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 Drug Addiction among Teenagers A Research Paper Presented to: The Class of Mrs. Rebecca DP. Sheikh Commonwealth High School By Rose Ann T. Reonal IV-Argon February 8, 2012

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Drug Addiction among Teenagers

A Research Paper

Presented to:

The Class of Mrs. Rebecca DP. Sheikh

Commonwealth High School


Rose Ann T. ReonalIV-Argon

February 8, 2012

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Table of Contents

Page Number

I. Title Page iII. Table of Contents ii

III. Acknowledgement iii

IV. Dedication iiii

V. Outline iiiii

VI. Introduction 1-2

VII. Body

Teen Drug Abuse 3-7

Substances that can lead to drug abuse and addiction 8-17

Treating the substance abuse of teenagers 18-20

VIII. Conclusion 21

IX. Bibliography 22

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The author could not finish this book without the support from the following;

therefore the author would like to thank:

First of all, God, who gave knowledge, patience and dedication for the

complementation of this book.

Secondly, the author would like to thank her family, especially her parents for

supporting her financially, spiritually, and morally. Without their support the author could

not finish book.

And to all her classmates and friends who shares their ideas upon accomplishing

this book.

Lastly, the author would like to thank her teachers who guide and share theirknowledge unconditionally.

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This book is dedicated to all teenagers, parents and students. By this book, it

will let us know that Drug Addiction or Drug Abuse is not the answer or the way to escape

our problems and it also gives us knowledge on what are the causes and effects of using

drugs and how can it be prevented or treated. We should not underestimate the risk of 

dependence associated with drug experimentation.

If most teens don't start using drugs expecting to develop a substance abuse

problem, and while most teens probably see their drug use as a casual way to have fun, there

are negative effects that are a result of this use and abuse of alcohol and other drugs. The

biggest consequence to casual drug use can be that it develops into a true addiction. Very few

addicts recognize when they have crossed the line from casual use to addiction.

And the parents should be very concerned when teens dump one group of friends

for another, especially if they are secretive about the new peer group.

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Drug Addiction among Teenagers

Thesis or Main Idea:

One of the causes of teenage addiction most commonly cited by health specialists is the

tendency of young people to underestimate the risk of dependence associated with drug


I. Introduction

II. Teen Drug Abuse

A. The factors that affect the teenagers to use drugs

1. Insufficient parental supervision and monitoring.

2. Lack of communication and interaction between parents and kids.3. Poorly defined and poorly communicated rules and expectations against drug


4. Inconsistently and severe discipline.

5. Family conflict.

6. Favorable parental attitudes toward adolescent alcohol and drug use.

B. Individual Risk Factors

C. When to Seek Help

III. Substances that can lead to drug abuse and addiction

A. Alcohol

B. Marijuana

C. Cigarettes

D. Cocaine

E. Ecstasy

F. Heroin

G. Inhalants

H. Methamphetamines

IV. Treating the substance abuse of teenagers

A. Detoxification

B. Residential RehabilitationC. Intensive Outpatient Program

D. Aftercare / Continuing Care

V. Conclusion

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There is a high likelihood that your teen will be exposed to drugs and alcohol, and

according to drug statistics from the National Institute on Drug Abuse there is a good chance

that your teen will try drugs. Teens as young as 13 have often already tried drugs as powerful

as cocaine. Teens might tell themselves they will only try a drug once, but many teens findthemselves under continual peer pressure to continue to experiment drugs and join the


Most teens don't start using drugs expecting to develop a substance abuse problem,

and while most teens probably see their drug use as a casual way to have fun, there are

negative effects that are a result of this use and abuse of alcohol and other drugs. The biggest

consequence to casual drug use can be that it develops into a true addiction. Very few addicts

recognize when they have crossed the line from casual use to addiction.

Most teens don't think that they will become addicted, and simply use drugs oralcohol to have a good time and be more like their friends. When teens become addicted they

lose friends, develop health problems, start to fail in school, experienced memory loss, lose

motivation, and alienate their family and friends with their negative behaviors and often

unpredictable emotional swings.

If you are a parent who is concerned about your teen, the signs to look for are

declining interest in activities your teen once enjoyed, changes in school performance, and

unpredictable mood swings that seem to be about more than just teen hormones.

Abuse of drugs and alcohol can also change friendships, as teens begin to move away

from old friends who don't approve of their drug use and begin to associate with fellow drugusers who will encourage and support one other's drug use. Parents should be very concerned

when teens dump one group of friends for another, especially if they are secretive about the

new peer group.

Most teens that are addicted won't see a problem with their behavior or their drug

use. Drugs make them feel good, and are a way to relieve the stress of school, problems at

home, disagreements with friends, and other pressures of growing up.

The sooner you can recognize that your child or your friend is abusing alcohol or

other drugs, the sooner you can seek help. If you notice changes in behavior, changes in

friends, lying about after school or weekend activities, changes in mood, or depression your

teen might have a problem with substance abuse.

If you or someone you care about has a drug problem, talk to them about it and

encourage them to get help. Addiction treatment programs specializing in teens can help your

child build a strong foundation for long-term recovery.

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If you are a teen concerned about your own drug use, parents are probably the last

people you want to ask for help, but they can but they can help you to find the treatment

program that will support and guide you through recovery. If you are a parent or friend of a

teen who has a substance abuse problem, talk to them about their problem and encourage

them to get help. The sooner you or someone you love gets help, the more likely they are to

achieve successful recovery

Identifying the causes of teen substance use and dependence plays an important

role in the prevention of addiction among teenagers. Health experts agree that there are

many overlapping causes, ranging from underestimation of the risks by young people to

the influence of parents and other adults. Proposed solutions also run the gamut from

public health campaigns and education programs to twelve-step programs to drug testing

of children by parents. Teen Addiction: Current Controversies examines the causes of and

proposed solutions to teenage drug use and addiction.

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II. Teen Drug Abuse

The Factors that Affect the Teenagers to use Drugs

Insufficient parental supervision and monitoring. 

Parental monitoring of adolescent behavior has been repeatedly identified as

important predictors of risky behaviors in youth. Monitoring refers to those aspects of 

parenting behavior that involve information-seeking about the youth's daily activities as

well as direct supervision and oversight of those activities. Low levels of parental

monitoring have been linked to early sexual initiation, poor academic outcomes, use of 

alcohol and drugs and involvement in antisocial activities.

To be effective, parents need to be involved in their children's lives. While this is

important at each stage of development, parents need to be especially concerned during

adolescence, when their teens strive to gain greater freedom and independence.

Research has shown that an effective parenting style employs a reasonable

amount of control and consistency, coupled with parental warmth and support. This type

of parenting has been associated with positive outcomes in children. Problematic parent-

child relationships are characterized by low levels of parental acceptance and control. One

of the factors contributing to the delinquency of teens is insufficient monitoring by


Monitoring means keeping track of your adolescent. This practice entails being

able to answer these four questions at all times:

1. Who is your teen with?

2. Where is he or she?

3. What is he or she doing?

4. When will he or she be home?

As soon as this practice becomes habit, monitoring can serve as a foundation to build

other parenting skills.

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Lack of communication and interaction between parents and kids.

Lack of communication between parents and children leads to problems related

to everything from school to dating. Communication difficulties between a child and

parent can contribute to the child's rebelliousness. When your child rebels, it is 

important to establish an active line of communication. Ineffective or negativecommunication between parents and children lead children to believe they are

unimportant, ignored or misunderstood, according to Center for Effective Parenting. They

also see their parents as unhelpful and untrustworthy.

Good communication between family members aids in a harmonious family

environment. Active listening causes others to continue listening and participating in your

conversation, reports Purdue University. Being an active listener will demonstrate your

interest in what the other person is saying, and you should use verbal and nonverbal

communication. Nonverbal cues add to your conversation. Engage yourself in the

conversation in a positive way by smiling and leaning toward the speaker. Show concern

about what the other person is saying. Do not be judgmental when talking with your

children. Avoid preaching, lecturing and sarcasm.

Poorly defined and poorly communicated rules and expectations against drug


Although peer influences are important in explaining substance use among

youth, family attitudes and practices are also significant. Among Hispanic/Latino youth in

particular, parents have been more influential than peers. For example, an analysis of the

1997 household survey on substance use found that youth ages twelve to seventeen who

perceived that their parents would be "very upset" with marijuana, cigarettes, and binge

drinking reported the lowest prevalence of use of these substances in the past year.

Similarly, the protective influence of strong family sanctions against alcohol use reduced

the use of that substance among girls in Hungary. The level of influence seems to extend

to siblings. In one household study in Canada, older sibling use drugs, more than parental

drug use, was the dominant influence of substance use among youth.

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Inconsistently and severe discipline

Sometimes the parents get frustrated with their teenagers when they violate

basic family rule--like curfews--and grounding them becomes a natural reaction.

Grounding can be an effective disciplinary technique if it is applied at the right time, in the

right circumstances and for the right length of time. But if not, it can really drive a wedge

between parents and teenagers.

Particularly with teens, it is often the case that interaction with their peer group

is a strong priority for your children. As they mature, it is a natural course of events for

them to branch out from family and familiar faces and connect with others of their own

age. After all, we do hope they grow up and move out at some point. Gradually

connecting more and more with those outside the family is an important part of that

transition to adulthood and independence.

As parents, we intuitively know that these associations are important to our

teens, so when we are ready to impose discipline, taking those associations away from

them for a time seems to be a logical punishment. And, in many cases, it is. Fear of being

grounded will often keep a teenager in line; there are few things a teen values more.

But if the consequence of grounding is used inappropriately, it will usually

backfire. It may just result in a teen getting more sneaky and deceptive to get what he

wants without parents finding out. Or it may drive a serious wedge between your

teenager and you. So, what does a father need to do to successfully use this disciplinary

tool to get a real change in behavior from his child?

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Family conflict

Conflict can happen when family members have different views or beliefs that

clash. Sometimes conflict can occur when people misunderstand each other and jump to

the wrong conclusion. Issues of conflict that are not resolved peacefully can lead to

arguments and resentment.

It is normal to disagree with each other from time to time. Occasional conflict is

part of family life. However, ongoing conflict can be stressful and damaging to

relationships. Some people find it difficult to manage their feelings and become

intentionally hurtful, aggressive or even violent.

Communicating in a positive way can help reduce conflict so that family

members can reach a peaceful resolution. This usually means that everyone agrees to a

compromise or agrees to disagree.

Favorable Parental Attitudes toward Adolescent Alcohol and Drug Use

Favorable peer and parental attitudes towards using drugs are influencing

Victorian students to drink alcohol in early adolescence, a new study by Murdoch

Childrens Research Institute has found.

Over half of year nine male and female students surveyed in Victoria had drank

alcohol in the past month, while 36 per cent of year seven males and 31 per cent of year

seven females surveyed had drank alcohol in the past month.

The study also found teenagers in Victoria are twice as likely to drink alcohol as their

counterparts in America.

The study asked Victorian and Washington State students in Years 7 and 9 about

their drinking behavior, substance use and the factors that influence alcohol, tobacco and

marijuana use.

Peer recognition for substance use, favorable attitudes by peers and parents

towards drinking and community norms favorable to alcohol and other drug use were

shown to be higher risk factors in Victoria.

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Individual Risk Factors

y Drugs of any kind decreases teens' ability to pay attention.

y The younger a person is when they begin using drugs the more likely they are to develop

a substance-abuse problem and the more likely they are to relapse into drug abuse whentrying to quit.

y  Juveniles who use drugs are more likely to have unprotected sex, sex with a stranger, as

well as to engage in sexual activity at all. This, in turn, puts them at risk

for pregnancy, rape commission or victimization, and for sexually transmitted diseases.

y Substance use can cause or mask other emotional problems, like anxiety, depression,

mood swings, or hallucinations (for example, hearing or seeing things). Either of those

illnesses can result in death by suicide or homicide.

y Anabolic steroids have been associated with impotence in boys and men, clitoral

enlargement in girls and women, as well as baldness, stunted growth, heartattacks, strokes, liver disease, cancer, acne and infections, including HIV/AIDS in both


y Depending on how the body takes in and processes each kind of drug, substances of 

abuse can affect virtually every one of the body's systems. Examples of this include

permanent brain damage associated with inhalants, heart attack or stroke from

stimulants, halted breathing from sedatives. Any of these problems can result in death.

When to Seek Help

The earlier one seeks help for their teens behavioral or drug problems, the better.

How is a parent to know if their teen is experimenting with or moving more deeply into thedrug culture? Above all, a parent must be a good and careful observer, particularly of the little

details that make up a teen's life. Overall signs of dramatic change in appearance, friends, or

physical health may be signs of trouble. If a parent believes his or her child may be drinking or

using drugs, here are some things to watch for:

y  Physical evidence of drugs and drug paraphernalia

y  Behavior problems and poor grades in school

y  Emotional distancing, isolation, depression, or fatigue

y  Change in friendships or extreme influence by peers

y  Hostility, irritability, or change in level of cooperation around the housey  Lying or increased evasiveness about after school or weekend whereabouts

y  Decrease in interest in personal appearance

y  Physical changes such as bloodshot eyes, runny nose, frequent sore throats, rapid

weight loss

y  Changes in mood, eating, or sleeping patterns

y  Dizziness and memory problems

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III. Substances that can lead to drug abuse and addiction 


Just about everyone knows that the legal drinking age throughout the United

States is 21. But according to the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse,

almost 80% of high school students have tried alcohol.

Deciding whether to drink is a personal decision that we each eventually have to

make. This article provides some information on alcohol, including how it affects your

body, so you can make an educated choice.

Alcohol is created when grains, fruits, or vegetables are fermented.Fermentation is a process that uses yeast or bacteria to change the sugars in the food into

alcohol. Fermentation is used to produce many necessary items everything from

cheese to medications. Alcohol has different forms and can be used as a cleaner, an

antiseptic, or a sedative.

Alcohol is a depressant, which means it slows the function of the central nervous

system. Alcohol actually blocks some of the messages trying to get to the brain. This alters

a person's perceptions, emotions, movement, vision, and hearing.

In very small amounts, alcohol can help a person feel more relaxed or less

anxious. More alcohol causes greater changes in the brain, resulting in intoxication.

People who have overused alcohol may stagger, lose their coordination, and slur their

speech. They will probably be confused and disoriented. Depending on the person,

intoxication can make someone very friendly and talkative or very aggressive and angry.

Reaction times are slowed dramatically which is why people are told not to drink and

drive. People who are intoxicated may think they're moving properly when they're not.

They may act totally out of character.

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Marijuana is one of the most popular drugs among teenagers because most teens

dont consider it to be harmful. This idea that marijuana is harmless is a very common

misconception among teens. Teens use marijuana because it is a great way to relax and just

chill out with friends, but most teens arent aware of the risks associated with marijuana use.

Teens may think that marijuana isnt dangerous because its not a hard drug like cocaine or

heroin, but what they dont know is that marijuana has its own set of dangers.

Marijuana is a green or gray mixture of dried, shredded flowers and leaves of the

hemp plant Cannabis sativa. There are over 200 slang terms for marijuana including "pot,"

"herb," "weed," "boom," "Mary Jane," "gangster," and "chronic." It is usually smoked as a

cigarette (called a joint or a nail) or in a pipe or bong. In recent years, marijuana has appeared

in blunts, which are cigars that have been emptied of tobacco and refilled with marijuana,

often in combination with another drug, such as crack. Some users also mix marijuana into

foods or use it to brew tea.

The main active chemical in marijuana is THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol). In

1988, it was discovered that the membranes of certain nerve cells contain protein receptors

that bind THC. Once securely in place, THC kicks off a series of cellular reactions that ultimately

lead to the high that users experience when they smoke marijuana. The short term effects of 

marijuana use include problems with memory and learning; distorted perception; difficulty in

thinking and problem-solving; loss of coordination; and increased heart rate, anxiety, and

panic attacks.

Scientists have found that whether an individual has positive or negative sensations

after smoking marijuana can be influenced by heredity. A recent study demonstrated that

identical male twins were more likely than non-identical male twins to report similar responses

to marijuana use, indicating a genetic basis for their sensations. Identical twins share all of 

their genes, and fraternal twins share about half.

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Cigarettes are one of the most addictive and destructive, over the counter drugs

known to modern man. One of the few legal substances available in stores that can injure

or kill when used as intended. Most rational people know this as a fact, yet many continue

to smoke. Some smokers know, deep in their hearts, they want to quit. Others are quitecontent to keep on puffing because they think they enjoy it so much.

The differences between subjective feelings of those who smoke and those who

dont are shown in behavioral changes that are more apparent in teens than adults. Teens

seem to be more abrasive when smoking or they feel like they are older and wiser when

they smoke. Why do they smoke when we have seen billions of dollars spent on

antismoking campaigns? The American Lung Association estimates that every minute four

thousand eight hundred teens will take their first drag off a cigarette. Of those four

thousand eight hundred, about two thousand will go on to be chain smokers. The fact that

teen smoking rates are steadily increasing is disturbing. We are finding out that about 80%

of adult smokers started smoking as teenagers.

Teens like to act as if they are someone special or dangerous. By smoking they

can act on those feelings. Because it is so forbidden it becomes more alluring to teens.

The problem is that when they take that first puff, they can become addicted. The idea

that they are breaking the law or going against their parents and schools is an addiction

within itself. Kids like to get attention; it does not matter if its good attention or bad

attention. They crave attention and by smoking they get big attention. The other teens

look at them in all kinds of ways and the adults get upset and dont know what to do.

Nicotine is considered the number one entrance drug into other substanceabuse problems. Research shows that teens between 13 and 17 years of age who smoke

daily are more likely to use other drug substances. The use of other drugs is part of the

peer pressure that our children have to face. The earlier that our youth begin using

tobacco, the more likely they will continue using into adulthood.

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Cocaine is a powerfully addictive stimulant that directly affects the brain. Cocaine has

been labeled the drug of the 1980s and '90s, because of its extensive popularity and use during

this period. However, cocaine is not a new drug. In fact, it is one of the oldest known drugs.

The pure chemical, cocaine hydrochloride, has been an abused substance for more than 100years, and coca leaves, the source of cocaine, have been ingested for thousands of years.

Pure cocaine was first extracted from the leaf of the Erythroxylon coca bush, which

grows primarily in Peru and Bolivia, in the mid-19th century. In the early 1900s, it became the

main stimulant drug used in most of the tonics/elixirs that were developed to treat a wide

variety of illnesses. Today, cocaine is a Schedule II drug, meaning that it has high potential for

abuse, but can be administered by a doctor for legitimate medical uses, such as a local

anesthetic for some eye, ear, and throat surgeries.

There are basically two chemical forms of cocaine: the hydrochloride salt and the

"freebase." The hydrochloride salt, or powdered form of cocaine, dissolves in water and, when

abused, can be taken intravenously (by vein) or intranasally (in the nose). Freebase refers to a

compound that has not been neutralized by an acid to make the hydrochloride salt. The

freebase form of cocaine is smokable.

Cocaine is generally sold on the street as a fine, white, crystalline powder, known as

"coke," "C," "snow," "flake," or "blow." Street dealers generally dilute it with such inert

substances as cornstarch, talcum powder, and/or sugar, or with such active drugs as procaine

(a chemically-related local anesthetic) or with such other stimulants as amphetamines.

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Ecstasy is a psychoactive (mind-altering) drug that can cause hallucinations. It also

creates an amphetamine-like effect, or a calming sensation. This drug is also called MDMA, Adam

and XTC. The drug may permanently damage brain cells called neurons, specifically the ones that

deal with serotonin, a chemical that regulates emotions, memory, sleep, pain and other functions

This drug may also damage the neurotransmitter dopamine. This can cause motor

problems similar to Parkinson's disease. Symptoms begin with lack of coordination and tremors,

and can eventually result in paralysis. Ecstasy is classified as a club drug, used mostly by teens at

clubs, rock concerts and dance parties called raves. The drug looks like a tablet or capsule, usually

with some sort of symbol on it. Sometimes it's in a powder form. Ecstasy may lower inhibitions

and enhance feelings of love and affection.

Brain imaging research in humans indicates that MDMA causes injury to the brain,

affecting neurons that use the chemical serotonin to communicate with other neurons. The

serotonin system plays a direct role in regulating mood, aggression, sexual activity, sleep, and

sensitivity to pain. Many of the risks users face with MDMA use are similar to those found with

the use of cocaine and amphetamines:

y Psychological difficulties, including confusion, depression, sleep problems, drug craving,

severe anxiety, and paranoia - during and sometimes weeks after taking MDMA.

y Physical symptoms such as muscle tension, involuntary teeth clenching, nausea, blurred

vision, rapid eye movement, faintness, and chills or sweating.

y  Increases in heart rate and blood pressure, a special risk for people with circulatory or heart


y Also, there is evidence that people who develop a rash that looks like acne after usingMDMA may be risking severe side effects, including liver damage, if they continue to use the


Research links MDMA use to long-term damage to those parts of the brain critical to thought

and memory. One study, in primates, showed that exposure to MDMA for 4 days caused brain

damage that was evident 6 to 7 years later.

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Heroin is a highly addictive and rapidly acting opiate (a drug that is derived from

opium). Specifically, heroin is produced from morphine, which is a principal component of 

opium. Opium is a naturally occurring substance that is extracted from the seedpod of the

opium poppy.

The appearance of heroin can vary dramatically. In the eastern United States,

heroin generally is sold as a powder that is white (or off-white) in color. (Generally, the

purer the heroin the whiter the color, because variations in color result from the presence

of impurities.) In the western United States, most of the heroin available is a solid

substance that is black in color. This type of heroin, known as black tar, may be sticky (like

tar) or hard to the touch. Powdered heroin that is a dirty brown color also is sold in the

western United States. 

Heroin is injected, snorted, or smoked. Many new, younger users begin bysnorting or smoking heroin because they wish to avoid the social stigma attached to

injection drug use. These users often mistakenly believe that snorting or smoking heroin

will not lead to addiction. Users who snort or smoke heroin at times graduate to injection

because as their bodies become conditioned to the drug, the effects it produces are less

intense. They then turn to injection--a more efficient means of administering the drug--to

try to attain the more intense effects they experienced when they began using the drug.

Both new and experienced users risk overdosing on heroin because it is

impossible for them to know the purity of the heroin they are using. (Heroin sold on the

street often is mixed with other substances such as sugar, starch, or quinine. An added

risk results when heroin is mixed with poisons such as strychnine.) Heroin overdoses--

which can result whether the drug is snorted, smoked, or injected--can cause slow and

shallow breathing, convulsions, coma, and even death. 

All heroin users--not just those who inject the drug--risk becoming addicted.

Individuals who abuse heroin over time develop a tolerance for the drug, meaning that

they must use increasingly larger doses to achieve the same intensity or effect they

experienced when they first began using the drug. Heroin ceases to produce feelings of 

pleasure in users who develop tolerance; instead, these users must continue taking the

drug simply to feel normal. Addicted individuals who stop using the drug may experience

withdrawal symptoms, which include heroin craving, restlessness, muscle and bone pain,and vomiting.

Heroin users who inject the drug expose themselves to additional risks, including

contracting human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis B and C, and other blood-

borne viruses. Chronic users who inject heroin also risk scarred or collapsed veins,

infection of the heart lining and valves, abscesses, pneumonia, tuberculosis, and liver and

kidney disease

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The peak age for using inhalants is 14-15, with children as young as 5 or 6 years of age

abusing household substances to get high. It is now as common as marijuana with young people.

By 12th grade, it's estimated that 11.1 percent of students have used inhalants, according to

University of Michigan's annual Monitoring the Future study. Inhalants such as nail polishremover, cleaning fluid, gasoline, correction fluid, bleach and spray paint are among the most

popular drugs, mostly because they are easily available. Inhalant abuse can cause death even

when used for the first time. Hundreds of household products are used. Kids either sniff it directly

from an open container or by breathing in the chemical from a soaked rag. Many teenagers think

these chemicals won't harm them, but they can be habit-forming and have serious effects on brai

functioning. They can also cause sudden death.

Inhalants might seem like an alternative to other mood-altering drugs because they are

cheap, can be purchased legally, and are easy to obtain. But that doesn't make them safer. When

used as directed, household products are safe for cleaning, painting, and the other things they're

meant to do. But as inhalants, they can be deadlier than street drugs.

There are four main types of inhalants: volatile solvents, gases, aerosols, and

nitrites. Volatile solvents, gases, and aerosols can alter moods and create a high. Nitrites

are believed to create sexual stimulation and enhancement.

Here is what else you need to know about the types of inhalants:

y Volatile solvents are liquids that become a gas at room temperature. Some examples

are paint thinners and removers, gasoline, glues, and felt-tip marker fluids.

y Gases include medical gases (ether, nitrous oxide) and household or commercial

products (butane lighters, propane tanks, whipped cream dispensers that contain nitrous

oxide, and refrigerants).

y Aerosol sprays are some of the most prevalent inhalants in the home and include spray

paint, deodorant and hairsprays, vegetable oil cooking sprays, and static cling sprays.

y Nitrites include cyclohexyl nitrite, amyl nitrite, and butyl nitrite. On the street, they're

called "poppers" or "snappers." They're found in some room deodorizers and capsules

that release vapors when opened.

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Effects on the Body

People inhale chemical vapors in several ways, including sniffing, snorting, or

spraying the inhalant directly into the nose or mouth, putting it into a bag or other

container and then inhaling from there, putting the vapor onto a rag, or inhaling nitrous

oxide from balloons.

Because the high from inhalants only lasts a few minutes, some people may inhale over

and over again for long periods of time to maintain the high, increasing the amount of 

dangerous chemicals entering and damaging the body.

Inhalants can cause many changes in the body. Once the vapors enter the body,

some are absorbed by parts of the brain and nervous system. All of the inhalants (except

nitrites) slow down the body's functions, similar to the effects of drinking alcohol. At first

someone gets excited, but then gets tired, has trouble speaking clearly or walking well,

gets dizzy, loses inhibitions, and may get agitated. It can sometimes take up to 2 weeks for

the chemical to completely pass from the body.

Other short-term effects of inhaling chemicals include:

y  increased heart rate

y hallucinations or delusions

y  losing feeling or consciousness

y nausea and vomiting

y  loss of coordination

y slurred speech

Because inhalants are found in most homes, people don't realize they are incredibly

addictive. People who become addicted to using inhalants are likely to become long-term

users. This puts them at risk for these health problems:

y brain damage (toxic chemicals may make people become slow or clumsy, have trouble

solving problems or planning ahead, suffer from memory loss, or become unable to learn

new things)

y muscle weaknessy depression

y headaches and nosebleeds

y  loss of sense of smell or hearing

Nitrites work differently. Instead of slowing down the brain and the spinal cord, they

increase the size of blood vessels and relax the muscles.

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How Inhalants Kill

Like most street drugs, inhalants can be deadly. Someone can die from abusing inhalants

after trying it only once. Causes of death include:

y "Sudden Sniffing Death" this is the most common cause of death from inhalant use.

The heart beats quickly and irregularly, and then suddenly stops (cardiac arrest). This can

happen even the first time a person tries an inhalant and is experimenting.

y Asphyxia Toxic fumes replace oxygen in the lungs so that a person stops breathing.

y Choking a user can choke on his or her vomit.

y Suffocation when vapors are inhaled from a plastic bag placed over the head, the bag

can block air from entering the lungs.

y  Injuries since people high on inhalants often make poor decisions, they might try to

drive under the influence or do something irrational, such as jump off a roof. They could

also get burned or start explosions if a spark ignites flammable inhalants.

y Suicide some people become depressed when their high wears off.

Signs of Inhalant Abuse

y mood swings

y extreme anger, agitation, and irritability

y exhaustion

y  loss of appetite

y  frequent vomiting

y hallucinations and illusionsy  facial rashes and blisters

y  frequent runny nose and cough

y dilated pupils

y glazed or watery eyes

y extremely bad breath

Of course, some of these things are signs of other health problems, not necessarily

inhalant use. If you're worried about a friend or loved one, talk to a parent, school

counselor, or your doctor or school nurse.

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Methamphetamines are synthetic stimulants that are produced and sold illegally

in pill form, capsules, powder, and chunks.

A white, odorless, bitter tasting crystalline powder that can be easily dissolved inwater or alcohol.

It can be mixed with water for injection or sprinkled on tobacco or marijuana and

smoked. Since methamphetamine will vaporize rapidly, some heat the drug and inhale

the fumes that are released.

Methamphetamines may be known as meth, crank, glass, speed, crystal, ice,

batu, chalk, shabu, or zip.

"Ice" is a large crystal form of high-purity methamphetamine hydrochloride. Ice

derives its name from its appearance: large, clear crystals that resemble chunks of ice,

shards of broken glass, or rock candy.

Sometimes called the "poor man's cocaine", methamphetamine is a central

nervous system stimulant of the amphetamine family. Methamphetamines stimulate the

central nervous system, and the effects may last anywhere from 8 to 24 hours. Like

cocaine, it is a powerful "upper" that produces alertness and elation, along with a variety

of adverse reactions. After the effects of methamphetamine wears off, it can cause severe

withdrawal that is more intense and longer lasting than both speed and cocaine. After the

initial "rush," there is typically a state of high agitation that in some individuals can lead to

violent behavior.

It was not until 1988 that ice became widespread in Hawaii. By 1990, ice spread

to the U.S. mainland, although distribution remained limited to retail amounts in just a

few regions of the country. In the early 1990s, Koreans served as the principal supply

source for ice that was smuggled from Asia directly to Hawaii and the U.S. mainland.

Intelligence data indicates that traffickers from Mexico are supplying Asian

organizations/gangs on the West Coast and in Hawaii with methamphetamine for

conversion to ice.


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IV. Treating the substance abuse of teenagers


The goal of drug detoxification is to rid the body of toxins accumulated by drug

use. The first step of drug detoxification is drug withdrawal. The definition of withdrawalis "Discontinuation of the use of an addictive substance, and the physiological and mental

readjustment that accompanies such discontinuation." Once an individual has

discontinued using drugs, physical and behavioral withdrawal symptoms may follow.

The nature and severity of the withdrawal symptoms vary greatly depending on

the particular drug or drugs that were being used as well as the frequency of use. These

days there are few people who use one drug exclusively. It is very common to see

individuals in drug detox that use alcohol and cocaine, or alcohol and prescription

medications for example. Drug detox is a process that applies to any individual who is

addicted to drugs. Detoxification helps diminish the craving for drugs.

The definition of detoxification is "a treatment for addiction to drugs or alcohol

intended to remove the physiological effects of the addictive substances".

Drug detoxification is performed in many different ways depending on where

you decide to receive treatment. Most drug detoxification centers simply provide

treatment to avoid physical withdrawal to alcohol & other drugs. Ideally, a trained

detoxification facility will incorporate counseling and therapy during detoxification to help

with the psychological distress that the individual may experience as well.

Detoxification should cover all aspects of the individual's withdrawal andpurification from drugs. The removal of drug residuals is a key goal in drug detoxification.

Without this process, drug residues can remain in ones body and cause cravings for years

after drug use has ceased. A vital step in a successful drug detoxification as well as drug

rehabilitation is flushing out these accumulated toxic residues so that the individual no

longer experiences unwanted adverse effects from the drugs they have taken.

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Residential Rehabilitation

Residential rehabilitation is for teens that cannot stop using drugs without 24 hour

supervision. Teens in residential rehab are individuals who have continued to use despite

knowledge of the risks and consequences, or have continued to use despite previous attempts

to stop. In a residential rehab program, these teens can learn and practice new skills that willhelp them in recovery. Residential programs may include individual and group therapy, 12-step

programs, and relapse prevention.

What is Residential Rehab?

Residential rehab (or residential treatment) is a unique rehab program designed

to help individuals end the cycle of drug and alcohol abuse. Residential rehab uses a group

setting to help patients work themselves back into their peer group, as well as social

settings that they will encounter when they return to the real world as sober


The benefits of residential rehab

The first benefit residential rehab provides in one of safe haven. The drug or

alcohol infested world that brought the user so much pain is left behind for an

environment totally free of illicit substances. Simply put, residential rehab removes the

temptations and opportunities to use drugs or alcohol that keep so many individuals from

achieving recovery.

The second benefit provided by residential rehab is the ability to live closelyalongside other individuals who are going through the same difficult time as the patient.

In the outside world, people are likely to have a wide variety of negative or inappropriate

reactions to the recovering addict, but inside the residential rehab, everyone is in the

same boat. The camaraderie that develops inside a residential rehab facility helps

individuals open up and begin to address their problems.

The residential rehab also functions as a testing ground for what life will be like

without drugs and alcohol. For many addicts, the time inside the residential facility is the

first time in many years that they have gone without using any controlled substances. This

is where the rebuilding occurs -as the individual learns to do every day things withoutusing.

The staff at the residential drug rehab also plays a crucial role. A well trained

staff is available around the clock to comfort and guide the recovering addict through

some of the most difficult times they will ever face. The staff at a residential rehab facility

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has seen almost everything- and uses that knowledge to help the people who are in a

fragile state.

Getting real results from residential rehab

Finally, residential rehab gets results. Several key studies have shown that thosewho complete a residential program have lower incidences of continued drug or alcohol

abuse and criminal behavior after they leave the facility.

Residential programs vary in length. Some run for about a month, while others ask their

patients to stay for almost a full year. The time spent in a residential rehab varies

according to facility, the individual, and the depth of their problem.

Residential rehab treatment at Michaels House helps those with alcohol or drug

addiction make it through this difficult time, and get on with their lives in a meaningful,

drug-free way.

Intensive Outpatient Program

Intensive outpatient programs are for teens who have committed to staying drug

free, but need treatment after school to prevent use and promote recovery. These programs

can also include adolescents who have already completed residential treatment, but feel that

they need further support in the transition back into daily life. These programs usually rely on

support from friends and family.

Aftercare/continuing care

These programs are a very important part of recovery, and help adolescents to

maintain a drug free lifestyle. These programs usually include family support groups, or alumni

support groups of people who have also completed a treatment program to provide support

for the adolescent in recovery.

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I conclude that, the teenagers that use drugs became younger and the root

cause of it was mostly about their family, insufficient parental guidance and influences to

use drugs. And one of the causes of teenage addiction most commonly cited by healthspecialists is the tendency of young people to underestimate the risk of dependence

associated with drug experimentation. According to these experts, teenagers on the verge

of adulthood are naturally prone to engage in risky behavior. Smoking, drinking, and drug

use may seem adult to youths who are not mature enough to understand that such

behavior poses a threat to their health and well-being, argue the specialists. Many

teenagers discover the risks of substance use only after suffering the adverse effects of 


The best reasons to get a help for teens while they are still teenagers, beyond

being a very formidable time in a child life, is the consequences of inaction upon future

generations. Statistics have shown that instances of teen drug addiction run in long chains

from parents to children. This is why now is the time to either break the chain of teen

drug addiction or stop it from forming. No amount of hard work, money, sacrifice is worth

more than breaking a chain of substance abuse or preventing one from forming.

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Bountry Books: Encyclopedia of Questions and Answers

The Human Body: Maintaining Health p. 225

The Human Body: Lungs and Breathing p. 193Harcourt Brace Jovanovich: Biology

Alcohol, Other Drugs and Tobacco p. 765-773