dalam menerjemahkan surah pendek Al-Qur‟an yang dilakukan oleh mahasiswa

Bahasa Inggris di Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar. Populasi berjumlah 10

kelas dan setiap kelas terdiri dari 37-38 mahasiswa, jadi jumlah mahasiswa yang

menjadi populasi adalah 380 mahasiswa. Mahasiswa diseleksi sekitar 10% dari

setiap kelas. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah tes menerjemahkan dan

tesnya berlangsung dua kali. Mahasiswa menerjemahkan terjemahan Bahasa

Indonesia dari surah Al-fatihah ayat 1-7 untuk mendapatkan data realiabilitas.

Dalam tes kedua, mahasiswa menerjemahkan surah Al-alaq ayat 1-5 untuk

memastikan data validitas.

Peneliti menemukan sebanyak 317 kesalahan grammar pada tes pertama,

jenis kesalahannya diantaranya; verb 39 (12.30%), noun 55 (17.35%), conjunction

39 (12,30%), pronoun 21 (6.62%), adjective 117 (36.90%) , adverb 18 (5.67%)

dan article 28 (8.83%). Sehingga peneliti dapat menyimpulkan bahwa jenis

kesalahan grammar yang terbanyak adalah adjective sebanyak 117 (36.90%). Pada

tes kedua, peneliti menemukan sebanyak 326 kesalahan grammar. Adapun

jenisnya diantaranya verb 59 (18.09%), noun 40 (12.27%), conjunction 38

(11,65%), pronoun 28 (8.58%), adjective 99 (30.36%) , adverb 32 (9.81%) dan

article 30 (9.20%). Akhirnya, dapat disimpulkan bahwa mahasiswa masih

melakukan kesalahan grammar dalam menerjemahkan.

Kata Kunci: Kesalahan Grammar, Penterjemahan dan Surah Pendek Al-


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Alhamdulillah, in the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Merciful

and the Almighty who never stop blessing me so that I could finish this thesis.

Shalawat and salam also deliver to our prophet Muhammad shallallahu alaihi

wasallam who has guide us to the truth of Islam by his sunnah and hadist.

In accomplishing the study, I realized that I never finish this thesis without

the help from the other people around me. Therefore, I would like to express my

gratitude and appreciation to:

1. Dr.H.Abdul Rahman Rahim,S.E.,M.M., The Rector of Muhammadiyah

University of Makassar.

2. Erwin Akib, M.Pd, Ph.D., The Dean of Faculty of Teacher Training and

Education, Muhammadiyah University of Makassar

3. Ummi Khaerati Syam, S.Pd., M.Pd., The Head of English Education

Department of FKIP Muhammadiyah University of Makassar and also to the

all lecturers who have taught me during the years of my study.

4. My high appreciation and great thankful to my first consultant, Nunung

Anugrawati, S.Pd., M.Pd and my second consultant, Farisha Andi Baso, S.Pd.,

M.Pd, for their valuable time, knowledge, and guidance with all their patience

and wisdom during the process of accomplishing this thesis.

5. My beloved parents, Muh.Yusuf and Husni, whom never stop motivate and

always pray for me everytime, and support me to finish my study.

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6. My beloved oldest brothers Khaeril, Yusrianto and also my oldest sisters

Wahba whom supported me by motivation and finance.

7. All of my friends in English Education Department academic year 2015,

especially D (Different) Class 2015, for anything we shared for years.

8. All of my friends and influental people in my life that I cannot mention one by


The words are not enough to say any appreciation for their help and

contribution in this paper. May Allah the Almighthy bless them all. Moreover, the

researcher also realized that this paper is far from perfect. It is a pleasure to get

critiques and suggestion to make this paper better.

The Researcher



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ANKNOWLADGEMENT ..................................................................... i

TABLE OF CONTENT ........................................................................ii


A. Background ............................................................................... 1

B. Research Question ..................................................................... 4

C. Objective of Research .............................................................. 4

D. Significance of the Research ..................................................... 4

E. Scope of the Research ............................................................... 5


A. Previous Related Findings .......................................................... 6

B. Concept Translation.................................................................... 8

1. Definition of Translation ...................................................... 8

2. Types of Translation ............................................................. 9

3. Aspects of Translation ........................................................ 12

4. The Rule of Translation ...................................................... 13

5. The Principles of Translation ............................................. 16

6. Criteria of Good Translation .............................................. 18

7. The Importance of Translation ........................................... 18

8. The Purposes of Translation ............................................... 19

C. Concept of Grammatical Error ................................................. 20

1. Analysis of Grammatical Error .......................................... 20

2. Sources of Errors ................................................................ 21

3. The Errors That Produced by the Fourth-Semester and

The Sixth-Semester in The Grammatical Area ................. 25

4. Grammatical Meaning ........................................................ 28

D. Concept of Translation the Holly Quran .................................. 27

1. Lexical and Morphological Challenges in The

Translationof The Holly Quran .......................................... 29

2. Quran as A Classical Language in The Translation Case . 30

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E. Conceptual Framework ............................................................ 35


A. Research Design ...................................................................... 36

B. Research Variable and Indicators ........................................... 36

C. Population and Sample ............................................................ 38

D. Research Instrumen ................................................................. 38

E. Data Collection........................................................................ 39

F. Tecnique of Data Analysis ...................................................... 39


A. Findings ................................................................................... 41

1. Kinds of grammatical errors in translating surah of

Al-fatihah clause 1-7 .......................................................... 41

2. Kinds of grammatical errors in translating surah of

Al-fatihah clause 1-7 .......................................................... 44

B. Discussion

1. Kinds of grammatical errors in translating surah

Al-fatihah clause 1-7 .......................................................... 47

2. Kinds of grammatical errors in translating surah

Al-fatihah clause 1-7 .......................................................... 51


A. Conclution .............................................................................. 55

B. Suggestion .............................................................................. 56


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Table 4.1. Result of Kinds of Grammatical Errors In Translating

surah Al-Fatihah Clause 1-7 ................................................... 42

Table 4.2. Result of kinds of grammatical errors in translating

surah Al-alaq clause 1-5 ......................................................... 45

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Figure 2.1. Conceptual Framework ......................................................... 37

Figure 4.1. Chart of The Grammatical Errors In Translating

Surah Al-Fatihah Clause 1-7 ................................................ 43

Figure 4.2. Chart of The Grammatical Errors In Translating

Surah Al-Alaq Clause 1-5 ..................................................... 46

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A. Background

Setyawati (2010) A language was a system of communication

which consisted of a set of sounds and written symbols which using by the

people of a particular country or region for talking or writing. It is obvious

that languages play an important role in various aspects of our daily lives.

Their role is not only limited to communication, rather it extends into the

vast branches of knowledge and human sciences. Languages are capable of

developing human knowledge and extending it for the benefit of human

kind. The general importance of languages justifies the need for a

scientific and objective study of the relationship between languages and


Today, English language has developed at least since the

fourteenth century caused the interference from the environment and

Kristian culture. Proved since the end of the second world role, English

developed become more democratic and dynamic because of political

influence of America. English is the international language where English

is the language of unifying the various . It has become a regular thing, if a

person should be able to understand and to speak in English and to be able

to communicate, we were able to compete with the development of

language in the world. Because English is one of the unifying language of

various countries in the world. In the English language, there are four

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skills that become a reference, namely speaking, listening, reading and

writing. Each skill has its field, as in speaking and reading there are many

aspects that must be consider. Such as pronunciation, structure, grammar,

syntax and vocabulary also.

In writing skill there is translation. To master the four skills we

must also sub skills vocabulary, and pronunciation. But in this case, it is

very important to know translate another language. The English language

that used in foreign country were very different from English in other

countries, and to be able to communicate with both the required learning to

master how to translate.

Catford as citied by Jixing (2013) stated that Translation was an

operation perform on languages like a process of substituting a text in one

language for a text on another, translation of a theory of the language,

general linguistic theory. Translating is a skill that must be master to be

able to understand the language of various countries, and in order to

understand how to communicate well. Translating is an attempt to re-

create the message in the source language into the target language by

replacing naturally and can be understood by others. Translating is

essentially a form of writing changes in different words and meaning both

orally and writing. Regardless of one's profession, there must be trouble in

the profession even they are maybe only minor difficulty, but still there are

difficulties as well as an English translator professional. Translation is a

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craft consisting in the attempt to replace a written message and/or

statement in one language by the same message and/or statement.

Grammar is an essential part of language. People can learn about a

language simply by learning the grammar. According to Hall as cited by

Azh-zhohir (2014) stated that grammar was a description of certain

organizing aspects of a particular language. It is usually included

phonological (sound), morphological (word composition) and syntactic

(sentence composition).

According to Septialindar (2009) grammar was very necessary when

we want to write English. For example, we can learn sentences, tense, part

of speech, classes, preposition and so on. Unfortunetly, the ability of the

students in mastering grammar is still poor. Actually, if we want make a

good translation, we have to understand grammar by knowing the way to

arrange and translate the words well.

It is why the writer tries to investigate the research tittle "an analysis

of students' grammatical errors in translating the short surah of Quran

made by English students on sixth semester at Muhammadiyah university

of Makassar" How to overcome the problems in the translation is to

interpret the word by words first. And a professional translator should have

capability to independent, and sometimes takes a long time.

In this research, the kind of problem which identified was

gramatical errors. The chosing of sixth semester of students to be the

object of research is a one challage for the students to know their

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translations‟ level after passing the translation 1 and 2 in the previous


B. Research question

Related to the background above, the following research question

that necessary to answer was “what kind of grammatical errors made by

English students on sixth semester in translating the short surah of


C. Objective of the research

The objective of this research was “to describe the kind of

grammatical errors made by English students on sixth semester in

translating the short surah of Quran?.”

D. Significance of the research

1. For English students

This research help the students easy to learn translation by

knowing the kinds of grammatical errors in translating process and

which is combinate with the religious value by translating the surah of


2. For Lecturers

The result of this research can help the lecturers to analyze the

students‟ grammatical error in teaching translation. If the lecturers

already know the translation errors of students in grammatical area,

they will anticipate and focusing to teach the students about the errors.

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3. For the next researchers

This research will be useful as a reference for those who are

interested in researching English especially here is analyze

grammatical errors in translation.

E. Scope of the research

Scope of the Research based on the English Students of

Muhammadiyah University of Makassar. The research topic of students‟

translation project was “focused on translated the Indonesians‟ translation

of short surah of Quran (source language) to English (target language).

Kinds of short surah that will be translated are Makkiyah surah which is

specify for surah Al-Alaq clause 1 to 5 and surah Al-Fatihah Clause 1 to 7.

The chosing surah Al-Fatihah and surah Al-Alaq as the surah to be

translated because, the both surah are talking about the deity and education

which are related with Surah Al-Alaq clause 4. Those tests were aimed to

find the kinds of grammatical errors that made by the students and the

errors were limited into seven part of grammar, those are; Verb, Noun,

Conjunction, Pronoun, Adjective, Adverb and Article.”

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A. Previous Related Findings

There are some studies that have been conducted by some

researchers related to this research. Some of the researcher findings are

citied briefly below:

Nugraha (2015) in her research findings states that there are four

errors category. Those are grammatical error, mistranslation, localization

errors, and errors of inconsistency. From those errors category she

conclude that the error that need more attention are grammatical error and

mistranslation. She finds 68.18% of grammatical error and 31.81%. It

happened cause structure or grammar in English are different between

Bahasa as target language.

Daok (2015) in her research findings show that there are five types

of grammatical error in the orientation made by students, namely: verb,

article, pronoun, preposition and conjunction. The frequency of students'

error in using verb in the orientation is 70.92%. The frequency of students'

error in the use article of the orientation is 9.22%. The frequency of

students ' error in the use pronoun of the orientation is 6.38 %. The

frequency of students' error in the use preposition of the orientation is 710

% and the frequency of students' error in the use conjunction of the

orientation is 6.38 %.


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Awaluddin (2018) in his thesis states that the main errors of the

study are grammatical errors. The students are translating sentences by

word using dictionary. The students also did not really understand about

grammar. Based on his data findings that there are 338 total errors made

by the students with 15 numbers of sentences for each students. The

percentages of errors in translating English Language into Indonesian

Language: error of omission 20.17% error of addition 23.53%, error of

misformation 42.02% and error of misordering 14.28%. In translating

sentences form Indonesian Language into English, we can see that the

number of the sources errors by students, where overgeneralization is the

dominant sources of error with 100 times or 20.17 % from the total data of

sources crores The next most dominant are Igmomane of restriction with

56 times or 23.53% from the total data of sources of errors. Incomplete

application of rule is the third most dominant of sources of errors in

translating Indonesian language into English, omission appears 48 times of

errors or 20.17 % from the total of data sources of errors and the last most

dominant is false concepts hypothesized is 34 times of errors or 14.28% .

Amalya (2018) in her thesis finds that there are seven kinds of

errors in translation, those are Inversion about 5.91%, omission about

6.21%, Addition about 6.21%, deviation about 6.89%, morphological

about 10.98%, lexical abiut 34.39% and syntatic about 29.41%. So that the

most error found in students‟ translated a text is lexical aspect (sources of


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Based on the previous studies, the researcher may conclude that

there are some similarities and differentials among the fourth studies and

this research. The researches of Nugraha, Awaludin and Awalya broadly

investigate about translation errors but they also find grammatical error

and in this research focused on grammatical error only. The object of

Nugrahas‟ research is the junior high school students as the beginner in

learning English and Awaluddin chose the senior high school. In this

research chose the English students. In Daoks‟ research also identify the

grammatical error of students but in the different skill applied. She focuses

on the grammmatical errors of students‟ writing and this research is about


B. Concept of Translation

1. Definition of Translation

Different researchers on files, depends on how they view

language and translation, the following have defined translation in

many ways:

a) Catford (1975) states that translation may be defined as follows: the

replacement of textual material in one language (SL) by equivalent

textual material in another language (TL).

b) Basnett as citied by Hasanah (2016) suggests that translation

involves the transfer meaning contained in one set of language signs

through competent use of dictionary and the process also involves a

whole set extra linguistic criterion communicative in meaning.

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c) Brislin (1976) states that translation is the general term referring to

the transfer of thoughts and ideas from one language (source) to

another (target), whether the languages are in written or oral form;

whether the languages have established orthographies or do not have

such standardization or whether one or both languages is based on

signs, as with sign languages of the deaf.

d) Newmark (1981) Translation is a craft consisting in the attempt to

replace a written message and or statements in language by the same

message and or statements in another language.

e) Wilss and Noss as citied b Nugraha (2015) Translation is a transfer

process which aims at the transformation of a written SL text into an

optimally equivalent TL text, and which requires the syntactic, the

systematic and the pragmatic understanding and analytical

processing of the SL.

2. Types of Translation

Because of the dramatic evolution of the professional translation

industry there are currently new terms and words being used to describe

translation service specializations that don't fall under general

categories like human translation or machine translation. This proposal

intends to serve as a brief guide of sorts to some of the more common

and basic of these recently coined expressions. Here are just some of

them: Acoarding Choliluddin (2002)

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a. General Translation:

The simplest of translation types, a general translation

allows a translator quite a lot of leeway because its source material

mostly uses layman terms and ordinary, everyday speech. There's no

need to understand special terminologies, and most translation work

fall into this particular types.

Examples of general translations

E-mails - latter

Curriculum Vitae - application letters

Newsletters - invitation

Leaflets - press releases

Brochures - reviews

Price Quotes - invoices

b. Legal Translation:

As one of the more complex and complicate professional

translation types out there, legal translation was best describe as the

translation of treaties, contractc, and many other legal documents. A

translation service is responsible for both understanding politico-

legal and socio-cultural context behind a legal text and translating it

in such a way that a target audience and a different

cultural/political/social background can readily understand. Only a

human translation agency that knows both source and target cultures

could pull a decent legal translation job off. Novertheless, even

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specialists like this tend to use professional legal assistance as well,

became one simple slipup or mistranslation of a contracts‟ passage

couold lead to disastrous consequences.

Example :

English Translation




Number: 2445/D.1st-98/2003.

c. Administrative Translations:

"Administrative" can mean many things, but in the context

of translation, it merely refers to translating managerial texts use in

different corporations, businesses, and organizations. This translation

type also overlaps with commercial translation, but only in the sense

that the vast majority of administrative translation can be consider

commercial translation as well, but not all commercial translation is

administrative in nature.

d. Literary Translation:

As its name suggests, literary translation fevers to

translation done for literature such as poems, plays, short stories, and

novels. Just as general translation is the simplest form and legal

translation is the most difficult form, many people in the industry

consider literary translation as the highest form of translation The

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reason behind this is because literary translation goes beyond the

translation of context; a literary translator must be proficient in

translating humor, cultural nuances, feelings, emotions, and other

subtle elements of a given work. Conversely, there are those who

allege that literary translation is impossible, as with the case of

translating poetry.

Look at the example below:

a) SL: Look, little guy, you-all shouldn‟t be doing that.

TL: Lihat, anak kecil, kamu semua seharusnya tidak

berbuat seperti itu.

b) SL: It's raining cats and dogs. TL: Hujan kucing dan anjing.

c) SL: His hearth is in the right place.

TL: Hatinya berada di tempat yang benar.

d) SL: The Sooner or the later the weather will change.

TL: Lebih cepat atau lebih lambat cuaca akan berubah.

If we see from the translation result, some sentences are

translated still seem error, such as in second sentence, it should be

translated to be "hujan lebat" or "hujan deras". The 3rd sentences

should be translated to be "hatinya tenteram". But, if the translation

is like that, it is like free translation. Similarly with 4th sentence, the

sentence should be translated to be "Cepat atau lambat cuacanya

akan berubah.

3. Aspects of Translation

Discussing about translation, the researcher regards that it is

necessary to discuss four aspects which are related to the translation

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process. They are translator, language, subject, and culture. Largely; the

quality of translation will depend on the quality of translator, i.e. on

his/her knowledge, skill, training, cultural, background, expertise and

over mood. Newmark (1981) distinguishes some essential

characteristics that any good translator should have;

a. Reading comprehension ability in foreign language.

b. Knowledge of subject.

c. Sensitively to language (both mother and foreign language).

d. Competence to write the target language dexterously, clearly,

economically and resourcefully.

4. The Rule of Translation.

The procedure of good translation, the translator has to

understand the rule of translation well.

Catford (1975) states that a translation rule is thus an

exploration of probability values of textual translation equivalent.

Related to Newmark (1981) who states that, translator requires

knowledge of literary non- literary textual criticism, since he has to

assess the quality of a text before he decides how to interpret and then

translate all kind of false distinction have been made between literary

and technical translation. Widyamartaya and Nasaruddin in Nugraha

(2015) states that to get a good translation, a translator has to pay

attention to these points such as, the text, the sense, the letter, the spirit,

and the target language.

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a) The text

Read over the passage two or three times to get a clear

grasp of the general meaning of whole and the relation of the parts.

The process of translation involves three stages, as can be seen in the

following stages:

a) Reading and understanding the passage.

b) Absorbing its entire content and making it out our own.

c) Expressing it in our own idiom with the least possible change the

meaning or tone

b) The Sentences

Remember that the smallest unit of expression is the

sentence, not the word. A single word does not by itself convey a

meaning: an idea, but not a thought. We have to combine into

sentence to express our thought. A word derives its significance only

from the context in which it is used: it has no fix meaning of its own.

Even a sentence partly neighboring sentences, for the various parts

of a continuous process passage influence each other. Derives its full

meaning from it.

c) The letter

Be faithful to the original and give the truth, the whole

truth, and nothing but the truth. No important idea must appear in the

translation unless it appears in the original. No significant detail of

the original must be omitted from the translation.

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d) The Spirit

Consider carefully in what spirit or mood the original is

written. If it style is familiar in your translation an elevated one.

e) The Indonesian

A translation should not read exactly as if it had come

straight from the student's mind. It should read like a piece of

original exposition. The translation must express the whole meaning

of the original, but it must do this without sacrificing its claim to be

good, idiomatic Indonesian.

Findlay (1974) also gives some rules in translating. The

rules are:

a) To read the whole of original text before text beginning to

translate one word of it because it will enable the original text

impression of the subject matter difficulties, style, and the like.

b) Not to translate the title of an article or book until you have

completed the whole translation. This is because titles,

particularly of books are difficult or impossible to translate

literarily. And by the time you translate the whole work, you may

have thought of much more suitable translated title than you could

have before making the translation. To make a draft translation,

expression or the result of the sentences because

c) There is the danger than the translator will not being corrected or


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5. The Principles of Translation

Some general principles in the following are relevant to all

translation. The principles below are proposed by Duff in Choliludin


a. Translation should reflect accurately the meaning of the original text

nothing should be arbitrary added or removed thought sometimes

part of the meaning can be transposed.

b. The ordering of the words and ideas in the translation should match

the original as closely as possible. This is particularly important in

translating legal document, guarantees, contract act. However

differences in the language structure often require changes in the

form and order of word. When in doubt, underlines in the original

text the words on which the mean stress falls

c. Language often differ greatly their levels of formality in a given

context for example in the business letter. To resolve these

differences, the translator must distinguish between formal and fixed

expression, and personal expression in which the writer or speaker

sets the tone.

d. One of the most frequent criticisms of translation is that it does not

sound natural' this is because translator's thoughts a choice of words

are too strongly melded by the original text. A good way to avoid the

influence of the source language is to set the text a side and

translated a few sentences a loud from memory. This will suggest

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natural patterns of thought in the first language which may not come

to mind when the eyes is fixed on the SI text.

e. It will be better if a translator does not change the style of the

original. But if it is needed, for example because the text is full of

repetitions or mistake in writing, the translator may change it.

f. Idiomatic expression including similes, metaphor, proverbs, and

saying, jargon, slang and colloquialisms and phrasal verb is often

untranslatable. To solve this problem, there are some hints one can

use they are:

a) Keep the original word.

b) Keep the original expression, with a literal explanation in the


c) Use a non-idiomatic translation.

d) The safest way in translating idioms is if they do not work in the

target language is not to force it into the translation.

The principles that mentioned above can be a very useful

guideline for translators to help them make some choices. The

guidelines can be formulated in such a way that basically the

requirements of translation works have to make sense, conveying the

message of the original text without omission or addition, having a

natural and easy form of the expression, and producing a similar

response to the readers.

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6. Criteria of Good Translation

Ideally, a translation should give the sense of original, in such a

way that readers are unaware, that there are reading a translation.

Besides, reader should experience as if they are reading an original

composition. Savory in Newmark (1981) states that a translator should

be awared of the following requirement; the criteria of good translation


a. Translation must give the word of original.

b.Translation must give the idea of original.

c. Translation should like the original text.

d.Translation should like as translation but does not sound translation.

Based on the statement above, we can draw a brief conclusion

that a good translation should: (a) Capture the atmosphere of the

original (b) Give impression as nearly as possible (c) Read like

translation but it does not sound like.

7. The Importance of Language Translation

In this world, language translation industry had been described

using the terms of Globalization, Internationalization, and Translation.

Within all these importing and exporting transaction, and translator are

transferring manuals, and documents also. Depending in other country,

have much different language as words may convey different meanings

depending on the location that they are used. Mistranslating the word or

meaning may become offensive, and some of the literal translations are

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not always correct. Therefore, keeping the meaning and the message

from the source text in the language translation process more than a


8. The purposes of translation

The purposes is so diverse, the texts so different and the

receptors so varied that one can readily understand how and why many

distinct formulations of principles and practices of translation have been

proposed. All who have written seriously on translating agree that

translators should know both the source and the receptor languages

should be familiar with the subject matter, and should have some

facility of expression in the receptor language.

In an analysis of the types of Interlingua communication

involved in translating, one must described the role of the source as a

combination of the intense of the primary source, the author and the

secondary source, the translator himself. Accordingly, these purposes is

best described in their relation to the three basic elements in

communication with which each one is characteristically as associated.

After treating the communication factors of message, source, receptors

and medium, brief consideration must be given to some of the practical

and theoretical issues that have arisen in the development of translation

theory: (1) the limits of translatability (2) evaluation of translations and

(3) translating as an art, a skill, or a science. The final section of this

chapter is devoted to the analysis of the various theories in terms of the

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principal bases involved, namely phi logical, linguistic and


C. Concept of Grammatical Error

Grammatical Errors would be characterized as errors dealing with

the grammar of the target language, including errors of usage, collocation,

syntax and tense. It may sound funny to even imagine for a professional

translator that someone could make linguistic, grammar-based errors while

translating but the fact remains that people do make them. The problem

with translation as a profession or industry is largely unregulated and is

empowering process. The moment one translate a document, one feels a

great sense of achievement and the client who commissions the job almost

rarely knows about the target language, unless the target language is an


1. Analysis of Grammatical Errors

Tandikombong, Atmowardoyo and Weda (2016) State that the

types of error made by the students in translating Indonesian text into

English were dealing with the grammatical area which were classified

as follows:

a. Errors in the verb area are in the forms of missing verbs, errors of

verb tense, incorrect negative form, to infinitive and participle errors.

b. In the noun area, the errors consist of the missing nouns,

singular/plural misplace, and inappropriate choice.

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c. Errors in the conjunction area consist of missing conjunction,

superfluous, inappropriate choice errors.

d. In area pronoun consist of missing pronoun, Superfluous, misplace.

e. Errors in the adjective area consist of: missing adjective,

Superfluous, misplace, inappropriate choice and errors in the adverb

area involve missing adverb, Superfluous, misplace, inappropriate


f. Errors in the article area consist of missing article, superfluous,

inappropriate choice.

g. The last one is errors in the preposition areas consist of; missing

preposition, superfluous, inappropriate choice.

2. Source of errors

Errors occur for many reasons. One obvious cause is interference

from the native language. The learners may make errors because they

assume that the target language and their native language are similar.

While in fact they are different, they generalize the similarity between

the target language and their mother tongue known usually as


Brown (2000) states that Causes of errors are inter-lingual

errors, intra-lingual errors, context of learning, and communication

strategies. For more details, please look at the explanations below:

a. Inter-lingual Errors

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Inter-lingual errors is cause of error from transferring

knowledge or grammar into the target language. It means the native

language interference the target language in terms of patterns, system

or rules. The inter-lingual errors such as transfer, coalescence, under-

differentiation, reinterpretation, over differentiation and split.

a) Level 0- transfer

At this level, no difference or contrast is present between

two languages. The learner can simply transfer (positively) a

sound, structure or lexical items from the native language to the

target language. Because of no difficulties, the transfer is labeled

'zero level". For example: the transfer of structure between

Indonesian and English.

Indonesian English

a few students a little money

Sedikit siswa Sedikit uang

b) Level 1- Coalescence

It means that two items in the native language become

coalesced into essentially one item in the target language. For

example the Indonesian word "kami" and "kita" are translated

into "we" in English.

c) Level 2- Under-differentiation

It occurs when the different items in the native language

may sometimes be considered the same, because the lack of such

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differentiation in the native language. For example: Indonesian

learners often say "I don't have some money.' In this case, the

learners fail to make a distinction that the two linguistic items

function differently.

d) Level 3- Reinterpretation

It is an item that exists in the native language that gives a

shape or distribution in the target language. For example: English

active construction such as "it happens" may be interpreted as

passive construction, resulting in "it is happened.' This kind of

errors is due to the fact that the verb is semantically passive in

Bahasa Indonesia.

e) Level 4 -Over-differentiation

It is a new item, bearing little if any similarity to the native

language item that must be entirely learned. Thus, it may have

something to do with forms and meanings. For example;

Indonesian learners tend to use 'badder' and 'baddest' in degree of

comparison instead of 'worse' and 'worst'.

f) Level 5-split

It is one item in the native language that becomes two or

more items in the target language, requiring the English learner

to make a new distinction. The split is the counterpart of

coalescence. For example: for example: the word 'dia' or 'ia' can

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be translated into 'he' or 'she' because Indonesian does not

considers the distinction among masculine and feminine in

personal pronouns while English consider them.

b. Intra-lingual Errors

Intra-lingual errors refer to errors caused by the lack

competence of the language being learnt (TL). There are items

produced by the learner that does not reflect the structure of the

mother tongue, but generalizations based on partial exposure to the

target language. The learner tries in this case to derive the rules

behind the data to which has been exposed by the learner, and may

develop hypotheses that correspond neither to the mother tongue nor

to the target language. The intra-lingual errors such as over

generalization, ignorance of the rule restrictions, incomplete

application of rules and false concepts hypothesized.

1) Over generalization

Over generalization is associated with redundancy

reduction. It may occur for instance, with items which are

contrasted in the grammar of the language but which do not carry

significant and obvious contrast for the learner. For example

"Yesterday I go to University and I meet my new professor".

The- ed marker in the past context often appears to carry no

meaning since pastness is usually indicated lexically

2) Ignorance of the rule restrictions

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Ignore of rule restrictions closely related to of deviant

structure is failure to observe the restrictions of existing

structure, that is, the application of rules to context where they do

not apply. For example, "The man who I saw yesterday", rather

than "The man whom I saw yesterday". The structure violates the

limitation on subjects in structure with 'who'. This is again a type

of generalization or transfer in new situation.

3) Incomplete application of rules

Incomplete rule application is the converse of

overgeneralization. One might call it under generalization. This

strategy is aimed to simplification, rather than attempt to get the

whole of the complex structure. The learner sometimes adds or

omits words in some context, for example the difficulty in the

use of questions. Richard states that the learners have applied

only two components of the interrogative formation rule, but

have omitted to invert subject and verb as in:

Questions Answers

Does he read much? Yes, he reads much

W'ill they soon be ready? Yes, they soon be ready

c. Context Learning

Context learning refers to the social situation, in the case of

untutored second language learning, or the classroom context,

frequently a teacher or textbooks can lead the learners to make errors

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because of misleading explanation from the teacher or faulty

presentation of a structure or words in a textbook. In social context,

untutored language acquisition can bring about certain dialect

acquisition, which may become a source of error.

d. Communication Strategy

Jain in Richards (1973:191) suggested that learning and

teaching strategies, severally and in conjunction in with each other,

through integration with the surface structure of English and the

teaching situation, constitute some of necessary and essential

conditions for the learner to generate certain classes of sentences.

Communication strategy is the conscious employment of

verbal or non-verbal mechanism for communicating an idea when

precise linguistic forms are for some reasons not readily available to

the learners at a point in communication. A learner may express

himself in the language they use.

3. The errors that produced by the fourth-semester and the sisxth-semester

in grammatical area

a. The types of errors made by the fourth-semester students' translation.

Based on the result of analysis, the types of error made by

the students in translating are varied. The type of errors error in verb,

noun, conjunction, pronoun, adjective, adverb, article, and

preposition and the most frequent errors made by the fourth semester

for this division are errors in verbs.

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The causing factor of errors made by the fourth-semester

students' translation are caused by some major factors. Where these

factors have been known and investigated by many researchers. In

this research, the causing factors are divided into four divisions

covering overgeneralization, ignorance of the rule restriction,

incomplete application of rules, and false concept hypothesized.

b. Types of errors made by the sixth-semester students' translation.

Based on the result of analysis, the types of error made by

the students in translating are varied. The type of errors error in verb,

noun, conjunction, pronoun, adjective, adverb, article, and

preposition and the most frequent error made by the sixth semester

for this division are errors in verbs.

The causing factor of errors made by the sixth-semester

students are caused by some major factors. Where these factors have

been known and investigated by many researchers. In this research,

the causing factors are divided into four divisions, they are the

overgeneralization, ignorance of the rule restriction, incomplete

application of rules, and false concept hypothesized.

From the results, Tandikombong, Atmowardoyo and Weda

conclude that the most frequent error made by the students in

translating Indonesian text into English text is errors in verbs. In this

area, the students make 536 errors. Relating to the causes of errors, it

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was influenced by overgeneralization and ignorance of rule


4. Grammatical Meaning

Kridalaksana as cited by Nababan (2003) says that grammatical

meaning is the relationship of the parts of language in the wider units,

for example the relationship between word and the other words in a

phrase or clause.


a. They can the fish. (Can means 'memasukkan dalam kaleng' and

function as a predicate.)

b. He kicked the can hard. (Can means 'kaleng' and functions as an


D. Concept of Translating the Holly Quran

Saeed and Siddiek (2015) The Qur‟an is the source of all Islamic

Teachings, Rules and Values. Translating the text of Quran is the little

hard of translation, because the literature of Quran is different with another

scientific texts. Since the revelation of the Holy Quran in 612AD, scholars

from different fields have been trying to solve the controversy of

translatability of the Quran. Orthodox Muslim scholars claim that since the

Quran is the Word of Allah, it is „untranslatable‟; whereas a number of

Muslim and non-Muslim scholars claim the opposite. No doubt at all, the

meanings and/or „tafseer‟ “interpretation” of the Quran has been translated

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into many different languages such as Persian, Turkish, Urdu, French,

German, English and many others.

English versions of the Quran „tafseer‟ being widely spread all

over the world. The Quran has been transferred into English by scholars

who speak different languages, belong to different religions and hold

different ideological and theological views. This has definitely, whether

consciously or unconsciously, intentionally or unintentionally influenced

the product of its translation. Although these scholars are apparently

competent in Arabic, the language of the Quran, they lacked the ability not

only to have the „feel and spirit‟ of the Quranic word, but also to recognize

the linguistic and cultural dimensions of it.

Translating the Holy Quran into another languages was no longer a

controversial issue, as most Islamic scholars had been expressed a degree

of permissibility of translating the Quran text into foreign languages. This

was because the Islamic message was a global message not confined to

one particular race or color; so the transferring of this message to non-

Muslims is a practical need. It was as well a duty of every Muslim, to

dispatch the Word of Allah to reach all mankind in their own languages.

So if the short surah of Quran delivered in the right form then target

receivers may had good understanding of Islam, with it was great values

and great teachings. The translation of the meanings of the Quran will

serve this purpose.

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1. Lexical and Morphological Challenges in the Translation of the Holy


There are many translations of the Qur‟an into other languages.

When the translator tries to reproduce the meaning of a text into another

language, this may change the original meaning. Consequently,

translations of the Qur‟an were traditionally refused by Muslim

scholars. Abu Hanifah (the famous Muslim scholar) do not permit

reading the opening chapter (alfatiha) in any form of translation and

confirmed that the verses of the Qur‟an should be read in Arabic in the

prayer for all Muslims (Arabic or non-Arabic), in Saeed and Siddiek


Tony as cited by Saeed and Siddiek (2015) states that all

translations are inadequate and that an acceptable translation is one that

explains the significance of the Quranic verses. In a survey reported by

Abdelwali (2007) of Qur‟an translations into English, the results

showed that the majority of the translators ignore the idiosyncrasies and

prototypical features of the Qur‟an text, while they care for

communicating the message. That is to say they do not pay attention to

its special features as a unique Arabic Text.

2. Quran as a classical language, in the translation case.

English and Arabic, to gain insight into the concepts described

by the words selected for this study, and do a collocation analysis.

However, while a good English corpus is readily available (e.g. the

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British National Corpus), there is no such corpus for Arabic. Another

problem in relation to Arabic is that corpora of modern Arabic are

available, but they seem to be commonly used only in newspaper

archives as in Al-Hayat the daily newspaper. What does not seem to be

available is a corpus that balances different genres, like the British

National Corpus (BNC). The Qur‟an is revealed in Classical Arabic.

Thus, the collocation find in the corpus which consists of modern

Arabic would not necessarily be relevant to the language of the Qur‟an.

Abdelwali (2007) each language has its own semantic features

which can be more specific than in other languages. This specificity can

be realized either through lexemes or the morphological system of the

language. On the lexeme level English can be semantically more

precise than Arabic, for example in describing certain military actions.

The words “bombardment” and “shelling” would be translated in

Arabic as qasf bil midfa‟iyya,(قذف بالمدفعية) and qasf bit Ta‟iraat

respectively. However, both of these words can have the (قذف بالطائزات)

same meaning in Arabic unless more words are added through

paraphrasing to give the meaning of either ‘ bombardment‟ or


According to Abdelwali (2007), Arabic can be more accurate in

grammatical meanings which is expressed by certain morphemes,

which require some sort of paraphrasing to translate them into English.

The verb patterns in Arab represent a framework in showing the

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subtleness of the meaning of the words. This can be shown in the

following verses:

a. Nazzala‟alayka–l-kittab bil-Haqqi muSaddiqan limma bayna

yadayhi wa‟anzala t-tawraat, lasted for 23 years.

Meanwhile, “anzala” أوشل signifies.

The revelation all at once. Furthermore, it shows the

difference between the piecemeal revelation and the revelation of

the Gospel, Abdelwali (2007).

b. Huwal-ladhi ja‟la sh-shamsa Diyaa‟an wal qamara nurran

(5:10) '' وورآ والقمز ضياءآ الشمس جعل الذى هو''

Its translation is as follows:

“It is He who made the Sun to be shining glory and the moon to

be a light” (Ali, 983:484).

The words “Diyaa‟an‟ (ضياءآ) and “Nuuran” (وورا) indicate

different features. The former means “the generation of heat”, and

“not shining glory,” whilst the latter means“no generation of heat

but light only”. Moreover, “Diyaa‟

Indicates that the Sun gives out its own light but the

moon light is a reflection of its light as signified by “Nuuran.”

On the other hand, a word like “duuni” is difficult to translate as

well as paraphrase:

c. Qual‟ud‟uul-ladhiina za‟amtum min duuni l-laahi.

(22:34) ''هللا دون مه سعمتم ادعوالذيه قل''

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The above is translated as follows:

“Say: appeal to those whom you claim to instead of God” Irving

as citied by Saeed and Siddiek (2017). Duuni is variously

translated as “dignity”,” might” and “there is nothing above or

equal to Him”.

Accordingly, the meaning here requires explanatory

notes from the translators. In addition to that, the sense of the

lexical words is restricted by the translators. Some words have

been translated as their referent in the real world without

considering their sense in the language system. However, the

options are sometimes fewer than five options, because on a

number of occasions some translations choose the same English

words. For example, the word „assalam‟ is given the same

equivalent „salutation‟ by Yusuf Ali, Qaribullah and Shakir.

Thus, the five translations are reduced to three (see 3 below).

Each word is given in the verse in which it is used in the

translations. Here are some examples taken from the


Three different translations of the word (السالم: Assalam) :

We have utilized the questionnaire as instrument with a

likert 5-points scale. Each alternative is assigned a numerical

value ranging from 5 for „completely appropriate‟ to 1 for‘

completely inappropriate‟ with 2, 3, and 4 intermediate between

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the two extremes and left without explicit descriptors. These

points are left blank in order to encourage subjects to treat them

as equidistant from each other. The advantage of this is that the

Likert scale is not necessarily an ordinal scale, as is usually the

case, but may be interpreted as an interval scale, which makes it

possible to do more powerful statistical tests on the results.

Cramer (1994) states that by using a Likert scale “with

interval level measurement, the intervals between numbers

denote equal amounts of the attribute being assessed”. The first

four items of the questionnaire are about the word („السالم)

„assalam as used in different contexts and different translations.

It has different senses which are; „salutation‟ twice, „safety‟,

„paradise‟, and „peace‟. Peace also is one of the names of Allah

Almighty. The following four items are about the word ضلالف ’

alfadl‟, which is a polyse

In this study focused in translating the short surah of Quran.

For some of considerations which are the short surah are easier

to understand and especially from the structure of text and the

meaning it self. The short surah of Quran also exist as a general

surah that introduced to Muslim students to be learned and

memorized at all levels of students. The importance of

translating the Holy Quran into another languages is a practical

need for some Muslim believers. It is as well a practical need for

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the non-Muslim to read and listen to the word of Allah. It is

supposed to be the duty of every Muslim-man or woman-to help

spread the call of Islam to reach all people on earth.

Thus, a good translation is needed to help non-Arabic

speakers and non-Arabic Muslim speakers as well. A great

benefit will reach other communities that hold different faith;

then it will allow them a good chance to understand the Qur‟an,

as the main source of Islamic Religion. This will also be one

practical step towards setting up a dialogue to better

understanding between Muslims and non-Muslims communities,

to secure global peace and mutual human feelings.

E. Conceptual Framework

The conceptual in analyzing the the grammatical errors of students

in translating the short surah of Quran from Indonesians‟ translation into

English is discovered observation. First is give the test to the students such

as translation test which is the students will translate the Indonesians‟

translation of one of the short surah of Quran into English. This test aims

to identify the grammatical errors of students.

After that, the researcher will check and analyze the kind of

students‟ grammatical errors from the translation test. The researcher

classifying 7 parts of grammar to identify the students‟ grammatical errors.

Those are Verb, Noun, Conjunction, Pronoun, Adjective, Adverb and


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Figure 2.1. Conceptual Framework

Translation Test

Indonesian into English

Translation Material

(Indonesian Translation

of Holy Quran)

Pronoun Verb Noun Conjunction

Adjective Article

Students’ Grammatical



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This chapter deals with research design, research variable and

indicator, research subject, research instrument, research data collection,

and procedure of data analysis.

A. Research Design

This research applied a descriptive method, where the data was

collected some references from many resources and gave the test after

class about translating some of Indonesians‟ translation of Quran from

Indonesian into English. It aimed to describe and analyze the grammatical

error of the students in translating Indonesian texts which are content by

the Indonesians‟ translation of short surah of Quran to English made by the

sixth Semester of English Students in Muhammadiyah University of


B. Research Variables and Indicators

1. Variable

The variable in this research was the “kind of grammatical errors in

translating the short surah of Quran.”

2. Indicators

The indicators of students‟ grammatical errors were generated from

sevent parts of grammar, those are; “Verb, Noun, Conjunction,

Pronoun, Adjective, Adverb and Article.”


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C. Population and Sample

1. Population

The population of English Students on sixth semester in

Muhammadiyah University of Makassar consisting of 10 classes, from

class A to J class. Each class consisted of 37 to 38 students, it meant

that the total of students was 380 students.

2. Sample

Acoarding to Arikunto (2013), Sample was the representative of

the population in the research. The Researcher used Random sampling

technique which was the sample were chosen 10% from each classes.

D. Research Instrument

To see the Grammatical Errors, the instrument of the research gave

the test. The test aimed to know what kind of grammatical errors in

translating the short surah of Quran from Indonesians‟ translation into

English. The test found out the data about the grammatical errors in

translation. The instrument of the the Indonesian‟s Translation text of short

surah of Quran and found out the data about the Grammatical errors in

translating short surah of Quran especially the surah Makiah, the

researcher distributed two short surah those were surah Al-Fatihah and

Surah Al-Alaq.

E. Data Collection

To get the data results of the study, researcher gave a translation

test which the students translated the Indonesian‟s translation of short

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surah of Quran and contained one surah for each sheet. Then, the students

had to translate the text into English. Researcher gave the time for 30

minutes to translate before the researcher collected the text.

The researcher applied certains way to collect the data. The first

test was translating the Indonesians‟ translation of surah Al-Fatihah clause

1 to 7. This test was done to find the data about the students‟ grammatical

errors based on the seventh parts of grammar which. Also, the test aimed

to know the Validity of data. The second, the students translated the

Indonesians‟ translation of surah Al-Alaq clause 1-5 to get the realibility of

the data. The prosedures of test was as follow:

1. Preparing the research instrument. In this case preparing Indonesian‟s

translation text of short surah of Quran.

2. The researcher conducted the research and distributed the research

instrument the students or respondents and to know the students'

Grammatical errors.

3. The researcher explained to the respondents, how to work on the

Indonesian‟s translation text of short surah of Quran.

F. Technique of Data Analysis

1. Identification of grammatical errors from the students‟ translation.

2. Classification of grammatical errors.

3. Description and explanation of grammatical errors.

4. Correction of grammatical errors.

5. Statement of grammatical error frequency.

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The frequency of students‟ grammatical errors in translation tests

will be calculated by using the following formula.


P : The percentage of errors

Fx : Number of errors for each type

N : Number of all errors

100% : Constant Numeral

Adapted from Bungin (2005)

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In this chapter, I present findings of the research and discussion. The

research findings showed the data obtained from the result in order to see the kind

of grammatical errors and the source of errors that made by the sixth semester

students of English department. The discussion contained the description and

A. Findings

In this findings, the data described from the students‟ test in translating the

short surah of quran. The test was going twice, in the first test, the students

translate the Indonesians‟ translation of surah Al-Fathihah clause 1-7 which is

aimed to get relibility of the data. In the second test, the students was translate

surah Al-alaq clause 1-5 to emphasize the validity of the data. The main

purpose of the both tests were to find the kinds of grammatical errors that made

by english students on sixth semester.

1. Kinds of grammatical errors in translating surah of Al-fatihah clause 1-7.

Based on the translation test that was apply by the researcher, it

was show that the English students on sixth semester at Muhammadiyah

university of Makassar can be done the translation test of short surah of

quran by their own ability. Even though, they keep produce some errors in

the grammatical area those are verb, noun, conjunction, pronoun, adjective,

adverb and article.


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a. Classification of Grammatical Errors

The classification of grammatical errors was done based on the

study of Tandikombong, Atmowardoyo and Weda (2016) which classified

by the seven part of grammar (verb, noun, conjunction, pronoun, adjective,

adverb and article) as the errors in the grammatical area that usually occure

in translation process.

Table 4.1. Result of Kinds of Grammatical Errors In Translating

Surah Al-Fatihah Clause 1-7.

NO Kinds of Grammatical Errors Total of Errors Persentage

1 Verb 39 12.30%

2 Noun 55 17.35 %

3 Conjunction 39 12.30%

4 Pronoun 21 6.62%

5 Adjective 117 36.90%

6 Adverb 18 5.67%

7 Article 28 8.83%

Total 317 100%

Based on the table 4.1 above, the researcher found about 317 of

grammatical errors translation test of short surah of quran (surah Al-

Fatihah clause 1-7). The errors were classified of verb about 39

(12.30%), noun 55 (17.5%), conjunction 39 (12.30%), pronoun 21

(6.62%), adjective 117 (36.90%), adverb 18 (5.67%) and article 28

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(8.83%). So that, the researcher may conclude that the most error that

produced by the students in the grammatical area is error in adjective

about 117 errors (36.90%).

Figure 4.1. Chart of The Grammatical Errors In Translating Surah

Al-Fatihah Clause 1-7.

Based on Chart 4.1, it shows that there are seven kinds of

grammatical error of the orientation made by students. It shows that there

are the different numbers of grammatical error in the orientation The

number of grammatical error of adjective in the orientation is the highest

than all errors in the orientation and error in noun is the second highest.

Error in using Verb and conjuction are equal and higher than errors in

using article and pronoun. The last is error in using adverb based on the

chart is the lowest than all errors.

In using verb, there are some rules to be obeyed, such as: the form

of the sentence whether it is regular and iregular form and the tense of









Grammatical Errors in translating surah Al-fatihah

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the sentence. In this case the students have not mastered the use of verb,

some of them still use verb-ing after preposition and also wrong in using

auxuliary verb The students were also still confused in differentiating

wheater to use the define or indefinite articles. Pronoun is used to

substitute nouns. In this case students stiil confused to distinguish about

possesive pronoun subject and object. Adjective as the most error was

confusing the students because the kind of article of quran is need

semantic to chose the correct word

2. Kinds of grammatical errors in translating surah of Al-alaq clause 1-5.

The use the indonesians‟ translation of short surah of Quran is a

little hard and challeged for students, it was show in the first test. In the

second test which was the students translate the indonesians translation of

surah Al-alaq and they look more excited to did the test.

Based on the second translation test that was done by the students,

the students more excited because the indonesians‟ translation of surah Al-

alaq is. Although, they keep produce some errors in the grammatical area

those are verb, noun, conjunction, pronoun, adjective, adverb and article.

The classification of grammatical errors was done based on the study of

Tandikombong, Atmowardoyo and Weda (2016) which is classify the seven

part of grammar (verb, noun, conjunction, pronoun, adjective, adverb and

article) as the errors in the grammatical area that usually occure in

translation process.

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Table 4.2. Result of kinds of grammatical errors in translating surah

Al-alaq clause 1-5.

NO Kinds of Grammatical Errors Total of Errors Persentage

1 Verb 59 18.09%

2 Noun 40 12.27 %

3 Conjunction 38 11.65%

4 Pronoun 28 8.58%

5 Adjective 99 30.36%

6 Adverb 32 9.81%

7 Article 30 9.20%

Total 326 100%

Based on the table 4.2 above, the researcher found about 326 of

grammatical errors translation test of short surah of quran (surah Al-alaq

clause 1-5). The errors were classified of verb about 59 (18.09%), noun

40 (12.27%), conjunction 38 (11.165%), pronoun 28 (8,58%), adjective

99 (30.36%) , adverb 32 (9.81%) and article 30 (9.20%). So that, the

researcher may conclude that the most error that produced by the students

in the grammatical area still the error in adjective area about 99 errors


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Figure 4.2. Chart of The Grammatical Errors In Translating Surah

Al-Alaq Clause 1-5.

Based on Chart 4.2, it shows that there are seven kinds of

grammatical error of the orientation made by students. It shows that there

are the different numbers of grammatical error in the orientation The

number of grammatical error of adjective in the orientation still became

the highest error than all errors in the orientation and the second highest

error in this test was happen in the verb area. Than, the error in using

noun is higher than the first test and its different with conjuction which is

lower than the first test but still higher than errors in using article and

adverb. The last is the lowest error which is happen in pronoun area.








Grammatical Errors in translating surah Al-alaq clause 1-5

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B. Discussion

In discussion, the researcher describe and deeply to explain the kinds of

grammatical errors and the correction of the grammatical errors. The correction

deppended on the source translation of

1. Kinds of grammatical errors in translating surah Al-fatihah clause 1-7.

a. Errors of verb

` There are two kinds of verb based on its function; auxiliary and

ordinary verb. When verb stands alone in a sentence, this is called ordinary

verb. Then, when verb stands with another verb, then it is called auxiliary

verb as complement of ordinary verb. For instance, auxiliary verb is a verb

used with main verbs to show tense, mood, etc. (Hornby. 1995). Main

verb, thus called ordinary verb, is always the verb which is put in the final

position after subject. Auxiliary verb is used to construct passive or

progressive sentence, and sentence with modal. In this research, the

students mostly produce some errors of Auxiliary verb (am, is

are/was,were). for example in surah Al-fatihah clause 7 :

Students Translation : “(Is) the way of those that you was given so

much grace”

It should be : “(Is) the way of those that you were given so

much grace” (Ali, 1917).

Sometimes the students are missing to use the Auxiliary verb.

for example surah Al-fatihah clause 7) :

Students Translation : “(That is) the way of those whom you favoured.

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It should be : “(That is) the way of those whom you are favoured

(Ali, 1917).

b. Errors of noun

` The result found that the student did the error of using singular

and plural noun. A final –s or –es is added to a noun to make a noun plural

(Azar, 1989), but irregular plural nouns. Below is the example:

Surah Al-fatihah clause 2 :

Students’ Translation: “All praise for Allah, God of the world.”

It should be : “All praises for Allah, God of the worlds.”

(Ali, 1917).

In another case, the students did some errors in putting the noun

after adverb (most), event though the sentence is not getting error in the

grammatical area, but, it is changed the semantic meaning of the clause or

the sentece. Below is the illustration of error :

Surah Al-fatihah clause 3 :

Students’ Translation: “The most creation, the most merciful.”

It should be : “The most gracious, the most merciful.”

(Ali, 1917).

c. Errors of conjunction

Conjunction are used to connect words, phrase and clauses. In this

case the errors that were occure such as missing conjunction and

inappropriate of putting the conjunction. The errors are illustrated as


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Surah Al-fatihah clause 5:

Students’ Translation: “Just to Allah we adore and just to Allah we ask


It should be : “Just to Allah we adore and just to Allah we ask

for help.” (Ali, 1917).

Surah Al-fatihah clause 4:

Students’ Translation: “ The king of the day and judgment.”

It should be : “The king of the day of judgment.” (Ali, 1917).

The using “and” in this clause is changed ambiguosly of the

meaning event though it is correct of the structure.

d. Errors of pronoun

Pronoun is used to subtitute nouns. It has many types; personal,

reflexives, indefinite, relative, interrogative, demonstrative and expletive

pronouns. The errors of students mostly about the using of possessive

pronoun and the the using pronoun as subject or object. The examples are

printed as follow:

Surah Al-fatihah clause 6:

Students’ Translation: “Show as the straight path.”

It should be : “Show us the straight path.” (Ali, 1917).

Surah Al-fatihah clause 5:

Students’ Translation: “Just to god our pray.”

It should be : “Just to god we pray (Ali, 1917).

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e. Errors of adjective

The errors were consist of: missing adjective, misplace,

inappropriate choice and superflouse Look at the examples below:

Surah Al-fatihah clause 1 is missing of adjective:

Students’ Translation: “In the name of Allah, the most, the most


It should be : “In the name of Allah, the most gracious, the

most merciful.” (Ali, 1917).

Surah Al-fatihah clause 1 contain of inappropriate adjective:

Students’ Translation: “In the name of Allah the most precious, the most


It should be : “In the name of Allah the most gracious, the most

merciful.” (Ali, 1917).

Surah Al-fatihah clause 1 contain of superflouse:

Students’ Translation: “In the name of Allah the most precious,

compassionet and merciful.”

It should be : “In the name of Allah the most gracious, the most

merciful.” (Ali, 1917)

f. Errors of adverb

Adverb is word that usually modify. that is, they limit or restrict

the meaning of verb. They may also modify adjectives, other adverbs,

phrases, or even entire sentences. The students‟ errors in adverb area is

about the missing adverb.

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Surah Al-fatihah clause 1:

Students’ Translation: “In the name of Allah, the gracious, the


It should be : “In the name of Allah, the most gracious, the

most merciful.” (Ali, 1917).

g. Errors of article

The use of article is also determinate by the noun whether it is

countable or uncountable and whether it is singular or plural. There are

two kinds of articles; those are definite article (the) or indefinite article

(a/an). The students‟ error as follow:

Surah Al-fatihah clause 6:

Students’ Translation: “Show as a straight way.”

It should be : “Show us the straight path.” (Ali, 1917).

Surah Al-fatihah clause 1 was misseng article :

Students’ Translation : “In the name of Allah, most gracious, most


It should be : “In the name of Allah, the most gracious, the

most merciful.” (Ali, 1917).

2. Kinds of grammatical errors in translating surah Al-alaq clause 1-5.

a. Errors of verb

In this test, the students also produce some errors of Auxiliary verb

(am, is are/was,were/have,has,had/do,does,did).

for example in Surah Al-alaq clause 2 :

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Students Translation : “He have created the human being from a blood


It should be : “He has created the human being from a blood

clot.” (Ali, 1917).

Surah Al-alaq clause 5 :

Students Translation : “He were teach human what they don‟t know.”

It should be : “He was teach human what they don‟t know.”

(Ali, 1917).

Surah Al-alaq clause 5 :

Students Translation : “He teaches human what they doesn‟t know.”

It should be : “He teaches human what they don’t know.” (Ali,


b. Errors of noun

The error that made by the students in noun area are the using

singular and plural noun. Below is the example:

Surah Al-alaq clause 2 :

Students’ Translation: “He creates peoples from a blood clot.”

It should be : “He creates people/humans/men from a blood

clot.” (Ali, 1917).

c. Errors of conjunction

The errors in conjunction area are about missing conjunction and

misplace in using conjunction. The errors are illustrated as follow:

Surah Al-alaq clause 3:

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Students’ Translation: “Read, Allah is the most gracious.”

It should be : “Read, and Allah is the most gracious.” (Ali,


Surah Al-alaq clause 2:

Students’ Translation: “Read, for Allah is the most noble.”

It should be : “Read, and Allah is the most noble.” (Ali, 1917).

d. Errors of pronoun

The errors of students also about the using of possessive pronoun ,

misplace and the using pronoun as subject or object. The examples are

printed as follow:

Surah Al-alaq clause 1:

Students’ Translation: “Proclaim in the name of they lord and the

carisher who created.”

It should be : “Proclaim in the name of they lord and the

carisher who created.” (Ali, 1917).

Surah Al-alaq clause 6:

Students’ Translation: “He has created human from him clotted


It should be : “He has created human from the blood clot.

(Ali, 1917).

e. Errors of adjective

The errors were consist of: missing adjective, misplace,

inappropriate choice and superflouse Look at the examples below:

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Surah Al-alaq clause 3:

Students’ Translation: “Read, and Allah is the most.”

It should be : “Read, and Allah is the most bounteous.”

(Ali, 1917).

Surah Al-alaq clause 1 contain of the misplace adjective:

Students’ Translation: “Read by the name of Allah the most merciful.”

It should be : “Read by the name of Allah who created.” (Ali,


Surah Al-alaq clause 5:

Students’ Translation: “He teaches human what they unknowing.”

It should be : “He teaches human what they knew not.” (Ali,


f. Errors of adverb

The students‟ errors in adverb area is about the missing adverb.

Surah Al-alaq clause 1:

Students’ Translation: “Read , and your god is the glorious.”

It should be : “Read, and your god is the most glorious.” (Ali,


g. Errors of article

The students‟ errors in the article area were missing article and

using inappropriate article, the errors illustrate as follow:

Surah Al-alaq clause 3 was missing article:

Students’ Translation: “Read, and your god is bounteous.”

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It should be : “Read, and your god is the most bounteous.”

(Ali, 1917).

Surah Al-alaq clause 2:

Students’ Translation: “He creates human from the blood clot.”

It should be : “He creates human from a blood clot.” (Ali,


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A. Conclusion

The research shows that the sixth semester students of English Department

at Muhammadiyah University of Makassar made various kinds of grammatical

errors. Errors they had made categorized into verb, noun, conjunction,

Pronoun, Adjective, Adverb and Article. In the first test whic is the students

translate the indonesians‟ translation of surah Al-fatihah clause 1-7, the

students made the total of 317 errors. The number of grammatical error of

adjective with the total of error about 117 (36,90%) and became the highest

than all errors in the orientation and error in noun is the second highest with the

total of error about 55 (17,35%) . Error in using Verb about 39 (12,30%) and

conjuction about 39 (12,30%) are equal and higher than errors in using article

article 28 (8,83%) and pronoun pronoun 21 (6,62%). The last is error in using

adverb 18 (5,67%) as the lowest error than all errors.

The second test shows that the students made some grammatical errors in

translated the Indonesians‟ translation of surah Al-alaq clause 1-5. Errors they

had made categorized into verb, noun, conjunction, Pronoun, Adjective,

Adverb and Article. The number of grammatical errors are varieted as follow;

adjective as the highest error with the total of error about 99 error (30,36%).

And the next is verb about 59 errors (18,09%) higher than noun with he total

errors about 40 (12,27%). Than, the error in using article is higher than the

error in using adverb. The last as the lowest error happen in pronoun area.



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B. Suggestion

Based on this research which is chosing the indonesians‟translation of

short surah of Quran, showed that the students interested and excited on

Quranic translation even though they got some troubles in correlating some

words of the short surah of Quran into english (target language). The

researcher realize that the applicating of Quranic translation in the translation

study will be more educated for the students, especially for the muslim

students. This kind of research should be developed by the next researcher, as

one way to express the value of Quran it self.

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Page 75: THESIS - Unismuh


Class Students Gramatical Errors

Verb Noun Conju










BG6A Indah Kurniati 1 1 2 1 1

Linda Purwati 3 2 2 1 1

Ratna Widia Ningsih 2 1 1 1

Nur Izzah Dinillah 2 1 1 1

Risna Syafitri 1 2 2 2 1 1

BG6B Andi Toto Mannerassi 5 1 1 2 1 2

Muh Yusuf Kabir 2 1 2 3 1 2

Dahlia 2 2 1 2 1

Sitti Nurkaya Basri 1 2 2 1 1

Srimulyani Basri 4 2 2 1 1

BG6C Magfiratul 3 1 2 1 4 1

Nurul Tuti 1 5 3 2 1 2

Sukmawati 2 3 1 4 1

Muh. Nurhadi 4 1 3 1 2

Muhammad Taufik 1 3 2 1 4 1

BG6D Asriana Zainal A 2 3

Sry Rezki Ayu S 1 3

Sartika Yulia Sari 2 3 2

Sartika Yulia Sari 1 1 2

Nur Ulfayanti 2 2 1 4

BG6E Prilly Difana Safrira 3 4 1

Nursafitrah 1 4

Alamsari 2

Nurul Annisa 3

Nur Afiat 2 1 2

BG6F Guruh Yusuf Putra 1 3 1

Depika Pramadani T 1 1 2 1

Nur Fhany Hasruddin 2 2 1 2

Nirwana 1 3

Rahmania 1 4

BG6G Ilmawadda A 3 2

St Nuraysa Daud 1 2 3 1

Rahmat M Bakya 2 1 5 1 1

Firmansyah 1 1 1 5

BG6H Wildan Hidayat 1

Kirana 2

Nurmaharani 1 1 3

Kurniati 1 2 2 1

BG6I Reskia 1 1 1 1

Vicky Ananda Burky 1 1 2

Ira Haerani 1 2 4 1

Ayu Wahyuni 1 1 1

Results distribution of students’ grammatical errors in translating surah Al-fatihah .

Appendix A

Page 76: THESIS - Unismuh


Fitrawati 1 2 2

BG6J Muh Aswin 2 2 3 1 1

Rina 1 1 1 1 1 1

Hendrik 1 1 3 1

Siti Nurkhaliza 1 1 1 1

Andi Tenri Bali Yahya 1 2 2

Total 39 55 39 21 117 18 28

Page 77: THESIS - Unismuh


Class Students Gramatical Errors

Verb Noun Conju










BG6A Indah Kurniati 2 2 3 1 2

Linda Purwati 2 1 2 1 2 2 1

Ratna Widia Ningsih 1 1 1 3 1

Nur Izzah Dinillah 1 3

Risna Syafitri 1 1 2 1 1

BG6B Andi Toto Mannerassi 1 2 2 1 1

Muh Yusuf Kabir 2 2 1 3

Dahlia 2 2 1

Sitti Nurkaya Basri 1 2 1 2 1

Srimulyani Basri 1 2 2 1

BG6C Magfiratul 3 1 1 1 1

Nurul Tuti 3 1 1 1 1 1

Sukmawati 2 1 2 1

Muh. Nurhadi 1 2 1 2 1 1

Muhammad Taufik 1 1 1

BG6D Asriana Zainal A 2 2 2 1 1

Sry Rezki Ayu S 2 1 1 2 2 1

Sartika Yulia Sari 1 2 3

Sartika Yulia Sari 1 1 2 1

Nur Ulfayanti 2 2 1 2

BG6E Prilly Difana Safrira 2 1 3 1

Nursafitrah 2 2 1 3 1

Alamsari 1 1 1 3 2

Nurul Annisa 1 1 4 1

Nur Afiat 2 1 1 1 1

BG6F Guruh Yusuf Putra 2 ` 1 1

Depika Pramadani T 1 2 1 1 3 1

Nur Fhany Hasruddin 2 1 1 1

Nirwana 1 1 1 3 2 1

Rahmania 2 2 1 2 1

BG6G Ilmawadda A 3 3 1 1

St Nuraysa Daud 1 1 2 1 1

Rahmat M Bakya 2 1 2 2 1

Firmansyah 1 1 1 4 1 1

BG6H Wildan Hidayat 2 2 2 1 1 1

Kirana 1 4 1 1

Nurmaharani 1 1 2 2

Kurniati 1 1 2 1

BG6I Reskia 1 1 1 1 2

Vicky Ananda Burky 2 1 1 3 1

Ira Haerani 1 2 1 2 1

Ayu Wahyuni 1 1 2 1

Results distribution of students’ grammatical errors in translating surah Al-alaq.

Page 78: THESIS - Unismuh


Fitrawati 1 2 2 2 1

BG6J Muh Aswin 2 1 1 3 1

Rina 1 1 1 1 1 1

Hendrik 1 1 2 1 1

Siti Nurkhaliza 1 1 1 2

Andi Tenri Bali Yahya 1 1 1 3 1 1

Total 59 40 38 28 99 32 30

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IKRA BISMIRABBIKA was born in Sinjai on 17th

November 1997, as the fourth son from two siblings.

His father‟s name is Muh.Yusuf and his mother‟s

name is Husni. He began his study at SDN 29

Maroanging and graduated in 2009. Then, He

continued his education at SMPN 2 Panaikang east

Sinjai and graduated in 2012. Afterwards, he continued his study at MAN 2 Sinjai

and graduated in 2015. In the same year, he was registered as a student of English

Education Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education,

Muhammadiyah University of Makassar. At the end of his study, he could finish

his thesis entitled an Analysis of Students’ Grammatical Errors in translating the

Short Surah of Quran Made by English Students on Sixth Semester at

Muhammadiyah University of Makassar.